Prelim STS
Prelim STS
Prelim STS
5. In 19th Century
2. analyse the difference between the different periods involved in the development
of Science and Technology; and
3. synthesize and create their own definition of Science and Technology based on
the discussion on this unit.
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The development of science and technology has gone so far, tracing how it all began
would give us a better idea on how it has developed since then and what are the
significant changes that has happened throughout time. By looking back at the
history of science and technology, we will be able to determine its progression
Here are some of the development in science and technology during the ancient
period (Goddard, 2010):
ca 20,000 The wooden bow and arrow are used in Spain and Saharan Africa. People
in Southern Europe use sewing needles made from bone.
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ca 8,000 The Folsom people living on eastern side of the Poe's Mountains develop
sophisticated tools.
ca 1000 The Chinese begin writing on bamboo or paper made from bark.
ca 1,000,000 Homo erectus begins chipping flakes of stones to sharpen for tools.
ca 1,000,000 Homo erectus uses antlers to create tools for cutting and drilling.
ca 15,000 in Africa, bone harpoons (barbed spears) are used for fishing.
ca 6000 The world's first known city is built by the people of Catal Huyuk in Anatolia
(modern Turkey).
ca 1200 The Egyptians dig a canal to join the Nile River to the Red Sea.
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The Medieval Period also known as “Dark Ages” is considered to be one of the
creative periods in the history of humans and said to be the start of the first industrial
revolution. The term “Dark Ages” came up because there are few written records
remained from the said era. There are very little evidence that will support that there
was progress in the society during the periods 500 to 1500.
In the years immediately after the fall of Rome, there was a period of
readjustment, where medieval society was more concerned with keeping peace and
empire building than nurturing centers of learning. Despite this, Charlemagne (742-
814) a medieval emperor who ruled Western Europe in 800-814, tried to establish a
scholastic tradition. The later Middle Ages (around 1250-1500 A.D.) saw
advancements in the philosophy of science and the refinement of the scientific
method. Far from being a backwards-medieval society, overshadowed by Islam and
Byzantium, scholasticism acted as a nucleus for the Renaissance and the
This was the time for discovering great new inventions in science and
technology. There were greater advancement in technology and adaptation of
Eastern technologies in the West, including the invention of vertical windmills,
spectacles, mechanical clocks, greatly improved water mills, building techniques like
the Gothic style, and three-field crop rotation.
One of the greatest inventions during the Middle Ages was the printing press
of Johannes Gutenberg (ca. 1395-1468) in the 15th century. It was Gutenberg who
made printing mechanized. The invention of the printing press itself obviously, owed
much to the medieval paper press, in turn modeled after the ancient wine-and-olive
press of the Mediterranean area. A long handle was used to turn a heavy wooden
screw, exerting downward pressure against the paper, which was laid over the type
mounted on a wooden platen. In its essentials, the wooden press reigned supreme
for more than 300 years, with a hardly varying rate of 250 sheets per hour printed on
one side.
Note: A video clip on this topic (will serve as enrichment item) is available in
the Google classroom.
People rely on their hands in doing labor works even before the machines
have emerged after a century that significantly increases of production output. The
phenomenal process in the transfer of doing work by human hands and feet to the
use of machines was called The Industrial Revolution.
It began in Great Britain and spread across Europe, America, and even Asia
from 1760 to 1840. It was a fundamental change in the way goods were produced
and altered the way people lived. The Industrial Revolution was a time of scientific
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One of the major setbacks of the Industrial Revolution was skilled workers
were set aside because operation of new machines were used. The companies also
hired women and children increasingly which cost lower than of the skilled workers.
Manual/physical labor was changed into machine operated devices, even
tradesperson replaced the craftsrmen and the applied scientists replaced the
amateur inventors.
Aside from these, three important technologies formed the foundations of the
first Industrial Revolution namely, iron production, steam engine, and textiles.
The steam engine has been around but later on improved by Scottish James
Watt (1736-1819) and other investors after 1778. It was used to run machines and
made a major contribution to the first Industrial Revolution. The steam-powered
machine was improved gradually and was adapted for many uses and the use of
more complex machinery was made possible. The development and refinement of
machine tools by British engineers Henry Maudslay (1771-1831) and Joseph
Whitworth (1803-1887) played a key and crucial part in the later phase of the first
Industrial Revolution as machine tool technology enabled standardized
manufacturing machines to be fabricated.
