Properties of Waves 7
Properties of Waves 7
Properties of Waves 7
Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T) Questions C. Construct a graph to show the relationship
between the frequency and wavelength of
electromagnetic waves (they are inversely
Discovery Ed: Properties of Mechanical Waves Discovery Ed: Discovery Ed: Wavelength and Frequency
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves Chalk Talk: Electromagnetic Spectrum
Create a T-chart to compare the wave types Gizmos: Waves Interactive Vocabulary Sheet or
Edpuzzle: What is the Electromagnetic complete in science journal
McGraw-Hill Florida Science Course 2: Spectrum?
Online Animation: 7.2 BrainPOP Waves Quizlet Topic Vocabulary
Explore Gizmos: Waves – Activity A: Measuring Waves Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Gizmos: Waves – Activity B: Wave Dynamics
Gizmos: Longitudinal Waves – Activity A WebQuest Answer key McGraw-Hill Florida Science Course 2:
What are some characteristics of waves? (VL)
Gizmos: Eyes and Vision 1 – Seeing Color
Activity A and B Discovery Ed: Describing Waves Exploration
Discovery Ed: What Are the Characteristics of Solar Radiation McGraw-Hill Florida Science Course 2:
Explain Sound Waves? Components Guided Notes Lesson 7.2 – Pages 324-330
Complete Page 330 Apply It! and Page 332
McGraw-Hill Florida Science Course 2: Lesson 7.1 Show and Talk – Summarize It!
– Pages 308-317 Wave Sources
Useful Waves
Show and Talk – Making Waves
Extend/ Discovery Ed: Getting to Know: Waves article Discovery Ed: Electromagnetic Waves article Edpuzzle: Physics Waves: Frequency &
Elaborate Wavelength
Edpuzzle: Intro to Waves and Variables Discovery Ed: Waves from the Sun
Light waves Not Just Another Science
Experiment Guided Notes
McGraw-Hill Florida Science Course 2: Electromagnetic Spectrum Foldable Forms: Lesson 7.2 Quiz
Complete Page 318 Summarize It!
Textbook: Florida Science Course 2: Lesson 7.1, 7.2, NH 3-5
Vocabulary: Quizlet Topic Set wave, infrared, light, radiation, sound wave, ultraviolet, wavelength, electromagnetic, amplitude, frequency, experiment,
investigation, model, systematic observations, hypothesis, empirical evidence, test variable (independent variable), outcome variable (dependent
Technology Integration:
1. SAMR: Students collaborative creation of “Electromagnetic Spectrum Uses and Applications” video and song
2. McGraw-Hill Animation: 7.2 BrainPOP - Waves, Virtual Lab: Amplitude, Wavelength and Frequency
3. GIZMOS: Herschel Experiment Radiation Longitudinal Waves Hearing: Frequency and Volume Earthquake – Determination of Epicenter Photoelectric
Effect Doppler Shift Waves
4. TED-Ed: Light waves, visible and invisible What is color?
5. Other: Examine the sun at different wavelengths NASA: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
H.O.T Questions:
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
What do electromagnetic waves all have in common and how are they different?
How do you know which color of visible light would have the least or the most energy?
How is radiant energy from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum being used to learn more about our universe?
How are electromagnetic waves used in the real world? Provide examples.
1. Engaging Phenomena: Electromagnetic Spectrum
2. Hands-On Lab: Solar Energy vs. Color
3. McGraw-Hill Online Lab Manager 7.2: How are wavelength and frequency related?
4. Related Program: Science Fair
I am able to identify some characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum. Identify each type of radiation that is found in energy from
Score/Step 2.0
the Sun.
I am able to recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or
Score/Step 1.0 travels from one medium to another.
I am able to identify variable in a scientific experiment. Identify variables in an experiment that investigates if the
Score/Step 2.0
type of surface affects the reflection of light.
Illustrate that the sun’s energy arrives as radiation with a wide range of wavelengths, including infrared, visible, and ultraviolet, and
Standard: SC.7.P.10.1
that white light is made up of a spectrum of many different colors. . AA (Cognitive Complexity: Level 1: Recall)
Types of Waves
Characteristics of a wave
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Nature of Waves
Light Energy
The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Microwaves
Video Light and Color
The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Infrared
The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Ultraviolet
Visible Light
The Electromagnetic Spectrum: X-Rays and Gamma Rays
The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Visible Light, how is it produced?
Waves, electromagnetic types Electromagnetic Spectrum
energy frequency
infrared experiment
light investigation
radiation model
ultraviolet observation
wavelength replication