0102 01 2 Risk Assessment Procedure
0102 01 2 Risk Assessment Procedure
0102 01 2 Risk Assessment Procedure
Risk Assessment
To assist executive agencies with creating and maintaining a comprehensive risk assessment program.
Applicable agencies must develop a risk assessment plan that identifies the risk assessments that will be
performed with relevant control activities identified, documented, and evaluated. The plan must be
sufficient in scope, carried out as designed, and periodically updated to support the agency head’s annual
internal control system certification, pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 16A.057, Subivision 8.
Risk assessment is the second component of the Standards for Internal Control in the Federal
Government, also known as the Green Book. Risk assessment is vital to an effective internal control
system. It helps management identify and manage (reduce) potential events that could occur, from both
internal and external sources, to prevent the organization from achieving its objectives. The Green Book
lists four principles that must occur to meet the risk assessment internal control standard. The four
principles are:
Management should define objectives clearly to enable the identification of risks and define risk
Management should identify, analyze, and respond to risks related to achieving the defined
Management should consider the potential for fraud when identifying, analyzing, and responding
to risks.
Management should identify, analyze, and respond to significant changes that could impact the
internal control system.
Control activities is the third component of the Green Book. Control activities are the actions
management establishes through policies and procedures to achieve objectives and respond to risks
identified through risk assessment. The Green Book lists three principles that must occur to meet the
control activities internal control standard. The three principles are:
Management should design control activities to achieve objectives and respond to risks.
Management should design the entity’s information system and related control activities to
achieve objectives and respond to risks.
Management should implement control activities through policies.
The risk assessment and control activities components operate in unison, and for purposes of this
procedure, should be analyzed and evaluated together.
This procedure is applicable to all cabinet level agencies and other agencies as determined via Step 1 of
the Risk Assessment Plan Development and Update section on the following page.
General Procedures
3. With input from applicable staff, conduct a high level, but Agency Annually
comprehensive, review of the organization’s most significant Head/Agency
business processes and/or risks (for a definition of a business Management
process refer to Risk Assessment Plan: Business Process
Definitions in the “Related Resource” section below).
Processes audited as material to the financial
information presented in the Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (CAFR)
Federal programs identified as major in the Financial
and Compliance Report on Federally Assisted
Processes relating to the organization’s primary
sources of funding and major expenditures
Other processes critical to achieving the
organization’s primary mission and objectives
4. Document the decisions (i.e., the criteria, rationale, and Agency Annually
reasoning) for the individual risk assessment projects included Head/Agency
in the risk assessment plan. Ensure this information is readily Management
available for inspection by internal and external auditors, or
other applicable third parties.
Step Action Responsible Timeline
5. Create or update (whichever applicable) the agency-specific Agency Annually by
risk assessment plan. The plan must be sufficient in scope to Head/Agency July 31
support the agency head’s annual certification of the agency’s Management
internal control system, pursuant to M.S. 16A.057, Subd. 8.
2. Develop formal corrective action plans to address all control Agency Ongoing
weaknesses and gaps identified during each risk assessment project team
project. for each
individual risk
3. Communicate results of each risk assessment project, Agency Ongoing
including any proposed corrective action measures, to senior project team
leadership. for each
Step Action Responsible Timeline
individual risk
This step also requires giving senior leadership periodic assessment
updates on the status of any corrective action measures.
2. For all risk assessments completed pursuant to the risk Agency staff Minimum of
assessment plan, periodically verify that risk assessment as assigned every three
documentation remains accurate, that control activities years from
continue to operate as intended and as described in the risk the date risk
assessment documentation, and that control activities are assessment
effectively mitigating the applicable risks. was initially
(NOTE: For additional information, review the “Sustainable or from the
Risk Assessments” section of the Guide to Risk Assessment date of last
and Control Activities referenced in the “Related Resources” revision /
section below.) update
3. Based upon the results from steps 1 and 2, or if other Agency On-going
significant change events have occurred, update/revise the Head/Agency
risk assessment documentation accordingly. Management
Annual Certification
Related Resources
Risk Assessment and Control Activities Webpage – Includes the Guide to Risk Assessment and Control
Activities, risk assessment examples, and questionaires, among other resources.
Guide to Risk Assessment and Control Activities – This document discusses the theory and rationale for
completing risk assessments, and includes detailed instructions for developing a risk assessment plan,
completing individual risk assessment projects, and for periodically updating risk assessment plans and
individual risk assessment project documentation. (http://mn.gov/mmb/images/2014%2520Risk