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Class :XII

1. The molecules of a given mass of a gas have a r.m.s. velocity of 200 m/sec at 270C
and 1.0 105 N / m2 pressure. When the temperature is 1270 C and pressure is
0.5 105 N / m2 , the r.m.s velocity in m/sec will be
100 2 400
1) 2) 100 2 *3) 4) 400
3 3
2. When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at constant pressure, the fraction of heat
energy supplied which is used in doing work to maintain pressure constant is
1) 5/7 2) 7/2 *3) 2/7 4) 2/5
3. What is the rms velocity of monoatomic gas molecules having pressure 1 kilopascal
and density 4.8 kg/m3
1) 3.6 m/s 2)) 8.9 m/s 3) zero *4)) 25 m/s
4. The temperature of 5 moles of a gas at constant volume is changed from 100o C to
120o C . The change in internal energy is 80J. The total heat capacity of the gas at
constant volume will be in Joule/Kelvin is
1) 8 *2) 4 3) 0.8 4) 0.4
5. The ratio of mean free path of molecules in samples of two gases with diameters of
molecules as d and 2d is (other parameters are constant)
*1)4 : 1 2) 1 : 4 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 2
6. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas at
constant volume ‘V’ is as shown by the straight line ‘A’. If
the mass of the gas is doubled with its volume halved, then
the corresponding pressure versus time graph will be
represented by the
1) Line ‘A’
*2) Line ‘B’
3)Line ‘C’
4) All the above
7. The ratio of the speed of sound in nitrogen gas to that in helium gas, at 300 K is
1)  2 / 7 2) 1/ 7  *3)  3 / 5 4) 6 / 5
8. Match column I (Physical Variable) with column II (Expressions). (n = number of
gas molecules present per unit volume, k = Boltzmann constant, T = absolute
temperature, m = mass of the particle)
Column I Column II
A. Most probable velocity 1. nkT
B. Energy per degree of freedom 2.  3kT / m 
C. Pressure 3.  2kT / m 
D. R.M.S velocity 4. kT/2

*1) A – 3, B – 4, C – 1, D – 2 2) A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D - 4
3) A – 4, B – 3, C – 1, D – 2 4) A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D - 1
9. The pressure exerted on the walls of the container by a gas is due to the fact that
gas molecules are
1) Losing their kinetic energy 2) Sticking to the energy
*3) Changing their momenta due to collision with the walls
4) Getting accelerated towards the wall
10. Mean kinetic energy (or average energy) per gm molecule of a monoatomic gas is
given by
3 1 1 3
*1) RT 2) KT 3) RT 4) KT
2 2 2 2
11. The relation between the gas pressure P and average kinetic energy per unit
volume E is
1 3 2
1) P  E 2) P = E 3) P  E *4) P  E
2 2 3
12. Calculate the speed of sound in oxygen from the following data. The mass of 22.4
 
litre of oxygen at STP T  273K and p = 1.0 105 N/m2 is 32g, the molar heat capacity
of oxygen at constant volume is Cv=2.5R and that at constant pressure is Cp=3.5R.
1) 360 m/s 2) 380 m/s *3) 310 m/s 4) 410 m/s
13. At which of the following temperature would the molecules of a gas have twice the
average kinetic energy they have at 200C
1) 400C 2) 800C *3) 3130C 4) 5860C
14. The mean free path and rms velocity of a nitrogen molecule at a temperature 17o C
are 1.2 107 m and 5 102 m / s respectively. The time between two successive
*1) 2.4 1010 S 2) 1.2 1010 S 3) 3.4 1013 S 4) 3.4 1010 S
15. At a given temperature the root mean square velocities of oxygen and hydrogen
molecules are in the ratio
1) 16 : 1 2) 1 : 16 3) 4 : 1 *4) 1 : 4
16. The variation of pressure P with volume V for an ideal diatomic gas is parabolic an
as shown in the figure. The molar specific heat of the gas during this process is

