Teacher Big English 2

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BigEngiishretlectsthe most up-to-dateand bestpracticesof teachingand learningEnglish.It
is supportedbv researchcarriedout by the authorsand otherprofessionalsin the classroom,
and rerntbrcedbv internationallyrecognizededucationalstandards, includingthe TESOLESL
Standardstbr K- l2 Studentsand the Common EuropeanFrameworkof Refeiencefor Languages. o
Lets takea look behind the scenes,and explorethe big ideasthat laid the foundation for
BigEnglish... )

leorning hoppens in contexf, noi in isolstion. j
Core to our belief is the notion that human learning is a processof constructing
meaningthrough interactionin socialcontexts.Our minds-whether we are children
or adults-seek to make senseof our surroundingsand our experiences.
There ore rnony cut?ing-edge and welN-resesrehedideas in tfie world of
educaiion. G
Threeof the centralbasesfor the BrgEnglishprogram philosophyareAssessment
for Learning (AFL) techniques,a focus on 2lst Century Skills, and an approach
supportedby Content LanguageIntegrated Learning (CI,IL). C
Kids lesrn best when lhey engoge with the longuoEe in s vorlety ot wcys. e
BigEnglishprovidesmultiple and varied opportunitiesfor success,
role-playing j
doing research *
reflectingon values
participatingin meaningfulplay
readingfiction and nonfiction texts
viewing and respondingto video
conductinginterviewsand surveys
producingand presentingprojectsofdifferent types

longucge lecrners need supporl ?s rneet their gocls.

Younglearnerslearn about their world within their personal,social,and educational
domains.BigEnglkh providesopportunitiesto exploreand personalizenew languagein
thesedomainsand helpsdevelopstudents'communicativelanguagecompetence.

It's o digital world.

Todayt studentsare digital natives,who haveneverknown a world *'ithout computers
and the Internet.Big Englishprovidesdigital learningtools, the useof which reflects #
learners'reality and expectations.

I :
+ BigEnglishis a new,six-levelprimary program that engagesstudentswith fun, exciting
and preparesthem to succeedboth in the classroomand the outsideworld. In additio;
to a
I balancedintegrated-skillsapproachto instruction, the courseincludesa CLIL strand
and an
emphasison 2lst Century Skills, challengingstudentsto be creative,to think critically,
4 to collaboratewith their classmates.
Teacherscan pinpoint areaswhere studentsrequire extra
practiceand encouragestudentsto becomeindependent,effectivelearnerswith
4 Assessmentfor Learning techniques.

S t u d e n fB o o k
. Activitiespresentkey languagein
4 context,motivating learnersnot only
to understandbut alsoto acquire
a it. Examplesinclude songs,stories,
stickeractivities,content language,
4 and valueslessons.
4 r Think Big activitieshelp students
a r Connectionspagesintegrateuseof
4 learningstrategiesinto content-based
4 r Valueslessonsand Projectshelp
build characterthrough creativeand
4 collaborativeactivities.
a o Three 4-pageCheckpointsfocus on Assessmentfor Learning and provide opportunities
for studentsto
their own progress.
a A rookd'd wrra.

? @ oll'illo
(d b.n ond siis. wrile rhewordt
r '1 ,nir.y:
pbrb.od r&ior t
The Workbook providesengaging
additional practicefor eachlesson
in the StudentBook.
3 To th.:co ,1

D. & lik C.q.. a8? The Workbook is designedfor

? independentstudy at home, but
tua *.e
ee tlli
,a a.. .tr,
ol tdo, can be usedfor reinforcementin
4 d
-\ !o..mP


-eE turer

- .t4.dt
......- -,.,.trd3,oY'e
l. iis
the classroomas well. It is also
..n trld tA

rt nib r'
included as a digital component
Cdi..ti se riar

!or:.:3 !-;r. s9 d,io

on the ActiveTeach(interactive
& look or l. wrire Ye'. J do o' No I
whiteboardsupport) and in the
a l. Do yo! 1l!ePoLor b€ors? 3'Do

Big EnglishMyEnglishlab (online

+ learning tool).

Yeceher'sXd6?isn &;;: ehd-d p.iid-/

s This comprehensive overviewof each O+

unit includesstep-by-step lesson
plans,activitiesand ideas,a Game
Bank,StudentBook and Workbook
Audio Scripts,a WorkbookAnswer
Ke1',and notesand audio scriptsfor
YLE PracticeNlaterialsfound at the
end oi eachStudentBook.
* Assessment for Learningtechniques
and ideasfor developing
2lst Century Skillsare incorporated 104
,&e*!veYcse&t e
This digital tool includeshelpful resources,suchas: P
* Interactiveversionsof the StudentBook activitiesfor use on a F
whiteboardor a computer and proiector.Includesaudio, flexible
zoom-ins,and vocabularypop-ups. I

a Theme-based video with CLIL segments(documentaries)

dramatic segments.
q Teacher'sResourceFiles,which includessupplementalmaterialssuch .4
asSoundandLetterPictureCards, andwotksheets.
a A GrammarHandbookfor students,interactiveclassroomgames,and


* The Assessment Package includesan overviewof language
sd 6Dpbra rte senro..€,. rf en huq6er
assessment for young children, suchas placementtests,practice
tests,unit tests,masteryiests (after everythree units), final exams,
and materialsfor oral assessment.
W &
* Also included is the Exarn\rierv'"Assessment Suite, easy-to-use
test-generating software that enables the creation of customized
testsln mlnutes.
lAwndr L y"!. favo.l.
w.he iwo s.nr.n(es



- Posters Fi*?ure&srds
4 r teachingposterseiicit and review
\ine thernatically-related e Perfectfbr big classes,extra-large
'rropf lrnorrroe cardsillustratetargetv?cabulary.
4 r Threegrammarpostersfor classroom e Cardsare availablein print or
digital format in the ActiveTeach
A crsplai'provideon-the-spotreference
:.r iearners. component.

ClassAudi* t& *m-R&M
* Listeningactivities * Interactive activities and games

* Songs,inciuding karaokeversions e Songs, including karaoke

* Unit storiesand CLIL readings

This optionaloniinelearningtool includes:
r An interactiveBigEnglishWorkbook
r Additional activitiesand games
r Auto-gradedtestsand quizzes
. Eas,vcoursemanagementand record-keepingfor teachers

fr{ vll

*; r;1ten. Fd,t aftt rii.
', l. ;f ft f i . ., ; Key unit
liv l{iinirf
a. r: :il
/n/1f\ and coillent is
h. rc te: i€
& .Migl
e& t! .4\ td t r dreta presented.
openslvith a
&l *4?: ., rF! (. resri
1r t. .r.rd. Jture 5vrf :r.sr
ri .!.. , :b{ iiqe lo f &i |oc* rrd ii;r*r. t$r;te' ,::.
high-energ,v ,.: ': sarJ o.d ir .er r:ii

songto Reading O
unit themein a
and discussron
fun context.
'{} Fo",r io r\. d{ks;n r. L,<'-- ra lh6 ma.lel.
1\\€ strategiesand C
critical thinking.

i./ l

I fun and highly
I encouragea love
ofreading. {j
\1r\ .o.i.t fore :.]:ll.:':'
rI.,r .;{ri N1)

Big questions
f!r n.4.! !!or.
let students
r/.x 95.:t.rr

i a't dili n po.lrrf.

1. lrei
"'; "*.".,
d.J /o! itr€f'wi€.
',i !,"
do y3! 9er !p? practicekev
?. l. nr . .i ,i,r.. r.tr .!.r !r roo bl.rt !Vly?



& ro*! did *.i1. r., s. nrer

A fun sticker ."r,.fit

;'*tt&tt,:;;,, Grammar is
activity l:1 .:r1tt?r:!a3rl:':;ii
w.rl *rih n Fii lnir. rroli nr 3 &.ie pl(!
taught in conte:-:
reinforces *

and supportec

^ t : - -
on the facing
ofthe new "@-{ C
' ffil , pageby clear
grammar charts
language. ffi: Srilf 1!f i.:*.f3 ic ih. 4!t.t'.ur
for additional




Q i,rrer ooa reca.

4 L?;'; i.. ' ,;_r.:-;;i;l|'t"r ffi&*wks

\': .nr.. !n,lie J!-r!r14
rd\ n'.1 - sd(ll/u.r,!
diL*.tur wlil as.n. r!
In Content !i!. rainrh lrdning: l!S{!s

4 Connections,
irna,r!.rk?llq FqL&\ tkn :E a,n .td! d,n

A ,e?,{ @\ rhe rd' r, rtli
In Around
4 students
!, d. i!nninl.lh{dN ilLJ

the World
i idri rin. i..n $& Connections,
irom academic
hs rr. toF il d gn b t[

) k{rlkdiodard. studentsiearn
areassuchas about different
A socralstudies,
(' {dl lsr

h. r!$
I dA

rat! fr!*
litd .i

6., Lr!
( \
kEs cultures and
4 math.Content gl i nr1.,o;..r.r€iokrw
wio' t,e ,' r 7 5c yor e re,
vocabularyis E n^'
1.,,il 'r€ ?ine:

4 highlighted. r tor t".. * F tat fotx.

6 .ttt6l:1.
*rr, on,: .'r-* wilh 6 pcrts€i
4 :l:lirll
@ldyo! llle ro !* oneo{ 'reseoh d..k? Wh}.r dy rot?

4 Studentslearn
;& li.rFn.,d lrinr. k! $ L.lr..
r*t *,r,l.i ia cid.f.


4 aboutletters #Q:i:ilt
and their
4 corresponding s 4 '
on a corevalue
soundsin a ffi, relatedto the
4 svstematicway.
& ri:r.r ]nJ 8, t- lrr 11. $ordr in 11. , 9?1 ni b..{tr'! fc.d! I 9..
.o.lv i., theme of the unit
The Soundsand l.:.'r:.i ..,- r r.i'i 'i.- ,td n€.i !i€io.. 5.h.. r:fu.1 d.ite
and apply this in
ft r.ll you. Fri,i€r b6!! 'o! 9er re s.i$ri ni t*re
LettersCards *6,te i.ti*!.
a collaborative
4 S uat<e c My 3!r bs5k. project.
can be usedfor
rr.rgir..o:i ee.rt itgnl


4 fun teacher-led "*,""' , ,

jrlt',1 ' ::'r: fl?-.j
-. .*''i) q*if
Gffi 1)'& .'S8=..
activities. .&*dffi tdeq &18b*'
4 {, Fcho'd rii5. iN.t.,4,.r c.cf !..i,

Piay ihe Sill_f g"r€'r.J * i..! r.d *fite fhe
* !sse.
ta.rt i?its 1isii3 oi .i:rC.. Th*n 'r.;ie d.ily 6.iilir:!$
r. other.!ri!.
fn '"*,t'
a Studentsshow
I Can check i
4 what they have
learnedin the
'u..1# rii: boxeshelp
ru.s a.t! if j-'rp€.5rrek rhr..fds. Lkr ilrnr studentsassess
4 unit through l,ri nlei r...1fd ifori r.r.h.is(k.rd r€rd {
{} cir.i.
their own
a game-style
4 group activity
2... dold*r" /J.
3 . W i { r : ,i o / d o € s r h e s . n o l t b . : . . n , : )
tu learning and
q. Wh.i do / do.5
t.,, 9. r. rr.t) Gs:z reflecton their
and language * wf f..

4 exercises.
1 . ^ u o o . | . r q . . o . progress.

a ''',,tW l. Wh.l .. ?i! dr ol ,!i..

e bkdd

roy @n



Checkpointlessonsconsolidatematerialfrom the threepreviousunits and help train learners
in Assessment
fbr Learningtechniques(seepagexi).

itrle{kprira ) lt. -,..,,a)

Th,nk cbrnt ir. Lr,r! rni.ir.i{. Pri.r!{€
ilxffi az
&i c€t rcndy.
i.ie.i Itie,,.o1d\r'nr
r Students rdst nail.arrler rdcher

I rerriewkey Chod: te! Lldlo. wt.j do yq! s.,.r io t.: The "Get readr-
Lydis: V/ei. I like 10 w.ir
task helps
, languagefrom t f f i Chod: nealr!' Nj, .:.
identify any
i the previous Chod: r"ey
9ef ro il { Ct r
rie 'r.,.nirql Vtlioi doe!
yc!' 5 5rei f.c.l i. !.t
gapsin learners
Lydid: Sre r!.; rc !e.,i ,2'

knowledgeof 4
lydio: She ne5 1c dr.w. :he .j.o*s p,.i!r.s oi rh. rh.

Chod: I llke b d.ow. roo key language

l l

Do yor

\o. . do
wo.fc b.
points so that <1
15. !;{68bhy.b.!. .:.

6.:'"-o., -o'.. - \"s-


!. Ib i.bouf !!N.r y.r,o' :. !e wr:n o Fn.e,

7. @ do e ff' obo) I €c' Loeo ru
focus review as
o.*.""-*".'..,:.,i'' .
-. - -..:-.-...--. needed.

I .l,il: ir..r.1
ffi *er rer. S lrrle or draw.

d "rr
.iil3 i" 'i.i desi. Mix ihe ...ds rp iF .lhnl
!.a y.!;..edt, o 6c:
Wh6r do you wonr 1o be? Whe. Cc yo! qo to rchool?

S eo:
Studentshave --t
A . l b l e t u ,r s w * h d p . i l r e . P , c i , p o . o i d . C o n l ; n u er r J i l E!
t.rr lid!.ror.fmq.ari fieodyor:.oris.lo!d fun with a
The "Get set"
d 1"r do J!- oo to" mini-portfolio
and "Go!" tasks tu horeworl?
allow learners
& and then I

to consolidate
and usethe &
wlhtnli sbod i1.
reassess their
A. Go to rog+ 78. Look rnd (:r{,€ ESin.
understanding 14
new language
G. C&€.k {/1. ofthe key
in pair and l.on slorr the n*t $i.
I c.n ssk oy reoder tor helpanCrien language -1
group activities rlai ih€ r€* urtl.
I cdn po.ice ffd th€r 6ro{ th€ ne$ lnil points from the
featuring cut-
& &st€ ?hi5 ehe{rp6i(}, qaicr the 116rr.
out materials. --.' ...r' I '..,' 1..,'
sjy \o.d frn not lrn of units.



-e e I n e r - C e n t e re d& p g xr*m*h
- - . -.:. 5':Sji,ilr
programensuresthat all learnersbecomeactiveparticipantsin everylesson
4 .-::-.;:inq prior knowledgeof topicsand conceptsand by encouragingthem to shareand
: r r: :: their personalexperiences, ideas,ar,d opinionsin English.
4 - , : . :,'':.:1so incorporates activitiesthat appealto studentshavinga varietyof learningstyles.
-, : I . :. :':. beeitpaid to visual,auditory,tactile/kinesthetic
4 - -,:::..-':li,
learnersthroughthe inclusion
Photos,graphicorganizers(visuallearners),opportunitiesto hearand repeat
2 ' : : : -- irl- :argets(auditorylearners),stickeractivities,routines,and gamesusingtouch and
- . ::t'::.: :a.ti1e/kinesthetic
4 . :e..are hasbeentakento provideactivitiesthat capitalizeon HowardGardner's
: \iuitlpie Intelligences:
4 spatial,bodily-kinesthetic,
r'.,--.-.:. . :rLrraltstic.existential,interpersonai,and intrapersonal.
4 -::,.-:'.-..;-i'1
also considersclasseswitl'r students of different abilities by providing differentiated
.:.s::-;:rtrn suggestionsthroughout the Teacher'sEdition.
A s s e s s m e n fl c r L * e x r n i n g
\t'hile all assessrnent
is usedto measurestudents'progress and to motivatestudentsto learn,
4 tre Br.{Englishf'eacher'sEdition offersopportr.rnities
for teachersto train studentsin a more
dvnamictvpe of assessment. As opposedto traditional,summativeassessment toolsthat
4 nleasurervhatis known or rvhathasbeenlearned(assessment o/learning),Assessmentfbr
Learningis basedon the follow'ingthreemain principles:havingstudentsparticipatein setting
4 goals,in performingongoingassessment, and helpingstudentslearnhow to setgoalsand
4 ,.,,,
4 I neroStudentsLeornHow
SetGools to SetGoolsond
4 Assessment I
I Self-Assess
4 Make sureeachstudent hasa W i t h t h e i n d i v i d u a ls t u d e n t ' s Help studentsunderstand
c l e a r u n d e r s t a n d i n gf r o m t h e p a r t i c i p a t i o n ,i n f o r m a l l ya n d where the gaps are between
4 b e g i n n i n go { e a c h u n i t w h a t frequently assesswhere he or what they have learnedand the
a v
e x a c t l yt h e l e a r n i n gt a r g e t she is on the path to achieving expected outcome, so they can
is and what the expected t h o s e o u t c o m e s , u s u a l l yd u r i n g a d d r e s sw h a t e v e r a r e a sa r e s t i l l
outcomes are" ihe courseof a lesson.
4 l a c k i n gt o a c h i e v et h e i r g o a l s .

4 &s*pssr?3*m*
f*r L**rm*n:gim Srgr#rxgrdrs$;
4 The Teacher's
Editionhasinfusedand signposted the Assessment
for Learningprocessinto each
lesson,asappliedto all activitiesin the StudentBook.
4 Make surestudentskr-rowwhat the lessonobiectivesare,so thev feelownershin
of their on'n learning.
Build in opportunitiesto assesshow lvell the studentsarelearningthe rnaterial,
4 &**ru4?*& and try to figureout wherethe gapsare.Wheneverpossible,help studentslearn
how to assess their own learningat this stage,too.

a XI
a -
to learn
.*:3:!T anothercontextor modality,so studentshaveanotheropportunitV
the material.
by personalizing
Go beyo'd the pageand get studentsto internalizethe material
rji'iALLEtti:l etc'
it, applyingit to ne\4'contexts,analyzingitcritically'
-l'hese tbr Learningtechniques, usedin combinationwith the BigEnglislt
Assessntent provide i"u.h"r, and studentswith a unique set of tools to achieve

*1 si *er:1i.:ry Sitll$x
iearnersneedto be successful
The term 21stCenturySklllsrefersto the knowledgeand skills that
of today'srapidly changing'digital
in the increasinglycompiexlife and work environment
innovation' digital literacy'
world. Theseskills ur. ii rid"d into three key areas:learningand
combinesrich content,a wide variety of tasks'and
and careerllifeskills.The Blg Engtishseries
specificteachingsuggestions to ensureamplecoverageand opportunitiesfor development
Century Skillsare reflected
theseirnportuntstiiii. Below is a chart thai summarizeshow 21st
throughoutthe Program.

ThinkBig tasks
C r i t i c a lt h i n k i n g a n d P r o b l e m
solving Personalizationtasks
Leornrngond -t tasks
C r e a t i v i t ya n d i n n o v a t i o n I Communicative
Communication Collaborativetasks
" T h e4 C ' s "
Collaboration Activityextensionideas

ln{ormationliteracY readinggenres
MedialiteracY Content-basedresearchtasks
ICT literacy Activityextensionideas
fi.^lUlliiv and adaPtabrlitY ThinkBig tasks
In i t i a t i v ea n d s e l f - d i r e c t i o n Content-basedresearchtasks
S o c i a la n d c r o s s - c u l t u r a l Valuesinstruction
Coteer ond Life interaction
Individualand grouPProjects
Productivity and accountabilitY tasks
L e a d e r s h i pa n d r e s P o n s i b i l i t Y

for students'Studentsare
TheBigEngllshclassroomcleatesauthenticlearning experiences
critical thinking skills' and
encouragedand motivatedto think deeplyabout issues,to develop
the world into the classroom
to work togetherto solveproblemscreatively'The program-brings
and takesstudentsbeyondthe classroomoui into the world'

**cxf*rt? Lmatg*x*g*$ffi9*Srtrt*dfu*exrcaimg
The content-based materialsin Big Englisftprovide countlessbenefitsto young
English.Big Englishimplements C"f-lf,ly using the targetlanguage-English-as the medium
socialstudies-as well asto
for teachingschoolcontentareas-for .""*pit, science,math' and
of cultural similaritiesand differences.

-::r:-,it! contcntlanguagethroughthe medium of Englishhelpsstudentsdeepentheir
4 -.:r::ehension of both the contentcurriculumand English.This enhancedcomprehension
:.';:. lhem i-arbeyondwherethey would be by studyingonly nonacademic,
4 everydayEnglish.
lne ct-rntent-based
materialsin BigEnglisftimprove students'languagecompetenceand oral
4 ;ontmunicationskills.They help diversifyclassroompracticesand increaselearners'motivation
and confidencein both their acquisitionof key languageand developmentof contentlcrowledge.
Conlent C*nneetiosrs
I In BigEnglis&, the contentthat learnersare studyingin their first languageprovidesscaffolding
A tbr their learningof content-area English.Ct.IL alsopromoteslearners'application of learning
:lr3lii.€S -\s lheselearningstrategies becomepart of a student'srepertoireof behaviorsfor
4 ::-i.i.i ::..'. ::l:rs:erto othercontentareasand encourage greaterstudentautonomv.

,4 A r o u n dt h e W o r l d C o n n e * f * * * s
aisointegratesanotherimportantcategoryof CLIL in the Around the World
? Connectionspages,n hich provideinsightsinto how peopleall over the worid havesimilarities
a asrvellasditterencesthat enrich all of our lives. BigEngllsftcontentmaterialsbroadenstudents'
real-rvorldknowledgeand understanding,developinterculturalcommunicationskills and
4 multilingual interestsand attitudes,and provide opportunitiesto study contentthrough
a Th e m e - B o s e dt,mi ts
a BigEnglishprovidesa basisfor Englishlanguagelearningthrough a variety of contentareasand
high-interesttopics.Theme-relatedlanguageand conceptsare presentedasa tightly integrated
4 rt'hole.Al1parts of a unit present,apply,review,and/or expandupon the unit theme from a
4 varietyof perspectives, from the openingsongor activitiesthrough the review.Everl'thingin
the unit encourages a deeperunderstanding ofthe language,
knowiedgeofthe content,and
4 bettercommunication.

*a l n t e g r o t e d$ k i l $ s
Big Ertglish
providesa balancedapproachto developingthe four skills-listening, speaking,
4 reading,and writing. This approachstrengthenscommunicativecompetencywith presentation
re of language in a meaningfulcontext.Learnerslearnto listenand speakin a multiplicityof
\\'avs-through singing,dialogues,askingand answeringquestions,role playing,games,
4 sumnrarizing, and presentingtheir own work. Readingand writing aredevelopedthrough
iLctionand severaltypesof nonfiction,dialogues, informationaltexts,songs,maps,graphic
4 trrgilrlrZ€rS,
and other readingmaterials,in both print and digitalformats.Youngerlearnersare
:,str q11'3n
opportunitiesto practicetheir skills in a developmentallyappropriatemanner.
S y s t e m o t i cV**sb u **ry ffi *v*3 *p m* r n*
-'l.tstgEnglisft,presentationof new languageis done first in context,allowing studentsto
A :evelopimportantlearningstrategies
that they will be ableto applyto otherlearningareas.
is then individually presentedto make surethat studentsare abieto understand
A :-;h vocabularyitem on its own. Studentspracticethe new vocabuiaryin a variet,vof activities,
: :.:ding categorization, providingmultipleexposures in a varietyof contexts.Eachtime they
4 :r'rrunter a word in a new context,they increasetheir knowledgeof the word,linking the new
:..ce oiinformation to other informationin mentalnetworksof meaning.



BigEnglishalsotakescareto targetvocabularyappropriateto the developmentalageof children.

\ ert'r'ounglearnersfocuson concretevocabuiaryitemsthat relateto objectsthey can seeand
tcuch in the rvorldaroundthem.Older childrenarebetterableto handleabstractwordsand <1
themesthat aremore removedfiom their inmediate world and tend to learnthe wordsin
categories.The r-ocabuiarv
is alsosystematically
recycledmany times. j=

*cm*epf uolly r.'nd P*v*i*prw*ax**t6y

€r*!mirxg e
In addition to the four skills and vocabularydevelopment,BigEnglishrecognizesthat learners
needsystematic and repeatedexposureovertime to languagestructuresif they areto makethe
new languagetheir own. For youngerchildren,due to their levelof cognitivedevelopment, it 4
is not conceptually appropriatefor teachersto presentgrammarasa setof rulesthat require
analysisand manipulationof the new structurein order to useit properly.Instead,young -1-

learnersbecomeawareof structuresby learningthem as 'thunk.s]'which they seeand hear

againand againuntil they start using them in a natural way,asdo infants learning their first I
As childrenbecomeolder and begin to think more anailticall,v,they are ableto elicit and apply
rulesto languagestructures.BigEnglkhgivesstudentsthe opportunity to considerstructures - J

in suchdevicesasgrammar boxesin their books and on unit posters. But Big Englisftnever
abandonsthe necessityof presentinglanguagestructuresin meaningfulcontexts,and highlights
differencesand similaritiesin ianguageuseto encouragestudentsto figure out the grammatical
principle.This makesthe grammatical"rule" more meaningfuland memorable.

VL&Fr*cfies tu?*teriexix
Studentswho plan to take the YLE (Youngl-earnersEnglish)testgain exposureto the YLE 6=

examformat in combinationwith languagethey havelearnedin BigEnglish.Each StudentBook

providespracticematerialsfor the threesectionsfound in the YLE exam:Listening;Reading '1
and Writing, and Speaking.Notesfor the BigEnglishYLE PracticeMaterial;are providedin the




I P r o t e e? *
- BrqErrglls/r
includesa student-centeredproject linked to the value presentedin eachunit.
A t he projectstimulatescreativeplay and studentcollaboration.It encouragesstudentslo use
ne.'r'lan:uagein meaningfuicontexts,and aisohelpsstudentsto personalize the valuebeing J
4 :a.rghtin the unit.
L-nr:proiectsfurther aid the processof languageacquisitionthroughthe explorationand
€ .l-\ -lr)Prnentof the sensesand sensorymodalities.At the lowerlevels,they help students
::'''cltrPtheir small-muscle and hand-to-eyecoordination,sensorydiscrimination,and
€ :''i;cntration. At upperlevels,creativityand self-expression arecultivated.Individualsor
i:'r.rf'soi studentspresenttheir projectsto the class,which givesthem the opportunityto
€ lirl,i. on thelr presentation

t' Songs
- In BrgErlgl/sft,
songsfostera senseof identityand increaserapportamongstudentsin the

7 classroom. Singinggenerates positivefeelingsin studentsand strengthens motivationasit

createsa stateof relaxedreceptivity.BigEnglkh I and 2 havea few chants,aswell.

? G sm s s : f d **nl mg fa x*
P g *y
7 BigEnglishincludesa variety of ganresto sustainstudents'interestand motivation through

meaningfulplay in the languageclassroom.The gameshelp sustainlearners'interestthrough
the hard work of understanding,reproducing,and manipulatingnewly learnedlanguage.
Gamesprovideenjoyablecontextsfor communicationand provide the samedensityof practice
asexercises while motivatinglearnersto usetheir languagecapabilitiesto the fullest.Using new

? languagein fun contextsintensifiesthe experienceand helpsstudentsacquireit.

a S work ia groups, Floy e mencry


WhEt do yor lik€ tg do on Play iis Stit5ert6deer go&e.
ihe ploygrolnd? Sqy. &
she li[e io do? Ths .dy ond
out whor you lile b do. F;.s1. write times on <fi.d9. Yhen *rite claily.eli!ities
$n 6?her {oadr.

? w
l'. j

f..j6w sork is grorp3.5t6ak trtle {a.dg. Tike }srnt

lurn 6ver cne cord lrem esah !}srk snC redd 6

# Fl6y wifh yqur gr
{an y6u remenlrei
whnf c!eryone li,{et
a i6 d6?

til .h--_.
h { o r i oH e r r c r e
Mario Herrerahasa B.A. in Educationand an M.A. in
TeachingEnglishas a ForeignLanguage.He specializes e
in teachingEnglishto young learners.He hasauthoredor
co-authoredseveralbestsellingELT programsworldwide, /
including Balloonsand Pocketsfor preschool,Paradeand
Bockpackfor primary school,and CoolChat for secondary <4
schools.Mr. Herrerahas alsobeen involvedin teacher
training for 25 yearsand travelsinternationallyon behalfof
PearsonEducation,directing seminarsand workshopsthat are 'a1
highly regardedand well known for their levelof participant
involvenent. He is the recipientof severalacademicarvards. v1
ChristopherSoi Cruz hasbeeninvolvedin the field of English
languageinstructionand materialswriting since1988.He has
written and developednumerousEnglishlearning materials
for studentsfrom a variety of agegroupsin Latin America,
Asra.the Middle East.and the United States. In additionto
writing, Mr. Sol Cruz hasgiven academicpresentationsand
run teacherprofessionaldevelopmentworkshopsaround the
world, and is an avid languagelearner.He livesin Vermont, e
United States,with his two young sons,who were a constant
sourceof inspirationthroughout the writing of BigEnglish. e




xvl f-
Clo s s At r n **p h *rs
It is verv important to put your studentsat easeassoon aspossible,and to iet them know
4 that their Englishclassroomis a fun, comfortable,and excitingplaceto be.Be asfriendly
and supportiveaspossiblethe first day.Structureyour first classin sucha way that students
4 :el acquaintedor reacquaintthemselveswith their classmates, review someof the English
::.r- knor', gain somefamiliaritywith their new textbook, and setsomelearninggoalsand
D ;."ssrot-,nr rulesfbr the year,with your help.End with a rousingversionof the.BlgEnglish
S--:.: seepagexix).
S t o r t i n gw i t h E n g [ i s h
F.r: ,earnersn ho arecompletelynew to English,you may wish to startby identifyingsome
4 Eig,rshr.'ordsor phrasesthat studentsmight haveheardbeforeon TV showsor in commercials
or movies.or cognates for wordsin the students'first language.
For voungerlearners,a fun and simpleway to begin is to provide eachstudentwith a sticker,
4 geometricshape,or coloredindex card.Usetheseto combineand recombinestudentsin pairs
and groupsfor differentactivitiesthroughout the class.For example,you may say,All students
4 x,ith a monkeysticker/redtriangle/bluecardget into groupsor All studentswith a cat stickerfind
a partnerwith a mousesticker.Once studentsarepaired or grouped,you can havethem ask
4 questionssuchas:

4 l{hat'syour name?
Wheredo you lite?
4 Do you kaveany brothersor sisters?
Do you havea pet?
4 \Uhat'syourfavoriteJbod?
4 \Nhat'syourfavorite sport?
What'syour favorite TV program?
4 lVhat! yourfavorite schoalsubject?

4 At vour signalthey can changepairingsor groupings,repeatthe activity and finally report back
to the class.
4 \bu mav want to play a memorv gameto help with names.For the memory game,put children
4 in circlesof 4 to 6 students.Haveone studentbegin by sayingHi. lm (Allan).The studentto his
Ieft then says,Hl, He\ Alhtn and I'm (Sarsh).The studentto her left then says,Hl. He\ Allan, shei
4 Sartth.and |m (Pat) Eachchild must repeatall the previousnarnesuntil the last personin the
;rrcle hasnamedeveryone.Or, you may want to teachyour studentsthis simple chant asthey
4 .rrculatearoundthe room, shakinghands.

4 Hello,hello.
I want to sayhi.
4 lIy name's(Laura),
Irow jf'sgoodbye.

a xvtl

Textbook $ccvenger Hunl
Takea few minutesto familiarizeyour studentswith their new BigEnglls&StudentBook. Plan
a scavengerhunt-a gamein which studentsmust find certain things within a time limit. Either e
individuaisor teamscompeteto find all of the requiredinformation first.
1. Nameall the colorson page_.
2. What is the themeof Unit _? <4

3. Is therea _ on page_?
4. Describethe_on page_.
5. Find a pagethat sltows_kinds of _.
6. What is theproject on page_?
7. What soundsdo you practiceon page_?
8. Wherecanyoufind a readingabout {math, science,
Eventhough studentsarelooking for specificpiecesof information to play the game,your real +
purposeis to familiarizethem with the parts of the units and the layout of the book.
Playthe audio as studentslisten to the songa coupleof times with their books closed.Then
havethem follow alongin their books asthey listen again.When you feel studentsare C
comforiable,encouragethem to sing the songasa group. \bu may want studentsto clap or snap
their fingersasthey sing.Playthe songoften throughout the schoolyear for enjoyment. C
ffi |r

ry €



r* ffiffircffi
"ru - . 1 ' l r '



D Fromthe mountaintops to the bottom of the sea, :

Froma big bluewhaleto a babgbumblebee-
ll ilrt:l

4 -.."1 llrl
e &::lr:li:li:l::l:tl

lf gou'rebig,if gou'resmoll,Voucan have it qll, -j,L,


4 t::il:tlt::i:a,tit.:

Andgoucan be angthingAouwant to be! t:r:a:ta:it:U::t:tUl


4 ffi* ll::l:lll:lllll::illlr:l

Its biggerthangou.fdsbiggerthanme. l:t,:r::llr:::r':tilri

4 :::':l:llli:::::i:t':::
There'ssa muchto do,and there'sso muchto see! :t::::4,.4:::.:.::::::.
4- h
The worldis big andbeautiful,qnd so are we!
i:l l
,ii t,ir:l;i.14::

4 *' Thinkbig!Oreambig!Big English!

4 So in everAland,from the desert ta the sea,
Wecan olljoinhandsandbe onebig f amilg.
4 ff we love,if we care,we can go anuwhere!
Theworldbelongsto everuone;if's ours to share.
4 I€sbiggerthanyou.ldsbiggerthan me.
There'sso muchto do, andthere'sso muchto see!
Theworldis big and beautiful,qnd so are we!
4 Thinkbig!Dreambig!Big English!
I€sbiggerthan gou.lt's biggerthan me.
4 There'sso muchto do, andthere'sso muchta see!
4 Theworldis big and beautifulandwaitingfor me.
1A a ane,W,ta,three. . .
Thinkbig!Oreambig! Big Engtish!

' Mg'



e* *€s&t u* "ss@ s-ptr868

etws .:

d * ee f o a * i e r ! '*sw$*n?{*rxmeqg$**s 4
. To name classroomactivities . Math: To understandand use the
math symbols+, *, and =
ffi*wd{mg . Around the World: To compare ,G
. To identifyimportantideasin a story unusualclassroomsaround the worto

,ffi ( " W h a t ' sM a r i aD o i n g ? " )

. To use readingstrategiesto wmd&*€?*rs

rlfr$l comprehendand appreciatea story r To identify,say,and write the letters t

of theEnglish
alphabet, capital

&swwmxmr andsmallletters U

I To use the presentcontinuoustense

b"fw$mwc C
. To use the contractionshe's,she's,
iffi and they','e
. To learnthe valueof taking turns

. To make finger puppets



"a lll {l tr',.lr{Yt.lt ll m {Y}ft}ff},,
4 - ;
r*q la#xs
* s $$ss*g
ffiffiwm*r &s9$bs*g*ws
4 StudentBook,UnitI
N4ain unit,pages2-13 $wnm*6e
4 S t u d e nB
t o o kA u d i oC D , At the end of each school day, review
4 w i t h s t u d e n t s t h e a c t i v i t i e st h e y d i d
i n t h e c l a s s r o o m .M a k e a l i s t o f t h e s e
a M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s2 * 1 1
a c t i v i t i e s .H a v e s t u d e n t s c o p y t h e l i s t
a n d p u t c h e c k r n a r k sn e x t t o t h e a c t i v i t i e s
E x t r ag r a m m a rp r a c t i c ep, a g e9 8 thev took oart in. Then have students
E ',//orkbook Audio CD, take the list home to show and describe

a Tracks3*B t o t h e i r f a m i l i e sw h a t t h e y d i d i n s c h o o l
that day.
4 . _ P r a c t i c et e s t , p a g e s o - 7
Unit test, pages B*9
4 C r a l a s s e s s m e n to, a g e s 1 0 - 11
4 . E x a m V r e w t A s s e s s r n e n tS u i t e

AddirionolMalerials $$*wrd
4 Picture Cards 71.-76 Make a buiietin board titled What are they
daing? Cut oLrt pictures from magazines
4 P o s t e r s :U n i t 1 P o s t e r ,
U n i t s 1 - 3 G r a m m a rF o s : e r t h a t s h o w p e o p l e p l a y i n g , r e a d i n g ,w r i t i n g ,
' a n d l i s t e n i n g .A s t h e c l a s sw o r k s t h r o u g h
4 V i d e o ( A c t i v e T e a c h )U, n i t 1
t h e u n i t , a d d s e n t e n c e sb e i o w t h e p i c t u r e s
D i g i t a la c t i v i t i e s( M y E n g l i s h L a b
or that tell what the peopie in the pictures
ra CD-ROM)U , nit'1 a r e d o i n g . E n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s t o s a v e a n y
p i c t u r e st h e y f i n d o n t h e i r o w n t o a d d a n d
4 label as the unit progresses.

4 li',

4 l:,


U n i t1 T 1 B
**rm-&,i$* €
. ffi gociol Skills Have pairs of stuclentspractice introducing themselvesto each other. Model:
Hello!My name is (Ms. Garza). I

. Have studentspracticeintroducing their partner to the class.Model the activity.Point to a

student.Say: Ttls is rry',friend(Gahrielle).Have each pair stand and introduce each other to the
classby completing the sentenceframe. ]e
. Explain that everyoneivill spend the year working and learning together in the classroom.
Have individual students sharethings they will do in tl'reclassroom this year. Ask What do you

do in a classroom?Accept one-lvord responsessuch as Read.Color.Cut. Sing.Play.Learn. etc.

&$xi*qFxg*s 3*S

Listenand read. Then sing.

& 6)
I Explain the lessonobjectire-students will talk about things they do in a classroomand sino =
i a song.
. Readthe directions aloucl.Play Audio Track A.3 and have students read the song silently.
. Play the audio again and have students sing along.
. Have fbur studcnts stand up. Give one student a crayon, another a book, and another a pair t'
of safetyscissors.Tell the studentsto hold up their item when its corresponding activity is
mentioned in the song. Have the fourth student wave when he or she hears the word waving. f
Piay the song again. Prompt studentsto raise their items or wave, as needed.
Check students'corlprehension, After the secondverse,point to the picture and ask: What F
Fl0!itt q is Peterdoing?(cutting paper) Whnt is Pennydoing?(reading a book) What arelack and len
doing?(coloring pictures) After the last verse,ask: What is Bethanydoing?(waving)
*5tist Replay the audio as needed.Use gesturesand simple languageto explain unfamiliar words.
Once studentsare comfortable with the song, have them practice it using the karaoke version
(Tiack 858). Or, if ,vouwish, savethe karaoke version for use during another classperiod as a .e
fun way to review the song.

T2 Unit 1

4 Ask studentsabout the children in the picture and what their names are. (The 0SJtdTtvtS
girl must be Penny since she'sreading a book, and the boy must be ]ack since To identify and name
4 he'scutting paper.)
classroom actrvttres

To sing a song

d a (r) tirten and read. Point and say.

Remind studentsthat we use shewhen referring to females,he when referring
e to males, and they when referring to more than one person.
Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track A4 and have studentslisten,
Key Vocsbulory
Verb phrases3oloring a
4 ioint to each sentence,and then repeat the sentence.
Savone ofthe sentences,and have students raise the number offingers gluingshapes,listening
to a story,talkingabout
) ' , : \- : : corresponding to that item. For example,say: Hei countingpenclls.Students the pictures,y:ing.Jle,
:lrd the image on the page,seethat it is number 2, and raise two fingers. computer,wntrngIhts/
nerl name
D Check to seethat studentsare identifying the correct item.
t!! l'
Replavthe audio as needed.Use gesturesand simple languageto explain ll*i (entury Sltills
) unt-amiliarwords. SocialSkills
For additionalsupport,use the Unit Poster.
4 Mqlericls

a {;,) Look at 2. Listen.Ask and answer. Unit Poster
Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track A'5. Have students repeat the
Crayon,book, scissors
Teacher-made cardswith
d Choose a pair of volunteersto model the question and answer.The first verb phrases
student asks:Whatb shedoing?The second student answers:Shei coloringa Audio tracksA3-A5, 858
4 picture.Have studentsreverseroles and repeat. Games{ActiveTeach)
Have the rest of the studentswork in pairs to ask and answer the questionsin "MyEnglishLab
I Activity 2. Suggestthat they point to each item as they do so. or CD-ROM
Rernind studentsto think about when to use the pronouns she,he, and they.
I Point out that when asking about more than one, they use the pronoun fheT Pages2-3
a and the verb are, as in What are they doing?
Listen for correct pronunciation and appropriate intonation, paying special
Audio script on page
attention to the difference between the first sound in the words he and she, Answerson pageT148
? and the specialsound that begins the word they.

4 '
Help studentsunderstand that the question for femalesis What\ shedoing?Fclr
rrales it is What'she doing?And, for more than one person is What are they
-€ :sis' doing?Have studentspoint to each picture and say the correct question. Then
call out the numbers in random order, asking volunteers to provide the correct
question for each picture as you cail its number.
d . Assign \Arorkbookpages2-3 and direct studentsto digital activities.
a Applicotion and Pructi*e nrfivity
? Play Charades.(SeeGameBank, page T134, for details^)Write on cards the
phrasescoloring a picture, counting pencils, cutting paper,gluing shapes,Iistening
? to a story, talking about thepictures, using a coffiputer, and writing your name.
Have the first player pick up a card and act out the phrase on the card. Have
3 studentsguesswhat the player is doing, using a complete sentencethat begins
\\'ith Slie! or He\. PIay until most students have had a chanceto lead the game.
4 As studentsguess,listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, TtACt{tf{s
and correct use oflanguage. Auditory Learners
4 Have studentsplay the Unit 1 Game I on ActiveTeach. For studentswho enjoy
music,you may wishto
4 play the karaoke
versionof the song first
4 Recognizing the tune
and song structurecan
help preparethese
I studentsto sing the
wordswhen you play
? the completesong.

Unit 1 T3

i&, ti:rer cnri reod" e


S *row lines *r md*rh. e

1. Shes .urling poper

2, she'sg !irg piclufes

; d
3. Shes using the compuref ,,,ilt"!!
{, she'sw(t ng on the boorC tkJd;
?cl& etla*r yo*r elasswith e ps.iner"
1. ,tre fher€ ony giris nomed Morlo in your closs? flow mony?

2. How mony children hove the scme { rsl nome? Whol ;s it?
3, Hovr mony chlldren hove the some iirsi nome os you?
. Display severaldifferent comic books and/or newspapercomic strips.
. Point out the fact that the story is told in frames and lhat speechbubbles show who is talking G
and what each characteris saying.
. Let studentsbrowse through the coinic books and comic strips. Ask them to tell you which G
ones interest them the most, and why.
. Tell studentsthey r,villbe reading a story that is told in cornic-strip st,vle. e
& 6) Listenand read. G
I E"Pluin the lessonobjective-students will listen to and read a story, answer questions about
I it, and then discussideas relatedto it.
. Read the story title aloud. Have str"rCents
repeat it. Ask: Who is the story about?(Ir{aria)
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio l'rack A6. Have studentslisten and read along silently.
Point to eachfiame and ask comprehensionquestions.For example,pointing to Maria, say:
Frame l: Whati Mario doing?(cutting paper) Point to NIaria and say'.Frcrme2: What\ Maria
doing?(ustng a computer) Continue for Frames3 and 4. Then point to Frame 6 and ask
studentsto point to the girls named Maria.
Replaythe audio as necessary.Pauseafter each frame and use simple languageand gestures
to explain unfamiliar words. Point out lvhich girl is lv{ariain each frame. Help students
Iti;tr understand that there are two girls in the classwith the same name by asking them to look at F
FramesI and 2, and then Franres3 and 4 together,comparing the pictureso? Maria in each
frame. €
Assign three studentsthe parts of the three charactersin the story who have iines. Then have
{1.{il||!r,t6{ the studentsstand and act out the diaioguefbr the class.Continue the activity severaltimes f
with different setsof students.
T4 Unit'l C
4 &8Jg€Y!Vg$
o9l:ry Havestudentsdo a role play in groupsof four. Tell them to To read unit language
patterntheir role play after the eventsin the story,but to do it in
4 i /.),
a different setting,suchasa playgroundor at home.Elicit ideas
in context
To read for
beforestudentsbegin*for example:She's playing on theswings
4 (if the settingis at a playground);He'smakinga sandwich(if the
understanding and

settingis at home),etc. To read and draw

4 conclusions

4 & Draw lines to match.

Readthe directions aloud. Then read each sentencealoud. Have students
Key Vorabulary
4 repeatand act out each action,
Verb phrases: cutting
Next, read Item 1 aloud She'scuttingpaper.Tell student to look at the girl in paper,9rurngprctures,
D Frame I who is cutting paper. Say:Draw a line to thisgirl. Check to make sure usrngthe computer,
writing on the board
that studentsdraw a line to the first Maria.
4 Have studentscomplete the activity independently,assistingas needed. Ilsl {entury tltills
Review the answersas a ciass.Walk around the room to look at students' Communication
4 books and check to seethat students have connected the lines to the correcr
pictures. (Answers:1.Jirst Maria, 2, secondMaria, 3. secondMaria, 4, first
4 Maria) Unit Poster
Comicbooksor comic
Have studentslook at the story frames again. Ask questions such as: Wha is strips
4 at$!5t gluingpictures?and help the students find the child who is doing this activiry Chalk or marker,
in the story. Then have students match the child with the picture in Activity 5. computer or an image of
4L a computer,gruerpaper,
Ask volunteersto describeeach Maria. (Answerswill vary, but thefirst gid in 5Cr550rS

ana||afi$g Activity 5 has curly brown hair and is wearinga pink top and greenpants; the Audio track 46
4 secondgirl hasstraightred hair and is wearinga purple sweaterand a skirt.) Video (ActiveTeach)
Digital activities:
4 & ;till re Gommunicafion
Talkabout your classwith a partner. MvEnolishLab
Pair studentsand have them ask each other the questions.Allow time for
4 pairs to discussthe children in their class.At the end of the discussion,have @
volunteersanswer each question for the whole group. Page 4

4 . Assign Workbook page4 and direct students to digital activities.

Answerson page T148

*ppiieeficex snd Frws?ie*,&€sivi?y Childrenin a classroom
describea student
. Createfour stations in the room. Place theseitems in each station: paper
4 and scissors,a computer or an image of a computer, paper and glue, chalk or
the childrenJiscover
marker (this station can be at a chalkboard or a whiteboard).
4 . Bring four studentsto the front of the class.Make statementsabout each
that there are two girls
named Mariain their
4 student. For example, say Stacyis gluing pictures.As you make each statement,
the student goesover to the respectivestation and begins to act out the action.
Continue with the remaining students.
? Invite four more studentsand an additional volunteer to the front. Ask the
volunteer to make statementsusing the names of his/her four classmates,
following your model.
4 Have more than one set of five studentsperform the activity at the same time
Studentsmust listen carefully to hear what station they are being assignedto.
t+ Have studentswatch the Unit I dramatic video segment for exposure.If
studer:tshave MyEngiishLab, assignthe video segment as homework for
4 revlew.


Unit 1 T5
Wurne-Up CIsrr&Ttvss y
. Walk around the classroom and ask: What do we do here?Elicit activities that To act out a dialogue

are done in different placesin the classroom,such as: We usethe computeror We

with a partner
To practice un;t
listento the story.Help studentswith unknown words as needed. language in context

Key Voc{plory
e 6) Listenand read.Say.
,*ro,o,i E"pl"in the lessonobjective-students will read, listen to, and practice
Verb phrases:listening
to a story,playinga ,. 4
I dialoguesabout classroomactivities. comPutergame, readlng
a story, usrngthe
. Read the directions aloud and explain that students will listen to a dialogue. computer,writing 4
Play Audio Track A7 twice. The first time, have students listen and read
silently.The secondtime, pausethe audio from time to time so that students MsferiEls
can repeatwhat they hear. Unit 1 Stickers
Ask questionsto checkcomprehension.For example,ask WhatareBilly and Audio tracksA7-A8 11
Suziedoing?ltalking) What'sTimmydoing?(playinga computer game)Why Student Book audio
script,pageT136 /
can'tBillyandSuzieplaya game?(There'sonly one computer.)
Diqital activities:
Replaythe audioasnecessary. Usesimplelanguageand gesturesto explain
or CD-ROM <1

& Work with a partner. Look at 7. Role-play. @ 4

Page 5
Read the directions aloud and have students practice the dialogue in pairs.
Suggestthat partners role-play the dialogue more than once, switching roles
Audio script on page
T144 e
to add interest and give studentsmore practice. on pageT148

& 6) Listen.
. Help studentsfind the Unit 1 Stickersat the back of their Student Book. €
. Read the directions aloud. Tell studentsthey will listen to the audio and place
stickersin the correct placeson the picture. Play Audio Track A8 and plice €
the first sticker with the class(glrl writing numberson the board). Have students
complete the activity independently. ?
& look at 9. Write.

. Tell studentsto use the picture in Activity 9 to complete the sentences.Point
out that a number goesin each blank. Have students work independently. ,?
*no,r**I Check the answersas a class,asking for volunteers to respond. (Answers:1. 2,
12.n) F
. Assign Workbook page 5 and direct students to digital activities.
&pplieo?icn smd Prsc?lee&*ttvifV e
. Divide the classinto groups. Have each group prepare a presentationabout T[&€]$${&
activities they do at school. Forming Ouestions 2
. Have group members work together to decide which activities they like best or Remindstudentsthat
think are the most important parts of their school day. (Examplesinclude We
read stories. We use the computer. We sing songs.)
when we form
questions,we need to F
reversethe order of
. Allow time for studentsto practice their presentations. subiectand the verb
a n d s o m e t i m ea sdd a
. Have studentspresenttheir "School Day Activities" to an audiencecomposed of
questionword. Write
classmates,family members, and other classes.
an examplestatement -
on the board and write
a questionbasedon -
that statement.Draw
arrowsand other marks
as necessary to Snow -
how the statement
c h a n g e si n t o a
question.Then read
the statementand the
o u e s t i o na i o u d .
T6 Unit1

4 gs
**39€Y!1f {#srm-&ip
Tn r rca tho ^ra.ant
. Dispiay magazinephotos of children doing different things. Point to each
4 c o n t i n u o u St e n s e
picture and ask: What\ he/shedoing?Prompt studentsto answer using the
To use there is and there
are in sentences sentenceframe: He\/Shei Repeatwith pictures that show more than
one Derson.Model: What are thevdoins?Thev're

4 Key Voeobe,llory Fege 7

q j rino oictures.listenino
4 - J l

I o m u s r c ,p r a y r n gs o c c e l
reading a book, writing cJ{ 6) loot< and listen. Write.
rrrbers i Explain the iessonobjective-students will use complete sentenceswith verbs
4 lxr*:.la I
in the present continuous tense and thereis or thereare.
2 l s t C e n t u r yS k i l l s
Hold up a Picture Card and ask what the child in the picture is doing: What\
4 ',':c
a l-rteracy
he doing? Answer with students:He\ coloringa picture. Repeatwith all the
Picture Cards. Then read the text in the grammar box aloud. Point out that
4 h lo t er i ol s
-rits'1-3Grammar the words he\, she\, and theyre are contractions, made up of the word pairs i,e
f ^-.^ -
is,she is, and they dre, respectively.
4 ) cture Cards 7l*76
Read the directions aloud. Tell studentsthey will hear questions and answers.
r c t u r e so f c h i l d r e n

+ C c n g v a r i o u sa c t i v i t i e s
C rre
They should write the missing word from the answer in the blank. Explain
that the missing words are also shown in the box.
ndexcards Play Audio Track A9 and complete the first item with students.Explain that
4 O l d m a g a z i n e s ,c a t a l o g s , they should write the word playing in the blank. Continue the audio and have
or 'rewspaPers
4 studentscompiete the rest of the activity independently.
S cis s or s
Posler board Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. playing,2. reading 3. listening
3 A . . r c i ot r a c k s A 9 - A 1 0
) 3 :a: activities:
4. writing.)
Read the sentencesaioud four times, inserting each answer choice. Have
V v E n g l i s hL a b
3 o: CD-ROM studentsidentify which sentenceis correct and write that answer.For
additional support, use the Units l-3 Grammar Poster.
e *F,l
u. 6D tirt.n and write. Use lhere! ar There are.
4 -: . - ; ., .' -. .- ^ ' Explain that is is used when talking about one person or thing, and are is used
when talking about more than one.
.-.:..-. cn page T148
e Have each student write There ls on one index card and There are on another.
Then hold up one classroomobject such as a pen and ask: How many pens
are there?Have studentshold up the sign that shows how they would begin
I an answer to the question (Thereis). Repeatwith both singular and plural
4 . Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track Al0 and have studentscomplete
4 the sentencesindependently.
| Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. There is,2. Thereare, 3. There is)
? . Assign Workbook pages6-7 and direct studentsto digital activities.

- - T E A ( H | l *?*t p &,pplies?ien srld P'reeti€e &{fiwify

ta tll itedtoLlrerncy . Create two columns on a bulletin board labeled. There is and Thereare.
- - a v e s t u c i e n tlso o ka t
. Have each student cut out a picture from a magazine of things they like, such as
fovt in iho
a dog, cars,hats, and so on. Tell students to count the items in their picture and
€ :-.r., e;i. art,
iihv are some words rvrite the number of items on an index card. On the board, model: one dog three
) - z o'd? flslp students cars,two hats, eLc.
- ^ d e r s t a n dt h a t b o l d i s . Ask students to come up to the bulletin board, post their picture and label in the
-sed to make words or
. , a " ' , s r a n oo u r . I n t n r s correct column, and read their sentenceaioud.
- a s e ,t h e b o l d c a l l so u r
.4a ::tentlon to the.
-- ::.t'actions of isand
,'e and the verbs
Q :oing, reading, and
_:.ling, which is the
r ? : : ' g e t l a n g u a g eo f
i :-e esson.

Unit 1 T7

.,, "4

Wfxrm*t3p **$K{?EWA$ -#
To use the math
. Have trvo pairs of studentsstand in front of the board. Use the students to create v o c a b u l a r yp / u s , <1
"living equations."Write a plus (+) sign on the board between the two pairs. m i n u s ,a n d e q u a , s
Write an equals(=) sign to the right of the two pairs. As you point to the two
pairs of students,sav: Twoplus two equalsJour. Have students repeat after vou. e
. Arrange studentsto make other simple equations and elicit new sentencesfrotrr €ontenf Wcrd:
the class. p l u s ,m i n u s e, q u as 4

l}eing Fxg* I
3!*f €en?urySkilis e

& 6D Listen.Traceand say.

i E"pluintheiesson
,rrr,ru will usethewordsp/us,minus,and
objective-students Unit Poster
I equals.Point out theseare terms they are learning in their math classes. PictureCards71 75
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track Al i and have students trace each
symbol and say the word that names it.
Math books
j Write simple equations on the board and have students identif) the symbols as
! you point to them.
Audio tracks41 1-A12
Video (ActiveTeach)
c& 6D Look,listen,andwrite. Digitalactivities:
a Readthe directions aloud. Teli studentsthat they will hear sentencesabout
adding and subtracting things such as applesand pencils.
@ e
Play Audio Track A12 and do the first item together as a class.Explain that
studentsshould wrlte the number .10in the blank. Continue playing the audio
Page 8
Audio script on page
and have studentscomplete the activity independentiv. 1144

xoxren i Review the answerswith the class.(Aruswers:

1. 10,2. 13,3. 15,1. 8)
A n s w e r s o n p a g e T 1i i G
*s:ts: J Use classroomobjects to help studentsvisuaiize addition and subtraction. G
.G Talk about the pictures with a partner.
Read the directions aloud. Tell studentsthat they will say sentencesabout
adding and subtracting the markers shown on the page.
Readthe text in tire speechbubbles aloud and have studentsrepeat after you.
Have pairs of students read the text aioud, switching roles.
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation,
correct use of language,and mathematical accuracy.
rr5t53 Give studentssevenmarkers to manipulate as they work.

Encouragestudentsto make up their own equations,such as the fbllowing: #
7 markersminus 5 markersequals2 markers.
Assign Workbook page 8 and direct studentsto digital activities.

amdFrs#iqe &*fiwirg
. rutr Colloborofion Have studentswork together in teams to chooseaddition f
and subtraction problems from their math books and decide which problems to
read aloud to the class.One person from each team reads a sentencein English 4
using ihe words p/r.rs,minus, and equals.
. lf the student reads the sentencecorrectly,he or she remains in the game. If he g$$3
3&&€&*9ru& :1

or she readsit incorrectll., he or she is out of the game. Cognates

. Studentson each team take turns reading sentencesuntil only one team R e m i n d s t u d e n t st o e
look and listen for
remains.They win the game.
cognates to help them
. Have studentsvierq the Unit 1 docurnentary video segnent. Use activities in remember new words. €
the Video Guide. If studentshave MyEnglish Lab, assignthe video segmentas C o g n a t e ss o u n d a n d
look like words from --$
homework for review
their home languages.
(EnglishiSpanish: €
e qu al/igual classi clase
cut r tPuLovv' a/

T8 Unit i
e" ]*J*SY$Wg$
io learnabout different
. l)isplay a world map or globe. Have studentslocate the countries of England,
4 schoolsettingsaround
the world Turkey, the United States,and Vietnam.
. Have studentsdraw simple pictures of their own classroom.Tell them to save
tlreir pictures to use later in the lesson.(They will use them to compare their
Cel:?rri1&l{*rds classroomwith classroomsthey will read about in England, Turkey, the United
4 coat, forest, garden, States,and Vietnam.)
ient J
4 i l s t C c n t u r yS k i i l * #*img Fcge *
4 G ocal .Awareness
ffi 6;t Look,listen,and read.Thenwrite.
,*u*,*I Erpluinthelesson
will identiffandtalkaboutunusual
4 - - =^--^.
I school settingsaround the world.
i',a' . rac cr giobe
Tell studentsthey will read about different classroomsand complete each
4 i - : o : ' a c <A 1 3
blank with a word from the box.
D c- Mt ay Eancg: i v i t i e s :
4 or CD-ROM
l i s hL a b Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track Al3 and have students listen and
4 @ Play the audio again and have studentscomplete the sentencesindependentlv.
P a g e9
Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. tent,2.forest,3. garden,
4 A r , d i os c . i p t o n p a q e
i 144 t{s*1l*t 4. hoat) Ask students to explain what they seein the pictures that helps them
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8 to choosethe correct answer.
4 Replay the audio as necessary.Pauseafter each item and use simple language
i:9;1i and gesturesto explain unfamiliar words. Have students refer to the Unit
4 Posterfbr additional support.
Have studentsdescribeplacesoutside of the classroomwhere they learn
4 itl &aI li4 a:!
things. (gym, music room, library, rnuseum)

4 & f"tt about your classroom with a partner.

. Have yolunteers read the text in the speechbubbles aloud.
4 . Have students return to the pictures they drew in the Warm-Up activity. Point
to the picture of the classroom in England. Ask questions that lead studentsto
4 colnpare and contrast their classroomwith the one in England. For example,
ask: Is oar classroomin a tent?Do we havea teacherin our classroom? Do we
4 havebooksin our classroom?
. Have students continue comparing their classroomwith classroomsin other
4 countries.

***,,"* , As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and

4 i correct use oflanguage.
. Assign Workbook page 9 and direct students to digital activities.
4 &trxp8iemfi*r:
*sed Frsesis* &s*ivi?v
. m Globol Aworeness Encouragestudents to choose a country and do
sone researchto find out what the classroomsiook like there. Studentscan
use classroom materials,the Internet, or ask classmatesand friends who have
4 lived and gone to school in other countries. Have students share their findings

a i s " F i { $ 3T&fp
with the classusing statementswith Thereis/Thereare.

.oo{ln3.r"Pair studentsof mixed abilities so that more proficient studentscan

:, help those who are lessproficient. Allow the beginning students
to do research in their home language and work with advanced
^ i r c o u r a e e s t u d e n t st o
4tsk you 6ow to say students to translateit into English.
. ^ ; o r d isn E n g l i s h .B e
atQ'-r,e they know the
-tr owtng
^-cw do vousav
4 -,n Engtrsnr

a Unit 1 T9
&1lanm-{rp s&ix&xwcs
To identify, say, anc
. Write students'names in English on index cards.As you distribute one to each trace the letters cr :-:
student,read the name aloud and have the classrepeat. E n g l i s ha l p h a b e t

. Write your name on the board. Say and spell your name in Fnglish. Circle the
capitai letters and te1lstudentsthat they are capitals.Underline the small, or
lowercase,letters and teil studentsthat they are smali letters. lhr (enrury9kills
. Have studentscircle the capital letters on their name cards. GlobalAwareness P

e 6r) Lookand listen.Trace,point,and say. lndex cards
will identify and write the letters of Audio track 414
,oro**| !*phin,the lessonobjectives-students 4
I the Englishalphabet. - M v Eactivities:
Diqital nqlishLab

. Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track Al4. Have studentslisten and oicD:RoM
point to each letter as it is said. For reinforcement, review the alphabet by-
irolding up the Alphabet Cards. Invite volunteersto say the letter names aloud. P a g e1 0 4
Have students repeat. Answerson page T'148
. Repiay the audio and have students trace and say each letter. e
r*oxrori As studentswork, listen for correct letter pronunciation. Correct as needed.

& Circle the capital letters and underline the small letters in these
. write Mexico on the board. Point out that it begins with a capital M. circle
the capital letter. Have studentspoint to the capital M in the letter chart in
Activity 18. Point out the fact that the M in Mexico is circled in Item 1.
Read the directions aloud. Have pairs work together to complete the activity.
Have studentsswitch pairs and check their answers.Review the answersas a
class. rs't.&i'ieB,2. 4.fua&ts
&u,&rk.3.fu&* clsst, F
s.&bse, a.W:s&,iw, 7.W.Wv a,
er s.Mfuula)
& Write your name. Write a partnert name. Use capital letters and
small lltters.
Have studentswork in pairs and complete the two sentences.
Have each student read the two completed sentencesaloud. Have them G
identify which letters they capitalized.
*qorrnorI Circulate and make sure studentscapitalizethe first letter of their nalnes. G
Assign Workbook page l0 and direct students to digital activities.

write it
o1q'tr?o If students have difficulty writing their name correctly'
\ with dotted lines and have them trace it.
Application snd Fnes?lae&ctivitY ? g & € $ 1 , &T6I P
. Have studentsmake letter cards and use them to play Concentration.
ffi o,oro,Aworcn*: e
. Divide the classinto severalgroups and have each group make enough letter Pointout the
cards to createa set. Have studentscreatepairs of cards by writing a small letter similaritiesand €
on one index card and a capital letter on another. differences betwee-
s y m b o l so r I e t t e r s - : : :
. Have each group play the game by shuffling the cards for about ten letters and to write students' G
placing them facedown. Studentsshould take turns to match each letter with its h o m e l a n g u a g ea n c
t h e a l p h a b e tu s e C : :
capitaf or lowercasecounterpart. The student who finds the most matcheswins.
w r i t e E n g l i s h .l f : h e
h o m e l a n g u a g eJ s e :
the Romanalphace: €
e x p l a i nt h a t t h e e : . : ' =
might be wri:te' :^=
same,but the
l e t t e r sc a n a : r
T 1 0 U n i t1
4 oBJX€Tt1,€S trffcrm-Sp
T o l e a r nt h e v a l u e o f
iaktng turns . Invite two volunteers to act out being thirsty and wanting to drink from a
4 To make a finger puppet
drinking fountain at the same time.
. First, have the volunteers to try to use the fountain at the same time. Then ask
the classwhat the two studentscould do^ Lead the classto conclude that the

+ Moteriqls
S o c k s ,b u t t o n s , y a r n ,
volunte€rs can each take a turn.

g'ue, and other craft o

lJxing Fage !l
4 sL:pplies
Paperand drawing
supprres & 6a Listenand look.Numberin order.
) A u o i oi r a c kA 1 5 i E*pluin the lessonobjective-students will learn the value of taking turns.
-l o ta actrvities: I Studentswill also make finger puppets and roie-play.
) Lab
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A15. Have studentspoint to each
c" l'vCEDn-gRl iO
s hM
picture as it is mentioned in the story.
. Play the audio again and have studentsnumber the pictures in order.
4 mo*ncnI Have students check their work. (Answers:3, 1, 2)
I Have pairs play the roles of fean and Mark and act out the scene.
a @ fate turns. Ask and answer with a partner. Do the actions.
* . Read the directions aloud. Have pairs of studentstake turns saying the text in
the speechbubbles.
4 . After studentshave practiced the dialogue, have them act out what happens
when the boy and the girl take turns using the computer.
I &1ria{tlot1
As studentsact out the diaiogue, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate
intonation, and correct use oflanguage.
4 Ask studentsto name some ihings in the classroom or at home that they
really love to use.As students name items, list them on the board. Then have
e {}.tglu$&{

studentssubstitute the names from their list in the dialogue in 22.

