Verilog Quick Reference
Verilog Quick Reference
Verilog Quick Reference
MODULE module MODID[({PORTID,})]; [input | output | inout [range] {PORTID,};] [{declaration}] [{parallel_statement}] [specify_block] endmodule range ::= [constexpr : constexpr] DECLARATIONS parameter {PARID = constexpr,}; wire | wand | wor [range] {WIRID,}; reg [range] {REGID [range],}; integer {INTID [range],}; time {TIMID [range],}; real {REALID,}; realtime {REALTIMID,}; event {EVTID,}; task TASKID; [{input | output | inout [range] {ARGID,};}] [{declaration}] begin [{sequential_statement}] end endtask function [range] FCTID; {input [range] {ARGID,};} [{declaration}] begin [{sequential_statement}] end endfunction PARALLEL STATEMENTS assign [(strength1, strength0)] WIRID = expr;
initial sequential_statement always sequential_statement MODID [#({expr,})] INSTID ([{expr,} | {.PORTID(expr),}]); GATEID [(strength1, strength0)] [#delay] [INSTID] ({expr,}); defparam {HIERID = constexpr,}; strength ::= supply | strong | pull | weak | highz delay ::= number | PARID | ( expr [, expr [, expr]] ) GATE PRIMITIVES and (out, in1, ..., inN); nand (out, in1, ..., inN); or (out, in1, ..., inN); nor (out, in1, ..., inN); xor (out, in1, ..., inN); xnor (out, in1, ..., inN); buf (out1, ..., outN, in); not (out1, ..., outN, in); bufif1 (out, in, ctl); bufif0 (out, in, ctl); notif1 (out, in, ctl); notif0 (out, in, ctl); pullup (out); pulldown (out); [r]pmos (out, in, ctl); [r]nmos (out, in, ctl); [r]cmos (out, in, nctl, pctl); [r]tran (inout, inout); [r]tranif1 (inout, inout, ctl); [r]tranif0 (inout, inout, ctl); SEQUENTIAL STATEMENTS ; begin[: BLKID [{declaration}]] [{sequential_statement}] end if (expr) sequential_statement [else sequential_statement]
case | casex | casez (expr) [{{expr,}: sequential_statement}] [default: sequential_statement] endcase forever sequential_statement repeat (expr) sequential_statement while (expr) sequential_statement for (lvalue = expr; expr; lvalue = expr) sequential_statement #(number | (expr)) sequential_statement @ (event [{or event}]) sequential_statement lvalue [<]= [#(number | (expr))] expr; lvalue [<]= [@ (event [{or event}])] expr;wait (expr) sequential_statement -> EVENTID; fork[: BLKID [{declaration}]] [{sequential_statement}] join TASKID[({expr,})]; disable BLKID | TASKID; assign lvalue = expr; deassign lvalue; lvalue ::= ID[range] | ID[expr] | {{lvalue,}} event ::= [posedge | negedge] expr SPECIFY BLOCK specify_block ::= specify {specify_statement} endspecify SPECIFY BLOCK STATEMENTS specparam {ID = constexpr,};
(terminal => terminal) = path_delay; ((terminal,} *> {terminal,}) = path_delay; if (expr) (terminal [+|-]=> terminal) = path_delay; if (expr) ({terminal,} [+|-]*> {terminal,}) = path_delay; [if (expr)] ([posedge|negedge] terminal => (terminal [+|-]: expr)) = path_delay; [if (expr)] ([posedge|negedge] terminal *> ({terminal,} [+|-]: expr)) = path_delay; $setup(tevent, tevent, expr [, ID]); $hold(tevent, tevent, expr [, ID]); $setuphold(tevent, tevent, expr, expr [, ID]); $period(tevent, expr [, ID]); $width(tevent, expr, constexpr [, ID]); $skew(tevent, tevent, expr [, ID]); $recovery(tevent, tevent, expr [, ID]); tevent ::= [posedge | negedge] terminal [&&& scalar_expr] path_delay ::= expr | (expr, expr [, expr [, expr, expr, expr]]) terminal ::= ID[range] | ID[expr] EXPRESSIONS primary unop primary expr binop expr expr ? expr : expr primary ::= literal | lvalue
FCTID({expr,}) | ( expr )
UNARY OPERATORS +, - Positive, Negative ! Logical negation ~ Bitwise negation &, ~& Bitwise and, nand |, ~| Bitwise or, nor ^, ~^, ^~ Bitwise xor, xnor BINARY OPERATORS Increasing precedence: ?: if/else || Logical or && Logical and | Bitwise or ^, ^~ Bitwise xor, xnor & Bitwise and ==, != , ===, !== Equality <, <=, >, >= Inequality <<, >> Logical shift +, - Addition, Subtraction *, /, % Multiply, Divide, Modulo SIZES OF EXPRESSIONS unsized constant 32 sized constant as specified i op j +,-,*,/,%,&,|,^,^~ max(L(i), L(j)) op i +, -, ~ L(i) i op j ===, !==, ==, != &&, ||, >, >=, <, <= 1 op i &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^ 1 i op j >>, << L(i) i ? j : k max(L(j), L(k)) {i,...,j} L(i) + ... + L(j) {i{j,...k}} i * (L(j)+...+L(k)) i = j L(i) SYSTEM TASKS * indicates tasks not part of the IEEE standard but mentioned in the informative appendix.
