Future of Jobs in India

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Future of Jobs in India: 3.

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Future of Jobs
in India: 3.0
Navigating Skills in Digital Age

September 2024
2 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 3
4 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Foreword FICCI
The disruptive changes along with the structural transformation that is leading
to a new work order, has magnified the significance of developing a ‘skilled
ecosystem’. Several studies around the world have conclusively proven that
appropriate and relevant skill sets within a population not only leads to increase
in productivity and standards of living but also reduces inequality and poverty.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) Report on Future of Jobs 2023 report,
while highlighting the evolution of skill sets over the next five years, provides
new insights on the rapidly changing socio-economic order and technology
trends that will shape the workplace of the future. Learners today, need to be
equipped with employability skills that are transferable across a broad range
of job opportunities and help them modify their approach to solving business
problems in a dynamic industry environment.

With a vision of ‘Making India the Skill Capital of the World’, the government
is focusing on speed, scale, and standardisation to the ongoing efforts of
the various central and state governments and public and private sector
organizations in the area of skilling and entrepreneurship. This year’s Union
Budget (2024-25) has emphasized on having skilling programs in partnership
with the industry and aimed at reorienting them to promote continuous skilling
avenues, sustainability, and employability.

The third series of FICCI EY Report 2024 on “Future of Jobs 3.0” delves into
this dynamic landscape, providing insights and projections that are essential
for understanding and preparing for the future of jobs. This report brings
together a comprehensive analysis of current trends and future projections and
explores the implications of emerging technologies, focussing on green of jobs
and workforce mobility. By providing a detailed analysis of these factors, the
report aims to equip readers with a nuanced understanding of how the nature
of work is being redefined.

This report, while focussing on five sectors, viz Manufacturing, Healthcare,

Infrastructure, FMCG and Energy, examines the changing trends in job market
and addresses the evolving expectations of potential workers, trainers and
employers. As we look forward, understanding the future of skills is not just
about keeping pace with the rapidly changing industrial environment but
also about anticipating it and preparing proactively. The report has further
reaffirmed that the time has now come for us to reimagine career paths, invest
in lifelong learning, and foster an inclusive and adaptive workforce.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the senior industry leaders and FICCI
members for their valuable inputs and thoughtful responses to the survey that
was carried out as a part of this study. I am confident that this report will serve
as a crucial guide for policymakers, business leaders, and individuals alike.

Mr Amit Kalyani
Chair – FICCI HR & Skills Committee &
Vice-Chairman & Joint Managing Director,
Bharat Forge

Ms Madhu Srivastava
Co – Chair – FICCI HR & Skills Committee &
CHRO, Vedanta
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 5

Innovations in technology is moving at a rapid pace necessitating an equal, if not faster, response
to meet its demands. The pressure is on the whole ecosystem of education, skilling and work to be
agile and transformative in this digital age. The traditional way of working is disrupted by factors
such as advanced capabilities of artificial intelligence, global push to reduce carbon footprint and
need for sustainability in operations across sectors. To remain competitive, industry must have the
right talent in the right place and at the right time for growth and resilience.

Guidance to navigate in this digital age comes from Government of India in several ways. First,
under the Union Budget 2024-25, a notable highlight was the announcement of a new centrally
sponsored scheme under the Prime Minister’s package, in collaboration with state governments
and industry to skill 20 lakh youth over five years and upgrade 1,000 Industrial Training Institutes
(ITIs). Second, the budget provides guidance for boosting the skilling ecosystem with Skill India
Digital Hub (SIDH). It is a part of the India stack for integrating the entire skilling ecosystem in
one accessible platform for citizens, empowering users with the tools and resources to thrive
in the digital age and enabling skilling for all, anytime, anywhere and on any device. Third, it
focuses on developing Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) at population scale, as ratified through
the G20 declaration. Fourth, it provides an action plan for the development and deployment of AI
in India and operationalizing AI India Mission. It reflects the government’s focus on developing AI
infrastructure, funding innovation and making benefits of AI accessible in Indian languages.

Disrupted by AI and democratized by DPI, we believe that the India story of skilling and
employment is already making strides in the country. AI and data driven insights empower
learners to make informed decisions on skills leading to employment. It also helps trainers to
adapt training courses aligned to industry needs and employers to find and right-skill for
their workforce.

DPIs on the other hand offer numerous social, economic and practical benefits to users. In the
skilling and jobs ecosystems, it democratizes learning for maximum reach and inclusion to learners
irrespective of language and facilities. It offers curated content that best suits their needs. DPI
also holds potential to amplify the reach of government initiatives by providing tried, tested,
secure software greatly reducing cost to roll out and a faster time to launch. The biggest benefit
DPI offers is facilitating ease of working in the skilling and employment ecosystem by allowing
interoperability between various stakeholders for a citizen centric view. It allows for discovery,
trust and fulfilment of various journeys of all stakeholders.

Like rest of the world, India is also at an inflexion point where no organization or a leaner can
afford to be left behind. Sustained investment and collaboration between government, industry,
and skilling ecosystem players will be crucial to ensuring that every learner has access to quality
skill development opportunities, thus realizing the full potential of India’s demographic dividend.

It our pleasure to present Future of Jobs 3.0 - navigating skills in the digital age in collaboration
with FICCI which explores the evolving employment landscape, sectoral development prospects,
and the urgent need for a resilient workforce. We hope you find this report useful and are eager to
hear your feedback.

Happy reading.

Rahul Rishi
Consulting Leader,
Government and Public Sector
Ernst & Young LLP, India

Sivakumar Moorty
Partner-Technology Consulting
Government and Public Sector
Ernst & Young LLP, India
6 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Artificial Intelligence
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
Grameen Kaushalya
Foreign Direct
International Labour
Application Internet of Things
Programming Interface DGT FICCI
Federation of Indian
Directorate General of ITI
Chambers of Commerce

Training & Industry
Industrial Training
Digital Public Goods Fast-moving consumer

BFSI goods
Banking, Financial DPI
Services, and Insurance Digital Public FOJ
Infrastructure Future of Jobs

DVC Labour Force
Digitally Verified Participation Rate



Compound annual GDP
growth rate Gross Domestic Product

EV Government Machine Learning
Electric Vehicle e-Marketplace
EY Gen-AI Ministry of Skill
Ernst & Young Generative Artificial Development and
Intelligence Entrepreneurship
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 7

Ministry of Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises
Global value chain
Unified Mobile

Application for New-age


PMKVY United Nations
NCVET Pradhan Mantri Kaushal
National Council for Vikas Yojana
Vocational Education
Unified Payment
and Training PLI Interface
Production Linked
NEP Incentive Scheme
National Education


National Skill
Development Agency WoE
World of Education
NSDC Sustainable Development
National Skill WoS
Development Council World of Skill

NSDF Sector Skill Councils
National Skill World of Work
Development Fund

National Urban
Livelihood Mission
8 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0


Foreword FICCI 04

Foreword EY 05

Abbreviation 06

Executive Summary 10

Report Structure 11

Chapter 1: Overview 12
Ta b l e o f

Chapter 2: Skilling India for the world 20

Chapter 3: Future sectoral trends 32

Chapter 4: Preparing for jobs of tomorrow 68

References 80

Acknowledgements 83
10 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

The job and skilling landscape is witnessing a paradigm shift
with the emergence of transformative trends coupled with
technological advancements and digital adoption impacting
business requirements across India and the globe. The
emerging trends anticipated to shape future of jobs are
the industry 4.0 technologies (cloud computing, artificial
intelligence (AI), internet of things (IOT), robotics and more),
digital public infrastructure (DPI), environmental concerns, and
evolving workforce dynamics.