? & V"t a finger puppet. With a partner, use your puppet to do a

role "play about taking turns.
4 Read the directions aloud. You may wish to provide pre-made puppets and
have studentsdecoratethem.
4 Modei a role play with a volunteer. Use the finger puppets and mimic the
sample dialogue.
4 Suggestother situations in which students might want to take turns, such
as using art supplies,using a classdictionary, etc. Have students act out the
4 situations with their finger puppets.
Listen to students as they role,play with their puppets. Note which students
? &10$1t**
need help using the expressionsfrom the text to talk about taking turns.
Correct any errors you hear by modeling the conversationslowly and having
4 *sgt{1
studentsrepeat after you.

. Have each student draw a simple picture showing a time when they took turns
4 with someoneat school or outside of school. Instruct them to make speech
bubblesfor the characters.
. Provide a list of possiblesentencesstudents can use to write their dialogue May
4 I _? Yes.lt\ your turn. Let'stake turns. Thanks. You'rewelcome.
. Let each student sharehis or her drawins with the class.


U n i t ' lT 1 1
&&farr*-{Jp &$?€&m s 5 ?
Students can talk
. Use the Unit Posterto review the unit vocabulary. Play a game with students. about classroom
Begin by writing thesetarget phraseson the board and on index cards;counting activities. G
pencils, cutting paper, drawing a picture, gluing shapes,listening to music, listening Students can compare
and contrast pictures.
to a story,playing a game, reading a story, using the computer,writing numbers.
. Provide chart paper or a whiteboard and markers or a chalkboard and chalk.
The first player picks an index card and draws a picture of someonedoing the
activity that'son the card. Studentsguesswhat the picture shows,using the ncr?entury5&illr
phraseson the board. The student who guessescorrectly gets to choosea card Social
and draw the next picture. Continue playing until everyone has had a chanceto
[i{oierinls e
draw a picture.
Unit Poster
lndex cards
$sing Pxge 13 Chart paper or
whiteboird and markers
& pina the differencesin the pictures.Talk with a partner. Draw.ingpaper and <
and contrastpicturesthat pencrls.crayons,or
'"'"'"' I Explainthe lessonobjective-studentswill compare
,.,,,-,,,. marKers
i showpeopledoingdifferentclassroomactivities. Diqital activities:
Read the directions aloud. Have two volunteers read the text in the speech
or CD-ROM e
bubbles aloud. Explain that studentswill talk about the differencesbetween
the classroomactivities people are doing in the two pictures'
Review the answers as a class. (Answers:Picture A {clockwisefrom left}: playing
a game, singing,drawing a picture, cutting shapes,using the computer; Picture B G
[clockwisefrom left.]: drawing pictures, dancing, writing numbers, writing fhis
namel, listening to music)
If studentshave trouble identifying any of the activities,offer two choicesand
have studentschooseone. F
Divide the classin half or into small groups. Have groups make a list of all the
differencesthey seebetween Picture A and Picture B. Give a time limit and ,1
seewhich group identifies the most differencescorrectly in the least amount
of time. E

Showstudentshow to managethe task systematically' Ask a

studentto describewhat is happeningin PictureA at the tableon
the left sideof the picture.Then havehim or her describewhat the
samechildren aredoing in PictureB. Encouragestudentsto follow .-
this pattern,goingback and forth betweenthe pictures.

snd Prssiec&stivity
. Have each student draw a picture of an activity he or she did in the classroom
today. Have studentsexchangepictures with a Partner. j
. Then have each student display the partneri picture. Have the classask in
unison, What'she or shedoing?Have the student describethe picture by !
completing the sentence frame He!/She's-=*-. E

? g & { $ l $ Gi l P
ffi sotlatstrtth J
R e m i n d s t u d e n t si - : :
when talkingwitr a
partner, only one
personshould spea( ::
a t i m e . P a r t n e r ss n c - :
take turns listen;rg3 :

T 1 2 U n i t1
4 s{,Yc&rw€s W*rm-&lp
S t u d e n t sc a n t a l k a b o u t
. PIay a game of Simon Scysby telling students to pretend to do an action only
4 c l a s s r o o ma c t i v i t i e s .

S t u d e n t sc a n u s e t h e
when they hear you say,"Simon saysl' (SeeGameBank, page T134, for details.)
structures there ri and . Lead the studentsby using the following statementswith and without the words
4 there are.
Simon Says:color a picture, count to ten, cut paper,glue shapes,use the computer,
and so on.
2lsl (entury $kills r
4 Self-Direction &}slng
& took and write. Usethe correctform of the verb.
A Moteriols
U r : i rP o s t e r rxv*rve
i Explain the lessonobjective-students will iearn to use the correct verb forms.
\roeo,,Games . Read the directions aloud. Explain that students have to add -ing to the verbs
A -
- i i - - - - . - : . : - - ,
in the box. Point out that studentswill need to drop the final e from gJue
e 9ildr d!r vrLrc>.

MyEng:ishLab and write before adding -ing. Help students identify what each person in the
) or CD-ROM picture is doing. Complete Item i together with students.

4 tri] Have students complete the rest of the activity independently.

P a g e11 Review the answersas a classand ask voiunteers to write their answerson the
4 A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
board so that everyonecan check spelling. Circulate to seethat studentshave
written the verbs correctly. (Answers: L gluing 2. reading j. listening,
4 4. playing 5. drawing 6. writing.)

Provide three answer choicesfor each sentenceand allow studentsto pick and
4 copv the answer to each.

4 ffi w.ite. Use ThereSor Thereare.

. Read the directions aloud. Have students work independently to complete the
sentences.Help students read the sentences,as needed.
Have students discusstheir answerswith a partner. Circulate, checking that
4 MAi{ll{}F studentsare using correct pronunciation and intonation. (Answers:1. There
are, 2. There\, 3. Thereare )
4 Swn
4 . re SeE-DireCion This section asksstudentsto assesstheir own learning
and reflect on their progress.Read the statementsaloud. Explain that students
4 should check the boxes if they can do the activities. Help students appreciate
their progress. Say: Ilze I Can statementspoint out what you have learned in this
4 unit.
. Assign Workbook page 1l and direct studentsto digital activities.
&ppNieetior*cnd Prsc?iee&eiivity
. Write questionsabout your classroomthat can be answeredwith sentencesthat
include There is or There are; for example: How many boysare in our class?How
4 many booksare on the shelf?or How many pencils are on my desk?

4 . Have students work in pairs to write There is/There cre responsesto each
question. Then have pairs exchangepapers with another pair. Have them read
4 the answersaloud. Check to make sure they are correct.
. Have studentsplay the Unit I Game 2 on ActiveTeach.
=*t . Have studentsreview the Unit I dramatic video segment.Use Video Guide
activities.If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
4 homework for turther review.

Unit 1 T13

ffifu$ww*&wffiffi C
U*ewku*mry €**txt*#&wms
ffwsx*cxrf C
. To name playgroundactivities r Science:To use double-digitnumerals
. To use prepositionsto show position and learnabout movement,bones,and
. Culture:To iearn about games played
. To identifyimportantideasin a story
aroundthe world C
iil ("We Liketo PlayTogether")
Smwrx*s C
iil* . To use readingstrategiesto
. To read and write words that containm
comprehendand appreciatea story
iii$ and n C

&rwrex,xxwx: Ww$*ses ,&
. To use the presenttense verbs do
and does, and like to and /ikesto
. To identifyand use playgroundsafetytips -

o To use the pronounshe, she, and
they *xr*$e*?
. To make and use a "PlaygroundSafety"

;ffi checklist G



ffi 3

r:,iil::. I
m m i li l m l l l t m f n m m
4 &ffi
& 3 ffis$$t#m*mwr &e*$wlfdq*
4 StudentBook,Unif2
M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s1 4 * 2 5 Smm$$g
4 i-l StudentBookAudio CD, H a v e s t u d e n t s i l l u s t r a t et h e i r f a v o r i t e
4 p l a y g r o u n d a c t i v i t i e s .H e l p t h e m l a b e l
e a c h p i c t u r e . I n s t r u c ts t u d e n t s t o
t a k e t h e p i c t u r e sh o m e a n d t e l l t h e i r
A I Mainunit,pages12-2'l
f a m i l i e sa b o u t t h e m . H a v e s t u d e n t s a s k
Extragrammarpractice.page 99 m e m b e r s o f t h e i r f a m i l i e sw h a t t h e y
4 WorkbookAudio CD. liked to play when they were in school.
Tracks9-13 E n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s t o r e p o r t t o t h e
4 c l a s sw h a t t h e y l e a r n .
4 P r a c t i c tee s t ,p a g e s1 2 - 1 3
Unittest, pages14-15
t l --lI r a la s s e s s m e npta, g e s1 6 - 1 7
t ExamVrew@
4 AssessmentSuite
ffi*axr* :
4 P i c t u r eC a r d s 7 7 - 8 2 Make a bulletin board entitled Playground
P o s t e r sU
: n r t 2 P o s t e r ,U n i t s 1 - 3 F u n . A s k s t u d e n t st o t h i n k a b o u t p l a y g r o u n d I
G r a m m a rP o s t e r g a m e s a n d a c t i v i t i e st h e y l i k e a n d w r i t e o n e

a V i d e o ( A c t i v e T e a c h )U, n i t 2
D i g i t a la c t i v i t i e s( M y E n g l i s h L a o
u n d e r t h e s e n t e n c es t a r t e r " l l i k e t o . . . . "
F o r e x a m p l e ,s t u d e n t sm i g h t w r i t e p l a y o n
the swing or play soccer. Students may wish
re C D - R O M ) ,U n i t 2 t o d r a w a p i c t u r e o { t h e m s e l v e sp l a y i n g t h e
g a m e o r d o i n g t h e a c t i v i t ya n d a d d i t t o t h e
display. Have students add activities to the ti
i bulletinboardas they work throughthe unit
€'\. and learnabout new activitiesand qames.
4 t.t\
4\. -?'.
t. ? \
4 \
4 qE
,r.1.. a.


-,t ,,ii*




' I- " :""

*k urr"n.n" r,.r.l. ll-rnlll
-- ... .,4 .,
,.-I^. *g t- o
*T /',-$rF t
Were d,arna :n k. ri:-c-ou id.
There d.e lots ci gafr6 ac dct.
Seca, bqeeil. od brskeboli.
Y*vt do ld s61t ta da, tdicE
r-s* rE #ilGL
Pqd lk€s to lag cr ahesirg'
V4 &es to dca cn lhe si;de.
5. She likesto 6, The/ tike 7 She lik6 to L H6 lik6 b
We oUlike b ptay hide-and-*Pt-
jump roF. ro sLote. skoteb@rd. ride his bjle.

#jh*'o f Cm: J' ard o.ogw, ut
il 4-q {4 w€ drJ wtts #rqe: Q4
" Ttt'to.-.
._p 4

W*rn:*&$p IF
. Take studentsfor a lvalk around a playground or show them pictures ofplaygrounds. Ask:
What do you like to do on thc playground?Have voiunteers pantomirne their favorite playground
game or activity and seeif other studentscan guesswhat it is.
# 5 1 n aF € s € s l + * i *

e h i.,r*"nandread.Thensins.
i$!s'!'j Expiainthe lessonobjective-studentslvill sing a song and describepiaygroundactivities.
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio ltack Al5. Have students follow along silently.
. Play the ar.idioagain and have studentssing along. F
n99i1i!;aoAct out the lyrics tr: help students understand. For example,do F
,r \ ...: thesegesturesas you sing: soccer(kicking), baseball(batting),
basketball(dribbling), swings(pantomime pushing someoneon .F
a swing), sllde (pantomime going down a slide),hide-and-seek
(cover and then uncover eyes),came and play with us (motion to
come with hands), everyone(spreadarms wide).

!iiliri ilt;
Check students'comprehension.Ask: I4rhatgamesdo theyplay? (soccer,baseball,basketball)
What doesPauI like to do? (p1ayon the swings) What tloes\reralike to do? (play on the slide)

Point to the boy on the srving.Ask: l44rois this?(Paul) Horv do you know?(The song says,
"Paul likes to play on the swings.") What is \lera doing?(playing on the slide)
Once studentsare comfbrtable with the song, have them practice it using the karaoke version
(Track 859). Or, if you wisir, savethe karaoke version for use during another classperiod as a
fun way to review the song.
& 6) tirt"n and read. Point and say. -
Remind studentsthat you use fte when you refer to males,shewhen you refer to females,and

they tvhen you refer to more than one person.
Readthe directionsaloud. PiayAudio Track A17 and havestudentslisten,point to each
sentence,and then repeatthe sentence.
T 1 4 U n i t2 -

4 . When studentsare fanriliar with the vocat'ulary, plav Charades.{SeeGame **$g{?8v€$
Bank, pageT I 34, for details.) On index cards,write the phrasesp lay basketball, To name playground
4 kick a soccerball, hit a lrasebtzll,
play on a slide,jump rope,skate,skatebaard, games ano acttvrtles
and ride s bike.Have the first player draw a card and act out the phrase.Have To use the
4 studentsguesswhat the player is doing. Play until each student has had a prepositions behind,
between, in front of,
chanceto lead the game, and next to
4 I ILeadthe sentencesin random order. Have students point to the
correspondingpicture as you read the sentence.
4 , Havethe studentspantomime the action as you read eachsentence.Then ask
them to repeatthe name of the activity before you go on to the next sentence. K*y Wceahu|cry
A Finalll', pantomin'rethe activity yourself and have students name it. Verbs/Verb Phrases:hit
a baseball, jump rope,
r a l l ,p l a y
k i c ka s o c c e b
4 o'si"?14oShow students the pictures on the Unit Poster.Say:Which picture basketball, playon th'e
\ showssomeoneplq)ingbasketball? Which pictur€ showssomeane slide,ride lhis/her]bike,
A playing on s slide?Continue asking about different pictures and
Prepositions: behind,
having studentspoint in response. between, in front of,
4 next to

* f'l Listenand write the words.

4 . Display trvo books and a ball. Placethe ball between the two books and say:
4l9l lenl$rv

It'sbetweenthe books.Have students repeat each sentence.place the ball

4 behind one ofthe books and say:/rs bihind the baok.Placethe ball in front of fdsgerimls
or-reof the books and say: 1/i ittfront of the book. Placethe ball next to one of UnitPoster
4 the books and say: It'snext to the bottk. Picturesof playgrounds
. Have three studentsstanclin a row in front of the classand ask: l,fho is Indexcards
= Books
beiween(Carlos)and (Ana)? Continue har.ing students stand behind, in front
ot. and next to eachother rvhilevou ask questionsabout position.
4 . Readthe directionsaloud. Play Audio Track A18 as studentslisten and read
Audio tracksA16-418,
silentl,t'.Replaythe audio and direct studentsto point to tlre correct ansrverfor Games(ActiveTeach)
4 eachsentence.Then havestr.rdents completethe activity independently. Digitalactivities:
check comprehensionby askingabout the position of eachobject: \{here is or CD-ROM
the (hike)?Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. behind,2, betv,een,3. next
to. f. in.front of)
4 t<cplaythe audio and point to eachitem in the picture.Providetlvo answer
Answerson pageT148
choicesfbr studentsto pick from as thev completethe sentences.
4 . Assign \\rorkbook pages12, i 3 and direct studentsto digital activities.

4 iiirxiix*?i**r masdFr**ti** &*ivltX'

4 . Har.estudentsset up a pretendsporting goodsshop using an assortmentof
sports-reiatedpictures,such as soccerballs,baseballs,skates,jump ropes,etc.
= . Studentscan role-playbuying and sellingthe sporting goods.Encouragethem
to use kev vocabularv and good manners as they do so. For exampie,a student
4 consurnermight ask: l)xcuseme, wherecan I find the soccerballs?The student
shop owner can reply: are behind thejump ropes.
. m Sociol $kills Remind studentsto use polite languageas rhey play their
roles.Give sonreexainplesior the shop owner (IIow areyou today?;How can I
4 helpyou?; Thankyau)and for the consumer (Excuseme, wherecan I find . . . ;
Learning a Song
You may wish to teach
Please;Thank you1.
4 . Ilave studentsplay Unit 2 {iarne 1 on Activef'each.
one verse of the song
at a time. Play just the
first verse and review
4 the lyrics,replaying it
until students are
4 comfortable. Then
repeat with the second
verse. Have students
4 f a m i l i a r i z et h e m s e l v e s
with the first two
verses before
4 i n t r o d u c i n gt h e t h i r d .

U n i t2 T 1 5

'{f Lis*er r:*d r;rrl

; Bdet-ik* ** F{*p ,...-.,
l-..-.'--*-*-"-** r,-
I i k*e*&*r ,:: .i,j:;;:l;T:;li:. i i

$m:8ffi t4

ft *e*d;rd nclch
r . , 'e , .
|\es tc pioy soccari
ptdy bdskratHi.

,:t.,.'....1^,l 3'l!,,u",.o junp ape. Sr

$$ R*rd cnd write.
!'r:cl dc yor, ';ke 1c do cr tl-e p oycrourC?

??exr;x-#p G
. Plan a field day event lor vour classroonror school (real if possible,imaginary if impractical).
Havestudentssuggesttheir l'avoritegarnesor activiticsto include in the field da,v.Choose G
severaltypesof spcrrtsc()mpetitionsor gamesthat studentscan rotatethrough as time permits
For example,in one are:r,studentscan play a short soccermatch. In another, studentscan take G
part in a jump rcpe conrpetition.Help studentsplan a way to arrangeparticipantsin teamsto
competein the differcnt evenls. G
*:ir:6 frx,6** 1**?? G
t*k (} Listen and read.
i [rpiuin the lessonobjective-stutients r,r'illlisten to and read a storl', answer questions about
I it, and discussideasrelatedto it. G
. Point to and read therstory title aloud" i{ave students repeat it. Have them look at the story
frames and identify rvherethe children are io plal'grotnd) and what kinds of gamesthe f
children are piaying (soccer:bssketball,jump rope).
. Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track Al9 and irave studentslisten and read along. r
I A.k comprehensionq'-restionsabout the story: What do the girlslike to do?
i play soccer) What doestlteir brotherlike to play? (basketball).
(jump rope and
i R"plu_ythe audio as needecl.Pausethe audio after each frame and point out what is going on
,,,,,,,r, e
I in each pictr.rre.Use gesturesand simple languageto explain uniamiliar words.

a g-i n t , ^ ''o
p" Allow studentsto act out their answers.
& n""a and match.
' Read the directit-rnsaltiud. Next, point to Item 1. Say:Point to thisgirl in the storlt.Then a.sk:Is €
sheiunping rope?(no\ ls sheplaying soccer?()'es)Demonstrate for students how to dralv a line
connectingthe first part ofthe sentcnceto the ansrver. €
. Have studentscornpietethe activity independentlr',assistingthem as needed.
rr I Rer,iewthe ansrversrvith the stuclt:nts.(Answers:1,play soccer,2. jump rope,i. plal, basketball)
T 1 6 U n i t2
4 i:ntrr i
Ask volunteersto read their ansrversin completesentencesusing fteot shc.
To read unit language
I Listenfor correct pronunciationofthe pronoun. a nc o n t e x t
4 To read {or
eEll?'1aleModei looking back in the story to see what the girl in pink likes to understanding and
\ -:, do. Show how in Frame i she'sholding a soccerball, and in Frame enJoyment
5 she'skicking it. Point out the answer choiceplaying soccer,Repeat T o c l a s s i f yd e t a i l s i n
with each of the other characters,pointing out hon'the answer
4 choice matchesthe story pictures.
a srory

* R.ad and write. H*g F***h***ry
4 . Readthe questionaloud and havestudentsrepeat.Elicit possibleresponses Verb Phrases:iump
rope, kicka soicer ball,
from the studentsand write thern on the board. Ask them to cone up with as playbasketball
4 many ideasas they can. Prepositions: behind,
. Have studentscomplete the sentenceindependently'. between,in front o{,
4 Have studentsread their answersto a partner. Listen for reasonableresponses.
'l'hen 33sf{cxtury Skills
help students
'- , Allow studentsto draw a picture to contpletethe sentence.
4 , labeltheir picturesand havethem read their answers aloud. SocialSkills

. Ask studentsto think about the playground activities you wrote on the board F*e$crieg*c
irt the beginning of the activity. Ask which activities they usually do alone, and Soccerball,basketball,
rvhich they usually do rvith another person or in groups. Next to each activity, jump rope (or picturesof
4 \lrtte aloneor in groups.(Make sure studentsunderstand the meanings of eacnl
Paper piates
theservords.)Point to the jump roper in f'rame 5 and ask Is sheplaying alone
4 or in a group?Help studentsseethat even though she'sjumping rope alone,
Markers, colored-paper
cutouts, yarn
she'salso playing ball with the other children.
< . AssignWorkbook page l4 and clirectstudentsto digital activities.
Audio track A'19
Video (ActiveTeach)
*Mi t ay lEancgt li ivsi ht iLeas b
4 **p!i**€**at ss:d ffrs*{ke &*ivity or CD-ROlri

4 . Have studentsmake puppetsby decoratingpaperplateswith facesusing @

markers,colored-papercutouts,andlor yarn tbr hair. Paao 14

4 . Have each student holJ hislher puppet and ask it What do you like to do on the Answerson page T148
playground?Then have the student answer for the puppet.
4 . l-iavestudentspractice the exchangein parrs.
Childrentalk aboutwhat
\Valk around the room and listen for proper pronunciation,appropriate they liketo do on the
4 intonation,and correct r"rse of language.
all playtogether
>3 -, Correct anv errorsyou hear b)'modeling the correcl answerand having
s t u d e n t sr c p c a ta f t e rv o u .
?4 . Have studentssavetheir puppets fclr use in future iessons'
l - . Have studentsview the Unit 2 dramatic video segment'if studentshave
-a MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as homelvork for review
t -

l,11 -
l - ry
g Yfl&{ffi!ru*
t,-q - * ffisociolskltt;
Tell students that
s o m e t i m e sp e o p l e c a n
IIA feel left out on the
playground. A.sk
f - students how they can
be more sensitiveto
r f i n c l u d i n go t h e r sw h e n
! t h e v a r e p l a v i n"' qa
f -
{ 9ame or a sport.
r U n i t2 T 1 7

WErm*Up rs
s&,,t{Tiv *
. Display the Picture Cards in the front of the room. Have studentstake turns Toactoutada::-:
with a partner
pointing to a card and saying what they like to do. lD
T o u s e u n i t j a n c- : : :
. Prompt the student to say and complete the sentenceI like to in context
Then have that student ask another volunteer What do you like to do? Continue
until every student has had a chanceboth to ask and answer the question.
Xey Vocobulory
UringFuge18 VerG/Verb Phrases:- :
a baseball, jump rcce c
kicka soccerball,p a.
e 6il Listenandread.Say. basketball, play on :'e
s l i d e ,r i d eI h i s / h e rc] . e 4
I E*pl"in the lessonobjective-students will listen to and act out a dialogue
,*uo,o, skate,skateboaro
I with a partner.
Prepositions_; behr^c
. Have studentsdescribethe game the children are playing in the picture at the between,in +rontci,
next to
top of the page.(Hide-ancl-Seek)Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track
A20 and have studentslisten and read along silently. -
. Play the audio again, pausing from time to time so that studentscan repeat PictureCards77-79,82
what thev hear. Asgortmentof classroorr
Replaythe audio track so that studentsbecome familiar with the dialogue.
Then check students'comprehension.Ask: What do Tedand ludy like to do?
rit0i]lto8 Unit 2 Stickers
(play Hide-and-Seek)What doesBetty like to do? (play Hide-and-Seek) What will
Audio track A20-A21 4
Betty and Len do? (They will play Hide-and-Seekwith Ted and |udy.) StudentBook audio
Havestudentstell rvhathappensnext.Havethem tell what Len will sayto script,page T136 aE
Digital activities:
{fiau.t&&I fudy and |udy'sresponse.
For example,for Len,studentsmay say:May Betty MyEnglishLab
andI playHide-and-Seekwith you?For judy,studentsmay say:Yes.Comeplay or CD-ROM a-

with us.

& Work with a partner. Look at 7. Role-play. Page 15

Answers on page T'l4t

Pair studentsto read the dialogue and act it out. After students read it once, G
have them switch roles and repeat.
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation and intonation, especiallyin -
questionsand explanations.
Correct errors in pronunciation and intonation as needed and have students -
repeatafter you.
6D tirt"n. stick.
Help studentslocate the Unit 2 stickersat the back of the Student Book. -
Arrange classroomchairs so each student can stand between two chairs. Then
have studentsfollow thesedirections. Say:Stand infront ofyour chair.Stand a
behindyour chair.Standnext to your chair.S/andbetween two chairs.
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A2l and pauseit so that students
can locate each sticker.Have them place the stickersin the appropriate places
in the picture. Replay the audio as needed. /
Assign Workbook page 15 and direct students to digital activities.
Applicction and Prcaice Aaivity
. Have studentsplay a game of Hide-and-Seek.(SeeGameBank, page T134, t
for details.)One student is blindfolded while a second student hides in the
classroom. t
. The rest of the classprovides clues using prepositions,such as:Sally is behind
you. or Joseis betweenthe door and the window. G
. Continue the game,having studentstake turns being the hider and the seeker,
T'18Unit2 3
0 s 3 g *Yt v g $ W*rm-&$p
To ask and answer
q u e s t i o n sw i t h / i k e t o . m Communicclion
nameson theboard.Havestudents
ciusa verb
pretendthey are inlervleu'inga friend or an agentofa celebrity.C)nestudent
count by tens shouid play interviewerwhile the other piaysthe friendlagent.Have the
"interviewer" ask {rvhile pointing to a celebrity nalne): What doeshe/shelike tc
doi Prompt the "friend" to answer in a complete sentence:He/Shelikesto (sing).
- Xey Vo;abul*ry Repeatfor each student.
Verbs/Verb Phrases: hit J
a b a s e b a l l ,j u m p r o p e ,
- < : c ka s o c c e r b a l l , p l a v *u!*ryFxg* ?S
c a s < e t b a i l ,p l a v o n t h - e
A s 1 : o e r, i d e I h i s i h e r ] b i k e ,
s k a t e ,s k a t e b o a r d ffi 6) Listenand write.
Prepositions:behind, F.-xplainthe lessonobjective-students will ask and answerquestionslvith /ike
4 .ei!!een, in iront of,
, - ,
' ro plus a verb. Studentsu'ili also count count by tens.
. Have studentschoral-readthe questionsand answersin the grammar box at
A 2lst CenturySkills the top of the page.Iroint out tlrat the verb daesis used with iingular he/she,
Communication and do is used with plural they \n the questior"rs.
A Point out that likesto is used
with singular heishe,and like fo is used with piural they in the responses.
. Readthe directionsaloud. Plav Audio Track A22. As studentslisten,have
4l U n i t s1 - 3 G r a m m a r
Poster them point to eachpicture. Pla,vthe audio a secondtirne. Ha'e students
completethe sentencesindependently.
4 Drawing paper
C r a y o r r so r m a r k e r s
, Review the answersas a class.(Anxuers:l. dctes,
or,r,,,,,n likesto;2. clo,like ta;
Chart paper
4 Ar:dio tracksA22-A24
' 3. does,likesto)

D i g i t a la c t i v i t i e s :
I Have studentscircle the subjectof eachsentenceand teil whether it is one or
l v l y E n gl i s hL a b ,'::,r,. rnore than one. Remind studentsthat when the subject is singular, the verb
or CD'ROM , form usesan s and when it is plural, the verb form has no s.
4 ffi (} Listen,look,and say.
. lbgether with studentschant the numbers l0- 100,counting by tens.
4 _-.-:: sc' o: on page
. Readthe directionsaioud. Pla,vAudio Track A23 and havestudentslisten and
'1-. 3 " p a g eT 1 4 8
4 "=-. repeatthe numerais.

e (} Look and listen. Count and write the number.

4 . Readthe directionsaloud. PiavAudio Track A24 and havestudentspoint to
the pictures.
4 . Have students complete the activity independentll,.
4 r*r,:r:, I Reviervthe answersrvith the students.(Answers:1. thirty or 30,2. ten or lA,
: 3. tu,entyor 20)
4 I l)etermine rvhethererrors are due to math skills or languageskills.Provide
*:rr; ; help as neededby counting obiectswith -students or reviewingnumbers and
4 r numDer names.
. Assign\\rorkbook pages16-17 and direct srr,idents to digital activities.
&pp9!rxfi*m smd &rqxsfie*&{g;siry
4 . Have studentsfind out which activitiestheir classmates like to do. On a sheet
of paper, stuclentscan write the activities listen to music,play videogames,and
4 ride a bike.Along the top of the paper, siudents can write the names of four
4 . f {ave the student ask-a classmate:\{hat do you like to da?and then read the
possiblechoicesaloud.The studentmakesa checkmark next to eachactivity
4 the ciassmateiikes.
. lnvite studentsto presenttheir findings to the class.Help then'ruse their data tct
4 rnake sentencessuch as Diego likesto ride a bike.
U n i t2 T 1 9
&ffsrm-!,ip s5
&ffijg€?lu +
T^ -^^l
rv r Edu orru )o,,
. Have studentssit in a circle and tell them they are going to take turns counting two-digit nume.a s
fromA1ll 70.
To read about cc-::
. Tell studentsthat those with even numbers will clap and count. If a student a n d m u s c l e sl n t r e
claps/doesntclap out of turn, or saysthe wrong number, he or she sits out, until
body 3
o n l y o n e s t u d e n tr e m a i r t s .
. Every time studentscomplete the number sequence,have them increasethe
{snte?t l$*rds
speedat which they are counting.
bones,feet, hands. G
3!** {enfirry Skills
e 6e Lookand listen.Saythe numbers. ICT Literacy
Explain the lessonobjective-students will read and discussthe number of
musclesand bones found in parts of the human body.
Research materialsruc: G
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track ,{25 and have studentspoint to as the Internet,
and repeateach number. encyclopedias,
Read the numbers in Activity l3 aloud in random order and hal'e students BlankBingocards
point to and say each number. dividedinto 16 boxes
Itemsto use as Eingo
& 6) titt"n and read. Write the numbers. markers
,Audiotracks A25-A26 C
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A26 and have students read along
Video (ActiveTeach)
silentiy.Replaythe audio and pauseafter each sentencecontaining a blank so
that studentscan complete it.
Diqital activities:
-MyEnglishLab C
Check for comprehension.Ask How many bonesare in your hand?{27) Haw C
trol? many bonesare in your foat? (26) Which usesmore muscles,kickinga ball or
throwinga bal/i (throrving a ball) tlow many musclesdoesit take to iump? QA) P a g e1 8 C
Audio scripton page
lC[ Liferoty Answer this question with a partner. 1144
Draw a simple stick figure on the board and have students help you label it Answerson page T14t J
with names of parts of the body such as head,face, arm, leg,nose,knee,wrist,
and snkle. C
Assign each pair of studentsone part of the body from the diagram you drew.
Have studentsuse the Internet, encyclopedias,or nonfiction books to find out
how many bones and musclesare in that body part. G
pig-'tt:lo Pair students with less English proficiency with more advanced
l,\j speakersfor this activity.
Have pairs read their sentencesaloud. Monitor for correct pronunciation' C
intonation, syntax, and vocabulary.
Heip studentsresearchby explaining the text in simple language.Then have G
them write their answersusing sentencestemsyou have given them'
Assign Workbook page 18 and direct students to digitai activities.
&ppli*a?iemexrd Fr*dis* &etiviry
, PIa'l Bingowith students.(SeeGameBank, page T134, for details.) I)istribute C
blank grids that have l6 boxes.Have studentswrite the following numbers in
the boxes in random order'.12, 19,26, 27, 34, 37,40, 49, 52, 56,61' 79, 80,95' 3
96, and -l00.The first player to get a complete row or column of numbers is
the winner.
so*ro*i Check the winner'.srow of numbers by having the student read therr aloud.
. Have studentsvier,r'theUnit 2 documentary video segment.Use activities in C
the Video Guide. If studentshave MyEnglishl.ab, assignthe video segment as
homework for revtew. C
T20 Unit2
o s Jc {? g w $ $ Wmrmr-&ip
, . r e a r na b o u t q a m e s
liaved around ihe world
. Play a game of Hopscotchin class.In caseyou and/or your studentsare
unfamiliar with the game, here'show to play: Draw a Hopscotchpattern with
chalk on a paved surfaceor use masking tape on an indoor floor. Seethe
4 (onten? Sords
illustration in Activity l7 for reference.As you draw the game board, explain to
studentswhat you are doing, using the words draw and number.
4 d.alv,games, hop,
.cpscotch, jump, kick, . Demonstrate how to play Hopscotch.As you explain how to play, use the wgrds
rJ.rber, throw
throw and hop.
4 . Allou'time for students to play the game. (You may wish to draw more than one
2ist {entury $hiti*
Hopscotchboard so students can play simultaneously.)
A C : , : i c aT
i h nk ng

A f'loleriols
C ' a ' < o : ' m a s k i n gt a p e
ii.ic.id rr:ap or globe e 6a Lookand listen.Matchthe picturesto the countries.
A Aud c tracks A27-A28
D gital activities: I E*pluin the lessonobjective-students will identifu the names of gamesin
4 MyEnglishLab
I o t h e rc o u n t r i e s .
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A27. As studentslisten, have
4 them point to the picture described.
Read the names of the three countries and have students repeat.You may wish
4 to show them the countries on a world map or giobe.
Play the audio a secondtime. Have students complete the matching activity
4 independently.

4 ua]3!-i:" Havethesestudentssaysentences,
, tn
4 Reyiew the answerswith students.(Answers:l. b. Gustemala,2. c. SouthKorca,

4 3.a.India)

e 6a Lookand listen.Sayand play.

4 Have students retell the stepsyou followed when you drew and played
Hopscotch.Write the stepson the board.
4 Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A28. As studentslisten, have
them point to each step on the page.
With students,compare the stepson the board with those in the book. If
4 needed,correct the stepson the board.
Check for students'comprehension of the Content Words by saying a word
4 and asking studentsto pantomime it.

If students have difficulty with Content Words, say a word and have a
- rroiunteeract it out. Then have aii students say the word and act it out.

-ll t*&|l€sr{
Changethe numbers on your Hopscotchboard to include any numbers from
l0 to 70. Have students call out each number as they hop down the board.

- i:&{tr!rus
Ygp &ppl*emfi*msr?d Pre€?ica&€?i!rify
r'?g€ crtrtcotThinkhg . Have studentschallengeanother classroomto a I{opscotchcompetition.
i i s t u d e n t s 'h o m e
**o*uoi During the game, listen for students'use of vocabulary words (draw, number,
--.-- acountry is not 1 throw, and hop). Aid them rvith usageand pronunciation.
-r '-epresented in Activity
16, provide students
a+fwith ' the name {or
Hopscotch or a similar
in their home
- - -, lr3gnaqmue6 g e .
students who are
-2f - amiliar with the game
lo tell how it is similar
^io and different from

Unit2 T21
lffcrm-{*p &g3K{T'VtS
To learn the sc-
. Saywords that begin with the lml sound. Tell studentsto nod if the word begins for m and n
with the /m/ sound. For example, say:Moon. Hop' Month. PIay.Team.Match. To differentlate
Music. Soccer.Move. l.ike. Muscle. Behind. and Many' between the so'
for m and n
. Repeatfor the /n/ soilnd. This tirne, tell studentsto nrove about in a silly way
To learn words i-::
if the word begins with the lnl sound. For exanpie, say:Number.Run. Ride. i n c l u d et h e l e t t e ' s -
Nineteen.lump. Next.Can. and Notebook. atn o
To write words :'::
i n c l u d em o r n
Fxg* 3}
& 6)listen and point.Say.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will iCentifu and distinguish between iMsferis!s
the letters m and n and the sounds they stand for. Sounds and Letie's
Cards (ActiveTeacn'
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A29 and have studentspoint to
L o o s e - l e a fn o t e b o o < s
each picture as thev iisten.
P e n c i l s ,c r a y o n s , m a ' < a ' :
Display the Sounds and Letters Cards. Repiay.theaudio. Have studentslisten, Drawing paper €
point to, and say each word. ,Audio tracks A29-A3 i
Replavthe audio and have students circle the nr in the words in Items 1*3. D i -oM l ancgtliivsiht iLeasb:
i t ya E ?
Then repeat,having studentscircle the n in the words in Items 4-6. or CD-ROM
Observe studentsand make sure they are focusing on the target letters. G
6)titt"n and write. Use the words from 18. Page 19 C
:iii Write the first sentenceon the board. Elicit the correct answer and write it in Audio script on Paga
the blank. (Answer:garce) A n s w e rosn p a o e
-'a: C
l;i . Readthe directionsaloud. Play Audio Track A30. Have studentspoint to the
i{ word that compieteseach sentence.
. Replaythe audio, pausing after each sentenceto allow studentstime to fill in
the blanks.
(Answers:1.game' 2. run, 3. map, 1. room,
: Review the answersas a class.
5. down,6. niglrt) C
rnli i Have pairs wrlte and sharea new sentencefor one of the words'
& 6)r-itten and say. Underline m and n.
. Read the dircctions aloud. Play Audio Track A31. Have students read along C
Pair studentsand have them find and underlin e eachm. Repeatthe activity
& for the letter n.
ffi *i*xt1**
Have partners take turns reading each underlined word aloud. Listen for
correctpronunciationofthe targetsounds.
Learning to reccc-:= q
Ifstudents have trouble identifving the target sounds, say each sentence anopronounce
slol'ly, emphasizingthe /m/ and /nl sounds. u n f a m i l i asro u n o s: E
one of the more
^at.q-t9e*Have students sort the words in columns for beginning and ending difficulttasksfor
./ consonant sounds.Have them add other English words of their
own with m and r to each list.
Ingrug" [ut""'t
R e m i n ds t u d e n t s: r : :
s o m e E n g l i s hs o l r r c 3
are verv differentfro- C
Assign Workbook page l9 and direct students to digital activities. t h o s ei n t h e i rh o m e
;m srxd Frsrllt* &*tiw*ry
Lnjrug". Encourage C
studentsto listenverY
carefullyfor the

. Have studentsdraw a nest On a sheetofpaper. Instruct them to draw four eggs
in their nests.Have studentswrite words that begin with n on each egg.They
may use words from the unit or other words they know.
differencesand try newC
w a y st o u s et h e i rl i P s ,
tedth, and tongueio C

,x[ m a k et h e n e w s o u n d s .

.* . Next, have studentsdraw four rnilk cartons on a shelf. Have them t'rite lvords
that begin wtth m otr each milk carton.
t h a t m e a n st h e v a ' :
. Have each student read their eight words aloud. d o i n ga g o o c . . . C

T22 Unit2
i:* j'g€Y&vfi$ l*farmt*t$p
. \vrite rules for playground safetyon paper strips and place them in a plastic
cup. Have students take turns selectinga paper strip from the cup and reading
the rule aloud.

Pair studentsof different languageproficiency. Have more

4 !lst Cer':tur1.5kills \ proficient speakersread the rule aloud and have lessproficient
speakersact out the rule. j
A #sing &cg* X3

ffi 6) Listenand look. Write.

A ,rr*:rrr Explain the lessonobjective-students will discusshow to play safel,v.

2 . Read the words in the box at the top of the page aloud and have students
repeat.Have students,pointto the picture that shows each piece of equipment
as you read each word.
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio 'frack A32 and have students read alons
4 silentil'. Have students complete the sentencesindependently.

ir&rjr*s Reviewthe ansrversas a class.(Answers:1. stitte,2.skateboard,3.swing,

4 : 4. seesaw)

€ o$:r.".:o For each sentence,have students tell a safety rule for that piece
i..., ofequipment.

& ,',i.:..W Corrunicction6;) loot<and listento 21.Telta friend how

to be safeon the playground.
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A33 and have students follow
1 aiong silentll'.
. Have pairs each take a turn reading the dialogue in the speechbubbles.
? . Then have them talk about how to play safelvon each piece of equipment in
the list in Activity 21.
***,,"* ; As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intclnation, and
I correct use ol language.
& fUat" a Playground Safety checklist. Check (/) what you do.
4 . Return to your list of rules from the \{arm-Up activity. Have students tell any
additionalruies they learnedabout on the audio and add them to the list.
4 . worklng in smail groups, have students make their own "playground Safety"
check.liston a sheetof chart paper.
a . I-lavegroups discussrvhich rules they follorv and can place checkmarks blr

1 ,rlj During the discussion,listen for correctpronunciation,appropriate

. intonation,and correct r.rse
of language.
a ,rsr,r; l{elp students correct any spelling or grammar errors on their charts.
. Assignworkbook page20 and direct studentsto digital activities.
&ga6*li**?i*mmar***}r*stiee &*gisigv
A; n { $ ' r * &? g p . Reusethe paper strips with safetvrules written on them from the \\'arm-up.
jtf"tv tlot . Have studentpairs choosea pap€r strip and then pretendeither to fbllow or not
, - e n t n e l e s s o nh a s follorvthat particular rule.
: : e - , 6 s r n p l s l e d ,h a v e
4: - : e . r s c o m p o s ea r r s t . Ask volunteersfrom the classto indicateverballyor using gestureswhether a
- ' s a f e t yt i p s f o r t h e rule rvasfollorved.If the rule was not followed, ask volunteers to restatethe rule
-{- :ss'oom Thsn hav4 as thel'are able.
- - - a . t rc o m p a r e l t w r t h
st of safetv tios for
{-: ciaygrouni.

Unit2 T23

t /
|flferm-Sp *g3Y{&}Wss
. Setten common objects-such as a pencil, coin, ball, crayon, or scissors-on a S t u d e n t sc a n d e s c ' : :
p l a y g r o u n da c t i v , te :
tray and cover them with a towel. Uncover the tray and let students study it for €
one minute. Then cover the tray again. S t u d e n t s c a n s a v , . ,- : :
people like to db.
. Have studentsciosetheir eyesand take one object off the tray. Have students -4

open their eyesand identify the missing object.

. Repeatthe activity so that as many studentsas possibleget a chanceto €
3ls*Ceilrry Skills
ilsing Fage X& ffisteriols
Unit Poster 1:
& Work in groups.Playa memorygame. Tencommonobjecs
I E*pluin the lessonobjective-students wiii play a memory game about
I playground activities. Towel
Digitalactivities: -
. Use the Unit Posterto review the key vocabulary. MyEnglishLab
. Divide the classinto groups of three players.Walk studentsthrough the or CD-ROM

directions step by step,starting with Student i in the illustration.

. Have the groups play one round of the game.
e t
Then have the groups play two more times, each time beginning with a
different student so that everyonehas a turn remembering three activities.
Circulate around the room, checking to make sure that students are using
correct vocabulary,pronunciation, and intonation.

As you notice any errors, saywords or sentencescorrectly and have students
repeatafter you. I
{,.{&ucii{it Have studentsplay the memory game in groups of four or more.

&pplieo?i*nsmd Pra**se &c*ivi*v

. Havethreestudentsstandin front of the class.Ask StudentI the question:Whnt
gamedoyou like ta play?Havethe studentrespond:I like to play (Hopscotch).
. Write the student'sresponse on the board,substitutingIIe or Shefor L After
all threestudentshaveansweredthe question,havethe classecho-readthe e
sentences on the boardafteryou.
. Repeatwith threemorestudents,askingdifferentquestionssuchas:Whatdo e
you like to eat?What doyou like to do on a rainy day?What doyou like to do after
school?Whatdoyou like to do in school? e
ffi SodnlSkttts
R e m i n d s t u d e n t st r . a :
when playinga gan ?
they shouldwait the '
turn to speak and nci
interrupt one anothe..
Also, remind them to
a l l o w e a c h p l a y e rt i m e
to think and saytheir
answer as they take a
turn. Ask students not
to correct each other.
Thiskind of turn-takino
a l l o w s E n g l i s hl e a r n e ' , -
to feel safe as thei'
attempt to produ::
the new languace

T24 Unit2
4 **Y€*ffitrS W*xrm-$'"*p
S l - d e n t sc a n s 5 s t h s
c'epostions behind,
. Play a game with students.As you play a short song, have studentsmove about
cetween, in front of, the classroom.When the music stops,shout: Freeze!With students "frozen'
and next to.
irr place,ask volunteersto atswer questionsabout position, such asi Wha is
4 s:Ldentscan read standing next to (Isabella)?Who is behind (lorge)? Who is in front of (Antonio)?
e n dw r i t en u m b e r su p
:c 1C0
#*I*tw Fx6e 35
4 2 l s t( e n t u r y5 k i i 8 s ffi look and write.
S: ,, , , , Eflluin the lessonobjective-students will identify what the people in the
A Cc lacc.ation p t c l u r e sa r eo o l n g .
. Have studentscomplete the sentences.As needed,help with the reading of the
D f , 1 o t rei ol s
sentencesor with spelling.

D : : ' : s : - a v c n s ,o r or*,,*, , Review the answersas a class.(Answers:f . iump rope,2. likesto,3.play,

- 3'<e.s ; 4. like to)
-:-Ce-;,ar Caper
) urru,I \frtt. three answer choicgsfor each sentenceon tbe board and allow students
3:-es V,ceo I to chooseone answer to coDY.
A -!:;f"g
lshrab ffi Look and write.
:.Cf,-ROM Read the directions aloud. Review the answer choicesin the box. Have
I WB studentsu,'orkindependently to complete the sentences.
Have studentsdiscusstheir answerswith a partner. Circulate, checking to
4 --l: sarci cr Saoe fiall.j]t** make sure that studentsare using correct pronunciation, intonation, and
language.(Answers:1. behind,2. in Jront of, 3. next to, 1. between)
.-,:.'. cr cage T148
Provide two answer choicesfor each sentenceand allow studentsto pick one
4 ans\'r'erto coD\'.

ffi nead.Writethe numbers.

4 . Read the directions aloud. Have students complete the activity independently.
=a r.u*r*rI Review student anslversas class.(Answers:1. 20, 2. 100,3. 50,4. 6A,5. rc,6. 70)

4 ffil:xn
ffi S"f-Oirecfion This section asksstudentsto assesstheir own learnrng
4 and reflect on their progress.Read the statementsaloud. Explain that students
should check the boxes if they can do the activities. Help studentsappreciate
4 their progress.Say:The l Can statementspoint out what you have learned in
this unit.
4 Assign Workbook page2l and direct students to digital activities.

4a &pp$isw?**m
ar:d Flrxc*ise&.ariw&ty

4 Colloborotlon Have studentswork together to make a mural of your school

playground. You may wish to assignindividual students different tasks so they
4 cooperatein the making of the mural.
. Once the playground setting is complete,have each student draw themselveson
4 the playground doing an activity he or she likes.
. Display the mural and ask questionsthat reinforce unit vocabulary. For
example, ask: What do you like to do? Who is standing next to the slide?Where are
r E e { } * i s3s€ p the sw,ings?
How many childrenare on the soccerfield?
Arcst preparation . Have studentsplay Unit 2 Game 2 on ActiveTeach.
+;low more proficient . Have studentsreview the Unit 2 dramatic video segment.Use Video Guide
4 s:rdents to complere
:.e page independently. activities.If students have N{yEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
=or students needing homeu'ork for further revieu'.
- - -.rv
: x t r a a s s i s t a n c eo, r o v i d e
- u l t i p l e - c h o i c ea n s w e r s
4:.r e a c hi t e m .

unit 2 T25

In {F


]:f ,
..rr* v
ffifu$ww€$wws e
,.,,.' ..l]1 V*eahuicrg €*rs8es?$
€mrxsx*#&mms e
,.]'il..]]lll . To name householdobjects . Social Studies: To classifyinventions
,..,...:.lllll I To name familymembers as old and new e
1., ".::i
. Around the World: To learnabout
householdobjectsaround the world
. To identify important ideas in a story
( " A F a m i l yV i s i t " )
o To use readingstrategiesto o To read and write words that contain G
fand v
comprehendand appreciatea story
.l..:ll' llll &rwmxsxxxe W*&a,x*s
,,i.:,,",..l'lli r To use the contractionsir's and they're . To learn the value of being neat G
tt',r''', ,:]
. To usethe pronounshe, she, and they
o To use possessivenouns
.:,:r,11.: :,llll . Tcr make a toy box lF
,.,.'':',' .l,ti
,,,', ',,:ll
,, ':l: ..,.ii V




4 il,
4 m m il ltfn u il m m m m
4 &&w?erSwXs &pem*r&s*$w$*XsE

4 SfudentBook,Unir3
unit,pages26-37 SwmxX$v
€wmmse$'*erx l::ll:
4 i-l
--] l]ll.l]:]i]'
Cutoutsfor CheckpointUnits, Havestudentswork with their families
p a g e1 2 3
4 to makea map of their home.Tell
-] StudentBook Audio CD, them to includetheseitemson their
D TracksA34-A45. 860 maps:furniture,householdobjects,and
appliances. Havestudentsbring the
Workbook,Unif3 mapsto schooland helpthem labelthe
) M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s2 2 - 3 1 differentfeatures.Finally,havestudents
take the mapsbackhome and readthe
t -, _
Think Big Activity,pages32-33
labelsaloudto theirfamilies.

A --,
p a g e1 0 0 'iti,ti.tri..,i

WorkbookAudio CD,
A Tracks14-16 llii
$m&?rffss*s &u*Xe*in
Sssrd ]l]ltI
4 Unittest, pages20-21
Oral assessment,pages22-23 Dividea bulletinboard into four sections.
Labelthe sections livingroom, kitchen,
4 __- ExamVrew@ Assessment
bedroom, and bathroom. Have students
Mnteriols look through magazinesand cut out items
4 ' found in a house.Havestudentsattachthe
itemsto the bulletinboard underthe label
4 Posters:Unit 3 Poster,Units1-3 of the room where it is found. Help students
G r a m m aP r oster nameand labeleachitem. Usethe bulletin
4 Video (ActiveTeach), Unit 3 board to askand answerquestionssuchas; :,rrl.r,taltlj,,
Where'sa bed? (lt'sin the bedroom.) ]:l:rali'l
, O;gitalactivities(MyEnglishLab or ::i:l:r::.ll::l:
4 C l - R O M ) ,U n i t3 ,r.']:tiiiillr

4 rt:::]:]'l:


4 (h ecl*pw&s?8 U m i t s$ * 3

4 StudentBook,pages38-41 Workbook, pages 32-33

4 G u i d e s t u d e n t s i n d i s c u s s i o n s( s p o n t a n e o u s ! W o r k i n g i n d e p e n d e n t l y ,s t u d e n t s
c l a s s ,g r o u p , o r p a i r c o n v e r s a t i o n st)h a t a s k I e x o l o r e a s c e n e i n w h i c h c h i l d r e nd o
4 t h e m t o a p p l y v o c a b u l a r ya n d g r a m m a r
s k i l l st h e y h a v e l e a r n e d . E n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s
a c t i v i t i e so n a p l a y g r o u n d a n d i n s i d e
c l a s s r o o m sS . t u d e n t s u s e c r i t i c a lt h i n k i n g
4 to assessthemselves on how well they
have learned the material. As they do, pay
and creativity to identify and organize the
i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h e s c e n e . E x e r c i s e sg u i d e
attention to their performance. Target areas t h e m i n s y n t h e s i z i n gt h e m a t e r i a l a n d
*_t that need more practice before having them a s s e s s i n gt h e i r m a s t e r y o f t h e l a n g u a g e
move onto the next part of the lesson. a c q u i r e d i n t h e p r e c e d i n g u n i t s .S t u d e n t s
-r-a d e v e l o p c o m m u n i c a t i o na n d c o l l a b o r a t i o n
s k i l l sa s t h e y s h a r e t h e i r w o r k i n g r o u p s o r
4r-) pairs.


4 l:r,,ri]:,:r

w * *$ffiffig
rFliir 'ri:r? :ffis ,!ea
- --ilG
@r lixalqdracd,

rgir* lnd *cy.. ::3.,

Q;l* .w e$r &e&j
i l d - r e , : : 1 ?
& Listen and read, ?hen *ing,

' o
Where's&g Jccket?.
w|ses n! jocket,Mom? '
YNr itcke{t on tfie c.hair.
f=e-=-* e
The .hav? WN'A ctfrir?
Tlwe ve chai5 ew\||hete)
fhse 5 a char in lie liv;ngr@,
led ee tn *e be*@, w.
There are chai* iN*e dkihg rw
i drnt know $trich atroil c)o gd? 4
Ydr jockets w,hse lqr left it.
Nc need ,o look eryi,h€re.
Its on tke char bel1i^dUe .4
Yd con ind t nght th€re1
& loclg.st ihe living roam in ?, Ccsni snd wrild,
How msny sofoso.e lhere in rh9 living t'9an?
Thereore in iha livingroom.
.€F rook qt ?- Li6ier. Ask ond ontwer.

whofs in rhe itefe.sa lobte n .

d1n'ng .oom? . rhe n ig room. ,

*Ysrrfl-un (t
. Take studentson a tour of the classroorn.Point out piecesof furniture and have volunteers
demonstratehow the furniture is used.Name the furniture and have students repeat.For
example,say: ?ris is a chair. We sit in a chair. This is q desk.We write ot a desk.This is a table.
We work at the table. G
. Have each student draw a picture of a favorite room in their home.
. Invite voiunteersto sharetheir pictures. As they do, point to and name piecesof furniture and
harrestudentsrepeattheir names.
{}s*nqFc6e: 3&*3?
g (}
Listen and read. Then sing.
E*pluin the lessonobjective-studentswill sing a song,identify and describethings found in
i a home, count pictured household objects,and talk about where they are found.
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A34 and have studentslisten and read the song
silently. --'J

Play the song a secondtime and have students sing the song along with the audio.
Ask questionsto check lbr comprehension: What is thegirl lookingJbr?(her jacket) Whereis 3
&1${iitN thejacket?(on the chair) Whereare chairsfound? (living room, bedroom, dining room) What
do v,eusechairsfor? (sitting) --J
*55'5! Make sure studentsunderstand that the song is a conversationbetrveena girl and her mom.
Once studentsare comfortable with the song, have them practice it using the karaoke version .r=
(Audio Track 860). Or savethe karaoke version for use during another classperiod as a fun
way to review the song. €
& 6) titt"n and read. Point and say.
Read each of the trvelvepicture labelsaloud and have students repeat.Help them with
pronunciationas needed.

T26 Unit 3
4 Readthe directionsaloud.PlayAudio TrackA35 and havestudentsfollow e&*gg?gi,{gs
alongin their booksasthey iisten.Replaythe audioand havestudentspoint To namefurnitureand
4 to eachobjectand repeatthe name. roomsin a house
T^ -^,.^+ ^L;^-+^
Readthe wordsin randomorder.Havestudentspoint to eachhousehold uujsLrJ

4 objectasyou readits name. To singa song

4 .f ?19.:"Ask studentsif theycanidenti$zotherobjectsin the roomsin

...r' :, Activity 2. For example,ask:What is hangingin thebathroam? Xey t{*ecto#ory
4 (towels)What is nextto theDVD player?(aTY).
Nouns: bed, chair,
closet, DVD player,
4 e Look at the living room in 2. Count and write. cresser, lamp,
refrigerator, sink, sofa,
stove, table, tub
On the board,write: chairs.Together with students,count
A how many chairs there are in your ciassroom.write the number in the blank.
Have studentssummarize by saying: Thereare chairsin the
I classroom.Repeatfor desks,tables,and rvindows.
Have pairs of studentswork together to count the sinks, chairs, lamps, and Audio tracks434-436,
) tablespictured in Activity 2. 860
Digital activities:
Have studentsdiscusstheir findings: Student l: How many (sinks)are in the
It house?Student 2: Thereare (two sinks)in the house.
Check students'workfor correctvocabularyand spelling.
4 ri u)r.li]tI

I Provide magazineswith pictures of room layouts or Internet websitesthat Pages22-23

4 !!!r' i shorva \rarietyof styiesof rooms. Show studentsa variety of stylesof sinks,
, chairs,lamps, and tablesand help students identify each.
Answerson pageT148

4 & 6) look at 2. Listen. Ask and answer.

Nlodel asking questionsabout a room in Activity 2.
4 Have studentswork with a partner to take turns asking and answering
questionsabout the roonts in Activity 2.
4 As studentswork, iisten for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
4 c o r r e c tu s eo f I a n g u a g e .
Assign Workbook pages22-23 and direct srudentsto digital activities.
AppNi ecfi*rc sssd Frs*t€as &*t8eritS'
4 . Have studentsdiscussthe rooms in their homes that have tables,chairs, and
sofas.Then have them divide a piece ofpaper into four sectionsand label each
4 section with a room that has at least one table, chair, or sofa. Have students
count the number of chairs, sofas,and tablesin each room and write or draw
4 the nr.rmberand item-for example,living room: 3 chairs,I sofa,1 tabte.
. Then call out the name of a roont and one of the household items (for
4 example:Iiving room and chair) and have volunteerstell how many of that item
they have in that room.
4 , check to seeif studentshave the right furniture in the right rooms and that
ou,,,,n, Yg,&€**tru&
r they have labeledthe singular and piural nouns correctly. Synonyms
4 . Have studentspla,vthe Unit 3 Game 1 on ActiveTeach. Explain to students
that there can be more
4 than one name for
things. Peopleuse
other names for some
1) of the vocabulary
words in this unit-for
+t example: sofa: couch;
sink: washbasin;
dresser: chest of
1t drawers, bureau. Have
students share any
-) other synonyms they
know {or the
v o c a b u l a r yw o r d s i n
4 Activity 2.

Unit3 T27



a& Scxxxt${g "€


S Lock onel *rile. ounr o*3 urcte 4

r . S
- ,>:o-n,: 4
^' 8f ': ' , ,
i o - - r 3

,.( l i l o . . - )
- J :

t'&,. *rL **ri c*:*er *ilh 6 part4*f. €

1. How nony ou.ts. uncL€e.crd.ousins do yoL hove?
2. A.e brg fonilies c r s m o l l f o m l 1 e 5m o r e l ! n ? why ,"1


(Tommy)' Add the
. Drarv a famiiy tree on the board that begins with tnother and-fatherand son e
(grandmother and Then
grarldfather). add a sister for the mother and write:
mother's parents
'fornmy! and cousins to the chart.
aunt. continue ad-ding uncle
. Draw your own famill, tree. l)emonst-ratehow students can ask you questions:-l{'ho! she?.who\
tree and ask
he?Theninvite a fer,vstudentsto the front to point to people listed on the family -
& 6) titt"n and read.

t Explainthe lessonobjective-studentswill listento and read a stor,v,answer questions 3
! ideasrelatedto it'
it, anddiscuss J

Have studentsiell ivhat the.vseein each storli frame' Help them name the rooms 4
charactersare in, ancl name any furniture they recognize
story is
Point to and read thc stor,vtitle alclud.Point to each character.Explain that this :
bov is telling his iriend that his family is having
about a bov and a girl in tire boy'-shome. The
tl-reworils visiting and sleeping.Give examples, if
visitors. Make sure studentsunderstancl G

read the story
Readthe directionsaloud.P}a1'Audioliack A37 and havestudentslisten and -
text siientil'.
("lbmn-rysaunt, uncle'.
Ask questionsto check tbr-r.utderstanding:l&'lro'sat Tommy\ house? I'.it
'Ibmriy\ mom's sister) Horv ktng are they visiting?(five days)
and cousins) W'ln is attnt?{his
\{h1t is Tamrry unhappy? (He has to sleep on the sofa') -,"'
and simple
Reolavthe audio as needed.Pausethe audio after each frame. Use gestures
languageto explain unfamiliar words' t
friend' Have students
Assign half the ciassthe role of Tommy an_dhalf the role of Tornmyi -
You ma,v wish to have students repeat the activit,v working in pairs" t
reacl"thedialogue aloud.

in which Tommy introduces 4

o&l:t-l:o Have studentswrite a short dialogue
:' .lf :, his cousins to his friend. Ask for volunteers to and read their
dialogue aloud to the class. :

T28 Unit 3
& Look and write. To read unit language
Readthe directionsaloud. Help studentsidentify the story characterspictured in context

in eachitem. To read for

understanding and
Readthe words in the box aloud. enjoyment

Have studentscomplete the activity independently. To identify details in

a story
Reviewtheanswersas a class.{Answers:l. uncle,2.aunt,3. cousins)
studentsyou will read the first three tiames of the story aloud, and they
must raise their hand r,r'henthey hear the wotds aunt' uncle,and cousins'
K*y }J*esbarlsvv
r Ff!

i Askand answerwith a partner.

Aig Communlcotion Nouns:aunt,bed,
Have studentsdraw familv treesmodeled after the ones you createdfor the grandmother,sister,
Warm-Up activitv. Call on a volunteer and ask questionsabout his or her sola,uncle
family tree. Ask: Who\ she?Who are they?Then have studentswork in pairs to
discusstheir family trees.
Readthe first questionaloud. Have studentsdiscussthe questionin pairs.
lValk around,listeningfor proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and Msf*rimls
c o r r e c tu s eo f l a n g u a g c . Drawingpaper
Pencilsand crayonsor
lt!t !i i As you notice errors, saywords or sentencescorrectly and have students markers
, repeatafter you. Audio trackA37
I Ask volunteers to explain how their family tree is sirnilar to and different from Video (,ActiveTeach)
':;li f*i!

I their partner's. Diqitalactivities:

. For the secondquestion, elicit reasonswhy big families are fun. As students or'cnrRoM
respond,write simple notes on the board. Then elicit reasonswhy smali
familiesare fun. Ask questionsto help studentscome up with ideas:Can you
Page 24
play a game of basebattwith a smallfamily? Do you think small_familiesare quiet
Answers on page T148
or noisy?Is itJun to be rtoisy?
. Have studentsdiscussthe secondquestionin pairs. Sumntery
Tommy and his {riend
Invite studentsto share their answersto the second question u'ith the whole discus! the fact that
,. ' class.If there are new ideas,$'rite tlr.ernon the board. Listen for Proper Tommy's relatives are
pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and correct use oflanguage' v i s i t i n g -T o m m y , i s n o t
n a p p y b e c a u s en l s
. Assign Workbook page 24 and direct studentsto digital activities. couiihswill be takinghis
bed while he sleeps on
the so{a.
&pp{!s*?i**a$$e*Pr*{t;s* &qgiw;?v
. Have each student update their family trees with written descriptions of each
person. Write models on the board: This is my mom. This is my brotherlttsi.

each person. Provide

o6uoll:" Have studentswrite extra information about
f- it a model: This is my aunt Rosa.She is my mom'ssister.
. Havestudentsview the LInit 3 dramatic video segment.If studentshave
MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segmentas homework for revielu

unit 3 T29
3$t*rnt-€3p *KJg{TIE
. Reviewthe positionwordsln, nextto,in;frontoJ between, Toactoui3:"
andbehindby having with a panr:'
studentsplacea pencilin differentplaces.Say Put thepencilbehindyour ear.Put
To use un't
thepencilbetweenyour thurnbandyourpointerfinger.Put thepencilinfront of rn contexi

Fwg* 3* K e vV o c o b u i s r v
NOUnSb : ec C-:
e 6a Listenandsay. closet, DVD o:a..=-
o r e s s e r ,K e y s . : - :
I Erpl.in the lessonobjective-students will listen to and act out a dialogue
,nr*,uu pnone, relr9e-:'.:' : -,
I rvith a partner. JUrd! >L UV E , L C! :

' Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A38. Have studentslisten and
read silently. Mctsriols
. Play the audio again and pauseit from time to time so that students can repeat PictureCardst3-: -
rvhat they hear. Pencils
Ask questionsto check for comprehension: Wherewas Mom'sphone?(in Keys
tlril t'f&* Emilyi room) What is Emily doing?(texting) Why did Mom call Emilys name?
(Emily is texting with Moms phone.) Unit 3 Stickers

As you ask questions,model responsesand have students repeat.Replav the

Audio tracksA38*,::: I
stSt$1 StudentBook auc :
audio as necessary. ---;^+
JL' 'PL,


i t ay lEancgt ilvi si th, eLsa:c

& Work with a partner. Look at 8. Role-play.
. Pairstudentsto readthe dialogueand act it out. After studentsreadthrough
onetime,havethem srvitchrolesand repeat. @ I
t:st lTss Listen for proper pronunciation and appropriate intonation. Page 25
Audio scripio- ::::
Have studentstell what Mom will do next, Have them role-plar.what Mom r144
n'ill say to Emil,v. A n s w e r so n p a c e

& 6) Listen.Stick. I
. Help studentsfind the Unit 3 Stickersat the back of their StudentBook.
. Have studentsdescribewhat they seein each picture. Ask questions that
reinforce ke-vvocabulary and position rvords such as: Whereis the bathroom
slnfr?(betweenthe toilei and tub) \{hat is in Jront of the sink?(a rug) Whereis
the redcheir?(lt is in the kitchen next to the table).
" Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track A39 and model piacing a sticker
on the picture for the first item. Then have students complete the activity
r,**rr;pI Check to s€ethat studentshave correctly piaced the stickers. I
. Assign Workbook page25 and direct studentsto digital activities.
. Have studentsplay a game. Have Student I leavethe room. Have Student 2 hide
Y g & * * g , r *TG
a PictureCard of a key vocabularyword in the classroom.Make sureall the
other studentsknow where it is. Usethe sentence: -
Activity 8 to exc a -
Have Student 1 return to the room an! repeatediyask as he or she walks e n d i n g p u n c t u a ic -
around: Where\ the (sink)?Led by Student 2, the other students answer by Point out that or,es:
using temperature.For exampie,if Student I is tar from the hidden picture, the m a r k ss h o w a s k l ^ c
students say Youare cold.As Student I walks closer,students say: Youaregetting
periodsshow I
<+riamAntc Anai
warmer.When Student I is near the picture, students say Youare hot!
When Student i is "hotl' he or she repeats:Wherei the (sink)?Then Student 2
e x c l a m a t i o np o i r t s
s h o w e x c i t e m e n ic ' I
-L^,,+:^^ n:.^ .- . --
>r rvutrr r9|. vr)LU:-- "
respondswith direction cluesthat help Student I find it-for example: It'sunder
the book on Tomas\desk.
s t u d e n t sw h a t t - : : - : I
t o s e e a s e n t e n c e: - : :
endsin moretFa- :
Once the picture is lbund, Student t hides it, and another student hunts.
exciamation c c ' : I
( s t r o n ge x c r t e r = - : = - :
shouting) I
T30 Unit 3
4 **3${?t1{*S
To use the contractions
. Have studentsstand in groups of four. Write the words computerjacket, glasses,
4 it's and they're
To use possesslve nouns
dresseron index cards,one word per card. Make a set of cards for'each gioup.
Distribute one card to each student. Tell studentsto listen and to move is the
sentencedescribes.Say Thejacket is next to the computer.The student holding
"jacket" should move next to the student holding'tomputer."
4 Key Voccbu|nry
Nouns: backpack, . Once studentshave moved to the correct position, ask: Where\ thejacket?
computer, dresser, Prompt students to answer: It\ next to the computer. ,
4 _carnes,glasses,
grandma, homework,
, a c K e t ,p n o n e #simg $r*gc 3$
D hloteriols ffib
€& Write ltt or They're,
D -n:ts 1-3 Grammar
P o st e r ;r*v*x,l ] Explain the lessonobjective*students will use contractions l/3 and they'reand
I n d e xc a r d s usepossessive nouns.
t O:d cataiogsor Read the questions and answersin the grammar box aloud. Explain that l/!
S c t s " s o rasn d g l u e
is a contraction that stands for it is and is used when talking about one thing.
Digital activities:
Explain that they'restands for they are and is used when talking about more
MyEnglishLab than one.
Read the directions aloud. complete the first sentenceas a group. Then have
fr-r students complete the sentencesindependently.
4 Pages26-27 nrar*a; Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. It\, 2. It\, 3. They're,4. Its)
4 A n s w e rosn p a g eT 1 4 8 I Have students circle the name of the obiect in each question and tell whether
,r"n, I it is one or more than one. For additional support, have students use the units
4 I 1*3 Grammar Poster.

