Unicenter AutoSys Job Management - Cluster

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The documentation discusses Unicenter AutoSys Job Management and its various components like the agent, application server, scheduler etc. It also discusses installation, configuration, migration and other tasks.

The main components discussed are the agent, application server, scheduler, event servers, databases etc. It provides information on defining computers, installing various components, setting up the environment etc.

Some installation considerations discussed are selecting components, system requirements, installing in clusters, dual event servers, high availability etc. It also discusses variables, location of files and other parameters.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

Windows Implementation Guide

r11 SP5

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CA Technologies Product References

This document references the following CA Technologies products: eTrust Identity and Access Management (eTrust IAM) Note: CA Embedded Entitlements Manager is the new name for eTrust IAM. This product will be rebranded throughout the documentation in a future release. This document refers to eTrust IAM and CA EEM synonymously. eTrust Access Control (eTrust AC) Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (Unicenter AutoSys JM) Unicenter CA-7 Job Management (Unicenter CA-7) Unicenter CA-Jobtrac Job Management (Unicenter CA-Jobtrac) Unicenter CA-Scheduler Job Management (Unicenter CA-Scheduler) Unicenter Desktop and Server Management (Unicenter DSM) Unicenter Event Management Unicenter Management Command Center (Unicenter MCC) Unicenter Management Portal Unicenter Network and Systems Management (Unicenter NSM) Unicenter Service Desk Unicenter Universal Job Management Agent (UUJMA) Unicenter Workload Control Center (Unicenter WCC) Note: CA Workload Control Center (CA WCC) is the new name for Unicenter WCC. This product will be rebranded throughout the documentation in a future release. This document refers to Unicenter WCC and CA WCC synonymously.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 9
Basics ............................................................................................................................... 10 Assumptions ...................................................................................................................... 10 Command Syntax Conventions .............................................................................................. 11 System Components............................................................................................................ 12 Event Server ................................................................................................................. 13 Application Server ......................................................................................................... 13 Scheduler ..................................................................................................................... 14 Agent .......................................................................................................................... 14 Example Scenario .......................................................................................................... 15 Interface Components .................................................................................................... 16 Computers Used ................................................................................................................. 17 Instances ........................................................................................................................... 17 Environment ...................................................................................................................... 17 Environment Variables ................................................................................................... 18 Configuration Parameters ............................................................................................... 18 Database Information..................................................................................................... 19 Database Connection ........................................................................................................... 20 Sybase Database Connection........................................................................................... 21 Oracle Database Connection ............................................................................................ 22 Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection........................................................................ 23 Multiple Instances ............................................................................................................... 23 Installing on Windows and Scheduling to Linux or UNIX ............................................................ 24 Cross-Instance Job Dependencies .......................................................................................... 24 Specify Cross-Instance Job Dependencies ......................................................................... 25 Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options ........................................................................ 26 Dual Event Servers ........................................................................................................ 27 Shadow Scheduler ......................................................................................................... 29 Highly Available Cluster Environment ..................................................................................... 31

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation


System Requirements .......................................................................................................... 33 Installation Considerations ................................................................................................... 34 Select Components to Install ................................................................................................ 35 Installable Components ........................................................................................................ 35 Identify Computers ............................................................................................................. 36 Server Computers ......................................................................................................... 36

Contents 5

Client and Agent Computers ............................................................................................ 36 Computers that Require CAICCI ....................................................................................... 37 Gathering Installation Information ......................................................................................... 37 Wizard Setup Checklist for Unicenter AutoSys JM Server Installation ..................................... 37 Wizard Setup Checklist for Unicenter AutoSys JM Client Installation ...................................... 42 Wizard Setup Checklist for Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent Installation ...................................... 43 Server Checklist ............................................................................................................ 44 Post-Installation.................................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 3: Installation


Installation Overview ........................................................................................................... 47 Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Server ....................................................................................... 48 Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Client ........................................................................................ 50 Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent ........................................................................................ 51 Custom Installation ............................................................................................................. 53 Run an Unattended Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation ......................................................... 54 Add New Features to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation ............................................ 56 Add a New Instance to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation .......................................... 57 Delete an Instance from an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation........................................ 58 Repair an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation ................................................................ 59

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations


Configure Cross-Instance Job Dependencies............................................................................ 61 Considerations when Configuring Cross-Instance Dependencies ............................................ 61 Dual Event Servers.............................................................................................................. 62 Considerations when Installing Dual Event Servers ............................................................. 62 How to Install Dual Event Servers .................................................................................... 63 Configure Cross-Instance Dependencies ................................................................................. 72 Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers ...................................................................................... 72 Considerations when Installing Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers...................................... 73 Install a Shadow or Tie-Breaker Scheduler ........................................................................ 74 Restore the Primary Scheduler ........................................................................................ 75 How High Availability Is Configured........................................................................................ 76 How High Availability with Dual Event Servers Is Configured ..................................................... 79 Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment ...................................... 82

Chapter 5: Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords


Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 87 Add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers ....................................................................................... 88

6 Windows Implementation Guide

Add the Windows User IDs and Passwords .............................................................................. 89

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation


Time Zone Settings ............................................................................................................. 91 Starting the Scheduler ......................................................................................................... 91 Stopping the Scheduler ........................................................................................................ 92 Installation Testing .............................................................................................................. 92 Verify the Database is Running ........................................................................................ 92 Verify Agent Accessibility ................................................................................................ 96 Verify the Environment and Configuration ......................................................................... 97 Set Up the Automatic Tracking Level ...................................................................................... 98 Creating and Running a Test Job ........................................................................................... 99 Create a Test Job........................................................................................................... 99 Run the Test Job ..........................................................................................................101

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release


Upgrade Considerations ......................................................................................................104 How the Upgrade Process Works .......................................................................................... 105 Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release .................................... 106 Define Oracle Database Properties .................................................................................. 108 Define Sybase Database Properties ................................................................................. 110 Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (Including Service Packs) to the Current Release ................... 112 Post-Upgrade Tasks ............................................................................................................ 114 Configure CA EEM After an Upgrade ................................................................................ 114

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually


Migration Utility ................................................................................................................. 118 Pre-Migration Considerations ...............................................................................................119 Locating the TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number ................................................................ 120 Locate the TCP/IP Port for Oracle .................................................................................... 120 Locate the TCP/IP Port for Microsoft SQL Server ................................................................ 121 Locate the TCP\IP Port for Sybase ................................................................................... 121 Determining the Native JDBC JAR Path .................................................................................. 122 Downloading Database JAR Files .......................................................................................... 122 Migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Database ..................................................... 123 Stop the Migration Utility..................................................................................................... 126

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration


Requirements .................................................................................................................... 127

Contents 7

Security Policy Changes from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 ............................................... 128 Deprecated Security Classes and Resources...................................................................... 128 eTrust AC Default Resource ............................................................................................ 128 Resource Naming Convention ......................................................................................... 129 Asterisks in Resource Names .......................................................................................... 130 Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM.......................................................... 131 How to Migrate Users and Groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM .......................................... 131 Migrate Global Users and Groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM ........................................... 131 How to Migrate Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM ............................................ 132 Register Unicenter AutoSys JM Instances with the eTrust IAM Back-end Server ..................... 133 Export eTrust AC Users and Groups to a selang File ........................................................... 134 Export eTrust AC Policy to a selang File............................................................................ 134 Convert the selang File to a selang XML File ..................................................................... 135 Manually Create an eTrust IAM XML File for Global Users and Groups from the selang XML File .............................................................................................................................135 Convert the selang XML File to an eTrust IAM XML File ....................................................... 139 Apply Security Policy Changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 Policies ......................... 140 Apply Regular Expression Resource Name Changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 Policies......... 141 Import the Final eTrust IAM XML File to the eTrust IAM Back-end Server .............................. 142 Clean Up the Files ......................................................................................................... 142

Appendix A: Error Messages


Generic Messages .............................................................................................................. 143 Sybase Messages ............................................................................................................... 143 SQL Server Messages .........................................................................................................145 Oracle Messages ................................................................................................................ 146



8 Windows Implementation Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM

Welcome to Unicenter AutoSys JM, the scheduling and operations automation software for distributed computing environments. This guide provides an overview of Unicenter AutoSys JM and describes how to install and configure components, databases, Dual Event Servers, and High Availability options. It also contains information about upgrading an existing installation, adding Unicenter AutoSys JM Superusers, and setting the Windows user IDs and passwords. This section contains the following topics: Basics (see page 10) Assumptions (see page 10) Command Syntax Conventions (see page 11) System Components (see page 12) Computers Used (see page 17) Instances (see page 17) Environment (see page 17) Database Connection (see page 20) Multiple Instances (see page 23) Installing on Windows and Scheduling to Linux or UNIX (see page 24) Cross-Instance Job Dependencies (see page 24) Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options (see page 26) Highly Available Cluster Environment (see page 31)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 9


Note: In this guide, the term Windows refers to Microsoft Windows operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, and Windows 2003. Unless specifically designated, Windows refers to any Microsoft Windows operating system supported by Unicenter AutoSys JM. Unicenter AutoSys JM is an automated job control system for scheduling, monitoring, and reporting. These jobs can reside on any Unicenter AutoSys JM configured computer that is attached to a network. A job is any single command, executable, or script. Each job definition contains a variety of qualifying attributes, including the conditions specifying when and where a job should run. As with most control systems, there are many ways to define and implement jobs. It is likely that the way you utilize Unicenter AutoSys JM to address your distributed computing needs evolve over time. As you become more familiar with the product features and the characteristics of your jobs, you also refine your use of Unicenter AutoSys JM. Before you install and use Unicenter AutoSys JM, however, it is important to understand the basic system, its components, and how these components work together.

This guide is for system administrators who are responsible for upgrading, installing, and configuring the Unicenter AutoSys JM product. It assumes familiarity with the operating system and with the database server you use. Note: The Unicenter AutoSys JM installation is not possible unless you have administrative rights on the computer in which you are installing.

10 Windows Implementation Guide

Command Syntax Conventions

Command Syntax Conventions

The Windows commands have the following format:
name [option...] [command argument...]

For example:
xxx_stgd -h [-l [level]] [-L file] [-a port] [-d [level]][-s server] [-m hostname] [-S status] [action -P|-R -p {-T -H -y}]

The following are the command syntax conventions: Options consist of one character and are always preceded by a hyphen (-). Options with no arguments can be grouped after a single hyphen. [ ]Brackets surround an option or command argument that is optional. {}Braces enclose options or arguments that are interdependent; everything enclosed must be treated as a unit.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 11

System Components

System Components
The main Unicenter AutoSys JM system components are as follows: Event Server (the Unicenter AutoSys JM database) Application Server Scheduler Client Agent

Unicenter AutoSys JM also provides utilities to help you define, run, and maintain instances and jobs. The included utilities are operating environment specific; however, all operating environments include the client utilities. The client utilities enable you to define, manage, monitor, and report on jobs. The following illustration shows the Unicenter AutoSys JM system components in a basic configuration. This illustration also shows the communication paths between the components.

12 Windows Implementation Guide

System Components

Event Server
The Event Server, or database, is the data repository for all events and system information. It also serves as a repository for all job, monitor, and report definitions. Occasionally, the database is called a data server, which actually describes a server instance. That is, it is either a UNIX or Windows process, and associated data space (or raw disk storage), which can include multiple databases or tablespaces. You can configure Unicenter AutoSys JM to run using two databases, or Dual Event Servers. This feature provides complete redundancy. Therefore, if you lose one Event Server due to hardware, software, or network problems, operations can continue on the second Event Server without loss of information or functionality. Note: The Unicenter AutoSys JM database refers to the specific server instance and the Unicenter AutoSys JM database for that instance. Some utilities, such as ISQL (Sybase) and OSQL (Microsoft SQL Server), let you define a particular server and database, and this guide uses the more precise terms of data server and database in those cases. More information: Dual Event Servers (see page 27)

Application Server
The Application Server is a UNIX process or a Windows service that communicates between the Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent or client utilities, and the Event Server. After you start the Application Server, the communication between the Event Server, Agent, and client utilities begins.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 13

System Components

The Scheduler (formerly called the Event Processor) is the heart of Unicenter AutoSys JM. The Scheduler is the program, running either as a UNIX process or a Windows service that actually runs Unicenter AutoSys JM. It interprets and processes all the events it reads from the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. An active Scheduler continually scans the database for events to be processed. When one is found, the Scheduler verifies whether the event satisfies the starting conditions for any job in the database. Based on this information, the Scheduler first determines what actions to take, and instructs the appropriate Agent process to perform the actions. These actions may include starting or stopping of jobs, checking for resources, monitoring existing jobs, or initiating corrective procedures. You can set up a second Scheduler, called the Shadow Scheduler. If the Primary Scheduler fails for some reason, the Shadow Scheduler takes over the responsibility of interpreting and processing events. More information: Shadow Scheduler (see page 29)

The Agent (formerly called the Remote Agent) is a UNIX process or Windows service that is directed by the Scheduler to perform specific tasks. The Agent starts the command specified for a given job, sends running and completion information about a task to the Event Server, through the Application Server, and exits. If the Agent cannot transfer the information, it waits and retries again until it can successfully communicate with the Application Server.

14 Windows Implementation Guide

System Components

Example Scenario
This example illustrates the three primary components running on different computers. At a start date and time specified in the job definition, run the following Windows command on WorkStation_2 (WS2):
del C:\tmp\*.*

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 15

System Components

How the System Components Interact in the Example Scenario

The example scenario and the numbered explanations explain the interactions between the Event Server, the Application Server, the Scheduler, and Agents. The following steps explain the interactions in the example scenario: 1. From the Event Server, the Scheduler reads a new event, which is a STARTJOB event with a start time condition that has been met. Then, the Scheduler reads the appropriate job definition from the database and, based on that definition, determines what action to take. In this example, it runs the following command on WorkStation_2:
del C:\tmp\*.*


The Scheduler communicates with the Agent on WorkStation_2. As soon as the Agent receives the instructions from the Scheduler, the connection between the two processes is dropped. After the connection is dropped, the job runs to completion, even if the Scheduler stops running. The Agent performs resource checks, such as ensuring that the minimum specified number of processes are available, and creates a process that actually runs the specified command. The command completes and exits, and the Agent captures the commands exit code. The Agent communicates the event information (such as exit code, status, and so on) to the Application Server. If the Application Server is unavailable for any reason, the Agent goes into a wait and resend cycle until it can deliver the message. The Application Server updates the Event Server with the event information.


4. 5.


The Scheduler, Application Server, and Event Server need to be running to make Unicenter AutoSys JM fully operational.

Interface Components
You can use the client utilities or Unicenter WCC to define, monitor, and report on jobs. Unicenter AutoSys JM also provides the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator, which lets you set configuration parameters, and the Job Profiles Manager, which lets you set up job environment variables or profiles, to associate with jobs in their definitions. Note: For more information about the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator and the Job Profiles Manager, see the Online Help.

16 Windows Implementation Guide

Computers Used

Computers Used
From a hardware perspective, the Unicenter AutoSys JM architecture comprises of the following types of computers attached to a network: Server computerThe Server is the computer on which the Scheduler and the Application Server reside. Client computerThe Client is the computer on which the Client software resides. Agent computerThe Agent is the computer on which the Agent software resides. An Agent must be installed on the computer with the Scheduler, and it can also be installed on separate physical computers.

An instance is one version of Unicenter AutoSys JM software running as a server with one or more clients, on a single computer or on multiple computers. A Unicenter AutoSys JM instance is defined by the following: An instance ID is an uppercase three-letter identifier defined by the AUTOSERV environment variable. You must set the instance ID during installation and it cannot be changed. The default instance ID is ACE. At least one Event Server. At least one Application Server. At least one Scheduler. At least one Agent. The Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator settings and Windows Registry settings.

You can install multiple Unicenter AutoSys JM instances. For example, you may want to have one instance for production and another for development. Each instance operates independently of other Unicenter AutoSys JM instances.

Access to Unicenter AutoSys JM is controlled by environment variables and configuration parameters, which must be set for the product to run properly. The installation process creates files that are sourced when the user logs on.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 17


Environment Variables
Unicenter AutoSys JM consults the following environment variables to run properly and to determine which instance to connect to: AUTOSYS Identifies the full path to the Unicenter AutoSys JM software directory. AUTOUSER Identifies the directory containing user configuration files, Scheduler output files, archive output files generated during database maintenance, and sound files (for operating environments supporting audio functionality). AUTOSERV Identifies a unique, uppercase three-letter name of a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. To communicate with the Sybase, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server database, Unicenter AutoSys JM relies on the environment variables. For Windows, these variables are set during installation, and you can view the settings on the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator System window. Note: For more information about the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator, see the Online Help. More information: Database Information (see page 19)

Configuration Parameters
You can define the Unicenter AutoSys JM environment using configuration parameters. The configuration parameters include information about the Agents, Event Servers, Scheduler, Application Servers, and many tunable parameters that control the behavior of Unicenter AutoSys JM. Some configuration parameters are defined when you install Unicenter AutoSys JM and the rest have default settings. You need not modify these settings if the installation specifications are acceptable. Note: Properly setting the required environment variables in every users environment and configuring Unicenter AutoSys JM correctly helps to prevent potential problems. The most common problems are that Unicenter AutoSys JM cannot determine which Event Server to connect to and it cannot locate various executables or files.

18 Windows Implementation Guide


Database Information
Unicenter AutoSys JM uses database-specific environment variables and configuration settings to locate and connect to the database (that is, the Event Server). The Application Server and Scheduler computers require a database Client to connect to the Event Server. More information: Database Connection (see page 20)

If you are using a Sybase data server, the following environment variables are used: DSQUERY Defines the name of the Sybase data server. SYBASE Identifies the complete path to the Sybase software directory. The Sybase software directory contains the Sybase configuration file, which is the interfaces file. Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the Sybase configuration file to look for database information.

