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Titration – I

1.ESTIMATION OF FERROUS SULPHATE (FeSo4) (Standard FAS Solution) Vs (Link KMnO4 Solution)
Aim : Indicator : Self Indicator (KMno4)
Estimate the amount of ferrous sulphate dissolved in 750 ml of
the given unknown solution volumetrically. For this you are giv- en
with a standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) of Volume of Burette readings
normality 0.1102 N and potassium permanganate solution as link standard Volume of
solution S.no FAS KMnO4 Concordant
solution Initial Final solution value
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
Short Procedure :

1 20 0
S.no Content Titration - I Titration - II
2 20 0
1 Burette solution KMnO4 solution KMnO4 solution
(Link solution) (Link solution)
2 Pipette solution 20ml of standard FAS 20 ml of unknown
Volume of standard FAS solution (V1) = 20 ml
solution FeSO4 solution
Normality of standard FAS solution (N1) = 0.1102 N
3 Acid to be added 20ml of 2N 20ml of 2N
H2SO4 (approxi) H2SO4 (approxi) Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V2) = ml
Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution (N2) = ? N
4 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2
5 Indicator Self-indicator (KMnO4) Self-indicator (KMnO4)
N2 = V1 X N1

6 End point Appearance of Appearance of
permanent permanent Normality of KMnO4 solution = --------------N
pale pink colour pale pink colour

7 Equivalent weight of FeSO4 = 278


Titration – II :

(Link KMnO4 Solution) Vs (Unknown FeSO4 Solution) Weight Calculation :

Indicator : Self Indicator (KMno4)

The amount of FeSO4 dissolved

Volume of Burette readings In 750ml of the Solution = Normality X equivalent weight X 750
Unknown Volume of 1000
S.no FeSO4 KMnO4 Concordant
solution Initial Final solution value = X 278 X 750
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20 0 = -------------------- g

2 20 0

Calculation :
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V1) = ml
Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution (N1) = ? N

Volume of Unknown FeSO4 solution (V2) = 20 ml

Normality of Unknown FeSO4 solution (N2) = N
Report :
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2

N2 = V1 X N1 Normality of KMnO4 solution = --------------N

Normality of Unknown FeSO4 solution = --------------N
Normality of FeSO4 solution = --------------N
The amount of FeSO4 dissolved In 750ml of the Solution = ------g


Titration – I
(Standard FeSO4 Solution) Vs (Link KMnO4 Solution)
Estimate the amount of ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) dissolved in 1500 ml of
the given unknown solution volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard Indicator : Self Indicator (KMno4)
solution of ferrous sulphate (FeSO4)of normality 0.1024N and potassium
permanganate solution as link solution.
Volume of Burette readings
standard Volume of
Short Procedure: S.No FeSO4 KMnO4 Concordant
Solution Initial Final solution value
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)

S.no Content Titration – I Titration - II

1 20 0

1 Burette solution KMnO4 solution KMnO4 solution

(Link solution) (Link solution) 2 20 0

2 Pipette solution 20ml of standard 20 ml of unknown

FeSO4 solution FAS solution

3 Acid to be added 20ml of 2N 20ml of 2N Volume of standard FeSO4 solution (V1) = 20 ml

H2SO4 (approxi) H2SO4 (approxi)
Normality of standard FeSO4 solution (N1) = 0.1024 N
4 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V2) = ml
Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution (N2) = ? N
5 Indicator Self-indicator (KMnO4) Self-indicator (KMnO4) V1 X N1 = V2 X N2
N2 = V1 X N1

6 End point Appearance of Appearance of V2

permanent permanent N2 = 20 X 0.1024
pale pink colour pale pink colour
7 Equivalent weight of FAS = 392 Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution (N2) = --------------N


Titration – II

(Link KMnO4 Solution) Vs (Unknown FAS Solution) Weight Calculation :

Indicator : Self Indicator (KMno4)

