Power Plant Rules Amicus Brief

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USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 1 of 17


No. 24-1120 (and consolidated cases)





On Petitions for Review of Final Agency Action of the United

States Environmental Protection Agency
89 Fed. Reg. 39,798 (May 9, 2024)



Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295

Counsel for Amici Curiae

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 2 of 17


Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 29(a)(3) and D.C.

Circuit Rule 29(b), Amici Curiae Midcontinent Independent System

Operator, Inc. (“MISO”), PJM Interconnection L.L.C. (“PJM”), Southwest

Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”), and Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.

(“ERCOT”) (collectively, the “Joint ISOs/RTOs” or “Amici”) respectfully

request leave to file the accompanying brief in support of Petitioners.

Amici have a strong interest in this case. They are independent

entities, separate from companies that own electric generation and

transmission facilities, that have been designated by the Federal Energy

Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), or in the case of ERCOT, the Texas

Public Utility Commission (“PUC”), as responsible for maintaining and

enhancing the reliability of the bulk power grid in all or parts of 30 states

and the District of Columbia. The Joint ISOs/RTOs ensure the reliable

delivery of power from the high-voltage transmission grid to local

distribution utilities, which are then responsible for delivery to end-use

customers—45 million in MISO, 65 million in PJM, 19 million in SPP,

and 27 million in ERCOT.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 3 of 17

FERC (and in the case of ERCOT, the Texas PUC) authorizes the

Joint ISOs/RTOs 1 to exercise functional control over the high-voltage


transmission system and otherwise administer the bulk electric system

in their regions. One of their critical functions is to facilitate and

maintain the reliable delivery of electricity.

The Joint ISOs/RTOs are responsible for the safety, reliability, and

security of the bulk power transmission system, which refers to the large-

scale electrical network that transmits electricity from power plants to

substations before it is distributed to consumers. Over 100 million

businesses and residences—including this Court—depend on the Joint

ISOs/RTOs to coordinate the generation and transmission of the right

amount of electricity every minute of every day to meet individual end-

use customer requirements. In addition to managing and ensuring the

reliability of the power grid within their regions, the Joint ISOs/RTOs

administer the buying and selling of electricity at the wholesale level and

plan the electric grid of the future. See, e.g., Citadel FNGE Ltd. v. FERC,

1 FERC’s jurisdiction over ERCOT is limited, but does include authority

to enforce mandatory reliability standards under section 215 of the
Federal Power Act. See LS Power Dev., LLC, 155 FERC ¶ 61,176 at p.3
n.4 (2016).
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 4 of 17

77 F.4th 842, 848 (D.C. Cir. 2023) (“[RTO]s serve several functions,

including operating the electrical grid in a defined geographic area,

balancing energy supply and demand, establishing markets for the sale

and purchase of electricity, and ensuring the reliable transmission of

electricity.”); Am. Mun. Power, Inc. v. FERC, 86 F.4th 922, 926 (D.C. Cir.

2023) (similar).

For all of these reasons, Amici Curiae have an interest in the Final

Rule, and have tendered a brief that is extremely relevant to the issues

before the Court. Their proffered brief outlines in detail that without

additional modification, the compliance timelines and related provisions

of the Rule are not workable and are destined to trigger an acceleration

in the pace of premature retirements of electric generation units that

possess critical reliability attributes at the very time when such

generation is needed to support ever-increasing electricity demand

because of the growth of the digital economy and the need to ensure

adequate back-up generation to support an increasing amount of

intermittent renewable generation.

Such inevitable and foreseeable premature retirement decisions

resulting from the Rule’s timelines will substantially strain each of the

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 5 of 17

Joint ISOs/RTOs’ ability to maintain the reliability of the electric power

grid to meet the needs of the citizenry and the country’s economy. See,

e.g., Delaware Div. of Pub. Advocate v. FERC, 3 F.4th 461, 463 (D.C. Cir.

2021) (“As an RTO, PJM promotes efficiency and reliability in the

operation and planning of the electric transmission grid. To promote

reliability and prevent service interruptions, PJM must ensure that its

system has sufficient generating capacity.”) (alterations adopted)

(quotations and citations omitted). For these reasons, Amici have a

strong interest in this case, and their proffered brief will assist the Court

in its deliberations.

Furthermore, because of their unique, independent viewpoint, their

proffered Amici brief can explain how electricity is often delivered to

customers on a regional basis. See Int’l Transmission Co. v. FERC, 988

F.3d 471, 476-77 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (“A regional transmission organization

is a FERC-approved non-profit, independent organization that

administers the grid on a regional basis on behalf of transmission-owning

member utilities.”).

To that end, in their comments on the Proposed Rule, the Joint

ISOs/RTOs offered four “Reliability Safety Valve” options that would help

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 6 of 17

mitigate certain of their concerns regarding the effect of the Rule on the

reliability of the grid. Specifically, Amici proposed:

(1) Providing up-front, clear criteria on the use of the RULOF

Provision and enforcement discretion;

(2) Creating a sub-category of units needed for reliability;

(3) Providing clear guidance to the states regarding what would

constitute an acceptable state plan, within the context of a
regional Reliability Safety Valve to address regional resource
adequacy issues; and

(4) Recommending to the states in a given region served by an

ISO/RTO or balancing authority the creation of a bank of
regional reliability allowances available to unit owners only
during emergency conditions.

Amici accompanied their proposals with the legal support for EPA to

adopt each such provision, along with suggested means of

implementation. But in the Final Rule, EPA did not address these

specific recommendations, let alone explain why it did not adopt them.

Amici’s proffered brief explains that in failing to address these legitimate

reliability risks or Amici’s proposed “Reliability Safety Valve” measures,

EPA failed to satisfy its burden to adequately consider “energy

requirements” when determining the BSER. See 42 U.S.C. § 7411(a)(1).

Amici’s proffered brief also explains to the Court that EPA’s failure

to address Amici’s proposed mitigation measures is exacerbated by the

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 7 of 17

impact the Final Rule will have when analyzed in conjunction with the

numerous other proposed, pending, or existing EPA regulations that

impact grid reliability and resource adequacy—all of which are resulting

in a decline in reserve margins and premature retirement of dispatchable

“baseload” resources. Amici are also concerned about the chilling impact

these collective rules will have on the investment required to retain and

maintain existing generation units that are needed to provide key

reliability attributes and grid services before the Final Rule’s compliance

date. Amici explain that in their experience, EPA’s new rules, in

conjunction with other rules already in place, are significantly impacting

baseload resources with high accreditation valuations and needed system


Finally, Amici’s proposed brief demonstrates that EPA’s proposed

short-term remedy for grid reliability issues is too constraining to

address reliability impacts resulting from the compliance strictures of

the Rule. Specifically, EPA established a triggering standard requiring

declaration of an “Energy Emergency Alert 2,” or “EEA2,” before any

compliance mitigation can be implemented to address imminent

emergencies. Amici will explain how this short-term reliability

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 8 of 17

mechanism unduly places the grid—and customers—at greater risk

before any short-term relief would be available. Amici should not have to

wait until the heightened level of emergency that an EEA2 declaration

represents; they should be able to take proactive measures to address

reliability issues upon earlier evidence of deteriorating grid conditions as

evidenced by declaration of an “Energy Emergency Alert 1.”

For these reasons, Amici respectfully request that the Court grant

them leave to file the accompanying brief and direct the Clerk to accept

the proposed brief for filing.

Dated: September 13, 2024

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295

Counsel for Amici Curiae Midcontinent

Independent System Operator, Inc.,
PJM Interconnection L.L.C., Southwest
Power Pool, Inc., and Electric
Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 9 of 17


The motion contains 1,232 words, excluding the portions

exempted by Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(f) and D.C.

Circuit Rule 32(e)(1). This motion thus complies with Federal Rule

of Appellate Procedure 27(d)(2)(A), because the word count does not

exceed the 5,200 words permitted under those rules.

