Role of Urbn Fram On Livelihood Improvement

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Geography & Natural Disasters Research Article

Assessment of the Role of Urban Farming On The Livelihood Of Urban

Farmers; A Case Of Moshi Municipal, Tanzania, Africa
Emmanuel syonga*
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Dar es Salaam, College of Social Sciences, Tanzania,

This study focuses on the role of urban agriculture on the livelihood of urban farmers in Moshi Municipal, Tanzania,
Africa. The general objective was to achieve the role of urban farming on the livelihood of urban farmers in Moshi
urban, Tanzania and Africa. Specifically, the study identified the contribution of urban farming on the livelihood of
urban farmers. The cross-sectional design was used to gather data on relatively large number of people at the same
time. The study used 99 respondents For instance, questionnaires was used to obtain data from ten people. The study
respondents were urban farmers, executive officer and street executive officer. Both primary and secondary data were
collected where questionnaire, interviewing key informants and observation method was used in data collection.
SPSS and content analysis were used for data collection where information was summarized in frequency, percentage
narratives and presented in table and figures.

INTRODUCTION In Africa, urban farming has expanded enormously over past two
decades due to the economic crises in most African countries,
for the poor, food security is usually the main motivation for
Background of the Research Problem farming in town and for some it is even a survival strategy
Globally, the urban farming agenda is an Food and agriculture nevertheless many of poor sell some of their produce, partly to
organization (FAO) flagship initiative to enhance sustainable be able to afford other basic household needs but also because
development, food security and nutrition in urban areas in the some crops are perishable and cannot be stored or because
world; it consists of a vast range of policies, program and storage is not available in urban area (Mlozi,2015).Urban
initiative developed and implemented in partnership with farming is attributed a potentially beneficial role in terms of the
different stakeholders such as civil society, private sectors and urban economy, urban food supply and urban development in
government, (FAO,2017). At least 55% of the world population general although in Africa urban farming largely is an informal
already lives in urban areas and 80% of all food produced economic activity, urban farming provides employment as well as
globally is destined for consumption in urban space, social, an income for those involved, this income can be realized
economic and environmental sustainability of food system and directly through the sale of crops like vegetable, United Nation
the evolution of urban diets was be largely dependent on the Development (UNDP,2018) [4-6].
management urban farming in urban areas, World Food In Tanzania’s town, urban agriculture is very common and
Programme (WFP,2019).Therefore a greater focus on the urban involves the rising of livestock (dairy cattle, goat, chicken and
farming is long overdue, FAO 2030 vision for the urban farming pigs) and the cultivation of crops (maize, cassava, legumes
agenda is an integral part of the organization vision of resilient, vegetable and fruits) urban farming is undertaken for both
integrated, sustainable and inclusive food system which ensure subsistence and commercial purposes and has evolved to the
that all people in urban are free from hunger and all forms of point where it regarded as a survival strategy for the urban poor
malnutrition (FAO,2018) [1-3]. and economic imperative for the wealthier households, United
republic of Tanzania (URT,2016).It is seen as especially

*Correspondence to: Emmanuel syonga, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Dar es Salaam, College of
Social Sciences, Tanzania, Africa , Tel no: 255754859773; E-mail:

Received date: Aug 25, 2021; Accepted date: November 16, 2021; Published date: November 26, 2021
Citation: syonga E (2021) Assessment of the Role of Urban Farming on the Livelihood of Urban Farmers; A Case Of Moshi Municipal, Tanzania,
Africa. J Geogr Nat Disast.11:p054.
Copyright: © 2021 syonga E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
J Geogr Nat Disast, Vol.11 Iss.10 No:1000p054 1
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important for low income households and for female-headed Research Objectives
households in particular, the gender aspect in Tanzania is
thought to be important because land and title deeds of lands General Objective of the Study
are less easily accessible to women and they are also less likely to • The general objective of this study is to assess the role of
use modern farming techniques or inputs, moreover a number urban farming on the livelihood of urban farmers in Moshi
of policy measures situation of Tanzania economy in the 1980s urban, Tanzania.
had a negative impact on large segments of the population both
rural and urban (Agriculture,2015) [7-10]. Specific Objective of the Study
In Moshi Urban, many people involved in urban farming such • To determine the role of urban farming on the livelihood of
as planting crops and raising animals. Some of them prepare urban farmers in Moshi urban, Tanzania.
vegetables and fruits garden, while others are growing banana • To examine factors that drive people to practice urban farming
around their home place in order to produce food in their in Moshi urban, Tanzania.
family. Few are raising livestock like dairy cattle and other Research Questions
conduct poultry farming that used to increase income and
produce food for family. But, urban farmers suffer greater • What is role of urban farming on the livelihood of urban
ecological and economic pressure than rural faming and require farmers in Moshi urban, Tanzania?
more intensive and better controlled production to stay • What are the factors that drive people to practice Urban
competitive (Kiduanga, 2017). In confined urban space many Farming in Moshi Urban, Tanzania?
cultivators in urban areas use different methods and techniques Significance of the Study
in attempt to maximize their cultivatable land to gain more
produce. Ssome farmers grow food on their balconies and The study aims to assess the contribution of urban farming to
rooftops by using plastic container and plastic bags that are livelihoods farmers in Moshi municipality. It suggests the
filled with soil; in Moshi urban simple techniques like these measures and recommendations that will led to sustainable
greatly used to ensure efficient and optimal utilization of the urban farming in Moshi Municipal which can replicated to
small available land (prain, 2015) [11-15]. other areas of Tanzania which share similar characteristics. The
findings of the study were also beneficial to the local residents
Statement of the Research Problem since it was stimulated government and other institution to
appreciate the importance of urban farming. Policy makers,
This study intended to focus on the role of urban farming on planners, environmentalists, agriculturalists and other
the livelihood of urban farmers in which the use of poor professionals are expected to take advantages of the findings of
technology grow food on their balconies and rooftops by using this study to improve their strategies towards solving the existing
plastic container and plastic bags that are filled with soil tend to challenges facing sustainability of urban farming for today and
decrease the production on the farm which generate the farmers future generations.
into poor living standards and continue depending on rural
farmers (kiduanga, 2017) for food production in Moshi urban Scope and Delimitation of the Study
which led to the increase of food scarcity hence eruption of The study has been conducted in Kilimanjaro and more specific
malnutrition, agriculturist fighting on this problem in Moshi to Moshi Municipal, Tanzania, Africa. The study focused on the
urban that was help people to overcome the problem of role of urban farming on the livelihood of urban farmers.
malnutrition in their family [16-20]. Specifically, the study was considering the contribution of urban
Growing poverty, hunger and lack formal employment farming through people’s perception in the study area to
opportunity as well as the special opportunity provided by the examine the role urban farming on the livelihood of urban
urban including the growing demand for food, proximity to farmer to farmers in Moshi Municipal to the development of
market and availability of heap resources like urban organic people in the study area, examine the challenges that face urban
wastes, wastewater have stimulated the development of diverse farming and strategies that can be used to ensure sustainable
urban farming around the town (Githugunyi), 2015.Many management in Moshi Municipal and measures that can be
households in Moshi urban are facing a serious decline in their used to address the challenge of urban farming.
purchasing power and poverty level is on the rise. People have Conceptual Framework
responded in various ways most notably by diversifying their
income source other household’s activities. Specifically, the The diagrammatic represent the relationship between variables
middle income prefers growing their own vegetables due to their of the theoretical framework. The role of urban farming on the
increased awareness of health risks associated with most farm livelihood of urban farmer is expected to increase level of life of
produce in the market place [21,22]. community in Moshi Municipal Communities as shown in the
illustration bellow.
Inspite of the challenges facing urban farming practices, both
socio-economic and environmental problems, urban farming has Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship between
been playing an important role as an alternative livelihood Urban Faming and Livelihood Famers.
strategy. The study aims at assessing the role of urban farming
on the livelihood of urban farmers in Moshi urban, Tanzania.

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Urban farming is the practice of cultivating, processing and

distributing food in or around urban area. Or is also termed
used for animal husbandry, aquaculture, urban beekeeping and
horticulture. Urban agriculture has the potential to improve
public health, community engagement, and environmental
quality. It includes any privately or commercially owned farms,
community gardens, buildings integrated farms and indoor
farms in urban area (Sipe, 2019).
Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday
life that are conducted essential to everyday life that are
conducted over one’s life span. Such activities could include
securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing; an
individual livelihood involves the capacity to acquire a
aforementioned necessities in order to satisfy the basic needs of
Figure1.1: Conceptual framework showing the relationship themselves and their households. The activities are usually
between urban faming and livelihood famers carried out repeatedly and in a manner that is sustainable and
Source providing dignity (Majhi).

Adopted from Maxwell (2015) Urban Farmers

The above framework is showing the relationship between Urban farmers are the people who conducting urban farming,
variables as how urban farming influences the livelihood of raising living organism for food or raw material but the most
urban of urban farmers in Moshi Municipal, Tanzania, whereby urban agriculture is for food and for decoration. The terms
the first frame contained independent variable which is urban usually apply to people who do some combination of raising
farming and the second frame the economic, social and urban crops, orchard, vineyards, poultry or other livestock, a
environmental advantages of urban farming to the livelihood of farmer might own a formed land or might work like laborer on
urban farmers in Moshi Municipal, Tanzania. land owned by others, but in advanced economies a farmer is
usually farm owner (Stone).
Economic Advantages
Theoretical Review
The economic advantages of urban farming include the increase
in community income, providing employment opportunities to This part of research provides information of the theory that
the people and also contributed to the rise of the economy of was guides the research study. According to the Cambridge
urban farmers. dictionary “theory means the general principles that explain a
certain phenomenon. This study was guided by the theories of
Social Advantages climate change.
The social advantages of urban farming include ensuring the Theories of Urban farming
availability of food, promoting the health of community and
also improvement in living standard of the farmers. Social Practice Theory system helps to provide the relationship
between society and urban farming. The concept of social
Environmental Advantages practice was proposed by Shove and Walker in 2005 and
• The environmental advantages of urban farming include the published by Dionysius in 2011.The theory explain in the
restoration of biodiversity, influencing climate regulation and relationship between population and food production in urban
also promoting green environment. area and the human can solve the problem of food in the city
• Therefore; the mentioned social, economic and due to the increase number of people in the city (pantzar).
environmental advantages played a great role on the livelihood He emphasized the real situation of population and the growth
of urban farmers in Moshi Municipal, Tanzania. of urban and production of food led to food scarcity, theory
Theoretical And Empirical Reviews insist society to interact with environment and to discover new
technology in agriculture that can solve the problem of food.
This section consists of both theoretical and empirical review of The theory suggests the factors that can be used to develop and
the previous studies. The review of literature is done for the aim managing urban farming system such as fund, labor, laws,
of ascertaining what has been researched by other scholars and policies and institutional framework.
identify the knowledge gap which is going to be covered present
study. Today social practice system is used in many disciplines to
analyze different phenomenon which seem to be a stabling
stone. For example, Donald sees system approach as the skeleton
Definition of Key Terms of science in the sense that it aims to provide a framework or
Urban Farming structure of systems on production of food in urban of 42
particular disciplines and particular subject matters in an