This FOJ (Future of Jobs) 3.0 report is in continuation to

previous FICCI-EY reports released in 2017 & 2018, and
deep dives across 5 sectors namely Manufacturing, FMCG,
Healthcare, Energy and Infrastructure to understand the
macroeconomic trends, international benchmarking and
diverse perspectives on emerging role of jobs and skills. For
this study we conducted thorough primary and secondary
research wherein we interacted with over 200 respondents, a
mix of senior leaders and industry experts, learners, trainers,
academicians, and policy makers.

Our research revealed a positive outlook of industry

experts towards job creation with the advent of AI
and Gen AI however it also highlighted challenges in
its preparedness and adoption along with workforce
resistance. The findings highlight that the issue of
workforce resistance to AI/Gen AI adoption could
be resolved by providing reskilling and upskilling
training interventions.

Ubiquitous acknowledgement amongst all

respondents that AI has brought major disruption
in existing job roles the need to equip first timers
with skills related to sector specific technology
requirements. This could be achieved by stronger
collaboration between industry and academia for
curriculum upgradation, apprenticeship/internship
opportunities and faculty trainings.

Our survey saw majority of the respondents having

a keen interest in understanding the dynamics of
DPI and how it can be leveraged to improve the
skilling and employment ecosystem. The report
elaborates many functional usages of DPI along
with examples in the later section.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 11

Adoption of sustainability practices to address

environmental concerns was seen as a top
priority for majority of the respondents and it
also highlighted the need for skills for creating
and filling green jobs. The survey findings Report
highlight very strong interest of learners to
join this sector. structure
The report is structured to largely
The survey of trainers highlighted the trend cover three parts. After executive
of AI, Green technology, digital and soft skills summary, chapters 1 and 2 provide an
picking up pace amongst learners as they overview of job and skilling statistics
are seen to have maximum impact on jobs and demographic profile in the labour
of tomorrow. The survey findings emphasize market briefly mentioning the emerging
the support from government required by trends, international best practices and
trainers and institutions in developing industry government policy reforms and schemes in
relevant content and on the job trainings. the skilling ecosystem.

Gaining cross-cultural competency and Chapter 3 deep dives into each sector─
adaptability was additionally seen as an manufacturing, FMCG, healthcare, energy
evolving skill and global mobility takes and infrastructure covering macroeconomic
centre stage. trends, employment scenario, international
benchmarking and sectoral trends arrived
from primary and secondary research.
The survey emphasizes the expectation of industry It concludes the analysis of findings and
to revamp the basic infrastructure of ITIs and similar goes into detail on role of AI/GenAI, DPI
institutions by Government so that basic training needs perspective, technology, climate change,
are met leading to enhanced associations between them. global mobility, industry 4.0 and 21st
It also highlighted the need for improved communication century soft skills in the context of skills
and engagement from skilling institutions which could and employment.
significantly boost the interest of industry in linking with
academic institutions. Chapter 4 provides key recommendations
for learners, trainers and employers and
This report covered with the inputs of industry’s senior suggests policy reforms for government to
leaders and experts complemented with detailed address overall employment challenges and
literature review, highlights accelerating transformations provide supportive role to the industry.
in the labour market which will impact the jobs and
skills of tomorrow. The report highlights the immediate The FOJ 3.0 report is an amalgamation of
need for a framework for industry academic linkages industry oversight provided by top leaders
in our country. The framework will be able to address coupled with detailed literature review
the concerns of employers, trainers and learners and of evolving job and skilling landscape in
recommend ways to navigate through these social, India and the world while highlighting new
environmental and technological transitions. challenges emerging from disruptive trends
and policy measures to redress them.
12 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 13

Around 1.8 billion people in the world are between the

ages of 10 and 24, of which, a sizeable proportion can
1.1 be found living in developing countries. Projections from
Introduction United Nations suggest that the youth cohort aged 15-24
is likely to reach around 15.1% of the total population
According to the World Economic Forum’s1 “Future of the world by 2030 and 13.8% by 20502. Presently,
of Jobs Report 2023”, the global skills landscape is among this age group of 15-24, around 500 million
undergoing significant transformation, driven by the survive on less than US$2 per day and more than 73
rapid pace of technological change, demographic shifts million face unemployment. Young people, especially
and evolving job requirements. As per the report, 83 in developing countries, face higher socio-economic
million jobs are projected to be lost but 69 million challenges and are more likely to be employed in the
jobs are projected to be created in the next five years. informal sector working in poor conditions. They are
Technology adoption and broadening of digital access will either underemployed or unemployed as compared to
be the major trends in driving business transformation adults in those countries4.
with big data, cloud computing and AI as the key drivers.

Governments and organizations around the world are

In the Indian context, the large
investing heavily in upskilling and reskilling initiatives to
ensure their workforces remain competitive in the global proportion of the young population
market. For example, the European Union’s Pact for numbering more than 371 million5
Skills program aims to mobilize a collective effort to necessitates the need for innovative
upskill and reskill at least 60% of the EU’s adult
and sustainable solutions to convert
population by 2030[11].
the demographic advantage of this
India’s skilling and employment landscape is a complex population into a demographic dividend.
and dynamic ecosystem, influenced by a myriad
of factors. Economic policies and technological
advancements impact the landscape, apart from demand In India, youth face several challenges such as
of skills in an ever-changing employment scenario unemployment, gender gaps in the economy, few
and the impact of globalization necessitating need for industry linkages, and low levels of vocational education
constant change in the skills and employment ecosystem. among others. According to ILO, Annual Report 2023,
the unemployment rate in India stands at 4.4% and the
This section of the report delves into the demographic
Labour Force Participation Rate for women is 33.2%
dividends, the advent of transformative technologies and
compared to 62.2% for men6. Moreover, 57% of women
the burgeoning gig economy. Additionally, it discusses
and 34.2% of men in the age group of 15 to 29 years are
India’s potential to become the skilling capital of the
Neither in Employment, Education or Training (NEET).7
world, the integration of education, skills, and work,
and the implications of Generative-Artificial Intelligence, The Indian job market is bifurcated into formal and
(Gen –AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Digital Public informal sectors. The formal sector encompasses
Infrastructure (DPI) on employability, employment and organized employment with regulated working conditions
the skilling ecosystem. and statutory social security benefits. Conversely,
14 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