This motion complies with the typeface requirements of

Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(a)(5) and the type-style

requirements of Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32(a)(6). The

motion has been prepared in proportionally spaced typeface using

Microsoft Word and 14-point Century Schoolbook.

Dated: September 13, 2024

/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 10 of 17


I hereby certify that on this 13th day of September 2024, I caused

a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be electronically filed with the

Clerk of the Court of the United States Court of Appeals for the District

of Columbia Circuit by using the CM/ECF system. I certify that all

participants in the case are registered CM/ECF users, and that service

will be accomplished by the CM/ECF system.

/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 11 of 17


No. 24-1120 (and consolidated cases)





On Petitions for Review of Final Agency Action of the United

States Environmental Protection Agency
89 Fed. Reg. 39,798 (May 9, 2024)



Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295

Counsel for Amici Curiae

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 12 of 17


Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”)

MISO is a non-stock, not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws

of the State of Delaware with its principal place of business in Carmel,

Indiana. MISO has no parent corporation, and because MISO is a non-

profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation

owns 10% or more stock in MISO. Circuit Rule 26.1(b) requires a

statement that identifies the represented entity’s general nature and

purpose, insofar as is relevant to the petition for review in this

proceeding. As is relevant here, MISO is an independent regional

transmission system operator authorized by the Federal Energy

Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) to administer an open access

transmission tariff, ensure reliable operation of, and equal access to,

high-voltage power lines in 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province of

Manitoba, and operates one of the world’s largest energy markets with

more than $40 billion in annual gross market energy transactions.

PJM Interconnection L.L.C. (“PJM”)

Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and

Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, PJM states that

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 13 of 17

it is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of

the State of Delaware. PJM is a regional transmission organization

(“RTO”) for all or portions of Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois,

Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina,

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. PJM is

authorized by FERC to administer an Open Access Transmission Tariff

(“Tariff”), provide transmission service under the Tariff on the electric

transmission facilities under PJM’s control, operate an energy and other

markets, and otherwise conduct the day-to-day operations of the bulk

power system of a multi-state electric control area. PJM was approved by

FERC first as an independent system operator and then as an RTO. See

Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, 81 FERC ¶ 61,257

(1997), reh’g denied, 92 FERC ¶ 61,282 (2000), modified sub nom. Atl.

City Elec. Co. v. FERC, 295 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2002); PJM Interconnection,

L.L.C., 101 FERC ¶ 61,345 (2002).

PJM has no parent companies. Under Delaware law, the members

of a limited liability company have an “interest” in the company. See Del.

Code Ann. tit. 6, § 18-701 (2024). PJM members do not purchase their

interests or otherwise provide capital to obtain their interests. Rather,

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 14 of 17

the PJM members’ interests are determined pursuant to a formula that

considers various attributes of the member, and the interests are used

only for the limited purposes of: (i) determining the amount of working

capital contribution for which a member may be responsible in the event

financing cannot be obtained; 1 and (ii) dividing assets in the event of


liquidation. PJM is not operated to produce a profit, has never made any

distributions to members, and does not intend to do so (absent

dissolution). In addition, “interest” as defined above does not enter into

governance of PJM and there are no individual entities that have a 10%

or greater voting interest in the conduct of any PJM affairs.

Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”)

Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and

Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, SPP hereby

submits the following corporate disclosure statement:

SPP is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the

state of Arkansas with its principal place of business in Little Rock,

1 Under the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of PJM

Interconnection, L.L.C., the amount of capital contributions received
from all PJM members combined is capped at $5,200,000. PJM generally
finances its working capital.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 15 of 17

Arkansas. SPP has no parent corporation, and because SPP is a non-

profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation

owns 10% or more stock in SPP.

SPP is an independent regional transmission organization

authorized by FERC to administer a Tariff, operate day-ahead and real-

time energy, ancillary services, and congestion rights markets, conduct

regional transmission planning and administer FERC-approved regional

cost allocation mechanisms, and otherwise oversee the day-to-day

operations of the bulk power system of a multi-state region, covering

portions of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri,

Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South

Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. As independent regional transmission

organization, SPP is responsible for regional transmission planning and

administration of its Tariff.

Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (“ERCOT”)

ERCOT is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state

of Texas. ERCOT has no parent corporation, and no publicly held

company has 10% or greater ownership in it.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 16 of 17



Pursuant to D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(1), Amici Curiae states as follows:

A. Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae

Except for the following, all Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae

appearing in this Court are listed in the Brief for Petitioners: Amici

Curiae Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., PJM

Interconnection L.L.C., Southwest Power Pool, Inc., and Electric

Reliability Council of Texas, Inc., in support of Petitioners.

B. Rulings Under Review

References to the rulings at issue appear in the Brief of Petitioners.

C. Related Cases

These consolidated cases have not previously been before this Court

or any other court.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074674 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 17 of 17

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295

Counsel for Amici Curiae Midcontinent

Independent System Operator, Inc.,
PJM Interconnection L.L.C., Southwest
Power Pool, Inc., and Electric
Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 1 of 53


No. 24-1120 (and consolidated cases)





On Petitions for Review of Final Agency Action of the United

States Environmental Protection Agency
89 Fed. Reg. 39,798 (May 9, 2024)



Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295

Counsel for Amici Curiae

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 2 of 53



Pursuant to D.C. Cir. Rule 28(a)(1), Amici Curiae states as follows:

A. Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae

Except for the following, all Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae

appearing in this Court are listed in the Brief for Petitioners: Amici

Curiae Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., PJM

Interconnection L.L.C., Southwest Power Pool, Inc., and Electric

Reliability Council of Texas, Inc., in support of Petitioners.

B. Rulings Under Review

References to the rulings at issue appear in the Brief of Petitioners.

C. Related Cases

These consolidated cases have not previously been before this Court

or any other court.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 3 of 53


Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”)

MISO is a non-stock, not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws

of the State of Delaware with its principal place of business in Carmel,

Indiana. MISO has no parent corporation, and because MISO is a non-

profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation

owns 10% or more stock in MISO. Circuit Rule 26.1(b) requires a

statement that identifies the represented entity’s general nature and

purpose, insofar as is relevant to the petition for review in this

proceeding. As is relevant here, MISO is an independent regional

transmission system operator authorized by FERC to administer an open

access transmission tariff, ensure reliable operation of, and equal access

to, high-voltage power lines in 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province

of Manitoba, and operates one of the world’s largest energy markets with

more than $40 billion in annual gross market energy transactions.

PJM Interconnection L.L.C. (“PJM”)

Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and

Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, PJM states that

it is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 4 of 53

the State of Delaware. PJM is a regional transmission organization

(“RTO”) for all or portions of Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois,

Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina,

Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. PJM is

authorized by FERC to administer an Open Access Transmission Tariff

(“Tariff”), provide transmission service under the Tariff on the electric

transmission facilities under PJM’s control, operate an energy and other

markets, and otherwise conduct the day-to-day operations of the bulk

power system of a multi-state electric control area. PJM was approved by

FERC first as an independent system operator and then as an RTO. See

Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, 81 FERC ¶ 61,257

(1997), reh’g denied, 92 FERC ¶ 61,282 (2000), modified sub nom. Atl.

City Elec. Co. v. FERC, 295 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2002); PJM Interconnection,

L.L.C., 101 FERC ¶ 61,345 (2002).

PJM has no parent companies. Under Delaware law, the members

of a limited liability company have an “interest” in the company. See Del.

