Warpath Quick Reference
Warpath Quick Reference
Warpath Quick Reference
Turn Structure: Weapons hit on a score equal to the (Hit) Reinforcements: You can opt to not
stat of the unit, subject to the following deploy <= 50% of your units at the start
1) Initiative Phase
modifiers: of the game. To deploy a reinforcement,
2) Activation Phase make an activation test, rolling an extra
-1 Extreme range (>50% weapon range)
3) End Phase 4+ to succeed. Unit can be deployed on
-1 Suppressed (and non-Armour) Target
your side or either short table edge up to
Initiative Phase: Both players roll off, -1 Target in Soft Cover
(Turn no. x 12)” away from your side, or
winner decides who has initiative. -2 Target in Hard Cover
12”/24” from far corners if Turn 5/6. Unit
+1 Target is Armour/Monster
Activation Phase: Player with initiative counts as dismounting from a Transport.
picks a unit to activate. Activation test Roll successful hits again to convert them
Armoured Units (always have Tough (3))
must be passed for unit to activate. into damage, requiring a score equal to
the (De) stat of the target. Movement orders:
Up to 3 units in a row can make
activation attempts before initiative For each damaging hit, remove one Halt - Unit does not move.
passes to the opponent. model. Unit leader must be removed last,
Hard Turn - Pivot to face any direction.
special weapons removed second-last,
First unit is auto-activated, second unit Manoeuvre - Move straight forward or
out of sight models removed third-last. If
on 3+, third unit on 5+. Units activating at backward up to (Sp) stat in “. May make a
Target takes >=50% casualties in single
the end activate on 3+. single pivot of up to 90° at any point.
round of shooting, make a Nerve test.
Additional roll of 4+ required to activate Full Speed: As above, Double Sp, no pivot.
suppressed units and remove their
Units issued Charge orders fight in melee Collisions: Move Full Speed into enemy
after moving. Models in base contact Armour. D6 automatic hits on both
Failed activation results in a unit doing vehicles, using opposing CS values.
with the enemy attack with a no. of dice
nothing that turn.
equal to their (Att) , requiring a score Overrun: Move Full Speed through
End Phase: Remove all “Done” markers, if equal to their (Hit) stat to hit. Modifiers: enemy Infantry, Heroes and Ordnance.
turn 5, game ends unless 4+ is rolled. Roll d6 (2d6 vs Ordnance targets) melee
-1 Defensive position/ Disrupted charge.
Movement +1 Target suppressed when charged. attacks (see right), hitting on 4+ using the
+1 Target is Ordnance. CS value of the vehicle.
Activated units may make one of the
-2 Armoured Target moved over 12”. Armoured units are immobilised on a roll
following moves at the start of their turn:
+2 Armoured Target did not move. of 1 when moving at Full Speed through
Halt - Unit does not move.
Roll successful hits again to convert them difficult terrain/ obstacles, or on a roll of
Move - Unit moves up to Sp value in “. into damage, requiring a score equal to 4+ when damage is caused.
At The Double - Unit moves double Sp the (De) stat of the target. When shooting at Armour, weapons with
value in “. May not shoot. Remove models as per shooting, Piercing (n) add +1 to its value when
replacing “out of sight models” with firing at the flank, and +2 when firing at
Charge - As above, moving into contact
“models in base contact”. the rear of the vehicle. When attacking
with enemy unit. Charged enemies
Armour in melee, apply a +2 to the CS
remove suppression markers. If Target takes >=50% casualties in single
value of attacking models with that rule if
Blocking Terrain: May not move through. round of melee, make a Nerve test, with the armour did not move. When Armour
Suppressed results counting as
Difficult Terrain: May move through at is destroyed, the wreckage remains as
Destroyed. If target is destroyed, unit
half pace if not Ordnance. Blocking Terrain on a 4+.
moves up to d6” in any direction,
Obstacles: Cannot be crossed when otherwise move d6” back, and leave Each weapon on Armoured units may fire
moving At The Double. enemy models in place. independently. Weapons appended with
*F+ fire in the front arc, *L+ in the left arc,
Shooting Target unit is Disordered marker and
*R+ in the right arc, *P+ in the rear arc. *A+
cannot shoot in its next activation.
Activated units may fire after moving. Weapons have a 360° arc of fire.
Check LoS and range (Ran) to the target, Nerve
Ordnance: Moves at normal speed when
then roll one dice for every weapon, or Roll 2d6 to test Nerve against the units Disordered or gets Suppressed. Always
multiple dice equal to the (Fire) stat of (Ne) stat, if the roll is >= the second (Ne) has Reload!, Lumbering, and Tough (3).
the weapon being fired. Weapons with value, unit is Destroyed. If the roll is >=
Piercing (4) + fire independently. Heroes/Monsters: Always have Tough (3)
the first (Ne) value, unit is Suppressed.
