Acid Base

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1 Definition of a Buffer
A buffer is a solution containing substances which have the ability to minimise changes in pH when an acid
or base is added to it
A buffer typically consists of a solution which contains a weak acid HA mixed with the salt of that acid & a
strong base eg NaA. The principle is that the salt provides a reservoir of A
to replenish [A
] when A
removed by reaction with H
2.2.2 Buffers in the Body
The body has a very large buffer capacity.
This can be illustrated by considering an old experiment (see below) where dilute hydrochloric acid was
infused into a dog.
Swan & Pitts Experiment

In this experiment, dogs received an infusion of 14 mmols H
per litre of body water. This caused a
drop in pH from 7.44 ([H
] = 36 nmoles/l) to a pH of 7.14 ([H
] = 72 nmoles/l) That is, a rise in
] of only 36 nmoles/l.

SO: If you just looked at the change in [H
] then you would only notice an increase of 36 nmoles/l
and you would have to wonder what had happened to the other 13,999,964 nmoles/l that were

Where did the missing H
They were hidden on buffers and so these hydrogen ions were hidden from view.

Before we proceed, lets just make sure we appreciate what this experiment reveals
. The dogs were
infused with 14,000,000 nmoles/l of H
but the plasma [H
] only changed by a bit over 0.002%. By any
analysis, this is a system which powerfully resists change in [H
]. (My personal analogy on
appreciating the magnitude of this is to use the analogy of depositing $14,000,000 in the bank, but then
finding that after 'bank charges' my account only went up by $36.)
Make no mistake: the body has:
y a HUGE buffering capacity, and
y this system is essentially IMMEDIATE in effect.
For these 2 reasons, physicochemical buffering provides a powerful first defence against acid-base
Buffering hides from view the real change in H
that occurs.
This huge buffer capacity has another not immediately obvious implication for how we think about the
severity of an acid-base disorder. You would think that the magnitude of an acid-base disturbance could
be quantified merely by looking at the change in [H
] - BUT this is not so.
Because of the large buffering capacity, the actual change in [H
] is so small it can be ignored in any
quantitative assessment, and instead, the magnitude of a disorder has to be estimated indirectly from the
decrease in the total concentration of the anions involved in the buffering. The buffer anions, represented
as A
, decrease because they combine stoichiometrically with H
to produce HA. A decrease in A
by 1
mmol/l represents a 1,000,000 nano-mol/l amount of H
that is hidden from view and this is several
orders of magnitude higher than the visible few nanomoles/l change in [H
] that is visible.) - As noted
above in the comments about the Swan & Pitts experiment, 13,999,994 out of 14,000,000 nano-moles/l
of H
were hidden on buffers and just to count the 36 that were on view would give a false impression of
the magnitude of the disorder.
The Major Body Buffer Systems
Site Buffer System Comment
ISF Bicarbonate For metabolic acids
Phosphate Not important because concentration too low
Protein Not important because concentration too low
Blood Bicarbonate Important for metabolic acids
Haemoglobin Important for carbon dioxide
Plasma protein Minor buffer
Phosphate Concentration too low
ICF Proteins Important buffer
Phosphates Important buffer
Urine Phosphate Responsible for most of 'Titratable Acidity'
Ammonia Important - formation of NH4

Bone Ca carbonate In prolonged metabolic acidosis
2.2.3 The Bicarbonate Buffer System
The major buffer system in the ECF is the CO2-bicarbonate buffer system. This is responsible for about
80% of extracellular buffering. It is the most important ECF buffer for metabolic acids but it cannot buffer
respiratory acid-base disorders.
The components are easily measured and are related to each other by the Henderson-Hasselbalch
Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

pH = pKa + log10 ( [HCO3] / 0.03 x pCO2)
The pKa value is dependent on the temperature, [H
] and the ionic concentration of the solution. It has a
value of 6.099 at a temperature of 37C and a plasma pH of 7.4. At a temperature of 30C and pH of 7.0, it
has a value of 6.148. For practical purposes, a value of 6.1 is generally assumed and corrections for
temperature, pH of plasma and ionic strength are not used except in precise experimental work.
The pK'a is derived from the Ka value of the following reaction:
CO2 + H2O <=> H2CO3 <=> H
+ HCO3-
(where CO2 refers to dissolved CO2)
The concentration of carbonic acid is very low compared to the other components so the above equation is
usually simplified to:
CO2 + H2O <=> H
+ HCO3-
By the Law of Mass Action:
Ka = [H
] . [HCO3-] / [CO2] . [H20]
The concentration of H2O is so large (55.5M) compared to the other components, the small loss of water
due to this reaction changes its concentration by only an extremely small amount. This means that [H2O]
is effectively constant. This allows further simplification as the two constants (Ka and [H2O] ) can be
combined into a new constant Ka.
Ka = Ka x [H2O] = [H
] . [HCO3-] / [CO2]
K'a = 800 nmol/l (value for plasma at 37C)
[CO2] = 0.03 x pCO2 (by Henrys Law) [where 0.03 is the solubility coefficient]
into the equation yields the Henderson Equation:
] = (800 x 0.03) x pCO2 / [HCO3-] = 24 x pCO2 / [HCO3-] nmol/l
Taking the logs (to base 10) of both sides yields the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:
pH = log10(800) - log (0.03 pCO2 / [HCO3-] )
pH = 6.1 + log ( [HCO3] / 0.03 pCO2 )
On chemical grounds, a substance with a pKa of 6.1 should not be a good buffer at a pH of 7.4 if it were a
simple buffer. The system is more complex as it is open at both ends (meaning both [HCO3] and
pCO2 can be adjusted) and this greatly increases the buffering effectiveness of this system. The excretion
of CO2 via the lungs is particularly important because of the rapidity of the response. The adjustment of
pCO2 by change in alveolar ventilation has been referred to as physiological buffering.
The bicarbonate buffer system is an effective buffer system despite having a
low pKa because the body also controls pCO

2.2.4 Other Buffers
The other buffer systems in the blood are the protein and phosphate buffer systems.
These are the only blood buffer systems capable of buffering respiratory acid-base disturbances as the
bicarbonate system is ineffective in buffering changes in H
produced by itself.
The phosphate buffer system is NOT an important blood buffer as its
concentration is too low
The concentration of phosphate in the blood is so low that it is quantitatively unimportant. Phosphates are
important buffers intracellularly and in urine where their concentration is higher.
Phosphoric acid is triprotic weak acid and has a pKa value for each of the three dissociations:

pKa1 = 2

pKa2 = 6.8

pKa3 = 12

H3PO4 <= = = > H
+ H2PO4
<= = => H
+ HPO4
< = = = > PO4
+ H

The three pKa values are sufficiently different so that at any one pH only the members of a single
conjugate pair are present in significant concentrations.
At the prevailing pH values in most biological systems, monohydrogen phosphate (HPO4
) and dihydrogen
phosphate (H2PO4
) are the two species present. The pKa2 is 6.8 and this makes the closed phosphate
buffer system a good buffer intracellularly and in urine. The pH of glomerular ultrafiltrate is 7.4 and this
means that phosphate will initially be predominantly in the monohydrogen form and so can combine with
more H
in the renal tubules. This makes the phosphate buffer more effective in buffering against a drop
in pH than a rise in pH.
Note: The true pKa2 value is actually 7.2 if measured at zero ionic strength but at the typical ionic
strength found in the body its apparent value is 6.8. The other factor which makes phosphate a more
effective buffer intracellularly and in urine is that its concentration is much higher here than in
extracellular fluid.
Haemoglobin is an important blood buffer particularly for buffering CO

Protein buffers in blood include haemoglobin (150g/l) and plasma proteins (70g/l). Buffering is by the
imidazole group of the histidine residues which has a pKa of about 6.8. This is suitable for effective
buffering at physiological pH. Haemoglobin is quantitatively about 6 times more important then the
plasma proteins as it is present in about twice the concentration and contains about three times the
number of histidine residues per molecule. For example if blood pH changed from 7.5 to 6.5, haemoglobin
would buffer 27.5 mmol/l of H
and total plasma protein buffering would account for only 4.2 mmol/l of
Deoxyhaemoglobin is a more effective buffer than oxyhaemoglobin and this change in buffer capacity
contributes about 30% of the Haldane effect. The major factor accounting for the Haldane effect in
CO2 transport is the much greater ability of deoxyhaemoglobin to form carbamino compounds.
Isohydric Principle
All buffer systems which participate in defence of acid-base changes are in equilibrium with each other.
There is after all only one value for [H
] at any moment. This is known as the Isohydric Principle.
It means that an assessment of the concentrations of any one acid-base pair can be utilised to provide a
picture of overall acid-base balance in the body. This is fortunate as the measurement of the
concentrations of all the buffer pairs in the solution would be difficult. Conventionally, the components of
the bicarbonate system (ie [HCO3] and pCO2) alone are measured. They are accessible and easy to
determine. Blood gas machines measure pH and pCO2directly and the [HCO3] is then calculated using the
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
Buffering in different sites
Respiratory disorders are predominantly buffered in the intracellular compartment. Metabolic disorders
have a larger buffering contribution from the extracellular fluid (eg ECF buffering of 40% for a metabolic
acidosis and 70% for a metabolic alkalosis).
Various buffer systems exist in body fluids (see Table) to minimise the effects of the addition or removal
of acid from them.
In ECF, the bicarbonate system is quantitatively the most important for buffering metabolic acids. Its
effectiveness is greatly increased by ventilatory changes which attempt to maintain a constant pCO2 and
by renal mechanisms which result in changes in plasma bicarbonate.
In blood, haemoglobin is the most important buffer for CO2 because of its high concentration and its large
number of histidine residues.
Deoxyhaemoglobin is a better buffer than oxyhaemoglobin
Another factor which makes haemoglobin an important buffer is the phenomemon of isohydric
exchange. That is, the buffer system (HHbO2-HbO2-) is converted to another more effective buffer (HHb-
Hb-) exactly at the site where an increased buffering capacity is required. More simply, this means that
oxygen unloading increases the amount of deoxyhaemoglobin and this better buffer is produced at exactly
the place where additional H
are being produced because of bicarbonate production for CO2 transport in
the red cells.
2.2.5 Link between Intracellular & Extracellular Compartments
How are changes in [H
] communicated between the ICF and ECF?
The two major processes involved are:
y Transfer of CO2 across the cell membrane
y Ionic shifts (ie proton-cation exchange mechanisms)
Important points to note about CO2 are:
y It is very lipid soluble and crosses cell membranes with ease causing acid-base changes due to
formation of H
and HCO3
. Because of this ease of movement, CO2 is not important in causing
differences in pH on the two sides of the cell membrane.
y Extracellular buffering of CO2 is limited by the inability of the major extracellular buffer (the
bicarbonate system) to buffer changes in [H
] produced from the reaction between CO2 and water.
The result is that buffering for respiratory acid-base disorders is predominantly intracellular: 99% for
respiratory acidosis and 97% for respiratory alkalosis.
The second major process which allows transfer of H
ions intracellularly is entry of H
in exchange for
either K
or Na
. Exchange is necessary to maintain electroneutrality. This cation exchange is the
mechanism which delivers H
intracellularly for buffering of a metabolic disorder. In the cell, the protein
and phosphates (organic and inorganic) buffer the H
delivered by this ion exchange mechanism.
Experiments in metabolic acidosis have shown that 57% of buffering occurs intracellularly and 43% occurs
extracellularly. The processes involved in this buffering are:

Processes involved in Buffering
ECF 43% (by bicarbonate & protein buffers)
ICF 57% (by protein phosphate and bicarbonate buffers) due to entry of H

y Na
exchange 36%
y K
exchange 15%
y Other 6%
(see Section 10.6 for a chemical explanation of how an exchange of Na
or K
for H
across a
membrane can alter the pH by changing the strong ion difference or SID)
Thirty-two percent (32%) of the buffering of a metabolic alkalosis occurs intracellularly and Na
exchange is responsible for most of the transfer of H
2.2.6 Role of Bone Buffering
The carbonate and phosphate salts in bone act as a long term supply of buffer
especially during prolonged metabolic acidosis.
The important role of bone buffers is often omitted from discussions of acid-base physiology
Bone consists of matrix within which specialised cells are dispersed. The matrix is composed of organic
[collagen and other proteins in ground substance] and inorganic [hydroxyapatite crystals: general formula
Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] components. The hydroxyapatite crystals make up two-thirds of the total bone volume
but they are extremely small and consequently have a huge total surface area. The crystals contain a
large amount of carbonate (CO3
) as this anion can be substituted for both phosphate and hydroxyl in the
apatite crystals. Bone is the major CO2 reservoir in the body and contains carbonate and bicarbonate
equivalent to 5 moles of CO2 out of a total body CO2 store of 6 moles. (Compare this with the basal daily
CO2 production of 12 moles/day)
CO2 in bone is in two forms: bicarbonate (HCO3
) and carbonate (CO3
). The bicarbonate makes up a
readily exchangeable pool because it is present in the bone water which makes up the hydration shell
around each of the hydroxyapatite crystals. The carbonate is present in the crystals and its release
requires dissolution of the crystals. This is a much slower process but the amounts of buffer involved are
much larger.
How does bone act as a buffer?
Two processes are involved:
y Ionic exchange
y Dissolution of bone crystal
Bone can take up H
in exchange for Ca
, Na
and K
(ionic exchange) or release of HCO3
, CO3
or HPO4
. In acute metabolic acidosis uptake of H
by bone in exchange for Na
and K
is involved in buffering as
this can occur rapidly without any bone breakdown. A part of the so called intracellular buffering of acute
metabolic disorders may represent some of this acute buffering by bone. In chronic metabolic acidosis, the
major buffering mechanism by far is release of calcium carbonate from bone. The mechanism by which
this dissolution of bone crystal occurs involves two processes:
y direct physicochemical breakdown of crystals in response to [H
y osteoclastic reabsorption of bone.
The involvement of these processes in buffering is independent of parathyroid hormone. Intracellular
acidosis in osteoclasts results in a decrease in intracellular Ca
and this stimulates these cells.
Bone is probably involved in providing some buffering for all acid-base disturbances. Little experimental
evidence is available for respiratory disorders. Most research has been concerned with chronic metabolic
acidoses as these conditions are associated with significant loss of bone mineral (osteomalacia,
osteoporosis). In terms of duration only two types of metabolic acidosis are long-lasting enough to be
associated with loss of bone mineral: renal tubular acidosis (RTA) and uraemic acidosis. Bone is an
important buffer in these two conditions.
In uraemia, additional factors are more significant in causing the renal osteodystrophy as the loss of bone
mineral cannot be explained by the acidosis alone. Changes in vitamin D metabolism, phosphate
metabolism and secondary hyperparathyroidism are more important than the acidosis in causing loss of
bone mineral in uraemic patients. The loss of bone mineral due to these other factors releases substantial
amounts of buffer.

y Bone is an important source of buffer in chronic metabolic acidosis (ie renal tubular acidosis &
uraemic acidosis)
y Bone is probably involved in providing some buffering (mostly by ionic exchange) in most acute
acid-base disorders but this has been little studied.
y Release of calcium carbonate from bone is the most important buffering mechanism involved in
chronic metabolic acidosis.
y Loss of bone crystal in uraemic acidosis is multifactorial and acidosis is only a minor factor
y BOTH the acidosis and the vitamin D3 changes are responsible for the osteomalacia that occurs
with renal tubular acidosis.
2.3 Respiratory Regulation of Acid-Base Balance

2.3.1 How is the Respiratory System Linked to Acid-base Changes?
Respiratory regulation refers to changes in pH due to pCO2 changes from alterations in ventilation. This
change in ventilation can occur rapidly with significant effects on pH. Carbon dioxide is lipid soluble and
crosses cell membranes rapidly, so changes in pCO2 result in rapid changes in [H+] in all body fluid
A quantitative appreciation of respiratory regulation requires knowledge of two relationships which provide
the connection between alveolar ventilation and pH via pCO2. These 2 relationships are:
y First equation - relates alveolar ventilation (VA) and pCO2
y Second equation - relates pCO2 and pH.
The two key equations are outlined in the boxes below:
First Equation: Alveolar ventilation - Arterial pCO2 Relationship
Relationship: Changes in alveolar ventilation are inversely related to changes in
arterial pCO2 (& directly proportional to total body CO2 production).
paCO2 is proportional to [VCO2 / VA]
y paCO2 = Arterial partial pressure of CO2
y VCO2 = Carbon dioxide production by the body
y VA = Alveolar ventilation
Alternatively, this formula can be expressed as:
paCO2 = 0.863 x [ VCO2 / VA ]
(if VCO2 has units of mls/min at STP and VA has units of l/min at 37C and at
atmospheric pressure.)

Second Equation: Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
Relationship: These changes in arterial pCO2 cause changes in pH (as defined in
the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation):
pH = pKa + log {
/ (0.03 x pCO2)

or more simply: The Henderson equation:
] = 24 x ( pCO2 / [HCO3] )

The key point is that these 2 equations can be used to calculate the effect on pH of a given change in
ventilation provided of course the other variables in the equations (eg body's CO2 production) are known.
The next question to consider is how all this is put together and controlled, that is, how does it work?
2.3.2 Control System for Respiratory Regulation
The control system for respiratory regulation of acid-base balance can be considered using the model of a
simple servo control system. The components of such a simple model are a controlled variable which is
monitored by a sensor, a central integrator which interprets the information from the sensor and an
effector mechanism which can alter the controlled variable. The servo control means that the system
works in such a way as to attempt to keep the controlled variable constant or at a particular set-point.
This means that a negative feedback system is in operation and the elements of the system are connected
in a loop.
Control systems in the body are generally much more complex than this simple model but it is still a very
useful exercise to at first attempt such an analysis.

Control System for Respiratory Regulation of Acid-base Balance
Physiological or
Anatomical Correlate
Arterial pCO2 A change in arterial pCO2 alters arterial
pH (as calculated by use of the
Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation).
Sensors Central and peripheral
Both respond to changes in arterial
pCO2 (as well as some other factors)
The respiratory center
in the medulla

Effectors The respiratory
An increase in minute ventilation
increases alveolar ventilation and thus
decreases arterial pCO2 (the controlled
variable) as calculated from 'Equation
1'(discussed previously). The net result is
of negative feedback which tends to
restore the pCO2 to the 'setpoint'.
Acid-Base Physiology
2.4 Renal Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
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2.4.1 Role of the Kidneys
The organs involved in regulation of external acid-base balance are the lungs are the kidneys.
The lungs are important for excretion of carbon dioxide (the respiratory acid) and there is a huge amount
of this to be excreted: at least 12,000 to 13,000 mmols/day.
In contrast the kidneys are responsible for excretion of the fixed acids and this is also a critical role even
though the amounts involved (70-100 mmols/day) are much smaller. The main reason for this renal
importance is because there is no other way to excrete these acids and it should be appreciated that the
amounts involved are still very large when compared to the plasma [H
] of only 40 nanomoles/litre.
There is a second extremely important role that the kidneys play in acid-base balance, namely the
reabsorption of the filtered bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is the predominant extracellular buffer against the
fixed acids and it important that its plasma concentration should be defended against renal loss.
In acid-base balance, the kidney is responsible for 2 major activities:
y Reabsorption of filtered bicarbonate: 4,000 to 5,000 mmol/day
y Excretion of the fixed acids (acid anion and associated H
): about 1 mmol/kg/day.
Both these processes involve secretion of H
into the lumen by the renal tubule cells but only the second
leads to excretion of H
from the body.
The renal mechanisms involved in acid-base balance can be difficult to understand so as
a simplification we will consider the processes occurring in the kidney as involving 2 aspects:
y Proximal tubular mechanism
y Distal tubular mechanism
2.4.2 Proximal Tubular Mechanism
The contributions of the proximal tubules to acid-base balance are:
y firstly, reabsorption of bicarbonate which is filtered at the glomerulus
y secondly, the production of ammonium
The next 2 sections explain these roles in more detail.
2.4.3 Bicarbonate Reabsorption
Daily filtered bicarbonate equals the product of the daily glomerular filtration rate (180 l/day) and the
plasma bicarbonate concentration (24 mmol/l). This is 180 x 24 = 4320 mmols/day (or usually quoted as
between 4000 to 5000 mmols/day).
About 85 to 90% of the filtered bicarbonate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule and the rest is
reabsorbed by theintercalated cells of the distal tubule and collecting ducts.
The reactions that occur are outlined in the diagram. Effectively, H
and HCO3
are formed from CO2 and
H2O in a reaction catalysed by carbonic anhydrase. The actual reaction involved is probably formation of
and OH
from water, then reaction of OH
with CO2 (catalysed by carbonic anhydrase) to produce
. Either way, the end result is the same.
The H
leaves the proximal tubule cell and enters the PCT lumen by 2 mechanisms:
y Via a Na
antiporter (major route)
y Via H
-ATPase (proton pump)
Filtered HCO3
cannot cross the apical membrane of the PCT cell. Instead it combines with the secreted
(under the influence of brush border carbonic anhydrase) to produce CO2 and H2O. The CO2 is lipid
soluble and easily crosses into the cytoplasm of the PCT cell. In the cell, it combines with OH
to produce
bicarbonate. The HCO3
crosses the basolateral membrane via a Na
symporter. This symporter is
electrogenic as it transfers three HCO3
for every one Na
. In comparison, the Na
antiporter in the
apical membrane is not electrogenic because an equal amount of charge is transferred in both directions.
The basolateral membrane also has an active Na
ATPase (sodium pump) which transports 3 Na
per 2 K
in. This pump is electrogenic in a direction opposite to that of the Na
symporter. Also the
sodium pump keeps intracellular Na
low which sets up the Na
concentration gradient required for the
antiport at the apical membrane. The H
antiport is an example of secondary active transport.
The net effect is the reabsorption of one molecule of HCO3 and one molecule of Na
from the tubular
lumen into the blood stream for each molecule of H
secreted. This mechanism does not lead to the net
excretion of any H
from the body as the H
is consumed in the reaction with the filtered bicarbonate in
the tubular lumen.
[Note: The differences in functional properties of the apical membrane from that of the basolateral
membranes should be noted. This difference is maintained by the tight junctions which link adjacent
proximal tubule cells. These tight junctions have two extremely important functions:
Gate function: They limit access of luminal solutes to the intercellular space. This resistance can be altered
and this paracellular pathway can be more open under some circumstances (ie the gate can be opened a
Fence function: The junctions maintain different distributions of some of the integral membrane proteins.
For example they act as a fence to keep the Na
antiporter limited to the apical membrane, and keep
the Na
ATPase limited to the basolateral membrane. The different distribution of such proteins is
absolutely essential for cell function.]
The 4 major factors which control bicarbonate reabsorption are:
y Luminal HCO3
y Luminal flow rate
y Arterial pCO2
y Angiotensin II (via decrease in cyclic AMP)
An increase in any of these four factors causes an increase in bicarbonate reabsorption. Parathyroid
hormone also has an effect: an increase in hormone level increases cAMP and decreases bicarbonate
Outline of Reactions in Proximal Tubule Lumen & Cells
Diagram to be added

