React JS Interview Questions
React JS Interview Questions
React JS Interview Questions
React is a declarative, efficient, flexible open source front-end JavaScript library developed
by Facebook in 2011. It follows the component-based approach for building reusable UI
components, especially for single page application. It is used for developing interactive
view layer of web and mobile apps. It was created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer
at Facebook. It was initially deployed on Facebook's News Feed section in 2011 and later
used in its products like WhatsApp & Instagram.
o Components
o One-way Data Binding
o Virtual DOM
o Simplicity
o Performance
React comes with good availability of documentation, tutorials, and training resources. It
is easy for any developer to switch from JavaScript background to React and easily
understand and start creating web apps using React. Anyone with little knowledge of
JavaScript can start building web applications using React.
React uses virtual DOM to render the view. The virtual DOM is a virtual representation of
the real DOM. Each time the data changes in a react app, a new virtual DOM gets created.
Creating a virtual DOM is much faster than rendering the UI inside the browser. Therefore,
with the use of virtual DOM, the efficiency of the app improves. That's why React provides
great efficiency.
In React, creating a dynamic web application is much easier. It requires less coding and
gives more functionality. It uses JSX (JavaScript Extension), which is a particular syntax
letting HTML quotes and HTML tag syntax to render particular subcomponents.
React is SEO-friendly.
React facilitates a developer to develop an engaging user interface that can be easily
navigated in various search engines. It also allows server-side rendering, which is also
helpful to boost the SEO of your app.
React web applications are made up of multiple components where each component has
its logic and controls. These components provide a small, reusable piece of HTML code
as an output that can be reused wherever you need them. The code reusability helps
developers to make their apps easier to develop and maintain. It also makes the nesting
of the components easy and allows developers to build complex applications of simple
building blocks. The reuse of components also increases the pace of development.
React provides a lot of handy tools that can make the task of the developers
understandable and easier. Use these tools in Chrome and Firefox dev extension, allowing
us to inspect the React component hierarchies in the virtual DOM. It also allows us to
select the particular components and examine and edit their current props and state.
React has a rich set of libraries.
React has a huge ecosystem of libraries and provides you the freedom to choose the tools,
libraries, and architecture for developing the best application based on your requirement.
React web applications are easy to test. These applications provide a scope where the
developer can test and debug their codes with the help of native tools.
5) What is JSX?
JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It is a React extension which allows writing JavaScript code
that looks similar to HTML. It makes HTML file easy to understand. The JSX file makes the
React application robust and boosts its performance. JSX provides you to write XML-like
syntax in the same file where you write JavaScript code, and then preprocessor (i.e.,
transpilers like Babel) transform these expressions into actual JavaScript code. Just like
XML/HTML, JSX tags have a tag name, attributes, and children.
In the above example, text inside <h1> tag return as JavaScript function to the render
function. After compilation, the JSX expression becomes a normal JavaScript function, as
shown below.
1. Whenever any data changes in the React App, the entire UI is re-rendered in Virtual
DOM representation.
2. Now, the difference between the previous DOM representation and the new DOM is
3. Once the calculations are completed, the real DOM updated with only those things
which are changed.
Angular React
1. // ES5
2. var React = require('react');
4. // ES6
5. import React from 'react';
1. // ES5
2. var MyComponent = React.createClass({
3. render: function() {
4. return(
5. <h3>Hello JavaTpoint</h3>
6. );
7. }
8. });
10. // ES6
11. class MyComponent extends React.Component {
12. render() {
13. return(
14. <h3>Hello Javatpoint</h3>
15. );
16. }
17. }
1. // ES5
2. var App = React.createClass({
3. propTypes: { name: React.PropTypes.string },
4. render: function() {
5. return(
6. <h3>Hello, {}!</h3>
7. );
8. }
9. });
11. // ES6
12. class App extends React.Component {
13. render() {
14. return(
15. <h3>Hello, {}!</h3>
16. );
17. }
18. }
7. In this, the Virtual DOM renders In this, Native uses its API to render code for
the browser code. mobile applications.
13) What is the difference between Real DOM and Virtual DOM?
The following table specifies the key differences between the Real DOM and Virtual DOM:
The real DOM updates slower. The virtual DOM updates faster.
The real DOM can directly update HTML. The virtual DOM cannot directly update HTML.
The virtual DOM updates the JSX if the element updates.
In real DOM, DOM manipulation is very expensive. In virtual DOM, DOM manipulation is very easy.
There is a lot of memory wastage in The real DOM. There is no memory wastage in the virtual DOM.
Points to Note:
16) How can you embed two or more components into one?
You can embed two or more components into the following way:
It is similar to function arguments and passed to the component in the same way as
arguments passed in a function.
Props are immutable so we cannot modify the props from inside the component. Inside
the components, we can add attributes called props. These attributes are available in the
component as this.props and can be used to render dynamic data in our render method.
