Hares Seri Saujana
Hares Seri Saujana
Hares Seri Saujana
K R Hares
University of Bath, Meng Civil Engineering Undergraduate
Abstract: This article provides an in depth critical analysis of the Seri Saujana Bridge, situated in Putrajaya,
Malaysia. The main criterion for the analysis will be broken down into separate headings, each category has
been researched and then summarised using my own personal preferences and engineering judgement.
Keywords: Seri Saujana, cable-stayed arch,
1 Background Information
The bridge was designed by Michael Yamout of the
Malaysian consulting engineering and architecture firm
PJSI consultants as part of series of ten bridges built to
access the core island within the new governmental city of
Putrajaya, commissioned by Putrajaya Holdings. The
scope of these bridges was to reflect the modern
architecture, each employing a different structural form
for bridging the artificial island of a potential 300,000
occupants with the surrounding area. The main contractor
was the road builder Hasrat Sedaja JV, the pre-stress
contractor was BBR Construction Systems Malaysia,
which Pascal Klein, of Klein Engineering assisted with
the cable stressing process.
The bridge was completed in 2002, 32m wide and
spanning 300m, as the first large scale use of a cable-
stayed arch structural scheme. This revolutionary form
provokes much response from engineers, residents and
tourists alike.
2 Aesthetics
The main requirement of this bridge, as with many of
the other modern bridges built in the Putrajaya area is to
make a huge impact aesthetically, providing an ideal
postcard and photo opportunity for their tourism industry.
The purpose of this bridge is to cross the artificial
Putrajaya Lake connecting the main island (precinct 4)
with precinct 7 from the south, via a new highway which
also links the island with the Kuala Lumpur International
Airport. The function of the bridge is therefore to carry a
high volume of vehicles and pedestrians. The bridge
provides dual three lane carriageways for vehicles, with
footpaths running along the extremities.
The bridge therefore fulfils its primary function.
Structurally it is difficult to declare whether the bridge
fulfils its function, as the bridge is unique in that it uses a
combination of two different structural schemes. If you
were to assume either scheme alone, they are both very
simple and effective ways of spanning across the lake,
and each scheme has successful precedent bridges
(inclined arches has the Oudry-Mesly Bridge by
Calatrava, inclined pylon cable-stayed has the Rio Ebro
bridge by Carlos Fernandez Casado S.L) which both
schemes employed in this bridge are very similar to. The
arches and pylons all have sufficient thickness to display
to the observer that they provide the stiffness and strength
to support the deck, while the cables slenderness displays
their obvious function as tension members. The thin deck
is also correctly suggesting to the observer that it relies on
the cables for support. Structurally in this bridge the
pylons are not providing much stiffness, but aesthetically
its thickness is justified in that it is still the main route of
vertical loading to the ground.
Looking at the bridge in elevation I therefore believe
that either of the schemes appear functional, to the extent
that you could believe that there is two separate bridges in
your view, one in front of the other. It is fully conceivable
in appearance that one of systems alone could support the
This raises the issue regarding the reasons for using
these two schemes, if one alone fulfils the function simply
and efficiently, why add the extra cost, and the possibility
Proceedings of Bridge Engineering 2 Conference 2007
27 April 2007, University of Bath, Bath, UK
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
of making certain structural elements of the bridge
redundant by combining two simple yet effective
This was justified by the designer in defining the
bridge as sculpture where cost and maximum efficiency
was not an issue, which is believable seeing as its function
is to cross an artificial lake. So if cost was a problem, the
lake instead could have been avoided in the first instance.
The bridge would serve little purpose if the chance is
created for a unique series of bridges, and this was
avoided with a common solution.
The proportionality of the structural members I
believe to be well balanced. None of members appear to
be oversized in relation to the span achieved. The deck
has a section which induces a shadow below the soffit
level in elevation, giving it the appearance in most
lighting conditions that its depth is the solely the soffit,
which is incredibly slender. The stay-cables are narrowly
spaced, allowing each individual cable to be very slender,
and from a large distance from the bridge appear almost
transparent, leaving only what appears to be very slender
traditional looking tied arch bridge. The inclined hangers
holding the wings of the deck from the arches are a larger
diameter than the cable stays, even though I believe in
serviceability loading at least, they take less loading than
the cable stays. This is reasonable, as they are a larger
spacing than the cable stays, therefore they would look
out of proportion if they were thinner.
The order of this bridge I believe has been
compromised by the complexity of using two different
structural forms. Looking at either system alone and each
has been organized very well. The single plane of stay
cables in an asymmetric semi-harp arrangement is a
relatively modern application, and is often as it is on this
bridge, simple, clearly defined and beautiful. The two
inclined arches show a similar elegance, with the bracing
members between the arches showing ideal proportion
and symmetry.
It is when these two systems are combined I believe it
loses some of the simplicity, in true elevation it appears as
if there are two independent bridges, one in front of the
other, which I have no issue with. In fact your eye flows
along the bridge very well, as the stay cables guide your
eye seamlessly from the pylons into the line of the arch.
This is probably a trick caused by the density of the cables
being greater as they leave the pylon than when they
spread out along the deck, this fan effect makes the cables
less visible than at the point they leave the tower. Your
eye then tends to concentrate on the arches.