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orderly and coherent corpus of knowledge. In the field of urban Modernization theory explained the environmental impact of
farming, the theory sees this activity as complex phenomenon urban farming and gives the idea that the urban farming
that requires appropriate technical solutions, sufficient practice can course the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and
organizational capacity, and co-operation between wide ranges of water pollution due to intensive farming and the use of
stakeholders (Morgan). chemicals. This means that when we practice urban farming
environmental conservation must be considered.
The theory attempts on analyzing social practice system, argued
that the interdisciplinary and multi-sect oral considerations is Weakness of the Modernization Theory
needed for the proper management of urban farming,
Modernization theory is misleading and at odds with goals of
transportation, urban growth and development, land use
poverty alleviation and for food security. The theory is limiting
pattern and food. He further argued that when food is seen as
only migrant from the rural to practice urban farming and those
part of a system, the relationship of farming system to other
from the urban are eliminated from the practice due to that they
parts of the system is revealed and thus the potential for greater
have formal employment. The theory does not consider urban
sustainability of the operation increases (Bailey).
farming as business activity but only it considered it as for food
Strength of Social Practice System Theory production.
Social practice system viewed this emerging science as a platform Application of Modernization Theory
from which issues that traditional scientific methodologies fail
The theory can be used to outlaw the negative effect on
to handle can be approached. Such issues have either high
environment to be viewed as challenges to sustainable urban
uncertainty on urban family (example the scientific, technical,
development and hence incorporate it in urban planning. That
and managerial complexities of the system being considered,
the theory insists on the use of technology in urban farming.
and the array of potential results) or high decision-making
Research Methodology
Weakness of Social Practice System Theory
Through this theory the only criticism is that the ideas do not Introduction
suggest the best way which can be used to practice urban
farming whereas agriculture sectors do. Because of this, system This section describes the process used under research
approach has been opted for in order to describe a frame work methodology. these include research design, description of the
which used urban. For example, in managing urban farming, study area, data collection tools, types and sources of data
system theory suggests different factors to be considered such as techniques of data collection, sampling and techniques of data
fund, labor, laws, policies and institutional framework. All these analysis the above items were be used as a guideline that was
function as system and at the absence of one interdependent enable the successful completion of this study.
part, the whole system was failing. Experience developed from Research Approach
system theory has provided new insight for the researcher on the
systems used by Moshi Municipal Council to manage urban The study used mixed method approach. The approach uses
farming. mixed method techniques which includes both qualitative and
quantitative. The approach was used to establish information of
Application of Social Practice System Theory urban farming in the study area. It is an appropriate as it helps
The theory was applied on this study because it relates and the researcher to collect data in selected wards and process it
shows the relationship between society as the population without the use of any statistical or mathematical operation. It
increase and the need of food in the town that influence people was also appropriate as a researcher gets some pictures to be
to participate on agriculture activities in town. For example, the used for the study during direct observation.
preparation of vegetable garden which are used as a food in Research Design
Refer to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the
Modernization theory (Mbiba), views urban farming as a different components of the study in a coherent and logical way,
backward, subsistence and rural habit practiced by migrant who thereby, ensuring you were effectively address the research
are new to urban areas until they acclimatize to the urban way of problem (Morgan).The cross-sectional design was be used in the
life or become employed in the formal sector. Mbiba state that study. The research design supports the researcher on how to
the modernist theory finds urban farming to be damaging to the come across research results findings (sileyew).It selected because
environment like soil erosion, loss of biodiversity and water it assesses the phenomenon with the actual contents of life. The
pollution, and recommend its destruction or elimination design was useful to this research as it enabled the researcher to
without compromise. The activities are viewed as a temporary gather data on relatively large number of people at the same
which should not be practiced in urban areas at all. The theory time, for instance questionnaires data was used obtained from
believes that there is no any contribution of urban dwellers more than ten people.
because most of have formal employment and who practiced
urban farming are the migrants from the rural. The design enabled the researcher to increase knowledge about
social phenomena and help to understand full behavior pattern
Strength of the Modernization Theory of the concerned unit during data collection. Moreover, this