SN Props State
3. Props allow you to pass data from one State holds information about the
component to other components as an components.
5. Props are used to communicate between States can be used for rendering
components. dynamic changes with the component.
6. The stateless component can have Props. The stateless components cannot have
8. Props are external and controlled by whatever The State is internal and controlled by
renders the component. the component itself.
20) How can you update the State of a component?
We can update the State of a component using this.setState() method. This method does
not always replace the State immediately. Instead, it only adds changes to the original
State. It is a primary method which is used to update the user interface(UI) in response to
event handlers and server responses.
1. The stateless components do not hold The stateful components can hold or
or manage state. manage state.
2. It does not contain the knowledge of It can contain the knowledge of past,
past, current, and possible future state current, and possible future changes
changes. in state.
5. It does not work with any lifecycle It can work with all lifecycle method of
method of React. React.
1. //General way
2. render() {
3. return(
4. <MyInput onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this) } />
5. );
6. }
7. //With Arrow Function
8. render() {
9. return(
10. <MyInput onChange={ (e) => this.handleOnChange(e) } />
11. );
12. }
Handling events with React have some syntactical differences, which are:
1. function ActionLink() {
2. function handleClick(e) {
3. e.preventDefault();
4. console.log('You had clicked a Link.');
5. }
6. return (
7. <a href="#" onClick={handleClick}>
8. Click_Me
9. </a>
10. );
11. }
SN Controlled Uncontrolled
1. It does not maintain its internal state. It maintains its internal states.
2. Here, data is controlled by the parent Here, data is controlled by the DOM
component. itself.
3. It accepts its current value as a prop. It uses a ref for their current values.
React offers a stateful, reactive approach to build a form. The forms in React are similar
to HTML forms. But in React, the state property of the component is only updated via
setState(), and a JavaScript function handles their submission. This function has full access
to the data which is entered by the user into a form.
Initial Phase: It is the birth phase of the React lifecycle when the component starts its
journey on a way to the DOM. In this phase, a component contains the default Props and
initial State. These default properties are done in the constructor of a component.
Mounting Phase: In this phase, the instance of a component is created and added into
the DOM.
Updating Phase: It is the next phase of the React lifecycle. In this phase, we get new
Props and change State. This phase can potentially update and re-render only when a
prop or state change occurs. The main aim of this phase is to ensure that the component
is displaying the latest version of itself. This phase repeats again and again.
Unmounting Phase: It is the final phase of the React lifecycle, where the component
instance is destroyed and unmounted(removed) from the DOM.
31) Explain the lifecycle methods of React components in detail.
The important React lifecycle methods are:
o Code Reusability
o Props manipulation
o State manipulation
o Render highjacking
SN Element Component
1. An element is a plain JavaScript object A component is the core building block of
which describes the component state React application. It is a class or function
and DOM node, and its desired which accepts an input and returns a
properties. React element.
2. It only holds information about the It can contain state and props and has
component type, its properties, and access to the React lifecycle methods.
any child elements inside it.
3. It is immutable. It is mutable.
5. Example: Example:
const element = React.createElement( function Button ({ onLogin }) {
'div', return React.createElement(
{id: 'login-btn'}, 'div',
'Login' {id: 'login-btn', onClick: onLogin},
) 'Login'
1. Single Line Comments: We can write comments as /* Block Comments */ with curly
2. Multiline Comments: If we want to comment more that one line, we can do this as
1. { /*
2. Multi
3. line
4. comment
5. */ }
1. render() {
2. return (
3. <React.Fragment>
4. <ChildA />
5. <ChildB />
6. <ChildC />
7. </React.Fragment>
8. )
9. }
There is also a shorthand syntax exists for declaring Fragments, but it's not supported in
many tools:
1. render() {
2. return (
3. <>
4. <ChildA />
5. <ChildB />
6. <ChildC />
7. </>
8. )
9. }
o Fragments are faster and consume less memory because it did not create an extra
DOM node.
o Some CSS styling like CSS Grid and Flexbox have a special parent-child relationship
and add <div> tags in the middle, which makes it hard to keep the desired layout.
o The DOM Inspector is less cluttered.
We can apply validation on props using App.propTypes in React component. When some
of the props are passed with an invalid type, you will get the warnings on JavaScript
console. After specifying the validation patterns, you need to set the App.defaultProps.
This command includes everything which we need to build a React app. Some of them
are given below:
Function Components: This is the simplest way to create a component in React. These
are the pure JavaScript functions that accept props object as the first parameter and return
React elements:
Class Components: The class components method facilitates you to use ES6 class to
define a component. The above function component can be written as:
If you want a web browser to read a JSX file, you must transform the files into a regular
JavaScript object. For this purpose, Babel is used.