As the bridge is symmetric, visually there are no
obstacles in viewing the full length of the bridge. When
the bridge is viewed from other angles, there become a
few issues. Firstly the back stays are unlike the main stays
in that there are two separate planes of cables, reaching
anchors either side of the carriageway. As these planes of
narrowly spaced cables meet at the same pylon, it is easy
to consider and observe the untidy crossing which occurs
when viewing from oblique angles. However, using two
planes of cables provides an interesting visual approach to
the bridge, as you can observe the spectacular triangular
stay arrangement which channel you towards the bridge.
There are also structural and construction benefits in
terms of providing the pylon with some lateral support,
and separating the ground anchors away from the central
The other issue is how the main stay cables must
pierce the plane of the two arches to reach deck level. In
doing this they have to pass between the bracing
members. This produces a crowded interlocking effect
(fig. 1), making you think how are these not colliding.
The only way you could reduce this effect when
combining these schemes would be to have the stays at
wider intervals, hence reducing this congestion as they
cross the bracing. This would however have subsequent
impacts on the sizing of the deck and cables, and knock
on effects on the aesthetics of the bridge from other
Figure 1: Stays crossing bracing members
The major refinements implemented on this bridge
are the inclined pylons, inclined arches and asymmetric
arrangement of the cable stays. These are all clever tricks
previously applied to modern bridges for their aesthetic
benefits. The aesthetic success of a cable-stayed bridge is
often governed by the pylons appearance, so the
economic cost of inclining the pylon is fully justified.
Interesting many cable stay bridges use a central grove
cut down the front and/or side faces of their pylon to
emphasise the presence of anchors, and especially on the
side give the impression of slenderness by the
introduction of shadows. I see no reason why this
refinement has been overlooked, and not used on this
The way this bridge integrates into its environment is
its major design achievement. As previously explained the
topology of the area this bridge is upon is artificial.
Unlike many of the bridges built in Europe, this bridge
was being constructed at a time where it would set the
tone for the surrounding environment. In Europe many
bridges are built to suit established well developed
environments, or the environment is less man-made in
which case it must simply suit the valley or river it spans.
This bridge employs two schemes which are very
appropriate for spanning a lake, in particular the most
successful application of a cable stayed bridge is often
over span of water. The overall appearance is of a very
modern, highly engineered, yet slender bridge. This form
is similar to the other bridges commissioned around the
island. Together these bridges have blended well with the
modern, highly engineered architecture within the island,
helping to promote the city as modern and technically
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
advance. In an area like this it would seem inappropriate
to build a simple concrete slab bridge on series of piers,
and would be wasted opportunity to try something new.
Although there are many sculptural over-engineered
bridges in Europe, I do not believe this bridge would fit
in, especially within England. Its appearance is too bold
and over the top compared with our surroundings and
views. This comparison holds true for buildings and even
All the finishes on the bridge are smooth and painted
producing a series of clean lines. Which is an attribute
often associated with any modern consumer product.
The colour of this bridge has been chosen not solely
based on aesthetics due to the impact it has on certain
elements to temperature changes. The facia along the
deck, and the main stay cables are a pure white. On the
deck this helps to give the impression that the decks
thickness is purely the facia covering the parapet, as the
depth of concrete is left in its shadow. As the stay cables
are thin the colouring allows them to appear transparent
against the sky in some lighting conditions, while at night
against a dark sky they are well lit, hence very noticeable.
The back stays are blue, and I am not sure on the reason
for this, but their visibility does vary in different lighting
conditions. Perhaps it is an attempt to make only the main
stays or the back stays visible at one instance, giving the
pylon a cantilevering presence similar to a few of
Calatravas bridges. The pylons are white up to 42m, then
black/graphite to the peak at 73m, I believe this is simply
to show that a concrete was used for the lower portion and
to distinguish the composite section above 42m. The
arches and hangers are coated in a reflective paint, which
up close looks like a grey finish, but when viewing the
bridge from a distance appears close to white. These
elements are sufficiently thick to be seen in any lighting
condition, displaying no intention of hiding them.
I personally believe this bridge has a great deal of
character. This is due to its unique structure, and way this
provokes the viewer, whether they are educated in
engineering or not, to take notice of the bridge and
question it. If you have no knowledge of engineering you
will see the bridge as a one-off, and cannot help to
appreciate its appearance, even though many will see it as
over the top. While an engineer will debate its purpose,
and the reasons for combining the two bridge forms. In
my opinion there is no way it can be perceived as dull,
and I believe it shares similar qualities to many of
Calatravas bridge designs, where cost, logic, and
simplification are often overlooked in order to produce
unique bridges, which are rich in character.
There are certain issues with the complexity of this
bridge which will vary depending on personal preference.
I believe this bridge crosses the line in terms of achieving
a unique character, resulting in its structure becoming
overly complicated. Again if you go back to looking at
each form alone, by the inclination of the pylons or
arches, they have the necessary character and refinement
to be aesthetically pleasing on their own. Combining them
has added chaos from certain view points, as mentioned
before where the stays need to pass through the arch.
I do not believe the requirement to imitate nature was
ever an aspect that was considered during design, mainly
because the bridge is in a heavily man-made environment.
However, it can be seen that the inclined arches employ a
structural form with obvious comparisons to a spine. I
doubt whether this was necessarily an intentional
reproduction of a natural form, it is more likely due to
how effective this form has been on previous bridges,
which have been used as precedents.
