IKR 2024 Rulebook - V 2.0

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Table of Contents

A ADMINISTRATIVE RULES ..................................................................................................................... 7

A.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
A.1.1 About ISIE .................................................................................................................................... 7
A.2 Our Accreditations ................................................................................................................................... 7
A.2.1 Federation of Motor Sports Club of India (FMSCI) ....................................................................... 7
A.2.2 ISO 9001:2008: ............................................................................................................................ 7
A.2.3 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) .......................................................... 7
A.3 Support and Appreciation ........................................................................................................................ 8
A.3.1 PMO India ..................................................................................................................................... 8
A.3.2 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) .......................................................................................... 8
A.3.3 Sports India Expo ......................................................................................................................... 8
A.3.4 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) ........................................................................ 8
A.3.5 Earth Day Network (USA)............................................................................................................. 8
A.4 About ISIEINDIA-INDIAN KARTING RACE (IKR) ................................................................................... 8
A.4.1 Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 8
A.4.2 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 9
A.4.3 Participation History...................................................................................................................... 9
A.5 Registration Requirement ........................................................................................................................ 9
A.5.1 Team Requirement ....................................................................................................................... 9
A.5.2 Driver’s Requirement .................................................................................................................. 10
A.5.3 Kart Category ............................................................................................................................. 11
A.5.4 Kart Eligibility .............................................................................................................................. 11
A.6 Rulebook Test ....................................................................................................................................... 12
A.7 Registration Process and Deadlines ..................................................................................................... 13
A.7.1 Steps to Register ........................................................................................................................ 13
A.7.2 Registration Process .................................................................................................................. 13
A.7.3 How can you Access to Team Account / Add or Remove Members? ....................................... 13
A.7.4 Team Undertaking Form............................................................................................................. 13
A.7.5 Entry Fee .................................................................................................................................... 13
A.7.6 Query about the Rules................................................................................................................ 14
B JUDGING CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................ 15
B.1 Report Submission ................................................................................................................................ 15
B.1.1 Group A ...................................................................................................................................... 15
B.1.2 Group B ...................................................................................................................................... 16
B.1.3 Group C ...................................................................................................................................... 16
B.1.4 College Level Technical Inspection ............................................................................................ 16
B.1.5 Deadline and Penalties............................................................................................................... 17
B.1.6 Web Based submission .............................................................................................................. 17
B.2 Event Rounds ........................................................................................................................................ 17
B.3 Awards ................................................................................................................................................... 17

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B.3.1 People’s Choice Award .............................................................................................................. 18

B.3.2 ISIE Future Award ...................................................................................................................... 18
C TECHNICAL RULES ............................................................................................................................. 19
C.1 Vehicle Categories ................................................................................................................................ 19
C.1.1 Combustion Go-Kart (Engine Powered) ..................................................................................... 19
C.1.2 Electric Go-Kart (Electric Powered) ............................................................................................ 19
C.2 Vehicle Requirement ............................................................................................................................. 19
C.2.1 Chassis Design Restrictions ....................................................................................................... 19
C.2.2 Ground Clearance: ..................................................................................................................... 20
C.2.3 Unstable Vehicle ......................................................................................................................... 21
C.2.4 Jack Point ................................................................................................................................... 21
C.2.5 Hitch Point: ................................................................................................................................. 21
C.2.6 Roll Hoop .................................................................................................................................... 22
C.2.7 Bumpers ..................................................................................................................................... 23
C.2.8 Wheels and Tires ........................................................................................................................ 23
C.2.9 Wheel Base: ............................................................................................................................... 23
C.2.10 Track Width ................................................................................................................................ 24
C.3 Driver’s Compartment ........................................................................................................................... 24
C.3.1 Driver’s Seat ............................................................................................................................... 24
C.3.2 Foot Guard ................................................................................................................................. 24
C.3.3 Kart Stand ................................................................................................................................... 24
C.3.4 Driver’s Visibility ......................................................................................................................... 25
C.3.5 Firewall ....................................................................................................................................... 25
C.3.6 Steering ...................................................................................................................................... 25
C.3.7 Braking ....................................................................................................................................... 26
C.4 Transmission and Power Unit ............................................................................................................... 27
C.4.1 Transmission .............................................................................................................................. 27
C.4.2 Engine ........................................................................................................................................ 28
C.4.3 Muffler and Exhaust.................................................................................................................... 28
C.4.4 Engine and Battery Compartment .............................................................................................. 28
C.4.5 Engine Tuning ............................................................................................................................ 29
C.4.6 Fuel Tank (For Combustion Category) ....................................................................................... 29
C.4.7 Fuel Tank Spill over prevention and Drain ................................................................................. 29
C.4.8 Fuel Tank Position ...................................................................................................................... 29
C.4.9 Venting System .......................................................................................................................... 30
C.4.10 Motor Unit ................................................................................................................................... 30
C.4.11 Controller .................................................................................................................................... 30
C.4.12 Battery Unit ................................................................................................................................. 30
C.4.13 Throttle Paddle ........................................................................................................................... 32
C.4.14 Scatter Shield ............................................................................................................................. 32
C.4.15 Safety Measurements................................................................................................................. 33
C.4.16 Fasteners .................................................................................................................................... 34

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C.4.17 Body Works ................................................................................................................................ 35

C.4.18 Outer Bodyworks ........................................................................................................................ 35
C.4.19 Floor Closeout ............................................................................................................................ 36
C.4.20 Compulsory Advertisement ........................................................................................................ 36
C.5 Uses of Old Components ...................................................................................................................... 37
C.5.1 Usage of old battery and motor .................................................................................................. 37
C.5.2 Battery BMS ............................................................................................................................... 37
C.5.3 New Battery and Motor Kit ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
D FINAL EVENT ....................................................................................................................................... 37
D.1 TECHNICAL INSPECTION ................................................................................................................... 37
D.1.1 General Rules ............................................................................................................................. 37
D.1.2 Technical Inspection Process ..................................................................................................... 38
D.1.3 Modification and repair ............................................................................................................... 38
D.1.4 Pre Inspection ............................................................................................................................. 39
D.1.5 Accumulator Inspection .............................................................................................................. 39
D.1.6 Electrical Inspection [EV ONLY] ................................................................................................. 40
D.1.7 Mechanical Inspection ................................................................................................................ 40
D.1.8 Weight Test ................................................................................................................................ 40
D.1.9 Noise Test [CV ONLY]................................................................................................................ 40
D.1.10 Brake Test .................................................................................................................................. 41
D.2 STATIC EVENTS .................................................................................................................................. 41
D.2.1 Business Plan Presentation ....................................................................................................... 41
D.2.2 Cost and Manufacturing Presentation ........................................................................................ 43
D.2.3 Engineering Design Presentation ............................................................................................... 44
D.2.4 Innovation Round ....................................................................................................................... 45
D.3 DYNAMIC EVENTS .............................................................................................................................. 46
D.3.1 General Rules ............................................................................................................................. 46
D.3.2 Acceleration Round .................................................................................................................... 46
D.3.3 Skid Pad Round .......................................................................................................................... 47
D.3.4 Autocross Round ........................................................................................................................ 48
D.3.5 Endurance and Efficiency Round ............................................................................................... 49
D.3.6 Flags ........................................................................................................................................... 52
E DRIVER’S HANDBOOK ........................................................................................................................ 53
E.1 Driver’s Requirement ............................................................................................................................. 53
E.1.1 Driver’s License: ......................................................................................................................... 53
E.1.2 Driver Restrictions ...................................................................................................................... 53
E.1.3 Medical Insurance ...................................................................................................................... 53
E.1.4 Age ............................................................................................................................................. 53
E.2 Driver’s Equipment ................................................................................................................................ 53
E.2.1 Drivers Safety Gear .................................................................................................................... 53
E.2.2 Driver’s Suit ................................................................................................................................ 54
E.2.3 Underclothing ............................................................................................................................. 54

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E.2.4 Helmet ........................................................................................................................................ 54

......................................................................................................................................................................... 55
E.2.5 Balaclava .................................................................................................................................... 55
E.2.6 Neck Support .............................................................................................................................. 55
E.2.7 Gloves......................................................................................................................................... 56
E.2.8 Shoes.......................................................................................................................................... 56
E.2.9 Socks .......................................................................................................................................... 56
E.2.10 Code of Conduct during the event .............................................................................................. 57
F IMPORTANT GUIDELINES .................................................................................................................. 57
F.1 RULES QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 57
F.1.1 Question Submission .................................................................................................................. 57
F.1.2 Questions ................................................................................................................................... 57
F.1.3 Question Types .......................................................................................................................... 58
F.1.4 Response Time .......................................................................................................................... 58
F.1.5 Protest/Appeals .......................................................................................................................... 58
F.1.6 Preliminary Review – Required .................................................................................................. 58
F.1.7 Preliminary Review - Problem Report ........................................................................................ 58
F.1.8 Cause for Protest/appeal ............................................................................................................ 58
F.1.9 Protest Format and Forfeit ......................................................................................................... 58
F.1.10 Protest Period ............................................................................................................................. 59
F.1.11 Decision ...................................................................................................................................... 59
F.1.12 Disqualification and Cancellation ............................................................................................... 59
F.1.13 Prizes and Taxation .................................................................................................................... 59
F.1.14 Publicity ...................................................................................................................................... 60
F.2 Rules and Jurisdiction ........................................................................................................................... 61
F.2.1 Official Announcement ............................................................................................................... 61
F.2.2 Rules authority ............................................................................................................................ 61
F.2.3 Rules authenticity ....................................................................................................................... 61
F.2.4 Rules compliance ....................................................................................................................... 61
F.2.5 Understanding the Rules ............................................................................................................ 61
F.2.6 Participating in the competition .................................................................................................. 61
F.2.7 The right to Impound .................................................................................................................. 61
F.2.8 Restriction of vehicle use............................................................................................................ 62
F.2.9 Behaviour ................................................................................................................................... 62
F.2.10 Smoking and Illegal Material ...................................................................................................... 62
F.2.11 Unsportsmanlike Conduct: ......................................................................................................... 62
F.2.12 Official Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 62
F.2.13 Arguments with Officials ............................................................................................................. 62
F.2.14 Violation Intent ............................................................................................................................ 62
F.2.15 Competition Objective – A Reminder ......................................................................................... 62
F.2.16 General Authority ........................................................................................................................ 63

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Table of Figures
Figure 1 Go Kart ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 2 Demonstrated view of Kart .................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 3 Jack Point ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 4 Hitch point ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 5 Roll hoop demonstration ...................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 6 Driver Seat ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 7 Foot Guard ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 8 Kart Stand ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 9 Brake Lines .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 10 Brake Over Travel Switch ................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 11 Brake light .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 12 Engine and Battery Compartment ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 13 Scatter Shield .................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 14 Kill switch ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 15 Kill switch Mounting ........................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 16 Lock nut ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 17 Bodyworks view ................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 18 SFI 3-2A/5-Left & FIA Standard 1986- Right ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 19 Innerwear along with rating ............................................................................................................... 54
Figure 20 Closed face helmet along with Snell/FIA/SFI rating .......................................................................... 55
Figure 21 SFI rated balaclava ............................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 22 Left: Neck support (Allowed) Right: Neck support (Not Allowed) ...................................................... 56
Figure 23 SFI rated gloves ................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 24 SFI Rated Shoes ............................................................................................................................... 56

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Advice from Our Tech Inspectors

Indian Karting Race technical inspection team welcomes you to the most challenging ISIEINDIA Design Series
competitions. Many of us are former competitors of various motorsports, working to promote E-Mobility and Skill
Development who are now professionals in the automotive industry.
We have two goals: to have a safe competition and see every team on the track.

Top Tips for Building a Combustion and Electric Karts and Passing Tech Inspection
 Start work early. Everything takes longer than you expect
 Read all rules very carefully. If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification.
 Start testing your vehicle early.
 Make brake testing an early priority.


The new rules and regulations has been updated in the rulebook. Teams participated in previous Go Kart
competition are encourage to check the compliance of the new rules and regulation and get thouroughly
acquaint themselves with the new rules as several changs have been implemented.

New changes, modifications and added rules are highlighted

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A.1 Introduction
A.1.1 About ISIE
Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers (ISIE, National youth award winner by govt. of India, Accredited by
MSME, SFI-USA and FMSCI also recommended as best innovative platform by MNRE Govt. of India) are well
known Society of India for organizing Motorsports events, live projects based Industrial Training and Research
and publication. ISIE – India provides a platform to the students and professionals for development and
enhancement of their technical as well as managerial skills. We are developing platform especially for
engineering students where they can easily face real-time engineering problems and find the best solution,
especially in the sector of Electric and Combustion Vehicles.
ISIE - India is the India’s best platform for the engineering students to develop practical skills. We believe in
“Learning, Implementation, and Sharing”. The Society has a very strong placement and consultancy wing that
has an excellent network of the top companies.
Our core competencies include effective personalized industry-based training and excellent placements. ISIE
is committed to the development in the field of renewable source of energy; these are the best solution to
save our environment and development of our country. We are organizer of Electric, Solar & Combustion
Category Student Manufactured Vehicle National and International Events.

A.2 Our Accreditations

A.2.1 Federation of Motor Sports Club of India (FMSCI)
The FMSCI is recognized by the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports as the only
National Sports Federation (NSF) for the promotion and governance of motorsports in India. The FMSCI is
also a long- standing member of the International Federations for motorsports viz. Federation International de
l' Automobile (FIA), Paris (four wheelers and above) and Federation International de Motocyclisme (FIM),
Geneva (2 and 3-wheeler motorsports).
The FMSCI is also a member of the Indian Olympic Association. The FMSCI has a wide base of affiliated
member clubs spread across India.

A.2.2 ISO 9001:2008:

ISIE Awarded with ISO 9001:2008 certification for best quality management system. Its ability to consistently
provide a product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and aims to
enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for
continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory
and regulatory requirement.

A.2.3 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)

ISIEINDIA is also associated and recognized by MSME for the services it is providing to the society. The
Micro; Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act was notified in 2006 to address policy
issues affecting MSMEs as well as the coverage and investment ceiling of the sector. The Act seeks to
facilitate the development of these enterprises as also enhance their competitiveness. It provides the first-ever
legal framework for recognition of the concept of "enterprise" which comprises both manufacturing and service

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A.3 Support and Appreciation

A.3.1 PMO India
ISIEINDIA has been appreciated by PMO India, for its constant effort to promote Electric Mobility in India.

