Power Plant Rules Amicus Brief
Power Plant Rules Amicus Brief
Power Plant Rules Amicus Brief
Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295
Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”), and Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.
enhancing the reliability of the bulk power grid in all or parts of 30 states
and the District of Columbia. The Joint ISOs/RTOs ensure the reliable
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FERC (and in the case of ERCOT, the Texas PUC) authorizes the
The Joint ISOs/RTOs are responsible for the safety, reliability, and
security of the bulk power transmission system, which refers to the large-
reliability of the power grid within their regions, the Joint ISOs/RTOs
administer the buying and selling of electricity at the wholesale level and
plan the electric grid of the future. See, e.g., Citadel FNGE Ltd. v. FERC,
77 F.4th 842, 848 (D.C. Cir. 2023) (“[RTO]s serve several functions,
balancing energy supply and demand, establishing markets for the sale
electricity.”); Am. Mun. Power, Inc. v. FERC, 86 F.4th 922, 926 (D.C. Cir.
2023) (similar).
For all of these reasons, Amici Curiae have an interest in the Final
Rule, and have tendered a brief that is extremely relevant to the issues
before the Court. Their proffered brief outlines in detail that without
of the Rule are not workable and are destined to trigger an acceleration
because of the growth of the digital economy and the need to ensure
resulting from the Rule’s timelines will substantially strain each of the
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grid to meet the needs of the citizenry and the country’s economy. See,
e.g., Delaware Div. of Pub. Advocate v. FERC, 3 F.4th 461, 463 (D.C. Cir.
reliability and prevent service interruptions, PJM must ensure that its
strong interest in this case, and their proffered brief will assist the Court
in its deliberations.
F.3d 471, 476-77 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (“A regional transmission organization
member utilities.”).
ISOs/RTOs offered four “Reliability Safety Valve” options that would help
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mitigate certain of their concerns regarding the effect of the Rule on the
Amici accompanied their proposals with the legal support for EPA to
implementation. But in the Final Rule, EPA did not address these
specific recommendations, let alone explain why it did not adopt them.
Amici’s proffered brief also explains to the Court that EPA’s failure
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impact the Final Rule will have when analyzed in conjunction with the
“baseload” resources. Amici are also concerned about the chilling impact
these collective rules will have on the investment required to retain and
reliability attributes and grid services before the Final Rule’s compliance
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before any short-term relief would be available. Amici should not have to
For these reasons, Amici respectfully request that the Court grant
them leave to file the accompanying brief and direct the Clerk to accept
Respectfully submitted,
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Circuit Rule 32(e)(1). This motion thus complies with Federal Rule
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a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be electronically filed with the
Clerk of the Court of the United States Court of Appeals for the District
participants in the case are registered CM/ECF users, and that service
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Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295
profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation
transmission tariff, ensure reliable operation of, and equal access to,
Manitoba, and operates one of the world’s largest energy markets with
Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, PJM states that
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(1997), reh’g denied, 92 FERC ¶ 61,282 (2000), modified sub nom. Atl.
City Elec. Co. v. FERC, 295 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2002); PJM Interconnection,
Code Ann. tit. 6, § 18-701 (2024). PJM members do not purchase their
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considers various attributes of the member, and the interests are used
only for the limited purposes of: (i) determining the amount of working
liquidation. PJM is not operated to produce a profit, has never made any
governance of PJM and there are no individual entities that have a 10%
Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, SPP hereby
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profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation
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Except for the following, all Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae
appearing in this Court are listed in the Brief for Petitioners: Amici
C. Related Cases
These consolidated cases have not previously been before this Court
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Respectfully submitted,
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Jenny R. Buchheit
Counsel of Record
One American Square, Suite 2900
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200
(317) 236-2295
Except for the following, all Parties, Intervenors, and Amici Curiae
appearing in this Court are listed in the Brief for Petitioners: Amici
C. Related Cases
These consolidated cases have not previously been before this Court
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profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation
access transmission tariff, ensure reliable operation of, and equal access
to, high-voltage power lines in 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province
of Manitoba, and operates one of the world’s largest energy markets with
Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, PJM states that
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(1997), reh’g denied, 92 FERC ¶ 61,282 (2000), modified sub nom. Atl.