Code Ann. tit. 6, § 18-701 (2024). PJM members do not purchase their

interests or otherwise provide capital to obtain their interests. Rather,

the PJM members’ interests are determined pursuant to a formula that

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 5 of 53

considers various attributes of the member, and the interests are used

only for the limited purposes of: (i) determining the amount of working

capital contribution for which a member may be responsible in the event

financing cannot be obtained; 1 and (ii) dividing assets in the event of


liquidation. PJM is not operated to produce a profit, has never made any

distributions to members, and does not intend to do so (absent

dissolution). In addition, “interest” as defined above does not enter into

governance of PJM and there are no individual entities that have a 10%

or greater voting interest in the conduct of any PJM affairs.

Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”)

Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and

Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, SPP hereby

submits the following corporate disclosure statement:

SPP is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the

state of Arkansas with its principal place of business in Little Rock,

Arkansas. SPP has no parent corporation, and because SPP is a non-

1 Under the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of PJM

Interconnection, L.L.C., the amount of capital contributions received
from all PJM members combined is capped at $5,200,000. PJM generally
finances its working capital.
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 6 of 53

profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation

owns 10% or more stock in SPP.

SPP is an independent regional transmission organization

authorized by FERC to administer a Tariff, operate day-ahead and real-

time energy, ancillary services, and congestion rights markets, conduct

regional transmission planning and administer FERC-approved regional

cost allocation mechanisms, and otherwise oversee the day-to-day

operations of the bulk power system of a multi-state region, covering

portions of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri,

Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South

Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. As independent regional transmission

organization, SPP is responsible for regional transmission planning and

administration of its Tariff.

Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (“ERCOT”)

ERCOT is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state

of Texas. ERCOT has no parent corporation, and no publicly held

company has 10% or greater ownership in it.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 7 of 53


Pursuant to D.C. Cir. Rule 29(d), counsel for Amici Curiae certifies

that it is not aware of any other non-government amicus brief addressing

the particular subject matter of this brief, i.e., the compliance deadlines

that stem from EPA’s BSER determination in the Final Rule, which are

based on overly ambitious and inadequately supported assumptions as to

target dates for commercialization of CCS, which drive both the rate and

timing of compliance which, in turn, will cause the premature

retirements of generation sources that will threaten the reliability of the

electric grid Amici are charged with maintaining.

Amici’s brief also addresses EPA’s failure to satisfy its burden to

consider “energy requirements” when determining the BSER, including

specific “Reliability Safety Valve” measures they proposed in their

comments to the Proposed Rule, that would have helped mitigate their

concerns regarding the effect that the premature retirements of

generation units would have on the reliability of the electric grid. Amici

are similarly unaware of any other non-governmental amicus brief

addressing this issue.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 8 of 53



CASES ....................................................................................................... ii

A. Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae.................................. ii

B. Ruling Under Review .............................................................. ii

C. Related Cases .......................................................................... ii

CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ..........................................iii

CIRCUIT RULE 29(D) CERTIFICATE .................................................. vii

TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ...................................................................... x

GLOSSARY ............................................................................................. xv

STATUTES AND REGULATIONS ...................................................... xvii

IDENTITY AND INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE ............................. xviii

SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT .......................................................... 1

ARGUMENT ............................................................................................. 5

I. The Final Rule is based on overly ambitious and

inadequately supported assumptions and
establishes compliance deadlines and criteria
that, absent modification, do not adequately
address Congress’ directive that EPA Rules take
into account “energy requirements.” ...................................... 5

II. The assumptions and compliance deadlines in the

Final Rule work to exacerbate existing challenges
to reliability and resource adequacy of the electric
grid........................................................................................... 8

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 9 of 53

A. EPA did not adequately analyze or adopt

proposed adjustments to the Rule to
mitigate potential reliability impacts .......................... 10

B. EPA has not adequately considered resource

adequacy and reliability impacts as part of
its responsibility to consider “energy
requirements” in conjunction with other
proposed, pending, or existing regulations.................. 17

C. The Final Rule doesn’t allow enough

compliance flexibility to mitigate short-term
grid emergencies .......................................................... 24

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 28

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ........................................................ 31

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE................................................................. 32

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 10 of 53



Am. Mun. Power, Inc. v. FERC,

86 F.4th 922 (D.C. Cir. 2023) ........................................................ xix

Atl. City Elec. Co. v. FERC,

295 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2002) ............................................................. iv

Citadel FNGE Ltd. v. FERC,

77 F.4th 842 (D.C. Cir. 2023) ........................................................ xix

Delaware Div. of Pub. Advocate v. FERC,

3 F.4th 461, (D.C. Cir. 2021) .......................................................... xx

LS Power Dev., LLC,

155 FERC ¶ 61,176 (2016) .......................................................... xviii

Ohio v. EPA,
144 S.Ct. 2040 (2024) ..................................................................... 17

Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection,

81 FERC ¶ 61,257 (1997) ................................................................ iv

PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.,

101 FERC ¶ 61,345 (2002) .............................................................. iv

Sierra Club v. Costle,

657 F.2d 298 (D.C. Cir. 1981)......................................................... 10


42 U.S.C. § 7411 .......................................................... 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15

Del. Code Ann. tit. 6, § 18-701 (2024) ...................................................... iv

D.C. Cir. R. 15(c)(6) ............................................................................. iii, v

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 11 of 53

D.C. Cir. R. 26.1 ................................................................................... iii, v

D.C. Cir. R. 26.1(b) ...................................................................................iii

D.C. Cir. R. 28(a)(1) ................................................................................... ii

D.C. Cir. R. 29(b) .................................................................................. xviii

D.C. Cir. R. 29(d) ..................................................................................... vii

D.C. Cir. R. 32(e)(1) ................................................................................. 31

Fed. R. App. P. 26.1 .............................................................................. iii, v

Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(E) ................................................................... xviii

Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(5) ........................................................................... 31

Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(6) ........................................................................... 31

Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(B) ...................................................................... 31

Fed. R. App. P. 32(f) ................................................................................ 31


89 Fed. Reg. 38,508 (May 7, 2024) .......................................................... 19

89 Fed. Reg. 38,950 (May 8, 2024) .......................................................... 19

89 Fed. Reg. 39,798 (May 9, 2024) ............................................................ 5

89 Fed. Reg. 40,198 (May 9, 2024) .......................................................... 19

2023 Long-Term Reliability Assessment, N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp.

10 (Dec. 2023) https://www.nerc.com/pa/RAPA/ra/Reliability%20
Assessments%20DL/NERC_LTRA_2023.pdf .................................. 8

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 12 of 53

2024 SPP Resource Adequacy Report, Sw. Power Pool (June 14, 2024),
source%20adequacy%20report.pdf ................................................ 13

2025/2026 Base Residual Auction Report, PJM (July 30, 2024),

2026/2025-2026-base-residual-auction-report.ashx ...................... 13

Electronic Filing from Michael Kessler, MISO’s Managing Assistant

Gen. Couns., to Hon. Kimberly D. Bose, Fed. Energy Regul.
Comm’n Sec’y (Nov. 30, 2021) https://cdn.misoenergy.org/2021-11-
sed%20accreditation608310.pdf............................................... 18, 19

Electronic Filing from Michelle Quinn, MISO’s Senior Corp. Couns., to

Hon. Debbie-Anne Reese, Fed. Energy Regul. Comm’n Sec’y (Mar.
28, 2024) https://cdn.misoenergy.org/2024-03-
28%20Docket%20No.%20ER24-1638-000632361.pdf.............. 18, 19

Energy Transition in PJM: Resource Retirements, Replacements &

Risks, PJM 3, 13 (Feb. 24, 2023), https://pjm.com/-
risks.ashx.................................................................................. 14, 23

ERCOT Nodal Protocols, ERCOT (Aug. 23, 2024),

4%20Nodal%20Protocols.pdf.................................................... 24, 25

Grid Conditions At a Glance, MISO, https://www.misoenergy.org/meet-

miso/media-center/2024/grid-conditions-explainer/ (last visited
Sept. 12, 2024). ......................................................................... 25, 26

Joint Comments of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.;

Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.; PJM
Interconnection, L.L.C.; and Southwest Power Pool, Inc., PJM
(Aug. 8, 2023), https://pjm.com/-/media/documents/other-fed-

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 13 of 53

2023-0072.ashx ............................................................................... 23

Joint Comments of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.,

Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., PJM
Interconnection, L.L.C., and Southwest Power Pool, Inc.,
Regulations.gov (Dec. 20, 2023)
8207. ........................................................................................... 6, 16

Letter from James P. Danly, Comm’r of the Fed. Energy Regul. Comm’n
to Hon. Michael S. Regan, Adm’r of the U.S. Env’t Prot. Agency
(Dec. 20, 2023) https://www.regulations.gov/comment/EPA-HQ-
OAR-2023-0072-8216 ......................................................... 13, 23, 24

MISO Bd. of Dirs., Strategy Update: Reliability Imperative, MISO (Dec.