If you are using an Oracle database, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be defined. In addition, SQL*Net V2 must be installed and configured correctly on each Scheduler and Application Server computers. In particular, the TNS alias name of the data server that Unicenter AutoSys JM uses must be configured, and an SQL*Net V2 connect descriptor must be in the TNS names configuration file. The tnsnames.ora file is used by Unicenter AutoSys JM to look for the database host computer and port number based on the Event Server name. It is the means by which the network is navigated to find the Oracle data server. This file specifies where the Oracle server is located.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 19

Database Connection

Microsoft SQL Server

For Microsoft SQL Server, you must install the Microsoft SQL Server client utilities on each Scheduler and Application Server computer. Then, you must make sure that there is database connectivity between the Event Server, Scheduler, and Application Server computers. When you install Unicenter AutoSys JM, you must indicate the appropriate Event Server information, including the Event Server Name (Microsoft SQL Server name) and Database Name. In addition, you must meet Microsoft SQL Server security requirements for Unicenter AutoSys JM database users. Note: For Unicenter AutoSys JM to support Microsoft SQL Server, mixed mode authentication must be enabled.

Database Connection
All information is stored in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) called the Event Server, which is configured for Unicenter AutoSys JM. Access to Unicenter AutoSys JM requires a connection to this database, that is, you must connect to the database to add, modify, control, report on, or monitor jobs, and to change certain configuration settings. The configuration parameters and the database environment variables (described previously) tell the software which databases to connect to for a particular instance. Note: The following illustrations show how Unicenter AutoSys JM connects to a database. These examples use the default values for the environment variables, and when appropriate, they show both the UNIX and Windows environments.

20 Windows Implementation Guide

Database Connection

Sybase Database Connection

The following illustration and explanation describe how Unicenter AutoSys JM connects to a Sybase database: 1. 2. Access Unicenter AutoSys JM. Reads the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator settings in the Windows Registry to locate the Event Server and database configuration settings. For example: AUTOSYSDB, Database:autosys. Searches for AUTOSYSDB in the interfaces file. Uses the host name and port number entry to connect to the database.

3. 4.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 21

Database Connection

Oracle Database Connection

The following illustration and explanation describe how Unicenter AutoSys JM connects to an Oracle database: 1. 2. Access Unicenter AutoSys JM. Reads the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator settings in the Windows Registry to locate the Event Server and database configuration settings. For example: AUTOSYSDB, Database:autosys. Searches for the TNS alias MYORACLEDB in the tnsnames.ora file. Uses network configuration information to connect to SQL* Net V2 and the Oracle database.

3. 4.

22 Windows Implementation Guide

Multiple Instances

Microsoft SQL Server Database Connection

The following illustration and explanation describe how Unicenter AutoSys JM connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database: 1. 2. Access Unicenter AutoSys JM. Reads the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator settings in the Windows Registry to locate the Event Server and database configuration settings. For example: AUTOSYSDB, Database:autosys. Uses an internally built open database connectivity (ODBC) connection to connect to the database. It needs to know the Microsoft SQL Server Name and the Microsoft SQL Server Database Name.


Multiple Instances
Multiple instances of Unicenter AutoSys JM are supported and these instances will share the %AUTOSYS% directory. Only a new %AUTOUSER% directory will be created.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 23

Installing on Windows and Scheduling to Linux or UNIX

Installing on Windows and Scheduling to Linux or UNIX

If you will be installing the Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler on a Windows computer, and will be scheduling to a Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent on a Linux or UNIX computer, you must do one of the following before the Agent will be able to schedule work: Specify a UNIX-type directory as the Windows instance wide logging directory name. This directory must also exist on the Agent node. Update the /etc/auto.profile file and specify a directory in the #AUTOENV#OverrideAutoRemoteDir= entry. For example:

Cross-Instance Job Dependencies

You can implement job dependencies across different instances of Unicenter AutoSys JM, Unicenter Universal JM Agent, Unicenter AutoSys JM Connect Option, or Unicenter Job Management Option. Unicenter AutoSys JM Schedulers can perform the following functions when cross-instance job dependencies are implemented: Run on different server computers or on the same server computer. Access the same Client computers to start jobs. Send events to other Unicenter AutoSys JM instances.

Note: If the Application Server of a target instance is down, the Scheduler tries to resend events every five minutes until it can reach the target instances Application Server. The time frequency is based on the configuration.

24 Windows Implementation Guide

Cross-Instance Job Dependencies

Specify Cross-Instance Job Dependencies

A job defined to run on one instance may have as a starting condition the successful completion of a job running on a different instance. For example, the specification for such a job dependency is as follows:
condition: success(jobA) AND success(jobB^PRD)

In this example, the success (jobB^PRD) condition specifies the successful completion of a job named jobB running on a different instance specified with the three-character identifier PRD. If the dependency specification does not include a caret (^) and a different instance ID, the current instance is used by default. When Unicenter AutoSys JM encounters a cross-instance job dependency, it sends an EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCY event from the requesting instance. If the target instance cannot be reached, Unicenter AutoSys JM issues an INSTANCE_UNAVAILABLE alarm. The following illustration shows two instances of Unicenter AutoSys JM, each with a Single Event Server, sharing cross-instance dependencies:

Note: For more information about defining jobs to run with cross-instance dependencies, see the User Guide.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 25

Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options

Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides the following High Availability options that let the product keep processing even if an Event Server or Scheduler, or both, fail due to hardware or connection problems: Dual Event Servers Shadow and Tie-breaker Scheduler

You can install and configure the High Availability options during the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation, or you can modify an existing installation to add the High Availability options.

26 Windows Implementation Guide

Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options

Dual Event Servers

One way that Unicenter AutoSys JM provides High Availability is by running two Event Servers that contain identical information, including job definitions and events. With the Dual Event Server option, Unicenter AutoSys JM reads and writes to both servers simultaneously. The product also keeps both Event Servers synchronized and provides complete recovery when one server becomes unusable, disabled, or corrupted. When processing events, the Scheduler reads from both Event Servers. If it detects an event only on one server, it copies the missing event to the other server. This feature lets event processing continue uninterrupted. In addition, the Agent sends events and writes to both Event Servers. The following illustration shows a typical configuration running with Dual Event Servers:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 27

Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options

Run in Dual Event Server Mode

When the Scheduler detects an unrecoverable condition on one of the Event Servers while running in Dual Event Server mode, it automatically rolls over to Single Event Server mode. A rollover results from one of the following conditions: The connection to the database is lost, and after the configured number of reconnect attempts, the database remains unconnected. The database has an unrecoverable error. For example, the database is corrupt or a media failure occurs.

When Unicenter AutoSys JM is running with Dual Event Servers and one of the servers goes down, the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Event Server window on the Scheduler computer shows that one Event Servers status is DOWN, displays a mark in the Database Rollover Has Occurred check box, and marks the remaining Event Server as being in Single Event Server mode. These changes indicate to you and the utilities attempting to access the database that Unicenter AutoSys JM is running in Single Event Server mode so that Client processes will not attempt to write to the Event Server which is down. Note: If Unicenter AutoSys JM is configured to run with Dual Event Servers, the Scheduler will not start unless both the databases are available. Before restarting the server which is down, you must make sure that the two Event Servers are synchronized. Note: For information about Event Server recovery, and how to synchronize Event Servers, see the User Guide.

28 Windows Implementation Guide

Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options

Shadow Scheduler
Another way that Unicenter AutoSys JM provides High Availability is by running with a Shadow Scheduler. The Shadow Scheduler is designed to take over scheduling if the Primary Scheduler fails. The Shadow Scheduler and Dual Event Servers are independent features, but you can run them together. The following illustration shows a typical configuration running with the Primary and Shadow Schedulers and Dual Event Servers:

Note: We recommend that the Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Schedulers reside on different computers to prevent a single point of failure.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 29

Unicenter AutoSys JM High Availability Options

Run with a Shadow Scheduler

The Shadow Scheduler is designed primarily for a situation in which the Primary Scheduler computer goes down, or the network on which this Scheduler runs goes down. Particular care is taken to make sure that both Schedulers never take over at the same time. To achieve this, Unicenter AutoSys JM uses a third computer, called the Tie-breaker computer, to resolve contentions and eliminate situations in which one Scheduler takes over because its own network is down. The Shadow Scheduler typically stays in idle mode, checking the database for routine database updates from the Primary and Tie-breaker Schedulers, which indicate that workload scheduling is processing normally. If the Shadow Scheduler stops seeing updates to the database, it assumes that the Primary Scheduler has failed. When the Shadow Scheduler does not see an update from the Primary Scheduler, it checks for the Tie-breaker Scheduler update to the database. If it cannot find an update, the Shadow Scheduler shuts down. If it can, the Shadow Scheduler attempts to signal the Primary Scheduler to stop, and takes over event processing. Similarly, if the Primary Scheduler cannot locate an update from the Shadow Scheduler, it checks for the Tie-breaker Scheduler update to the database. If it cannot find an update, the Primary Scheduler shuts down. If it can, the Primary Scheduler attempts to signal the Shadow Scheduler to stop, and takes over event processing. If it is necessary at the time of Scheduler rollover, Unicenter AutoSys JM also switches over from Dual Event Server mode to Single Event Server mode. That is, if the Primary Scheduler and an Event Server are on the same computer, the Scheduler failure could also mean an Event Server failure. In this situation, Unicenter AutoSys JM switches over to the Shadow Scheduler and to Single Event Server mode. In some cases, for example during network problems, Unicenter AutoSys JM may not be able to determine which Scheduler is the functional one. In this case, both the Schedulers shut down. Note: For more information about Scheduler rollover and recovery, see the User Guide.

30 Windows Implementation Guide

Highly Available Cluster Environment

Highly Available Cluster Environment

Unicenter AutoSys JM can be installed in a Microsoft Cluster Server Environment to form a Highly Available Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler and Application Server. The Unicenter AutoSys JM Highly Available configuration promotes minimal down time and uses resources optimally to make sure that your enterprise is continuously monitored and managed.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Unicenter AutoSys JM 31

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation

This chapter describes the decisions you must make, the tasks you need to perform, and the information you must gather to prepare for your Unicenter AutoSys JM installation. The subsequent chapter describes the installation process in detail. Note: Information about upgrading an existing installation of Unicenter AutoSys JM is located in a separate chapter. This section contains the following topics: System Requirements (see page 33) Installation Considerations (see page 34) Select Components to Install (see page 35) Installable Components (see page 35) Identify Computers (see page 36) Gathering Installation Information (see page 37) Post-Installation (see page 45)

System Requirements
For information about system requirements, see the Release Notes.

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 33

Installation Considerations

Installation Considerations
The following are important considerations when you install Unicenter AutoSys JM on Windows: The default installation locations for the various components are as follows: Unicenter AutoSys JMC:\Program Files\CA\UnicenterAutoSysJM CA common componentsC:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents Shared FilesC:\Program Files\CA\CA_APPSW

Note: You cannot change the location of the products that are already installed on the computer. If you choose to install CA common components, we recommend you first install CA common components and then install Unicenter AutoSys JM. If you select a component with a dependency on any other component, you must also install the associated component. You can opt to perform a New or Standalone installation. You would choose Standalone if you want to install the SDK or product documentation. You can opt to perform a Typical or a Custom installation. A Custom installation lets you choose each component you want to install. Selecting the Enable Secure Communications check box indicates that you want to utilize the SSL authentication and encryption utility. This lets you use a single communication multiplexing port that makes firewall administration easy and minimizes the conflicts with other applications. If you install eTrust IAM from the common components DVD, you must select the Create CA eTrust Embedded IAM security policies for this instance check box on the Application Server Properties page when installing Unicenter AutoSys JM and enter the same credentials used to install eTrust IAM. This option is available only for a custom installation and not for a typical installation.

34 Windows Implementation Guide

Select Components to Install

Select Components to Install

The Unicenter AutoSys JM installation lets you install the following software components: ServerThe server installation sets up the database and various configuration files, and configures the server computer to run as a Client as well. This enables you to run jobs on a server computer. ClientThe Client installation must be performed on every computer that you use to run, monitor, or define jobs. AgentThe Agent installation must be performed on every computer that you use only to run jobs.

Installable Components
You can use the setup program to install different combinations of components on various computers, and also to install these components for each instance that you want to run. A custom installation allows greater flexibility in component selection, while a typical installation automatically selects all applicable product components to allow for a server, Client, or Agent installation. The following components are available for installation: Scheduler Lets the end user configure options specific to the server component of the product. The Scheduler installation consists of multiple dialogs. Scheduler is the central process of Unicenter AutoSys JM. It interprets and processes all of the events that it reads from the database. Application Server Provides the ability for programs to securely access the database without the need for installing a database Client. Client Installs Client tools only. Use this option if you do not need to install a server. This option establishes a connection with an existing server. Agent Performs tasks, such as running jobs and reporting their status. A temporary process started by the Scheduler to perform specific tasks on the remote computer where the Agent is located.

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 35

Identify Computers

SDK Installs the Unicenter AutoSys JM Software Development Kit (SDK). Documentation Installs the Unicenter AutoSys JM documentation.

Identify Computers
Before you install Unicenter AutoSys JM, identify the computers on which you install the required components, and decide which components to install on each computer.

Server Computers
The server computer is a computer on which the database, the Scheduler, or both reside. You must configure your server before installation. Identify one computer to install the database. To ensure High Availability of the database, you can install Dual Event Servers; in which case, you need two computers to install databases. Note: The terms Event Server and database are often used interchangeably. You can also install a Shadow Scheduler to ensure High Availability of the Scheduler. This requires two additional computers: a Shadow computer and a Tie-breaker computer. The Primary, Shadow, and the Tie-breaker computer must all be of the same type, either Windows or UNIX. All three computers must be defined by the same instance.

Client and Agent Computers

Identify one or more computers to install the Client or Agent. You can define an Agent computer to run jobs only, or a Client computer to run both the jobs and the GUIs to define and monitor jobs.

36 Windows Implementation Guide

Gathering Installation Information

Computers that Require CAICCI

CA, Inc. Common Communications Interface (CAICCI) is a transport layer that lets Unicenter AutoSys JM communicate with Unicenter AutoSys JM Agents on AS/400, OpenVMS, UNIX, Windows, and OS/390. Identify the computers on which you want to integrate Unicenter AutoSys JM with the mainframe, Agents for AS/400, OpenVMS, and Unicenter NSM JMO Agents. Note: For information about configuring your computers for CAICCI, see the CA Common Components Implementation Guide.

Gathering Installation Information

After you identify the computers on which you want to install the Unicenter AutoSys JM components, you must gather the information required for installation. Use the following checklists to help you organize the installation, depending on the installation you want to run.

Wizard Setup Checklist for Unicenter AutoSys JM Server Installation

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler can be installed with minimal user input (typical installation) or with the ability to customize all aspects of the server (custom installation). The options designated with ** do not require your inputs during typical installation.

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed Installation directory for Unicenter AutoSys JM Do you want to enable secure communications (SSL encryption and authentication)? Unicenter AutoSys JM instance ID (an uppercase, three-alphanumeric name that identifies a specific installation of Unicenter AutoSys JM) Your Answer

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 37

Gathering Installation Information

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed Application Server Host Name ** Application Server Port Number Do you want the Application Server to automatically start at system startup time? ** Do you want the Application Server to start immediately after it is installed? ** Do you want to configure this instance for a Highly Available clustered environment? ** Do you want to create eTrust IAM security policies for this instance? ** Database Type: Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Sybase Your Answer

Do you want to employ Dual Event Servers? **

38 Windows Implementation Guide

Gathering Installation Information

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed (Microsoft SQL Server) Name of the data server that contains the database. (Microsoft SQL Server) Database name in the data server. (Microsoft SQL Server) Authentication required - Windows or SQL Server? (Microsoft SQL Server) Name of the database user that has been granted SA role. (Microsoft SQL Server) Password of the database user that has been granted SA role. (Microsoft SQL Server) Do you want the Unicenter AutoSys JM database to be created? (Microsoft SQL Server) Name of the Unicenter AutoSys JM database user. (Microsoft SQL Server) Password of the Unicenter AutoSys JM database user. Your Answer

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 39

Gathering Installation Information

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed (Oracle) The primary Event Server TNS alias. The Net8/Oracle Net TNS alias for the Event Server that contains the database. Unicenter AutoSys JM requires that Net8/Oracle Net be installed on the database computer. The TNS alias name must be configured in the Oracle tnsnames.ora configuration file. (Oracle) The location of tnsnames.ora. The system TNS configuration file is tnsnames.ora. You must specify the path to the tnsnames.ora file. (Oracle) The name of the tablespace on Event Server that contains the database tables. The recommended size is 400 MB. (Oracle) The name of the tablespace on the Event Server that contains the database indexes. The recommended size is 100 MB. (Oracle) The name of the tablespace on the Event Server that contains the temporary tablespace. (Oracle) The name of the user who was granted the DBA role for the database. (Oracle) The password of the user who was granted the DBA role for the database. Your Answer

40 Windows Implementation Guide

Gathering Installation Information

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed (Sybase) Name of data server that contains the database (DSQUERY). (Sybase) Path to Sybase interfaces file (SYBASE). (Sybase) Database name in the data server. (Sybase) Name of database user who has been granted both SA and SSO roles. (Sybase) Password of database user who has been granted both SA and SSO roles. (Sybase) Do you want to define Unicenter AutoSys JM default tablespaces? (Sybase) Directory in which the Unicenter AutoSys JM disk devices will be created. (Sybase) The size (in MB) of the Unicenter AutoSys JM database and log. Enterprise-wide logging directory location ** Do you want to enable inbound or outbound cross platform scheduling? ** Do you want the Scheduler to automatically start at system start time? ** Do you want the Scheduler to start immediately after it is installed? ** Do you want to configure High Availability? ** For High Availability, what role will this computer play? Primary, Shadow, or Tie-breaker computer. ** Your Answer

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 41

Gathering Installation Information

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed Agent logging directory ** Do you want the Agent to automatically start at system start time? ** Do you want the Agent to start immediately after it is installed? ** eTrust IAM security server host name ** eTrust IAM EiamAdmin password Unicenter AutoSys JM software files owner and group Should the installation create the owner and group if they are not defined on the computer? After you have answered the questions in this checklist, see the server checklist and complete it. More information: Server Checklist (see page 44) Your Answer

Wizard Setup Checklist for Unicenter AutoSys JM Client Installation

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Client can be installed with minimal user input (typical installation) or with the ability to customize all aspects of the Client (custom installation). The options designated with ** do not require your inputs during typical installation. Options with three stars (***) must have the same response as the corresponding entry in the Application Server checklist.