The mechanism for H
secretion in the proximal tubule is described as a high capacity, low gradient
The high capacity refers to the large amount (4000 to 5000 mmols) of H
that is secreted per day. (The
actual amount of H
secretion is 85% of the filtered load of HCO3
The low gradient refers to the low pH gradient as tubular pH can be decreased from 7.4 down to 6.7-7.0
Though no net excretion of H
from the body occurs, this proximal mechanism is extremely important in
acid-base balance. Loss of bicarbonate is equivalent to an acidifying effect and the potential amounts of
bicarbonate lost if this mechanism fails are very large.
2.4.4 Ammonium Production
Ammonium (NH4) is produced predominantly within the proximal tubular cells. The major source is from
glutamine which enters the cell from the peritubular capillaries (80%) and the filtrate (20%). Ammonium
is produced from glutamine by the action of the enzyme glutaminase. Further ammonium is produced
when the glutamate is metabolised to produce alpha-ketoglutarate. This molecule contains 2 negatively-
charged carboxylate groups so further metabolism of it in the cell results in the production of 2 HCO3
anions. This occurs if it is oxidised to CO2 or if it is metabolised to glucose.
The pKa for ammonium is so high (about 9.2) that both at extracellular and at intracellular pH, it is
present entirely in the acid form NH4
. The previous idea that lipid soluble NH3 is produced in the tubular
cell, diffuses into the tubular fluid where it is converted to water soluble NH4
which is now trapped in the
tubule fluid is incorrect.
The subsequent situation with ammonium is complex. Most of the ammonium is involved in cycling within
the medulla. About 75% of the proximally produced ammonium is removed from the tubular fluid in the
medulla so that the amount of ammonium entering the distal tubule is small. The thick ascending limb of
the loop of Henle is the important segment for removing ammonium. Some of the interstitial ammonium
returns to the late proximal tubule and enters the medulla again (ie recycling occurs).
An overview of the situation so far is that:
y The ammonium level in the DCT fluid is low because of removal in the loop of Henle
y Ammonium levels in the medullary interstitium are high (and are kept high by the recycling process via
the thick ascending limb and the late PCT)
y Tubule fluid entering the medullary collecting duct will have a low pH if there is an acid load to be
excreted (and the phosphate buffer has been titrated down.
If H
secretion continues into the medullary collecting duct this would reduce the pH of the luminal fluid
further. A low pH greatly augments transfer of ammonium from the medullary interstitium into the luminal
fluid as it passes through the medulla. The lower the urine pH, the higher the ammonium excretion and
this ammonium excretion is augmented further if an acidosis is present. This augmentation with acidosis is
'regulatory' as the increased ammonium excretion by the kidney tends to increase extracellular pH
towards normal.
If the ammonium returns to the blood stream it is metabolised in the liver to urea (Krebs-Henseleit cycle)
with net production of one hydrogen ion per ammonium molecule.
(Note: Section 2.4.7 discusses the role of urinary ammonium excretion.)
2.4 Renal Regulation of Acid-Base Balance (continued)
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2.4.5 Distal Tubular Mechanism
This is a low capacity, high gradient system which accounts for the excretion of the daily fixed acid load of
70 mmols/day. The maximal capacity of this system is as much as 700 mmols/day but this is still low
compared to the capacity of the proximal tubular mechanism to secrete H
. It can however decrease the
pH down to a limiting pH of about 4.5 : this represents a thousand-fold (ie 3 pH units) gradient for
across the distal tubular cell. The maximal capacity of 700 mmols/day takes about 5 days to reach.
The processes involved are:-
y Formation of titratable acidity (TA)
y Addition of ammonium (NH4
) to luminal fluid
y Reabsorption of Remaining Bicarbonate
1. Titratable Acidity
is produced from CO2 and H2O (as in the proximal tubular cells) and actively transported into the
distal tubular lumen via a H
-ATPase pump. Titratable acidity represents the H
which is buffered mostly
by phosphate which is present in significant concentration. Creatinine (pKa approx 5.0) may also
contribute to TA. At the minimum urinary pH, it will account for some of the titratable acidity. If ketoacids
are present, they also contribute to titratable acidity. In severe diabetic ketoacidosis, beta-
hydroxybutyrate (pKa 4.8) is the major component of TA.
The TA can be measured in the urine from the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to titrate the urine pH
back to 7.4 hence the term titratable acidity.
2. Addition of Ammonium
As discussed previously, ammonium is predominantly produced by proximal tubular cells. This is
advantageous as the proximal cells have access to a high blood flow in the peritubular capillaries and to all
of the filtrate and these are the two sources of the glutamine from which the ammonium is produced.
The medullary cycling maintains high medullary interstitial concentrations of ammonium and low
concentrations of ammonium in the distal tubule fluid. The lower the urine pH, the more the amount of
ammonium that is transferred from the medullary interstitium into the fluid in the lumen of the medullary
collecting duct as it passes through the medulla to the renal pelvis. [Note: The medullary collecting duct is
different from the distal convoluted tubule.]
The net effect of this is that the majority of the ammonium in the final urine was transferred from the
medulla across the distal part of the tubule even though it was produced in the proximal tubule.
[Simplistically but erroneously it is sometimes said that the ammonium in the urine is produced in the
distal tubule cells.]
Ammonium is not measured as part of the titratable acidity because the high pK of ammonium means no
is removed from NH4
during titration to a pH of 7.4. Ammonium excretion in severe acidosis can
reach 300 mmol/day in humans.
Ammonium excretion is extremely important in increasing acid excretion in systemic acidosis. The
titratable acidity is mostly due to phosphate buffering and the amount of phosphate present is limited by
the amount filtered (and thus the plasma concentration of phosphate). This cannot increase significantly in
the presence of acidosis (though of course some additional phosphate could be released from bone) unless
other anions with a suitable pKa are present. Ketoanions can contribute to a significant increase in
titratable acidity but only in ketoacidosis when large amounts are present.
In comparison, the amount of ammonium excretion can and does increase markedly in acidosis. The
ammonium excretion increases as urine pH falls and also this effect is markedly augmented in acidosis.
Formation of ammonium prevents further fall in pH as the pKa of the reaction is so high.
In review
y Titratable acidity is an important part of excretion of fixed acids under normal
circumstances but the amount of phosphate available cannot increase very much.
y Also as urine pH falls, the phosphate will be all in the dihyrogen form and buffering
by phosphate will be at its maximum.
y A further fall in urine pH cannot increase titratable acidity (unless there are other
anions such as keto-anions present in significant quantities)
y The above points mean that titratable acidity cannot increase very much (so cannot
be important in acid-base regulation when the ability to increase or decrease renal
excretion is required)
y In acidosis, ammonium excretion fills the regulatory role because its excretion can
increase very markedly as urine pH falls.

A low urine pH itself cannot directly account for excretion of a significant amount of acid: for example, at
the limiting urine pH of about 4.4, [H
] is a negligible 0.04 mmol/l. This is several orders of magnitude
lower than H
accounted for by titratable acidity and ammonium excretion. (ie 0.04 mmol/l is insignificant
in a net renal acid excretion of 70 mmols or more per day)
3. Reabsorption of Remaining Bicarbonate
On a typical Western diet all of the filtered load of bicarbonare is reabsorbed. The sites and percentages of
filtered bicarbonate involved are:
y Proximal tubule 85%
y Thick ascending limb of Loop of Henle 10-15%
y Distal tubule 0-5%
The decrease in volume of the filtrate as further water is removed in the Loop of Henle causes an increase
in [HCO3-] in the remaining fluid. The process of HCO3- reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of the
Loop of Henle is very similar to that in the proximal tubule (ie apical Na
antiport and basolateral Na
HCO3- symport and Na
ATPase). Bicarbonate reabsorption here is stimulated by the presence of
luminal frusemide. The cells in this part of the tubule contain carbonic anhydrase.
Any small amount of bicarbonate which enters the distal tubule can also be reabsorbed. The distal tubule
has only a limited capacity to reabsorb bicacarbonate so if the filtered load is high and a large amount is
delivered distally then there will be net bicarbonate excretion.
The process of bicarbonate reabsorption in the distal tubule is somewhat different from in the proximal
y H
secretion by the intercalated cells in DCT involves a H
-ATPase (rather than a Na
y HCO3- transfer across the basolateral membrane involves a HCO3
exchanger (rather than a Na
HCO3- symport)
The net effect of the excretion of one H
is the return of one HCO3- and one Na
to the blood stream. The
HCO3- effectively replaces the acid anion which is excreted in the urine.
The net acid excretion in the urine is equal to the sum of the TA and [NH4
] minus [HCO3] (if present in
the urine). The [H
] accounts for only a very small amount of the H
excretion and is not usually
considered in the equation (as mentioned earlier).
In metabolic alkalosis, the increased bicarbonate level will result in increased filtration of bicarbonate
provided the GFR has not decreased. The kidney is normally extremely efficient at excreting excess
bicarbonate but this capacity can be impaired in certain circumstances. (See Section 7.2 and 7.3)
Outline of Reactions in Distal Tubule Lumen & Cells
Diagram to be added

2.4.6 Regulation of Renal H
The discussion above has described the mechanisms involved in renal acid excretion and mentioned some
factors which regulate acid excretion.
The major factors which regulate renal bicarbonate reabsorption and acid excretion are:
1. Extracellular volume
Volume depletion is associated with Na
retention and this also enhances HCO3 reabsorption. Conversely,
ECF volume expansion results in renal Na
excretion and secondary decrease in HCO3 reabsorption.
2. Arterial pCO2
An increase in arterial pCO2 results in increased renal H
secretion and increased bicarbonate
reabsorption. The converse also applies. Hypercapnia results in an intracellular acidosis and this results in
enhanced H
secretion. The cellular processes involved have not been clearly delineated. This renal
bicarbonate retention is the renal compensation for a chronic respiratory acidosis.
3. Potassium & Chloride Deficiency
Potassium has a role in bicarbonate reabsorption. Low intracellular K
levels result in increased
HCO3 reabsorption in the kidney. Chloride deficiency is extremely important in the maintenance of a
metabolic alkalosis because it prevents excretion of the excess HCO3 (ie now the bicarbonate instead of
chloride is reabsorbed with Na
to maintain electroneutrality). (See discussion in Section 7.3)
4. Aldosterone & cortisol (hydrocortisone)
Aldosterone at normal levels has no role in renal regulation of acid-base balance. Aldosterone delpetion or
excess does have indirect effects. High aldosterone levels result in increased Na
reabsorption and
increased urinary excretion of H
and K
resulting in a metabolic alkalosis. Conversely, it might be thought
that hypoaldosteronism would be associated with a metabolic acidosis but this is very uncommon but may
occur if there is coexistent significant interstitial renal disease.
5. Phosphate Excretion
Phosphate is the major component of titratable acidity. The amount of phosphate present in the distal
tubule does not vary greatly. Consequently, changes in phosphate excretion do not have a significant
regulatory role in response to an acid load.
6. Reduction in GFR
It has recently been established that a reduction in GFR is a very important mechanism responsible for the
maintenance of a metabolic alkalosis. The filtered load of bicarbonate is reduced proportionately with a
reduction in GFR.
7. Ammonium
The kidney responds to an acid load by increasing tubular production and urinary excretion of NH4
. The
mechanism involves an acidosis-stimulated enhancement of glutamine utilisation by the kidney resulting
in increased production of NH4
and HCO3
by the tubule cells. This is very important in increasing renal
acid excretion during a chronic metabolic acidosis. There is a lag period: the increase in ammonium
excretion takes several days to reach its maximum following an acute acid load. Ammonium excretion can
increase up to about 300 mmol/day in a chronic metabolic acidosis so this is important in renal acid-base
regulation in this situation. Ammonium excretion increases with decreases in urine pH and this relationship
is markedly enhanced with acidosis.
2.4.7 What is the Role of Urinary Ammonium Excretion?
There are different views on the true role of NH4
excretion in urine. How can the renal excretion of
ammonium which has a pK of 9.2 represent H
excretion from the body?
One school says the production of ammonium from glutamine in the tubule cells results in production of
alpha-ketoglutarate which is then metabolised in the tubule cell to new bicarbonate which is returned to
the blood. The net effect is the return of one bicarbonate for each ammonium excreted in the urine. By
this analysis, the excretion of ammonium is equivalent to the excretion of acid from the body as one
plasma H
would be neutralised by one renal bicarbonate ion for each ammonium excreted. Thus an
increase in ammonium excretion as occurs in metabolic acidosis is an appropriate response to excrete
more acid.
The other school says this is not correct. The argument is that metabolism of alpha-ketogluarate in the
proximal tubule cells to produce this new HCO3- merely represents regeneration of the HCO3 that was
neutralised by the H
produced when alpha-ketoglutarate was metabolised to glutamate in the liver
originally so there can be no direct effect on net H
excretion. The key to understanding is said to lie in
considering the role of the liver. Consider the following:
Every day protein turnover results in amino acid degradation which results in production of HCO3- and
. For a typical 100g/day protein diet, this is a net production of 1,000mmol/day of HCO3- and
1,000mmol/day of NH4
. (These are produced in equal amounts by neutral amino acids as each contains
one carboxylic acid group and one amino group.) The high pK of the ammonium means it cannot
dissociate to produce one H
to neutralise the HCO3- so consequently amino acid metabolism is powerfully
alkalinising to the body. The body now has two major problems:
y How to get rid of 1,000mmol/day of alkali?
y How to get rid of 1,000mmol/day of the highly toxic ammonium?
The solution is to react the two together and get rid of both at once. This process is hepatic urea synthesis
(Krebs-Henseleit cycle). The cycle consumes significant energy but solves both problems. Indeed, the
cycle in effect acts as a ATP-dependent pump that transfers H
from the very weak acid NH4
to HCO3-.
The overall reaction in urea synthesis is:
2 NH
+ 2 HCO
=> urea + CO
+ 3 H
The body has two ways in which it can remove NH4
y Urea synthesis in the liver
y Excretion of NH4
by the kidney
The key thing here is that the acid-base implications of these 2 mechanisms are different.
For each ammonium converted to urea in the liver one bicarbonate is consumed. For each ammonium
excreted in the urine, there is one bicarbonate that is not neutralised by it (during urea synthesis) in the
liver. So overall, urinary excretion of ammonium is equivalent to net bicarbonate production -but by the
liver! Indeed in a metabolic acidosis, an increase in urinary ammonium excretion results in an exactly
equivalent net amount of hepatic bicarbonate (produced from amino acid degradation) available to the
body. So the true role of renal ammonium excretion is to serve as an alternative route for nitrogen
elinination that has a different acid-base effect from urea production.
The role of glutamine is to act as the non-toxic transport molecule to carry NH4
to the kidney. The
bicarbonates consumed in the production of glutamine and then released again with renal metabolism of
ketoglutarate are not important as there is no net gain of bicarbonate.
Overall: renal NH4
excretion results indirectly in an equivalent amount of net hepatic HCO3 production.
Other points are:
y Glutamate metabolism in the proximal tubule converts ADP to ATP and the low availability of ADP limits
the maximal rate of NH4
production in the proximal tubule cells. Further as most ATP is consumed in
the reabsorption of Na
, then it is ultimately the amount of Na
reabsorbed in the proximal tubule that
sets the upper limit for NH4
y The anion that is excreted with the NH4
is also important. Excretion of beta-hydroxybutyrate (instead
of chloride) with NH4
in ketoacidosis leads to a loss of bicarbonate as this anion represents a potential
Finally: The role of urine pH in situations of increased acid secretion is worth noting. The urine pH can fall
to a minimum value of 4.4 to 4.6 but as mentioned previously this itself represents only a negligible
amount of free H
As pH falls, the 3 factors involved in increased H
excretion are:
1. Increased ammonium excretion (increases steadily with decrease in urine pH and this effect is
augmented in acidosis) [This is the major and regulatory factor because it can be increased significantly].
2. Increased titratable acidity:
y Increased buffering by phosphate (but negligible further effect on H
excretion if pH < 5.5 as too far
from pKa so minimal amounts of HPO4
y Increased buffering by other organic acids (if present) may be important at lower pH values as their
pKa is lower (eg creatinine, ketoanions)
(As discussed also in section 2.5.4, increases in TA are limited and are not as important as increases in
ammonium excretion)
3. Bicarbonate reabsorption is complete at low urinary pH so none is lost in the urine (Such loss
would antagonise the effects of an increased TA or ammonium excretion on acid excretion.)
The above discussion focuses on the 'traditional' approach to acid-base balance and
a short-coming of that approach is that the explanations are wrong. The Stewart
approach (seeChapter 10) provides the explanations and the insights into what is
occurring. For example, the focus on excretion of H
and excretion of NH4
by the
kidney is misleading. 'Acid handling' by the kidney is mostly mediated through changes
in Cl
balance. NH4
is a weak anion that when excreted with Cl
allows the body to
retain the strong ions Na
and K
. The urinary excretion of Cl
without excretion of an
equivalent amount of strong ion results in a change in the SID (or 'strong ion
difference') and it is this change which causes the change in plasma pH. The
explanatory focus should be on the excretion of Cl
without strong ions and not on the
excretion of NH4
. See Chapter 10 for an introduction to the Stewart approach.

