Student Handbook 2023 Spreads - Compressed

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CEO Message
I am delighted to welcome you As you commence your journey
to Bahrain Polytechnic! We are as a Polytechnic student, we
delighted that you have chosen want to ensure that you are
us as your place of study, and set up for success. To help
we look forward to supporting you with this, we urge all
you on your academic journey. students to read through the
Bahrain Polytechnic student
We take great pride in our handbook which contains
commitment to quality valuable information about
education. We have a the Polytechnic’s regulations
multicultural faculty who are and policies, your rights and
highly qualified and dedicated responsibilities, and academic
to providing our students procedures. We also encourage
with an excellent learning everyone to familiarize
experience. Our teaching themselves with our facilities
methods emphasize creativity and services available in order
and critical thinking, so that you for you to make the most out of
can develop the skills needed your time here.
for successful careers in your Our student council works
chosen fields. very closely with our Student
Affairs Directorate to ensure
Our aim is to ensure you leave you have a pleasant learning
the Polytechnic equipped with and engaging experience at the
21st century skills which meet Polytechnic. Please feel free to
labor market requirements. drop by their offices at any time
This is done by working closely to ask any questions or share
with our industry partners your concerns.
who provide us with constant On behalf of the management
feedback on how we can and staff, I wish you a very
further develop you to be a successful academic journey.
work-ready graduate.
Professor Ciarán Ó Catháin
Welcome to Bahrain
This document is intended to is aimed at supporting you on
give you an overview of life at your journey and ensuring you
Bahrain Polytechnic, useful have the best opportunity for
information on where and how success while you study with
to access resources and help, us and beyond.
how you can get involved in
campus life and it will give On your journey you will
you an understanding of your develop what we call
rights and responsibilities as a ‘employability skills’ that
learner. You can find the rules will strengthen all the great
governing your qualification in attributes you already possess.
our Academic Regulations and These employability skills are
all information on our academic highly sought after in existing would strongly urge you to I wish you every success in
policies in our Academic workplaces and will be needed take full advantage of all these your academic journey and look
Quality Handbook. in the workplaces that you wonderful opportunities while forward to seeing your impact
will create in the future. Our you study with us. Your skillset on the future world of work.
Our vision and mission at the qualifications are structured to will grow, your enjoyment of
Polytechnic are both centred help you build and stack these your time with us will increase Deputy CEO: Academic
on you as a learner and the skills as you progress in your and your talent and experience Affairs & Registrar
future impact you will have academic journey. There are will enhance campus life for us Dr Louise ONolan
on the world. We have huge also many formal and informal all at Bahrain Polytechnic.
aspirations for you and what opportunities for you to further
you can achieve as a learner enhance these skills through
and later as our alumni. The volunteering, competitions,
structures we have put in clubs, student representation in
place around the social and governance, the PASS leader
academic life at the Polytechnic program and many others. I
Bahrain Polytechnic
Our role as the Polytechnic is to work with stakeholders – our
students, staff, communities, industry, and government to deliver
on our employability mandate by responding to the needs of
the economy, creating more opportunities for Bahrainis, whilst
contributing to economic diversification, with the ambition
of becoming a regional leader of applied higher education.
Polytechnic 2.0 is a modern, technological, and applied research
educational institution and was founded to accelerate the nation’s
technological transformation.

Our campus is open, with creative spaces for multi-disciplinary

collaboration and innovation, recreational centers for student
communities, home to an applied research center, and industry-
funded spaces for an authentic work-life experience. The
Polytechnic is driven by a shared value of lifelong learning, that
encourages education pathways and progression at all stages
of life. With ingenuity and drive, our graduates will invent new
technologies, and create new industries, and high-value jobs.
Our solid reputation and innovative spirit attract talent from
around the world. Through teaching, research, and innovation,
our exceptional community pursues its mission of developing
impactful graduates and learners that will make positive changes
to the economy and the communities they live in.
Vision Mission Values

To positively disrupt future ways of The Polytechnic is an applied Our core values are Excellence,
living, learning & working, to build learner-centered institute that Learning, and Innovation
new partnerships that strengthen produces new knowledge, and
innovation and mobility, to create innovations and is at the heart of
new and exciting opportunities local and regional communities to
for our students, industries, and promote education, innovation,
communities. well-being, and enterprise. Our
mission is to make the Polytechnic
accessible to everyone, through
our distributive campuses, in a
physical, blended, and online form,
in full-time and part-time modes.
Campus Services and Facilities
As a student at Polytechnic, you will be beginning a journey that
will be fulfilling and inspirational. With inclusivity and creativity at
the core of everything we do, we can provide a rich educational
experience on each of our campus locations. When you enroll
with us, you will join a diverse community of learners. Here,
you›ll experience a welcoming environment at every turn. You›ll
easily and quickly get to know your classmates and lecturers in
a laid-back setting thanks to our student-centered approach.
Regardless of the campus you select, you will thrive in a
supportive academic environment that will advance your chances
of finding a fulfilling profession.