The amount of FAS dissolved

Volume of Burette readings In 1500ml of the Solution = Normality X equivalent weight X 1500
S.No unknown Volume of 1000
FAS Initial Final KMnO4 Concordant
Solution (ml) (ml) solution value
= X 392 X 1500
(ml) (ml) (ml)
1 20 0 = -------------------- g

2 20 0

Calculation :

Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V1) = ml

Normality KMnO4 (link) solution (N1) = ? N

Volume of Unknown FAS solution (V2) = 20 ml

Normality Unknown FAS solution (N2) = N

V1 X N1 = V2 X N2 Report :
Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution = --------------N
N2 = V1 X N1
Normality of Unknown FAS solution = N
The amount of FAS dissolved In 1500ml of the Solution = ----------- g
Normality FAS solution (N2) = N


Aim : (Standard FAS Solution) Vs (Link KMnO4 Solution)
Estimate the amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 500 ml of the given Indicator : Self Indicator (KMno4)
solution volumetrically. For this you are given with a standard solution
of ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) of normality 0.1 N and potassium
Burette readings
permanganate solution as link solution.
Volume of Volume of
standard FAS KMnO4 Concordant
solution Initial Final solution value
Short Procedure : S.No
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
Content Titration - I Titration - II
1 20 0
1 Burette solution KMnO4 solution KMnO4 solution
(Link solution) (Link solution) 2 20 0

2 Pipette solution 20ml of standard FAS 20 ml of unknown

solution oxalic acid Calculation:
Volume of standard FAS solution (V1) = 20 ml
3 Acid to be added 20ml of 2N 20ml of 2N Normality of standard FAS solution(N1) = 0.1 N
H2SO4 (approxi) H2SO4 (approxi)
Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V2) = ml
4 Temperature Lab temperature 60 – 700C
Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution (N2) = ? N
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2
5 Indicator Self-indicator (KMnO4) Self-indicator N2 = V1 X N1
6 End point Appearance of Appearance of = 20 X 0.1
permanent permanent
pale pink colour pale pink colour V2
Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution (N2) = N
7 Equivalent weight of oxalic acid = 63


Titration – II Weight Calculation :
(Link KMnO4 Solution )Vs (Unknown Oxalic acid solution)
The amount of oxalic acid dissolved
Indicator : Self Indicator (KMno4)
In 500ml of the Solution = Normality X equivalent weight X 500

Burette readings 1000

Volume of (ml)
Unknown Volume of = X 63 X 500
oxalic acid KMnO4 Concordant
S.No Initial Final
solution solution value
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) = -------------------- g

1 20 0

2 20 0

Calculation :

Volume of KMnO4 (link) solution (V1) = ml

Normality of KMnO4 (link) solution (N1) = N

Volume of (Unknown) oxalic acid solution (V2) = 20 ml

Normality (Unknown) oxalic acid solution (N2) = ? N Report :

Normality KMnO4 (Link) solution = N
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2
Normality of Unknown oxalic acid solution = N
N2 = V1 X N1
V2 The amount of oxalic acid dissolved In 500ml of the Solution =------------ g

Normality of oxalic acid solution (N2) = N


(standard Na2CO3 solution) Vs (Link HCl solution)
Aim :
Indicator : Methyl Orange
Estimate the amount of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 250 ml of the given
unknown solution volumetrically. For this you are giv- en with a standard
solution of sodium carbonate solution of nor- mality 0.0948 N and Volume of Burette readings
hydrochloric acid solution as link solution. standard Concordant
Volume of HCI
S.No Na2CO3 Initial Final solution
Short Procedure : Solution (ml)
(ml) (ml) (ml)

S.no Content Titration - I Titration - II 1 20 0

2 20 0
1 Burette solution HCI (Link solution) HCI (Link solution)

2 Pipette solution 20ml of standard 20 ml of unknown
Volume of standard Na2CO3 solution (V1) = 20 ml
Na2CO3 solution NaOH solution
Normality of standard Na2CO3 solution (N1) = 0.0948 N
3 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
Volume of HCl (link) solution (V2) = ml
Normality HCl (link) solution (N2) = ? N
4 Indicator Methyl orange Phenolphthalein
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2
N2 = V1 X N1
5 End point Colour change Disappearance of
from straw yellow pink colour
to pale pink N2 = 20 X 0.0948
6 Equivalent weight of NaOH = 40
Normality HCl (link) solution (N2) = N