2.5 Acid Base Role of the Liver
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The liver is important in acid-base physiology and this is often overlooked. It is important because it is a
metabolically active organ which may be either a significant net producer or consumer of hydrogen ions.
The amounts of acid involved may be very large. The acid-base roles of the liver may be considered under
the following headings:
y Carbon dioxide production from complete oxidation of substrates
y Metabolism of organic acid anions (such as lactate, ketones and amino acids)
y Metabolism of ammonium
y Production of plasma proteins (esp albumin)
2.5.1 Substrate Oxidation
Complete oxidation of carbohydrates and fat which occurs in the liver produces carbon dioxide but no fixed
acids. As the liver uses 20% of the bodys oxygen consumption, this hepatic metabolism represents 20%
of the bodys carbon dioxide production also. The CO2 diffuses out of the liver and reactions in red cells
result in production of H
and HCO3
2.5.2 Acid Anions
The metabolism of various organic anions in the liver results in consumption of H
and regeneration of the
extracellular bicarbonate buffer. These anions may be:
y Exogenous (eg citrate in blood transfusion, acetate and gluconate from Plasmalyte 148 solution, lactate
from Hartmanns solution), or
y Endogenous (eg lactate from active glycolysis or anaerobic metabolism, keto-acids produced in the
The term acid anion is used because they are anions produced by dissociation of an acid.
That is: HA -> H
+ A
(where HA is the acid and A
is the acid anion).
The anions are the conjugate base of the acid (Bronsted-Lowry system) and are not themselves acids.
This is an important distinction to make because they are often referred to as though they were acids and
this leads to confusion.
If the endogenous production of these anions is followed by later consumption in the liver then there is no
net production of acid or base because the H
produced (from the dissociation of the acid) is consumed
when the anion is subsequently metabolised by the liver.
When these organic anions are exogenously administered (eg in intravenous fluids), administration of the
anion (the conjugate base) without any H
occurs because the cation involved is Na
. Any subsequent
metabolism of these anions in the liver will consume H
and result in excess bicarbonate production. As an
example, a metabolic alkalosis can result after a massive blood transfusion when the citrate anticoagulant
is metabolised to bicarbonate. (The alkalosis is only transitory as the kidney normally excretes it rapidly-
see Section 7.3). The important point to note is how some of these anions (eg lactate, acetate) are used
in IV crystalloid solutions as a bicarbonate source (though this is indirect of course as the bicarbonate is
only produced when they are metabolised in the body).
The situation with lactate sometimes causes confusion to students. The key point to remember is that
lactic acid is an acid but lactate is a base. The administration of lactate in Hartmanns solution can never
result in a lactic acidosis because it is a base and not an acid. The solution contains sodium lactate and not
lactic acid. The lactate anion is the conjugate base of lactic acid and represents potential bicarbonate and
not potential H
So does this mean that Hartmanns solution can be used for volume resuscitation
in patients with lactic acidosis?
The answer to this question is based on a consideration of the following points:
y Hartmanns solution has a high [Na
] (which restricts the fluid to the ECF) so it is a useful ECF
replacement solution. Infusion of an appropriate amount can correct an intravascular volume
y Lactate cannot buffer H
(to form lactic acid) at physiological pH as the pKa (about 4) of the reaction is
too low.
y Normally, lactate can be metabolised in the liver and this results in the consumption of H
equivalently: production of HCO3
y Patients with lactic acidosis have inadequate hepatic metabolism of lactate so the production of HCO3
from the infused lactate is impaired. (So until this problem with hepatic metabolism can be corrected
then the infused lactate cannot act as a bicarbonate source).
The serum lactate level is used as an index of the severity of the lactic acidosis as each lactate generally
means that one H
has been produced. If sodium lactate in Hartmanns solution is now given then the
lactate level is not as useful a guide as now not all the lactate implies the presence of an equivalent
amount of H
that was produced with it in the body.
So: Hartmanns solution is an excellent ECF replacement solution to correct hypovolaemia. If the
circulation improves and hepatic metabolism of lactate returns to normal then bicarbonate will be
generated and the solution indirectly assists in correcting the lactic acidosis as well. (But of course if this
happened then the body would also metabolise the endogenously produced lactate and this would be the
major factor in correction of the acidosis.) However, if this hepatic metabolism does not happen, then the
infused lactate just interferes with the usefulness of serial lactate measurements as an serial index of
severity of the acidosis.
Overall then, it is generally not the preferred ECF replacement solution. If it is the only solution readily
available then it can be used and the infused lactate (a base) cannot worsen the acidaemia.
The 'official' recommendation is to not use Hartmanns solution in patients with lactic acidosis. (As a point
of interest, you might like to consider whether normal saline which contains the non-metabolisable
chloride as the anion could possibly be any better!)
Endogenous Lactate
Some excess lactate is normally produced in certain tissues and 'spills over' into the circulation. This
lactate can be taken up and metabolised in various tissues (eg myocardium) to provide energy. Only in
the liver and the kidney can the lactate can be converted back to glucose (gluconeogenesis) as an
alternative to metabolism to carbon dioxide. The glucose may re-enter the blood and be taken up by cells
(esp muscle cells). This glucose-lactate-glucose cycling between the tissues is known as the Cori cycle.
Typically there is no net lactate production which is excreted from the body. The renal threshold for
lactate is relatively high and normally all the filtered lactate is reabsorbed in the tubules.
The total amount of lactate involved is large (1,500 mmols/day) in comparison to the net fixed acid
production (1 to 1.5 mmols/kg/day). The metabolism of lactate in the liver indirectly eliminates the
produced subsequent to the tissue production of lactate. Lactic acidosis will result if this hepatic
metabolism is not adequate. (See Lactic Acidosis ).
Metabolism of lactate sourced from IV Hartmanns solution also results in a net consumption of H
, but as
this lactate was associated with Na
, the overall result is a net bicarbonate production. Effectively,
metabolism of this lactate results in generation of an equivalent amount of bicarbonate. The situation is
similar with metabolism of citrate and gluconate in other IV fluids.
Keto-acids such as acetoacetate are produced in hepatic mitochondria due to incomplete oxidation of fatty
acids. The ketones are released into the blood stream and metabolised in the tissues (esp muscle).
Hepatic production of ketoacids produces H
and the oxidation of the keto-anion in the tissues consumes
H+ and thereby regenerates the HCO3 which had buffered it in the blood stream. In severe diabetic
ketoacidosis, the keto-acid production may exceed 1,200 mmols/day in an adult! In healthy individuals, a
modest amount of excess ketones are produced only with significant fasting. (See also Section 8.2
Amino Acids
Amino acids are all dipolar ions (zwitterions) at physiological pH as they all have both COO
groups. These are the groups that participate in formation of the peptide bond. As these groups are
present on all amino acids, then the oxidation of these groups in all amino acids will result in a production
of equal amounts of bicarbonate and ammonium: typically 1,000 mmol/day of each. This aspect and the
acid-base implications has been covered in the previous section 2.4 and will not be repeated here.
Amino acids also have side chains and incomplete metabolism of some of these has acid-base effects - eg
side chain metabolism can result in a net fixed acid production. Sulphuric acid is produced from
metabolism of methionine and cysteine. This is a major component of the net fixed acid load.
Arginine, lysine and histidine have nitrogen in their side chains so their metabolism generates H
Glutamate and aspartate have carboxylic acid groups (COO
) in their side chains so their metabolism
consumes H
(and therefore produces HCO3
). The balance of these reactions is a net daily production of
and acid anions of 50 mmol/day (ie production of 210 mmols/day and consumption of 160 mmol/day).
The liver is the major net producer of fixed acids.
2.5.3 Metabolism of Ammonium
See section 2.4 for details. The conversion of NH4
to urea in the liver results in an equivalent
production of H
. Infusions of NH4Cl have an acid loading effect because of this hepatic metabolism.
cannot be released directly from NH4
in the body because the high pKa of the reaction means that
NH3 is present in only minute quantities at pH 7.4.
2.5.4 Synthesis of Plasma Proteins
The liver is the major producer of plasma proteins as nearly all (except the immunoglobulins) are
produced here. Albumin synthesis accounts for 50% of all hepatic protein synthesis. The acid-base roles of
albumin are:
y it is the major unmeasured anion in the plasma which contributes to the normal value of the anion gap
y extracellular buffer for CO2 and fixed acids
y abnormal levels can cause a metabolic acid-base disorder
Haemoglobin is more important than albumin for buffering H
produced from CO2. Also, bicarbonate is
more important than albumin as a buffer for fixed acids.
The role of low or high albumin levels in causing acid-base disorders is difficult to explain within the
traditional framework of acid-base analysis. The role of albumin as the major non-volatile weak acid
present in plasma and its significance in acid-base balance is discussed in Section 10.
Hypoalbuminaemia causes a metabolic alkalosis.
2.5.5 Overview
Consideration of all these factors shows that the liver has an extremely important role in normal acid-base
physiology. The traditional emphasis on the lung and kidney as the organs of acid-base regulation should
be extended to a new concept of the importance of the lung-liver-kidney complex.
Hepatic disorders are often associated with acid-base disorders. The most common disturbances in chronic
liver disease are respiratory alkalosis (most common) and metabolic alkalosis.
2.6 Regulation of Intracellular Hydrogen Ion Concentration
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2.6.1 Importance of Intracellular [H
The most important [H
] for the body is the intracellular [H
Why? Because of its profound effects on metabolism and other cell processes which occur due to the
effects of [H
] on the degree of ionisation of intracellular compounds. Specifically:
y Small molecule effect: Intracellular trapping function -due to the ionisation of metabolic
y Large molecule effect: Effects on protein function: The function of many intracellular proteins (esp
the activities of enzymes) is altered by effects on the ionisation of amino acid residues (esp histidine
In assessment of acid-base disorders, the clinician is always looking from the outside in.
Why? For 2 reasons:
y Ease of sampling: Arterial blood is easy to sample. It is much more difficult to obtain an intracellular
y Arterial blood gives results which can be considered a sort of 'average value'. It would be more difficult
to find an intracellular sample that could be considered to be 'representative' of all ICF.
The basis of the clinical approach is to use the extracellular results to make
inferences about intracellular conditions.
Both carbon dioxide and the fixed acids are produced intracellularly and move down concentration
gradients to the ECF. Carbon dioxide crosses cell membranes very easily and it is important to realise that
CO2 can move in or out depending on the gradient across the cell membrane.
In diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), the ketoacids are produced in the liver and not in every cell in the
body. The intracellular alkalinising effect of the compensatory hypocapnia that occurs will however affect
every cell and not just the hepatocytes. Does this mean that DKA produces an extracellular rise in [H
but the opposite change in most tissues (excluding the liver) where the net effect is a fall in intracellular
] due to the compensatory hypocapnia? Ketoacids can enter most cells and be used as an energy
substrate and this would initially cause a fall in intracellular [H
]. Intracellular pH may not be altered
much once maximal respiratory compensation has been achieved because of these opposing effects. It is
possible that though the maximal respiratory compensation does not fully correct the extracellular
acidaemia, it may be sufficient to prevent much change in intracellular pH. This discussion is speculative
and has not been fully investigated. The purpose here is merely to show that looking at acid-base
disorders from the intracellular viewpoint can lead to ideas which are different from those of the
conventional extracellular viewpoint.
The hypothesis of Rahn and coworkers (see section 1.6) is that the intracellular pH is maintained at
about the pH of neutrality (pN) because this is the pH at which metabolite intermediates are all charged
and trapped inside the cell. Extracellular pH is higher by 0.5 to 0.6 pH units and this represents about a
fourfold gradient favouring the exit of hydrogen ion from the cell. Measurements of intracellular pH in a
variety of mammalian skeletal muscle preparations have found pH values mostly in the 6.8 to 7.1 range.
Values found in other tissues have sometimes been higher depending on the experimental arrangements.
This value is a little higher then the pN (6.8 at 37C) but is still able to effectively trap intermediates within
the cell. A further complication is that intracellular pH is not uniform and measurements have been able to
give only mean pH values for the whole intracellular compartment. These mean values may be misleading
as there may be acidic and basic areas within different cell areas or organelles and it is this local pH which
is important.
Because of the powerful effects of intracellular [H
] on metabolism it is useful to
consider the processes which attempt to maintain it at a stable value. This assists
us in making inferences about intracellular events from an extracellular acid-
base sample.
The processes responsible for maintaining a stable intracellular pH are:
y Intracellular buffering
y Adjustment of arterial pCO2
y Loss of fixed acids from the cell into the extracellular fluid
2.6.2 Intracellular Buffering
This term refers to those rapid reversible processes occurring within the intracellular fluid which minimise
changes in pH in response to an acid or alkali stress. The term buffering is used here in a much broader
sense then that discussed in section 2.2 where it was used to refer to the process of physicochemical
buffering alone. Intracellularly, there are other rapid and reversible processes which act to minimise acute
changes in intracellular [H
] and which can usefully be considered a form of buffering. Intracellular
buffering includes the following processes:
y Physicochemical buffering
y Metabolic buffering
y Organellar buffering
Experiments have shown that these three processes can neutralise over 99.99% of any acid or alkali
added acutely to the intracellular fluid! These processes provide rapid but temporary relief from acute
intracellular acid-base changes.
Physicochemical buffering
In quantitative terms this is the most important process which resists change in intracellular [H
(Physicochemical buffering is discussed in section 2.2.)
In the intracellular environment, proteins (particularly imidazole of histidine) and phosphates (organic
and inorganic) are the most important buffers because they have a pK close to the normal intracellular pH
and are present in the highest concentrations. The ICF is responsible for 97 to 99% of the bodys total
buffering of respiratory acid-base disorders. The intracellular contribution to buffering is less with
metabolic disorders (60% for metabolic acidosis; 30% for metabolic alkalosis) but is still substantial. The
bicarbonate system is present intracellularly and is involved in buffering for metabolic acidosis.
Intracellular amino acids provide a small amount of the buffering. Free histidine has a pKa of about 6.0
which is lower than the average 6.8 value when it is incorporated into proteins. A small amount of H
used up into producing alanine and glutamine.
Metabolic buffering
Metabolic (or biochemical) buffering refers to changes in the metabolism of acids within the cell which
tend to oppose changes in [H
Changes in intracellular pH affect the activity of enzymes. The net effect of differential changes in enzyme
activity in various pathways (including the main glycolytic pathway) is an alteration in the levels of acidic
metabolites in such a way that changes in [H
] are minimised. For example, the metabolism of lactate to
glucose or to water and CO2(which can readily leave the cell) will effectively remove H
from intracellular
fluid. This is clearly not simply physicochemical buffering. Consider another example: If intracellular
pCO2 decreases due to acute hyperventilation, this produces a relative intracellular alkalosis. Changes in
enzyme activities result in increased levels of lactate, pyruvate and other acidic intermediates. This occurs
quickly, is reversible and tends to minimise the change in intracellular pH. Metabolic buffering can account
for a hydrogen ion consumption up to half of that due to the process of physicochemical buffering within
the cell.
Organellar buffering
This refers to the acute sequestration in or release of H
from intracellular organelles in a direction which
opposes the change of intracellular pH.
The overall contribution of this process to intracellular buffering is not clear.
The energy released during the electron transfers in the respiratory chain in mitochondria is used to
extrude hydrogen ions. The energy is stored as a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial
membrane. When the hydrogen ions re-enter via membrane-bound ATPase, the energy is released and
used to produce ATP from ADP. Mitochondria extrude a total of six protons for every oxygen atom that is
reduced to water. A rise in cytoplasmic [H
] provides additional H
which can enter the mitochondria. This
will contribute to ATP formation via the inner membrane proton gradient and will buffer changes in
cytoplasmic pH.
Lysosomes contain enzymes which have maximal activity at acidic pH. In some experiments, the internal
pH of lysosomes increases when extracellular pH increases. This can be interpreted as a mechanism which
assists in buffering changes in cytoplasmic pH. The overall significance of this process is not established.
2.6.3 Adjustment of Arterial pCO

Carbon dioxide is produced in huge quantities by cells: typically 12,000 (basally) to as much as 15,000 to
20,000 mmols/day with typical levels of activity. An efficient system exists for its removal. The arterial
pCO2 is of critical importance for intracellular acid-base balance because of both its potential to change
rapidly and because of its effectiveness in altering intracellular [H
Carbon dioxide crosses cell membranes easily. A change in ventilation affects the arterial pCO2 level and
the intracellular pCO2 throughout the body. The compensatory response to a metabolic acid-base disorder
is to increase alveolar ventilation and thus decrease arterial pCO2 levels. This changed pCO2 will affect
intracellular pH and this effect is rapid. For example an acute metabolic acidosis will be compensated by a
fall in pCO2 which will minimise the intracellular effects of the acidosis.
2.6.4 Fixed Acid Extrusion from Cells
Metabolism (an intracellular event) produces excess acid. In the long term, hydrogen ion balance within
the cell is dependent on loss of these acids from the cell. The various buffering processes discussed
previously are only short-term measures as the acid is not removed from the cell.
Experiments show that cells respond to an acute acid load (eg hypercapnia) by an initial fall in pH
(minimised by intracellular buffering discussed above) but that the pH subsequently returns slowly
towards normal despite the continued presence of the acid stress. This is due to net acid extrusion from
the cell across the cell membrane. This process involves a coupled exchange of ions (H
, HCO3
, Na
) across the membrane. The process does not affect the membrane potential so it must be
electroneutral. Various models have been proposed but the relative importance of these in vertebrates has
not been fully established. The response of cells to an alkaline load is much less developed and much less
studied than the response to an acid load.
The movement of H
or HCO3
across the membrane is not important in changing [H
] (see discussion
in section 10.6) but the movement of strong electrolytes (such as Na
, Cl
, lactate) will alter intracellular
]. The important point is that it is the movement of the acid anion out of the cell (rather than hydrogen
ion per se) that results in a net loss of fixed acid from the cell. A similar situation applies in the kidney:
the emphasis should be on the urinary loss of the acid anions (with the H
buffered on phosphate of
ammonium) rather than hydrogen ion itself. The traditional use of hydrogen ion in explanations must be
quantitatively equivalent but does serve to disguise the true nature of the process.
In summary: In experiments where cells are subjected to an acid load, they respond by an increase in
the rate of acid extrusion from the cell. This returns intracellular [H
] towards normal. The response is not
as rapid as the mechanisms involved in intracellular buffering.
3.1 - Terminology of Acid-Base Disorders
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3.1.1 Definitions
The definitions of the terms used here to describe acid-base disorders are those suggested by the Ad-Hoc
Committee of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1965. Though this is over 35 years ago, the
definitions and discussion remain valid today.
Basic Definitions
y Acidosis - an abnormal process or condition which would lower arterial pH if there were no secondary
changes in response to the primary aetiological factor.
y Alkalosis - an abnormal process or condition which would raise arterial pH if there were no secondary
changes in response to the primary aetiological factor.
y Simple (Acid-Base) Disorders
are those in which there is a single primary aetiological acid-base
y Mixed (acid-Base) Disorders
are those in which two or more primary aetiological disorders are
present simultaneously.
y Acidaemia - Arterial pH < 7.36 (ie [H
] > 44 nM )
y Alkalaemia - Arterial pH > 7.44 (ie [H
] < 36 nM )
The meaning of the terms acid, base, [H
] and pH has been discussed previously in Sections 1.2 and 1.3.
An acidaemia of course must be due to an acidosis so is an indicator of the presence of this disorder. In
mixed acid-base disorders, there may be co-existing disorders each having opposite effects on the ECF pH
so a quick check of the arterial pH is insufficient to fully indicate all primary acid-base disorders. In mixed
disorders, it does indicate in general terms the most severe disorder. That is, if the arterial pH is 7.2 (an
acidaemia), there must be an acidosis present, and any alkalosis present must be of lesser magnitude.
(This idea is the basis of an initial step in thesystematic approach to analysis of arterial blood gas
The Disorders
The 4 simple acid base disorders are:
y Respiratory acidosis
y Respiratory alkalosis
y Metabolic acidosis
y Metabolic alkalosis.
Respiratory disorders are caused by abnormal processes which tend to alter pH because of a primary
change in pCO2 levels.
Metabolic disorders are caused by abnormal processes which tend to alter pH because of a primary change
in [HCO3
3.1.2 Correct Terminology for Compensatory Responses
Secondary or compensatory responses should NOT be designated as acidosis
or alkalosis.
The committee recommended the use of the adjectives secondary or compensatory to describe the
change in the composition of the blood or the process (eg ventilation) but not to modify the nouns
acidosis or alkalosis. This is the practice adopted here.
Many published articles refer to compensatory processes as though they were primary processes. This lazy
and incorrect use of these terms is extremely confusing so caution must be exercised and ultimately one
should not be too pedantic in insisting on correct terminology in others as the practice is widespread in the
clinical literature.
For example: A patient with diabetic ketoacidosis and compensatory Kussmaul respirations should be
described as having a 'metabolic acidosis with compensatory hyperventilation'.
The use of the term secondary respiratory alkalosis in this case would be wrong as the change is a
compensatory one and not a primary process and so by definition then it cannot be an alkalosis.
It is possible that a patient such as this could have a mixed disorder with a respiratory acid-base disorder
as well as the metabolic acidosis. The interpretation of these more complicated cases is discussed
in Section 8.4.
The terms acidaemia and alkalaemia may be used to describe the net pH deviation in the blood but
the Ad-Hoc Committee recommended the reporting of the actual pH value or the use of the terms low,
high and normal as preferable.
3.1.3 Disorders are defined by their ECF Effects
The clinical acid-base disorders are defined by their effects in the extracellular fluid (or more specifically,
in the arterial blood).
The disorder may arise because of changes intracellularly (eg excess lactate production) but the effect
extracellularly is what is able to be easily measured.
Despite the definitions of acidosis and alkalosis above, it is common to speak of an 'intracellular acidosis'
or an 'intracellular alkalosis'. This use is not consistent with the definitions above but as there are no other
satisfactory terms available so this common practice is followed here.
4.1 Respiratory Acidosis - Definition
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A respiratory acidosis is a primary acid-base disorder in which arterial pCO
to a level higher than expected.

At onset, the acidosis is designated as an 'acute respiratory acidosis'. The body's initial compensatory
response is limited during this phase.
As the body's renal compensatory response increases over the next few days, the pH returns towards the
normal value and the condition is now a 'chronic respiratory acidosis'.
The differentiation between acute and chronic is determined by time but occurs because of the renal
compensatory response (which is slow).
4.2 Respiratory Acidosis - Causes
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The arterial pCO2 is normally maintained at a level of about 40 mmHg by a balance between production of
CO2 by the body and its removal by alveolar ventilation. If the inspired gas contains no CO2 then this
relationship can be expressed by:
is proportional to V
/ V

VCO2 is CO2 production by the body
VA is Alveolar ventilation
An increase in arterial pCO2 can occur by one of three possible mechanisms:
y Presence of excess CO2 in the inspired gas
y Decreased alveolar ventilation
y Increased production of CO2 by the body
CO2 gas can be added to the inspired gas or it may be present because of rebreathing : Anaesthetists are
familiar with both these mechanisms. In these situations, hypercapnia can be induced even in the
presence of normal alveolar ventilation and normal carbon dioxide production by the body.
An adult at rest produces about 200mls of CO2 per minute: this is excreted via the lungs and the arterial
pCO2remains constant. An increased production of CO2 would lead to a respiratory acidosis if ventilation
remained constant. The system controlling arterial pCO2 is very efficient (ie rapid and effective) and any
increase in pCO2 very promptly results in a large increase in ventilation. The result is that increased
CO2 production almost never results in respiratory acidosis. It is only in situations where ventilation is
fixed that increased production will cause respiratory acidosis. Examples of this would be a ventilated
patient who develops acute malignant hyperthermia: the arterial pCO2 will rise unless the alveolar
ventilation is substantially increased.
Most cases of respiratory acidosis are due to decreased alveolar ventilation.
The defect leading to this can occur at any level in the respiratory control mechanism. This provides a
convenient way to classify causes that is used in the following table.
Alveolar hypoventilation may impair oxygen uptake.
The degree of arterial hypoxaemia will be related to the amount of hypoventilation. Increasing the percent
of oxygen in the inspired gas can completely correct the hypoxaemia if hypoventilation is the only factor
involved. If pulmonary disease leading to shunt or ventilation-perfusion mismatch is present, then the
hypoxaemia will not be so easily corrected. The following list classifies causes by the mechanism or site
causing the respiratory acidosis.