A.3.2 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

ISIEINDIA also has support from CII and has used this association for benefit of the participants. Our
participants have displayed their vehicles in GES 2017 (Global Entrepreneurship Summit), and GMX 2016
(Global Mobility Expo). They have benefitted from it in gaining, sponsorship for their ideas.

A.3.3 Sports India Expo

ISIEINDIA has given an opportunity for the winners of the previous events to showcase their vehicles in
Sports India Expo 2017, held from 22ndAugust 2017 to 24thAugust 2017. Sports India 2017 is a b2b business
platform for the national and international companies those are into the sports business to find out the new
business opportunities in India as well as in overseas market. This event is a great opportunity to network with
sports Industry.

A.3.4 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), of India, has recognized our efforts as a research project to
promote E-Mobility among the youth of India. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the
nodal Ministry of the Government of India for all matters relating to new and renewable energy. The broad aim
of the Ministry is to develop and deploy new and renewable energy for supplementing the energy
requirements of the country.

A.3.5 Earth Day Network (USA)

Earth Day Network is a NGO based in USA, whose mission is to diversify, educate and activate the
environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network is the world’s
largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 50,000 partners in nearly 195
countries to build environmental democracy.


It is Student Go-Kart design and manufacturing competition. Engineering /Diploma student from all over India
register their team and compete with another team in the different rounds of the event. IKR is a contest
formulated to enhance the approach of students practicing Engineering and Diploma courses. This
competition held with a permit of FMSCI (Under Ministry of Sports) by the highly professional organizing
committee and marshal, scrutineer from different reputed Motorsport organizations and automobile industries.

A.4.1 Objective
IKR is a design and manufacturing of Go-kart event under ISIE Design Restriction and FMSCI/CIK/FIA so as
to compete with other teams all over the country from different organizations. Our objective to promote
Motorsports as a profession in India, Passion, Creativity, Innovation and practical approach based technical
skill in engineering/diploma students.

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A.4.2 Scope
Indian companies are also producing go-karts in small scale. Kart racing is generally accepted as the most
economical form of motor sport. Go-karts emerged in India in 2003 from MRF. There is ample amount of
scope to step forward in motorsport field. IKR also gave students recruitment at event site only.

A.4.3 Participation History

No of Seasons Venues Participated Teams

Kari Motors Speedway Racing Track,

Season 1 25+ Teams
Season 2 SKCET, Coimbatore 35+ Teams

Season 3 Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida 40s+ Teams

Season 4 Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida 50+ Teams

Season 5 RPM racing Circuit, Bhopal 60+ Teams

Season 6 Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida 35+ Teams

Season 7 Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida 45+ Teams

Season 8 Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida 73+ Teams

A.5 Registration Requirement

A.5.1 Team Requirement
Team Registering for IKR 9th Season must have the following:
 Team Name
 Team Logo
 Team Captain
 Faculty Advisor(s)

A.5.1.1 Team Members:

The team can consist of a minimum of 7 and maximum of 30 members. (INR 1000 extra per member if
members exceed more than 30).
This competition is for the student pursuing engineering degree or diploma can form a team and can
participate. Valid ID card of the Educational Institute is required as a proof to ensure that Participant is a part
of that educational institution/university. Society membership is not compulsory to any participant or advisor in
order to participate in the ISIE IKR. But if any Professional or Advisor wants the membership of our society,
they can apply online at https://imperialsociety.in/

A.5.1.2 Team Name:

The meaningful and inspirational team name is required to distinguish the team in the competition.

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A.5.1.3 Team Logo

An attractive team logo is required from participating team. Teams are required to send their team logo in HD
by mail after registration is confirmed.

A.5.1.4 Team Mail ID

Every team is required to create a team email id to communicate or query to ISIE.
All the communications between organizing team of ISIEINDIA-IKR and the participating team will be held
through team mail ID. Communication through any other Email ID will not be entertained.

A.5.1.5 Team Signature

Every team must have their signature in their team mail ID. You can create it as follows Gmail > settings >

A.5.1.6 Team Representative

Every team must appoint a team representative; it can be anyone (From same college). The team
representative will be solely responsible for all the communication (in any form – Telephonic/ by email) with
organizing team of IKR. This is to prevent any kind of miscommunication.

A.5.1.7 Team Faculty Advisor

Every team must require one team advisor. Teams are also free to have added one additional team advisor. It
is not mandatory for the team Advisor to accompany the team to the competition. Team Advisors may advise
their teams on general engineering and engineering project management theory.

A.5.1.8 Indemnity Form

Every team must fill Indemnity form before entering the dynamic round.

A.5.1.9 Liability Waiver

All on-site participants, including Advisor, are required to sign a liability waiver upon registering on-site.

A.5.2 Driver’s Requirement

A.5.2.1 Driver’s Age
The age required to be a driver in the competition is 18 years.

A.5.2.2 Number of Drivers

Every team should have minimum two drivers.

A.5.2.3 Driver’s License

Team members who will drive a competition Kart at any time during a competition must hold a valid, the
government issued driver's license.

A.5.2.4 Driver Restriction

Driver must be from the team. The professional driver from outside is not allowed to ride the Kart during the

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A.5.2.5 Medical Insurance

Individual medical insurance coverage is required for both driver and is the sole responsibility of the driver. A
driver without a valid Medical Insurance will not be allowed to drive in the Dynamic Events.

A.5.3 Kart Category

Teams can participate in any of the category viz. Electric and Combustion.

A.5.4 Kart Eligibility

A.5.4.1 Team Developed Kart:
Kart entered into ISIE-IKR must be conceived, designed, fabricated and maintained by the team members.
Teams are required to make at least Three minutes video of the whole manufacturing process of the Kart
before the dynamic round and upload through mail.

A.5.4.2 Fabrication
It is the intent of the IKR to provide direct hands-on experience to the Professionals.
Therefore, they can perform all fabrication as per their project plan submitted to the organizing committee.

A.5.4.3 Kart Used for Last Year

Teams May bring their same kart used for last year only (Not more than a year) and must carry all document
substantial improvements and/or upgrades to the Kart as used in the previous year’s competition. There is no
direct entry in the dynamic round for the previous year participating team. They have to go through the report
submission round, Technical Inspection and Qualifying Rounds.

A.6 Mentorship Program

A.6.1 About On Campus Mentorship
A.6.1.1 Part I – Workshop on Vehicle Design and Development, Event Regulations, Static Events and
As ISIEINDIA works on the principle of learning, Implementing and sharing, Mentorship Program will
be organized for all the registered teams of Indian Karting Race 2024.
It will be a 3 - days Intensive Skill Development Program that covers all the important aspects
required for the development of a complete Go Kart, rulebook understanding, competition
regulations and many more.
Points to be cover under the workshop are as below,
1. Calculation and Selection of Vehicle Subsystem
2. Vehicle Dynamics
3. Chassis Selection and Design Overview
4. Powertrain and Selection
5. Performance Development Parameters
6. How to ace static events
7. Reports, rules and regulations

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A.6.1.2 Workshop on Vehicle Statistics

This workshop will cover the topics like vehicle performance, track time improvement, technical
inspection so as to improve overall vehicle statistics

Points to be cover under the workshop are as below,

1. Vehicle Performance Parameters
2. Track Time Improvement
3. Technical Inspection – Virtual Guide
4. College Level Technical Inspection Reviews and Modifications

A.6.1.3 Part III – Placement Drive

Indian Karting Race will organize minimum 2 placement drives for all the final year students
participating in the event so as to ensure the successful career path forward. At the final event and
post event, these opportunities will be available for the said participants.

A.6.1.4 Benefits of the Mentorship Program

Hassle free: No more requirement to spend on travel, accommodation etc.
Suitable Dates: No more worry about Exams, Placement dates etc. during the program. Choose
dates as per your convenience before the Virtual Round.
Sponsorship Opportunity: Get Sponsorship Opportunity by ISIEINDIA to host On Campus
Mentorship and enrol other students to attend the program.
Personal Assistance: Personal Assistance by Industrial Trainers. Team can learn the desired topics
and can ask query related to event (Technical or Non-Technical Query).

A.6.1.5 Procedure to finalize Online Mentorship Program Dates

The confirmed team required to send application mail to conduct Mentorship Program with suitable
dates for 3 days. The last date to apply will be intimated by Formula Imperial.
The necessary requirements (Entry fees, Minimum Number of Participants, Internet Connection,
Laptop/Mobile Phone etc.) to conduct the mentorship Program will be shared with you by mail.
Note - The fees will includes Part I, Part II and Part III of the program.

A.7 Rulebook Test

 All the teams are required to attend the rulebook test for INDIAN KARTING RACE-IKR, schedule
date given by organizing committee. This rulebook test consists of questions from Rulebook of
9th INDIAN KARTING RACE-IKR and will be conducted in last day of the mentorship program.
 This test contains maximum marks of 100.
 7 members from each team will appear for test and the average marks of all members will be
 The rulebook test scores will be added to the final round total scores.

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A.8 Registration Process and Deadlines

A.8.1 Steps to Register
Teams can register through our website: www.imperialsociety.in > Events (Select IKR and
appropriate Season) > Fill Required Details

A.8.2 Registration Process

Signup / Login with your details at this link (link for signup/login) Register for the event. Select event
name and complete your details. Add detail of team members.
Submit your form (confirmation on email or SMS will be received). Send your payment proof through
mail at isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in

Note: Once the team has been registered, they are required to submit their fees within 5 working

A.8.3 How can you Access to Team Account / Add or Remove Members?
A.8.3.1 Login in to your team account: https://igms.imperialsociety.in/login
A.8.3.2 You must Sign up /Register as new user with your same email Id Your registered event will
automatically visible to you on Login: My Event> Add Member > Update details >Submit.
Note: If there is need of change in Team Leader/Faculty Advisor/Team name, they have to send an
application form with the signature of officials, we will provide the Login/Password details on the
approval of the application.

A.8.4 Team Undertaking Form

After online registration and the payment confirmation, a copy of the team undertaking (attested by
the higher authority of the team respective Organization) must be sent to isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in
within 10 working days after payment confirmation.

A.8.5 Entry Fee

A.8.5.1 Registration Fees:
Registration fees to participate in the Indian Karting Race season 9.0 is INR 35,000 per team. Registration
Fees with Early Bird Discount is INR 30,000 per team.

 Withdrawals: In case of team withdrawing from IKR 2024, Registration Fee is not refundable.
 Registration Fee is inclusive of free recorded session for Design & Manufacturing of Go-kart.
Participants from team will be given access to the recorded videos on Design and Development of Go
Kart for 1 Year.

A.8.5.2 Female Team Fee discounts

 All Females in a team:
There is 50% concession on team registration fee for the complete female team to promote the
vision of women empowerment.
 For More than 10 Female members in a team

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If a team has more than 10 female members, there is 50% concession on Phase I Registration Fee.

A.8.5.3 Registration Fee Mode

 Online
1. Easy pay ( http://igms.imperialsociety.in/easypay/ )
2. Internet Banking (Teams paying through Internet banking must mail us for Account Details).
 Offline
1. NEFT through any Bank
2. Cash deposit through Challan
3. Demand Draft In favor of Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers, Payable at ICICI Bank, Sector
63, Noida.
Note: You can also pay through online on our website through easy pay.

A.8.5.4 Registration Fee Deadline and Refund Policy

 Registration fees must be paid to the organizer by the deadlines, within 5 working days after
 Registration fee is non-refundable.

A.8.6 Query about the Rules

A.8.6.1 Query type (Must be through only team id/advisor Id)
The Committee will answer any query that is not already answered in the rules that require new or novel rule
The Committee will not respond to questions that are already answered in the rules. For example, if a rule
specifies a minimum dimension for a part the Committee will not answer questions asking if a smaller
dimension can be used.

A.8.6.2 Query submission

Teams can submit their query to our official mail ID isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in.
The query should be done by only team mail Id, and email should contain the team’s name as well as the
name of the organization.

A.8.6.3 Query Format

The following information is required:
 Submitter’s Name
 Submitter’s Email
 Topic (Select from the pull-down menu)
 Organization Name (put this in the box labeled “Subject”)
 Put your HOD/Adviser in CC.
You may type your question into the “Message” box or upload a document. For any sort of query
always compose new mail with the proper subject.

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A.8.6.4 Response Time

The Rules Committee will respond as quickly as possible, however, responses to questions presenting new
issues, or of unusual complexity, may take more than two weeks.
Please do not resend questions.

B.1 Report Submission
B.1.1 Group A
B.1.1.1 Design Report
 CAD file
 Orthographic images (Jpg Format only) of CAD model of Chassis. (CAD files when asked).
 Orthographic images (Jpg Format only) of a complete model of vehicle. (CAD files when asked).
 Occupant packaging (diagram representing ergonomics).
 Component packaging (images representing position and packaging of all necessary components of
the vehicle).
 Reports showing CAE simulation on chassis, along with calculation (CAE files when asked.)
 Reports showing the calculation for brake selection, steering geometry and others. Along with
simulation reports.

B.1.1.2 Vehicle Control System

 Teams are required to submit control system of the vehicle it includes mechanical and Electrical &
Electronic Control system (for electric category) of the vehicle.

B.1.1.3 Tractive System

 Power Unit Used.
 Transmission System/Drive train.
 Calculation for the transmission system.
 Energy Storage system (For Electric Category only)
 Battery Specifications with scan copy of the original bill and datasheet (For the Electric Category only)
 Calculations resulting in the choice of battery(For the Electric Category only)
 Battery limitations and failure report (For the Electric Category only)
 Electrical Connection Report (For Electric Category only)
 Block diagram of the whole electrical circuit (For the Electric Category only)
 Schematic, wiring diagram and blueprint using any Electrical Diagram Software (For the Electric
Category only)
 Proper circuit diagram and blueprint of innovations used.

B.1.1.4 Design Validation Plan (DVP) & Design Failure Mode effect and Analysis (DFMEA)

B.1.1.5 Project Plan (Gantt chart)

The project plan should have planned from starting to test of the vehicle.

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B.1.1.6 Cost Report

Cost report should have effective market analysis and research along with supplier details.

B.1.2 Group B
B.1.2.1 Vehicle specification:
This report will include the following information of the vehicle, as manufactured.
 The overall dimension of the vehicle.
 The weight of the vehicle.
 Wheels and tires specification.
 Brake specification.
 Steering specification.
 Power Unit Specification.
 Transmission type.

B.1.2.2 Safety considerations:

This report will include all the information regarding
 Safety consideration for the driver.
 Measures to minimize the risk of battery or motor overheating.
 How teams plan to minimize risk in case of fire.

