Effect of Cotton Seed Cake and Its Effect On Milk Yield and Its Composition in HF-Deoni Crossbred Cows
Effect of Cotton Seed Cake and Its Effect On Milk Yield and Its Composition in HF-Deoni Crossbred Cows
Effect of Cotton Seed Cake and Its Effect On Milk Yield and Its Composition in HF-Deoni Crossbred Cows
Feed cost constitutes 60-70% of total expenditure on milk production therefore, concentrate
feeding is important in terms of cost of feeding. The cotton seed is primarily grown for the
fiber production but cotton seed cake (CSC) or cotton seed meal (CSM) obtained as a
byproduct after extraction of oil from the cotton seeds. Cotton seed cake is very palatable and
good source of protein for livestock in the cotton growing belt of India, with high level of
natural rumen un degradable protein value (Agrawal et al, 2003, Ngele et al, 2013) [24, 25] and
has been satisfactorily used as a protein supplement for growing and dairy animals (Gajera et
al, 2013; Movaliya et al, 2013) [26, 27]. Cotton seed cake is an important protein supplement
being used with low nutritive forages and fibrous byproducts due to its high protein
digestibility which form more glucose after reaching lower tract diverting towards increase in
growth rate as well as milk production in the animals (Osti and Pandey, 2006) [28].
In Northern part of Karnataka, farmers are traditionally using groundnut cake or sunflower
cake as a source of vegetable protein in livestock feeding but due to inadequate supply and
seasonal availability, the cost of these products has been increased. Thus, there is a need for
replacing groundnut cake with some other local protein sources to release the pressure on this
product. In this area Cotton seed is primarily grown for the fiber production. The availability
of these seeds is very high as a source of non-conventional feed stuffs. Hence, cotton seed cake
could be utilized as a source of cattle feed because; these seeds are good source of crude
protein, crude fibre and other essential nutrients on affordable price (ref). Despite its high
nutritional value, cottonseed cake contains gossypol, a phenolic compound which can produce
intoxication, liver damage and reproductive problems in non-ruminants. Interestingly,
ruminants can detoxify free gossypol by converting it into bound gossypol in the rumen,
thereby impeding its absorption into the blood (Webb et al. 2019) [23]. Therefore, keeping in
view the present study was, planned to find out the effect of CSC on feed intake, Milk yield
and its composition in HF Deoni crossbred cow.
Corresponding Author:
Jagjiwan Ram Materials and Methods
Professor & Head, Dept. of Selection of animals: Six HF Deoni crossbred lactating cows were selected for this study
Animal Science, AC, UAS, based on similar age group ranged from 4 to 5 years and most of them were in stage of mid-
Raichur, Karnataka. India lactation.
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Housing: All experimental cows were housed under ideal Calves were not allowed to suckle the milk and oxytocin was
housing conditions for the entire experimental period. The also not used for milk let down. Water soaked concentrate
experimental cows were tied and fed separately under same mixture was fed twice in a day at the time of milking.
housing conditions.
Collection of samples: For milk analysis special plastic
Treatments: Four treatments were made viz. T1 (0% cotton bottles were used to collect the milk samples, these plastic
seed cake), T2 (10% cotton seed cake), T3 (20% cotton seed bottles were first clean with detergents and then air/sun dried.
cake) and T4 (30% cotton seed cake). The experimental period Milk samples were collected from each experimental cow in
under each treatment was kept 15 days including 10 days the plastic bottle. Similarly other samples were also collected
preliminary feeding period and 5 days collection period. separately per day per cow viz. feed intake (kg), water intake
(lit) and dung excreted (kg).
Feed and water intake: Concentrate mixture was prepared
by using different level of cotton seed cake (table 1) and fed Laboratory analysis: The samples were labeled and
to each experimental cow as per their requirement (NRC analyzed in the lab for Fat, SNF (protein, Lactose and
2021) for maintenance and production @ 5 kg/day/cow. minerals), acidity, coagulation and flavor test as per
Sorghum straw was weighed on digital weighing balance and standards. Similarly proximate analysis of feed and dung was
offered adlib to each experimental cow. The data of feed done as per AOAC (2014).
intake was recorded separately based on actual intake (means
feed offered minus feed refused). Adlib quantity of clean Statistical analysis: Student t-test was used to analyze the
drinking water was offered twice a day and was recorded data for comparison of the treatments as per text book of
separately. Snedecor and Cochran, 2004 [20].