Causes of Respiratory Acidosis (classified by Mechanism)
A: Inadequate Alveolar Ventilation
Central Respiratory Depression & Other CNS Problems
y Drug depression of resp. center (eg by opiates, sedatives, anaesthetics)
y CNS trauma, infarct, haemorrhage or tumour
y Hypoventilation of obesity (eg Pickwickian syndrome)
y Cervical cord trauma or lesions (at or above C4 level)
y High central neural blockade
y Poliomyelitis
y Tetanus
y Cardiac arrest with cerebral hypoxia
Nerve or Muscle Disorders
y Guillain-Barre syndrome
y Myasthenia gravis
y Muscle relaxant drugs
y Toxins eg organophosphates, snake venom
y Various myopathies
Lung or Chest Wall Defects
y Acute on COAD
y Chest trauma -flail chest, contusion, haemothorax
y Pneumothorax
y Diaphragmatic paralysis or splinting
y Pulmonary oedema
y Adult respiratory distress syndrome
y Restrictive lung disease
y Aspiration
Airway Disorders
y Upper Airway obstruction
y Laryngospasm
y Bronchospasm/Asthma
External Factors
y Inadequate mechanical ventilation
B: Over-production of Carbon Dioxide
Hypercatabolic Disorders
y Malignant Hyperthermia
C: Increased Intake of Carbon Dioxide
Rebreathing of CO2-containing expired gas
Addition of CO2 to inspired gas
Insufflation of CO2 into body cavity (eg for laparoscopic surgery)

The generalisation made in this section is that though there are three possible distinct mechanisms that
can result in a respiratory acidosis, in clinical practice, nearly all cases are due to inadequate
alveolar ventilation. This is a very important point. Nevertheless the rare causes should be considered
especially in Anaesthetic and Intensive Care practice where patients are often intubated and connected to
circuits. Particular issues here include:
y Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an extremely rare but potentially fatal condition which occurs almost
exclusively in Anaesthetised patients exposed to certain drugs
y Various circuit misconnections & malfunctions, or soda lime exhaustion, can result in significant
rebreathing of expired carbon dioxide
y Patients who are paralysed and on controlled ventilation cannot increase their alveolar ventilation to
excrete any increased amounts of CO2 produced by the body (eg in hypercatabolic states such as
sepsis or MH)
y Exogenous carbon dioxide is introduced into the body in certain procedures (eg laparoscopy) and this
increases the amount of carbon dioxide to be excreted by the lungs
y Adding CO2 to the inspired gas as a respiratory stimulant has resulted, albeit rarely, in adverse
outcomes in the past. (This practice is now abandoned in modern Anaesthetic practice)
Continuous capnography monitoring is now mandatory in Anaesthetic practice.
4.3 Respiratory Acidosis - Maintenance
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Key Fact: A rise in arterial pCO
is a potent stimulus to ventilation so a
respiratory acidosis will rapidly correct unless some abnormal factor is
maintaining the hypoventilation.
This feedback mechanism is responsible for the normal tight control of arterial pCO2. The factor causing
the disorder is also the factor maintaining it. The prevailing arterial pCO2 represents the balance between
the effects of the primary cause and the respiratory stimulation due to the increased pCO2.
Other then by ventilatory assistance, the pCO2 will return to normal only by correction of the cause of the
decreased alveolar ventilation.
An extremely high arterial pCO2 has direct anaesthetic effects and this will lead to a worsening of the
situation either by central depression of ventilation or as a result of loss of airway patency or protection.
4.4 Respiratory Acidosis - Metabolic Effects
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4.4.1 Depression of Intracellular Metabolism
rapidly and easily crosses lipid barriers, a respiratory acidosis has
rapid & generally depressing effects on intracellular metabolism.
Hypercapnia will rapidly cause an intracellular acidosis in all cells in the body. The clinical picture will be
affected by the arterial hypoxaemia that is usually present. The effects described below are the metabolic
effects of hypercapnia rather than respiratory acidosis. Patients with respiratory acidosis can be
hypocapnic if a severe metabolic acidosis is also present.
Important effects of Hypercapnia
y Stimulation of ventilation via both central and peripheral chemoreceptors
y Cerebral vasodilation increasing cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure
y Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system resulting in tachycardia, peripheral
vasoconstriction and sweating
y Peripheral vasodilation by direct effect on vessels
y Central depression at very high levels of pCO2

4.4.2 Importance of Cerebral Effects
The cerebral effects of hypercapnia are usually the most important.
These effects are:
y increased cerebral blood flow,
y increased intracranial pressure, &
y potent stimulation of ventilation.
This can result in dyspnoea, disorientation, acute confusion, headache, mental obtundation or even focal
neurologic signs. Patients with marked elevations of arterial pCO2 may be comatose but several factors
contribute to this:
y Anaesthetic effects of very high arterial pCO2 (eg > 100mmHg)
y Arterial hypoxaemia
y Increased intracranial pressure
As a practical clinical example, the rise in intracranial pressure due to hypercapnia may be particularly
marked in patients with intracranial pathology (eg tumours, head injury) as the usual compensatory
mechanism of CSF translocation may be readily exhausted. Any associated hypoxaemia will contribute to
an adverse outcome.
4.4.3 Effects on Cardiovascular System
The effects on the cardiovascular system are a balance between the direct and
indirect effects.
Typically, the patient is warm, flushed, sweaty, tachycardic and has a bouncing pulse.
The clinical picture may be modified by effects of hypoxaemia, other illnesses and the patients
medication. Arrhythmias may be present particularly if significant hypoxaemia is present or
sympathomimetics have been used.
Acutely the acidosis will cause a right shift of the oxygen dissociation curve. If the acidosis persists, a
decrease in red cell 2,3 DPG occurs which shifts the curve back to the left.
An arterial pCO
in excess of about 90 mmHg is not compatible with life in
patients breathing room air.
This is because of the obligatorily associated severe hypoxaemia. The alveolar gas equation predicts an
alveolar pO2of 37mmHg (and the arterial pOsub>2 would be lower than this) when the pCO2 is 90mmHg:
pAO2 = [0.21 x (760-47)] - 90 / 0.8 = 37 mmHg.
Higher values of paCO2 have been recorded in patients breathing an increased inspired oxygen
concentration which prevents the hypoxaemia. Values up to about 260mmHg have been recorded with
inadvertent administration of high inspired pCO2 but this is Guinness Book of Records stuff! High
pCO2 levels also have an anaesthetic effect.

Hypercapnia -vs- Respiratory acidosis?
Note that 'hypercapnia' and 'respiratory acidosis' are not synonymous as, for example,
a patient with a severe metabolic acidosis and a concomitant respiratory acidosis could
have an arterial pCO2 less than 40mmHg.
However, most of the discussion of 'metabolic effects' on this page is more correctly the
'metabolic effects of hypercapnia' rather than respiratory acidosis per se. Despite this,
even in the mixed disorder just mentioned, the effects of an elevated arterial pCO2 are
linear, so compared to the situation of a severe metabolic acidosis alone, the metabolic
effects of the higher pCO2 of the mixed acid-base disorder (ie with the concomitant
respiratory acidosis) are mostly still relatively correct.

4.5 Respiratory Acidosis - Compensation
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4.5.1 The compensatory response is a rise in the bicarbonate level
This rise has an immediate component (due to a resetting of the physicochemical equilibrium point) which
raises the bicarbonate slightly.
Next is a slower component where a further rise in plasma bicarbonate due to enhanced renal retention of
bicarbonate. The additional effect on plasma bicarbonate of the renal retention is what converts an "acute"
respiratory acidsosis into a "chronic" respiratory acidosis.
As can be seen by inspection of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (below), an increased [HCO3
] will
counteract the effect (on the pH) of an increased pCO2 because it returns the value of the [HCO3]/0.03
pCO2 ratio towards normal.
pH = pKa + log([HCO
]/0.03 pCO
4.5.2 Buffering in Acute Respiratory Acidosis
The compensatory response to an acute respiratory acidosis is limited to buffering.
By the law of mass action, the increased arterial pCO2 causes a shift to the right in the following reaction:
+ H
O <-> H
<-> H

In the blood, this reaction occurs rapidly inside red blood cells because of the presence of carbonic
anhydrase. The hydrogen ion produced is buffered by intracellular proteins and by phosphates.
Consequently, in the red cell, the buffering is mostly by haemoglobin. This buffering by removal of
hydrogen ion, pulls the reaction to the right resulting in an increased bicarbonate production. The
bicarbonate exchanges for chloride ion across the erythrocyte membrane and the plasma bicarbonate level
rises. In an acute acidosis, there is insufficient time for the kidneys to respond to the increased arterial
pCO2 so this is the only cause of the increased plasma bicarbonate in this early phase. The increase in
bicarbonate only partially returns the extracellular pH towards normal.
Empirically, the [HCO3
] rises by 1 mmol/l for every 10mmHg increase in pCO2 above its reference value of
40mmHg. For example, if arterial pCO2 has risen acutely from 40mmHg to 60mmHg (due to decreased
alveolar ventilaton) then this acute rise of 2 tens (i.e. 60-40=20mmHg rise) results in a rise of plasma
bicarbonate by 2 from its reference value of 24mmol/l up to 26 mmol/l. Consequently, we would predict
that if this acute respiratory acidosis was the only base disorder present, then plasma bicarbonate would
be 26mmol/l.
Though very important for carriage of carbon dioxide in the blood, the bicarbonate system is not itself
responsible for any buffering of a respiratory acid-base disorder. This is because a system cannot buffer
itself. If HCO3 were to react with H
produced from the dissociation of H2CO3 this would just produce
H2CO3 again - reversing the reaction is not 'buffering'.
Ninety-nine percent of the buffering of an acute respiratory acidosis occurs intracellularly. Proteins
(especially haemoglobin in red cells) and phosphates are the most important buffers involved. These take
up the H
produced from the dissociation of H2CO3. This intracellular buffering results in a further increase
in intracellular [HCO3] because it pulls the CO2 hydration reaction to the right. The HCO3 that leaves the
cell causes the rise in extracellular HCO3. The amount of buffering is limited by the concentration of
protein as that is low relative to the amount of carbon dioxide requiring buffering.
In summary: Compensation for an acute respiratory acidosis is by intracellular buffering and plasma
bicarbonate rises slightly as a result of this buffering. The buffering is predominantly due to intracellular
proteins; the bicarbonate system does not contribute to this buffering.
4.5.3 Chronic Respiratory Acidosis: Renal Bicarbonate Retention
With continuation of the acidosis, the kidneys respond by retaining bicarbonate.
If the respiratory acidosis persists then the plasma bicarbonate rises to an even higher level because of
renal retention of bicarbonate.
Thus in a chronic respiratory acidosis there are TWO factors present which elevate the plasma
y Firstly: The acute physicochemical change and consequent buffering esp by intracellular protein.
(Immediate onset - as occurs with an acute respiratory acidosis.)
y Secondly: The renal retention of bicarbonate as renal function is altered by the elevated arterial pCO2
and additional bicarbonate is added to the blood passing through the kidney. (Slow onset)
Studies have shown that an average 4 mmol/l increase in [HCO3
] occurs for every 10mmHg increase in
pCO2 from the reference value of 40mmHg. For example, if arterial pCO2 has risen from 40mmHg to
60mmHg (due to decreased alveolar ventilaton) and remained elevated for several days, then this chronic
rise of "2 tens" (i.e. 60-40=20mmHg rise = 2 rises of 10mmHg) results in a rise of plasma bicarbonate by
8 from its reference value of 24mmol/l up to 32 mmol/l. Consequently, we would predict that if this
chronic respiratory acidosis was the only base disorder present, then plasma bicarbonate would be
The renal response in underway by 6 to 12 hours with a maximal effect reached by 3 to 4 days. This
maximal effect is not sufficient to return plasma pH to normal, but because of the additional renal
contribution, the pH is returned towards normal much more than occurs in an acute respiratory acidosis.
The response occurs because increased arterial pCO2 increases intracellular pCO2 in proximal tubular cells
and this causes increased H
secretion from the PCT cells into the tubular lumen. This results in:
y increased HCO3 production which crosses the basolateral membrane and enters the circulation (so
plasma [HCO3] increases.)
y increased Na
reabsorption in exchange for H
and less in exchange for Cl
(so plasma [Cl
] falls)
y increased 'NH3' production to 'buffer' the H
in the tubular lumen (so urinary excretion of NH4Cl
4.5.4 'Maximal compensation' versus 'full compensation'?.
The increase in plasma [HCO3] results in an increase in amount of bicarbonate filtered in the kidney and
this amount increases as plasma bicarbonate continues to increase. Eventually a new steady state is
reached which is referred to as maximal compensation.
This level of compensation has long been believed to be less than that required to return the plasma pH to
normal. That is the actual compensation ('maximal compensation') is less than 'full compensation'. If the
pH was found to actually be within the normal range, the interpretation of this was that there was a co-
existing metabolic alkalosis (e.g. due to use of diuretics or corticosteroids) or there had been transient
hyperventilation from the stress of arterial puncture.
A recent study
examined the actual maximal response in a group of patients with stable chronic
hypercapnic respiratory failure without a clinical condition or medications those could cause a metabolic
alkalosis. The majority of these patients had pH values in the normal range as the compensation was
greater than that predicted by the classic 4 for 10 rule. They found that bicarbonate increased by 5.1
mmols/l for every 10mmHg pCO2 rise.
Consequently, a diagnosis of mild metabolic alkalosis should not be made in patients with stable chronic
respiratory acidosis with pH values in the normal range unless there is other evidence (e.g. use of thiazide
or loop diuretics, or corticosteroids) consistent with the diagnosis.
In summary, the compensation for hypercapnia is:
y Acute: Buffering only and predominantly intracellular (99%)
y Chronic: Renal retention of bicarbonate (in addition to buffering)
Summary notes about the compensation terms
Maximal compensation refers to the actual maximal amount of compensation that is typically seen in a
patient with a simple acid-base disorder.
Full compensation refers to the amount of compensation that would correct the pH all the way back to
within the normal range.
The general rule for all acid-base disorders is that the body's compensatory response is almost never
sufficient to return the plasma pH to normal. If the pH is normal then it suggests that a second,
compensating acid-base disorder is present. Contrary to this 'classic' teaching, a recent paper
that in many patients with chronic stable hypercapnia, compensation may be sufficient to return pH to
within the normal range.
4.5.5 Differing time courses of compensation and correction
The situation may be complicated because of the differing time courses of compensation & correction.
Consider a couple of typical situations which sometimes cause confusion in interpretation:
Scenario 1
Correction of a chronic respiratory acidosis can occur more rapidly than correction of the renal
compensation so it is possible that the blood gases in an individual patient may appear to show 'full
compensation' if the alveolar ventilation has increased and before the kidneys have had time to adjust.
The stimulation of being in the Emergency Room may result in such a situation and the snapshot provided
by a single set of gases may reveal such a situation. (Remember this when the junior doctor alights upon
such a set of results and says, "But I thought you said that compensation never 'fully' returns the pH to
normal but this is what has happened here?")
Scenario 2
If a patient with chronic respiratory acidosis is intubated and ventilated, the arterial pCO2 can be rapidly
corrected (by adjusting the ventilator parameters). This can occur quite rapidly, but the elevated
bicarbonate takes longer longer than this to fall. The situation can be more complicated because some
such patients have additional factors which inhibit the ready excretion of the elevated bicarbonate, as
occurs in 'post-hypercapnic metabolic alkalosis'.)
4.6 Respiratory Acidosis - Correction
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4.6.1 Restoration of Adequate Alveolar Ventilation
The pCO
rapidly returns to normal with restoration of adequate alveolar ventilation
Treatment usually needs to be directed to correction of the primary cause if this is possible. In severe
cases, intubation and mechanical ventilation will be necessary to restore alveolar ventilation.
The patient can deteriorate following intubation and ventilation which results in a rapid fall in
pCO2 especially if the respiratory acidosis has been present for some time. This first became apparent
when mechanical ventilation was instituted in the chronically hypercapnic patients during the polio
epidemic in Copenhagen in about 1950. Rapid return of pCO2 towards normal was often accompanied by
severe hypotension. Presumably the sympathetic stimulation due to hypercapnia resulted in patients who
were relatively vasoconstricted and volume depleted. The acute drop in pCO2decreased the sympathetic
stimulation and hypotension resulted. These patients required significant fluid loading. (Incidentally, this
epidemic and the experience in ventilating large numbers of patients resulted in the birth of Respiratory
Units which gradually evolved into the Intensive Care Unit of today. See Pontoppidan H et al. Respiratory
Intensive Care. Anesthesiology. 1977; 47: 96-116 for more details)
In some other situations, it is preferable not to return arterial pCO2 to 40 mmHg with mechanical
ventilation eg in patients with chronic CO2 retention from severe chronic obstructive airways disease. In
some asthmatics presenting with severe bronchospasm (but not respiratory arrest), the problems
associated with ventilation in this situation may suggest that administration of high oxygen concentrations
to prevent hypoxaemia and tolerance of significant hypercapnia (permissive hypercapnia) is a beneficial
strategy. The idea is to adjust ventilation to allow adequate oxygenation using lower pressures which
decrease the risk of barotrauma.
4.6.2 What is post hypercapnic alkalosis?
The correction of the elevated bicarbonate (renal compensation) associated with chronic respiratory
acidosis may not be rapid. Return of plasma bicarbonate to normal requires renal excretion of the excess
bicarbonate. The kidney has a large capacity to excrete bicarbonate but in certain abnormal conditions this
capacity is impaired and the bicarbonate level remains elevated. This persistence of elevated bicarbonate
despite resolution of the chronic respiratory acidosis is referred to by some as post-hypercapnic alkalosis.
(See Case History 18 in Section 9.6)
The factors causing maintenance of high bicarbonate levels are the same as those involved in
maintenance of a metabolic alkalosis. These factors are chloride depletion, potassium depletion, ECF
volume depletion and reduction of GFR. (See Section 7.3 for discussion).
This situation occurs almost exclusively in ICU patients with chronic hypercapnia who are acutely
ventilated back to a normal arterial pCO2. Chloride depletion occurring during the hypercapnia is probably
the most important factor involved in the maintenance of the high bicarbonate levels. The coexistence of
disorders which can cause a metabolic alkalosis is also important in many of these complicated ICU
patients. The use of diuretics and loss of acidic gastric secretions (by nasogastric drainage) are usually the
most important factors. It should be noted that high nasogastric drainage despite the use of H2-blockers
such as ranitidine can still result in significant chloride losses which may not fully replaced by the IV fluids
given to the patients. These patients are often avidly retaining sodium in the kidneys and this is
associated with high levels of bicarbonate reabsorption. In general, bicarbonate levels in this situation are
in the 30 to 45 mmol/l range.
4.7 Respiratory Acidosis - Assessment
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The arterial pCO2 value is used to quantify the magnitude of the alteration in alveolar ventilation
(assuming CO2 production is constant and inspired pCO2 is negligible). The arterial pCO2 alone is not
satisfactory for assessing the magnitude of a respiratory acidosis in some cases. In particular, coexisting
metabolic acid-base disorders cause compensatory changes in pCO2 and these must be accounted for.
The best available quantitative index of the magnitude of a respiratory acidosis is
the difference between the 'actual' pCO
and the 'expected' pCO

Definition of Terms
y Actual pCO2 - the measured value obtained from arterial blood gas analysis.
y Expected pCO2 - the value of pCO2 that we calculate would be present taking into account
the presence of any metabolic acid-base disorder. If there is no metabolic acid-base
disorder then a pCO2 of 40 mmHg is taken as the reference point - ie we would use
40mmHg as the expected pCO2

The reason we have to allow for a metabolic acid-base disorder is that the pCO2 value changes from
40mmHg due solely to the body's compensatory ventilatory response to a metabolic acidosis or alkalosis
so just using a value of 40mmHg as normal would be wrong and lead us to incorrect conclusions.
With an acute metabolic acidosis, the body responds by increasing alveolar ventilation. This response is
compensatory because hyperventilation results in a decrease in arterial pCO2 which tends to return the
arterial pH towards 7.4 partially correcting the acute deviation of plasma pH from normal. The value of
pCO2 at maximal compensation can be predicted using a simple bedside 'rule of thumb' and this calculated
value is the 'expected' pCO2 which we use to compare with the 'actual'(measured) pCO2 value.
If a metabolic disorder is present, we can calculate (using a simple formula) a new reference value of
pCO2 ( the expected pCO2) that we would expect that would be present with typical levels of respiratory
compensation. We use this calculated 'expected value' to compare with the actual measured value.
You will now note as a consequence of this approach something that you might think to be rather odd:
that is, it is possible for a patient to have a significant respiratory acidosis and yet be hypocapnic! This
seems counter-intuitive if you wrongly considered that the terms 'respiratory acidosis' and 'hypercapnia' to
be synonomous.

An Example
Consider a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis who has a bicarbonate level of 8 mmol/l - clearly
a severe metabolic acidosis - and a measured arterial pCO2 of 40mmHg.
Using the formula in Section 5.5, we calculate (and so predict) that if the metabolic acidosis
was the only acid-base disorder present, then:
Patient's 'Expected' pCO2 = [(1.5 x 8) + 8 ] = 20 mmHg.
But the 'actual' arterial pCO2 is 40mmHg then, as this is much higher than the expected
value, we would decide that our original assumption that this was the only acid-base disorder
present was wrong. In this example, a co-existing respiratory acidosis was present. The pH in
this patient with a mixed acidosis would be much lower than it would be if only the metabolic
acidosis was present.
As an exercise, use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the pH for both values of
pCO2). If we just accepted a pCO2 of 40mmHg as 'normal' then we would have missed this
significant second acid-base disorder. Of course, the term 'respiratory acidosis' is not just
words to explain a number - there must be some problem present which would explain the
relative hypoventilation in this patient. For respiratory disorders one tends to think of the lung
first, but such disorders are frequently caused by an abnormality at another parts of the
respiratory control pathway (eg muscle weakness, coma, airway obstruction)
A final point: There is a widespread use of the term 'respiratory alkalosis' to refer to the compensatory
hyperventilation that occurs with a metabolic acidosis but this term is quite wrong in this situation. The
terms 'acidosis' & 'alkalosis' refer to primary abnormal processes (by definition) and should never be used
to refer to compensatory processes. (Refer to Section 3.1 for definitions & discussion).
4.8 Respiratory Acidosis - Prevention
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Some causes are not amenable to preventive measures. Monitoring of at-risk patients with capnography is
appropriate in some situations (eg in an Intensive Care Unit, intraoperatively and in the Recovery Room)
and will allow earlier detection of a problem.
The end-tidal pCO2 is typically lower than the arterial pCO2 and the difference between these values is an
index of the magnitude of the alveolar dead space. So if the end-tidal pCO2 is elevated then the arterial
pCO2 is usually even more elevated.
First Key Fact: Watch for inadequate alveolar ventilation
Inadequate alveolar ventilation is the underlying problem in nearly all patients so any patient who could
have impaired ventilation is at risk of developing respiratory acidosis. So recognise these at-risk
Second Key Fact: Give oxygen to avoid hypoxaemia
Inadequate ventilation will also necessarily affect arterial oxygenation so steps to avoid, recognise and/or
treat arterial hypoxaemia are very important. The simple measure of providing supplemental oxygen by
face mask to patients can often correct or prevent hypoxaemia.
Some particular medical situations where prevention can be utilised are:
y Better airway care and attention to safe positioning of cerebrally obtunded patients (ie prevent airway
y Increased care in the use of drugs (such as CNS sedatives or opiate drugs) which can depress
y Increased attention to the care of patients at risk of aspiration (eg unconscious patients)
y Ensuring adequate reversal of neuromuscular relaxants
5.1 - Metabolic Acidosis : Definition
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A metabolic acidosis is an abnormal primary process or condition leading to an
increase in fixed acids in the blood.

