GuidetoSnapchat English
GuidetoSnapchat English
GuidetoSnapchat English
Guide to Snapchat
What’s inside?
Table of Contents
What is
Our Privacy
How to Talk to
Snapchat? FAQs Features Principles Safety Tips Resources your Teen About
Snapchat 101
As a parent or educator, you might
know Snapchat as the messaging and
camera app that’s one of the only ways
teens communicate with their friends
these days. From the very beginning,
What is Snapchat?
we’ve focused on helping real friends
connect when they’re apart and to feel
comfortable expressing themselves in
the moment. Snapchat was created as
a tool to make people feel comfortable
expressing themselves with their camera.
How to use Snapchat
For additional information on when Snapchat deletes
Snaps and Chats, please visit our support article here.
From the very beginning, we’ve focused Check out Page 27 for more on these terms!
on helping real friends connect when
Top Features
they’re apart, and to feel comfortable Stories:
expressing themselves in the moment.
Snapchat allows for video, photo, This is where Snapchatters can view Stories from
audio, and text chats, as well as phone their Friends, Creators, and the broader Snapchat
and video calls. Messages are deleted community! It’s also where you can view and watch
by default, and a user cannot receive subscriptions from Discover and “For You” option.
To help you navigate the app, check out some Snap Map: a one-on-one chat from someone they
Snapchat fundamentals below. For a full list of features, aren’t already friends with.
check out our Snap Glossary on Page 27. Snap Map connects our community to their best Spotlight:
friends and to different places around the world. As Camera:
First thing first: There’s more to Snapchat then just with all our products, the Snap Map was designed Spotlight shines a light
sending photo and video messages. The app has 5 with privacy top of mind, and location-sharing is off by Snapchat automatically opens to the Camera. This on the most entertaining
tabs (from left to right): Snap Map, Chat, Camera, default for all users. When a Snapchatter opens Snap is where you can take Snaps — which are videos or Snaps created by the
Stories & Spotlight. Map for the first time, they’re prompted to choose photos. After a Snap is created, it can be layered with Snapchat community.
who they’d like to share their creative tools, like Filters, texts, stickers, attachments Explore by swiping
location with-- whether that be and more. A Snap can be: up and down to move
all their friends, a customized between content. If you
few, or no one (Ghost Mode). Sent in a Chat see something you want
Places on the Snap Map allows Saved to Memories to see more of, tap the
for Snapchatters to view business heart to Favorite it and
Added to My Story or create a
hours and reviews, make take-out personalize your feed!
and delivery orders. Private Story or Custom Story
Privacy on Snapchat
— that’s why we treat your information
differently than most other tech companies.
4 8
Staying Safe on Snapchat
Keep it Between Friends: Snapchat was Report Abuse on Snapchat: You can always
made for keeping in touch with your close friends. report abuse on Snapchat, including harassment,
We recommend that you only friend or accept friend bullying, or any other safety concern. If someone is
Wellness Resources
meditations and mindfulness
practices, directly in-app. Through reach out to law enforcement when we believe, in
the Headspace Mini, Snapchatters good faith, an imminent threat to life exists. Snapchat
will be empowered to do is not a professional mental health intervention
meditation exercises with friends resource. If a friend or loved one is in danger, utilize
and send encouraging messages emergency services such as, the Suicide Prevention
to positively boost friends in need. Hotline, Crisis Textline, or call 911.
