Inter War Years
Inter War Years
Inter War Years
If sanctions were imposed, all members would cut off any ties they had with the
→ Prevent the aggressor to go to war
1) Exclusive Membership:
Not all nations were members.
Germany and the Soviet Union were excluded from the League
The U.S. refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles
→ Excluded them from joining the League
2) Lack of Enforcement:
Members were bound together in a mutual protection
→ There was nothing established to enforce the decisions on any offenders.
Canada in 1920s
Aftermath of the War:
Many soldiers were still in Europe. Soldiers had to wait for years before they
were able to return back home.
Soldiers felt they were not being paid enough
should have been paid for all the pain and suffering they had
Had difficulty adjusting to 'normal' life
Could not grasp the importance of working in factories when they just finished
fighting a war and tried to stay alive.
Conscription during WWI had torn the country into two.
Quebec was against conscription.
French-English relations in Canada had been changed due to the decisions
made during the war.
Social Changes:
- Canada’s economy was booming.
- Women had gained the right to vote. (only in provincial elections, did not gain
the vote till 1940s)
- Canadians started to participate in many activities - picnics, horse races,
skating, skiing, etc.
- Group of Seven: Famous art group during the 20th Century, rejected realism
(Emily Carr: One of Canada' greatest artists)
Technological Advancements:
- The Model T and the assembly line (Henry Ford)
- Telephones were common
- The radio began to spread influence and connect communities.
Household products:
- Items like the refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc., made
everyday life easier.
Role of Women
Lives of women had changed drastically.
They held jobs & involved in sports which belonged to men.
Women believed alcohol was evil and should be banned (wife abuse, child
abuse, accidents, poverty, neglect of family, diseases and death)
Alcohol was banned for 3 years in Quebec; 4 years in BC; 48 years in PEI
Prohibition led to crime in the U.S. and Canadians started to ‘bootleg’ alcohol to
the States.
- Allowed to drink wine (28% alcohol) in Ontario
→ Doctors were allowed prescribe alcohol to patients
2) Canadian Wheat
- Canadians sold wheat to other countries but other countries started to produce
their own wheat.
→ Farmers were producing more wheat than they sold.
→ Lost income.
→ Unable to pay their mortgages.
3) Overproduction
The goods in Canada & the United States they produced were not being sold.
→ Factory owners began to lay off workers
→ Income loss in families & spending powers
4) Protectionism
Americans imposed high tariff (關稅) on all goods entering the country to protect
their businesses. → Other countries rose their tariffs
→ A decrease of exported goods slowed down world trade
5) “Buying on Margin”
Many Canadians expanded their business by selling of stocks.
Many Canadians bought these stocks through loans from the bank, hoping to
pay off their loans while still making a profit.
Due to overproduction, stocks began to drop in their value,
→ Canadians became bankrupt and banks were out of millions of dollars in
→ Businesses were laying out more & more employees.
7) International debt
After WWI, Germany owed money to France & Britain (owed money to the U.S.)
→ Germany was unable to pay.
→ France & Britain unable to pay the U.S.
→ Severe decline in world trade
→ The loss of millions of dollars in what was 'anticipated' government revenue.
- Many Canadians relied on pogey (government welfare) to survive.
- The government did not make getting welfare easy: Many had to stand in line
for hours, only given food voucher & never covered the cost of living.
→ Canadians declare financial failure
- Many private charities and soup kitchens which supplied Canadians with used
clothing, household goods & food.
Family Life
- Many men had left their families to look for work or simply left as they were
unable to raise a family.
- Children were sent to live with distant relatives.
Minority Groups
- Aboriginals, Chinese & other immigrant groups were faced with discrimination
due to the intense employment competition. Organizations, such as KKK thrived
in this environment
Regina Riot
- Police were ordered to clear the protesters.
- A fight broke out.
→ One death, many injuries, and hundreds arrested.
- Sports
Hockey, football, basketball and boxing.
- Movies
Many could not afford to go but it was still a popular entertainment.
- Radio
In 1936 the federal government created the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Dionne Quintuplets (1934) - drew in thousands tourists & generated millions of
→ Overproduction
→ Massive unemployment
→ Loss of income, bankruptcy, socio-economic depression
Political Consequences
Creation of CF - Co-op Commonwealth Federation (later NDP)
- Gained support from the public.
- Many social programs were created such as employment insurance, welfare,
pensions, etc.
- The government become involved in the social & economic control.
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