Academic Facilities and Resources

The Polytechnic provides a range of instructional materials,
academic support services, and lab spaces. For more information,
refer to the Polytechnic website.

Undergraduate students who struggle academically are supported

by the Academic Support Center (ASC). ASC works with students
who are having academic difficulties, specifically with English
Language and Math. Students receive the extra help and skill-
development training they need to advance academically.
Additionally, the ASC offers peer support, as well as a variety
of student success workshops such as communication skills,
entrepreneurial skills, and presentation skills.
Students are prepared environment and degree level
for degree studies by the requirements will be introduced
Foundation Programme. to the students.
The Foundation Programme
offers a flexible, cutting- The program aims to satisfy Copy Center Dining Mini-Mart
edge curriculum made to each student's unique learning
accommodate students› needs in a nurturing setting On the first ground floor of Many restaurants, coffee shops Al Bushayer canteen has a
aspirations and educational that fosters self-assurance Building 36, is where you'll and snack services are located supermarket that offers a wide
requirements. According to and the capacity to make wise find the Polytechnic’s Copy across the campus. Most of selection of household goods,
their academic needs, students choices about opportunities for Center. By offering a variety of these outlets offer a delivery stationery, fresh fruits, and
are placed on courses that further study. It also intends to high-quality and economically service. For further information supermarket items.
will enhance their reading and increase students' awareness priced document reproduction refer to table 1(Insert a table
numeracy skills, as well as of Bahrain's labor market and services, it benefits faculty, that highlights location and
their personal development to improve their employability in staff, and students. Professional contact number for each outlet)
and technical knowledge. the future. binding, laminating, stapling,
Additionally, the Polytechnic and other related services are
also provided by the facility.
Mosque ID card Parking Lost and Found
The Mosque is available for Students must always have Free parking is available for The Lost and Found
prayer and is open during their IDs on them and be students on campus. You will Department of the Security
working hours (Insert location) prepared to show them need to get a parking sticker Office in the Building (Insert
when asked. To utilize from Campus Security if you office number) receives all lost
several campus amenities want to park on campus. items. If you›ve lost anything,
Security and services, like the library, Charges apply for the come to our office. Get in touch
Polytechnic security staff are health center, copy center, replacement of lost car stickers. with a security officer or bring
available to support and serve and Academic skills center, any found property to you
you will need to present your (Insert office number) if you find
Students and the public in the
ID. Please notify the security
Lockers it on campus. We make every
best way possible. Security
staff patrol the campus to office right away if your ID Lockers are available for the effort to locate the owners of
protect and promote a safe card is lost, stolen, damaged, safekeeping of your books and the missing property and
environment. They are available or otherwise compromised. personal belongings. Please identify them. To make
to help you with inquiries. Charges apply for the note that the Polytechnic is things simpler to return
The Security office is open replacement of lost ID cards. not responsible for lost items. to you, it›s a good idea
from 8:00 to 16:00 Sunday to Contact Campus Security to be to label your goods,
Thursday. Contact Security for allocated a locker and collect especially valuable
help with inquiries. Charges your key. A charge applies for property, with your
apply for the replacement of the the replacement of lost locker name and student
lost ID card, Locker key, and keys. ID number.
car sticker.
Health and Wellness Center
The health and wellness center at Bahrain Polytechnic is

a facility that is dedicated to promoting the physical well-

being of students, faculty, and staff. The center offers
a range of services and resources that are designed
to support healthy lifestyles and help individuals
achieve their wellness goals.