7, 2023), https://cdn.misoenergy.org/20231207%20Board%20of%20
e631057.pdf .................................................................................... 14

MISO’s Response to the Reliability Imperative, MISO 7-8,

(last updated Feb. 2024)................................................................. 18

Operating Procedures, MISO, https://cdn.misoenergy.org/Three%

318965.pdf (last visited Sept. 12, 2024) ................................... 24, 25

PJM Load Forecast Report: January 2024, PJM (Feb. 1, 2024),

forecast/2024-load-report.ashx....................................................... 13

Planning Resource Adequacy Analysis, Assessment and Documentation,

N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp. 1-4 (Oct. 16, 2017), https://www.
BAL-502-RF-03.pdf. ....................................................................... 12

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 14 of 53

Resource Adequacy, ERCOT, https://www.ercot.com/gridinfo/resource

(last visited Sept. 12, 2024) ............................................................ 13

SPP BA Emergency Operating Plan V 9.0, Sw. Power Pool (Oct. 4,

2023), https://spp.org/documents/70346/spp%20ba%20
emergency%20operating%20plan%20v%209.0.pdf ....................... 14

Technical Memorandum from the U.S. Env’t Prot. Agency Off. of Air &
Radiation 4 (Apr. 2024), https://www.epa.gov/system/files/
vehicle-rules-final-111-egu-rules-elg-and-mats.pdf ...................... 18

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 15 of 53


BSER = Best System of Emission Reduction

CAA = Clean Air Act

CCS = Carbon Capture and Sequestration/Storage

CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

EGU = Electric Generating Unit

EEA = Energy Emergency Alert

ELG = Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standard

EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ERCOT = Amici Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.

FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

GHG = Greenhouse Gas Emissions

ISO = Independent System Operator

LCCR = Legacy Coal Combustion Residuals

MATS = Mercury and Air Toxics Standards

MISO = Amici Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.

NERC = North American Electric Reliability Corporation

PJM = Amici PJM Interconnection L.L.C.

PUC = Public Utility Commission

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RTO = Regional Transmission Organization

RULOF = Remaining Useful Life and Other Factors

SPP = Amici Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

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All applicable statutes are contained in the Addendum to the Brief

of Petitioners.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 18 of 53


MISO, PJM, SPP, and ERCOT (collectively the “Joint ISOs/RTOs”)

are independent entities, separate from companies that own electric

generation and transmission facilities, that have been designated by

FERC, or in the case of ERCOT, the Texas PUC, as responsible for

maintaining and enhancing the reliability of the bulk power grid in all or

parts of 30 states and the District of Columbia. The Joint ISOs/RTOs

ensure the reliable delivery of power from the high-voltage transmission

grid to local distribution utilities, which are then responsible for delivery

to end-use customers—45 million in MISO, 65 million in PJM, 19 million

in SPP, and 27 million in ERCOT. FERC (and in the case of ERCOT, the

Texas PUC) authorizes the Joint ISOs/RTOs 3 to exercise functional


control over the high-voltage transmission system and otherwise

2 Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 29(a)(4)(E) and D.C. Cir. R. 29(b), Amici

Curiae state that no counsel for a party authored this brief in whole or in
part, and no party or counsel for a party contributed money intended to
fund the preparation or submission of this brief. No person other than
Amici Curiae or their counsel contributed money intended to fund the
preparation or submission of this brief.

3 FERC’s jurisdiction over ERCOT is limited, but does include authority

to enforce mandatory reliability standards under section 215 of the
Federal Power Act. See LS Power Dev., LLC, 155 FERC ¶ 61,176 at p.3
n.4 (2016).
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 19 of 53

administer the bulk electric system in their regions. One of their critical

functions is to facilitate and maintain the reliable delivery of electricity.

The Joint ISOs/RTOs are responsible for the safety, reliability, and

security of the bulk power transmission system, which refers to the large-

scale electrical network that transmits electricity from power plants to

substations before it is distributed to consumers. Over 100 million

businesses and residences—including this Court—depend on the Joint

ISOs/RTOs to coordinate the generation and transmission of the right

amount of electricity every minute of every day to meet individual end-

use customer requirements. In addition to managing and ensuring the

reliability of the power grid within their regions, the Joint ISOs/RTOs

administer the buying and selling of electricity at the wholesale level and

plan the electric grid of the future. See, e.g., Citadel FNGE Ltd. v. FERC,

77 F.4th 842, 848 (D.C. Cir. 2023) (“[RTO]s serve several functions,

including operating the electrical grid in a defined geographic area,

balancing energy supply and demand, establishing markets for the sale

and purchase of electricity, and ensuring the reliable transmission of

electricity.”); Am. Mun. Power, Inc. v. FERC, 86 F.4th 922, 926 (D.C. Cir.

2023) (similar).

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 20 of 53

For all of these reasons, Amici Curiae have an interest in the Final

Rule. Without additional modification, the compliance timelines and

related provisions of the Rule are not workable and are destined to

trigger an acceleration in the pace of premature retirements of EGUs

that possess critical reliability attributes at the very time when such

generation is needed to support ever-increasing electricity demand

because of the growth of the digital economy and the need to ensure

adequate back-up generation to support an increasing amount of

intermittent renewable generation.

Such inevitable and foreseeable premature retirement decisions

resulting from the Rule’s timelines will substantially strain each of the

Joint ISOs/RTOs’ ability to maintain the reliability of the electric power

grid to meet the needs of the citizenry and the country’s economy. See,

e.g., Delaware Div. of Pub. Advocate v. FERC, 3 F.4th 461, 463 (D.C. Cir.

2021) (“As an RTO, PJM promotes efficiency and reliability in the

operation and planning of the electric transmission grid. To promote

reliability and prevent service interruptions, PJM must ensure that its

system has sufficient generating capacity.”) (alterations adopted)

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 21 of 53

(quotations and citations omitted). For these reasons, Amici have a

strong interest in this case.

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The BSER determinations in EPA’s Final Rule governing GHG

emissions from certain fossil-fuel-fired power plants are based on overly

ambitious and inadequately supported assumptions. These assumptions

then drive both the rate and timing of compliance which, in turn, will

drive the premature retirements of generation sources that will threaten

the reliability of the electric grid. The Final Rule unreasonably discounts

that existing fossil power generators will need to decide whether to

commit to installing untested technology or retire the generating unit

years before the compliance deadline, given the economic cost and risk of

compliance. As a result, decisions to retire units before the end of their

useful life may be accelerated because of the Final Rule. The Joint

ISOs/RTOs are concerned that premature retirements of generating

units that provide critical reliability attributes can have significant,

negative consequences on reliability.

In their comments on the Proposed Rule, the Joint ISOs/RTOs

offered four “Reliability Safety Valve” options that would help mitigate

these concerns. Specifically, Amici proposed:

(1) Providing up-front, clear criteria on the use of the RULOF

Provision and enforcement discretion;
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 23 of 53

(2) Creating a sub-category of units needed for reliability;

(3) Providing clear guidance to the states regarding what would

constitute an acceptable state plan, within the context of a
regional Reliability Safety Valve to address regional resource
adequacy issues; and

(4) Recommending to the states in a given region served by an

ISO/RTO or balancing authority the creation of a bank of
regional reliability allowances available to unit owners only
during emergency conditions.