Note: A video clip on this topic (will serve as enrichment item) is also available
in the Google classroom.
In the 19th century, witnessed the rise of modern industry, from agriculture to
industrial manufacturing and technology-intensive services. An unending stream of
new products turned out by factories employing radically new technologies, skills,
and organization drove this emerging modern world.
Based on the Gregorian calendar, 19th century lasted from 1801 to 1900. The
invention of useable electricity, steel, and petroleum products led into a second
Industrial Revolution during the 19th century. This century was considered to be the
age of machine tools. Tools were made for tools; machines were made for other parts
of another machine.
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of Energy in 1847. In 1851, he invented the ophthalmoscope. In the late 19th century,
physics made great strides.
• Marie Curie (1867-1934) and Pierre Curie (1859-1906) discovered radium in 1898.
In the 19th century, machines in factories were usually operated by steam engines.
At the end of the 19th century, they began to covert to electricity. In the mid-19*
century, railways revolutionized travelling and made travel much faster. Steam
locomotives pulled the carriages.
• Kari Benz (1844-1929) and Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900) made the first cars in
1885 and 1836.
It is not skeptical that the 20 century is one of the most noticeable in the
history of humans for its incomparable technological advances and scientific
discoveries. There were a lot of new technologies made and science discoveries.
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Some of the greatest technological advancement during this period was the
creation of personal computer. In 1971, Intel developed a microprocessor that made
computer smaller, easier to use, and cheaper which replaced the early computers
that were bulky and had a tube-powered behemoths. Computer has become a
dominant tool in the global economy and as a necessity in many homes that until
today we greatly rely on them. Steve Jobs (1955-2011) and Steve Wozniak (1950)
have redefined the meaning of computer by introducing Apple in 1976. While in
connection with the invention of personal computers, the Internet was also created in
1969 for defense-related research known as ARPANet or Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network. It helped us in terms of global communication, gathering
information through searching, conducting business matters and on our everyday
affairs through the World Wide Web which was created in 1989.
One of the breakthroughs during the century was the invention of Artificial
Intelligence that has the capacity for a computer to perform humanlike intellectual
processes and it was later on developed during the 1940's. Modern A.I. features
specially designed computers that can think" similarly to humans. A.I. is also being
used to assist doctors in making medical diagnoses. While there are no any program
or computer existing today that can match the man's full intellectual capacity.
i. Bautista, D.H., N.S. Burce, J.M. Dungo, C.S. Garcia, J.B. Imson, R.A.
Labog, F.J.B. Salazar and J.L. Santos (2018). Science Technology and
Society. MaxCor Pub. House, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines
ii. Goddard, J. (2010). Concise history of science and inventions: An
illustrated Timeline. Washington, D.C., USA: National Geographic Society
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Class A and B: In a group of 2-3 (though you may also have it individually), make a
3 min. (at least 1 minute per question) video clip explaining your creative yet logical
ideas about the following problems.
1. In what period would you like to time travel to make your own invention? Why?
2. Do you think religion will play a big role in the progression of science and
technology? Why or Why not?
3. What do you think are the negative effects of science and technological
Send your work to your respective STS Google classrooms. Deadlines will be
given by your instructors. For class B, inform your instructors if ever you still have to
make arrangements with regard to the internet connection which will affect the
• Presents interesting information (5 pts max.)
• Language is used properly, audible, clear and effectively (5 pts max.)
• Student(s) behave professionally on camera (5 pts max.)
• Student(s) demonstrate thoughtful approach to subject (5 pts max.)
Content Score________out of 20
Technical Aspects
• Camera is stable, smooth movements and pans (5 pts max.)
• Subject is lit and clearly visible (5 pts max.)
• Project was completed in a timely manner (5 pts max.)
Technical aspects Score________out of 15
Total Score__________out of 60
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Have your work be submitted during the schedule to be given by your STS instructor.
In another bond paper, write an explanation on the question “Do you think
religion will play a big role in the progression of science and technology?” (15 pts.)