• Gymnasium: • Sports Center and

The gym is equipped
Sports Teams:
with modern sports The Sports Center forms
equipment, an indoor Bahrain Polytechnic sports
multipurpose court, a personal teams to participate in
exercise room, a ladies’ gym, tournaments within Bahrain
lockers, and shower facilities. Polytechnic and compete in
The gym's hours are Sunday to other universities› tournaments.
Thursday 7 am to 5 pm. If you are interested in
participating in one of the
You can join the gym Bahrain Polytechnic sports
(membership) through the teams (boys & girls), you can
following link: contact our head of health & wellness Musab AlShaer –
hwc-gym/ Office 16.002 - telephone at
And once you join, please use
the following link to book your
training sessions:
• Healthcare Unit (Clinic):
The Health Care Unit provides
care and support for students
and staff with illness or injury. It
For more details about the gym,
provides follow-up of medical
you can contact our personal
conditions, general medical
trainer Hussain Ebrahim office
examinations, first aid, and
at 16.002 Telephone: 17897362
referral to hospitals when
regarding special personal
programs such as weight loss,
bodybuilding, and nutrition.
In case of an emergency,
please call or visit our General
Nurse Specialist Fatima
AlKhayal on 17897121 - office -
Student Experience
A culture of academic success your student experience, we
is fostered through our offer a wide range of student
student-centered educational services. Student success is
experience. At the heart of our a top priority thanks to our
nurturing learning environment, commitment to excellent
where student well-being is student experience. Whether
nurtured and prioritized, is a you are in an advanced year
warm and welcoming ethos. of study or a new student ICT services
Our collaborative learning who needs assistance getting
environment, which promotes started, rest assured that there Computers are available to you
diversity, inclusion, and social is a friendly, competent team across the campus.
integration, is centered on waiting to assist you.
the students. To support Computers in empty
classrooms, the library learning
center, and the open-access
lab in Building 19 are all
available for your use. On
campus, wireless access is
available almost everywhere.
Student Information Center Your Polytechnic email address
The student information center is a part of Registry, if you will be used by staff members
require any general information or assistance with academic to send you vital information
procedures, then it’s the place to be. Here, you can learn while you are a student there.
anything related to your studies, such as:
If you can't remember your
• Polytechnic Application • IDs for students • Self-Service Banner Plus password or username, call
• The courses and programs • Absences, withdrawals, and many other things! We›re the IT Help Desk. Keep in mind
you have enrolled in appeals. here to assist. that it is your responsibility to
(including changes) • Document requests for protect your password. (Insert
• Costs and methods of official purposes (e.g., contact details)
payment transcripts)
- General Collection - Students may borrow a the book for the LLC (same
- Fiction maximum of five items for or new edition) without
- Graded Reader three weeks. paying BD 25.
- Bahrain Collection - Students can renew the
- Reserved borrowed item/s via email, 2. Electronic resources:
- Reference the information desk, or Polytechnic students and staff
- Media online. have access to 6 databases
- If you return a book late, you covering the needed subjects.
You can check the available are required to pay BD 1 per
resources in the library by book per day (not exceeding You can search for any
searching the catalog. To get BD 30) electronic resources by using
more information and details - If you lose a book, you are the catalog and ask the
about How to check out library required to pay BD 25 plus librarian for access.
books click here. the original cost of the book
OR you are required to buy

Database Subject coverage Access link

E-book central Business; Education; Science and technology
Library Services EBSCO Academic Search Complete: multi-disciplinary full-text
Your demands for learning and research are our top priorities. Our website and blog provide all
Business Source Complete: offers indexing and
the information you need regarding the LLC, or you may contact us by Phone: 17897543, email abstracts for the most important scholarly business
Address:, website: Library Learning Centre - Bahrain Polytechnic journals.
Emerald Management e-journals database & Emerging Market
The librarians at the library learning center can assist you with locating, using, and evaluating Case Studies
information for your research; writing and reading skills; comprehension of assignment requirements; LinkedIn Unlimited access to courses on a wide variety of
taking notes; giving oral presentations; referencing; understanding the demands of academic study; technologies and disciplines
and advancing your math abilities. Science Direct • Engineering
• Economics, Econometrics, and Finance
• Mathematics
The support team for learning disabilities and challenges also provides a variety of tools and
• Management, Business, and Accounting
services to help you learn regardless of whether you require specialized tools to assist you with your
tasks or a distinct space to take assessments. Euro Monitor • Euro Monitor is a global research database offering
shared access to internationally comparable market
The LLC is YOUR Space!
- We encourage students, on the library workstations • Library Resources
faculty, and staff to use are available to library users.
the LLC as a place for - Food and drink are not 1. Physical Resources:
community, meeting, learning, allowed in the library in all
and sharing information. areas! The library offers a wide
- You may find that the noise collection of books, DVDs, and
level is higher than you would • Admission to the Library. As CDs that you can borrow. They
like. Eight quiet study rooms a registered student or staff are arranged by subjects into
are located in the food court member, your BP ID cards 14 sections.
area and can be booked will give you the authority to:
through this link Library - Enter and exit the library. - Business
Learning Centre Study - Borrow books. - ICT
Rooms ( - Book the study rooms. - Visual Design
- The library offers computer - Engineering
workstations to be used by - Logistics
students, faculty, and staff. - Foundation
Most software applications - Chinese Collection
Learning Support
(Building 19 – Ground floor)
• The Polytechnic offers a range of learning support services for

• Students can meet the PASS (Peer Assisted Study Schemes)

leaders in one-to-one sessions, where support and help can
be given for the individual learning needs. PASS Leaders are
students who have been nominated by tutors and Program
Managers from different departments to enhance student
learning outside the classroom. They are available in the
Library Learning Centre to assist students on an individual or
group basis to facilitate discussion and explanation of course
concepts and assessments. For their availability and times,
please refer to the PASS leaders timetable for each semester.