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design is important to research as the researcher select some of Moshi influence people to engage in agricultural production
the units. especially urban faming system.
Nature of Vegetation
Description of the Study Area
Moshi was characterized with both neutral vegetation and
artificial vegetation. The vegetation of Moshi is tropical rainfall
Location of the Study Area in which help the vegetation to be green almost though the year.
Moshi Municipal is the one among of the seven districts in Area of the Research Study
Kilimanjaro region in the north eastern Tanzania. In the last
official census Moshi municipal had population of 184,292 and The study was conducted in Moshi municipality in three 3
the population density of 3,409 per person per km2. The wards administrative wards which are Rau, Longuo B and
municipality is situated on the lower slopes of mountain Majengo from the peripheral area. Rau, Longuo B, and Majengo
Kilimanjaro with the coordinate of 3020’05” S 37020’37” E. wardS from the peripheral are selected as the most of the time
(URT, 2021) in Urban Farming. Researcher decided to select Moshi
municipal council amongst other municipalities due to Moshi
Map of Moshi Municipal Council municipal report council report of 2015 which explain that
Moshi municipal is one of Municipal which involve in Urban
Farming system.
Population of the Research Study
The population of the research study is defined as the group of
people or item from which the sample size to be used in
particular study is being selected (Merium-website). Thus, the
targeted population of this study includes all people who have
the role in overseeing in Urban Farming in the municipality and
all the selected wards whereby according to united republic of
Tanzania census of the number of people in the selected three
wards is as follows; Rau has population of 9,137, Longuo B
6,632 and Majengo 9,006 (census).The population was
organized as follows;
Population of the Research Study at the ward
The targeted population in this study was (40) participants were
Figure3.1: the Map of Moshi Municipal from Rau ward, (22) from Longuo B Ward and other twenty
(35) from Majengo where all these participants are from urban
settlement which in all municipal solid urban farming
Mwenge Catholic University Research Center (2021) competition, they are the last numbers compared to the rural
Climate of the Study Area
Sampling and Sampling Techniques of the Research Study
Moshi has tropical wet and dry climate. Its weather is dominated
year-round by monsoonal flow. The northeast monsoon prevails Sampling technique is the way in which the researchers use to
December through March and is accompanied by the highest choose sample size to be used in study (kushmar).The section
temperature of the year. The southeast monsoon prevails from provided a range of methods that was be used in the particular
June to September. Moshi altitude keeps temperatures lower study. The purposive sampling was be chosen by a researcher to
than surrounding cities, even without the maritime effects that a be applied. In this method researcher purposely targeted a group
coastal city enjoys. Nighttime temperatures are relatively of people that were reliable to the study.
consistent throughout the year, averaging from 15 to 17 degrees
Sample Size of the Research at the Municipality
Celsius. Moshi has noticeably warmer daytime temperatures
from October through March, when average high temperatures The sample at the municipality headquarter three (3)
exceed 30 degrees Celsius, and noticeably cooler daytime participants was involved. In this, the Municipal Director was
temperatures from May through August, when average high included because he or she is the one who supervise all the
temperatures are 25 to 26 degrees Celsius (URT, 2015).(URT , activities to be done in Moshi Municipal Council including
2015). agriculture activity. They were selected purposively as they are
the one who were responsible with the issues of agriculture
Nature of Soil
management. The Municipal agriculture was selected
Moshi was characterized with volcanic fertile soil which purposively as he or she is the one who manage all issue
influence the agriculture activities where by people in this area agriculture activity in Moshi municipal council including Urban
grow maize, coffee and banana. The presence fertile soil in Farming issues, therefore, purposive sampling was be used to
obtain key information from the municipality.

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Sample Size of the Research Study at the Selected Wards Four methods of data collection were used in this study. These
include documentary review, in-depth interview and direct
Sample size in this one hundred (100) was be involved to form
observation. This was used to cross check different types of
the sample size from the wards simple random was used to select
information by taking the outcomes of one method and
residents. The wards executive officers were selected purposively
comparing them with the results of the other methods involved
as they are the one who responsible for managing Urban
in this study.
Farming. Other stakeholders were selected purposively. Simple
random sampling was used to selects residents. This technique Primary Data
was used to avoid biases in obtaining participants and it was
Primary data are those data which are collected a fresh and for
suitable for large numbers. Where the below formula was used
the first time direct from the field (Victor, 2017). These data are
to calculate sample size at the ward (Israel).
the data which gathered directly from the field and usually done
by survey research through involvement of participation linked
with the topic.
Questionnaire Method
Questionnaire is a set of written or printed questions with the
choice of answers, derived for the purposes of a survey or
statistical study. A data collection method consisting of a series
of questions for the purpose of gathering information from
respondents. This study employed one type of questionnaire
which is close ended questionnaire, questionnaire was provided
to the resident of Moshi Urban to be answered. Researcher
choose to use questionnaire because it was not cost full in term
of money and time even if the geographical was large it was easy
to collect data and it give to a respondent to think for answer
and also the researcher collected quantities and qualities
information about the role of urban farming on the livelihood
of urban farmers.
Therefore, questionnaire was used to collect data for the
objective number one which states that to determine the role of
Table 3.1: Showing Summary of the Selected Sample Size urban farming on the livelihood of urban farmers in Moshi
urban Tanzania. And objective number two which states to
Respondents Expected examine factors that drive people to practice Urban Agriculture
in Moshi urban Tanzania. If the method failed to get the answer
Urban farmers 97 the interview would apply.