In conclusion, I have analysed the bridge against
Fritz Leonhardts guidelines that he believes governs
whether aesthetically a bridge is a success, and the bridge
fares well in the criterion it was aiming to meet. The
radical concept and complexity of the bridge will lead to
mixed opinions. Personally I like how this bridge looks,
without necessarily liking the bridge itself. The following
figure shows a night view which I personally find hard to
find fault (fig. 2).
Figure 2: Bridge Lighting
3 Loadings
The loading and analysis will have been a complex
process, as the effects of the different load cases will not
have the same impact on both structural forms. For
example a rise in temperature will have contradictory
effects on the two systems.
I am not sure which series of loading codes, or
building standards this bridge was designed to meet, but I
am certain that the following loads will have required
checking, dead, super-imposed dead, traffic, pedestrian,
wind, temperature, creep, and earthquake. While I suspect
in this case dead (including super-imposed) loading
combined with vehicle loading and the large variations in
temperature will have been governing the design process.
Where I have suggested loading guidelines for sizing
these are likely to be British Standards (BS), which may
not have been the standards used to design this bridge.
3.1 Dead and Super-Imposed Dead
The deck is the main element contributing to the dead
loading of the bridge. A typical section through the deck
is shown in fig. 3. The section is in-situ concrete with a
symmetric series of longitudinal boxes which I would
assume is uniform in terms of concrete along it span. The
cables dead load can also be significant, as they can cause
bending within the cables.
Figure 3: Typical Section Through Deck
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
The super-imposed dead loading will consist mainly
of the thin layer of fill and bituminous surface layer. There
are also continuous lines of facia and rigid parapets/rails
running the length of the bridge which are likely to be
added to the contribution of services such as lighting and
other cabling or tubing, and approximated as a uniformly
distributed load. Within the voids in the profiled box
sections of the deck, it would be wise to assume a worse
case condition of these filling with water, rather than
assume the most probable case that they are simply air
voids. The tubular arch sections will also have voids, but
it would be less likely that these would build up with
water. All the super-imposed loading is difficult to
distribute in terms of the exact positioning and weight
hence these will have high safety factors associated.
3.2 Traffic and Pedestrians
The total width of this bridge is 32m, with three
marked lanes going in either direction. If you assume that
the central reserve in not capable of accommodating any
traffic due to the cable stays, and the raised curb and
inclination of the arch hangers would prevent vehicles
from passing under them it is reasonable to assume a large
proportion of the footway along either side of the bridge
could never be used or converted to road. The potential
carriageway width is therefore approximately 12m either
side of the central reserve. This suggests that should the
bridge have been analysed using BS, there will have been
a total of 8 notional lanes with a width of 3m, even though
only 6 are marked. There are many loading combinations
of HA and HB loading, but seeing as I am unsure whether
this bridge was designed to these codes, and the
differences in structural systems, I can only suggest that
these traffic loads (whether to BS or otherwise), were
placed in the most adverse positions, rather than try to
attempt to suggest all the possible load combinations. The
HA loading I will apply in my hand calculation has been
worked out using equation (1).
EA = _
EA = _
= 6.8kNm`
The bridge is straight therefore there should be no
centrifugal loading. Skidding and collision loading will
apply. As the parapets have been designed as rigid to
protect the pedestrians, the loading transferred into the
deck will also have be to be considered. This will
probably not be part of a major load case, but it may be an
important check to access what damage such an impact
would have the structure as a whole.
The footpath along the edges of the bridge will have a
comparatively small live load (less than 5kN/m). As the
bridge is predominantly for vehicle use, the vibrations
caused by pedestrians will most likely be insignificant.
3.3 Wind
The wind pressures acting upon the bridge, either in
elevation area, or in terms of uplift or downwards pressure
on the deck, will certainly have been calculated
corresponding to local design guidelines. While the deck
is relatively low in terms of distance from ground, the
pylons, cables and some of arch structure are pretty high.
The surrounding topology is flat and exposed, therefore I
would imagine high wind pressures are possible.
The parapet has a solid facia, so the overall decks
depth in elevation is approximately 5m. This I would
imagine is not greater than the maximum height of live
load, so the depth of maximum potential live load will
need to be considered in calculations. Although a depth
can be assumed by this method, I suspect that as the deck
has specifically been designed as an aerofoil and it
exceeds 200m, wind tunnel tests will have been carried
out for accurate pressures rather than using basic
assumptions from codes.
The effect of wind on the deck will not be limited
only to pressure loading, wind-induced vibration will also
need to be checked with a dynamic analysis, an effect
often associated with less stiff suspension bridge decks.
3.4 Temperature
Putrajaya is situated very close to the equator, it will
therefore experience a huge range of temperatures, both
on the annual and daily cycle. The overall expansion or
contraction of the bridges structural elements, or the
differential expansion or contraction of a single element
(most likely the differences in temperature experienced
within the deck) will need checking. There are guides
available for finding the temperature variations in a
concrete deck, which can be used to find an induced
stress distribution in the section, as the deck is fixed both
axial and cambering effects will be present.
3.5 Other Loading Conditions
Putrajaya is also situated in an area of high seismic
risk. Therefore the structure will need to be checked for
the required lateral loading which could be expected, the
magnitude of which will most probably have been chosen
for the same return period as the temperature and wind
Creep and shrinkage of the concrete will also have
been considered, even if this was to simply eliminate its
effects by considering the construction.