the informal sector is characterized by unorganized

employment, with no written contract, paid leave, health
benefits or social security. According to ILO, 2024 data, 1.2
informal sector continues to dominate the Indian labour Trends and disruptions
market, accounting for 71.7% of all workers.
influencing future of jobs
In the midst of an anticipated slowdown in employment,
the Indian economy recorded 6.5-7% real GDP in The future of jobs and skills will be shaped by a variety
FY25 as per the Economic Survey for 2023-248, and of emerging trends that are driven by technological
Union Budget 2024-2025 announcement of allocating advancements, industry 4.0 technologies (cloud
INR1.48 Lakh crore for education, employment and computing, artificial intelligence, internet of things,
skilling. robotics and more), environmental concerns, and
evolving workforce dynamics. These trends shall not only
In addition, India’s demographic profile had a median transform the way we work but also impact the skills
age of 28.1 in 2023 as per World Population Prospects required to thrive in the new economy. Here is a look at
(WPP) data of UN which is significantly lower than that some of the key trends that are going to impact jobs and
of many developed nations9. This demographic dividend skills in the coming decade:
can potentially yield economic prosperity if leveraged
through appropriate education and employment
opportunities. The challenge lies in equipping this Digital Public Infrastructure
burgeoning young population with the requisite skills to
meet the demands of a rapidly evolving job market.

The proliferation of cutting-edge technologies such AIDL, AI and GenAI

Gen-AI, platform thinking and focus on sustainability,
is revolutionizing the industrial landscape of India.
At the same time, the country is witnessing a digital Green technologies
transformation and development and adoption of Digital
Public Good (DPG) and Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)
across sectors. With this background and buoyed by
Government focus on skilling and employment, reforms Workforce Mobility
brought in by National Education Policy 2020 and recent
budget announcements, India is on the pathway to be the
skilling capital of the world. 21st century skills

We are committed to AI and Gen AI
energising skills with a new
AI might just be the single largest technology revolution
level of empowerment.
of our lifetimes, with the potential to disrupt almost all
In sync with the Industry aspects of human existence. Andrew Ng, Co-founder
4.0 revolution, our focus of Coursera and Professor at Stanford university and
is on comprehensive skill formerly founder and Lead of Google Brain, compares
development, spanning every the transformational impact of AI to that of electricity
100 years back. With many industries aggressively
sector - from agriculture to
investing in cognitive and AI solutions, investments in AI
sanitation. Through ‘Skill India’ are forecasted to approach $200 billion globally by 2025
programme, we have ignited as per Goldman Sachs report11.
growth and a new momentum
AI and GenAI are not just impacting existing jobs,
they are also creating new ones. The demand for AI
specialists, data scientists, machine learning engineers
PM Shri Narendra Modi and AI ethics consultants is on the rise. Additionally, the
15th August, 202410 creative capabilities of GenAI are leading to new roles
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 15

in content creation, digital marketing and design, where 1.2.2

AI-generated content can be used as a starting point or a
tool for human creativity. This shift underscores the need Going green
for a workforce that is skilled in these new technologies,
The global push towards sustainability and the reduction
capable of leveraging AI to enhance their work rather
of carbon footprints is influencing job markets. The
than being replaced by it.
‘green economy’ encompasses renewable energy,
The report explores the impact of AI in the five key sustainable transportation, energy efficiency, waste
sectors for this study, i.e., manufacturing, healthcare, management and green construction. This shift towards
infrastructure, energy and FMCG. sustainability is driven by the need to combat climate
change, conserve resources and promote environmental
In manufacturing, AI optimizes production lines responsibility. Jobs in these sectors are expected to
and reduces downtime. grow as countries invest in cleaner technologies and
infrastructure. As a result, there is a growing demand
In healthcare, AI enhances diagnostics and
for green jobs—roles that contribute to preserving or
personalized treatment plans.
restoring the environment, whether in traditional sectors
The infrastructure sector benefits from AI in like manufacturing or emerging fields like renewable
project management and smart city development. energy. Workers with expertise in environmental science,
sustainable design, green technology and environmental
In the energy sector, AI helps optimize energy regulations, audit compliances will be in high demand.
consumption and integrate renewable sources. According to Global Green Skills Report 2023, the share
of green talent in the workforce rose by a median of
In FMCG, AI improves supply chain management
12.3% across the 48 countries between 2022 and 2023,
and customer insights. These advancements
whereas the share of job postings requiring at least one
demonstrate the transformative potential of AI
green skill grew by a median of 22.4%.12
in driving efficiency and innovation across India’s
diverse economic landscape. In India, the focus on going green is having a notable
impact on five key sectors identified for this study.
The sectors expected to benefit most include
business services, finance, transportation,
education, retail and healthcare
due to their digitalization and focus
on productivity, efficiency and
personalized experiences.
16 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

In manufacturing, sustainable practices 1.2.3

are being integrated into production
processes to reduce waste and 21st century skills
energy consumption.
21st century skills refer to the knowledge, life skills,
The healthcare sector is adopting green career skills, habits and traits that are critically important
initiatives to minimize environmental to a student’s success in today’s world, particularly as
impact through eco-friendly hospital they move on to college, the workforce and adult lives.
designs and waste management systems. The demand for 21st-century skills is transforming the
future of jobs, emphasizing the need for competencies
Infrastructure projects are increasingly that align with the evolving digital and global landscape.
incorporating sustainable materials and These skills include critical thinking, creativity,
energy-efficient designs. collaboration, communication, digital literacy
and adaptability.
The energy sector is at the forefront of
this movement, with a significant shift The top 10 future skills as per World Economic
towards renewable energy sources such Forum are:
as solar and wind power.

In FMCG, companies are prioritizing

sustainable sourcing and packaging to Analytical thinking and innovation
meet consumer demand for eco-friendly
products. According to the Green
Industry Outlook report [16] by Team Active learning and learning strategies
Lease Digital, India has the potential to
double the current employment of 18.52
million green jobs to 35 million by 2047,
Complex problem-solving
with contractual workers being major
contributors to the industry’s growth.