& W.it.. Use the names.

4 . Have studentsecho-read the text in the grammar box in the center of the
page.Have students find and underline the i in mother\ and in Ben3.Ask:
4 What belongsto mother?(her phone) What belongsto Ben?(his keys)

4 . Read the directions aloud. Explain that studentswill use the name in
parenthesesto complete the sentences.complete Item 1 with students.Then
4 have students complete the activity independently.

u**,,*uI Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. Hsnnah's,2. D/an\, 3. loe\,

a | 4. brothers,5. grandmai)

& Work with a partner. Ask and answer.

I . Together as a class,write questions that can be answeredby Items 2-5 ot
Activity l2-for example: \{herei Dylan\ phone?
4 . Have pairs take turns reading the dialogue in the speechbubbles aloud. Then

4 have partners ask and answer questionsabout the location of their classmates'

**o,rn.i As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and

: ! A C H i r u?Gi P I correct use ofvocabulary.
ounctuation . Assign Workbook pages26-27 and direct students to digital activities.
i . o a i nt h a t t h e
*-{ = - - : s t r o P h ei n , a
: a . I ' a c t t o n t a k e st h e &ppFi*xfi*xr esnc$
Frs€?ie* ,&cgfvigy
: ace of a letter (in it's,
^ --e . Have students cut out a picture of something they like from old catalogsor
ll apostropne sranos
-;- the i in magazines.Instruct them to glue it onto an index card. Under the item, have
C c n t r a c t i o n sa l l o w y o u them write their name with punctuation to show possessionand the name of
4=- the item, for example:Pablo\ rece:tr.
:: combine two words
-:o one. However.
an . Have studentssit togelher in groups of three. Have each group member place
{ = e o s t r o p n es { s / a I I n e
:nd of someone's name
his or her card in the classroom in plain sight. Then have students take turns
asking about the location of another studentt card. For example,Student I asks:
J--t' rCicatesownership.
Joe's jacket" means where\ P{tblo\racecar?student 2 says:I seePablo'sracecar. It\ under his chair.
^ :re jacket that belongs
Q :o J'oe.

Unit 3 T31

!$;9srax-*3p &*$&€?;vE$
To sort and desc'::
. Display photos of old and new cars from the Internet or nonfiction books. objects as new or : :
Explain rhat old describessomething that was used a long time ago and new
describessomethingthat is usedtoday.
. Give each student two sheetsof paper. Have them crumpie one sheetand then
{*alfcnf Words
smooth it back out so it looks wrinkied and used. Have them write oldinlarge new, old
letterson the wrinkled sheet.Have them carefully write new in large ietters on
the other sheet,keeping it from becoming soiled or torn. Itst (EnturySkills
. Point to a photo of a car and ask: Is this old or new?Have students respond by CriticalThinking
holding up the appropriate sheetof paper. Continue with each photo.
Unit Poster
$xingPxg*3X Photosof old and nev'
carsfrom the Internetc'
Listen,point,and say. nonfictionbooks
e 6e
Sheetsof paper and
Explain the lessonobjective-students will identify and sort old objects and pens or marKers
new objects. Bulietinboard
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A40 and have studentslisten and Old magazines or
foliow along.
Audio track A40
Name eachobject and have students repeat. Video (ActiveTeach)
"MyEnglishLab G
oi1:f.aq Have students describe how the old and new items are both alike
,,' .,,i':, and different. €

& Writ" old or new. Match the old and new things. Page28 C
. Read the directions aloud. Have studentswrite rtld or new on the lines A n s w e r so n p a g eT ' : !
provided and match the objects. C
I Reviewthe answersas a class.(Answers:1. old,2. nev',3'old,4. new,5.old,
i 6. new,7. olcl,8. new; draw linesto match 1*6, 2-7, 3*8, 4*5) C
. ffi Crirl.ol Thinktng Ask students if there are any benefits to using the old
iterns rather than the new items. For exarnple,you can't use the computer if
you lose power, but you can continue to type on the oid typewriter'
& took at Ask and answer with a partner.
. Point to the first picture in Activity 15 as you read the text in the speech C
. Have studentswork in pairs. One student in each pair points to a picture in C
Activity 15 and asks: l44tal'sthis?Have the partner answer the question for
each picture. Then have studentsreYerseroles and rePeat. C
i As students
*ooon* rvork,lislen for proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and
I correct use oI language. s
. Assign Workbook page 28 and direct students to digital activities.
Y€,&{ffiEr*& g
&ppiiesg*saxer,ld ffr*xe*ice&**rr!t'y
. Divide a bulletin board into two sections.Title one-.sectionO/d Thingsand the
Explain to students
that some words have
other,\'t'w Things. opposite meanings.
That means they are as C
. Have studentslook through magazinesand newspapersand cul out pictures. different as possible.
Haye them attach their pictures to the appropriate side of the bulletin board. P r o v i d ec o m m o n
examples such as hot
. Once the bulletin board is complete,point to each item and ask: I{hat\ this?
and cold, up and
Move any pictures that were incorrectlv sorted. down, over and under, C
. Have studentsview the Unit 3 documentary video segment.Use activities in short and ta//. fast and
the Video Guide. If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
slow Provide concrete
examples to illustrate
homework for rcvieu. pairs of opposites.
Have students lock
', - c
t w o o p p o s i t e so n : - .
i$ page (old anC I e.', (
T32 Unit3
4 *Ei€{rswgs ffiexrtt'*-*3p
I Tc read about and
. Play a game of Charadeswith students.(SeeGameBank, page T134, for details.)
4 d r s c u s sh o w p e o p l e u s e
rousehold obiects in whisper cookfoodto a volunteer to act out. Have the craJsguesswhat the
I differentcouniries
student is miming. Continue with different volunteers and the phrasessleepand
wssh clothes.
. Explain to students that people do these activities in different ways in different

f (onten? l&ordc
cook, sleep,wash
places'Explain that some of their own families may do them in differentyays.

2lsl (entury Skills #simg Pmgp*S$

W Global Awareness

invironmental Literacy

e 6)t Look,listen,and write.
j !*Pluinthelesson
,*"ou* objective-students
will describe
I household tasks in different countries.
i'voridmap or globe
V Drawing paper, crayons
c: markers
. Display a world map or globe and help studentslocate Mali, Indonesia, and
Guatemala.Explain that they will read about people in those countries.
Audio track A41 . Read the directions aloud. Have students echo-read the Content Words from
Digital activities:
the box at the.top of the pa€e. Encouragestudents to guessthe meaning of
D or CD-ROM the words in the context of the reading. To assistthem, show pictures o'r make
simple drawings on the board.

Page 29
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
. Play Audio Track 44l. As students listen, have them point to the picture
being described.
. Play the audio a secondtime. Pausethe audio after each description and haye
studentsfill in the blank with the correct verb.

? x+rurrr; Review the answers as a class. (Answers: 1. coolr 2. sleep,3. wash)

? . ffi Environmenlol literocy Direct students'attention to the woman cookins

in a solar oven. Ask students to think about how the oven works. Ask: Where

doesthe heat comefrom? {the sun) Tell students that people can use energy
from the sun to heat their homes and run machines.point out that usini solar
energy is good for the environment becauseit's free, and it renews itsef]
4 Ask students whythey think people in thesecountries do things differently
/*4lrr*,: than peopleelsewhere.For instance,peoplein Mali may be ableto use solar
4 I power becausethe sun shinesthere almost every day.

4 ffi nrt and answerwith a partner.

. Read the directions aloud. Have students tell how they cook, sleep,and wash
4 clothes in their home. Have students switch roies and repeat.

4 *no,.u,i As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and

I correct use oflanguage.
. Assign workbook page29 and direct studentsto digital acti'ities.
4 &pp*texfiCIm xnd Frsa?iec&s*ed?v
' Have each student divide a sheetof drawing paper in half. Assign each student
4 one of the following verbs: cook,sleep,wash.
. Have students draw a picture that shows how their assignedactivity is done by
;{rlge xtrus?€p
people in a different country. Then have them draw a picture that shows how
, t:S crtol Aworene* theydo it.
24-s,nt out to stuoents . Have studentsshare their dran'ings and talk about similarities and differences-
: n a t a l l a r o u n dt h e
for exampie: In both places,we wasl'Ldirty clothesto make them clean.In my
----- in every culture,
-:ertain community, h/e usea machine to wash clothes.In Guatemala, somepeople wash
thinqs must be
- cone. Cook'in o.
-wasning clothesby hand.
4 -,e antng,ano
: : o t h e sc a n b e d o n e i n
Ala"y different waYs.
- -
Kemtnd students that
r.fferent is not better or
Q . . , c r s e , r r s J u s ro r n e r e n t .

Unit3 T33
lffsrm-#p ? l uEs
T o l e a r nt h e s c , - : :
. Have studentssit in a circle. Explarnthatfeetbegins with the letter/ Have for fand v
studentsmove their feet up and down. Show objects or Sounds and Letters To differentiate
Picture Cards for words beginning withJ Have students moYe their feet each between the sc-
time they hear a word with the ifl sound. Repeatthe activity with words that for fand v

begin with v, but have studentsmove their arms like they are playing volleyball.

& 6) Listenand point.Say.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will identify and distinguish between
llst {en?urySkills
the letters/and v ancl identify lvords that contain/or v.
Read the directions aioud. Play Audio Track A42 and have studentspoint to
eachpicture as they iisten. Ms?erisls
. Display the Sounds and Letter Cards for support. Replay the audio. Soundsand Letters
Repiaythe audio and have students repeat each word and circle the/in words Obiectswhosenames
in Items l-3. Then repeat,circling v in words in Items 4*6. Observe students belin with f or v
and make sure they are focusing on the target letters. Paintbrushes
Audio tracks A42-A44
lraa 6D Utt"n and write. Use the words from 19. Diqitalactivities:
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A43 and have studentslisien and or CD-ROM
point to the word that completeseach sentence.
Replaythe audio, pausing after each sentenceto allow studentstime to fill in @
the blanks. .4
Audio scripton pace
Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. knife,2. sofu,3. wave,4' friends, 1144
5. stove,6. vegetables) Answerson pager'3i I

Read each sentencealoud with two answer choicesand have studentschoose
the word that best completesthe sentence. 6
qst6D titt"n and say. Underline f and v. G
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A44 and have studentslisten and
read silently. -
Replaythe audio and have students read chorally.
Have studentswork in pairs and find and underline each/ Repeatthe activity G
for letter v.
Have partners take turns reading each underlined word aioud. Listen for
correctpronunciationo{ lfl and lvl.
If studentsare having difficult,v differentiating between lf I andivl, remind
them to put their fingers on their voice box as they pronounce the words and E
pay attention to vibration or lack of vibration.

ffi Co[oborolion Divide the classinto two teams.Have teams work together e
to write a sentenceinciuding/words and v rvords. Each/or v word is worth
one point. The team with the most poinis wins. et

of-1::.'"" Have students sort the words in columns for beginning and ending
i y'_l:. consonant sounds.
? $ & { w i r *?&l P
. Assign Wbrkbook page 30 and direct studentsto digital activities. Pronunciation -
E x p l a i nt o s t u d e . t s
that the mouth is -
&ppllextiom snd Frms?ic*&xi*iry a s i m i l a rp o s i t i o nf c '
ral-. --=
. Give each student a clean paintbrush. Have students stand at the board or stay { ^^A ,, al+hn

at their desks.Saywords that begin with either/or v. Tell students to "paint" the
sound is differer:
t h e y p u t t h e r rf i - c = - :
beginning letter of the rr,ordvou say.For example, say:fish' Studentspaint anf o n t h e i r n e c k ,i - e _ .
Sav:vesf.Studentsoaint a v. canfeelvrbrat:-: J
with v ano rc
v i b r a t i o n sv , l - - 5
T34 Unit3
G83*{YXW&S vdarffi-un
To learnthe value of
being neat
. Review with studentsyour classroomrules for keeping the room neat. List the
rules on the board.
. Explain that these rules help keep the classroomorderly so that teachersand
4 (onfen? K{*rde studentscan find what they need.
rA N o u n s ; s i n k ,t o y b o x ,
{$sing Peg* 3$ J
4 lfiaterieils
e 6a Listenandwrite.Say.
Shoe boxes or other

D empty boxes ,orn,r,I !*Plain the lessonobjective-students will discussdifferent ways to keep their
Scissors I homes neat.
4 C o n s t r u c t i o np a p e r
. Have students echo-read the words in the box at the top of the page. Have
studentspoint to the picture that shows each item as you read each word.
C r a y o n so r m a r k e r s
4 C l e a n i n gs u p p l i e s
needed for the game
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A45 and have studentslisten
and read silently.Then have students complete the sentencesindependently.
'Audiotrack A45 Finaiiy, play the audio again and have students repeat each item.
MyEnglishLab I Review the answers as a class. (Answers:1. toy box, 2. sink, 3. washer)
or CD-ROM R.pluy the audio as needed.Help students connect the pictures and answer
choicesby asking questionsabout the details in the pictures.
Std *
\@!4 How do you keep your home neat? Act it out. Your partner guesses.
Review with students the three ways the people in Activity 22 workto keep
their homes neat. Discusswith studentsways in which they keep their homes
neat. Prompt them to finish the sentenceframes: I put my _in the
andI keepmy homenest.I _ eueryday.
Have pairs of studentstake turns acting out ways they keep their home neat
while their partner guesseswhat they are doing.

irSi;lt0 tt
Listen to students'guessesfor proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation,
and correct use ofvocabulary.

a,i ni,,.tir * |
Ask studentswho does what in their homes. Who does the cooking, the
laundry, and the cleaning?Do they have assignedchores?What do they do?

& ru"t. your own ToyBox.

. Explain to studentsthat a toy box is a place to put toys. A toy box can help
keep a home neat.
. Provide studentswith empty boxes,construction paper,and tape.
. Read the directions aloud. Make sure students understand each step in
T ! 4 a H t r {Tc t p decorating their boxes.Suggestthat in addition to writing their names on
'a;:::"':^::"J-^ their boxes,they also label them ToyBox.

'a:,",'J:i?"":ffti rigf,,iTSp
Allow time for students to work in small groups to decoratetheir toy boxes.
Have students tell the stepsfor making a toy box. Encourageuse of the words
r d e x c a r d s .w r i t e t h e cut, taPe, and.write.
> Q dva: hi lay t c l e a n - u pt a s k s
n e e d t o b e c i o n ei n
&pp$ixcfio* mmdFrmstis* &€f,vi?y
- y o u rc l a s s r o o mP . ut a
4 -aro rn eacn sruoenr s . Lead students in a game of Follow the Leaderaround the classroom,cleaning in
cocket. Allow about designatedareas.(SeeGame Bank, page T134, for details.) For example,lead
^ three minutes at the
:s them to the classroomlibrary and shelveone book. Say:I put a book on the shelf.
end o{ each dav for
students to peiform Each tbilower puts a book away and repeatsthe sentence.
t):;eir assignedtasks.As . Continue around the classroom,doine other classroomchores.
reeded, help them
_raread the task and
--- <t demonstrate for them
;vhat needs to be done.
-..lOnce a week, move the
: a r d ss o t h a t s t u d e n t s '

4 Unit3 T35

ffiL$Y{fi F
Vii*rrn-ilp Students ca- :=
page T I 34' tor F
. Piay I Spyusing objects in the classroom'.(SeeGameBank' l o c a t r o no i c l : - -
and describethe object
details.)H".,rertnyf, 1 .hoor. a known classroomobject
by telling where ii is locared.Model: I spysomething
that is on
my desk.It is
.Thestudentwhocorrectlyguessestheobjectisthenextplayertogir.eclues. lndex cards
trxingPnga3& oicp:nov e
& t-ook.Choosea roomfor eachthing' Drawa line' e
review key vocabulary'
i Explain the lessonobjective-students will
. Have studentschoral-read the names of the six objects pictured
at the top of e
the page.
. Review the directions and have studentsdraw a line from an
object to a e
draw the line to a particuiar place in the
different room. Instruct them to
of furniture' next to something' or between two €
room; for example,on a piece
(hst)? what''sin the €
Ask auestionsto check for understanding. \{here is your
(living roam)?
Ask them which item €
Review the names of the <lifferentrooms lvith students.
in Activity 25 canusually be found in their house'
H Work with a partner. Ask and answer about 25'
Readthedialogueinthespeechbubblesaloud.Thenhavevolunteerstake €
turns reading it.
about eachother's €
Readthe directionsaloud. Instruct pairs to ask questions
rooms in ActivitY 25.
Listen for correct vocabulary and question intonation'
Pay specialsttention to e
correctuse of prepositionsof location'
provide sentencestemsfor studentsto fo110w:Whereare the --? They're C

one item and'lhe1i7sis for more than one item'

&pp&&ex?i*m s*d $Frxsfis*&e?iwifg
cards for the words keTs'
Make a set of word cards ancla matching set of picture
, 'pi""r,-,"rrir
hat, bediaom,bathroom,Iiying room, and kitchen
ball,glorr"r, skates,
pageT\34' ?*&**"{$ru&
. Have pairs plav Concentratiorlwith the cards' (SeeGqmeBank'
and lay out all the cards facedo'n'nin Word Wall
for details.)Demonstrate how to shuffle
game is to find as many pairs as possiblebi' D e s i g n a t ea b u l l e t r r
t"*i. E-pf.i" tf-tuttn. oU;.ct of the board or section o1 a
matching each picture to its worct' wall as a Word Wali As
the picture. If
. Model by turning o\,er two cards.Read the word aloud and name students learn new
turn the cards back over' words, write them on
in. .ura, match,i<eepthe pair' If they do not match' cardslarge enoug' :3
thel' can t"\:,1?t]h-"j turn' If the
Explain that rvhen,,La.ntl; make a match' be read from across
Play continues until all cards are matched'
cards do not match, their turn ends. the room. Postthe
of the game'
in, tirrn". is the player rvith the most pairs at the end c a r d so n t h e w a l l a r
students' eYe level Yor'
may post them bY
cateqorles sucn as
Rooirs or Household
Objects. You maY wish
t o i n c l u d e a s e c t i o nt o r
Allow students to use
the wall as necessarY.
Review words from
time to time and add
to or changethem
throughout the Year.


T36 Unit 3 F
4 |'J?{*ffiKS b$errx-{,}gx
t S:rdents can name
. Lrsingthe Picturecards for dresser,
.cuseholdobjects. lamp,relrigerator,
studentsplayBeattheclock.To play,seta timir for one minute.Haveeach
S : u d e n t sc a n s a y w h e r e
: r , 4q S a r e . student take a turn nami'g the pictured objects before the timer goes off. As
studentscan name the objects more quickly, set the timer for less*andlesstime.

? 2tsr(enruiyS&*!s W*i*gFmg*3F
& toot and write.
t _ l,lsteriols
.^:Poster ,*r*,,r,i E"pluin the lessonobjective-students will review the names of household
D r objectsand fill in blanks to complete a dialogue.
: cr-;reCards83-90
A -;-"' . Ilave students complete the activity independently.
D ' o o s i o r s k i t s ,s u c h
I as o.n,,*u; Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. stove,2.Iamp,3. dresset

nratn book and
| 4. refrigerator3. tub,4. sink)
!lcleo/Games i Provide three answer choicesfor each picture and allow studentsto choose

Digital activities:
' and copy the answer to each.
ii*,:,q.:. Have stud-ents show ownershipof the items using family rnembers'names.For
example, tor stovethey can write Dora\ stove.
? P a g e3 1
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
%d Write.
. Review the words in the box try reading them aloud.

? . Have studentswork independently to complete the sentences.

I Write the answerson the board and have students check their work. (Answers:

? *u*,ro*i 1. where\; 2. in, on; j. are, sunglasses;

; studentsuse apostrophescorrectly.
4. Tina!) circulate to make sure that

? , #qsn
4 ' ffi seF-Direcrlon This section asksstudents to assesstheir own learning
and reflect on their progress.Read the statementsaloud. Explain that stuients
4 should check the boxes if they can do the activities. Help studentsappreciate
their progress. Say:The I Can statementspoint out what yau haveleaiied in this
4 unit.
. Assign workbook page 3l and direct students to digital activities.
4 &pp8lewtloxx ccradFrs$i**,&**!vlty
' Working in pairs, assignstudents the roles of Donny and Sara.lnstruct
4 to practice the dialogue and present it to the class.Allorr.students to make or
use any necessaryprops.
4 ' After studentshave practiced the original dialogue a couple of
times, have them
brainstorm more things each charactermight siy. Encouragestudents to extend
4= the dialogue and practice it with their partner.
: it*{*.€{ru&
Y{p . Have each pair presenrtheir skit to the class.
{ompleting Cloze . Have studentsplay the Unit 3 Game 2 on ActiveTeach.
studentsto first . Have students review the unit 3 dramatic video segment.use Video
4ntttr.t Guide
' e a dt h e w h o l e activities.If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthi video segment as
;;entence through.Then homell'ork for further revielv.
lilave them rereadthe
,$^swer choicesirithe
: a n Ko r o l a n k s .l e l l
,:-em to see which
4.,ord m a k e ss e n s e .
:xplain to students that
Jt"ey- o r e m,ayhave to try
tnan one answer
^:: find the one that
-/t* akes the most sense.

Unit3 T37
SWcrrm-trJp *&r&{?svrs - -
T-- -^lI -^-^^- .^-:
lu >cll_dJsEfJ rv
. Have students play I Spyto review key vocabulary from Units 1-3. (SeeGame w i t h t a r g e t s k i i l sa - :
Bank, pageTt j+, for detalls.)Model: I spysomethingwhite.Isit the door? No.Is it k e v l a n q u a- q e1 o '
uriits 113
theposter?No. Is it the board? Yes!

*lsimgPnge38 llsf €eniurySkills I

& fhint aboutit. Lookand circle.Practice.
I Explain the Do I Know Ir? objective-students will sayhow well they can use
'"uo'u' Mstcricls
i *hrt thev havelearnedin Units I -3. Coloredpencils
. Read the directions aloud. Have studentspoint to the face icons at the top of Classroomobjects
the page as you read the descriptions aloud. Then have students repeat after Index cards 1
yo,t, ,lsitrg intonation and facial expressionsto act out the meanings. Audio tracks A10, A22
Have studentsuse a colored pencil to complete the exercise.They will choose For more information
a different color when they riview this exerciseat the end of the Checkpoint. about using
Follow the suggestionsbelow to review the key languagein the unit. Check page x. c
to seehow we'ilstudentsare able to use the language.Remind studentsthat
they will be askedto assesstheir own abilities. You may wish to review all the 4
languagein the checkiist first, and then have studentscomplete it, or have
studenis mark the checklist as each languagepoint is reviewed' .g
Encouragestudentsto turn to the page referenceswhen they need additional
supportto refreshtheir memories. 6
Classroomactivities (Page3)
Have studentsplay Charades,(SeeGameBank, pageT134, for deta-ils.)Invite
them to take turns acting out the classroomactivities on page 3. Then say:
Circle theface that tellsif you know classroomactivities' 6
Playground activities (Page l5)
Have studentsact out the playground activities on page 15. Then say:Circle
theface that tells iJ'you can name playground activities.
Things at home (page27)
Have studentsplay Hangman in pairs using the words on page27. Then say: t
Circle theface that tellsif you can name thesethings at home.
More things at home (Page37) t
Give each student six index cards.Have half of the classwrite the names of the
items on page37 and have the other half dralr, the items. Then have partners t
work togeth"erto match the words with the pictures. After studentscomplete
the activity, say'.Circle theface that telk if you can name thesethings' c
What's he/shedoing? (Page7)
Write these words on the board: listening,playing reading, writing' Have a
volunteer pretend to do one of these activities. Ask What'she doing?What\
How many? There is/There are (page7)
Play Audio Track A10. Then have students set up groups of classroomobjects ?lP
and ask how many there are. Model: How many booksare there?There\ one
book. How many blocksare there?There are three blocks. ffi scr-Dircrtion c
R e m i n d s t u d e n t st h a :
What do they like to do? (Page 19)
there are no right or
Play Audio Track L22. Have partners repeat the dialogues._Thenhave them wrong answers on in :
askand answer questionsabout classmates.Model: What doesAmy like ta do? p a g e . E m p h a s i z et h e
fact that they shouid
She likesto draw. What do lake and Kcji like to do? They like to write'
Wheret/Where are?/It's/They're (page 3 l)
circle the face that
shows how they fee: c
Hide one or two classroomobjects and then give students cluesby ansrvering a b o u t e a c h s k i l l .S a i
questions.Model: Whereare thepencils?They'reunder a book. Whereis the
T h i sp a g e w t l l h e ' c - :
{ind out what yc - ' :
' c
bookTIt\ on the table. ' , :
well and whai
shouldstudv -:'=
T38 CheckpointUnits1*3
4 OBJg{YgVX$ &ilmrm*8*p
|l : ccmplete a dialogue
. \{rite the wordsbetween,
4 -;
ask and answer
^ : e s t i o n su s i n g
on, andunderonthe board.playsimansaTswith
students.(seeGameBank,pageTi34, for details.)Giveeachstudentonesheet
I the
of paper,two paperclips,and threecrayons.use the wordson the boardin the
4 : a r o e tt a n g u a g e
-: directions.Model: Simonsaysput the.paper clipsbetweenthecrayons.simonsays
t o e s c r i b ew h e r e
are in a picture put thecrayonsunderthepaper.put thepaperitips on thepaper.
rt . Aliow studentsto taketurns ieadingthe game.Remindleadersto
4 2lsl (entury Skill:
on theboardin theirdirections.
I C.:icaTl hinking

f hloteriols
F*rg* S$

& 6a Getready.
f D a p e 'c p s Explain the I Can Do It!,objective-students will put together what they

? Cravons learned in units l-3. They will complete a dialogue ani then ask and answer
S e l i - s t i c kn o t e s questionsabout a picture.

Aucio track 446 Fart &: Read the directigns aloud. Have studentspreview the picture.
what do you seein this picture? (Answers include siudents, teacier, chars,

? markers,soccerball, basketball,jump ropes,window, door)

Invite voiunteersto read the words in the box aloud. Ask them to tell or show

7 n'hat each word means.Then read the names in the dialogue aloud. Invite
volunteers to read the dialogue aloud, saying "blank'for Jach missing word.

? Have students complete the diaiogue individually.

? Have students write the words between,on, and under onself_stick

,\ _ :, notes and try each word in each blank to complete the dialogue.

? Play Audio Track A46 and have students listen and write the words they hear
in the blanks.

? ". ,,., ,
Have readthe s.ente.nces
theycompletedaroudto makesurethat they
them correctly.(Answers:
l. on,2. underj. between)
? . ffi Criti.ol ThinkingHavestudentsidentifi,the namesof the
studenrsin the
4 illustration.Pointout that therearetwo girli pictured,but only oneof the girls
is named.
f,r) F;rt €3:Read the directions aloud. Ask vorunteersto read the text in
speechbubbles aloud.-Then have partners ask and answer questions about
4 pictr.rrein Part A. Model asking and answering questions: what\ she
She\reading a book.
4 t"ltrJi it €
As studentsask and answer questions,listen for proper pronunciation,
appropriate intonation, and correct use oflanguage.
oduo""o Have students write down four questions about what the children
/ in the picture are doing. Then have them write answers.suggest
T s & € x *Yr *' p
s that students assign each child in the picture a name.
4Punctuation Fert e : Readthe directionsaloud. IIave studentscompletethe activity
- ? e m i n ds t u d e n t tsh a t together as a class.
4- r u p u n c r u a r o nm a r K s
affecthow we say check to make sure that studentscorrectly locate the ttems.(Answer:one
/, ::,f;
$laft r** soccerball is under the chair. Threemarkers are betweenthe computersand the
pencils. Twojump ropesare betweenthe computers.)
oeriodin the dialoque.
/Qlrcn have them cir-cle
: a c h q u e s t i o nm a r k a n d
_noraw a box around
4f each point.
-ren exclamation
replav ,Audio
*l- r ack 446.'Discuss h ow
:rese punctuatron
CheckpointUnits1-3 T39
li.lnrn-lln &&3$€Ytv[5
. Have studentspreview the cutouts on page i23. Say: You will hear about these To match descr p:
and pictures
pictures.Have volunteers name things and activities shown on the cards.Write
the words on the board.
. Ask: What thingsdo you seein more than one card?(Answers include basketball, e
keys,students,soccerball, coloring, books) Cutoutson page 123
. Suggestthat studentsgive the people on the cards names.They can use the Sniccnr<
nameswhen they talk about the pictures.
Audio tracksA47 A:' I

& Get set.
Explain the I Can Do It! objective-students will compiete descriptions of I
pictures.Then they will ask and answersquestionsabout the pictures.
Readthe directionsaloud and havethem cut out the cardson page 123.

& Go! G
F*rt A: Read the directions aloud. Ask volunteers to read the words in the
box and then the dialogue aloud saying "blank' for each missing word. G
Complete the first item as a class.Have students look at Pictures I and 2. Ask:
What do you seein both of thesepicturesi (a student coloring)
Play Audio Track A47 and have studentslisten and write the words they hear
rn the blanks.
Have studentsread the completed sentencesaloud to make sure that they -
h1t$tT8d completed them correctly. (Answers:1. coloring,2. theyre,3. reading,4.under,
5. qre, on)
ReplayAudio Track A47, pausing after each sentence.Point to the people or
objects named and then have studentsrepeat the sentence. €
Ask studentsto name the clues they used to fiil in each blank. Model: }r
tti&a.tttat* Sentence 2, the missingword namesa personor peoplebecausethat information .ei
isn't in thesentence.
Invite students to tell stories about the people shown in the cards.
: y'.: Suggestthat they choose one picture and tell what happens next. &
Students can draw additionai picture cards to illustrate their stories
and then share their cards with the class.
Part S: Read the directions aloud. Invite volunteers to read the text in the -1
speechbubbles aloud. )
As studentsask and answer questions,listen for proper pronunciation,
appropriateintonation,and correct useofianguage. G
Have pairs of studentswrite down questions and answersabout the pictures
on separateindex cards.Then have them mix up their cards and exchangethe
card setswith another pair. Challengestudents to find the matching questions
and answers. Compare and
Tell students that they
will compare and
contrast the four €
cutout pictures. Say:
When you compare G
two thtngs, you tell
!ht av w
ru t ht at cv t
L ^ ,, oe
o c^ lr i,L^ac .
When you contrast t!.,'OE
things, you tell how
the{ are di.fferent.tz.: f
s t u d e n t sc h o o s e t ' ' . :
c a r d s a n d t e l l h o ; ' ,: - = .
a r e a l i k ea r d c - = - - - - €

T40 CheckpointUnits1*3
4 ogrx€Ygw€s Wxrm-{,!p
I To write or draw a . Pointout that peopletakephotosto helpthem rememberevents.Say When
journal entry
t To reassesscomfort with
you lookot Photos,yau rememberwhat that day waslike.Explain that writing
t a r g e t s k i l l sa n d k e y a journal cando the samething. Say:Youcanwriteaboutyourselfin a journal.
4 l a n g u a g ef o r U n i t s 1 - 3 Thenyou canlookbackat ajournal entry to rememberwhat washappeningin your
life at thetime you wrotetheentry.
I 2l*l {entury $kil!s l,|singFoge 4l
D Self-Direction
writ. or draw.
Explain the I can Do It! and Do I Know It Now? objectives-students will write
Colored pencils,
markers, or crayons or dra* about themselves.Then they will look back at Units 1-3 again and
yh r: Y
- : r. r- dl r --+:.,;+:^-,
dLrrvrLrcJ. think about how well they can use what they have learned.
or CD-ROM Read the directions and iournal title aloud. Invite volunteers to read the
@ . Then have studentswrite or draw to complete All About Me. Provide
additional paper as needed.
Answerson pageT148
Invite students to share their journal entries'
itarlltofi Check students'writing for correct use of language.

Encouragestudentsto write complete sentenceswhen they answer each
journal question.

& rnint aboutit.

. Part ,&: Readthe directionsaloud.
. ffi S"f-Ofuection Havestudentsturn to page38 and think about eachof
the categories again.Remindstudentsto taketheir time to think abouteach
categorycarefully.Suggest that theylook at the pageslistedasthey review
their skills.
. Suggest that studentsusea differentcoloredpencilwhenthey revisitthe
exercise on page38.This will helpthem seeboth setsof circles.
. Studentsmay wantto circlethe samefaceicon when theyrevisitthe exercise.
Model drawingthe secondcircleoutsidethe tirst, so that both colorsare
visible,ratherthan coveringup the first circlewith the secondcolor.
. Fart 8: Readthe directionsaloud.Say Youwill checkonebax.Studentscan
usethe exerciseon page38 to helpthem choosea resPonse. Ifthey circled
seyen or eight smilingfaces,
they can start the next unit with confidence.If
they circledfewerthan sevensmilingfaces,they shouldprobablycheckoneof
the otherchoices.

& R"te this Checkpoint.Color the stars.

T E A ( H I r?u; 6P
. Write easyandhard onthe board. Sry Somethingis easyif you cando it without
Using Checkpoint
Evaluations anyproblems.It is hard if you havetroubledoing it. Give studentsexamplesof
S t u d e n te v a l u a t i o n so f
easyand hard activitiesIt is easyto raiseyourhqnd.It is hardto touchthetopof
:he Checkpoint (easy/ a door.
-ard, fun/not fun) can . Writefun and notfun on the board. Say Somethingisfun if you reallyenjoy
g i v e y o u i n s i g h ti n t o
students' reactionsto
doingit. Ask studentsto act out thingsthat arefun to do.
ciassroomactivities. . Readthe directionsaloud.Pointout that theywill color two stars.Say:First,
Reviewtheir answersto you will sayif theCheckpointwaseasyor hard.Thenyou will sayif it wasfun or
you engage and
"elp notfun.
motivate them as they
:ontinue to review Units . AssignWorkbookpages32*33and directstudentsto digitalactivities.
and move on to the
"ext units. Consider
'equire additional
c h a l l e n g e so, r m o r e

CheckpointUnits 1-3 T41


*nff$Towr C
S Eksfid*bratrAF
wffid#wErr E &# t
Ww*wk*x€mry €mm**m*
€*r*ncs*8*ass C
. To name placeson a map . Geography: To read a map
. Around the World: To compareand
ffi*wd&rxg contrast taxis in different countries
. To identifyimportantideasin a
story ("ThisMall Has Everythingl")
. To use readingstrategiesto
S*wsxds wxxd$-e?t*rs
. To read and write words that contain
comprehendand appreciatea story s and z C
&rwsxr*wwr &$s$x,s*s 3
. To use the verb phrasesis there, . To iearn how to crossa street safely
there is, and there isn't 3
o To use the phraseslwant to and Prejec* 3
he/she wants to . To make a "Cross Safely" poster

.r.'ll 5
.:.:li J




i:ti:i,il l::r,:lrl,::
fn m il illn lt lt m m m m

ffi&w€mr$w$s Wm&t
_ Main unit,pages42-53
E n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s t o t a l k t o f a m i l y
I StudentBookAudio CD,
Tracks448-A62.861 m e m b e r s a b o u t p l a c e st h e y l i k e t o g o t o
in their community, Have studentsmake
Workbook,Unif tl a l i s t o f t h e i r f a m i l y ' sf a v o r i i e p l a c e s .H a v e
s t u d e n t s s h a r e t h e i r i i s t sw i t h t h e c l a s s .
M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s3 4 - 4 3
Combine all of the ideasinto a liston the
f--l Extragrammarpractice,page 101
-, b o a r d . D i s c u s sw i t h s t u d e n t s w h a t t h e y
WorkbookAudio CD, do at each olace listed.Make a master
Tracks17-19 l i s t o f a l l o f t h e p l a c e s ,o r q a n i z e d b y t y p e
o f p l a c e . D i s t r i b u t et o n e w s t u d e n t s a s a
Potkoge "Welcome to Our Town" quide.
P r a c t i c et e s t , p a g e s 3 0 - 3 1
Unit test, pages 32*33
O r a l a s s e s s m e n tp, a g e s 3 4 - 3 5
ExamWew@Assessmenf 5uite

: P i c t u r eC a r d s9 1 - 9 5 $nSSpfuwcpffisx$$,i:rf&er
P o s t e r s :U n i t 4 P o s t e r ,U n i t s 4 - 6 Drawa simplemap of your community's
Grammar Poster shoppingdistrictin the styleof the map
in Activity2 on page 43. Makeoutiines
V i d e o ( A c t i v e T e a c h )U, n i t 4
of buildingsand labelstreetnames.Help
D i g i t a la c t i v i t i e (sM y E n g l i s h L a b studentslabelthe businesses on the map.
o r C D - R O M ) ,U n i t 4 Usethe map to practiceskillsthroughout
the unit.

4 ,!i.i,,.
4 &rS
4 p,3

\,1he. e s d.e ba oksto. e?
| lvcnt ao br! s b@k
acne on. Leil ick€ , lookl
movie lheoter t{. troin sTolion 7. bookgto€ C
Th€ bookstcrers cn Riversfr€et. gos stotion 5. bu! srop 8. cofiputer store
it ist lor fen rs.
to !a wont lo rydlkthere?
No. thrnksl Lefs hl€ *€ busl
resiouronl 6. post o{iice 9.;upermcrkel
I wont to ns{ r letle., ioc '
.ll' t$; lnot ot the nap ir 2 and listen. writs the words.
ls therc o posr ofil.€? 0c lcu k".h?
| tr jookng ol tie nop. Yes,!h€.e rs. i :. t. The ....- .;:;:.,tr.: a.r,.at:,...
..- is on Greeo Steet
lls ne6r the b@ksic"e. Con€ on. LeCslJo :i. 2. The ---,-,... i5 on the corner of Msin Street
fJrc.9 ;re aeollu nfeo:
h i?wn or out of a9wi,
ond High Sire*.
3, The bus stop is on Ceoter Street lt! between the
ond rhL
ihe, hei.p me fi.d mt wd!!

Wern:-Wg* C
. Display a city map, a country map, and a lvorld map or globe.
. Point out that the city map shows streets.If you have a local map, help stridentsfind your C
school.Point out familiar cross streetsand landmarks.
. Point out that the country map shows cities, towns, lakes,and rivers. Help students find your C
community on the map. Point out any other familiar landmarks on the map.
. Point out that the world map or globe shows countries, continents, and oceans.Help students C
find your country on the map.
& 6a Listenand read.Thensing.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will sing a song and identify and describeplaces C
found on a map.
Displaythe Unit Postcr.

Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A48. Have studentslisten and read the song
Play the audio again and lead students as they sing the song. f
Return to the song lyrics on the page and ask Wlrcredo you buy a book?(in a bookstore)
Whereis the bookstore? (on River Street)How will theyget to the bookstorei(take abus) Where €
do you mail a letter?(the post office) Whereis thepost ffice? (near the bookstore) How are
mapshelpful?(The,vhelp people find their way.) C
Replaythe audio as necessary.Use simple languageand gesturesto explain unfamiliar words.
Once studentsare cornfortablewith the song, have them practice it using the karaoke version tt-
(Track 861). Or, if you wish, savethe karaoke version for use during another classperiod as a
fun u'al to review the song. !E-



T42 Unit4 -
4 *&$€*?6Wg$
& 6r] tirt"n and read. Point and say. To name places on
Read each of the place names aloud and have students repeat.Help them a map
4 locate each place on the map by pointing out ciues,such as railroad tracks for To describe a location
on a map
the train station. Help them with pronunciation as needed.
4 Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A49. I{ave students listen and
To srng a song

read silently"Replaythe audio and have studentspoint to each place and

4 repeatthe name.
K*y Llocobrfnry
4 iltl;i?i: n
Read the place names in raudom order. Have studentspoint to each place on
Nouns: bookstore,bus
the rnap. stop, computer store,
t Point out the street names and have studentsmove their fingers along the
street on the map. Then ask What is on CenterStreet?(the movie theater,post
qas station,movie
iheater,post office,
train station
J) &9'51 office, and bookstore) Ifstudents have difficulty, have them look at the clues
near eachplace (such as the gaspump outside of the gas station). Follow the
?tst {ani&sv Skitrls
4 sameprocesswith the other streets.
& 6a Lookat the map in 2 and listen.Writethe words.
A . Review the namesof the nine placesin Activity 2. Have studentsshare
Unit Poster
whether they have ever been to any of theseplacesby asking: Haveyou beento
4 a (movie theater)?What did you do there?
City map,,country Tap,
and world map or grooe
. Readthe directions alor.rd.Play Audio Track A50. Pauseafter each sentence Audio tracksA48-A51,
4 and have studentsrepeat.
. Complete Item I as a ciass. Ask \{here is the train ststion?(on Green Street)
4 Diqital activities:
. Have studentscomplete the sentencesindependently. or CD-ROM
4 I Review the answersas a class.
(Ansu,ers:l, train station,2. gasstation' 3. post
: o-ffice,
4 . ffi Crhiaol Thinklng Ask students to tell how they would get from one
Answerson page T148
location to another. For example,ask: Hott, would you getfrom thegas station to
4 tlrc movie theater?(I wouid walk up High Streetand turn on Center Street.)

4 & (} loot at 2. Listen.Ask and answer.

Readthe directionsaloud.PlayAudio Track,{5l . Havestudentsrepeatthe
4 dralogue.
. Have pairs of studentsLlsethe map in Activity 2 to ask about the location of
4 eachofthe places.Instruct studentsto usethe {brrnatofthe dialogue'using
samplesentencessuch as Where'sthe --? It'son - Streetnear the
< Listenfor correctprepositionsoflocation and vocabularyduring the
Drarv students'attentionto the secondspeakerin the dialogue.Explain that

4a Encouragestudentsto give two location ideas in their answers.

. Assign \,\krrkbookpages34-35 and direct students to digital actirrities. 3g&€${ sY Ep
r u&
>) Maps
&pp$!ccf*e*wmdFrae?i**&**vieg Reviewwith students
/t . Play a gameof Charades.(SeeGameBank, pageT134, for details.) Shuffle
how to reada map.
Use the map in Activity
Picture Cards of the nine placesin Activity 2. llave Player I draw a card and 2 o n p a g e4 3 a n d a s k :
4 say Wheream I? and act out rvhat hei she wouid do at that place. What does the color
gray show on the map?
. Have studentsguesswhcre Student I is. The player rvho guessescorrectly now (streets)What does the
A takes a turn. Pla,vuntil every student has had a turn. blue circleshow?(bus
stop) What does green
*t Have students describein sentencesthe location of each place
show on the map?
(grass)You may wishto
I :, Student I is pretending to be at. work with studentsto
It I Listen for target rrccabularv,prepositions,and pronunciation.
makea map keyfor
them to useas they
lt . Have studentsplay the Unit 4 Game i on ActiveTeach. completeActivity2.

.4 Unit4 T43
6 ;;:i*
i:' ': 1'
1. -lt.f d'i.1 *(irl. i.r i)r'rt ai lrL:''i

:l l'e iri nclre: !l;:e

?. iF, ut tl.rfr! rii o!)


{. /-. >
t..ti',ral .1r.t!:rrri'tl'r l: ai i iri: ! rlr'l


1. !.,lf .rl il.
?. Wr.rj ic

l - €

a book,a plate oft'o7d' a coffipu,ter
. Have studentsnrake picture cards for the following: Have them label
sheetoipape,r intofbur iections'
anda bagoJgr.ceriei.Have stuclentsiotd a
Store'and Supermarket'
tlre sect:ionst<rr,lu"''"n'' Ilookstore'Com\Ltter
. H a v e p a i r s t a k e t u r n s s o r t i n g t h e p i c t u r e c a r d s o n t o t h e s e c t i o n o f t h e pfor
a peach
e r t hitem:
atnam esthe
/ bu1'
all are sorted' ha'e studetrisia,v
placervherethe,vuoul1 buy the item. once
(a book)at a (bookstorc)'
pictures o1 items they could buy at
. l{ave studentsti'd itnij cut orit from catalogsor rlervspapers frame'
ite;s onto tht papei and repeatthe sentence
iire lbr.rrpi"..r. if.ul. tl'renrs.rt the new


* {:) Listen and read'

'''""tt'' Explain the lessOrrtlhlcctive-st.r;dentswill listen
to and read a sti'rr1" t
' it, anii then discussitieas relatedto it'
tr,Vhoclo1,ottthink thesetwo people
. Have stu<lentstell r.,,hattlrey seein each story framc'.Ask L
ir'lrurn,I I home) frh"' o" they in the restof
cre? (father a'd ,.la*ghter) \{hcrt )iritri .(at mall in the images' e
rhe map oi the
the stary?r.i'irr, ,rr.fii Have sru<lentsfind L
this story is al.routa father and a daughter
. Point to and reacithe storv title aloucl' E'xplainthirt a

rvho take a triP lo the inall' \_

l A s k q u e s t i o n . E t o c i r c c i i f o r u n d e r s i a n d i n g . A s k : ' ' \ { h e r e(a
d .bookstore)
o D a d a n d | what
e n n y gdoes
o i ( tlenny
he buy itl
, \{ltat anrr'ini i,nt}o brvl tu r',o,,rr.lwfere *,ill J

' restaurantjuii' thtt shopor eat?(Dad iorgot his ivallet')

""''' I t,, explain unfarniliarrvords'
,: A s s i g n l r a l f t h e c l a s s t h e r o l e o f D a d a n d h a l f t h e r o i e o f } e n n y . H a v e s t uind pairs'
v1,11.1r"'r u'orking
ilil#;t;i. \bu nraYu'ish to have students repeat the activit,v

*&uo'nl* Have pairs act out the story using their olvn words.

T44 Unit 4
? & loot and read. Write.
To read unit language
. Readthe directions and each sentencealoud. Iiave students repeat the
ln contexl
sentences.Model completing the first item. Explain that each sentencegives To read for
a clue as to what completesit. Point out that Dad wants to buy a book. Have understanding and

students crrclebook.Help students understand that book is a clue that he will
shop at abookstore.
To identify details in
a story
. Have studentscircle the clue word in each sentenceand then complete the

Provide a word box on the board with the four answers in Xcy Vae*bu!*ry

ou.g,"n1no Nouns:bookstore,
\ scrambledorder. Have studentschoosethe answersfrom the box. computer store,

? !tiIcF
Review answersas a class.(Answers:l. bookstore,2.game,3. restaurant,
4. wallet). X!** {en}*ry $ltllis

? Write the first sentenceon the board using a blank for the last word. Ask:
What kind of word goeshere?An objector a place?(a place) Help studentssee

? that the word at signalsthe answer is going to be a place.Ask: Which other

questionis about a place?(ltem 3) Tell studentsthat if they think about what

Picturecardsol boak,
kind of word completesthe sentence,it will be easierto find the answer. plate of food, compu.ter
gamej bag ot grocenes

? & nrt and answer with a partner.

. ffi Cottunicsfion Pair studentsand have them ask each other the
Catalogsor newspaper

? questions.Allow time for pairs to discusswhere they go shopping and rvhat

they like to shop tbr.
Pencilsand crayonsor

? I Have volunteers answer each question.

,.,r",,,.0 Listen for proper pronunciation,
, appropriateintonation, and correct use ofvocabulary.
Audio trackA52

? ,,n,,,, As
you notice errors, say words or sentencescorrectly and have students
I repeatafter you.
Video (ActiveTeach)

? I Ask studentsto list what other storesor placesthey go to, either for fun or
,,,, : to get errands done. To help them think of ideas, ask: Wheredo you go in the

? -"""'
l summerto cooloff (the pool) Wheredo you go to borrow booksand movies?
{the library) Wheredo you go to buy shoesfor school?{shoe store)
Answerson pageT148

? . Assign lVorkbook page36 and direct studentsto digital activities.


? F + J pliectia* sffid Prms?ie*&eflvls

Jennyand her dad go to
the malland discuss
what thev want to buy

and wheiethey will gb
UI Problenr Solving Discussthe story'sending. Explain that this storv to buv it. Then Dad

has problems and solutions in it. Lead students to identifli the first problem'
(ivhere to buy a book) Discusswith them how the characterssolved the
problem. (They looked at a map and found a bookstore.) Continue with each
problem in the story.
realiz6she left hiswallet
at home.

a Elicit the problem in Frame6 in Activity l. (Dad forgot his wailet). Point out
that the reading doesn'ttalk about a solution to this problem. Discusswith
studentshow Dad might solvehis problem.
Listen for correct vocabulary and pronunciation as the classdiscusses € g & { $ { 8 t r?*? p
problemsand solutions. Predicting
4 To support the concept of problems and solutions, review the story using a ,Askstudentsto {ind
t h e t h o u g h tb u b b l e si n
9-, problemi solution graphic organizer.(SeeActiveTeach.)Have studentshelp
the story.Havethent
you complete the chart. identi{ythe objectsin
Have studentsview the Unit 4 dramatic video segment for exposure.If e a c ht h o u g h tb u b b l e ,
A studentshave MyEnglishl-ab,assignthe video segment as homework for and askwhy the
a review. t h i n k i n ga b o u tt h o s e
objects.After students
have read the story,
?-a askthem if their
-e correct.

.< Unit 4 T45


s&39€rEw&s ?
$lorrn-UP To act out a dialogue
eniargepart of the maPso with a Partner 7
. Displava mapof your community'If possible'
easilvfind your schoolon the map'
To use unit language
;;;;;t.;n in context
movethem alonga streetfollowing
. Providesmalltoy carsand havestudents Drivedown SixthStreet'
at our school'
your directions.For example'say:Sfarf V
TurnontoGreenprive. irip ooth,ebodega KeytlrybulorY
Nouns: bank, bus stoP'
caf6, qas station, Post
UsinEFege 4& o f f i c e ] s u P e r m a r k e t ,t r a r n
station a=
g 6A Listenand read'Say' - --.^-^^+.
will act out a conversatlon' !,lri tenturYSkills
,"on* | n"pl"in the lessonobjective-students
playAudioTrackA53.Havestudents listenand Social Skills c
-"ffi;;;;;,.", the
canrepeat lines'
th;;";i;"; thatstudents Communicatton
doesAunt Anna wantto do?
Ask questionsto checkfor comprehensionr .What
(at a postoffice) whereis the Mcleriols
(maiipostcardslwhr,,io;;;;;i;:":tc.ards? Street map of Your b
(bv bus)
;;';';#;;i("i r,lu.t .t s"t#il How witt thevgo tlrere? communlty

& Work with a partner' Look at

g' Role-play'
SmalltoY cars
Photosof PeoPlemailing
it out one
and act it out' After studentsact letters
Pair studentsto read the dialogue SentencestriPs G
time, have them switch roles and and Keys
pronunciation' appropriate intonation'
As studentswork, listen for proper
correctuseof language'
Unit 4 Stickers
Audio CD tracksA53-A54
sentencescorrectlyandhavestudents StudentBookaudio
As you noticeerrors,saywordsor script,PageT136 C
repeatafteryou. Dioital activities:
es.say:Pretendthat Aunt Anna €
Havestudentsextendtheir dialogu thev
I . r',\ o"i'if 'ni iZu lffici' ylat davouthinkand
their extendeddialogues C
will do?Allow partnersto practice Page37
then sharethem with the class' Audio scriPton Page
Answerson PageT148
& 6D Listen. Stick. r .rr- - cr.,r^-+ enn'
at the back of the Student Book'
Help students find the Unit 4 stickers
the end of
A-udiq Track A54 and pause it at t
Read the directions aioud' Play audio and
and point to the place' Replay the
each dialogue.Have ,tua"n1' 6na
-"a.f ho# to piace a sticker correctly' (
correctly placed stickers'
!,tr3llllofi Check to seethat studentshave
the map
at the labels on the buildings in I
Remind studentsthat they can look
to helP them choose an answer'
Assign Workbook page37 and direct
studentsto digital activities' s&p I
WSoclal Skllls I
&pplieetion snd FrEs{tice&ctivitV DiscussPhone
a game.Havetwo studentssit back to etiquette wltn
. m Comnunicsfion Havestudentsplay students' Ask: What do
io o!t" in front of them'
back,eachwith the maf it"* eti*iiy you say when,You-
map'Student2 usestwo fingersto
answer the Pnone!
. HaveStudentI namea startingsPot-onthe

Student2' For example:Walk What shouldYou say as

"walk' on the map' StudentI givesdke.cFn;i; SOOnas Someone ^
of MarketStreetandMapleStreet'
downMarketS**;.";;;-;t'riiror"t, answers the Phoner.
(who vou are and why
on' dawn' at'
beginningthe activity' reviewprepositions v o u t i u c a l l i n g )H o w
o:{g1;n Beiore Zhould you sPeak.on
i"X*-} across' the phone? @learlYano
Student2 nameshislher loud enough to oe
. When StudentI hascompietedgivingdirections' sameplace' heard) Revlew otner
*f,"tn.i rhey arein the
finai location.stJ;;;';ii.[ rules, such as Don't
1' interruPt and saYrng
. Then Student2 givesdirectionsto Student Hello, Please, Thank
you. and GoodbYe'

T46 Unit 4
cEi€{Y8Sfr$ LSxrr*-tr3p
r r<o iha ^hr.cac
. Llake \4/ordcards wilh movie theatef gasstatiotl,restaurant,tt'ainstation,bus
i ivant to and helshe
ilants to stap,posto.ffice,bookstore,camputerstore,suPermarket,watch o ffiovie,getgas,eat
To use the verb phrases lunch, catcha troin, catcha bus,mQila letter,buy u book, buy a computer,and buy
is there, there is, and
-lbod.Mix up cardsand distributeone card to eachstudent"Instruct studentsto
there isn't
move around the room and find their match.
. Have pairs think of a sentencethat tells what is done at their location.such as:
\fe watcha ffiovieat n movie theater. J
Itey Uoe*bulery
Nouns:bank,bus stop,
qasstation,movie t,$*imgtrag* 43
iheater,pcst office,
trainstation & Write want to or wants to.
objective-students will use the phrasesI want to, HelShe
2lst Cen?irry
$kifis ' i'i E*pluin the lesson
wrtntsto, therels, and thereisn't.
. Read the sentencesin the grammar box at the top of the page aloud and have
idolaricl: studentsrepeat.Explain that we use want /o when the subject is I or more than
Units4-6 Grammar one person;we use wantsto when one personis the subject.
. Read lhe directions aloud. Have pairs u'ork together to compiete the activity.
index cards
(Answets:1. wants ta, 2. want to, 3. want to'
Tn,, tolanhnno<
i Review-the answersas a class.
dLLrvrLrsJ. i 4. want to)
or CD-ROM I llirect studentsto the examplesin the box above if they are having difficulty.
Explain rhat Mom is the same as S/rcin the box; ir4ybrotherand I arethe same
@ I as l4rein the box; and Psula and Rickare the sarle as They in the box.
I Ask students to talk about the upcoming weekend.What do they want to
Answerson pageT148
,ro.r*r, I do? Ybu calt ntodel the conversalion b1'saying:I want to ga to thepark this
t weekend.Have eachstudenttell about somethinghe/shewants to do.

ffi look at the map on page 46. Write answers.

Readthe questionsand answersin the gramrnarbox in the nliddle of the page
aloud.Then havestudentsread the text alor-rd.
F.xplainthat isir'tis a contraciion that stands for is not.
Read the directions aloud. Use the map on page 46 to lvrite a responseto Itern
l. Then have studentslvrite answersindependently.
Review answersas a class.(Answers:2. Yes,thereis. 3. lio, thete isrt't.4' I'lo,there
isn't.5. Yes,there is.)
Remind studentsthat short anslversare not contracted;it is not correctto say
lcs, flierei,for example.

& nrt and answer with a Partner. Use the sentences in 12 and the map
on page 46.
. Have volunteersread the completedsentencesin Activity 12 aloud. iV{akesure
studentscorrect any l\rrong answers.
. Have one student in a pair read Item I aioud. Then have that student find the
bank on the map and tell rvherethe bank is located.
I i A ( H I I i GT I P
. Have partners take turns finding the locations on the map.
1"I lnformction Literoty
!^^.^ -^^! +L^ I Listen for correct vocabulary and grammar.
: . - : - i u c l t L 5 t E d u t t t E

. ' . : ' 3 si . c o l d n t h e . AssignWorkbook pages38-39 and direct studentsto digital activities.

l-:-ra;'Box atthe
_-^ -itno nrae A<lz.

i , ' , e r e t h e s ew o r d s t n &p$l!e*sfi*ct*nd Fnm*!*q:&rtivify

- - r" Haln <trrrlontc
. Give pairs of studentstoy telephonesand have them practice phone
,^cerstandthat bold
conversations. Remind studentsto identify themseives'
:, ce is usedon this
-.'^- +^ hinhlinht +ha

g r a m m a rr u l e b e i n g
: a u g h t .H a v es t u d e n t s
: o o kf o r b o l d t y p e i n
texts ihey read.

unit4 T47
&Ssrnr-&3p fis
*93$*?*sf V
To identify north,
. Post the labelsNorfh, East,South,and l4/esfon the appropriate walls of your south, east, and west
classroom.Have studentsstand and run in place.Cail out a direction: llorth. on a map

South. East.Wesf.On your command, studentsturn and face that direction. To read a map using

1,3*ingFmge 4S F
e 6D Lookand listen.Thenpoint and say.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will use directions on a map'
east, north, south,west e
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A55. Explain the abbreviation for fXsterfal*
eachdirection. Unit Poster

Replaythe audio and have studentspoint to the direction on the compassand

Labelsnorth, south, east,
west e
repeateachword. World map or globe
,..9ill1..o Help students internalize cardinal directions by standing up and Audio tracksA55*A56
\ , pointing in the direction of north, south, east,and west' Video (ActiveTeach)
Diqital activities:
Check student'spronunciation of the cardinal directions, especiallythe ending
sounds in north and south. "y'co:'Rotvt
Model sayingthe words correctly, and have students repeat'
e 6; Look at the map. Listenand read. Point to the places' Answerson pageT148
Have studentswrite N s, I', and l4l on the map. Remind them what each ?
abbreviation standsfor.
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 456. Studentslisten and read.
Replaythe audio and have studentspoint to each place on the map' G
Ask questionsto check for comprehension. Ask: What cauntry is nor.thon the
soi.{,iut mapi tlJnited States)What city is on the eastsideof Mex;co?(Cancun) l'fzhaf G
city is on the westsideof Mexico?(LaPaz)

Ask studentsto tell you how to get to placeson the map. Forexample, say: I
am in Mexico city, a"ndI want ta-goto Monterrey. which way da I go? (north) /
am in La paz and I want to go toih, Cull oYUexico. Which way do Igoi (east) C
& Look at the map in 15. Write north, south, east, or west'
Have studentsecho-readthe words Mexico, United States,Cancin, La Paz,
Monterrey, and Mexico City. Help them find each place on the map' G
Have studentswork in pairs to complete the activity'
f,t$f,l:r0& Check answersas a class.(Answers:l. south,2. east,3' west'1' north) e
Have studentslook at the second place name in the sentenceand locate it on
etsr9l the map with a finger. Then have them use their other hand to locate the first
place in the sentence.Ask: l{?af directionmustyou go toflnd the.firstplace?
Assign workbook page 40 and direct studentsto digital activities.
? {i F
Y&&{**&S &
S p e l l i n ga n d W r i t i n g
&ppl**xf8*msald Frss?i** &*tivi*g
Keep scratchPaPer
h a n d ya s s t u d e n t sa r e
w r i t i n gi n E n g l i s h .
. Choose one student to be "Itl' "It" stands in the center of the room, covers
his or her eyes,and counts to ten while other studentsmove to a wail of their
W h e nt h e y a s ka b o u :
the spellingof a worc
. "It," with evescovered,calls out a direction and tells some studentsto sit-for
write it on scratch
p a p e ra n d a l l o wt h e
studentto coPYtt : .
example:Anyonestandingon the south sidemust sitdown'
. The game continues until one direction remains. "It" then sayswhere the rest
is fasterand more
effectivethan sPeiir:
a word aloud for
are sfanding.A new student is designated"It" and play repeats' studentsto write. No: C
. Have studentsvielr,the Unit 4 documentary video segment.Use activities in o n l y i s i t l e s sd i s r u p :' :
t o t h e c l a s sb, u t a r s : €
the Video Guide. If studentshave MyEnglishl-ab, assignthe video segmentas
studentscan Pra.: ::
homework for revien'. r e a d i n gt h e w o r c i - : -
the scratchPaPer. f-
T48 Unit 4
* * i & € Y ggx$f &Serrnt-{}p
To read about taxis
around the world
. Set up chairs as a car with two in front and two in back. Cut a simpie round
steeringwheel from cardboard. Assign one student to be the taxi driver.
. Show studentshow you would stand on the curb and hail a taxi. Then climb in
{*nten? l&fsrds the "back seat" of the chair taxi. Prompt the driver to ask: Wherefo?Give the
cute,everywhere,taxi driver an addressor familiar iandmark in your community.
' Allow time for the student to'drive" you to your destination. Then ask:Hgr
3!st {*n*alrySfui!!* much?Prompt the driver to respond. Pretend to pay and get out of the taxl. Help
studentsconclude that a taxi is a paid-for car ride.
. Assign other student to be the driver and passengerand repeat.
l i rt*risis
Fourchairs Ferg*&8
Scrssors e 6) Lookand listen.Pointand say.
Worldmap or globe
AudiotracksA57-A5B ,rr*,r,i Erpluinthelesson
will readandlearnabouttaxisin
, different cities around the world.
1, ^ i+^ | ^ ^+1. ,:.: ^-.
?rY Ld' dlLrvrtrc5.
MyEnglishLab . Display a world map or globe and help studentslocate England, Thailand, and
or CD-ROM Mexico. Point out and pronounce the capital city in each country.
. Read the directions aloud. IIave students read the city names after you.
, Play Audio Track A57. As studentslisten, have them point to each city
on the map.
. Play the audio a secondtime. Encouragestudentsto guessthe meaning of
lvords they dont know using the context as clues.
',sr;r:rrI l.isten for proper pronunciation of place llames.
I Have students identify which city is closestto their community.

ffi (} Listenand write.

. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A58 twice as studentslisten and

4 read along silentiy.On the second play, pauseafter the description of each city
and have studentscomplete the sentence

4 i Ask questions to check for understanding. Ask: Whqt color taxi do peopleuse
i in London? (black) Which citlt haspink taxis? (Bangkok) If you neededa taxi in
4 Mexico City, what would you lookfor? (a green and white car with Taxi printed
: on thc side)
4 or,,u,I Ar you ask questions,point to the pictures and model responses.Have
I studentsrepeat. Replaythe audio as needed.
4 & Uook at the pictures. Match and write the sentence number from 18.
. Rereadeach sentenceand have studentspoint to the cars described.Have
1 studentswrite the number of the matching sentencenext to each photo.

4 r*,rr*r I Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1, 3, 2)

ffi ,,,,,i,,::.
ffi CriricalThinking
4 . Read each question aloud. Have studentswrite their responses.Assist with
spelling as needed.
,,*",,o*j Invite students to sharetheir answers.Write the answerson the board. Help
?IP i studentsform answersinto complete sentences.

4=":lain that synonyms &pp€ic*?i*mxcadFnw$ia* &€f*sify

: -e wofds that mean
. re Gommunicslion Return to the chair taxi used in the Warm-Up activity and
= - : - e s a m e o r a l m o s tt h e
- - - ::ma ihtn.r \^m6 allow students to role-play being the taxi driver and rider, stressingusing good
:ecple us6different manners and being helpful. Encouragestudents to useplease,thank you, and
4 . ' , o r d s f o r " t a x i . "I n welcome.
s c m ep l a c e sp e o p l e
Unit 4 T49
LSc*rxq**'*p &ffijs{?,wns ir
. Play Whnt\ the Sowtd?(.SeeGameBank, pageT134, for details.) To learn the souncis

. Saythe following chant: l\hat's the sound that starts thesewords:stop, srore,
{or s and z
To differentiate
station? lsl, lsl , lsl s the sound that startsthesewords, stop,store, station!
. Continue the chant using these words for lzl: zoo,zera,zipper,zebra,zigzag,
between the sounds
for s and z e
zaom. To learn words that
include the letters s
L.$x!*gFexgeSS To write words that
i n c l u d es o r z
w6) tirt"n and point. Say.
***nr Ii Explainthe lessonobjective-studentswill identifo the letterss and z; saythe
t sound for each letter, and identify words that contain s or e.

Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A59. Have studentspoint to each
Soundsand Letters
picture as they listen. Cards{ActiveTeach)
Audio tracks459-461 E
Display the Sounds and Letters Cards. Replaythe audio. Have studentslisten, Digitalactivities:
point to, and say each word. MyEnglishLab
or CD-ROM a=
Replaythe audio and have students repeat each word and circle the s in the
$ C r , tr i words in Items 1-3. Then repeat,circling z in the words in Items 4*6. Observe
studentsand make sure they are focusing on the target letters.
e 6a Listenand write. Usethe wordsfrom 21. Say.
Audio scripton page
. Read the directions aloud. Pla,vAudio'Irack A60. Have studentspoint to the Answerson pageT148
word that completeseach sentence.
. Replaythe auciio.pausing after each sentenceto allow studentstime to fill in
the blanks.
q3t;:a( Review answersas a class.(Answ,ers:
l. zoo,2. Ilrazil,3. seesaw,4.prize, C
5. sandwich,6.bus)
I i { iit {r,a*t
Have pairs of str.rdents write a sentenceusing two or more words from Activitv G
2l . \4rritethe sentence with the most s and z words on the board.
w { . . } L i s t e na n d s a y . U n d e r l i n e s a n d z .
Read the directions aloud. Plav Audio Track A6 i . Have students read along C
Pair studentsand have them find and underline each s and z. G
Replaythe audio and have students chorally read along.

i Have partners take turns reading each underlined word aloud. Listen for
I correctpronunciation.
Have students sort the words in columns for beginning and ending
' .{'., consonant sounds.Have them add other English words of their C
own with s and z to each list.

. Assign Workbook page,11and direct students to digital activities.

&pptixeef**r*mg?dFg*#ixe &#tw!?y
. PIayStatementChain with students.(SeeGanrcBank, page T134, for details.)
Begin the game bv saying:I m going an a trip to Santiago,and Iht taking socks.
Yg&{* 48rYIF
d& g
. Have each student, in turn, repeat the sentenceand add an item that begins
Pronouncing / s / a n d, z
with s. For example,the student says:Ira going an a trip to Santiago,and I'm
H a v es t u d e n t sp u t t L e - f
taking sockslnd a snake, f i n o e r so n t h e i rt h r o a : s
. Continue the game until evervonehas added to the sentence. w h l e t h e y m a k et h e z
s o u n d . , A sskt u d e n t s l C
. Pla)'again with a place and words that begin with the letter z. (This will be a
w h e t h e rt h e yf e e l
shortergame.) vibrations.(yes)Tr'e^ (E
,rru*;;rI Listen for correct pronunciation of the target sounds. h a v et h e m m a k et ' : .
s o u n dD . ost"de-:s':=
v i b r a t i o n sl?n c C

T5O Unit 4 -

c B , i€ { ? t v t r $ {ffxrm-{}gx
iiscuss crossingthe
s i ' e e ts a t e l y
. Have volunteers role-play how to cross a street safely.
. Use students'actions to come up with a step-by-steplist of how to safelycross
the street.For example, 1. Stop,2. Look both ways,3. Walk in the crosswalk.
ilst CcnturySkil*s
GrobalAwareness {$si*gFmg*53
filoteriels e fA Listenand write. Say. e
Posterboard waysto crossthestreet
will discuss
j Eyluin thelesson
,*o*,r, objective-students
Crayonsor markers
: salely.
. Readthe wordsin the box at the top ofthe pageand havestudentsread
MyEnglishLab afteryou. Havestudentsfind DO IIOT WALK and WALKon the signsin the
or CD-ROM pictures.Havestudentsteil what they shoulddo when they seeeachsign.
@ to indicateDO NOT WALK and
Page 42 ,fr'li:*
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8 \ WALK.

. Readthedirectionsaloud.PlavAudio TrackA62.Havestudents
read silently.
Replaythe audio and have students complete the sentencesindepender-rtly.
a,:i)!lli:f I Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. cross,2. wait, 3. look)
lffi Ask and answer with a partner.
Have pairs of studentstake turns asking the question in the speechbubble and
answering in their own words.
Listen to be surethat studentsare teliing about the processusing words like
ft I sil ili
first,second,lrcxt, then, and last.Check for correct preposition use, proper
pronunciation, and use of vocabulary.

A!'i 'I
Encouragestudentsto use the stepscompiled in the Warm-Up activity to
respondto the question.
Make a Cross Safely poster.
a Discusswith studentswhat the CrossSaJelyexampleposter shows about traffic
lights. Have studentswork in small groups to make their own CrossSafely
posters.Suggestthey make postersabout WALK/DO NOT WALK signs,
looking both wavs, and so on.
staying in the crossr,r'alk,

o"u"llo Have studentsinclude sentencesabout following traffic rules.


l,:*at i ttt
Post the cornpletedposters in the classroom.Have the classread each one.
Check for correct vocabulary usageaud spelling.
Ask studentswhat other safetyissuesthey could make posters about. Prompt
ijiltlLiSir; them by asking: What shouldyou do when you get in a cari (buckle ,vourseat
aiHiris:'i3 AssignWorkbook page12 and direct studentsto digital activities.
Globol Awarenerr
I s:-ss that there are ss,*d
&p;1*$ix**i**x Prxsise&x9Evi?y
: : e . e n t k i n d so f s i g n s
. Have studentspractice the safetyskills b,vcrossingthe street near your school
under your supervision. h smali groups, have students play a Follaw the
g:,.lrtries.Some of Leqdergame.Prompt the leaderto stop,look both ways,and crossin the
. ^ e . n h a v es y m b o l s
crossrvalk(or stop, wait fcrrthe tratTicsignal, Iook both ways, and then crossin
5-ch asa red hand that
eans Don't walk the crosswalk).
i : . ' r e h a v e s o u n d sl i k e i
,,i,r,':t N{akesure all studentscarefully foliow all steps.
he soundof a bird
: r r r p i n gt h a t h e l p
who can'tsee
now when to cross.

Unit4 T51

IE4Brwnrtr* *


ffik$w**Xw#s G
&$*xwfuax$wrg €qpsxrxss*6*ms
flwsx**s*€ +
. To name occupations
. To name a dreamjob
. SocialStudies:To understandthe
differencebetween goods and e
. Culture: To learn about careers *
K*wdXrag aroundthe world
. To identify important ideas in a story G
( " D r e a mJ o b s " )
*ffid &*?$crs
Ssaxmds C
. To use readingstrategiesto
. To identify, say, and write words that
comprehendand appreciatea story
c o n t a i n/ a n d r C
. To use the verbs doidoes
Ww$axms C
r To set goals for the future
o To use the phraseswant to be and C
wants ta be
Pr*j*c? C
. To make a "What I Want to Be"
flip book 3
m /nu ilm lt ll m m m m

ffiwgmr$c*$s #pwxxer&w9&w$€&ws
StudentBook, Unir5
: : M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s5 4 - 6 5 Fmmx&$v
.--, StudentBook Audio CD, E n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s t o t a l k t o f a m i l y
TracksA63-A75. 862 members about the jobs they do now,
or jobs they have done in the past.
Workbook,Unif5 E n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s t o s h a r e w h a t t h e y
i-l Muin unit, pages 44-53 a r e l e a r n i n gw i t h t h e i r f a m i l i e sa n d r e p o r t
l; fxtra grammarpractice,page 102 b a c k t o t h e c l a s st h e i r f a m i l y ' sr e s p o n s e s .
C o m p i l e s t u d e n t s ' i n d i v i d u a ll i s t so f
i-J WorkbookAudio CD, p r e s e n ta n d p a s t j o b s i n t o o n e l i s t . H a v e
students use the list as a resource as thev
Assessmenl Pachoge work through Unit 5.

I Practicetest, pages 36-37

i] Unittest, pages38-39
1*l Oral assessment,

AddirionolMoferiols ::
, .J PictureCards96-103
fw ffie . , . ffisc$Xef$m
$ &Wsm$ &*wr* tl

Takea photo of eachstudent'sface. Either :

i--l Posters:Unit 5 Poster, i
usingsoftwareor papercutouts,add I
U n i t s4 - 6 G r a m m a P
r oster
accessories to showwhat the child wantsto
"-] Video (ActiveTeach), Unit 5
be. For example,add a firefighter'shat and
i*l Oigitalactivities(MyEnglishLab or a fire truck in the background. Displaythe
C D - R O M )U, n i t5 decoratedphotos on a bulletinboard. Have
eachstudentwrite a sentenceto accompany
hisor her photo.lnstructstudentsto begir
their sentences / want to be.

w*rm-us G
. Fill a box with hats and other props that indicate different careers-for example,a baseballcap,
a firefighter! hat, a policebadge,i paintbrush,a hammer,an apron, or a stethoscope. 3
. Allow yolunteersto take turns pulling a prop fron the box. The student then acts out the job
that goeswith the proo.
Ss&ngSag*x S4*SS
e 6) Listenand read.Thenchant.
different jobs'
i Explain the lessonobjective-students will say a chant and name and identify
. Read the directions aloud. Display the Unit Poster and play Audio Track A63. i{ave students

read the chant siientlli
. play the audio again and have r.,olunteersholcl up a Picture Card for eachjob as it is said in
I the chant.
II i,ls*titF Observe studentsto seeif they are comfortable learning the ner'vchant.

r'r1cr I Replaythe audio as needecland help with pror;unciation of difficuit rvords.

II Once studentsare comforfable with the chant, have them practice it using the karaoke
II version (Track 862). or, if you ivish, savethe karaoke version for use during another class
I period as a fun wa)' to review the chant'
photographs in Activity 1 in their own
I 6a1t!-%eHave students describe the
' .,
II ,"y' words.

II w* 6) titt"n and read. Point and saY. c

II Read each wor<l alouciand have students repeat,Help with pronunciation as needed'
II Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A64 and as studentslisten have them point
to €
each item, and then say the word.
I Read the vocabulary words in random order. Have studentspoint to each
job on the page'
I sttis:
Replaythe autlio as needed.Act out eachjob as you say its name, and have students rePeat 5
II after you.
I For additionalsupport,Lrsethe Unit Poster. {-
T54 Unit 5
r, _-.

ry 6D Look,listen,and write.
Review the names of the ten jobs in Activity 2. Have students sharewhat
they know about thesejobs by asking general questionssuch as: What doesa
To name occupations
To name a dream job

To say a chant
teacherdo? Who doesa vet help?What daesa mail carrier do?
Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track A65. Pauseafter each sentence
and have studentsrepeat.
Key if*asb$lary
Complete Item I as a class.
Nouns: actCr, artist,
Have studentscomplete the rest of the items independently. dancer, doctor, mail
carrier, pilot, singer,
Review the ansrversas a class.(Answers:L teacher,2. vet,3' mail carrier) soccer player, teacher,
Check to make sure that students recognizethe jobs by asking: Who works
*tith children?Wha worksoutdoors?Who warl<swith catsand dogs? ?ls! {em?ury5t*i}ls
Ifstudents do not recognizeany ofthe jobs, havestudentslook for cluesin the Communication
picture and considerwhere the person is, what he/sheis learning and what
other items are in the picture. flQs!erials
Unit Poster
& look at 2. Listen. Ask and answer. PictureCards96-103
w 6)
Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track A66. Have students chorally read Box of job props
the clialoguealoud. Magazines
Old glovesto be cut up
. ffi Gottunitation Have pairs of students sharewhat they want to be Markers,beads,felt,
rvhen they grow up. Encouragestudentsto share more than one dream and glue
Audio tracksA63-A66,
encouragethem to sa1'which dream is their favorite. Instruct studentsto use s62
the formit of the dialogue, using the sentenceframe (a sentencewith a blank Games (ActiveTeach)
spaceto fill in) / wsnt to be-. D i *qM
ita l ancqt li ivsi ht iLeas b
- .'\s studentswork, Iisten for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and oicD:Rotvt
correctuseof language.
Ii studentshave difficulty identlf,vingdream jobs, have them look in
rragazinesto find peopledoing jobs that interestthem. Check to seethat Pages44-45
studentsknow to use dn before actor and artist, and a before the other jobs. Answerson pageT148

. -\ssign Workbook pages44*45 and direct students to digital activities'

srnii{st;**'* wr*dFrmsg!*c&#iwi?v
Cut the fingers offold glovesso that each student has one. Assign each student
one of the jobs from Activity 2.
. Using markers,beads,felt, and fabric, have each student decoratethe finger to
be a puppet for that career.
. Once studentshave completed their puPpets,have studenis work in small
sroups and introduce their puppets. For exarnple,have them say: Hi, I am
. Allorv studentsto carry on conversationsusing their finger puppets and
encouragethem to tell as much as possibleabout their puppets jobs.
\\ralk around the room and listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate
ir.rtonation,and correct use of language.
Have studentsuse their puppets to act out their jobs in front of the class. YgP
. Have studentsplay the Unit 5 Game i on ActiveTeach. ComprehendingLyrics
T' ^" ,h.o"l n
'F ctr rrionfq

comprehend words in a
chant or song lyrics,
have students use
motionswhile they
chant or sing. Make up
motions or have
groups of students
make up their own
motions and teach
them to the class.

Unit5 T55
& Lrok oi *he story, Wrile,
1. Koren won )'o be u

2. Em;lio wontr to be o

3. Fio..e wo.r) lo be o
tl. Osco'won's

lo be o

wn;cn;cl in rhe story do you like? Why?


iiV*arm-$p 3
Play Pictionaryto review occupations.(SeeGame Bank, pageTi34, for details.)You will need
a set of teacher-madecards with the ten vocabulary words from page 55 written on them. If 3
you wish, challengethe studentsby teaching them three new occupations,which they will be
learning in this lesson:writer lifeguard,and chef. 3
Divide the classinto groups. Provide each group with large sheetsof drau'ing paper and
marKers. 3
Have a representativefrom each group come to the front. Show the representativesa wclrd
card. Make sure everyoner.rnderstands r^,'hatthe card says.The representativesthen go back to 3
their groups and, rvithout speaking,draw the word. Their teammatestry to guesswhat they are
drawing. The teammatewho guessesthe word comes to the front and whispers hislher guess:-Is C
it a chef?ifcorrect, helshe becomesthe new team representative.Show the new representative
the next word card and continue the game. 3
Playcontinuesuntil most studentshavehad a chanceto draw
F*gex $&*S?
e 6) Listenand read.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will listen to and read a story, answer questionsabout 3
it, and then talk about ideasrelated to it.
Point to and read the story title aloud, Have students repeat it. Remind students what Dream 3
/ob means.For example, say My dream soccerteam has ({name j or 4 top playersl) on it. That
tearnwauld be the best!Ask studentswhat a dream job is. (an ideal job for someone) 3
Have studentslook at the story pictures and identify where the children are. (at school) Have
them identify what kinds of jobs the children and their teacherare taiking about. (a singer, 3
a lifeguard, a chef) Explain that that this story is about students at school talking about their
dreamjobs with their teacher. 3
Readthe directions aloud. Plav Audio Track 67. Have studentslisten and read silentll'.
Ask questionsto check for understanding. Ask What doesKaren want to bei (Shewants to be
a singer.) Why doesEmilio want to be a writer? (He likes to write stories.) What doesa liJeguard
doi (keepspeople safein the water) What cloesa cheftlo? (cooks) \{h,v doesOscsrwttnt to be a
(He likes to eat.)
T56 Unit 5
F A$9i$1
Replaythe audio as needed.Pausethe audio after each frame to review
To read unit ianguage
in context
= if;i!iilr!
Assign the roles of teacher,Karen, Emilio, Elaine, and Oscar.Have students
To read for

read their character'sdialogue aloud. understanding and
Have students explain how Oscar's answer is different from those
oa.u-9,!-i:o To identify story
:.. '/",: of the other children in the story. detalls

? & look at the story. Write.

. Readthe directionsaloud.Then read the statementswith the blanks and X*y Vceub*lury

? have studentsrepeat.Model completing the first item. Ask: Where\ Karen?

(Studentspoint to Karen in Frame t.) Say:Laok at Karen'sanswer.What

? doesshewant to be?(a singer) Studentswrite the answer and continue

3!st {entury Skills

? ,::.,:p Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. singer,2. writen 3. lifeguard,'1.chef)

Have studentsread their completed sentencesaloud. &{a?evisls

2 ttt
' To offer further support, ask four confident volunteers to come to the board.
t' Havethe classcall out the answersin Activity 6, one at a tilne. Each volunteer
... -,
i ,r.it., one of the answerson the board. If any of the volunteershas trouble


i u,ith speiiing,encouragehim/her to ask the class'.

Wni.n job in the story do you like? Why?

Can you spellthat,please?

. ffi Cornmunicafion Have pairs reread the story. Then have each pick the job
Audio track 467
Video (ActiveTeach)
Diqital activities:
in the story they iike and have them sharewith their partner. Remind students

? to tell why they like that job.

Page 46

? . 1., As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropri.ateintonation, and

correctuseof language.
Answerson pageT148

? Ask studentsto tell you the four jobs in the story. (a singer,a writer, a
lii-eguard,and a chef) Write these words on the board. Have students say rvhat
The teacheraskseach
student, "What do you

? is good about eachjob. Encouragethem to use simple phrasesor gesturesto

expressthemselves.Provide hints and suggestionsas needed.For example,
want to be?" Students
respondby tellingwhat
thev like to do and what

? ask: I\thichjob do peopledo outsitle,near the water?Do you like beingnear the
car6ertheir interestfits.

? . -\ssign Workbook page 46 and direct studentsto digital activitres.

? Applicution axd Fres?iee&et*vity

. Togetherwith students,brainstorm a list of jobs in your school-for example:

? teacher,bus driver, principal or headmaster,ianitor, and chef.

. Have studentswork together on a mural of your school that shows people

? rtorking at eachofthese jobs. Have studentslabel eachpictured person.

. Display the mural in your classroomand let students use it as a vocabulary

7 resource.
:!"--i Check the mural as students',r'ork for correctvocabularyand spelling.

7 ...,,'..r Havea volunteeract out a job on the mural and havethe classguesswhat it is.

? . Have studentsview the Unit 5 dramatic video segment.If students have

MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as homework for review.

4 unit 5 T57

v$drm-us &&3€{YiV[5 C
To actout a o a ::-:
. Divide studentsinto two teams.Have the first student from each team stand at
the board. Saya sentenceabout what soileone likes to do: 1 like to gjng.At the
w;th a partne.
To use unit lano-:::
sametime, both studentswrite the name of the job on the board. (singer)The in context
student who completesthe word first, gets a point for his/her team.
. Use the following sentencesto play the game: I like to . . . write (writer), dance
(dancer), teach(teacher),play baseball(baseballpiayer), bake (baker),garden l{ey Votabulcrr
(gardener), build (bvilder),farm {farmer),Jight fires (firefighter), drive a brs (bus ^ . ' J
driver), and drive a taxi {taxi driver).
N o u n s : a r t t s t ,b a s e a :
p l a y e r ,d a n c e r , C
firelighter, pilot, ve:

{$sing Fcxg* $S
Verbs: catch, dance.
d r a w ,f l y , h i t , r u n , . t r a . e
& 6A Listenand read.Say. {*mtury$kilis
?tr*? C
Explain the lessonobjective-students will act out a conversationwith a Thinking
partner and talk about jobs. C
Have studentsidentify what the children in the photograph are doing. Have
them guesswhat the children want to be. Read the directions aloud. Play
Teacher-made word
cards(from T57)
n-^..,:-^ ^^^^-
Audio Track A68. Have studentslisten and read along. erowr' rv PovEl

Play the audio again, pausing so that studentscan repeat what they hear. Unit 5 Stickers C
Audio tracks 468-469
Ask questionsto check for comprehension: What doesEddie like to do? (draw) Student Book audio ?
What doeshe want to be?(an artist) What doesMeg like? (animals) What does script, page T'136
shewsnt to be?(avet\
n;^;f.l ..t;.,iriF<
H"l& Criricol Thinking Help studentsmake connections between things that
peoplelike to do and jobs by enlistingtheir help to make a list on the board 3
of things they like to do. Then ask for ideasabout what job doesthosethings. Page 47
Have studentsref'erto Activitv 2 for iob names. Answers on page r14t 3
aal-ll-.c.*,Have students tell what kind of work an artist might do. Then have C
' . ./.'.:, them tell what kind of work a vet might do.
ry Work with a partner. Look at 8. Role-play.
Read the directions aloud. Pair studentsto read the dialogue and act it out.
After studentsread through one time, have them switch roles and repeat.
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate ir"rtonation,and 3
correctuseof language.
l"]""n: Have studentsecho-readthe dialogue after you.
\ 3
rs 6) Listen.stick. 6
a Help studentsfind the Unit 5 stickersat the back of the Student Book.
Play Audio Track A69 and pauseit at the end of each dialogue. Have students
? & & { M E?r d* p& 5
find and point to the child who is talking and the sticker that matchesthe Memorization
words. Replaythe audio as needed as studentsplace the stickers. A h e l p f u l t e c h n i q u e; c ' 3
m e m o r i z i n ga d i a t o g r e
Walk around the room and check to seethat studentshave correctly placed
the stickers.
is to write the dialog-e
on the board. Have
students read the
Assign Workbook page47 and direct students to digital activities.
d i a l o g u ea l o u d a
.^',nla n{ timoc Freqo
t h e f i r s ti i n ea n d h a v e
cnd Frssiie*&sriw*&
studentsrepeatthe 3
. Using the word cards from the Warm-Up activity on page T56, distribute two ontiro r{ialnnr rp

cards to each pair ofstudents. Instruct studentsnot to show them to each other. r e l y i n go n t h e i r
m e m o r y t o r e c i t et h e
. Student i reads a card and describesthe occupation to Student 2. Student 2 uses m i s s i n gl i n e . R e p e a :
the instructions to d-rarva picture. For example,Student 1 says:Draw a man t h i s p r o c e s su n t i l t r e 3
readinga book.Draw chiidrenlistening.Student 2 draws a teacher.Student 1 sa,vs: oni'iro r]irlnarre ,q

erased/memorize: 5
T58 Unit 5
::,3JS*?*Wg$ S6myms-{3p
T: use the verbs do,/
. Ask studentsto think about u'hat they would like to eat for their next meal.
coes and the phrases
,^iantto be/wants to be Have students draw themselveswith a thought bubble over their heads.Then
have them draw a Picture of what they would like to eat.
. Ask each student: What do you wqnt to eat?Have students respond:I want to eat
irey V*echeria:ry Explain that they are thinking about rvhat might happen in the future'
j .efighter,
It is something that might or might not happen'
soccerplayer, J
{$sim6F*q* SS
-rit Pq51g1 ffi loot. Writethe answers.
-e ts 4-5 Grammar will use the verbs do/doesand the
rosier I Hxplain the lessonobjective-students
i phiases want to be/wantsto be to
,*r,,*,.ru ask and ans\'verquestionsabout what people
J.awing paper,crayons
c' markers I want to be.
l . o-lftva4l yaEcnt igvliitsi h
eLs :a b . Have students read the questions and answersin the grammar box at the top
or CD-ROM of the page aloud (repeating after,you). point out that the verb do is used with
you and doesis used with he/she\n the questions.Point out that want to be is
fiBl used with I and wants to be is used with helshe.
P a g e s4 8 - 4 9
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8 On the board, write four simple sentencesiJlustratingthese
,l concepts.Draw arrows from the nouns to the verbs. Have students
refer to these sentencesas they dc the activity'

. Read the directions aloud. \A/alkstudents through Item 1, demonstrating how

to use the thought bubble to tell what the child wants to be in the future.
. Have students complete the sentencesindependentiy.
I Review the answersas a class.(Answert l. Shevtantsto be a doctor/vet.2. He
waltts to be a soccerplayer.3. Shewants to be alirefighter.4. He wants to be a
fuacher.)Have pairs read the questionsand ut"tt*!.i aloud' Then have them
: sr,vitchroles and repeat.
look at the gramnlar box to locate the model question and
urr,,,i H"u" students
i answer.
. F'oradditional support, use the Grammar Poster.

for studentsto copy

- Write the sentenceframe from each answer
\ and compiete-for examPle, 1. Sfte--- a doctor.

€k write.
. Refer studentsto the grammar box to complete the activity'
i Review the answersas a class.(Answers:I' rhoes,2-do,3- does)
questionsin Activity 12 and locatethe subject;
",-,-., Have studentslook at the
explain that the subject shows us which rvord (do/does)to choose.

ffi t-ook at pages 54-55. Point to the people in 2. Ask and answer with a
. Tell studentsthey are going to ask and answer questions about the people on
Jcbs of Community
r,lembers pages54*55.
- , : e o a ! ' e n t s0 r i Listen for proper pronunciation and appropriate intonation.
-- e-oers of the
-^rmrrnifrr . Assign workbook pages48*49 and direct studentsto digital activities.
i^.^ma td

: - e c l a s st o t e l l
: : - C e n t sa b o u t t h e i r qar*dFrx*tia* &etlwirg
. : : s . T h i sw i l l h e l p
s : - C e n t su n d e r s t a n d . Have each student divide a sheetof drawing paper in half. Have studentslabel
+L^ :^L^
tr rg JvuJ one side I want to be and the other side I do ftot want /o be.Instruct them to draw
rentioned in the text
a job they think rvould be fun to do on the I wotrt /o be side and job they do not
3 sw e l l a s g i v e t h e m
think would be fun on the I do not want to be side. Have studentslabei eachjob
d e a sf o r t h e i r o w n
future careers. and sharetheir responseswith.the clals

;;,, , ;;;
S19*rev*-Sp **jg{?;s:5
To understanc ir-=
. Playa gameto distinquishgoodsand services.llxplain that if you nan-re
somethingstudentscan hold in their hands,or goods,thev clap.If you name
difference betwee'
g o o c s a n o s e r vc € s o
somethingthat peopledo ibr others' or services' theit should crosstheir arnls To read and
and pat their shoulders. understand a soc a O
s t u d r e st e x t
. Saythe following: Peircil.(clap) Ilaseball.(clap) Hairdressergiving a haircttt. (pat)
putting aur a,fire. tpat) Busdriver takingyou home. (pat')Ke1s.(clap)

nnnr{c conrirac
ffi 6) Look.Listenand read. 3ls9{cxt$ry 5*{i}ls
Explain the iessonobjective-studentswiil identifv exampiesof goods and CriticalThinking
ser.,'ices. Collaboration
Heip studentsidentif'each picture.Readthe directionsaloud. PlayAudio
kack A70 and har,estudents read alotrg silentll'. Explain that goods are things
ffi*?erisis C
that peopiebu1'anllsell.They are products.Explain that servicesare things
p e o p l ed o l b r o t h c r s .
Audio trackA70
Name pictured iterns in random order and have studentsidentifl' which are Diqital activities:
goodsand which are servicesto checkstudents'comprehensiotr.

l!t;1 )
Give studentsa shoe to ho1d.Ask: Jsa shoea good or a service?\{hat {tbout
when sameonefixesyour shoe?Is that a good or a service?Repeatr'r'itha tool and
b,vpantomiming being a taxi driver and a firefighter.
Answerson pageT148 I
ry Look at the pictures. Write goods or services.
l)iscussrvith studentswhat is pictured in eachphotograph.Readthe
directionsaloud. F{avestudentsccmpletethe activitv independently'.
trt!,1t3t: Reviewanswersas a class.(Answers:1. service,2. goods,3"goods,1.sertice)

i1;r, i
If studentshave dilTiculty distinguishing goods and services,review the
definitions and ask: Doesthispicture showsomethingpeopleda? Doesthispicture
showsomethingpeaplebuy or sell?
Havestudetrtsexplain ivhy each picture is a good or a service.
ond (ollcbordion work in a group' Makea
.ffi CriricolThinking
ffi ,.,,.&.""
list and share it.
Brainstcrmwith studentsa iist of goodsthat are in vour classroom.Then
brainstorma list of sen'icesthat happenat school.
Allow studentsto point to or pick up examplesof goods. Have
\ '1 mixed pairs act out services. a
Havestudentsrvork in small groups to completethe activity independentl,v. I
iVlovefrom group to group to be sure that students are workinS;collaboratively
and to monitor ior proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and correct i
use o{'language.
if groupshavedililcultv thinking of goods and services,guide them by asking Yg&g H tr?$p
thern to think of things they buy. 1'hen ask thenr to think of peoplein the Learning about Jobs
cornmunity r,r'hclmthe,vgo Ia when theyare sick,u'hen their pet is sick,when
There may be careers
their car needsto beJixed, eIc.
AssignWorkbook page50 and direct studentsto digital activities.
in this unit that
s t u d e n t sa r e u n f a m i l i a r
with. l{ this is the case,
provide examples from
the lnternet or
. Have str:dentsname businesses in vour communitv and list them on the board. nonfiction books that
Discusswhich busir-resses provide goodsand which provide services. show people working t
in the career. lf
. Have studentseachclrawand cut out one building. Have then-rname the p o s s i b l e ,b r i n g i n a
building with a businessfron the list. Assemblethe buildings on mural paper as g u e s t s p e a k e rt o t e i l
ciistrict. hen havestudentstaketurns labeiingeachbuiidlng as one
a busir.ress s t u d e n t sa b o u t t h e
thx producesgoodsor providessertllces work he or she doe: {

T60 Unit 5
* * i* {Yg w s $ t#exrxw-&3p
fo learn about careers
. Tell studentsthat they are going to read about three jobs: park ranger,diver, and
:round the world
vet. Explain that a park ranger helps protect the grounds and wildlife in large
parks. A professionaldiver does underwater tasks.Vets who iive near ranches
4 (on?en?V9ards
often specializein taking care ofhorses and cattle.
parK ranger, rooeo,
. If possibie,play thesethree piecesof music: "The Aquarium" and "The
!€ scuoaoiver Elephant" from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Sa€nsand "Hoedown'

a 2 l s t C e n t u r yS k i l l s
from Rodeoby Aaron Copland. Have studentslisten and try to match eactf
musical piece with one of the jobs discussedin the lesson.

Q h l o t e r i a ls 3**i*gF*xg*&l
4 C a s s i c a lr e c o r d i n g s
' , ' j o . l om a p o r g l o b e 6) Look, listen, and read.
P:nor nlria<
rxv*lvrI Explain
i the lessonobjective*students will identify jobs from different parts
D S c i s s o r sc, r a y o n s ,
t of the world.

Display a world map or globe and help studentslocate Costa Rica, Oklahoma,
A and Botswana.Explain thdt people in different placesdo different jobs.
A , . l d i ot r a c k A 7 1
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track A7l. As students read along
A Vioeo (ActiveTeach)
y rl ^g ir!L- d
l r ^-.:.,:r:^-,
dLltvrLtY5. silentl,v,have them point to each picture.
4 or CD-ROM Encouragestudentsto guessthe meaning of the words, especialiythe Content
Words. To assistthem, shorv them pictures or make simple drawings depicting
park ranger,radeo, and scubadiver.
4 Replay the audio as needed.
4 Ask questionsto check for understanding: WheredoesloseAntonio live?
(Costa Rica) What doeshe want to be?(a scuba diver) Where doesKstie live?

4 (Oklahoma, United States)What doesshewant to be?(a vet and a rodeo rider)

Wheredoesluma live?(Botswana) What doeshe want to be?(a park ranger)
4 455r91
As you ask the comprehension questions,point to the pictures and model
responses.Have students repeat.Replay the audio as needed.
4 Havestudentsusephrasesor sentencesto sharewhat they know
4 r',-:: abouttheseplacesand thesejobs.

a & Circle T for true or F for false.

Readthe directionsaloud.Readeachsentence aloudand havestudentsrepeat.
For eachsentence, return to the text in Activity 17and havestudentsvote
whetherthe statementis true or not by circling !i or fi
H*$it*H Revie'rvthe answersasa class.(Answers: 1. T,2. T,3. F,4. T)
If students havedifficulty identifying details,havethem searchfor the child's
i55ti; namein eachparagraphand then searchfor a pictureor word clueaboutwhat
that child wantsto be.

& ::.l:'lill'. Ask and answerwith a partner.

ffi Comnunicofion
Read each question aloud. Have pairs of studentseach take turns answering
the questions.
x**rr** i Check to make sure that students are attempting to explain their ideas.

Have each student decoratea paper plate as a mask. Have them draw a faceon
the plate and then crrt out eve holes. Have studentsdecoratethe mask to show
a job they would like to do. Have students take turns wearing their masks and
telling the classwhat they u'ant to be and why.
Have studentsview the Unit 5 documentary video segment.Use activities in
the Video Guide. If students have MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segmentas
homework for review.

Unit 5 T61

SSi$Ll,'-''" e
T o l e a r nt h e s c - - : :
.-l'eachstudentsthesongs.Marl.Hadal,ittlel-amb,'and..Row,Rclu.',RowYour for I and r.
Boatl' To differentrate
b e t w e e nt h e s c ' - : :
. once studentsare cornfortablewith thesesongs,do a varjation
with them' For
{or I and r I
andlamb stretch out the
the flrst one,eachrit". yu" come to the wordilirile To learn words :l^a:
l1-1'l-llanb, ll'l-I-llittle ll-l-l'llamb' ]
/l/ sound:Mary had i tt'-1-l-ll,ttt, i n c l u d e/ o r r
lA-I-llittle ll-1-l-llamb.Do the sane for the second To ralte worcjs t'a:
l r r - r - rl o t ' ,l r r - r r l t w Y o u rI ' o u 't i n c l u d eI o r r o
#*!*g Fmry*
ffi () Listenand Point.SaY'
u'i11icientifl'and distinguishbetrveen
Sounds and Letters
Cards {ActiveTeach;
Exolain the lessonobjectir.e--stuclents
, 'iLr'*"'
1*;;; i;"J ;rtancl for. studenrsu.ill also practice
writing / and r
and have studentslisten,
Magazines c
Readthe dirccrionsaloud.Pla-vAudio Track A72 lndex cards
point to the picturc ar.rds:rythe word' Audio tracks A72-A.74 t
Repla'vthe audio'
Displaythe Sountlsand LettersCards tbr support' - M v Eactivities:
Diqital nqlishLab

Replavthe auclioand havc students repeat each

word and circlc the / in the C
worclsin 1tems'1-6' observe
iepeat, circling r in the
-"i,ft t"^r,.t*-i,:. r'f-r""
stuclentsand make suretheyare focusingon the
targetletters' @
/1/ and /rl' iravetheni
lf studentsare having iiifticultl-distinguish.ing.between Audio scriPton Page
l i s t c nt o o n l v n , r r r d sr r s i n go n e ' t r i ' t l r e o , , n , l s , , i h t ' t
l h
r c , o l h e tt : . 1 r r 0 ' : t - l : ] . 1144 i
forrrl are:read'
ru,p"r, pitot,.ftv; right'row'ibsr' l1,
Answerson PageT148
' I', ;;:;;; ,"itiii,'i;'r,"t
,',,,' indicatervith oueor I
i-, ,l,iioti,fry'l h.,l *i" in..1.19i."td 2 (/r/)'
ilvo.tit-tg.ttifthey sound I (/l/) or sor'rnd
ffi 6) Listen and write' Use the words from 20' Say'
.Readthedirectiorrsaloud.Pia,vAudioTrackAT3.Har'estudentspointto t
audio' pausingafter each
the u'ord that cornpleteseirchsentence'Replaythe
sentenceto allolt'studentstime to fili in the blanks' (
:Walkaroundthec]assroolrtocheckspellingaSstutlentsrvork.Review )
;;r;);;;;.i"rr- (.qnru,ers:L artist,i. rirlei 3. ,loctor,1.ltutch,5' ball,6' pilat) I

ffi (.-} Listen and say' Underline I and r' t

ihe audio and have students
iravethem iind ani underlineeachI and r. Repla,v i
checktheir ans\rers.
L i s t e nf o r (
. . " , , r oi , H a t e p a r t n e r s t a k e t u r n s r e a d i n g e a c h u n d e r l i n e d w o r d a l o r ' r r l
i correctprontlnciatlon'
and ending
u4,rit, Have st*dents sort the words in columns for beginning
add other I and r English words'
X .or,,ro,iur,t,toun<is'l{ave them
? * & { 9 4 $ $?,6$p&
P r o n o u n c i n gt h e
Sounds /l/ and lrl
&PPti**ti*n u'1*{l'i ':i*'rq &diurfY Show students the I

.HavepairsoistuilentsplavGoFi.sh.(SeeGnrrrBcnk,page.tl34,tbrdetails.) l o c a t i o no f Y o u rt o n g u e
and lrl . when you make the /l/
Re'iei' the na'res of PictureCardsthat cotrtain lll
s o u n d .T h e n s h o w
.Nlodelholvttlplavb,vaskinglDoyouhaveanyylordsthatbeginwithr?Doytltl them how lr/ is made
haveanYwords ihttl end v"ith 1? in the back of the
rlda/re-frigetator' throat and the tongue
I check fbr correct pairs that rrratch--/isfenllamp,boll/pencil' does not touch the
i1r1rt{I torrect
ftaclrcr/actor-lnd listen iirr Pronunciation' roof of the mouth.
Provide stuclentswith
]Havestucientsrr-rakeaclditionalcardsbl'findingpicturesinmegazilresand m i r r o r sa n d h a v e t h e m
catalogsand giurnerhen onto i'dex cards' watch themselves as
they practice rnaking
each souno.

T62 Unit 5
* s 3 € { g Ew f f s u{:!iry{'LJ*
To discusssetting goals
lor the tuture
Display a book from each subject that students study-for examPle:readiftg,
math, science,and English.identify each subject area.
Hold up two books at a time and have studentsvote for their favorite subjectb,v
raising their hand. (Studentsmay vote for more than one.) Have volunteersstate
2ist {enfury $8xill*
their choiceby saying:I like-.
Continueuntil all subjectareashavebeenpairedandvotedon'
lxamplesof students'
:extbooks i,ixixgF*ge &$
-rcrssors,glue,stapleror 6) Lirt"n and write. Say.
3 ' a c is
Expiain the lessonobjective-students wili selectthe subject areathat relates
: , c i o t r a c k, 4 7 5
to eachiob.
I q:ai activities:
tilvEnglishLab Read the directions aloud. Play Aridio Track A75 and have students look at the
o. CD-ROM pictures and complete the sentenceswith a word from the box.
wB, Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. music,2. science,3. rnath,4. art)
If students have trouble selectingthe correct word, discussthe connection
.-rr,"r, Onpage T148 between the subject areasand the jobs.

ry Tell a partner what you want to be and act it out.

Have pairs of students take turns telling what they want to be and acting it
Monitor tor proper pronunciation, appropriate intonaiion, and vocabularl'.
Give studentsthe sentencefiame I wQnt ta be -. to follow.
Have studentstell why they want that job. Encouragethem to use the
sentencesin Activity 23 as a model.
s,A;x Make a What I Want to Be flip book.
Expiain to studentsthat manv people want to be more than one thing when
they grow up. Explain that this book will shorv different things they might
lvant to be in the future.
Discusswith studentsthe stepsto follow. Have students work independentiy
and make their olvu books. l{ave studentsdescribe their books to the class.

ffi Cottunicslion Have stutlents shorvand describe their books to the

class.Encouragestudentsto speakclearly and audibl,v,and to hold their books
so that all can see,or move around the room to help everyoneget a look.

tAV captions to go with each picture.
,, " Have studentsinclude written

*t* the room and identify sttidents that are having difficulty coming
up rvith ideas for their {lip book.
Assign Workbook page52 and direct studentsto digital activities.

- assroom
u : na g e m e n t #ed Frxc?{e*&*fiv*?g
t : > uuertLi dtc . As studentssharetheir "\{hat I Wantto Be" flip books,list the occupationson
. , : ' . ^ g o n t h e i ro w n , theboard.
'| - a.^'ar tn mlnrdo

: ^ = : a s s .E s t a b l i s a
h Once the list is complete,choosea word (,ftrefighter), write it horizontally on
. - -: L {nr a " : m n l' or ' "
{ o' r the board, and give a clue about tt (I iight fires.).Then chooseone Ietter in the
S : : o t a l k i n g ,r a i s ey o u r word (t) and give studentsa clue to another occupation-for example:I like to
^:ac) that will notify
helpchildrenlearn. This u,ordstartswifll t. \,Vriteteachervertically, connecting it
:- don+c fhat ihorr rra
- a K r n gt o o m u c h to firefighter,crossword-style.Write students'answersin the appropriate spaces'
^o se. Teach students Continue to use other r"'ordsabout iilbs to make a crosswordpuzzle.
- r racn^n.l t^ thi<

s g n a l b y h a v i n gt h e m

Unit 5 T63
&wY{&gv?95 G
&1$srw-{3p Students can tal<
. Play Hat Seatwithstudents' (SeeGameBank'
page T134' for details') about what jobs rhe'
want to do.
mail carrier,pilot, singer'teacher'
. place the Picture Cards for qctor,artist, cloctor, Students can disPlar
a n d v e t s o s l u d e n t s c a r t t s e e t h e m . H a vpicture
e o n e s t u d e n t s i t i n a c h a i r (except
t h e H othe
t information in graP-: G
Card so all students
Seat)facing ulvuy t .,i yoo. oirpruy one
students describewhat is on the card for
student in the Hot seat can seeii. Have
play continues until every student has had a
rhe student i, th" H; s;;; io gu"rr. 3!** {tn*urY Sirill:
turn in the Hot Seat. Collaboration G
say any part of the.' .
Tell students giving clues that they cannot {tr{sterials C
cannot say slng when describing
word as a clue. For example,they PictureCards96-103
a sinqer. GraphpaPer I
Dioital activities:

Foge &&
olco:Rotvt t
want to be?" Write names C
& Work in small groups' Ask "What do you
and jobs'
Exolainthe lessonobiective-studentswill review
1 ""r;.
jobsby doingactivitiesthat
."-pr"t"g a ially sheet'and makinga bar
.Dividestudentsl,'*tog,oup,offivestudents.Readthedirectionsaloud' t
of the groupto tjlfin. Haveeachstudent,""d
hitlh". resPonseln a complete i
write' Listen for complete I
Circulate, checking students'spelling as they
in the Student Book to find the
Encouragestudentsto searchfor words
each job' Write a list'
g{ Count how many students in 26 want
Readthe directions aloud. Have each group
complete the chart. Have each t
student, in turn, counr ;d;;ble-checi the information on the tally sheet. ,
English as they count and tally'
Circulate, checking that students are using
for your group and talk
& look at this bar graph' Make a bar graph
about it.
. Readthe directionsa10ud.As needed,sho'$'studentshow to makea bar grapn
. ffi CollobolollonHa*eeachgroupcompletea bar
to members' sucnas
discusswhatit shows'Ask groupsto assignroles
reporter, artist, and calculator'
Check to seethat studentsunderstand how
to make a bar g:aph'
xge{* * 'g*?$p
& I
and fiil in one of the jobs as a
Model on the board how to set up a bar graph Working in GrouPs
model. To keep classroom
noise level down ano
teach students to talk (
&pplicx?X*tx *$d Pr'{x{ti{*&s?ivlgy one at a time, Provide
.Writethefollowingontheboard:firefighter,vet,actor,tegcher.Dividestudenls each grouP with a
of tne tiitla occupationsto a group.Haveeach token, such as a toy,
inro four gr"rpr.^frii;;;".
manytimes that job is pictured' chip, or decorated
groupgo ,ft.o,',iftUni?'stta ttt* how stick. ExPlainto
. Togetherasa class,combinedatainto a bar graph' students that the on Y
person who can sPeak
{*r!rttr6tH a v e s t u d e n t s f i n d a n d c o u n t h o w m a n y t i m e s t h e w o r d i s w r i t t e n i n t h e u n
i sitth e o n e h o l d i n g t h e
and woros'
i Makegraphsto comparethe numberof pictures token. Monitor to
m a k e s u r es t u d e n i sa ' e
n o t i n t e r r u P t r n ga n c
a r e w a i t i n g t h e r rt u r ^
to speak.

T54 Unit 5
0 B J{eY i v € s gs$rrn-un
S r " o e n t sc a n n a m e a n d
trentify different jobs.
. Distribute one of the following Picture Cards to pairs or small groups of
students: actar, artist, doctor, ffiail carrier, pilot, singer,teacher,or vef. Have
S t u d e n t sc a n u s e t h e
:nrase want to be. studentslook through magazines,non-fiction books, or use the Internet to find
additional pictures of people doing that job. Have students present the pictures
and explain what each person is doing. Have each group act out the job they
llst Century 9kills were assignedand seeif other groups can guesswhat it is.
Self-Direction J

S*ge &S
P i c t u r eC a r d s 9 6 * 1 0 3
ffi toot and write.
,.,,_.. Explain the lessonobjective-students will review jobs by doing activities that
i n v o l v ei d e n t i f y i n ga n d w r i t i n g .
tActiveTeach) . Read the directions aloud and explain that students need to label each
ni^;tal a.ii.,iiiac
picture using the words from the box. Have students complete the activity
or CD-ROM independently.
*rx;i*nI Review as a class.(Answdrs:1. teacher2. soccerplayer,3. singer,4.dancer)
Page53 s,w,
3! Read and match.
Answerson pageT148 Read the directions aloud. Have studentswork independently.
Have studentsdiscusstheir ansu'erswith a partner. Circulate, checking to
seethat students are using correct pronunciation, intonation, and language.
'i0hr'{ q (Answert 1. I like to act./I wsnt to be an actor. 2. I like animals./l want to be a vet.
3. I like to draw./I want to be an artist. 4. I like to move to music./I want to be a

If studentshave difficulty matching, ask questions such as: Who likesto draw?
Provide choicesif needed.

& writ..
. Tell studentsto complete Items 1 and2 and then write a sentenceof their own
for Item 3. Then have students complete the activity independently.
j (Answers:I " Shewants to be,2. He wants to be,
s*r{rf*r: Review the answersas a class.
3. Answersshould beginwithl want to be.)
sssuri Help students identify the correct pronoun. Provide choices,if needed.

Self-DireclionThis sectionasksstudentsto assess
their own learning
and reflecton their progress.Readthe statementsaloud.Explainthat students
shouldcheckthe boxesif theycando the activities.Help studentsappreciate
their progress.Say:T&eI Canstatements showwhatyou havelearnedin thisunit.
. AssignWorkbookpage53 and directstudentsto digitalactivities.

. Makea three-columncharton the board.Labelthe columnslob,Do theymake
Do theyprovidea service?

I toU Dolhey makegoods?

i Do the p r o v i A ea g e r v i c e ?
I teacher I No. Yes,they teach children.
I artist I Yes,they make art.
Have students name a job they learned about in this unit. Record it on the chart
and have students answer the two questions about the job.
Have studentsplay the Unit -5Game 2 on Active'Ieach.
Have studen{sreview the Unit 5 dramatic video segment.Use Video Guide
acti.vities.If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segmentas
homework for further review

Unit 5 T55

G*Ea$ f

ffifu$ee?*wes c'
S*m€*ss* t'
. To read and name times o History: To read about clocksused
. Around the World: To read about eF
ffiwmd*mg clocksaroundthe world
o To identify important ideas in a story
( " M a x ' sD a Y " )
r To use readingstrategiesto
comPrehendand aPPreciatea story
. To read and write words that contain tF
&rwsExm*xs WwEae*s
. To use the verbs do/does
. To learnthe value of being on time
. To use the phrasesget uPlgets uP,
go to bed, and startAtarts e
. To make a "My Day" book e




iI {
I -
It. tr

Inm u ilfn ll lt m m m m
SSd& e
sY€ffig*r&ffigs 6 6
- " -I V u ; n u n i t ,p a g e s6 6 - 7 7 ffimsax$$v
.-: Cutoutsfor CheckpointUnits, H a v e s t u d e n t s i n t e r v i e wa f a m i l y
page'125 member about hisor her daily activities,
r - " 1S t r d * n t B o o kA u d i oC D , suchas what time he or she wakesup,
T r a c k s8 2 - 8 1 4 . 8 6 3 goes to schoolor work, eats lunch,
e x e r c i s e sa
, nd so on. Have students
Workbook,Unit6 m a k e a s c h e d u l eo f t h e f a m i l v m e m b e r ' s
M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s5 4 - 6 3 d a y a n d r e p o r t t o t h e c l a s sa b o u t t h a t
p e r s o n ' ss c h e d u l e .I n v i t e s t u d e n t s t o
I tt"'inkBig Activity,pages 64-65 s h a r es e v e r a lf a m i l y m e m b e r s ' s c h e d u l e s
Extragrammarpractice,page 103 with the class.
. -t WorkbookAudio CD,
Porkoge .@
Practicetest, pages 42-43 '@
, Unit test, pages 44-45
ffp fuw*r$$*ffimxssf #ey ll

Suite ffias88e€*se
$$mwsd t:

Haveeachstudentdraw a pictureof what

AddirionolMoteriols he or she likesto do durinohisor her
P i c t u r eC a r d s 1 0 4 - 11 5 favoritetime of day. Haveltudentswrite a
P o s t e r s :U n i t 6 P o s t e r ,
sentenceto go with the drawing.Postthe
U n i t s4 - 6 G r a m m a r P o s t e r
drawingson a bulletinboardand encourage
studenisto read what their classmatesharie
V i d e o ( A c t i v e T e a c h )U, n i t 6 posted.
D i g i t a la c t i v i t i e s( M y E n g l i s Lh a b o r
C D - R O M ) .U n i t 6

a iir'r

4 liirll

4 :i,,.:.sffi#$ax? ' *rei-ts&**

lii:r' .:.


4 S t u d e nB
t o o k ,p a g e s7 8 - 8 1 Workbook,pages64-65
t:a: ..


4a S t u d e n t su s e C r i t i c a T l h i n k i n qa n d ! G u i d e s t u d e n t si n d i s c u s s i o ntsh a t
I .

: o r a b o r a t i o nt o p l a n a p i c n i cb y c h o o s i n g t e n a b l e t h e m t o p u t t h e v o c a b u l a r ya n d
4 a n d o r g a n i z i n gt h e f o o d s t h e y w a n t . S t u d e n t s s t r u c t u r e si n t o p r a c t i c e ( s p o n t a n e o u sc l a s s , :ir.

- s e c o m m u n i c a t i o na n d s y n t h e s i ss k i l l st o g r o u p , o r p a i r d i s c u s s i o n s )E. n c o u r a g e |r :.:

4 r r a k e a n i n v i t a t i o n .H a v e s t u d e n t s w o r k i n
p a i r so r g r o u p st o c o m p l e t et h e p a g e .
s t u d e n t s t o a s s e s st h e m s e l v e so n h o w w e l l
t h e y r e m e m b e r t h e m a t e r i a l .A s t h e y d o , p a y
--) a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i r p e r f o r m a n c e .T a r g e t a r e a s
i:l::r ..
t h a t n e e d m o r e p r a c t i c eb e f o r e m o v i n g o n t o
the next part of the lesson.
4 t,t:.
a ili.:


4 rltii

lii:l -rl
lNUarmr-$B C
. Practicenumbers I through 12 wilh students by singing "Roll Overl' This is a fun song for
studentsto sing and act out. (Substituteany familiar animal for bears.) c
There were twelve bearsin the bed, and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over."So they all rolled
over and onefeU out. There were elevenbearsin the bed and the little one said, "Roll over, rall c
oyer."So thei alt rolledoverand onefell or.rf.(Continue counting down until last verse.)There
wos one bear in the bed and the little one said, "Good night!" G
. Have twelve studentsstand at the front of the room, each holding a number card with a
numeral (l through -12).As each number is sung, have the student hold it up. For "roll overl' c
the student with that number sits down'

& 6)r-ltten and read.Thensing.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will sing a song, read times on a clock, and describe C
activities at different times of the day.
Readthe directions aloud. Display the Unit Posterand play Audio Track 82. Have students €
follow along silentiy.

Play the audio again and have students sing along and act out the lvrics in each verse:Verse

' :
l: brush teeth;Yerse2: havesometoast;Verse3: do homework;Verse4: go to bed.
Observestudentsto seeif they are comfortable with the song. Point to the corresponding
pictures on the t]nit Posterat the appropriate time. Ask questionsto check comprehension.
:;r in0*aa3R
Say:When doeshe brush his teeth?{in the morning) Wen doeshe pl.ay?(in the afternoon)
t :
l l What happenswhen it getsdark? (He takes a shower and goesto bed.)
l 3
*til5? Replaythe audio as needed,stopping after each verseto explain unfamiliar words'

Once studentsare comfortable with the song, have them practice it using the karaoke version C
l l
(Track 863). Or, if you wish, savethe karaoke version for use during another classperiod as a

fun way to review the song. C
i l
lt ..
' i C
l ,

I T66 Unit 6
I .:]:.'l
7 r*&rr*6i Divide the classinto four groups and assigneach one a verse.Have students
l perform a skit that acts out the lyrics for their verse.
To read the hour on
a ciocK

q fAutt"n. Pointand say. To identify at what
time of day certain

? Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 83 as studentslisten, point to

eachclock, and then repeat the time.
a c t i v i t i e sa r e d o n e

To sing a song

e1glll,,,o Have students pretend they are clocks. Have them use their left o
:-\.--l arm as the hour hand and their right arm as the minute hand to
show the time. Xey Vscahnlsry
one o'clock,two o'clock,
D .ioitt4F
Read the times in random order. Flavestudentspoint to each clock on the three o'clock,four
o'clock,five o'clock,six
page.Check to seethat they can read the time on each clock. o'clock,seveno'clock,
4 r5i;57
Have studentsread or say a time to you as you point to the clocks. Sometimes,
eiqht o'clock,nine
o'ilock, ten o'clock,
point to the wrong clock and have studentscorrect you. eleveno'clock,twelve
I o'clock
& 6) look and listen. Write.
4 Review the times in Activity 2. Have studentssharewhat time they get up, eat
Unit Poster
lunch, and go to bed.
Teacher-made number
4 . Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track 84 and have studentslisten. cards1*1 2
Pauseafter each sentenceso that studentscan repeat. Complete ltem I as a Teacher-made clock
4 class.Then have students complete the sentencesindependently.
i ftgyisw the answersas a class.(Answers:1. seven,2. one,3. nine)
,1r1r5e Audio tracks82-85, 863
4 Games(,ActiveTeach)
e 6) Look at 2. Listento the model. Ask and answer. Diqital activities:
a . Readthe directionsaloud. PlayAudio Track 85. Then havestudentsread the or CD-ROM
text in the speechbubbles aloud.
4 . Have pairs of studentsrandomly point to clocks in Activity 2 and ask and
answer: What time is it? k\
4 ,..,r, i At studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
Audio script on page
t l A i

: correctuseoflanguage. Answerson page T148

4 ;!.i Have studentschoosea time from Activity 2 and ask a partner what they do at
that time. For example: What do you do at six oblock?(l eat dinner.)
4 . Assign Workbook pages54-55 and direct studentsto digital activities.

Sppiiew?i*mxmd Prm*€i**&qt*tl!&
4 . lv'lakeand print out a clock template for each student by drawing a large circle
on paperand adding hours I through 12.
4 . Have studentsglue each ciock face onto construction paper.Have students
trace and cut out an hour and minute hand. Use a brassfastenerto attach the
< clock'.shands to the center of the clock face.Name different times and have
studentsset the hands on their clocks and repeat the time.
4 , .^., , Waik around the room to make sure that the hour and minute hands are on
i the correct numbers.
4 ,,,,,, i Sho* studentsthat the,vcan leavethe minute hand pointingto I2 while the Yg&*${ €Y*
r * &p
a I hour hand changesfor each time.
. Have studentsplay the Unit 6 Game I on Active'l'each.
a v o c a b u l a riyn t h i su n i t
by pointingout what
t i m e y o u rc l a s sb e g i n s
? a n d e n d se a c hd a y .I n
a d d i t i o n d, i s c u s tsh e

d a i l ys c h o o sl c h e d u l e ,
noting what time the
classdoes different
lunch,recess,or art

? class.

? Unit 6 T67


Look 01 the liory, Nuqber ir order'
, -.-, Mox comes home

- Mox gers uP
Mox eofs.

- Mox sleepsogoin

Mox goes oul

$ ,i'.lt'i, ar*
"n* "nswer
wilh e Portner' t==
1. When do yo! sleep?When do you ger up?
2, Do you ihink you sleep ioo much or ioo li11le?
on thelnternet)
, Playthesong"RockAroundtheclock'by Bill Haley& Hiscomets
for studentsto enjoY.
set the time on the clock faces
. Assign studentstimes from one to twelve otlock and have each €
on pageT6T- Each time an hour is sung
rhey rnade in the Application and PracticeActivity
in the song tr"r, ,ii'riii it"r{,i"", ,block rock)"have st"udentsraise their clock. It may take
some practice becausethe song is tast'

e 6) Listenand read.
answer questionsabout
obiective-students will listen to and read a stor,v'
' * ' o ' " I Exolain the lesson ?
i i t , a n d t h e n t a l k a b o u tr v h e nt h e y s l e e p '
do you think thesetwo people
. Have studentstell what they seein each story frame. Ask Who ?
and any
are?(amother ; h;;;i Help studentsname the room the charactersare in
furniture theYrecognize. (
is about a mother and her
. Point to and read the story title aloud. Explain that that th.isstor-y
listen and follow along'
. Read the directions aloucl.Play Audio Track 86. Have students
soundsgreat' First' write (
. Demonstratethe meaning of the expressionssoundsboring and
pie-cei of typc'lit:tL and say: This
boring undgrrot- onthe bJard' Then trold up several t,lLti namesnow'
region]' I'm going t9 rea( the l'st-oJ
is a lit o.fail the peoplewho live in fyour state or
then"stop andiay:-Ilris is boring' Next' hold up a
OK?Ready?pr.f.r.A to start reading names,
to readyou a good.story.oK? Point to (
comic book or appealingmagazine,anclsay: t'rys9iiq
A good story?That soundsgreat!
rhe word Aoring.'i lr;iii* oinames?That ioundiboring.


T58 Unit 6
I gs
Use questionsto check tbr understanding. Ask What time doesMax get up?
I irsi{t}c&
(two o'clockin the afternoon) When doesMax comeinfiom outsitle?(seven To read unit language
rn context
4 o'ciock) What doesMax do all day?(He walks, eats,and sleeps')What doesMax
To put story events in
do mostof the time?(sleeps) sequence
4 g:$t:1 Replaythe audio and pauseit after each frame to review vocabulary. To read {or
FFITI understanding and
EL! Cdficol Thinking Have studentsread the times on the clocks in the story' enjoyment
4 Say:Look at Frame 1. Is it 8:00 in the morning or evening?(morning) Haw do
you know?(The boy is eating breakfast,and in Frame 3 he s going to school')
& Look at the story. Number in order. X*y tr{saabedsry
4 Read the directions aloud. As a group, identify what Max does first. Ask a great
volunteer to saywhat Max does next. (he eats) Adverbs: too much,
4 Have studentscomplete the activity independently.
too little

Point to Frames2,3, and 4 and ask studentsto describewhat Max is doing in ?!sr{extssySkills
4 '.10ri!1oF
the thought bubble. Then review the answersas a class.(Answers:4' 1' 2, 5, 3) Thinking
Repeatthe previous step,but make notes on the board about what Mom says Communication
fl crlt:1 Max is doing at each time" Help students find and number the corresponding
sentencein the activity.
A Recordinqof "Rock
Aroundt6e Clock"
ooli"n,'?oProvide the five sentenceson separatestrips of paper. Help
4 \ studentsput the strips in order.