• Students with learning disabilities or challenges can get help

and support from the learning support specialist. This can
include a range of support and help to ensure students are
ready to learn and succeed. If you have any learning disability
or learning challenges, need assessment accommodations,
or have other learning needs or concerns., you can see the
Learning Support Specialist

• To improve your academic skills, you can book a session at the

Academic Skill Centre.
• Book an appointment for Workshops Scholarships and
support services (learning
support, PASS leaders, and LLC also offers a range of Fees
Academic Skill Centre): workshops for the Polytechnic
A number of scholarships are
students and staff, such as:
available to students through
Please allow 24hr notice to
the Ministry of Education,
arrange for an appointment. On • Referencing
the Tamkeen Labour Fund,
the day of your appointment: Learn about Quick Guide
charitable organizations, and
to APA Referencing 7th
employers in government
1. Arrive on time. edition information from
and private companies.
2. Late arrivals to appointments various sources and
On occasion, there will be
(15 min or later) will result writing in-text citations for
campus advertising for
in the cancellation of your assignments. Understand the
new scholarships. Visit the
appointment. consequences of plagiarism
Scholarship Coordinator for
3. Bring a notebook and pen/ and ways to avoid it.
assistance if you want to learn
more about them.
• Time Management
Maximize your productivity
Notes: by creating a realistic
schedule. In this workshop,
• Follow-up appointments learn techniques to
are to be made by the overcome procrastination
student. and keep focused.
• Missed appointment
times (with or without • Assistive Technology Tools
notification) will be given Learn more about tools built
to other students. in Office 365 and Windows
• It is the responsibility of 10 that will help students
the student to reschedule
missed appointments.
with learning differences
access their education
Career Center
alongside their peers.
The Career & Employment career fairs, and more. From succeed in the changing work
Center helps you reach your career exploration through market. Career counseling,
professional goals. Our cutting- employment, our career job search support, career
edge career development consultants are ready to help. workshops and events,
resources and services equip CEC ensures that you have the internships, and other services
and inspire our students information and resources you are offered.
and alumni to attain their full need to achieve students’ and
potential. We want to assist alumni’s career goals. • Second – Alumni
you build corporate and alumni
networks and connect with
industry professionals. To
CEC oversees three
CEC's career services are
compete in today›s job market, areas of support based on alumni engagement,
we instill a passion for learning
and professional progress in
to students and which is essential in higher
education. CEC promotes
our students and graduates. Alumni: students, alumni, and
Polytechnic›s reputation as a
We aim to foster a dynamic,
•First – Career top talent source. CEC uses
supportive environment that
alumni expertise and networks
encourages professional services: to help students and new
growth, innovation, and
graduates thrive in their jobs.
progress. We offer career CEC helps students achieve
Alumni networking, employer
counseling, job search their career goals. CEC
relationships, feedback,
support, networking events, provides resources, support,
and more keep CEC alumni
and direction to help students
• Third – Industry
By building relationships, CEC group sessions, and access
connects industry partners to the industry connect
with students for employment, portal, an online job search
on-the-job training, projects, platform.
and short-term internships.
Polytechnic's reputation is • Career exploration resources
enhanced through CEC's - To assist students explore
talent acquisition. Employer their interests and choose a
partnerships help the CEC profession that matches their
succeed students and Alumni. talents and passions, CEC
offers career voyage online
Services that CEC provides to tool and industry and career
students and alumni: path information.

• Career counseling and • Employer engagement and

coaching - An appointment- networking event - To link
based career advisor helps students with employers and
students identify their employment prospects, CEC
professional goals, develop hosts recruiting campaigns,
job search tactics, and networking events, and
prepare for job interviews employer information
and networking events. sessions.