Wards executive officers 1

Interview Method
Interview is essentially a structured conversation where one
Street executive officers 1 participant asks a question and the other answer. The interview
can be done face to face in which the interviewer and
Stakeholders 1
interviewee meet face to face or through telephone in which no
one sees the other. This study used structured interview where
Total 100
by output was depend on the ability of the interviewer in large
extent. The study conducted interview via interview respondent
Source from three wards in Moshi Municipal. Researcher chooses to use
Research Data (2021) interview because it helps to get first-hand information and
sample can be controlled more effectively and the researcher can
Data Collection Methods and Sources of Data study the real situation of the situation.
This section gives a detail description of various research Therefore, interview was used to collect data for the objective
instruments was used to gather data. Both primary and number three which states that to assess the immediate and
secondary data was used in this research study. Primary data long-term Impacts of Urban Agriculture on livelihoods of
were obtained directly from the Moshi municipal council farming households and residents in Moshi Urban Tanzania and
residents and officials. The purpose of primary data is to gets objective number two which state that to examine factors that
fresh information from the participants which were used to drive people to practice Urban Agriculture in Moshi Urban
generate new knowledge. Secondary data was obtained from Tanzania and when the method would fail to give findings the
secondary sources, mainly publications, reports from Moshi questionnaire method was to be applied.
municipal council’s offices and internet sources
Direct Observation

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Is the method of collecting evaluating information in which the This is the biological difference between male and female and
evaluator watches the subjects in his or her usual environment their social relationship in the community (Oakley), Gender and
without altering that environment (A,2015) In this method marital status determine responsibilities for male and female
researcher takes short walk in the specific areas or targeted wards farmers in the whole process of crop production gender has
of Rau, Longuo B and Majengo where urban farming is found, been categorized into male and female as shown in the table
also researcher observed how urban farming is managed, the below.
researcher observed the facilities used in urban farming and the
Table 4.1: Farmers Gender (N=100)
contribution of urban farming on food production. During
direct observation do offer additional information on the study Gender Frequency Percent
and different field pictures taken during observation.
Therefore, direct observation was used to collect data for the Male 53 53.0
objective number one which states that to determine the role of
Female 47 47.0
urban farming on the livelihood of urban farmers in Moshi
urban Tanzania. And if it failed interview and questionnaire
Total 100 100.0
methods was to be applied.

Secondary Sources
Field Data (2021)
Documentary Review
The findings from table 4.1 shows that in the both male and
This method used to collect the background information of female were given equal chance and male were highly
Moshi Municipal Council and its general strategies on urban volunteered more than female, as results shows that the total
farming management systems in the study area. The method respondents were 100 where female were 47 (47.9%) of the
include various documents which was used to support the data respondents while male were 53 (53%) of the respondents. In
findings at Moshi municipal council, such as different reports the areas agricultural activity in urban area is largely carried out
concerning urban farming, Documents such Moshi municipal by women. Men being high in giving information it do not
councils By-laws which is useful as it helps in data findings means that they are the mostly engage in urban agriculture but
especially on the issues obeying laws and punishment to be the women are the most engage in the agricultural activities.
taken for those who breaks the laws.
These results are similar to what was observed by Corbett that
urban and peri-urban agriculture is largely carried out by women
Findings, Presentations and Discussions and youth. This is perhaps due to the fact that, large proportion
of agricultural activities is generated at household level where
INTRODUCTION women are key actors in terms of household activities.
This chapter presents and discusses the major findings of the Age
study. The first part gives the findings on socio- economic
characteristics of the sample population including age, sex, The age of the respondent in this study reflects farming
marital status, education size of the plots and occupation. The experience from the time that farmer stated farming or the most
second part presents the roles of urban farming to the livelihood age engage much in agriculture ranged from 16 years to above 56
of urban farmers; the third part describes the factors that drive years. However, 88 % of the respondents fall within 25 years to
people to practice in urban agriculture while the fourth part 50 years which is the active working age of Tanzania society.
discusses the immediate and long-term impacts of urban Table 4.2: Ages of the Respondents
agriculture on the livelihoods of farming households and
residents in Moshi Urban, Tanzania. Age Frequency Percent %
Socio Economic Characteristics
16-25 21 21.0
The socio-economic characteristics such as age, sex, marital
status and education are critical to farm decisions and 26-35 38 38.0
performance in relation to climate change and variability.
36-45 22 22.0
Respondent’s level of education helps them to understand the
general farms requirements and its application at the right
46-55 9 9.0
weather season while age reflects farming experience. Sex and
marital status determine responsibilities for male and female above 56 years 10 10.0
farmers in the whole process of crop production. In addition,
the sizes of the plots determine the nature or state of land Total 100 100.0
Gender Source
Field Data (2021)