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed Installation directories for Unicenter AutoSys JM Unicenter AutoSys JM instance ID (an *** uppercase, three-alphanumeric name that identifies a specific installation of Unicenter AutoSys JM) Your Answer

42 Windows Implementation Guide

Gathering Installation Information

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Do you want to enable secure communications (SSL encryption and authentication)? Application Server Host Name ** Application Server Port Number Unicenter AutoSys JM software files owner and group Should the installation create the owner and group if they are not defined on the computer? After you have answered the questions in this checklist, see the server checklist and complete it. More information: Server Checklist (see page 44)

Wizard Setup Checklist for Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent Installation

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent can be installed with minimal user input (typical installation) or with the ability to customize all aspects of the Agent (custom installation). The options designated with ** do not require your inputs during typical installation. Options with three stars (***) must have the same response as the corresponding entry in the Application Server checklist.

Unicenter AutoSys JM Wizard Setup Question or Information Needed Installation directories for Unicenter AutoSys JM Do you want to enable secure communications (SSL encryption and authentication)? Agent logging directory ** Do you want the Agent to automatically start at system start time? ** Do you want the Agent to start immediately after it is installed? ** Your Answer

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 43

Gathering Installation Information

After you have answered the questions in this checklist, see the server checklist and complete it. More information: Server Checklist (see page 44)

Server Checklist
Use the following table to collect information about your server:

Server Checklist Question or Information Needed Platform Operating system/version Host Name Host ID Minimum requirementsAvailable memory (1 GB Oracle or Sybase) Minimum requirementsAvailable disk space (1 GB Oracle or Sybase) Instance name (AUTOSERV) Name of data server that contains the database (DSQUERY) Password for database user who has been granted DBA role Your Answer

44 Windows Implementation Guide


After you install Unicenter AutoSys JM and restart the computers, you must do the following before using the product: Verify database connectivity between the Event Server, Scheduler, Application Server, and Client by using chk_auto_up and autoping commands. If you installed for the Dual Event Servers configuration, use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator to configure the two Event Servers. If you installed for the Shadow Scheduler configuration, use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator to configure the Shadow Scheduler and the third computer. If you installed for the Tie-breaker Scheduler configuration, use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator to configure the Tie-breaker Scheduler. Add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers and the Windows user IDs, hostname, and passwords. If you intend to use eTrust IAM to secure Unicenter AutoSys JM, enable eTrust IAM to connect to the back-end Server.

When you complete the appropriate activities listed in this section, start Unicenter AutoSys JM and run a test job. More information: Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers (see page 72) Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords (see page 87) Starting and Testing the Installation (see page 91)

Chapter 2: Installation Preparation 45

Chapter 3: Installation
This chapter describes how to use the setup program to install Unicenter AutoSys JM. You must run the setup program on each computer on which you install any Unicenter AutoSys JM component. You can use the setup program to install different combinations of components on various computers, and also to install these components for each instance that you want to run. Before you install Unicenter AutoSys JM, we recommend that you read the Installation Preparation chapter, complete the checklists provided in that chapter, and have the checklists available during the installation. Note: Information about upgrading an existing installation of Unicenter AutoSys JM is located in a separate chapter. This section contains the following topics: Installation Overview (see page 47) Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Server (see page 48) Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Client (see page 50) Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent (see page 51) Custom Installation (see page 53) Add New Features to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation (see page 56) Add a New Instance to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation (see page 57) Delete an Instance from an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation (see page 58) Repair an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation (see page 59)

Installation Overview
The Unicenter AutoSys JM installation automates the process of installing and configuring Unicenter AutoSys JM software. Some of the following steps may not be necessary for all configurations. The setup program creates log files at the root of the Unicenter AutoSys JM directory. When the installation completes, it creates an AutoSys_r11_Install.log file. This log file is then copied and renamed to describe the type of installation, modification, or upgrade. The target log file name is displayed in the summary information. The log file is in %TEMP% until the installation is completed. Later, it is copied to the installation directory.

Chapter 3: Installation 47

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Server

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Server

Use the following procedure to ensure a successful installation of the Unicenter AutoSys JM server. The components installed during a typical server installation are as follows: Scheduler Application Server Client Agent Documentation SDK

Note: You can install CA common components such as eTrust IAM or Event Management from the CA Common Components DVD available separately. If you choose to install common components, we recommend you first install CA common components and then install Unicenter AutoSys JM. For information about installing common components, see the CA Common Components Implementation Guide. To install a Unicenter AutoSys JM server 1. 2. 3. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 4. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 5. Click Next. The License Agreement page appears.

48 Windows Implementation Guide

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Server


Read the license text. When you have scrolled to the bottom of the license text, the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option is enabled. If you agree with the license agreement, select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option, and click Next. Note: If you select I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement option, you cannot continue with the installation. You must select I accept the terms of the License Agreement option or click Cancel. The Detected Software page appears only if the installation wizard finds any installed component of Unicenter AutoSys JM or eTrust Access Control (eTrust AC) on the computer. You must remove the unwanted components using the Add or Remove Programs on Windows. The Installation Function page appears.


Select New and click Next. The Installation Definition page appears.


Select Server and click Next. The Installation Type page appears.


Select Typical and click Next. The Installation Path page appears.

10. Continue with the installation by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. After you complete the last data entry page of the wizard and click Next, the Review Settings page appears, listing the information you entered. 11. Review the information and, if it is correct, click Next. Note: To make a change to an entry, click Back as many times as necessary to locate that entry. Then, make the appropriate change, click Next until the Review Settings page appears again, and click Next. The Database Test page appears. 12. Click Next after the database tests are complete. The Setup Status page appears. When the installation completes, the Installation Complete page appears. 13. Click Finish. The Unicenter AutoSys JM server is installed.

Chapter 3: Installation 49

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Client

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Client

Use the following procedure to ensure a successful installation of the Unicenter AutoSys JM Client. The components installed during a typical Client installation are as follows: Client Agent Documentation SDK

To install a Unicenter AutoSys JM Client 1. 2. 3. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 4. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 5. Click Next. The License Agreement page appears. 6. Read the license text. When you have scrolled to the bottom of the license text, the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option is enabled. If you agree with the license agreement, select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option, and click Next. Note: If you select I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement option, you cannot continue with the installation. You must select I accept the terms of the License Agreement option or click Cancel. The Detected Software page appears only if the installation wizard finds any installed component of Unicenter AutoSys JM or eTrust Access Control (eTrust AC) on the computer. You must remove the unwanted components using the Add or Remove Programs on Windows. The Installation Function page appears. 7. Select New and click Next. The Installation Definition page appears. 8. Select Client and click Next. The Installation Type page appears. 9. Select Typical and click Next. The Installation Path page appears.

50 Windows Implementation Guide

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent

10. Continue with the installation by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. After you complete the last data entry page of the wizard and click Next, the Review Settings page appears, listing the information you entered. 11. Review the information and, if it is correct, click Next. Note: To make a change to an entry, click Back as many times as necessary to locate that entry. Then, make the appropriate change, click Next until the Review Settings page appears again, and click Next. The Installation Progress page appears and the progress is displayed. When the installation completes, the Installation Complete page appears. 12. Click Finish. The Unicenter AutoSys JM Client is installed.

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent

Use the following procedure to ensure a successful installation of the Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent. The components installed during a typical Agent installation are as follows: Agent Documentation

To install a Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent 1. 2. 3. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 4. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 5. Click Next. The License Agreement page appears.

Chapter 3: Installation 51

Install Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent


Read the license text. When you have scrolled to the bottom of the license text, the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option is enabled. If you agree with the license agreement, select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option, and click Next. Note: If you select I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement option, you cannot continue with the installation. You must select I accept the terms of the License Agreement option or click Cancel. The Detected Software page appears only if the installation wizard finds any installed component of Unicenter AutoSys JM or eTrust Access Control (eTrust AC) on the computer. You must remove the unwanted components using the Add or Remove Programs on Windows. The Installation Function page appears.


Select New and click Next. The Installation Definition page appears.


Select Agent and click Next. The Installation Type page appears.


Select Typical and click Next. The Installation Path page appears.

10. Continue with the installation by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. After you complete the last data entry page of the wizard and click Next, the Review Settings page appears, listing the information you entered. 11. Review the information and, if it is correct, click Next. Note: To make a change to an entry, click Back as many times as necessary to locate that entry. Then, make the appropriate change, click Next until the Review Settings page appears again, and click Next. The Installation Progress page appears and the progress is displayed. When the installation completes, the Installation Complete page appears. 12. Click Finish. The Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent is installed.

52 Windows Implementation Guide

Custom Installation

Custom Installation
The Unicenter AutoSys JM custom installation lets you install any component combination depending on the component dependencies. The components and their dependencies are as follows: Scheduler Interprets events, and based on job definitions initiates actions through the Agent. Dependencies: The Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent and Secure Socket Adapter (SSA). Application Server Provides the ability for programs to securely access the database without the need for installing a database Client. Dependencies: SSA Note: If you want to create eTrust IAM policies, on the Application Server Properties page, select the check box Create CA eTrust Embedded IAM security policies for this instance. Client Provides the ability to define, run, and maintain all instances and jobs. Dependencies: SSA Agent Performs tasks, such as running jobs and reporting their status. Dependencies: SSA SDK Provides the necessary tools to build your own applications to manipulate product data. Dependencies: None. Documentation Installs the product documentation. Dependencies: None.

Chapter 3: Installation 53

Custom Installation

Run an Unattended Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

This procedure describes how to edit the setup file to run an unattended Unicenter AutoSys JM installation. You can run an unattended installation on one computer at a time. Note: When using the unattended installation configure eTrust IAM, the computer on which you create the response file, autosys.iss, and the computer on which you want to run the response file using the /s option, must both have eTrust IAM previously installed or no eTrust IAM installed at all. Running the response file on a computer with a different eTrust IAM configuration than the computer that created the response file can lead to the installation terminating unexpectedly. To run an unattended installation 1. Insert the installation media into the appropriate drive. Note: If you are running Windows, the Installing Unicenter AutoSys JM for Windows dialog runs automatically when you load the media. To exit the dialog, click Cancel. 2. 3. Close all windows, except an MS-DOS command prompt. Change directories to your DVD drive and go to your AutoSys directory:

Here, D identifies the installation media drive. 4. Run the installation in record mode to create an unattended installation file, autosys.iss. To execute the installation in record mode, enter the following command:
setup.exe /r /f1directory_path\autosys.iss

directory_path Specifies the path where the autosys.iss file is created. Note: There cannot be a space between the /f1 option and the double quotes preceding the directory path; if there is a space, the installation fails. Alternatively, you can run the installation in record mode using the Response File Generation installation wizard located in the Product Explorer. 5. Continue with the instructions given by the installation procedure.

54 Windows Implementation Guide

Custom Installation

6. 7.

Copy the autosys.iss file to the specified directory path on the computer on which you want to run the silent installation. On the computer on which you want to install the product, execute the autosys.iss script file to run and install the appropriate Unicenter AutoSys JM components. Issue the following command in an MS-DOS command prompt from the installation media drive:
setup.exe /s /f1directory_path\autosys.iss

Note: Verify that there is no space between the /f1 option and the double quotes preceding the directory path; if there is a space, the installation fails. The program group is installed. When the program runs, it creates a log file at the root of the autotree on which Windows is installed. The default location for autotree is C:\Program Files\CA\UnicenterAutoSys\. If the installation completes, it creates a Unicenter_AutoSys_Install.log file that contains a summary of the components that were installed. If there were any installation problems, you can see this file to find out the cause. You can repeat this process on the necessary computers. Note: We do not recommend editing the setup file. The installation program is very particular of the format of this file. You must review the log file to determine if the silent installation was successful or had errors. More information: Installation (see page 47)

Chapter 3: Installation 55

Add New Features to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

Add New Features to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

After installing Unicenter AutoSys JM components, you may have a need to install additional features. To add new features to an existing Unicenter AutoSys JM installation 1. 2. 3. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 4. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 5. Select Modify and click Next. The Modify Installation Function page appears. 6. Select Add Features and click Next. The Components page appears. 7. Select the additional features you want to install, and click Next. The installation wizard prompts you to answer questions. 8. Answer the questions, and click Next. The new features are installed. Note: All installed components are refreshed if they are at the same release level. More information: Installation (see page 47)

56 Windows Implementation Guide

Add a New Instance to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

Add a New Instance to an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

After installing Unicenter AutoSys JM components, you may have a need to add Unicenter AutoSys JM instances. To add a new instance to an existing Unicenter AutoSys JM installation 1. 2. 3. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 4. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 5. Select Modify and click Next. The Modify Installation Function page appears. 6. Select Add Instance and click Next. The Identification page appears. 7. Continue with the installation by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. The installation wizard prompts you to answer questions. 8. Answer the questions, and click Next. A confirmation message appears that a new instance is added. More information: Installation (see page 47)

Chapter 3: Installation 57

Delete an Instance from an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

Delete an Instance from an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

After installing Unicenter AutoSys JM components, you may have a need to delete Unicenter AutoSys JM instances. To delete an instance from an existing Unicenter AutoSys JM installation 1. 2. 3. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 4. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 5. Select Modify and click Next. The Modify Installation Function page appears. 6. 7. Select Delete Instance and click Next. Continue by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. A confirmation message appears that the selected instance is deleted. Note: If only one instance of Unicenter AutoSys JM exists, you cannot delete the last instance on the computer. More information: Installation (see page 47)

58 Windows Implementation Guide

Repair an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

Repair an Existing Unicenter AutoSys JM Installation

The installed Unicenter AutoSys JM product can be repaired in the case of accidental directory or file deletion. To reinstall the same Unicenter AutoSys JM components with the same user input 1. 2. 3. 4. Make sure all Unicenter AutoSys JM components are closed. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 5. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 6. Select Repair and click Next. The Unicenter AutoSys JM components are reinstalled using the original user input.

Chapter 3: Installation 59

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations

This chapter describes how to install and configure Unicenter AutoSys JM advanced features, including the High Availability options and cross-instance job dependencies. This chapter also explains how to configure an instance to run multiple Schedulers. This section contains the following topics: Configure Cross-Instance Job Dependencies (see page 61) Dual Event Servers (see page 62) Configure Cross-Instance Dependencies (see page 72) Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers (see page 72) How High Availability Is Configured (see page 76) How High Availability with Dual Event Servers Is Configured (see page 79) Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment (see page 82)

Configure Cross-Instance Job Dependencies

You can create job dependencies among multiple instances of Unicenter AutoSys JM. For example, a job defined in one instance could have as a starting condition the successful completion of a job running in a different instance.

Considerations when Configuring Cross-Instance Dependencies

When you use cross-instance dependencies, keep the following in mind: You must use jil to insert each external instance involved. The Application Server host name and port number.

More information: Configure Cross-Instance Dependencies (see page 72)

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 61

Dual Event Servers

Dual Event Servers

One of the ways that Unicenter AutoSys JM provides High Availability is by running with two databases, or Event Servers. The other way is by using Shadow and Tie-breaker Schedulers. When running in Dual Event Server mode, Unicenter AutoSys JM keeps the two databases synchronized and provides complete recovery when one of the servers becomes unusable, disabled, or corrupted. These two Event Servers contain identical information, including job definitions and events. When processing events, the Scheduler reads from both Event Servers. If it detects an event on one server and not on the other, it copies the missing event to the other server. In addition, the Agent writes events to both Event Servers. To run in Dual Event Server mode, you must add a second Event Server (database). The Event Servers must run on different computers to prevent a single point of failure. Note: For more information about Event Server rollover recovery, see the User Guide.

Considerations when Installing Dual Event Servers

If you are using unbundled databases, you must install and configure the two databases before you can use them, and then set the appropriate configuration parameters. When installing and configuring Dual Event Servers, consider the following: The two Event Servers must reside on two different database servers, running on different computers, to avoid a single point of failure. The two Event Servers must have unique names. Both databases must be of the same type; for example Oracle. The Scheduler does not start unless it can connect to both databases. The Scheduler and Application Server installations for an instance must have the same Event Server settings in the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator. The two Event Servers system time is synchronized.

62 Windows Implementation Guide

Dual Event Servers

How to Install Dual Event Servers

The following steps ensure a successful installation of the Dual Event Servers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identify two computers on which to install the Event Servers (databases). Stop the Scheduler. Stop the Application Server. Install and configure the Event Servers on each computer. Use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator to associate the two Event Servers. Synchronize the databases. Start the Scheduler. Start the Application Server.

These steps are explained in the following sections. More information: autobcpDB ScriptSynchronize Databases (see page 67)

Identify Two Computers

If you are already running Unicenter AutoSys JM with a Single Event Server, select an additional Event Server computer on which to install the second Event Server. Otherwise, identify two computers and install an Event Server on each computer.

Stop the Scheduler

You must stop the Scheduler before you set up Dual Event Server mode. To stop the Scheduler 1. 2. Log on to the Scheduler computer as the EXEC Superuser. Enter the following command at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

The Scheduler stops. Note: When you stop the Scheduler, any jobs that are running run to completion. You can continue with the remaining steps while the jobs are completing.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 63

Dual Event Servers

Stop the Application Server

You must stop the Application Server before you set up Dual Event Server mode. To stop the Application Server 1. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys Instance window appears. 2. Select a computer and an instance, and click OK. A computer and an instance are selected. The menu items and their corresponding toolbar buttons become available. 3. Click the Unicenter AutoSys Services icon on the toolbar. The Unicenter AutoSys Services window appears. 4. Select Application Server from the Services drop-down list, and click Stop Service. The Application Server stops. To verify that the Application Server has stopped, check the traffic light graphic and the Status field on the Unicenter AutoSys Services window. The traffic light should be red and the Status field should read Stopped. Note: If you have more than one Application Server configured for your enterprise, you must follow these steps for all computers running as Application Servers before proceeding with configuring Dual Event Servers.

