Jyotish - Rahu and Ketu in Transit - Extract
Jyotish - Rahu and Ketu in Transit - Extract
Jyotish - Rahu and Ketu in Transit - Extract
Tiftroyi 11
When Rahu transits through the 1" house from the natal Moon
it gives self-confidence, more materialistic, self-centered nature,
diseases particularly infectious diseases of a mysterious nature, with
no immediate cure; victory over enemies, good marital relations with
wife, abundant sex desire but lewdness to his wife and adultery, bad
for parents. The native may suffer due to influence of black magic.
101 Transit Results of Rahu
Transit of Rahu through the 2mA house from the natal Moon is
inauspicious. The native, his spouse or progeny will incur danger
from poison, his utterances will bring trouble for him, he will develop
dental problems and eye troubles, will be cheated by others, heavy
expenditure and sudden loss of money, quarrel in the family, scandal
due to a widow.
Transit of Rahu through the 3nJ house from the natal Moon is
auspicious. His enemies are eliminated, gets sudden money through
questionable means, rise of fortune, possibility of marriage, all
endeavours will be fruitful, his diseases will be cured, gains through
rtlations. success in education, education of younger brother, gains
through travels and publishing, matchless in power, good for
friendship, the native becomes courageous, may indulge in sex with
woman of other religion.
Transit of Rahu through the 1O* house from the natal Moon is
inauspicious. Some classics indicate that in case Rahu is conjoined
with other benefic planets in the 10* house, the native may have
mixed results and attain prestige and success, native adopts vice deeds,
clever but tense, loss of finances and property, ^.vithdrawal of
government support, may perform funeral rites, confusion and
indecision prevail.
Transit of Rahu through the 11* house from the natal Moon is
auspicious. The native gets plenty of sources of income, undertakes
charity and social welfare, commands respect and honour in the
society, enjoys good health, earns through foreign trade, acquisition
of movable property, investment in ornaments, income Iran foreign
countries, spiritual devotion.
! 03 Transit Results of Rahu
Transit of Rahu through the 12* house from the natal Moon is
inauspicious. The native will have many disadvantages, change of
place, diseases relating to blood, fear from mean people, financial
losses, sorrows and miseries, loss of landed property, fracture of
legs, overall failure in endeavours.
^ 11
The Transit of Ketu through the 1" house from the natal
Moon is inauspicious. The native undertakes meaningless travels,
looks like an ascetic in appearance, remains gloomy, there is an
increase in mental confusion and wony, enmity with brothers and
sisters, sudden reversal against his choice, suffers from skin
diseases and fire accidents.
The transit of Ketu through the 2^ house from the natal Moon
is inauspicious. The native betrays his spouse and progeny, there is
105 Transit Results of Ketu
decline in facial appearance, enters into loss making agreements,
loses his easily, suffers temper, financial setbacks and difficulties,
delay in routine matters, loss of wealth, falls prey to bad habits
like smoking, drinking, ineffective speech, develops a wound on
his tongue and there is scarcity of money affecting happiness of
the family.
The transit of Ketu through the 3rd house from the natal
Moon is auspicious. The native succeeds in his endeavours, and
even wins the confidence of his enemies, there is increase in
income, professional advancement, gain of honour and wealth,
goes for pilgrimages, courageous, lives like an aristocrat, chances
of skin diseases.
The transit of Ketu through the 5th house from the natal
Moon is inauspicious. The native suffers from chronic stomach
problems, jaundice, contraction of liver, may have attacks of
epilepsy or loss of consciousness, becomes highly irreligious, in
case of women, problems pertaining to ovaries develop, mental
disturbance, melancholy, grief, inadequate performance in
The transit of Ketu through the 7th house from the natal Moon
is inauspicious. The native will experience discord in partnership,
domestic unhappiness, law suits can be a source of worry and
unnecessary expenditure, marital problems, chances of divorce, the
female native may suffer due to abortion, chances of unconventional
marriage, danger of drowning, diseases related to memory and brain,
unsuccessful wanderings, false blames.
The transit of Ketu through the S* house from the natal Moon
is inauspicious. The native suffers loss due to legacies, difficulties in
realising debts, undergoes foreign travel under compulsion, danger
of theft of jewels, gold and money, non-cooperation from inlaws,
enmity with siblings, danger from poison and poisonous insects,
surgery, ulcer, itches, loss of consciousness, fear complex.
The transit of Ketu through the 9th house from the natal Moon
is inauspicious. The native suffers loss during long travel, education
may be hampered, disrespect due to religion, expensive tendencies,
arrogant and short tempered, punishment in foreign land, chances of
being cheated, failure of law suits, father may suffer due to ill health.
The transit of Ketu through the 10,h house from the natal Moon
is inauspicious. The native suffers from penalties by the government,
disappointments, dissatisfaction, delay in all matters, fall from a high
place, inabihty to stick to one place, gain of unexpected money which
may be lost in speculation or gambling, chances of fire accidents.
The transit of Ketu through the 11 * house from the natal Moon
is auspicious. The native undertakes profitable journeys to foreign
countries, undertakes pilgrimages, becomes highly spiritual, studies
ancient religious books and performs charity, gain from profession
and through friends, income from speculation, enemies depressed,
enjoys all kinds of luxuries, income from agriculture, gets better status
in profession, promotion in his job.
107 Transit Results of Ketu
The transit of Ketu through the 12* house from the natal Moon
is inauspicious. The native incurs heavy expenditure, suffers from
eye trouble, financial losses, mental disturbance, conflicts in the family,
eye problems, rebellious nature, self distrust, failures in profession,
excessive trouble will suppress his desire to survive, unstable in
disposition, chances of fire accidents and small pox. The twelfth
house is called moksha sthana. Ketu is the significator for spirituality
and self realisation. The native will tend to seek seclusion and meditate,
and thinks of discarding materialistic gains to become a sanyasi.