• Job and internship search • Professional development

support - Provides students opportunities - To help
with CV and cover letter students succeed in the
reviews, job search strategy workplace, CEC conducts
anxiety, depression, or coping a personal relationship with Student Rights and
with loss and bereavement. your mentor through mentoring.
Mentors provide individualized, Responsibilities
Our counselors assist students personal, and private support,
The following statement
to set personal goals, support counsel, and encouragement.
of students’ rights and
them in developing coping They may inform you of Bahrain
responsibilities is intended
mechanisms, and help them Polytechnic policies and
to reflect the Polytechnic
come up with solutions for procedures or suggest that
principles to offer high-quality
immediate problems. They are you seek out other services for
teaching and learning. It
equipped to handle a wide continuous, suitable support.
lists the students’ rights and
range of issues or concerns.
responsibilities to maximise
Students can get assistance
with any social, emotional,
Student Conduct their learning experience.
academic, or career-related and Policies Students’ Rights
Each culture has its own set
• Full access to the campus,
Counseling is strictly of laws and rules that control
services, and privileges
confidential. The information interpersonal interactions by
offered by the Polytechnic.
provided to a student counselor educating people about their
• Enjoy the learning
won't be shared with another rights and the obligations
workshops on cv writing, annual Curriculum Advisory employers are significant opportunities the Polytechnic
person or group. All students they must uphold. Students at
interviewing, and career Group, and the effectiveness resources for CEC when offers without discrimination
currently enrolled at Bahrain Bahrain Polytechnic are given
management. of career services post it comes to establishing due to social status, gender,
Polytechnic are eligible for free full privileges as soon as they
recruitment events. This partnerships with other religion, creed, or disability.
counseling services. enroll, and as a result, they
• Job postings and feedback is used to improve employers. We maintain • Freedom of expression and
also have obligations to the
recruitment: Employers Bahrain Polytechnic’s excellent relationships with inquiry.
Polytechnic that must be met.
publish employment programs and services, and alumni employers, who Mentoring These rights and obligations
• Access to their own
openings with CEC, to better prepare students provide job market data and academic records.
form the foundation for
which recruits Polytechnic for the job market. connect students with jobs. You will have the chance to • Privacy and protection of
outstanding circumstances and
talent. CEC's industry work with a mentor while academic records and
a culture of respect, which will
connect portal simplifies • Alumni Engagement – To you are a student at Bahrain personal data.
corporate hiring and helps engage with alumni through
Counseling Polytechnic to help you learn
help the Polytechnic achieve in
• Knowing all requirements
its educational goals while also
students find suitable work regular communication, The Polytechnic Counseling more effectively. You can of the curriculum and the
benefiting the students.
possibilities. such as news emails, alumni Services offers psychological increase your chances of programme at the beginning
events, and social media. services that are intended to learning success by developing of each semester.
• Employer partnerships: We assist students in reaching
partner with employers • Alumni career services - CEC their educational objectives,
to create programs and plays role in building and learning the process of problem
activities that benefit maintaining relationships solving and decision making,
the Polytechnic and the with alumni as means to developing the capacity for
employer. This includes leverage these relationships fulfilling relationships, and
internships, on-the-job to benefit both current learning to fully utilize their
training, and cooperative students and alumni in their potential for continued growth
learning projects that give career pursuits. beyond their academic
students meaningful work experience. Our counselors
experience and help industry • Alumni networking event – assist students in exploring any
partners find full-time hires. CEC organizes networking issues they may be having with
events that bring alumni their studies or their personal
• Employer feedback (CAG): together with current lives. Students frequently seek
Seeking feedback from students to share their help from for problems related
employers about the career experiences, industry to transitioning to university
quality of the Polytechnic’s insights, and job search tips. life, time management, unclear
graduates and their life or career objectives,
employability, the relevance • Alumni-Employer outreach: identity concerns, interpersonal
of the curriculum through an Alumni who are now disputes, eating disorders,
• A drug-and-alcohol-free to established Policies and others in a civilized and and instructions of the
Polytechnic environment Procedures. appropriate manner, whether exam period, and not to be
and atmosphere. spoken or written, involved in any attempt to
• The provision of accurate Students’ Responsibilities • Obligation to maintain cheat.
information about the buildings and property of the • Adherence to regulations and
Polytechnic services, • Respect the Polytechnic Polytechnic from any act of instructions of the library to
regulations, policies, and sabotage or theft. benefit from services and
and its members as an
procedures in published • Completely abstain from information provided.
educational institution.
formats. alcohol and drugs or • Commitment to attending
• Commitment to success
• The provision of accurate promote them in any way, by lectures as scheduled and
and academic excellence
information on academic word or action, on campus. without prejudice to its
and to take advantage of
systems and academic • Completely abstain from system.
both teaching and learning
programmes, the sequencing cigarette smoking in all
and student services
of courses, and graduation buildings of the Polytechnic.
requirements. • To refrain from gambling in
• To comply with Polytechnic
• The provision of all any place inside the campus.
rules, policies, and
information about financial • To avoid any behaviour that
regulations and to recognise
assistance and related might harm or adversely
the latest updates.
systems. affect students enrolled
• To always wear their student
• The provision of information at the Polytechnic, which
ID card, to keep it well-
on classes, programmes, in turn affects the task
maintained, and to show it
courses, and requirements entrusted to the Polytechnic.
• Be notified of any changes upon request by Polytechnic
is all published clearly, • Responsiveness and
approved by any Polytechnic officials.
accurately, and timely. compliance with official
Committees or Boards which • Commitment to providing
• Flexibility in the Polytechnic instructions issued by the
affect the above information. correct information and data
systems and guidance for Polytechnic, which come
• Have a study plan with to the concerned authorities
initial registration and related from administrative officials
clearly defined links between in Registry, Student Services,
follow-up procedures, e.g., during the performance of
its components, other members of Faculties, and
add or delete programmes, their duties at work.
sources of knowledge, and the other Polytechnic staff
withdrawal. • Not to carry any weapons
their intended career path, members.
• Report, as soon as any that could result in harm
to achieve harmony between • Commitment to a decent
problems occur, to the to others, for example,
the study process and its appearance, as per
Directorate of Student firearms, knives of all kinds,
objectives. regulations and customs of
Services. They are explosives, or any other
• Request and receive grades the Polytechnic community.
empowered to investigate tool that may be used as a
from academic staff in a • Commitment to decent
the incident or problem in weapon.
timely manner. behaviour and dealing with
a timely manner according • Adherence to regulations
An assessment submitted, ideas, interpretations, words, or interferes in limiting the
without approval, after the creative works of others. academic opportunities of
stated deadline is a late other students by improperly
submission. Students must refrain from the impeding their work or
following acts: their access to educational
For circumstances not covered resources.
under the provisions of the • Cheating and behaving • Plagiarism is the act of
aegrotat pass procedures, deceitfully or dishonestly in misrepresenting as one›s
decisions to allow a reset examinations and in-class original work the ideas,
because of non-attendance at tests. interpretations, words, or
an assessment event can be • Collusion, which is presenting creative works of another,
made by the Head of School or work as independent work either intentionally or
delegate. Late submissions and when it has, in fact, been unintentionally. These
resubmissions of assignments produced in whole or in include published and
and projects should only be part with others, including unpublished documents,
available to students who persons external to the designs, music, sounds,
have made a genuine effort to Polytechnic, unless prior images, photographs,
complete the assessment. permission for joint or computer codes, and ideas
