Bio20 - 10 - Marine Ecology - Color
Bio20 - 10 - Marine Ecology - Color
Bio20 - 10 - Marine Ecology - Color
Learning Objectives:
1. Explain how populations grow over time in
ideal conditions and limited conditions.
2. Describe the three major types of species
interactions and provide examples
3. Explain the concepts of competitive exclusion
and resource partitioning
4. Describe how some species are more important
than others in ecosystems.
5. Describe trophic structure in marine food webs
6. State how energy and nutrients move through
marine ecosystems
Ecology is the study of the interaction between
organisms and their environment.
Some Ecology Terms...
• Population – All individuals of the same
species living together.
• Community – All populations of organisms
of different species living in a defined area.
• Ecosystem – All the biotic (living) and
abiotic (nonliving) components in a
particular area
• Habitat – The physical place where an
organism lives.
• Ecological niche – All the resources (biotic
& abiotic) an organism uses for survival,
growth, and reproduction.
Population Growth Models
…predict how a population could grow given
current population and growth rate
Two broad types of growth patterns:
• Exponential Growth
• Logistic Growth
Exponential Model
• …describes the increase of a population in an ideal unlimited
• Results in a J-shaped curve
• Equation of exponential population growth:
• Results in a population explosion
• Populations require specific resources to survive.
• These resources can affect population growth if
they are in short supply.
• Resources that affect the growth of a population
are called limiting resources.
• The limiting resources include, but are not limited
• Food and nutrients
• Physical factors (light, salinity, substrate, etc.)
• Space (habitat)
• Oxygen or carbon dioxide
Logistic Growth Model
• Even if a population is not checked by a limiting resource,
there is a maximum number of individuals that any habitat
can support.
• This number is known as the carrying capacity.
• As a population becomes more crowded, the growth rate of
that population will decrease (logistic growth).
Ecological Interactions
Ways that species can interact:
1. Competition (-/-)
2. Predator-Prey Interactions