This causes the arterial plasma bicarbonate to fall to a level lower than expected. The fall in plasma
bicarbonate is due to titration of HCO3
by H
Secondary or compensatory processes which cause a fall in plasma bicarbonate should not be
confused with primary processes. A fall in bicarbonate occurring in response to a chronic respiratory
alkalosis should be referred to as a compensatory response and never as a secondary metabolic acidosis.
This distinction between a primary process and a secondary one has been discussed previously in section
3.1.2when discussing terminology of acid-base disorders.
It is of course possible for a patient to have a mixed acid-base disorder with both a metabolic acidosis and
a respiratory alkalosis. An example would be an adult presenting following a salicylate overdose. In this
situation, direct stimulation of the respiratory centre occurs resulting in a respiratory alkalosis as well as
the salicylate-related metabolic acidosis.
5.2 Metabolic Acidosis - Causes
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5.2.1 Classification by Patho-physiological Mechanism
A decrease in plasma bicarbonate can be caused by two mechanisms:
y A gain of strong acid
y A loss of base
All causes of a metabolic acidosis must work by these mechanisms. The gain of strong acid may be
endogenous (eg ketoacids from lipid metabolism) or exogenous (NH4Cl infusion). Bicarbonate loss may
occur via the bowel (diarrhoea, small bowel fistulas) or via the kidneys (carbonic anhydrase inhibitors,
renal tubular acidosis).
5.2.2 Classification by Anion Gap
An alternative to the above, is to classify the causes of metabolic acidosis into two groups depending on
whether theanion gap is elevated or normal. These 2 groups are referred to as:
y 'high anion gap metabolic acidosis'
y 'normal anion gap metabolic acidosis'
The term 'hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis' is also often used for the 'normal anion gap' group but the
terms are not really synonomous (as discussed in section 8.4).
This is the most clinically useful way to classify metabolic acidosis and it is used extensively when
assessing metabolic acidosis. The further sub-divisions within this classification are outlined in the table
Causes of Metabolic Acidosis (classified by Anion Gap)
A: High Anion-Gap Acidosis
1. Ketoacidosis
y Diabetic ketoacidosis
y Alcoholic ketoacidosis
y Starvation ketoacidosis
2. Lactic Acidosis
y Type A Lactic acidosis (Impaired perfusion)
y Type B Lactic acidosis (Impaired carbohydrate metabolism)
3. Renal Failure
y Uraemic acidosis
y Acidosis with acute renal failure
4. Toxins
y Ethylene glycol
y Methanol
y Salicylates
B : Normal Anion-Gap Acidosis (or Hyperchloraemic acidosis)
1. Renal Causes
y Renal tubular acidosis
y Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
2. GIT Causes
y Severe diarrhoea
y Uretero-enterostomy or Obstructed ileal conduit
y Drainage of pancreatic or biliary secretions
y Small bowel fistula
3. Other Causes
y Recovery from ketoacidosis
y Addition of HCl, NH4Cl
5.3 Metabolic Acidosis : Maintenance
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The disorder is maintained as long as the primary cause persists.
Additionally, in many cases the acid-base disturbance tends to increase in severity while the problem
causing it persists though this is not absolute.
For example with diabetic ketoacidosis, the pH will remain low as long as the problem (relative or absolute
insulin deficiency) persists and the levels of plasma keto-anions continue to rise. However, these
increased plasma levels of keto-anions exceed the renal threshold and are excreted in the urine. This will
limit the rate of rise as long as this additional mechanism of excreting the acid anions persists. This renal
excretion also means that once treatment commences, there is now a deficiency of keto-anions to be
metabolised to regenerate bicarbonate and consequently there is can be a significant delay in the return of
the plasma pH to normal.
5.4 Metabolic Acidosis - Metabolic Effects
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5.4.1 Cardiorespiratory Effects
A metabolic acidosis can cause significant physiological effects, particularly affecting the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems.
Major Effects of a Metabolic Acidosis
Respiratory Effects
y Hyperventilation ( Kussmaul respirations) - this is the compensatory response
y Shift of oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) to the right
y Decreased 2,3 DPG levels in red cells (shifting the ODC back to the left)
Cardiovascular Effects
y Depression of myocardial contractility
y Sympathetic overactivity (incl tachycardia, vasoconstriction,decreased arrhythmia
y Resistance to the effects of catecholamines
y Peripheral arteriolar vasodilatation
y Venoconstriction of peripheral veins
y Vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries
y Effects of hyperkalaemia on heart
Other Effects
y Increased bone resorption (chronic acidosis only)
y Shift of K
out of cells causing hyperkalaemia
5.4.2 Some Effects have Opposing Actions.
The cardiac stimulatory effects of sympathetic activity and release of catecholamines usually counteract
the direct myocardial depression while plasma pH remains above 7.2. At systemic pH values less than
this, the direct depression of contractility usually predominates.
The direct vasodilatation is offset by the indirect sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction and cardiac
stimulation during a mild acidosis. The venoconstriction shifts blood centrally and this causes pulmonary
congestion. Pulmonary artery pressure usually rises during acidosis.
The shift of the oxygen dissociation curve to the right due to the acidosis occurs rapidly. After 6 hours of
acidosis, the red cell levels of 2,3 DPG have declined enough to shift the oxygen dissociation curve (ODC)
back to normal.
Acidosis is commonly said to cause hyperkalaemia by a shift of potassium out of cells. The effect on
potassium levels is extremely variable and indirect effects due to the type of acidosis present are much
more important. For example hyperkalaemia is due to renal failure in uraemic acidosis rather than the
acidosis. Significant potassium loss due to osmotic diuresis occurs during diabetic ketoacidosis and the
potassium level at presentation is variable (though total body potassium stores are invariably depleted).
Treatment with fluid and insulin can cause a prompt and marked fall in plasma potassium. Hypokalaemia
may then be a problem.
5.5 Metabolic Acidosis - Compensation
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5.5.1 Hyperventilation
Compensation for a metabolic acidosis is hyperventilation to decrease the arterial pCO
This hyperventilation was first described by Kussmaul in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis in 1874. The
metabolic acidosis is detected by both the peripheral and central chemoreceptors and the respiratory
center is stimulated. The initial stimulation of the central chemoreceptors is due to small increases in brain
]. The subsequent increase in ventilation causes a fall in arterial pCO2 which inhibits the ventilatory
Maximal compensation takes 12 to 24 hours
The chemoreceptor inhibition acts to limit and delay the full ventilatory response until bicarbonate shifts
have stabilised across the blood brain barrier. The increase in ventilation usually starts within minutes and
is usually well advanced at 2 hours of onset but maximal compensation may take 12 to 24 hours to
develop. This is maximal compensation rather than full compensation as it does not return the
extracellular pH to normal.
In situations where a metabolic acidosis develops rapidly and is short-lived there is usually little time for
much compensatory ventilatory response to occur. An example is the acute and sometimes severe lactic
acidosis due to a prolonged generalised convulsion: this corrects due to rapid hepatic uptake and
metabolism of the lactate following cessation of convulsive muscular activity, and hyperventilation due to
the acidosis does not occur.
The expected pCO
at maximal compensation can be calculated from a simple formula
The arterial pCO2 at maximal compensation has been measured in many patients with a metabolic
acidosis. A consistent relationship between bicarbonate level and pCO2 has been found. It can be
estimated from the following equation:
Expected pCO
= 1.5 (Actual [HCO
] ) + 8 mmHg
(Units: mmols/l for [HCO3], and mmHg for pCO2).
The limiting value of compensation is the lowest level to which the pCO2 can fall - this is typically 8 to
10mmHg, though lower values are occasionally seen.
5.5.2 An Example
If the measured HCO3 is 12 mmols/l, then the expected pCO2 (at maximal compensation) would be: (1.5 x
12) + 8 = 18 + 8 = 26 mmHg. If the actual pCO2 was within +/- 2 mmHg of this (and 12 to 24 hours
have passed from onset) then the respiratory compensation has reached it maximal value (and there
would be no evidence of a primary respiratory acid-base disorder).
If the actual pCO2 was say 40 mmHg in this situation, this is markedly different from the expected value
of 26 mmHg and indicates the presence of quite a marked second primary acid-base disorder: a
respiratory acidosis. A typical clinical situation may be a diabetic patient with ketoacidosis and severe
pneumonia where the respiratory disease has resulted in the respiratory acid-base disorder. Note that in
this situation, a severe respiratory acidosis has been diagnosed despite the presence of a pCO2 at the
value (40 mmHg) typically considered normal!
5.5.3 Maintain hyperventilation in ventilated patients
If a patient with a severe metabolic acidosis requires intubation and controlled ventilation in hospital, the
acidosis can markedly worsen unless the hyperventilation is maintained. The ventilation should be set to
mimic the compensatory hyperventilation to keep the pCO2 low. If ventilation is set to some standard
value and the pCO2 allowed to rise towards 40mmHg, then this represents the imposition of an acute
respiratory acidosis and pH can fall rapidly!
Carbon dioxide crosses cell membranes readily so intracellular pH falls rapidly also, resulting in depression
of myocardial contractility, arrhythmias and a rise in intracranial pressure. The patient may deteriorate
soon after intubation and ventilation and the medical staff usually dont appreciate how they have
contributed to this outcome.
Beware when initiating ventilation in a patient with a significant acidosis: the situation described above is
not widely appreciated and the outcome could be fatal. Set the ventilator settings so that the arterial
pCO2 remains low. Use the "expected pCO2" formula as a guide to a suitable target level.
5.6 Metabolic Acidosis - Correction
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5.6.1 Treatment Principles
The most important approach to managing a metabolic acidosis is to treat the underlying disorder. Then
with supportive management, the body will correct the acid-base disorder. Accurate analysis & diagnosis
is essential to ensure the correct treatment is used. Fortunately, in most cases this is not particularly
difficult in principle. Remember though that a patient with a severe metabolic acidosis may be very
seriously ill and even with optimal management the patient may not survive.
The ECLS Approach to Management of Metabolic Acidosis
1. Emergency: Emergency management of immediately life-threatening conditions always
has the highest priority. For example, intubation and ventilation for airway or ventilatory
control; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; severe hyperkalaemia
2. Cause: Treat the underlying disorder as the primary therapeutic goal. Consequently,
accurate diagnosis of the cause of the metabolic acidosis is very important. In some cases
(e.g. methanol toxicity) there may be a substantial delay become the diagnosis can be
confirmed so management must be based on suggestive evidence otherwise it will be too late.
3. Losses Replace losses (e.g. of fluids and electrolytes) where appropriate. Other supportive
care (oxygen administration) is useful. In most cases, IV sodium bicarbonate is NOT
necessary, NOT helpful, and may even be harmful so is not generally recommended.
4. Specifics There are often specific problems or complications associated with specific
causes or specific cases which require specific management. For example: Ethanol blocking
treatment with methanol ingestion; rhabdomyolysis requires management for preventing
acute renal failure; haemodialysis can remove some toxins.

Some examples of specific treatments for underlying disorders:
y Fluid, insulin and electrolyte replacement is necessary for diabetic ketoacidosis
y Administration of bicarbonate and/or dialysis may be required for acidosis associated with renal failure
y Restoration of an adequate intravascular volume and peripheral perfusion is necessary in lactic
The detailed treatment of the various specific disorders is not considered here, but the important message
is that the treatment of each underlying disorder differs so an accurate diagnosis is essential for selection
of correct treatment. Treatment of the underlying disorder will result in correction of the metabolic
acidosis (ie the bicarbonate level will return to normal).
5.6.2 Repair of the Bicarbonate Deficit
Correction involves repair of the bicarbonate deficit in the body.
So where does this bicarbonate come from? There are three usual sources:
1. Kidney: Renal generation of new bicarbonate
This usually occurs as a consequence of an increase in ammonium excretion.
2. Liver: Hepatic metabolism of acid anions to produce bicarbonate
The normal liver has a large capacity to metabolise many organic acid anions (eg lactate, ketoanions) with
the result that bicarbonate is regenerated in the liver. In severe ketoacidosis there is often a large loss of
ketoanions due to the hyperglycaemia induced osmotic diuresis. This leaves a shortfall of ketoanions to be
used to regenerate bicarbonate as a consequence of their metabolism in the kidney.
3. Exogenous Administration of sodium bicarbonate
This is the time honoured method to 'speed up' the return of bicarbonate levels to normal. Indeed, this
may be useful in mineral acidosis (hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis) where there are no endogenous
acid anions which can be metabolised by the liver. However, in most other cases of metabolic acidosis this
administration is either not helpful or may be disadvantageous.
Sodium bicarbonate solutions should NOT be given on a routine basis no matter
what the arterial pH is.
Following the above stricture in clinical practice may be very difficult. A severe lactic acidosis may be
associated with a very high risk of death no matter how careful the management. If the patient dies there
are often those who will criticise. Development of (institutional) evidence-based protocols or guidelines
can be useful to aid in selection of agreed treatments.
Administration of sodium bicarbonate may be useful in treatment of severe hyperkalaemia. Such
hyperkalaemia may be immediately life-threatening. Calcium gluconate will be more rapidly protective
against serious arrhythmias.
It should be noted that correction of a metabolic acidosis does not necessarily involve renal excretion of
acid or renalregeneration of bicarbonate because of the role of hepatic metabolism of some anions. For
example, in lactic acidosis and ketoacidosis, treatment results in significant correction because of
predominantly hepatic metabolism of the acid anions to regenerate bicarbonate. If acid anions have been
lost in the urine, then renal regeneration of bicarbonate is very important for correction of the acid-base
In a severe ketoacidosis, there is a large loss of ketoanions in the urine. When the disorder is treated
(fluids & insulin) there is a relative deficiency of acid anions which can be metabolised in the liver with
regeneration of bicarbonate. Consequently, it is common to find that treatment results in a rapid
correction (few hours) of the hyperglycaemia and the hypovolaemia but the acidosis may take over 24
hours to return to normal. This is because 'new' bicarbonate has to be regenerated by the kidneys and this
takes longer to correct the bicarbonate deficit. There has been a past tendency to speed up the process by
administration of intravenousNaHCO3 solution but this is not necessary and has not been shown to have
any advantage.
The liver has several important roles in acid-base metabolism and its importance is generally
understated in texts. Metabolism of other bicarbonate precursors (eg citrate from blood transfusion,
acetate from 'Plasmalyte 148' solution) also occurs in the liver. The liver is the major site for the synthesis
of plasma proteins and this is very significant for acid-base physiology (see also Section 10.6).
---- ----
Note: 'Plasmalyte 148' is an IV fluid that is available in some countries. It is used as an ECF replacement fluid. It is
similar to Hartmann's solution in that it contains a bicarbonate precursor (acetate in Plasmalyte; lactate in Hartmanns).
Differences from Hartmanns are that Plasmalyte has a [Na
] of 140mmol/l and contains Mg
instead of Ca
5.7 Metabolic Acidosis - Assessment
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Main Aspects of Assessment
The three aspects of assessment of this acid-base disorder are:
y First: Recognise its presence
y Second: Diagnose the cause
y Finally: Measure the severity
5.7.1 Investigations
A metabolic acidosis is often strongly suspected because of the clinical presentation of the patient (eg
diabetes, renal failure, severe diarrhoea). Three clues from a typical hospital automated biochemical
profile are:
y Low bicarbonate (or low total CO2)
y High chloride
y High anion gap
What is total CO
This is often reported as part of the laboratorys automated biochemical profile on a venous blood sample.
It represents the total concentration of all the species in the sample which can be converted to carbon
dioxide gas. This is:
Total CO2 = [HCO3] + [H2CO3] + [carbamino CO2] + [dissolved CO2]
Apart from bicarbonate, all the other species are present in only small concentrations. The usefulness of
the 'total CO2' is as an estimate of the arterial bicarbonate & which can be obtained without collecting an
arterial sample. The value will usually be several mmols/liter higher than the actual arterial value due to
the inclusion of carbamino & dissolved CO2 and because of the higher CO2 content of venous blood.
Arterial blood gases are important for diagnosis but should always be interpreted in conjunction with the
clinical details.
In addition to arterial blood gases, some other investigations useful for indicating a metabolic acidosis and
for differentiating between the various major causes are:
y Urine tests for glucose and ketones
y Electrolytes (incl chloride, anion gap, bicarbonate)
y Plasma glucose
y Urea and creatinine
y Lactate
5.7.2 Use of Ancillary Indices
There are several indices (which can be calculated from pathology results) which may be useful in
assessing a metabolic acidosis:
y Anion gap
y Delta ratio
y Urinary anion gap
y Osmolar gap
The anion gap is useful in a couple of ways:
y Alerting Role: An elevated anion gap (esp if AG > 20 mmol/l) will alert the clinician to the presence of
a high anion gap metabolic acidosis. This can be extremely useful in sorting out complicated mixed
y Classification Role: It is used to divide metabolic acidosis into two major subgroups. The next step
then is to consider either the 4 major categories of high anion gap acidosis (ketoacidosis, lactic
acidosis, uraemic acidosis, acidosis due toxins) or the 2 major categories of normal anion gap acidosis
(renal group, GIT group). History and a few pertinent investigations will usually distinguish the cause.
The delta ratio can be useful particularly in the difficult situation of a metabolic acidosis due to two
processes where one elevates the anion gap and the other does not. An example is the hyperchloraemic
normal anion gap acidosis which may develop in patients who have diabetic ketoacidosis (high anion gap).
The ratio gives an indication of the relative contribution of the two processes. Unfortunately, its
interpretation is limited somewhat by the wide error margin in this derived variable.
The urinary anion gap and the osmolar gap may be useful in certain patients with acidosis.
5.8 Metabolic Acidosis - Prevention
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Prevention of the primary disease or better management may be an option in some cases.
A particular example would be the prevention of episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis in insulin-dependent
diabetic patients. Most adult ICUs are familiar with some usually teenage or young adult patients who are
admitted multiple times with acute DKA due to poor compliance with insulin administration. Some of these
problems may respond to better diabetic education and counselling.
Better security of drugs may prevent accidental ingestion (eg of salicylates) by young children.

Summary of important aspects of Chapter 5 : Metabolic Acidosis
y Metabolic acidosis is an abnormal primary process causing an increase in fixed acids in the blood.
Buffering causes the plasma bicarbonate to fall to a level lower than expected and tends to cause an
y The decrease in bicarbonate level occurs either because of a gain of fixed acid or a loss of base.
y A more clinically useful classification is to divide metabolic acidosis into 2 groups: High anion gap
acidosis and Normal anion gap acidosis.
y Important metabolic effects include hyperventilation, sympathetic stimulation, decreased arrhythmia
threshold, direct myocardial depression, peripheral arteriolar vasodilatation, peripheral
venoconstriction and pulmonary vasoconstriction.
y The peripheral chemoreceptors sense the acidaemia and stimulate the respiratory centre. The
resulting hyperventilation causes a compensatory decrease in arterial pCO2 which partly returns the
arterial pH towards normal. Such compensation rarely if ever returns the pH to normal.
y The most important aspect of management involves correction of the primary disorder if possible.
Different causes of acidosis have some different specific management principles.
y The anion gap & the delta ratio may be useful aids in assessment of metabolic acidosis.

2.1 - Acid-Base Balance
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Each day there is always a production of acid by the bodys metabolic processes and to maintain balance,
these acids need to be excreted or metabolised. The various acids produced by the body are classified as
respiratory (or volatile) acids and as metabolic (or fixed) acids. The body normally can respond very
effectively to perturbations in acid or base production.

2.1.1 Respiratory Acid
The acid is more correctly carbonic acid (H2CO3) but the term 'respiratory acid' is usually used to mean
carbon dioxide. But CO2 itself is not an acid in the Bronsted-Lowry system as it does not contain a
hydrogen so cannot be a proton donor. However CO2 can instead be thought of as representing a potential
to create an equivalent amount of carbonic acid. Carbon dioxide is the end-product of complete oxidation
of carbohydrates and fatty acids. It is called a volatile acid meaning in this context it can be excreted via
the lungs. Of necessity, considering the amounts involved there must be an efficient system to rapidly
excrete CO2.
The amount of CO2 produced each day is huge compared to the amount of production of fixed acids. Basal
CO2production is typically quoted at 12,000 to 13,000 mmols/day.
Basal Carbon Dioxide Production
Consider a resting adult with an oxygen consumption of 250 mls/min
and a CO2 production of 200 mls/min (Respiratory quotient 0.8):

Daily CO2 production
= 0.2 x 60 x 24 litres/day divided by 22.4 litres/mole
= 12,857 mmoles/day.

Increased levels of activity will increase oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production so that actual
daily CO2production is usually significantly more than the oft-quoted basal level. [Different texts quote
different figures usually in the range of 12,000 to 24,000 mmoles/day but the actual figure simply
depends on the level of metabolic activity and whether you quote basal or typical figures.]
Daily CO2 production can also be calculated from the daily metabolic water production. The complete
oxidation of glucose produces equal amounts of CO2 and H20. The complete oxidation of fat produces
approximately equal amounts of CO2 and H2O also. These two processes account for all the bodys
CO2 production. Typically, this metabolic water is about 400 mls per day which is 22.2 moles (ie 400/18)
of water. The daily typical CO2 production must also be about 22,200 mmoles.

2.1.2 Metabolic Acids
This term covers all the acids the body produces which are non-volatile. Because they are not excreted by
the lungs they are said to be fixed in the body and hence the alternative term fixed acids. All acids
other then H2CO3 are fixed acids.
These acids are usually referred to by their anion (eg lactate, phosphate, sulphate, acetoacetate or b-
hydroxybutyrate). This seems strange at first because the anion is, after all, the base and not itself the
acid. This useage is acceptable in most circumstances because the dissociation of the acid must have
produced one hydrogen ion for every anion so the amount of anions present accurately reflects the
number of H
that must have been produced in the original dissociation.
Another potentially confusing aspect is that carbon dioxide is produced as an end-product of metabolism
but is not a metabolic acid according to the usual definition. This inconsistency causes some confusion: it
is simplest to be aware of this and accept the established convention.
Net production of fixed acids is about 1 to 1.5 mmoles of H
per kilogram per day: about 70 to 100
mmoles of H
per day in an adult. This non-volatile acid load is excreted by the kidney. Fixed acids are
produced due to incomplete metabolism of carbohydrates (eg lactate), fats (eg ketones) and protein (eg
sulphate, phosphate).
The above total for net fixed acid production excludes the lactate produced by the body each day as the
majority of the lactate produced is metabolised and is not excreted so there is no net lactate requiring
excretion from the body.
For acid-base balance, the amount of acid excreted per day must equal the
amount produced per day.
The routes of excretion are the lungs (for CO2) and the kidneys (for the fixed acids). Each molecule of
CO2 excreted via the lungs results from the reaction of one molecule of bicarbonate with one molecule of
. The H
remains in the body as H2O.