Note, this feature is only available
Snap is deeply committed to the safety and wellbeing Crisis Text Line: We partner with Crisis Text Line, in select countries. Safety Snapshot Discover Channel:
of its community. We employ teams, technologies, which allows Snapchatters who live in the US to chat Encourage your teen to subscribe to Safety Snapshot,
policies, and partnerships to keep our Snapchatters with a live, trained crisis counselor for free and is
safe, healthy, and informed. Here For You: A tool in Search that houses which is a Discover show focused on educating
available 24/7. Just text KIND to 741741, or search Crisis localized resources and content from professional non- Snapchatters about digital security and important
Text Line in-app! If you are outside the US, check out profit organizations that’s shown when people type ways to keep your Snapchat account secure! Note, this
We work with industry experts and non-governmental our Safety Resources for more information. channel is only available in select countries.
agencies to provide resources and support to in words associated with being in crisis. The Search
Snapchatters in need. For a full list of our Safety topics include depression, anxiety, grieving, bullying,
Partners, visit our Safety Partners. body positivity, LGBTQ mental health, and more. Resource Page: Check out our Safety Center, for
a full list of safety partners and resources for you and
Snapchat provides resources and wellbeing features In-App Reporting: Our in-app reporting tool allow your teen!
in-app to help support your teens, whether they are Snapchatters to anonymously alert us when they worry
seeking emotional support or simply just want to chat! their friends are at risk for self-harm. We also share Tap and hold
Our wellbeing features are designed to educate and resources to both the person alerting Snap to the in-app to scan
empower members of the Snapchat community to situation and the person receiving the in-app support
support friends who may be experiencing their own to a Support Site page that has self-harm and crisis
struggle with mental health! hotlines resources in over 20 countries and languages.
Conversation Starters
is available 24/7 by texting KIND to 741741. We’ve
Recognizing a Concern: partnered directly with them to ensure the Snapchat
community has free, confidential support from their
It’s important to know what behaviors you should trained Crisis Counselors.
keep an eye out for in your teen. These behaviors
might indicate that your teen is having trouble online
and might need some extra support from you, a
We know it’s important to be able to communicate Here are some fun questions to ask to get counselor, or another adult. Are you noticing any of
with your teen about using Snapchat. That’s why we the following?
partnered with experts from MindUP, Crisis Text Line,
the conversation flowing:
and Snap Parents to come up with some conversation Difference in personality (increased anxiety, fear,
starters on how to connect with your teen over Snap, Can I see what your Bitmoji looks like?
or anger)
recognize potential concerning behavior, and how to Do you want to create a family private story or
practice wellness within the app! group chat for us? Avoiding conversations about technology
What filter do you use the most? Avoiding using their phone or laptop
Get Involved Which Discover show is your favorite? Which Withdrawing from friends and family Practicing Wellness:
ones will I like? Change in school behavior (lower grades, poor
Creating your own Snapchat account can help you attendance, falling asleep in class) Snapchat’s designed so that people can only see
How do best friends on Snapchat work?
understand the app and better connect with your teen. the things you want to share, for as long as you want
Pro Tip: Have your teen teach you about using your Who is your longest Snapstreak? Self-harming ideations
to share them. We also develop new products and
new Snapchat! Can I save a Snap? Where does it go if I save it? features using our safety-by-design approach and
How do I go into Ghost Mode on the Snap Map? helping our community access preventative wellbeing
What’s your favorite tab of the app? tools and resources when they or their friends are
experiencing a mental health crisis.
Here are some ways to check in with After talking with your teen: Agree together on a time block throughout each
your teen: day that includes a social media or phone “break”
Now that you and your teen are pros at communicating Talk openly about online risks and concerns,
Do you ever use Headspace to meditate?
Research has found meditation, or practicing
We all have the ability about Snapchat, it’s a good idea to set some
agreements for the future and to make sure you are
providing them with practical things they
can do to deal with risks online, like blocking
mindful awareness, can reduce stress and to bring more joy and continually having these conversations! Even creating and reporting
improve well-being
wellness to our lives by a social media contract can help keep privacy and trust
on both sides. By making these promises, it can help to Here are some key guidelines to help your teen stay
If you needed to report somebody’s Snapchat, do
you know how to? exercising positive mental facilitate trust between both parties. safe and well on social media:
Do you watch the Safety Snapshot Discover habits such as practicing
Channel dedicated towards safety? Here are some conversations starters for fostering Importance of keeping social posts to your close
Are you subscribed to Here For You? This can mindful awareness, healthy communication with your teen and supporting circle — only accepting friend requests from
be found by searching “Here For You” into your expressing gratitude, and their development of healthy screen and social media people you really know
habits: Always ask yourself: WWGS? (what would
search bar on Snapchat
Do you feel like you have somebody to talk to if
acting with kindness. Grandma say) before you post!