Recording of milk yield: Lactating cows of each group were
hand milked twice a day at about 5.30 AM and 5.30 PM by Results and Discussion
same milk man. Daily Milk yield was recorded (lit/day/cow).
Table 1a: Preparation of concentrate mixture by adding different level of cotton seed cake
Diet combinations
Sl. No. Feed Ingredient
T1 T2 T3 T4
1 Maize grain 35 35 35 35
2 Cotton seed cake - 10 20 30
3 Groundnut cake 30 20 10 -
4 De oiled rice polish 20 20 20 20
5 Gram husk 05 05 05 05
6 Wheat bran 07 07 07 07
7 Mineral mixture 02 02 02 02
8 Common salt 01 01 01 01
Total 100 100 100 100
Cost (Rs) / kg feed 25.50 23.50 21.50 19.50
Table 2: Effect of cotton seed cake on intake and utilization of nutrients in HF Deoni crossbred lactating cows
Sl. No Observations
T1 T2 T3 T4
1 DM Intake (kg/day) 12.50±1.45 12.45±2.15 12.35±1.20 12.25±2.25
2 Water intake (lit/day) 47.50±1.45 48.40±3.85 48.35±3.42 49.45±2.15
3 Ratio between DM and water intake 1:3.80 1:3.91 1:3.88 1:4.04
4 Digestibility of DM (%) 60.45±2.10 62.35±1.25 63.50±1.10 63.65±1.35
5 Digestibility of CP (%) 64.25±2.12 65.20±2.45 65.80±2.30 67.15±2.05
6 Digestibility of CF (%) 60.45±1.85 61.10±2.10 62.54±2.20 63.25±1.35
7 Digestibility of EE (%) 58.25±1.45 59.50±1.25 60.45±2.15 61.85±1.24
8 Digestibility of NFE (%) 66.13±2.35 68.10±2.05 68.25±1.62 69.35±1.51
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Table 3: Effect of cotton seed cake on quantity and quality of milk production in HF Deoni crossbred lactating cows
Sl. No Observations
T1 T2 T3 T4
1 Milk yield lit/ day 11.45±0.50 11.75±0.30 12.00±0.65 12.25±0.45
2 Fat% 4.00±0.25 4.35±0.43 5.00±0.35 5.15±0.20
3 Solid not fat (SNF) % 8.50±0.15 8.75±0.20 8.50±0.15 8.80±0.10
4 Total solid % 12.50±0.30 13.10±0.08 13.50±0.34 13.95±0.15
5 Acidity% 0.12±0.03 0.13±0.05 0.14±0.04 0.18±0.05
6 Boiling test Normal Normal Normal coagulation
7 Flavor/odor/test Normal Normal Normal Off flavor
Table 4: Effect of diet combinations on cost of milk production in HF Deoni crossbred lactating cows
Sl. No Observations
T1 T2 T3 T4
1 Cost (Rs) / kg feed 25.50 23.50 21.50 19.50
2 Total feeding cost (Rs) /day/cow 127.50 117.50 107.50 97.50
3 Milk yield lit/day/cow 11.30±0.50 11.50±0.30 12.00±0.65 12.15±0.45
4 Cost (Rs) / lit milk 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
5 Profit on milk (Rs)/ day/cow 452.00±6.25 460.00± 4.35 480.00±7.45 486.00±5.35
6 Net profit (Rs) /day/cow on milk 324.50±5.13 342.50± 3.25 372.50±4.50 388.50±4.32
Results and Discussion percentage milk fat increases due to increased production of
Four experimental diets were prepared by using different level acetic acid which helps in synthesis of milk fat (Sawal et al.,
of cotton seed cakes (table 1) viz 0% cotton seed cake (T1), 1998) [10]. The cotton seed cake is rich in CF particularly
10% cotton seed cake (T2), 20% cotton seed cake (T3) and cellulose which helps in production of acetic acid at the site of
30% cotton seed cake (T4). The Cost of per kg feed was Rs rumen as a part of volatile fatty acids by Shah (2012) [12].