Amici accompanied their proposals with the legal support for EPA to

adopt each such provision, along with suggested means of

implementation. But in the Final Rule, EPA did not address these

specific recommendations, let alone explain why it did not adopt them. In

failing to address these legitimate reliability risks or Amici’s proposed

“Reliability Safety Valve” measures, EPA failed to satisfy its burden to

adequately consider “energy requirements” when determining the BSER.

See 42 U.S.C. § 7411(a)(1).

EPA’s failure to address Amici’s proposed mitigation measures is

exacerbated by the impact the Final Rule will have when analyzed in

conjunction with the numerous other proposed, pending, or existing EPA

regulations that impact grid reliability and resource adequacy—all of

which are resulting in a decline in reserve margins and premature

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 24 of 53

retirement of dispatchable “baseload” resources. Amici are also

concerned about the chilling impact these collective rules will have on the

investment required to retain and maintain existing units that are

needed to provide key reliability attributes and grid services before the

Final Rule’s compliance date. In reality, EPA’s new rules, in conjunction

with other rules already in place, are significantly impacting baseload

resources with high accreditation valuations and needed system

attributes. Failure to adequately address the interaction of the

compliance deadlines in the Rule with other rules, and the compliance

deadlines affecting these very same EGUs, does not adequately address

Congress’ requirement that EPA take into account overall “energy


Finally, EPA’s proposed short-term remedy for grid reliability

issues is too constraining to address reliability impacts resulting from the

compliance strictures of the Rule. Specifically, EPA established a

triggering standard requiring declaration of an “Energy Emergency Alert

2” (“EEA2”) (as further described herein) before any compliance

mitigation can be implemented to address imminent emergencies. This

short-term reliability mechanism that EPA did adopt in the Rule thus

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 25 of 53

unduly places the grid—and customers—at greater risk before any short-

term relief would be available. Amici should not have to wait until the

heightened level of emergency that an EEA2 declaration represents; they

should be able to take proactive measures to address reliability issues

upon earlier evidence of deteriorating grid conditions as evidenced by

declaration of an “Energy Emergency Alert 1” (“EEA1”) (as further

described herein).

For these reasons, Amici respectfully request that the Court

remand the Final Rule back to EPA, with instructions for it to adequately

consider the grid adequacy and reliability issues Amici previously raised

in the docket below, as well as the specific solutions which they—as the

grid operators charged with maintaining grid reliability now and in the

future—proposed that EPA adopt. Absent such a remand, the Final Rule

is devoid of the adequate consideration of “energy requirements” that

Congress directed be considered in any Section 111(d) rulemaking.

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I. The Final Rule is based on overly ambitious and

inadequately supported assumptions and establishes
compliance deadlines and criteria that, absent
modification, do not adequately address Congress’ directive
that EPA Rules take into account “energy requirements.”

EPA’s Final Rule governing greenhouse-gas emissions from certain

fossil-fuel-fired power plants, CI8244 (89 Fed. Reg. 39,789) (the “Final

Rule” or the “Rule”), is problematic. While the CAA directs EPA to

establish standards of performance for both “new sources” as well as

existing sources of emissions, those standards must utilize the BSER that

“has been adequately demonstrated” and that is “achievable.” 42 U.S.C.

§ 7411(a)(1), (b), (d). The standard must also “tak[e] into account the cost

of achieving such reduction and … energy requirements.” Id. § 7411(a)(1).

The BSER determination then drives both the rate and timing of

compliance with the Final Rule. Id. at § 7411; see also 89 Fed. Reg. at


The Final Rule establishes CCS with a 90% capture of emitted CO2

as the BSER for existing coal-fired EGUs that plan to continue operation

after January 1, 2039, as well as for new and modified natural gas-fired

units with annual capacity factors of 40% or greater. Both coal-fired and

natural gas-fired EGUs of these types must achieve 90% capture by

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 27 of 53

January 1, 2032. See 89 Fed. Reg. at 39,841; 39,913; 39,938. While

sources subject to the standard of performance can use any system of

reduction to meet the limit, 42 U.S.C. § 7411(b)(5), here, EPA did not

identify any other technology or compliance option that sources could use

to meet the reduction requirements.

The Opening Brief of Petitioners discusses in detail EPA’s BSER

determination, including whether CCS has been “adequately

demonstrated” and is “achievable.” See generally Section I of Pet’rs

Opening Br. Amici raised similar concerns in the proceedings below, 4 but

focus this Brief on the compliance deadlines that stem from EPA’s BSER

determination, which are based on overly ambitious and inadequately

supported assumptions as to target dates for commercialization of CCS.

Those BSER determinations then drive both the rate and timing of

compliance which, in turn, will drive the premature retirements of

4See generally CI0673 (Joint Comments of Electric Reliability Council of

Texas, Inc., Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., PJM
Interconnection, L.L.C., and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. “Joint
ISOs/RTOs Comments”); CI0623 (MISO Comments); CI0670 (SPP
Comments); Joint Comments of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.,
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., PJM Interconnection,
L.L.C., and Southwest Power Pool, Inc., Regulations.gov (Dec. 20, 2023)
[hereinafter Joint Supplemental Comments],
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 28 of 53

generation sources that will threaten the reliability of the electric grid

even before the compliance date in the Rule.

However, none of EPA’s projected timeframes reflect historical

rates of adoption of CCS technology for electrical generation purposes,

nor does EPA adequately consider the risks that the technologies will not

mature in time for EGU owners to deploy them. EPA’s BSER

determination is overly optimistic regarding the commercial viability of

CCS today and downplays the cost and practicalities of developing

entirely new supporting infrastructure within the timeframes and at the

costs projected.

Given the implausibility of CCS as a viable option for mitigating

CO2 emissions and the resulting likelihood of premature retirements of

fossil-fired generators, the Final Rule is likely to hamper Amici in their

efforts to provide reliable power to the communities and consumers that

they and others serve.

II. The assumptions and compliance deadlines in the Final

Rule work to exacerbate existing challenges to reliability
and resource adequacy of the electric grid.

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In December 2023, NERC published its Long-Term Reliability

Assessment, noting:

Environmental regulations and energy policies that are overly

rigid and lack provisions for electric grid reliability have the
potential to influence generators to seek deactivation
despite a projected resource adequacy or operating reliability
risk; this can potentially jeopardiz[e] the orderly
transition of the resource mix. For this reason, regulators
and policymakers need to consider effects on the electric grid
in their rules and policies and design provisions that
safeguard grid reliability.

2023 Long-Term Reliability Assessment, N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp. 10

(Dec. 2023) (emphasis added) (footnote omitted),


ERC_LTRA_2023.pdf. Unfortunately, without modification, the Final

Rule will exacerbate premature retirements of generation with attributes

needed for reliability. The Final Rule did not adequately address these

concerns, despite the legal requirement to address “energy requirements”

in any final rule. 42 U.S.C. § 7411(a)(1). In fact, applying EPA’s own prior

interpretation of its responsibilities under the “energy requirements”

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 30 of 53

provision in the CAA, 5 it did not appropriately consider those



The Final Rule unreasonably discounts the fact that owners of

existing fossil power generators will need to make decisions as to whether

to commit to installing this untested technology or retire the generating

unit years before the compliance deadline, given the obligations of states

to submit binding compliance plans by May 2026 under the Final Rule.

See 89 Fed. Reg. at 39,997. As a result, decisions to retire units before the

end of their useful life may be accelerated because of the Final Rule’s

provisions and timelines. The assumptions and compliance deadlines in

the Final Rule thus work to exacerbate existing challenges to the

reliability and resource adequacy of the electric grid.