Install and Configure the Event Servers

You can install and configure your own database for your Event Servers. Note: Make sure that your Event Servers are of the same type and your databases are configured for Unicenter AutoSys JM. After you install and configure the Event Servers, make sure the Event Servers are started. More information: Installation (see page 47)

Start Event Servers

After you install and configure the Event Servers, make sure that both the Event Servers are started.

64 Windows Implementation Guide

Dual Event Servers

Associate the Two Event Servers

For the Scheduler and Application Server installations, you must set the Event Server settings so that these components can communicate with both the databases. During installation, the setup wizard lets you set up the Dual Event Servers. Use the GUI to view and modify these settings after installation. If you did not use the setup wizard, you must configure your Event Servers and create a Dual Event Server mode relationship between the individual databases you installed. To set up a Dual Event Server mode, if you have already installed Unicenter AutoSys JM and are adding a second database, use the following steps for each computer on which the instance is installed (you must have Windows Administrators group privileges). To set up a Dual Event Server mode 1. 2. Ensure that the Scheduler and the Application Server are not running. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys Instance window appears. 3. Select a computer and an instance, and click OK. A computer and an instance are selected. The menu items and their corresponding toolbar buttons become available. Note: If you have Windows Administrators group privileges, you can use the Unicenter AutoSys Instance window to connect to other computers on which the instance is installed. You must perform the following steps for each instance installed. 4. Click the Unicenter AutoSys Event Server icon on the toolbar. The Unicenter AutoSys Event Server window appears. 5. Enter the server information for the new second database in the Event Server B area, and click Enable. The database mode changes from Single Event Server to Dual Event Server mode. 6. Click Apply. Your changes are saved. More information: Synchronize the Databases (see page 66)

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 65

Dual Event Servers

Synchronize the Databases

Before you start the Scheduler, you must synchronize the Event Server databases. Unicenter AutoSys JM provides an autobcpDB script to synchronize both of the Event Server databases. This script identifies one database as the source and the other database as the target for the synchronization process. Before you synchronize the Event Servers, check the following: Ensure that both the Event Servers are running. Ensure that no Unicenter AutoSys JM Schedulers, Application Server or GUI applications are running. Ensure that your Event Servers have unique names (for example, eventserver1::mdb and eventserver2::mdb). For Sybase, ensure that the SQL.INI file contains entries for both the Event Servers. For Oracle, ensure that the TNSNAMES.ORA file contains valid entries for both the Event Servers. For Microsoft SQL Servers, ensure that both the databases are defined correctly. Use the Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager to view the information. Know the path to the database software, so you can supply it when you run the autobcpDB script. Ensure that you have at least as much free disk space as the size of your database for the temporary file that autobcpDB script creates. The script deletes this temporary file after the synchronization process is complete.

Note: When you stop the Scheduler, any jobs that are running, run to completion. You can run the autobcpDB script while the jobs are running on remote computers. In the worst-case scenario, there may be events on the source Event Server that are not stored on the target Event Server. This is not a problem, as the Scheduler always reads from both the Event Servers. If the Scheduler finds an event on one server that is not on the other, it copies that event to the database that is missing it. If one Event Server missed an event due to recovery or network problems, this feature also dynamically synchronizes both the Event Servers.

66 Windows Implementation Guide

Dual Event Servers

You can also use this procedure to return to a Dual Event Server mode if Unicenter AutoSys JM went into a Single Event Server mode due to a database rollover. Note: While running the autobcpSYB.pl script on Sybase, ensure the following: Both Event Servers use the same Character set. The LANG environment variable is unset from the shell or the command prompt window (from which the autobcpSYB.pl script is executed) using the following command:

The autobcpSYB.pl script may have problems while copying data from one Event Server to another, and may fail with errors if the environment variables are different. For more information, see the Sybase documentation.

autobcpDB ScriptSynchronize Databases

The autobcpDB script deletes all of the data in the target database and replaces it with the data in the source database. If you want to save the data in the target database, archive it before you run the autobcpDB script. Depending on your database, run the following script: For MSSQLautobcpMSQ.pl For OracleautobcpORA.pl For SybaseautobcpSYB.pl

The autobcpDB script is located at C:\Program Files\CA\UnicenterAutoSysJM\autosys\dbobj\dbtype, where dbtype is MSQ, ORA, or SYB. This script has the following format:
autobcpDB.pl sourcedb targetdb backupdir [dataonly]

sourcedb Identifies the source database. targetdb Identifies the destination database.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 67

Dual Event Servers

backupdir Identifies a directory and temporary file used in the transfer of data from one database to the other. dataonly (Optional) Copies only the data. This is the recommended option. If dataonly is not specified, the entire tables are recreated on the target database, which is time consuming and resource intensive. Example: Copy to the Target Database This is an example run of the autobcpDB script:
autobcpDB.pl mdb vnode1::mdb C:\temp\bcp dataonly 02/03/2006 10:28:37 Generating copy scripts. 02/03/2006 10:28:41 Copying from source database mdb. 02/03/2006 10:28:42 Deleting old data from target database vnode1::mdb. 02/03/2006 10:28:43 Copying to target database vnode1::mdb. 02/03/2006 10:28:56 Done.

Handle Errors
If the autobcpDB script detects an error, it exits and displays the following message:
The AutoSys data server is not accessible. Please check the data server and rerun this script.

If this happens, check the following, and rerun the autobcpDB script: Are both Event Servers started? To verify this, look at the Windows Control Panel Services dialog, and verify that the status of the database service is Started. For Sybase, the service name is user-configurable. For Oracle databases, look for the following three services (substitute the Oracle SID for the asterisk): OracleService*, OracleStart*, and OracleTNSListener. For a Microsoft SQL Server, the service name is MSSQLServer (you can also check this service using the Microsoft SQL Service Manager).

Did you specify the source and the target databases correctly in the autobcpDB script? Did you enter the passwords correctly in the autobcpDB script?

68 Windows Implementation Guide

Dual Event Servers

Did you set the Sybase or Oracle environment variables correctly? The Sybase environment variables are DSQUERY and SYBASE. The DSQUERY variable defines the name of the Sybase Event Server. The SYBASE variable defines the complete path to the Sybase software directory. The Oracle environment variable, ORACLE_HOME, defines the path to the top-level Oracle directory.

Did you specify the Event Server names and ports correctly? For Sybase, this information is located in the SQL.INI file. For Oracle, this information is located in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. For Microsoft SQL Server, you specify this information during installation while using the SQL Setup program. Use the Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager to view this information.

Note: The Scheduler marks both the Event Servers as being in Dual Event Server mode. Unicenter AutoSys JM Client processes and commands check the flags in both the Event Servers for consistency; therefore, you must start the Scheduler before running any other commands. More information: Start the Scheduler (see page 70)

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 69

Dual Event Servers

Start the Scheduler

To start the Scheduler, you must have Windows Administrators group privileges. To start the Scheduler 1. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys Instance window appears. 2. Select a computer and an instance, and click OK. A computer and an instance are selected. The menu items and their corresponding toolbar buttons become available. 3. Click the Unicenter AutoSys Services icon on the toolbar. The Unicenter AutoSys Services window appears. 4. Select the Scheduler from the Services drop-down list, and click Start Service. The Scheduler starts. To verify that the Scheduler has started, check the traffic light graphic and the Status field on the Unicenter AutoSys Services window. The traffic light should be green and the Status field should read Running. Note: If Unicenter AutoSys JM is configured to run in a Dual Event Server mode, the Scheduler will not start unless both the databases are available. In addition, you can monitor the Scheduler output by entering the autosyslog e command at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt. To stop the autosyslog command, press Ctrl+C. Note that when changing the Dual Event Server configuration, the Scheduler must be started before any other application as it updates the database as to the Dual Event Server status of the enterprise. This includes the Application Server. Without the Application Server, it is impossible to run any Client processes. If you choose to run autoping or chk_auto_up command before starting your Scheduler, you must set the AS_TXLOCAL=1 environment variable to let the Client application bypass the Application Server. This must be done in a specific command prompt to avoid applying it to all Client applications. Unset the AS_TXLOCAL environment variable or close the command prompt in which it is set to avoid inadvertently bypassing the Application Server.

70 Windows Implementation Guide

Dual Event Servers

Start the Application Server

To start the Application Server, you must have Windows Administrators group privileges. To start the Application Server 1. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys Instance window appears. 2. Select a computer and an instance, and click OK. A computer and an instance are selected. The menu items and their corresponding toolbar buttons become available. 3. Click the Unicenter AutoSys Services icon on the toolbar. The Unicenter AutoSys Services window appears. 4. Select Application Server from the Services drop-down list, and click Start Service. The Application Server starts. To verify that the Application Server has started, check the traffic light graphic and the Status field on the Unicenter AutoSys Services window. The traffic light should be green and the Status field should read Running. You must do this on each computer that is running an Application Server. Note: When changing Dual Event Server status, the Application Server fails to start, if the Scheduler has not already been started.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 71

Configure Cross-Instance Dependencies

Configure Cross-Instance Dependencies

Before defining jobs to use cross-instance job dependencies, you must create an external instance through jil for each instance that participates in crossinstance dependency exchanges. To insert an external instance through jil, for the Application Server ACE for computer computerA on port 9000, enter:
insert_xinst: ACE xtype: a xmachine: computerA\:9000

Note: If you reference an instance that uses a Shadow Scheduler, you must include an entry for each Scheduler. For example, if the ACE instance also has a Shadow Scheduler for computerB on port 9000, the definition would resemble the following:
insert_xinst: ACE xtype: a xmachine: computerA\:9000 xmachine: computerB\:9000

After you create an external instance for each involved instance, you can define jobs that have cross-instance dependencies. You can also configure how an instance connects to other instances when there are cross-instance dependencies by setting the Administrator parameter that controls crossinstance database drop time. Note: For more information about defining jobs to use cross-instance dependencies, see the User Guide.

Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides High Availability through a Shadow Scheduler or by using the Dual Event Servers. If you run Unicenter AutoSys JM with a Shadow Scheduler, the Shadow Scheduler takes over interpreting and processing events if the Primary Scheduler fails. If you run Unicenter AutoSys JM with a Shadow Scheduler and Dual Event Servers, a Tie-breaker Scheduler is required. It is a Scheduler process that runs on a third node. It remains permanently idle and updates the Event Servers periodically to indicate its presence. The Tie-breaker Scheduler resolves contentions and eliminates situations in which one Scheduler takes over because its own network is down.

72 Windows Implementation Guide

Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers

Considerations when Installing Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers

Consider the following, when installing a Shadow and Tie-breaker Scheduler: If running in High Availability mode, you must have a Primary and Shadow Scheduler. If running in High Availability mode with Dual Event Servers, you must have a Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Scheduler. The Scheduler computers must have Application Server and Agents installed. The Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Schedulers must all have the same instance name. The Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Schedulers must use the same type of database. Ensure that the configuration parameters are identical for all Schedulers, because the Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Schedulers are typically installed on separate computers and with separate file systems for AUTOSYS and AUTOUSER. Install the software on a local drive on the Primary, Shadow, and Tiebreaker Scheduler computers, not on a network drive.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 73

Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers

Install a Shadow or Tie-Breaker Scheduler

One way that Unicenter AutoSys JM provides High Availability is by running with a Shadow Scheduler. The Shadow Scheduler is designed to take over scheduling if the Primary Scheduler fails. If you run Unicenter AutoSys JM with a Shadow Scheduler and Dual Event Servers, a Tie-breaker Scheduler is required. To install a Shadow Scheduler or a Tie-breaker Scheduler 1. Install a Scheduler, Application Server, and an Agent (the Application Server and Agent are installed automatically with a Scheduler) on the computers where the Shadow Scheduler or the Tie-breaker Scheduler runs. Note: The Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Schedulers must be installed on the same type of computers and use the same type of database. All three Schedulers must have the same instance name. 2. Edit the Administrator settings on the Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker computers to specify the type of Scheduler the computer will be. To do this, follow these steps: a. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys Instance window appears. b. Select a Computer and Instance, and click OK. A computer and an instance are selected. The menu items and their corresponding toolbar buttons become available. c. Click the Unicenter AutoSys Scheduler icon on the toolbar. The Unicenter AutoSys Scheduler window appears. d. Select the Scheduler type from the Scheduler Role drop-down list, and click Apply. The selected Scheduler role is applied to the computer.

74 Windows Implementation Guide

Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers

3. 4.

Use the Unicenter AutoSys Services window to start the Scheduler service for the Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker computers. Enter autosyslog -e command at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt. You can view the startup progress.

Note: When you stop the Primary Scheduler with the sendevent -E STOP_DEMON command, the Shadow and Tie-breaker Schedulers continue to run. More information: Installation (see page 47)

Restore the Primary Scheduler

If you run Scheduler Scheduler Scheduler Unicenter AutoSys JM with a Shadow Scheduler, the Shadow takes over interpreting and processing events if the Primary fails. You can restore the Primary Scheduler after the Shadow takes over.

To restore the Primary Scheduler 1. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys Instance window appears. 2. Select a computer and an instance, and click OK. A computer and an instance are selected. The menu items and their corresponding toolbar buttons become available. 3. Click the Unicenter AutoSys Services icon on the toolbar. The Unicenter AutoSys Services window appears. 4. Select the Scheduler from the Services drop-down list, and click Stop Service. The Scheduler stops. Note: You must perform the above steps for the Primary, Shadow, and Tie-breaker Schedulers. 5. Restart the Primary Scheduler. To do this, select the Scheduler from the Services drop-down list and click Start Service on the Unicenter AutoSys Services window. The Primary Scheduler is restored.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 75

How High Availability Is Configured

How High Availability Is Configured

When you configure Unicenter AutoSys JM in High Availability mode, you must stop and start the Agent, Scheduler, and Application Server. The Scheduler must be started manually on the Primary and the Shadow Scheduler. In the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator, you must set the following fields when configuring Unicenter AutoSys JM in High Availability mode: Scheduler Role Specifies whether the Scheduler is a Primary, Shadow, or Tie-breaker Scheduler. HA Poll Interval Checks if any Schedulers have gone down in the seconds specified. Application Server Host Tells the Agents to return events to the correct Application Server. This value is used when a rollover occurs from Primary to Shadow Scheduler. Event Server Defines the logical name of the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. The following process describes how to configure Unicenter AutoSys JM in High Availability mode, where computer1 is a Primary Scheduler and Event Server A, and computer2 is a Shadow Scheduler: 1. 2. 3. Stop the Scheduler, Application Server, and Agent on computer1. Stop the Scheduler, Application Server, and Agent on computer2. Set the following fields in the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator on computer1: a. b. c. d. 4. Scheduler Role to Primary HA Poll Interval to 5 Application Server Host to computer1, computer2 Event Server A to mdb

Ensure database connectivity exists on computer 2 to Event Server A, which resides on computer1.

76 Windows Implementation Guide

How High Availability Is Configured


Set the following fields in the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator on computer2: a. b. c. d. Scheduler Role to Shadow HA Poll Interval to 5 Application Server Host to computer1, computer2 Event Server A to computer1::mdb

6. 7. 8.

Start the Agent, Scheduler, and Application Server on computer1. Start the Agent, Scheduler, and Application Server on computer2. Run autosyslog e command on computer1. The following output is displayed:
[08/08/2005 10:46:01] mode. Event server A: [08/08/2005 10:46:17] information [08/08/2005 10:46:17] available. [08/08/2005 10:46:17] Scheduler active. [08/08/2005 10:46:27] availability mode. CAUAJM_I_00151 The system is running in HighCAUAJM_I_40319 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Primary CAUAJM_I_50408 No external instance information CAUAJM_I_10654 System is running in single server mdb. CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance


Run autosyslog e command on computer2. The following output is displayed:

[08/08/2005 10:46:01] mode. Event server A: [08/08/2005 10:46:17] information [08/08/2005 10:46:17] available. [08/08/2005 10:46:17] Scheduler active. [08/08/2005 10:46:27] availability mode. CAUAJM_I_00151 The system is running in HighCAUAJM_I_40319 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Shadow CAUAJM_I_50408 No external instance information CAUAJM_I_10654 System is running in single server computer1::mdb. CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance

Note: The environment is now in High Availability mode. If you make changes to the configuration, you must stop the Schedulers and Application Servers.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 77

How High Availability Is Configured

10. Stop the Scheduler and the Application Server using the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Services window on computer2. 11. Run autosyslog e command on computer1. The following output is displayed:
[08/08/2005 10:44:42] CAUAJM_I_00152 The Shadow has been shutdown. The system is no longer in High-availability mode.

The Shadow Scheduler performs a normal shutdown and the Primary Scheduler acknowledges this. The Shadow Scheduler can be started again and Unicenter AutoSys JM resumes in High Availability mode. More information: Start the Scheduler (see page 70) Start the Application Server (see page 71) Stop the Scheduler (see page 63) Stop the Application Server (see page 64)

78 Windows Implementation Guide

How High Availability with Dual Event Servers Is Configured

How High Availability with Dual Event Servers Is Configured

When Unicenter AutoSys JM runs in High Availability mode with Dual Event Servers, you must have a Tie-breaker Scheduler that is used, if both a Scheduler and an Event Server go down. The Scheduler must be started manually on each computer. In the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator, you must set the following fields when configuring Unicenter AutoSys JM in High Availability mode with Dual Event Servers: Scheduler Role Specifies whether the Scheduler is a Primary, Shadow, or Tie-breaker Scheduler. HA Poll Interval Checks if any Schedulers have gone down in the seconds specified. Application Server Host Tells the Agents to return events to the correct Application Server. This value is used when a rollover occurs from Primary to Shadow Scheduler. Event Server Defines the logical name of the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. The following process describes how to configure Unicenter AutoSys JM in High Availability mode with Dual Event Servers, where computer1 is a Primary Scheduler and Event Server A, computer2 is a Shadow Scheduler and Event Server B, and computer3 is a Tie-breaker Scheduler, which may or may not be configured: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stop the Scheduler, Application Server, and Agent on computer1. Stop the Scheduler, Application Server, and Agent on computer2. Stop the Scheduler, Application Server, and Agent on computer3. Ensure database connectivity exists on computer 1 to Event Server B, which resides on computer2. Set the following fields in the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator on computer1: a. b. c. d. e. Scheduler Role to Primary HA Poll Interval to 5 Application Server Host to computer1, computer2, computer3 (if applicable) Event Server A to mdb Event Server B to computer2::mdb

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 79

How High Availability with Dual Event Servers Is Configured

6. 7.