Unless the Head of School collaborative work has been gained through working
decides otherwise, the given as specified in the in a group. These ideas,
Examinations and · Due dates of assessment · No student is permitted to
maximum mark achievable for course outline. interpretations, words, or
tasks and modes of leave a test or examination
Assessment submission. during the last fifteen minutes late submission or resubmission • Fabrication which is the works may be found in print
will be the minimum pass mark Intentional and unauthorised and/or electronic media.
· Penalties for late submission. of the time allowed.
This section describes the or grade for that assessment. falsification or invention of • Research Misconduct
· Documentation required
academic regulations that any information or citation in that includes but is not
in support of an extension Any exceptions to the above
relate to assessment. It covers an academic exercise. limited to conduct in, or in
the conduct of assessments,
request. procedures must be clearly Plagiarism • Fraud which is a deceitful connection with, research
· Relevant characteristics, such indicated in the course
assessment submissions, late behaviour by which it is that is dishonest, reckless, or
as length of written tasks or information provided to This section describes
submissions, resubmissions, sought to gain some unfair or persistently negligent; and/
duration of examinations. students and in the assessment academic regulations that
and re-sits. dishonest advantage. or seriously deviates from
· Form and timing of feedback instructions. relate to academic integrity
• Misrepresenting data or accepted standards within
that students will receive; and and honesty. Students must
Assessment Information information incorrectly, the research and scholarly
· The ways in which judgments Assessment Submission maintain the highest standards
improperly, or falsely. community for proposing,
Course Information is available of individual assessment Extensions of academic integrity in
• Obstructions or interference, conducting, or reporting
in either printed or electronic tasks will be combined to their work and ensure they
which is to behave in any research.
form no later than the first give an overall grade. Extensions may not be appropriately acknowledge the
way that obstructs or
officially scheduled class. available for controlled
It includes details of the Conduct of Assessment: assessments (e.g., end-of-
assessment tasks students semester examination) or other
Controlled Assessment forms of assessment where
are required to undertake to
(Examinations and Tests) scheduling concerns make it
achieve and demonstrate their
Students must observe impracticable (e.g., workplace
learning. It may specify:
all published controlled assessments). On application,
assessment procedures. course coordinators may
· Course aims and learning
outcomes. approve extensions to
In the case of controlled deadlines for other forms of
· Assessment criteria and
assessments lasting one hour assessment (such as projects
standards against which
or longer: and assignments) up to a
individual assessment tasks
· No student is permitted to maximum of 2 working days.
are judged.
enter the room later than ten Applications must be made
· Required style of
minutes after the start of the before the stated deadline.
academic referencing and
test or examination.
acknowledgments such as
· No student is permitted to Late Submissions,
footnotes and bibliographies.
leave the room until one hour Resubmissions, and Re-sits
· Relative weightings of each
has elapsed from the time the
assessment task.
assessment began.
Student Academic Grade-related grounds for Appeals to Faculty Appeal
appeal involve extenuating Committee
Appeal circumstances previously
undisclosed, computational • Students who are eligible
This section relates to the
or administrative errors, for academic appeal, upon
academic regulations that relate
procedural lapses, prejudice, consultation with Student
to student’s academic appeal.
and others. Information Centre (SIC)
It covers types of academic
• Appeals against dismissal representatives, shall
appeals, appeals to faculty, and
or exclusion from Bahrain fill out the Appeal Form
appeals to the CEO.
Polytechnic due to Faculty available at SIC and pay the
Appeal Committee decisions corresponding fees at the
Academic Appeals
or due to other reasons Finance Unit.
independent of grades shall • SIC shall check and receive
• In synchrony with its
be dealt with by the CEO the stamped application,
approach of providing
Appeal Committee. which will be forwarded to
all students a fair, safe,
• Student requests for re- the Faculty Administrators
and productive learning
marking assessments for the respective Dean’s
environment, Bahrain
within the semester prior review and action within one
Polytechnic acknowledges
to the release of approved working day.
student academic appeals
overall final results are • Faculty Administrators shall
and responds to them
not considered academic advise students in writing
with fairness, consistency,
appeals. of the results of the appeal
promptness, and sensitivity
• Results of academic appeals after due discussion by the
through the duly formed
are final and not subject to Faculty Appeal Committee
Faculty Appeal Committees
re-appeal, except for Faculty and approval of the
and CEO Appeal Committee. which will be forwarded to the outcomes of the appeal CEO and a copy of which
Appeal Committee decisions Academic Council.
• Appeals for a review of the CEO Appeal Committee for necessary student record shall be furnished to the
which culminate in students’ • The Enrolment Manager
decisions on student Chair and Secretary. updates. Such appeal results Registry and concerned
exclusion or dismissal from shall advise students on any
dismissal from Bahrain • After due review and shall also be communicated faculty.
Bahrain Polytechnic. grade changes made by the
Polytechnic due to grades discussion by the CEO to the students by the
• All claims for appeals must Registry based on official
and appeals for a review Appeal Committee, the Chair committee Secretary through
be submitted with supporting documents, which include
of decisions on academic shall advise the Registry on a formal letter signed by the
evidence within approved approved Academic Council
matters such as the rejection
and published deadlines meeting minutes, the original
of student request for third
enrollment are handled
(except during exceptional Appeal Form, and a copy of Pastoral Support out to Student Recourses https://studentassist.polytechnic.
circumstances) upon the Faculty Administrator’s staff (this will be updated soon bh/ To access the portal, please
by respective Faculty
payment of corresponding letter issued to students. The Polytechnic offers a with a group picture of all the use Chrome/Firefox.
Appeal Committees.
fees, which are subject to range of support services, team and each staff member’s
refund if appeals are upheld. Appeals to CEO Appeal giving a student the profile), and share any issues, Student Assist will serve as
Committee opportunity to interact with concerns, and ideas to improve the main point of contact for
Polytechnic staff members and build on their learning students. The system allows
• Students are eligible for who can help shape their experience. For any concerns students to directly contact the
academic appeal, upon experience positively at or suggestions, please submit following teams:
consultation with Student Bahrain Polytechnic. Student it through the Student Assist - Student Affairs
Information Centre (SIC) Support: Pastoral support Portal - Finance
representatives, shall ( - Registry
fill out the Appeal Form Student Assist portal email to
available at SIC and pay the The Student Recourses students: Please refer to the attached
corresponding fees at the team are trained and demonstration video of the new
Finance Unit. available to help and support Dear Students, system for a how-to guide.
• SIC shall check and receive students with a range of
the stamped application, concerns and questions, as We are happy to announce the Kindly note that your login
well as to help and advice launching of Student Assist, the credentials will be the same as
on administration and policy new Helpdesk system. your Moodle login credentials.
matters. Students can reach
Student works as an advocate for the liaison between students and
student body alongside the academic faculty, to provide
Engagement Polytechnic’s staff to ensure feedback and updates to
a well-balanced student life. students regarding issues
There are many opportunities
For more details BPSC and concerns that have been
for students to join different
• Student Clubs: raised in previous meetings.
student societies to support
Participating in clubs, For more details Student
fellow students, interact with
conferences, and Representatives
staff and the wider community.
competitions adds to your • Peer Assisted Study Scheme
These experiences will help you
leadership development, (PASS) leaders Are students
develop your employability skills
creates lasting relationships, who make themselves
further as well as help grow
and helps you network with available to assist other
your social network. To learn
professionals and alumni students to master course
more about students’ bodies at
in your field of interest. For concepts, study, and
Polytechnic, click here
more details Student Clubs cognitive skills. For more
• Student Representatives: details Peer Assisted Study
• Student Council:
Some Bahrain Polytechnic Scheme
The Bahrain Polytechnic
committees have student
Student Council (BPSC)
representatives who act as a