City Elec. Co. v. FERC, 295 F.3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2002); PJM Interconnection,
Code Ann. tit. 6, § 18-701 (2024). PJM members do not purchase their
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considers various attributes of the member, and the interests are used
only for the limited purposes of: (i) determining the amount of working
liquidation. PJM is not operated to produce a profit, has never made any
governance of PJM and there are no individual entities that have a 10%
Rules 15(c)(6) and 26.1 of the Circuit Rules of this Court, SPP hereby
profit corporation that does not issue stock, no publicly held corporation
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Pursuant to D.C. Cir. Rule 29(d), counsel for Amici Curiae certifies
the particular subject matter of this brief, i.e., the compliance deadlines
that stem from EPA’s BSER determination in the Final Rule, which are
target dates for commercialization of CCS, which drive both the rate and
comments to the Proposed Rule, that would have helped mitigate their
generation units would have on the reliability of the electric grid. Amici
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GLOSSARY ............................................................................................. xv
ARGUMENT ............................................................................................. 5
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 9 of 53
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 28
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE................................................................. 32
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Ohio v. EPA,
144 S.Ct. 2040 (2024) ..................................................................... 17
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 11 of 53
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 12 of 53
2024 SPP Resource Adequacy Report, Sw. Power Pool (June 14, 2024),
source%20adequacy%20report.pdf ................................................ 13
USCA Case #24-1120 Document #2074675 Filed: 09/13/2024 Page 13 of 53
2023-0072.ashx ............................................................................... 23
Letter from James P. Danly, Comm’r of the Fed. Energy Regul. Comm’n
to Hon. Michael S. Regan, Adm’r of the U.S. Env’t Prot. Agency
(Dec. 20, 2023) https://www.regulations.gov/comment/EPA-HQ-
OAR-2023-0072-8216 ......................................................... 13, 23, 24
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Technical Memorandum from the U.S. Env’t Prot. Agency Off. of Air &
Radiation 4 (Apr. 2024), https://www.epa.gov/system/files/
vehicle-rules-final-111-egu-rules-elg-and-mats.pdf ...................... 18
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of Petitioners.
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maintaining and enhancing the reliability of the bulk power grid in all or
grid to local distribution utilities, which are then responsible for delivery
in SPP, and 27 million in ERCOT. FERC (and in the case of ERCOT, the
administer the bulk electric system in their regions. One of their critical
The Joint ISOs/RTOs are responsible for the safety, reliability, and
security of the bulk power transmission system, which refers to the large-
reliability of the power grid within their regions, the Joint ISOs/RTOs
administer the buying and selling of electricity at the wholesale level and
plan the electric grid of the future. See, e.g., Citadel FNGE Ltd. v. FERC,
77 F.4th 842, 848 (D.C. Cir. 2023) (“[RTO]s serve several functions,
balancing energy supply and demand, establishing markets for the sale
electricity.”); Am. Mun. Power, Inc. v. FERC, 86 F.4th 922, 926 (D.C. Cir.
2023) (similar).
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For all of these reasons, Amici Curiae have an interest in the Final
related provisions of the Rule are not workable and are destined to
that possess critical reliability attributes at the very time when such
because of the growth of the digital economy and the need to ensure
resulting from the Rule’s timelines will substantially strain each of the
grid to meet the needs of the citizenry and the country’s economy. See,
e.g., Delaware Div. of Pub. Advocate v. FERC, 3 F.4th 461, 463 (D.C. Cir.