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From the findings from table 4.2 show that about 21 (21%) were Refers to the activities in which one engages. Natures of the
aged from 16-25 years, while 38(38%) were aged range from activities attained by the respondents were also studied, the aim
36-35 years, where by 22 (22%) of the respondents were age is to identify whether the respondent is involved in single
range from 36-45 years, while the same time 9 (9%) of the activity or multiple activities. Job occupation of the respondents
respondents were age range from 46-55 years and above 56 years helps in this study to identify how multiple activities can affect
were 10 (10%) of the respondents. This means that the age urban agriculture positively or negatives, if the respondent is
ranging from 26-50 were high about 80% of the respondents employed how that employment support agriculture or how that
because this is the group of working class which mostly involve employment affect agriculture.
much in agricultural activities in both urban and peripheral
Table 4.5: Occupation of the Respondents
This finding supports the study made by United Republic of Occupation Frequency Percent%
Tanzania that the age between 26 – 57 years is within the labor
force age group, that is, people in this age group have a tendency formal 7 7.0
to be active, creative and participate in many social and employment
economic activities.
Self-employed 42 42.0
Education Level
Employee 6 6.0
Levels of education attained by the respondent were some of the
variables studied. Education in the community is very important Unemployed 22 22.0
part of changes in the particular community that help to
transmit knowledge from on personal to another and create Business 23 23.0
awareness among the people in the community.
Total 100 100.0

Field Data (2021)
From the findings from table 4.5 results reveal that about 7 (7%)
of the respondent are employed, while 42(42%) of the
respondents are self-employed, whereby 6% of the respondents
revealed that they’re employee, while 22% of the respondents
revealed that they are unemployed while last group revealed that
Figure 4.1: A Pie Chart Representing Education Level they are engaging in their own businesses. From the finding this
means that high numbers of the respondents are self-employed
Source: Field Data (2021)
which make them engage well in the agricultural activities
The finding from figure 4.1 reveals that about 78% of the without any restriction from their employee so they have their
respondents are educated whereby about the 7(7%) of the own time to participate in urban agriculture the way they want.
respondents had primary level of education while about
According to the research conducted by Michael (2019) on
35(35%) of the respondents had secondary level of education,
effectiveness of agricultural production in rural area in local
where by those who had diploma/certificate level of education
government authorities he also identified most of the people in
were 17(17%) of the respondents, while those with high
rural areas are self -employed which the support agricultural
education level (university level) were about 36% of the
activities, because most of the time they spent in farms. Also he
respondent and lastly, those with non-formal education were
identified that the extra petty businesses they do helps to
presented as 5% out of 100%. So, this means that in the study
support the agriculture through buying requirements such as
area there is high level of education which helps in critical to
fertilizers, tools and other agricultural requirements.
farm decisions and performance in relation to climate change
and variability. This implies that larger number of the The Size of the Plots
respondents have formal education
The study aimed determine the size of the plots or farm owned
This was also supported by the study conducted by Hellis on the by the respondent, which helps to explore the information on
impacts of waste management in urban areas, where identified how they manage that farm, so this also helps to understand the
that large respondents had formal education which helps them types of equipment’s used in that farm as well as the number of
to understand the importance of waste management so they labor or workers involved or employed in working in such farm.
participate well in that management, so this study also reveals
that the tendency of respondents having formal education helps
the in decision making and performance of the urban

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Crop 3% 14% 9% 40% 34%

on and
new crop
Figure 4.1: Show the Size of the Plot Owned by the ent
Improves 0% 11% 1% 50% 38%
Source urban
Field Data (2021) ental
The finding from figure 4.1 reveal that large number of the quality
respondents own 1-5 hectare of the land the analysis show that
Income 0% 2% 3% 27% 68%
42% is owned by many people this because of the limited space
in urban area no huge space that people can own or access to n
conduct their agriculture followed by 29% that own 6-10
hectares, while 11-15 hectares are owned by 16% of the Maintain 0% 9% 8% 41% 42%
respondents and above 15 hectares are owned by 13% of the food
respondents and most of these people owning such huge size of nutrients
land or farms are those living in peripheral of the city or at the content
suburb of the municipal.
Employm 1% 1% 7% 30% 61%
The study is supported by Ellis who said that urban centers are ent
increasing in population; rural areas are decreasing in opportuni
population. For these reasons, there is a widespread concern ty
that the rates of rural-urban migration should be slowed so the
rural urban migration contribute to the people to fail having Source: Field Data (2021)
large size of land, also due to crowd of infrastructures people fail
to own large size of land so the do own small size depending on
the nature of the area and limited land.