Disability Car Park/ Academic Advising Scholarships and

Campus Access Academic Advising service is Fees Concerns & Complaints
an integral part of a student’s Your concerns and complaints are important to us. Some we can fix immediately; some will take
We have a limited number The fee Extension is to give
life at Bahrain Polytechnic.
of car parks on campus for you more time to complete your a couple of days, and some may be harder to fix - but please be aware that we do not take them
Advisors support and
students with severe or acute payment. Fee Exemption is to lightly.
encourage students in their
health issues. apply for a Bahrain Polytechnic
academic and personal growth.
If you are a student who has scholarship. Read on to get Student Recourses team supports students with their concerns and issues, either through the
classes in “Campus A” please more details click here Students Assist Portal or by dropping by their offices in Building 26. Please feel free to raise any
Every student is assigned
see The Nurse in Building 16 or concerns, issues, complaints, or inquiries
an advisor at the start of the
see the
Head of Student Care for
academic year. Advisors Student Conduct
meet regularly with students for more details, please read the Student Concerns and Complaints Policy
advice, help, and support in
to monitor their attendance,
and Policies Your concerns can be submitted online here
this area. For more information
review their progress, advise The Professional Conduct and
please visit our page in Moodle
on class schedules and assist Dress Code Regulations.
Student Support: Disability
with decision-making in the
car park/campus access
student’s academic journey.
For more information please
visit our page in Moodle
Student Support: Academic
Advising (
Academic Calendar