The differential settlement of the foundations is
unlikely to be a large issue for this specific bridge, even
though the bridge structure is indeterminate. It is likely
that due to the man-made conditions this bridge is built
in, the soil under the foundations will have extensively
tested making it hugely predictable, if not brought in
specifically as founding soil.
4 Bridge Structure and Strength
The overall structural scheme is of a continuous pre-
stressed concrete box girder deck spanning between a
singular central plane of cable stays, and two planes of
hangers running parallel to the stays along the edge of the
deck. The stays are supported by inclined concrete
pylons, which in turn are anchored by two planes of back
stays. The hangers are suspended by two steel inclined
arches, which ends are tied through the deck. Both pylons
and arches sit on abutments at either side of the lake. The
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
scheme can be seen in fig 4 which is the computer model
of the bridge.
Figure 4: Structural Scheme
4.1 Cable-Stayed System
The cable stay system for supporting a deck is itself a
relatively modern bridge form, the system employed in
this bridge is not initially obvious.
Firstly there will have been a debate on the number of
spans required for a total span of 300m. For this distance
it would be common to use three, with the piers spaced
proportionally close to the embankments, with a larger
main span. In many cases there are tables/graphs which
can be referred to in order to achieve the most economic
arrangement of bridge and element variables such as
spans, heights etc. In this case there is only a single span,
which I assume was to span the entire lake without the
need for any intermediate piers. Without these side spans,
it does make the analysis slightly more straightforward, as
the loaded region is only the main span, the potential
effects adverse or beneficial of loading the side spans are
avoided, as this section of carriageway sits inland.
Traditionally the main stays and the back stays were
symmetric, the cables often used sparingly and located in
positions where a pier was undesirable. The back stays
would be tied to deck, which reduces the amount of
bending which occurs within the pylon, allowing the
pylon be a slender element. This method transfers all of
the vertical load into the pylons while the horizontal
forces from the inclination of cables is balanced through
compressive forces in the deck, which results in a large
and often unattractively deep deck section, and had
imposed a physical limit for the spans achievable by this
form of cable stayed bridge. It is therefore simple to see
that this type of cable stayed bridge is used where the
length of deck required is proportionally short, as this is
where the majority of material and cost is associated.
This problem was overcome by Ricardo Morandi
who created portal framed towers in the shape of an
inverted V, acting as cantilevers from ground level, which
the stay system could effectively hang from. By having
the pylon substantially stiffer than the deck the stiffness
previously designed in into deck is transferred into the
pylon. It was then the engineers Ulrich Finsterwalder and
Fritz Leonhardt who pioneered the use of flexible decks
on cable stayed bridges. To accommodate a slender
section of deck, the bending moments acting in the deck
had to be reduced. This was achieved by reducing the
spacing of the stay cables. This system is found in many
applications, especially long span, where the length of
deck of often a governing cost, to be the more efficient
than the continuous deck approach. The problem with this
system is that the deck can be weak transverse bending,
and suffer from wind induced vibrations, often associated
with slender suspension systems.
The system used most recently for bridges of three
spans or less, is a compromise of the above systems,
where the back stays are anchored in to the ground rather
than the deck, which is obviously not possible for
multiple cable stayed spans. It is therefore possible to
have a relatively slender deck, as there may be a reduced
compressive force near the pylon if any of the back stays
attach to a side span, but these are a lot lower than when
all the back stays are tied into deck. If they are all tied
back into ground then there should be no compressive
axial forces in the deck. Depending upon the inclination
of the cables it is likely that there will be tension
generated in parts of the deck, which will peak at mid
span (between the opposing directions of the main stays).
The sizing of the deck therefore allows the spacing of the
cables to be a compromise of the above systems. Where if
the deck only experiences tension it would seem sensible
to have a steel deck, while if the tension is low, and parts
will still receive high levels of compression, additional
steel pre-stress will need to be placed mid span. It is
essential that the stays are heavily pre-tensioned as they
are the predominately stiff element in this system.
The pylon can also be relatively slender, as it should
predominately experience compressive forces. The pylon
will experience a small amount of bending depending on
how balanced the horizontal component of the cable stays
and back stays are. Often the stays on this type of cable
stayed bridge are asymmetric, which will induce some
bending into the pylon, if the pylon is not inclined.
The Seri Saujana appears from visual observation to
be the later of these types, it also appears this way from
the computer model, but the article [1] written by the
consultant explains that the earth anchors only
counterweight the vertical force from the back stays, and
the forces are balanced by tying the ground anchor back
to the abutments, in a similar way to the Rio Ebro Bridge.
As a concrete deck has been used, I have taken this as
clarification that axial compression will be experienced in
the deck, otherwise it defies logic to use a concrete deck,
especially as it is also acting as a tie beam for the arches.
My initial thoughts are that it would have been more
sensible to design the earth anchors to resist horizontal
loads using inclined piles, rather than just gravity from an
earth filled box, and use a steel deck and design for
tension in the deck.