B.1.2.3 Changes made

This report will include a comparison of the reports in Group A and Those provided in Group B. This is to
check how accurate their vehicle as compared to the one which they proposed in Group A reports. This
difference should not be more than 20%.
Note: Any requests to make changes to items described in the compulsory documentation, after the
submission deadline, must be sent to the event organizer in writing by the Team Manager. If granted, any
document submitted by a team will supersede all previous versions.

B.1.3 Group C
In this Group the deliverables are not documents but videos and photos of the vehicle, fulfilling following
 College Level Video showing different stages of fabrication of the vehicle and testing of the vehicle.
Pictures showing participants working at various stage of fabrication.
 Team innovation video, showing their innovations and its working principle.

B.1.4 College Level Technical Inspection

B.1.4.1 Teams are required to submit only soft copy of College Level T.I. sheet as per given deadline. The
format of technical inspection sheet will be provided by the organizer.
B.1.4.2 The College Level Technical Inspection Sheet should be submitted by Team Faculty Advisor.
B.1.4.3 If teams fail to submit the same may not allow participating in the final round.

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B.1.5 Deadline and Penalties

There are no exceptions to the document submission deadlines and late submissions will incur penalties.
Please note that different documents or submissions may have different deadlines - check the

B.1.6 Web Based submission

Team registration form, Payment proof, team change form, Group document submission, college level
technical inspection and final design report must submit through mail at isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in

B.2 Event Rounds

Round Maximum score

Technical inspection Qualification Round
Brake Test Qualification Round
Noise Test [CV ONLY] Qualification Round
Rulebook Test 100
Weight test 50
Engineering Design Round 150
Marketing and Business plan 100
Cost And Manufacturing Event 100
Innovation Event Optional
Acceleration Test 100

Skid Pad Round 100

Autocross Round 100

Tug of War Optional
Endurance 300
Efficiency Test 100
Total 1200

B.3 Awards

Sr. No Awards Combustion Category Electric Category

1 Champion – IKR 2024 INR 75,000 INR 75,000
2 1st Runner Up – IKR 2024 INR 30,000 INR 30,000
3 2nd Runner Up – IKR 2024 INR 15,000 INR 15,000
4 Best Endurance INR 10,000 INR 10,000
5 Runner-Up Endurance Trophy Trophy
6 Best Acceleration INR 5,000 INR 5,000
7 Runner Up Acceleration Trophy Trophy
8 Best Skip Pad INR 5,000 INR 5,000

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9 Runner Up Skid Pad Trophy Trophy

10 Best Autocross INR 5,000 INR 5,000
11 Runner Up Autocross Trophy Trophy
12 Best Engineering Design INR 5,000
13 Runner Up Engineering Design Trophy
14 Best Business Plan INR 5,000
15 Runner up Business Plan Trophy
16 Best Cost and Manufacturing INR 5,000
17 Runner Up Cost and Manufacturing Trophy
18 Best CAE Award INR 5,000
19 Runner Up CAE Award Trophy
20 Best Engine Tuning Award INR 5,000 NA
21 Engineering Excellence Award INR 5,000
22 Best Innovation INR 5,000
23 Best Powertrain Design Award INR 5,000
24 Lightest Weight INR 5,000 INR 5,000
25 First TI Qualify Trophy Trophy
26 Best Tug of War INR 5,000
27 Dronacharya Award (Faculty) INR 5,000
28 Best Women Participant Trophy
29 Best Driver Award Trophy
30 Clean Pit Award Trophy
31 Most Hospitable Team Award Trophy
32 Emerging Team Award Trophy
33 People’s Choice Award INR 5,000
34 ISIE Future Award W INR 2,50,000

Note: Indian Karting Race reserves the right to change or add or remove the awards depends upon the total no of team
participation in the event. The same will be informed before the final event.

B.3.1 People’s Choice Award

B.3.1.1 Judging Criteria
B. Every team required to make a video of maximum 3 minutes which must show the manufacturing
and testing of the vehicle.
B. The team has to submit this video to ISIEINDIA through the mail or Drive Link. ISIEINDIA will
upload this video on ISIE YOUTUBE channel, Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram.
B. The video having maximum Views, Likes, Shares and Comments (Sum of all Platforms) will be
the winner of this round.

B.3.2 ISIE Future Award

B.3.2.1 There is an Award for the best selected teams, each award worth INR 5,000. This amount will be
given in form of discount coupon, scholarship in various national and international level conferences

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to selected team’s member.

B.3.2.2 No. of students from 1st year and 2nd year, No. of girl’s participation will be also considered.
Participation in ISIE activity by team e.g., organizing an event on college/local level, workshop and
student chapter on their campus.
B.3.2.3 Team Professionalism throughout the event, Team member coordination will also be considered.
B.3.2.4 The organizers have completed right to give these awards to any team.

C.1 Vehicle Categories
ISIEINDIA has introduced two categories of Go-Kart for Indian Karting Racing. The categories are as follows:

C.1.1 Combustion Go-Kart (Engine Powered)

This category of vehicle is for the petrol heads, those who love the sound of the engine more than anything
else. Those who are still enthusiastic about the traditional go-kart racing and get a rush by it. In this category,
the teams will compete for each other in a go kart which houses, Max. 165 cc engine. Teams will be using the
engine of their choice, so it’s up to them as for how they will extract more power from there.

Figure 1 Go Kart

C.1.2 Electric Go-Kart (Electric Powered)

Keeping in mind the major changes that automobile industry is going through, and the future of automobiles,
we have introduced a new electric category to this event. In this category, the teams will compete with each
other housing a motor of max. 6 KW motor, as driving unit of the vehicle.

C.2 Vehicle Requirement

C.2.1 Chassis Design Restrictions
C.2.1.1 Chassis Material
 Teams must use tubes falling under following criteria only
 Tube type: Seamless tubes.
 Outer Diameter: 1 inch to 2 inches

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 Minimum Wall Thickness: 1.2 mm

 Material for tube: Steel/ Aluminum
 Cross section: Circular
 In case of steel, minimum carbon percentage should be 0.1%.
C. Teams must be able to present the material certificate from certified labs, along with tube sizing.
C. Leaf Springs, Solid Bars, I-Bar, Rectangular Bar, or any other shape will result in immediate
C. Also, the team should have at least one open end tube in the frame (this end must be capped).
C. A 3mm drill on main roll hoop should be provided for inspection of wall thickness. The position of
drill hole should be such that, Vernier Caliper can be used for inspection.

Figure 2 Demonstrated view of Kart

 B1- Front bumper / B2- Rear bumper / B3- Side bumper

 B4- Gap between tire and bumper must be at least 3 inches on either side
 C- Leg compartment
 F2- Rear jack point
 G1- Front Hitch point
 G2-Rear Hitch point
 D- Seat compartment
 E- Engine compartment
 F1- Front jack point

C.2.2 Ground Clearance:

C.2.2.1 Ground Clearance

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Minimum 1 inch and maximum 5 inches (with driver inside). Ground clearance is measured from the lowest
point (except tires) of the vehicle. No compensation like – chain sprocket, brake disc, will be allowed while
checking ground clearance.

C.2.2.2 Maximum Turning Radius

Maximum turning radius allowed for all the teams is 3 m. This will be checked during the dynamic round at the
time of cross pad.

C.2.3 Unstable Vehicle

Any vehicle exhibiting handling or other vehicle dynamics that are deemed unstable by the technical
inspectors will not be permitted to participate in the dynamic events.
The decision of the Head of the Technical Committee of ISIEINDIA in this regard will be final and binding to

C.2.4 Jack Point

C.2.4.1 Teams must use two jack points. One at the front and other at the rear of the vehicle. The jack
points must be painted Yellow in color.
C.2.4.2 The jack point must be oriented horizontally and perpendicular to the centerline of the car. The jack
point should be made of a flat steel plate attached to the bottom of chassis.
C.2.4.3 Jack point must be – 12 inches (300 mm) long, 2 inches (50.8 mm) wide and 0.1968 inches (5mm)

Figure 3 Jack Point

C.2.5 Hitch Point:

C.2.5.1 Every vehicle must have two hitch point one at the rear end and other at the front end.
C.2.5.2 Hitch point will be used to attach push rod.
C.2.5.3 Every team will have to fabricate detachable push rod that should have the capability to push and
pull the vehicle.
C.2.5.4 It should be painted Orange.
C.2.5.5 It must have a hole diameter of 25.4 mm.
C.2.5.6 Hitch point should not be at the bumper. It should be mounted on the chassis only. Hitch point and
jack points should be separate.

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C.2.5.7 It should be easily accessible.

Figure 4 Hitch point

C.2.6 Roll Hoop

C.2.6.1 It is mandatory to have a roll hoop on driver’s back.
C.2.6.2 It should be made from one piece of pipe by using bends; the roll hoop should be made from
chassis material with same cross section. (Seamless)
C.2.6.3 The roll hoop should be attached to the chassis using welds.
C.2.6.4 No wrinkles are allowed on roll hoop in any case.
C.2.6.5 Roll hoop cross section should be identical after bending.
C.2.6.6 It should be supported by trusses/bracers with the main frame at a height of at least 15 inches
above the lower base of chassis on the hoop.
C.2.6.7 Minimum height required for hoop is 3 inches above top most point of the helmet of the tallest driver
seated on go-kart seat.
C.2.6.8 Main Hoop braces must be constructed of closed section steel tubing.
C.2.6.9 The Main Hoop must be supported by two braces extending in the forward or rearward direction on
both the left and right sides of the Main Hoop.
C.2.6.10 In the side view of the Frame, the Main Hoop and the Main Hoop braces must not lie on the same
side of the vertical line through the top of the Main Hoop, i.e. if the Main Hoop leans forward, the
braces must be forward of the Main Hoop, and if the Main Hoop leans rearward, the braces must be
rearward of the Main Hoop.
C.2.6.11 The Main Hoop braces must be straight, i.e. without any bends.

Figure 5 Roll hoop demonstration

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C.2.7 Bumpers
C.2.7.1 Bumpers must be installed in the Front, Rear and Side of the vehicle such that they cover the tires
and protect them from Front, Rear and Side collision, which may occur during the dynamic events.
C.2.7.2 Bumper should be made up of a single tube (seamless).
C.2.7.3 Bumpers can be made up of the material used for chassis; it should provide structural safety in

Tubes having joints will be discarded and the vehicle will not be given a TI OK.

C.2.7.4 The bumper must consist of at least 2 steel elements i.e., the upper and lower tubular bar.
C.2.7.5 Both bars being connected together by placing at least two members in between perpendicularly.
C.2.7.6 Bumpers must be attached to the chassis-frame at least by 4 points.
C.2.7.7 The bumpers must be covered with foam pipe insulation (if they are not surrounded by body works)
so as to avoid injuries.
C.2.7.8 Teams can use OEM Bumper and must have 2 point attached to the chassis frame.

C.2.8 Wheels and Tires

C.2.8.1 Number of wheels: 04
C.2.8.2 Wheel alignment: Wheels should not be in a straight line in the longitudinal direction.
C.2.8.3 Wheels Size:
C. Teams must use tires as per the Table given below.
C. Teams are not allowed to form any type of grooving or cut in the tires.

Type Category Dimension

Dry (slick) tires Front D1 4.5×10.0-5
Wet tires Front W1 or W2 4.5×10.0-5
Dry (slick) tires Rear D1 7.1×11.0-5
Wet tires Rear W1 or W2 6.0×11.0-5

C.2.9 Wheel Base:

C.2.9.1 The wheelbase is measured from the center of ground contact of the front and rear tires with the
wheels pointed straight ahead.

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C.2.9.2 Minimum wheel base of the kart must be 40 inches (1016.0mm)

C.2.10 Track Width
C.2.10.1 Smaller track width must be minimum 65% of the wheel base.

C.3 Driver’s Compartment

C.3.1 Driver’s Seat
C.3.1.1 Every team must use proper kart seat as shown in the figure below.
C.3.1.2 The seat mounting must have at least four Bolted Points and rigid enough to withstand the dynamic
conditions. The driver seat should be at least 2 inches away from the firewall.
C.3.1.3 The longitudinal axis of the driver seat must be nearly same as that of the kart.
C.3.1.4 Driver’s seat will be placed in this area which should be well protected having enough space for the
driver to come out easily.

Figure 6 Driver Seat

C.3.2 Foot Guard

C.3.2.1 There must be a member for protecting foot of driver in form of plates, plane, pipes (as shown in
figure with orange arrows) etc. such that at full throttle the driver’s topmost point of the toe is
secured and protected easily, the protection should be stable and stiff and should not be made by
panel materials like pp sheet.
C.3.2.2 It should not be mounted on bumpers.

Figure 7 Foot Guard

C.3.3 Kart Stand

Kart Stand is essentially required during the Final Round. The design of the stand can be anything but it must
be able to move when pushed or pulled; also care should be taken to restrict its motion whenever needed.
The minimum height of the stand from the ground must be not less than 36 inches. It must be painted with
Red Color. During every static activity, the kart will be placed on the stand only.

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Figure 8 Kart Stand

C.3.4 Driver’s Visibility

C.3.4.1 The driver must have adequate visibility to the front and sides of the kart.
C.3.4.2 With the driver seated in a normal driving position, he/she must have a minimum two hundred
degrees (200°) field of vision and minimum one hundred degrees (100°) to either side of the driver.
C.3.4.3 The driver's view should not be restricted by steering wheel position.

C.3.5 Firewall
C.3.5.1 The firewall should separate all the Fuel Line System, Engine, Motor, Battery Pack and Electrical
Connections from the driver.
C.3.5.2 The firewall must separate the electrical transmission from the driver.
C.3.5.3 For rear mount and side mount engine/electrical transmission, driver seat should be completely
insulated from the same; also the Firewall should be Minimum up to the tallest driver upper neck
C.3.5.4 For side mount engine, the firewall also be provided between driver seat, engine and on the main
C.3.5.5 The firewall should be free from holes, drills, open patches etc. it should be a complete Separable
sheet which divides driver and engine/battery compartment separately.
C.3.5.6 The firewall(s) must be a rigid, non-permeable surface made from 1.5 mm or thicker aluminum or
proven equivalent.
C.3.5.7 The firewall(s) must seal completely against the passage of fluids and hot gasses, including driver’s
back, left-right sides and the floor of the cockpit. There can be no holes in a firewall. Use of glass
wool, any other non-standard none approved material should not be used. From firewall, the driver
should be minimum 2 inches away in all directions.
C.3.5.8 Making any type of mounting for a kill switch, brake light, fire extinguisher, seat etc. and any
unwanted cut on fire wall is strictly prohibited.

