Biology Resource Book Unit 1 English Medium
Biology Resource Book Unit 1 English Medium
Biology Resource Book Unit 1 English Medium
Introduction to Biology
Cancers- causes for this is not fully understood yet. Cancers are one of the leading
causes of death .
AIDS- is a viral disease which is a serious and growing health problem worldwide.
Heart diseases- This is also a serious and growing health problem worldwide. Causes
are not fully understood yet.
Chronic renal diseases- In Sri Lanka, recentlyCKDu has become a serious health
Currently scientists are working on prevention, remedial measures and cures for such
G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology Resource Book
Characteristics of organisms
In order to survive, each organism whether simple or complex must be able to perform
certain functions. Following features are the characteristics of organisms.
(i) Order and organization
From molecular level to biosphere there is an order and organization in organisms to
perform their biological activities efficiently.
Lower level components are organized in a methodical pattern in upper level to make
it most efficient.e.g: plant leaf and human eyes.
(ii) Metabolism
The sum of all chemical activities taking place in an organism is its metabolism. It
includes catabolic reactions and anabolic reactions.
(v) Adaptation
Adaptation is a peculiarity of structure, physiology or behavior that promotes the
likelihood of an organism’s survival and reproduction in a particular environment.
E.g: Sunken stomata in Xerophytes, Viviparity in some mangroves, Splayed out foot
in camels.
(vi) Reproduction
Ability to produce offspring for continuous existence of species