2.1.3 Response to an Acid-Base Perturbation
The bodys response
to a change in acid-base status has three components:
y First defence: Buffering
y Second defence: Respiratory : alteration in arterial pCO

y Third defence: Renal : alteration in HCO
The word 'defence' is used because these are the three ways that the body 'defends' itself against acid-
base disturbances. This is not the complete picture as it neglects some metabolic responses (eg changes
in metabolic pathways) that occur.
This response can be considered by looking at how the components affect the ( [HCO3] / pCO2 ) ratio in
the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. The 3 components of the response are summarised below.
The Immediate Response : Buffering
Buffering is a rapid physico-chemical phenomenon. The body has a large buffer capacity. The buffering of
fixed acids by bicarbonate changes the [HCO3] numerator in the ratio (in the Henderson-Hasselbalch
The Respiratory Response : Alteration in Ventilation
Adjustment of the denominator pCO2 (in the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation) by alterations in ventilation
is relatively rapid (minutes to hours). An increased CO2 excretion due to hyperventilation will result in one
of three acid-base outcomes:
y correction of a respiratory acidosis
y production of a respiratory alkalosis
y compensation for a metabolic acidosis.
Which of these three circumstances is present cannot be deduced merely from the observation of the
presence of hyperventilation in a patient.
This respiratory response is particularly useful physiologically because of its effect on intracellular pH as
well as extracellular pH. Carbon dioxide crosses cell membranes easily so changes in pCO2 affect
intracellular pH rapidly and in a predictable direction.
The system has to be able to respond quickly and to have a high capacity because of the huge amounts of
respiratory acid to be excreted.
The Renal Response : Alteration in Bicarbonate Excretion
This much slower process (several days to reach maximum capacity) involves adjustment of bicarbonate
excretion by the kidney. This system is responsible for the excretion of the fixed acids and for
compensatory changes in plasma [HCO3] in the presence of respiratory acid-base disorders.

2.1.4 Balance: Internal versus External
This refers to the difference between Hydrogen Ion Turnover in the body (or Internal Balance) versus Net
Production & Excretion requiring excretion from the body (ie External Balance)
Most discussions of hydrogen ion balance refers to net production (which requires excretion from the body
to maintain a stable body pH) rather than to turnover of hydrogen ions (where H
are produced and
consumed in chemical reactions without any net production). Net production under basal conditions gives
12 moles of CO2 and 0.1 moles of fixed acids.
The majority of the fixed acids are produced from proteins (sulphate from the three sulphur containing
amino acids; phosphate from phosphoproteins) with a smaller contribution from metabolism of other
phosphate compounds (eg phospholipids).
Key Fact: Turnover of hydrogen ions in the body is HUGE & very much larger then
net acid excretion.
y 1.5 moles/day from lactic acid turnover
y 80 moles/day from adenine dinucleotide turnover
y 120 moles/day from ATP turnover
y At least another 360 moles/day involved in mitochondrial membrane H+ movements (Johnston &
Compared to the total of these huge turnover figures, the 12 moles/day of CO2 produced looks small and
the 0.1 mole/day of net fixed acid production looks positively puny. (Appearances of course can be
deceptive). Because with turnover, these H
are produced and consumed without any net production
requiring excretion, they are less relevant to this discussion where the emphasis is on external acid-base
By definition, for acid-base equilibrium, the net acid production by the body must be excreted. This
discussion of external acid-base balance also includes any acids or bases ingested or infused into the
body. Acid-base balance means that the net production of acid is excreted from the body each day (ie
'external balance'). The internal turnover of H
is largely ignored (except for lactic acid) in the rest of this

6.1 - Respiratory Alkalosis : Definition
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6.1.1 Definition
A respiratory alkalosis is a primary acid-base disorder in which arterial pCO
to a level lower than expected.

If there was no compensation and no other acid-base disorder present, then this must necessarily lead to
an increase in arterial pH.
If there is no metabolic acid-base disorder present, then the actual measured arterial pCO2 is compared
against the standard reference value of 40mmHg.
If there is a co-existing metabolic acidosis, then the expected pCO2 used for comparison is not 40mmHg
but a calculated value which adjusts for the amount of change in arterial pCO2 which occurs due to
respiratory compensation. (The formula used is discussed in Section 9.3). This decrease in pCO2 that
occurs as compensation for a metabolic acidosis is not a respiratory alkalosis as it is not a primary
process. For this reason, hypocapnia is not synonymous with respiratory alkalosis.
6.1.2 Processes & Interpretation
Key fact: A respiratory alkalosis is ALWAYS due to increased alveolar ventilation
Now, consider the following, which are also correct:
y A primary increase in total (or minute) ventilation does NOT always result in a respiratory alkalosis,
y Increased alveolar ventilation will NOT always result in a respiratory alkalosis
This may seem a bit confused but consider the following:
Firstly, note the difference between an increased minute ventilation and an increased
alveolar ventilation.
Minute (or total) ventilation is the product of respiratory rate and tidal volume. Alveolar ventilation can be
defined as the product of respiratory rate and (tidal volume minus physiological dead space volume). If,
for example, a person has a large increase in dead space then minute ventilation can be much increased
but alveolar ventilation could remain unchanged. It is only the alveolar ventilation that results in excretion
of carbon dioxide. Any increased ventilation of dead space is 'wasted ventilation'.
The clinical relevance is that some patients may be clinically hyperventilating or have obvious respiratory
distress but yet their arterial pCO2 will not be decreased.
Secondly, hypocapnia does not necessarily mean a respiratory alkalosis.
The two possible situations are:
y hypocapnia (or increased alveolar ventilation) occurring as a primary process -this is a respiratory
alkalosis, or:
y hypocapnia occurring as a compensatory response to a metabolic acidosis -this compensatory response
is secondary so is not a respiratory alkalosis.
The practical point: If you look at a set of blood gas results and find a low arterial pCO2 (hypocapnia): this
indicates increased alveolar ventilation but this may be a compensatory response to a metabolic acidosis
and hypocapnia from this cause is not a primary process, and so by definition is not a respiratory
This may sound a bit of a technical quibble but there are adverse effects of the alternative practice. For
example, if all compensatory responses were considered an acidosis or an alkalosis then all acid-base
disorders would tend to occur in pairs (such as a 'metabolic acidosis' and a 'respiratory alkalosis'). It
would also mean that clinically significant diagnoses may be missed in patients with some mixed acid-base
disorders. For example, a patient with both a metabolic acidosis and a respiratory acidosis could be
interpreted as a having a metabolic acidosis alone & the respiratory problem would be missed and lead to
quite inappropriate treatment (eg large doses of sodium bicarbonate).
6.2 Respiratory Alkalosis - Causes
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Hyperventilation is the mechanism in ALL cases
Hyperventilation (ie increased alveolar ventilation) is the mechanism responsible for the lowered arterial
pCO2 in ALL cases of respiratory alkalosis.
This low arterial pCO2 will be sensed by the central and peripheral chemoreceptors and the
hyperventilation will be inhibited unless the patients ventilation is controlled.

Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis
1. Central Causes (direct action via respiratory centre)
y Head Injury
y Stroke
y Anxiety-hyperventilation syndrome (psychogenic)
y Other 'supra-tentorial' causes (pain, fear, stress, voluntary)
y Various drugs (eg analeptics, propanidid, salicylate intoxication)
y Various endogenous compounds (eg progesterone during pregnancy, cytokines
during sepsis, toxins in patients with chronic liver disease)
2. Hypoxaemia (act via peripheral chemoreceptors)
y Respiratory stimulation via peripheral chemoreceptors
3. Pulmonary Causes (act via intrapulmonary receptors)
y Pulmonary Embolism
y Pneumonia
y Asthma
y Pulmonary oedema (all types)
4. Iatrogenic (act directly on ventilation)
y Excessive controlled ventilation

Can a decreased CO
production cause respiratory alkalosis?
Hyperventilation is the mechanism in all of the situations in the above list & indeed in all cases.
Theoretically, a decreased carbon dioxide production could result in respiratory alkalosis if alveolar
ventilation remained fixed. But this would not occur in a normal person because any drop in arterial pCO2
would reflexly cause a decreased ventilation (via chemoreceptor inhibitory input into the respiratory
About the only situation where maybe a decrease in CO2 production could be the mechanism of
respiratory alkalosis would be in an intubated patient on fixed ventilation during Anaesthesia or in
Intensive Care Unit and where the CO2 production was low due to hypothermia and decreased metabolic
rate. However, even in such a circumstance, thismechanism is usually referred to as 'excessive controlled
ventilation' (which it is relative to the amount of CO2 production). So the answer to the question posed
must be no.
Miscellaneous Notes on Causes
y Hyperventilation due to respiratory centre stimulation is a feature of salicylate toxicity,
especially in adults, and results in a mixed disorder (metabolic acidosis and respiratory
y Propanidid was once used as an anaesthetic induction agent - it caused prominent
y A respiratory alkalosis is the commonest acid-base disorder found in patients with chronic
liver disease.
y Hyperventilation syndrome related to anxiety can cause alkalosis severe enough to cause
carpopedal spasm.
y A mild fairly well compensated respiratory alkalosis is the usual finding in pregnancy.
y Any condition which decreases pulmonary compliance causes a sensation of dyspnoea.
Respiratory alkalosis is commonly found in patients with asthma, pneumonia & pulmonary

6.3 Respiratory Alkalosis - Maintenance
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The alkalosis persists as long as the initiating disorder is acting
The alkalosis persists as long as the initiating disorder persists unless some other disorder or complication
causing impairment of the hyperventilation intervenes. For example, a hyperventilating head injury patient
may develop acute neurogenic pulmonary oedema and this complication would tend to cause the arterial
pCO2 to rise.
This is different to the situation with a metabolic alkalosis where maintenance of the disorder requires an
abnormality to maintain it as well as the problem which initiated it.
Only one respiratory acid-base disorder can be present at one time.
A patient cannot have both a respiratory alkalosis and a respiratory acidosis. There may of course be
multiple factors acting to alter an individual's alveolar ventilation but each of these various factors are not
considered separate respiratory acid-base disorders. Essentially this is because a person cannot be both
hyperventilating and hypoventilating at the same time.
Using the above hyperventilating head injured patient example: This patient has a neurogenic cause for
hyperventilation and if the arterial pCO2 is lowered, then she is said to have a respiratory alkalosis. If
neurogenic pulmonary oedema develops subsequently and decreases alveolar ventilation to normal and
returns arterial pCO2 to 40mmHg (assuming no metabolic acid-base disorders are present), then she now
has no respiratory acid-base disorder.
More than one metabolic acid-base disorder can be present at the one time
The above respiratory situation is different to that occurring with a metabolic disorder. A patient can have
a lactic acidosis and then develop a metabolic alkalosis (eg due to vomiting) and end up with a HCO3 level
& pH which are normal. This is possible if the acidosis and the alkalosis exactly balance each other. This
patient is then said to have both a metabolic acidosis AND a metabolic alkalosis. It is therapeutically useful
to know this rather then to say there is no acid-base disorder present.
6.4 Respiratory Alkalosis - Metabolic Effects
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[Important Note: The distinction between hypocapnia & respiratory alkalosis has been made in Section
6.1. The metabolic effects mentioned here are those of hypocapnia rather than respiratory alkalosis per

Effects of Hypocapnia
1. Neurological effects
y Increased neuromuscular irritability (eg paraesthesias such as circumoral
tingling & numbness; carpopedal spasm)
y Decreased intracranial pressure (secondary to cerebral vasoconstriction)
y Increased cerebral excitability associated with the combination of hypocapnia &
use of enflurane
y Inhibition of respiratory drive via the central & peripheral chemoreceptors
2. Cardiovascular effects
y Cerebral vasoconstriction (causing decreased cerebral blood flow) [short-term
only as adaptation occurs within 4 to 6 hours]
y Cardiac arrhythmias
y Decreased myocardial contractility
3. Other effects
y Shift of the haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve to the left (impairing
peripheral oxygen unloading)
y Slight fall in plasma [K
y Most of these effects decrease with time. A chronic hypocapnia is associated
with few symptoms because of the compensation that occurs.
y The underlying cause will also have effects other than hyperventilation & these
may dominate the clinical picture - for example, the adverse effects of

The reduction in cerebral blood flow is marked.
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreases quite markedly with hypocapnia: a decrease of 4% per mmHg
reduction in pCO2. For example, an acute drop in pCO2 from 40 down to 25mmHg will decrease CBF by
about 60%. In awake subjects this can cause light-headedness and even confusion. Patients with sickle
cell anaemia may be very adversely affected by the decrease in cerebral blood flow (eg development of
cerebral thrombosis).

Hypocapnia causes neuromuscular irritability.
The patient may complain of paraesthesias (incl circumoral numbness & tingling). Tetany may also occur
and may manifest as carpopedal spasm. This is a well known problem in patients with anxiety-
hyperventilation syndrome and the symptoms can be relieved by rebreathing into a paper bag (with
precautions to avoid hypoxaemia of course).
Particular Effects of Hypocapnia in Anaesthetised Patients
y Decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF) [This effect may be beneficial]
y Depression of myocardial contractility
y Cardiac arrhythmias
y Cerebral excitability may occur in association with high levels of enflurane
y Shift of the oxygen dissociation curve to the left (impairing oxygen unloading
y Fall in plasma potassium (usually slight only)
y Obligatory hypoventilation at end of the operation (This is exacerbated by
residual drug effects as well)

It has been argued that these adverse effects of hypocapnia are significant enough that the Anaesthetist
should aim to maintain normocapnia throughout the duration of anaesthesia in most cases. There are
some situations where intraoperative hyperventilation and hypocapnia is specifically useful eg to acutely
reduce increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in neuroanaesthesia. In this situation, a therapeutic
respiratory alkalosis is useful. These effects are short-lived (hours rather then days) as bicarbonate
equilibration occurs across the blood-brain barrier and CBF and ICP returns to normal. This is now a
dangerous situation as any increase in pCO2 towards normal will cause a rise in CBF. Hyperventilation to
reduce ICP is useful because of its rapid onset but as the effect only lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The main role
of acute therapeutic hypocapnia is to provide acute reduction in ICP so that surgical treatment of
intracerebral mass lesions can be facilitated.
One argument for routine intraoperative use of hypocapnia is to use the induced cerebral vasoconstriction
to counteract the cerebral vasodilator effects of volatile anaesthetic agents. A particular disadvantage of
this is the hypoventilation at the end of the operation which delays recovery from general anaesthesia.
The clinical picture is often dominated by the signs and symptoms of the
underlying disorder.
6.5 Respiratory Alkalosis - Compensation
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The compensatory response is a fall in bicarbonate level.
As can be seen by inspection of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (below), a decreased [HCO3-] will
counteract the effect of a decreased pCO2 on the pH. Mathematically, it returns the value of the
pCO2 ratio towards normal.
pH = pKa + log {([HCO3]/ 0.03 pCO2 }
Key points regarding compensation in respiratory alkalosis:
y Physicochemical effect: Initially there is an immediate physicochemical change which lowers the
bicarbonate slightly.
y Role of Kidney: The effector organ for compensation is the kidney.
y Slow Response: The renal response has a slow onset and the maximal response takes 2 to 3 days to be
y Outcome: The drop in bicarbonate results in the extracellular pH returning only partiallytowards its
normal value.
Compensation in an ACUTE Respiratory Alkalosis
y Mechanism:Changes in the physicochemical equilibrium occur due to the lowered pCO2
and this results in a slight decrease in HCO3
. There is insufficient time for the kidneys to
respond so this is the only change in an acute respiratory alkalosis. The buffering is
predominantly by protein and occurs intracellularly; this alters the equilibrium position of
the bicarbonate system.
y Magnitude: There is a drop in HCO3
by 2 mmol/l for every 10mmHg decrease in pCO2
from the reference value of 40mmHg.
y Limit: The lower limit of 'compensation' for this process is 18mmol/l - so bicarbonate
levels below that in an acute respiratory alkalosis indicate a co-existing metabolic acidosis.
(Alternatively, their may be some renal compensation if the alkalosis has been present
longer than realised.)

Compensation in a CHRONIC Respiratory Alkalosis
y Mechanism: Renal loss of bicarbonate causes a further fall in plasma bicarbonate (in
addition to the acute drop due to the physicochemical effect and protein buffering).
y Magnitude: Studies have shown an average 5 mmol/l decrease in [HCO3
] per 10mmHg
decrease in pCO2 from the reference value of 40mmHg. This maximal response takes 2 to
3 days to reach.
y Limit: The limit of compensation is a [HCO3
] of 12 to 15 mmol/l.
6.6 Respiratory Alkalosis - Correction
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Hypoxaemia is an important cause of respiratory stimulation and consequent respiratory alkalosis.
The decrease in arterial pCO2 inhibits the rise in ventilation. The hypocapnic inhibition of ventilation
(acting via the central chemoreceptors) may leave the patient with an impaired state of tissue oxygen
delivery. Adaptation occurs over a few days and the central chemoreceptor inhibition is lessened and
ventilation increases.
The number one priority is correction of any co-existing hypoxaemia
Correction of hypoxaemia is the most urgent concern and is many times more important than correction of
the respiratory alkalosis. Administration of oxygen in sufficient concentrations and sufficient amounts is
essential. Attention to other aspects necessary to improve oxygen delivery and minimise tissue oxygen
consumption is important.
As regards the alkalosis: In most cases correction of the underlying disorder will
resolve the problem.
In some cases this is easy (eg adjustment of ventilator settings, rebreathing via a paper bag with
psychogenic hyperventilation) but in some cases it is a slow process.
6.7 Respiratory Alkalosis - Assessment
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The severity of a respiratory alkalosis is determined by the difference between
the actual pCO
and the expected pCO
The actual pCO2 is the measured value from the blood gas results.
If no metabolic acid-base disorder is present, a pCO2 of 40 mmHg is taken as the reference point (ie the
expected pCO2 ).
If a metabolic disorder is present, respiratory compensation will produce a new reference value of pCO2 for
comparison. The expected pCO2 can be estimated using the formula in Section 5.5 (for metabolic
acidosis) orSection 7.5 (for metabolic alkalosis).
6.8 Respiratory Alkalosis - Prevention
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Hyperventilation of the anaesthetised patient is common and preventable. Monitoring by capnography
allows early recognition and correction. In major operations, serial arterial gases for assessment of
oxygenation and ventilation is appropriate especially as the size of the endtidal-arterial pCO2 gradient can
be determined and this is useful for determining ventilation settings between blood-gas analyses.

Summary of important aspects of Chapter Six: Respiratory Alkalosis
y Respiratory alkalosis is a primary acid-base disorder in which the pCO2 falls to a level lower than
y All cases are due to increased alveolar ventilation
y The compensatory response is renal loss of bicarbonate which causes a fall in plasma bicarbonate
y The fall in bicarbonate can be predicted from a simple formula
y Metabolic effects include decreased cerebral blood flow, decrease in myocardial contractility and a shift
of the oxygen dissociation curve to the left
y Hyperventilation is used to acutely decrease intracranial pressure as the onset is rapid. The effect on
CBF is time-limited as equilibration of bicarbonate across the blood-brain barrier occurs over 4 to 6
hours and CBF and ICP return towards normal.
7.1 Metabolic Alkalosis: Definition
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A Primary Process
A metabolic alkalosis is a primary acid-base disorder which causes the plasma bicarbonate to rise to a
level higher than expected. The severity of a metabolic alkalosis is determined by the difference between
the actual [HCO3] and the expected [HCO3].
Not a Compensatory Process
Secondary or compensatory processes which cause an elevation in plasma bicarbonate should not be
confused with the primary processes. An elevation in bicarbonate occurring in response to a chronic
respiratory acidosis should be referred to as a 'compensatory response' and never as a secondary
metabolic alkalosis.
You should be aware that many articles (esp in the surgical literature) will refer to a 'compensated
metabolic alkalosis' as a 'metabolic alkalosis with a (secondary) respiratory acidosis'. This is wrong as the
hypoventilation is a compensatory process and does not indicate any primary respiratory problem.
Another implication of the incorrect terminology is that acid-base disorders always occur in pairs and this
is ridiculous and of no help in patient management.
The terminology of acid-base disorders is covered in Section 3.1.
7.2 Metabolic Alkalosis - Causes
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7.2.1 The kidney rapidly excretes bicarbonate if the plasma level is
Whenever the plasma bicarbonate rises above 24mmols/l, bicarbonate is excreted by the kidney. This
response is reasonably prompt and effective so a metabolic alkalosis will be rapidly corrected. If you
infuse say 100mls of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate into a healthy person with normal renal function, the rise
in plasma bicarbonate is brief because of prompt bicarbonaturia. This is one way to alkalinise the urine. An
infusion of alkali causes only a brief metabolic alkalosis due to this rapid renal excretion.
This ability of the kidney to rapidly excrete bicarbonate if its level is high is in complete contrast to its
powerful ability to reabsorb all of the filtered load if plasma [HCO3] is low or normal. A useful
analogy here is to filling a bucket. No water is lost until the bucket is full, but after that, all extra water is
lost. This is sometimes called a waterfall effect.
7.2.2 How can a metabolic alkalosis ever persist?
The persistence of a metabolic alkalosis requires an additional process which acts to impair renal
bicarbonate excretion. In our analogy, this would be something that increased the height of walls of the
bucket. This means that two issues must to be considered when analysing a metabolic alkalosis:
y Initiation: What process is initiating the disorder?
y Maintenance: What process is maintaining the disorder?
When discussing the 'cause' of a metabolic alkalosis, note this term is used in several ways. For example it
may be used to describe the initiating process, or the process maintaining the disorder or it can be used to
refer to the combination of both processes, so be mindful of this when reading the rest of this section as
otherwise you may become a little confused.
7.2.3 The Initiating Process
Normally, plasma bicarbonate is kept at a steady level of about 24 mmols/l by two renal processes:
y Tubular reabsorption of nearly all of the large daily filtered load of bicarbonate
y Excretion of the net daily production of the fixed acid (which results in regeneration of the titrated
plasma bicarbonate)
Causes of a metabolic alkalosis can be classified into several groups as outlined in the table.