Critical thinking and analysis

Creativity, originality and initiative

Leadership and social influence

Technology use, monitoring and control

Technology design and programming

Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

Reasoning, problem solving and ideation

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 17

As technology continues to advance rapidly, traditional public infrastructure may include implementations of
job roles are being redefined, necessitating a workforce either multiple proprietary or open-source solutions
capable of navigating complex problems, innovating (including DPGs) or both.
solutions, and working effectively in diverse and dynamic
A leading example of DPI in skilling, education,
environments. Educational institutions and training
employment and entrepreneurship is Skill India Digital
programs are increasingly focusing on imparting these
Hub (SIDH)15. It is built on principles of open source,
essential skills to prepare individuals for the
inter operable and scalable framework. Launched in
future job market.
September 2023 by Hon’ble minister Shri Dharmendra
Pradhan, it was also declared as ‘the Digital Public
Infrastructure (DPI) for skilling, education, employment
and entrepreneurship ecosystem of India .’ Some of
1.2.4 the unique features of the platform are digital verified
credentials (DVC) for all learners, recommendations
Digital Public Goods (DPG)/Digital for learning and job matching, integration with other
Public Infrastructure (DPI) government schemes and a range industry relevant
courses. Currently it has over 9 million registrations and
DPGs are defined by the Digital Public Goods Alliance 750+ self-paced courses in 11 languages.
(DPGA) as “open-source software”, open data, open
artificial intelligence models, open standards and open
content. As of 2024, there are 162 DPGs in existence13.
Built on free, open-source software, the technology
allows governments and organizations to take existing 1.2.5
solutions, customize and adapt them, and integrate them
into their own digital infrastructure, greatly expediting
Workforce mobility
digital transformation around the world. In the coming India’s vision of becoming the skilling capital of the
years, DPGs will be critical to digital transformation world is driven by its demographic advantage and the
as they offer cost-effective, tried and tested solutions government’s strong emphasis on skill development. With
that allow the digital transformation of citizen-focused initiatives like the National Skill Development Mission and
services and are aligned with SDGs. The DPG market is the Skill India program, the country has embarked on an
still young, but growing fast, and expected that it will be ambitious path to train millions of its citizens in a wide
worth around US$100b by 203014. range of sectors, from traditional trades to emerging
technologies. The focus is on creating a workforce that is
Digital Public Infrastructure - DPI refers to fundamental
not only skilled but also globally competitive.
digital solutions that enable and catalyze the provision
of society-wide functions and services, both in the The global demand for skilled Indian labour is robust,
public and private sectors. They are typically population- with countries in the Middle East, East Asia, Europe,
scale systems on which the digital public services and North America being key destinations. Enhancing
operate, such as identity systems (for example, India’s workforce mobility through international accords and
Aadhaar system), payment systems (such as Unified the global recognition of Indian qualifications is crucial in
Payment Interface (UPI)) and data exchange networks capitalizing on this demand.
(for example, Estonia’s X-Road). DPI enables effective
provision of essential society-wide functions and services
in the public and private sectors. A country’s digital
International mobility
The international demand for skilled labour is on the rise,
DPI plays a crucial role in driving particularly in sectors such as information technology,
economic growth, improving service healthcare, engineering and construction. India’s skilled
delivery, and enhancing citizen workforce is highly sought after in these industries due
to their technical expertise, proficiency in English, and
engagement. By providing a solid
adaptability to different working environments. Countries
foundation for digital services, DPI in the Middle East, Europe, North America and Asia-
can enable countries to achieve their Pacific are increasingly looking to India to fill gaps in
development goals and improve the lives their labor markets, especially in fields where there is a
shortage of local talent.
of their citizens.
18 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

As per the recent NSDCI report16 of 16 high potential by the region’s ambitious infrastructure
countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, Canada, Qatar, development plans. Indian professionals
Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Australia, Germany, Japan, in these fields are contributing to the
UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Sweden and Romania) to construction of mega-projects, smart cities,
understand India’s overseas employment landscape, and renewable energy initiatives across
the globe.
• A five-year potential of approximately 3.9 million
Indian workforce has been identified for international
deployment in these countries. Some of the sunrise sectors17 providing growth
impetus are-
• Sectors like construction, healthcare – personal care
and social care, hospitality and tourism management, • Electronics and semiconductors: India’s electronics
energy (oil & gas and renewables), education industry is poised for substantial growth, with
(teachers), shipping and logistics, IT and Digital, retail, projections indicating a production value of $300 b
manufacturing and media & entertainment. by FY26. The semiconductor market is estimated to
touch $64 b by 2026, almost three times its 2019
• A few of the sector observations and demand insights size of $22.7 b. This surge is fuelled by initiatives
are as follows: such as the Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
IT and technology sector: India has long scheme, aimed at bolstering large-scale electronics
been recognized as a global leader in manufacturing under the Make in India campaign.
information technology (IT) and software With domestic production accounting for 65% of the
services. The country’s IT professionals are electronics market valued at $155 b, India is emerging
known for their technical skills, problem- as a key player in the global electronics landscape.
solving abilities, and experience with • Electric vehicles (EV): India has set an ambitious
cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial target of having 30% of all vehicles electric-powered
Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and by 2030. To facilitate this, the government has
Blockchain. As digital transformation implemented a multifaceted approach. It has opened
accelerates across industries worldwide, doors to 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the
the demand for Indian IT professionals EV sector, encouraging international players to invest
continues to grow, with countries like the in India’s burgeoning electric mobility landscape.
United States, Canada, and the United Furthermore, the establishment of over 12,146
Kingdom being key destinations for Indian operational public EV charging stations nationwide,
tech talent. coupled with schemes like FAME II (Faster Adoption
Healthcare and allied services: The global and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) which includes
healthcare sector is also experiencing a financial support in the form of subsidy for setting
surge in demand for skilled professionals, up Public Charging Infrastructure to instil confidence
particularly in nursing, caregiving and among the EV users, underscores the government’s
medical technology. Indian healthcare commitment to incentivizing EV adoption across
workers are valued for their expertise, various vehicle segments.
cultural sensitivity, and ability to work in • Renewable energy: With the third largest energy
high-pressure environments. Countries consumption globally, India’s transition to renewable
facing aging populations, such as Japan energy is pivotal for global climate action. The
and Germany, are actively recruiting Indian country’s enhanced target of achieving 500 GW of
healthcare professionals to address their non-fossil fuel-based energy by 2030 marks the
workforce shortages. The recognition of world’s largest expansion plan in renewable energy.
Indian medical qualifications by several
international bodies further boosts the • Agro and food processing: The agricultural sector
mobility of Indian healthcare workers. remains one of the key drivers of the Indian economy.
Significant drivers fuelling this growth include
Engineering and construction: India’s increasing demand, expanding exports, supply-side
engineers and construction workers are advancements such as hybrid seeds and advanced
known for their technical proficiency irrigation infrastructure, and supportive
and hands-on experience in large-scale government policies.
infrastructure projects. The Middle East has
been a significant destination for Indian
engineers and construction workers, driven
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 19

Other sectors include, Artificial Intelligence, Geospatial • Integration of WoE-WoS-WoW: The disruptions
Systems and Drones, Space Economy, Genomics and brought about by globalization and technological
Pharma, Green Energy and Clean Mobility Systems. advancements have necessitated a seamless
integration of the Worlds of Education (WoE) – World
of Skills (WoS) – World of Work (WoW).
Some of the key trends and disruptions impacting World
of Work (WoW)- Key trends driving this integration include:

• Gig economy: The gig economy which refers to Lifelong learning: As the pace of technological
short-term work contracts or freelance work, has change accelerates, individuals need to
gained significant traction in India, offering flexible continuously update their skills to remain
employment opportunities through platforms. Youth competitive. Lifelong learning initiatives are
participation in the gig economy has increased 8-fold becoming increasingly important in ensuring that
between 2019 and 2022. The gigification (which also the workforce has the necessary competencies.
includes platformization) of jobs and the acceptance
of remote work are two important trends that have Digital transformation: The digital revolution is
appeared in the labor market in recent years. transforming the way we work and learn. Online
education platforms, digital tools and virtual
• Reducing industry – skill gap: Another trend is how work environments are becoming increasingly
educational institutions are increasingly aligning prevalent, blurring the boundaries between
with industry requirements, ensuring that academic education, skills and work.
curricula are attuned to the practical needs of the job
market. The proliferation of vocational training and In summation, the employment and skilling ecosystem
apprenticeship programs is bridging the gap between in India is at a pivotal juncture, with demographic
theoretical knowledge and practical application, thus advantages, technological advancements, and
fortifying the workforce’s employability. globalization shaping its trajectory. The nation’s
capacity to harness its demographic potential, embrace
• Platform thinking: As India is poised to become a technological innovation, and cultivate an inclusive
global epicentre for skill development, the ‘Skill India workforce will be determinative of its role as a global
Digital Hub (SIDH)’ mission is a testament to the leader in skills. The harmonization of education, skills
nation’s commitment to train millions in a plethora of and work, coupled with proactive policy measures to
vocational trades. adopt the future skills will be critical in navigating the
challenges and capitalizing on the opportunities that the
new world of work will bring.
20 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

India skilling
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 21

India skilling landscape

As per the publication World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs Report 2023”, analytical thinking is the core skill for
mass employment which ranks first, creative thinking, ranks second, ahead of three self-efficacy skills – resilience,
flexibility and agility, motivation and self-awareness. AI and big data skills are gaining precedence and is a most strongly
prioritized skill in certain industries.

The India Economic Survey 2023-24 reveals that Indian economy needs to generate
an average of nearly 78.5 lakh jobs annually until 2030 in the non-farm sector to cater
to the rising workforce presenting both opportunities and challenges.

Government initiatives:
The National Education Policy (NEP)18 2020 has given manpower, building the vocational and technical training
guidance for revision and revamping of all aspects framework, skill up-gradation, building of new skills and
of education, including the educational structure, innovative thinking not only for existing jobs but also jobs
regulations, and governance, to create a new system that are to be created. It is aided in these initiatives by its
which is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st functional arms – Directorate General of Training (DGT),
century students. According to the policy, by 2025, at National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), National
least 50% of learners through the school and higher Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET),
education system shall have exposure to vocational National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), National
education, for which a clear action plan with targets and Skill Development Fund (NSDF) and 38 Sector Skill
timelines are to be developed. Councils (SSCs) as well as 33 National Skill Training
Institutes (NSTIs/NSTI(w)), about 15000 Industrial
The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Training Institutes (ITIs) under DGT and 290 training
(MSDE) is responsible for co-ordination of all the skill partners registered with NSDC.
development efforts across the country, removal of
disconnect between demand and supply of skilled
22 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

The following landscaping illustration outlines the key interventions launched by the
central government towards improving youth skilling and development over the years.

Journey of Indian skilling ecosystem

Evolution journey of competency based skill development ecosystem in India

Formation of
National Skill Establishment Ministry of Skill
Development of Sector Skill Development and
Corporation formed Councils initiated Entrepreneurship

1956 1961 2009 2013

1959 2008 2010-11 2014

NCVT Setup Apprenticeship Act 1st National Policy NSDA formed
on Skill Development NSQF introduced

Journey of Skill Development: Post Ministry formation

• National Education Policy

(2020) – Vocationalization • Skill India Digital Hub
of school education (SIDH) launched
PMKVY 2.0 launched • PMKVY 3.0 launched, • PM Vishwakarma
-1.10 crore youth 7.37 lakh trained launched

2015 2018 2022 2024

2016 2020 2023

• Skill India Mission, • National Council for • Unified Digital Ecosystem PMKVY 4.0
• Revamped National Vocational Education for Skilling announced launched
Policy on Skill and Training (NCVET) -Skill India Digital Upgradation of
Development 2015, notified • Skill Hub initiative ITIs announced
• Common Cost Norms • JSS moved from MoE to launched utilizing
• PMKVY 1.0 launched, MSDE education infrastructure ,
19.86 lakh trained 1.97 lakh trained
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 23

2.2 PM Vishwakarma
Overview of key schemes
PM Vishwakarma Scheme launched in 2023 to enable
the recognition of artisans and craftspeople as
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vishwakarma, making them eligible to avail benefits
Vikas Yojana under the scheme. The scheme aims to support artisans
and craftspeople who work with their hands and tools,
including 18 trades such as carpenters, blacksmiths and
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana - PMKVY was
potters. It has provision for skill upgradation to hone
introduced first in 2015. The scheme promotes skill
their skills, provide support for better and modern tools
development among young people across the country
to enhance their capability, productivity, and quality
through provision of free and short trainings along with
of products and services, provide the beneficiaries an
recognition of informally gained skills (through skilling,
easy access to collateral free credit and reduce the
reskilling and upskilling). The scheme has undergone
cost of credit by providing interest subvention, provide
various iterations to ensure that it remains relevant, and
incentives for digital transactions, provide a platform
its delivery stays efficient19.
for brand promotion and market linkages to help them
The scheme relies heavily on State Governments for access new opportunities. The scheme aims at providing
implementation and monitoring processes. With PMKVY several benefits to the Vishwakarmas, who are either
2.0, 25% of the overall implementation target was self-employed or intend to setup their own small-scale
dependent entirely on State Governments through State ventures.
Skill Development Missions. Under this scheme 812
The scheme seeks to promote empowerment of women,
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (model training centres)
and those belonging to the marginalized or under-
have been introduced across 707 districts and 540
served groups like the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Parliamentary Constituencies20 as of December 2020.
Tribes, OBCs, Specially Abled, Transgenders, residents
From the first and second edition of the PMVKY scheme,
of NER states, Island Territories and Hilly Areas. There
more than 12.6 million young people have been trained
are16,58,000 applicants registered under the scheme

Under the three phases of PMKVY

(i.e., PMKVY 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) a total of Long-term skill development
1.37 crores candidates have been through Directorate General of
trained/ oriented and 1.10 crores are Training (DGT)
certified across the country. Total
reported placements of (under STT Long-term skill development through Directorate General
of Training (DGT)
and Special Projects) is 24.36 lakh
candidates till 2022. • Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS)

• Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS)

PMKVY 4.0 announced in 2023 with emphasis on • National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS)
emphasize on on-job training, industry partnership, for Designated Trade
and alignment of courses with needs of industry. She
• Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS)
further highlighted that the scheme will also cover new
age courses for Industry 4.0 like coding, AI, robotics, • Sub-Mission on Polytechnics under the Coordinated
mechatronics, IOT, 3D printing, drones and soft skills. Action for Skill Development