INPUT $readmemb("fname", ID [, startadd [, stopadd]]); $readmemh("fname", ID [, startadd [, stopadd]]); $sreadmemb(ID, startadd, stopadd {, string}); $sreadmemh(ID, startadd, stopadd {, string}); OUTPUT $display[defbase]([fmtstr,] {expr,}); $write[defbase] ([fmtstr,] {expr,}); $strobe[defbase] ([fmtstr,] {expr,}); $monitor[defbase] ([fmtstr,] {expr,}); $fdisplay[defbase] (fileno, [fmtstr,] {expr,}); $fwrite[defbase] (fileno, [fmtstr,] {expr,}); $fstrobe(fileno, [fmtstr,] {expr,}); $fmonitor(fileno, [fmtstr,] {expr,}); fileno = $fopen("filename"); $fclose(fileno); defbase ::= h | b | o TIME $time "now" as TIME $stime "now" as INTEGER $realtime "now" as REAL $scale(hierid) Scale "foreign" time value $printtimescale[(path)] Display time unit & precision $timeformat(unit#, prec#, "unit", minwidth) Set time %t display format SIMULATION CONTROL
$stop Interrupt $finish Terminate $save("fn") Save current simulation $incsave("fn") Delta-save since last save $restart("fn") Restart with saved simulation $input("fn") Read commands from file $log[("fn")] Enable output logging to file $nolog Disable output logging $key[("fn")] Enable input logging to file $nokey Disable input logging $scope(hiername) Set scope to hierarchy $showscopes Scopes at current scope $showscopes(1) All scopes at & below scope $showvars Info on all variables in scope $showvars(ID) Info on specified variable $countdrivers(net)>1 driver predicate $list[(ID)] List source of [named] block $monitoron Enable $monitor task $monitoroff Disable $monitor task $dumpon Enable val change dumping $dumpoff Disable val change dumping $dumpfile("fn") Name of dump file $dumplimit(size) Max size of dump file $dumpflush Flush dump file buffer $dumpvars(levels [{, MODID
| VARID}]) Variables to dump $dumpall Force a dump now $reset[(0)] Reset simulation to time 0 $reset(1) Reset and run again $reset(0|1, expr) Reset with reset_value*$reset_value Reset_value of last $reset $reset_count # of times $reset was used MISCELLANEOUS $random[(ID)] $getpattern(mem) Assign mem content $rtoi(expr) Convert real to integer $itor(expr) Convert integer to real $realtobits(expr) Convert real to 64-bit vector $bitstoreal(expr) Convert 64bit vector to real ESCAPE SEQUENCES IN FORMAT STRINGS \n, \t, \\, \" newline, TAB, "\", """ \xxx character as octal value %% character "%" %[w.d]e, %[w.d]E display real in scientific form %[w.d]f, %[w.d]F display real in decimal form %[w.d]g, %[w.d]G display real in shortest form %[0]h, %[0]H display in hexadecimal %[0]d, %[0]D display in decimal %[0]o, %[0]O display in octal %[0]b, %[0]B display in binary %[0]c, %[0]C display as
ASCII character %[0]v, %[0]V display net signal strength %[0]s, %[0]S display as string %[0]t, %[0]T display in current time format %[0]m, %[0]M display hierarchical name LEXICAL ELEMENTS hierarchical identifier ::= {INSTID .} identifier identifier ::= letter | _ { alphanumeric | $ | _} escaped identifer ::= \ {nonwhite} decimal literal ::= [+|-]integer [. integer] [E|e[+|-] integer] based literal ::= integer " base {hexdigit | x | z} base ::= b | o | d | h comment ::= // comment newline comment block ::= /* comment */