Ensure database connectivity exists on computer2 to Event Server A, which resides on computer1. Set the following fields in the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator on computer2: a. b. c. d. e. Scheduler Role to Shadow HA Poll Interval to 5 Application Server Host to computer2, computer1, computer3 (if applicable) Event Server A to computer1::mdb Event Server B to mdb


Ensure database connectivity exists on computer3 to Event Server A, which resides on computer1 and to Event Server B, which resides on computer2. Set the following fields in the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator on computer3: a. b. c. d. e. Scheduler Role to Tie-breaker HA Poll Interval to 5 Application Server Host to computer3 (if applicable), computer1, computer2 Event Server A to computer1::mdb Event Server B to computer2::mdb


10. Start the Agent, Scheduler, and Application Server on computer1. 11. Start the Agent, Scheduler, and Application Server on computer2. 12. Start the Agent, Scheduler, and Application Server on computer3. 13. Run autosyslog e command on computer1. The following output is displayed:
[08/08/2005 10:46:01] mode. Event server A: [08/08/2005 10:46:17] information [08/08/2005 10:46:17] available. [08/08/2005 10:46:17] Scheduler active. [08/08/2005 10:46:27] availability mode. CAUAJM_I_00151 The system is running in HighCAUAJM_I_40319 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Primary CAUAJM_I_50408 No external instance information CAUAJM_I_10654 System is running in dual server mdb. Event server B: computer2::mdb. CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance

80 Windows Implementation Guide

How High Availability with Dual Event Servers Is Configured

14. Run autosyslog e command on computer2. The following output is displayed:

[08/08/2005 10:46:01] mode. Event server A: [08/08/2005 10:46:17] information [08/08/2005 10:46:17] available. [08/08/2005 10:46:17] Scheduler active. [08/08/2005 10:46:27] availability mode. CAUAJM_I_00151 The system is running in HighCAUAJM_I_40319 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Shadow CAUAJM_I_50408 No external instance information CAUAJM_I_10654 System is running in dual server computer1::mdb. Event server B: mdb. CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance

15. Run autosyslog e command on computer3. The following output is displayed:

[08/08/2005 10:46:01] mode. Event server A: [08/08/2005 10:46:17] information [08/08/2005 10:46:17] available. [08/08/2005 10:46:17] Scheduler active. [08/08/2005 10:46:27] availability mode. CAUAJM_I_00151 The system is running in HighCAUAJM_I_40319 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Tie-breaker CAUAJM_I_50408 No external instance information CAUAJM_I_10654 System is running in dual server computer1::mdb. Event server B: computer2::mdb. CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance

Note: The environment is now in High Availability mode with Dual Event Servers employed. If you make changes to the configuration, you must stop the Schedulers and Application Servers. 16. Stop the Scheduler and the Application Server using the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Services window on computer2. 17. Run autosyslog e command on computer1. The following output is displayed:
[08/08/2005 10:44:42] CAUAJM_I_00152 The Shadow has been shutdown. The system is no longer in High-availability mode.

The Shadow Scheduler performs a normal shutdown and the Primary Scheduler acknowledges this. The Shadow Scheduler can be started again and Unicenter AutoSys JM resumes in High Availability mode. The same is true when a Tie-breaker Scheduler performs a normal shutdown; the Primary Scheduler acknowledges this. The Tie-breaker Scheduler can be started again and Unicenter AutoSys JM resumes in High Availability mode.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 81

Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment

Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment

Unicenter AutoSys JM can be installed in a Microsoft Cluster Server Environment to form a Highly Available Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler and Application Server. The Unicenter AutoSys JM Highly Available configuration promotes minimal down time and uses resources optimally to make sure that your enterprise is continuously monitored and managed. A Highly Available Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler and Application Server require a Highly Available database. You must set up a Highly Available database of choice before proceeding with the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation on a cluster node. The procedures for preparing a Highly Available database vary depending on the database used. Note: For information about the databases, refer to the documentation for those databases. When setting up Unicenter AutoSys JM to be Highly Available, keep the following in mind: Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent service is not to be defined as a cluster service. The Agent service gets installed on each of the private disks, independent of the cluster system. Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server and Scheduler always run in *active/passive* mode and are defined as a cluster service. Do not use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler's built-in High Availability features when operating it under the control of a cluster system. The %AUTOSYS% and %AUTOUSER% directories are installed on the nonshared disk. After installation, you can optionally change the %AUTOUSER% directory to point to a shared disk, if you want to access the log files from any cluster.

Note: For more information about configuring and managing a Microsoft Cluster Server, see the Microsoft Cluster Server documentation.

82 Windows Implementation Guide

Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment

To set up Unicenter AutoSys JM to be Highly Available 1. 2. Install cluster software on each computer in the cluster. Use the following steps for each database vendor: Microsoft SQL Database Select one instance of a Microsoft SQL Server cluster resource group to use for Unicenter AutoSys JM. The Highly Available service uses the related network name and IP address as set up from the Microsoft SQL Server installation. Note: In the following steps, "Unicenter AutoSys JM resource group" refers to the Microsoft SQL Server cluster resource group you are using for Unicenter AutoSys JM. Oracle Database Select one instance of an Oracle cluster resource group to use for Unicenter AutoSys JM. The Highly Available service uses the related network name and IP address as set up from the Oracle installation. Note: In the following steps, "Unicenter AutoSys JM resource group" refers to the Oracle resource group you are using for Unicenter AutoSys JM. Sybase Database Select one instance of a Sybase cluster resource group to use for Unicenter AutoSys JM. The Highly Available service uses the related network name and IP address as set up from the Sybase installation. Note: In the following steps, "Unicenter AutoSys JM resource group" refers to the Sybase cluster resource group you are using for Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 83

Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment


On the first node in the cluster, install Unicenter AutoSys JM and all of the components you want to use. The Highly Available service is installed automatically as part of CA common components or on a clustered computer where cluster software is present. For example, on Windows, the Highly Available service is installed on a computer where Microsoft Cluster Server is running. The Highly Available service detects that the computer is in a cluster and a dialog box appears that lists all of the resource groups in the cluster. Important! To make sure that the Highly Available service works across the nodes of your cluster, you must run the Highly Available service under a cluster domain account on Windows.


Select the Unicenter AutoSys JM resource group. Depending on the components you installed, the following Unicenter AutoSys JM resources are added to the resource group: CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler

Because all of the Unicenter AutoSys JM resources belong to one resource group, all of them fail over at the same time. Note: The Unicenter AutoSys JM resources are managed by the Cluster Administrator. During the installation, the option to autostart these services is disabled. 5. After the installation completes on the first node, perform the following tasks: a. Verify that the Unicenter AutoSys JM resources (CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server and CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler) are offline. Move the Unicenter AutoSys JM resource group over to a subsequent node in the cluster that does not yet have Unicenter AutoSys JM installed on it.


6. 7.

Ensure that the cluster resources (virtual IP, virtual network name, and shared disk) are still online. On all subsequent nodes in the cluster, install Unicenter AutoSys JM and the same components you installed on the first node. The Highly Available service is installed automatically.

84 Windows Implementation Guide

Set Up Unicenter AutoSys JM in a Highly Available Cluster Environment


After the installation completes on each subsequent node, perform the following tasks: a. b. Verify that the Unicenter AutoSys JM resources are offline. Move the Unicenter AutoSys JM resource group over to a subsequent node in the cluster that does not yet have Unicenter AutoSys JM installed on it. The resource group must be present on the node before you can install Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Note: If this is the last node in the cluster, you need not move the resource group. 9. After Unicenter AutoSys JM is installed on all nodes in the cluster, bring the Unicenter AutoSys JM resources online. Unicenter AutoSys JM is now running in a Highly Available mode. Note: If you install CA common components on a standalone computer and then add the computer to a cluster, the Highly Available service or daemon does not start automatically. You must manually start the Highly Available service or daemon or restart the computer.

Chapter 4: Advanced Configurations 85

Chapter 5: Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords
This chapter describes how to add EDIT and EXEC Superusers and Windows user IDs and passwords. This section contains the following topics: Introduction (see page 87) Add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers (see page 88) Add the Windows User IDs and Passwords (see page 89)

When an Agent runs a job, the Agent logs on to the remote computer as the owner of the job. To do this, the Agent uses the encrypted passwords that were passed to it with the job request by the Scheduler. The Scheduler gets these passwords from the Event Server (database). Therefore, after the installation is complete and before you can run jobs, you must enter Windows user IDs and passwords for users who define and run jobs. Before you can enter the Windows user IDs and passwords in the database, you must first establish the EDIT Superuser, which is a special Unicenter AutoSys JM user with Administrator-like privileges. The EDIT Superuser has read and write permissions to the database. Only the EDIT Superuser can use the autosys_secure utility to add Unicenter AutoSys JM user passwords. However, after user IDs and passwords exist in the database, any user who knows a password can use autosys_secure to change that password or delete that user definition. At the same time you add the EDIT Superuser, you must also enter the EXEC Superuser. The EXEC Superuser can issue commands and stop the Scheduler. If you are upgrading, the EDIT Superuser definition from your previous installation is maintained in your database. Note: For information about the logon procedures used, see the User Guide. For information about job ownership, see the Reference Guide.

Chapter 5: Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords 87

Add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers

Add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers

An EDIT Superuser has the rights to define Windows user IDs and passwords. An EXEC Superuser has the rights to stop the Scheduler properly. Use the autosys_secure command to add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers. To add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers 1. 2. Open an instance command prompt window from your program group. Enter the following at the command prompt:

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Security utility opens. 3. Select the following item by entering 2:
[2] Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers.

The manage EDIT and EXEC Superuser menu is displayed. 4. Select the following item by entering 1:
[1] Create an EDIT/EXEC superuser.

The create EDIT and EXEC Superuser menu is displayed. 5. Enter the EDIT Superuser logon name and the EXEC Superuser logon name. The EDIT and EXEC Superusers are added. Note: These users must be valid users on the computer or domain that you are logged on to. At this time you need to enter the host or domain for the user. However, a Superuser name without a host or domain name is still supported. Note: The Superuser Administration menu option is only available when autosys_secure is first run and then subsequently available to any user belonging to the EDIT Superuser list. Be sure to run all commands at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt located in the Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The instance command prompt windows set several environment variables that are required to run commands. Note: For more information about EDIT and EXEC Superusers, see the User Guide.

88 Windows Implementation Guide

Add the Windows User IDs and Passwords

Add the Windows User IDs and Passwords

Before you can fully use Unicenter AutoSys JM, you must enter the Windows user IDs and passwords for all users on all domains who define and run jobs. Until you have successfully created and run a test job, however, you should add only the user and password necessary to perform the test. After you have successfully created and run a test job, you can add additional Windows user IDs and passwords. To add a Windows user ID and password to the database 1. 2. 3. Log on to Windows as the EDIT Superuser. Open a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt window from your program group. Enter the following at the command prompt:

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Security utility opens. 4. Select the following menu option by entering 5:
[5] Manage AutoSys User@Host users

The manage AutoSys User@Host users menu is displayed. 5. Select the following item by entering 1:
[1] Create AutoSys User@Host or Domain password.

The create AutoSys User@Host or Domain password menu is displayed. 6. At the command prompts, enter the user name, host or domain name, password, and password confirmation. Note: Windows user IDs must not exceed 20 characters, and they can include any characters except the following: "/ ;:<>|=+* Windows passwords are case-sensitive and must not exceed 14 characters, and they can contain any character except a space. If the user is created successfully, the user information is entered into the database with the encrypted password. Note: For more information about creating, changing, and deleting user IDs and passwords, see the Reference Guide. More information: Creating and Running a Test Job (see page 99)

Chapter 5: Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords 89

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation

This chapter describes how to run a test job in Unicenter AutoSys JM. This section contains the following topics: Time Zone Settings (see page 91) Starting the Scheduler (see page 91) Stopping the Scheduler (see page 92) Installation Testing (see page 92) Set Up the Automatic Tracking Level (see page 98) Creating and Running a Test Job (see page 99)

Time Zone Settings

Before you start the Scheduler, make sure that the correct time zone is specified in the Control Panel, Date/Time dialog. The Scheduler references this setting to determine the default time zone. Jobs with time-based starting conditions that do not specify a time zone are scheduled to start based on the time zone under which the Scheduler runs. This time zone uses the autorep command to report event times.

Starting the Scheduler

You must start the Scheduler manually using the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Services window, or from the Services dialog in the Control Panel. The traffic light graphic and the Status field on the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Services window indicate whether the Scheduler is running or stopped. Note: You can also use the autosyslog -e command at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt to monitor messages from the Scheduler. To stop the log command, you would press Ctrl+C on your keyboard. More information: Start the Scheduler (see page 70)

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation 91

Stopping the Scheduler

Stopping the Scheduler

Enter the following command in an instance command prompt to stop the Scheduler:
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON

This command enables the Scheduler to complete any processing before it shuts down. You must be an EXEC Superuser to issue commands and stop the Scheduler. More information: Add the EDIT and EXEC Superusers (see page 88)

Installation Testing
You can test the product installation using any of the following methods: Verify that the database is running. Verify the Agent accessibility. Verify the environment and configuration.

The following sections explain these methods.

Verify the Database is Running

You can verify that a database (Event Server) is running by following the procedure for your database type, as described in the following sections.

92 Windows Implementation Guide

Installation Testing

Verify a Sybase Database is Running

You can check the running status of a Sybase database. To check the running status of a Sybase database 1. Enter the following command at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt:
isql Uautosys Pautosys -SServer_Name -DDatabase_Name

This command has the following format: -Uautosys Defines your user name. -Pautosys Defines your user password. -SServer_Name Defines your server name. -DDatabase_Name Defines your database name. The following prompt is displayed:


If you do not get the SQL prompt, follow these steps: a. Log on to a configured computer with the Event Server and verify that the ISQL utility works from there. If the Event Server is running and accessible on that computer, Unicenter AutoSys JM was not installed properly on the Client computer. In particular, one of the following parameters was probably entered incorrectly: Event Server Name, Port Number, Database Name, or Event Server Host. Use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator on the Client computer to make sure that everything was entered correctly. You can locate the parameter information on the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Event Server window.


Note: For additional debugging techniques, see the User Guide For assistance, contact Technical Support at http://ca.com/support. 3. Enter exit. You exit ISQL.

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation 93

Installation Testing

Verify an Oracle Database is Running

You can check the running status of an Oracle database. To check the running status of an Oracle database 1. Enter the following command at a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt:
sqlplus User_Name/Password@TNS_Alias

This command has the following format: User_Name Defines your user name. Password Defines your password. TNS_Alias Defines your TNS database name. The following prompt is displayed:


If you do not get the SQL prompt in an instance command prompt window, follow these steps: a. Log on to the configured computer with the Event Server and verify that SQL*Plus works from there. If the Event Server is running and accessible on that computer, Unicenter AutoSys JM was not installed properly on the Client computer. In particular, one of the following parameters was probably entered incorrectly: Event Server Name, Port Number, Database Name, or Event Server Host. On the Client computer, use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator to make sure that everything was entered correctly. You can locate the parameter information on the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Event Server window.


Note: If the problem still exists, contact your database administrator. 3. Enter exit. You exit SQL*Plus.

94 Windows Implementation Guide

Installation Testing

Verify a Microsoft SQL Server Database is Running

You can check the running status of a Microsoft SQL Server database. To check the running status of a Microsoft SQL Server database 1. Open the IS graphical query interface (located in your Microsoft SQL Server program group). If you are using Microsoft SQL 2005, you can use sqlcmd or OSQL to accomplish the same task. Log on to the server using the autosys user and password. The default password is autosys, but you can change it using the autosys_secure command. If you cannot log on to the server using the ISQL/w interface, check the following: a. Log on to a configured computer with the Event Server and use the Microsoft SQL Service Manager interface to verify that the service is running or to start the service if it is not running. On the Client computers, use the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator to make sure that the parameters on the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator Event Server window are the same as those entered for the Microsoft SQL Server.




Note: If the problem still exists, contact your database administrator.

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation 95

Installation Testing

Verify Agent Accessibility

You can verify that an Agent is functional and set up properly, by running the autoping command to ping the server or Client computer. To verify Agent accessibility 1. 2. Open the instance command prompt window from the program group. Run the autoping command. For example, if the computers name is jupiter, enter the following:
autoping -m jupiter

You must get the following message:

CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [jupiter] CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL!


Enter the following command to check the database connection on the Agent computer called jupiter:
autoping -m jupiter -D

You should get the following message:

CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [jupiter] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL!

If you do not get the success message in an instance command prompt window, it is likely that the Agent is not configured properly, or it is not started. As a result, Unicenter AutoSys JM cannot start jobs on that computer (even if it is the same computer as the Event Server). Note: You must run commands from an instance command prompt (located in the Unicenter AutoSys JM program group) because it sets several environment variables required to run the commands.

96 Windows Implementation Guide

Installation Testing

Verify the Environment and Configuration

You must verify the connection to the Event Server, which is based on the setting of the environment variables (at this point, the database should be running). To verify the connection to the Event Server from a Unicenter AutoSys JM instance command prompt, enter the following command:

You must see a message similar to this, which indicates success:

Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: mdb *** Have Connected successfully with Database: mdb. *** Connect with Event Server:mdb Checking CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler on Machine: suanna Primary Scheduler is RUNNING on machine: suanna

The chk_auto_up command also lets you check whether the Event Servers and the Schedulers are running. You must run commands from an instance command prompt (located in the Unicenter AutoSys JM program group) because it sets several environment variables required to run the commands. If you used this command prompt and did not get the previous message, some diagnostic messages that contain information about the problem are displayed. Note: For more information, see the Reference Guide.