Role of Urban Farming on the Livelihood of Urban

The study aimed to investigate on the role of urban farming to
the livelihood of urban farmers, in order to identify how urban
farming is useful to the urban farmers, the importance of this Figure 4.2: Bar Graph Representing Roles of Urban Farming to
helps the researcher to know how urban farming is valuable to the Livelihood Urban Farmers
the people practicing it and non-farmers. Both farmers and non-
Source: Field Data (2021)
farms benefits from these activities so the study aimed to acquire
information about the roles of the urban farming to the The findings from the table 4.2.1 and figure 4.2 bar chart reveals
livelihood. The table below shows the analysis of the roles of the that the most role of the urban agriculture to the livelihood is
urban farming to the livelihood that it is a source of income generation where by about 68%
strongly agree while 27% agree that income generation is the
Table 4.2.1: Role of Urban Farming on the Livelihood of Urban
most and effective roles of urban farming in the area which
bring up 95% , the findings also shows that employment
Roles of Strongly Disagree undecide agree Strongly
opportunity is among of the role of the urban farming because
urban Disagree d Agree about 91% respond positively where by 61% strongly agree and
farming 30% agree that employment opportunity is the one of the best
roles played by urban farming, while 88% is shown that urban
Ensure 4% 7% 7% 48% 34% farming improve urban environmental quality where by 38%
urban strongly agree while 50 agree that urban farming have played a
food role in improving urban environmental quality and lastly, the
security results reveals that urban agriculture also maintain urban food
nutrients this is revealed where by 41% agree and 42% strongly
Creativity 5% 16% 14% 40% 24%
agree that urban farming maintain food nutrients content.

J Geogr Nat Disast, Vol.11 Iss.10 No:1000p054 9

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This was supported by Mireri, on his study found that urban within improve environmental quality, through good air supply
farming solves the problem of food and employment to the as well as decoration
livelihood also he identified that urban farming acts like income
Factors that Influence People to Practice Urban Agriculture
generation to the people in urban. He conducts research in
Nairobi and found that in Nairobi 75% of population in The study aimed to investigate the driving forces that makes or
Nairobi practice urban agriculture that led to the increase of encouraged people in urban areas to practice or to conduct the
food production and maintain urban food nutrients that solve urban agriculture, so in order for this agriculture there are some
the problem of Malnutrition on the hand the study found that factors that drives or influences farmers to practice the urban
urban farming solves the problem of employment among the agriculture the table below shows the factors that influences the
youth in Nairobi where many most of people engage on urban practices;
farming other are employed to protect farms and animal
husbandry which increase the income of livelihood in the city
The study was also supported by the study conducted by George,
found that urban farming contributes 57% in improving urban
environmental quality and food in the city Ghana. Even though
the crisis in world food prices exploded during 2018 that is due
to the problem of urban food security in Africa has been a fact
of life for many low-income urban dwellers for decades and
especially since the period of structural adjustment in the 1980s
in Accra. The study identifies that if the urban dwellers was
investing on urban farming was increase the high production of

Source: Field Data (2021)

The findings from table 4.3 reveals that the most factor that
influence people to practice urban agriculture is that people
who involved is employed in agriculture. This can enable to
improve their standard of living about 56% strongly agree while
33% agree that employed in agriculture. This can enable them
Figure 4.3: Picture Showing Tree Nursery Prepared for to improve their living standard that make 89% who verified
Plantation and flowers at Rau Ward Kilimanjaro, Tanzania that that is a big factor, also respondents shows that lack of
employment. This is one of the factors that influence people to
Source: Field Data (2021)
engage in urban agriculture about 81% reveals where by 48%
strongly agree and 33% agree that lack of employment is one of
Observation the factors that drive people to practice urban farming.
The observed data used to support the objective two which state The findings also about 78% of the respondents reveals that
that to examine the role of the urban farming to the livelihood environment attract people to engage themselves in agricultural
but from the picture above show nursery that used to support activities where by 40% strongly agree, 38 agree that
environment where by all seedlings are raised in that farmer and environment attract people to engage in urban agriculture, also
at the end are taken to the environment for plantation, where by about 76% agree and strongly agree that agricultural education
urban agriculture improve environmental quality by providing has influenced the cultivation of smart or urban agriculture in
good oxygen, as well as quod appearance. Also, urban Moshi municipal. Lastly,75% agree and strongly agree that
agriculture was observed that it is used to support the increasing population causes the development of farming as the
environment quality through the decoration due to horticulture most of the people migrating from rural to urban so they
in urban, such as cultivation of flowers, vines and vegetables. It become jobless so the engage in urban agriculture because they
has been observed that urban agriculture is a source of have no any work that they can do to get income.
employment because people have employed in those gardens to
manage it, and other have been employ themselves in planting This study was also supported by research conducted by Giorgio
trees, flowers and vegetable that those who are in need of these said that agriculture play the role for food security and nutrition
requirements they go buy hence these people earn their money especially for children pregnant and lactating women. Urban
or earn their income. This study was also supported by the data agriculture represents an opportunity for improving local
obtained through the interviews made between the researchers, economy, environmental sustainability, health condition and
ward environmental officer and ward executive officer of Rau social interaction. His research was done using resent an
ward they also approved that urban agriculture conducted opportunity for improving local economy, environmental

