Upgrade Romomn CPLD
Upgrade Romomn CPLD
Upgrade Romomn CPLD
This chapter describes the procedures to upgrade the ROMMON on the Cisco ASR 1001-X Router.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Upgrading the ROMMON, on page 1
• Compatible ROMMON Releases, on page 5
• Resolved Caveats, on page 5
• Hardware the Require a CPLD Upgrade, on page 5
• Checking Hardware and Software Compatibility, on page 7
Compatibility Requirements
Note For information about the compatibility between the ROMMON releases and the Cisco ASR 1001-X Router,
see the “ ROMMON Release Requirements ” section in the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services
Routers Release Notes .
To upgrade the ROMMON image, you must have access to the privileged EXEC mode prompt or the diagnostic
mode prompt on the router.
For a single form-factor platform such as the Cisco ASR 1001-X Router, all of the following commands
display the same output:
• show rom-monitor 0
• show rom-monitor F0
• show rom-monitor FP
• show rom-monitor R0
• show rom-monitor RP
In the following example, the output of the show rom-monitor command indicates that an upgrade to Release
15.4(2r)S is not required:
1. (Optional) Run the show platform command or the show rom-monitor slot command to see the current
release number of ROMMON on the hardware.
2. If the ROMMON image has not been copied onto the router, copy the PKG file that is made available as
part of this ROMMON release onto the bootflash: or usb[0-1]: file system using the copy source-location
destination-location command. For example, if you are upgrading to Release 15.4(2r)S, copy the
asr1000-rommon.154-2r.S.pkg file.
3. Run the dir file-system command to verify that the ROMMON file is copied into the specified directory.
4. Run the upgrade rom-monitor filename location all command to begin the ROMMON image upgrade,
where location is the path to the ROMMON file.
5. Messages pertaining to the upgrade are displayed on the console. After the display of these messages
stops and the router prompt is available, run the reload command to reload the router.
6. If autoboot has not been enabled by using the config-register 0x2102 command, run the boot
filesystem:/file-location command at the ROMMON prompt to boot the Cisco IOS XE image, where
filesystem:/file-location is the path to the consolidated package file. The ROMMON upgrade is not
permanent for any piece of hardware until the Cisco IOS XE image is booted.
7. Run the enable command at the user prompt to enter the privileged EXEC mode after the boot is complete.
8. Run the show platform command or the show rom-monitor slot command to verify whether the
ROMMON has been upgraded.
Step 1 (Optional) Run the show platform command or the show rom-monitor slot command to see the current release number
of ROMMON on the hardware.
Step 2 If the ROMMON image has not been copied onto the router, copy the PKG file that is made available as part of this
ROMMON release onto the bootflash: or usb[0-1]: file system using the copy source-location destination-location
command. For example, if you are upgrading to Release 15.4(2r)S, copy the asr1000-rommon.154-2r.S.pkg file.
Step 3 Run the dir file-system command to verify that the ROMMON file is copied into the specified directory.
Step 4 Run the upgrade rom-monitor filename location all command to begin the ROMMON image upgrade, where location
is the path to the ROMMON file.
Caution Do not remove hardware, turn off power, or interrupt the router in any way during the ROMMON upgrade.
Although the router should be able to recover from most interruptions during the ROMMON upgrade, certain
scenarios may cause unpredictable problems.
Step 5 Messages pertaining to the upgrade are displayed on the console. After the display of these messages stops and the router
prompt is available, run the reload command to reload the router.
Note If you change the configuration register setting through Cisco IOS after initiating a ROMMON upgrade, but
before reloading the router, the configuration register setting will not be applied. Reload the router and allow
the ROMMON upgrade to be applied prior to changing the configuration register in Cisco IOS.
Step 6 If autoboot has not been enabled by using the config-register 0x2102 command, run the boot filesystem:/file-location
command at the ROMMON prompt to boot the Cisco IOS XE image, where filesystem:/file-location is the path to the
consolidated package file. The ROMMON upgrade is not permanent for any piece of hardware until the Cisco IOS XE
image is booted.