reliability and prevent service interruptions, PJM must ensure that its
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then drive both the rate and timing of compliance which, in turn, will
the reliability of the electric grid. The Final Rule unreasonably discounts
years before the compliance deadline, given the economic cost and risk of
useful life may be accelerated because of the Final Rule. The Joint
offered four “Reliability Safety Valve” options that would help mitigate
Amici accompanied their proposals with the legal support for EPA to
implementation. But in the Final Rule, EPA did not address these
specific recommendations, let alone explain why it did not adopt them. In
exacerbated by the impact the Final Rule will have when analyzed in
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concerned about the chilling impact these collective rules will have on the
needed to provide key reliability attributes and grid services before the
compliance deadlines in the Rule with other rules, and the compliance
deadlines affecting these very same EGUs, does not adequately address
short-term reliability mechanism that EPA did adopt in the Rule thus
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unduly places the grid—and customers—at greater risk before any short-
term relief would be available. Amici should not have to wait until the
described herein).
remand the Final Rule back to EPA, with instructions for it to adequately
consider the grid adequacy and reliability issues Amici previously raised
in the docket below, as well as the specific solutions which they—as the
grid operators charged with maintaining grid reliability now and in the
future—proposed that EPA adopt. Absent such a remand, the Final Rule
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fossil-fuel-fired power plants, CI8244 (89 Fed. Reg. 39,789) (the “Final
existing sources of emissions, those standards must utilize the BSER that
§ 7411(a)(1), (b), (d). The standard must also “tak[e] into account the cost
The BSER determination then drives both the rate and timing of
compliance with the Final Rule. Id. at § 7411; see also 89 Fed. Reg. at
The Final Rule establishes CCS with a 90% capture of emitted CO2
as the BSER for existing coal-fired EGUs that plan to continue operation
after January 1, 2039, as well as for new and modified natural gas-fired
units with annual capacity factors of 40% or greater. Both coal-fired and
reduction to meet the limit, 42 U.S.C. § 7411(b)(5), here, EPA did not
identify any other technology or compliance option that sources could use
Opening Br. Amici raised similar concerns in the proceedings below, 4 but
focus this Brief on the compliance deadlines that stem from EPA’s BSER
Those BSER determinations then drive both the rate and timing of
generation sources that will threaten the reliability of the electric grid
nor does EPA adequately consider the risks that the technologies will not
costs projected.
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Assessment, noting:
needed for reliability. The Final Rule did not adequately address these
in any final rule. 42 U.S.C. § 7411(a)(1). In fact, applying EPA’s own prior
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unit years before the compliance deadline, given the obligations of states
to submit binding compliance plans by May 2026 under the Final Rule.
See 89 Fed. Reg. at 39,997. As a result, decisions to retire units before the
end of their useful life may be accelerated because of the Final Rule’s
includes “the impact, if any, of the air pollution controls on the source’s
at odds with its own later interpretation within the Rule and case law
reviewing the term. 7 See, e.g., Sierra Club v. Costle, 657 F.2d 298, 327-28
7 Amici also refer the Court to Section I(C) of Petitioners’ Opening Brief,
at pages 123-144, for further analysis of this issue, including judicial
interpretation of the term “energy requirements.”
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individual units, as EPA seems to have done. That is because the delivery
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projected demand plus reserve margin shortfalls, which states are then
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the system, given these reliability challenges, let alone the “Reliability
Safety Valve” mechanisms Amici proposed. Amici SPP, PJM, and MISO
all operate the electric grid across multiple states, making consideration
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adequacy is also a regional issue and not solely an issue that can be fully
state in isolation. 11
by citing to the role of other agencies or the states. For one, Congress
federal agencies, at the end of the day, EPA alone has enforcement
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authority over EGUs. A plant needed for reliability simply cannot operate
a state issue, for the multi-state RTOs that operate a single multi-state
dispatch, reliability is also a regional issue and not solely an issue that
Thus, it was incumbent upon EPA to ensure the Final Rule, both in
concerns, Amici proposed to EPA specific short and long term “Reliability
Safety Valve” measures that would help address and mitigate these
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proposals with the legal support for EPA to adopt each such provision,
the Final Rule and its compliance timelines. However, EPA failed to
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• failed to address, let alone state, its reasons for not adopting
any of these measures;
remand of this proceeding for EPA to address these issues. See, e.g., Ohio
v. EPA, 144 S.Ct. 2040, 2055-56 (2024) (criticizing EPA for failing to
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currently in the form of coal and natural gas). EPA performed an analysis
analyze the reliability implications to the grid, stating “EPA does not
the U.S. Env’t Prot. Agency Off. of Air & Radiation 4 (Apr. 2024),
pollution restrictions for power plants: the Final Rule, the MATS Rule
(89 Fed. Reg. 38,508 (May 7, 2024)), the ELG Rule (89 Fed. Reg. 40,198
(May 9, 2024)), and the LCCR Rule (89 Fed. Reg. 38,950 (May 8, 2024)).
