Nursing 1
Nursing 1
Nursing 1
1. Write your name and index number and sign under, clearly in the
appropriate space.
2. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
3. Illegible handwriting will lead to the loss of marks.
4. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.
SECTION C: fill in the blank spaces with correct answers of your choice (20markes)
1. Define the tern nurse (1mark)
2. What is nursing? (1mark)
3. Outline the general rules/principals of nursing (8markes)
4. Following the steps, outline the steps of curing out nursing procedure (10marks)
SECTION C: answer in the answer sheet provided (20marks)
1. Explain the roles/functions of a nurse (10marks)
2. Explain the quality/standards of a good nurse (10marks)