The next design decision will have been to decide on
the arrangement of stay cables. Seri Saujana uses a
singular plane of main stays, which is often used for
aesthetic reasons to avoid criss-crossing of cables. This
can lead to inefficiently stiff deck sections to resist the
torque caused by any imposed loading which will not act
directly along the axis of the support, causing the deck to
twist. For this bridge the effect is not a major issue as the
deck is supported at its edges by the hanger cables. The
spacing of the cables is very small, this reduces the
bending moment in the deck, but amount of cables
required results in the less efficient semi harp
arrangement of stays, radiating from the pylon. This is
often used on bridges with two or more stay planes to
again avoid criss-crossing, but on this bridge it is a
practical issue with having a large number of narrowly
spaced cables converging onto one point, and by
spreading them along the pylon leads to a simpler
connection detail. Even with this detail, it was necessary
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
on this bridge to use a steel collar, to house all the steel
transfer ribs, rather than attempting to cast this in
Interestingly the back stays have been separated into
two planes, diverging symmetrically from the central
pylon to meet anchor blocks at either side the approaching
carriageway. From certain angles these now cause criss-
crossing due to issues concerning the way one plane will
move from the pylon into the foreground while the other
travels into the background. I can see a few structural
benefits from this, as these will provide the pylon with
lateral support from wind loading and seismic behaviour,
where the deck may flex transversely pulling the cables
slightly out of plane, and hence load the pylon in its minor
axis as well as its major. The other rather obvious benefit
is that twice the number of back stays can be achieved for
a short span back to the anchors. Should these all occur in
one plane, they would either need to be more closely
spaced, or use larger diameter cable to handle the required
tensions with the required stiffness. However on this
bridge, the distance the backstays may diverge from the
pylon is not an issue, so this does not seem like it would
be governing reason. On a practical side, it is no doubt
easier to cast and detail the anchors if they are located at
either side of the carriageway, rather than in the central
reservation. Overall the benefits structurally must have
outweighed the aesthetic issues associated.
The bridge has inclined pylons, which is a refinement
commonly used on pedestrian cable stayed bridges. It is
structurally beneficial in that the inclination can allow the
horizontal components of the stays to balance with an
asymmetric stay arrangement, for the service state load
case. This allows the pylon to be more slender than if it
was vertical, as the resultant bending moments will be
lower. The pylons seem reasonably sized for an element
which under is its service load state at least, will only
have axial compressive forces. It is worth noting that the
pylon will have been designed to provide buckling
resistance, and the extra loading and safety impacts of a
vehicle collision loading. This can often result in what
appear to be oversized members.
To initially size the members of the cable stayed
elements within this bridge is not as simple as it would be
for standard cable stayed bridge. Without knowing the
relative stiffness of the cable stayed system and the arch
system, loading would have to be distributed as you
ideally like it occur when built, but as I will explain later
this is a function of other variables such as temperature
changes which in turn will be effected by the initial choice
of member size and position, making this an iterative
I would assume that the stay system takes 50% of the
decks dead and superimposed dead loading and 75% of
any traffic imposed loading (fig 6), because depending on
the codes used there will be different levels of loading, (in
British code HA and HB), and it is possible the heavier
load could be positioned nearer the cable stay supports.
For a rough hand calculation, the deck continuous over
vertically fixed supports where the cable stays are
expected is adequate. This assumes the cables will not
relax elastically proportionate to their tension, these
varying levels of support will often give a less even
bending moment diagram (fig 5), as the longer cables will
tend to relax greater, providing the deck with less support.
Figure 5: Example Bending Moment Distribution
For my hand calculations I will assume the heaviest
loading is over the entire span, and none of the vertical
loads are beneficial therefore should be fully factored (2).
The tensions in the stay cables can be resolved to find the
maximum compression in the deck, which combined with
the bending moments, and the arch calculations can be
used to initially size the deck. The sizes gained from these
assumptions can be used in a plane frame computer
analysis where more load combinations can be used to
adjust the sizing for a 3D model. For example the worse
load case for deck, maybe different to the worse case for
pylon, but in hand analysis it would be impractical to vary
the live loading and factoring over the deck.
The following simple calculation will consider the
permanent dead and primary live loading. Assuming the
dead load of the bridge as 12kN/m, and a super imposed
load of 5kN/m, with the full HA loading in the two lanes
nearest the cable stays, and a third of the HA loading in
the remaining lanes. I have also made the assumption that
as the deck is continuous over 22 stays in a half span,
each 5m span of deck can be approximated as a fixed end
Figure 6: Assumed Load distribution (in section)
uIS csign IooJing
= y
. y
. coJ +y
. y
. Supcr ImposcJ coJ
+ +y
. y
. Ii:c
= 16 (1.1S 1.1 12 + 1.7S 1.1 S)
+2 1.S 1.1 2u.4 +
2 1.S 1.1 2u.4
= 487kNm
. l
487 S
= 1217.SkN
. l
487 S
= 1u14kNm
. l
487 S
= Su7kNm
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
I =
2. I
2 121S.S
= 487ukN
C = I. cosSu = 487u cosSu = 4217kN (8)
= C no o stoys = 4217 22
= 9SuuuukN
Assuming the ultimate strength (UTS), , of the cable
is 1700N/mm, the stays can be sized:
= 286Smm`
Imposed vehicle loading over the main span will
cause the deck to deform cambering downwards, this will
induce tension in the main stay cables, which will try to
pull the pylon towards the main span, which in turn will
be resisted by tensions developed in the back stays. The
benefit this bridge has over bridges with unsupported side
spans is that all the back stays will experience tension
variations, which helps to balance forces and prevent
bending in the pylon, when some of the back stays
support a deck, the deck will flex, and tensions will not
vary, concentrating the tension changes into a limited
number of stays which are properly anchored, as shown in
fig 7. Where a. is a flexible back span, the variation in T is
large compared to t, in the rigidly anchored b. the
variations in T and t are similar hence the pylon
experiences less bending.