The state is very similar to props, but it is private and fully controlled by the component.
i.e., It is not accessible to any other component till the owner component decides to pass
46) What are the main changes that appear in React's ES6 syntax
compared to ES5 syntax?/How different is React's ES6 syntax
compared to ES5?
Following are the most visible syntax we can see while comparing ES6 and ES5:
require vs import
Syntax in ES5:
Syntax in ES6:
export vs exports
Syntax in ES5:
1. module.exports = Component;
Syntax in ES6:
1. export default Component;
Syntax in ES5:
Syntax in ES6:
Syntax in ES5:
Syntax in ES5:
Syntax in ES6:
This reactProp name becomes a property attached to React's native props object, which
already exists on all React library components.
1. props.reactProp
1. <switch>
2. <h1>React Router Example</h1>
3. <Route path="/" component={Home} />
4. <Route path="/about" component={About} />
5. <Route path="/contact" component={Contact} />
6. </switch>
2. The HTTP request is sent to a server to Only the History attribute <BrowserRouter>
receive the corresponding HTML is changed.
3. In this, the user navigates across In this, the user is thinking he is navigating
different pages for each view. across different pages, but its an illusion
57) Why you get "Router may have only one child element"
It is because you have not to wrap your Route's in a <Switch> block or <div> block which
renders a route exclusively.
1. render((
2. <Router>
3. <Route {/* ... */} />
4. <Route {/* ... */} />
5. </Router>
6. )
should be
1. render(
2. <Router>
3. <Switch>
4. <Route {/* ... */} />
5. <Route {/* ... */} />
6. </Switch>
7. </Router>
8. )
1. const divStyle = {
2. color: 'blue',
3. backgroundImage: 'url('
4. };
6. function HelloWorldComponent() {
7. return <div style={divStyle}>Hello World!</div>
8. }
60) How many ways can we style the React Component?
We can style React Component in mainly four ways, which are given below:
o Inline Styling
o CSS Stylesheet
o CSS Module
o Styled Components
64) What are the rules you should follow for the hooks in React?
We have to follow the following two rules to use hooks in React:
o You should call hooks only at the top level of your React functions and not inside
the loops, conditions, or nested functions. This is used to ensure that hooks are
called in the same order each time a component renders, and it also preserves the
state of hooks between multiple useState and useEffect calls.
o You should call hooks from React functions only. Don't call hooks from regular
JavaScript functions.
65) What are forms in React?
In React, forms are used to enable users to interact with web applications. Following is a
list of the most common usage of forms in React:
o Forms facilitate users to interact with the application. By using forms, the users can
communicate with the application and enter the required information whenever
o Forms contain certain elements, such as text fields, buttons, checkboxes, radio
buttons, etc., that can make the application more interactive and beautiful.
o Forms are the best possible way to take inputs from the users.
o Forms are used for many different tasks such as user authentication, searching,
filtering, indexing, etc.
o Render phase
o Inside a lifecycle method
o Inside the constructor
In the above code, you can see that when the counterValue equals 2, it throws an error
inside the render method. We know that any error inside the render method leads to
unmounting of the component so, to display an error that occurs inside the render
method, we use error boundaries. When we are not using the error boundary, we see a
blank page instead of seeing an error.
We have specified earlier that error boundary is a component using one or both of the
following methods:
o static getDerivedStateFromError
o componentDidCatch
See the following code where we create an error boundary to handle errors in render
You can see in the above code the getDerivedStateFromError function renders the fallback
UI interface when the render method has an error.
Now with error boundary, we can render the CounterComponent in the following way:
1. <ErrorBoundary>
2. <CounterComponent/>
3. </ErrorBoundary>
React Redux is the official React binding for Redux. It allows React components to read
data from a Redux Store, and dispatch Actions to the Store to update data. Redux helps
apps to scale by providing a sensible way to manage state through a unidirectional data
flow model. React Redux is conceptually simple. It subscribes to the Redux store, checks
to see if the data which your component wants have changed, and re-renders your
o STORE: A Store is a place where the entire State of your application lists. It is like
a brain responsible for all moving parts in Redux.
o ACTION: It is an object which describes what happened.
o REDUCER: It determines how the State will change.
SN Redux Flux
3. In this, Store and change In this, the Store contains State and change logic.
logic are separate.
5. Redux does not have It has single Dispatcher, and all actions pass through
Dispatcher concept. that Dispatcher.
o React Redux is the official UI bindings for react Application. It is kept up-to-date
with any API changes to ensure that your React components behave as expected.
o It encourages good 'React' architecture.
o It implements many performance optimizations internally, which allows to
components re-render only when it actually needs.
o It makes the code maintenance easy.
o Redux's code written as functions which are small, pure, and isolated, which makes
the code testable and independent.
1. store = createStore(myReducer)
2. export default store