Note If you enter the reset command twice when booting from the ROMMON prompt, the ROMMON upgrade will
automatically fall back to the previous ROMMON image. The following message appears after you enter the
reset command the second time, and the earlier version of the ROMMON image is installed: Rommon upgrade
requestedMaximum upgrade attempts exceeded, continuing with old Rommon...
Step 7 Run the enable command at the user prompt to enter the privileged EXEC mode after the boot is complete.
Step 8 Run the show platform command or the show rom-monitor slot command to verify whether the ROMMON has been
131072+0 records in
131072+0 records out
655360+0 records in
655360+0 records out
Checking upgrade image...
3211264+0 records in
6272+0 records out
Upgrade image MD5 signature is b806b4bffb47e9be24d26ecd976212e8
Burning upgrade partition...
3211264+0 records in
3211264+0 records out
Checking upgrade partition...
3211264+0 records in
3211264+0 records out
Copying ROMMON environment
4259840+0 records in
4259840+0 records out
131072+0 records in
131072+0 records out
131072+0 records in
131072+0 records out
655360+0 records in
655360+0 records out
Upgrade flash partition MD5 signature is b806b4bffb47e9be24d26ecd976212e8
ROMMON upgrade complete.
To make the new ROMMON permanent, you must restart the RP.
Router# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
*Mar 24 17:39:33.712 EDT: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload Reason: Reload
Command.Mar 24 17:39:48.058 R0/0: %PMAN-5-EXITACTION: P rocess manager is exiting: process
exit with reload chassis code
Initializing Hardware ...
System integrity status: 00000610
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20140222:162915) [rommon_release_1_49 101], DEVELOPMENT
Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02/22/2014 9:10:52.81
Current image running: Boot ROM1
Last reset cause: LocalSoft
ASR1001-X platform with 8388608 Kbytes of main memory
Rommon upgrade requested
Flash upgrade reset 1 in progress
Initializing Hardware ...
System integrity status: 00000610
System Bootstrap, Version 15.4(2r)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Current image running: *Upgrade in progress* Boot ROM0
Last reset cause: BootRomUpgrade
*** Incorrect BIOS parameters ***
*** Correcting the BIOS parameters and rebooting ***
Initializing Hardware ...
System integrity status: 00000610
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20140222:162915) [rommon_release_1_49 101], DEVELOPMENT
Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02/22/2014 9:10:52.81
Current image running: Boot ROM1
Last reset cause: LocalSoft
ASR1001-X platform with 8388608 Kbytes of main memory
Rommon upgrade requested
Flash upgrade reset 2 in progress
Initializing Hardware ...
Note From here, you can manually reload from the ROMMON prompt, or let the router auto boot directly to Cisco
The show platform command displays the upgraded version of the ROMMON:
Resolved Caveats
For information about the resolved caveats in each ROMMON release, see the “ Resolved Caveats ” section
in the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Release Notes .
For details about Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router hardware configuration combinations
that require a CPLD field-programmable upgrade for components, see Upgrading Field Programmable
Hardware Devices for Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers .
1. Copy the .pkg file to your bootflash directory.
2. Execute the upgrade hw-programmable cpld filename bootflash:<cpld.pkg> RP active command:
3. Press Enter.
4. To confirm if the upgrade is complete, execute the show platform command:
Step 4 To confirm if the upgrade is complete, execute the show platform command:
Router# show platform
Chassis type: ASR1001-X
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1001-X ok 2d22h
0/0 BUILT-IN-2T+6X1GE ok 2d20h
R0 ASR1001-X ok, active 2d22h
F0 ASR1001-X ok, active 2d22h
P0 ASR1001X-PWR-AC ok 2d22h
P1 ASR1001X-PWR-AC ps, fail 2d22h
P2 ASR1001-X-FANTRAY f1, fail 2d22h