Figure 7: Comparison in Back-Span Stiffness
The final configuration for the cable stayed elements
is with the pylon inclined away from the main span at an
angle of 78, held by 20 back stays spread into two
planes, and 22 main stay cables in a singular plane
picking up the middle of the deck. The stay cables would
have been pre-tensioned to the required tension to hold
the deck and pylon in their desired positions for service
state loading. The resultant forces between the main stays
and back stays will have analysed to achieve minimum
eccentricities, to eliminate bending in the pylons.
In this bridge the earth anchor foundation is tied back
to the base of the pylon through a linking layer of
concrete beneath the carriage way, which can carry the
compression required to balance the forces with the deck.
This seems rather bazaar to me, as it seems like the side
span deck has not been eliminated at all, it has just been
buried under ground level, designed to take the necessary
compressive forces as with the main deck, but
experiences no bending. I would imagine a design which
makes more efficient use of concrete would see the
pylons move closer together, introducing small side spans
and reducing the main span, with intermediate piers in the
side spans to keep the deck fixed.
4.2 Arch System
The two inclined arches appear parabolic in shape
constructed from 2.2m diameter rolled steel sections,
inclined to the point they almost meet at their peak, 34m
over the mid span of the deck. They are braced together
using longitudinal and tangential stiffeners, forming a K
shape. The hangers are therefore inclined from the arches
picking up the edges of the deck. The hangers would have
to be symmetrically spaced and the tensions distributed
evenly along the arch to attempt to ensure both arches
were evenly loaded.
For this type of bridge the arches will provide the
stiffness, mainly through the compressive capacity of the
arches. The deck is often suspended from the arches by
hangers, similar to how it would hang from the
suspension cables on a traditional suspension bridge. This
allows the deck to be flexible spanning continuously
between hangers.
Longitudinally the deck acts as a tie beam which
closes the lateral forces produced by the trusting action
the arch will try to exert upon its supports. This allows the
foundations to be designed primarily to support only
vertical forces, which reduces their design effort, and
overall cost. Due to the vertical inclination of the hangers
in the transverse direction the deck will be compressed,
which will be beneficial in stiffening it against wind
loading, but adversely may introduce buckling issues.
The transverse bracing between the arches ties them
together, preventing them from buckling sideways
independently. The longitudinal bracing will prevent any
change in shape due to imposed loading or oscillations of
one arch in respect of the other.
In the initial sizing of the arch elements, again the
load distribution will have to have been assumed as with
the cable stay system. I would assume one of the arches
supporting 25% of the decks dead and superimposed dead
loading, and initially model the deck as a continuous
beam over rigid supports where hangers are expected. The
arch could be sized on its axial force, but will then require
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
checking by loading on one half with fully factored dead
and live loading, and only the un-factored dead loading
upon the other half, which should give a maximum
bending moment. This could then be modelled in a plane
frame computer model, releasing the supports and
modelling as elastic cables to give a more accurate
bending moment in the deck and load distribution in the
arch. The sizes from this can then be input into a 3D
computer model, which models the entire deck combined
with the other arch and cable stays.
The following hand calculations will assess an arch
using similar assumptions to the cable stayed calculations.
The hangers are at 10m spacing. By assuming the arch is
parabolic under the uniform loading it should not
experience any bending, I have also ignored the
inclination of the hangers, but note this would only
slightly increase the loading on the arch.
= 8 (1.1S 1.1 12 +1.7S 1.1 S) +
2 1.S 1.1 2u.4
= 221kNm
. l
221 1u
= 11uSkN
. l
221 1u
= 1842kNm
. l
221 1u
= 921kNm
Finding the archs reactions:
. I
221 Suu
= SS1SukN
. I
8 E
221 Suu
8 S4
= 7S12SkN
Axiol Forcc in Arcb = _(1S)
= 8uSuukN
I will now attempt to determine the area of pre-stress
required to eliminate the tension experienced in the deck,
I will need to a assume a simplified section (fig 8) which
allows me to find an approximate I-value (24m
). The
resultant axial effects were found by combining the
compression from the stays, and the tension from the
arches (fig 9). I have also used the sagging moments
(which gives greater stress despite being lower than the
hogging due to the increased lever arm.) found between
arch hangers for the entire width, (i.e. multiplied the value
from equation (14) by 4), which is an overestimate, and
have assumed the pre-stress (P) acts along the central axis.
Figure 8: Simplified Section
Figure 9: Resultant Axial Forces along half span
Figure 10: Stress blocks for worse tension (mid-span)
1. o =
= 8.4Nmm`
2. o =
S684c6 192S
= u.SNmm`
S. o =
= -8.7Nmm`
P = 8.7 174uuuuu =151380kN
The area of tendons required assuming UTS is
1700N/mm, can be calculated:
= 89uuumm`
The main thing I have noticed about these deck
calculations is how small the stresses are, especially those
due to bending (19). This maybe a case of me over sizing
/over stiffening the simplified section, but I suspect it is
mainly due to how crude the simplifications I have made
are. In reality as I as previously mentioned all the cables
and hangers will relax, therefore the supports are less
rigid, and hence the sagging moments will be great deal
larger than my calculations, especially at mid span, where
the relaxation will be at its worst.