9R 17 R 3R 8R
1) *2) 3) 4)
5 6 4 5
17. A cylinder of capacity 20 litres is filled with H 2 gas. The total average kinetic
energy of translatary motion of its molecules is 1.5 105 J . The pressure of hydrogen
in the cylinder is
1) 2 106 N/m2 2) 3 106 N/m 2 3) 4 106 N/m2 *4) 5 106 N/m2
18. At a certain temperature, the r.m.s. velocity for O 2 is 400 m/sec. At the same
temperature, the r.m.s. velocity for H2molecuels will be
1) 100 m/sec 2) 25 m/sec *3) 1600 m/sec 4) 6400 m/sec
19. Assertion: Mean free path of gas molecules, varies inversely as density of the gas.
Reason: Mean free path of gas molecules is defined as the average distance
travelled by a molecule between two successive collisions.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is a the correct explanation of ‘A’
Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is not the corre
ct explanation of ‘A’
3) ‘A’ is true and ‘R’ is false
4) ‘A’ is false and ‘R’ is true
20. Assertion: The root mean square velocity of molecules of a gas having Maxwellian
distribution of velocities is higher than their most probable velocity, at any
Reason: A very small number of molecules of gas possess very large velocities.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is a the correct explanation of ‘A’
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of ‘A’
*3) ‘A’ is true and ‘R’ is false
4) ‘A’ is false and ‘R’ is true
21. A cylinder rolls without slipping down an inclined plane, the number f degrees of
freedom it has, is
*1) 2 2) 3 3) 5 4) 1
22. A diatomic molecule has how many degrees of freedom
1) 3 2) 4 *3) 5 4) 6
23. For a gas at a temperature T the root mean square velocity v rms, the most probable
speed vmp, and the average speed average obey the relationship.
1) vav>vrms>vmp *2)vrms>vav>vmp 3) vmp>vav>vrms 4) vmp>vrms>vav
24. Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry moving with uniform speed. The
temperature of the gas molecules inside will
1) Increase 2) Decrease
*3) Remain same 4) Decrease for some, while increase for others
25. In thermal equilibrium, the average velocity of gas molecules is
*1) Proportional to T 2) Proportional to T 2
3) Proportional to T 3 4) Zero
26. A gas at the temperature 250 K is contained in a closed vessel. If the gas is heated
through 1 K, then the percentage increase in its pressure will be
*1) 0.4% 2) 0.2% 3) 0.1% 4) 0.8%
27. At constant volume, temperature is increased. Then
1) Collision on walls will be less
*2) Number of collisions per unit time will increase
3) Collisions will be in straight lines
4) Collisions will not change
28. Consider a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen kept at room temperature. As
compared to a hydrogen molecule an oxygen molecule hits the wall.
1) with greater average speed *2) with smaller average speed
3) with greater average kinetic energy 4) with smaller average kinetic energy
29. If VH, VN and VO denote the root mean square velocities of molecules of hydrogen,
nitrogen and oxygen respectively at a given temperature, then
1) VN> VO> VH *2) VH> VN> VO 3) VO = VN = VH 4) VO > VH> VN
30. The specific heat of an ideal gas is
1) Proportional to T 2) Proportional to T2
3) Proportional to T3 *4) Independent of T
31. At a given temperature the r.m.s. velocity will be greater for
*1) Hydrogen 2) Oxygen
3) Equal for both hydrogen and oxygen 4) Nothing is definite
32. The r.m.s. velocity of oxygen molecule at 16ºC is474 m/sec. The r.m.s. velocity in
m/s of hydrogen molecule at 127ºC nearly
1) 160 2) 18 *3) 2230 4) 27390
33. Which of the following is wrong ?
a) Average kinetic energy of a molecule of an ideal gas is independent of
temperature of the gas.
b) A molecule confined to move in a plane has only two translational degrees of
1) Both a and b 2) Neither a nor b *3) only a 4) only b
34. If the degree of freedom of a gas are f, then the ratio of two specific heats C p / Cv is
given by
2 2 1 1
*1)  1 2) 1  3) 1  4) 1 
f f f f
35. The RMS speed of oxygen molecules in a gas is V. If the temperature is doubled
and the oxygen molecules dissociated into oxygen atoms, the RMS speed will
1) V 2) V 2 *3) 2V 4) 4V
36. If the masses of all molecules of a gas are halved for given volume and their speeds
doubled, then the ratio of initial and final pressures would be:
1) 2 : 1 *2) 1 : 2 3) 4 : 1 4) 1 : 4
37. Four moles of hydrogen, two moles of helium and one mole of water vapour form
an ideal gas mixture. What is the molar specific heat at constant pressure of
16 7R 23R
1) R 2) 3) R *4)
7 16 7
38. The figure below shows the plot of versus p for one mole of oxygen gas at two
different temperatures.