2023 2024

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
New year's day Labour day
Fri Sun Wed Fri Mon Thu Fri Mon Wed Sat Mon Tue
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Revision/Assessment Revision/Assessment
Sat Mon Thu Sat Tue Fri Sat Tue Thu Sun Tue Wed
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Academic Preparation Appeals' resolution
Sun Tue Fri Sun Wed Sat Sun Wed Fri Mon Wed Thu
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Mon Wed Sat Mon Thu Sun Mon Thu Sat Tue Thu Fri
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Assessment week
Tue Thu Sun Tue Fri Mon Tue Fri Sun Wed Fri Sat

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Wed Fri Mon Wed Sat Tue Wed Sat Mon Thu Sat Sun
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Assessment week Mid-semester break Hijri New Year
Thu Sat Tue Thu Sun Wed Thu Sun Tue Fri Sun Mon
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Fri Sun Wed Fri Mon Thu Fri Mon Wed Sat Mon Tue
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Assessment week
Sat Mon Thu Sat Tue Fri Sat Sun Thu Sun Tue Wed
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Classes commence
Sun Tue Fri Sun Wed Sat Sun Tue Fri Mon Wed Thu
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Semester ends Academic Preparation Ramadan * Eid Al Fitr *
Mon Wed Sat Mon Thu Sun Mon Thu Sat Tue Thu Fri
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Eid Al Fitr *
Tue Thu Sun Tue Fri Mon Tue Fri Sun Wed Fri Sat
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Eid Al Fitr * Semester ends
Wed Fri Mon Wed Sat Tue Wed Sat Mon Thu Sat Sun
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Drop/Add ends Compensation day
Thu Sat Tue Thu Sun Wed Thu Sun Tue Fri Sun Mon
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Assessment week Arafa day *
Fri Sun Wed Fri Mon Thu Fri Mon Wed Sat Mon Tue
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
National day Eid Al Adha *
Sat Mon Thu Sat Tue Fri Sat Tue Thu Sun Tue Wed
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Ascension day Eid Al Adha * Ashoora*
Sun Tue Fri Sun Wed Sat Sun Wed Fri Mon Wed Thu
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Compensation day Classes commence Eid Al Adha * Ashoora*
Mon Wed Sat Mon Thu Sun Mon Thu Sat Tue Thu Fri
19 19 Last day to W without 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Tue Thu Academic Penalty Sun Tue Fri Mon Tue Fri Sun Wed Fri Sat
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Wed Fri Mon Wed Sat Tue Wed Sat Mon Thu Sat Sun
21 Withdraw with 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
BPSC AC Results meetings BPSC
Thu refund ends Sat Tue Thu Sun Wed Thu Sun Tue Fri Sun Mon
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Drop/Add ends
Fri Sun Wed Fri Mon Thu Fri Mon Wed Sat Mon Tue
23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
Results released AC Results meetings
Sat Mon Thu Sat Tue Fri Sat Tue Thu Sun Tue Wed
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Sun Tue Fri Sun Wed Sat Sun Wed Fri Mon Wed Thu
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Results released
Mon Wed Sat Mon Thu Sun Mon Thu Sat Tue Thu Fri
26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
Tue Thu Sun Tue Fri Mon Tue Fri Sun Wed Fri Sat
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
Prophet's birth day*
Wed Fri Mon Wed Sat Tue Wed Sat Mon Thu Sat Sun
28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Last day to withdraw 28 28 28 28 28
Mid-year break
Thu Sat Tue Thu Sun Wed Thu without academic penalty Sun Tue Fri Sun Mon
29 28 29 29 29 Academic Appeal 29 Withdraw with 29 29 29 29 29 29
Mid-semester break
Fri Sat Wed Fri Mon Ends Thu refund ends Fri Mon Wed Sat Mon Tue
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Academic Appeal Ends
Sat Mon Thu Sat Tue Sat Tue Thu Sun Tue Wed
31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Tue Sun Wed Sun Fri Wed Thu

Public holiday Weekend Important dates Non-teaching days Academic leave Ramadan * Tentative
Bahrain Polytechnic Map -Campus A Bahrain Polytechnic Map -Campus B
Third Entrance

9A 9 Store
7A Main Hall
11E 11F
11B 15
14B 14C
8A 23 11A 14A 14D
5E 5D 6F 6E 6D
5A 25
12A 5B 5C 22 6A 6B 6C

Car Park
9 4 3 Trainees


Car Park
2 20

Car Park

Car Park


Main Entrance

Second Entrance

Canteen Car Parking

Praying Hall Security Office

Assembly Point Toilet

Buildings and parking shared

Bahrain Polytechnic Buildings
between Bahrain Polytechnic and UOB
Buildings Occupied by
T The Tennis Federation
University of Bahrain

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