LA Battery Sizing
LA Battery Sizing
LA Battery Sizing
Centre for Energy and Environment, MNIT Jaipur
The calculations performed
are based on
“Recommended Practice for
Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries
for Stationary Applications”
(485-2020 - IEEE)
Centre for Energy and Environment, MNIT Jaipur
Step 1: Collect the total connected loads that the battery requires to supply
Step 3: Choose the type of battery and determine the cell characteristics
Step 5: On the basis of design loads, compute the desired Ampere-hour (Ah)
battery capacity
Centre for Energy and Environment, MNIT Jaipur
Step 1: Collect the Total Connected Loads
The first step is the determination of the total connected loads that the battery needs to supply
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Step 2: Develop the Load Profile
Two approaches for load profiles:
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Computing the Consumed Load ( VA ) can be calculated using following formula
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Design Load
The design load is the one for which all the system devices should be rated such as fuses, breakers, cables,
inverters, rectifiers. The design load can be computed using the following equation:
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Let’s assume that the peak load apparent power is 640 VA. Considering a future growth of 10 % and a design
margin 10%, the total design load is:
Energy Demand
The design energy requirement (VAh) is utilized for energy storage devices sizing. The total design energy can
be calculated by computing the area under the load profile curve. The total design energy requirement can be
computed using the following equation:
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Example: From table 1 above, the total load energy is 2,680VAh. Considering a future growth of 10 % and
a design margin 10%, the total design energy required is:
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Step 3: Choose the type of battery and determine the cell characteristic
The following step is the selection of the type of battery (e.g. Lead-acid or nickel-cadmium). While choosing the
battery type, the following elements should be considered as per IEEE guidance.
Next step is to determine the battery cell characteristics which are generally provided in manufacturer’s data
sheet. The primary cell characteristics that should be considered are:
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• Ampere-Hour capacities of battery cell
• Temperature of battery cell
• Electrolyte density in case of lead-acid batteries at a full charge
• Cell float voltage of cell
• Cell end-of-discharge voltage (EODV) of cell
Battery’s Ampere-Hour capacities are provided by the battery manufacturer on the basis of various EODVs.
The number of cells required can be determined more precisely in order to match with the load tolerance more
accurately. The number of battery cells expected to be linked in series fashion must fall between the two limits
which are given below:
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Choose the required number of cells within these
two limits (although choosing cell numbers in the
middle of minimum and maximum values would be
most suited).
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Step 5: Compute the Desired Ampere-Hour (Ah) Battery Capacity
The battery capacity desired to accommodate the total designed load over the determined back up (autonomy)
time can be computed using the following equation:
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Aging Factor:
It actually captures the reduction in battery performance because of the age factor.
The lead-acid battery performance is comparatively stable but reduces with the passage of time.
System efficiency
It accounts for battery losses (coulombic efficiency) as well as power electronics losses (such as charger and
Centre for Energy and Environment, MNIT Jaipur
Exercise : For the given load data, make a load profile, calculate minimum and maximum number of cells, desired Ah
capacity of battery. Also, draw a pictorial prestation of the battery stack.
Assume Vdc= 120V, Vloadmin = 10, Vload max = 20, Veodv = 1.80V/cell, Vcharging= 2.25 V/cell, kaf = 0.3, ktch =0.96, kcrt =
0.12, kmdod = 0.75, ksc= 100%.
12 V , 7Ah LA battery (120V, 42 Ah): S and P
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Thank you
Centre for Energy and Environment, MNIT Jaipur