-GEC 17 Instructors
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Chapter Outline
Historical Background of Science and
Technology in the Philippines
• Pre Spanish Period
• Spanish Colonial Period
• American Period and Post
Commonwealth Era
• Marcos Era
• Fifth Republic
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the historical timeline of science and technology in the Philippines;
2. Analyze the development of science and technology in the Philippines; and
3. Synthesize and create their own understanding on the different periods of the history of
science and technology in the Philippines.
Marcos Era
It was only during the Marcos Presidency where science was given importance. It
was clearly stated by the former President in the Philippine Constitution, amended in
1973, that in term of national development, priority shall be given in the advancement of
science and technology.
In his State of Nation Address, Marcos declared that there is a need for science in
public high school and with the help of Department of Education in partnership from the
National Science Development Board it aims to provide science-teaching equipment for
a period of 4 years.
In 1968, he also recognized that technology was the top reason in economic
development, and gave extra funds to support projects in applied science and science
education. While in 1969, he allotted large amount of war damage funds to private
universities to encourage them to courses that focus on science and technology and
research. In 1970, he emphasized that by upgrading the science curriculum and teaching
equipment is crucial to the science development program.
Furthermore, he declared Presidential Decree No.49, series of 1972 as a support
for promoting the scientific research and invention. Aside from that, one of his greatest
contributions is the establishment of PAGASA which function is to give environmental
protection and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the nation. He also
established the National Academy of Science and Technology in 1976 to have a scientist
whose experts in science and technology.
In 1986, he also established campuses of Philippine Science High School in the
Visayas and Mindanao. It encourages the youth in theses area to choose a career in
science and technology. It also aims to tap the potential students on the said regions.
Fifth Republic
After the term of President Marcos, Corazon Aquino replaced him in the
presidential seat and on her term in 1986, she replaced the National Science and
Technology Authority to Department of Science and Technology (DOST), giving the
science and technology a seat in the government cabinet. It was during the Philippine
Development Plan for the years 1987-1992 where the role of science and technology in
the nature economy was highlighted. In 1990, Sate of Nation Address of President
Corazon Aquino said that science and technology development should be on the top
three priorities of the government to implement the development plan they have made.
In 1998, during President Joseph Estrada’s term, the Internet age was pushed
for the advancement of schools and industry. Then it was under the term of Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo when science and technology reached its golden age.
Numerous laws and projects related to science were made to push technology
forward to increase the economic level of the country like R.A 9367 or the “biofuels” act
that promotes the development and usage of biofuels throughout the country. In 2014,
President Benigno Aquino honors four scientist who gave huge contributions in the
scientific field that geared towards the advancement of science and technology of the
Content/ All content is clearly Almost all content is Only some of the content is Content is minimally
comprehensible comprehensible comprehensible comprehensible
Music Perfectly correlates Does not quite Distracts form content; is too Entirely unrelated and
to and enhances correlate and/or is too overbearing completely
overall content noticeable overbearing
General Includes all required Includes almost all Lacks some required Lacks large amount
pictures as well as required pictures as pictures and or title and of required pictures
title and source well as title and source and title and/or
source source
Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics or None of the graphics
objects used in the objects used in the objects reflect student or objects reflects
collage reflect a degree collage reflect student creativity, but the ideas student creativity.
of student creativity in creativity in their were typical rather
their display. display. than creative.
Design Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size, lacking in design or lacking in design or appropriate size shape.
shape and are placement. There placement. Too much Glue marks evident.
arranged neatly. Care may be a few background is Most of the
has been taken to smudges or glue showing. There are background is
balance the pictures marks. noticeable smudges or showing. It appears
across the area. glue marks. little attention was
Items are glued neatly given to designing the
and securely. collage.
Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not
went into the planning wisely. Student could always used wisely. used wisely and the
and design of the have put in more time student put in no
collage. It is clear the and effort. additional effort.
student used class time
Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
Theme reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are weak
explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how and illustrate difficulty
every item in the most items in the most items in the understanding how to
collage is related to the collage are related to collage are related to relate items to the
assigned theme. For the assigned theme. the assigned theme. assigned theme.
most items, the For many of the items,
relationship is clear the relationship is clear
without explanation. without explanation.