4.3 Combining the two systems
In some respects combining these schemes seems
beneficial. Firstly it could potentially allow the deck to be
lightweight and slender as each carriageway is supported
along their edges, which eliminates the inefficiencies
which occur from the over-stiffening required in most
single plane cable stay bridges to resist torsion. The span
to depth ratio achieved is about 1:100. While this proves
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
it is a success in that this is a pretty slender ratio for a
single plane of cable stays supporting such a wide deck. I
would have assumed that the slenderness ratio should be
somewhere between that achievable for a suspension
system (often over 1:300) sized primarily on bending, and
a single plane cabled stayed system sized on bending,
torsion and axial forces. I would suggest the slenderness
achieved is closer to the single cable stayed system,
suggesting that deck slenderness was not the overall
design objective.
The level of compression in the deck should be
relatively low, as the tie action from the arch may relieve
some of the higher compressive forces in the concrete.
However depending how high this tension actually is, it
could be a hindrance. As explained previously the type of
cable stay system employed in this bridge is likely to
induce a certain amount of tension into the deck at mid
span. This tension coupled with the tie beam tension may
result in the deck requiring a large amount of steel pre-
stress to balance the tension.
I believe the main problems occur with the variations
in stiffness between the two systems. The structure is
indeterminate in both the longitudinal and lateral
directions, which makes the sizing and pre-stressing of all
the elements crucial to how the loading will distribute
itself between the systems, as it possible to impose the
required distribution, for service loading at least. Ideally I
would imagine in justifying the use this combined
approach the designers will have been looking to
distribute the load evenly between the systems. From the
information documented by the designer [1], an elastic
computer analysis told them that 92% of the deck dead
load was supported by the stays, leaving the arches 8%.
This shows that this stage the arches are contributing very
little. However the designer and contractor have assured
that during the monitoring period, the cable and hanger
tensions were adjusted to share the load more evenly. I
believe the intention was that the cable stays take the
major variable loading such as traffic, while the arches
were intended simply to take a portion of the service state
loading. The effect of temperature has a large impact on
the load distribution, as its effect is contradictory on the
respective systems.
With a rise in temperature, the cable stays will
expand, this relaxation will allow the deck to drop in the
centre. The hangers will also expand, but as the arches
expand they will pull the hangers upwards, the net effect
will mean that the relaxation at edges of the deck will
either be less than at the centre, or depending on the
expansion of the arch could even be elevated. The impact
of this is that the relative stiffness of both systems will
swap, and it is conceivable that the arches will now take
the majority of the load. While this issue was I believe
reduced by painting the arch in a highly reflective paint to
limit its heat absorption, the issue with loads constantly
redistributing with changes in temperatures seems to me
to be bad design, as it means that both structural systems
have to be over engineered, as well as the fatigue issues
which may result from swapping load distributions.
In conclusion there is not much evidence from this
bridge that suggest the hybrid scheme is structurally
beneficial, apart from the reasonably slender deck. The
elements associated with each system, the arches, the
pylons, seem to have been designed using refinements
which you associate with structural efficiency, by
inclining the arches for example. But overall the
contradictory effects of each system, especially under the
daily temperature changes have resulted in a structure
which is over-engineered both in materials and design
effort. This reinforces my opinion that this bridge was
built more as an expensive experimental sculpture than as
an efficient method of spanning 300m.
4.4 Deck
The deck is a multi cell concrete box girder, which
from the sections profile appears to have two main
wings, which span between a central box housing the
cable stay anchors, and the extremities which are propped
by the inclined hangers. The box design is very common
and relies on membrane action to concentrate the vertical
loading to areas of stiffness. I am sure that although the
overall section is of two wings, it has still been modelled
as continuous (rather than two simply supported spans)
across the middle support from the stay cables, as here is
it still over 2m deep, and this seems rational as the model
predicted the cable stays take a large portion of the
The differential action in terms of bending in the
deck caused from the alternating load distribution
between the stays and hangers due to temperature
fluctuations, has lead to the inclusion of transverse pre-
stressing. Longitudinally there is pre-stressing both to aid
the concretes bending moment capacity, and to cater for
the tensions induced from the tie beam action.
As the deck is continuous with no expansion joints,
the temperature effects on the deck, will have a similar
effect as live loading, where it will camber, and therefore
induce or relax tensions in the stays or hangers.
The decks profile is incredibly smooth with a flowing
shape, for aerodynamic reasons. The design I would
imagine is therefore dynamically stable in the likely wind
conditions. The benefits of this are that wind oscillations,
such as flutter which have proved an issue with
lightweight decks, will be avoided, or reduced.
4.5 Foundations
The foundations of the main abutments which the
pylon and arches both sit consist of a 25.5m long pile cap,
with 82 1.3m diameter piles. This seems quite large, but if
the structures systems mentioned before are all designed
correctly should only be designed to resist vertical
loading which evidently much be pretty high, as there
should be very little moment, and all the horizontal forces
should balance.