C.3.6 Steering
C.3.6.1 Steering Mechanism
C. Teams can use any type of mechanical steering mechanism. (Rack and Pinion/ Steer by wire is
C. The steering wheel must be mechanically connected to the wheels, i.e. “steer-by-wire” or
electrically actuated steering is prohibited.

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C. All parts of steering system (steering column, track rod, tie rod, etc.) must be of metal except
Steering wheel.
C. Carbon fiber, nylon, plastic etc. are not allowed.

C.3.6.2 Steering Wheel

C. The steering wheel must have a continuous perimeter that is near circular or near oval, i.e. the
outer perimeter profile can have some straight sections, but no concave sections. “H” or cut-out
wheels are not allowed.
C. Allowable steering system free play is limited to Seven degrees (7°) total measured at the
Steering wheel.

C.3.6.3 Minimum dimension of steering wheel

C. Full circle: outer diameter (O.D) of 10 inches
C. Elliptical: Major axis diameter of 10 inches and minor axis diameter of 8 inches.

C.3.6.4 Steering Lock

C. The steering system must have positive steering stops that prevent the steering linkages from
locking up (the inversion of a four-bar linkage at one of the pivots).
C. The stops may be placed on the uprights and must prevent the tires from contacting body, or
frame members during the track events.

C.3.7 Braking
C.3.7.1 Braking System
C. Teams must use the hydraulic braking system. "Brake-by-wire" systems are prohibited.
C. The brakes must be able to act on both the rear wheels.
C. The hydraulic circuit must have its own fluid reservoir, either by use of separate reservoirs or by
the use of a dammed, OEM-style reservoir.
C. Team must use steel braided brake hose and brake lines.

Figure 9 Brake Lines

C.3.7.2 Brake Pedals

C. The brake pedal must be fabricated from steel or aluminum or machined from steel, Aluminum or
C. Pedal should only be operated from driver’s foot and use of hand operated levers for braking
mechanism is not allowed.
C. Teams need to submit the report of calculation, Selection of Material, and safety of brake pedal.
C. There should not be free play at pedals.

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C. Brake pedal should be able to withstand a force of 2000 N.

C.3.7.3 Pedal Locks

C. The pedal travel should be restricted to some distance by some kind of locking mechanisms.

C.3.7.4 Brake over travel Switch

C. A brake pedal over-travel switch must be installed on the car as part of the shutdown system and
wired in series with the shutdown buttons. This switch must be installed so that in the event of
brake system failure such that the brake pedals over travels, it will result in the shutdown of the
system, which will eventually help controlling the system.

Figure 10 Brake Over Travel Switch

C.3.7.5 Brake Light

C. The kart must be equipped with a red color brake light.
C. The brake light itself must be rectangular, triangular or near round shape with a minimum shining
surface of at least 15 cm sq.
C. Each brake light must be clearly visible from the rear in very bright sunlight. It must be on the
top-center of Roll hoop as shown in the figure below.

Figure 11 Brake light

C.4 Transmission and Power Unit

C.4.1 Transmission
C. The transmission to be used in the Go-Karts must be of rear wheel drive only.
C. The teams are free to use any type of transmission system – gear box/ CVT/ Chain and sprocket
attached to a centrifugal clutch.
C. The teams are free to use any sort of designs i.e. the use of differential, through the axle, the

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wheel mounting hub or by any other means.

C. There is no limitation with the sprocket ratio installed in the kart. Teams are allowed to make
changes to the sprocket ratio as per the requirements.
C. Team must submit the calculation report for the selection of sprocket ratio.

C.4.2 Engine
C.4.2.1 Engine Specification
C. Engine Type: Single cylinder, four strokes, air cooled/liquid cooled
C. Fuel Type: Petrol
C. Maximum Capacity: 165 cc
Teams are free to use the engine of their choice, given it fulfills the condition provided above. Also,
the teams must be able to provide a valid engine number and engine Registration Certificate during
engine registration.

C.4.2.2 Engine Manipulation: During the final round technical inspector checks governor setting and mention
the same RPM for all go-kart. The governor setting once set, teams are not allowed to manipulate/
C.4.2.3 Engine Usage: One engine can be used for 2 consecutive events. For teams procuring new engine
this year can use it again for next year. Team need to make sure of engine service before the event
and should submit the receipt of the same at the time of Technical Inspection.

Teams must be able to show a properly dated bill during the event, as proof of engine procurement.

C.4.3 Muffler and Exhaust

C.4.3.1 The teams must keep in mind that they should select the appropriate exhaust system. In order to
reduce the noise, efficient exhaust silencers are compulsory.
C.4.3.2 It should be mounted on chassis or with support to chassis member only.
C.4.3.3 The exhaust system must be properly shielded preventing the delicate parts, which may get affected
if exposed to the heat.
C.4.3.4 The exhaust must be mounted properly to avoid the physical contacts of the viewers or the technical
C.4.3.5 The exhaust must be routed so that the driver is not subjected to fumes at any speed considering
the draft of the vehicle.
C.4.3.6 Shielding to exhaust pipe with cotton rope, jute rope is strictly prohibited.

C.4.4 Engine and Battery Compartment

C.4.4.1 This area holds the power house of the Go-Kart.
C.4.4.2 This area should be well equipped to hold the heavy components of the Go-Kart.

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C.4.4.3 Engine or Battery can be placed in the left or right of the driver compartment or behind the roll hoop,
but it should be properly covered with the firewall and should meet the requirement of rule C 3.5

Figure 12 Engine and Battery Compartment

C.4.5 Engine Tuning

For teams participating in engine category, they are allowed to tune their engines. Teams must keep
in check that the engine tuning should not affect the engine capacity in any way.

C.4.6 Fuel Tank (For Combustion Category)

C.4.6.1 Replacement of fuel tank or doing any change in the fuel tank and its position is strictly prohibited.
C.4.6.2 Fuel tank must not be covered with any external material so that fuel can be easily filled in it by
Stewards or Marshals.
C.4.6.3 Fuel tank capacity: Max. 05 Liters

C.4.7 Fuel Tank Spill over prevention and Drain

C.4.7.1 Every vehicle must have a spill over prevention container mounted on the top of the fuel tank which
should prevent the fuel being accidentally spilling on any part of the engine or exhaust.
C.4.7.2 The sidewalls of the spillover tank should be at least 3 inches in height. The spillover tank should be
manufactured and mounted properly.
C.4.7.3 The fuel in the spillover tank must be transported to the ground by the use of proper drain linings.
Drain lining could be a fuel line material or any pipe.
C.4.7.4 Drain lining should be directed towards the ground with the rigid support of the frame with proper
nylon ties.

C.4.8 Fuel Tank Position

C.4.8.1 For teams using Briggs and Stratton engine or Honda engine can use the fuel tank provided with the
C.4.8.2 For teams using any other engine, like that of some motorbike or other two-wheeler, they must use
a rectangular/cylindrical shaped tank made of plastic/steel.
C.4.8.3 The tank must be placed at least, 150 mm distance from the engine.
C.4.8.4 The tank must be provided with a spill over prevention system as mentioned above in section.

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C.4.9 Venting System

C.4.9.1 The fuel tank and carburetor venting systems must be designed such that fuel cannot spill during
hard cornering or acceleration.
C.4.9.2 All fuel vent lines must be equipped with a check valve to prevent fuel leakage when the tank is

C.4.10 Motor Unit

C.4.10.1 Motor Specification
C. Teams participating in Electric Category, They must use the motor of the following specification:
 Motor Type: DC/AC Maximum Rated Power: 6 KW (Peak Power: 10 KW)
 Maximum Rated Voltage: 144V
C. The Motor must be manufactured as per the IEC 60529 IP67. Teams are required to submit the
certificate of IEC 60529 IP67 from their vender.
C. The Power rating of the motor will be strictly inspected in the technical inspection.
C. Motor and Motor Controller should be tuned properly.
C. Teams must submit the Power Curve & Torque Curve at the time of Technical Inspection.
C. Selection of power rating should be according to design and calculation of required power
requirements of the vehicle.
C. Teams need to submit the Motor Selection Report at the time of Technical Inspection.
C. Any changes in the motor will lead to disqualification on the spot.
C. The motor should be safely fastened (using nut and bolt).
C. The motor and the drive train should be shielded properly.

Note: The motor must not deliver power more than 6 KW at any time during any event. Maximum
voltage, which can be used, is limited to 144V only. Teams are free to use any type of motors and
controllers compatible with them without compromising these boundary conditions.

C.4.11 Controller
C.4.11.1 The tractive system motor must be connected to the accumulator through a motor controller.
C.4.11.2 Controller must provide over & low voltage protection, over temperature protection, over current
protection & brake protection to motor.
C.4.11.3 Bypassing the control system and connecting the tractive system accumulator directly to the motor
is prohibited.
C.4.11.4 The controller voltage should match the voltage of battery and motor. The controller current rating
should be lower or equal to the continuous current output of battery. The system should be designed
in such a way that all the components are properly tuned with each other.

C.4.12 Battery Unit

C.4.12.1 Battery Specification
C. Teams are allowed to use pre-manufactured battery pack available in the market, if self-
fabricated or assembled battery pack is intended to use by team then team needs to provide the
IP 67 certificate and battery health certificate at the time of Technical Inspection issued from
authorized certifying agency.

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C. Battery pack should meet all weather conditions to ensure that it should not fail.
C. The teams can use either of the following of types of the batteries – SMF, Li-ion.
C. Battery pack should be IEC 60529 IP67 certified.
C. If team is using old battery pack, you need to submit the Battery Health Certificate.
C. Teams must use a battery of the following configuration:
 Maximum Rated voltage: 144V
 Maximum Capacity: 150AH

C.4.12.2 Battery Management System

C. The BMS must provide full cell protection to cover almost any eventuality.
C. BMS must provide over charge & over discharge protection while charging & discharging, over
current protection, over temperature & under temperature protection, short circuit protection,
reverse polarity protection and cell balancing functions.
C. Operating a battery outside of its specified design limits of the battery management system will
lead to disqualification.
C. Proper approval certifications should be presented to the IKR team during the technical

C.4.12.3 Battery Pack Casing and Compartment

C. There should be separate battery pack compartment and battery pack casing enclosure.
C. The battery pack casing should be made up of rigid plastic/glass fiber/ sheet metal, with an
insulating coating.
C. The casing material of Battery Pack must be fire and electric proof and properly insulated.
C. Battery compartment must be designed and manufactured by the teams.
C. The compartment must be rigidly mounted on chassis using welds/fastened (using lock nuts).
Nylon ties, strings or wire of any kind is not allowed for mounting.
C. Team can use forced convection system such that air from the atmosphere is forced into the
battery pack compartment for cooling purpose.
C. Liquid cooling of battery pack is prohibited.

(Note: Battery Pack with casing must be installed inside the battery pack compartment for
easy removal, if battery pack compartment not used, TI will not be given OK)

C.4.12.4 Battery Position

C. The battery pack must be mounted such that it can be swapped anytime whenever needed.
C. Battery position should be in such a way that, removal of battery from battery compartment
works clean & safe.

C.4.12.5 Charger
C. Teams must have a single point accessible charging point.
C. Teams should have a charging connector for charging the batteries as per the charger
C. Teams need to submit the datasheet for Charger & Charging Connector at the time of Technical

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C.4.12.6 Battery Safety

C. Teams are required to follow International Electro technical Commission IEC 60529 IP67.
C. The Battery must be manufactured as per the IEC 60529 IP67 and should be AIS 048 or AIS 156
certified (as per the application of battery).
C. Team must understand the AIS standards and its significance.
C. If power storage pack is capable of spilling dangerous liquids when damaged, there must be a
spill-proof barrier between that storage pack and kart occupants.
C. If power storage pack is capable of emitting dangerous gasses when damaged, there must be a
proper ventilation system designed.
C. The battery pack must have a proper short circuit protection. Teams should use good quality
working Mini circuit breakers (MCB) for protecting it from high loads.
C. The current rating of MCB should not be greater than the cable current carrying capacity. It
should be greater than or equal to the maximum current that the system is carrying. Do not uses
a MCB lower than the total current of the circuit.
C. Team should choose MCB as per the vehicle requirement and must understand the MCB ratings.
C. The current rating of the MCB should be equal to or greater than the Motor Controller rating.
C. None of the battery parts or wires should be exposed to any body part of the driver.

C.4.13 Throttle Paddle

C.4.13.1 Only foot operated paddle is allowed (Hand operated lever not allowed). There should be a positive
lock provided with the throttle paddle.
C.4.13.2 This throttle stopper should be placed such that the throttle wire is not over stressed and before the
max motion of the throttle the stopper should restrict the paddle.
C.4.13.3 Teams need to submit the report of calculation, Selection of Material, and safety of throttle.

C.4.14 Scatter Shield

C.4.14.1 The team must use scatter shield for covering chain, sprocket etc. It must be rigidly mounted to
chassis but not with any moving part of the kart.
C.4.14.2 It can be of the metal net but capable to prevent scattering of small parts of the transmission
system. Exposed high-speed final drive train equipment such as Continuously Variable
Transmissions (CVTs), differential, sprockets, gears, pulleys, torque converters, clutches, belt drives
and clutch drives, must be fitted with scatter shields in case of failure.

Figure 13 Scatter Shield

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C.4.15 Safety Measurements

C.4.15.1 Kill Switch
C. There should be three kill switches in the Go-Kart.
C. They should be placed in such a way that one can be easily accessed by the driver and other
two should be mounted on either side of roll hoop.
C. Kill switch must be of bright red color so that it can be clearly visible from a long distance.
C. It should be a push to off type, it should not be a simple push button which retraces after the
button Is pressed.
C. The kill switch used should be as shown in the figure below.
C. Home appliance switches should not be used as kill switches.

Figure 14 Kill switch

C.4.15.2 Kill Switch Mounting

C. The kill switch must be installed properly and rigidly in a case.
C. Mounting the kill switch with plastic/metallic ties or wires is strictly prohibited. Mounting of kill
switch on fire wall of roll hoop is strictly prohibited.
C. Kill switch mounted over the roll hoop must be placed using clamps.

Figure 15 Kill switch Mounting

C.4.15.3 Kill Switch Sticker

There must be a sticker, on which kill switch is written with arrow sign in red color, showing the position of the
kill switch.