Picturesof a flood and a

4 &
ffi Corrunirolion Askand answerwith a partner.
,Audiotrack 86
. Have pairs each take a turn asking each other the two questions. Video (ActiveTeach)
4 r Listen for correct time exoressionsand verbs. Make sure that studentsare Diqital activities:
,,1i- |t::c I
4 ' reporting about their real activities and using complete sentences. or CD-ROM
To help studentsunderstand the difference between too much and too little,
4 show magazineor ne\^'spaperpictures of a flood (too much rain) and a drought
(too little rain). Alternatively,you can fill a bookshelf with many objects (too Page 56
.Answerson page T148
little space)or remove all objects (too much space).
Assign \\brkbook page 56 and direct students to digital activities. $ur*rncry
4 A motherand son
discusstheir pet cat's
smd Fr*efiee&r?€w??y dailyschedule.The son
4 Togetherwith students,make a list of five activities that make up their typical
finds the cat'sinactive
life boring,whilethe
day at school-for example:arrive st school,practicereadingand writing, eat mother enviesit.
4 lunch and play outside,practicemath and English,go home'
Write a sentencefor each activity on a strip of paper and distribute the strips
4' to studentsin random order. Each student must stand up, read th€ sentence,
and work with classmatesto organize themselvesin the order of the activities
4 Listen and identify studentswho are having difficulty producing languageor
who are not using a wide range of vocabulary.
4 Have studentsrefer to the class'sdailv scheduleto help them determine the
order of the activities.
4 ?g&gxgrT* *gp
Have studentsview the Unit 6 dramatic video segment.If students have
4 MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as homework for review.
Pointout to students
4l that when speaking
about differenttimes
a of day, usethe
example,in the
I morning, in the
afternoan,and in the
4 evening.Pointout the
one exception:al!

rc night, not in the night

Unit 6 T69

l$srm-Sp s * J x { F l v5E
. Play Bingoby having studentsf{l-in Bingo cards with times-from 1:00ta 12:00,
in random order. (SeeGameBank, page TI34, for details.)
with a partner
To use unit lang,:;:
. Have the Bingo caller set the hands on an analog clock face,hold it up, and say in context
the time. Studentsrespond by covering that time on their Bingo cards.Check the
winner's row of times by having the student read them aloud. Let the wimer be
the next game caller. Kev !{scsbulsry
No'n!f ti-".
uslng PugeXS
& fu) titt.n and say. Einqo cards and Bingo G
Explain the lessonobjective-students will listen to and act out a dialogue
with a partner.
Chart papet tape
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track B7 and have studentslisten and
read along.
Unit 6 Stickers
Audio tracksB7-B8
Student Book audio
Play the audio again, pausing from time to time so that students can repeat
what they hear.
script,pageT136 G
Diqital activities:
Ask questionsto check for comprehension. Say:What time is lrl (eight otlock) o/colRoM
MEt{it{rR Is it morning or night?(morning) What time doesEmily go to school?(at eight
o'clock) Why isn't Emily going to school?(lt's a holiday.)
Ask students'.What do you do on halidayswhenyou don't have to go to school?
(*4t*116, As studentstalk about what they do, write their ideas on the board. Then have
them vote on which activity on the list is the most fun.
Audio script on page
T144 J
Answers on page T14B
tl Work with a partner. Look at 8. Role-play.
Pair studentsto read and act out the dialogue. After students read it once,
have them switch roles and repeat.
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonati.on,and
correct use of language.
Model sentencescorrectly and have students repeat them. 3
r' Have students role-play the situation using their own words. 3
@ 6l Listen.Stick.
. Help the student find the Unit 6 stickersat the back of the Student Book. C
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 88 and pauseit so that students
can find each sticker and place it on the appropriate picture. C
na*rr**| Walk around to make sure that studentshave correctly placed the stickers.
. Assign Workbook page57 and direct studentsto digital activities. s
&ppli*ction nnd Frme?iee&rrivity
. As a class,make a school scheduleon chart paper that shows times of day with
clock facesand what studentsdo at each time. Tape it to the board.
. Throughout the day, stop and refer to the scheduleand ask questionssuch as: 3
What time will we go to assemblytoday?ls it time for lunch? What time is recess?
LIsethe scheduleas an ongoing activity. Change the scheduleas neededeach
day. lJse it as a discussiontopic, especialiywhen the schedulechanges.
T70 Unit6

jg € YE t r { g s &Scr'ru-$,394
"*c* use the verbs do/ . \\irite times (in words) from one oblocktotwelveoblockon index cards and
cces and the phrases
;et uplqets up, qo to place them facedown in a stack.Write large numerals I through /2 on sheetsof
5ed. ani stari/s6rtt c()nstructlon PaPer.
. Arrange the numerals on the floor in the shapeof a clock face.Have two
volunteerssit in the center of the clock. Assign one to be the hour hand and
Key Voec&*lory
one to be the minute hand. Have one student choose a time card and read the
Verbs: end, get up, go
ic bed, start
tirne aloud. Have the two studentsin the center of the clock point their atfns as
if they were each a hand on the clock. Have the classconfirm rvhether the two
2 l s t C e n t u r y$ k ! ! i s studentsare correct or not and give directions to correct as needec.
.iormation Literacy . Repeatwith different students as clock hands. Play until evervonehas had a
c h a n c et o p a r t i c i p a t e .
- - :s 4-6 Grammar
Pcster Usi*gPxg*X
time cards
,_ -n<tr, rtinn nrnor ffi tool and write do or does.
Ilxplain the lessonobjective-students will use the verbs do/doesalld the
8us or train schedule
phrasesgel up/getsup, go to bed, and start/storts.
D i -oMt ayiEancgt rlvi si thi eLsa:b
Read the questionsand ansl'ers in the grammar box aloud' Point out that
does/get #p is used with he/she in the question, and gets up is used with he/she
fi^Bl in the aniwe r; do/go fo is used with you/they in the question, and go fo is used
with l/they in the answer and does/sfarfis used with the movie in the question,
and sfsrfs is used with ir in the answer.
Read the directions aloud. Compiete Items 1 and 2 with students,explaining
that doesis used with she and do is used with they.Have students complete the
remaining items independentlY.

Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. does,2. do, 3. does,4.does,5. does,
6. does)
Have students circle the subject ofeach sentenceand use it to help them
gg:l$l choosebetween do and does.Remind them to refer to the grammar box if they
J r eu n s u r e .
For additional support, use the Units 4-6 Grammar Poster.

& Look at 11. Write the answers to the questions.

Rereadthe questionsand answersin the grammar box at the top of the page'
Have students repeat after you.
Do Item I together. have students complete the activity independently'
Review the ansu'ersas a class.(Answers:l. Shebrushesher teethat 7:00.2. They
eat lunch at 12:00.3. Schoolstartsat 8:00.4. He goesto bed at 9:00.5. Schoolends
at j:00.6. He getsup at 6:00.)
Point out the subject pronoun in each question in Activity I 1. Have students
use this word as the first word of each of their answers'foilowed by the verb.
Assign Workbook pages58-59 and direct students to digital activities.

*nd Fnaefiee&atlvify
. W Inforrolion literqcy Providepairsof studentswith a simplebusor train
schedule. Showstudentshow to readit. Providea modeldialoguefor reading
tlre schedule,suchas: Wheneloesthefirst busleqve?It leavesat sixoLlock.Have
partnerstaketurns askingand answeringquestions'
Have studentsuse the scheduleto plan a trip. Say:It isfour oilock. I haveto be
,a:,i'.il in fplace]by 5:30p.vt. Which train/busshouldI take?I havean ttppointmentat
2:30 today. What train/bus should I take?

Unit6 T71
$Kexrmx-&$p To read aboui c : -
. Teachstudentsthe rhyme "Hickory, Dickory, Dockl' used long agc
Hickory, dickory, dock. The nlouse ron up the clock. The clock struck one.
mouseran down. Hickory, dickory, dock' C
. Dispiay a picture of a grandfather clock_tohelp students understand how the Conleni Words

mouse could run op u"nddown the clock. Explain that the clock
strikes each h o u r q l a s s ,m e a s u r e ,
sundial,water clock
each student illustrate
hour, olce at one o'clock,twice at two otlock, etc' Have J
the rhyme, drawing a lnouse runnitrg up or down a grandfather clock'
F*ge ?X
e 6i Listenandread' Pictureof a grand{ather
'n*o"' Drawing paper, crayons
, tirrr. piecesand talk about different ways of telling time' Watch, cell phone, and
. Bring a watch, a cell phorre,and a flashlight in to class..Teachstudentsthe flashlight

wr:rls watch and cell"phoneby saying the words as,youhold up each item' To Foil, sand, tape, Plast;c l
water bottles
teach students the word shadow,'shine the flashiight on an object in such a
Audio track 89
way as to createa shadow.Use a ruler to measurea desk to demonstrate
the D
- M v Eactivities:
Diqital nqlishLab
meaning of the lr''ord measure.
. Read the directions aloud. Then play Audio Track 89 and have studentslisten
oico:Rotvt t
and read.
I Name the items in random order and have students point
,,:er,,*n to them. Page 60 t
Answers on Page T1 48

ffi '.ri....rc crhlcslThinkingwhy d9 you like to know what time it is? Do

you ever not want to know the tlme t
Ask:When do you look ttta clock?Why? When do you.not want lo know
tirne?Why? w;hat woutdyou do if you didn't wake for schoolon time?

Lead studentsin a discussionabout people'sattitudes toward time.

Listen and iclentify studentswho are having dilficulty producing
who are not using a wide range of vocabulary'
& CircfeTfor true or Ftor false.
. Reviewthe meaningof true andfalsewith students.Havestudentscompiete
the activity independently.
ntt}ii'i** Review the ans*'ersas a class'(Answers:1' F, 2' F' i' T)
Help studeirtsread the statementsas needed.Guide them to the paragraph
where the answer is located. {
. Assign workbook page60 and direct studentsto digital activities.
. To help studentsunderstand how an hourglassworks, have them make sand
clocks.You may want to post and illustrate the directions on chart
. Provide groups of studentswith two small plastic water bottles. Have them fill
one bottie wiih sand and then cover the top with a small piece of heary-duty
aluminum foil. Have them tape the foil firmly in place'
. Nexr, have them poke a small hole in the aluminum foil with a sharp pencil. The
hole should allow sand to flow through'
. Then have stuclentsplace the empty bottle on the sand-filled bottle, neck to
turn the
neck. Have them tape the two boitles together. Finally, have students
bottles over. Help them time how long the sand takes to empty'

t -"'

T72 Unit 6

*&3ggY!VsS &ffcsrm-{,trp
To learn about clocks . studentsthe nursery rhyme "l'm a I.ittle cuckoo clockl'
around the world and
comparethem with I,m a little cuckoo clock.Tick tock,tick tock.Now it'sone oblock.cuckoo!
tnerr own
(continue with two through twelve otlock, cuckooing for each hour.)
. Have studentsmake up motions to perform as they sa,Ythe rhyme'
Conlen! Words
alarm clock,chime,
cuckoo clock,
grandfather clock,
penoulum e 6a Listenand read.
different parts
Ii Explain the lessonobjective-students will identify clocks from
2lst {enfury Skills of the world.
Display a world map or globe and help studentslocate Germany' Iapan'
Moteripls England, and the united states.Explain that people in different places
E l e c t r i ca n d w i n d - u P different kinds of clocks.
alarm clocks Readthe direcrionsaloud. Play Audio Track B10. As studentsread silently,
World map or globe
have them point to each Picture'
Drawing paper the
Audiotrack810 Encouragestudentsto guessthe meaning oi the Content words using
show them pictures or make simpie
Video (ActiveTeach) context Jf the reading.io assistthem,
d r a w i n g so n t h c b o a r d '
D i -qM y lEancgt ilvi si thi eLsa: b
(a IVhct
Ask questionsto check for understanding: What is a cuckoo? bird)
and music
doesi cuckooclockdo at the hour? (A bird comes out a little door
put money in it )
ptayr ; How rlo you stop the alarm clockfrom.lapan?.!\ou
you? (They tell what hour it is.)
what tlo the chimeson a grandfatherclocktell
*55191 Replaythe audio as needed and have studentslisten for content
Ii.ti[[ilci Have studentssharetheir olvn experienceswith alarm clocks'
idea for another
^al!11o- Have small groups of studentscome up withan
alarm clocklHow will it wake you up? Then have students report
their idea to the class.

- I F F 8

& t Ask and answerwith a Partner'

tl$ Comnunicofion
. Read the questionsaloud. Have pairs of studentseach take turns answering
the questions.
speak,listen fbr proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation'
'"" -" I As students
i and correct use oflanguage'
for students'
asr,er i With a volunteer' model asking and answering the questions

&pplicm?ismmsxdPrasfie* &{€;!t;?}r
they have
Have each student draw a picture of a clock they like. It can be one
anothei one they know about. Prompt them to write and
seenin the unit or
complete the sentence I like the clockbecause
Assist studentswith spelling and grammar as needed'
Have each student read his or her sentencealoud to the class'
Monitor for correct grammar, pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
of content vocabularY.
Have studentsview the Unit 6 documentary video segment.Use activities
have MyEnglishlab, assign the video segment as
gP the Video Guide. If students
homework for review.
C o m p a r i n gC l o c k s
3 ' r g i n a l a r mc l o c k s -
: r e c t r i ca n dw i n d - u p .
Jemonstratehow theY
..,'ork. Helpstudents
ccmpareand contrast
t h e mt o t h e t h r e e
clockson the page.

Unit 6 T73
W*rm*&$p &&39€?lvts
T o l e a r nt h e s o u ' : :
. Have studentsstand and show them how to wiggle their bodies. Have them say lor w and y
wiggle.Instruct studentsto wiggle each time vou say a word that begins with
To differentiate
/wl. Say: Watch.Clock.Wish. Walk. Wing. Dancer.Watermelon'Vet. Wake.Lunch. between the sou^c:
for w and y
. Have studentsmimic yawning. Have them sayyawn. Instruct studentsto act
like they are yawning each time you say a word that begins with lyl. Say:Yogurt. To learn words tha:
include the letters *
Yellow.Read. Yarn. Time. Yolk. Twelve.Yell. o r -e
To write words that
Fcg* ?& i n c l u d ew o r y

& 6a Listenand point.Say.

Explain the lessonobjective-students will identify and distinguish between Materislr
lhr*Lsf the soundsthat lv and 7 stand for. Studentswill aiso practice writing words Audio tracks811*813
with w and 7. Soundsand Letters
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track Bl1 and have studentslisten, Mirrors
point to the picture, and say the word. Drawingpaper
Display the Soundsand Letters Cards. lnvit6 two students to come up and Diqital activities:
hold the Letter Cards for rv and y. Replay the audio. Have the studentshold up o/corRoM
the cardswhen they hear the corresponding words. Repeatwith the Picture
Cards. @
Replaythe audio and have students rePeateach word and circle the w in the
Audio script on page
words in ltems 1*3. Then repeat,circling y in the words in Items 4-6. Observe r144
studentsand make sure they are focusing on the target letters. on pageT148

Y 6) tirt"n and write. Use the words in 18.

Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track Bl2. Have studentspoint to
the word that cornpleteseach sentence.Replay the audio, pausing after each
sentenceto aliow studentstime to fill in the blanks.

Walk around the classroom,monitoring spelling as studentscheck their work.
(Answers:1. wake,2. walk, 3. year,4. crayon,5. yogurt,6. shower)
Sayriddles for each picture in Activity 18 and have studentspoint to the
picture and saythe word. For example: This beginswith lwl . You useyour legs
to do this. This word r\mes with talk. (walk) This beginswith lyl. You eat it with
v..t tlrt.n and say. Underline w and y.
v* 6l
Read the directi<lnsaloud. Play Audio Track B13. Have students read silently.
Pair studentsand have them flnd and underline each w and y. To avoid
confusion. have studentsunderline the w words in one color and the y words
in another.
Have partners take turns reading each word with an underlined w or 7 aloud.
Listen for proper pronunciation.

u{-11!:o Have students sort the words in columns for beginning consonant
;: .{^):, sounds. Have them add other English words of their own with w
and;: to their lists.

. Assign Workbook page 6l and direct studentsto digital activities.

e 6$*?!p
€g&w &
&pp€**s?i*m*xsd Frcs*g$*e Pronouncing /w/
. Have studentsdraw a spider web on paper. Instruct them to write three words Provide students with
that begin with rv on the lines of the web. Next, have students draw a ball mirrors and have them
say wow Point out how
of yarn. Have them write three words that begin with / on the yarn. Have their lips start in a small
studentsread their six words aloud. circle, then open, then
r***r*ai Listen for correct pronunciation and model as needed. end with the small
circle again each time
*:rrsiI You may rvish to compile a classlist of w and y words as they share. they say /w/.

T74 Unit 6
^ n ! F e * r 6 r t F

. - c { e a r nt h e v a l u e o f
. Write severaiscenarioson index cards that are examplesof things studentsdo
D e r n go n t i m e
not want to be late for, such as latefot school,late-for o party' latefor a movie.
. Read a card aloud. Have one student volunteer to be late. Have the other
studentsact like they are at the activity. Send the volunteer out ofthe room and
2isi eentury Skllls
then have himlher come in "late." Haye the group act out what happens.
. ffiW Conmsnicsfion Ask: How dirl it feel to walk in late? What did younrlssjAsk
the class:How did it feel when (Sonia)came in lafe?Repeatwith other scenarios.
ndex cards
D ; ' a ' r i n gp a p e r
qonto^.6 cirinc
s,9i"1,.4cHave students draw pictures or use facial expressions to express
\ ..-, their feelings.
S e : { - s t i c kn o t e s
.l;dio track814
- ^ -^l --+i.,:+i^^.
J g !or olLrvrLrsr.
MyEnglishLab F*ge ?S
ffi 6) Listenand numberin order.Say.
Explain the lessonobjective-students lviil put eventsin order, talk about
being on time, and make a day book.
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track Bl4. Have studentsread silentiy.
Replay the audio and have students number the boxes to show the correct
order of events.

Review the answersas a class.(Answers:a. 3, b. 4, c. I, d. 2) Read the sentences
in order and have students repeat after vou.
.-,.-- Saytwo sentencesat a time to give the studentsa choice: Which doesshedo
1irrt.get dressedand eat breakflst or g€t io school on time?

& f"tt your partner how you get to school on time. Do the actions.
. Explain that the girl in Activity 21 fbllows three stepsto get to school on time.
Teli studentsto think about what stepsthey follow to get to school on time.
Have students sharetheir stepsrvith a partner, acting each one out.
for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
.,*,,,,".i As studentsrvork, listen
: correct use 01language.
next, and.last with students.Model using thesewords
,rr,*, I R.ui". the n'ordsfrst,
i to describevour own morning routine.

4k ruatea My Daybook.
. Tell students they will make a book that shows their daily schedule.Read the
directions aloud. Show studentshow to accordion-fold drawing paper into
t A t h t f { L ' i F four sections.Have studentscomplete Iheir My DrzTbooks independentiy.
Antonyms Have each student sharehis or her book.
: . : a - t o s t u d e n t st h a t who are having difficultl' coming up rvith
r*r;* i \\'alk around and identify students
: - a o c p o s l i e ,o r ideasfur their books.
:-::^,n, of on timeis
: : e . - c^.)^"
r d e r {^.
for i Have students make a Day Book that illustratestheir school schedule.
;: - ie-is to understand . Assign Workbook page62 and direct studentsto digital activities.
r- ^a^n- r^ a^ +n a+ c + aal ll l

:-.- . l r a ta m o v i e
: : : . s a t 4 : 0 0 .S e ta &ppdicx?i** effid Pfl#*tisc &reiviry
" : : \ r a c et o J : ) / . . Write the following sentenceson sentencestrips: lgef uP at -. I eat
- 3 , . , ea v o l u n t e e r
3-'ve at the movie breakfastat -. Schoolstartsat I eot lunch at ---. Schoolends
: ^ e a t e r . "H a v e s t u d e n t s ttt -. I ga to bed at -.
:e.ti{y whetherhe/she . Distribute one sentenceto each of six students.Have them complete the
: c n t i m eo r l a t e .T h e n
s e :t h e c l o c kf o r 4 : 1 0 sentenceby writing the appropriate time on a self-stick note and put it on the
nd have a different sentencestrip. Have students stand and arrange themselvesin order. Have the
- : r d e n t " a r r i v ea t t h e classread the sentencesaioud together.Remove the self-stick notes and repeat
ove theater." Have until every student has had a chanceto participate.
rvhetherhe/sheis on
:imeor late.

Unit6 T75
&*i?{*mEs t
USwrxx*Up Students can name
. Have each student write true andfalse on cards' and identify differe': I
times in the day.
. Read a seriesofsentencesabout a tlpical school scheduleand have students
Schoolstartsat Students can talk
respond that the sentenceis either i*" o. false.For example, say: about what theY do
(true) We have math at
class 7:00.(false)
<:Ob.(false) We eat lunch at I l:30. during the daY.

Ssingfcge ?& C
& n"y the SillYSentencesgame' lndex cards
participate in a game about daily
. ".-."-I Explain the lessonobjective-students will
Dioiial activities:
i u.tiuities to talk about what they normally do in a day'
. Divide the classinto groups of four students.Read the directions aloud'
. Have studentswrite various times on eight cards and daily activities on
different cards.
Model how to play the game'showing studentshow to take turns
indicating whether the sentenceis true or silly' 3e.
and reading ,"',1.n.", ind
that "silly;is more than just wrong. Something that's
sure studentsunderstand
"silly" does not make sensefor the situation'

as: We don't eat

^ay.l3,.q-Have these students say complete sentences,such
" lunch at nine o1lock, Or-We
stilyt eat lunch at elevenoLlack.
Circuiate,listening for correct vocabulary use,proPer pronunciation'
Model saying sentencescorrectly and have studentsrepeat after

&ppiiexri*n cxs?d Frsrtice &€?ivi?Y

. Have studentsdivide a sheetof drawing paper in half. Have each selectone
siliy sentencefrom ActivitY 24.
. On one half of the paper,have studentsillustrate the siily sentence,including
half, havethem make a true version
wall clock in their dri*ings. On the other
of the sentenceby changing the time on the clock'
drawings: one
Have studentssharewith a partner two sentencesabout their
silly and one true.
adapt the model
Circulate, checking that studentsuse correct vocabulary and
expressionsfrom the text'
students can
Instead of changing the time on the clock in the seconddrar,ving,
changethe drawing to be correct for that time'

Giving StudentsTime
When askinga
questionof students,
qive them time to thin
5{ their answer.Nlot
only do they need to
think of the answerto
the question,but theY
alsohaveto think hou
t o a n s w e ri n E n g l i s h .
Pausingafter askinga
studentsextratlme tc
formulatean answer'

T76 Unit 6
sffigs W*rm-&$p
S:rdents can name . Write the following phraseshorizontally on the board at students'eye,level eat
. ' c r d e n t i f yt i m e s o n a
breakfast,ga homefrom school,ga to bed. Give a clock face to three students set at
S:rdents can use the 7:0A,3:00, and 9:0a,but studentsdo not look at the time.
. ercs doldoes. . Have students go to the board as fast as possibleand stand by an activity.
Studentslook a1their clocks and complete sentenceframes, naming the activity
on the board and the time on their clocks:I -at -.
2lst Ceni*ry$killl . For each sentence,have the classrespond with a thumbs-up if the senten?eis
Self-Direction is silly.
true and a thumbs-down if the sentence
l'lolericis . Continue wlth other daily acrivitiesand clocks.
Tn ot nrnar tr rho

\"iee's neckties
ucrns t,6g€ ,J
n.^i.^l --r:.,1+i^-.
S{ look and write the time.
u q Lor oLLrvrLrsJ.
It{v*rsr Read the directions aloud. Have studentscomplete the activify independently.
Reviewthe answersas a ciass.(Answers:1. 1:00,2. j:00, 3.6:00,4.7:00,5' 10:00,
wBr 6. l2:00)
P a g e6 3
g Circle.
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 B
Instruct studentsto read each sentencewith the two answer choices.Complete
the first one as a class.Have studentswork independently.As needed,help
with the reading of the sentences.
ft*ftligF Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. does,2. do, 3. does,4. do)

Have studentslook at the clocks in Activity 25 to chooseone that couid
answer each question.

Y# Write-
Tell studentsto write a sentencein responseto each question.

Make sure studentshave given logical answers.Check their vocabulary,
spelling and sentencestructure.
&91t51 Model an answer for question l.I get dressedat eightoblock'

. re Seff-DireCfionThis section asksstudentsto assesstheir own learning and
reflect on their progress.Read the statementsaloud. Explain that students
should check the boxes if they can do the activities.Help studentsappreciate
their progress. Say:The 1 Can statementspoint out what you havelearnedin this
. Assign Workbook page 63 and direct studentsto digital activities'

I i 'GP
T e t l i n gT i m eb e y o n d
. Havestudents Providea toiletpapertubeto useasa
roleplaya TV lnterview.
: " r en o u r pretend microphone and a tied men'snecktie to wear.
i ' : a n t o s t u d e n t tsh a t . Assign one student to be a TV reporter. Have that student wear the tie, hold
: ,J
;r -J - ^ . J ^ , . ^ ^ {
rrrous uP vr the and read the questionsin Activity 27 for the interviewee to
: ' : ' v m i n u t e s .H a v e
answer.Have the "reporter" report the ansrversto the classusing the pronouns
- ^ g t € sa n d m o v e a he and she and correct verbs.
- iute handto the 2 . Then have studentsswitch roles and rePeat.
: ' a c l o c kf a c e .
lcntinue aroundthe
. Have studentsplay the Unit 6 Game 2 on ActiveTeach'
: ock, to reinforce . Have students review the unit 6 dramatic video segment.use video Guide
:3unting by tens (from activities.If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
;nlt 2).Show how to
w r i t et h e t i m e s 1 r 1 0 , homework for further review
1 : 2 0 ,1 : 3 0 ,e t c .
Progressto teaching
tho drr2r+6r hnrrr<

Unit6 T77
We:rm*&,$gs *&*g€?!uEs
T o s e l { - a s s e s sc o - - : ' :
. Have studentscreateword jumbles to reviell'key vocabulary from Units 4*6' w i t h k e y l a n g u a c e: : '
Have each student choosea word, write its letters on separateindex cards, Units 4-6
shuffle the cards,and clip them together'
. Have studentsexchangecard setsand rearrangethe cards to spell the word.
Ilst {e*tury $kiils
&lsingPc6efffi SellDirection

& fninl aboutit. Lookand circle.Practice. fficferisls

Explain the lessonobjective-students will say how well they can use what
they learnedin Units 4-6.
Read the directions aloud. Have students point to the face icons at the top of markers
the pageas you read the descriptions aloud. World map
Have studentsLlsea colored marker to compiete the exercise.T'hey rviil choose Audio tracks A49, 464
a different coior when they review this list at the end of the Checkpoint.
Follow the suggestionsbelow to review the key languagein the unit. Check to For more inforrnation
i***lt{lE seehow weii itudents are able to use the language.Remind studentsthat they about using
will be askedto assesstheir own abiiities. Checkpoints, see
page x.
Encouragestudentsto turn to the page referenceslvhen they need additional
support or to retieshtheir melnories.
Placeson a map (page43) -
ReplayAudio liack A49. Have student teams work together to draw a map
thal inciudes the streetsand placesnamed. lnvite students to compare their
maps with the map on page 43. Then say:Circletheface that tellsif you can
flLrneplacesoil d maP,
North, south, east, west {page 48)
Display a world map. Play WhereAm i? One student thinks of a city or
country. Other studentsguesspiacesand the student gives direction clues
until they find the place.Model Are you in Nlexico?No,go north. Are you in tlze
United States? No,I am north of the {JnitedStates.Are you in Canada?Yes.Then
say:Circlethe facethat tellsif you knou, the words north, south, east,arrd west.
|obs (page 55)
ReplayAudio Track A64 to review job names.Then have studentsplay
Ciaradesb,vacting out the jobs on page 55. {SeeGameBank, pageT134, lbr
details.)Then say: Circlethe facethat tellsif you can name.iobs.
Time (pages67)
Have studentstake turns moving the hour hand on a cardboard ciock and ?gp
asking their partner to say what time is shown. Then say: Circletheface that ffi seK-Dtredton
tellsif you can name times. Remindstudentsthat
Want to/Wants to (page47) t h e g o a lo f t h i s
C h e c k p o i nits t o t h i n k
Ask: ll&at do you want to do? Atter students answer,have other students about how well they
report each other's responses.Ask What doeshelshewant to do? know the information
{rom Units4-6. Make
Is there?/1r?s,there is.lNo, there isn t. (page 47) surethat studentsare
Have studentsuse the map on page 43 to ask and answer questions.Model: Is comfortablecircling
therea computerstoreon Main Street?Yes,there is. iconsthat showthat
they need more help
What do you want to be? (page 59) to understandand
Ask:l{hst do you want to bel Hfter students answer,have other students
a n d v o c a b u l a r yS.a y :
report each other'.sresponse.Ask: What doeshe/shewant to be? Thereare no right or
W h e n d o . . . ? / W h e n d o e s . .. ? ( P a g e7 f ) wranq answerson this
oaael Circle the faces
Write thesesentencetiames on the board: lVhen do ? Whendoes show how you feel.
-? Have studentsfili in the frames to createquestions,and then Thtspage will help us
provide answers.lr{odel: When doesschoolend?Schoolendsat 3:A0. find out whatyou know
well and what we
should study more.

T78 CheckpointUnits4-6

. Write thesewords on the board: artist,mail carrier,teacher.lnvite student pairs
to createskits that use one of theservords. Have them sharetheir skits with the
class.After they tinish watching, students should say which of the words they
heard in the skit.
2lst CenturySleill* . *S lechnology lilerocy If a video camera is available,allow studentsto record
-:"rology Literacy their skits and play the videos for the classrather than perform the skits iive.
I)iscuss how to make a clear video. Remind studentsto rehearsebefore thGy
record, speakloudly and clearly,and try to eliminate background noisesthat
. ieo camera (optional) might confuse listeners.Studentscan also discusscamera anglesand lighting.
: - t i c t r a c kB 1 5


ffi 6D Getready.
I Explain the lessonobjective-students will pr,t together what they learned in
,rr*,0,i Uritr 4-6. fhey will complete a dialogue and then talk about what they want
Io be.
. lr;";rt&: Readthe directionsand namesin the dialoguealoud.
. Ask volunteers to read Chad and Lydias first lines aloud. Ask: What does
jcbs in the box matchesLydia's
4,dia like fo doi (walk, be outside) Which o.fthe
description? (mail carrier)
Ilave studentscomplete Part A individually.
Play Audio Track B15 twice. First,havestudentsfocus on listening
comprehension.Then, have them check to seeif they completed the dialogue
correctly. (Answer:1. mail carrier,2. artist, 3. teacher)
Ask students to explain the clues they used to complete the dialogue. Model:
Lytlias sisterlikesto drqw. Shedraws pictures all the time. So she u'ants to be art

oal1l1-eoHave students extend Chad and Lydia's conYersation. Say They

, y' "' might talk about Chadi brother and sister'What do they want to be?
Why? Allow students to share their new dialogues with the class'

f .:;"t *. Read the directions with students.Ask voiunteers to read the speech
bubbles aloud. Then have partners ask and answer questionsabout what they
want to be. Point out that they may want to talk about the jobs on page 55.

for studentsto complete as they talk I

e1!tt1,n- Write these sentenceframes
\ ,'-r want to be a -.1like -.

i::lli|*t Check for correct useoflanguageas studentsask and answerquestions.

s:ttl I Provide studentswith names for jobs not shon'n on page 55.
Ask studentsto sharetheir partner! answerswith the class.Model: Amalia
t{11ti{l;{it Iikesmusic.She singssongsin the car,ot home,dnd on theplayground.Shewants
lo be a singer.

CheckpointUnits 4-6 T79

&&39 €?l v Es t
lldcrm-lJp To match questrols
readthe cards
. Havestudentspreviewthe cutoutson Page125'Havestudents and answers
anddiscussthe meanings. To ask and answer
(The questions about
times'Model: Whattimedoesthemoviestart?
. Ask questionsto revlew
ti*t does (The bookstoreclosesat
places on a maP c
moviestartsat 7:00.)
8:00.)Modeltimesusinga cardboardclock'
llrr pnturY $kills
{,!eingPeg* 88 Media LiteracY L
& Get set.
and match cards and then talk
. ,, fSoterls!*
Cutouts on Page "125
,-*Otuin.thelessonobjective-students will mix
,*rr* I Cardboardclock
about places0n a maP. L
Read the directions and stepsaloud' Orangeand blue
Have studentscut out the cards on page 125' constructionPaPer t
cards in separatepiles after they
***o** check that studentskeep the orange and blue
I l *i" tf"t"* up. This will help them frnd
matching cards more quickly' t
& cot you w.illpick o'ong:
. frart A: Read the directions with students' Say: First' 1: ,.
your partner will ptck a ,lue cara' tr
card.It sayswhat someonewanls to do. Then E
sayswhere ona *nrr'ioirthing happens. Readthe two cards togetherto seeif they
to.eatlunch' The
. Model picking two cards that do not match: My moywants
moviestartsot Z,oO.-itit Wny Aon't thesecards match? (Eating lunch and-going ,t
Then show the card that matches with what
to a movie ,,,o,.o,"""tttd')
mom wants"r" to do. (The restaurantopens at 12:00') E

Check that studentsmatch cards correctly'

it '.P'l::: mdnight?
Say:The restaurcmtopensat 12:00'Do you think :1"^:or
at noon' A restaurant might close at midnight'
but it is not likely to open at that time')

card sets for the g"T" flo.-

'--dr9!ce- Have students create additional
i: ;;8;;;ttlue
- -''-;r paper.orangecards.should.name
.orrr.it i.,g thatsomeone wants to do.Bluecardsshouldgive a

information about where they will do it'

F a r t B : R e a d t h e d i r e c t i o n s a l o u d ' I n v i t e v o l u n t e e r s t o r e a d t h e s p e e c (train
placesdo you seeon the,mapi
bubbles and street num"l uloud. Ask:what
gas station' movie theater'
station, bookstore,post office, computer store'
restaurant,suPermarKet, ?€&&M l rYEp
finding and naming the
Have partners take turns choosing a blue card and ffi n"a,oLtterory
on th"e card. Ask: Where's the gasstation?(It's on Havestudents
location of the place
""*"a comparethe street
Main Street.)
m a p so n P a g e s4 3 , 4 6 ,
Checkstudents'vocabulary,grammar'andpronunciationastheydescribeand and 80. Ask: What do
match cards. all o{ these maqshave
in common?(TheYall
Helpstudentsreadthemap.Askthemtopointtothefrontofeachbuilding showstreetnames;
i5tlsl faces'
it"" point to the name of the street that building they show Placesin
"ni some places.are' Model: diffLrenttowns.)How
Tell studentsthey can name corners to tell where
arethev dif{erent?
{ttr,*tti&{ Where\thebookstore?It,sonthecornerofMainstreetandMapleStreet.Have (Answersinclude:Each
studentsgive the locationsofplaceson corners' mao namesPlaces
differentlv'The Places
on the mip on Page43
a r e n u m b e r e do; n
o a o e4 6 t h e y a r e
iab-eled with-words;on
page 80 theY are not

T80 CheckpointUnits4*6
0&3K€Y6ld*S Wcnaxt-*3p
To write a journal entry . Take a class survey. Ask What cloyou want to be?Have each student write down
To reassesscomfort their answer.Then have studentslook for others with the same answer and have
with key language for
Jnits 4*6 them stand together.Write job names on the board and invite studentsto line
up in front of theselabelsto createa life-size pictograph showing the survey

2lst (entalrySttills . re Informofion literocy Have students draw pictographs or bar graphs to
lnformation Literacy show the resultsof the survey.Remind students to include labels so that ftaders
Sel{-Direction wiil understand the information in the graph. Allow studentsto display and
explain their comPletedgraPhs.
inlnrcrl nenril<
-arKers, or crayons FmgeS3
I . q- Vt yaE
l ancgtliivsiht iLeasb:
ffi Write or draw.
Explain the lessonobjectives-students will write a journal entry about
.E 1t{**r.*l themselves.Then they will look back at Units 4-6 again and think about how
P a g e s6 4 - 6 5 well they can use what they learned.
irsu;ers on page T148 Read the directions and journal title with students.Then invite volunteersto
read the journal questionsaloud.
Have students complete the journal page independently.Provide studentswith
additional paper as needed.
. Invite studentsto read their All About Me entrtesaloud and compare them
with their classmates'journal entries.
*urr** | Check students'writing for correct use of language.

**9i!1',. Provide these sentencestartersto help studentswho chooseto

\ write rather than draw: / want ta be -. I go to school at
-. My schoolis on -. I do my homework at -.

. Sugg"tt that students look at page 55 to review job names and page 67 to
I review time words.
. Write the addressof your school on the board to help studentswho do not
know the name of the street on which it is located.

& rnint aboutit.

with students.
. F*rt A: Readthedirections
. w turn to page78andthinkabouteachof
the categoriesagain. Remind students to take their time to think about each
categorycarefully.Suggestthat they look at the pageslisted as they review
: q ( H r t i 6T I P their skills.
-: -: Checkpoint
that students use a new coior pencil or marker as they reassess
t**!ri*fri Make sure
i understanding and use of each checklist item.
- : : - : e , a u a t i o n so f
n:srsrI Use the teachi"ngsuggestionsfor page 78 to help studentsassesseach skill.
oraJ /aacv/

: ' : ' - ' ^ c r f u n )c a n . Parl S: Read the directions. Say:Cfueckthe box orboxes that tellhow youfeel
.=.:- rsightinto about Units 4-6.
?--:=-:s reactronsto
. :: :-: :f-- activities. & n"t" this Checkpoint. Color the stars'
:-::. :=, ',,' ,: nneel ir r a nnSsW
w eerrSst O
- -^^-^^.^d . Read the directions aloud. Tell studentsthat they will color two stars.Say:
- :: .
a:e them as they r'irst,you will say if the checkpoint wetseasyor hard. Then you will say if it was
,:^: ^re to review Jun or notfun.
- - :s 4-6 and move on . Have studentscomplete the rating individuaily.
: : .:^^^ e ^n^ e. , +x, t. u. : n
.. +^
- : - s i d e rw h e t h e r . Assign Workbook pages64-65 and direct studentsto digital activities.
:' ronia ronrrire

: : d r t i o n a la s s i s t a n c e ,
r e e p e r c h a l l e n g e so, r
. - l o r ei n s p i r i n g
: ctivities.

CheckpointUnits4*6 T81
..rll.:: :;:t'.,;;t::,



ffik$***&wffis tt
W*xwbxx*wry €mxxrxssfXssxs
€*m?sss* t
. Science:To read about foods that
. To name food and drink items
make healthysnacks
r Geography: To read about where
Recding t-
different fruits come from
. To identify details in a story ("Do You
Like Fruit?") t=
. To use reading strategiesto
comPrehendand aPpreciatea story
. To read and say words that begin e
with h and j
&r*ssxs*a*r E
. To use the verb forms do/don't like
. To learn how to choosehealthyfoods
and does/doesn't like

. To make a "HealthySnacks"collage €


bananas potatoes OK, kids. t

spaghetti t
5drL \
I.1 water
watermelons {
l l(


,,:;l T
fnmu ilm il il mm fnfn_

fSw€mr$w$s ffiffi*mwr&s9$w$s$ws
StudentBook,Unil7 f,,
-l Main unit, pages 82-93 Swm&$v
€wmm*s9$ms* irrr'.

. : StudentBookAudio CD,
Have studentsmake a list of their f.
f a v o r i t e f o o d s w i t h t h e i r f a m i l y ' sh e l p . ll:,
H a v e s t u d e n t s s h a r e t h e i r l i s t sw i t h t h e
, I Mainunit,pages66-75
c l a s sa n d h e l p t h e m t r a n s l a t ei t e m s
i n t o E n g l i s h ,i f n e e d e d . H a v e s t u d e n t s
Extragrammarpractice,page 104 save their lists to use with activities ll
throughout the unit.
, WorkbookAudio CD,

Assessmenl Pockoge
Practicetest, pages 54-55
Unittest, pages56-57
Oral assessment, pages58-59
- r ExamViewoAssessmentSuite ffiwwr$
S**d w*d #r$m&
AddirionclMmericls Labelsectionsof a bulletinboard with
P i c t u r eC a r d s 1 1 6 - 1 2 4 categories,such as fruits, vegetables,
P o s t e r s :U n i t 7 P o s t e r .
snacks,and drinks.Havestudentscut
out picturesof foods and drinksthey
Units 7-9 Grammar Poster
likefrom magazineor supermarket ads.
V i d e o ( A c t i v e T e a c h ) ,U n i t 7 Help studentsplacethe picturesin the
D i g i t a l a c t i v i t i e s( M y E n g l i s h L a bo r appropriatecategories.Havestudentslabel
C D - R O M ) ,U n i t 7 the foods they know.As studentslearn
morefood namesthroughoutthe unit,have
them add the labelsand new picturesto the

.',f il,e
Li"r.n onO reod- Point md sdy
l*ii$,.ia*enaod.**d.?hen;ins. ffi
mffi ffiY:*

q- &4<t "'&' # t
F:fifili-". D
wi?$il;*=,-', *l ry. l

.i! ,"* o, 2. Lislen Ask ond omwel

Whol do I sa.1 son€ .c.ooos
yr! wdnl" ond 3ofre Yogrrr'
1&imrmx*€,5p e
. Put the PictureCardsfor bananas, tomatoes, in a lunch bagor lunchbox Set
a clockor clockfaceto the time your classeatslunch' t
(we lunch')
. Ask: what timelslr?(twelveo'clock)what do wedo at twelvea'clock? eat
. Hold up your lunchbagand ask:what\ for lunch?one by one,showeachPicture
havestudentsidentif it to answerthe question' t
. Let volunteerstaketurns choosingfour Picturecards to put in the lunch bag
io eatoid.ink for lunch.Each time ask:Wlrat's
for lunch?
"r." i"i"t E
{}s!ngFeges 8Z*&'.

e 6a Listenand read. Then sing'

a songand talk aboutdifferentkinds of food'
.. -.".-I Explainthe lessonobjective-studentswill sing
I *ni thinesto drink.
816' Havestudents
. Readtheiirections aloud.Displaythe unit Posterand playAudio Track
follou' along silentll'.
Replavthe auclio.Have studentssing along'
lunch?(twelve o'clock) What is she
Ask questionsto check understanding' Ask: What time is
tomatoes,potatoes,carrots, corn, chicken, cheese'a
i"tiig y"r/,ncfo? (She'seating bananas,
sandi"ich, and pie.) What is shedrinking?(lemonade)
explain unfamiliar vocabulary or to
Replaythe audio as needed,stopping.aftereach verse to
repeai *ords that studentsmay need heip pronouncing'
food naired in their verse as they sing aiong'
"otirig "u.h
e 6a Listenand read'Pointand saY'
as needed'
. Read each food worcl aloud and have students repeat.Help with pronunciation
to each food or drink
. Read the directions. play Audio Tiack ts17.As studentsiisten, point
and repeat as you listen
the words in random order. Have students point to each word
i'ftr'lti?I Read
i for correct pronunciation.

T82 Unit7
&&*&€xEw g$
e 6) Listenand write.
To talk about food
. Revie'wthe names of the foods in Activity 2. and drink
. Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track B18. Pauseafter each sentence To use food and drink
words in sentences
and have studentsrepeat.
. CornpleteItem I as a class. To sing a song

Have studentscomplete the sentencesindependently.

Review the answerswith students.(Answers:1. bQnana,2.carrot,j. spaghetti, C
Xey lJaxcbulnry
4. yogurt)
Nouns: bananas,carrots,
$tniri Replaythe audio as necessary. cheese.chicken,

ry 6D loot at 2. Listen. Ask and answer.

Piay Audio Track 819. Have studentschorally read the dialogue.
Then have partners practice the dialogue. Have each partner choosetwo items

from Activity 2 to use in their answer to the question: What do you want? Unit Poster
Listen for proper pronunciation) appropriate intonation, and correct use PictureCards 116-124
-!!*ii ilcp of language.Check to make sure that studentsare using plural nouns and Lunchbag or lunchbox
n o n c o u n tn o u n sc o r r e c t l \ ' . White paper plates
. Assign Workbook pages66-57 and direct students to digital activities. Crayonsor markers
Audio tracks816-818,
&ppli*x?!*rc arxd Fnme?{ee
&{t*!r*ty 864
Digital activities:
Give each student a plain white paper plate. Explain that they will use the MyEnglishLab
items in Activity 2 to illustrate a meal on the plate. or CD-ROM
Once studentshave drawn their meals,have them label each item. lwBl
Have studentsrole-play eating a meal together.Have each student, in turn, Pages66-67
Iook at the "meal" and tell the group rvhat he or she is eating. Answerson page T148
As studentswork, Iisten for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
correctuseof language.

oauo'":n,Allow studentsto include other foods than those pictured in

y' ' Activity 2. Suggestthat they illustrate their lunch today.

Divide studentsinto groups of five io role-play customersordering and

rvaiterstaking orders at a restaurant.Have the waiter ask: What do you want to
order?Each student placeshis or her order, and the waiter writes it down.
Have studentsplay the Unit 7 Game I on ActiveTeach.

Categorizing, or
groupingh , elps
studentsto organize
and better understand
itselfto categorizing.
or sorting.For
sort food items by
food groups,colors,or
thosefoods students

Unit7 T83
r$ tiste* ond re*d.
'1"" -.':-".'-.''--- "-
&6 S8{'*I'ike rr{li*?
I :rs q o crock.ellie x*
! t

1.& on.i."-'j.i::

r& eiiele tr for lrte or F for folse"

/q\ 1. Ailie likes{r!i1. T F
$ 1.1 2. Allie wonls o bonono T F
\ 'w t
3, Alli€ wonls o mongo. T F
It.A,l.F Lerp e. T F

'e.J r,&,1, atl onei onswar with o Portner'

,,k."r l, Whor fr!i1s cio you ike?
2. Whor snocks.io you like?When cio you llke lo eor lhem?

in a list on the board'
. Ask studentswhat snackthey like to have.Recordtheir responses
studentstalk aboutthe
. Pointto eachsnackand havestudentsvoteon their favoriteone' Have

lJringPcge* S4-St

e 6;t Listen and read'

to and reada storx answerquestionsabout
,..--1 Explainthelessonobjective-studentswill listen
' it. arrdthendiscussideasrelatedto it'
seein eachstoryframe.Ask: who doyou thilk the.se twopeople
. Havestudentstell $,hatthey 'g."tadaughter)
Help them namethe room where the characters
are?(ag.unafutir..urJ nit
*r", urri describefurnitureor objectsthey recognizein it'
that.thisstoryis about
. Pointto and readthe storytitle aloud.Pointto eachcharacter'Explain
Elicit that the grandfatheris offeringhis granddaughter
a grandfathe,
a snack.
mean the same|h\ng: Do yott want
Help studentsunclerstandthat thesetwo questions
objectsto.studentsin the class'
a banana?/ How aboutibanana? Practiceoffering
they mean the same thing'
interchangingtheseexpressionsso they seethat
Write the wordy'rlf on the board
Remind stu{elts aboui the concept of groups or categories'
and write a few on the board under
and underline it. Elicit names of fiuit fio* itt. studeits
Elicit fron volunteers other categories
the heading. Say:Fruitl-, th, nr*, of a categoryoffood.
o[ lood. such as vegetables'
studentslisten and follow along'
Readthe directions aloud. Play Audlo Track 820. Have
Attiecloat four,oLlock?(Shehas a snack')
Ask questionsto check for understanding: what does
(No, she doesnt') What doesAllie
DoesAllietikefruit? f v.t, rh" Joes.) Does-ihe like bananas?
in complete senlences.
,"r,7"1 lrr, ,iack? (A1liewants pie.) Have studentsanswer
frame to review vocabularv and
Replaythe audio as needed.Pausethe audio after each
Remind studentsabout food categories.Ask: what food cream'
(frui0 whitJbodcategarydothese ice
{il&lllitet sr,;oir,-apple,orange. "':!,t
f;;#;li;;hii;;ppl. pieis maie irom fruit,apple pie is a dessert!

T84 Unit 7

4 & Circfe T for true or F tor false.
I Readthe directioirs a1oud.Call on volunteers to read each statementfor the
To read unit language
in context
4 class.Read the first statementagain. Ask: DoesAllie likefruit? (yes) Say:Allle To read for
likesfruit so this statementis "true."Circlethe T for "true."H,xplainthat if the understanding and
4 statementwas
doesnot like fruiti'then it wouid be untrue or false.Make enJoyment

sure studentsunderstand that F stands for "falsel' To recognize story

4 Have pairs complete the activity independentiy.
To relate tdt to
Reviewthe answersas a class.(Answers:1.7,2. F , 3. F,4. 7-)
4 $*i.,*fs* students' own lives

Read the story again, frame by frame. After each relevant frame, read the
4 *tt!s3
statementfrom the activity. For example,after reading Frame 2, say:1. Allie
Iikesfruit. Tell studentsto nod their heads"ves" if the statementis true, and Xey V*cubulcry

a shaketheir heads"no'iithe statementis not true or false.Continue with the

rest r:f the story, stopping to ask about each statement.
mango(es), pie,
4 Give studentsextrapracticeidentifuing statementsthat aretrue or
, \.*,L false.ShowPictureCardsand maketrue or falsestatementsabout
4 them. For example,showthe card for a r€d appleand say:Thls 31sf€*xfury $ki!!s
appleisgreen (false)Continue until studentsarecomfortablewith
4 the concept.

4 & .l,:ii.lffi Corruniccllon Askand answerwith a partner.

Preparestudentsfor the task by asking them questions.Write the u'ords/rulr
4 and snackson the board. Elicit fruits and snacksthat studentslike and write
Audio track 820
Video (ActiveTeach)
them on the board. Encouragestudentsto tell you how to spell each word.
4 Pair studentsand have them ask each other the questions.
Diqital activities:
4 As partners answer,listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation,
and correct use oi language. @
a Model changing the sentencesin Activity 6 into questions.Demonstrate
Answerson page T148
:iltil changingAllie likesto DoesAllie like to form a question:Allie likesfruit.
4 becomesDoesAllie likefruit? $ammery
Assign \\brkbook page 68 and direct students to digital activities. Grandpaoffers,Allie a
4 snack.'She saysshe likes
fruit but turns down
*ppliesf!*er efid Prs*ice &ef*wi?y bananasand manqoes.
4 . lv{akea poster of a chart with four columns. Write the color words yellow,
Allie would like to-have
apple pie. Shepoints
orange,red, andpurple at the top of the columns. out that applesare fruit.
4 . Have studentsname tiuits and tell you which column to list them in. If
4 needed,provide pictures from food magazinesof different fruits, such as
bananas,mangoes,apples,pineapples,strawberries,lemons,grapet watermelons,
orongeLand other fruits studentsare familiar with. Remind studentsto use
4 this expressionif thel'don't know how to say a word in English: How do you
4? sav in Enslish?
. Display the chart throughout the unit and have students add to it as they learn
x g & € * * g $?{$&p
4 the namesof additional fruits.
Asking How to Say a
Check to seethat studentsrinderstand the words you have included on the
Word in English
4 poster by asking: Do you like (pineapple)?
Studentsmay want to
Have studentsvielv the Unit 7 dramatic video segment.If students have saythe nameof a
4 MyEnglishl,ab, assignthe video segment as homervork for review. f o o d , e s p e c i a l lay l o c a l
f o o d , b u t t h e yd o n ' t
know how to sayit in
4, E n g l i s hT. e a c ht h i s
expression:How do
4 vou sav
English?After you

4 studentsto follow up
with this question:How
2-L-, do you spellthat?

< Unit 7 T85


&st&*Y8W€S !
llfatm-13p To act out a dialogue
([Letter'])My name is with a partner
' Have studentssit in a circle and teach them the chant: I
([namethat begins ,rri'irrirrii-t io^, fro* (fplacethat.begins To use unit language
I sell(ffoodthatbeginswiin tiit*l;' f'achsttt<ltntcompletes chantwith
the in context

different letter of the alPhabet'

B: A' fubtname is Ana' I come
. Begin by modeling the chant for the letters A and
apples'B' My name is Bruno' I comefrom Baja XeylosshulsrY
front Aguascalientes,o"i t tat Nouns:carrots,cheese,
California,and I sellbananas' chicken,dinner,
order and giving each student ootatoeS,5nacK,
. Go around the circle, using letters in alphabetical ipaghetti, strawberries,
as I and K'
u tr'rrn. Skip any letters thai do not apply' such strawberrY,Yogun

F*ge S&
&$*img Unit 7 Stickers
Audio tracks 821-822
& 6) titt"n and say.
role-play a.conversationwith a StudentBookaudio
I Explain the lessonobjective-students will script,pageT136
llrr*lvl the stickers'
I pui,n., and listen to conversationsand match Diqital activities:
studentswill listen to a dialogue'
Read the clirectionsaloud and explain that
play Audio Track 821 ,*J." rr,"'nrst time, have studentslisten and read "/cD:Rov
silently.The secondt;;,;;;; the audio from time to time so that students

can repeatwhat theY hear' Page69

Dina' Have them read the Audio scriPton Page
Assisn volunteersthe roles of lefl Amy' and Ti44
d i a l J g u ea l o u d . Answerson PageT148
of cheese)WhQtdoesDina like?
t1*r{llst of cheese)\{hat doesAiy want? (two pleces
(cheese)What doeseveryoneget?(two piecesot cheeseJ

& Work with a partner- Look at 8' Role-play'

roles and repeat'
read through onl" ti*., have them switch
appropriate intonation' and
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation'
correctuseof language.
i55l:1 cheese'
ifrir .ttptt"tis"shotn'sthai Dina also likes

ry 6) titt"n. Stick. Write the number'

Read the directions aloud' Play Audio Track
822 and pauseit at the end of
the stickers'
Replaythe audio as neededas studentsplace
the pictures'
Repiaythe audio and have studentsnumber
studentshave correctly placed
Walk around the room and check to seethat
itc'.!ieq (Answers:1' 2' 3' 4)
stickersand numbereJ the pictures correctly'
to digital activities'
Assign Workbook page69 and direct students

s*d Prssglce,&etlvity
on the page'(cheese'
. Havestudentsasa class,find and identifyail the lbod
yagurt)iist the foodson the board'
. Havestudentscometo the boardone at a time and select
dialogue with student I
s:Areyouhyng.ry? I am l
Conductthefcrllowing ,Y.es'
Great! like([student\
ti, ir* lii*,aunt\ ,etTrtidi"\an I
appropriate intonation' and
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation'
c o r r e c tu s eo f l a n g u a g e '

T86 Unit 7

f 5ig*Ygwg$ $Ssr'*x-#p
rse the verbs do/ . Have each student write yes,I do. on the front of an index card and No,I don't.
i3n't /ikeand doesl
:cesn't like on the back.
. Hold up a Picture Card of a food, such as strawberries.Ask Do you like
strawberries?Have studentsvote by holding up their answer on the card.

+ Her See*leciary
. Then have studentswho voted 7esstand and say in unison: Yes,I do. Next, have
studentswho voted no stand and say in unison: lllo,I don't.
4 iruit,mangoes,
cineapple, strawberr;es,
. Continue with pictures of other foods.
Yegetables, yogurt
A liri {**?xry $ki[|*

Communication ffi look. Write.
Explain the lessonobjective-students will use the verbs do/doesin questions
fr'!af*ria;s "- "
4 Units7-9 Grammar
, rr ith like and tlo/doesand don't/doesn'tin answers.
Poster . Have students read the questionsand answersin the grammar box aloud after
4 P i c t u r eC a r d s 1 1 6 - 1 2 4 vou. Explain that don't is a contraction for do not, arrddoesn'tis a contraction
is used
Index cards for doesnot. Point out that do/don't is used with l/they, and does/doesru'f
4 Pictures of food from
m a g a z i n e sa n d f l y e r s
with he/she.
Review pronunciation of the contractions with students, while
4 Glue "a9r.t!1ao
r.\*,1 pointing to the words on the Units 7-9 Grammar Poster.
C o n s t r u c t i o np a p e r
4 ni^i+^l ^^+i.,:+:^-.

. Read the directions aloud. Have students complete the sentenceson their own.

+ @
or CD-ROM j Review the amswersas a class.(Answers:1. Does,like; 2. Does,like; 3. Do, Iike)
. For additional support, use the Grammar Poster.

4 P a g e s7 0 - 7 1
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8 ffi Ant-".s the questions in 11. Write.
. Read the questionsand ansu'ersin the grammar box. Have students repeat.
4 . Do Item I together.Have pairs work together to complete the activit,v.

4 mer;r*q 1 Review the answers as a class. (Answers:L shedoes,2. he doesn't,3. they do, like)
and answers,and rnodel how to use the pictures.
*r:ir, I Rereadthe qr-restions
4 ffi lool at 11. Ask and answer with a Partner.
4 . Have volunteers read the dialogue in the speechbubbles aioud.
. Have pairs take turns asking the question, using the foods from Activity 11
4 and the speech-bubble text as a model.

u,*"**n As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation' and

4 I correct use of language.
I Have students use the foods from page 86 to ask a partner the questions.
a {r,*rLr**u
. Assign Workbook pages70-71 and direct studentsto digital activities.

4 . l i N l : ; : - ef l p
: { : e n d i n oa $sxdFr$**iee &etiw!9y
{: assroo,i a.tiuity Have studentscut pictures of fruits and vegetablesfrom magazinesor
-: a classroom supermarket fl)'ers.Have them mount each on construction paper.
i : : . s e eA p p l i c a t i o n
Have the classuse the pictures to role-play a farmer's market. Assign some
. c l u d e sp i c t u r e s studentsto be vendors and others to be customers.
. a'ietyof {oods,
: :, 1loney, and a bOX ffi Gottnrnicotlon llave vendors ask: Do you like -? and customers
-5,:: :erve aS a CaSn answer: Yes,I do. I like ---. or No, I don't. I don't like -. Have
=- -. sierfor studentsto customerspretend to pay, take the picture, and sit down. Continue until all
' -\-iiaa iha rrnii
studentshave role-played a vendor and customer.
Q- ..r."Ju*ltit,.our."
.:-s to the marketas As studentsrvork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
ri vocabula.rywords c o r r e c tu s eo f l a n g u a g e .
v : ' e p r e s e n t e d .U s e t h e
^ a . K e td u r i n o f r e e t i m e
4)- when assijned.

Unit7 T87


*&$K{Tlvfr: C
W*rnt-ilP To read a science

. Displaytour pictures: threehealthyiooclsatrdonethatis not-*for

example' a r t i c l e a b o u t h e a i t n'
and not very health.'
'o''i1'o' yogr$t'
tttntrttc;es' donut'
banattos,cartots,snlarvberries' snacks

tiurts and vegetables helpthe.irbodiesgrow and keep To categorize foods

. Remindstudentstl:at
the t'rrurpicturesand.ask:Whichoneis
them from gertlng;;;k. f'i; ih. .,rier of
,ot like thtothers?ti;i.j';,;:;;pt"ining rqhich
areiealthv foodsandwhich one t
ls not. {o#ems&4{srds
Help studentseliminatetl-re L
. Repeatusing clillercntcon,binationsof pictures' healthy, unhealthY;
appies, candY, carrots,
urrirealthvfocd troir cach group' Pc'corn!
t$sietgF*gc S,{ $kills
3!s*€en*arrv a
e 6) Listenand read'
'r'';r* li E"i'r'1ry;J.
xplainthelcssonobjective-studentsr'vilireadabouthealthysnacksand Me?er!cl*
,. ,,.ry heaithy and not very health,v' P i c t u r e so f v e r y h e a l t h y
B23 and have students read along and not very healthy
. Read the <lirectionsalur'rd'Pla,vAuclio Track foods from magazlnes or
silently.IJelp studentsiclentify each the Internet .a!
Knives for teacher use
as needed' Celery (72stalk Per
coiumn of the cliart' Replaythe audio student) t
(Answers:\'ery He.althy'.ap1les,cttrrots,celery'
I Review answersrrith students.
Peanutbutter (or
, )ritiirt, p"p,'rrn; Not \''ery Health'v: coc'kies' spreadablecheese)
(aboutfive Per
identifl'which ones have a lot of sugar'
,*r:r I Point to the pic"ured snacksanci studentJ
Audio track 823 1
more snacksto
ffi ,'&l:.ffi CrfficolThinkingWork in a group' Add Diqital activities:
the chart. I
arc vtt)'hc'ilthy?
lflrrlt sriacft-s
of different snacksthat ?age72
Preview the conceptsby showing pictures Answerson PageT148
s&6111{3s potitbchips)or sweet {cottoncandy'
\ . u.. .,in".''utty'(iin''lt'f'nt'
classiivthe snacksas Very
. As studentssllggestditterent snacks'help them
them to the chart'
HealthyorNot"!"ir,t'Healthyand a'ld
language'and pronunciation'
I Listen ior t:orreci vocabularl" use of
, l a g a z i n eo r
d i s p l a ys e v e r am
T o g i v*es t t t t { c t t tist l e a sf o r t h e i r c h a r t s '
ell;r I healthv and unhealthv snacks.
f.rturing both
"r[.i "J. to digital activities'
. As"signWorkbook page72 ar-rddirect str'rdents

&ppiiqsfi*tt rq* irrr*$iqe&*tivltg .Ants

snack,suci-raS on a l,og,''
. lnvolve sir.tdentsin rnaking a siniple healtlry
. Display a recipe ibr studentsto follow
(or soft spreadablecheese)'raisins YK &{* {8rYC
D i r e c t i o l - t s : S p r e a d p e i r t r u t b u t t e r { o r c h e e s e ) o n c e } e r y . S e t r a i s i i r s i n a r o r , r ' o n Activities
the peanutbutter to look like ants' M a k i n g h e a l t h Ys n a c k s
in class Provldes
" R e a d t h e r e c i p e a l o r ' r d w h i l e s tis
udentsfollorvaiongsilentll,.Havesttrdentssay opportunitieslo teach
whetheror not eachingredient healthy' n u t r i t i o n ,r e i n t o r c e
each make their own'
. lvtodel rnaking tr 1ogand then have students mathematics
. Aliorv time lor stttclents to eat their healthvsnack'
c o u n t i n q ,e s t l m a l l n 9 l ,
to make'Ants on a l-og"'
. Havestudcntsretellthe stepsthey followed prornot6good,health
o r a c t i c e s( h a n d
, A s s t u c l e n t s r l ' o r k , l i s t e r r f o r c o r r e c t o r c l e r o f t h e S t e p s , C o r l . e L t p r o n u n c l a t l o nw' a s h i n q ) ,d e v e l o P f i n e
anclappropriatei'ttonation' m o t o r ; k i l l s ,b u i l d
encourage creatlvlry'

T88 Unit 7
1 *&**{Ygx,9gs S**rrlt-#p
To read about where . Play I Can Spell(L{angman)with students.(SeeGameBank, page Ti34')
4 { r u i t sc o m e f r o m
. Divide the classinto two teams.Draw lines on the board for the number of
letters in the name of a fruit from the unit. Have playerson each team take turns
I Confen?
guessingletters in the word.
first team to guessthe fruit before the whole hangman is drawn gets one
I avocados,fruit(s),
watermelons J
llst {*nt*rry Skills 8*si*gF*g* &$
Communication e 6) Listenand read.
lessonobjective-students will identify where different fruits
) [tefericls
,r"*,rnI E"pluin the
I come lrom.
Worldmap or globe
{ Drawingpaper
Encouragestudentsto use the pictures and context clues to talk about the
Audiotrack824 Content Wbrds.
4 Video(ActiveTeach) Display a world map or globe and help studentslocate Africa, India, South
dLLtvtLre5. America, and Mexico. Explain that different fruits come from different places
4 MyEngiishLab
around the world.
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio 824. As students read along
I @
silently,have them point to each picture.
1 ^ s + ; e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
To check for understanding, ask:Wheredid watermelonsfirst comefrom?
4 s*hllct' (Africa) Wheredid mangoesfirst conrcfromi (India) Wheredid tomatoesfirst
comefrom? (South America) Wheredo many avocadoscomefram? (Mexico)
+ aJ$irr I Replaythe audio as needed.

a eb*
i*t6& Look at the map. Write the names of the fruit next to the places they
come from.
4 Have students locate each place on the map and say its name.
Have pairs work together to compiete the activity.
1 fi{il:{}p i
Revie*'the answersas a class.(Ansu,ers:Mexico-avocados,
SouthAmerica-tomatoes, Africa-watermelons, India-mangoes)
ffi CUUI Aworeness Have students find their country on the map and
4 identify which of the four countries is closestand which is farthest away.

4 & Ask and answer with a partner.

l{ave partners take turns asking and answering the questions.

4 ffiffi Cottunicofion Remind studentsto listen carefully to their partner's

ansl{ers and to consider rvhether the ansrveris reasonable.For example,eating
? trvo kilos of fruit each day would not be possible,

a **l;i:*l
As studentsn ork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
correct use of language.
Assign Workbook page73 and direct studentsto digital activities.
4 . Have each student choose one fruit from the page and draw a picture of it. Have
them label the fruit and write where it comes from.
. Have studentssit in a circle with a caller in the center.Act as the caller for the
4 first round to model how to play. Each student holds his or her drawing.
. The caller says:All mangoestradeplaceswith tomatoeslStudentschangeseats.
+ The caller continues to call out directives for diff-erentfruits.
. Play the game again, using different fruits, callers,and directives.
4 . Have studenis view the Unit 7 documentary video se!{ment.Use activities in
the Video Guide. If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
1 homework for review.

a Unit 7 T89

Sd*rm:*!J6* *SiK{?ES{-", t
To learn the names
. Have studentsl"u.igthcmselvesand sayhug, Explain that liirg begins with /hl
a n d s o u n d sf o r l e t : e ' :
handj t
. Instruct studentsro hug thernselves eachtime you saya rvord that beginswith To read and say wc'::
/h/. Say:Harn. Corrttt. Hat. IIop. Lheese.Hen" Fruit. House.Wash.Hot dog.
that contain /h/ o, t
. Teachstudentshor,r,to do jumping jacks. Explain that the words.iutttpingand
jacftsbegin with ljl spelledl.
. lnstruct studentsto stanr{and do a singlejun-rpingjack eachtitne vou saya Sounds and Letters L
word that begins with /jl. Say:/rllce.Clock.let. Yttgurt.leons.lam. Mango.lug. Cards (ActiveTeach)
Audio tracks A25-B2l
Digital activities:
*xi*g Fwg* 8* MyEnglishLab
ffi 6) Listenand point.Say.
, Explain the lessonobjective--students will identifi', say,write, and
@ t
,rrr,r, i differentiatebetrveenthe lettels h andj; sa1'thesour.rdeach letter standsfor
Audio scripton page
I in rvords;and idcntif'words lhat begin with li or7. r144 t
. Readthe directionsaloud. Plal.Audio Track 825. Have studenlspoint to each Answerson pageTi4B
p i c t u r ea st h e vl i s i e n . a
i Replaythe audio anr.lhavestudentsrepeateachword and circlethe /r in the
I rvordsin Items l--1.
.,nr,,,,, repeat,circlingj in the words in Items '1-5. Observe C
: studentsand make surethey arc circling the right letters.

ffi Listen and write. Use the words from 19.
. Displa_ythe Sounds and Letters Cards fbr ft and j. Point to the pictures and say
the lvorcls.Have studentsrepeat.
. PlayAudio Track 1126. llave studentspoint lo the nord that conpieteseach t
. lleplav the a'.rdio,pausingafter eachsentenceto allorvstudentstine to rvrite C
the lvords.
lnvite students1o sharetheir answers.Write the answerson the board. t
(Ansr.r'crs: 2. housc,3.juntp, 4. hamhurger,5. .iuice, 6. hot dog)
L 1arrt,
i Help studentspronouncethe soundsthe lettersstand for in worris.Iror lhl,
of their lips as thev savthe word.'fhe1'
' havestudentsput their hands in front t
s h o u l df e e la p r r l lo l l i r f o r i h / . I o r l j l, h r v c t h e m d t t t h c s a t t t c l.h i ' t i r n e .t h c y
I should feeljust ir iittlc air.
#,1, (} Listen and say. Underline h and j.
. Readthe directirinsaloud. PlavAudio
827. llave stuclentsread along s
. Pair studentsanclhavethem find and underiine eachl and.7. C
. Repiaythe auclioand iravestudents chorally read along.
I Have partnerstake turns reaciingeachunderlinedword aioud-
I correctpronunciatior.r.
. AssignWorkbook page74 and clirectstudentsto digital activities.
S,ppliq*i!*ry s*ri illr;rrgil;r,:&,*ivlf ;
. Have studentsrevien'n'ordswith /h/ and ijl on page90. T'ellthen t<;ciosetheir t
books and say as ilany rvords rvith /h/ as the,vcan rernember.I-ist the lvords on
the board.Repeatrvith /ji. Asl<studentsto add any other words they know with t
lbl and lil.
T 9 0 U n i t7
=8ix{g$wtrs Wmrrr-tlp
d i s c u s sm a k i n g
- e a i t h y - s n a c kc h o i c e s . Cutoutpictures tomato,
of opple, pineapple,
cheese, yogurt,
* chips,cookie,cake,and candl from food magazinesor supermarket ads and
ntount each on an index card. Write the name of each on a separateindex card.
4 . Distribute one card to each student. Then tell studentsto find the person with
the matching card.
4 )ictures of {ood
.Cex cards . Once all students are paired, have them say the name of their food. Ask 1sa4
appleo healtfu,food?Prompt studentsto respond: Yes,it is.Continue with ealh
4 S c s: s o r s
D:awing paper pair, helping studentsunderstand that chlps,cottkies,cake,and caildy are not
C r a y o n so r m a r k e r s healthy snacks.
I Gue
Audio track 828
A 1
^:.^l --+:.,1+:^-.
qrLdr dlLrvrLrr5.

ffsixq Fx6* S3

or CD-ROM *k (} Listen and write.