Presentation The student speaks The student speaks The student somewhat The student does not
clearly, with confidence clearly, with confidence speaks clearly, with speak clearly, without
and poise. Completely and poise. Reasonably confidence and poise. confidence and poise.
conveys message of conveys message of Somewhat conveys Does not convey
collage as it relates to collage as it relates to message of collage as message of collage as
personal style choices. personal style choices. it relates to personal it relates to personal
style choices style choices
Chapter Outline:
1. The Age of Enlightenment
2. Copernican Revolution
3. Darwinian Revolution
4. Freudian Revolution
5. Information Age
6. Mesoamerican Period (1200 B.C. -3rd Century A.D.)
7. Middle East (17th Century)
8. African Revolution
“The most obvious characteristic of science is its application: the fact that, as a consequence of
science, one has a power to do things. And the effect this power has had need hardly be
mentioned. The whole industrial revolution would almost have been impossible without the
development of science.” -Richard P. Feynman
The world is in constant flux. Everything, including all the material things and ideas, may change
accordingly based on the facts which are an output of human curiosity. Seeking answers to human
questions added scientific facts, evidence, and concepts in the network of knowledge understandable by
the man. It means that the more questions asked, the more knowledgeable humans become.
In order for us to enumerate and understand the major shifts in the history of science and
technology, we must be familiar with the most important scientific events that changed and shaped our
society during the time of Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin, and Sigmund Freud. In addition, we
have to study the intellectual changes in Mesoamerica, Middle East, and Africa.
This caused the paradigm shift of how the earth and sun were placed in the
heavens/universe. It is the idea that rejected Ptolemaic model (earth is the
center of the solar system) and proved the heliocentric model (Sun is the
center of the solar system having the earth revolving around it.)
The theories and ideas from ancient thinkers about the natural world and the universe laid a
foundation of how we understand astronomy today. Though there is only a small number of extraordinary
thinkers during the time of antiquity, there is always a divergence of theories and ideas of philosophers
during that time. The fact that the Earth is not the center of the solar system is only one of the results of
scientific revolution. Mathematics was the common tool used by ancient astronomers to explain the
motion of celestial bodies and on the latter combined with actual observations that provided enough
evidences proving that the Sun is the center of the solar system. The remarkable contributions of ancient
astronomers to the development from Geocentric to Heliocentric model of the Universe is listed in table
Table 4.1 Notable contributions of ancient astronomers to the development of the universe
Darwinian Revolution
This has brought a great impact on how people approach Biology forever. This
revolution provided a different than the "theory of Creation". The Darwinian
revolution started when Charles Darwin published his book "The Origin of
Species" that emphasizes that humans are the result of an evolution.
Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) is a biologist who was famously known for his works on
evolution and the process of natural selection. He studied Divinity in Cambridge where he met Adam
Sedgwick (1785- 1873) and the naturalist John Henslow (1796-1861) who brought back his interest in
biology and geology.
With the teaching of the church and the influence of Henslow, Darwin also rejected the idea of
Lamarck that acquired characteristics are inheritable. His faith altered after five years mapping expedition
with the British Army in 1831 headed by Vice-Admiral Robert Fitzroy (1805-1865) of the ship named
H.M.S Beagle. He made observations on diversity of organisms in the Galapagos Islands and adaptation
which laid the foundation to develop his theory of evolution and natural selection.
Evolution, as explained by Darwin, occurs by means of natural selection, in addition, natural
selection might occur because of the following reasons:
a) Overproduction and variation-some species produce many offspring but not all of these will
survive. It means that not all of the offspring do not have the characteristics to survive in the
Freudian Revolution
This theory has started to revolutionize Psychiatry with Sigmund Freud. This
includes the "Freudian Theory of Personality" that involves the human
development contributes to his/her personality and also his "psychoanalysis" that
is the process for achieving proper functioning if a human does not complete
his/her developmental stage.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) explained how human mind works and cure its mild mental
illness. He calls this method psychoanalysis and its main goal is to make unconscious conscious.
He also developed topographical and structural model of the mind to basically explain the sources
of human behavior.
According to the topographical model of Freud, the mind is divided into three regions. These are
the subconscious, preconscious, and conscious mind.
This has been the era in which technology has been prevalent. It is also
known as the Computer Age that has brought so much change on how
are we living today.