C.4.15.4 Fusing
C. All electrical systems must be appropriately fused. Batteries should be shielded properly from the
C. Battery terminal should be insulated using proper battery plastic caps or by gel, use of tapes,
cardboard or plastic sheet, rubber sheet or insulation tape is not allowed.
C. Since the battery has very low internal impedance, instantaneous high currents can flow which

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can seriously damage the battery.

C. Teams should mandatorily use an MCB (mini circuit breaker) which should be instantaneously
able to isolate the battery from the other electronic devices to protect the battery from an
C. The current rating of fuse should be greater (15% to 20%) than the current carrying through the
wire on which it is installed.
C. The fuse holder must be rigidly mounted on the chassis.
C. The tractive system must be appropriately fused.

C.4.15.5 Wire Insulation

C. All the electrical wire should be harnessed properly with plastic tubes, spiral rolls, rubber sleeves
such that the wires are not exposed.
C. Proper joining method should be used for wires, simple plastic tapes, insulation tapes are not
allowed, wires should be routed through the chassis or non-moving member and should be
clamped properly. Vehicle with open wires presented to the technical inspection will be

C.4.15.6 Fire Extinguishers

C. The team must have 2 fire extinguishers each of 1 kg.
C. At least one must be rigidly mounted in driver sitting compartment and other must be in hand of a
team member in every static and dynamic test during the final round. The fire extinguisher should
not be mounted on the firewall.
C. It should be in seat compartment only in such a way that driver can easily access to it while
seated in a kart.

C.4.15.7 First Aid Box

C. Every team must have their own first aid box to be used in emergency during the dynamic round.

C.4.15.8 Goggles
C. Every team should have their own goggles to use during welding and grinding.

C.4.16 Fasteners
C.4.16.1 Fastener Grade Requirements
C. All threaded fasteners utilized in the driver’s cell structure, steering, braking and mountings must
meet or exceed, SAE Grade 5, Metric Grade 8.8 and/or AN/MS specifications.
C. The use of button head cap, pan head, flat head or round head screws or bolts in any location in
the following systems is prohibited:
 Driver’s cell structure,
 Steering system
 Brake system
 Compartments and Mountings

C.4.16.2 Lock Nut

C. The team must use lock nut in the wheel assembly, steering mounting, Power unit and

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transmission mounting.

Note: Use of any type of plastic or metal tie (such as zip tie, wrap tie, twist tie, wire etc.) for fixing body
parts or any components of kart are strictly not allowed.

Figure 16 Lock nut

C.4.16.3 Fast Nuts

C. It is mandatory to use only metal fast nuts and bolts for body works etc.

C.4.16.4 Mountings
C. All the mountings of the steering system, braking system (except brake light), engine &
transmission system, body works (including firewall) must be of metal.

C.4.16.5 Seat Belt

C. The seat belt is not allowed for this event.

C.4.17 Body Works

C.4.17.1 Sharp edges on the body work other protruding components are prohibited.
C.4.17.2 It must cover from front bumper to steering wheel so that any outer material or debris from the track
(pebbles, small mechanical components etc.) cannot strike or reach seat Compartment.
C.4.17.3 Teams are free to design their own bodyworks and it should be rigid. Flexible bodyworks are not

C.4.18 Outer Bodyworks

C.4.18.1 Every team must have a minimum amount of body work as shown in the figure below.
C.4.18.2 Front body work (Similar to that in front view).
C.4.18.3 Left and Right-side body work (Similar to that shown in the left and rear front view).Rear bodywork
(Similar to that shown in rear view).

Teams are not allowed to use full round type bumpers as shown in the figure below. The bumpers
used should be at least 5 inches height from the lower base of the chassis.

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Figure 17 Bodyworks view

C.4.19 Floor Closeout

C.4.19.1 All Go-Karts must have a floor close-out made of one or more panels, which separate the driver
from the pavement of the chassis.
C.4.19.2 Small gaps should not exceed more than 3 mm, also the close out should be capable of taking
drivers load while he stands, egress & moves out of the kart, non-rigid close outs will not been
C.4.19.3 It must prevent track debris to enter the kart.

Note: Floor close out should start from firewall of roll hoop and should be up to the front most part

C.4.20 Pedal Assembly

C.4.20.1 All the mounted pedals on the vehicle such as brake pedal, throttle pedal or accelerator pedal,
clutch pedal must not come out of the primary chassis member even when they are completely
pressed. All the crushing members should be behind the primary structure with min 2 inch gap.

C.4.21 Compulsory Advertisement

C.4.21.1 Before coming to Final Round all the teams compulsorily need to paste Kart Number stickers on the
front body panel, both sides and rear bumper body work as shown in the figure below. For team
number stickers: Diameter: 6 inches Background color: White Text color: Black Shape: Circular
The text should be placed such as that it is visible clearly from the distance of 10 m.
C.4.21.2 ISIEINDIA logo: Teams must leave a space of 8 inches x 4 inches at the front.
C.4.21.3 IKR logo: Teams must leave a space of 8 inches x 4 inches at the front.
C.4.21.4 FMSCI logo: Teams must leave a space of 8 inches x 4 inches at the front.
C.4.21.5 For sponsors: Teams can place sponsors logo at the side body.
C.4.21.6 College Logo: Teams must place team logo and college logo in the front. ISIEINDIA and IKR logos
are to be placed as per figure below.

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C.5 Uses of Old Components

C.5.1 Usage of old battery and motor
If a team is using old battery and motor, team must provide health certificate and IP 67 rating certificate for the
same from the authorized vendor.

C.5.2 Battery BMS

Teams can use new BMS only. If any team is using the old battery, then BMS must be replaced. (Original bill
copies of the BMS is required to show at the time of Technical Inspection)

Selected teams from virtual round will participate in the final event with the Vehicle fabricated by them; all
teams will undergo TECHNICAL INSPECTION. After passing Technical Inspection, team will be permitted to
participate in dynamic rounds of the event.


D.1.1 General Rules
D.1.1.1 Teams are responsible for confirming that their vehicle and the required equipments satisfy the
requirements and restrictions of the rules before presenting it for technical inspection.
D.1.1.2 Vehicles must be presented for technical inspection in finished condition, i.e. fully assembled,
completed and ready-to-run. Technical inspectors will not inspect any Vehicle presented for
inspection in an unfinished state.
D.1.1.3 Visible access can be provided by removing body panels or by providing removable access panels
to check the various components.
D.1.1.4 Each Vehicle must pass all stages of technical inspection and testing before it is permitted to
participate in any dynamic event. The exact procedures and instruments employed for inspection
and testing are entirely at the discretion of the Chief Technical Inspector.
D.1.1.5 TI does not have any points, but it is mandatory for the teams to qualify this round to participate in
the another qualifying round Brake Test.
D.1.1.6 The technical inspection sheet includes all inspection points and will be provided on the event site.
It must always stay with the vehicle.

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D.1.1.7 The TI sheet must be submitted at control room on every day of final event before site closed.
D.1.1.8 The Technical Inspector (s) may inspect other points not mentioned on the technical inspection
sheet to ensure compliance with the rules.
D.1.1.9 The vehicle must maintain all required specifications throughout the competition.
D.1.1.10 Each team must present a kart stand to put the vehicle during technical inspection
D.1.1.11 A maximum of three team members including tallest driver may enter the inspection area at one

D.1.2 Technical Inspection Process

D.1.2.1 The technical inspection is devided into following segment, every team need to clear the segments
to qualify for the dynamic rounds.
 Pre Inspection
 Accumulator Inspection [EV ONLY]
 Electrical Inspection [EV ONLY]
 Mechanical Inspection
 Vehicle Weight
 Noise Test [CV ONLY]
 Rain Test [EV ONLY]
 Brake Test

D.1.3 Modification and repair

D.1.3.1 Once the vehicle has been presented for judging in the Design Events, or submitted for Technical
Inspection, and until the vehicle is approved to compete in the dynamic events, i.e. all the
inspection stickers are awarded, the only modifications permitted to the vehicle are those directed
by the Inspector(s) and noted on the Inspection Form.
D.1.3.2 Once the vehicle is approved to compete in the dynamic events, the ONLY modifications permitted
to the vehicle are:
 Adjustment of belts, chains and clutches
 Adjustment of brake bias.
 Adjustment of the driver seat and pedal assembly
 Adjustment of the suspension where no part substitution is required, (except that springs,
sway bars and shims may be changed)
 Replacement of worn tyres or brake pads
 Recharging of low voltage batteries
 Recharging of TS Accumulators.
D.1.3.3 The vehicle must maintain all required specifications, e.g., braking capacity, throughout the
D.1.3.4 Once the vehicle is approved for competition, any damage to the vehicle that requires repair, e.g.
Crash damage, electrical or mechanical damage will void the Inspection Approval. Upon the
completion of the repair and before re-entering into any dynamic competition, the vehicle must be
re-submitted to Technical Inspection for re-approval.

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D.1.4 Pre Inspection

D.1.4.1 Following pre inspections items are required for pre-inspection,
 All the drivers equipment’s and other safety gears
 All helmets
 Two set of four tires mounted on rims for dry and wet driving conditions
 Two unused and in date fire extinguishers
D.1.4.2 At this inspection driver’s equipment are checked for compliance with the rules.
D.1.4.3 The driver’s safety inspection sheet includes all inspection points and will be provided on the
competition website prior to the competition. The same sheet will be checked during the onsite
Pre-Technical Inspection.
D.1.4.4 Two drivers or any other two members of a Team with complete safety equipment must be present
at driver’s safety inspection area.
D.1.4.5 Team must have two (2) separate set of complete driver’s safety equipment.
D.1.4.6 During this inspection, drivers are not required to wear the safety equipment so that Inspector can
check any damage or torn part of any safety equipment.

D.1.5 Accumulator Inspection

D.1.5.1 Cell modules or stacks do not need to be disassembled, fuses, pre- and discharge circuit and
positive locking mechanism of the maintenance plugs are reachable and visible for the officials.
D.1.5.2 The accumulator charger will be inspected and sealed.
D.1.5.3 The set of basic tools will be checked.
D.1.5.4 The following items must be presented at accumulator inspection:
 All TS accumulators
 Accumulator hand cart
 Accumulator charger
 Basic Tools
 Tools needed for the (dis)assembly of parts
 Samples of self-designed PCBs that are part of the tractive system and inside the accumulator
 Data sheets for all parts used in the accumulator
 Original delivery notes for material without serial number printed.

D.1.5.5 The following basic tools in good condition must be presented:

 Insulated cable shears
 Insulated screwdrivers
 Multimeter with protected probe tips and two 4 mm banana plug test leads rated for 1000 V
CAT III or better
 Insulated tools, if screwed connections are used in the tractive system
 Face shield
 at least two pairs of HV insulating gloves (not expired)
 Two HV insulating blankets of at least 1.0 m2 each

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 Safety glasses with side shields for all team members that might work on the tractive system
or accumulator
D.1.5.6 All electrical safety items must be rated for at least the maximum tractive system voltage.

D.1.6 Electrical Inspection [EV ONLY]

D.1.6.1 Electrical Inspection Objective- During the electrical inspection, all electrical parts and systems of
the vehicle are checked for compliance with the rules.
D.1.6.2 Accumulator cell modules or stacks do not need to be disassembled when fuses, pre- and
discharge circuit and positive locking mechanism of the maintenance plugs are reachable and
visible for the officials.
D.1.6.3 The accumulator charger will be inspected and sealed.
D.1.6.4 The following items must be presented at electrical inspection:
 All TS and accumulators mounted on vehicle.
 Accumulator hand vehicle
 Data sheets for all parts used in the accumulator & the tractive system.
 Kart stand
 Samples of self-designed PCBs that are part of the tractive system
 Data sheets for all parts used in tractive system
 Tools needed for the (dis) assembly of parts for electrical inspection

D.1.7 Mechanical Inspection

D.1.7.1 Mechanical Inspection Objective- During the mechanical inspection, all mechanical parts of the
vehicle are checked for compliance with the rules.
D.1.7.2 The following items must be presented at mechanical inspection:
 The vehicle
 Kart Stand
 The tallest driver of the team
 Copies of any Design Report
 Only tools needed for the (dis)assembly of parts for mechanical inspection

D.1.8 Weight Test

D.1.8.1 Weight Test Objective- At the vehicle weighing, the vehicle’s official technical inspection weight is
D.1.8.2 Procedure-
 All vehicles must be weighed in ready-to-race condition.
 All fluids must be at their maximum fill level for weighing.

D.1.9 Noise Test [CV ONLY]

D.1.9.1 The sound level will be measured during a static test.
D.1.9.2 The vehicle must be compliant at all engine speeds up to the maximum test speed.
D.1.9.3 Teams must bring a laptop to indicate the engine speed measured by the Electronic Control Unit

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D.1.9.4 Measurements will be made with a free-field microphone placed free from obstructions at the
exhaust outlet level, 0.5 m from the end of the exhaust outlet, at an angle of 45° with the outlet in
the horizontal plane.
D.1.9.5 Where more than one exhaust outlet is present, the test will be repeated for each exhaust and the
highest reading will be used.
D.1.9.6 If the exhaust has any form of active tuning or throttling device or system, it must be compliant with
the rules in all positions. Manually adjustable tuning devices must require tools to change them
and must not be moved or modified after the noise test is passed. The position of the device must
be visible to the officials and manually operable by the officials during the noise test.
D.1.9.7 The test will be run with the gearbox in neutral. During this test the vehicle must be on kart stand.
D.1.9.8 After passing the noise test the function of the master switch, the cockpit-mounted shutdown
button and the inertia switch will be tested.

D.1.10 Brake Test

D.1.10.1 All the Vehicles have to pass the brake test to participate in any of the dynamic event.
D.1.10.2 On application of brakes, all 4 wheels should lock immediately and hence the Vehicle must stop in
a straight line after the brake is applied on the Vehicle.
D.1.10.3 Every vehicle will get maximum 3 attempts. (Teams should focus mainly on locking of wheels at
the time of application of brake).
D.1.10.4 Vehicles having any leakage of brake fluid from any point of braking circuit will not be allowed to
appear for brake test.
D.1.10.5 Brake test should be attempted by the vehicle at the given speed within that limited distance and
full force should be applied by the driver on the brake pedal in order to stop the vehicle.
D.1.10.6 Brake Test does not have any points, but it is mandatory for the teams to qualify this round to
participate in the dynamic round.
D.1.10.7 If the vehicle is unable to pass the test after three attempts, the vehicle must be repaired and then
brought back for retesting.
D.1.10.8 Speed of the vehicle - During this test teams must maintained at least 25 Km/hour speed. If team
fail to maintained this much speed, there attempt will be not taken in consideration.
D.1.10.9 Procedure- Drivers have to run their vehicle in straight way for 50 Meters. There will be a brake
line whenever vehicle touching that line driver required applying brake at the same. All four wheels
must be locking in a straight line.
D.1.10.10 Did Not Attempt (DNA) - If the Vehicle did not attempt or if it does not complete the event, then
those teams would receive DNA. And after all attempt team will not allow to participate in any
dynamic event.