Titration – II
(Link HCl solution) Vs (Unknown NaOH solution) Weight Calculation :

Indicator : Phenolphthalein
The amount of NaOH dissolved
In 250ml of the Solution = Normality X equivalent weight X 250
Burette readings
Volume of 1000
S.No Volume of Initial Final
HCl Concordant
Unknown solution value = X 40 X 250
NaOH solution (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
(ml) 1000
= -------------------- g

1 20 0

2 20 0

Calculation :

Volume of HCl (link) solution (V1) = ml

Normality HCl (link) solution (N1) = N
Volume of Unknown NaOH solution (V2) = 20 ml
Normality of Unknown NaOH solution (N2) = ? N
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2

N2 = V1 X N1 Report :

V2 Normality HCl (link) solution = N

Normality of NaOH solution (N2) = N Normality of Unknown NaOH solution = N

The amount of NaOH dissolved In 250ml of the Solution = -------------------- g


Aim :
(standard HCl solution) Vs (link NaOH solution)
Estimate the amount of oxalic acid dissolved in 1250 ml of the
Indicator : Phenolphthalein
given unknown solution volumetrically. For this you are given
with a standard solution of HCl solution of normality 0.1010 N
Burette readings
and sodium hydroxide solution as link solution.
Volume of Volume of
NaOH solution std HCl Concordant
S.No Initial Final
Short Procedure: (ml) solution value
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)

S.no Content Titration - I Titration - II 1 20 0

1 Burette solution HCI (Standard Oxalic acid 2 20 0

solution) solution

Calculation :
2 Pipette solution 20 ml of NaOH 20 ml of NaOH
link solution link solution Volume of standard HCl solution (V1) = ml
Normality of standard HCl solution (N1) = 0.1010 N
3 Temperature Lab temperature Lab temperature
Volume of NaOH(link) solution (V2) = 20 ml
Normality NaOH(link) solution (N2)= ? N
4 Indicator Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2
N2 = V1 X N1
5 End point Disappearance of Disappearance of
pink colour pink colour V2
N2 = X 0.1010
6 Equivalent weight of oxalic acid = 63 20
Normality NaOH(link) solution (N2)= N


Titration – II Weight Calculation:

(Link NaOH solution)Vs (Unknown oxalic acid solution)

The amount of oxalic acid dissolved
Indicator : Phenolphthalein
In 1250ml of the Solution = Normality X equivalent weight X 250
Burette readings
Volume of Volume of Concordant
S.No NaOH link oxalic acid value = X 40 X 250
solution Initial Final solution (ml)
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) 1000

= -------------------- g
1 20 0

2 20 0

Calculation :

Volume of NaOH (Link) solution (V1) = 20 ml

Normality NaOH (Link) solution (N1) = N

Volume of (Unknown) oxalic acid solution (V2)= ml

Normality of (Unknown) oxalic acid solution (N2) = ? N

Report :
V1 X N1 = V2 X N2

N2 = V1 X N1 Normality NaOH(link) solution = N

V2 Normality of Unknown oxalic acid solution = N

Normality of oxalic acid solution (N2) = N The amount of oxalic acid dissolved In 1250ml of the Solution = ------------ g