People view communication as one of the most important tools in understanding society,
Communication is defined as the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express
or exchange information or to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else. It took a lot of
time for communication to prosper and develop to what is being used today. Along with the development
of technology, the develop to impacts of distance, location, and time were eradicated.
Most of us believe that the beginning of the Information Age is the time when computer was made
available to people since computer is the greatest tool used to access the world wide web. Information
Age, according to Alberts and Papp (1997) in their paper entitled The Information Age: An Anthology on Its
Impact and Consequences, is divided into three modern information revolution: First Modern Information
Revolution, Second Modern Information Revolution and Third Modern Information Revolution.
These are the most important events during the modern information revolution:
It has contributed a lot ideas or discoveries for Archaeology. The temple and
pyramids left a lot about of Architecture that leads us to study
more of it.
The term Mesoamerica comes from the Greek word mesos meaning "in the middle." This
period is characterized by the following civilizations:
Olmecs ((1500 B.C.-400 B.C.)
The top of the society are priests and nobles who lived in ceremonial centers.
Normal people lived in farming villages around the elites.
Carved colossal heads from volcanic rocks as portraits of rulers.
Invented calendar and carved hieroglyphic writing into stone.
The mother culture of Mesoamerica.
Mayans (300 B.C.-900 A.D.)
Developed methods of farming such as shifting agriculture and raised bed farming.
Organized into city-state without political unity but bounded economy.
Developed numbering system including place value and the concept of zero.
The revolutions in the Middle East were a product of the development and
growth of individual nationalism, imperialism, for the efforts to western
and modernize Middle Eastern societies, and to push the declining power
of the Ottoman Empire in the Arab region.
Middle east is a term used to describe a geographic location that extends from Egypt to
Afghanistan where Islam arose. Islam, however, is a religion of right actions, rules, and laws that
began in the 7th century and follows the teachings of Muhammad who was believed by Muslims as the
messenger of God. Islam is also an Arabic word meaning “submission to God”. Islamic rules are
symbolized by five obligatory acts or the five pillars of Islam: Witness(Shahada), worship (salat),
fasting (Sawm), Tithing (Zakat), and Pilgrimage (Hajj). If the Roman Catholic Church has the “Bible”
Islam, on the other hand, also has its holy book called Qur’an (Koran).
Seemingly different to other ancient civilizations like Europe, Isla as religion plays an important
role not only in Arab ways of living but also in the advancement of science. The pursuit of knowledge
is included in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. This practicality of Islam and openness to
embracing knowledge resulted to some advancement in the field of geography, medicine, and
Contributions to Geography
Salat prayers require knowledge in geography to know the direction of the Qublah, i.e., the
direction that should be faced when Muslims pray.
In 1166, Al Idrisi produced very accurate maps including a world map that has continents,
mountains, rivers, and famous cities.
Al-Muqdishi, a geographer, also produced an accurate colored map.
Muslims are great navigators for the expeditions of other countries. Ferdinand Magellan and
Christopher Columbus imported Muslim navigators.
Contributions to Mathematics
Muslims invented symbols to express an unknown quantity.
Made use of zero and decimal system.
Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (early 9th century), one of the first directors of the house
of Wisdom, introduced algebra in solving equation.
Medical Contributions
Arabs made use of human cadaver to study and understand its anatomy and physiology.
Abū-‘Alī al-Husayn ibn-‘Abdallā Ibn-Sīnā or Avicenna (ca. 970-1037) wrote an encyclopedia
of medical knowledge. This work was translated into Latin and was used as a textbook in
Europe up to 17th century.
Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi spearheaded the construction of the first Islamic
Bimaristans (hospital)
Africans like other Eastern civilizations are pioneers of some advancement in science and
technology. They worked independently without any influence of European science. Some remarkable
works of Africans were in the field of mathematics, metallurgy, architecture and engineering,
astronomy, medicine, and navigation. The remarkable contributions of Africans are the following:
Africans made use of the first method of counting.
The modern concepts of mathematics that is globally accepted and used
today in high schools was first developed in Africa.
Used advanced techniques for furnace that made it fuel efficient which was 200 to 400°C
hotter compared to 1600°C-furnace used by the Romans.
Created the building of Zimbabwe and the 11 interconnected rock-hewn churches of
Lalibela in Ethiopia which are considered as wonders of the world.
Observations on Sirius A and B by Dogon people.