The back stay are anchored into earth filled concrete
boxes, designed to counterweight the tensions in the
stays. As mentioned before, this block is linked back to
the abutment with effectively a concrete deck under the
road acting as a strut. These balances the horizontal forces
from the inclination of the cables so the foundation can be
designed to resist primarily uplift.
5 Construction
It is worth noting that during construction of the
bridge, the lake and landscaping were still in development
K R Hares, krh22@bath.ac.uk
themselves, so while the profile of the lake was there, it
had no water. I will simply explain my understanding of
the process outlined in a BBR report [2].
I believe the foundations were in fact installed at the
same time the banks of the lake were initially filled. Due
to the unrestricted access of the area below the proposed
deck, the requirement to launch, suspend, or cantilever the
deck from the abutments for construction was not
necessary, unlike a bridge spanning a large valley, or deep
water. The simplest and I presume the cheapest option
was to cast both the deck and majority of the pylons in-
The concrete box girder deck will have been cast in a
travelling formwork on centring, starting at each abutment
casting 10m increments simultaneously towards mid span.
At mid span the closing portion was only cast after the
arch had been constructed, this was simply to allow the
concrete time to creep and shrink once it had been pre-
stressed. By doing this it eliminates the need to check the
deck for any forces resulting from these effects, which can
be significant in a continuous deck. As each 10m section
was cast, it remained necessary to prop these with a series
of temporary supports.
The lower part of pylons were cast with climbing
formwork, while the top section which housed all the
densely spaced anchorage blocks for the cables was
prefabricated in steel. This is due to the limitations of
constructing such a complex 3D arrangement in-situ. By
prefabricating it was possible to ensure the locations of
connections for the stay cables were highly accurate,
which simplifies the design process significantly as any
eccentricities caused by lack of fit can cause increased
bending moment in the pylon. As this block is 31m high,
it was necessary to divide it into 9 pieces for assembly on
site, where it could be filled with concrete and
strengthened with pre-stress. As the pylons I assume are
not designed to cantilever from the ground, some of the
lower front and back stays will need to have been installed
initially simply to stabilize the pylon.
The arches were installed in 30 ton sections starting
only from one end and similar to the deck, each module
propped from deck level using temporary towers, and
welded together. As the working area on the propped deck
was getting crowded, a specialist contractor was used to
install the stays on the opposing pylon to the end the
arches were starting from. The stays were initially stressed
to fix the pylon and support entire deck self weight. When
both teams were complete on their respective end of the
bridge, they effectively just swapped sides to complete the
arch and stay installation. The hangers were now installed,
but not initially stressed. It was now possible to finalise
casting the deck, and release its props as the stay cables
were now taking its weight. A few of the hangers had to
be stressed to ensure the arches would not become
instable, and the archs props could also be removed.
The cables were constructed from between fifty-three
to ninety-one 15.24mm diameter PE sheathed non
galvanized strands, protected by HDPE tube, and cement
grouted after completion. The Strands were anchored
using wedges in the anchor head which allows some
adjustment by a threaded lock ring. The initial tensioning
was done using 1200ton jacks from inside the back stay
counterweight boxes, and another mounted on a sliding
plate under the deck to stress the main stays
simultaneously. The hangers consisted of four to six
36mm diameter pre-stressing bars. Stressing of the
hangers could be done from within the steel arch.
Now that all these supports were removed the cables
and hangers were all tensioned to distribute the loading
between the stays and hangers, based on computer
predictions for different load cases. Over 2 weeks the
temperature changes in the concrete and steel, and the
tensions in select cables were monitored to get an idea of
whether the load distributions predicted during different
temperatures were correct, and acceptable.
By fine tuning the tensions, the construction
tolerances such as the actual concrete density, support
settlements, and locked in temperature stresses could be
adjusted for, and deflections experienced in the deck
significantly reduced.
As I have mentioned there were practically no
building constraints when building this bridge, and in my
opinion there is no way that the construction process
could have been improved on.
6 Future of the Bridge
I do not see the future expansion of this bridge as a
design requirement or even that it is structurally
possibility to widen the deck. It could be conceivable they
may want to widen the lanes or add an additional lane, by
moving the guard rail and narrowing the walkways, but
the inclination of the hangers would limit access for taller
vehicles in the outer lanes, hence I cannot reasonably
consider it actually happening.
The bridge may need future repairs against accidental
damage, intentional damage, or corrosion. The bridge is
not in an area particularly susceptible to major intentional
damage such as terrorism, but smaller acts of vandalism
can never be dismissed. The main element requiring
protection will be the cables, which is provided by
housing them in a HDPE tube, which will act to guard
against water damage, and protect from vandalism at the
same time. The steel elements will need to have been
sized for fire resistance at deck level. Vehicle impact will
have been considered for the design of all the guard rails,
while it may also have been necessary to check the
anchors and pylons for this loading as well if it was
suspected there was a possibility that the guard rails were
removed, or they were not to function properly.
I would like to thank Pascal Klein, Eng., of Klein
Engineering, for providing me with some guidance during
the writing of this paper, and Michael Yamout, Eng., of
PJSI Consultant for allowing me access to the CAD
[1] Pascal, K. and Yamout, M., 2003. Cable-Stayed Arch
Bridge, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Structural Engineering International, Vol. 13, No. 3,
pp. 196-199.
[2] Lim, C B,. 2004 BR8 Bridge, Putrajaya, Malaysia,
BBR Review 2004, pp. 20-21.