'Causes' : Classification of Initiating Processes for Metabolic Alkalosis
Gain of alkali in the ECF
y from an exogenous source (eg IV NaHCO3 infusion, citrate in transfused blood)
y from an endogenous source (eg metabolism of ketoanions to produce
Loss of H
from ECF
y via kidneys (eg use of diuretics)
y via gut (eg vomiting, NG suction)

Excessive intravenous administration of alkali alone will cause a metabolic alkalosis which is only short-
lived because of rapid renal excretion of bicarbonate (as mentioned previously).
Hepatic metabolism of citrate, lactate, acetate or certain other organic acid anions to bicarbonate can
cause a brief metabolic alkalosis. This may occur after a massive blood transfusion because of the
metabolism of the administered citrate. The kidneys excrete the bicarbonate and the urine will be
relatively alkaline.
7.2.4 Processes responsible for Maintenance of the Alkalosis
This is discussed in section 7.3.
'Causes' of clinically significant chronic metabolic alkalosis are usefully divided into 2 major groupings
based on the major factor involved in the maintenance of the disorder:
y The chloride depletion group
y The potassium depletion group
Maintenance of the alkalosis requires a process which greatly impairs the kidney's ability to excrete
bicarbonate and prevent the return of the elevated plasma level to normal. Chloride deficiency leads to a
situation where the kidney reabsorbs more bicarbonate anion than usual because there is not sufficient
chloride anion present. Reabsorption of an anion is necessary to maintain electroneutrality as Na
are reabsorbed so the deficiency of chloride leads to a re-setting upwards of the maintained plasma
bicarbonate level. Chloride and bicarbonate are the only anions present in appreciable quantities in
extracellular fluid so a deficiency of one must lead to an increase in the other because of the strict
requirement for macroscopic electroneutrality.
7.2.5 Chloride Depletion
The commonest causes in clinical practice are those causing chloride depletion
Administration of chloride is necessary to correct these disorders. The four major sub-groups of metabolic
alkalosis are listed in the table below. The two commonest causes of chronic metabolic alkalosis are loss of
gastric juice and diuretic therapy. The gastric secretion of H
results in generation of new bicarbonate
which is returned to the blood.
Loss of gastric acid (vomiting, NG drainage) and diuretic use account for 90% of clinical
cases of metabolic alkalosis
Gastric alkalosis is most marked with vomiting due to pyloric stenosis or obstruction because the
vomitus is acidic gastric juice only. Vomiting in other conditions may involve a mixture of acid gastric loss
and alkaline duodenal contents and the acid-base situation that results is more variable. Histamine H2-
blockers also decrease gastric H
losses despite continued vomiting or nasogastric drainage and alkalosis
will not occur if the fluid lost is not particularly acidic - indeed loss of alkaline small intestinal contents can
even result in an acidosis if gastric acid secretion is suppressed.
Diuretics such as frusemide and thiazides interfere with reabsorption of chloride and sodium in the
renal tubules.Urinary losses of chloride exceed those of bicarbonate. The patients on diuretics who develop
an alkalosis are those who are also volume depleted (increasing aldosterone levels) and have a low
dietary chloride intake ('salt restricted' diet). Hypokalaemia is common in these patients. If dietary
chloride intake is adequate then an alkaosis is unlikely to develop. This is the main reason why every
patient taking diuretics such as thiazides or lasix does not develop a metabolic alkalosis. The effect of
diuretic use on urinary chloride levels depends on the relationship of the time of urine collection to diuretic
effect: it is high while the diuretic is acting, but drops to low levels afterwards.
Villous adenomas typically excrete bicarbonate and can cause a hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis.
Sometimes they excrete chloride predominantly and the result is then a metabolic alkalosis.
Chloride diarrhoea is a rare congenital condition due to an intestinal transport defect, where the chronic
faecal chloride loss can (if associated with volume depletion and K
loss as maintenance factors) result in
a metabolic alkalosis.
7.2.6 Potassium Depletion
Potassium depletion occurs with situations of mineralocorticoid excess. Bicarbonate reabsorption in both
the proximal and distal tubules is increased in the presence of potassium depletion. Potassium depletion
decreases aldosterone release by the adrenal cortex.
A Common Hybrid Classification of 'Causes' of Metabolic Alkalosis
A: Addition of Base to ECF
y Milk-alkali syndrome
y Excessive NaHCO3 intake
y Recovery phase from organic acidosis (excess regeneration of HCO3)
y Massive blood transfusion (due metabolism of citrate)
B: Chloride Depletion
y Loss of acidic gastric juice
y Diuretics
y Post-hypercapnia
y Excess faecal loss (eg villous adenoma)
C: Potassium Depletion
y Primary hyperaldosteronism
y Cushings syndrome
y Secondary hyperaldosteronism
y Some drugs (eg carbenoxolone)
y Kaliuretic diuretics
y Excessive licorice intake (glycyrrhizic acid)
y Bartter's syndrome

y Severe potassium depletion
D: Other Disorders
y Laxative abuse

y Severe hypoalbuminaemia

Primary Hyperaldosteronism
This condition is one cause of 'saline-resistant' metabolic alkalosis. The increased aldosterone levels lead
to increased distal tubular Na
reabsorption and increased K
& H
losses. The increased H
loss is
matched by increased amounts of renal HCO3
leaving in the renal vein. The net result is metabolic
alkalosis with hypochloraemia and hypokalaemia, often with an expanded ECF volume.
Cushing's Syndrome
The excess corticosteroids have some mineralocorticoid effects and because of this can produce a
metabolic alkalosis. The alkalosis is most severe with the syndrome of ectopic ACTH production.
Severe K
Cases have been reported of patients with metabolic alkalosis and severe hypokalaemia ([K
] < 2 mmol/l)
due to severe total body potassium depletion. Investigation has not shown increased mineralocorticoid
activity. The aetiology in these patients is not understood but correction of the alkalosis requires
correction of the potassium deficit. These patients do not respond to saline loading unless K
is sufficient to correct the deficit. Urinary chloride losses are high (>20mmol/l).
Bartter's syndrome
This is a syndrome of increased renin and aldosterone levels due to hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular
. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder. The increased aldosterone levels usually
result in a metabolic alkalosis. The condition is usually found in children. Patients who present with
hypokalaemic alkalosis of uncertain cause are often suspected of having this condition but other causes
which may be denied by the patient should be considered eg surreptitious vomiting and/or use of diuretics
for weight loss or psychological problems. These situations have been termed 'pseudo-Bartter's
syndrome'. Rare genetic disorders such as Gitelmann's syndrome should also be considered.
Excessive intake of glycyrrhizin
Glycyrrhizin is precent in licorice root. It has a sweet taste with a licorine tang and is used in some
countries (eg particularly Japan) as a food additive or in traditional medicines. It inhibits the conversion of
cortisol to cortisone by inhibiting the enzyme 11-betahydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. The resulting high
cortisol levels have a mineralocorticoid effect (pseudohyperaldosteronism) causing Na+ retention and
excessive urinary K+ loss. Excessive intake may result in hypertension, oedema, hypokalaemia and
metabolic alkalosis.

7.2.7 Usefulness of Urinary Chloride Measurements
Metabolic alkalosis may be divided into two general groups based on the measured urinary chloride
In most cases the cause is obvious (eg vomiting, diuretic use) but if not then measurement of a spot
urinary chloride can be useful.
Two things to be aware of when interpreting the result:
y Recent diuretic use can acutely elevate the urinary chloride level but as the diuretic effect passes the
urinary chloride level will fall to low levels. So seek information on the timing of diuretic use when
assessing the result. (This variability in urine chloride levels has been used as an indicator of
surreptious diuretic use).
y A 'spot' urine chloride may be misleading if bladder urine contains a mixture of urine from during and
after diuretic effect.
A high urinary chloride in association with hypokalaemia suggests mineralocorticoid excess
(provided that recent thiazide use has been excluded).
If the clinical information is not sufficient to make a diagnosis the term 'idiopathic metabolic alkalosis' is
sometimes used. The urinary chloride/creatinine ratio may occasionally be useful as it is elevated if there
is an extra-renal cause of alkalosis.

Metabolic Alkalosis Based on Urinary Chloride
Urine Cl- < 10 mmol/l
y Often associated with volume depletion (increased proximal tubular
reabsorption of HCO3)
y Respond to saline infusion (replaces chloride and volume)
y Common causes: previous thiazide diuretic therapy, vomiting (90% of cases)
Urine Cl- > 20 mmol/l
y Often associated with volume expansion and hypokalaemia
y Resistant to therapy with saline infusion
y Cause: Excess aldosterone, severe K+ deficiency
y Other causes: diuretic therapy (current), Bartters syndrome

7.3 - Metabolic Alkalosis - Maintenance
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7.3.1 Maintenance factors
Without a second mechanism acting to maintain it, the alkalosis would be only transitory.
Why?? This is because the kidney normally has a large capacity to excrete bicarbonate and return the
plasma level to normal.
This rise in urinary bicarbonate loss occurs relatively promptly (ie onset within an hour) but excretion
takes 24 hours to peak unless some abnormal condition is causing renal retention of bicarbonate. The
factors involved in maintenance of the disorder are very important not only because they are necessary to
develop a persisting (ie chronic) alkalosis but also because they can maintain the alkalosis even after the
primary process generating it has resolved!
The alkalosis can persist after the initiating process has resolved ONLY IF there are
additional factors maintaining it
7.3.2 What are these abnormal 'maintenance factors'?
The four factors that cause maintenance of the alkalosis (by increasing bicarbonate reabsorption in the
tubules or decreasing bicarbonate filtration at the glomerulus) are:
y Chloride depletion
y Reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
y Potassium depletion
y ECF volume depletion
Chloride depletion is the most common factor
Volume depletion and potassium depletion may coexist in some disorders (eg vomiting). Severe potassium
depletion alone can cause a metabolic alkalosis but this is typically only of mild to moderate degree. The
mechanism seems to be related to an intracellular shift of H
('intracellular acidosis') in exchange for K
The alkalosis is generated predominantly due to non-renal mechanisms. Renal mechanisms are frequently
involved in causing the potassium depletion (eg in syndromes of mineralocorticoid excess).
Volume depletion has long been implicated in maintenance of an alkalosis. The idea is that hypovolaemia
is associated with increased fluid and sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule and bicarbonate is
reabsorbed in preference to chloride; the alkalosis thus being maintained. The role of volume depletion
has probably been over-emphasised: the co-existing chloride depletion is the most important factor
responsible for persistence of the alkalosis. Correction of the volume deficit without correction of the
chloride deficit will not result in correction of the alkalosis. These deficits are often corrected together with
a saline infusion.
Diuretics can cause excess renal loss of fixed acid anions and result in alkalosis. Their use can also cause
depletion of chloride, water (hypovolaemia) and potassium. These factors together maintain the alkalosis.
For an alkalosis to develop in patients on diuretic therapy, there generally has to some decrease in
chloride intake as well (eg if the patient is on a 'salt restricted' diet). A continued normal oral chloride
intake (usually as NaCl) prevents patients on diuretics from getting an alkalosis.
7.4 - Metabolic Alkalosis - Metabolic Effects
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7.4.1 Adverse effects of alkalosis
The effects of the alkalosis are often difficult to distinguish from the effects of associated problems such as
hypovolaemia, potassium and chloride depletion.This makes it more difficult to characterise the effects of
the alkalosis itself.
Adverse Effects of Alkalosis
y decreased myocardial contractility
y arrhythmias
y decreased cerebral blood flow
y confusion
y mental obtundation
y neuromuscular excitability
y impaired peripheral oxygen unloading (due shift of oxygen dissociation curve to left).
The disorder is associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality especially in critically ill
patients. The compensatory rise in arterial pCO2 will tend to counteract some of these effects (eg the
effect on cerebral blood flow)
7.4.2 Risk of Hypoxaemia
Hypoxaemia may occur and oxygen delivery to the tissues may be reduced. Factors involved in impaired
arterial oxygen content are:
y Hypoventilation (due respiratory response to metabolic alkalosis)
y Pulmonary microatelectasis (consequent to hypoventilation)
y Increased ventilation-perfusion mismatch (as alkalosis inhibits hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction)
Peripheral oxygen unloading may be impaired because of the alkalotic shift of the haemoglobin oxygen
dissociation curve to the left. The bodys major compensatory response to impaired tissue oxygen delivery
is to increase cardiac output but this ability is impaired if hypovolaemia and decreased myocardial
contractility are present.
Give oxygen!
The need for administration of supplemental oxygen to patients with metabolic alkalosis is a neglected
part of therapy.
7.5 Metabolic Alkalosis - Compensation
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The compensatory response is hypoventilation
It was believed that the peripheral chemoreceptors alone acted as the initial sensor responding to the rise
in blood pH but further animal studies have indicated that metabolic acid-base disorders do cause a slow
change in brain ISF [H
] and this change allegedly could be sufficient for account for the change in
ventilation that occurs. This view is not accepted by all - see discussion in Section 2.3)
The hypoventilation causes a compensatory rise in arterial pCO2 but the magnitude of the response has
generally been found to be quite variable. More recent studies have almost invariably shown that
hypoventilation does reliably occur in metabolic alkalosis.
Why is hypoventilation not always found?
This has been attributed to various problems with some of the older studies which did not account for the
presence of conflicting factors, particularly those causing hyperventilation:
y Hyperventilation due to pain - in response to the stress of a painful arterial puncture. This could
lower the measured pCO2 during the procedure.
y Hyperventilation due to pulmonary congestion. Some patients with metabolic alkalosis due to
diuretic use have subclinical pulmonary congestion sufficient to stimulate intrapulmonary receptors and
cause tachypnoea and give a sensation of dyspnoea. This slight hyperventilation is sufficient to negate
the rise in arterial pCO2.
y Hyperventilation due to hypoxaemia. An associated hypoxaemia will stimulate the peripheral
chemoreceptors and cause hyperventilation if the arterial pO2 is below 50 to 55mmHg. This may not
have been considered in early studies.
This common association of metabolic alkalosis with factors causing hyperventilation probably accounts for
most of the past findings of variability of the change in arterial pCO2. In effect, this is saying that many of
these patients had a co-existent respiratory alkalosis.
The arterial pCO
can be quite high in severe cases
It was also widely believed that the maximum value of arterial pCO2 due to compensatory hypoventilation
was 55 to 60mmHg. There is no doubt that this is wrong.
Arterial pCO2 can rise higher than this and values up to 86mmHg have been reported in severe cases of
metabolic alkalosis!
If hypoventilation is sufficient to cause hypoxaemia, this also may stimulate respiration via the peripheral
chemoreceptors. As mentioned above, associated hypoxaemia is probably responsible for variability in the
measured arterial pCO2 in patients who also have a sufficiently low arterial pO2. Patients who present with
hypoxaemia and hypercapnia may be diagnosed with respiratory failure if the association with metabolic
alkalosis is not appreciated. It is usually best in these patients to administer oxygen and to avoid
intubation and ventilation.
A couple of cautions for severe cases:
y For patients that you do not intubate and ventilate: If significant hypoxaemia was present, its relief can
remove the hypoxic respiratory drive with resultant hypoventilation and a rise in arterial pCO2. This
reveals the appropriate (in acid-base terms) physiological response but can cause concern.
y For patients that you you intubate and ventilate: It is easy to render ventilated patients hypocapnic
and this respiratory alkalosis can greatly worse the alkalemia. Convulsions have occurred in such
The expected pCO2 due to appropriate hypoventilation in simple metabolic alkalosis can be estimated from
the following formula:
Expected pCO
= 0.7 [HCO
] + 20 mmHg (range: +/- 5)
Note the wide variation allowed (ie a 10 mmHg range) because of the conflicting factors that affect
ventilation (discussed above). This formula is used to determine if a coexistent respiratory acid-base
disorder is present. For example, if pCO2 is much lower than expected, a respiratory alkalosis is also
7.6 Metabolic Alkalosis - Correction
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7.6.1 Principles
The main principles are:
y Correct the primary cause of the disorder
y Correct those factors which maintain the disorder (esp chloride administration in the common Cl
deficient cases)
Repletion of chloride, potassium and ECF volume will promote renal bicarbonate excretion and return
plasma bicarbonate to normal.
Must Give Chloride
Chloride administration
is essential for correction of chloride-depletion metabolic alkalosis and the
alkalosis can be corrected with chloride even if volume depletion persists. Because of electroneutrality
requirements it is not possible to give chloride alone, so 'giving chloride' is equivalent to 'giving saline' in
most cases. (One exception to this is giving a dilute HCl infusion -see below)
Volume administration will not correct the alkalosis unless the administered fluid contains chloride. This is
not difficult though as all available ECF replacement fluids contain chloride so administering these IV
fluids to correct the volume deficiency must necessarily replenish chloride.
Maintenance IV fluids (eg 5% dextrose) are poor at replenishing IV volume and contain little or no
chloride; they are not useful for this correction and should not be used.
Mineralocorticoid excess causes renal potassium wasting. This can maintain a metabolic alkalosis even in
the absence of chloride depletion.
Rarely, it may be advantageous to institute treatments (eg HCl infusion; acetazolamide) that can return
the bicarbonate level to normal more quickly.
Rarely, it may be advantageous to institute treatments (hydrochloric acid infusion, or acetazolamide) that
can return the bicarbonate level to normal more quickly. These are not routine components of
management, and should not deflect attention from correcting the primary cause and from correcting a
chloride deficiency, but may be useful for occasional patients with 'resistant' metabolic alkalosis managed
in an Intensive Care Unit.
Proton pump inhibitors (eg omeprezole) have been successfully used to decrease gastric acid loss and
prevent or ameliorate metabolic alkalosis

7.6.2 Hydrochloric Acid Infusion
An infusion of hydrochloric acid
can be given via a central line
. The correct placement of the line very
important. It is confirmed by the ability to easily withdraw blood AND by x-ray confirmation of the tip
position. Continued vigilance of the tip position is required; extravasation of acid from a central line has
caused death
The infusion will selectively correct the chloride deficiency and the infusion can be titrated to an end-point
of a specific bicarbonate level of pH level. The H
will consume HCO3
provided the excess CO2 can be
ventilated off.
Studies have shown that improvement in gas exchange occurs with a fall in arterial pCO2 and an increase
in arterial pO2. These changes were originally considered to be due to the increase in ventilation that
occurs (and the subsequent decrease in pulmonary microatelectasis) but the paO2 will increase even in
patients maintained on constant ventilation
. The probable cause is an improvement in ventilation-
perfusion matching. Alkalosis impairs the efficiency of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction so its correction
could acutely result in improvements in the lungs V/Q matching and an increase in arterial pO2.
The correction of alkalosis will also result in a right shift in the oxygen dissociation curve which will
improve peripheral oxygen unloading.
A HCl infusion is a dramatic way of administering chloride but published reports
attest to its safety
and successful use. An increase in arterial pO2 and a decrease in pCO2 generally occurs and may assist
with weaning from mechaical ventilation. The administration of chloride in a small volume
may be useful
in patients who are at risk of volume overload.
(Further details about hydrochloric acid infusions)
7.6.3 Use of Acetazolamide
Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor which has also been used to speed the rapidity of
correction of alkalosis
. It is usually more readily available than sterile hydrochloric acid solutions and is
a more acceptable therapeutic option. It causes renal bicarbonate loss to increase and plasma bicarbonate
levels fall. Only one or two doses probably should be used. Some problems with acetazolamide are:
y Renal losses of water, Na
and K
increase (so appropriate adjustments in IV fluids and
supplementation are necessary)
y It interferes with CO2 transport
y It is slower acting and more difficult to titrate to a given bicarbonate level
Other sources of HCl have been used (eg lysine HCl, ammonium chloride). Hepatic metabolism of the
ammonium generates hydrogen ions.
These ancillary measures may prove useful in a small number of patients but are not generally
Treatment Outline -Metabolic Alkalosis
1. Correct cause if possible (eg correct pyloric obstruction, cease diuretics)
2. Correct the deficiency which is impairing renal bicarbonate excretion (ie give chloride,
water and K
3. Expand ECF Volume with N/saline (and KCl if K
4. Rarely ancillary measures such as:
o HCl infusion
o Acetazolamide (one or two doses only)
o Oral lysine hydrochloride
5. Supportive measures (eg give O2 in view of hypoventilation; appropriate monitoring and
6. Avoid hyperventilation as this worsens the alkalaemia

7.7 Metabolic Alkalosis - Assessment
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The pattern of high values of [HCO3] and pCO2 occurring together suggests either a metabolic alkalosis or
a respiratory acidosis (or both). If pCO2 is over 60mmHg, the metabolic alkalosis is either very severe or
there is a mixed disorder with a respiratory acidosis.
Metabolic alkalosis is suspected if one of the known causes of the disorder is present especially vomiting,
nasogastric suction, pyloric obstruction, excess mineralocorticoid syndromes or diuretic use.
The delta ratio can be a useful adjunct in detecting the presence of a second acid-base disorder in
patients with a metabolic acidosis. In patients who have a metabolic acidosis and a chronic metabolic
alkalosis the delta ratio has a value greater then 2. Such a high value can also occur in patients with a
pre-existing chronic respiratory acidosis because the bicarbonate is also elevated in that disorder as well.
Because of potential errors, the delta ratio should be assessed cautiously.