5In interpreting its responsibilities to meet the “energy requirements”

analysis required in Section 111, EPA has stated:

EPA interprets this caselaw to authorize it to assess the

impacts of the controls it is considering as the BSER,
including their costs and implications for the energy system,
on a sector-wide, regional, or national basis, as
appropriate. For example, the EPA may assess whether
controls it is considering would create risks to the reliability
of the electricity system in a particular area or nationwide
and, if they would, to reject those controls as the BSER.

89 Fed. Reg. at 39,833 (emphasis added).

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A. EPA did not adequately analyze or adopt proposed

adjustments to the Rule to mitigate potential
reliability impacts.

EPA has not adequately analyzed resource adequacy and reliability

impacts in the Final Rule. Congress explicitly required consideration of

resource adequacy and reliability impacts by providing in Section 111

that EPA consider “energy requirements” in establishing its regulatory

program under this section. 42 U.S.C. § 7411(a). By including that

requirement, Congress clearly required EPA to do more than simply look

at environmental issues in a vacuum without considering the larger

energy requirements of the grid.

EPA’s interpretation of “energy requirements” in the Final Rule

includes “the impact, if any, of the air pollution controls on the source’s

own energy needs.” 6 As noted above, this more limited interpretation is


at odds with its own later interpretation within the Rule and case law

reviewing the term. 7 See, e.g., Sierra Club v. Costle, 657 F.2d 298, 327-28

6 89 Fed. Reg. at 39,833.

7 Amici also refer the Court to Section I(C) of Petitioners’ Opening Brief,
at pages 123-144, for further analysis of this issue, including judicial
interpretation of the term “energy requirements.”

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 32 of 53

(D.C. Cir. 1981). The term “energy requirements” must be interpreted to

require explicit consideration of the Final Rule’s impact on the larger

electricity grid—as the Joint ISOs/RTOs urged in their comments to the

Proposed Rule—rather than simply the “energy requirements” of

individual units, as EPA seems to have done. That is because the delivery

of electricity to customers requires the integration and coordinated

dispatch of multiple generators connected to a networked transmission

and distribution system, virtually simultaneous from its production to its

consumption, from the generator to the end user’s home or business.

Indeed, in their Joint Comments, Amici alerted EPA that it:

[s]hould undertake additional analysis that reflects supply

chain constraints, real world siting and permitting expense
and timelines, requisite infrastructure expansion and the
maintenance of essential grid reliability attributes in order to
provide a full assessment of the Rule’s potential reliability
impacts. The Joint ISOs/RTOs, each of whom administer
interconnection queues for new resources, have information
that would be informative to that analysis.

(CI0673, Joint ISOs/RTOs Comments, at 8.) However, despite offers of

assistance by Amici and promised coordination with other federal

agencies, EPA did not adequately analyze such information before

promulgating the Final Rule.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 33 of 53

Resource adequacy challenges occur when the total accredited

megawatt rating of all the resources in a region (including generation

and demand response resources) is insufficient to meet the demand plus

reserve margin needed to meet projected load, either seasonally,

annually, or both. With some specific regional differences, generally,

resource adequacy is assessed on an annual basis by determining, on a

forward basis, the needed demand plus reserve margin. 8 That 7F

determination is based on a forecast of load and is correlated with the

risks of outages of needed generation to meet that load forecast,

particularly during peak conditions.

The Joint ISOs/RTOs project their future demand plus reserve

margins annually and address any deficiencies through mechanisms

such as capacity and/or energy markets, deficiency payment-based

resource adequacy constructs, or, in the case of vertically integrated

regions, through the provision of information to states regarding

projected demand plus reserve margin shortfalls, which states are then

8Planning Resource Adequacy Analysis, Assessment and Documentation,

N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp. 1-4 (Oct. 16, 2017),

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 34 of 53

required to address through their integrated resource plans and other

regulatory mechanisms to ensure their utilities have adequate

generation and reserve to serve their native load. 9


But EPA has not adequately analyzed the “energy requirements” of

the system, given these reliability challenges, let alone the “Reliability

Safety Valve” mechanisms Amici proposed. Amici SPP, PJM, and MISO

all operate the electric grid across multiple states, making consideration

of impacts and crafting of solutions appropriate at the regional level,

rather than simply on a unit-by-unit basis. 10 And Section 111


contemplates a shared responsibility between the state environmental

9 Resource Adequacy, ERCOT, https://www.ercot.com/gridinfo/resource

(last visited Sept. 12, 2024); Letter from James P. Danly, Comm’r of the
Fed. Energy Regul. Comm’n to Hon. Michael S. Regan, Adm’r of the U.S.
Env’t Prot. Agency (Dec. 20, 2023) [hereinafter Letter to Adm’r Regan],
2024 SPP Resource Adequacy Report, Sw. Power Pool (June 14, 2024),
e%20adequacy%20report.pdf; PJM Load Forecast Report: January 2024,
PJM (Feb. 1, 2024), https://www.pjm.com/-/media/library/reports-
notices/load-forecast/2024-load-report.ashx; 2025/2026 Base Residual
Auction Report, PJM (July 30, 2024), https://pjm.com/-/media/markets-

10Amici ERCOT does operate as a separate interconnection within the

state of Texas.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 35 of 53

regulators and EPA. 42 U.S.C. § 7411(c), (d). While electric resource

adequacy is a state issue in states which have not restructured their

electricity markets, for the multi-state RTOs (among Amici), resource

adequacy is also a regional issue and not solely an issue that can be fully

addressed by a single state crafting or amending a single state plan or

considering the impacts or operations of a facility or facilities within a

state in isolation. 11

EPA cannot simply disclaim responsibility to analyze these impacts

by citing to the role of other agencies or the states. For one, Congress

assigned the review of “energy requirements” to EPA for consideration

in its rulemaking. Although EPA can certainly cooperate with other

federal agencies, at the end of the day, EPA alone has enforcement

11See MISO Bd. of Dirs., Strategy Update: Reliability Imperative, MISO

(Dec. 7, 2023),
tem%2007b%20Reliability%20Imperative%20Update631057.pdf; SPP
BA Emergency Operating Plan V 9.0, Sw. Power Pool (Oct. 4, 2023),
%20plan%20v%209.0.pdf; Energy Transition in PJM: Resource
Retirements, Replacements & Risks, PJM 3, 13 (Feb. 24, 2023),

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 36 of 53

authority over EGUs. A plant needed for reliability simply cannot operate

without facing enforcement actions by the EPA.

By the same token, Section 111 contemplates a shared

responsibility between the state environmental regulators and EPA. See

42 U.S.C. § 7411(c), (d). While in a single state RTO, electric reliability is

a state issue, for the multi-state RTOs that operate a single multi-state

dispatch, reliability is also a regional issue and not solely an issue that

any one state can adequately address through an individual state

implementation plan. As a result, given Congress’ directives, EPA’s

retention of enforcement authority, and the limitations on individual

state plans, EPA cannot dodge its responsibility to adequately assess

“energy requirements” by pointing to others.

Thus, it was incumbent upon EPA to ensure the Final Rule, both in

its provisions and timelines, adequately addressed regional reliability

challenges. In an effort to provide EPA a mechanism for addressing these

concerns, Amici proposed to EPA specific short and long term “Reliability

Safety Valve” measures that would help address and mitigate these

regional impacts. Amici proposed four specific and detailed options to

address the longer-term reliability and several specific shorter-term

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 37 of 53

solutions. Specifically, Amici proposed four options for EPA’s

consideration to address longer-term reliability issues in the context of

the Final Rule:

(1) Providing up-front, clear criteria on the use of the RULOF

Provision and enforcement discretion;

(2) Creating a sub-category of units needed for reliability;

(3) Providing clear guidance to the states regarding what would

constitute an acceptable state plan, within the context of a
regional Reliability Safety Valve to address regional resource
adequacy issues; and

(4) Recommending to the states in a given region served by an

ISO/RTO or balancing authority the creation of a bank of
regional reliability allowances available to unit owners only
during emergency conditions.