• Women Training

• Skills Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement


• Enhancing Skill Development Infrastructure in North

eastern States (ESDI)
24 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

National Apprenticeship
Promotion Scheme

National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme - NAPS is a

flagship program under the Ministry of Skill Development
and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) designed to promote
apprenticeship training in India. It offers structured,
industry-aligned training to young people, boosting
their employability and contributing to the nation’s
skilled workforce. NAPS fosters collaborations between
industries and training providers to ensure practical
learning and relevant skill development. According to the
Apprenticeship India report for 2023, there are 931,988
apprentices currently in training, with 500,805 having
As the Digital Public completed their training and 35,387 certified. In 2023,
Infrastructure (DPI) claims totalling INR43 crore have been disbursed. For
2024, approximately 324,800 apprentices are engaged
for Skilling, Education,
in training, with INR395 crore in Direct Benefit Transfer
Employment, and available across India and 634,294 live vacancies22.
Entrepreneurship, SIDH
serves as a comprehensive
information gateway for
government initiatives
in these domains, Skill India Digital Hub – SIDH
making it a go-to hub for
citizens pursuing career Skill India Digital Hub – SIDH is a comprehensive digital
advancement and lifelong platform designed to synergize and transform the skills,
learning education, employment and entrepreneurship landscape
in India. SIDH plays a crucial role in preparing the Indian
workforce for Industry 4.0 by offering futuristic courses
on areas such as, Big Data, Machine Learning and
Shri Jayant Chaudhary, Analytics, provided by its digital learning partners. The
Minister of State hub also offers several Industry 4.0 courses such as:
(Independent Charge) Ministry • Python with Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI)
of Skill Development, and
• Artificial Intelligence Foundation
in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha23 • Generative AI

• Build Classical Machine Learning Models with

Supervised Learning

• Data Analytics Essentials

• Analytics Data in a Relational Data Warehouse

• Cyber security Essentials

• Introduction to Data Science

• Kisan Drone Operator

• EV Service Technician

• Bio-waste Management

• Other certification courses

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 25

Prominent skilling initiatives taken • Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ welfare

up by other ministries include - scheme - Agri-Clinic Agri-Business centres scheme
(ACABC) with NABARD acting as subsidy channelizing
• Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE)’s agency.
eSHRAM portal for creating a National Database of
• Ministry of Textiles scheme Integrated Skill
Unorganized Workers (NDUW) and eMigrate for the
Development Scheme (ISDS) to upgrade the skills
Overseas Employment Division of Ministry of External
of textile workers/ handloom weavers and Samarth
Affairs (MEA).
(Scheme for Capacity Building in Textiles Sector).
• Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)’s Deen
• National Apprenticeship Training Scheme - NATS
Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushal Yojana (DDU-
is a flagship scheme under the Ministry of Skill
GKY) – was launched in September 2014. The scheme
Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) aimed at
focuses on diversifying family income of the rural poor
promoting apprenticeship training in India. It provides
and providing skilling and career support. The scheme
structured, industry-aligned training to young people,
emphasizes providing support to youth (15- 35 years
enhancing their employability and contributing to the
old) in rural areas. Through this scheme, young people
country’s skilled workforce. NATS fosters partnerships
who have been unable to complete their education
between industries and training providers to ensure
are able to obtain vocational training to build their
practical learning experiences and relevant skill
careers. As of 2023, a total of 14.51 lakh candidates
development. As per the NATS report till date,
have been trained and 8.70 lakh candidates placed
36,58,130 students registered, 2,61,703 students
under the program. Further, a sum of INR7015.61
undergoing apprentices training. Direct Benefit
crore was released under DDU-GKY in 2023.
Transfer (DBT) till date is around INR76.96 crore24.
• National Urban Livelihoods Mission – NULM focuses
Even though there is a significant push towards
on providing educational and skilling opportunities
prioritizing critical sectors such as employment, skilling,
specifically to the urban poor. The main aim of
MSME, the skilling landscape of India continues to face
this scheme is to reduce poverty and vulnerability
of the urban poor by facilitating their access to
different employment opportunities (including self-
employment, wage employment, etc.), and access to
shelter for those without homes and providing social
security. According to Annual report of NULM 2023,
1,92,122 candidates were skilled and trained, while
89,432 candidates were placed in jobs.
26 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Vocational education and skilling are not aspirational

India’s youth carry negative social perception towards vocational training as they are not
considered a viable alternative to traditional formal education. It finds limited acceptance as
dignified labor.

Lack of quality and standards in the skilling space

India faces scarcity of qualified trainers, quality infrastructure and course content combined with a
lack in standardization in assessment and accreditation in vocational education.

Skill mismatch in the labor market

Mismatch in educational qualification and skills; often poorly connected to the qualification needed
to perform a job.

Inadequate industry interface

India lacks alignment between industries and educational and training courses in terms of the
demand and supply of skills, lack of industry exposure among students, poor placements and
internship opportunities.

Duplication of efforts due to overlapping skilling initiatives across multiple

A number of government ministries and departments at the central and state level offer multiple
skilling schemes and programs which lead to overlap and duplication of efforts and resources.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 27

Private sector initiatives in today’s rapidly changing economy. Endorsing its

commitment, the recent Indian Union Budget of
Numerous private sector organizations are working 2024-202525, announced several measures for youth
towards supporting youth for skilling and employment. In and employment, such as:
addition to collaborating with the NSDC (through Sector
Skill Councils), the private sector is invested in the youth • Allocation of INR1.48 lakh crore for education,
through the following strategic engagements: employment and skilling

Vocational training and capacity building for • INR2 lakh crore package announced for five schemes
specific industries on jobs and skilling of 4.1 crore youth

Working with ITIs, universities and academic • Financial support for loans up to INR10 lakh for higher
institutions for placement drives, hiring of education in domestic institutions
apprentices, on the job training, curriculum and
• One month wage to all workers newly entering the
faculty development and much more
work cycle. INR15,000 to entrants with monthly
Mentorship and guidance to disadvantaged youth, salary up to INR1 lakh. This will benefit 210 lakh
such as rural youth, urban poor youth, women, youth
youth with disabilities and youth from marginalized
• Internship opportunities to one crore youth in 500 top
companies across the country in five years
CSR and skilling collaborative initiatives
• Modernization of 1000 Industrial Training Institutes
(ITIs) over the next five years through a hub-and-spoke
model, supported by a total outlay of INR60,000 crore
In a nutshell, India, through its various initiatives and
investments is striving towards creating a democratized • Priority to be given to increase women’s participation
access to education and training to enable millions in the workforce through the establishment of hostels
of people to acquire the skills they need to succeed and partnerships to conduct women-specific skilling
28 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

FICCI-EY future of jobs reports
As the job and skilling landscape evolves at a rapid pace with disruptive technologies making way, and COVID-19
pandemic which brought significant changes to the labor market, a committee comprising senior industry experts and
panel of FICCI and EY made an informed decision to publish a new edition of FOJ report which studies in-depth the jobs
and skills landscape of India across five sectors, namely manufacturing, FMCG, healthcare, energy and infrastructure.

Study methodology
For this report, the committee outlined a framework focused on assessing the impact of five trends— Artificial
Intelligence (AI), DPI, Climate, Workforce Mobility and Industry 4.0— on the five sectors and how its interplay will affect
three key stakeholders— learners, employers and trainers in the future in terms of jobs and skills.

We further sub-divided the five lenses into key factors, which we then individually considered to assess the impact on
all sectors and stakeholders. We completed the assessment with the help of primary (interviews and digital survey) and
secondary research (literature review) and then analyzed and drew insights from the data collected.