, Explain the lessonobjective-studentslvill compietesentences'
,,,.,.,,,, discuss
choosinghealthysnacks,and make a collage.
4 . Reaclthe directionsaioud. Play Audio Track 828. Have studentsread along
1'- silently.
. Replay the audio and have studentscomplete each sentencewith a rt'ord fiom
4 the box.
. Reviewstudents'answersas a class.(Answers:1. apple,2.chips, cookie,
4 1. carrots)Have students read the con-rpletedsentencesaloud as a grouP.
' Readeachsentencealoud, providing two answerchoices,and havestudents
+ .",,-
choosethe r,r'ordthat best completesthe sentence.

4 with a partner'
ffii look at22. Role-play
. Have volunteers read the model dialogue alor-rd.Point out that the question
4 and answer go rvith ltent 1 in Activity 22.
. Have partners use each picture in Activity 22 to ask a question and give an
1 answer.
..- , " .. , As sturlentswork, listen for proper pxrnunciation,appropriateintonation,and
4 correct use of language.
s[udents that question marks and periods heip them know whether their
a voicc should go up or dorvn at the end. Model for students.
, Challengestudentsto substitute different foods in the dialogue.
ffi ru"t" a HealthySnackscollage.
4 . I{eview with studentsali tl'rehealthy snacksthey have read about in this unit.

a . Readthe directions'il'ithstudents.
. Have studentscompiete their "Healthy Snacks"collagesindependenth'.

1 . Have eachstudentsharehis/her collageand identify a snackhe/shewould like

to eat.
r:,:urxI Listenibr correctpronutrciationand useof appropriateexpressiotis.

4 &ppiistxg{*mmat* Fr**is* &*tvity

. Have studentsmake labeled drau'ings of snacks.Have them fold drawing
4 paper in half. On one hali have them draw a picture of a healthy snack they
like. On the other hall havethem draw a snackthev do not like.
4 . Have them write and complete the sentence I want ' pleose.fbr the
srrackthev like and lJo -*-lb r me, thanks.for the snack they don t like.
4 . Have studentssharetheir picturesand sentencesin small groups.
a **filrtn' As students
tvork, listen for proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and
€ Unit7 T91
&&mrm*Sp &xi? {* s l !5
S t u d e n t sc a n . a - ;
. Have each student write /ike and don't like on cards for a vote about foods. food and drinr :e-:
. Hold up pictures of different foods and ask:Do you like-i Have students students can talk
respond by holding up either their like or don't llke cards. about foods ti,ey
and don't like.
. Once studentshave voted, ask one student rvho holds a like card: (Martina)' da
yau like -i Prompt the student to respond Yes,I do' Then ask a student
who voted don't like: (David), do youlike -? Prompt the student to
respond No,I tlon't.Continue with each picture.
rlcture Laros I to-ttq
or other picturesof fooc
&3simg Index cards
Diqital activities:
Play the What Do You Like? game.
o/colRorrrt t
I Explain the lessonobjective*-studentswill guessand check a partner'.s
t opinions about food and drink items. e
Beforebeginning the activitv, use the Picture Cards to review the names of the
foodanddrink items. !
Read Step I aloud and allow time for studentsto circle their answersunder
Youon the chart. e
Then read Step 2 aloud and have studentscircle answersfor YourPartner.
Have volunteersread the model dialogue in the speechbubbles aloud. Tell t
studentsto take turns asking their partner about each item on the chart.
Instruct them to place a checkmark in the Carrecf?column each time a guess e
matchesa partners response.
x,:,ll$** i Listen for correct vocabulary,pronunciation, and intonation.
\* Tell the class what your partner likes and doesn't like. !
Have different volunteers read aloud the model speech-bubbletext.
Have eachstudentchooseone item his or her Partnerlikes and one item the
partner doesnt like to sharewith the classthat tells what Greg likes.
Have eachstudent, in turn, shareone of his or her partner's likes and dislikes.

Allow studentsto usePictureCardsand/or gesturesto share :

Check to be sure studentsare reading their charts correctly. Listen for correct
verb forms in questionsand answers.
Provide sentenceframes,such as Maria likes Maria doesn'tlike
. to remind studentsof the correct verb forms.
&ppliewficn €$d Frscflec &cfir**?y Monitoring Group
. Have studentssit in a circle. Turn to your right and ask the first student: Do
As studentsbegin
you like cake?Have the student respond in a complete sentence:Yes,I do' partneror group work,
or No,I don't Continue around the circle having each student answer the w a l ka r o u n da n d c h e c k
question,and then asking the next student the same question. to see that they
understandand are
Then changethe question to a different food and go around the circle again' followingdirections.
Check to seethat studentsuse correct vocabulary and rising intonation for the Don't stop to helPuntil
you havecheckedthe
whole class.Then help
i n d i v i d u apl a i r so r
g r o u p s .l f m o r et h a n
o n e g r o u pt 5c o n l u s e o ,
activityand explaining
the instructions again
for the whole class.
Ask for volunteerswho
can demonstrate
f o l l o w i n gd i r e c t ; o n s .

T92 Unit 7
*{3Y€S&{$$ Wxrm-Sp
S t u d e n t sc a n n a m e f o o d
and drinkitems. . Display the food Picture Cards. Tell studentsthat Silly Sally likes only foods that
are yellow. Have one student pick one food Silly Sally likes. Have him/her hold
S t u d e n t sc a n u s e t h e
verbs likesldoesn't like. up the card and use the food word in a sentence:Shelikes(bananas).
. Have a second student find another food Silly Sally likes and use it in a sentence.
Continue until all yellow foods are identified.
. Repeatthe game with Silly Sam,who likes only foods that are red.
PictureCards 116-124 J
4 Chartpaper
A Gamesly'ideo
iActiveTeach) & look and write likesor doesn'tlike.
a Digitalactivities:
Explain the lessonobjective-students will complete activities to review
vocabulary about food they like and dislike. Read the directions aloud. Do the
tirst item as a class.
tI fwr-r Have students complete the activity independently.
Page 75
4 A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8 f'!t!to:!*q
Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l.likes, 2. likes,3. dan't like,
4. doesn'tlike, 5.likes, 6. doesn'tlike)
4 s55tg?
Point out horv the childrens facial expressionsshow whether or not they like
4 & writ".
4 . Teil studentsto write a sentenceto answer each question.
. Have students complete the activity independently.
+ x**,:c*i Make sure students use complete sentencesas responses(Yes,I like
i or No, I don't like _.)
4 e::r*;i Review the correct form for like with singular and plural subjects.

4 #ssn
. Read the statementsaioud and have students place checkmarks if they feel they
4 can do each.
. Assign Workbook page75 and direct studentsto digital activities.
4 &ppliewf8*er
. Have students sit in a circle on the floor. Set an empty bottle in the center
4 of the circle. Spin the trottle and ask the student it points to Whatfood do
you like?Prompt the student to answer:I like _. Once the student has
4 answered, have the class say what the student \tkes: He/She likes
. After most of the students have had a chanceto respond, changeyour
question to Whatfood don'tyou like?The student answers:I don't like
The class says'.He/she doesn'tlike -. Be sure students use don't like and
tt d oesn't like cor r e ctly.

*n*,.uni As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and

4 c o r r e c lu s eo t t a n g u a g e .
If needed,prompt studentsby displaying Picture Cards for food ideas.
4 Make a three-column chart on a piece of chart paper. As the game is played,
have a student record the student'sname in one column, the food he or she
1 arlutrlril
likes in the secondcolumn, and the food he or she doesn'tlike in the third

+ column.
Have studentsplay the Unit 7 Game 2 on ActiveTeach.
=A Have studentsreview the Unit 7 dramatic video segment.Use Video Guide
activities.If students have N{,vEnglishLab,assignthe video segmentas
4 homework for further review.

Unit7 T93
t#==d e

&m*x*t*Xm ,
ffifu$ww$&wmw C
VesmfuesBmrv *wc?f*mf
ffwxxp*es9$msxs C
. To identifyand name wild animals . Science:To read about animal
. To describeanimalfeaturesand actions habitats e
. Science:To read about where
$&*wd*xrg differentanimalslive aroundthe
. To identifydetailsin a story ("Monkeys 3
Are Great!")
wmd&*?$*rs 3
. To use readingstrategiesto
. To read and saywords that containk,
comprehendand appreciatea story
q, and x 3
r To use can/can't
WwEac*s J
. To learnthe valueof appreciating
animals r
Hr#j43{t I
. To make an ".AnimalsMap" a


I n f n i il l m i l l t m m t n m
"r ? f f i Y # t . * # 8 $
Itw @ a

i ' l M a i nu n i t ,p a g e s9 4 - 1 0 5
H a v e s t u d e n t s i n t e r v i e wt h e i r f a m i l y

members about their favoriteanimals.
Have students find oictures of the
llllorkbook,Unil8 a n i m a l si n c l a s s r o o mr e s o u r c e ss u c h a s
tr v\rr6^i l ;r -,u ,r ^i l 1' *, ^ ^ ^ ^ s 7 6 _ 8 5
Poyg encyclopediasn , onfictionbooks, or the
t. .,ifxtra grammarpractice, I n t e r n e t .H a v e t h e m s h a r et h e o i c t u r e s
p a g e1 0 5 w i t h t h e c l a s sa n d i d e n t i f yt h e a n i m a l s .
il W o r k b o o kA u d i oC D ,
Model by saying: My sister likes koalas.
Packoge ill'..,,
i*i Practicetest, pages60-61
Unit test, pages 62-63
Oral assessment,
pages 64-65
Swrxrpwr* wm#S*mfs'xxsf

i-,-iPi.tur* Cards 125-128 Make a largeVenn diagram on a bulletin
i-] Posters:Unit 8 Poster,
Units7-9 GrammarPoster
board. Have each student draw his/her
f a v o r i t e a n i m a l .C h o o s e t w o a n i m a l ill
l*l V;a"" (ActiveTeach), Unit 8 characteristicssuch as /ong neck and four
l e g s .W r i t e t h e m o n t h e d i a g r a m . H e l p
i i O i g i t ual c t i v i t i e(sM y E n g l i s h L a
s t u d e n t s p l a c e t h e i r a n i m a l p i c t u r e si n t h e
C D - R O M )U, n i tB
a p p r o p r i a t e c i r c l ei n t h e d i a g r a m .T a l k
a b o u t w h i c h a n i m a l sa r e a l i k e a n d w h i c h
are different. Continue with other animal
ll.l .'.'''

:rl&t Y,

t ' '

,,{3} tiurun ond reod. Peinr ond :oy.

I rullg like adnolsl {::,1
Oo ie ile thffi, t@?
whg I'h $ hdpp,
we'fe gs(g to *e zoa!
sone qninqls qre snall
And eme or€ big and furg.
I wqit fo see them all rcdorl
5q cone tr. Lels hrrll
Arpolgr b&r cdn cotch d fish. t
A moikeg con clinb o f€e.
Fi*r csn vin dfd cheetqhscdr rul.
Come ond *s d€m o{l siah me. ra
Now if's dae to soEgoo.ibqe
lb ev€rgonidql friend.

$...- &"

@i took at 2. Listen. l\sk ond antwen

Do youlik€ i yes,I dol ::.,t.

che€to|s? ,,,,,:Cheerohscan run fasr. ]i; -
Wmrw**&3p 4

. Tell studentsto each draw a picture of a rvild animal. Allow them to draw any animal they
think is wild. (
Display pictures of a polar bear,monkey, fish, cheetah' hippo, kangaroo,giraffe, and zebra. . a
Hofd upeach picture, write the animal's name in a list on the board, and identifo the animal. t'

Have studentslota up their picture if they drew that animal and repeatthe animai'sname' t
Count how many studentsdiew each animal and write the number by the animal'.sname on r
the board.
Identify any other animals students drew and add them to the iist as well as the number of (
times it was drawn. -
Use the list on the board to identify the most popular animal drarr'n.
Fcge* S4*qS

Listenand read. Then sing. (

e 6a
Explain the lessonobjective-students will sing a song and name wild animals. Studentswill
tali<about what animals can do and which animals they like' \
Help studentsidentifu each pictured animal on the page.
Readthe directions aloud. Display the Unit Posterand play Audio Track 829' Have students
follow along silently. (
Divide studentsinto four groups and assigneach an anirnal named in the song. Play the
audio again.Have studentspantomirne their assignedanirnal as they sing the song. (
Tell studentsto listen as you say a line from the song. They should raise their hand if the
f{riiil I ff sentenceis correct (e.g.,A polar bearcan catcha fish) and put their hand down if the sentence E

is incorrect (e.g.,Afish can climb a tree).

c6!,51 Replaythe audio as needed,stopping after each verse to explain unfamiliar vocabulary. (
Once studentsare comfortable with the song, have them practice it using the karaoke version
(Track 865). Or, if you wish, savethe karaoke version for use during another classperiod as a \
fun way to review the song.
Assign Workbook page76 and direct studentsto digital activities'

& 6a Listenand read.Pointand say. eeSs(Yxwg$
To identifv and name
. Readeach animal narne aloud and have students repeat.Help with wild animals
pronunciation as needed.
To describe animal
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 830 as studentslisten, point to features and actions
each animal, and then repeat its name. To slng a song
*e*;** | Readthe words in random order. Have students point to each animal on the
page.Circulate to check accuracy
ss*r I For additional support, use the Unit Poster. Kcy trioccbarlcry
Nouns: cheetah,giraffe,
& 6) look. Listen and write the animal. nrppo, Kangaroo,
monkey,polar bear; fu1
Review the names of the animals in Activities I and 2. pouch, spots,stripes
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 831. Pauseafter each sentence Verbs: catch a fish, climb
a tree, jump, run, swim
and have studentsidentify the animal.
Complete Item 1 as a class. Stst €entury Skills
Replaythe audio and have studentscomplete the sentencesindependently. ProblemSolving

Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. monkej,,2. kangaroo,3. hippo, Msi*ri*ls
4. polar bear 5. cheetah,6. zebra) Unit Poster
PictureCards 125-128
fl$ Problem Solving Have studentslook carefully at the pictures in Activity and picturesof a polar
3 and compare them to the pictures in Activity 2. Ask Haw canyou tell which bear, monkey,{ish,and
animal this is?What information do 1'ouhavethat helpsyou decide?Discuss
n1$l5t Photosof animals
students'ideaswith the class,and point out that they can use previous
Video clips of animals
knowledge of the animals or iook at the animals furor skin in 3 to find the
name in 2.
Crayonsor markers
w 6D look at 2. Listen.Askand answer. Scissors
Play Audio Track 832. Have students chorally read the dialogue aloud. Craft sticks
a Have partners take turns asking about each animal in Activify 2 and Glueor tape
responding with Yes,I do! or !lo, I don't! Games(ActiveTeach)
As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and Audio track 829-32, 865
correct use of language. Student Book audio
Point out the comma in the boy s response(\'es,I do!) and remind studentsto Digital activities:
e{:t3t pausethere. Model proper intonation for the questions and exclamations,and MyEnglishLab
have studentsrepeatafter,vou.
Assign \\brkbook page77 and direct studentsto digital activities.
Pages 76-77
Answers on page T1 48
. Have each student choosehis/her favorite animal from Activity 2. Have them
draw and color a picture of the animal on cardstock.Have them cut out the
animal and attach it to a craft stick to make stick puppets.
. Divide studentsinto srlall groups made up of different animals. l{ave each
student in turn introduce himself/herself to the group and tell one-for
example: IIello, I nm a polar bear.I catchfish. Hello, I am a cheetsh.I run fast.
,r**,ro*I Circulate and listen to students'introductions for correct languageand to be
i sure that they are including the second sentencer.r'ithadditional information.
,u9*,1jf* Provide sentenceframes for students to complete, such as Hello, I Reinforcement
,\ _: q.ma_. Ican_.
lf possible,playvideo
c l i p so f a n i m a l si n t h e i r
oa*,"I:"n,Encourage students to tell one thing the animal does, give a naturalhabitats
(available on the
' y'.':, description of how it looks, and tell something about where it lives.
Internet)as students
' Have studentsplay the Unit 8 Game I on ActiveTeach. studythe animalsto
aid in interest,
reinforcement, and

Unit 8 T95
Listen ond reqd"

& Lo6k. Ci.{le cot or .sn't.

'L Monkeys cor / con'i cirmb Trees

?. Monkeystan / con'f l!nP.

3. Hippos con / <on'i climb lrees-
l+.Hippos con / con'i .JumP.

5. Hiopos ion / aon't eoi o lol.

@ :li,:.,, aut ona onswer wi*h o p*rlner

1. Where con You see onlmols?
2. Whol ls Your iovorite onimol?

do' For exarnpleThk animsl
aboutthe animals.ro. Ju.., describethingseaJhanimai.un
and openitsmouthwide'{a hippo)
canclimbtreesarrdp-)a^i" rir""t"y; Thisinimol canswim
Usegesturestb helpstudentsunderstandthe
front topsoJtrees.(a giraffe)
ansivers providefor eachclue'
meaningof unknown;;;;;. tApt all reionable


& 6) tlrt"n and read.

read a story, answer questionsabout
Explain the iessonobjective-students will iisten to ancl
I it, ind then discussideasrelated to it'
Wro do you think thesetwo people
Have studentstell what they seein each storyframe. Ask:
(There is a sign' There are wild
are?(friends) Whereare thlyi (the zoo) How do you know?
this story is about two children who
Point to and read the story title aloud. Explain that that
about whicir animals they like'
ut. uiti,ing a zoo. They ut. tulkittg
(seeFrame 6). Invite a volunteer to the
Help studentsunderstand the expression like I can
an interesting rlYthm' Say,Can
front of the .lurr.oo-. S^y, Listeh.Clap your hands using
vou claDlike I can?ff'r. uoi"ni."r claps hislher hands. Sal: @illy) can clap like I can' We clap
*oin"r activity, such as snapping your fingers, or whistling'
"ttk;.'{";:;;;,trlin studentslisten and follow along'
nead the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 833. Have
thegirt'sfavoriteanimal? (monkeys)
Ask questionsto check for understanding. Ask:What is
What is the,,bav\favoriteanimal?
What csn mrsnkeys4riifht can climb tieesand lump')
(hippos) what do nipiiiri"il;tt;; have big mouths') How are t.heboy and the hippo alike?
iifiJ" .u" eat a lot of fooa.) Encourige students to answer in complete sentences'
to review vocabulary, using
Replaythe audio as needed.Pausethe audio after each frame
g"itut.t and simple ianguageas needed'
read the dialogue aloud'
{ilar$hia Assisn the roles of the boy and the girl. Have students

T95 Unit 8
?c.g:11_1?, Have students focus on the c4r?statements and questions in the
, : \ , , : reading only by encouraging them to underline any sentence that
has can ar can't in it.
To read unit language
in context
To read for
understanding and

= Look. Circfe can or can't.
To relate text to
Readthe directions aloud. Remind students that can'tis a contraction for students' own lives
cannat.Write the contraction on the board, for support.
4 Readeach statementtwice, once with can and once with can't.Have students
repeat.Model how to answer the first item. Ask Can monkeysclimb trees?(yes) Keytrf*cobulary
I Show studentshow they should circle can. Nouns:cheetah,giraffe,
nrppo, kangaroo,
Have studentscontinue the activity independently. monkey. polar bear,
,D il4fr:rtR
Review the answersas a class.(Answers:l. can,2. can, 3. can't,4. can't,5. can)
Verbs: climb trees, eat,
Have volunteersread the completed statementsaloud. jump
4 To offer further support for the task, bring two volunteersto the front of the
class.Give one student a large card with the word can an it, and the other Stsr6ex*alry$&ills
4 F5:,9t
student a card with the word can'ton it. Have the classread the answersfor the Communication
activity-one statementat a time. If the answer is a can statement,the student
D holding the can card raises it. Have the class respond: Yes.or That\ right.
PictureCards 125-128
Continue in this manner with the rest of the statements. and pictureso{ other
4 I m animals
f Ul Communicotion Ask and answer with a partner. Teacher-made word
4 Ask studentsto tell you the names of animals they seeon a daiiy basis,in their
Video (ActiveTeach)
homes or outside of their homes. Write the animals on the board. Encourage
Audio track 833
4 studentsto tell you how to spell each word.
Digital activities:
Go back to the top of the list and ask: Wheredoesthis animal live? Accept all MyEnglishLab
4 reasonableanswersand write them on the board next to that animal. Students

may encounter words they want to say,but dont know so remind them to use
the expressionHow do yort say in English?
Page 78
Pair studentsand have them ask each other the questions. Answerson pageT148
4 it*r,in*R
Ask a few pairs to say the questionsand answersin front of the class.Listen {rrnnaru
for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and correct use oflanguage.
A bov and qirl visit a
4 36;ttf
As you notice errors, saywords or sentencescorrectly and have students zo.. thev discuss their
favorite inimals while
repeat after you.
4 Assign Workbook page 78 and direct studentsto digital activities.
the boy snacks. He
explainsthat the hippo
is his favorite because
4 the hippo also eats a lot
of food.
S'pp$leaficnsmd Srs*f6e* *&s?*s!?y
4 . Divide studentsinto groups to play QuestionChain. (SeeGameBank, page
T134, for details.)Have studentssit in a circle. Selectone of the groups to
4 model the game.Start the game by asking the first student: What\ yaur favorite
zoo animal?The first student answers:I like (cheetahs)best.The first student
4 then turns and asksthe question to the next student. Continue around the
group until all studentshave answeredthe question.
4 xst![6{
Check to seethat studentsare asking the model questions.Listen to both
questionsand answersfor correct vocabulary,grammar, and pronunciation.
4 &,,t9t
Display Picture Cards and pictures of the animals from page 95 to help
studentsanswer the questions.
4) . Have studentsview the Unit 8 dramatic video segment for exposure.If
studentshave MyEnglishLab, assignthe video segmentas homework
.-€) for review. ?s&€ffirex&
Monkey versus
4 Monkeys
usethe pluralform of
4 n o u n sw h e nm a k i n g
4 like monkeys.

4 unit 8 T97
Wmrm-$p Toactoutac:
. PlayPictionary(seeGameBank,pageT134,for details)with studentsby writing with a partne'
the following animal nameson cu.dil cheetah,hippo,kangaroo, giroffl, polar bear,
zebra,monkJy,bucan,porrot,elephant, and lion. Be sureto displayphotosand
identifythe all animalsbeforeplay begins.
. Playingin teams,havethe first playerfrom eachteamdraw the sameanimal
simultineouslyto seewhoseteamcanguessit first. The first teamto guess Xeylloybulotv
correctlygetsa point. Playcontinuesuntil everystudenthashad a turn drawing' Nouns: cheetah, crra-:
hippo, kangaroo,
m o n k e y ,P o l a ro e a r
parrot, toucan, zeo'a
irm, beak, claw,featne'
feet, fur, leg, mouth.
g 6a Listenandsay. n e c k , p o u c h , s P o t s ,t a

I Explain the lessonobjective-students will role-play a conversation

with a teeth, trunk, wings e
'ouo'ut Verbs: catch, climb, lift
I ou.tner and listen and match. r o a r ,s q u e e z e ,s w i n g

. Read the directions aloud and explain that studentswill listen to a dialogue. Adjectives: big, color-tu
{ a s t , . l o n g ,s h a r P , s h o r : '
Play Audio Track 82l twice. The first time,,havestudentsiisten and read small,sott, strong, ta i P
siienth The secondtime, pausethe audio from time to time so that students
can repeat what theY heat. t{trai*rial* {=
dialogue . Teacher-made word
Assign volunteersthe roles of Lee and )osh. Have them read the , cards
aloud. Unit 8 Stickers t-
Ask questionsto check for comprehension: What has a big colorful I Two sPinnersfor each
,{gn!1cg toucin) Can it talk?(No, it ca.,i; Can it fly? (yes, it can.) What is
the other
pair of students
cotorfuibird?(aparrot) Can it talk? (yes, lt can;i Can it fly? , pencrls
Preview the words toucan, coloriil, beak and parrof by pointing out.the : Audio tracks 834-35
pictures on the page. Have students practice pronouncing the words' , StudentBook audio
. scriPt,PageT136 r
& Work with a partner. Look at 8. Role-play' : Dioital activities:
Put studentsin pairs to read and act out the dialogue. After students
read oy'cD:nov c
through one time, switch roles and
As studentswork, Iisten for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation'
correct use of language. Audio scriPt on Page
& 6D Utt"n. Stick.Writethe word.
Answers on Page T148
Helpstudents atthebackof theStudent
locatetheunit 8 stickers €
a Read the lvords in the box and have students repeat.As needed,
pictures to help studentsunderstand the meaning of each word' E
the end of
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 835 and pauseit at
each dialogue.
Replaythe audio as studentspiace the stickersand label the pictures.
Walk around the room and check to seethat studentshave correctly
trunk' 3' pouch'
4' claws)
stickers.Check students'answers.(Answers:1' tail,2'
. Assign workbook page79 and direct studentsto digital activities'

&pplitati*n cnd Prce?i** &*il*itY
(or have f
. prepare two spinners,eachwith six sections,for each pair of students
on one spinner write numerals I-6. on the other
studentsmake their own).
pouch, tail, trunh leg and beak.TeIl students that they will
spinner write cl{lw,
be drawing mixed-uP animais'
. Have studentstake turns spinning both spinners and then ta.keturns drawing
the combinations that .o-t up-*for example,an animal with three
legs,and two tails.
. Let pairs share and describetheir animais with the class'
*eNr*nI Check for vocabulary comprehensionand pronunciation'
NEncouragepairs io discussand name their animals'

T98 Unit 8
**rg€?x}"{gs i&9rynmx*Sp
To use the verbs
. Have students make poster board animal puppets. Trace and cut a hole in
poster board iarge enough to fit a student'sfhce.\bu might use a paper plate as a
template. Prepareone for each student.
KeyVoccbulcry . Have each student choosean animal from the unit and draw it on the poster
Nouns; cheetah, giraffe, board with the hole where the animal's face would go. Help them include
nrppo, Kangaroo, identif,vingdetails, For example,a mane for a lion, or a trunk for an elephant.
m o n K e v ,p o l a r b e a r ,
zebra;3rm, claw,featheq . re (ommunicofion Have students stand in lront of the class,hold up their
feet, fu1 leg, mouth,
neck,pouch, spots, tail, posterboard, and put their facesin the holes.Have eachstudent,in turn,
teeth, trunk, wings
introduce hirnselfTherselfand tell one thing about himself/herself as the
Verbs: catch, climb, lift,
roar, squeeze, swing
animal-for example:I'm a monkey.I havea long tail. I'm a polar bear.I have
Adjectives: big, colorful, CIawS.
t a s t , , , l o n gs. ,h a r p , s h o r t ,
s m a l l ,s o t t , s t r o n g , t a l l
SslmgPug* *S
2ls? {en?ury $kiNNs
Communication & 6a Lookand listen.Write.
Explain the lessonobjective-students wiil use the verbs can/cafi'tin questions
Mc*eriaNs and answers.
Units7*9 Grammar Have students read the questionsand answersat the top of the page aloud
5cissors Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 836.
Paperplate.orother Have students complete the sentencesindependently Replay the audio as
Crayonsor markers
Audiotrack836 Have studentscheck their work. (Answers:L Can, it can; 2. Can, they can;
Digitalactivities: 3. Can, it can't;4. Can, they can't)Have volunteers read each question and
MyEnglishLab answer aloud.
r@ For additional support, use the Grammar Poster.

Remind students that can'tis a contraction for cannot Point out that can and
P a g e sB 0 - 8 1
can't areboth used when talking about one or more than one.
A n s w e r so n p a g e T ' 1 4 8

q Match the questions and answers. Write the number.

Read the directions aloud. Explain that students should read the first question
and then each answer choice to find the one that goeswith the question.
Explain that they should write the number of the question that matchesthe
answer.Have pairs work together to complete the activity.
x*irrrreI Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1. b, 2. c, 3. a)

& toot at pages 98-99. Ask and answer with a partner.

. Have volunteers read the dialogue in the speechbubbles aloud.
Have pairs take turns asking questionsto each other using the animals on

As students work, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
correct use of vocabul.ary.
Assign Workbook pages80-81 and direct students to digital activities.
T t A ( H t r *?* ! p
D ' o n o u n c i n gC a n a n d
Can't &pplieafion amd Frs€fiss &ctiv;fy
l-:^ and can'tsound . Using the poster puppets studentsmade in the Warm-Up activity, ask each
. : ' v s i m i l a rE
. x p l a i nt o animal about things thev can and cannot do. For example,ask of the elephant:
"-: - 3 e n t s t h a t i t i s Can 1,oupick up stickswith your trunk? Student: Yes,I can. Ask: Can you climb a
:'lnounce the t in tree? Student: ixlo,I can't.
--3.'t. Suggest students . Continue asking questionsof each student. Prompt ihem to respond in
: ^ a < et h e i r h e a d s n o t o completesentences.
- a k e i t c l e a rt h a t w h e n
::ey are saying can't, j Check for correct vocabulary,pronunciation, intonation, and use of correct
::rey clearly mean I pronouns.

Unit 8 T99
1&f*rrss-9"'6p &s3${Y'ltIS
To read about
. Divide studentsinto four groups. Assign each group ahabitat forest,desert, different animai
ocean,andju,rgle.Provide each group with nonfiction books and photographs of habitats

their assignedhabitat.
. Have each group look through the materialspaying close attention to rvhat the
habitat looks lilie. Then provide each group with mural paper and markers or {osr*en! Words t
pai.ntsand have them mlke a mural of the habitat. Tell them not to put animals- desert.forest.habitat
in their murals. Have them title their murals and hang them at student-eyelevel-
rr rht6 naaln

. Have each group describetheir mural for the class. }t*t {enlurySkiils
CriticalThinking t
X$slxxg EnvironmentalLiteracY
e 6) Listenand read. lWa$erislg

'"'*'*' 1 lrxplain the lesson

.....-.... objective-students will read about animal habitats,match Nonfictionbooks and
photographsof {orests, t
I uni-uls to their habitats,ancl relatetext to their own countr,v. deserts,oceans,and
. Read the directions aloud. Help students identify each picture. Play Audio
Track B37 and have studentsread along silently.
Markersor paints
Ask questionsto check for understanding: What animals live in theforest? Drawingpaper t
(deer,raccoons,foxes) what animals live in the desert?(iizards, snakes) wftcl Crayonsor markers
animalslit e in the aceen?(fish, whales,sharks, seals)What animals live in the Scissors and glue t
jungle?(monkevs, colorful birds, big cats) Video tActiveTeach)
Audio track 837
ffi look at the pictures. Write the habitat. Dioital activities:
. t{.ave students read the words in the box aloud as they point to each habitat in
the photos rn Activity \4 and the mura\ from the\'larm-\ip act\\t)'
. Have studentscomplete the acti.vityindependently.
#'L$1ift Review the mnswersas a class.(Answers:1.jungle, 2. ocean,3. desert,4.forest)
Answerson pageT148
Help studentsidentifi each pictured animal and scan the paragraphsfor the
Have studentscreatea forir-columned chart with the habitats as headings.As
a class,iist the animals that were discussedin the reading under each heading'
In small groups, have students try to add two or three more animals to each
column. Then have the groups share'

ffi ,l.'..,i,..,,
ffi CrirfuolThlnklngand tnvlronmenfolLiferocyAnswerthe
questionswith a partner.
Have pairs each take a turn asking each other the questions.

As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
correct use of language.

Provide pictures of animals that live in your countrY to stimulate discussionof
your country's native animais and habitats.
Assign Workbook page 82 and direct students to digital activities.

s*si Frmstiee&Xivi$
. Have studentsreturn to the groupings in which they made the murals. Using the ?x
?g&€H ,tx &p
text on the page and other nonfiction resources,have studentsdraw and cut out PronouncingNew
pictures of animals that live in the habitat. Vocabulary
When teachingnew
. Have them cut out and glue the animals to their murals. Have studentslabel vocabularywords,say
each animal. eachword three times
. Have each group tell the classthe name of their habitat and the animais that live fast and askstudents
to repeatthe word
there. guicklythree times.
. Have studentsview the Unit 8 documentary rrideo segment.Use activities in Thistechniquedoes
the Video Guide. If studentshave MyEnglishl.ab, assignthe video segment as not give studentstime
to overthinkand can
homework tbr rer.iew. help them improve
t h e i rp r o n u n c i a t i o n .

T100 Unit I
ogJg{Y*ltgs t#srxm*83p
To read about where
C i f f e r e n ta n i m a l s l i v e
. Look out the classroomwindow with students and ask what they would take
around the world pictures of. If possibie,allow students to use a camera to shoot photographs.
. Play a game of I Spywith students.(SeeGameBank, page T134, for details.)
Model how to play by saying:I spy with my little eye. . ., and then give a
(ontenf Werds
description of an animal you seeoutside, such as somethingwith wings.Students
k o a l a ,l l a m a ,s n o w
guesswhat you see.\bu can add additional clues,such as somethingwith 'J feathers
an,l a beak.
MoferiflN$ . Once a student correctiy guesses,have studentstake turns giving cluesto an
Camera(optional) animal seenoutside your classroomwindow or one whose picture is visible in
World map or giobe the classroom.
Sel{-stick notes
Drawing paper
A U O I Ol r a c K b J U
*t Digital activities:
MyEnglishLab e 6) Listenand read.
O TC D . R O M
i4 ,n,o.", E*pluin the lessonobjective-studentswill read about and discussanirnals
, from different placesaround the world and animals near their homes.
@ . Display a world map or globe and help students locate Australia, Peru, and
Answerson page T148 Japan.Have studentsidentify rvhich country is closestto theirs and which is
the farthest away.
E . Read the directions aloud. Explain that different animals live in diff'erent
4 placesaround the world. Play Audio Track 838. Have students read along
silently as they point to each picture.
+ . Encouragestudentsto guessthe meaning of the words, especiallythe Content
Words, in the context of the reading. To assistthem, show pictures or make
4 simple drawings on the board depicting Australia,lapan, kodla, llama, Peru,
snow monkey.
4 , a Replaythe audio as needed.
r l Ask questions to check for understanding: Whst animal livesnear Vincentin
4 l
i f,xnfrit$*
l Australia?(koala) What animal livesnear Angelq in Peru?(ilama) What animal

livesnear l(yoko in lapan? (snow monkey)

4 Have students labei the three pictured animals with self-stick notes.Allow
tlrem to use the labelsas referencein answering the comprehension questions
ffi Answer these questions with a partner.
4 Have partners take turns asking and answering the two questions.
Circulate and listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
4 tr*lJit*F
c o r r e c tu s eo f l a n g u a g e .
Remind students that they should use I can seeto answer Question 1, and
4 ittfi51
Thereis/Tltereare to respond to Question 2.
. Assign \4brkbook page 83 and direct studentsto digital activities.
&ppl*ew?i*nex* Pr*d'i*c &€t;v;*y
4 . Ask students to sharethe animals they mentioned in Activity 18. List their
responseson the board.
YS{P . Have each student chooseone animal from the list and draw a picture of it.
24 >:onouncing Llama Have them write sentencesin the style of the rvebsitein Activity 17.
: :^ouqh the word s*s:rcn: Monitor for correct comprehension,grammaq and vocabulary.
>Q ,-u iia Spanishword,
: s pronounced
-Jt-nah in American ,of!lnl:3oProvide sentence frames for students to complete: I live in
-'<:^q{ish because \--,: l seethis - near my house. The lives in
:^gtishdoes not use
-':e /l as . Combine the pagesto make a classroom OutsideMy Window book for
a4 a seParate
3 0 u n ot r o m l . L l a m at s studentsto read during free time.
^ cronounced the same
- J as lama.

Unit 8 T101
K$*nrxr*t$s &*3€€? l uEs e
To learn the sounc-.
. Give each student three index cards.Have them draw a key on one, a question
mark on the second.and the numeral 6 on the third. Review the sounds these
for k, q, and x

To differentiate
. lnstruct studentsto hold up the key card each time you say a word that begins
between the souncs
for k, q, and x e
with /k/ and hold up the question mark card each time you say a word that
begins with /ql. Say:Kangaroo.Kite. Quick. Koala. Quilt. Quail. Kick. Queen'
To learn words that
include the letters k.
. Have studentshold up the six card and repeat after you: Six endswitLt lksl .
Instruct studentsto hold up the six card each tlme you say a word that ends
To write words that
include k, q, or x
with lks/. (Point out that they are listening for ending sounds this time.) Say:
Ax.All. Fox.Foad. Box.Ibex.Duck. Fix.

Fmg* !ffiX
Index cards
& 6) Listenand point.Say.
Explain the iessonobjective-students will identify and distinguish betrveen
the sounds k, q, andx stand for. Studentswill also practice writing words with
Scissors e
k, q, and x.
Glue {F
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 839. Have studentspoint to each Soundsand Letters
picture as they listen.
Display the Sounds and Letters Cards. Replaythe audio. Have studentslisten,
Audio tracks839-40
point to, and say each word.
Diqital activities:
Replaythe audio and have students repeat each word and circie the k in the
-ords i.t ltems I*3. Then repeat,circling the 4 in the words in Items 4-6. €
Then repeat,circling the x in the words in Items 7-9. Observe studentsand Page84
make sure thev are fbcusing on the target letters. Audio scripton page €
ffi 6) Lirt.n, read, and say. Underline k q, and x.
Play Audio Track B40. Have students read along silently'
Answerson page T148
Pair studentsand have them find and underline each k, Q, and x. Replaythe (
audio and have studentschorally read along.
Have partners take turns reading each underlined word aloud. Listen for (
correct pronunciation.
Assign Workbook page 84 and direct studentsto digital activities' e
$&pp!*x*ti**xxcld Frse*ti** &*Str8ty
. Make a crown for each student. Measureeach student'shead and cut that
length plus two inches (5 cm) from poster board. Cut each piece six inches (15
cm) wide.
. Have studentscut zigzagsto a depth of two inches. Have them decorateone Ygp
side with paint, glitter, etc.,and then glue the two sidestogether.
. Have studentsidentify the beginning sound and letter of the words kingand'
Audio and Video
queen.f)esignateboys to be kings and girls to be queens. Recording students (
and letting them listen
. Saywords that contain k or q. Tell the "kings" to stand when they hear a word to or view the
with &, and the to stand when they hear a word with q. recordings can aid €
them in their
Add two more rules: All studentsmust stand when they hear a word with x, pronunciation. Allow
and none should stand if a word doesn't inciude k, q, or x (such as bottle).To students to record €
|l1&ittfiit make the game a competition, put 5 tally marks on the board for each team. their own discussions,
Any time i student makes a mistake, eraseone of the tally marks. When all oral readings, and €
marks are erasedfor one team, the other team wins' other oral
Students often catch €
their own mistakes in
p r o n u n c i a t i o na n d -
g r a m m a rw h e n
I i s t e n i n tgo o r w a t c ' ' - -? F
themseives. L

T 1 0 2 U n i t8
0B J r { Y } V g $ W*xrm-Sp
: r e a r na b o u t t h e v a l u e
:' :cpreciating animais To review the animals in this Llnit,have students play Bingo.(SeeGameBank,
page'f 134,for details.)
Have each student $,rite the foliowing words in random order on their Bingo
2lsf Century $kiNls grids cheetah,duck, elephant,;fish,fox, girafre,hippo, kangaroa,koala, Iion, Ilama,
I rvironmental Literacy monkey,parrat, peacock,polar beal quail, snake,toLtcon,and zebra.
Hold up a picture of each animal and have students name it and use a malker to
hloteriels cover the word on the Bingo card. The first player to cover a row horizonfilly or
Picture Cards 12V128
vertically wins. Have the winner read back the words they covered.
Eingo cards
E i n g o m a r k e r s ,s u c h a s
F*ge $&3
Drawing paper
dh 6D titt"n and write the word.
C r a y o n so r m a r k e r s
,uo*rru Explain the lessonobjective-students will match adjectivesto animals,
Glue I discussanimal attributes, and make a habitat map.
Audio track 841
Read the r,r'ordsin the box ar-rdhave students repeat.As needed,help students
Student Book audio
s c r i p t ,p a g e T 1 3 6 u n d e r s t a n dt h e m e a n i n qo f e a c hw o r d .
dLLrvr(rv>. . Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 84l. Have students read along.
or CD-ROM Replaythe audio and have studentswrite the r'vordthat describeseach animal.
ifi:t;1 !ttI Review the answers.(Answers:1. beaut{il, 2. smart, 3. amazing,4. strong)
For each ani.mal,provide two answer choicesand have studentschoosethe
correct answer.
V'4 Ask and answer about your favorite animal. Work with a partner.
Have volunteers read the example dialogue aloud. Point out that the question
and answergo with Item 1 in Activity 21.
Have students use each picture in Actlvity 2l to formulate a question and

Monitor for proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and correct useof
9.@x l Make an Animals Map of your country.
Provide a sample map of your country or an outline map students can trace,
or reproduce ouiiine maps for each student.

ffi Enuironnenlol literqcy Review with studentsthe four habitats on page

100.Help studentsidentify which habitats are tbund in your country and
where they are fbund. Help them color code the map to shorvthe different
habitats.Have studentslabel each habitat.
Have students find and cut out pictures of animals that are found in your
country or have thern drarv their own. Have them label each animal and help
then pastethe pictures in the appropriate habitat.
Have students sharetheir maps with the classexplaining which animals live in
rvhich habitats.
Check labels for correct spelling and listen as students share for correct
pronunciation, vocabulary,and grammar.

Provide a word bank that studentscan refer to as they rvrite their iabels,or use
the rvord bank from Activity 22.

&pp9icc*i*nw$d Frcsflse&etiv$ty
Sit in a circle with students.Hold up the PictureCard of the cheetahand say:
I seea spottedcheetah.Passthe card to the next student, who comes up with
another adjectiveto describe the cheetah,such as:I seea spotted,beautiful
cheetah.Contilue around the circle until studentscannot think of another
description.Switchto another ani.malPicture Card. Continue until everv
studenthas had at leastone opportunity to describean animal.

Unit 8 T103
ll$*rm*{,}p &&3Y€&ees$
. Play Simon Saysgiving directives to move like different animals. (SeeGame Students can name
wild animals.
Bank, pageT134, for details.)
Students can describe
. Play the game in a large areawhere studentscan stand about one arm'slength animals.
away from each other. Students can use the
. Remind studentsthat they should only do the movement when you saySimon verbs can/can't.

sa7s.Begin the game by saying: Simon saysto jump like a kangaroo.Continue

with other animal movements such as walklike an elephant,openyour mouth like
a hippo, and run in a circle like a cheetah.Give some directions with Simon says lllslsrisls
and some without. Self-sticknotes
Hole punch
Diq;tal activities:
Explain the lessonobjective-students will ask and answer questionsthat
describeanirnals. oicolRorvt
Pair studentsand read Step I aloud. Havb one student in each pair write the
animal name.
Then read Step2 aloud. Have voiunteers read aloud the sample dialogue.
Have pairs play one round of the game.
Read Step 3 aloud. Have partners switch roles and play again.
Have studentsswitch and play again with different partners.
Circulate,checking that studentsare using correct vocabulary,intonation, and
grammar. Aiso, check sticky notes for correct spelling.

Provide pictures of the animal on the self-stick note to help

,,-"\ ,,l: students answer the questions.

On the board, brainstorm a list of animals studentsknow about. Allow

studentsto refer to the list as they play the game.

&pp!*een?!*n *nd Frcx{si*s&c?iw*ey

. Have each student write the name of one of the animals from the What
Animql Am I? gameon a cardstock.Punch holes in r,te upper two corners and
have the student put yarn through the two hoies and knot it to make a name
tag. Have studentshang their nane tags around their necks.
. Mark a spot at the front of the classroomwith a big chair. Play lively music
and have an animal parade around the classroom.Instruct studentsto move
like the animal on their name tag ("giraffe" taking long strides, "parrot"
flapping arms, etc.). Periodically,stop the music. Whatever student is near the
chair must sit in it, name his/her animal, and tell one thing about the animal.
Continue stopping and starting the music and parade utrtil everyonehas had a
turn in the chair.

Listen to be sure that studentsuse correct vocabulary,proper pronunciation,
and appropriate intonation.
Have studentssay correct and incorrect statementsabout the animal. Have
{!1&,.!tli6t the classrespond, "IesJ"or
If the statementis incorrect, have a volunteer YX&{'{'ru&
correct it. Question lntonation
Only questionsthat
can be answeredvesor
no haverisingend
intonation;all other
with the ouestionsin
t h e s a m p l ed i a l o g u e
on the page.

T104 Unit 8

0u?{*Mgs L&fmrsw-&J*
S t u d e n t sc a n n a m e w i l d . Play this game in a large areawhere studentscan stand about one arm'slength
an r m a l s .
away from each other.
S t u d e n t sc a n d e s c r i b e
animals. . Ask: Can you jump like a kangarooi Students: Yes,I can. Say: Thenjump like a
4 S t u d e n t sc a n u s e t h e kangaroo!Allow studentsto perform the action briefly. Continue asking about
verbs can/can't- animal movements that students can and cannot do. As needed,model how to
do each action.
. Prompt students to reply in complete senlencesand do the movements thefiay
4 2lst {enterrySkilk they can do.
. Sarnplequestionsto ask: Can you . . . c&tcha fish like a polar bear?jurcp like a
ffioleria!s monkey?swim like a fish? walk like a zebra?openyour mouth like a hippo?roar like
j PictureCards125-128 a lion?Jly like a parrot?
Largeenvelopeor file
I Ol O e r
4 Games/ Video
& look and write.
4 Digital activities:
MyEnglishLab Read the directions aloud. Do the first one as a class.
* Have students complete the activity independently.
@ Walk around the room to check students'spelling. Review the answersas a
4 Audioscripton page
ira)$ii*R class. (Aruswers: 1. polar bean it can; 2. gira-ffe,it can't; 3. elephant,it can't;
r144 1. kangaroo,it can)
4 Answerson pageT148 At$t51 Have students plav the Unit 8 Game 2 on ActiveTeach.

+ ffi Number the conversation in order.

. Explain to studentsthat the sentencesin this conversationare in mixed-up
4 order. Have studentsfind the first sentence.Point out the numeral .1.Ask:
What sentenceanswersthe auestion"What'sthat"? Have students write 2 beside
4 It! a peacock.
. Have studentscomplete the activity independently.Instruct pairs to check
4 their answersby reading aloud the sentencesto each other in order. Allow
tirne for studentsto correct their responses.
I Review the answersas a class.(Answers:6, 5, 2, 1, 3,4)Have voiunteers read
the conversationas a dialogue, checking for correct pronunciation and
4 intonation, especiallyin questionsand exclamations.

4 ,l,#qxn
. Read the sentencesaloud and have studentsplace checkmarks if they feel they
4 can do each.
. Assign Workbook page 85 and direct studentsto digital activities.

r t A e i l i r uT6l p
C o g n a t e sa n d S p e l l i n g e,?d preag${e&e*lvity
So'r-,evocabulary may . Placeone of the Unit 8 Picture Cards in a large envelopeor file folder. Make
2 = < : ? f a m i l i a rt o S p a n i s h - sure studentsdon't seewhat card you are using. Pull it from the envelopevery
J = c e a k r n os t u d e n t s
slowly showing only a fraction of the picture at a time.
: 3 c a u s eo { t h e E n q l i s h -
{ S : a n i s hc o g n a t e s . rc Griliccl Thinking Have students guesswhat animal it is. When students
:', affe/ji rafa, elephanU
guesscorrectly, have them expiain how they knew-for example: It\ a zebra!I
= etante, a,nd
4r '
t^,Qaroo/canaura). saw blackand white striles.Continue with each Picture Card.
lcriversely, thls may Have students askyes/noquestionsabout the animal. If the answer to the
4 - ^*,?learning the ai.l&r!,t $t question is 7es,reveala little more of the picture. If the answer is no, cover up
: ^ g l r s ns p e l t t n g ms ore
Provide more of the animal.
_ 4 : i f f i c u l t .
=J -eceated oractice with
Have studentsplay the Unit 8 Game 2 on ActiveTeach.
' a s h c a r d s ,s p e l l i n g
b'""t, and other. Have students review the Unit 8 dramatic video segment.Use Video Guide
actrvttresto rerntorce activities,If students have MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
- , , - . . F " E n g l i s hs o e l l i n g so f homework for further review.
J tamlllar WOrdS.

U n i t8 T 1 0 5



.'.' t

| . "

| 't'
l1 .' ' f
ll ' . ,'. t
l , t
lI ' ,. , ffik$ww€&wffis
I ', W*qwkax*mrv €cms?e*f6sras
. Social Studies: To match national t
I . To name the months of the Year
r To match monthswith specialevents holidaysto months
. Around the World: To read about
lt :. ffi*rwd€xxg specialdays aroundthe world

I . To identify important ideas in a story

I ("No Birthdays,No Cakel")
. To use reading strategiesto
. To review letters and sounds

II comprehendand aPPreciatea story

. To learnthe value of being active
i . : ,
. To use the adverbs alwaysand never all year

.: Frajee€'
. To make a "special Days" calendar






t .$.,
m m | l i l f f iu i l m f n f n m
ffiw**r'Xw$s &p*mer&s*Xw$9*ws
1 StudenfBook,Unif9
4 I tr,tainunit, pages 1A6-117 $sre&8w
I Cutoutsfor CheckpointUnits, Havestudentstalk to familvmembers
q page 127 aboutfamilybirthdaysand otherspecial
i] Vlf practicematerials, occasionsthey celebrate.Havestudents
4 pages 129-139 work with their familiesto createa family
birthdaycalendaland askstudentsto
i] StudentBookAudio CD,
Tracks842-857.866 sharetheir calendars with a partner.
) Model by saying:My sister'sbirthdayis tt.l:,],,i:rir:
llllorkbook,Unit 9 in November.
4 tvtainunit, pages86-95
{-] rfrint<Big Activity,pages 96-97
[_j Extragrammarpractice,page 105
+ lj WorkbookAudio CD,
4 Assessment
Practicetest, pages 66-67
dVfomf$rs &exrd *ir
of f$?eXswr&alX$e?&m
4 I
Havestudentscut picturesof people
I Unittest. pages68-69
celebratingeventsthroughoutthe yearfrom
+ L] Oral assessment, pages70-71 magazines,or downloadpicturesfrom the
I ExamVieuPAssessmentSuife lnternet.Help studentswrite a sentence X
4 about eachpicture,includingthe month
AdditionalMotericls the eventtakesplace.Displaythe pictures It
4 il PictureCards 129*140 in order by month. For example,snow
In show a
pictureof Day of the Dead celebrations
I Posters:Unit 9 Poster, I
and say: We celebrateDay of the Dead in
4 Units7-9 GrammarPoster
I Video (ActiveTeach), Unit 9 i
4 il n l g i t a la c t i v i t i e(sM y E n g l i s h L ao br
4 {"-$sx
€k*skpw&sx€ its 7*W
? StudentBook,pages 119-221 Workbook, pages 96-97

e G u i d e s t u d e n t s i n d i s c u s s i o n st h a t e n a b l e
t h e m t o p u t t h e v o c a b u l a r ya n d s t r u c t u r e s
Studentu s s ec r i t i c atlh i n k i n gs k i l l s
and collaborateto plan a piinic by
n into practice (spontaneous class,group.
o r p a i r d i s c u s s i o n s )E. n c o u r a g es t u d e n t s
choosingand organizing
the foodsthey
to assessthemselves on how well they skillsto makean invitation.Have
4 r e m e m b e r t h e m a t e r i a lf r o m t h e p r e v i o u s studentswork in pairsor groupsto
three units. As they do, pay attention to completethe page.
4 their performance. Target areas that need
more practice.
4 lf desired,usethe YLE(YoungLearners English)practice materialsatthe end of the Student
Bookto familiarizestudentswith the activitytypes used in the YLETests.


l,.ll' l,'.1,...,.
. Write the names of the twelve months, in order, on chart paper. Leaveroom to write under
. Ask each student, one by one: When is your birthday?Have studentswrite their names on the
chart under the appropriatemonth. I

. Once the chart is cornplete,point and say lanuary. Have students repeat. Ask:.Who has a
birthday in lanuary? Instruct studentsto stand. Continue with each month.

e 6) Listenand read.Thenchant.
i E*pluinthelesson
,uror,, wili saya chant,readmonthsof theyear,andidentifu
objective-students t
i their favoritemonth. i
. Readthe directions aloud. Display the Unit Poster and play Audio Track 842. Have students
fbllow along silently. I
. Divide the classinto three groups and assigneach group one verse.Distribute the Picture
Cards for four months to each group (to match lyrics). Replay the audio and have each group
hold up the Picture Card as the month is said.
Return to the lyrics on the page and ask:.When is the girls birthtlay?(September) Wlrlc&
month doesthegirl like best?(September)How many monthsare in a year?(fivelve)
Replaythe audio as necessar)'.Use gesturesand simple languageto explain unfamiliar words.
Have studentsidentifz the activities pictured and speculateat which month or months they r

are taking place.

6D looL and listen. Ask and answer.

Read eachmonth aloud and have students repeat.Help rvith pronunciation as needed. v
Readthe directions a1oud.Play Audio Track 843 as studentslisten, point to each month, and
then repeatafter the audio. {
l,li:lttr*n j Saythe months in random order. Have students point to each on the page.

T106 Unit9

Listenandwrite the month.
e 6e To name the months
. Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track B44. Pauseafter each paragraph of the year
and have studentsidentify the month. To match months with
. Label the Item 1 together as a class. special events
4 . Replaythe audio and have studentslabel the pictures independentll'. To say a chant

+ ,,r,,no*| Review the answerswith students.

(Answers:1. August,2. April, 3. March,
| 4. lanuary, 5. November 6. luly) Key N{ocsbulsrT
1 . ffi Gbbol lwcreness Explain that important eventslike holidays and Nouns: January,
seasonsdo not happen in the same month all around the world; these pictures May,June,July,August,
4 representlife in other countries. Have studentstell you when activities like September,October,
the ones pictured in Activity 3 happen in your country. Refer studentsto the
4 calendarspictured in Activity 2 for help with spelling. 3!sf (en*ury $kills
Global Awareness
4 e 6.) Look at 3. Listen to the model. Ask and answer.
. Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track B45. Have students read the Ma*erisls
4 dialogue aloud together. Unit Poster
. Have partners take turns asking about each picture in Activity 3. Encourage PictureCards 129-140
t them to respond in complete sentences.Replay the audio to help them tell Audio tracks 84244,
why the month is a favorite.
Student Book audio
1 script,pageT136
*9-1lt-4t^Pair less-proficient English speakerswith more advanced speakers Games(ActiveTeach)
4 ,,\. .l: to provide additional modeling opportunities. Diqital
-MyEr activities:
? Allow students to use the photographs in Activity 3 to make up
; y'-':. their own sentences.
a iJ$rftto* As studentswork, listen for proper pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and
Answerson page T148

a correctuse of language.
Reviewthe picture cueswith students,listing the month and the activitv on
j the board for them to use as they ask and answer the questions.
AssignWorkbook pages85*87 and direct studentsto digital activities.
*md Fr&sgic*&ctiwify
4 Have studentssit in a circle. Write the name of one month on the board-for
example, May.
4 Going around the circle, have each student say the name of a month in order.
Student l: January.Student 2: February,and so on. When it gets to Student 5,
4 who will sayMay, the student standsand receivesone point.
EraseMay from the board and write a different month. Begin again with
? Student6 saying:lanuory. and continuing around the circle. Increasethe pace
of the game to encourageautomaticity.
? Listen for proper pronunciation and correct vocabulary as studentssay the
months in order.
&95t$t Use the text or a classroomcalendar for support.
a Have studentsolav the Unit 9 Game 1 on ActiveTeach.

? Unit 9 T1A7

os,rE(nvrs ?
To act out a dialogue
. Return to the birthday chart that was createdin the Warm-Up onpage . with a partner
celebratedholidays. Add them to the ?
Have studentsname llcally and nationally To use unit language
in context
. Havestudentstaketurns usingthe chartto nameoneeventin their birthday
month. Model: My birthdayis-inlanuary'New Year\Day is in lanuary' e
Xel UocobulorY
NouC: January,
UsingFcge ll0 February,March,APril, =
& (n)tirt"n and say.
November,December; z
Explain the lesson objective-students will act out a conversationwith a Mother'sDay, Father's
and talk about celebrations. I
first time, have
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track 821 twice. The ll|l!t"riolt
The second time, pausethe audio from time
studentslisten and read silentiy. Chartfrom Warm-UP E
to time so that studentscan repeat what they hear' activiryon Page T106
them readthe Drawing paPer
Assignvolunteersthe rolesof Ted,Dad,Mom' and Tina' Have Crayonsor markers
dialoguealoud. Unit 9 Stickers
Ask questionsto checkfor comprehension:.When is Mother'sDay?.(inMay) Audio tracks 84748
Day? (inlun)fuhen k ChildreniDay? (inNovember)V:hat
MOKT0A Wlrri i, Father's Student Book audio
yourfamily dofor
datei Day?
Childrens (We have a party and play games') script, page T136 J
dialogueand use Diqital activities:
Replaythe audioasnecessary. Pauseaftereachcharacter's
words' -
g"JtuJ.tand simplelanguageto explainunfamiliar or'cDlRoM €

& Wort in a group of four. Look at 8' Role'play' I

role-play Page89
. Put studentsin qroups of four to act out the dialogue. After students
Audio scriPton Page
one time, have t"hem-switchroles and repeat'
lAsstudentswork,listenforproperpronunciation'appropriateintonation'and Answerson PageT148
i'6xrro* a
I correct use of language.

(& 6eListen. Stick.write the number' t

locatetheunit 9 stickers
. Helpstudents Book'
at thebackof theirStudent
placing a sticker t
Read the direcrions aloud. Play Audio Track 848 and model
item. Then have students complete the activity
,t picture for the first
"" " t
Checkto seethat studentshavecorrectlyplacedthe stickers'Check I

Applicslion snd Frotiice Ac?lvifY

from the
. pair studentsand have each secretlychoosea holiday or celebration Tlp
each student illustrate the holiday being Tr A( $l f{&
chart in the warm-up activity. Have
guess Pointout to students
. Have pairs show each other their completed pictures and have them that when talking
in what month the
what holiday the other one drew. Have themldentify about months,the
holiday is celebrated. orepositionin is
as l've Lseb-for. example,MY
. Have pairs work together to write a caption for their pictures, such birthday is in
celebrite Valentine\ Day in February' December.We are
and word use' going to MexicoCitY in,
Check students'written work for correct spelling' grammar' April.ln August,schoot
have students
Have volunteersdescribewhat is going on in their pictures and starfs.Point out that
illustrated before they show the the prepositiono-n.is
g,t.r, rlrnut holiday or celebration"theiihave
usedwith davsot the
week-for eiamPle,
We aregoing on a field
trip on MondaY.On
Saturday,we are gotng
to a soccergame.

T't10 Unit9

c B J E d ?&' XSf &S*rm-$p
-se the adverbs
; ,.,aysand never . As a class,make a list of activities people do only in the winter and ones they do
only in the summer.
. Divide the classinto pairs. Whisper one of the activities to the first pair of
KeyVocobulcry players.Have them act it out for the classto guess.Allow them to use words but
Nouns:January, to not name the activity.
:ebruary,Marih, .April,
\lay, June,Julv.Auoust. . After the classsuccessfullyguessesthe activity, ask:Do you do i'tin (fnamga
Seftember,Oaobei winter monthl)? Have the cliss respond with thumbs-.rp o, thumbs-dowf tn.r,
ask:Do you do it in (fname a summer month])? Have the classrespond with
thurnbs-up or thumbs-down. Continue until all pairs have participated.
Units7-9 Grammar {is!n6 Fwg* !X!
Calendar with months @ w.ite always ar never.
on separatepages
Drawingpaper ,*u*,0,I Etpluin the lessonobjective-students will use the adverbsalways and neverin
Crayonsor markers I sentences.
d!lrvrrrs5. . Have students chorally read the questionsand answersat the top of the page.
Explain that always and never are opposites. Always means "every time" and
never means"not ever""
Read the directions aloud. Complete Item I together as a grouD.
Pages 9G-91
A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
Have students complete the sentencesindependently.
i{*f$}0 iq
Review the answers as a class. (Answers:1. always,2. never,3. always) Have
volunteers read each question and answer aloud.
*93iSl Remind students to refer to the grammar box to confirm their answers.
For additional support, use the Units 7-9 Grammar Poster.

e& Read. Complete the dialogue.

Read the directions aloud. Tell students they will complete the sentencesusing
the words in the word box.
Have pairs work together to complete the activity.
rx*xllo* i Review the answers as a class. (Answers: What, nevenDo, always)
Have pairs of volunteers read the completed dialogue aloud.
c*{ Ask and answer. Use always and neyer,
Have pairs take turns asking questions.Encouragethem to modei their
answersafter the sentencesin the previous activities.
Circulate and listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
corre€t use of vocabulary.
Assign Workbook pages90-91 and direct students to digital activities.

&pp$iexti*x*amd Frsefice &ctiwitV

,4 . Take apart or print out a calendar and distribute one month to each pair (or
single student). Have studentsidentify their months.
. Assign pairs to make a calendar illustration to go with their assignedmonths.
A As needed,discussholidays, weather,and popular activities for each month.
Have students attach the illustration to the calendar.
4 r i A c H r rT
{ c' F . Have each pair sharetheir month with the class.Ask What do you do in
Adverbsof Freouencv (lanuary)?Direct students to respond: We always(celebrateNew year\ in
-Q - Jl nt out that adverbs
fanuary). Then ask a question that does not apply to that month, such as:Do
ltou (celebrate
,suallygo beforethe
Mather\ Day in lanuary)? Direct studentsto respond: We never
(celebrateMother\ Day in lanuary).

..4 - matnverb in a *u*'n* , Vary the secondquestion so that it can be answered les in order to check
senlence-lorexample, r students'comprehension of grammar and vocabulary.
t alwayslock my bike.I
-,-_s nevereatasparagus.

u n i t9 T 1 1 1

trF*srm*&3p **$${Y;Vrg e
To match nationa
. Display your country's flag or a picture of it. Have studentscolor small h o l i d a y st o t h e m o - : -
rectangularpiecesof paper as your national flag. Help them stapletheir flags to they are celebratec V
strawsto createminiature flags.
. Ask: When do people waveflags? l{hat holidays are about your country'shistorlt?
To read and
understand a Socia
What holidaysare about theflag?.Saythe name of each patriotic holiday anC have
studentsrepeatwaving their flags.