(Joint Supplemental Comments, supra note 4.) Amici accompanied their

proposals with the legal support for EPA to adopt each such provision,

along with suggested means of implementation. Id.

In fairness, EPA did include certain provisions in the Final Rule to

begin to address the resource adequacy and reliability implications of

the Final Rule and its compliance timelines. However, EPA failed to

address the specific “Reliability Safety Valve” measures Amici proposed.

In doing so, EPA:

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 38 of 53

• failed to address, let alone state, its reasons for not adopting
any of these measures;

• failed to adequately consider the impact of premature

retirements driven by the Rule’s compliance timelines
(despite such concerns documented and substantiated by
Amici and others);

• largely deferred reliability issues to the states without

providing adequate guidance or clarifying an expectation that
regional reliability issues would need to be addressed as a
condition to EPA’s approval of a given state plan; and

• failed to consider, let alone address, Amici’s proposal to

require a process for future analysis and potential adjustment
to the compliance timelines, should the challenges of
implementing CCS delay EPA’s expected in-service dates of
this not-yet-commercial new technology.

EPA’s failure to adequately address Amici’s concerns is grounds for

remand of this proceeding for EPA to address these issues. See, e.g., Ohio

v. EPA, 144 S.Ct. 2040, 2055-56 (2024) (criticizing EPA for failing to

address public comments adequately before issuing final rule).

B. EPA has not adequately considered resource adequacy

and reliability impacts as part of its responsibility to
consider “energy requirements” in conjunction with
other proposed, pending, or existing regulations.

The impact of the Final Rule must also be considered in conjunction

with the numerous other proposed, pending, or existing environmental

regulations that impact grid reliability and resource adequacy—all of

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 39 of 53

which are resulting in a decline in reserve margin and premature

retirement of dispatchable “baseload” resources (i.e., resources most

currently in the form of coal and natural gas). EPA performed an analysis

of resource adequacy; however, by its own admission, EPA did not

analyze the reliability implications to the grid, stating “EPA does not

conduct operational reliability studies.” Technical Memorandum from

the U.S. Env’t Prot. Agency Off. of Air & Radiation 4 (Apr. 2024),




Certain types of resources are accredited, or count, for different

levels of capacity, depending on their reliability value at times of peak

demand. 12 Traditional dispatchable generators, like coal and natural gas,


12 MISO’s Response to the Reliability Imperative, MISO 7-8,

%20Feb.%2021%20Final504018.pdf?v=20240221104216 (last updated
Feb. 2024); Electronic Filing from Michael Kessler, MISO’s Managing
Assistant Gen. Couns., to Hon. Kimberly D. Bose, Fed. Energy Regul.
Comm’n Sec’y (Nov. 30, 2021) [hereinafter Electronic Filing from Michael
Kessler], https://cdn.misoenergy.org/2021-11-
20accreditation608310.pdf; Electronic Filing from Michelle Quinn,
MISO’s Senior Corp. Couns., to Hon. Debbie-Anne Reese, Fed. Energy
Regul. Comm’n Sec’y (Mar. 28, 2024) [hereinafter Electronic Filing from
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 40 of 53

tend to have much higher accredited capacity, availability, or other

necessary reliability attributes than most of the generation or storage

capacity 13 that has replaced these units in recent years. 14

12F 13F

On April 25, 2024, EPA finalized four new rules implementing

pollution restrictions for power plants: the Final Rule, the MATS Rule

(89 Fed. Reg. 38,508 (May 7, 2024)), the ELG Rule (89 Fed. Reg. 40,198

(May 9, 2024)), and the LCCR Rule (89 Fed. Reg. 38,950 (May 8, 2024)).

The Final and MATS Rules focus on air pollution, while the ELG Rule

looks to limit water pollution, and the LCCR Rule regulates coal ash

disposal at previously used disposal sites.

Michelle Quinn], https://cdn.misoenergy.org/2024-03-

28%20Docket%20No.%20ER24-1638-000632361.pdf; Energy Transition
in PJM: Resource Retirements, Replacements & Risks, supra.

13Although longer duration energy storage can help to mitigate these

reliability concerns, long duration energy storage resources are only in
nascent development and have not yet proven economically feasible for
deployment on a mass scale to make up for the premature retirement of
generation. Battery storage capacity also does not provide all the
necessary reliability attributes that coal and natural gas units provide,
such as grid inertia.
14Electronic Filing from Michael Kessler, supra; Electronic Filing from
Michelle Quinn, supra; MISO’s Response to the Reliability Imperative,
supra, at 7-8.
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 41 of 53

Amici are concerned about the chilling impact of the Final Rule—

in conjunction with these other recently adopted rules—on investment

required to retain and maintain existing units that are needed to provide

key reliability attributes and grid services before the Final Rule’s

compliance date. The implementation of the Final Rule, along with these

other new rules, in conjunction with rules already in place, is already

significantly impacting baseload resources with high accreditation

valuations and needed system attributes. Investments are based, in part,

on the expected revenues associated with continuing operation of the

unit. Unit owners may decide to retire units early rather than incur

additional expense and risk. EPA did not adequately address the impact

of these rules holistically as part of the “energy requirements” analysis

required by Congress. 15

Alternatively, should the units remain operational, with the

expectation of retirement at a future date certain, unit owners may forgo

15In the Final Rule, EPA did a limited resource adequacy analysis of the
impacts of the Rule in conjunction with certain other recently issued
environmental rules. However, this analysis did not recognize the more
limited accredited value of renewables utilized by the Joint ISOs/RTOs
in their reliability analyses as compared to the fossil generation predicted
to retire as a result of the various EPA rules.
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 42 of 53

required maintenance in the interim because of the lower return on their

investment. The failure to properly maintain generating units can lead

to a higher incidence of forced outages of these units, diminishing the

dispatchable generation supply in the interim.

In states that employ traditional cost-of-service regulation of the

electric utility sector, the state PUC has authority to direct the

construction of new generation by the vertically integrated investor-

owned utilities they regulate, 16 and in many cases has the ability to

prohibit a generator from retiring. However, even in those states, load is

served from a combination of merchant generation that is not subject to

the same degree of state regulation as well as generation from traditional

vertically integrated utilities subject to state regulation. 17 In addition,


for states that are part of a multi-state RTO or ISO, the state’s resource

16The state PUC traditionally has no authority over generation owned

by cooperatives, municipal utilities, or merchant generation selling into
the wholesale market.

17 This is particularly true for merchant renewable generation which

exists in those states but often serves designated customers through long
term power purchase agreements (“PPAs”) rather than through direct
regulation by the state PUC.
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 43 of 53

adequacy requirements and responsibilities are shared within the region,

to prevent one state from “leaning” on neighboring states.

Moreover, when ISOs/RTOs in regions with vertically integrated

utilities face imminent reliability challenges, there is no one entity that

can simply order a unit to operate, if that unit owner is otherwise facing

violations of its environmental compliance obligations, should it run.

While Section 202(c) of the Federal Power Act does provide a narrow

authorization for the Secretary of Energy to override environmental

requirements if found necessary to ensure reliability, this relief is only

available for up to 90-day periods. Moreover, an applicant for 202(c) relief

needs to show imminent harm given the emergency nature of the statute.

In the context of vertically integrated states, but even more relevant in

areas consisting of restructured states, no unit owner will continue to

invest to maintain a unit simply on the hope that the Secretary of Energy

will grant a last-minute, temporary reprieve from violations of their

environmental compliance requirements.

By the same token, states that have restructured their electricity

markets have effectively ceded their ability to order new generation.