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation 97

Set Up the Automatic Tracking Level

Set Up the Automatic Tracking Level

The autotrack command is a Client component that tracks changes to the database (for example, job definition changes, sendevent calls, and job overrides) and writes this information to the database. It can also track changes made to job definitions through jil, but it cannot track changes made directly to the database through SQL commands. When you query for the changed information, autotrack prints a report to the screen, or you can redirect the output to a file. Automatic tracking is especially useful for the following: Sites that require monitoring of the job definition environment. Sites where multiple users have permissions to edit job definitions or send events.

The autotrack command has the following format:

autotrack [-D dataserver:database|TNSname] [-u level] [-l] [-h] [-v] [-F from_time] [-T to_time] [-U username] [-m machine] [-J jobname] [-t type]

Note: The double quotes are required around the from_time and to_time arguments. Only the EDIT or EXEC Superuser can change the tracking level. To start tracking, set the -u level value to 1 or 2, depending on the amount of detail you want to track. 0 Writes no tracking detail. This is the default setting for autotrack command. 1 Tracks the following and condenses each tracked event to a one-line summary: 2 Tracks the same information as level 1, but also writes the entire job definition for overrides and job definition changes. This level is very database intensive and significantly impairs client utilities performance. Note: For more information about the autotrack command, see the Reference Guide. Job, calendar, monitor, browser, and machine definition changes Job overrides autosys_secure, autotrack, and sendevent calls

98 Windows Implementation Guide

Creating and Running a Test Job

Creating and Running a Test Job

This section describes how to create a test job and run it on a Windows Client computer. The example test job is called test_install, and must be created before proceeding. Its job definition is in the file named %AUTOSYS%\code\test_install. The jil executable starts the language processor that parses the information language and updates the database. You can also define jobs using the Job Editor, which you can open from your Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. Before you can run the test job, the Scheduler must be started and running. Note: While following the procedures in this section, run commands in an instance command prompt, which is located in the Unicenter AutoSys JM program group. The Unicenter AutoSys JM environment is set in this command prompt to find and run commands. More information: Start the Scheduler (see page 70)

Create a Test Job

You can create a test job and run it to test the installation. To create the test job 1. Log on as the user whose user ID and password you entered following the steps in the Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords (see page 87) chapter. Note: The user who defines the job and is the owner of the job must be a valid user on the computer on which you want to run the job. If the instance is being controlled by eTrust IAM, before executing any command line interface or GUI programs make sure that Unicenter AutoSys JM has been enabled using the AutoSys Secure Utility. Note: For more information about autosys_secure, see the Reference Guide. 2. Edit the test_install script by using the following command in the instance command prompt window:
notepad %AUTOSYS%\code\test_install

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation 99

Creating and Running a Test Job


Replace NT_HOSTNAME in the computer: NT_HOSTNAME line with the host name of the Windows computer you are currently logged on to. For example, if the host name is called sales, you must enter the following:
machine: sales

Note: The NT_HOSTNAME computer must be defined using jil, otherwise the job is not inserted. 4. Save the file and insert the test_install script into the database by entering the following at an instance command prompt:
jil < %AUTOSYS%\code\test_install

The output must look similar to the following:

Insert/Updating Job: test_install Database Change WAS Successful!

Note: If c:\tmp directory does not exist, create it so that the job can write the files to this directory.

100 Windows Implementation Guide

Creating and Running a Test Job

Run the Test Job

To send the event to start the test job, enter the following command at an instance command prompt:
sendevent -E STARTJOB -J test_install

The event to start the job is now in the database, and the job should run. To verify that the job started and ran successfully, monitor the Scheduler output log with the autosyslog -e command. If the job ran successfully, it writes a short message in the \tmp\test_install.out file. If it did not run successfully, you see an error message indicating the problem in the \tmp\test_install.err file. If you see an error message in the Scheduler output log that indicates it was unable to log you on as user@domain, you either entered an incorrect password or entered a password for a user other than the job owner. You can identify the job owner by running the following command at an instance command prompt:
autorep -J test_install -q

Now, you can verify that you entered this specific user ID and password with the autosys_secure command for the job owner. If it is necessary, you can use the autosys_secure command to enter the correct user logon ID and password. More information: Adding the Superusers and the Windows User IDs and Passwords (see page 87)

Chapter 6: Starting and Testing the Installation 101

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release

This chapter describes how to upgrade from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0 through r11 (including service packs) to the current release. These are the only upgrades supported in this release. The Scheduler in this release can run jobs on the Agents for Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0 through r11 (including service packs). You must upgrade all other Unicenter AutoSys JM components (including the Scheduler, Event Server, and Client) to this release. Additionally, your database must be compatible with this release. Note: (Applies to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, and 4.5.1 only) After you migrate a database to the new release of Unicenter AutoSys JM, you can no longer run previous releases of the product with that database. This section contains the following topics: Upgrade Considerations (see page 104) How the Upgrade Process Works (see page 105) Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release (see page 106) Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (Including Service Packs) to the Current Release (see page 112) Post-Upgrade Tasks (see page 114)

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 103

Upgrade Considerations

Upgrade Considerations
The following are important considerations when upgrading Unicenter AutoSys JM: If you are upgrading Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to this release, the installation location you specify for this release should be different from the 4.x installation location. If you upgrade from Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 to this release, the installation will overwrite the existing installation files. The Scheduler for this release can run jobs on the Agents for Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0 through r11 (including service packs). You do not have to upgrade the Agents, but you must upgrade all other Unicenter AutoSys JM components (including the Scheduler, Application Server, Event Server, and Client) to this release. Additionally, your database must be compatible with this release. You can choose to migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM database to the current release level of Unicenter AutoSys JM. However, after you migrate a database to the current release level, you can no longer run previous releases of the product with that database. Important! If you do not choose to migrate your data during the upgrade, you must manually migrate the data after the upgrade process finishes. If you use the SSL authentication and encryption option, you can use a single multiplexing port that makes firewall administration easy and minimizes the conflicts with other applications. You must gather the following information before you begin the upgrade and migration process: Source database machine host Source database name Source TCP/IP port number Source Unicenter AutoSys JM database user password Source Java JDBC jar file path and file name Target TCP/IP port number Target Java JDBC jar file path and file name

104 Windows Implementation Guide

How the Upgrade Process Works

If multiple instances of Unicenter AutoSys JM are installed on a computer and external security is enabled, only the first installed Unicenter AutoSys JM instance is upgraded successfully. After the first installed Unicenter AutoSys JM instance is upgraded, you must copy the following directory and files from the %AUTOUSER% directory to the %AUTOUSER% directory of the other Unicenter AutoSys JM instances installed on the computer: %AUTOUSER%/audit %AUTOUSER%/logger.client.config %AUTOUSER%/eiam.server.config %AUTOUSER%/logger.server.config

How the Upgrade Process Works

Upgrading from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0 through r11 (including service packs) to the current release requires the following steps: 1. Back up custom data. Back up any data that you do not want overwritten during the upgrade. 2. 3. Upgrade the software to the current release. (Applies to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, and 4.5.1 only) Migrate the data from the old database to the new CA Management Database (CAMDB). Note: During the upgrade, you can choose to automatically migrate the data.

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 105

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release

You can use the provided installation media to upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 on a Windows computer. Note: If you select Typical Server or Custom Scheduler when upgrading, you can choose to migrate the data from the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 database to the database for the current release. The migration utility is written in Java using the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API. The utility needs access to the JDBC JAR files for the various database vendors (Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle) to perform the migration. Ensure that these sets of drivers are installed and accessible on the installation before proceeding with the migration. Important! Data migration to the current release should be complete before starting any Unicenter AutoSys JM service of the current release. To upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM on a Windows computer 1. 2. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. Note: If the autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. 3. Run the installation program using the following command:

The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. Note: You can click Cancel at any time to quit the upgrade. If you click Cancel, the Exit Setup page appears. Click Yes to quit the installation or No to continue the upgrade. If the upgrade is terminated, the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance will not be upgraded. 4. Click Next. The Installation Option page appears. 5. Select Upgrade and click Next. The Configured Instances page appears. 6. Select the appropriate Unicenter AutoSys JM instance to upgrade, and click Next. The Components page appears. 7. Select the components to install, and click Next.

106 Windows Implementation Guide

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release


Continue with the installation by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. After you complete the last data entry page of the wizard and click Next, the Review Settings page appears, listing the information you entered.


Review the information and, if it is correct, click Next. Note: To make a change to an entry, click Back as many times as necessary to locate that entry. Then, make the appropriate change, click Next until the Review Settings page appears again, and click Next. The Installation Progress page appears and the progress is displayed. When the installation completes, the Installation Complete page appears. Note: The installation and migration process can take from one hour to many hours, depending upon the database type and the amount of data to migrate.

10. Click Finish, then log out and log back in to the Unicenter AutoSys JM environment. Unicenter AutoSys JM is installed. After the upgrade to the current release is complete and you no longer require the prior release of Unicenter AutoSys JM, you may uninstall it.

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 107

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release

Define Oracle Database Properties

If you selected the Oracle database on the Database Properties page of the installation wizard, you must define properties for the database on the appropriate pages in the wizard, beginning with the Primary Event Server Properties page. To define Oracle database properties 1. Enter the Oracle Service Name, the ORACLE_HOME directory, and the TNS_ADMIN directory, then click Next. The Database Administrator Information page appears. Note: To create the Unicenter AutoSys JM Management Database (required if installing for the first time), select the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Primary Event Server Properties page before clicking Next. 2. Enter the Oracle Administrator user name and password, and click Next. The Database Test page appears. 3. Click Test to verify the existence of the Oracle database and the validity of the connection information. Verification takes a few minutes. The results of the test are displayed. 4. If the test is successful, click OK. The Database User Information page appears. Note: If the test fails, click Back to correct the connection information. 5. Enter a password for the mdbadmin database and a password for the autosys database, and click Next. If you selected the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Primary Event Server Properties page, the Database MDB Information page appears. Continue with Step 6. If you selected the Employ Dual Event Servers check box on the Database Properties page, continue with Step 7. If you did not select the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box or the Employ Dual Event Servers check box, the Scheduler Properties page appears. Continue with Step 12.


Specify the data and index tablespace sizes (in megabytes) and the directory in which to create the tablespaces, then click Next. If you selected the Employ Dual Event Servers check box on the Database Properties page, the Second Event Server Properties page appears. Continue with Step 7. If you did not select the Employ Dual Event Servers check box on the Database Properties page, the Scheduler Properties page appears. Continue with Step 7.

108 Windows Implementation Guide

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release


Enter the Oracle Service Name on the Second Event Server, select whether to create a Unicenter AutoSys JM Oracle Management Database, and click Next. The Database Administrator Information page appears.


Enter the Administrator user name and password for the Oracle database on the Second Server, and click Next. The Database Test page appears.


Click Test to verify the existence of the Oracle database on the Second Server and the validity of the connection information. Verification takes a few minutes. The results of the test are displayed.

10. If the test is successful, click OK. If you selected the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Second Event Server Properties page, the Database MDB Information page appears. Continue with Step 11. If you did not select the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Second Event Server Properties page, the Scheduler Properties page appears. Continue with Step 12.

Note: If the test fails, click Back to correct the connection information. 11. Specify the data and index tablespace sizes (in megabytes) and the directory in which to create the tablespaces, then click Next. The Scheduler Properties page appears. 12. Return to the main upgrade procedure and continue with the upgrade. The Oracle database properties are defined.

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 109

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release

Define Sybase Database Properties

If you selected the Sybase database on the Database Properties page of the installation wizard, you must define properties for the database on the appropriate pages in the wizard, beginning with the Primary Event Server Properties page. To define Sybase database properties 1. Enter the Sybase Data Server, the SYBASE directory path, and the name to use when defining a new Sybase Unicenter AutoSys JM database, then click Next. The Database Administrator Information page appears. Note: To create the Unicenter AutoSys JM Management Database (required if installing for the first time), select the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Primary Event Server Properties page before clicking Next. 2. Enter the Sybase System Administrator user name and password and specify a password for the autosys database user, then click Next. The Database Test page appears. Note: The Sybase System Administrator user name and password is used when accessing the Sybase Data Server to create the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. The installation process creates the autosys database user if it is not already defined in the database. 3. Click Test to verify the existence of the Sybase database and the validity of the connection information. Verification takes a few minutes. The results of the test are displayed. 4. If the test is successful, click OK. If you selected the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Primary Event Server Properties page, the Database MDB Information page appears. Continue with Step 5. If you selected the Employ Dual Event Servers check box on the Database Properties page, continue with Step 6. If you did not select the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box or the Employ Dual Event Servers check box, the Scheduler Properties page appears. Continue with Step 11.

Note: If the test fails, click Back to correct the connection information.

110 Windows Implementation Guide

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 to the Current Release


Specify the directory in which to create the Sybase Physical Device, the database size (in megabytes), and the Physical Device name, then click Next. If you selected the Employ Dual Event Servers check box on the Database Properties page, the Second Event Server Properties page appears. Continue with Step 6. If you did not select the Employ Dual Event Servers check box on the Database Properties page, the Scheduler Properties page appears. Continue with Step 11.


Enter the Data Server name on the Second Event Server, enter the database name, and select whether to create a Unicenter AutoSys JM Sybase Management Database, then click Next. The Database Administrator Information page appears.


Enter the Administrator user name and password for the Sybase database on the Second Server, and click Next. The Database Test page appears.


Click Test to verify the existence of the Sybase database on the Second Server and the validity of the connection information. Verification takes a few minutes. The results of the test are displayed.


If the test is successful, click OK. If you selected the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Second Event Server Properties page, the Database MDB Information page appears. Continue with Step 10. If you did not select the Create the Management Database (MDB) check box on the Second Event Server Properties page, the Scheduler Properties page appears. Continue with Step 11.

Note: If the test fails, click Back to correct the connection information. 10. Specify the directory in which to create the Sybase Physical Device, the database size (in megabytes), and the Physical Device name, then click Next. The Scheduler Properties page appears. 11. Return to the main upgrade procedure and continue with the upgrade. The Sybase database properties are defined.

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 111

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (Including Service Packs) to the Current Release

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (Including Service Packs) to the Current Release
You can use the following procedure to upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (including service packs) to the current release. To upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (including service packs) to the current release 1. 2. 3. 4. Make sure all Unicenter AutoSys JM components are closed. Log on as a user with Windows Administrators group privileges. Insert the installation media into the drive and mount it. If autorun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Run setup.exe. The Product Explorer appears. 5. Select Unicenter AutoSys JM, and click Install. The Installation Wizard Welcome page appears. 6. Select Modify and click Next. The Modify Installation Function page appears. 7. Select Upgrade and click Next. The Configured Instances page appears. 8. Select the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 instance to upgrade, and click Next. The Components page appears. 9. Continue with the installation by entering the required information in each wizard page and clicking Next. After you complete the last data entry page of the wizard and click Next, the Review Settings page appears, listing the information you entered.

112 Windows Implementation Guide

Upgrade Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 (Including Service Packs) to the Current Release

10. Review the information and, if it is correct, click Next. Note: To make a change to an entry, click Back as many times as necessary to locate that entry. Then, make the appropriate change, click Next until the Review Settings page appears again, and click Next. The Installation Progress page appears and the progress is displayed. When the installation completes, the Installation Complete page appears. The installation and migration process can take from one hour to many hours, depending upon the database type and the amount of data to migrate. 11. Click Finish. The upgrade is complete. Note: See the post-upgrade tasks before restarting Unicenter AutoSys JM. Note: To verify the upgrade status, execute autoflags -i. If the upgrade is successful, the build number is displayed. For information about the build number, see the Readme.

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 113

Post-Upgrade Tasks

Post-Upgrade Tasks
You must run the appropriate database script after completing the upgrade procedure for a server installation. No post-upgrade tasks are required for a Client or Agent-only installation. Important! You must run the following scripts from the Unicenter AutoSys JM command prompt. For SQL Server, use the osql utility to run the database script file as follows:
osql -Usa -P password -S server_name -d database_name -i %AUTOSYS%\dbobj\MSQ\autosys-mdb-patch-servicepacknumber.sql

servicepacknumber Specifies the current number of the Unicenter AutoSys JM service pack. For example, for Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 SP4, the file name must be autosys-mdb-patch-SP4.sql. For Oracle, use the sqlplus utility to run the database script file as follows:
sqlplus sys/password@server_name as SYSDBA @%AUTOSYS%\dbobj\ORA\autosys-mdbpatch-servicepacknumber.sql

Note: You may have to exit from the sql prompt. For Sybase, use the isql utility to run the database script file as follows:
isql -U sa -P password -S server_name -D database_name -i %AUTOSYS%\dbobj\SYB\autosys-mdb-patch-servicepacknumber.sql

Configure CA EEM After an Upgrade

You must configure CA EEM in the following situations: You upgraded a server instance. The Unicenter AutoSys JM security policies are created as part of the upgrade.

Note: This procedure applies to the server only. No post-upgrade tasks are required for a Client or Agent-only installation. Important! You do not have to perform this procedure for new installations of this release.

114 Windows Implementation Guide

Post-Upgrade Tasks

To configure CA EEM 1. Open a browser and go to the following web site: http:\\localhost:5250\spin\eiam localhost Specifies the IP address or host name of the computer where CA EEM is installed. The CA EEM login page appears. 2. Select UnicenterAutoSysJM from the Application drop-down list, enter EiamAdmin in the User Name field and the appropriate password in the Password field, and click Log In. The CA EEM web interface opens. The Home tab is displayed by default. 3. In the Identity and Access Management Quick Start dialog, click Configure. The Configure pane appears. 4. Click Applications. The Applications pane appears. 5. Click UnicenterAutoSysJM. The Application Instance pane appears. 6. In the Resource Classes dialog, locate as-appl, and do the following: a. Enter read in the Add action field, and click the plus sign. The read action is added to the as-appl class and displayed in the text box. b. Enter write in the Add action field, and click the plus sign. The write action is added to the as-appl class and displayed in the text box. 7. In the Resource Classes dialog, locate as-group, and do the following: a. Enter read in the Add action field, and click the plus sign. The read action is added to the as-group class and displayed in the text box. b. Enter write in the Add action field, and click the plus sign. The write action is added to the as-group class and displayed in the text box. 8. Click Save. The changes are saved. 9. Click the Manage Access Policies tab. The Manage Access Policies pane appears.