1.CHINNAMALDEHYDE S.NO Experiment Observation Inference

S.NO 1. Test with litmus paper:
Experiment Observation Inference Touch the moist litmus paper with an organic No colour change is Absence of carboxylic
1. Test with litmus paper: compound. noted acid, phenol and amine
Touch the moist litmus paper with an organic No colour change is Absence of carboxylic 2. Ignition test:
compound. noted acid, phenol and amine Burns with sooty flame Presence of an aromatic
Take small amount of the organic compound in a
2. Ignition test: Nickel spatula and burn it in Bunsen flame. compound.
Take small amount of the organic compound in a Burns with sooty flame Presence of an 3. Test with KMnO4 Solution:
Nickel spatula and burn it in Bunsen flame. aromatic compound. Take small amount of the organic compound in a
3. Test with KMnO4 Solution: test tube add 2ml of distilled water to dissolve it. No Decolourisation Substance is saturated
Take small amount of the organic compound in a pink colour of KMnO4 Substance is unsaturated To this solution add few drops of very dilute takes place
test tube add 2ml of distilled water to dissolve it. Solution is alkaline KMnO4 solution and shake it well
To this solution add few drops of very dilute decolourised 4. Neutral Fecl3 test:
alkaline KMnO4 solution and shake it well Take 1ml of neutral ferric chloride solution is No characteristic Absence of
4. Neutral Fecl3 test: taken in a dry clean test tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or colouration is seen Phenol,
Take 1ml of neutral ferric chloride solution is No characteristic Absence of Phenol, a pinch of solid) of organic compound to it. If α -naphthol
taken in a dry clean test tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or colouration is seen α - naphthol and No colouration occurs add 3 or 4 drops of and
a pinch of solid) of organic compound to it. If alcohol. β - naphthol
β - naphthol
No colouration occurs add 3 or 4 drops of 5. Fehling’s test:
alcohol. Take 1ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B are No Red precipitate is Absence of an aldehyde
5. Fehling’s test: taken in a test tube Add 4-5 drops of an organic formed
Take 1ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B are Red precipitate is Presence of an aldehyde compound (or 0.2g of solid) to it and warm the
taken in a test tube Add 4-5 drops of an organic formed mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes.
compound (or 0.2g of s olid) to it and warm the 6. Legal’s test:
mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes. A small amount of the substance is taken in a test Red colouration is Presence of a ketone
6. Legal’s test: tube. 1ml sodium nitro prusside solution is obtained
A small amount of the substance is taken in a test No Red colouration is Absence of a ketone added. Then sodium hydroxide solution is added
tube. 1ml sodium nitro prusside solution is obtained dropwise.
added. Then sodium hydroxide solution is added 7. Biuret test:
dropwise. Take a small amount of an organic compound in a No violet colour is Absence of a diamide
7. Biuret test: test tube. Heat strongly and then allow to cool. appeared
Take a small amount of an organic compound in a No violet colour is Absence of a diamide Dissolve the residue with 2ml of water. To this
test tube. Heat strongly and then allow to cool. appeared solution Add 1ml of dilute copper sulphate
Dissolve the residue with 2ml of water. To this solution and few drops of 10% NaOH solution
solution Add 1ml of dilute copper sulphate drop by drop.
solution and few drops of 10% NaOH solution 8. Osazone test:
drop by drop. Take a small amount of an organic compound in No yellow crystals are Absence of
8. Osazone test: a test tube. Add 1ml of phenyl hydrazine obtained carbohydrate
Take a small amount of an organic compound in No yellow crystals are Absence of solution and heat the mixture for about 5 minutes
a test tube. Add 1ml of phenyl hydrazine formed carbohydrate on a boiling water bath.
solution and heat the mixture for about 5
minutes on a boiling water bath. Report:

The given organic compound is

Report: (i) Aromatic
The given organic compound is (ii) Saturated
I. Aromatic (iii) Ketone is functional group
II. unsaturated
III. Aldehyde is functional group
S.NO Experiment Observation Inference S.NO Experiment Observation Inference
1. Test with litmus paper: 1. Test with litmus paper:
Touch the moist litmus paper with an organic No colour change is Absence of carboxylic Touch the moist litmus paper with an organic No colour change is Absence of carboxylic
compound. noted acid, phenol and amine compound. noted acid, phenol and amine.
2. Ignition test: 2. Ignition test:
Take small amount of the organic compound in a Burns with non sooty Presence of an aliphatic Take small amount of `the organic compound in a Burns with non sooty Presence of an aliphatic
Nickel spatula and burn it in Bunsen flame. flame compound. Nickel spatula and burn it in Bunsen flame. flame compound.
3. Test with KMnO4 Solution: 3. Test with KMnO4 Solution:
Take small amount of the organic compound in a Take small amount of the organic compound in a
test tube add 2ml of distilled water to dissolve it. No decolourisation Substance is saturated test tube add 2ml of distilled water to dissolve it. No decolourisation take Substance is saturated
To this solution add few drops of very dilute takes place To this solution add few drops of very dilute place
alkaline KMnO4 solution and shake it well alkaline KMnO4 solution and shake it well
4. Neutral Fecl3 test: 4. Neutral Fecl3 test:
Take 1ml of neutral ferric chloride solution is No characteristic Absence of Take 1ml of neutral ferric chloride solution is No characteristic colour Absence of
taken in a dry clean test tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or colouration Phenol, taken in a dry clean test tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or change Phenol,
a pinch of solid) of organic compound to it. If α - naphthol a pinch of solid) of organic compound to it. If α - naphthol
No colouration occurs add 3 or 4 drops of and No colouration occurs add 3 or 4 drops of and
alcohol. β - naphthol alcohol. β - naphthol
5. Fehling’s test: 5. Fehling’s test:
Take 1ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B are No Red precipitate is Absence of an aldehyde Take 1ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B are Red precipitate is Presence of an
taken in a test tube Add 4-5 drops of an organic formed taken in a test tube Add 4-5 drops of an organic formed aldehyde
compound (or 0.2g of solid) to it and warm the compound (or 0.2g of solid) to it and warm the
mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes. mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes.
6. Legal’s test: 6. Legal’s test:
A small amount of the substance is taken in a test No Red colouration Absence of a ketone A small amount of the substance is taken in a test No Red colouration is Absence of a ketone
tube. 1ml sodium nitro prusside solution is tube. 1ml sodium nitro prusside solution is seen
added. Then sodium hydroxide solution is added added. Then sodium hydroxide solution is added
dropwise. dropwise.
7. Biuret test: 7. Biuret test:
Take a small amount of an organic compound in a Violet colour is Presence of a diamide Take a small amount of an organic compound in a No violet colour is Absence of a diamide
test tube. Heat strongly and then allow to cool. appeared test tube. Heat strongly and then allow to cool. appeared
Dissolve the residue with 2ml of water. To this Dissolve the residue with 2ml of water. To this
solution Add 1ml of dilute copper sulphate solution Add 1ml of dilute copper sulphate
solution and few drops of 10% NaOH solution solution and few drops of 10% NaOH solution
drop by drop. drop by drop.
8. Osazone test: 8. Osazone test:
Take a small amount of an organic compound in No yellow crystals are Absence of Take a small amount of an organic compound in yellow crystals are Presence of
a test tube. Add 1ml of phenyl hydrazine obtained carbohydrate a test tube. Add 1ml of phenyl hydrazine Obtained carbohydrate
solution and heat the mixture for about 5 minutes solution and heat the mixture for about 5 minutes
on a boiling water bath. on a boiling water bath.

Report: Report:
The given organic compound is
The given organic compound is (i) Aliphatic
(i) Aliphatic (ii) Saturated
(ii) Saturated (iii) Carbohydrate with aldehyde functional group
(iii) Diamide is functional group


