1131-SAS - 12 - System in State-Space Description
1131-SAS - 12 - System in State-Space Description
1131-SAS - 12 - System in State-Space Description
It has been introduced that an LTI system can be expressed by an ordinary differential
equation to describe the relation between input and output. Usually, we say that the
system is in input-output description. However, the input-output description is
unavailable to express the whole features of a system. If a system is known all in
detail, not just the relation between input and output, we often write it in state-space
For simplicity, we only present a 2nd order system in state-space description here and
all the properties discussed below are also available for higher order systems.
x1(t) x1(t)
b1 +
+ c1
x.2(t) x2(t)
b2 +
+ c2
In general, an LTI system in state space description is expressed by two 1st order
differential equations, called the state equations, given as below:
(2) x 2 (t ) = a 21 x1 (t ) + a 22 x 2 (t ) + b2 u (t ) , x2 ( 0 ) = x20
(3) y (t ) = c1 x1 (t ) + c2 x2 (t ) + du (t )
1131- Signals and Systems 講義 國立陽明交通大學 電機系 陳永平 編
For convenience, rearrange the 2nd order LTI system into a vector form, where the
state equation is
x (t )
(5) y (t ) = c1 c2 1 + du (t )
x2 (t )
u(t) .
x(t) x(t) y(t)
b +
However, it is not an easy work to determine x ( t ) by directly calculating (8) and (9).
Instead, we often apply numerical tools to find the numerical results, such as the
software MATLAB.
1131- Signals and Systems 講義 國立陽明交通大學 電機系 陳永平 編
(10) x1 (t ) = x2 (t )
(11) x 2 (t ) = −3x1 (t ) − 4 x 2 (t ) + u (t )
(12) y (t ) = 2 x1 (t ) − x 2 (t )
with initial conditions x1(0)=1 and x2(0)=0. If u(t)=sin(cos(5t)), then the system
response y(t) can be obained by the instruction ode45 in MATLAB, or by Simulink.
Create m-file: second.m
function dx=second(t,x)
>> % key in the following instructions
>> [t,x]=ode45(@second,[0:0.01:6],[1 0])
>> y=2*x(:,1)-x(:,2);
>> plot(t,y); xlabel(‘t’); ylabel(‘y(t)’)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1131- Signals and Systems 講義 國立陽明交通大學 電機系 陳永平 編
If an LTI system is given in state space description, then we can change it into
input-output description.
Now, let’s present the procedure to derive the input-output description from the
state space description.
− a11 − a12
(13) p( ) = I − A = =0
− a 21 − a 22
(15) p( A) = A 2 + a1 A+ a0 I = 0
(17) y ( t ) + a1 y ( t ) + a0 y ( t )
= c ( x ( t ) + a1 x ( t ) + a0 x ( t ) ) + du ( t ) + a1du ( t ) + a0 du ( t )
= c A2 x ( t ) + Abu ( t ) + bu ( t )+ a1 ( Ax ( t ) + bu ( t ) ) + a0 x ( t )
+ du ( t ) + a1du ( t ) + a0 du ( t )
= c ( A2 + a1 A+ a0 I ) x ( t ) + du ( t )+ ( cb + a1d ) u ( t )
+ ( cAb + a1cb + a0 d ) u ( t )
1131- Signals and Systems 講義 國立陽明交通大學 電機系 陳永平 編