Chapter 7: Upgrading to the Current Release 115

Post-Upgrade Tasks

10. Under the as-appl and as-group resource classes, select the check box next to the read and write actions as appropriate, and click Save. The policy changes are saved, and CA EEM is configured. The actions that have a selected check box are enabled. 11. Click Log out. Your CA EEM web session ends.

116 Windows Implementation Guide

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually

Note: This chapter is relevant to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, and 4.5.1 only. If you bypassed the database migration when upgrading your components, follow the appropriate migration procedures in this chapter for your existing release of the database. Important! Complete the data migration to the current release before starting any Unicenter AutoSys JM service. This section contains the following topics: Migration Utility (see page 118) Pre-Migration Considerations (see page 119) Locating the TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number (see page 120) Determining the Native JDBC JAR Path (see page 122) Downloading Database JAR Files (see page 122) Migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Database (see page 123) Stop the Migration Utility (see page 126)

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually 117

Migration Utility

Migration Utility
Unlike previous releases, the database schema for this release is uniquely identified in a large MDB that includes the schemas of many CA products. All Unicenter AutoSys JM tables have been prefixed with ujo_. For example, the job_cond table in Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, and 4.5.1 is renamed ujo_job_cond in this release. Additionally, the schema for this release includes new tables and new columns in existing tables, and was updated to delete unneeded tables. As a result of these changes, the process of upgrading data from previous releases to this release requires a migration process that retrofits the old data into the corresponding new table names. The migration utility, which comprises a single JAR file on the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation media, is written in Java using the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API. The utility is contained in a single JAR file included with the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation. This utility will migrate data in the following instances:

From 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Schema Sybase 11.9.2, 11.9.3, 12.0, or 12.5 MS SQL 7, 2000, or 2005 Oracle 8.17, 9.2, or 10g

To the Current Schema Sybase 12.5.2 or 15.0 MS SQL 2000, 2005, or 2008 Oracle 9.2, 10g, or 11g

Note: For more information about supported database versions, check the CA Workload Automation Support web page at http://ca.com/support. The Unicenter AutoSys JM migration utility is invoked by a Perl script which takes a file name as a parameter. The input file contains the list of parameters that specify the credentials of the source database (the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 instance) and the target database (the current Unicenter AutoSys JM instance). You can invoke the utility from the computer that the current instance is installed on. Because the utility is based on JDBC, it does not mandate the existence of database-specific client/server software on the machines. Note: The migration utility migrates the data to only one Event Server at a time. If you want to run Unicenter AutoSys JM in Dual Event Server mode, you must do one of the following after you migrate the data to one Event Server: Run the autobcp script to synchronize the Event Servers before you start the Unicenter AutoSys JM services. This is the recommended method. Run the migration utility manually to migrate the data to the second Event Server.

118 Windows Implementation Guide

Pre-Migration Considerations

Pre-Migration Considerations
The following information should be considered before starting the migration process: Because the migration utility is written in Java, migrating large amounts of data will take a considerable amount of time. You should schedule invocation of the migration utility accordingly. We recommend archiving old information from the database using archive_events on the old instance before invoking the migration utility. This will reduce the amount of data that needs to be migrated and will be more time-efficient. Superuser information will not be migrated from older releases. The current release uses eTrust IAM for security and the use of Superusers is deemphasized. However, you can still use the autosys_secure utility in the current release to set up Superuser information. We recommend creating a new parameter file using the one supplied with the installation, to ensure that you have the correct information for your migration. When the migration is complete, delete the parameter file or change the Unicenter AutoSys JM user password in the parameter file to avoid a security exposure on the Unicenter AutoSys JM user password which is stored in ASCII format. The source database remains intact during the migration process with the exception of Oracle. In the case of Oracle, the autosys.send_event stored procedure will be dropped from the database when the source database is same as target database. The DBA must remove the old database instance after migration is complete. We recommend gathering the following data before invoking the migration utility. You will need this information to complete the migration utility parameter file. TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number Native JDBC JAR Path Database JAR File

More information: Locating the TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number (see page 120) Downloading Database JAR Files (see page 122)

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually 119

Locating the TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number

Locating the TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number

The TCP/IP database listener port numbers are required during the migration process to complete the migration utility parameter file, based on your installation. The port numbers facilitate communications across database instances.

Locate the TCP/IP Port for Oracle

Default port number: 1521 To find the TCP/IP port for Oracle, open the tnsnames.ora file typically located in %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin. Locate the following parameter:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host.domain.com)(PORT = 1521))

120 Windows Implementation Guide

Locating the TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number

Locate the TCP/IP Port for Microsoft SQL Server

Default port number: 1433 To find the TCP/IP port where your instance of SQL Server is listening 1. 2. Start SQL Query Analyzer, and connect to the instance of SQL Server. Run the following Transact-SQL statement in SQL Query Analyzer:
Use master Go Xp_readerrorlog

The Results pane appears. 3. Locate the following text: SQL server listening on X.X.X.X: Y X.X.X.X Indicates the IP address of the instance of SQL Server. Y Indicates the TCP/IP port where SQL Server is listening. Example: SQL TCP/IP port SQL server listening on 1433 Indicates the IP address of the SQL Server. 1433 Indicates the TCP/IP port where the instance of SQL Server is listening.

Locate the TCP\IP Port for Sybase

Default port number: 6324 To find the TCP/IP port for Sybase, open the sql.ini file for Adaptive Server Enterprise. The default location is %SYBASE%\ini\sql.ini. Locate the following database entry:
[AUTOSYSDB] MASTER=NLWNSCK,machine1,6324 QUERY=NLWNSCK,machine1,6324

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually 121

Determining the Native JDBC JAR Path

Determining the Native JDBC JAR Path

You must use the NATIVEJDBCJARPATH command in the parameter file to specify the JAR file path for the Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle database types. The following table lists native JDBC JAR files and their example sample paths. Sybase: Sybase jConnect for JDBC Version 6.0 JDBC JAR jconn3.jar Example Path C:\sybaseASE15.0\jConnect-6_0\classes\jconn3.jar

SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Drivers JDBC JAR qljdbc.jar Example Path C:\Program Files\MSSQL 2005 JDBC\MicrosoftSQLServer2005JDBCDrivers\sqljdbc_1.0\enu \sqljdbc.jar

Oracle: Oracle Database 10g JDBC Drivers JDBC JAR classes12.jar Example Path C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar

Note: The migration utility needs access to these JAR files so it can perform the migration. Ensure that these sets of drivers are installed and accessible on the installation before proceeding with the migration. The example paths are for illustrative purposes and may not be the same on every installation.

Downloading Database JAR Files

If you do not have the database vendor JAR file installed, you can download the respective JAR files for each database vendor. Follow the installation instructions as specified by each vendor. Contact the specific vendor for any licensing requirements.

122 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Database

Migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Database

If you bypassed the automatic database migration when you upgraded to the current release, you must run the migration utility before you can use your new Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. Important! Complete the data migration to the current release before starting any Unicenter AutoSys JM service. To migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 database 1. 2. 3. Open the Unicenter AutoSys JM Instance command prompt. Stop the Scheduler and Application Server. Change to the dbobj directory using the following command:
cd %AUTOSYS%\dbobj\DataMover


Run the uajmdatamover.pl utility using the following command:

perl uajmdatamover.pl paramfile

The paramfile contains the following parameters. Complete the appropriate details based on your installation before invoking the perl script. SRCDBTYPE Defines the source database type. Limits: This value can be one of the following: sybase mssql oracle

SRCDBMACHINE Defines the source database computer. SRCDBNAME Defines the source database name. SRCDBPORT Defines the source database port. (that is, the TCP/IP listener port for the database). SRCDBUSER Defines the source database Unicenter AutoSys JM user. SRCDBPWD Defines the source database Unicenter AutoSys JM password.

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually 123

Migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Database

TGTDBTYPE Defines the target database type. Limits: This value can be one of the following: sybase mssql oracle

TGTDBMACHINE Defines the target database machine. TGTDBNAME Defines the target database name. TGTDBPORT Defines the target database port. (that is, the TCP/IP listener port for the database). TGTDBUSER Defines the target database Unicenter AutoSys JM user. TGTDBPWD Defines the target database Unicenter AutoSys JM password. NATIVEJDBCJARPATH Defines a Sybase, SQL Server, or Oracle JDBC JAR Path JREPATH Defines the JRE root path. Note: The migration utility requires JRE 1.4.2_09, which is installed by default with Unicenter AutoSys JM. Example Path on Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\JRE\1.4.2_09

124 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrate a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5.1 Database

VERIFY Specifies whether to verify the source and target credentials. Limits: This value can be one of the following: yes Tests the source and target credentials and prints a message if the verification test is successful, but does not proceed with the migration. This lets you verify that the input parameters for the source and target databases are correct and perform the data migration later. no Continues the migration process without verifying the source and target credentials. TRUNCATEDATA Specifies whether to copy only the first 255 characters to the RESPONSE column in the ujo_alarm table in the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 database if the data in the RESPONSE column in the alarm table in the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.x database is more than 255 characters. Limits: This value can be one of the following: yes Copies only the first 255 characters from the RESPONSE column in the alarm table in the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.x database to the RESPONSE column in the ujo_alarm table in the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 database. no Exits the migration process if the RESPONSE column in the ujo_alarm table in the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 database contains more than 255 characters. The data is not migrated. This is the default. Note: If you migrate the database during upgrade, the database migration fails if the data in the RESPONSE column in the alarm table in the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.x database is more than 255 characters. So, we recommend that you upgrade without data migration by clearing the Data Migration check box. You must perform the data migration manually after the upgrade. The migration utility completes the migration. When the migration is successful, the command prompt returns with a timestamp message.

Chapter 8: Migrating the Database Manually 125

Stop the Migration Utility


Start the Scheduler using the Unicenter AutoSys JM Administrator, run autosys_secure to set the Superuser information, and verify that the migration was successful. Superuser information will not be migrated from prior releases. The current release uses eTrust IAM for security and the use of Superusers is deemphasized. Note: The Scheduler adjusts Unicenter AutoSys JM information in the migrated database. You must run the Scheduler at least once before you run any other Unicenter AutoSys JM processes.

Stop the Migration Utility

If for some reason you need to break out of the migration utility, you may do so at any time during the migration process. To stop the migration utility 1. Press Ctrl+C while the utility is running. The following message appears: User Interrupt Encountered. AutoSys Database Not Migrated. Please rerun the utility. Exiting... 2. Re-invoke the utility to start the migration process again.

126 Windows Implementation Guide

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration

This chapter describes how to migrate your security policy from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM. This section contains the following topics: Requirements (see page 127) Security Policy Changes from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 (see page 128) Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM (see page 131)

The migration requires the following files: antl.jar se2xml.jar AutoSys.xsl PostRegex.xsl selang2eiam.xsl

These files are included with the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation and are located in the IAMMigrate subdirectory of the UnicenterAutoSysJM directory. The following tools are used to migrate your existing eTrust AC policy to eTrust IAM: Unicenter AutoSys JM as_safetool Utility Installs the default policies for all the instances that have eTrust AC security policies associated with them. Unicenter AutoSys JM installs the as_safetool utility. eTrust IAM safex Utility Imports the final generated XML file containing the migrated policies to the eTrust IAM back-end server. Note: The safex utility is only available on a computer on which the eTrust IAM back-end server is installed. This utility is located in the iTechnology directory in the SharedComponents directory at the same level as the UnicenterAutoSysJM directory.

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 127

Security Policy Changes from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Runs the Java commands that are part of the migration policy. The Unicenter AutoSys JM installation installs the JRE in the SharedComponents directory at the same level as the UnicenterAutoSysJM directory. To verify that the java command works, make sure the PATH environment variable gets updated to include the location of the java binary, and run the following command:
java -version

Security Policy Changes from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1

This section describes the changes to the security policy implementation in the current release. You must apply these changes to an eTrust AC policy as part of the migration process before you import the policies to eTrust IAM.

Deprecated Security Classes and Resources

The following security classes and resources are deprecated in this release: The as-view resource class has been deprecated and is not imported. The following as-control resources have been deprecated and are not imported: Resources ending with _ON, _OFF Resources beginning with WEBADM

The following as-list resources have been deprecated and are not imported: Resources beginning with AUTOCONS Resources beginning with JOBDEF Resources beginning with XPERT

eTrust AC Default Resource

In Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 and 4.5.1, every eTrust AC resource class contains a default resource (with the name _default) defining the security policy for assets that do not have a matching policy. For the current release, the default resource does not exist. Therefore, the migration process converts the eTrust AC default resources to an equivalent eTrust IAM policy for assets with no matching policies.

128 Windows Implementation Guide

Security Policy Changes from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1

Resource Naming Convention

In Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 and 4.5.1, eTrust AC resource names that were created for all resource classes (except as-owner) were written as the protected asset name followed by a period followed by the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance (<asset>.<instance>). For the current release, the order of the protected asset name and Unicenter AutoSys JM instance in the eTrust IAM resource name has been reversed (<instance>.<asset>). Therefore, the migration process applies the following conversion rules to the resource names in all classes, except as owner: <asset>.<instance> becomes <instance>.<asset> <asset>.* becomes *.<asset> <asset>* becomes *.<asset>*

Note: The migration process relies on the eTrust AC resource name following the syntax <asset>.<instance> to detect the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. For example, the migration process will not properly convert an eTrust AC resource name with the syntax <asset>*<instance> with no period.

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 129

Security Policy Changes from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1

Asterisks in Resource Names

In Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 and 4.5.1, eTrust AC resource names may contain multiple asterisks (*) to form simple regular expressions. In the current release, by default, eTrust IAM can only interpret asterisks in resource names if they are located in the first or last position. Asterisks in positions other than the first or last character are treated literally and not as special characters. For a resource name containing additional asterisks to be treated as a regular expression, you must set the policy's regular expression attribute. Policies with the regular expression attribute support simple regular expressions with syntax and semantics similar to the Perl 5 language. The final step of the migration process scans the converted eTrust IAM policies for resource names containing asterisks in positions other than first or last. If such a policy is found, the regular expression attribute of the policy is set and every asterisk in the resource name is prefixed with a period to conform to a Perl 5 regular expression. Therefore, the migration process applies the following conversion rules to the resource names after the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 resource names are converted to their equivalents in the current release: *[asset] remains unchanged [asset]* remains unchanged *[asset]* remains unchanged [asset]*[asset] becomes regular expression policy [asset].*[asset] *[asset]*[asset] becomes regular expression policy .*[asset].*[asset] [asset]*[asset]* becomes regular expression policy [asset].*[asset].* *[asset]*[asset]* becomes regular expression policy .*[asset].*[asset].*

130 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Typically, a security policy definition in an enterprise consists of the following: User and group definitions Access level definitions of resources for the users and groups

Therefore, to migrate security policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM, you must do the following: 1. 2. 3. Migrate users and groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM. (Optional) Migrate global users and groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM. Migrate individual resource policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM.

Note: The migration of all users and groups must take place independently of the migration of the individual policies.

How to Migrate Users and Groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

In eTrust AC, users and groups are represented by a script file containing specific commands written in selang, the eTrust AC command language. In eTrust IAM, users and groups are represented by an XML file using specific eTrust IAM XML tags. The migration process involves obtaining the eTrust AC users and groups from the selang file and translating them to an XML file containing equivalent eTrust IAM users and groups. The resulting XML file is imported to the eTrust IAM back-end server. To migrate users and groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM, you must perform the following tasks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Export eTrust AC users and groups to a selang file (see page 134). Convert the selang file to a selang XML file (see page 135). Convert the selang XML file to an eTrust IAM XML file (see page 139). Import the final eTrust IAM XML file to the eTrust IAM back-end server (see page 142). Clean up the files (see page 142).

Migrate Global Users and Groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

If you use global users and user groups in your enterprise, you can migrate them to eTrust IAM. Global users and user groups can be shared across all application instances registered with eTrust IAM.

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 131

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

In eTrust AC, users and groups are represented by a script file containing specific commands written in selang, the eTrust AC command language. In eTrust IAM, users and groups are represented by an XML file using specific eTrust IAM XML tags. Users and groups are defined differently in eTrust AC and eTrust IAM. Therefore, the migration process involves getting the eTrust AC users and groups from the selang file and translating them to an XML file containing equivalent eTrust IAM users and groups. When you migrate global users and user groups to eTrust IAM, you must create the XML file manually. That XML file is imported to the eTrust IAM back-end server. Note: You must ensure that the PATH environment variable is updated to include the location of the Java binary. To migrate global users and groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM, do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Export eTrust AC users and groups to a selang file (see page 134). Convert the selang file to a selang XML file (see page 135). Manually create an eTrust IAM XML file for global users and groups from the selang XML file (see page 135). Import the final eTrust IAM XML file to the eTrust IAM back-end server (see page 142). Clean up the files (see page 142).

How to Migrate Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

In eTrust AC, policies are represented by a script file containing specific commands written in selang, the eTrust AC command language. In eTrust IAM, policies are represented by an XML file using specific eTrust IAM XML tags. The migration process involves obtaining the subset of eTrust AC security policies used by Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 and 4.5.1 and translating them to an XML file containing equivalent policies for the current release. The resulting XML file is imported to the eTrust IAM back-end server. These steps are necessary because of the differences in the policy evaluation of the two security engines as well as changes in the resource naming convention between Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 and 4.5.1 and the current release. To migrate security policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM, you must perform the following tasks: 1. 2. 3. 4. Register Unicenter AutoSys JM instances with the eTrust IAM back-end server (see page 133). Export eTrust AC policy to a selang file (see page 134). Convert the selang file to a selang XML file (see page 135). Convert the selang XML file to an eTrust IAM XML file (see page 139).

132 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

5. 6. 7. 8.

Apply security policy changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 policies (see page 140). Apply regular expression resource name changes to policies for the current release (see page 141). Import the final eTrust IAM XML file to the eTrust IAM back-end server (see page 142). Clean up the files (see page 142).