25.50, 23.50, 21.50 and 19.50 respectively (table 1). This The quality parameters of milk were found quite abnormal in
significant difference was found due to incorporation of T4 due to high content of gossypol in diet as against T1, T2
cotton seed cake in place of groundnut cake. These diets were and T3 (table 5). The acidity of milk was recorded quite
fed to the experimental lactating HF Deoni crossbred cows to abnormal in T4 (0.18%) as against T1, T2 and T3. The boiling
evaluate its effect on intake of feed, Milk yield and test of milk was normal in T1, T2 and T3 as against T4. In T4
composition of milk etc. Each diet (treatment) was evaluated milk was coagulated while it was just boiled due to high level
separately on same set of animals for a period of 15 days of acidity (0.18%) (Brand et al., 1997) [4].
including 10 days preliminary feeding trial and 5 days The cost of per kg concentrate mixture (Rs) was higher in T1
collection period. (25.50) followed by T2 (23.50), T3 (21.50) and T4 (19.50)
The results of dry matter intake, water intake and digestibility respectively. Similarly total feeding cost (Rs) per day per cow
of nutrients viz. dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude was found higher in T1 (127.50) followed by T2 (117.50), T3
fibre (CF), ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) (107.50) and T4 (97.50) respectively. The total profit (Rs)
were quite similar among the treatments (table 2). These based on milk yield per day per cow was also found higher in
findings are against the results obtained by Hayaz Uddin et T1 (367.50) followed by T2 (360.00), T3 (352.50) and T4
al., (2013) [22], Chowdhery (2001) [7], Capper et al., (1989) [5] (343.50) respectively. However, the net profit (Rs) per day
may be due to the fact that the good palatability of ground nut per cow was higher in T4 (246.00) as against T3 (245.00), T2
cake used in the control diet masking the palatability of CSC (242.50) and T1 (240.00) respectively. This was due to less
in treatment group T1. The intake of water was noticed expenditure on cost of feed even though milk yield was higher
slightly higher in T4 compared to T1 but it was non-significant in T1 followed by T2, T3 and T4 respectively.
at t05. As water intake increases the DM intake decreases in
T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups. The digestibility of nutrients viz. Conclusions
DM, CP, CF, EE and NFE were non-significant between T1 & The digestibility of nutrients viz. DM, CP, CF, EE and NFE
T2, T2 & T3 and T3 & T4 respectively. However, digestibility were found significantly higher in T4 (63.65±1.35, 67.15±
of nutrients viz. DM, CP, CF, EE and NFE were significantly 2.05, 63.25±1.35, 61.85±1.24 and 69.35±1.51) as compared to
higher in T4 as compared to T1 at t05. There was a linear T1 (60.45±2.10, 64.25±2.12, 60.45±1.85, 58.25±1.45 and
increase in the digestibility of nutrients viz. DM, CP, CF, EE 66.13±2.35) at t05. Similarly high milk fat and total solid were
and NFE with increasing CSC level in the ration. The increase recorded in milk of T4 group (17.65% & 7.84%) as against T1
in digestibility of nutrients might be due to low content of (21.18% & 9.41%) group. The quality of milk (viz. flavor,
ether extract (4.50%) in cotton seed cake. taste and acidity) was found quite normal in T1 as compared
The results of Milk yield lit/day, fat%, solid not fat (SNF) %, to T4.
Total solid %, acidity%, boiling test and flavor/odor/test are The total profit (Rs) based on milk yield per day per cow was
depicted in table 3. Table 3 revealed that decreased milk yield found higher in T1 (367.50) followed by T2 (360.00), T3
was noticed in T3 (4.08%) and T4 (6.50%) as against T1. (352.50) and T4 (343.50) respectively. However, the net profit
However, percentage of milk fat and total milk solid were (Rs) per day per cow was significantly higher in T4 group
significantly increased in T3 (17.65% & 7.84%) and T4 (246.00) followed by T3 (245.00), T2 (242.50) and T1 (240.00)
(21.18% & 9.41%) as against T1 at t05. This indicates that as respectively due to cost of feeding.
level of crude fibre (CF) increases in diet of lactating cow the
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