Rather, they depend on the market to send price signals to attract new

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 44 of 53

generation and retire unneeded generation. 18 The markets have worked


quite well in achieving that goal. In PJM, during the initial MATS rule

transition, the market efficiently replaced 20,000 MW of coal generation

with new, cleaner, natural gas generation that took advantage of the

shale gas revolution that was occurring simultaneously. However, as

PJM detailed in its 4R’s (Resource Retirements, Replacements and Risks)

Report, 19 the markets cannot instantly replace policy-driven unit


retirements with units that provide the same or even enhanced reliability

services. MISO, ERCOT, and SPP have all come to the same conclusion. 20 19F

In the Final Rule, EPA did not adequately consider or address potential

18Letter to Adm’r Regan, supra note 9, at 3 (“[T]he majority of Americans

are served by distributors who procure electric power from one or another
of FERC’s wholesale markets . . . . The markets were designed to obtain
the requisite quantity of generation through procurement auctions with
price signals and incentives designed to do the work that the utilities’
planning processes had once done.”).

19Energy Transition in PJM: Resource Retirements, Replacements &

Risks, supra.

20 Joint Comments of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.;

Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.; PJM Interconnection,
L.L.C.; and Southwest Power Pool, Inc., PJM (Aug. 8, 2023),

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 45 of 53

impacts of the Rule on wholesale electricity markets or generation

owners’ decisions to continue or cease operations. 21 In short, the Final


Rule establishes clear timelines, but has not put in place adequate

reliability or resource adequacy safeguards.

C. The Final Rule doesn’t allow enough compliance

flexibility to mitigate short-term grid emergencies.

In addition to failing to address Amici’s proposals to mitigate

resource adequacy concerns, EPA also proposed an unreasonable short-

term remedy to address emergency conditions on the grid that may

require compliance flexibility. For instance, to maintain the reliability of

the electric system within its region, each of the Amici operate under a

set of carefully designed operating procedures that define system

conditions and guide system operator actions in a variety of conditions. 22 21F

Operating procedures guide system operator actions when an event

21 Letter to Adm’r Regan, supra note 9.

22 By way of example, see Operating Procedures, MISO,

%20MISO%20Operating%20Procedures%2010252022318965.pdf (last
visited Sept. 12, 2024). See also ERCOT Nodal Protocols, ERCOT (Aug.
23, 2024),

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 46 of 53

occurs on the electric system that has the potential to, or actually does,

negatively impact system reliability. 23 There are a variety of


progressively more serious warnings each of the Joint ISOs/RTOs

communicates ahead of a declared EEA.

EEA1 is the first level of emergency operations and is issued to

maintain reliability of the grid. 24 It signals that each ISO/RTO can no


longer meet the forecasted demand plus operating reserve requirements

without taking action. 25 Put another way, EEA1 means power demand

could exceed supply if actions are not taken. By declaring EEA1, each

ISO/RTO operator is generally able to access additional generation to

increase the supply of electricity. 26 25F

EEA2 is the second level of emergency operations and is issued to

maintain reliability of the grid as operating reserves continue to

23Operating Procedures, supra note 21; ERCOT Nodal Protocols, supra

note 21.

24 By way of example only, see Grid Conditions At a Glance, MISO,

conditions-explainer/ (last visited Sept. 12, 2024).

25 Id.

26 Id.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 47 of 53

decline. 27 It signals that the ISO/RTO is energy deficient and there is a


need to reduce energy demand. 28 By declaring EEA2, an ISO/RTO


operator is able to tap into emergency generation not available during

normal conditions. 29 28F

Energy Emergency Alert 3 (“EEA3”) is the third and final level of

emergency operations and is issued to protect the electric grid from

cascading outages and ensure reliability is maintained to the greatest

number of consumers possible. 30 It signals energy supply and demand


cannot be balanced and power interruptions are imminent or

happening. 31 30F

The Final Rule is too constraining to address reliability impacts

resulting from the compliance strictures of the Rule by making the

declaration of an EEA2 emergency a condition precedent to a unit owner

27 Id.

28 Id.

29 Id.

30 Id.

31 Id.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 48 of 53

availing itself of short-term compliance relief from the Rule’s

requirements. Amici attempted to raise this issue with EPA prior to the

promulgation of the new Rule, which resulted in the addition of two

provisions, (see 89 Fed. Reg. at 39,803, 40,011-40,020), but these

provisions are insufficient.

Specifically, the Rule’s short-term reliability mechanism requires

the declaration of an EEA2 or EEA3, neither of which provide enough

time for ISOs/RTOs to mitigate real time reliability issues as they arise

within an operating day. See 89 Fed. Reg. at 39,805, 39,971-73. Instead,

as Amici urged in their comments to EPA, the availability of compliance

flexibility should be triggered at or in anticipation of grid conditions that

trigger an EEA1 event, when operators are still able to access additional

generation to increase the supply of electricity. The reliability

mechanism in the Rule was a helpful and appreciated step forward, but

on its face, is unduly limited and potentially places the grid—and

customers—at risk. Amici shouldn’t have to wait until there is a real-

time emergency; they should be able to take proactive measures to

protect reliability within the existing EEA structure for short-term

emergencies (i.e., when an EEA1 is, or is expected to be, declared) and

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 49 of 53

through the longer-term reliability safety valve mechanisms Amici

proposed in the docket below.

In longer-term situations, states can ask EPA to extend deadlines,

or decrease technology standards, by which units must cease operations

per the RULOF doctrine. Id. This also was a helpful and appreciated

addition to the Final Rule. However, the lack of any guidance on what

would constitute an acceptable plan invoking RULOF does not provide

the certainty which Amici require, given the reliability challenges that

are imminent, due to rising load growth and premature plant

retirements. Thus, RULOF—although helpful—may not be the safety

valve EPA makes it out to be.


Amici worked proactively to craft specific “Reliability Safety Valve”

proposals to address their concerns with the Proposed Rule and

presented them to EPA through detailed written submittals. EPA failed

to adequately address these proposals in the Final Rule, and also failed

to undertake the comprehensive analysis of “energy requirements” that

Congress made clear must be part of any EPA rulemaking under Section

111. As a result, the significant grid reliability issues—and Amici’s

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 50 of 53

proposed solutions—weren’t adequately addressed by EPA in response to

the extensive record presented below by Amici and others.

For these reasons, Amici respectfully request that the Court

remand the Final Rule back to EPA, with instructions for it to adequately

consider the following grid adequacy and reliability issues Amici

previously raised:

(1) Providing up-front, clear criteria on the use of the RULOF

Provision and enforcement discretion;

(2) Creating a sub-category of units needed for reliability;

(3) Providing clear guidance to the states regarding what would

constitute an acceptable state plan, within the context of a
regional Reliability Safety Valve to address regional resource
adequacy issues;

(4) Recommending to the states in a given region served by an

ISO/RTO or balancing authority the creation of a bank of
regional reliability allowances available to unit owners only
during emergency conditions;

(5) Establishing an Energy Emergency Alert 1 declaration as the

appropriate trigger for compliance flexibility for individual
units needed for reliability; and

(6) Building into the Rule a fixed period for review if the chosen
BSER technology is not proceeding as quickly as EPA
anticipated in the Final Rule.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 51 of 53

Absent such a remand, the Final Rule lacks adequate consideration of

“energy requirements” that Congress directed be considered in any

Section 111(d) rulemaking.

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295

Counsel for Amici Curiae Midcontinent

Independent System Operator, Inc.,
PJM Interconnection L.L.C., Southwest
Power Pool, Inc., and Electric
Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 52 of 53


This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed.

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using Microsoft Word in 14-point Century Schoolbook.

Dated: September 13, 2024

/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit

USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 53 of 53


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/s/ Jenny R. Buchheit

Jenny R. Buchheit


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