& 6a Lookand listen.Writethe month.
Explain the lessonobjective-students rvill match months to different
countryt national holidays,write months in order, and discusstheir country'.s Stsf Cem?ury
$l*ilk e
national day Communication
Read the directions aloud. Plav Audio Track 849 and have studentslisten and Collaboration F
point to eachpicture.
. Replaythe audio and have studentsrvrite the name of the month that matches
$!s*eriels er
3x5 piecesof paper
each holiday.
Review the answersas a ciass.(Answers:I. October,2. Septembea3. Itiot,ember,
Crayonsor markers
4. April, 5. December6. luly)
Explain the meaning of unity, independence, parades,and
&55t5t freedom,celebrate,
other unfamiliar words. paints
Picturesof celebrations
{&tLook at '14. Write the months in order.
,Audiotrack B49 €
to write the months from Activity l4 in order. Tell them to
Instruct str"rdents Video (ActiveTeach)
put a comma betrveeneach word.
Have studentsconiplete the activity independently.
-MyEnglishLab e
Review the ansrversas a class.(Answers:April, luly, September,
November,December)Check for correct spelling and capitalization. @ e
Have studentsuse a classroomcalendaror the oneson page 107 ofthe Student
Book to help them pr.rtthe months in order.
Page 92
. A n s w e r so n p a g e T 1 4 8
U"il CommunicofionWhat do people in your country do on your
national day? Make a list with the class.
Help studentsidentify your national holiday. Ask lfhaf do you do on
([holiday])?Record their responsesin a list. Ask: What other thingsdo people
do? Add students'responsesto the list. Accept all reasonableresponses.
*lsrsr! Provide pictures of celebrationsof your national holiday to stimulate ideas.
AssignWorkbook page92 and direct studentsto digital activities.

&pp|{eation er?d pr6$#i€* &etiwity
. ffi Co$oborutiol Usirrg the iist from Activity 16, have students categorize
activities such as parades,picnics, fireu'orks, and dancing into general groups
llke Things We Do, Things WeEat, PeopleWe See,Things We \\'stcl',, etc. Dir.ide
the classinto groups and assigneach group one categor,v.

. Have studentsmake a mural that shows celebrationsgoing on in different parts
of town. Provide assistanceas studentsdelegateresponsibilitiesand collaborate
on one mural.
. Hang the mural and have studentstitle it and label different activities. €
. Have volunteersdescribe the different scenes.
. Have studentsview the Unit 9 documentary video segment.Use activities in €
the Video Guide. If studentshave N{yEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
homervorkfor review {

T 1 1 2 U n i t9

=r=t c s J * { ? * v g s &Vxrm*&!p
lc learnabout how
rnoei:l ri:vc rra
. Ask studentsto thiak about what holiday or specialday is their favorite. Then
:eiebrated around the have each student write the sentence,I like -. at the top of a sheetof
, 1 0r t c
drawing paper,completing the sentencewith a favorite specialday.
4 . Under the sentence,have students draw pictures of themselvescelebratingthe
4 (ontsnl l$ords
. Display the pictures in the classroomand savethem for Activity 18.
Dayof the Dead,May o
4 Day,Mid-Autumn
Pxge ??3
) Msteria!s
Drawingpaper e 6) Listenand read.
I Crayonsor markers
,.^ ,. Explain the lessonobjective-students will read about how specialdays are
celebratedaround the world and discusstheir favorite specialday.
I Worldmap or globe
. Display a rvorld map or globe and help studentslocate Mexico, China, and
England. Have studentsidentifi which country is closestto theirs and which
4 MyEnglishLab
is the farthest away.
. Read the directions aloud. Explain that different specialdays are celebratedin
4 @ different placesaround the world. Play Audio Track 850. Have students reaa
along silently as they point to each picture.
4 Audio script on page . Encouragestudentsto guessthe meaning of the words, especiallythe Content
T144 \,\rords,in the context of the reading. To assistthem, show pictures from the
4 Answers on page T'148 S t u d e n tB o o k o r m a g a z i n e s .
I Ask questionsto check for understanding: When is Day of the Dead celebrated
4 : in Mexico?(November 2) What do peopledo to celebratei(They visit their
i families, eat specialfoods, and have fun.) When is Mid-Autumn Festival
4 xrxrrx , celebratedin China?(Septemberor October) What do peopledo to celebrate?
r (They wear masks,dance in the street,and eat mooncakes.) When is LIay
4 i Day celebratedin England?(May l) What do peopledo to celebrate?(They put
, llowers and ribbons on a pole. They dancearound the pole.)
4 $99111,'4Provide additional pictures of each celebration (available on the
' -r Internet) to help students comprehend how each day is celebrated.
4 \

,,,,,, j R.pluy the audio as needed,stopping after each paragraph to explain any
4 I unfamiliar words.

4 & arl and answer with a partner.

. Have partners take turns asking and answering the questions.Encouragethem
4 to sharetheir pictures from the Warm-Up activity in their discussions.
?$p ,r*,*,n*i As studentswork, listen for correct vocabuiary,proper pronunciation, and
4 snystudents a p p r o p r i a t ei n t o n a t i o n .
t ic l,Lol', +h:i:n', . Assign Workbook page 93 and direct studentsto digital activities.
4 .'-rr;;;'.'*i rln"'r,"
s i u d e n t sw h o a r e s h y r*qlrr* I Encouragevolunteers to present their favorite day to the whole class.
^ - 1 , , ^ +^ L
a - v 'rdLUIe OI lUSt SllV
t aboutspeaking
- a q l i s h .P r o v i d e
d : o o o r t u n i t i e st o s p e a k . Have studentslook at the celebrationson pages I 12 and 1i 3 and each choose
: 1 e - o n - o n ew i t h t h e
- s : u d e n t .A v o i d one they would like to participate in.
-'J :crrecling the student . Have each student, in turn, tell what celebrationthey would attend and one
r front o{ the whole
thing they would do there. Provide the sentenceframe: I would _.
Q t'oup. Allow the
ir.dent to read wrrtten n1r,r. ReplayAudio Tracks B48 and 849 to refresh students'memories.
.4::il::'":::gn5:11 rsn!r.*&{,r
i Invite someoneto your classroornwho has celebratedthese days in another
r country. Have students ask questionsto learn more about the holiday.
small group activities
a,itow.oPPortr:n ities for
t h e s h ys t u d e n tt o g a r n
---? c o n f i d e n c ei n s p e a k i n g

U n i t9 T 1 1 3

&Pr,{crm-*"*p &e3g{Ytwts
To review letters ar:
. Display the Soundsand Letters Cards for 12 letters, such as:a, b, c, e,g, I, n, p, r,
t, v,y. Put studentsin pairs. Have them cut out twelve small squaresof paper and
sounds practiced i.
Level 2
copy the letters onto them.
. Call out a phonetically regular three-letter word, such as caf. Have pairs race to
seervho can be the first to use their ietter squaresto spell the word. Ifthey are
unsure of the spelling, have them sound the rvord out, /k/ I al ltl .
Soundsand Letters
. Check students'spelling and award ail studentsone point for correctiy
spelling a word. Continue with a variety of words, reinforcing the letter-sound
Paper t=
correspondence.Possiblewords to use bag ban, bat, bay,beg,cab,can, cap,cot,
gap,gal, lay, Ieg let, nag, nap, net, pal, pan, pat,pay,peg, pen, pet, rag, ran, raP, rat,
Audio tracks851-852
Diqital activities:
ray, tab, tag, tan, tap, ten, van, vat, vet.
or CD-ROM e
Listenand write the missingletters.Thennumberthe monthsin
e 6a
AuC'oscripton page
T144 e
Explain the lessonobjective-students will review letters by completing words Answerson page T148
and practicewriting the namesof months. t=
Readthe directions aloud. Play Audio Track 851 and have studentslisten and
repeat. e
Model the first sentence,showing students how to complete each word. Then g
have studentsnumber the months in order from I to 12,

Review the answersas a class.(Answers:1.g 8; 2. l, 7; 3. v, 11;4. b, I2; 5. n, 6; C
6. c, fi; 7. e,2; 8. r 3; 9. t, 9; 10.p, 4; 11.a, 1; 12. a, 5)

Replaythe audio, pausing after each word. If studentshave difficulty putting
the months in order, have them refer to the caiendarson Page 107.Saythe
months in crder together. g
t-rl Lirt.n and write the missing letters. Say.
u 6)
Play Audio Track 852. Pausingafter each sentenceto allow time for students
t o c o m p l e t ee a c hw o r d .
Replaythe audio. Then have students read the sentencesaioud.
Reviervthe answersas a class.(Answers:1. d, s; 2. x, i; 3. w, z; 4. k, u; 5. h,f;
6. m, j; 7. q, o)Have partners take turns reading each sentencealoud. Listen for
correctpronunciation. t
es&R e a d . W r i t e a b o u t y o u . C
Read the directlons and each sentencestem aloud. Help studentswith any
unfar:riliar vocabulary.
Have studentscornpletethe activity independently.
Review the ansu'ersas a class.(Answerswill vary.) Call on volunteersto read
their sentencesaloud. As they speak,listen for correct pronunciation.
Assign Workbook page91and direct studentsto digital activities.
Rhyming Words
&pp|iee:?io* &ctiwity
snd Frss**ee
,A good way to practice g
. Divide studentsinto trvo teams.Have teamsline up single-file at the board. correspondence with
students is to do g
. Have the first player from each team stand at the board. Call out the name of a s i m p l e a c t i v i t i e st h a t
month. The first player writes the first letter and then goesto the end of the line. {eature word families,
Each player,in turn, adds one letter until the month is spelled. such as the -at word
{amily. For example,
. For his or her turn, a player may correct a mistake instead of adding a letter. say: bat and have €
When the word is spelled correctl,v,the team gets a point. students provide other
words in the -at word
family, such as cat, fat, r
hat, mat, pat, rat, sat,
and vat.

7114 Unit 9

0BJtcTtvrg &Vsrrn-lJp
J l e a r nt h e v a l u e o f
ceing activeall year
. Display four sheetsof chart paper. Label each sheetwith the name of a season:
winter, sPring,summer,fall.
. Ask: What monthsare in winteri (December,|anuary, February) Write them on
llst tentury Skill*
the Winter chart. Continue with each season.
Chartpaper g 6) Listen and write the action.
Marker Explain the lessonobjective-students will match actions to pictures of
Reproducedmonth seasons,discussways to be active all year,and make a "SpecialDays" calendar.
Crayonsor markers Read the words in the box and have students repeat.As needed,help students
Recordinqo{ The Four understand the meaning of each word.
Seasons5y Vivaldi
Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track B53. Have studentsfill in the
Audio track B53
blanks with a word from the box.
MyEnglishLab MUaillilF Review students'answersas a class.(Answers:I. skate,2. ride , 3. swim, 4. rake)
{$t|l,af{6t Have students think of other activities they do in each of the seasons.

gt Look at 22. Role-play with a partner.

Have volunteers read the example dialogue aloud. Point out that the question
and answer go with ltem I in Activity 22.
Have students use each picture in Activity 22 to formulate a question and
As studentswork, Listenfor proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and
correct use of vocabulary.

& fU"t" a Special Days calendar.

. W Coilobordion Divide the classinto groups and provide each with twelve
blank month templates.Direct students to fill in the name of the month and
the numbers. Provide this yeari calendar to use for reference.Then have
studentsillustrate and label any specialdays they know of, reminding them
to include holidays, festivals,and birthdays. Suggestthat studentscollaborate
with each other by dividing the months among members of each group.
. Provide resourcessuch as wall calendarsor referencesto Internet siteswhere
studentscan find additional datesto mark on their calendars.
. Have students display their calendarsin the classroom,and compare their
calendarswith other groups' calendars.Encouragethem to discussany
differencesthey see.
I Check calendarsfor correct spelling.
. Assign workbook and direct students to digital activities.

&pplieu?ionsnd FrcdiceArlivity
. Playhighlights
fromeachseason byAntonioVivaldi
of TheFourSeasons
(recordings availableonline or on CD). Identify the season,and have students
closetheir eyes,listen to the music, and imagine doing a seasonalactivity.
. Have students tell what they imagined. Model: The lastpart of "Summer"sounds
like a thunderstorm.I imaginedsitting insidemy living room, drinkinghot tea,and
lookingout the window.

un i t9 T 115
?'&fcrrm-t3p s$39&mrs
Students can na-e
. Have studentsfornl a single line in a large area.Direct them to march slowly the months o{ r-e
in a circle. As studentsnarch, say the months of the year in order and have year.
studentsrepeat.Say:lanuaryJStudents;lanuary! Say:FebruarylStudents: Students can ta k
February!And so on. Saythe chant to the rhlthm of their steps. about when diffe'e-:
. After saying:December!direct studentsto march faster and repeat the chant at place throughout t.e
a faster rate. Then have studentswalk briskly and say the months faster still.
Finally, have studentsrun in the circle and say the chant very quickly. Student?can use tFe
adverbs always and
ffi ftay the MonthsLine-up
Explain the lessonobjective-students will put their birth months in
chronologicai order.
Read Step 1 aloud. Allou.time lbr studentsto put themseivesin order. Remind
them they can speakonly in English.
Then read Step2 aloud. Starting with first studeut in line, have studentscall
out their birth months. If anyone is out of ordet let studentscooperateto
solve the problem.
Review prepositions of location such as next to and between.
po?-11-lj5 e
Model telling one student where to stand in the line.
Read Step3 aloud. Have studentsplay again, this time ordering themselvesby
their favorite months. Check the order. €
Have studentspiay again, this time ordering themselvesby the month of their
favorite holiday. Check the order. €
Have studentsplay a final time, lining up according to the month in which
their favorite school event occurs.

Listen to student interactions during the game and check for proper
pronunciation,appropriateintonation,and correct useoflanguage.
a5r!!l Model useful, correct sentencesand have students repeat after you as needed.

.o"9.*lta",Write the months in order on the board for students to refer to as
,,\..-...: they play the Months Line-up game. €

Have studentstell why a month is their favorite or one thing thev do on their
favorite holidal'.
ripplica?*onond Pr*sfie* &e.f6vi9y
Go around the classhaving eachstudentname two months in order.For -
example:Student l: lanuary, February;Student 2: March, April; Student3: May,
lune. -
Repeatthe activity, but this time have each student name three months in
order. f
Check to seethat sludents are using correct pronunciation and are saying the
months in the correct order.

?g&{ &€ ,r?!p

u& 7
This is a good time to
reviewthe daysof the
week with students.
M a n yo f t h e g a m e si n
t h i su n i t . " n 6 u p l a y e d .
by replacingmonthscj
the year with days ci
the week. f
T 1 1 6 U n i t9

OUICOf,{gg {4fsrrgt*&3p
i:-:ents cannamethe - Distribute the Picture Cards for lanuary through Decemberto twelve students.
- : -trs oi the year.
Write the months of the year on the board, in order, close to the chalkboard or
i:-:ents cantalk
:: : -i when different whi.teboardtray. As you write, leaveout April, August' and October.
: : e c r a t i o n st a k e p l a c e
'- '^ nhnr rt ihc ,rorr
. Give students a go signal and have students piace the Picture Cards on the
chalkboard or whiteboard tray to fill in the missing months. (Only students
S:,dents can use the
::verbs always and
holding April, August, and,Octoberwill play.)
. Have students say the months aloud to confirm the list is complete.
. Shuffle the Picture Cards and redistribute them to students.Repeatthe activity
Write the months, leaving out different ones.
2lst C*nt*ry $kill*
rf clure Laros I zY- t4v & ruumberthe monthsin order.
Drawingpaper . Readthe directions aloud. Ask: Which rnonth is number one?(lanuary) Have
Crayonsor markers studentswrite a numeral .l on the ]anuary calendar.
Gamesly'ideo . Have students complete the activity independently.
Digitalactivities: Reviewthe answersasa class.(Answers: February'2,
MvEnolishLab H*t!ti0! September-9, November-11,lune-6,
January-1, April-4, Msrch-3,

Page95 %g Write about you.

Answers on page T1 48 Tell students to complete each sentencewith something they alwaysdo and
something they never do in the different seasons.

e:1r"'1?oModel how you make the sound ivl by placingyour top teeth
\ on your bonom lip. Allow studentsto practiceby prcnouncing
November until they ar€ comfortable with the pronunciation'

Move around the room, checking that studentsare compieting the sentences
with verbs and that they are using the correct form.

Post the calendarsthat students made in the Application and PracticeActivity
on pageTt 11 for studentsto use as a reference.
Put students in pairs and have them read their answersto each other'

ffi S"f-Oiteclion Readthe sentences aloudand havestudentsplace
checkmarks if they feelthey cando the their
activities.Help studentsappreciate
AssignWorkbookpage95 and directstudentsto digitalactivities'

&ppli*ctie*t ss*d Fnse?iee&cfiv6?V

. Have each student divide a sheetof drawing paper into four sectionsand label
each with a seasonof the year. Have students illustrate their alwayssentences
T E A f i { r t J?6l p from Activity 27.
P r a c t i c i n gE n g l i s h
. Have students sharetheir pictr.rreswith a partner, telling each other about each
I sc..:sswrth students activity.
-:,^; n'uchthey have
:'...-A rn.l hnr^, +hor, . Have studentsplay the Unit 8 Game 2 on ActiveTeach.
: 3 - c o n t i n u et o . Have students review the Unit 8 dramatic video segment.Use Video Guide
tho'r Fnnlich
:< s. Forexample,
activities. If studentshave MyEnglishlab, assignthe video segment as
:,Egest tnat students homework for [urther review.
: c n t . . J e t o t a l kw i t h
e a c ho t n e r i n E n g l i s h
c u t s i d eo f c l a s s ,o r v i s i t
< o - { r i e n d l yw e b s i t e si n

U n i t9 T 1 1 7
&t1Jsrm*&lp gSJgc T l uts
r ^ - ^ t r - d^ 5^ 5
^ ^E^5^5
rU 5Cl I iv
. Have studentsreview key vocabuiary from Units 7*9. Invite students to write w i t h k e y l a n g u a c e' - '
sentencesusing thesewords. Then ask them to rewrite sentences,ieaving Units 7*9
a blank in place of one vocabulary word. Challenge students to exchange
sentencesand try to guessthe missing word.

llsf (entury Skills
& *int aboutit, Lookandcircle.Practice. Msferiols
Explain the lessonobjective-studenls will say how well they can use rvhat
they learned in Units 7-9.
markers e
Audio track817
Readthe directions aloud. Have studentspoint to the face icons at the top of
the page as you read the descriptions aloud.
Cardswith the daysof
the week
Have studentsuse a colored marker to complete the exercise.They will choose Magazines or |}4
a different color when they review this list at the end of the Checkpoint.
Follow the suggestionsbelow to review the key languagein the unit. Check to
seehow well studentsare able to use the language.Remind studentsthey wiil For more information
about using
be askedto assess
their own abilities.
Encouragestudentsto turn to the pagerefereuceswhen they need additional
see e
support or to help refresh their memories. e
Foods (page 83)
ReplayAudio Track 817 to review food words. Ask questionsabout food: e
What colorare bananas?Do you likeyagurt?How big is a potato?Then say:
Circle theface that tellsif you know the n{lmesoffoods. e
Wild animals (page 95)

Have studentspla,vI Spywith pages94-95. (SeeGatneBank, pageT 134,for
details.)Model: I spyan animal with spots.Is it a girffi? No. Is i/ a cheetah?\'es.
Then say: Circlethe-facethat tellsif yau can name wild animals.

Parts of animals (page 98)

Write thesewords on the board: claws,pouch, tail, trunk. Have studentsplay
Animal Tcg.One student pretendsto be an animal with one of thesebody parts. €
When he/shetags another student, the student nalnes the animal and the body
part. The taggedstudent then choosesa new animal and repeatsthe game.
Months (page r07)
Ask a volunteer to name a month. Then ask studentsto name the months that e
come before and after.lvlodel: The month is March. What month comesbefore
March?(February) What month comesafter March? (Aprtl) Say:Circlethe.face €
that tellsif you can name months. '€
D o y o u l i k e . . . ? i D o e sh e / s h e l i k e . . . ? ( p a g e8 7 )
?ge&H !r?l
Ask: Do you like tomatoes?
After students answer,have other students report
Then have
each other'.sresponses.Model: Doesshelike tomatoes?Yes,shedoe-s.
IIJ self-Direttlon
Remind students that
studentsask and answerquestionsabout other foods. they completed

Can/Can't (page 99) Checkpoints to review
the skillsthey learned
Ask questionsabout what the animals on pages94-95 can or can't do. Model: in Units1*3 and Units
fly? No, they can't.Then have
Can cheetahsrun? Yes,theycan. Can elephants 4-6. Have students
studentsask and answer questionsabout other animals. review those
Checkpoints to recall
AlwayslNever (page I 1 l) how they monitored
Show studentsa calendar.Ask: WLar dc you alwaysdo in the summer?What their own progress. As
students complete the
do you neverdo in the winter?Then have students report each other'sanswers.
Ask What doesshealwaysdo in winter?
that there are no right
Do you . . . ?lYes,we do.lNo, we don't. (page 111) or wrong answers.
S t u d e n t ss h o u l d c i r c l e -
Write thesesentenceson the board: Yes,we do. I'Jo,u'e don't. Ha"'e students face icons that show
think of questionsthe,vcan answer with each sentence.Model: Da you go to how they feel about
schoolin thefall? Yes,we do. Do you go to schoolin the sumrner?No, v,e dorit. e a c h s k i l ln a m e d . =

T118 CheckpointUnits7-9

0 B JE { ? r V $ S &#ercgt-&3p
.omplete a dialogue
. Write theservords on the board: always,can, con't.Invite studentsto write
: a a s w e rq u e s t i o n s sentencesthat use thesewords. Then have them rewrite their sentences,but
,:.9 target language
replacethe target word with a blank. Studentscan then challengeeach other to
find the missing words.

2lst (enfxry SkiNls Environmenlol literocy Explain that parrots live in tropical parts of the
Environmental Literacy rvorld. Use a world map to show students the equator and name the nort\prn
rninkingCreatively and southern hemispheres.Say Most parrots live in the southernhemisphele.
Theycon befound in SouthAmerica, CentralAmerica,Australia, and parts of Asia
Moteyi*ls and Africa. Have studentsiocate these continents on the rnap. Ask: Do you think
World map parrots make good pets? Why or why not?
#**er6 Fmg* ?€*
6) c". ready.
i Explain the lessonobjective-students will put together what they learned in
ixv*;vl ] Unlts 7*9. They will complete a dialogue, and then answer questions using
target language.
Far! A: Readthe directionsand namesin the dialoguealoud.
Ask voiunteers to read Alan and Tess'sfirst lines aloud. Ask: What are Alan
and Tesstalking about?(Tesss parrot, Crackers) What wordfits in theJirst
. Have studentscomplete Part A individually.

.oililli:e, Suggestthat students write the three words in the box on small
\ _.-, self-stick notes and try each word in the blanks to find which one
makes sense.

, Piay Audio Track B54 twice. First, have studentsfocus on listening

,rurno*, comprehension.Then, have them check to seeif they completed tl-redialogue
, correctly. (Answer:1. can, 2. always,3. can't)
. Have studentspractice the dialogue in groups of three. Encouragestudentsto
switch roles so they each get a chanceto play all three parts.
. Invite groups to present the dialogue in front ofthe class.
v*rir* : Check for correct pronunciation as studentspractice the dialogue.

o&lr!i:, Have studenis extend the dialogue. Tessand Alan might talk about
, /'., another animal, such as Alan's cat.

. F*rt B: Read the directions aloud with students.Have partners ask and
answer the questions.
*rs:rs*i Check for correct use of languageas students discussthe dialogue.
. Check lhat students'answersare accurate.(Answers:l. Crackerscan talk.
2. Crackerslikes bananas,carrots,and apples.3. Crackerscan say "Yes.I'm a
pretty bird." and "Crackerswants an opple"")
.,i:i;,,.,; Ha'i'estudents make a list of other things that Tessmight teach Crackers
to say.
. * Thinking Creolively Ask How might you teacha parrot to talk? (Possible
answers:Repeatthe same sentencemany times in front of the parrot. Make
an audio recording ofthe sentenceyou want the parrot to learn and repeat it

CheckpointUnits7-q T119
&Warm-{,*p *m,gs{Y'1gx5
T o m a k e a n d d e s c rc :
. Have studentsprer.,iervthe animal cutouts on page i 27. Ask: What is eLrchaninal m i x e d - u pa n i m a s
called?(cheetah,hippo, elephant,giraffe, zebra,polar bear). \f'hich ttnimal has tt
trunk? (elephanl) Which animalshaveclaws?(cheetah,polar bear) Which animttls
have tails?(ali six of thent) \{hich aninal has(tpouchi (none of thesesix animals
has a pouch) Skilt:
. Draw students'attentionto the dotted line that divideseachanimal into trvo Communication
parts. Say:Eachsnimal httsa head and n body.What parts do youJind on on
wtimal'sheqd?(eves,ears,mouth, nose,trunk) What parts do you.findon the ffieteviols
bodyi (c1aws, legs,taii) Cutoutson page 127
Fmge tX*
&.8sirag Crayons,markers,or
.^lnrad nonallc

& Get set.

objective-studentswill make and describefunnY arrirnals.
F.xplainthe lessor.r
Readthe directions ancl stepsalor-rd.
thenl irlto
Have studentsctit out the animal cards,mix thenr up, and s<-rrt
two piles.

Check that studentshaveplacedthe animai headsin one pile and the bodies
in another.

ffi Go!
P;rrt &: Readthe directionsrvith the class.Say:\'our onimal will haven head
and a body.\{e want to getiunny animrtls,sitif'youget a ltody and head thot
m a l c h ). o n L a n p i c kn g a i n .

\\'rite thesesentences or.rthe board to frelpstudentsdescribetheir anirnals:Mv
animal has the heado,fa It has the bodyof a
I1*rt $3:Read the directions aloud. J'hen have voh.rnteersread the speech
Have partnersask irnd ans\\'erquestioltsabout animals.

ans\.ver about
grarnmar,and pronunciationas they ask and
Check students'vocabuiarl',
their animals. e
ffi Cottunicafion Have stutientsexplain how they decicledrvhat to cali

their new anirnal. \1odel: Sincemy snimal l:lr.sthe heatl ttJ ctttelcphantsnd the
body of a zebra,I tnLtklhcfirst part of the word elephant and the seconJpart o-f
the worrl zebra.I pttt them togt'therto get the name elebta.

ofl"-l-1'"oEncouragestudentsto createfact sheetsabout their animals' Ask:
,,' y',: Wheredoesyour anintal live?What doesit eat?How big ls rri Allow
studentsto sharetheir information with the class' ^-

P':rt C; Readthe directionsaloud. Flavestndetrtswho havethe sameanimal

?ge€e*sr*{} -
comparethe namesthey gavetheir anirrrals.Ask: f)oesarryonehavean ttnimol Creating a Mixed-Up
that'sthe oppositeof ),.ruranimal?My animnl hos the hettdof an elephantancl the -
C h a l l e n g es t u d e n t st o
bady af o zebra. Doesailyofiehavenn ctnimalv'ith the heado.fa zebraund the
make up their own
bodyoJ'anelephant? m i x e d - u pa n i m a l s . €
E a c h a n i m a ls h o u l d
3L& Crificol Thinking Ask How many diferent animolscanyou make x'ith have the head of one
s. ('Ihere are 36 possible
thesecards?Make an organizedlist o.fthepossibilitie a n i m a la n d t h e b o d y o f
animals:eachof six possibleanirnalheadscan havesix possiblebodies.lf ,vou another. Students can
want to get a "funn1"'arrimalwhosehead doesnot match its bod,v,there are 30 b e g i n b y b r a i n s t o r m i n gf i
possibleanimals.) a list of possible
a n i m a l st o m i x a n d
match. Say: Draw a
ptcture and write d _-
description s{ you' 1f.-
n e w a n i m a l .D o n ' t
forgetto give the =
a n i m a la n a m e ! L

T120 CheckpointUnits7-9
osJs{?8W&$ &ff*rem-*$p
lvrite a journal entry
. \4rritethe names of the months on index cards and place them in a box or
4 reassess com{ort envelope.Have students take turns picking a card. Ask: What do you alwaysdo
. . i h { e y l a n g u a g feo r
-'rits 7-9 in this month? What do you neverdo in this month?
Invite students to write new journal entries for page 4l or page 81. Remind
them to add today'sdate to their new entries. Discusswhy their answersto the
4 journal questionsdid or did not change.
2l:t {rnt*ry $ki{E*
4 CriticalThinking
Seif-Direction #xixgFwg*XX3
4 i,lcrerratr ffi writ" or draw.
^ index cardswith names Explain the iessonobjective-students will write a journal entry about
4 of months
ift!ttli themselves.Then they will look back at Units 7-9 again and think about how
well they can use what they learned.
Colored pencils,
-) r r a r k e r s ,o r c r a y o n s Read the directions and journal title with students.Then invite volunteersto
e D i -qM
i t yaE
l ancgt li ivsi h
t i Le as b
: read the journal questionsaloud.
or CD-ROM Have students complete their AII About Me entriesindependently.
4rg Suggestthat studentsrefer to calendarsto help them remember things they do
during eachmonth.
PA^6c OA-O7

4 anr*urronpageTl4S Invite students to read their AII About Me entriesaloud.

4 v"1|tr.i.leProvide students with these sentence starters to write complete

l: sentences:My birthday is on -(month), (date). On
4 mv birthdav.I like to eat
Durins mv favoritemonth, I alwavs
. Mv favorite month is

4 Ask studentsto report on their ciassmates'journal entries. Check for correct

grammar, pronunciation, and vocabularv.
4 if$q i
P-{SCriticallhinhing Usequestionsto encouragestudentsto make
4 generalizations:Whst monthdtsmostof uslikethebest?Why?Whatmonthsare
notaspopularin our class?
4 ffi rninl aboutit.
4 . P.,rlt &r Readthe directionswith students.

Self-Direction Have students turn to page 118 and think abor.rteach of

4 the categoriesagain. Remind students to take their time to think about each
categorycarefully.Suggestthat they look at the pageslisted as they review
4 their skilis.
*"0,r*,I iV1akesure that students use a new color pencil or marker as they reassess
i understandingand use of eachchecklistitem.
+-2:'":iFlliJfr TIP r:sr::i tJsethe teachingsuggestionsfor page 118 to help studentsassesseachskill.
Checkpoint . fri::'t [3; Read the directions. Say:Checkthe box or boxesthst tellhow youfeel
'S:;dent nbout Units 7-9.
e v a l u a t i o n so {
-:^ e Cl-eckpoint (easy/ Colorthe stars.
ffi. n"t" this Checkpoint.
4'tro, T u n i n o tr u n l c a n
: ve you insight into . Readthe directionsaloud.Tellstudentsthat theywill colortwo stars.Say:
First,you will sayif theCheckpoint
waseasyor hard.Thenyou will sayif it was
4,':l;::';':ff1;$" .funor notfun.
ievrew their answersto
*eQ you engageand . Havestr.rdents completethe ratingindividually.
-otivate them as they . AssignWorkbookpages96-97anddirectstudents to digitalactirrities.
4equire additional

CheckpointUnits7*9 T121


*"':l;ff."*"' e

T The superrnorket oPens

ot 9:00 in the morriing.
My dod wonts to gel gos.




t -
4 Un;t l. pogo 6 U.it {, p69e q6

4 s tI Jryl
LMJ rrt'-r-f.i

AHL Jn*r

) ry x tIG!

Unit 2, Fgo l8

% i r ; ; '

ffi <g$!" fi&,
4 g 3L r.

4 r
J ! ,
4 Unit 7. pog€ 85

4 %
4 Unir 8. pdgE 98

4 fl

4 *

4 :*{
3 T123
Listening A G
- 5 luestions *

loo* at the pi.tures' Now listen ond !ooh. There is one exampte'

Whcfs Alex doing? G

Eie# -l I--I -rq

n ffi4:- a,i c-
1 What': JilLdoing?

5 Whar are Bill ond Ann doing?

In this part, studentslistenfor information and then C
checkthe correctpicture.
** th* *s** C
1 Ask studentsto turn to StudentBook pages Readthe directionsaloud,then play the first part
130-131.Readthe questionsaloudand make of the recording.Go through the example, c
Playthe restof the recording.While they listen,
surestudentsunderstandwhat they mean.
Ask studentsto look at the picturesand guess studentscheckthe box below the illustration that c
what eachdialoguewill be about' If there are correctlyanswersthe question.
Let studentslistento the recordingagain.Check
peoplein the pictures,studentscould guesshow
they arerelatedor connected (Theyarefamily; answers. Ask studentsto describeone or two of G
Theyarefriends; Theyare classmates; etc') and the pictures.

what they aresaying. 5

3 Checkthat studentsknow the namesof the places
and objectsshown.Teachany unfamiliar words
asnecessary. 3
e+ iJ tl ir iv" r €wnkrr: * {{"f r r

I t

Narrator: Look at the pictures. Now listen Narrator: Three. Where is Pat'sjacket?
and look. There is one example. Girl Wheret my jacket,ltofil
What's Alex doing? Woman: I put it in your bedroom.
Woman: Is Alex outside? Girl I don't seeit.
Man: No, he isn't.Hes in the living room. Woman: Checkthe living room.
Woman: Is he watching'l'V? Girl Oh, here it is. it's on the sofa.
Man: No, he! colorir-rga picture. Narrator: Four. How many people are in the
Woman: Pleasetell him it'stime to eat. picture?
Narrator: Can you seethe check mark? Now Girl: Who are thesepeople?
yor listen and check the box. One. Boy: They'remy aunt and uncle.
What's fill doing? Girl: And wholsthe boy?
Woman: Nick. *'here'.sIill? Boy: He'smy cousin,Denny.
Boy: She'son the playground. Narratorl Five. What are Bill and Ann doing?
Woman: Is sheplayingsoccer? Girl: How many pencilsdo we have?
Boy: No, she'splayingbasketball. Boy: One, two, three.We havethree
Woman: Oh, I seeher.Thank you, Nick. pencils.
Narrator: Two. What's Ben doing? Girl: Here are two more. Now we have
Girl: Lets jurnp rope. live pencils.
Boy: But we needthreepeople. Boy: Look. fony is drau'inga picture.He
Girl: We can askBen. hasa pencil,too.
Boy: Whereis he? Girl: OK, we havesix pencils.
Girl: He'soverthere,readinqa book. Boy: Good, nclwlet'scount the scissors.
Boy: OK, lets go ask]rinr. Narrator: Now listen again.

T 125
- .
Listening B
5 questions -

q ndme cr a number
looh at the Picture. Listen and write
There cre two examPl€s.
I Holv cid is Sora?
2 I'low mcng bools does Tom have? e
3 Whofs tne nome oJ tne cct?

4 Whofs the ncme oj the doE?

5 lJheres tne iLbrcrg?
is if,9 bcu's nqne?

nof,r Jtc
g"esYffiru&ru# C
and write namesor
In this part,studentslistet-l
ffi* fh* 9*s$
Playthe restoi the recordingwhile stuclentslisterr
I Ask studentsto turn to StudentBook pages132*
133.Explainthe taskand makesurestudents and lvrlte their answers. C
understandthe,vshouldwrite eithera nameor a Let studentslistento the recordingagain'Check
answers.Markesurestudents'handwriting is €
legibleand that the,vhavespelledthe names
2 Plal'the firstpart of the recording.Go through
the examples.
3 Readthe restof the questlonstogether.Ask €
studentsto guessrvhattvpeof informationis
missing(i.e.a nameor a llumber). €


\ -l lE


A*di* S*ripf
r J
Narrator: Look at the picture. Listen and Narrator: Three.
write a name or a number. There Girl: What is fftarbook? o
are two examples. Boy: This is my favoritebook. It'sabout a
Girl: Hi. Whatt vour name? cat named 1bny.
Boy: My name is Tom. Girl: Tony?That'sa funny namefor a cat.
Girl: Oh. Can you spellthat? Hoy'do you spellit?
Boy: T-O-M. Iom. Boy:
Girl: Holv old areyou? Narrator: Four.
Boy: Ten. Girl: What about that book?
Narrator: Can you seethe answers?Now Boy: This one?it'sabouta dog.
you listen and write a name or Girl: What'sthe dogi name?
number. One. Boy: Karl. It'.sspelledK-A-R-L.
Boy: What'syour name? Girl: I like the picture on the cover.
Girl: My nameis Sara. Narratnr: Five.
Boy: How old areyou? Girl: Wheret the library?
Girl: Well, I'm not ntne,andl'm not Boy: It'son Ball Street.
eieven.. . Girl: Ball Street?B-A-L-L?
Boy: Are you ten? Boy: l'es.And look. This is Ball Street.
Girl: That'sright. I'm ten. See1'oulater,Sara.
Narrator: Two. Girl: B,ve,Tom!
Girl: Whereareyou going? Narrator: Now listen again.
Boy: To the library.
Girl: How manylibrary bor:ksdo you
Boy: I havefive books.
Girl: Wow! Thatlsa lot of books.
Boy: I Iike to readl


Listening C
- 5 guestions - tr
There is one
qS; f-o"* q-tthe Pi€tutes' Now listen ond looh





,-r@ - \
r\ ,i - -\
"w r


&&sYKgx8ru& {--
In this part, studentslistento the dialogueand
correctlyposition itemson a pictureby drarving {

ffi* *h* t*st {

Readthe directionsaloud, then play the first part
I Ask studentsto turn to StudentBook page134' t
of the recording.Go through the example'
2 Prompt studentsto namethe itemsshown in the
Playthe restof the recording.While they listen' 2
sevensmallpicturesarrangedaround the large l-

studentsshould draw lines to showthe location

picturein the center.Point to eachone' asking:
of the remainingobjects. t
l\rhat are these?(Thqt are tomatoes,etc.)
"Ihereis Let studentslistento the recordingagain'Check
3 Point to the picture in the center,saying:
answers. Ask studentsto describethe completed
fl purpleplate on the table' Call on volunteersto
further describethe picture,telling about the blue
plate,the pitcherof lemonade,the two candles'
and the chair.

fr . . cu d ! *S *r i p €
. | . l

7 Narrator: Look at the pictures. Now listen Narrator: Three.

? Woman:
and look. There is one example.
Put the appleson the purple plate.
Can you seethe l"*on$
The lemons?Yes.

? Girl:
Put the appleswhere?
On the purple plate.
Put the lemonsin the lemonade.
OK. I'm doing that now.

? Girl: OK.
Narrator: Four.

Narrator: Can you seethe line? This is an
example.NowTou listen and draw
lines. One.
Put the carrotson the chair.
Put the carrotswhere?
Put them on the chair.
Woman: Put the pineapplebetrveenthe Girl: On the chair.OK.
4 candles.
Narrator: Five.
Girl: 11repineapple?
4 Woman: Yes.Put it betrveenthe candles.
Woman: Put the grapesnext to the candles.
Girl: I'm sorry. Put the grapeswhere?
4 Girl: OK.
Woman: Put the grapesnext to the candles.
Narrator: Two.
< Woman: Pul the tomatoeson the blue plate.
Girl: oh, oK.
Girl: Put the tomatoeswhere? Narrator: Now listen again.
4 Woman: Put them on the blue piate.
4 OK,I cando that.

-'T T129
Reading& Writing A

- 5 qu€stions -
Looh at the letters Writ€ the



ew L=


s E
% :l

ffiffi&ffi$ru* fi
& wffi&Y$S& (
write words'
tn this part,studentsreorderlettersand

* * ? h * 9 *x f to help f
the crossout lettersastheywrite the lvord'
I Ask studentsto turn to pase l -15'I{ead th.* t.""p track of which lettersthey
haveused' 4
directionsaiouti'Explainthat each Remind them to write only one letter
in each
reDresentsa letter and tbat the picturesshould t
helpthem. Ask studentsto compareanswersln Palrs'
both the 4
Z Write the exampleon the board' Wrire havespelledthe words
Checkthat stuclents
jumbled lettersand the r'rordspeliedcorrectly'
3 Givestuclents sometime to unscramblethe
them to
restof the jr'rmbledworcls'Encourage


Reading & Writing B

* 5 -

Loqh cnd read. Put o check (/)


or an (l) in tire box

--E--- - --,
There ore two exdmp[es.
' l ,
He is an aator. l:l

, w".]q<6. e :
ANl,th ' :;:':! . = P

=t li\$.ff,,\ i-le i5 o ncil corrrer iJ

4a I iiij ir . bus 5top. fl

4 - ',rS 15 C qd5

I r Lt . i 6 i r -(:IOr€

4 h.."s,rger.f

& wffi*?$gus
4 hr this part, stlldentslook at ir picture, read a sentence
about the picture, and then pr.rta check or a cross
depending on il'hether the sentenceis true or fa1se.

4 t* 99t*f*x*
4 I Ask studentsto turn to StuclentBookpages 4 Ask studentsto colnpareanswersiir pairs.
136-137.Readthe directionsaioud. Checkanswers.Studentscorreclthe iirise
4 2 Write the examplesentences on the board.

sentences. {1
is a gracerystore.3 f'Ieis a pilot.
4 Underlinethe key word in each,e.g.doctor,bus 4 Thisis o troin station.\
sfop.Ask studentsto correctthe secondexample
14 sentence,e.g.Thisis a restaursrtt.
3 Studentsunderlinethe kev rvt;rdin the restof tlre
4 sentences and decideifthe sentences arecorrect
or not.
a T131

Reading & Writing C

Read. Choose o word Jrom the box'

Write the <orrect word next to Q
numbers 1-5. There is one examPle'
- 5 questions -
A Zoo


q€f|!:l-l -- hos irig ec:s
'n ne fie
i on o big piace A lot oJ onrnois h''e
-:ne '
rrirh e becutftL tcii The
end c iong uunli {1) ' is o brro
Jhen :rere ore
Lsonoth€f becul:Jui trird it ir[es to toLI
Ttr: il) ' I
131 . - .., fherl hove long iolts ond iNe rn rq trees !

iihe5llt v'o:er And:he i5) -

r! d lorge,grd! onimol v/Lthsnoii eors Ii

r,os c long nech anrl spots What om i? i

om o zoo



ffiK&m6p*& fl
& wffig?$ru& I

In this part, studentsreada text and completeit
ttremissingwords. I

ffi* fh* tsxf
Give studentssometime to readthe text carefullv
I Ask studentsto turn to StudentBook page138'
anclto try to choosethe bestword from the box
Readthe directionsaloud'Ask them to saywhat
for eachblank space.Tell them to readthe whole
the text is about.The picture and title at the top
sentence beforcdecidingon the bestword for a
rvill helPthem.
blank space.
2 Discussthe exampletogether'Ask them to cross in pairs'
4 to compareanswers
Ask studertts
out the word and picture in the box that wasused
f Checkanswers.
in the examPle.

'4 I Speahing

4 In this part, studentsanswerquestionsaboutthe
scenein the picture.
#* *h* 9e**
4 'i'ell
I Ask studentsto turn to page139. students
4 that vou aregoingto talk aboutthe picture.
2 Ask studentsquestionsaboutthe scene.Create
questionsthat canbe answerecl with singlelvords,
phrases, anclsimplesentences. Examples:
Are theyoutside?(yes)
-4 Is therec train stationnext to thepostofice?(No,
there'sa busstation.)
4 IIotv manyanimalsdo yottsee?(fve)
What is thegirl with the oranget'-shirtdoing?
4 (Shesridinga skateboard.)
Is the man with tke capholdings lizard?(No, hei
holdinga snake.)
a T133

,r,,r.i r:rr: ,,t:,i,r'..,. ,l l


Gamesarea greatr,vayfor children to practice, from the pile in the center.The gameis over when
correct,confirm, and reinfbrcetheir vocabulary,
usage, and numericaiskills.Help everyonein ciass
enjoygametime by creatingan environmentwhere
one playerhas no more cards.

Pi*9ur* *cxrd *l**:*i*ng*

the competitiveaspectis challengingand motivating
Divide at least20 picturecardsinto two stacks:"easr" e
while remainingstress-free. Model supportive,
wordsand "difficult"words.Divide the classinto I
fiiendly reactionsivhen children make mistakesor two teams.'feams alternateturns,and on both teams
eachchiid getsa iurn. For eachturn, the individual -
don'tknow certainvocabularylvordsor just need €-
more time than othersto expressthe answer,suchas child getsto choosewhetherto be shownan "easy"
card,worth trvo points,or a "difficult" card,n'orth
i{ice try! and You'regettingmuchquicker! L/
five points.The points are alrvavsearnedfor the team.
Si**ur**mr# #*m*x Showthe card.If the child cannotsaytheword for the
picturecard,thereis no penalty,but the teamdoesnt
Y h * 9 ' s5 t !* i * p , * i * p i get any points for that turn. The team r,r'iththe most tJ
Write a word on the board or saya word from a
speciflcgroupof relatedpicturecards.Then hold up
p o i n t sa t t h ee n dw i n s .
severaipicturecardsoneby one.When the children
seethe cardthat correspondsto the word you shorved
*r:d Vd*r* {F*m*s e
them or told them,they showtheir recognitionby
trvoquickclaps(or bv shoutingT'hst'sitland clapping
F * f ! * w *t h * L e s # * r
Leadstudentsin a gameof Followthe Leaderaround
twice). the classroom, performingor miming certainactions ?
or putting thingsin certainlocationsaroundthe
Ys* *r' Fd* room. For example,ieadthem to the classroom -
\Vith the whoieclass,reviewa relatedsetof picture library and shelveone book. As you do so,say:I m
cards.Encourageevervoneto salithe rvordsaloud puttitlg s bookon theshelf.Eachfollower,in turn,
with 1'ou.Then mix up the cards(rvithoutlooking) puts a book awayand repeatsthe sentence. Continue
so they are in a differentorder.Pick a card without aroundthe classroom, doing other actions.
lookingat it and hold it overyour headrvith the
$$ p y { * r 9 S * * . i S * * }
picturet'acingthe class,Youtry to guesswhich card
you arehoiding b,vsayingrvordsfrom the lexical set. Look around the room and s;ry:I spyw,ithmy little ?
Ifyou guessright,childrenshout YeslIfyou guess eye(.orI see,I see. . .) santething
beginningwithb \or
\{rong, they shoutl{o/ and ,voukeepguessingwords whateverletter,vouchoose).Stucients guessthe object 7
fiom the sameset. y()uarethinking of. You can alsoplay the gameusing
colors. -
#s: Fi*h
$ : * * t r * n x r ys * i l * h * s r * * * * -
Divide the classinto small groups.For eachgroup,
usetwo setsof PictureCards.IVIixup the cardsand Divide the classinto two teans.On index cards
write vocabularywords,importantphrases,or the
dealout five cardsto eachstudent.Put the rest in a
pile in the center.Model how to play by asking:Do namesof storiesor moviesthe classhasreador seen. f-
you haveany wordsthat beginwith r? Do you havt any A child from TeamA picks a card trom the pile
wordsthat end with /l You may havestudentsvary the and drawsa pictr"rreof the n'ordlphraseltitleon the -
questions aboutthe cardsusinga particularcategor)', board (Pictionary) or actsout the u'ord/phrase/title
(Charades)for his/herteammates to guess.If the -
anotherplayerin the group hasa card that matches teamguesses correctly(they can makeseveraltries,
rvhatthe studentis askingfor, helshehandsit to the or vou can seta tinie iirnit), they win a point. Then
playerand that playerputs his matchdon'n.If not, he/ ]'eamBtakesaturn. -
shesavsGo fish!andthe playerirrkesa PictureCard :4

T1 3 4

,4 Gu*s?iclr3 *&:qlin Fhspsrlcs
**"ex* &cxxxres
Dil'ide studentsinto groups.Haveeachgroup sit in
* hsqlrt*{:!d*t {3{xe}'t*
4 a circle.Selectoneof the groupsto modelthe game.
Choosewordsto spellout asif they werecheersand
Startthe gameby askingthe first studenta question
4 them on cards.Startby leadingthe'tfieer"
thatreviewsa particularvocabuiarygroup-for
yourself.Chooseeasywords to begin with (e.g.
a example,What'syourfavorite{zooonima{i The first
str.rdent The first student
answers:I like fcheetalrsl.
cow,hall) and move on to more difficult words.For
example,with cow,you say,Giveme a Cl and the class
4 thenturns and asksthe questionto the next student.
responds,C/ Then you call the secondletter and so
Continuearound the group until all studentshave
on. When you finish spelling,ask What word is it?
4 answered the question.You ma1'u'antto write a list of
Studentsansweras a chorus.As chiidren get usedto
questionson the boardso that studentscancontinue
4 the game,invite children to take on your role.
the gameby doinga round with eachquestion
without interrupting the activity. * * * n S p * E F{ H * n g r n m n }
Setthe Alphabet Cardsalongthe white board or
ffi**dy, S*?, **!
4t Writea singleletteron the board,or hold it up on a
chalkboardrail. Choosea word (e.g.,jumping)and
write letter spaceson the board (7 short lines).Elicil a
4 big card so that everyonecan seeit. ShoutReady,Set,
ietter from an individual. lf the letter is in the word,
Go/and when childrenhearGol they startwriting as
write it on the correctline. If not, then start to draw
4 manywordsasthey canthink of that beginwith this
a person,one part at a time. Explainthat the word
letter.When you shoutStop/they put their pencils
4 needsto be guessedbeforethe personis fully drawn.
down. Children get one point for evervword they've
As studentsguess,removethe AlphabetCardsfrom
4 the rail. Once studentsare comfortablewith the game,
S;m*n $*ys you can invite an individual to choosea wcrd and
4 In this game,studentsdo asyou commanciprovided leadthe game.

4 i,ou beginthe instruction with SimanSa7s,For &l3*m*ng{}*m*

example, if you say:SimonSaystouch)/ournose,
Sit.//ith the whole classin a circle.You start by saying
4 studentstouch their nose.Ifvou say Touchyour ears,
a sentencelike: I went to Mars and I toak my camera.
studentsdo not movesinceyou didnt precedethe
4 commandwith SrrronSays.If desired,havestudents
The studenton your right repeatsyour information
and addshislherown: Shewentto Mars and shetaok
slt dorvnif theymistakeniydo a taskwhen you didn't
4 her camera.I took rny backpack.Continuen'ith the
saySirnonSrz;,s.The iast studentstandingis the
next student,in order,until a studentcant remember
the whole list. Startthe gameagainwith the next
4 Xingr:
Giveeachstudenta blank grid dividedinto nine
Fh*ni*s Rm**
sqllares,plus a small number of iterls suchasbeans
Divide the classinto groups.Call out a letter-sound
or pennies.Havestudentsrvritenine numbers
4 and give one example(e.g.a as in cat;doubleo asin
(irom 1-20) on the card-one in eachsquare,in
book).Starta timer and haveteamslist asmanywords
no particularorder.Call out numbers(from 1-20)
4 randoml,r'. If a studenthasa numberon his/hercard,
asthey can with that sound.When you call Sropl
teamsread their words aloud and receiveone point
4 heisheplacesone of the beans(or other smallitem)
for eachcorrectrvord.The gamecan aisobe played
on the square.The first personwith threeitemsin
oraily.Have one team play at a time and saywords
4 ,: rou.is the rvinner.This gamecan be playedusing
aloud insteadof writing them. Keepa tally on the
itttersor othervocabularywords.
4 board.The team that comesup with the most n'ords
in the allottedtine is the winner.
T 135
ffiffi#${ 3. This classroornin the United Statesis in the scht ..
garden. Studentsgrow plants and flowers.
# n i ? ] , { mM y * F q : s s r * * * l 4, This ciassroom in Vietnam is on the walcr.
Studentsgo to school in a boat every djy
i - l Poge 6. Acfivify 9. j1
{ , . ,} P o g e t l . A c l i v i l y 2 1 .
A: Schoolstartstodayl Ever,voneis having funl
Listenand look.Numberin order. e
B: Look at Donna. Whats she doing?
l. Ar Hi, Jean!I like your drawing. Mav I use the
A: She'swriting numbers on the board.
B: Yes.I'm finished.
B: Look at Jamieand Kell1..lv"hat are they doing? t4
A: Corr-reand sit down, Mark. It'syour turn.
Al The,v'reusing the nerv computers. 'illanks.
B: Wow! How many nelv cotrrputersare there? 21
A: There are two nerl' comDuters.Oh, theres the
3 . A: You'rervelcome.
B: It'-sfun taking turns. Now what do I want t<t
B: Whats shedoing?
Al She'sreading a story. F
B: How many studentsare listening? Liniffr, FF*ygrxxnd S*n
A: Thereare ten studentslisteningto the story. F
| ,.,,,
i Poge | 5. Activity 3.
i , l Poge 7. Activity I l. Listen and write the words.
Lookand listen.Write. l. Where'.sthe bike?
It'sbehind the slide.
l. A: \Vhat are they doing?
B: They'replaying soccer. 2. Where'.sthe helmet? F
2. A: What'sshedoing? It's betrveenthe seesalvs.
B: readinga book.
She'.s 3. Where'sthe skateboard? ?
3. A: What are the,vdoing? It'.snext to the bat.
listeningto music. 4. Where are the skates? 7
4. A: Whats he doing? They're in front of the swing.
B: He'swriting numbers. 7
| ,, i Poge | 8. Aclivily 9.
| . I Poge 7. Acfivily I2. Listen. Stick.
Listenandwrite. UseTheret or Thereare. A: Mick, Lilly, Pennl',and Br.rdare playing in the ?
1. A: How many birthday cakesare there? park.
B: There'.sone birthday cake. B: Where are the,v? -
2. A: Horv many shapesare tl,ere? A: There'.sMick. Do you seehim?
B: There are three shapes. B: Yes,I seehim. He'.sstanding in fro'nt of the -
3. A: Horv rnany dogs are there? picnic table.
A: And there'.sLilly over there! -
B: lhere's one big, black dog.

i i Poge 9. Acfivity 16.

B: Oh, yes. Sh€sbetweenthe swings and the
slide. Ilut rvhere'sPenny?I don't seeher. r
A: Pennyis sitting oil the slide.Do you seeher at
Look, listen, and read. Then write.
the top? 7
Children around the world go to schoolin all kinds of B: Oh, 1'es,I seeher now And therei Rud' next
classroorns. to the benchl He has a ba1l.
l. ciassroomin Engiandis in a vurt. A yurt is a A: Yes,Buds playing ba1l.They'reall having fun. a4
big tent. B: Playing in the park is fun! Let'splay with our
2. This classroomin Turkey is in t.heforest.Students friendsl
stuil,vtreesand animals.



14 i ) Roge 19. Activity 10. i ., l Poge 22. Activity t 9.
Listenandwrite. Listenandwrite. Usethe wordsfrom 18.
l. trVhatdoes Matt like to do? l. It doesnt take rne long to learn a new glme.
4 H e l i k e st o l i s t e nt o m u s i c . 2. You have to run fast to rvirt the race.
2. What do Beckyand Ron like to do? 3. Can you lind Mexico on the map?
a They like to play video ganres. 4.
On rainy days,we can play in my room.
Be carefulwhen you go down the slide.
3. What doesshelike to do?
I Shelikesto ride her bike. 6. In the sumrnerrve iike to play ball at night.

-t |,, . i Poge 19. Activity t 2. 1,., i Poge 23. Aclivity 2l .

1 Lookand listen.Countand write the number. Listenand look.Write.

l. Horv many balls are there? l. I play safeil.on the slide. I always slide with my
4 2. Holv many skateboardsare there? feet in front of me.
3. How many ice crearnconesare there? 2. I'm saf-eon my skateboard.I alwayswear a helmet
4 and pads.
i . , I P o g e 2 0 .A c t i v i i y 1 4 . 3. Iin safeor.rthe swing. I ahvayssit down and hold
4 Listen and read. Write the numbers.
on with both hands.
4. We are safeon the seesaw.We put one leg on each
4 Playing is fun. \\rhen we move, we use our bones and
side of the seat.
muscles.Bonesand muscleshelp us play.
4 We throw with our hands.Our handshavemanv bones. Uni9 S, ** Mv ffic;{,{{r*
O n e h a n d h a s2 7 b o n e s
4 \\'e kick with our feet.Our feet have many bones, too. t . . . .I Poge 27. Aclivify 2.
C)nefoot has 26 bones.When rve throrv a ball, we use 34
4 muscle's. When we kick a bail. rre use 13 muscles.
Listenand read. Point and say.
When we jump, rve use lnore than 70 muscles. l . table: a tablein tl'redining roorn.
4 2 . chair:
arechairsin the diningroom,too.
\\'e need to take good care of our bclnesand muscles.
J. sofi: Therels a sof'ain the living room.
4 4 . DVD plaver:Therei a DVD piayerin the living
| ,I P o g e 2 1 .A c l i v i t y 1 5 . roorr, to0.
4 Lookand listen.Matchthe picturesto the 5. refrigerator: Theret a refrigerator in the kitchen.
countries. 6. sink: f here'sa siuk in the kitchen.
4 7. stove:There'"s a stove in the kitchen, too.
like to play jacks.
l. Thesegirls in Yucatan,i\"lexicr-r,
8. tub: a tub in the bathroom.
4 2. flresechildren in South Koreaplay hopscotchin
the park. 9. bed: Theret a bed in the bedroom.
€a 3. In the city of Agra in India, boys play marblesafter 10. lamp; Therei a lamp in the bedroom.
school. 11. dresser:There',s a dresserin the bedroom.
12. closet:Theret a closetin the bedroom, too.
| . , .I P o g e 2 1 . A c t i v i l y 1 7 .
4 | . . I Poge 30. Acfivity 10.
Lookandlisten.Sayand play.
Let'splay F{opscotchlFirst,use a pieceof chalk to draw Listen.Stick.
4 the Hopscotchboard. Second,nttmberthe squares1 to A: l\{om! \,Vhereare my sneakers?t have a gan.re
8. Third, throw your marker onto a square.Fourth, ftop,
4 hop,hop Norv take turns with your friends.
B: They'rein the kitchen on the floor nexl tc the
4 l. draw chair.
2. nrimber A: Morn. I seethem.
4 3. throrv A: Lucy? Wherelsthat cat?I cant find irer
4. l'rop any.vl'here.
- B: Shesin the bathroom.

a T137
'Ihe Miss Davis: OK. Where'sthe basketball?
bathroom? Where in tl'rebathroom? |"
Beth: I seeitl It's under the table.
Shesin the tub! It'scool there.
Miss Davis: A n d w h e r ea r e t h e j u m P r o P c ' ?
A: \Vhere'sAunt Man'? Is she in the house? fhey're between the two
B: I think she'sin the living room. o
Ar Oh, there she is. Shessitting on the sofa.
computers. G
Miss Davis: OK. Let'sgo outsidel
B: Yes,Aunt Marv likes to rvatchTV.
lackl It's time for school. Where'syour t . . . 1 Poge 40. ActivitY 4.
Gol A. Lookat the cardsand write. Listen' G
I can't rernember.
Come to your bedroom. I seeyour homework 1. In pictures I and 2, they'recoloring a picture' |:
on the bed! Whats it doing there? ) In pictures 3 and 4, they'1splaying soccer.
I don't larow.I'm sorrl'. 3. In pictures I and 3, they're reading a book. l>
4. In pictures 2 and 4, there'sa basketballunder the
C) Pog" 33. Activily I7. table. C
5. In pictures 1,2,3, and il, there are kevson the
Look, listen, and write. table. C
1. In Mali in West Africa, somepeopledont cook
food on a stove.They use the sun! They cook in a & " $ m i4f , t n f t S g Y * w r : 3
solttroven.It is big and shinY.
2. In Sarawak,in Indonesia,some peopledc'nt sleep
'Ihe1'sieep i i Poge 43. ActivifY 2. 3
in beds. in hammocks.A hammock
looks like a big swing. lt's made of cloth'
Listen and read. Point and saY. g
3, Many people in Guatemalarvashclothes in a l. movie theater: a mot'ie theater on Center
washing machine inside their houses.Some r'r'ash Street.It's next to the train station. 3
ciothestogetheroutdoorsin a big stonesink' 2. gas station: There'sa gas station on the corner of
N4ainStreetand High Street' 3
i i eoge 34. ActivitY20. 3. restaurant:There'sa restaurant on Main Street'It's
next to the gas station. 3
Listen and write. Use the words from 19'
4. train station: There'sa train station on Green
Shescutting cheesewith a knife. Street. C
You can sit on the sofa and rvatch TV. 5. bus stop: There'sa bus stop on Center Street'Itt
I wave hel1oto my grandma' between the post olice and the bookstore' E
lanie and lv{icheleare best iriends. 6, post ofhce:There'sa post office next to the
Dont touch the hot stove. bookstore.
We eat fresh vegetableseverY daY. bookstore: Theret a bookstore on Center Street' lt's
b e h i n dt h e s u P e r m a r k e t ' s
f) nog" 35.Aclivily 22. 8. computer store:Theres a computer store next to
Listenand write. SaY.
g. supermarket:Therei a supermarket on the corner
1. I put my toysin the toYbox.
of Main Streetand River Street.
2. I put my dirty dishesin the sink.
3. I put my dirty clothesin the washer. t
i i eoge 43. AciivifY 3.