D.2.1 Business Plan Presentation
D.2.1.1 Business Plan Presentation Objective

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D. The objective of the BPP is to evaluate the team’s ability to develop and deliver a comprehensive
business model which demonstrates their product – a prototype race vehicle – could become a
rewarding business opportunity.
D. The judges should be treated as if they were potential investors or partners for the presented
business model.
D. The business plan must relate to the specific prototype race vehicle entered in the competition.
The quality of the actual prototype will not be considered as part of the BPP judging.

D.2.1.2 Business Plan Presentation Procedure

D. The BPP must be submitted at control room on first day of final event before the deadline. The
same PPT will be displayed during the Team slot for BPP.
D. The BPP must be submitted at control room on first day of final event before the deadline. The
same PPT will be displayed during the Team slot for BPP.
D. Team can be announced any time during the BPP round, Team members for BPP must be ready.
D. Presentations are limited to a maximum of ten minutes. The judges will stop any presentation
exceeding ten minutes.
D. The presentation will not be interrupted by questions. Immediately following the presentation there
will be a question and answer session.
D. One or more team members may present the business plan. Maximum 5 members are allowed.
D. All team members involved in the BPP must be in the podium area and must be introduced to the
judges at the beginning of the presentation. The team members who have been introduced may
answer the judges’ questions even if they were not actually presenting.
D. Data projectors or screens with VGA and HDMI (type A) input connectors will be provided for video
signal transmission. Teams planning to use audio or other presentation equipment are responsible
for bringing it themselves.
D. Teams that fail to make their presentation within their assigned time period will receive zero points
for the BPP.

D.2.1.3 Executive Summary

D. To convince the potential investors or partners that the team’s presentation is worthy of their time,
it is required that an executive summary is submitted before the competition. The executive
summary should contain a brief description of the team’s business plan.
The executive summary must not exceed one page. The vehicle number and university (or
college) name must be written in the top right corner.
D. The executive summary must be submitted online via the competition website, not later than the
deadline given by mail and published on website.
D. If the executive summary is not compliant with the rules, 5 penalty points are deducted from the
final BPP score.

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D.2.1.4 Business Plan Presentation Scoring

D. The BPP will be evaluated on the categories will be 100.
D. The judging at the competition will start with an initial judging, where all teams are judged by
different judging groups. The top three to five teams are then judged by all business judges in the
BPP finals.
D. The scoring of the BPP is based on the average of the scores given by each of the judges.

D.2.2 Cost and Manufacturing Presentation

D.2.2.1 Cost and Manufacturing Presentation Objective
D. The objective of the cost and manufacturing event is to evaluate the team’s understanding of the
manufacturing processes and costs associated with the construction of a prototype race vehicle.
This includes trade off decisions between content and cost, make or buy decisions and
understanding the differences between prototype and mass production.

D.2.2.2 Cost and Manufacturing Presentation Procedure

D. Prior to the competition, Cost Report must be submitted to the competition website by the deadline
intimated through mail and news on website.
D. During the competition, a discussion with the judges will take place, next to the team’s vehicle. The
discussion is split into two parts:

D. Part 1 “Cost Report (CR) Discussion”: A discussion to evaluate the team’s ability to prepare an
accurate engineering and manufacturing cost for the complete vehicle. The team must prove the
The specification of the vehicle in the CR accurately reflects the vehicle brought to the
The costs within the Costed Bill of Material mentioned in cost report are correct and realistic.
The manufacturing feasibility of the vehicle.
D. Part 2 “Cost Understanding”:
A discussion to evaluate the general cost and manufacturing knowledge of the team. The
following topics might be judged:
Differences between prototype and mass production
Resource and cost planning
Financial and production risk management
Make or buy decisions
Environmental influence of the vehicle production
Effectiveness of financial planning

D. Teams are allowed to bring electronic, handwritten, or printed handouts, flip charts or similar to the
event, but the space available may be limited.
D. If the team takes too long, blocks the bay or does not show up on-time, five penalty points will be
deducted from the team’s cost event score.

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D.2.2.3 Cost Report (CR)

D. The CR format will be created online on the competition website. The website tool will provide a
printable pdf version of the CR format.
D. Team need to share the CR in format given to the mail Id (formulaimperial@imperialsociety.in)
within the deadline.
D. An addendum for the CR is not possible and changes will not be permitted after the deadline.
D. All CR documents must be brought as one hard copy and one digital version, two hard copies or a
split table folder of the CR to the event discussion.
D. The hard copy must be in a ring binder with DIN A4 pages (or similar).
D. The hard copy must be identical to the uploaded version; otherwise five penalty points will be
deducted from the team’s cost event score.

D.2.2.4 Cost and Manufacturing Scoring

D. The maximum scores apply for the cost and manufacturing event is 100.

D.2.3 Engineering Design Presentation

D.2.3.1 Engineering Design Objective
D. The concept of the design event is to evaluate the student’s engineering process and effort that
went into the design of a vehicle, meeting the intent of the competition.

D. Proprietary components and systems that are incorporated into the vehicle design as finished
items are not evaluated as a student designed unit, but are only assessed on the team’s selection
and application of that unit.

D.2.3.2 Design Report (DR)

D. The DR should contain a brief description of the overall vehicle with a review and derivation of the
team’s design objectives. Any information to scope, explain or highlight design features, concepts,
methods or objectives to express the value and performance of the vehicle to the judges shall be
included at the teams’ discretion. The DR must not exceed eight pages, consisting of not more
than five pages of content (text, which may include pictures and graphs) and three pages of
D. The three DR drawings (no renderings) must show the vehicle from the front, the top and the side.
Each drawing must appear on a separate page.
D.2.3.3 Any measures to facilitate reviewing the drawings (e.g. measurements, details, colors) may be
utilized at the teams’ discretion.
D. Any portions of the DR that exceed five pages of content and/or three pages of drawings will not
be evaluated.
D. If included, cover sheets and tables of contents will count as text pages.
D. The DR will be used to sort the teams into appropriate design queues based on the quality of its

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D. Evidence of information mentioned in the DR should be brought to the competition and be
available, on request, for review by the judges.

D.2.3.4 Design Specification Sheet (DSS)

A completed DSS must be submitted online.

D.2.3.5 Engineering Design Procedure

D. The design event starts with the submission of the DSS & Design Report (DR) and their review
D. At the competition, teams will present their knowledge and their vehicle to the judges, which will
evaluate the teams’ performance following the design objectives stated above.

D.2.3.6 Engineering Design Judging Criteria

D. The judges will evaluate the engineering effort based upon the team’s design report and
responses to questions and an inspection of the vehicle.
D. The judges will inspect the vehicle to determine if the design concepts are adequate and
appropriate for the application (relative to the objectives set forth in the rules).
D. The judges may deduct points if the team cannot adequately explain the engineering and
construction of the vehicle.

D.2.3.7 Engineering Design Scoring

D. The overall engineering design event maximum scoring is 150 points.

D.2.4 Innovation Round (Optional)

D.2.4.1 Innovation Round Objective
D. ISIEINDIA strongly believe in smart technology and innovation. So, we recommend to all the
teams to develop some innovation in their vehicle.
D. There is a best innovation award for the team.

D.2.4.2 Innovation Round Procedure

The Innovation round starts with the submission of the Innovation Report and their review respectively.
At the competition, teams will present their knowledge and their innovations to the judges, which will evaluate
the teams’ performance following the innovation objectives.

Teams may bring any photographs, videos and dummy that they believe are supportive to the innovation
round, but the space provided for design judging may be limited.

D.2.4.3 Innovation on Vehicle Condition

D. Innovations must be presented for innovation judging in finished condition, fully assembled, and
mounted on vehicle, complete and in running condition.

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D. The judges will not evaluate any innovation that is presented in Innovation report, if it is in an
unfinished state and Team will award zero points for the entire Innovation Round.
D. Covers and/or parts may be removed during the design judging to facilitate access and
presentation of components or concepts.

D.2.4.4 Innovation Round Scoring

D. The maximum scores apply for the innovation event is 100


D.3.1 General Rules
D.3.1.1 In total, a minimum of two and a maximum of four drivers are allowed for each team.
D.3.1.2 The endurance and efficiency event is considered a single event.
D.3.1.3 The technical inspections and all dynamic events are held in the dynamic area.
D.3.1.4 Only four members per team, including the driver, may enter the dynamic area.
D.3.1.5 The number of tools that may be used in this area is restricted to those which can be safely carried
by the four team members in one trip.
D.3.1.6 Engines may be run in the staging queue on the order of the officials.
D.3.1.7 During driving, the mechanical integrity of the vehicle must be maintained.
D.3.1.8 Vehicles must not be driven in reverse.
D.3.1.9 The vehicle must be capable of starting and restarting without external assistance / batteries at all
D.3.1.10 Push starts are prohibited.
D.3.1.11 Vehicles may only be driven under power when running in a dynamic event, on the practice track
and during brake test.
D.3.1.12 Driving off-site is absolutely prohibited. Teams found to have driven their vehicle at an off-site
location during the period of the competition will be excluded from the competition.
D.3.1.13 Burnouts prior to and during the events are prohibited.

D.3.2 Acceleration Round

D.3.2.1 Objective
D. The acceleration event evaluates the Vehicle’s acceleration in a straight line on flat pavement for
electric and combustion vehicle.

D.3.2.2 Procedure
D. The vehicles will accelerate from a standing start over a distance of 75 m on a flat surface.
D. The foremost part of the Vehicle will be staged at exactly behind the starting line. The time taken
to accelerate would be measured.
D. There will be separate rounds for the acceleration for combustion, hybrid and electric Vehicles.
D. Each team has four runs, driven by two drivers with two runs each.
D. Best Acceleration Award will be separate for best of Electric & Combustion vehicle.
D. For EV & Combustion Category two attempts will be given for acceleration test with each driver.

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D.3.2.3 Scoring
D. The acceleration score is based upon the corrected elapsed time. Elapsed time will be measured
from the time the vehicle crosses the starting line until it crosses the finish line.
D. Scoring formula: 100 × [(T longest – T yours)/ (T longest - T shortest)]

D.3.2.4 Penalty
D. Cones Down or Out: A two (2) second penalty will be added for each DOO (including entry and
exit gate cones) that occurred on that particular run to give the corrected elapsed time.
D. Did Not Attempt (DNA)

D.3.3 Skid Pad Round

D.3.3.1 General
D. The skid pad course consists of two pairs of concentric circles in a figure of eight pattern.
D. The centers of these circles are 13.25 m apart. The inner circles are 11.75 m in diameter and the
outer circles are 14.75 m in diameter.
D. 16 cones are placed around the inside of each inner circle. 13 cones are positioned around the
outside of each outer circle, in the pattern shown in the skid pad layout diagram.
D. Each circle is marked with a line, outside the inner circle and inside the outer circle.
D. The driving path is the 3 m wide path between the inner and outer circles. The vehicles enter and
exit through gates on a 3 m wide path that is tangent to the circles where they meet.
D. The line between the centers of the circles defines the start/finish line. A lap is defined as
traveling around one of the circles, starting and ending at the start/finish line.
D.3.3.2 Procedure
D. Each team has four runs, driven by two drivers with two runs each.
D. Each driver has the option to make a second run immediately after their first run.
D. The starting order is based on the time the team arrives at the skid pad event. Teams on their
first run will receive priority.
D. Starting - A green flag is used to indicate that the driver may start.
D. The vehicle will enter perpendicular to the figure of eight and will take one full lap on the right
circle to establish the turn. The next lap will be on the right circle and will be timed. Immediately
following the second lap, the vehicle will enter the left circle for the third lap. The fourth lap will be
on the left circle and will be timed. Immediately upon finishing the fourth lap, the vehicle will take
one full lap of right and left circle and exit the track perpendicular to the figure of eight and
moving in the same direction as entered.

D.3.3.3 Scoring formula

D. Scoring formula: 300 × [(T max–T yours)/ (T max- T min)]
D. Each team may make only single attempt with any of the driver.

D.3.3.4 Penalties
D. Cones Out/touch- A penalty of 1 second will be added to the time for every cone that is knocked
out/touch (including gate cones).

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D. Cone Down- A penalty of 2 seconds will be added to the time for every cone that is knocked
down (including gate cones).
D. Missing cone- A penalty of 5 seconds will be added for missing a cone during multiple
movements on either side path.
D. Unfinished- Go-Vehicles that has gone out of the track will continue as long as they have not
gone off course will be classified as Unfinished.
D. Incorrect Laps- Go-Vehicles that do not follow procedure, i.e. run an incorrect number of laps or
run the Laps in the wrong sequence will also be classified as unfinished.
D. Tire touch/hit- A penalty of 50 points will be added if driver don’t stop the vehicle within 10 m
after exit gate.
D. Skit-A penalty of 50 points will be added if driver intentionally skits/drift the vehicle after exit gate.

D.3.4 Autocross Round

D.3.4.1 General
D. The autocross track layout is a handling course built to the following guidelines:
 Straights: No longer than 80 m
 Constant Turns: up to 50 m diameter
 Hairpin Turns: Minimum of 9 m outside diameter (of the turn)
 Slaloms: Cones in a straight line with 7.5 m to 12 m spacing
 Miscellaneous: Chicanes, multiple turns, decreasing radius turns, etc. The minimum track
width is 3 m.
D. The length of the autocross track is less than 1 km.

D.3.4.2 Procedure
D. Each team has up to four runs, driven by two drivers with two runs each.
D. Each driver has the option to make a second run immediately after their first run.
D. Staging - The vehicle is staged at a staging line prior to the starting line.
D. Starting - A green flag is used to indicate that the driver may start. Timing starts only after the
vehicle crosses the starting line and stops after it crosses the finish line.
D. The starting order is based on the time the team arrives at the autocross event. Teams on their
first run will receive priority.

D.3.4.3 Scoring formula

D. Scoring formula: 300 × [(T max–T yours)/ (T max- T min)]
D. Each team may make only single attempt with any of the driver.