The Final and MATS Rules focus on air pollution, while the ELG Rule
looks to limit water pollution, and the LCCR Rule regulates coal ash
Amici are concerned about the chilling impact of the Final Rule—
required to retain and maintain existing units that are needed to provide
key reliability attributes and grid services before the Final Rule’s
compliance date. The implementation of the Final Rule, along with these
unit. Unit owners may decide to retire units early rather than incur
additional expense and risk. EPA did not adequately address the impact
required by Congress. 15
15In the Final Rule, EPA did a limited resource adequacy analysis of the
impacts of the Rule in conjunction with certain other recently issued
environmental rules. However, this analysis did not recognize the more
limited accredited value of renewables utilized by the Joint ISOs/RTOs
in their reliability analyses as compared to the fossil generation predicted
to retire as a result of the various EPA rules.
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electric utility sector, the state PUC has authority to direct the
owned utilities they regulate, 16 and in many cases has the ability to
for states that are part of a multi-state RTO or ISO, the state’s resource
can simply order a unit to operate, if that unit owner is otherwise facing
While Section 202(c) of the Federal Power Act does provide a narrow
needs to show imminent harm given the emergency nature of the statute.
invest to maintain a unit simply on the hope that the Secretary of Energy
Rather, they depend on the market to send price signals to attract new
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quite well in achieving that goal. In PJM, during the initial MATS rule
with new, cleaner, natural gas generation that took advantage of the
retirements with units that provide the same or even enhanced reliability
services. MISO, ERCOT, and SPP have all come to the same conclusion. 20 19F
In the Final Rule, EPA did not adequately consider or address potential
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Rule establishes clear timelines, but has not put in place adequate
the electric system within its region, each of the Amici operate under a
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occurs on the electric system that has the potential to, or actually does,
without taking action. 25 Put another way, EEA1 means power demand
could exceed supply if actions are not taken. By declaring EEA1, each
25 Id.
26 Id.
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happening. 31 30F
27 Id.
28 Id.
29 Id.
30 Id.
31 Id.
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requirements. Amici attempted to raise this issue with EPA prior to the
time for ISOs/RTOs to mitigate real time reliability issues as they arise
trigger an EEA1 event, when operators are still able to access additional
mechanism in the Rule was a helpful and appreciated step forward, but
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per the RULOF doctrine. Id. This also was a helpful and appreciated
addition to the Final Rule. However, the lack of any guidance on what
the certainty which Amici require, given the reliability challenges that
to adequately address these proposals in the Final Rule, and also failed
Congress made clear must be part of any EPA rulemaking under Section
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remand the Final Rule back to EPA, with instructions for it to adequately
previously raised:
(6) Building into the Rule a fixed period for review if the chosen
BSER technology is not proceeding as quickly as EPA
anticipated in the Final Rule.
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Respectfully submitted,
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the parts of the brief exempted by Fed. R. App. P. 32(f) and D.C.
Cir. R. 32(e)(1).
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a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be electronically filed with the
Clerk of the Court of the United States Court of Appeals for the District
participants in the case are registered CM/ECF users, and that service