Warpath 2.0 Quick Reference Sheet - Special Rules
Buildings: Either treat as Blocking Terrain target units within 12”. May be fired at Recon: Unit can make a single At The
or as Immobilised Transport Armour. targets that the operator cannot see, with Double or Full Speed move post-
Assign a (De) and Transport (n) value an additional -1 To Hit modifier. Deployment, but before the first initiative
before the game. Units must mount, roll. If both armies have units with this
Infiltration: During your Deployment, you
dismount and draw LoS through rule, roll a die. The highest scorer decides
can place this unit up anywhere on the
appropriate openings. Up to 3 mounted who begins to move one of his Recon
table outside of the enemy’s Deployment
models may fire when activated. When units first, then the players alternate until
area and more than 12” from any enemy
shooting at a Building, firing unit always all Recon units have been moved.
unit that has already deployed.
counts as being in front arc. If destroyed,
Reload!: The weapon can only be fired if
replace with rubble and damage mounted Inspiring: If the unit itself, or any friendly
the unit has Halted during this activation.
units as per the Transport rules, unit within 6” of it, fails an Activation Test,
automatically Suppressing them in you can choose to immediately re-roll the Saturation: This weapon always hits on
addition to this. die. The second result stands. This ability 4+, regardless of any modifiers.
can only be used once per Turn. Re-roll
Ruins: Difficult Terrain. Move up or down Sniper: If the unit remains stationary and
cannot be used on the additional 4+ roll
one floor by moving At The Double or fires, this weapon’s shots ignore any cover
that Suppressed units have to make.
Charging. In Melee, apply disrupted modifiers and the Stealthy special rule.
charge modifier and replace destroyed Jump Jets: The unit can move as normal,
Stabilised: If this unit moves at Full Speed,
units with their attackers post-combat. or activate its jump jets. If it does so, its
it can still fire one of its weapons (except
Speed changes to 9, and it can move over
Blast (n): Roll to hit. Any hit caused is for weapons with the Reload!).
anything without penalties, but still
multiplied by (n) before rolling to damage.
cannot land on top of Blocking Terrain or Steadfast: The unit treats Suppressed
Bulky: The unit cannot be transported. within 1” of another unit. If it Charges results on Nerve tests as Steady instead.
using its jump jets, in the ensuing Melee it Stealthy: Enemies shooting against the
Craven: If the unit wants to Charge, roll a
does not suffer the -1 to hit penalty for unit suffer an additional -1 to hit modifier.
die. If a 1 is rolled, the unit Halts instead.
charging a defensive position/ disrupted
Crushing Strength (n): All Melee hits Tough (n): Models with this rule are only
charge. Unit cannot mount or dismount
inflicted by the unit have a +n modifier removed when they have taken n points
from a transport using jump jets.
when rolling to damage. of damage. If the unit is damaged but not
Lumbering: The unit cannot move At The destroyed, it must take a Nerve test.
Elite: Whenever the unit rolls to hit, it can Double or at Full Speed. When Charging, it
reroll one of the dice that failed to hit. Transport (n): Can transport up to n
does so at normal speed.
models from multiple units. Units may be
Fast: Unit trebles its Speed when moving Nimble: If moving at normal speed, the
deployed in Transport. Units can mount
At The Double or at Full Speed. unit can make a single extra ‘Hard Turn’ Transport by moving within 1”.
Headstrong: If activating while move at any point during its movement. Transported units cannot be activated,
Suppressed, unit can re-roll the die for Open Top: Not Steadfast. Transported except to dismount. To dismount, make a
shaking off the effects of Suppression. units can be activated without successful activation test, and place the
Dismounting. Up to 3 embarked models models in formation within 3” of the
Hoverer: The unit moves over anything
transport. Unit must then make a normal
without penalties, but cannot land on top can fire. Passengers cannot shoot if the
transport has already moved at Full Move (no Charging or At The Double), and
of them. In addition the unit cannot
Overrun enemy units, and it can only Speed. Transported units can move At The counts as having moved. If a Transport is
Double and Charge after Dismounting. destroyed with a units inside it, each unit
initiate a Collision against enemy units
However, they charge at their normal takes d6 hits with Piercing (1). If the
that also have this rule. The unit can be
Speed, rather than doubling it. Transport wreck is removed, place the
charged only if it is already Immobilised.
models in its place. If the wreck remains in
The unit also has the Nimble special rule. Piercing (n): All hits inflicted by this
place, place the models within 1” of the
Howitzer: The weapon may either be fired weapon have a +n modifier when rolling wreck, maintaining formation.
normally or by using the Indirect Fire to damage.
Vicious: When rolling to damage, re-roll
special rule. Declare before you fire. Pistol: A model armed with a pistol has +1
one of the dice that failed to damage.
Immobile: This unit must always ‘Halt’ Attack in Melee. In addition, if the pistol
has a Piercing value, it confers an Zap! (n): Ranged attack with a (Fire) of n,
when activated and cannot move. If
equivalent CS value to all of the model’s (Ran) 24”, always hits on 4+ (regardless of
forced to move, it is destroyed.
Melee attacks. If the model already has a modifiers) and is Piercing (1).
Indirect Fire: Never suffers any to hit
higher CS value, use that instead. Version 1.2 - Compiled by scarletsquig.
modifiers for range or cover. Cannot