A: Artificial Intelligence
1. GenAI
2. Skills
3. Cost

D: Digital Public
1. Efficiency
2. Skills
3. Innovation

C: Climate & Green Jobs

1. CFP
2. Skills
3. ESG

W: Workforce Mobility
1. Digital
2. Skills
3. Policy

I: Industry 2.0
1. Digital
2. 21st Century Skills
Sectors (5): Manufacturing, Health, FMCG, Infrastructure, Energy 3. Policy
Lens (5) : Artificial Intelligence (AI), DPI, Climate, Workforce Mobility and Industry 4.0
Personas/Stakeholders (3) : Employer (Industry), Learner (in education, skilling-upskilling
and re-skilling) and Trainer (Industry, private sector and Government)

In the concluding section, we have presented our findings of the assessment in the form of Harvey Balls visualization.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 29

Model of study Primary research: consultation

with stakeholders
In addition to the secondary research, we sought an
informed view by interacting with over 200 respondents, • Identification of industry’s top leaders
a mix of senior leaders and industry experts, learners, and employers in selected sectors,
trainers, academicians and policy makers. Structured learners across all levels and trainers
and unstructured form of interview along with digital
survey (including multiple choice questions) was part • Developed questionnaire on digital tool
of the methodology. The respondents were probed on for each of the five sectors
their views on industry 4.0 technologies that will set the • Conducted interviews with senior
narrative in the future. They include: leaders and industry leaders
How the five lenses (AI,DPI, climate, workforce • Collation and analyzing of data of
mobility and Industry 4.0 technologies) are primary research
expected to impact jobs and skills

Challenges anticipated with its integration

Emergence of new job roles or transformation of Secondary research: Literature

existing ones if sustainable practices are a priority review of future of jobs scenario
for business operations and its subsequent impact across the lens of AI/Gen AI,
on green jobs and skills technology, climate change,
global mobility, and 21st
Increasing importance of global mobility and cross- century skills
cultural skills
• Comprehensive document review of
Role of skilling institutions in aligning educational existing reports, research, statistics,
curriculum with the skill requirements of global standards and best practices
• Quantitative and qualitative
How effective current government policies are research from multiple data sources
Additional support needed from government such as Union Budget 2024-25,
Ministry of Skill Development and
Recommendations to improve the job and skilling Entrepreneurship (MSDE), IBEF,
ecosystem Periodic Labour Force Surveys,
Economic Survey of 2023-24, ILO and
WEF reports

• ►Collating and analysing data to identify

factors impacting FOJ

Validation by industry leaders

Validation by industry leaders of the
findings and recommendations for
Learners, Trainers and Employers and
the need for Government reforms and
30 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Below is a summary of previous FOJ reports:

Future of Jobs 1.0: Year 2017 Future of Work for Women (COVID specific):
Future of Jobs in India – A 2022 perspective was Year 2021
published by FICCI in 2017 in partnership with NASSCOM The report “Impact of COVID-19 and Industry 4.0 on
and EY. The report was the first research study exclusive Future of Work for Women” was published by FICCI in May
to the Indian context on the future of jobs across five key 2021 in collaboration with UNDP. The report studied the
sectors of the Indian economy in detail: IT-BPM, retail, unprecedented changes in the world of work necessitated
textiles and apparel, automotive and BFSI (Banking, by COVID-19 and how post COVID-19, the situation could
Financial Services, and Insurance). change and so will the impact of technology on jobs and
employment in India.

Future of Jobs 2.0: Year 2018

Future of Jobs in India-2.0 published by FICCI in Future of Jobs 3.0: Year 2024 (Current report)
collaboration with EY in the year 2018 analyzed five This report of Future of Jobs (this report) aims to provide
more sectors in the second phase of its study. These deep insights about job creation, reskilling and upskilling
sectors together form the foundation of India’s socio- opportunities for the next 2-3 years for learners, trainers
economic development and are healthcare, education, and employers. The entire study and research on FOJ
construction, transportation & logistics and tourism & 3.0 were conducted over a period of 2.5 months with
hospitality. The report was a product of quantitative and rigorous effort put in by EY and FICCI.
qualitative research and strategic foresight received from
top leaders and employers in selected sectors for the FOJ 3.0 analyzes five sectors with a lens of emerging
study. technologies, global workforce mobility and provides
recommendations for future ready policy. These five
sectors are manufacturing, FMCG, healthcare, energy,
and infrastructure. The rationale for choice of these five
sectors is presented below-
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 31

Manufacturing Healthcare Energy FMCG Infrastructure

• Market size • Indian healthcare • India is the 3rd • 10% of India’s • FDI in construction
projected to market was largest producer GDP comes (infrastructure)
reach US$1 valued at and consumer from the stood at US$
trillion by 2025 approximately of electricity FMCG sector 33.91 billion
US$ 98.98 billion worldwide in between April
• CAGR growth • Indian food
in 2023 April 2024 2000-March 2024
rate of 3.32% processing
expected 2024– • Projected CAGR • 2.69% of the market • Union Budget
2029 of 8% from 2024 total FDI inflow expected 2024-25 has
to 2032 in India between to reach increased capital
• Currently
April 2000 and US$547.3 investment outlay
employs around • One of the
March 2024 billion by for infrastructure,
27.3 million largest employers
2028 which would be 3.4
people in India, • Jobs projected to
% of GDP
employing 7.5 reach 139 million • Industry
million people in globally by 2030 predicted to • Infrastructure
2024 develop at a is a key enabler
CAGR of 7-9% in helping India
become a US$26
trillion economy.
32 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Future sectoral
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 33

In this chapter, we deep dive into the macroeconomic mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the automobile,
trends, employment scenario, international electronics, and textiles categories, indicate strong
benchmarking and sectoral trends for five sectors. future prospects for the sector.

As a key contributor to India’s economy, the

manufacturing sector accounts for

3.1 16-17%
of GDP as of 2021
The Indian manufacturing sector is undergoing significant
market size projected to reach
transformation, driven by various macroeconomic
factors, technological advancements and evolving US$1 trillion by 2025
global dynamics. This section provides a comprehensive
analysis of sectoral trends, benchmarking against
international practices, and insights drawn from both GVA (Gross Value Added)
primary interviews and secondary research. The focus is at current prices was
on understanding the future of jobs in the manufacturing US$ 110.48 billion
sector, highlighting emerging trends, challenges and the in the first quarter of FY2427
promising opportunities that lie ahead.

compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of
3.1.1 3.32% expected
Macroeconomic trends between 2024 and 202928
A Key statistics
India’s manufacturing sector is on the brink of substantial Between April 2000 and December 2023, the automobile
growth, expected to generate an additional 6.33% in new sector attracted FDI inflows of US$36.26 billion, while
jobs during the first half of FY 2024-2526. Notably, the the chemical manufacturing sector (excluding fertilizers)
manufacturing, engineering, and infrastructure sectors received FDI inflows of US$22.14 billion. These figures
are among the top three with the highest proportion of underscore the sector’s critical role in India’s economy
employers expanding their workforce, with 66% planning and its potential for future expansion, with substantial
to increase headcount. This expansion is driven by FDI inflows reflecting global confidence in India’s
government reforms like the Production Linked Incentive manufacturing capabilities29 and reinforcing the sector’s
(PLI) scheme, which has already attracted significant importance as a major job provider.
investments in automobiles, electronics, and textiles.
Additionally, increased capital investments and rise in
34 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

incentives for green technologies. While
Employment scenario there are challenges, such as bureaucratic
As of 2024, the manufacturing sector employs hurdles and the need for continuous
approximately 27.3 million people30. This sector has upskilling, these initiatives underscore the
consistently expanded its employment opportunities, government’s commitment to sustainable
driven by growing industrial activities and supportive growth in manufacturing.
government initiatives. SANKALP32 (Skills Acquisition and
Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood
Promotion) program, which strengthens