D.3.4.4 Penalties
D. Cones Out/touch- A penalty of 1 second will be added to the time for every cone that is knocked
out/touch (including gate cones).
D. Cone Down- A penalty of 2 seconds will be added to the time for every cone that is knocked
down (including gate cones).
D. Missing cone- A penalty of 5 seconds will be added for missing a cone during multiple movement

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on either side path.

D. Unfinished- Go-Vehicles that has gone out of the track will continue as long as they have not
gone off course will be classified as Unfinished.
D. Incorrect Laps- Go-Vehicles that do not follow procedure, i.e. run an incorrect number of laps or
run the Laps in the wrong sequence will also be classified as unfinished.
D. Tire touch/hit- A penalty of 50 points will be added if driver don’t stop the vehicle within 10 m
after exit gate.
D. Skit-A penalty of 50 points will be added if driver intentionally skits/drift the vehicle after exit gate.

D.3.5 Endurance and Efficiency Round

D.3.5.1 Objective
D. The endurance event is designed to evaluate the Vehicle’s overall performance, reliability and

D.3.5.2 Endurance Track Layout

D. The endurance track layout is a closed lap circuit built to the following guidelines:
Straights: No longer than 40.0 m (132 feet) with hairpins at both ends (or) no longer than 35.0 m
(115 feet) with wide turns on the ends. There will be passing zones at several locations.
Constant Turns: 20.0 m (65.5 feet) to 45.0 m (147.5 feet) diameter.
Hairpin Turns: Minimum of 9.0 m (29.5 feet) outside diameter (of the turn).
Slaloms: Cones in a straight line with 10.0 m (32.8 feet) to 15.0 m (49.2 feet) spacing.
Minimum Track width: The minimum track width will be 4.5 m (14.76feet).
Miscellaneous: The organizers may include various turns or decrease the turns and the other
specifications according to the track availability and situation.
D. The length of one lap of the endurance track is approximately 3 km.
D. The total length of the endurance track will be approximately 30 km.
D. The length and layout may be differing as per availability of sub track or main track.

D.3.5.3 Procedure & Specifications

D. In general, the team completing the laps in the shortest time will earn the maximum points
available for this event. The endurance distance is approximately 20km.
D. Driver changes will be made after completion of 10 km (half no. of laps). A driver change must be
made during a three minute period at the midpoint of the run.
D. Four (4) Wheel to wheel racing is prohibited.
D. During the endurance event, overtaking is only permissible in the designated passing zones and
under the control of the track marshals.
D. Course speeds for vehicles can be estimated by the following course specifications. Average
speed should be around 45 km/hr. (28 mph) with top speeds of approximately 70 km/hr.
D. Endurance courses will be configured, where possible, in a manner which maximizes the
advantage of regenerative braking.
D. After leaving the track, the vehicle must be powered down.

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D.3.5.4 Endurance Driver Change Procedure

D. Two drivers are compulsory for Indian Karting Race 2024.
D. Each driver will drive half of the no. of laps and then be signaled into the driver change area.
D. Only three team members including the driver may enter the driver change area. They may only
bring the tools required to adjust the vehicle to accommodate the second driver.
D. During the driver change, the team may:
D. Perform changes to accommodate the second driver.
Operate the masters witch(es).
No other work may be performed during the driver change.
Each team is given three minutes to change their driver.
D. The driver change time will start once the vehicle is stopped in the driver change area and the
first driver has turned off the engine and/or tractive for HV or turned off the tractive system for
D. The first driver will climb out the vehicle and any necessary adjustments will be made to the
vehicle to fit the second driver (seat cushions, pedal position, etc.). The second driver will then
be secured in the vehicle.
D. Once the new driver is in place and an official has verified the correct adjustment of the driver
restraints and safety equipment, a maximum of two (2) minutes are allowed to re-energize the
electrical system, restart the Vehicle drive system and begin moving out of the driver change
D. When the second driver is fully secured in the vehicle, the vehicle has restarted and is ready-to-
drive again, the driver change time is stopped.
D. If the driver change takes longer than three minutes, the extra time is included in the final time.

D.3.5.5 Endurance Penalties:

D. The penalties in effect during the endurance event are listed below:
 Cone down or out: Five (5) seconds per cone. This includes cones before the start line and
after the finishline.
 Off Course (OC): For an off Course, the driver must re-enter the track at or prior to the missed
gate or a twenty (20) second penalty will beassessed.
 Missed Slalom: Missing one or more gates of a given slalom will incur a twenty (20)
 Vehicle to Vehicle Contact: DISQUALIFIED
 Running Out of Order: 2 Minutes

D.3.5.6 Endurance Vehicle Restarting:

D. The Vehicle must be capable of restarting without external assistance at all times once the
Vehicle has begun the event.
D. If a Vehicle stops out on the track, two min. will be given and if team is not able to make the
Vehicle run in specified time, than some points will be deducted.
D. At the end of Driver Change, the Vehicle will be allowed two (2) minutes to reenergize the
electrical system and restart the Vehicle drive system.

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D.3.5.7 Breakdowns & Stalls:

D. If a Vehicle breaks down it will be removed from the course and will not be allowed to re-enter
the course.
D. If a Vehicle spins, stalls, ingests a cone, etc., it will be allowed to restart and re-enter the course
where it went off, but no work may be performed on the Vehicle.
D. If a Vehicle stops on track and cannot be restarted without external assistance, the track workers

push the Vehicle clear of the track. At the discretion of event officials, two (2) team members
mayretrieve the Vehicle under direction of the trackworkers.

D.3.5.8 Reckless or Aggressive Driving:

D. Any reckless or aggressive driving behavior (such as forcing another Vehicle off the track, refusal
to allow passing, or close driving that would cause the likelihood of Vehicle contact) will result in
a black flag for that driver.
D. When a driver receives a black flag signal, he/she must proceed to the penalty box to listen to a
reprimand for his/her driving behavior.
D. The amount of time spent in the penalty box will vary from one (1) to four (4) minutes depending
upon the severity of the offense.
D. If it is impossible to impose a penalty by a stop under a black flag, e.g. not enough laps left, the
event officials may add an appropriate time penalty to the team’s elapsed time.

D.3.5.9 Inexperienced Driver

D. The Chief Marshall/Director of Operations may disqualify a driver if the driver is too slow, too
aggressive, or driving in a manner that, in the sole opinion of the event officials, demonstrates an
inability to properly control their Vehicle. This will result in a Did Not Finish (DNF) for the event.

D.3.5.10 Scoring
D. The times for the endurance event will be based upon the sum of the times of each driver in the
heat plus penalties.
D. The following equation is used to determine the time scores for the event: If Tyour is < or = to

ENDURANCE SCORE= 500 x [(Tman – Tyour)/(Tmax – Tmin)] +50

If Tyour > Tmax: ENDURANCE SCORE = 0 (ZERO)

Tmin will be the lowest corrected time of the fastest team of the event.
Tyour will be the combined corrected times of both of your team's drivers in the heat. Tmax will
be 1.45 times Tmin.
LapsComp LapsComp is the number of full laps completed by the team.

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D. If, in the opinion of the officials, course conditions change significantly during the running of the
event then they may, at their sole discretion, set Tmax to a higher value.

D.3.6 Flags
There are two types of flags which are command flags &Informational flags. The command flags
command the teams and they must obey without any question while the informational flags give us
information to guide along the laps.

D.3.6.1 Command Flags

D. Black Flag - Pull into the penalty box for discussion with the director of Operations or another
official concerning an incident. A time penalty may be assessed for such incident.
D. Brown Flag - Pull into the penalty box for a mechanical inspection of your Go-Kart, something
has been observed that needs closer inspection.
D. Blue Flag - Pull into the designated passing zone to be passed by a faster competitor or
competitors. Obey the course marshal’s hand or flag signals at the end of the passing zone to
merge into the competition.
D. Checker Flag - Your segment has been completed. Exit the course at the first opportunity after
crossing the finish line.
D. Green Flag - Your segment has started, enter the course under the direction of the starter.
Note: If you are unable to enter the course when directed, wait for another green flag as the opening
in traffic may have closed.
D. Red Flag - Come to an immediate safe controlled stop on the course. Pull to the side of the
D. course as much as possible to keep the course open follow course marshal’s directions.
D. Yellow Flag (Stationary) - Danger, SLOW DOWN, be prepared to take evasive action, something
has happened beyond the flag station. NO PASSING unless directed by the course marshals.
D. Yellow Flag (Waved) - Great Danger, SLOW DOWN, evasive action is most likely required, BE
PREPARED TO STOP, something has happened beyond the flag station, NO PASSING unless
directed by the course marshals.

D.3.6.2 Informational Flags

D. Orange Flag - Something is on the racing surface that should not be there. Be prepared for
evasive man oeuvres to avoid the situation. (Course marshals may be able to point out what and
where it is located, but do not expect it.)
D. White Flag- There is a slow-moving Go-Kart on the course that is much slower than you are. Be
prepared to approach it at a cautious rate.

D.3.6.3 Endurance Penalties

D. The penalties in effect during the endurance event are listed below:
D. Come down or out: Five (5) seconds per cone. This includes cones before the start line and after
the finish line.
D. Off Course (OC): For an off Course, the driver must re-enter the track at or prior to the missed
gate or a twenty (20) second penalty will be assessed.
D. Missed Slalom: Missing one or more gates of a given slalom will incur a twenty (20) second

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D. Bump: No matter with the reason and the intensity of the contact, if any kart hits another kart
following cases will be applicable-
D. (Case 1) If kart 2 hits Kart 1 and if no breakage, dent, scratch occurs on any of the two karts,
then a penalty of 20 points will be on team 2.
D. (Case 2) If kart 2 hits Kart 1 and breakage, dent, scratch occur on any of the two parts, then both
teams will be disqualified from Endurance.

Note- breakage, dent, scratch after hitting will check by marshal either on spot or after race
completes. Push out-If Kart 1 constricts the drivable section towards the outside line forcing Kart 2 to
leave the drivable section either partially or complete and if the Karts have touched each other or not,
in both cases a penalty of 20 sec will be added on Kart 1.

Multiple movements on either side- If kart 1 found doing multiple movements on either side of the
track, stopping the path of Kart 2 and not let Kart 2 to overtake. In this case, Kart 1 will be disqualified
from Endurance.

Short-cut- If Kart 2 leaves the track completely and returns to the track at a different section for
overtaking another kart or taking a shortcut. A penalty of 20 sec will be added on Kart 2.
Running Out of Order: A penalty of 2 Minutes will be awarded.

E.1 Driver’s Requirement
Every team should have minimum two drivers and two pairs of driver’s equipments.

E.1.1 Driver’s License:

Team members who will drive a competition vehicle at any time during a competition must hold a
valid, the government issued driver's license.

E.1.2 Driver Restrictions

Driver must be from the team. The professional driver from outside is not allowed to ride the vehicle
during the competition.

E.1.3 Medical Insurance

Individual medical insurance coverage is required for both driver and is the sole responsibility of the
driver. A driver without a valid Medical Insurance will not be allowed to drive in the Dynamic Events.

E.1.4 Age
The minimum age required to be a driver in the competition is 18 years.

E.2 Driver’s Equipment

E.2.1 Drivers Safety Gear
E.2.1.1 The following are the minimum requirements and restrictions that will be enforced through technical

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inspection, at any stage of the competition. Noncompliance if any observed by the

inspection/organizing/judging committee members must be corrected and no vehicles without
passing the technical inspection would be allowed to participate further in the event. All the parts of
Driver’s Safety Gear must meet the required rating (specified). No driver would be allowed to drive
the vehicle without the complete driver’s safety gear in any of the dynamic events.

E.2.2 Driver’s Suit

E.2.2.1 A fire-resistant one-piece suit made from a minimum of 1 layer that covers the body from the neck
Down to the ankles and the wrists. The suit must be certified to either one of the Following
standards and be labeled such as SFI 3.2A/1 (or higher) / FIA Standard 1986.

Figure 18 SFI 3-2A/5-Left & FIA Standard 1986- Right

E.2.3 Underclothing
E.2.3.1 It is strongly recommended that all drivers Wear fire resistant under clothing SFI 3.2A/5 / FIA
standard 1986 or higher (long pants and long sleeve t -shirt) under their approved driving suit. This
fire-resistant underclothing (SFI/ FIA rated) should be made from an acceptable fire-resistant
material and should cover the driver’s body completely from neck down to ankles and also the

Figure 19 Innerwear along with rating

E.2.4 Helmet
E.2.4.1 A well-fitting closed face helmet that meets one of the following certifications and is labeled as such-
Snell K2000, K2005, K2010, M2000, M2005, M2010, SFI31.2A, SFI 31.1/2005-FIA 8860-2004, FIA
8860-2010, DOT.

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E.2.4.2 Open faced helmets are not allowed. All helmets to be used in the competition must be presented
during Technical Inspection where approved helmets will be a sticker. The organizer reserves the
right to impound all non- approved helmets until the end of the competition.

Figure 20 Closed face helmet along with Snell/FIA/SFI rating

E.2.5 Balaclava
E.2.5.1 A balaclava which covers the driver’s head, hair, and neck, made from an acceptable fire- resistant
material (SFI 3.2A/5 / FIA standard 1986 or higher) as or a full helmet skirt of acceptable fire-
resistant material. The balaclava requirement applies to drivers of either gender, with any hair

Figure 21 SFI rated balaclava

E.2.6 Neck Support

E.2.6.1 The neck support must be a full circle (360°) and SFI rated. Horseshoe collars are not allowed.
Simpson, RCI, G-Force, Deist or Leaf Racing Products supply neck collars that meet this

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E.2.6.2 A 360 degree continuous perimeter neck support along with required rating is allowed, Neck support
with slots is not allowed

Figure 22 Left: Neck support (Allowed) Right: Neck support (Not Allowed)

E.2.7 Gloves
E.2.7.1 Fire resistant gloves made from made from acceptable fire-resistant material (SFI/ FIA rated) Gloves
of all leather construction or fire-resistant gloves constructed using leather palms with no insulating
fire resisting material underneath are not acceptable.

Figure 23 SFI rated gloves

E.2.8 Shoes
E.2.8.1 Fire resistant shoes made from acceptable fire-resistant material shoes must be certified to the
standard and labeled as such: SFI 3.2A/ FIA 8856-2000.

Note: Sports shoes/Canvas shoes/Leather shoes/Industrial safety shoes are not allowed at any
point of the event.