5.SALICYLIC ACID 1 Test With Litmus Paper: Blue litmus turns red May be a carboxylic acid or Salicylic Acid
Touch The Moist Litmus Paper phenol
S.NO Experiment Observation Inference With An Organic Compound. No colour change is noted Absence of carboxylic acid, Cinnamaldehyde,Benzo-
1. Test with litmus paper: phenol and amine. Phenome,Urea,Glucose
Touch the moist litmus paper with an organic Blue litmus turns red May be a carboxylic
compound. acid or phenol 2 Ignition Test: Burns with sooty flame Presence of an aromatic Cinnamaldehyde,Benzo-
Take Small Amount Of The compound. phenone,Salicylic acid
2. Ignition test:
Burns with sooty flame Presence of an aromatic
Organic Compound In A Nickel
Take small amount of the organic compound in a Burns with non sooty Presence of an aliphatic Urea , Glucose
Nickel spatula and burn it in Bunsen flame. compound. Spatula And Burn It In Bunsen
Flame. flame compound.
3. Test with KMnO4 Solution:
Take small amount of the organic compound in a 3 Test With Kmno4 Solution: No Decolourisation takes Substance is saturated Benzophenone,Urea,
test tube add 2ml of distilled water to dissolve it. No Decolourisation Substance is saturated Organic Compound + Distilled place Glucose,salicylic acid
To this solution add few drops of very dilute takes place Water + Dilute Alkaline KMnO4
alkaline KMnO4 solution and shake it well Solution And Shake It Well pink colour of KMnO4 Substance is unsaturated Cinnamaldehyde
Solution is decolourised
4. Neutral Fecl3 test:
Take 1ml of neutral ferric chloride solution is Violet colouration is Presence of phenolic 4 Neutral Fecl3 Test: Violet colouration is seen Presence of Salicylic acid
taken in a dry clean test tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or seen compound 1ml Of Neutral FeCl3 + Organic phenolic
a pinch of solid) of organic compound to it. If Compound compound
No colouration occurs add 3 or 4 drops of
alcohol. Absence of phenol, α -
No characteristic colour Cinnamaldehyde,
5. Fehling’s test:
change naphthol and β -naphthol Benzophenone,Urea,
Take 1ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B are No Red precipitate is Absence of an aldehyde
formed Glucose
taken in a test tube Add 4-5 drops of an organic
5 Fehling’s Test: Red precipitate is formed Presence of an aldehyde Cinnamaldehyde,
compound (or 0.2g of solid) to it and warm the
1ml Of Each Fehlings Solution A Glucose
mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes.
And B + 4 To 5 Drops Of Organic
6. Legal’s test: No Red precipitate is Absence of an aldehyde Benzophenone,Urea
Compound And Warm The
A small amount of the substance is taken in a test No Red colouration Absence of a ketone formed Salicylic acid
Mixture On Water Bath For 5
tube. 1ml sodium nitro prusside solution is
added. Then sodium hydroxide solution is added
6 Legal’s Test: Red colouration is Presence of a ketone Benzophenone
Organic Compound + Few Drops obtained
7. Biuret test:
Of Sodium Nitro Prusside
Take a small amount of an organic compound in a No violet colour is Absence of a diamide No Red colouration is Absence of a ketone Cinnamaldehyde,Urea,
appeared Solution + Naoh Solution Is
test tube. Heat strongly and then allow to cool. Added Drop By Drop obtained Glucose,Salicylic
Dissolve the residue with 2ml of water. To this Acid
solution Add 1ml of dilute copper sulphate 7 Biuret Test: Violet colour is appeared Presence of a diamide Urea
solution and few drops of 10% NaOH solution Organic Compound In A Test
drop by drop. Tube , Strongly Head And Allow
No violet colour is Absence of a diamide Cinnamaldehyde,Benzo-
8. Osazone test: To Cool + Water +copper
No yellow crystals Absence of
appeared Phenone,Glucose ,
Take a small amount of an organic compound in sulphate + Few Drop Of 10%
are obtained carbohydrate Salicylic acid
a test tube. Add 1ml of phenyl hydrazine NaOH Drop By Drop
solution and heat the mixture for about 5 minutes 8 Osazone Test: yellow crystals are Presence of carbohydrate Glucose
on a boiling water bath. Organic Compound + 1ml Of Obtained
Phenyl Hydrazine Solution And
Report: Heat The Mixture About 5 No yellow crystals is Absence of carbohydrate Cinnamaldehyde,Benzo-
Minutes On A Boiling Water appeared Phenome,Urea,Salicylic
The given organic compound is Bath Acid
i. Aromatic Report :
ii. Saturated
iii. Phenolic acid is functional group i. Aromatic / Aliphatic
ii. Saturated / Unsaturated
iii. Functional Group

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