Register Unicenter AutoSys JM Instances with the eTrust IAM Back-end Server
The Unicenter AutoSys JM as-safetool command is used to register Unicenter AutoSys JM instances with the eTrust IAM back-end server. You must individually register the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance names that are represented in the eTrust AC policies with the eTrust IAM back-end server. To register Unicenter AutoSys JM instances with the eTrust IAM backend server 1. 2. Open a Unicenter AutoSys JM command prompt. Use the set command to set the ASSAFETOOLPW environment variable to the password of the EiamAdmin user, the back-end server administrative account, before running the as_safetool command. Enter the following command at the command prompt:
as_safetool -b <host name of the eIAM backend server> -s


A list of Unicenter AutoSys JM instances that are already registered with the eTrust IAM back-end server appear. 4. Enter the following batch command for each Unicenter AutoSys JM instance that is represented in the eTrust AC policy, but is not part of the list derived from the previous step:
as_safetool -b <host name of the eIAM backend server> -i <Unicenter AutoSys JM instance>

The Unicenter AutoSys JM instance is registered with the eTrust IAM backend server. Note: The as_safetool command installs some default eTrust IAM policies for each Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. We recommend that you review these policies and update them accordingly.

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 133

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Export eTrust AC Users and Groups to a selang File

eTrust AC provides dbmgr utility to export the necessary users and groups into a script file containing the selang commands required to duplicate the database. Note: For more information about how to use the dbmgr utility to export users and groups into a selang file, see the eTrust Access Control Reference Guide.

Export eTrust AC Policy to a selang File

After registering the instances with the eTrust IAM back-end server, you must export all of the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 resources from eTrust AC into a script file containing the selang commands required to duplicate the database. You must export resources only from the following user-defined classes: as-calendar as-control as-cycle as-gvar as-job as-list as-machine as-owner

eTrust AC provides the dbmgr utility to export the necessary resources into a script file containing the selang commands required to duplicate the database. Note: For more information about how to use the dbmgr utility to export resources from the listed classes into a selang file, see the eTrust Access Control Reference Guide.

134 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Convert the selang File to a selang XML File

JRE is required to convert the selang file to a selang XML file. You must identify the selang commands from the exported file created in the previous steps and generate an equivalent XML file containing the selang commands as XML tags. After the script file is converted to an XML file, you can use an XML parser to translate the eTrust AC XML tags to the equivalent eTrust IAM XML tags. Note: Make sure the PATH environment variable is updated to include the location of the java binary. To convert the selang file to a selang XML file, go to the IAMMigrate subdirectory of the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation path and enter the following command:
java -jar se2xml.jar exported_selang_file_name

exported_selang_file_name Defines the name of the selang file. This command generates an XML file with the name exported_selang_file_name.xml.

Manually Create an eTrust IAM XML File for Global Users and Groups from the selang XML File
To migrate global users and groups from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM, you must generate one or more XML files containing the users and user groups defined in the selang XML tags. To manually create an eTrust IAM XML file for global users and groups from the selang XML file 1. 2. Create an eTrust IAM XML file. Add the following lines to the file:
<Safex> <Attach /> <Add>


To define a global user, add the following lines:

<GlobalUser folder="root_path_to_CA_EEM_server" name="user_name"> <user_attribute>attribute_value</user_attribute> <user_attribute>attribute_value</user_attribute> <user_attribute>attribute_value</user_attribute> ... </GlobalUser>

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 135

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

user_attribute Specifies an attribute for the user. Options are the following: UserName GroupMembership FirstName MiddleName LastName EmailAddress Alias Department DisplayName HomePhoneNumber WorkPhoneNumber MobilePhoneNumber FaxPhoneNumber Address City State PostalCode Country Office Company PasswordDigest IncorrectLoginCount SuspendDate DisableDate EnableDate Description Comments JobTitle MailStop

136 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

4. 5.

Repeat Step 3 for each additional global user you want to define. To define a global user group, add the following lines:
<GlobalUserGroup folder="root_path_to_CA_EEM_server" name="group_name"> <group_attribute>attribute_value</group_attribute> <group_attribute>attribute_value</group_attribute> <group_attribute>attribute_value</group_attribute> ... </GlobalUserGroup>

group_attribute Specifies an attribute for the group. Options are the following: 6. 7. GroupMembership Description

Repeat Step 5 to for each global user group you want to define. Add the following lines to the end of the file:
</Add> </Safex>


Save the XML file. The eTrust IAM XML file is created.

Example: Create an XML File for a Global User This example defines a user XML file for global user johndoe. This file contains all the user attributes that you can use.
<Safex> <Attach /> <Add> <GlobalUser folder="/" name="johndoe"> <UserName>doejo33</UserName> <GroupMembership>Administrators</GroupMembership> <FirstName>john</FirstName> <MiddleName>dennis</MiddleName> <LastName>doe</LastName> <EmailAddress>jdoe@example.com</EmailAddress> <Alias>jdoe</Alias> <Department>accounting</Department> <DisplayName>John D Doe</DisplayName> <HomePhoneNumber>718-264-8966</HomePhoneNumber> <WorkPhoneNumber>508-628-7076</WorkPhoneNumber> <MobilePhoneNumber>508-593-0963</MobilePhoneNumber> <FaxPhoneNumber>508-628-2319</FaxPhoneNumber> <Address>331 Main St</Address> <Address>Jones Building</Address>

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 137

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

<Address>Suite 3200</Address> <Address>Acme Corp.</Address> <City>Smallville</City> <State>Quebec</State> <PostalCode>H4M2X4</PostalCode> <Country>Canada</Country> <Office>C-42</Office> <Company>Acme</Company> <PasswordDigest>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</PasswordDigest> <IncorrectLoginCount>0</IncorrectLoginCount> <SuspendDate>0</SuspendDate> <DisableDate>0</DisableDate> <EnableDate>0</EnableDate> <Description>Working in Finance</Description> <Comments>12 month temp</Comments> <JobTitle>Billing Manaeger</JobTitle> <MailStop>C-42-2-12</MailStop> </GlobalUser> </Add> </Safex>

Example: Create an XML File for Global User Groups This example defines a user group XML file for global user groups Staff and Administrator. This file contains all the user group attributes that you can use.
<Safex> <Attach /> <Add> <GlobalUserGroup folder="/" name="Staff"> <Description>Staff group description</Description> </GlobalUserGroup> <GlobalUserGroup folder="/" name="Administrators"> <GroupMembership>Staff</GroupMembership> <Description>Administrator group description</Description> </GlobalUserGroup> </Add> </Safex>

138 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Convert the selang XML File to an eTrust IAM XML File

JRE is required to convert the selang XML file to an eTrust IAM XML file. An XML parser is used to identify the eTrust AC tags from the XML file created in the previous step, and generate an XML file containing the equivalent eTrust IAM tags. Note: Make sure the PATH environment variable is updated to include the location of the java binary. To convert the selang XML file to a Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 eTrust IAM XML file, go to the IAMMigrate subdirectory of the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation path and enter the following command:
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN exported_selang_file_name.xml -XSL selang2eiam.xsl -OUT eIAM_file_name.xml -PARAM ApplicationName UnicenterAutoSysJM -PARAM PoliciesFolder eIAM_backend_server_policy_folder_name

exported_selang_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the selang XML file. eIAM_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the eTrust IAM XML file. eIAM_backend_server_policy_folder_name Specifies the path on the eTrust IAM back-end server where the policies will be imported. Limits: You must precede this value with a slash. For example, /MigratedPolicies. This command generates an XML file with the name eIAM_file_name.xml.

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 139

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Apply Security Policy Changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 Policies

JRE is required to convert the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 eTrust IAM XML file to an eTrust IAM XML file for the current release. The XML file created in the previous step represents a direct conversion of the Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 policies from the selang command language to eTrust IAM XML. You must apply the security policy changes required to work with the current release. Note: Make sure the PATH environment variable is updated to include the location of the java binary. To apply security policy changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 policies in the eTrust IAM XML file, go to the IAMMigrate subdirectory of the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation path and enter the following command:
java -Xmx128M org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN eIAM_file_name.xml -XSL AutoSys.xsl -OUT AutoSys_r11_eIAM_file_name.xml

eIAM_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the eTrust IAM XML file. AutoSys_r11_eIAM_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the eTrust IAM XML file. This file contains the policy changes for the current release. This command generates an XML file with the name AutoSys_r11_eIAM_file_name.xml.

140 Windows Implementation Guide

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Apply Regular Expression Resource Name Changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 Policies
JRE is required to convert the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 eTrust IAM XML file to an eTrust IAM XML file with regular expression policies for the current release. You must scan the converted eTrust IAM policies for resource names containing asterisks in positions other than the first or last. If such a policy is found, the regular expression attribute of the policy is set and every asterisk in the resource name is prefixed with a period to conform to a Perl 5 regular expression. Note: Make sure the PATH environment variable is updated to include the location of the java binary. To apply regular expression resource name changes to Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 policies in the eTrust IAM XML file, go to the IAMMigrate subdirectory of the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation path and enter the following command:
java -Xmx128M org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN AutoSys_r11_eIAM_file_name.xml -XSL PostRegex.xsl -OUT final_eIAM_file_name.xml

AutoSys_r11_eIAM_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the eTrust IAM XML file. This file contains the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 policy changes. final_eIAM_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the final eTrust IAM XML file. This command generates an XML file with the name final_eIAM_file_name.xml.

Chapter 9: eTrust Identity and Access Management Policy Migration 141

Migrating Security Policies from eTrust AC to eTrust IAM

Import the Final eTrust IAM XML File to the eTrust IAM Back-end Server
The eTrust IAM safex utility is required to import the final eTrust IAM XML file to the eTrust IAM back-end server. This utility is only available on a computer where the eTrust IAM back-end server is installed. The final eTrust IAM XML file, created either by migrating the users and groups or the resource policies, represents the completed conversion from Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 or 4.5.1 policies in the selang command language to policies in eTrust IAM XML for the current release. The final step in the migration process is to import this XML file to the eTrust IAM back-end server. This adds the security policies to the appropriate repository for use by the current release. To import the Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 eTrust IAM XML file to the eTrust IAM back-end server, go to the iTechnology subdirectory of the SharedComponents directory located at the same level as the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation path and enter the following command:
safex -u EiamAdmin -p EiamAdmin_account_password -f final_eIAM_file_name.xml

EiamAdmin_account_password Specifies the password of the EiamAdmin user, the back-end server administrative account with permissions to update the eTrust IAM backend server. final_eIAM_file_name.xml Defines the file name of the final eTrust IAM XML file. Note: The safex utility directs all output to stderr. We recommend that you capture this output and store it to a file so you can examine errors. This command imports the converted eTrust AC policies to the UnicenterAutoSysJM application instance on the eTrust IAM back-end server.

Clean Up the Files

When you finish migrating eTrust AC policies to eTrust IAM, you can safely remove the selang file and all the intermediate XML files created during the previous steps.

142 Windows Implementation Guide

Appendix A: Error Messages

The Unicenter AutoSys JM migration utility uses native database vendor drivers (JAR files) to migrate data. As a result, the errors produced by each vendor driver will be different. The following list of error messages might not be exhaustive. If you receive a message not listed below, resolve the error as applicable and rerun the utility. This section contains the following topics: Generic Messages (see page 143) Sybase Messages (see page 143) SQL Server Messages (see page 145) Oracle Messages (see page 146)

Generic Messages
The following message will result from specifying a database type that is not supported.

Invalid Source/Target Database name specified

Reason: You specified an incorrect SRCDBTYPE or TGTDBTYPE. Valid values are sybase, oracle, or MSSQL. Action: Correct the database type and rerun the utility.

Sybase Messages
The following messages result from specifying incorrect information to the migration utility, or from the Sybase database being inactive.

JZ006: Caught IOException: java.net.UnknownHostException: xxxxxxx

Reason: You specified an incorrect machine name. Action: Correct the source or target machine name and rerun the utility.

Appendix A: Error Messages 143

Sybase Messages

JZ006: Caught IOException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

Reason: You specified an incorrect port number. Action: Correct the source or target port number and rerun the utility.

JZ006: Caught IOException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

Reason: The Sybase service is not running on the computer. Action: Make sure Sybase is running on the computer and rerun the utility.

JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s).
Reason: You specified an incorrect user name or password. Action: Correct the user name or password information and rerun the utility.

JDBC connection class not found. com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver

Reason: You specified incorrect NATIVEJDBCJARPATH information. Action: Correct the NATIVEJDBCJARPATH information for Sybase and rerun the utility. Check the JDBC driver documentation to find the appropriate drivers for Sybase.

144 Windows Implementation Guide

SQL Server Messages

SQL Server Messages

The following messages result from specifying incorrect information to the migration utility, or from the SQL Server database being inactive.

Error establishing socket.

Reason: You specified an incorrect machine name or port number. Action: Correct the source or target machine name or port number and rerun the utility.

Cannot open database requested in login 'xxxxxxxx'. Login fails.

Reason: You specified an incorrect Unicenter AutoSys JM database name. Action: Correct the source or target Unicenter AutoSys JM database name and rerun the utility.

Login failed for user 'xxxxxxxx'.

Reason: You specified an incorrect user name or password. Action: Correct the user name or password information and rerun the utility.

JDBC connection class not found. com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver.

Reason: You specified incorrect NATIVEJDBCJARPATH information. Action: Correct the NATIVEJDBCJARPATH information for SQL Server and rerun the utility. Check the JDBC driver documentation for the appropriate drivers for SQL Server.

Appendix A: Error Messages 145

Oracle Messages

Oracle Messages
The following messages result from specifying incorrect information to the migration utility, or from the Oracle database being inactive.

IO exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection.

Reason: You specified an incorrect computer name or port number. Action: Correct the source or target computer name or port number and rerun the utility.

Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor. The Connection descriptor used by the client was: xxxxxxxx:xxxx:xxxxxxx
Reason: You specified an incorrect Unicenter AutoSys JM database name. Action: Correct the source or target Unicenter AutoSys JM database name and rerun the utility.

ORA-01017 invalid username/password; logon denied

Reason: You specified an incorrect user name or password. Action: Correct the user name or password information and rerun the utility.

JDBC connection class not found. oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

Reason: You specified incorrect NATIVEJDBCJARPATH information. Action: Correct the NATIVEJDBCJARPATH information for Oracle and rerun the utility. Check the JDBC driver documentation for the appropriate drivers for Oracle.

146 Windows Implementation Guide

adding Windows IDs and passwords 89 advanced configuration cross-instance dependencies 61 shadow and tie-breaker schedulers 72 agents computer 17 defined 14 installing 51 pinging 96 verifying 96 application server defined 13 starting 71 stopping 64 autobcpDB script 67 autoping command 96 AUTOSERV variable 18 AUTOSYS variable 18 autosys_secure command 88 autotrack command 98 AUTOUSER variable 18 agent 17 client 17 server 17, 36 configuration advanced 61 cross-instance job dependencies 24, 61 parameters 18 conventions 129 cross-instance configuration 24, 61 dependencies 24, 61 custom installation 53

database connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 23 connecting to Oracle 22 connecting to Sybase 21 information 19 synchronizing 66 tracking changes 98 unrecoverable error 28 verify Microsoft SQL Server running 95 verify Oracle running 94 verify Sybase running 93 database connection Microsoft SQL Server 23 Oracle 22 Sybase 21 database properties Oracle 108 Sybase 110 defining superusers 88 deprecated security classes 128 downloading database JAR files 122 DSQUERY environment variable 19 dual event servers defined 27 installation notes 62 installing 63 running 28

CAICCI computers 37 checklists agent 43 client 42 server 37, 44 client computer 17 installing 50 cluster setting up 82 command syntax conventions 11 components agent 14 application server 13 example scenario 15 overview 12 scheduler 14 selecting 35 computers

EDIT superuser 88

Index 147

environment Microsoft SQL Server 20 Oracle 19 parameters 18 Sybase 19 variables 18 verifying 97 environment variables DSQUERY 19 ORACLE_HOME 19 SYBASE 19 error messages generic 143 MSSQL 145 Oracle 146 Sybase 143 eTrust AC default resource 128 eTrust IAM policy migration 127 event servers associating two event servers 65 configuring 64 defined 13 error 28 information 19 single mode 28 EXEC superuser 88

repairing 59 running setup program 47 selecting components 35 server 48 testing 92, 97 installation considerations 34 instances cross-instance configuration 24, 61 cross-instance dependencies 61 defined 17 multiple 23 interface components 16

jobs configuring 61

Microsoft SQL Server database connection 23 information 20 verifying 95 migrating defined 117 manually 117 pre-migration considerations 119 migration utility stopping 126 modify existing installation adding features 56 adding instance 57 deleting instance 58

gathering installation information 37

handling errors 68 high availability configuring 76 dual event servers 79 options 26

Oracle database connection 22 environment 19 location of files 19 SQL*Net V2 19 TNS names file 19 tnsnames.ora file 19 variables 19 verifying 94 ORACLE_HOME environment variable 19

identifying computers CAICCI 37 client and agent 36 server 36 installable components 35 installation agent 51 client 50 considerations 34 gathering information 37

post-installation procedures 45

148 Windows Implementation Guide

resource naming convention 129 running setup program 47

schedulers defined 14 restoring primary 75 starting 70, 91 stopping 63, 92 security policy changes 128 selecting components 35 sendevent command 92 server checklist 37, 44 computer 17, 36 installing 48 instance 13 setting automatic tracking level 98 shadow scheduler defined 29 installation notes 73 installing 74 running 30 specifying cross-instance job dependencies 25 SQL*Net V2 19 superuser adding EDIT and EXEC 88 Sybase database connection 21 DSQUERY variable 19 environment variables 19 interfaces file 19 SQL.INI file 19 verifying 93 synchronizing databases 66 system requirements 33

running 101 tie-breaker scheduler installation notes 73 installing 74 overview 30 TNS names configuration file 19 tnsnames.ora file 19

unattended installation 54 upgrade considerations 104 post-upgrade tasks 114 process overview 105 to current version 103, 106, 112 using asterisks 130

Windows environment 18 user IDs and passwords 89

TCP/IP Database Listener Port Number defined 120 Microsoft SQL Server 121 Oracle 120 Sybase 121 test job creating 99

Index 149

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