Figure 24 SFI Rated Shoes

E.2.9 Socks
E.2.9.1 Fire resistant socks made from acceptable fire-resistant material, which covers the bare skin
between the driver’s suit and the boots or shoes.

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E.2.10 Code of Conduct during the event

E.2.10.1 When attending driver’s meet or any other meeting/briefing session driver should be therewith
complete safety gears, unless advised otherwise by organizing committee of IKR.
E.2.10.2 Driver’s suit and other safety gears should always be ready in the pit so that they can change into
their suits as soon as possible.
E.2.10.3 The driver should not drive the car during the event unless advised to do so.
E.2.10.4 If the team is found driving the vehicle unnecessarily without permission, then the team will be
E.2.10.5 Before every event team must inform the driver, who will be driving the vehicle. Only he will be
allowed to drive for that event. However, if team decide to change the driver, then they must do it by
consent of organizing a team of IKR. During endurance, change of driver is not permitted.
E.2.10.6 The driver should not consume any objectionable items (cigarette, alcohol, etc.,) before entering for
the event.
E.2.10.7 The driver should drive in a safe and professional way.
E.2.10.8 The vehicle should not touch each other, as this may result in disqualification/penalizing of the team
as per rule mentioned in the rulebook.
E.2.10.9 Overtaking must be done in a legal way, illegal overtake (details will be explained before endurance
event) may lead to penalty or disqualification of the team from endurance.
E.2.10.10 While defending their position, it should be done in a professional way, the driver should not block
faster vehicle’s way intentionally. If found, they will be penalized accordingly.
E.2.10.11 Drivers must follow and obey instructions of track marshals all the time. Marshals will communicate
with the driver through flag signals, they must obey those signals.
E.2.10.12 Each driver should be on call with team representatives, throughout the endurance. This for the
safety of the driver, so that in the case of medical emergency either teammate or organizers can
reach him/her.
E.2.10.13 Driver must use “in the ear” type of headphones only during the race, “over the ear” headphones are
strictly restricted.
E.2.10.14 In the case of mechanical failure/breakdown, the vehicle will not be allowed to continue further. The
team will be awarded DNF.
E.2.10.15 If any team hits other teams’ vehicle, then the first team (which has caused the accident) will be
disqualified, and the other team (which is the victim) will be allowed to run only after a complete
checkup of components. In the case of breakdown due to this accident, the first team will have to
pay for the loss of that component.

F.1.1 Question Submission
Team need to submit question by Team mail Id only to isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in. For the same question,
Team need to type in response of the previous mail related to that question. For new question, Team must
write the new mail.

F.1.2 Questions

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By submitting a rules question to on isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in, you and your team agree that both your
question and the Committee’s answer can be reproduced and distributed by ISIEINDIA, in both complete and
edited versions, in any medium.

F.1.3 Question Types

The ISIE Committee will answer questions that are not already answered in the rules or FAQs or that require
new or novel rule interpretations. The Committee will not respond to questions that are already answered in
the rulebook. For example, if a rule specifies a minimum dimension for a part the Committee will not answer
questions asking if a smaller dimension can be used.
F.1.4 Response Time
Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks for a response. The General Questions will be responded as quickly
as possible, however responses to questions presenting new issues, or of unusual complexity, may take more
than two weeks.

F.1.5 Protest/Appeals
It is recognized that hundreds of hours of work have gone into fielding a vehicle. In the heat of competition,
emotions peak and disputes can arise. The organizers and ISIEINDIA staff will make every effort to fully
review all questions and resolve problems quickly and efficiently.

F.1.6 Preliminary Review – Required

If a team has a question about scoring, judging, policies or any official action it must be brought to the
organizer’s or ISIE staff’s attention for an informal preliminary review. Only Team captain is allowed to submit
the appeal.

F.1.7 Preliminary Review - Problem Report

If a team has a question about one of their results/scores they can file a Problem Report by mail to
isie.ikr@imperialsociety.in while at the competition site. Additional details about how to file a Problem Report
will be available at the competition site. A Problem Report is not a formal protest but should be initiated prior
to a formal protest if possible.

F.1.8 Cause for Protest/appeal

A team may protest any rule interpretation, score or official action (unless specifically excluded from protest)
which they feel has caused some actual, nontrivial harm to their team, or has had a substantive effect on their
Teams may not protest rule interpretations or actions that have not caused them any substantive damage.

F.1.9 Protest Format and Forfeit

All protest must be filed in writing and presented to the organizer or ISIE Staff by the team captain or a
designated team member. In order to have a protest considered, a team must post a twenty-five (25) point
protest bond which will be forfeited if the protest is rejected.
(ISIE staff, judges or volunteers will not review any video footage as part of the protest.)

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F.1.10 Protest Period

Protests concerning any aspect of the competition must be filed within one half hour (30 minutes) of the end of
the event to which the protest relates.

F.1.11 Decision
The decision regarding any protest is final.

F.1.12 Disqualification and Cancellation

F.1.12.1 Prizes awarded will be as advertised for each competition, however [ISIE-IKR] ™ reserves the right
to add or award additional prizes.
F.1.12.2 The ISIE-IKR organizing committee reserves the right to cancel any award/prize, in its sole
discretion, without any restrictions.
F.1.12.3 The ISIE-IKR organizing committee, in its sole discretion, may disqualify any Team from any event
or Contest, or from accessing the entire Platform or any part thereof, or refuse to award prizes to
team, or require the return of any prizes, or suspend or terminate team Account, if You engage in
conduct that the ISIE-IKR deems, in its sole discretion, to be improper, unfair or otherwise adverse
to the operation of the Platform or in anyway detrimental to other Users or in violation of any
Applicable Law.
F.1.12.4 Improper conduct includes, but is not limited to:
F.1.12.5 Falsifying personal information required to use and register on the Platform or claim a prize;
Violating any of these Terms of Use or the rules provided in the IKR19 regulation/guides, or
Obtaining another User’s information and Spamming (defined below) other Users; Abusing or
misusing the Platform in any way; or Otherwise undertaking any act which is detrimental to the
ISIEINDIA and/or the other Users of the Platform.
F.1.12.6 Team acknowledges that the forfeiture and/or return of any prize shall in no way prevent the Society
from pursuing criminal or civil proceedings in connection with such conduct.

F.1.13 Prizes and Taxation

Within a reasonable time period after each Go Green Event corresponding to a Contest end, the
Winners for the Contest(s) are announced but remain subject to final verification by the ISIEINDIA.
The ISIE-IKR may, in its sole discretion, award cash or non-cash prizes, to the Winners of each
Contest. The details of the prizes that maybe won by the Participants, together with the prize
structure for each Contest will be displayed on the Platform prior to the start of the corresponding
F.1.13.1 From time to time, the ISIE-IKR, at its sole discretion, may offer prizes for Contests. These could be
in the form of cash, Game Money, or through external partners (“Brand Contests”) The Company
reserves the right to cancel/modify such Contests without assigning any reason whatsoever.
F.1.13.2 The Company offers no warranty and bears no liability for the quality of the prizes and the fulfillment
of the same for all Brand Contests.
F.1.13.3 Prize calculations for a Contest are based on the results as of the time when final scoring is
tabulated by the ISIEINDIA after the end of an Event(s). Once Winners are initially announced by
the ISIE-IKR, the scoring results can be changed in light of adjustments made in the official

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scoreboards, though we reserve the right to make adjustments based on errors or irregularities in
the transmission of information to Us from Our stats provider or in our calculation of results. In
determining the Winners, the ISIE-IKR shall not modify or manipulate the points awarded to any
Participant in any manner whatsoever.
F.1.13.4 We also may make adjustments or withhold prizes, in the event of non-compliance by any of the
Users with the Terms of Use.
F.1.13.5 No request for substitution or transfer of a prize shall be entertained by the ISIEIKR. Where the
Winner requests the Company to transfer the cash prizes to his bank account, the same will be
disbursed ONLY to Winners who are account holders with a bank in India via an electronic funds
transfer. The ISIEINDIA shall NEITHER physically mail the cheque containing the prize money to
the Winner’s postal address NOR shall the ISIEINDIA hand over cash to the Winner through any
other means. All taxes associated with the receipt or use of any prize is the sole responsibility of the
Winner. In the event that the awarding of any Prizes to Winners of the Contest is challenged by any
Authority, the Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine whether or not to
award or adjust such prizes, which shall be in compliance with the Applicable Law.
F.1.13.6 In all disputes arising out of the determination of the Winner(s) of the Contest(s), the Society is the
sole judge and its actions are final and binding on all the Participants.
F.1.13.7 All prizes shall be subject to deduction of tax at source (“TDS”) as per the provisions of the Income
Tax Act, 1961. Winners will be provided TDS certificates in respect of such tax deductions. The
Winners shall be responsible for payment of any other tax/ surcharge under the Applicable Law,
including but not limited to, gift tax, etc. in respect of the prizes.

F.1.14 Publicity
F.1.14.1 By entering into a Event, You consent to the Company’s and its service providers’ and business
partners’ use of Your name, voice, likeness, photograph and other information provided by You, in
connection with the development, production, distribution and/or exploitation (including marketing
and promotion) of the selected event and/or other event and Contests made available through the
F.1.14.2 The Winners agree that the Company has the right to ask them to make themselves available to the
Company for publicity, advertising and promotional activities relating to the event/ Contests or other
Company products, services or events, without additional compensation, from the date of
notification of their status as a Winner and continuing until such time when notified by the Company
that they no longer need to do so.
F.1.14.3 The Company and its business partners reserve the right to make public statements about the
Participants and the Winner(s), on-air, on the internet, or otherwise, prior to, during, or following the
event. Team agree that the Company may announce any Winner's name on-air or on any of its
websites or any other location at any time in connection with the marketing and promotion of the
Company, its business or other Games and Contests conducted by the Company.
F.1.14.4 Team agree that participation in and (where applicable) the winning of a prize is connection with a
Contest constitutes complete compensation for Team’s obligations, and Team agree not to seek to
charge a fee or impose other conditions on the fulfillment of these obligations.

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F.2 Rules and Jurisdiction

F.2.1 Official Announcement
F.2.1.1 All the official announcements and the information regarding the competition will be displayed on the
official websites of Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers.
F.2.1.2 After completion of registration, important information will be sent via the emails to the respective
Team Manager.
F.2.1.3 The rules will be same throughout the event and any amendments done will be informed
immediately by all the participating team through Mail/Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram group/page.

F.2.2 Rules authority

F.2.2.1 All the authority of rules is under Organizing Committee of “IKR”.
F.2.2.2 Official announcements from Organizing Committee will be considered part of rules and have the
same validity.
F.2.2.3 Query regarding event concerning the meaning or intent of these rules will be resolved by the
Participants Relations Manager of organizing a committee.

F.2.3 Rules authenticity

F.2.3.1 The rules and other information related to events are valid to till completion of the event and
schedule as per decided by the ISIE. Rule of other may be different.

F.2.4 Rules compliance

F.2.4.1 By entering through registration in this competition, the team members, team advisors and other
personnel of the entering organization agree to comply with and be bound by, the rules and all rules
interpretations or procedure issued or announced by Organizing Committee of “IKR”.
F.2.4.2 All team members, team advisors, and other representatives are required to cooperate with, and
follow all instructions from competition organizers, officials, and judges.

F.2.5 Understanding the Rules

F.2.5.1 Teams, team members as individuals and team advisors are responsible for reading and
understanding the rules in effect for the competition in which they are participating.

F.2.6 Participating in the competition

F.2.6.1 Teams, team members as individuals, team advisors and other representatives of a registered
organization who are present on-site at a competition are considered to be “participating in the
competition” from the time they arrive at the site until they depart the site at the conclusion of the
competition or earlier by withdrawing.

F.2.7 The right to Impound

F.2.7.1 During the event, any registered team can be called for technical inspection and examination at any
point of time and stage and can be questioned for any technical element related to the Vehicle
during the event to any team member.

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F.2.8 Restriction of vehicle use

F.2.8.1 Teams are cautioned that the vehicles designed by the team are restricted to operate at the event
place. It is to be operated at the time of competition only.

F.2.9 Behaviour
F.2.9.1 All the members of each and every team must follow the rules laid by Organizing Committee of
“IKR”, during the competition. Any member ‟s failure to follow the rules will result in 20%-point
reduction or elimination from the event. Arguments with officials may also result in the team being
eliminated from the event.
F.2.10 Smoking and Illegal Material
F.2.10.1 Alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons or other illegal material are strictly not allowed on the event site
during the competition. This rule will be in effect during the entire competition.

F.2.11 Unsportsmanlike Conduct:

F.2.11.1 In the event of unsportsmanlike conduct, the team will receive a warning from an official. A second
violation will result in the expulsion of the team from the competition.

F.2.12 Official Instructions

F.2.12.1 Failure of a team member to follow an instruction or command directed specifically to that team or
team member will result in a twenty-five (25) point penalty.

F.2.13 Arguments with Officials

F.2.13.1 Argument with, or disobedience to, any official may result in the team being eliminated from the
competition. All members of the team may be immediately escorted from the grounds. Parties:
Disruptive parties either on or off-site should be prevented by the Team Advisor Safety of tools:
Teams will be responsible for all their tools, equipment and Component. ISIE will not be responsible
for any kind of losses or damage.

F.2.14 Violation Intent

F.2.14.1 Any violation of this rule by a team member will cause the expulsion of the entire team. This applies
to both team members and team advisors. Any use of drugs, or the use of alcohol by an underage
individual, will be reported to the authorities for prosecution.

F.2.15 Competition Objective – A Reminder

F.2.15.1 The IKR event being organized by ISIE is a challenge of design engineering and manufacturing
competition that requires performance demonstration of Combustion and Electric Vehicles and is
NOT a race. Engineering ethics will apply.
F.2.15.2 It is recognized that lots of hard work have been put in by the teams for an entry into IKR Event.
F.2.15.3 It is also recognized that this event is an “innovation enhancement experience” but that it often times
becomes confused with a high-stakes race. In the heat of competition, emotions peak and disputes
F.2.15.4 The officials of ISIE are trained volunteers and maximum effort will be put in to settle the disputes an

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equitable, professional manner.

F.2.16 General Authority

F.2.16.1 ISIE and the competition organizing bodies reserves the right to revise the schedule of any
competition and/or interpret or modify the competition rules at any time and in any manner that is, in
their sole judgment, required for the efficient operation of the event or the IKR series as a whole.
F.2.16.2 ISIEINDIA refers their official vendors. They provide best products at discounted price.

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