Practical Hints for Bedside Diagnosis of Metabolic Alkalosis
Most cases are easy to diagnose on history and then can be confirmed on arterial blood
gases. In patients with mixed acid-base disorders, the structured approach to assessment
(discussed inChapter 9), will usually result in a correct diagnosis.
The most common causes (90% of cases) are:
y Vomiting (or NG tube drainage)
y Diuretic use
Other causes should be mostly obvious (eg post-hypercapnoeic alkalosis in ICU, post-massive
If youre still stuck for a diagnosis:
y Spot urine chloride is useful here: low levels suggest Cl
depletion and need for
replacement; high levels suggest adrenocortical excess and need for K
y Consider surreptious diuretic use in females as there is a certain group who abuse diuretics
for 'weight loss'. (Urine Cl
may be high or low depending on timing of last diuretic dose)
y If nothing more obvious is apparent, dont forget about adrenocortical excess syndromes
which are rare but do occur.
y Dont let diagnostic quibbles delay replacement of K
if needed as low [K
] can be life-
threatening ( & may be worsened by treatment!)
7.8 Metabolic Alkalosis - Prevention
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There are 2 aspects of prevention for a metabolic alkalosis:
y Prevention of the primary or initiating process, and/or
y Prevention of the factors that are involved in maintaining the alkalosis.
Patients with nasogastric drainage and pyloric obstruction should receive adequate fluid replacement using
a chloride containing fluid. Patients receiving thiazide diuretics likewise need to have adequate chloride
Proton pump inhibitors can be used to greatly decrease gastric acid loss
despite continuing nasogastric
1. Kinahan TJ, Khoury AE, McLorie GA, and Churchill BM. Omeprazole in post-gastrocystoplasty metabolic
alkalosis and aciduria. J Urol 1992 Feb; 147(2) 435-7. PubMed
2. Hixson R and Christmas D. Use of omeprazole in life-threatening metabolic alkalosis. Intensive Care
Med 1999 Oct; 25(10) 1201. PubMed
3. Hsu SC, Wang MC, Liu HL, Tsai MC, and Huang JJ. Extreme metabolic alkalosis treated with normal
bicarbonate hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 2001 Apr; 37(4) E31. PubMed
All Medline abstracts: PubMed HubMed

Important Points - Chapter 7 : Metabolic Alkalosis
y Metabolic alkalosis is an abnormal primary process causing a decrease in fixed acids in
the blood. Buffering results in an increase in plasma bicarbonate level.
y An acute metabolic alkalosis will NOT persist long as the normal kidney rapidly increases
bicarbonate excretion from the body
y A metabolic alkalosis requires BOTH an initiating process and a maintaining process.
Without an abnormal process maintaining it, the alkalosis will rapidly correct as the
kidney pours out HCO3 in the urine.
y The maintaining process causing persistence of the elevated plasma bicarbonate level
works by impairing renal bicarbonate excretion. The four factors which are involved in
maintaining the disorder are:
o chloride depletion
o reduced GFR
o potassium depletion
o ECF volume depletion
y The initiating cause in most cases is loss of gastric acid
(eg vomiting) or diuretic use. Chloride depletion is the abnormality that impairs
renal bicarbonate excretion.
y All these patients (>90% of clinical cases) require chloride replacement (usually as saline
solution) before they can be corrected
y Rare causes include various adrenocortical excess syndromes.
y Hypokalaemia is the most common associated electrolyte abnormality and can be life-
threatening itself
y Metabolic alkalosis is classified into 2 major groups:
o those causes associated with chloride depletion (urinary chloride > 10 mmol/l),
o those causes not associated with chloride depletion (urinary chloride > 20mmol/l)
y Urinary chloride levels are particularly useful in differentiating the cause in those
cases where vomiting or thiazide diuretic use are uncertain.
y The compensatory response is hypoventilation but there is variation in the degree of
this. Oxygen therapy should be used in most hospital patients.
y Remember: Correction usually requires replacement of chloride usually in association
with fluid and potassium. In rare severe cases, hydrochloric acid infusion or use
of acetazolamidemay be used but there are risks
9.3 Bedside Rules for Assessment of Compensation
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9.3.1 The Six Bedside Rules
The method of assessing acid-base disorders discussed here uses a set of six rules which are used
primarily to assess the magnitude of the patients compensatory response. These rules are now widely
known and are soundly based experimentally. These rules are used at Step 4 of the method of Systematic
Acid-Base Diagnosis outlined in Section 9.2.- (You should read section 9.1 & 9.2 before this section.)
These rules are called 'bedside rules' because that can be used at the patient's bedside to assist in the
assessment of the acid-base results. The rules should preferably be committed to memory - with practice
this is not difficult.
A full assessment of blood-gas results must be based on a clinical knowledge of the individual patient from
whom they were obtained and an understanding of the pathophysiology of the clinical conditions
underlying the acid-base disorder. Do not interpret the blood-gas results as an intellectual exercise in
itself. It is one part of the overall process of assessing and managing the patient.
Know the clinical details of the patient
A set of blood-gas and electrolyte results should NOT be interpreted without these initial clinical details.
They cannot be understood fully without knowledge of the condition being diagnosed.
Find the cause of the acid-base disorder
Diagnosing a metabolic acidosis, for example, is by itself, often of little clinical use. What is really
required is a more specific diagnosis of the cause of the metabolic acidosis (eg diabetic ketoacidosis, acute
renal failure, lactic acidosis) and to initiate appropriate management. The acid-base analysis must be
interpreted and managed in the context of the overall clinical picture.
The snapshot problem: Are the results 'current'?
Remember also that a set of blood gas results provides a snapshot at a particular point in time and the
situation may have changed since the blood gases were collected so serial assessment of results can be
important in assessment (eg of response to therapy).
Determine the major primary process then select the correct rule
The major primary process is usually suggested by the initial clinical assessment and an initial perusal of
the arterial pH, pCO2 and [HCO3-] results. Once this major primary process is known, then the
appropriate rule is chosen to assess the appropriateness of the patients compensatory response.
The rules assess compensation and are a guide to detecting the presence of a second primary acid-base
disorder: For example in a patient with a metabolic acidosis if the measured pCO2 level was higher than is
expected for the severity and duration of the metabolic disorder, than this points to the coexistence of a
respiratory acidosis. With a little practice the rules are simple to remember and are quick and easy to
apply at the bedside. Rules 1 to 4 are best remembered by the description rather then memorizing the
formula. These rules are outlined below
9.3.2 Rules for Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders
Rule 1 : The 1 for 10 Rule for Acute Respiratory Acidosis
The [HCO
] will increase by 1 mmol/l for every 10 mmHg elevation in pCO
above 40
Expected [HCO
] = 24 + { (Actual pCO
- 40) / 10 }
Comment:The increase in CO2 shifts the equilibrium between CO2 and HCO3 to result in an
acute increase in HCO3. This is a simple physicochemical event and occurs almost
Example: A patient with an acute respiratory acidosis (pCO2 60mmHg) has an actual [HCO3]
of 31mmol/l. The expected [HCO3] for this acute elevation of pCO2 is 24 + 2 = 26mmol/l. The
actual measured value is higher than this indicating that a metabolic alkalosis must also be

Rule 2 : The 4 for 10 Rule for Chronic Respiratory Acidosis
The [HCO3] will increase by 4 mmol/l for every 10 mmHg elevation in pCO2 above
Expected [HCO3] = 24 + 4 { (Actual pCO2 - 40) / 10}
Comment: With chronic acidosis, the kidneys respond by retaining HCO3, that is, renal
compensation occurs. This takes a few days to reach its maximal value.
Example: A patient with a chronic respiratory acidosis (pCO2 60mmHg) has an actual
[HCO3] of 31mmol/l. The expected [HCO3] for this chronic elevation of pCO2 is 24 + 8 =
32mmol/l. The actual measured value is extremely close to this so renal compensation is
maximal and there is no evidence indicating a second acid-base disorder.

Rule 3 : The 2 for 10 Rule for Acute Respiratory Alkalosis
The [HCO3] will decrease by 2 mmol/l for every 10 mmHg decrease in pCO2 below 40
Expected [HCO3] = 24 - 2 { ( 40 - Actual pCO2) / 10 }
Comment: In practice, this acute physicochemical change rarely results in a [HCO3] of less
than about 18 mmol/s. (After all there is a limit to how low pCO2 can fall as negative values
are not possible!) So a [HCO3] of less than 18 mmol/l indicates a coexisting metabolic

Rule 4 : The 5 for 10 Rule for a Chronic Respiratory Alkalosis
The [HCO3] will decrease by 5 mmol/l for every 10 mmHg decrease in pCO2 below 40
Expected [HCO3] = 24 - 5 { ( 40 - Actual pCO2 ) / 10 } ( range: +/- 2)
y It takes 2 to 3 days to reach maximal renal compensation
y The limit of compensation is a [HCO3] of about 12 to 15 mmol/l

9.3.3 Rules for Metabolic Acid-Base Disorders
Rule 5 : The One & a Half plus 8 Rule - for a Metabolic Acidosis
The expected pCO2 (in mmHg) is calculated from the following formula:
Expected pCO2 = 1.5 x [HCO3] + 8 (range: +/- 2)
y Maximal compensation may take 12-24 hours to reach
y The limit of compensation is a pCO2 of about 10 mmHg
y Hypoxia can increase the amount of peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation
Example: A patient with a metabolic acidosis ([HCO3] 14mmol/l) has an actual pCO2 of
30mmHg. The expected pCO2 is (1.5 x 14 + 8) which is 29mmHg. This basically matches the
actual value of 30 so compensation is maximal and there is no evidence of a respiratory acid-
base disorder (provided that sufficient time has passed for the compensation to have reached
this maximal value). If the actual pCO2 was 45mmHg and the expected was 29mmHg, then
this difference (45-29) would indicate the presence of a respiratory acidosis and indicate its
magnitude. See Section 5.5 for more details.

Rule 6 : The Point Seven plus Twenty Rule - for a Metabolic Alkalosis
The expected pCO2(in mmHg) is calculated from the following formula:
Expected pCO2 = 0.7 [HCO3] + 20 (range: +/- 5)
Comment: The variation in pCO2 predicted by this equation is relatively large. (The reasons
for this are discussed in section 7.5)

The combination of a low [HCO3] and a low pCO2 occurs in metabolic acidosis and in respiratory alkalosis.
If only one disorder is present it is usually a simple matter to sort out which is present. The factors to
consider are:
y The history usually strongly suggests the disorder which is present
y The net pH change indicates the disorder if only a single primary disorder is present (eg acidaemia =>
y An elevated anion gap or elevated chloride define the 2 major groups of causes of metabolic acidosis
Remember that only primary processes are called acidosis or alkalosis. The compensatory processes are
just that - compensation. Phrases such as secondary respiratory alkalosis should not be used.
(see Section 3.1)

Check Anion Gap and Delta Ratio
An elevated Anion Gap always strongly suggests a Metabolic Acidosis.
y If AG is 20-30 then high chance (67%) of metabolic acidosis
y If AG is > 30 then a metabolic acidosis is definitely present

If a metabolic acidosis is diagnosed, then the Delta Ratio should be checked

Delta Ratio Assessment Guidelines in patients with a metabolic acidosis
y < 0.4 - Hyperchloraemic normal anion gap acidosis
y 0.4 to 0.8 - Combined high AG and normal AG acidosis
y 1 - Common in DKA due to urinary ketone loss
y 1 to 2 - Typical pattern in high anion gap metabolic acidosis
y > 2 Check for either a co-existing Metabolic Alkalosis (which would elevate [HCO3]) or a co-
existing Chronic Respiratory Acidosis (which results in compensatory elevation of [HCO3])
9.6 Clinical Examples
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9.6.1 The Need for Experience: Practicing on Example Cases
The rules of the Boston approach are useful only if we know how to apply them clinically to patient care.
This section provides a series of examples of their use in real patients so you can gain experience in
interpretation. Many of these cases are from our own unit but some are based on published cases. These
examples provide good practice in the application of the rules.
The central importance of the history and your clinical knowledge of the patient in assessment is
In some cases, an enlarged history and serial results are provided. This should provide some experience
y discriminating the important data from the clinical picture
y seeing the acid-base assessment as just one component of the total patient assessment
y getting a feel for how the results change with therapy
Some of the assessments are long and perhaps repetitive but previous experience has indicated that this
thinking out loud approach increases the usefulness of the examples as teaching material. Brief
explanations dont seem to teach much. The index to the Case Histories is at the bottom of this page.
9.6.2 The Prime Directive: Importance of the Clinical Details
But first, to illustrate how the history and examination are of prime importance in correct interpretation of
blood gas results, consider the following set of arterial blood gases:

Arterial Blood Gases
pH 7.21
pCO2 70 mmHg
pO2 75 mmHg
HCO3 27 mmol/l
These identical gases were obtained from the following two patients (based on Bernards).
y Case 1: A healthy 37 year old man is having an elective open cholecystectomy under a
N2O/Enflurane/Pancuronium anaesthetic. He has no significant past medical history and is on no
routine medication. Preoperative urea and electrolytes were all within the reference range.
y Case 2: A 75 year old man with a long history of severe acute chronic obstructive airways disease
(COAD) is admitted to hospital with fever, confusion and significant respiratory distress. He lives alone
but his neighbour says he has been unwell for a week and has deteriorated over the previous 4 days.
There is a long history of heavy smoking. Biochemistry & haematology results are not yet available.
Is the assessment of the results the same even though the clinical situation is very different?
The pattern (pCO2 & HCO3 both elevated) suggests either a respiratory acidosis or a metabolic alkalosis
but the severe acidaemia means that it is a respiratory acidosis that is present. This much is common
ground to these two cases. The clinical details are necessary to decide if a simple or a mixed acid-base
disorder is present.
Assessment of Case 1: This patient is receiving a relaxant anaesthetic for an upper abdominal
procedure. His ventilation is fully controlled. A perusal of the results in the light of the clinical details
(respiratory acidosis in a well patient on controlled ventilation) suggests strongly that the most likely
primary problem is hypoventilation in a patient with previously normal acid-base results. A marked acute
respiratory acidosis is present. [In any anaesthetised patient with an acute acidosis, malignant
hyperthermia, though rare, should always be considered.]
Is a metabolic disorder also present in this patient? (eg due to lactic acidosis) The [HCO3] would be
expected to increase by 1 mmol/l for each 10 mmHg rise in pCO2 above the nominal usual value of 40
mmHg. (Rule 1 in Section 9.3). A rise of 30mmHg predicts a [HCO3] of 27 (ie 24 + 3). The actual value
matches the predicted value. There is no metabolic component present.
If the history suggested that the situation may be more complex then a check should be made for any
suggestive evidence of a mixed metabolic component (coexistent metabolic acidosis and metabolic
alkalosis) as well as the acute respiratory acidosis. This check would include initially anion gap, [K+], [Cl-]
and glucose. In this case there is no clinical indication.
Acute respiratory acidosis due to alveolar hypoventilation is the acid-base assessment in this case. The
cause for this should be found and corrected. The absence of a metabolic component and the other clinical
evidence makes a diagnosis of excessive CO2 production (eg malignant hyperthermia) very unlikely.
Assessment of Case 2: This man has severe chronic obstructive airways disease and has an elevation in
his pCO2 which has probably been present for at least 3 or 4 days. He is probably a chronic CO2 retainer
with some chronic elevation in his pCO2. Review of previous blood gas results or bicarbonate (ie total
CO2) levels on a biochemistry profile may confirm this. In any case, the history suggests chronic
respiratory acidosis.
Based on rule 2, the predicted [HCO3] is 36 mmol/l [ie: 24 + { ( 70-40 / 10 ) x 4 } ]. The actual [HCO3]
is 9 mmol/l lower then this indicating a coexistent severe metabolic acidosis. Note that the pO2 is not
severely depressed. Patients admitted with respiratory distress are almost invariably commenced on
oxygen by ambulance and hospital staff. This may be life-saving as the pO2 in increased.
A lactic acidosis related to hypoxaemia and maybe peripheral circulatory failure is the probable cause of
the metabolic acidosis. Other causes of metabolic acidosis should be considered. Infection is a potent
precipitant of diabetic ketoacidosis. A finger-prick test for glucose and urine tests for glucose and ketones
should be performed on arrival in the Casualty department. The anion gap will define the type of
metabolic acidosis present and guide further investigation.
This patient has a severe mixed acidosis. An acute severe metabolic acidosis is superimposed on a
compensated chronic respiratory acidosis. The metabolic compensation for the respiratory disorder has
disguised the magnitude of the metabolic acidosis.
It is noted that the gas results in these two cases are identical, but that the interpretation and therefore
management are different.
Commenting on an isolated set of blood gas results without benefit of any
pertinent history can lead to serious error.
Remember that the clinician is focusing on the assessment of the patient and here our attention is
predominantly on the acid-base assessment.
11.1 Acid-Base Aspects of Pregnancy
Prevous | Index | Next
11.1.1 Hyperventilation
The hyperventilation that occurs during pregnancy is probably due in part to progesterone stimulating the
respiratory center. Lung volume changes and altered compliance may also contribute. The effect is a
chronic respiratory alkalosis which is compensated by renal excretion of bicarbonate. Typical blood gases
results in the third trimester are:
Typical ABGs in the Third Trimester
pH 7.43
pCO2 33mmHg
[HCO3] 21mmHg
pO2 104 mmHg.
The reduction in bicarbonate results in a slightly reduced ability to buffer a metabolic acid load. The lower
pCO2would shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the left, but the minimal change in pH and the increased
2,3 DPG levels during pregnancy mean the ODC is little altered in position.
11.1.2 Hyperemesis
Nausea and vomiting occur commonly in the first trimester. Rarely, this may be severe (hyperemesis
gravidarum) and intractable vomiting can cause fluid loss and electrolyte disturbances. The acid-base
result is typically a metabolic alkalosis but ketosis may also occur if oral intake is poor. The actual acid-
base effect of vomiting depends on the actual mix of acidic gastric fluid and alkaline intestinal secretions in
the vomitus. Alkalosis does not always occur with prolonged vomiting.
11.1.3 Maternal Ketosis
The pregnant woman is prone to develop elevated ketone levels because:
y fasting during pregnancy more rapidly results in hypoglycaemia and low insulin levels
y insulin resistance develops as pregnancy progresses (probably due to placental hormones)
Fasting ketosis develops in less than 16 hours in late pregnancy as compared to usually greater than 24
hours in the non-pregnant female. Ketones can cross the placenta and the foetus can adapt to use them
as an energy source. Ketones may be important in myelination in the developing central nervous system.
This mild ketosis that occurs with fasting does not seem to have any adverse effect on the mother or
foetus. There is no information on which to base treatment of ketosis in labouring women.

Ketoacidosis due to maternal diabetes is more serious and can have very serious adverse effects on the
11.1.4 Other
Diuretic use may cause a metabolic alkalosis. This results in a mixed alkalosis because the
hyperventilation has already reduced the pCO2.
Acid-Base Physiology
11.2 Acid-Base Physiology in Children

Most aspects of acid-base physiology in children are the same as for adults and will not be
repeated here. Some differences in neonates and infants are briefly indicated below. The
most common acid-base problems in neonates are respiratory disorders due to respiratory
Many inherited disorders affecting intermediary metabolism can result in an accumulation of
organic acids and these nearly all present during childhood. These are briefly considered

11.2.1 General Factors affecting Acid-Base Balance in Infants
Low Bicarbonate depends on Gestational Age
As compared to normal adults, the plasma [HCO3] in neonates is lower due to the lower
renal threshold and lower capacity to reabsorb bicarbonate. The more immature the
neonate, the lower the level. Very low birth weight babies have bicarbonate levels of 12-16
mmoles/l but term babies have levels of 20-22 mmol/l.
Low Reserve to excrete an Acid Load
At blrth ln term lnfunts, ucld excretlon ls worklng neur muxlmum cupuclty und there ls llttle reserve to deul wlth
ucldosls. The lower blcurbonute levels ln preterm bubles meuns they huve even less cupuclty thun u term
neonute to buffer un ucld loud. The ublllty to excrete un ucld loud lmproves over the flrst couple of months of
Other Factors
y Growth results in deposition of base in new bone as the calcium salts in bone are
alkaline salts.
y On a weight basis, fixed acid production is higher than in adults (eg neonates and
children < 12 months : fixed acid production is 2 to 3 mmol/kg/day).

11.2.2 Infantile Metabolic Acidosis

As mentioned previously, a large number of different inborn errors of metabolism cause a
metabolic acidosis. This may be:
y organic acidosis (enzyme defect resulting in accumulation of acidic metabolic
y lactic acidosis
y hyperchloraemic acidosis
Feeding difficulties often in association with tachypnoea are common in neonatal metabolic
Some examples of organic acidoses in children are:
y maple syrup urine disease
y methylmalonic acidaemia
y propionic acidaemia
y isovaleric acidaemia
y glutaric aciduria.
Some of these disorders also cause a ketoacidosis.
Typical Presentation
A typical presentation of many organic acidaemias is as recurrent
episodes of metabolic acidosis with coma often preceded by
vomiting, mental obtundation, hypotonia or seizures.
Episodes may be precipitated by increased protein breakdown
associated with surgery.
These inherited conditions, though individually uncommon, should be considered in any
child with an acidosis especially if associated with coma. Neurological manifestations are
common. Expert advice and investigation is required to sort out these disorders.
[The interested are referred to Ozand & Gascon (1991) for a review of organic acidaemias.]
Lactic acidosis can also result from enzyme defects and present during childhood. For
example, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency and
pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency. The lactic acidosis is not an isolated finding as these
children have serious dysfunctions of organ systems esp affecting brain, liver and muscle.
Renal tubular acidosis may be hereditary and cause a hyperchloraemic acidosis in infants.
Without treatment, growth retardation occurs in these children.

11.2.3 Other Acid-Base Disorders in Children
Final points:
y Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus usually presents during childhood or adolesence.
y Poisoning in children may cause an acid-base disorder and the disorder may be
different from that typically seen in an adult (eg salicylate poisoning).
Acid-Base Physiology
11.3 Acid-Base Disorders due to Drugs & Toxins [ DRAFT ONLY ]

Classification by Mechanism
Drug-induced acid-base disorders:
1. Metabolic acidosis induced by large acid loads
- from exogenous sources (e.g. NH4Cl, or toxin ingestion)
- from endogenous acid production (e.g. generation of ketoacids or lactic acids by alcohol or
- from base loss (eg laxative abuse).
2. Renal tubular acidosis
2. Metabolic alkalosis resulting from exogenous bicarbonate loads or effective extracellular
fluid contraction, potassium depletion plus hyperaldosteronism
4. Respiratory acidosis from drug-induced respiratory depression or neuromuscular
5. Respiratory alkalosis from drug-induced hyperventilation

Some Drugs & Toxins which have been involved in various Acid-Base Disorders
Respiratory Acidosis
y CNS depressants
y Narcotics
y Muscle Relaxants
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
y Methanol
y Ethylene glycol (due glycolic acid)
y Salicylates
y Paraldehyde
y Phenformin & metformin (lactic acidosis)
y Sodium nitroprusside (lactic acidosis due cyanide)
Renal Tubular Acidosis
y Amphotericin B
y Acetazolamide
y Toluene
y Lithium
y Cyclamate
y Analgesics
y Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors (eg acetazolamide)
y Lead
y Outdated tetracycline
y Pentamidine in AIDS patients
Other causes of Hyperchloraemic Metabolic Acidosis
y Potassium-sparing diuretics
y Acidifying infusions (eg HCl, NH4Cl, lysine-HCl & arginine-HCl infusions)
y CaCl2 ingestion (loss of HCO3 due to precipitation of carbonate)
Respiratory Alkalosis
y Salicylates
y Propanidid
Metabolic Alkalosis
y Emetics
y Diuretics

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