Cormed Reviewer
Cormed Reviewer
Cormed Reviewer
Industrial Age
- People used the power of steam,
Lesson 1: Introduction to Media and developed machine tools, established iron
Information Literacy
production, and manufactured various
Examples: Printing Press, Typewriter, Telephone,
Is a process by which information is exchanged Telegraph
between individuals through a common
system of symbols, signs, or behavior. 3. Electronic Age
- People harnessed the power of transistors
Two Types of Communication
that led to the transistor radio, electronic
a. Verbal - Involves the use of language circuits, and the early computers. In this
and words for the purpose of passing on age, long-distance communication has
the intended message become more efficient.
b. Non-Verbal - This is where messages are Examples: Television, Transistor Radio,
relayed without the transfer of words or Computers
wordless messages
4. New Media
Elements of Communication - The Internet paved the way for faster
communication. The era of advancement
a. Sender
and invention of personal computers,
b. Medium
mobile devices, and wearable technology.
c. Channel
Voice, image, sound, and data are
d. Receiver
e. Feedback
Examples: E-mails, MOSAIC, Friendster
Lesson 2: Media, Information, Technology
Literacy, and the Responsible Use of Media Lesson 4: Types of Media
and Information
1. Print Media
Media Literacy - This type of media involves ink and paper
which are reproduced in a printing
Is the ability to decode, analyze, evaluate, and
produce communication in a variety of forms.
Examples: Newspaper, Tabloid, Textbooks