something is bothering you on Snapchat? - Molly Stewart Lawlor, PhD Create talking rituals; set aside time for talking and Don’t be a bystander — if you see something that
Do you know what resources are available to listening like over family meals makes you uncomfortable, report it!
support you on Snapchat? Involve your teen in conversation, asking Always act within the community guidelines
questions like, “what is your opinion on this?” and of kindness
How long do you spend in-app?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed when using the
app? What do you do after feeling this?
“ responding with openness to their ideas
Learn how to really listen by eliminating
distractions and maintaining eye contact
Snapchat Glossary
My Eyes Only: This feature is found in Memories Snapcode: A Snapcode is special kind of image
and allows for a Snapchatter to move Snaps and that you can scan with Snapchat to do different things,
Stories saved in their Memories to their My Eyes Only like add new friends or unlock Filters and Lenses.
tab —which requires a passcode to view.
(A-Z) My Story: A series of Snaps that play in
Snap Map: See what’s happening, find your friends,
and get inspired to go on an adventure with this tab.
chronological order that friends can view for 24 hours. Location-sharing is off by default -- you decide if you
Camera: Where you send your friends Snaps, which Games and Snap Minis: Games are a fun way to You can choose the option to share to Everyone, My want to share your location with friends, or simply keep
are photos or videos! hang out with your friends on Snapchat! Snap Minis are Friends, or a Customized list of people. it to yourself with Ghost Mode.
bite-sized utilities tailor-made for friends, like planning
Chat: Send video, phone, or text chats with your a movie night or making a deck of flashcards. Our Story: A collection of Snaps submitted from Snap Stars: Creators (such as influencers and
real friends. different Snapchatters throughout the community. celebrities) who have a wide audience will have a gold
Ghost Mode: When enabled, your friends can’t see Snaps featured on Our Story are public content that star. You can subscribe to these Creators.
Creative Tools: After you create a Snap, you can your location on the Snap Map! can be shown on Snap Maps and even off platform.
add stickers, text, doodles and more. Spotlight: Discover the world of Snapchat in one
Lenses: Tap on a face to launch the Lens carousel. Private Story: Private Stories allow Snapchatters to place and see perspectives across our community in
Custom Story: Choose friends for your Custom Lenses add 3D effects, objects, characters, and create a Story that is only shared with a chosen select this entertainment platform
Story! Anyone who joins will be able to add to this transformations to your Snaps. amount of Friends.
Story and see other members. Streaks: Typically represented by a 🔥 emoji next to
Location Services: Snapchat uses your location Quick Add: Friend recommendations in Quick Add your Friend’s name in the Chats screen is a tally of how
Discover: Watch premium news & entertainment, for features like Filters, Search, Snap Map, Advertising are based on a few factors, like who you’re already many days the streak (ie. Snaps exchanged with each
including Snap Original’s and mainstream media. and more. If enabled, your location will update while friends with and who you subscribe to. other) has lasted. Snap Streaks are meant to be a fun,
you have Snapchat open. light-hearted way to recognize who you’re Snapping
with most!
Filters: Swipe right on a Snap, and Filter options will Search: Typing in Search will show you different
appear to add color effects, show venue info, feature Memories: A Snapchatter’s personal collection of things, so you can find what’s most relevant to you; like
your Bitmoji, show what you’re doing, and more. Snaps and Stories that are saved to your Memories. finding friends or checking out our Here For You tool.
Snap Inc.