Cushitic people used their knowledge of stars and constellations to calculate and
establish an accurate calendar.
Pioneered some medical practices like installation of false teeth, filling of dental cavities,
broken bone setting, bone traction, vaccination, brain surgery, skin grafting, and autopsy.
Made use of plants like the bark of Salix capensis as source of aspirin, kaopectate for
treating diarrhea and Rauwolfia vomitoria as source of reserpine for hypertension and
Built boats in varying sizes with the largest that can carry a load of 80 tons.
Bautista, D., N, Burce, J. Marasigan-Dungo, C. Garcia, J. Imson, R. Labog, F. Salazar and J. Lee-
Santos.2018. Science Technology and Society. Maxcor Publishing House, Inc.
Criteria 7 5 3 1
Objectivity Makes a Makes a detailed Makes a detailed Descriptions are
complete and description of most description of not detailed
detailed of the subject matter some of the or complete.
description of and/or elements seen subject matter
the subject in the photograph. and/or elements
matter and/or seen in the
elements seen photograph.
in the photograph.
Knowledge Provides a Provides a Provides some Summary is not
complete somewhat summary about detailed or
summary of the complete the situation complete.
situation and summary of the and time period
time period situation and shown, and the
shown, and the time period people and
people and shown, and the objects that
objects that people and appear.
appear. objects that
Interpretation Forms a Forms a Relates how the Finds it
reasonable somewhat photograph difficult to
hypothesis reasonable makes him/her interpret the
about what is hypothesis feel personally. meaning of the
viewed in the about what is photograph.
photograph and viewed in the
is able to photograph and
support this is able to
with evidence support this
from the with some
photograph. evidence from
the photograph.
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human
mind is our fundamental resource.
John F. Kennedy
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. discussed the concept of nation building and its importance;
2. explained the relationship between development and nation-building;
3. discussed the role of S & T in the Philippines Nation Building;
4. evaluated the government policies pertaining to S & T in terms of their
contributions to nation-building; and
5. identified actual S & T policies of the government and appraise their impact on
the development of the Filipino nation.
“What shapes the best in us dies when the best education dies! The best in us shall
always be undermined when they that are responsible for shaping the best in us are
always undermined!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will not just
learn books but life!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will not just
learn moral principles, but they shall be living examples of moral principles.
I stand for a different education: a different education where students don’t just
understand what they learn, but practice what they learn with understanding!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will not just
learn about people of different beliefs, culture and backgrounds, but how to live with
people who don’t share common perspective with them and know how to show
their emotions of bitterness and misunderstanding rightly!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will understand
why we all breathe the same air, sleep and wake up each day in the same manner to
continue the journey of life!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will learn with
inspiration even in their desperations!
I stand for a different education: a different education where teachers are seen as
true epitome of education!
I stand for a different education: a different education in which the value of the
teacher is well understood and the teacher is well valued as a treasure!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will not just
learn, but they will reproduce great and noble things with what they learn!
I stand for a different education: a different education where students will understand
the real meaning of integrity and responsibility and with true courage and humility be
that as such!
Education is the spine of every nation! The better the education, the better the nation!
The mediocre the education, the mediocre the nation! A good nation is good because
of how education has shaped the perspective and understanding of the populace! A
nation that does not know where it is heading towards must ask the machine that
produces the populace who drive the nation: education! Until we fix our education,
we shall always have a wrong education and we shall always see a wrong nation!”
Ratnasiri (2006) in her editorial stated “It is a well-established fact that science
and technology impacts all aspects of our lives as well as the planet we live on. The
science and technology induced changes have for the most part benefited mankind
although there is many a case where science and technology-based innovations have
been used for the detriment of mankind, pursued for either wealth and power or both.
It is the responsibility of all concerned to ensure that science and technology is used
wisely to benefit mankind.
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Fagoyinbo (2013) explained that “the word nation is often used synonymously
with state, as in the United Nations. But a state is more properly the governmental
apparatus by which a nation rules itself” (p.411). in approaching the question of
nation- building, and its relationship to state-building, it is important to keep in mind
that this definition specifies the “legitimate use of force”. (Stephenson, 2005)
Many aspects shall be considered in achieving a strong nation. As Prof.