Read the following statements concerned the above curves and choose the correct
I. The dotted line corresponds to the ideal behaviour
II. T1> T2
III. The value of at the point, where the curves meet on the Y-axis
Y is the same
for all gases.
1) Only I 2) Both I and II 3) Both II and III *4)
4) I,
I II and III
39. The density of a gas is 6 x 10-2 kg/m3 and the root mean square velocity of the gas
molecules is 500 m/s. The pressure exerted by the gas on the walls of the vessel is
*1) 5 x 103N/m2 2) 1.2 x 10-4 N/m2
3) 0.83 x 10-4 N/m2 4) 30 N/m2
40. Helium gas is filled in a closed vessel ( having negligible thermal expansion
coefficient) when it is heated from 300 K to 600 K, then average kinetic energy of
helium atom will be
1) 2 times *2)
2) 2 times 3) unchanged 4) half
41. Assuming the sun to have a spherical outer surface of radius r, radiating like a
black body at temperature toC, the power received by a unit surface, (normal to the
incident rays) at a distance R from the centre of the sun is
r 2  t  273 r 2  t  273
4 4
16 r 2 t 4 4 r 2 t 4
1) 2) *3) 4)
4 R 2 R2 R2 R2
Where  is the Stefan’s constant.
42. A balloon contains 1500 m3 of helium of 27oC and 4 atmospheric pressure. The
volume of helium at – 3oC temperature and 2 atmospheric pressure will,
1) 1500 m3 2) 1700 m3 3) 1900 m3 *4) 2700 m3
43. An ideal gas    1.5  is expanded adiabatically. How many times the gas has to be
expanded to reduce the root mean square velocity of the molecules 2.0 times?
1) 4 times *2) 16 times 3) 8 times 4) 2 times
44. In the given ( V – T ) diagram, what is the relation between pressure P 1 and P2?

1) P2> P1 *2) P2< P1 3) cannot be predicted 4) P2 = P1

45. Choose the correct statement
1) The pressure of an ideal gas depends on the volume of the gas
2) The process of an ideal gas depends on the temperature of the gas
*3) Both 1 and 2 4) Neither 1 nor 2
46. The equation of state for 5 g of oxygen at a pressure P and temperature T, when
occupying a volume V, will be
1) PV=(5/16)RT *2) PV=(5/32)RT 3) PV=5RT 4) PV=(5/2)RT
47. Two thermally insulated vessels 1 and 2 are filled with air at temperatures (T1,T2),
volume (V1,V2) and pressure (P1,P2) respectively. If the value joining the two vessels
is opened, the temperature inside the vessel at equilibrium will be
T1T2  PV 2 2
1 1  PV T T ( PV  PV )
1) T1 + T2 2) (T1+T2)/2 *3) 4) 1 2 1 1 2 2
1 1T2  PV
PV 2 2T1 1 1T1  PV
PV 2 2T2

48. Two cylinders A and B fitted with pistons contain equal amounts of an ideal
diatomic gas at 300 K. The piston of A is free to move, while that B is held fixed.
The same amount of heat is given to the gas in each cylinder. If the rise in
temperature of the gas in A is 30 K, then the rise in temperature of the gas in B is
1) 30 K 2) 18 K 3) 50 K *4) 42 K
49. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of O2 and 4 moles of Ar at temperature T.
Neglecting all vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is
1) 15 RT 2) 9 RT *3) 11 RT 4) 4 RT
50. If for a gas,  0.67 , the gas is made up of molecules which re
1) diatomic 2) mixture of diatomic and polyatomic molecules
*3) monoatomic 4) polyatomic
51. The K.E. of one mole of an ideal gas is E = (3/2) RT. Then C P will be
1) 0.5R 2) 0.1R 3) 1.5R *4) 2.5R
52. Match the following:
Column – I Column - II
(A) Average speed vav (I) 3RT
(B) Root mean square speed vvms (II) 8RT
(C) Most probable speed vmp (III)  RT
(D) Speed of sound vsound (IV) 2RT

(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)