* h e * $ q p * B * * , L 3 n i 9 s3 * 3 Lookat the mapin 2 andlisten.Writethe I

() Pog" 39. Activify 2. l . The train station is on Green Street. i
2 . The sas station is on the corner of Main Streetand
Get Ready. A. Look, listen, and write'
High Street.
Miss Davis: What do you like to do outside? 3. The bus stop is on Center Street.It's between the
Adam: I like to PlaYon the swings' post olhce and the bookstore.
Beth: Carly and I like to play basketball' 4, The supermarket is on the corner of N1ainStreet t
Carly: And we like to iumP ropel and River Street.It's next to the computer store'

I l Pqge 46. Aclivity I0. {,,,..
} Poge 49. Aclivity 18.
Listen.Stick. Listenand write.
A: I'm hungrv" l.In London,mostof the taxisareblack.J1reylook
B: fuletoo. What do you want to eat? like carsfrom a long time ago.
A: I want pizza.Lets go toPizza Prestol 2. in MexicoCit,v,therearemanykindsof taxis,big
B: OK. Where'sthat? and small.Many of them aregreenand white.You
A. It's on the corner of lvlarket Streetand Maple canseethemeverywherel
Street. 3. Bangkokhastaxisin manycolors,Thepink taxis
A: Excuseme. is there a computer storenear
4 here?
B: A computerstore?Yes,there is.
| , , , . t. Poge 50. Acfivily 22.
1 A: How do I get there? Listenand write. Usethe wordstrom 21.
Br Do you seeMain Street?
4 Ar Y e s ,1 d o .
l. We seea lot of animals at the zoo.
7 Lucia is from Sao Paulo, a big city in Brazil.
4 The computerstoreis on the corner of Main
Streetand Elm Street.lt's next to the music
3 . Carl and Mike are playing on the seesaw.
4. Billy wins first prize for his singing.
4 A : Oh, tl:ank you.
5 . I want to eat a sandwich for lunch.
6 . I ride the bus to school every day.
B : You'rewelcome.
A: I want to mail theseletters.Is there a post | . . ,t Poge 51. Activify 24.
4 officenear here?
Listenand write. Say.
B: No, there isn t. It'.son Park Street.
4 A: Wheret Park Street? l. First, I ah'ays cross at the crosswalk.
B : lt'.sjust off Main Streetnear the parkl I'll show 2. Second,I wait for the WALK signal.
4 J, Last, I look right, then left, before I walk acrossthe
A: Thanks. st r e e t .
4 A:i rr'ai.rt
to buy some milk. Is there a
W n i ?$, &&y*r *mm :#*b
4 sLrperntarket near here?
B: Y-es,tl-rereis. Iti on the corner of Market
| . r , . ,I Poge55.Activify2.
4 Streetand N{ainStreet.Itt next to the bank.
Listen and read. Point and say.
A: Thati great!I'll go right noru
4 B: I'll come with you. l. actor: I $'ant to be an actor.
) artist: I want to be an artist.
| | Poge 48. Activily t4. J. dancer: I n'ant to be a dancer.
Lookand listen.Thenpoint and say. 4. doctor: I want to be a doctor.
5. rnail carrier: I want to be a mail carrier.
This is a compass.It tells you i.vhereyou are. It shows
6. pilot: I want to be a pilot.
lbr-rrdirections.N meansnorth. E meanseast.S means '7
singer:I want to be a singer.
south. 14'meanswest.
8. soccer player: I want to be a soccerplayer.
north, south,east,west
9. teacher:I want to be a teacher.
10. vet: I want to be a vet.
4 i i Poge 49. Aclivity t 7.
Look and listen. Point and say. i i Poge 55. Activity 3.
-\lexicoCit,vis in Centrai America. London is in Look, listen,and write.
4 rtorthernEurope.Bangkokis in southeastAsia.
l. A teacherhelpsuslearn.
2. A vet helpssickanimals.
4 3. A mail carrierbringsmail

a T 139
)t..- E
-. ,:c.:


i i Roge 70. ActivitY I O. C

{ , } toge 58. AcfivifY l0'
Listen.Stick. Listen.Stick. C
l. A: What do You u'ant to be, i\dam? A: I)ann1',do you want to play video gatnesn'ith
B: I -w'antto be a firefighter. me?
A: A firefighter?Whv? B: At what time?
really cooi! A: At iour otlock.
B: I like big, fast fire trucksl
2. A: How about you, Connie?What do you want B: Sorry. I do my homeu'ork at for'rro'clock'
to be? A: OK. \'Vecan Pla,vsome other time'
B: I want to be a dancer. Nlv sisterI'ants to be a A: Hi, Liz. Can I sPeakto Your mother?
dancer,too. B: Sorrl',Grandma. She"s gone to bed'
A: Ycruand ,voursister? A: Realiv?When does shego to sleeP?
Bl Yes.We want to be on stageand dance' dance' B: She goesto sieePat ten o'clock'
dance! A: OK. I'11cali her tomorrow' B,ve!
3. A: What do Yotl want to [re,L'mmY?
A: He1',Dad. There'sa good movie on TV
B: Oh, I know! I rvantto be a Pilot'
A: A pilot? \{hY?
B: When doesthe movie start?
B: I like to i1y.And I like to travel, tool Airplanes \
A: It starts at eight otlock.
are the Placefor me.
B: But u'e eat dinner at eight otlock'
4. A: What do You want to be, Will?
A: Can we eat dinner at seveno'clock?Then lr'e
B: I want to be a basebailPlal'er'
can watch the movie at eight otlock
A: Why a baseballPiaver? {
B: OK. I'11tell Your mother.
B: I like to hit the ball. catch,run, evervthingl
A: I)o vou want to go running with me in the f

( , ) R o g e5 2 . A c t i v i f Y2 1 . mornir.rg?
B: \Vhen do You get uP? \
Listenandwrite. Usethe wordsfrom 20' Say' A: I get uP at six oLlock
l "lhe artist is painting a pictrire' B: Six otlockl Hmm... OK. But that''searlyl
2. Horv many horsesdoes the rider have? A: Not lor me'
3. \bu need to seea doctor ',vhenyou're sick' \
4. The chef is making a saiatl 1or our luncl'r' ( ) loge 74. ActivitY | 9.
The soccerPlal'etpttOtd the ball into the goal'
5. Listenandwrite.Usethe wordsin 18'
6. The piiot landed the airplane safei,v'
1. I use an alarm clock to wake me uP'
{ ) noge 63. AcfivilY 23. 2. Do ,votlwant to walk tt'rschool or ride the bus?
3. \\ie go to New York every Year.
Listenand write' SaY. 4, Use a greencravon to color the grass'
l. l like music.I rvantto be a teacher' 5. Mv mom likes yogurt on lter cerealin the
2. I like science.i want to be a doctor' morning.
3. I like math. I lvant to be an engineer' 6. I take a hot shower at eight otlock everl' night'
4. I like art. I want to be a rvebciesigner'
*h**kP*l.ql, L l n i " i g4 * *
Llnit *, f,*VffixV
{ . ) e o g e 7 9 . A c t i v i t Y2 .
{ ) Roge 67. ActivitY3. Get Ready'A. Look,listen,and write'
Lookand listen.Write. Chad: He,l',l,vdia, what do you rvant to be?
l. l{e getsuP at sevenollor-k. Lydia: \Vell, I like to rvalk, and I like to be
2. Sheeatslunch at one ol'ltrck' outstde.I want to be a mail carrier'
3. He goesto beclat nine otlock' Chad: Reall;"?Not me.
Lydia: \!'hY not?

Chad: They get up at 4:00 in the morning! 3. A: He,v,Beth,do,vouwant a snack?
4 What doesvour sisterwant to be? B: Yes,sure.
Lydia: Shewants to be an artist. A: We haveyogurt.Do you like yogurt?
4 Chad: Why? B: Yes,I do.
Lydia: Shelikes to draw. She draws pictures all A: Do you want somemangoor some
4 the time. strawberry yogurt?
Chad: I like to draw, too. B: Mangoyogurt,please.I don'tlike strawberry.
I Lydia: Do you want to be an artist, too? 4, A: Good morning,Tommy.Are you hungry?
Chad: No, I dont. I want to be an art teacher.l B: Yes,I am.
I like schooll A: Do you like fruit?
B: Yes,I do.
& 3 n i?t , S * * e $ A: Do you want somestrawberries?
B: Oh, yes,I iike strawberriesl
I A: Great.Hereyou are.
{,, , } Poge 83. Acli;ity 2.
4 Listenandread.Pointandsay.
B: Thanks.

4 1. bananas:I want somebananas. i i Poge 90. Aciivify 20.

2. pineapple:I want somepineapple.
Listenand write. Use the words from 19.
4 3, strawberries:I u'ant some strarn'berries.
l. I like to put jam on my bread.
4. tomatoes:I want some tomatoes.
4 5. carrots:I want some carrots. 2. Alice livesin the white houseon the corner.
6. potatoes:I want some potatoes. 3. I jump andplayon theplayground afterlunch.
4 7. chicken:I want some chicken. 4. I had a hamburgerwith tomatofor lunch today.
8. spaghetti:I want some spaghetti. 5. I drink fruitjuiceeverymorning.
4 9. cheese:I want some cheese. 6. What do you want to drink rvith your hot dog?
10. vogurt: i rvantsomeyogurt.
4 I l. water: I want some water. {,,,.} Poge 91. Acfivify 22.
12. lemonade:I want someiemonade. Listenand write.
l. I wantan apple,please.
r i Poge 83. Aclivily 3.
4 Listenandwrite.
2. No chipsfor me,thanks.
3. |ustonecookie,please.
4 ]. lrvantabanana. 4. I like to eatcarrots.
2. Irvantacarrot.
4 J . I r r ' a n ts o m es p a g h e t t i . t*****, 1#if* &:'rirm*Ns
4. I r,vantsome yogurt.
{.,-} Poge 95. Activity 2.
{ | Poge 86. Aclivity 10. Listenand read.Pointand say.
Listen.Stick.Writethe number. l. cheetah A cheetahcan run fast.
4 l. Kenny',are you ready for dinner? 2. hippo A hippo has a big mouth.
Yes,I am. I'm hungr,v. 3. kangaroo A k a n g a r o oc a n j t r m p .
4 \\Ie have spaghetti. 4. girafe A giraffe has a long neck,
Great!I like spaghettil 5. poiar bear A polar bear can swiur.
4 Here'ssonte spaghetti.Enjoy it. 6. zebra A zehra has black and rvhite stripes.
4 ,)
\lichelie, do you like chicken? {.,, I Poge 95. Aclivily 3.
\ts, I do.
4 Do you like potatoesanclcarrots?
Look. Listen and write the animal.

Y c s ,I d o . I l i k e t h e m a l l . 1. It has a long tail and long arms. It can ciimb trees.

a 2. It jumps. It has a long tail, long legs,and a pouch
Great!Here'ssome chicken,potatoes,and
carrots. to carrlr its babies.

= T141

3, Its gral'. It has a big nrouth and small ears.It iikes
to swim.
3. Giraffes'necks are amazing. They can reach so
4. Its big and white. lt has long 1ur.It can swim and 4, Elephantscan lift hear,ythings. Thev're ver-v
catch fish. strong.
5. It runs fastl it catchesanimals lbr food. It has black e
spots. # n * 9* , $ a ; * & ! ! Y * e s r
6. It looks like a horse. It has black and white stripes. t\/
{.,. } loge 107. ActivitY 2.
{ | loge 98. Activily 10. Lookand listen.Askand answer. +4
Listen.Stick.Writethe word. What's your favorite month? It's January'
l. A: What'.sthat? Whatt your favorlte month? It's February.
B: Oh, thats a rnonkey. What's your favorite month? Its March.
A: Worv,it has a long taill Whats your favorite month? It's April'
B: Yes,it has.With its tail, it can hang from What's 1'our favorite month? It's Ma1'. V
Whats your favorite month? lt's June'
2. A: l-ook at that elephant's. . . is it a nose? 7
Its caileda trunk. \fhat'.s your favorite month? Its luly.
A: What'.sits trunk for? What's your favorite month? It's August. I
B: An elephantcan pick up food from the Whats your favorite month? Iti September.
ground with its long trunk. Whati,vour favorite month? It's October.

A: That'scooll Whats your favorite month? It's November' :{
B: Elephantscan lift things rvith their trunks,
What'.svour favorite month? It's December.
3. A: What'sthat?
{ , , , , }P o g e 1 0 7 .A c t i v i f Y3 .
It's a kangaroo with a babY.
Where'sthe baby? Listenandwritethe month. r
B: lti in the mother'.spouch. A pouch is like a
1. I live in Mexico. My favorite month is August' 7
Schoolstartsin August.
A: Worv,the baby cair ride in the pouch.
B: Yes,that'sright.
2, My favorite month is April. In )apan we celebrate ?
the coming of sPringin APril.
4. A: Look at the lion.
B: \'v"oiv,its feet look scarr'.
3. I'm fiom Ireiand. My favorite month is March. We 7
celebrateSt. PatricksDaY in March.
A: Yes,lions havever,vsharp ciaws'
4. I live in Chile. My favorite month is Januarl''M,v 7
B: What are the claws for?
family goeson vacation in ianuary.
A: They help lions catchand kill other animals
for food.
5. I iive in the United States.lvf,vf-avoritemonth is f
Nol'ember. \{e celebrateThanksgiving Day in
B: I can seethat! -
6. N{y favorite month is lui,v.My birthday is in }uly I
{ , } Poge 99. AcfivitY I l. love to spend the day rvith my family' -
Lookand listen.Write.
l. Can a zebraseeat night? Yes,it can.
} Poge I 10. AcfivifY | 0.
{ ,,,.
2. Can cheetahsrun fast?Yes,they can. Listen.Stick.Write the number. =
3. Can a giralfe climb a tree?No, it can't. A: When is your birthdav?
4. Can hipposjump? No, thev cant' B: It's in August. -
A: What do you do on Your birthdaY?
{ , } P o g e t 0 3 . A c t i v i t y2 t . B: I alwa,vshave a party with m,vfriends.
Listenandwrite the word. 2. A: What's Your favorite month?
B: I like Decemberthe best.
1. I think peacocks'tails are beautiiul.
A: Why? What do You do in December? =-
2. Nlonkeysare so smart. Thev can learn to use tools'

B: We alwaysgo to my grandpathouse.It'sso 4. We never do homework in the summer.
muchfun. 5, We have our school festival in November.
3. A: I livein PuertoRicoandlanuaryis my 6. My grandmother alwaysgives me juice at her
favorite month. house.
B : lVhy ]anuary? 7. Ms. Garcia aiwa,vsgives us a math qui/on
A: We alwayscelebrateThree Kings' Da,von Monday.
|anuary6" ,z'\
B: How do you celebrate? a .,.l Poge I | 5. Activily 22.
A: We give gifts and visit friends and familrr
4 4. A: Do you have a school festival this month?
Listen and write the action.
l. In the winter, they skateon the ice.
I B:
Yes,its in April.
It! not in March? 2. In the spring,they ride their bikes.
3. Shelikes tc swim in the summer.
1 B: No, it's never in March. \t'e always have a
4. In the fail,'lroy and his father rake leaves.
school festivai in Apri1.
{ .,.} Poge I | 2. Acfivily | 4. *h**kp*imf. # m F t *? - S
4 Lookand listen.Writethe month. i i Poge | | 9. Acf ivity 2.
-'- l. Germany celebratesUnity Da,vin October. fhere's
Get Ready.A. Look, listen,and write.
a festival in errerytown,
4 2. Peoplein Mexico celebrateindependenceDay in A: Is that,vourparrot?He'sso colorfull
Septernber.Many people march in paradesand B: Yes.His nameis Crackers. He'sa smart
4 carry flagsand banners. bird.He cantalk!
3. In November,peoplein ScotlandcelebrateSt. A: He can?
4 Andrew'.sDa1'.11ttheir natio|ralholiclay.On that B: \'es.Listen.lto parrotl Crackers-are
day,peoplehaveparade"and carrv flags. you a prettybird?
4. SouthAfrica celebrates its FreedomDay in April. Parrot: Yes.I'rn a prettybird.
a lot of rr.rusicand dancing on that day. A: lhat'scool!Whatdoeshe eat?
4 5. I)eopr|eirr celebratetheir nationai day in B: Oh, he likesto eatbananas, carrots,and
Decernberon the King's birthdal'. Many people go apples.
4 into the streetsand havea good time. Parrot: Crackerswantsan apple.
6. lhe United Statescelebrates its Independence A: \\bwl
4 Day in Iu11'.11-t.t. are manv parades,flags,and B: He cansing"HappyBirthday'i'too.
{irervorks. A: Really?
4 B: Yes.He alwayssingsto me on my
1 . . ) P o g e 1 1 4 .A c f i v i l y 1 9 . birthCav.
A: Wow!My catis soboring.Shecant say
Listenandwrite the missingletters.Then
SJ numberthe monthsin order. or singanythingl
l. August /, reDruar)'
2. Iuly 8. March
3. November 9, September CDB Tracks55-57 contain the audio for the YLE
4 1. December 10. April Listeningpracticematerial.SeepagesT\24-T129
5. 11. for notesand audio script.
June January
4 6. October 12. Mav CllB Tracks 58-66 contain the Karaoke versions
ofthe sonssin StudentBook 2.
4 i ) Poge | 14. Acfivity 20.
4l Listenandwrite the missingletters.Say.
l. It's my birthdayl l.et'.shave some cake.
4 2. \,Vhatsin the box? Is it a present?
3. I want to go to the zoo.

O nogt 9. ActivitYt 5'
w$ffiKK&**K the sentences' G
Listenand match' Complete
SJni{?, ?lt $t$9*isxssrs*x: in a boat i|t Vret\anr
l. Theyarestudvingon water G
in a gardenI
,, il;;; rtuayi,'! plantsand flowers
f) rog" 3. AclivitY3' the United States'
in England' *
3 . il";;;. stuclyingin a tent in a yrrt
Listenand number' and animalsin a foresttn
dolng? 4. Theyarestudyingtrees t
l . A: What aretheY TurkeY.
B: They'retalkingabout Picture' l
A: What is si-re S*n
writing her name' *n&t *, F!mYgr*a'l*e$
Br She's
A: What aretheYdoing?
story' f) Pog" 16. ActivitY 8'
B: Thev'rellsteningto a and match'
A: What is shedoing? Write do or does'Thenlisten
gluingshaPes' to do?
B: She's l. A: What does MiYoung like
5. A: What is he doing? B: I r l i v o u n gl i k e st o r i d e h e r
B: Hes using the comPuter' like to do?
2. A: rVi"t-a. Brian and Ien
6. A: What is he doing? B: Brian and Jenlike to skate'
B: He! cutting shaPes' 3. A: What does |ohn like to
Iohn likes PlaY to baseball'
O Pog" 5. ActivitY7' 4. A: What does Suelike to do?

Listen.Follow the Path' B: S u cl i k e st o j u n t P r o P e '

There are five Pencils'

f) Poge 18. ActivitY l3'
A: There are eight books'
'l-hereis one teacher' Listenand circle'
'Ihere are three comPtlters your arm'
A: 1. Therearethreebonesin
Thereare trvo students' in hand'
A: ;'. ri"r" u" 27 bones Your
in leg'
A: There is one Photo' 3. Therearefour bones 'vour
4. Thereare26 bonesin Your
() nogt 7. ActivitYlo'
Listen, look, and write' n Poge 19. ActivilY l5'
the wordsfrom 14'
1. A: What are theY doing? Listen.Write m or n' Use
in arm'
B: TheY'relistening' l . There are three bones Your
2. A: What's he doing? ) N{avI use the marker?
B: J. The ball is next to the
4. Shelikes to run'
3. A: What's shedoing?
B: She'scoloring 5 . H e ' sl i s t e r t i n gt o n r u s i c '
6. She'swriting her name'
4. A: What are theY doing?
B: TheY'retalking'
fl Pog" 21.ActivitYl8'
5. A: What's he doing? write'
B: He'scountlng' Listenand match' Then
Pete: what cloYou}tk: t:.*"i
O nog* 8. ActivifYt4' Terry: I like to,plavbasketbail
lNhat about1'ou'
10 t-tu
Listen.Write and circle' Pete?\\'hat do 1;oullt(e
Sarah' do you like ttr
equals7 markers' Pete: I iike to 1u*p topt'
l . 11markersminus'i markers iumP roPer
what do you
3. li*[*::,fi:iil:$:ffi:t Sarah: No' I [ke to skate' Nlario'
like to do?
onl Let'splayl
Mario: I likeio skateboard'Come




, : : r i 'S
i , l n f i S y# * u x * 4. Mary: Grandpa,I stiil want to seea movie.
Is there a movie theater nearbv?
t -
| ) Pqge 25. Aclivity 6. Grandpa: No, there isn't.
I Mary: Oh well.
t Listenand match.
Grandpar There'sa movie theater,#ary tsut its
l. A: Mom, where'.smy jacket?
. not nearbl'.
B: Your iacketis in the closetin the living room
P A:
The closet?
Yes,the closet in the livir.rgroorn.
Really?Can n'e take a bus?
Sure! There'sa bus stop right over
there. Let'stake a bus to the movie.
2. A: Where are my keys? Mary: Greatl
g B: \bur keys?They're in the bathroom on the
sink. { , } Poge4t. Aclivify 16.
I Oh. I seethern.Thanks.
Listenand look at the wordsin 15.Write.
3. A: F.mily,where'smv phone?
4 B: Its in the kitchen.
l. Sevenplus zero equalsseven.
2. Her schoolbus is yellow.
A: In the kitchen? \\'h,v is it rn the kitchen?
-4 B: I'm using it, Mom. Iin texting my friend
3. I want to play on the seesawat the playground.
4. My jacket has a zipper.
A: Oh, Emily'.Really?!
4 4. A: MoIr, wheres my bab,vbrother?
5. I saw a zebra at the zoo yesterday.

-t- B: He'sin the bedroom. FIe'ssleeping.

#r:i? S, ffiXe$3r*exntd*b
A: Wheres his teddy bear?
B: it'.sin his bed next to him. Why?
4 i . l Poge 51. Aclivity 14.
A: i like his teddy bear.
4 B: Uh huh. He likes his teddy bear,too! Listen.CircleJor r.
l. doctor # doctor 4. rider# rider
I t Poge 30. Activify 14. 2. pilot # pilot s. ball# ball
Listen.Underlinef. Circlev. 3. artist # artist 6. lunch # iunch
4 l . fri,:rrtl" t friends 4. knife # knife
2 . sola + sc-tf-a
| ,. I Poge 51. Activify | 5.
5. five * fir'e
4 J. stove# stove 6. iva.,'e# lr.ave Listen.Write I or r.
4 l. A doctorhelpssickpeople.
lini? S. i* tu?'y
?*rzun 2. A pilot fliesa plane.
4 3, Theartistis paintinga picture.
i ) Poge 37. Aclivily 6. 4. Thatrider hasa beautifulwhite horse.
Listenandfollowthe path. 5. lhe soccerplayerlikesto kick the bali.
6. I want to eatlunch.
€a l. Grandpa: What do you i,vantto do today, Mary?
Nlary: I lvant to seea movie.
#r:if &, Mrr**y
Grandpa: Okay, but first i want to mail a letter.
Ilary: Is there a post office near your house?
{ ,. } Poge 55. Acfivily 3.
4 Grandpa: Yes,there is. Lets go!
Listenand check.
2. Mary: Grandpa, I want to buy a book for
4 Mom. Is there a bookstore near here? 1. A: When doesshe eat dinner?
'lhe B: Sheeatsdinner at 6 otlock.
Grandpa: !\t11, yes,there is. bookstore is
4 next to the post office. 2. A: When doesSuego to school?
B: Shegoesto school at 8 o'clock
+ Marl': Great, let'sgol
3. A: When doeshe play soccer?
3. Mary: Grandpa, now I'm hungry. is there a
B: He pla,vssoccer at 4 o'clock.
4 restaurantnearby?
4. A: When does Tim go for a walk?
Grandpa: \ts, there'.s
a restaurantover there.
-'7 Leti eat lunch!
B: He goesfor a walk at 2 oilock.



3, A: Dad,l like mangoes'
B : I like mangoes'too' r?
Poge 57. ActivitY 6' too' Let'sget three
| .. I C: ftom lites*mangoes'
Listenandwrite' mangoes' t=
get up in the 4. A : I s e e: t r a w b e r r i e s '
Aunt Margaret, when do you
B: Oh, I dont like strawberrtes' L
mornlng? no 1'oulike strawberries?
C: I like strawbtt'it'' Let's
I get uP-at7. What abor'itvou? and llove strawberries'
A: Yes,we dol iv{om \
N{etool I get uP at i' g e ta b i g b o x o f s t r a w b e r r i e s '
Then what do You do?
and brush B: Let'sgo home now'
nl." t *", dreise<l'eat breakf-ast' home'
at nine' A: OK' iet's Pav and go
my tee;h. I go to school
\\ihat time is lunch?
I'm always () nog" 74. ActivitY l7'
ira ."t i"t.it at trvelve otlock'
j' the words{rom
hungrv for lunchl Listenandwrite h or Use
And after school?
mY friends'
Ai".r.noot I PlaYrvith 1 . I like to eat hot dogs'
What about homework?
,| Does Laura like orangejuice?
at 5
il;;;, i"*ework'-I clohomework J. }{e'slvearing a brown iacket'
.lf".i'. we eat dinner at 6:00' 4. Do you eat healthy snacks?
'Ihen on the piayground'
bed? 5 . Yumi is iumprng rope
I goto bedat
iittt iu*trt mvteeth"Ihen 6. What foods grow in JaPanr
lJ*it &, &Si!*&s"atm*!s
f) nog" 51. AclivifY l3'
Listen. Circle w' Underline Y'
n Poge 79. ActivifY 5'
l . What are vou lvearing? Listen.Write and match'
,, Do you have some craYons? h a sa l o n g t a i l '
l. A: L o o k a t t h a t a n i m a l ll t
Street' with its taii?
3 . \\Uie rvalking to \\'est ;, C"t t, hang from trees
from its tail
4. Do You like to eat PaPa,vas? ;, t"r. tt.unilook' it's hanging
5 . \\t're wearing white gloves' nowl
6. cat is playing t'ith some varn'
2. A: I like those animais'
B : I dont. TheY'rescarY'
**i9 f , Ss*# A: ;;;*. theyhavesharp
r()arlngi !\ L'rr'
think thelrrescar1"[lion
f) Pog" 69. ActivitY 6' maybetheY'rea little scarYt'
circle' a dad?
How manY?Listenand 3. A: ls that a mom or
like bananas? B: It'sa mom!
1 A: )enny,do ,vou
Yes,i do. A: I{ow do Youknow?
B: babyis in the moms
YeslI iike bananastoo' A: i t.. nt ii"Uyl See,the
C: one for You
;anana for You ]ennY' pouch'
A: oi;;;;. ride in the mom's
iurior. one for me and
one for mom' Four B: lrft t."it Thebabycan
2. A: Do,vou want aPPles? 4. A: Look at this animall trunk'
B: ;;;;; ;; bigr And it hasa long
B: Oh, i iike aPPles' things
How manY do You want? A: i;;*. tt canllck up food and other
B: "lhree. with its trunk'
A: OK. l{ere are three aPPles' B: That'scooll
B: Yum. Thanksl



i i Poge 84. Acfivity 14.
4. A:(lrandma, rvhat would you like to do for
Br Grandparents Day? I don't know. When is it?
E Listen. Look at the words in 3. Write.
C: Next rveekl lt'.salr,r'ays in September.
l. A kangaroocan jump high.
l k a v .L e t ' sg o s k a t e b o a r d i nign t h c
B : R e a l l v ?O
4 2. Quailscan fly,but they like to run. park.
3. A fox has a long taii.
2 4. L)uckscan swim and flrr
A: Skateboarding?Grandma you never go
5. I like to sleepunder m,vquilt.
B: I know, I'm just kidding. I want to seea movie
J 6. I want to go. Where is the exit?
with vou.
I { , } Poge 85. Aclivity 15.
A and C: Okay, Grandma.
5. A: Molly, next month is |une.
1 Listen,look and write. B: Hooravl I love fune.
Across Down A: (feigningignorance)\bu do? Why do ,vou
4 3. cheetah l zebra like June?
B: Mornl My birthdav is in iune.
1': 5. giraffe 2. kangaroo
4. hippo A: Ohhhh, that'.sright. What do you want to do
6. polarbear
for your birthday?
4 # n i XS , S * m& 9 $Y e * r
B: I alwavshave a partv, *'ith cake and balloons
and games. . . I want to have a party this vear,
4 too.
I i Poge 89. Activity 6.
4 L i s t e n a n d c i r c l e .T h e n m a t c h . 6 l Poge 93 Acfivity 13.
l. A: Mom, what rvould you like to do on ]Vlother's
4 Listenand write. Thenmatch.Writethe
Dav? number.
B: \Vhen is N{other'sDay?
1. On the first and seconclday of November,people
A: Its in NIa\'. in Mexico celebratethe Day of the Dead.'Ihey
4 B: Oh. Let'sgo to the park and havea picnic.
sometimeswear masksor paint on their face.
l. A: i)aci,it'.salmost June. 'l1ley
eat specialibod. The bright colors and smell
4 B: \\'hat happensin ]une? of marigolds are everpvhere. Theseflowers help
A: it's Father'sDay! What lvould you like to do peopie celebratethe Day of the Dead.
4 on Father'sDay? 2. ln China, children like to ceiebratethe rlid-
B: Hrnmm, I u'ant to go to a baseballgame with Autumn festival.This festivalcomesin September
4 )'ou and your brother. or October when the moon is big and bright. The
A: Dad, we alwa1,5go to a baseballgame for children like to eat moon cakesand sone children
Father'.s Da1. wear moon rabbit hats.An old Chinesestory says
B: I know but I like baseballl a rabbit liveson the moon.
3. A: Next week is Childrens L)ar'. 3. Children in England celebratethe end of rvinter on
B: It is? the first of Ma1'.They dance around a pole holding
C: Yes,it is. Childrent Day is always in onto ribbons and welcomespring.
4 Ar Let'scelebrateChildren's Da,vlWhat would { , } Poge 94. Activily | 5.
you like to do?
4 B : L e t ' sv i s i to u r c o u s i n s .
Listenand write the missingletters.
C: That soundsgreatl I want to visit our cousins' 1. An elephanthas a iong trunk.
4 too. 2. The stove is in the kitchen.
3. lle has ten fingerson his hands.
4 4. N{orrr,rvhat do you want to do on Mothers Day?
5. We alrvavsgo srvirnming in the sunlmer.
4 6. I lvant to mail a letter. Is there a post olice near

a T147
- l


1. four, 2. one,3. one .4

M Y *$s*sr**m
# n it 3 , &r "x
$ cuttingPaner-b' Peter
& (Match capitaland smallletters') 11
@ Ansr,r'erswill varY.
readinq,a book - a' PennY J
- 3. drawing
coloririgpictures d' fack and ]en @ l.2. singing
plaYing 4. using
waving - c, BethanY
4. are 9
@ ,tnt*.rs willvarl" & f . is I
2. are 18 5. isl 14
r. talking 4' gluing
$ 3. are8
2. writing 5' using \4
3. iistening
4' gluing &3rt!t 3 , F i m Y g r * e l n d $a,sn l=
r. talking
@ swings- d
2. wrtttng
3. listening
5' using
6' cuttrng
& soccer- e
baseball- c slide- a t4

t.2 basketball- b e
i. iuttingpaper(and)writingon the ettt*"rs will varY'
3. usingthecomPuter =
. , 5 'a
t . d , 2 . c , 3e. , 4 b
m & t.. ' l e
3 . d
4 . b

3. play basketball =
& 1. jumprope
f-' t 2. PlaYsoccer 4. plaYtogether
lul =
t.t t. neKtto 3. in front of
1 'n Q
, ^ I
4. behind +
{ i {
2. between
1'; 3. baseball
i i @ r. tk"t" 4. jumP roPe =
. \:.,
2. soccer
l. does-d 3. does- c 4

& - a. t0 e. to f. to c. to b' to d'

3. a.- gluing
2. do-a 4. does- b

& 1.2. c.d. - reading

rvriting 4. b. - PlaYing O l. likesto 3. likes to
4. likes to

's 2. liketo 4

& 2.l. 're reading

3. gluing
PlaYing @ l. 4oballs 4. 70 balls
5. 10balls ,,
2. 20 balls
4' arettrey-'!1V,re 6. 100balls
& i.l. are they,They're
r,l'n"tlt'fte, He's 5' What'she' Hes
3. 30 balls
4. skateboard
{D 1. Plavbaseball
3. What'sshe,She's 2. skate 5. jumP roPe

& 2.1. fourbackPacks

3. ride a bike
@ uon.
& l.2. plus,equals,.12-
(- B ' . , 3 . 4
4. 26
l. -,=,6 2' +,='12
@ =) (7 markers) & (In an,vorder:) marker,game'arm' Mexico'
& l.
11 (markers)- 4 (markers
: io.t.ifs) + 5 (pencils
=) 8 {pencils)

l. io tU""f.s)- 9 (tooks 1
=) (book) @ l . m 2 . m 3 . n 4 . n 5- ' m 6 ' n
1. b. - a boatin Viet Nam' @ 2.l. Not PlaYin-g.safelY
plaYingsately -
2. c. - a gardenin the United States' --?
3. plaYingsafely d
3. d. - a Yurt in England' -
4. Not Plavingsatcly c
4. a. * a forestin Turket'' - a
5. plaYingsafelY

l. behind 3. next to l. bed 5. sofa
2. between 4. in front of 2. sink 6. refrigerator
3. tub 7. stove
l. to playbasketball 3. to skate 4. Iamp 8. chair
2. to jump rope 4. to skateboard J

@ l . b 2 . c3 . a
l. retrigerator (anda) srove
# r: f; 3, $;r&-1y
*{**xx* @
2 . s i n kt a n da ) t u b
& chair- a; bedroom- a; behind,b

& Answerswill vary. u i'r* * 9 { p * i * t , & J m i f *} * 3

& bed,closet,refrigerator,sofa,table,chair,dresser
& l. cuttingpaper 6. play on the swings
v l. closet,dresser,bed 2. gluingshapes ,i. a Deo
2. sofa 3. usinga computer 8. a closet
3. refrigerator,table,chair 4. play on the seesaw 9. a lamp
5. play on the slide
& l.a2.b3.a
A,rrr".rs u.ill varli
& 1. b,e
2. a,f
3. e,h
4. c,g
ff| Ans.,"rsrvillvary.
s 1.
Where's,It's (next to) the sofa- c
Whereare,They're(behindthe) chair * b
s} into groupsand discuss.
Put sttrdents

3. Whereare,They're(on the) chair - d

It'.s(next to the) srnk - a
$ r : i t 4. ** flSy ?qpvs*
4. Where',s,
G} l. Dannv's 3. lv{ymother's & bookstore- a.,bus - c., post office- d.
2. Suzies 4. Her brother's w Answersrvill vary.

& l.
Her brother'sbikc
& l. bus stop
2. movietheater
3. bookstore
4. post ollice
llannv s glasses.
I ier rnother'scomputer. w l. MapleStreet(and) MarketStreet
2. bookstore
@ ora New 3. I{arket Street(and) Main Street
& 1. buy a book. 2. buy a new gane.

trpelvriter sewing machinc post ofice, bookstore,restaurant,bus stop,
refrigerator tf* l. postoffice 4. bus stop
computer 2. bookstore 5. movietheater
3. restaurant

{&t . 3 2 . 3 3 . 4 & l. 'r,vanito

2. wants to
3. wants to
4. wants to
@ 2.l. bc -- cook
sleep 3. a - n'ash
& l. (i) want to go to the bookstore. (I) want to
go to the toy store.
@ Answerswill vary. 2. (Mom) wants to go to the gas station. (She)
l\,ants to go to the supermarket.
@ 2.l. friends
4. knilb
5. llve tffi anr*.rs nill vary.
3. sto(v)e 6. rva(v)e
1 . Yes,thereis 4. \?s, there is
@ acnoss DOWN 2. No, thereisn't 5. No, thereisnt
2. sofa 1. knife J. Yes,thereis
3. five 2. stove
4. wave 3. lriends & {'rruce.)

u : GI
l. north
2. west
4. east
5. north
4. What doesshewant to be
5. What doeshe want to be
3. south ,.|^"
$l; Ansrverswill vary e
l. Draw a supermarketwestof the gasstation.

2. Draw a post officenorth of the bus stop. & t.

Shewantsto be a pilot.
He rvantsto be an artist.
w >
1. S,b. seesaw 4. S,e.bus 3. Shervantsto be a dancer.
2. Z,f.zebra 5. Z, c. zero 4. He wantsto be a singer.
3. Z, d. zipper 6. S,a. seven a
* Services C=
Q| doctor- Services hairdresser
@ l. Seven(plus)zero 4. zipper food - Goods -
mechanic Services
bus 5. zebra book - Goods
boots- Goods
3. seesaw
.-. 1. sellsbooks,bookstore
lL l. safe,not sale 2. flxescolxputers,computerstore
2. safe,not safe 3. servesfood, restaurant C-
3. safe,not safe 4. deliversmail, post otfice
qp l . want, d 3. want,a
& l . r 2 . 13 . r 4 . r 5 . 1 6 . 1

) wants,c 4. wants,b @ l . r 2 . 13 . r 4 . r 5 . 16 . 1 7
r^1, l . No, thereisn't
2 . Yes.thereis
3. No, thereisn't
4. Yes,thereis
& l.c 2.b 3.e4.f 5.a O.g /.o €


l. artist
2. teacher r
€**it S- l1*Xr
63r**m *$*b 4. soccer
7. singer
3. dancer
5. plror r
@ dun..., firefighter,teacher,actol vet, pilot
&lF Anrro,.rs
8. actor 6. vet
q t t c - \ e o c ( o
L l m?! &, F*Ar*cxV r
o ' \ \
\ \
q e & l.
Brushm,vteeth- c
havesometoast - b
p u\\ a * |
3. run real fast - a
\ \
\ o \ ' 4. do my homework - d
I s
p r a v* t
' o r
v P

: , . . . , . .h. , , . . 9 . . . . . . . . . .rt. . .
w l. breakfast
2. lunch
3. dinner (

{f,l l. mailcarrier 2. a soccerplayer & l. 6 otlock
2. 8 o'clock
3. 4 otlock
4. 2 otlock (
t. singer
2. writer & Anslverswill varl'.
3. teacher
& 1. Max getsup. 4. Max comeshome.
) . Max sleepsagain.
& l. chef- d
2. lifeguard- b
3. singer- c
4. writer - a
2. Max eats.
3. lWaxgoesoLrt.

& l . slng
) draw
3. flv
4. write
(go to school)9:00
(do homework)5:00
(eatdinner) 6:00

(eatlunch)l2:00 (go to bed) 8:00 f

& atr*.rs will vary.
r. sevenotlock 4. five o'clock {
l. What doesshewant to be @
2 nine o'clock 5 . six otlock
2. What doeshe lr,antto be
3. tuelveoilock 6. eight otlock
3. What doesKarenwant to be

l does,plays,4:00
2. does,lvatches,5:00
4. do, get, 7:00
5. does, comes, l0:00
& l . b 2 . h 3 . i 4 . j 5 . 1 6 .d 7 . g 8 . e 9 . c l 0 . a
1 1 .k 1 2 .f
3. do, eat, 1:00

@ Answers H'ili vary.

& l. strau'berries, pineapple

iI, Answers will vary.
& l. 4 o'ciock
2. snacktime
:. grandffther
4. pie
@ 2.1 . ssand
- c
3. water- a
& l.b 2.b 3.a4.a
tr4 3:00,I l:00,6:00 U l. cheeseand tomatoes.bananas
2. tomatoes,bananasand cheese
rg l . What areyou (w)earing? 3.
tomatoesand bananas,cheese
bananasand tomatoes
2. Do you havesomecragons?
We're(w)alking to WestStreet.

4. Do you like to eatpapayas? & l. Does,does

2. Does,doesnt
3. Do, do

5 . We're(w)earing(w)hitegloves.
6. lhe cat is playingn'ith sorneyarn. & l. b - don't
2. c-do
3. a * does

l. rvalk* 9:00* blue A

2. shorver- B:00* green 1g 1. Does,like;Yes,shedoes
3. crayons- 5:00- yellow 2. Does,like; No, he doesn'tlike it
4. yogurt - 7:00- orange 3. Does,like; No, shedoesn'tlike them
5. rratch- 4:00- purple 4. Do, like; Yes,they do
6. you - 6:00- red
5. Do, (answers will vary)
a. (happvtace) -
{p [I} Answersrtillvarv.
b. (unhappvface)
^* 1 verir healthy 6. very healthy
lgt .all\\\-CrS \flll Vary
2. not vervheaithy 7. notveryhealthy
@ ele.'eno'clock,nine o'clock 3. not veryhealthy 8. not very heaithy
1 ,ir,,eatlunch,12:00 4. very healthy 9. very healthy
) 5. not very healthy
does,brushes, 7:00 *
J, does,goes,9:00 {$ Answerswillvary.
l . Peppers
;***1..**imf , #ni?g4** 2 . Cucumbers
3 . Broccoli (and) cabbage
l. busstop 6. s<lccerplayer
.7 Ansrn'ers
2. computerstore brushteeth {p
3. supermarket 8. eatbreakfast ^
{p hamburger horse
4. artist 9. sleep
5. doctor healthy homervork
house hot dog
& O"t a book,buyfruit *.
enrrv.rs rvill vary.
tg 1.h2.i3.j4.hs.j6.I
@ eut studentsinto groupsand discuss" & Answerswill vary.

@ 2.l. he does
,1 F**d 3. shedoesn't,likes
4. dont like,like
Q b n n o n n-,. cheese- f
romaroes * g lemonade- b
: ( ) t a l t ) e S- d sandwich- a Us:i
f &,Wig* &*!s.**8*

a,t:rots- e
" .r' er'- r. iil va rl
w l. polar bear
2. monkey
3. Fish
4. Cheetahs

Tl 51
gt;t Ail fe*r t=
U s " r ;Q
l .
@ Answerswill varY.
w mortkeYs,
@ ;.nuuty

Vlarch SeptemGr }r
& Answerswili varY.
April October
& 1. Monkeys
2. Hippos
4. Flippos
5. monkeYs
May November

6. hippos Iune
3. IvlonkeYs

# |. monke,v-.c. tail & Atrstverswill varY.

2. lion - a. clau's
3. kangaroo- d' Pouch
& 4 , i , 5 ;8 ,7 , 11; 1 2 , 6 ,l 0 ; 23., 3August

4. elePhant- b. trunk & 2.1. lvlarch

anr*.rs rvill varl'. t'
cun cheetahs fly?- n.l ('an kangar.osjump?
- & ,,l. IanuaryAlnl
S - ves;.Canmonkeys
)'es;Lan polar Dearsswim? 3 . Mar
it"*g ft"- trees? 1'es; Can giralleseat from tall 4. iuly
trees? ves- 5 . lr'larch
3. b.,cant 6. Anv of the following answers:February'
1 , c . ,c a nt October,
2. a.,can Novcmber, f)ecember
ffi \'es'can
l. Cangiratles.
S l. Mar,the p.ark
2. C a n P o l a r b e a r s 'N o ' ' a n . l
2. Jtrnc'baseball
3. Can hiPPos,No' catl'l cousins
J. Ntlvember,
4. Can cheetahs,Yes,cirn seea mol'ic'
4. SePtenrber'
5. Can zebras,Yes,can
5. June,hasa PartY
Can kangaroos,No, can't

birds- jungle'
r. F 2"T 3.T 4.F;colorful
w l . ne\rer
3. always
4. never
seals- ocean,snakes- desert,deer forest

Q$ Answers !\'rti var\' w Answers rvill varY.

3. always,never
l. duc(k)s 4. fo(x) 7' (q)uills @ 2.l alrvavs,never
aiways,never 4. alrvays,never
2. e(x)crcise 5 . { k ) a n g a r o o 8' tq)uilt
3. e(x)it 6. (q)uails 9' sna(K)e
& Ansu'erswill var,v.
k: ducks,kangaroo,snake
q; quails,quills, quit
w l. GermanY- October
2. SouthAfrica - APril
x: exercise,exit, fox 3. Nlexico- SePtember
4. Thailanci- December
r. kangaroo 4. Ducks
@ 5. Scotland- November
5. quilt
2. Quails 6. United States- |ulY
3' fox 6. extt
@ Atttou"rswill varY'
S ncnoss.
3. cheetah
l. zebra 1. November,Mexico,b I
2. kangaroo 2. China,October,c 2-
5. giraffe
6. polarbear 4. hippo 3. England,Ma1',a * 1
s,o, N, n
ffi L Can- b,thevcan @ l, F,M, A,M,I, ', A,
2. Can - c, thel' cali
3. Can- a, it can't
& r. e ,l
4. m,w
5. e,s
4. Can * d, it cant 3. t,h 6. t,o

@ tlueluemonths

@ t. lanuary /. ,uty ffi r. No,thereisn't
2. February 8. August 2. No, there isn't
3. March 9. September 3. Is there,\'es,there is
4. April 10. October 4. Is there,thereisnt
5. May I l. Noventber
6. June 12. 1)ecember
U n i 9 S , S x f r e x{ S r * m r x t * r $ x r * * * i * e *
l- r
@ Wi,ut, ahvays,never,I)o, cion'l
! @ r. rvantsto be a lirefighter
l r 2. wantsto be a dancer
'Jh*e iep*ir:? tJnits7*$ 3. What doesshewant to be
I 4. What doeshe want to be
I 1. carrot 6. giraffe 5. What do they want to be

2. cheese 7. summermonth 6. Answerswill vary'.

3. chicken 8. winter month
- 4. zebra f. iallmonth
5. elephant Sr :i*&, *xtr * #r s**qY**rPr **?**e
H: & Answerswill vary @ r. When- does* sheeatlunch?
2. When - does- he get up?
& Answerswill varl'.
3 . When * does* scl'roolstart?
w Answerswill vary. 4. When * do * they playbasebali?

& A hippo in a tree; a monkey stealinga banana;a

bird eating pie
@ f.
doessheeatlunch,eatslunch at l2:00
doeshe get up, getsup at 7:00
4 lut studentsinto groupsancltliscuss
3. doesschoolstart,Schoolstartsat 9:00
@ 4. do they play baseball, play baseballat
# n iI l , { ' s f t r : d - i c r : r y l I 3 : S f* : r . r l i : " t .
& l . i s ,c 3. is,a # * i f ?, Sxtrq;#r*rnmmr $*am*9i**
4 2. are,b
& 1. Does,doesn't 4. Do, don't
giE 'fhere
1. firerc's 3. are 2. Do, do 5. Do, do
4 2. There's 3. Does,does

4 @ r. Do,tike,No,I don't.
' : . . fr { : * r * n : n t * r fit*tll** 2. DoesEmmalike,No,shedoesnt.
4 3. Do SueandHugolike,Yes,theydo
does,likes 3. does,likes
do, iike
g # s t i f & " * s ? r x & r q x r s ? f f i sFrr m * f i * e
l. doeshe like,likesto use
2. do theylike,liketo listen r . T z . F 3 .r . 4
' .F s .F 6 . ' r
& l. A giralle carit fly.
.:i,ilafr* #r*nr;*txv ffr*r:{il:e 2. A polar bearcan'tjump high.
3. An elephantcan'teatmeat.
4 & l. \Vhere are
2. \'Vhere's
3. \\'here's
4. Where iire
4" Hipposcan'thangfrom trees.
4 l
3. It'-s
& l. catch,it can't
€ 'fhey're 2. Can, flr.,rt can
2. It's 4.
4 3. Can,talk, tlre,vcan

e l. \lortr's
2. cou:ins
3. L.mily'.s
4. ]oe's
4. Can,rvrite,thev can't

i"3r:itr #, *xfr* {;.rxmm{:r frs"cx**l*gr

,r'::l'"r'itrtriff r f:1i: q:'f l r..:$

3. rvants
Answers will varv.

4. rvants *F always,rlcver


Unif C o mmu n i co l i on Key Slructures Key VocobulorY

qnd Theme Obiecfives
_ --tt-
. to talk about classroom Presentprogressive Classroom Actions

* mM g
. t o i d e n t i l yt h e a l p h a b e t
. to write names
What'sshe doing?
S h e ' sc o u n t i n gp e n c i l s .
What are they doing?
c o l o r i n g a p i c t u r e ,c o L r n :

s h a p e s ,l i s t e n i n gt o a s
p e n c i l s ,c u t t i n g P a P e r ,
t o

' \

They'regluing Pictures. talkingabout the Pictures

*$wsxr*e*m u s i n g t h e c o m p u t e r ,w r i t i n c
There is,/Thereare one'sname
How manypicturesare there?
t1:::* "".
"lTl:':::.: l>
. to talk about playground Like to + verb Outdoor Activities

& activities
. to identify the location of items
W h a td o e sh e l i k et o d o ?
H e l i k e st o j u m p r o P e .
What do they like to do?
h i t a b a s e b a l l ,j u m p r o P e , k r : <
a s o c c e rb a l l , p l a y b a s k e t b a , ,
p l a y o n t h e s l i d e , r i d e ( m Y )b < e
S*qxWsrwaxmd . to say what people like to do
skate, skateboard
. to listen and write m and n Theylike to {ly kites.
Prepositions of Location
behind, between,in front o{
next to
.to saywho an item belongsto Simple presentwith Household Objects

. to talk about where thingsare
. to name family members
Where'sthe TV?
It's on the table.
W h e r ea r e t h e c h a i r s ?
b e d , c l o s e t ,d r e s s e r ,l a m P , s o ' :
phone, DVD playel refrigerato".
sink, sofa. stove, tub
. t o l i s t e na n d w r i t e f a n d v T h e y ' r ei n t h e l i v i n gr o o m . 3
Ben'skeysare on the table.
r t o l o c a t e p l a c e so n a m a p Simple present:want to + verb Places in the CommunitY

& . t o t a l k a b o u t p l a c e so n a m a p
. to say what you want to do
We want to mail a letter.
Shewants to go to the Park.
bookstore, bus stoP, comPuter
store, gas station, movie
theater, post office, restaurant
$m$vXg o to listen and write s and z
suoermarket, train station
There islThere are
ls there a post officenearhere?
Yes,there is./No,there isn't'

. t o t a l k a b o u tj o b s Simple present:want to + verb Jobs 5

& . to saywhat you want to be
. to listenand write I and r
What do you want to be?
I want to be an actor.
What does she want to be?
actoi artist, dancer, doctor,
m a i l c a r r i e r ,p i l o t , s i n g e r ,s o c c e r
player, teacher, vet
Shewants to be a doctor. 5

Connecfions: Connections:
Conlenf Around lhe llllorld

Math UnusualSchoolSettings Taketurns.

. Additionand subtraction r Differentclassrooms Role-playtakingturnswith a partner.

ContentWords Content Words M a k ea f i n g e rp u p p e tt o r o l e - p l a y

p l u s ,m i n u se, q u a l s boat, forest,garden,tent t a k i n gt u r n s .

5cience Games Playsafely.

. B o n e sa n d m u s c l e s r G a m e sc h i l d r e np l a y Role-playpiaygroundsa{ety.
. Playhopscotch
Content Words Make a PlaygroundSafetychecklist
b o n e s f, e e t ,h a n d s m
, uscles Content Words
d r a w ,h o p ,g a m e s ,h o p s c o t c hj u
, mp,

5ocialStudies HouseholdObjects Be neat.

r O l d a n d n e wi t e m s . Householdobjects Listen,write, and talk about how to
b e n e a ta t h o m e .
Content Words Content Words
c o o k ,o l d , n e w s l e e p ,w a s h Make a Toy Box.

G e o g r ac h y ColorfulTaxis Crossthe street safely.

. I a c e si n N o r t h A m e r i c a rTaxis{rom London,MexicoCity, Look,listen,and talk about the steps
a - a- a-: '.i n. d- J nlero. '-'naP
and Bangkok to crossingsafely.

ContentWords Content Words Make a CrossSafelyposter.

n o r t h ,s o u t h ,e a s t ,w e s t cute, everywhere,

SocialStudies When I Grow Up Study hard and set goals.

. G o o d sa n d s e r v i c e s . J o b sc h i l d r e nl i k e ldentifyand act out what you want to
ContentWords Content Words
goods,services park ranger,rodeo,scubadiver Make a What I Want to Be {lip book.


T T155

Unil C o mmu n i cq l i on Key Shuclures Key VocqbulorY
qnd Theme Obiectives G
. to tell time Simple presentverbs with Time G
@ . to
. to
saywhen peoPledo things
talk about dailyactivities
When does he get uP?
He gets uP at 6:00.
o n e o ' c l o c kt o t w e l v eo ' c ' c .

M g*ffi#w 'to l i s t e na n d w r i t e w a n d y
e a t l u n c h ,g e t u P ,9 o t o b e c
When do you go to bed?
I go to bed at 8:00.
When does the moviestart? G
It starts at 7:00.

Sintple present with like Food and Drink F

Do you like fruit? b a n a n a s ,p i n e a P P l e ,
Y e s l,d o . / N o , l d o n ' t . strawberries,tomatoes, carrois
Do they like vegetables? potatoes, chicken, sPaghetti,
PSS{S . to listen and write h and j
Y e s t, h e y d o . / N o , t h e Y cheese, yogurt, lemonade,
don't. water
Does she like fruit?
Yes,she does. / No, she

. t o t a l k a b o u t w h a t a n i m a l sc a n c h e e t a h , g i r a f f e ,h i P P c ,
k a n g a r o o ,P o l a r b e a r , z e b r a ,
and can't do
e l e p h a n t ,m o n k e Y ,P e a c o c k 3
w$&s rto listen and write k, q, and x

&c?$rxw** C a n s n a k e jsu m P ? Animal Body Parts and 3

N o , t h e yc a n ' t . Features
arm, claw, feather, {eet, fur, leg, 3
m o u t h , n e c k , s P o t s ,t a i l , t e e t h
trunk, pouch,wings

Animal Actions
c a t c h a { l s h ,c l i m b a t r e e , h a n g
{rom a tree

. to talk about the months

. to use a calendar
Adverbs of frequencY: alwaYs
and never:
Months of the Year
January,February,March, s
I to saywhat people do during
the year
What do they do in the sPrrng?
They always PlaYbaseball in
A p r i l ,M a y ,J u n e ,J u l Y ,
Augt,st,Septembel October, s
. to review letters and sounds the park.
D o y o u g o o n v a c a t i o ni n t h e s
No, I don't. I never go on s
v a c a t i o ni n t h e w i n t e r

Conneclions: Conneclions: Vqlues/Projecl
Confenf Around fhe World
SocialStudies Clocks Be on time.
. Tellingtime long ago . Clocks Listenand identify the steps to
r U s i n ga n a l a r mc l o c k getting to schoolon time.
Content Words
measure,sundial,water Content Words Make a My Day book.
clock alarmclock,chime,cuckooclock,
g r a n d f a t h ecrl o c k ,p e n d u l u m

Science Where Fruit Comes From Choosehealthyfoods.

. Healthysnacks r Where popularfruitscome from Listen.write, and talk about healthy
Content Words Content Words
healthy,unhealthy,apples,carrots, avocados,fruit. mangoes,tomatoes, M a k ea H e a l t h yS n a c k sc o l l a g e .
celery,cookies,raisins,salt,sugar watermelons

Science Outside My Window Appreciateanimals.

r Animalhabitats . A n i m a l sn e a ry o u r h o m ea n d Listen,write,and talk about favorite
r M a t c h i n ga n i m a l tso t h e i rh a b i t a t s school animals.

ContentWords Content Words M a k ea n A n i m a l sM a p .

desert,forest,habitat,jungle,ocean koala,llama,snow monkey,website,

SocialStudies CelebratingSpecialDays Be active all year.

r Monthsof nationaldays . Specialdays Listen,write, and role-playabout
differentactivitiesduringthe year,
Content Words Content Words
F r e e d o mD a y ,I n d e p e n d e n cDea y , Day of the Dead,May Day,Mid- Make a SpecialDayscalendar.
King'sBirthday,national,St. Andrew's Autumn Festival
D a y ,U n i t yD a y

2 sessionsPer week 3 sessionsPer week
(40-60 minutes)
t50-60 minutes)
Student Book t4
Student Book
Week 3. o Song& Vocabulary(2 PP')
(2 PP.)
r Song& Vocabulary o
o Story(2 pp.)
. Story(2 pp.) 11
. Corresponding
. CorrespondingWorkbookPages
. Corresponding Digital activities t4
. CorrespondingDigitalactivities
. Video (dramatic)*
r Unit Poster
r PictureCards
. Unit Poster t-
. Picture Cards

Student Book
Student Book
Week 3 . Languagein Action (1 P')
r Languagein Action (1 P.)
. G r a m m a r( 1 p . ) ?
. G r a m m a (r 1 p . )
rConnections:Content(1 P.)
r C o n n e c t i o n sC:o n t e n t( 1 P , ) r
. C o r r e s p o n d i nW
g o r k b o o kP a g e s
. C o r r e s p o n d i nW
g o r k b o o kP a g e s
. CorrespondingDigitalactivities
. CorrespondingDigitalactivities
. Video (documentarY)"* €
. Video (documentarY)'*
. AdditionalGrammarPracticein Workbook
. AdditionalGrammarPracticein Workbook
. GrammarPoster €
o GrammarPoster

Student Book
Student Book
Week 3 r Connections: Aroundthe World ('l p')
.Connections:Aroundthe World (1 p')
. Phonics('l p.)
. P h o n i c (s1 p . )
. Projects/Values (1 P.)
. ProjectsA/alues (1 P')

Ancillaries r
. Corresponding
WorkbookPages -_
. Corresponding
. CorrespondingDigitalactivities L
. CorresPonding
r Video (documentarY)**
. Video(documentarY)"n sound
'Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach): L
.Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach):
soundcards C
Student Book :
Student Book
&f*ek 4 . Review:Listening& Speaking(1 p')
& S p e a k i n g( 1 p ' )
. R e v i e wL: i s t e n i n g L
. R e v i e wV: o c a b u l a r&y G r a m m a r( 1 P ' )
. R e v i e wV: o c a b u l a r&y G r a m m a r( 1 P ' )
. Checkpoints(4 PP ; everY3 units)
. Checkpoints(4 pp.; everY3 units) r
Ancillaries |4I _
. Corresponding Workbookpages(includingThink
. Corresponding Workbookpages(including
Big activitYeverY3 units) 7
ThinkBig activityeverY3 units)
r CorrespondingDigitalactivities
. Corresponding Digitalactivities
. Video (dramatic)*& Guide
. Video(dramatic)*& Guide f
. Assessment Package:practicetest; unit test; unit
r AssessmentPackage:practicetest; unit test;
masterytest (everY3 units)
unit masterYtest (everY3 units) -
- , . u " p o , , , " t o t a r g e t l a n g u a g e , a n d a t t h e e n d o { w e e k 4 { o r r e v i e w .

or the Around the world lesson'
n * T h e d o c u m e n t a r ys e g m e n r{ o r e a c h u n i t w i l l c o r r e s p o n dt o e i t h e r t h e C o n i e n t


I '

4 sessionsper week 5 sessionsper week
(40-50 minutes) (40-60 minutes)
T '

-: Week & Student Book Student Book

. Song & Vocabulary(2 pp.) o Song & Vocabulary(2 pp,)
t= . r J
. Story(2 pp.) . Story(2 pp.)
I Ancillaries Ancillaries
l l
. Corresponding Workbookpages . CorrespondingWorkbookpages
. CorrespondingDigitalactivities . CorrespondingDigitalactivities
. Video(dramatic)* . Video (dramatic)*
- r Unit Poster r Unit Poster
t a
r PictureCards r PictureCards
l . .Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach): rTeacher'sResourceFiles{in ActiveTeach):

7 vocabularyplayingcards vocabularyplayingcards,word part worksheets

Week 3 Student Book Student Book

. . Language i n A c t i o n( 1 p . ) o L a n g u a g ei n A c t i o n ( 1 p . )
. G r a m m a r( 1 p . ) . Grammar (1 p.)
. o Connections: Content(1 p.) r Connections: Content ("1p.)

a Ancillaries Ancillaries
+ . Corresponding
. Corresponding
. Corresponding
. Corresponding Digital activities
. Video (documentary)**
4 . AdditionalGrammarPracticein Workbook
r Video (documentary)**
. Additional Grammar Practice in Workbook
1t o GrammarPoster c Grammar Poster
. Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach): . Teacher'sResource Files (in ActiveTeach):grammar

< qrammarworksheets worksheets, vocabulary organizers

tffeek S Student Book Student Book

o Connections: Around the World (1 p.) r Connections: Around the World (1 p.)
. P h o n i c s( 1 p . ) . P h o n i c s( l p . )
4 r Projects/Values(1 p.) . ProjectsA/alues (1 p.)

,-'a Ancillaries Ancillaries

. CorrespondingWorkbookpages . CorrespondingWorkbookpages
,.Jt- . CorrespondingDigitalactivities , CorrespondingDigitalactivities
. Video (documentary)** . Video (documentary)**
.Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach): r Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach):
soundcards,games cards,games
t$Seek* Student Book Student Book
-,! . Review:Listening& Speaking('l p.) o Review:Listening& Speaking(1 p.)
. Review:Vocabulary& Grammar(1 p.) r R e v i e wV: o c a b u l a r&y G r a m m a r( 1 p . )

< . Checkpoints(4 pp.; every3 units) . Checkpoints(4 pp.; every3 units)

Ancillaries Ancillaries
Jc . Corresponding Workbookpages(including . Corresponding
ThinkBig activityevery3 units) Big activityevery3 units)
4s . CorrespondingDigitalactivities . CorrespondingDigitalactivities
r Video{dramatic)"& Guide . Video (dramatic)*& Guide
t= . A s s e s s m e nPta c k a g ep: r a c t i c et e s t ;u n i t r Assessment Package:practicetest; unit test; unit
test; unit masterytest (every3 units) masterytest (every3 units)
< .Teacher'sResourceFiles(in ActiveTeach): games

a T161

Numbers indicate pagesin the Student Book where an item is first presented.
w sofa
actor 55 east 48 mail carrier 55 south +E
aflernoon 66 equals 8 mangoes 89 spaghetti 8-i
alarm clock evening 66 map 42 St. Andreu''sD_ay l ll er
srove J :-
always/never tlt ever)'where 19 May Day 1i 3
animals 94 Mid-Autumn Festival 1i3 strawberries 83
apples 88 minus g sugar 8.9
artist 55 favorite YCt money 73 sundial :: t-
aunt 29 feet 20 months supermarket -13
avocados 89 food
movie theater
'^i w t
w Freedom Day 112 muscles 20 tabie
talk about pictures
bananas 83
bed 27 taxi 49 t=
behind t5 garden o national 112 teacher 55
between 15 gas station i7.
ne\\' o tent 9
boat 9 giraffe 95 next to l5 there is/there are 7
bones 20 glue shapes 3 - : - L !
l rrErrL 66 throw 20 e-
bookstore 43 goods 60 north 48 tin-re 66
busstop 43 grandfather J+ number 21 tomatoes 83 e
grandfather clock 73 town A1

w train station 43 €
candy 88 ocean 100 tub 27
100 F
hands 2A
old 32
chair )k healthy 88 w uncle 29 F
cheese 83 hippo 95 park ranger 61 unhealthy 88
cheetah 95 hop 2t pilot 55 Unity Day LT2
chicken 83 hourglass 72 pineapple 83 use the computer 3
chime /J pla,vground 14 F
classroom J plus R

clock 72 in Jront oj polarbear 95 e

closet 27 IndependenceDay popcorn 88
color a picture 3 postoffice 43
wash 33
computer store 43 potatoes 83
cook 33 jacket 26 water clock 72
cookies 88 jobs 54 water 83
count pencils 3 jumP 20 ralslns 88 watermelons 89 €
cousins 29 jungle 10t) refrigerator 27 website t01
cuckoo 73 restaurant +J west 48 €
cut paper 3 rodeo 6l write (her) name J

cute 49 kangaroo 95

kick zl)
w Kings Birthday
salt 88 year
dancer 55 scuba diver ol
Day of the Dead 113 services 60
desert 100 slnger 55
lamp 27 sink 27 zebra
doctor 55 €
draw 2I iemonade 83 sleep JJ

dresser 27 listen to a story 3 snorv monkey 101

DVD player 27 llama l0l soccerplayer 55

Numbersindicateunits in the StudentBook

activities 1 likes/dislikes cardinaldirections
adverbs o classroomsaround the
aiphabet I world o I
always/never maps clocksaround the world 6
animals s Math gamesaround the world 2
addition I goodsand services 5
numbers20-100 z holidays 9
birthdays subtraction I householdobjectsaround
tellingtime o the world 5
months of the year 9 maps 4,8
capitallettersand small ietters i
celebrations o oid and new things 3
classroom activities taxis around the world L+
I piacesin the community A

Contractions telling time long ago 6

pla,vgroundactivities z
doesn't where fruit comesfrom 7
7 possessive nounsand
don't 7 pronouns J
he's 1 Prepositionsof location time of day
it's 3 between/behind/
she's I in front of/next to } L

there's 1,4 tn, an 3 Values

tkeyi'e I Appreciateanimals d

y,,hnt's I Be aciiveall year 9

'l''ttere's 3 Questions Be neat
how mcny I B eo n t i m e 6
is there 4 Choosehealthyfoods 7
what Crossthe streetsafely A

when 6 q
Playsafely z
where Studyhard and set goals 5
who 3 Taketurns 1
yes/no 4,7,8,9 Verb tense
:;nrilv presentprogressive I
iooc'i infinitives z
roon1sin a house
lurniture simplepresent 2-9
safety 2 ts/are l 1

seographv schedule 6 like/likes 2

Science likes to/doesn'tlike to ) \
animalhabitats B want to/wantsto 4 q
healthv food 7 q
bonesand muscles L want to be
lolidays 9
healthysnacks 7 do/does 6
householdobjects 3
shopping 4 can/can't 8


XFS'$Vmbs&s Yhe €mglishA!Phsbei G

Ssns*nsnts Vswel$ Here is the Pronunciationof the e=

lettersof the EnglishalPlYrbet'
la.l on, hot' father tr
lbl babY,club written in InternationalPhonetic
down, todaY,sad lal and' cash Alphabet SYmbols.
ldl G
fun, prefer,laugh Itl egg,saYS,leather
a lel
lgl good,begin,dog ltl in, big t>
off, daughter,draw b tbil
home,behind ltl
c lsil G
keY,chocolate,black lel April, train, saY
lil even,sPeaf,tree d ldit F
lll late,Police,mail
open, close,show I e lil
lml may,woman, swim lol
f t$l
no, oPinion lul boot, do, through
Ittl of, young, sun g tiit F
lql angrY,iong
h le(l
lpl PaPer'maP
Ittl Put, cook, would t
i lql
ftl rain, Parent,door lal about,Pencil'lemon
mother, SaturdaY,doctor j tiet
lsl salt,medicine'bus lel
lgl earth, burn, her k lkel t
l3l sugar'sPecial,fish
I ltll
Itl tea, material' date ' m ltml t
lOl thing, healthY,bath
lail ice, stYle,lie n l*l f
16l this, mother,bathe
lou/ out' down, how o lol
lv I verY,travel,of
p lPtl
way,anyone lttl oil, noise,boY
, 9 /kYu/ t
lyl Yes,onion lotl
zoo, cousin,alwaYs
" r t
s lesl
li,l measure,gatage 5
, t ltil
l(l check,Picture,watch
u lYul (
lil job, refrigerator,orange
v lvil
w lldabal,yu/
x /eks/ \
. y lwqrl
' z lzil


Shsr* in your students' success.
ljsatch them €xcel in English. r
**# ilNGLI$Hpreparesstudentsfor the
challengesthey will find in today'sworld: €
. CLIL:becausestudentsare learning
E n g l i shand so m uchm or e
o 21st Century Skills:becausestudents r
want to get aheadand need to be
preparedfor the world aroundthem t
. Assessmentfor Learning:because r
confidenceleadsto success
Think Big! Dream Big! €


I S B N - 1 3 :978-0-1 -0

I S B N . lO : -7
0- t 3-304401



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