Gambari (2008) enumerated, these aspects include:
Economic Situation
The development field has always been highly influenced by economic
thought, as exemplified by the fact that development has been primarily measured by
increases in Gross National Product (GNP) and or the Gross Domestic Product
The global economic situation has become a basis for determining the
classification of countries. The united Nations Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (UN/DESA), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) and the five United Nations regional commissions, including Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the pacific (ESCAP) launched the World
Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) reports. This provides annual reports on
world economic trends in different dimensions. It also serves as basis for classifying
countries around the world as to developed economies, economies in transition and
developing economies. Many nations continuously strive to attain “developed”
category which motivates them to strengthen their own economic dimensions. The
WESP report 2018 stated that an “improved global economic situation” offers the best
chance for countries to address “long-term issues” which hinders development. The
said issues include low carbon economic growth, reducing inequalities, economic
diversification and eliminating deep-rooted barriers. (United Nations, 2018)
Take a look at the classification in Figure 1 below of the countries made by the
United nations.
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In many developing countries, science and technology plays and important role
in social and economic progress. The importance of science and technology in
addressing the national and international issues necessitates the promotion of various
science and technology program throughout the developing countries.
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This agency is responsible for the formulation of policies, plans, and programs
for the development of higher education system in the country. It has been mandated
to promote quality education and ensures the implementation of educational policies
relevant to continuous advancement of learning.
The National Economic and Development Authority
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This long-term aim may be too ideal for many since this will not automatically
transform our country into becoming one of the so called “developed country”. In
reality, global transformation will require long time frame and more tedious process
and would, therefore, play a minimal effect in the national development. This is
because transformation is a gradual process undertaken through holistic strategies for
national development. (Borbon, V.; Dela Cruz, Ma.E., Flores, R.; Gerona-Medina, Z.
and Lee, A., 2000). Furthermore, these strategies shall be translated down to the local
efforts which have been realized to have greater effect on the country’s
socioeconomic progress. Hence, how relevant are the following pillars to the main aim
of the government’s plan?
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In this connection, the DOSY ensures that policies, efforts and plans include in
the science and technology agenda is closely linked to the national development plan.
The DOST prepared the Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022 to
ensure that results of science and technology endeavors are geared towards and
utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefit for the people. Figure 5
presents the priority areas included in the S&T agenda 2017-2022.
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One of the most promising strategy in breaking the barriers that hinder
Philippines progress, in terms of Science, technology, and Innovation (STI), is
enhancing the competitiveness of the country’s science and technology human
resources. This strategy recognizes the role of every individual inventor whose works
became the womb of new and innovated scientific knowledge honed towards
sustaining the advancements necessary for building the nation.
The highest honor given by the President to an individual who had contributed
significantly to the fields of science and technology in the country is the order of the
National Scientists. A National Scientist receives an annual gratuity and other
privileges similar to those enjoyed by National Artists (Presidential Decree 1003-A).
Currently, there are 41 National Scientists, four of them were the most recently
conferred (2014) S&T personalities who were featured by Sabillo (2014) of Philippine
Daily Inquirer.
“He was recognized for his research on the ecology and diversity of Philippine
amphibians and reptiles, as well as marine biodiversity and conservation of marine-
protected areas. His work has led to a national policy on marine no-take zones or
protective areas, which has become a model of coastal resource management that
has been adopted by other countries”. (para. 8)
“He was recognized for his achievements in the field of plant physiology,
especially the induction of flowering of mango and micro propagation or the rapid
multiplying of stock plant of important crop species”. (para. 14)
“He is known for his research and conservation efforts in invertebrate biology
and ecology. He was pivotal in the world’s first national-scale assessment of damage
to coral reefs, resulting in international conservation initiatives such as the Global
reefs and Risk Analysis, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and the International
Coral Reef Action”. (para. 20)
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“He was cited for his outstanding contributions in the field of tropical marine
phycology, focusing on seaweed biodiversity.
He published extensive studies on the culture of seaweed species that
benefited the livelihood of coastal populations and was the first to report the
occurrence of “ice-ice” disease that affected many seaweed farms. (para. 25)
Keeping up with the rapid advancement of science and technology all over the
world is crucial. Advancement nowadays cannot be limited to acquiring advance
facilities and technologies but more on the acquisition and enhancement of
knowledge and skills essential in meeting the demands of the highly competitive and
scientific- based society.