53. The translational kinetic energy of gas molecule for one mole of the gas is equal to
3 2 1 2
*1) RT 2) RT 3) RT 4) KT
2 3 2 3
54. The pressure and density of a diatomic gas    7 / 5  change adiabatically from (P,d)
d P
to  P , d   . If
 32 , then should be
d P
1) 1/128 2) 32 *3) 128 4) 1/32
55. The rms speed of the molecules of a gas in a vessel is 400 ms -1. If half of the gas
leaks out at constant temperature, the rms speed of the remaining molecules is
1) 800 ms-1 2) 400 2 ms 1 *3) 400 ms 1 4) 200 ms 1
56. The speed of sound in hydrogen at NTP is 1270 m s -1. Then, the speed in a
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 4 : 1 by volume will be
1) 317 ms-1 *2) 635 ms-1 3) 830 ms-1 4) 950 ms-1
57. Two vessels A and B are of the same size and are at same temperature. A contains
1g of hydrogen and B contains 1g of oxygen. PA and PB are the pressures of the
gases in A and B respectively, then A is:
*1) 16 2) 8 3) 4 4) 32
58. When the temperature of a gas in a rigid container is raised, the pressure exerted
by the gas on the walls of the container increases because
*1) The molecules have higher average speed, so strike the walls more often
2) The molecules lose more KE each time they strike the walls
3) The molecules are now in contact with the walls for small intervals
4) The molecules collide with each other more often
59. A gas is allowed to expand isothermally. The root mean square velocity of the
1) Will increase 2) Will decrease
*3) Will remain unchanged 4) Depends on the other factors
60. The rms velocity of nitrogen molecule in a cylinder containing nitrogen gas at 17 C
is 5 10 m / s . If the diameter of the nitrogen molecule is roughtly 2.0 A . The
12 o

number of molecules per unit volume is 2.56  1025 m 3 , then the time taken for the
collision between two nitrogen molecules.
13 20 13 13
1) 2 10 S *2) 4.4 10 S 3) 310 S 4) 110 S
61. Relationship between P (pressure), V (volume) and E (kinetic energy) for a gas is
3 2 3 2
1) P  EV 2) V  EP 3) PV  E *4) PV  E
2 3 2 3
62. The kinetic energy per gm mol for a diatomic gas at room temperature is
5 3 1
1) 3RT *2) RT 3) RT 4) RT
2 2 2
63. Keeping the number of moles, volume and temperature are same, which of the
following are the same for all ideal gases?
1) rms speed of a molecule 2) density
*3) pressure 4) average magnitude of momentum
64. The molecular weights of two monoatomic gases are M1 and M2, then at a
temperature the ratio of root mean square velocity v1 and v2 will be
M1 M2 M1  M 2 M1  M 2
1) *2) 3) 4)
M2 M1 M1  M 2 M1  M 2
65. The root mean square speed of molecules of ideal gases at the same temperature
1) Directly proportional to the square root of the molecular weight
*2) Inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular weight
3) Directly proportional to the molecular weight
4) Inversely proportional to the molecular weight
66. The kinetic energy of a given sample of an ideal gas depends only on its
1) Volume 2) Pressure 3) Density *4) Temperature
67. A polyatomic gas with n degrees of freedom has a mean translational kinetic energy
per molecule given by
1) nkT/NA 2) nkT/2NA 3) nkT/2 *4) 3kT/2
68. Star S1 emits maximum radiation of wavelength 540 nm and the Star S2 emits
maximum radiation of wavelength 720 nm, what is the ratio of the temperature of
S1 and S2.
1 1
 4 4  3 2
*1) 4 / 3 2)   3) 3/4 4)  
3  4
69. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas of equal number of moles of
different volumes are plotted as shown in figure. Choose the correct alternative.

*1) V1  V2 , V3  V4 and V2  V3 2) V1  V2 , V3  V4 and V2  V3

3) V1  V2 V3  V4 4) V3  V3 V2  V1
70. If number of molecules of H2 are double than that of O2, then ratio of kinetic energy
of hydrogen and that of oxygen at 300K is
*1) 1 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 16
71. The value of universal gas constant is 8.3 J/mole/K, the mean kinetic energy of
32gm of oxygen at 73o C will be
1) 480J 2) 4980J *3) 2490J 4) 100J
72. At a pressure of 24 10 dyne/cm , the volume of O2 is 10 litre and mass is 20gm.
5 2

The r.m.s. velocity will be

1) 800 m/sec 2) 400 m/sec *3) 600 m/sec 4) 200 m/sec
73. Gas at a pressure P0 is contained in a vessel. If the masses of all the molecules are
halved and their speed are doubled, the resulting pressure P will be equal to
1) 4P0 *2) 2P0 3) p0 4) 0
74. The root mean square velocity of tthehe molecules in a sample of helium is 5/7th that
of molecules in a sample of hydrogen. If the temperature of hydrogen sample is
00C, then the temperature of the helium sample is about (approximately)
*1) 50C 2) 0K 3) 2730C 4) 1000C
75. For a gas if ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and volume is  then value
of degrees of freedom is
3  1 2 9 25
1) *2) 3)    1 4)   1
2  1  1 2 2
76. The molecules of an ideal gas at a certain temperature have
1) Only potential energy *2) Only kinetic energy
3) Potential and kinetic energy both 4) None of the above


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