J Geogr Nat Disast, Vol.11 Iss.10 No:1000p054 10

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sustainability, health condition and social interaction. His Increase 1% 11% 2% 36% 50%
research was done using interview and questionnaire and food
evidence show that about 100-200 million urban farmers security
worldwide providing the city markets with fresh horticulture
goods. The evidence shows that 85 and of their income in Access to 2% 7% 10% 51% 30%
purchase and most urban farmers belong to poorest population communi
as 65% of urban farmer are wore an where fruit and vegetable ty health
crops give high yields up to 50kgm -2 year though to use of use
of efficient of agricultural input, high added value. Increases 0% 1% 5% 41% 53%
It was also supported by research conducted by university of economy
California Agriculture and natural resources (UCANR)
organization the research was done through interview whereby Job 0% 6% 4% 39% 51%
about 100 urban farmers where interviewed. The research where creation
done in the university of California and come up with the
Market 4% 4% 3% 57% 32%
evidence that urban agriculture is influenced by agricultural
education, lack of employments and increasing in population
causes the development of urban agriculture and it were divided
into three major part social health and economic impact in Source: Field Data (2021)
social impact involve creating safe, community development, The findings from table 4.4 reveals that urban agriculture
education and youth development access and security, food and increases individual economy where by about 41% of the
heath impact include food and heath latency, funeral well – respondents agree while 53% of the respondents strongly agree
being and lastly economic impacts that include job creation, that urban agriculture increases individual economy so means
market expanse farmers, increase home values economic saving that 94% support that this is the best reason or impact, also
of the food research the study give the guide line on how urban about 39% respondents agree while 51% of the respondents
agriculture it bring about economic, social and health advantage strongly agree that urban agriculture results to the job creation
to the individual. Since the study is direct related to our study to the urban livelihood where by about 90% of the respondent
due to the fact that all of those impacts are help individual and support this as impact of urban farming,
society at large to overcome poverty
while 36% of the respondents agree and 50% strongly agree that
This was supported by the research conducted by Luc urban farming increase food security to the city which means
Christiansen studies the concentration on the role of agriculture that about 86% of the respondents supported the reason that
growth in poverty alleviation in low income developing connotes one of the impact of the urban farming is that it increases the
he viewed that very few courtiers have experienced rapid food security, also about 89% of the respondents supported the
economic growth without agriculture growth either proceeding. reason that urban farming results to the market expansion
Economic growth is strongly without agriculture linked by where by 57% of the respondents agree while 32% of the
industrialization and agriculture on his study he uses respondents strongly agree that expansion is a long term impacts
questionnaire and interview few people along sub-saran African of the urban farming.
between 1990 to 2000 and 40 percent(40%) shows there is high
connection between type of economic development and poverty This study was supported by the research conducted by Balele
elevation. come with the issue concern food, income, environmental issue
is directly relating with urban agriculture system the study was
Impacts of Urban Agriculture on Livelihoods of Farming done at Tanzania particularly in Mbeya and Morogoro region. It
Households analyzes and give overview on the ways in which people carry up
The study aimed to explore the information about the impacts cultivation and livestock keeping researcher use direct
of the urban agriculture to the people living in urban. This observation method and come up with evidence that a part of
helps the research to determine the outcomes of the urban environmental destruction that done by urban farmers on so
agriculture especially to the livelihood of the urban areas. urban farming it played the great rule in food and income of
Mostly, the positive impacts of the agriculture on the basis of the generation among farmers opportunity to the people.
immediate and long-term impacts of the urban agriculture. The Another study was also conducted by Kumar, Show the different
table below shows the positive impacts of the urban agriculture between to agriculture country and non-agriculture country in
to the livelihood of urban farmers. sub-Saharan countries viewed that those country that proactive
Table 4.4: Impacts of Urban Agriculture on Livelihoods of agriculture has at least percentage of development compare to
Farming Households non-agriculture countries on study, he uses questionnaire and
structure interview he was focus on the different in development
Impacts strongly Disagree Undecide Agree strongly between countries participate in agriculture and those who do
of urban disagree d agree not.
e It was also supported by the study of Kessy, evaluation the
performance of small-scale agriculture on poverty elevation in

J Geogr Nat Disast, Vol.11 Iss.10 No:1000p054 11

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Tanzania; in term of the income generation, food availability, so once there is availability of vegetables within the urban area
employment opportunity researcher randomly selected and people to improve and maintain their health because they do get
visited Mbeya, Kilimanjaro and Morogoro. Researcher uses body requirement .this was also support by the people working
questionnaire, interviews, focus group discussion for collection in the garden that many people from that environment depend
data. Data were analyzed quantitative. The findings that the much on the vegetables cultivated from that areas as well as
reveal that reveal performance of individual attain low income tomatoes some to not go to the market because they are
in urban agriculture and government polices factor to give believing that the price of the vegetables in the market is so high
proper direction on firm objectives. in comparison to the area of production so many people are
visiting the place to buy, this was also approved through the
interview made between the research and Madam Beatha a
member of Tanzania Agribusiness Youth Organization (TAYO)

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J Geogr Nat Disast, Vol.11 Iss.10 No:1000p054 12

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