In the Philippines and around the world, science and technology-based and a
knowledge-based economy are the common concerns. Living in such an environment
requires expectations and skills to survive. (SEI-DOST & UP NISMED, 2011) The
effort of investing in science, technology, and innovation shall be supported and
sustained through breaking resource gaps, specifically in the education sector. As
John F. Kennedy, former US President, said, “Our progress as a nation can be no
swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.”
That is, in meeting the demands of the 21st century world, what should be the
direction of science education?
In all fairness with the Philippine government, efforts to improve quality
education have always been part of its plan of action. The Department of Education,
through the National Education for All Committee (NEC), engaged in benchmarking
strategy with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional
Center for Education Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH). The said
undertaking stated on February 2011 is to secure affirmation of basic of basic
education reforms (curriculum structures and contents) towards meeting the demands
of 21st century.
Fensham (2006) (as cited in SEI-DOST & UP NISMED, 2011) explained that
traditionally, science content areas such as life science, physical science, and earth
and space science, are presented as “separate subjects” to achieve mastery on
concepts, principles, and processes (Figure 6). The new science education curriculum
shows a revolutionized inclusion of the three content areas to accentuate the
“understanding of the connections and interrelationship” of various science concepts.
Added to this are the themes which are valued in “real-life contexts” namely,
“maintaining good health and living safely; utilizing energy and coping with changes
and conserving and protecting the environment”. This implies that learning how to
apply the concepts shall be pursued further towards more meaningful learning.
Such arrangement of the curriculum has been founded in the true aim of
education. It can be traced back in 1996, when the International Commission on
Education for the 21st Century to UNESCO, headed by Jacques Delors, identified
learning throughout life as a key to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Delors
further presented the framework based on the “Four Pillars of Education – learning to
know, learning to live together, learning to do, and learning to be”. The report,
highlighted the need for individuals to “learn how to learn” for them to manage the
rapid changes and challenges of the present and the future. Thus, suggesting lifelong
learning that involves the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and valued
throughout one’s life – from early childhood through adulthood. (SEAMEO
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Can you still imagine how your life be without electricity? How about riding
using carabaos or barely walking along the street instead of riding cars or jeepney?
Or being engaged in traditional ways of living?
Many people would appreciate the advancements in science and technology
for providing them with comforts and conveniences in everyday living. Lives have
been saved medical breakthroughs and people enjoy good productions of food,
clothing and the materials that they need in building shelters. Behind these
advancements S&T products and innovations are developed in countries known for
their excellent application of science.
The following are some of the latest Filipino inventions:
1. Aerogas Catalytic Combustor (ACC) – an anti-pollution, ecofriendly made by
Engr. Marinto C. Martinez. It is a fuel saver and power booster engine device
which can be practically used on all types of internal combustion engines like
engines of jeeps, cars trucks, ships and motorcycles and even gas fired power
plants. Aside from its economical cost, it also supports the implementation of
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.
2. SALT (Sustainable Alternative Lighting) – an environmental-friendly lamp
that runs with just two table spoons of salt and one glass of tap water created
by Aisa Mijeno. This invention made it possible for those who live in costal
areas and remote barrios to have light source.
3. SALAMANDER Amphibious Tricycle – a six-person seating capacity (four in
water), amphibious tricycle powered by either a 5kW electric engine or a 250cc
gasoline motor invented by Atoy Llave. The invention is desired to address the
problems of many commuters in a flood-prone country. The invention was
featured in Top in 2015.
All these and many other Filipino inventions are continuously flourishing. It
reflects the wisdom of Filipinos in dealing with scientific knowledge and their
environment. These are not only products of influence from other Western cultures
but said to be products of traditional science.
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Category A and B. View the movie Pom Poko (download from YouTube) and make
an analogy of the current development agenda of the Philippine government.
The task should be done in pairs. You may choose your partner from your classmates
to do the task or your instructor may assign the pairing. Use only 350 words in your
analogy and send your output to your respective STS Google classrooms. Deadline
will be set by your instructor.
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Choose any one (1) of the above issues and use 350 words in your critique. Write in a
bond paper and submit during the scheduled date given by your GEC 17 instructor.
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