C Key drivers of growth and government

institutional mechanisms for skill
development and enhances access
to quality, market-relevant training.
The Union Budget 2024 has solidified manufacturing as Similarly, the SAMARTH33 (Scheme
a cornerstone of India’s path to becoming a developed for Capacity Building in Textile Sector)
nation, unveiling a comprehensive package of incentives scheme is focused on providing skill
and policy reforms. These include significant investments development training in the textiles
in industrial infrastructure, the expansion of the sector, a significant component of the
National Industrial Corridor Development Programme, manufacturing industry, ensuring the
and strategic adjustments to customs duties to bolster workforce is equipped to meet evolving
domestic manufacturing and exports. These measures demands.
aim to enhance India’s global competitiveness and
support the ‘Make in India’ initiative, laying a strong The Vishwakarma34 Scheme is designed
foundation for continued growth31. to enhance the skills of traditional
artisans and craftsmen through modern
Key initiatives and developments include: training programs, integrating them into
Production Linked Incentive (PLI) the contemporary manufacturing sector.
Scheme: The Interim Union Budget These measures are designed to enhance India’s global
2024-2025 saw a significant boost in competitiveness and support the ‘Make in India’ initiative,
allocations for the PLI Scheme, with laying a strong foundation for the manufacturing sector’s
a 360% increase to INR6,903 crore continued expansion.
(US$830 million) for the semiconductors
and display manufacturing ecosystem,
and a 623% rise to INR3,500 crore
(US$421 million) for the automobile
sector. 3.1.2
Electric Vehicles (EV) expansion: The International benchmark
government has placed a strong emphasis
on promoting the transition to electric India’s adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, while
vehicles (EV) by expanding EV charging growing, remains behind global leaders like Germany,
networks, creating opportunities for Japan and the USA.
small vendors in manufacturing and
India’s position in the global manufacturing sector
is strong, ranking among the top in the Global
Defence allocation: The Ministry of Manufacturing Risk Index (GMRI) due to its cost-
Defence’s budget was increased to effectiveness, workforce availability, and market
INR621,541 crore (US$74.78 billion), potential. India’s labor costs are notably lower than in
highlighting a commitment to enhancing several key Asian markets, and it ranks fifth in global
domestic manufacturing capabilities in manufacturing output with a 2.78% share .
the defence sector.
Adopting international best practices, such as those
The National Manufacturing Policy outlined in the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)
(NMP) aims to increase the sector’s and the Global Lighthouse Network, can further enhance
GDP contribution to 25% and create 100 India’s manufacturing capabilities. These frameworks
million new jobs. This policy includes emphasize digital transformation, sustainable practices,
establishing National Investment and and the development of advanced skills, positioning India
Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs) and offering for greater competitiveness in the global market.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 35

Sectoral trends B Workforce trends
In the manufacturing sector, hiring trends highlight an

A Emerging technologies in the sector

The anticipated impact of AI in areas like quality control
increasing demand for technically skilled professionals
with qualifications in engineering, computer science,
and specialized fields such as robotics and automation.
and customer service is driving a shift in perception, Employers are actively seeking candidates with
indicating future growth. Industry 4.0 technologies experience in Industry 4.0 technologies, including
like IoT-enabled predictive maintenance and supply IoT, AI and advanced analytics. Additionally, skills in
chain optimization are already enhancing efficiency by lean manufacturing, quality control and supply chain
reducing downtime and improving order fulfilment. management are highly valued. The focus is on building
a workforce capable of adapting to rapidly evolving
AI is set to revolutionize agile manufacturing and
technological environments and driving innovation and
quality control, though challenges such as high
efficiency improvements.
implementation costs and the need for skilled
labor remain. Workforce mobility is another key factor shaping the job
landscape in manufacturing. Increased mobility facilitates
Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)37 plays a crucial
the exchange of skills and best practices across regions,
role in supporting seamless operations, including
fostering innovation and efficiency.
secure data exchanges and real-time processing,
further boosting manufacturing efficiency.
36 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

3.1.4 optimization and predictive maintenance. The survey

revealed concerns related to sector preparedness in
Future of jobs: insights from picking up these technologies. As much as 40% of the
industry leaders respondents registered ongoing initiatives in AI adoption
preparedness, while 40% mentioned that organizations
were not prepared at all and only thinking about it.
The primary survey has reached out to By itself, this presents an enormous gap between
industries with strength of more than recognition of AI potential and readiness towards its
realization. Secondly, majority respondents highlighted
500 employees working with their
the major challenges in AI integration are workforce’s
presence in regional, national and resistance, and lack of technical skills. The other factor
international markets. identified was data privacy and security concerns. This
is also related to secondary research, emphasizing a
need for upskilling and reskilling initiative to face these

A Emerging job roles in the sector challenges. The gap that ultimately exists between the
projected level of influence that AI will have and the
levels of preparedness and usage actually being at work
The future of jobs in the manufacturing sector is
poised to be shaped by roles that capitalize on within the manufacturing sector speaks to the fact that a
advanced technologies. According to the survey, 60% more concerted approach needs to be taken with regards
of respondents anticipate significant growth in jobs for to the way in which such technologies will be integrated.
AI and robotics technicians, as well as IoT specialists,
The surveyed organizations are increasingly adopting
40% foresee high demand for sustainable manufacturing
sustainability practices, with organizations implementing
engineers and digital supply chain analysts.
programs such as energy-efficient machinery (50%),
The survey further reveals that 40% of respondents waste reduction (33%), and sustainable sourcing (33%).
believe skills in robotic programming, advanced analytics, AI and generative AI are expected to significantly impact
and Internet-of-Things connectivity will be most in supply chain optimization (44%), predictive maintenance
demand for future manufacturing roles. Only 20% expect (36%), and production line automation (27%).
a high demand for AI and machine learning application
skills, which presents an interesting contrast, highlighting
the evolving landscape of skill requirements in the sector.
C Suggested programmatic and policy

B Impact of GenAI, AI, sector-specific

technology, international mobility, DPI,
Most of the industry representatives felt that the
program and policy interventions had to match the
dynamism of the sector. 80% of the respondents felt
climate and green jobs on the job and
that governmental support in creating renewable energy
skilling ecosystem
infrastructure would be beneficial, 40% mentioned the
The impact generated by generative AI and AI importance of stringent environmental regulations to
technologies in the manufacturing sector is likely to be encourage sustainability. Equally, 40% believe that the
very strong. The use of these technologies may likely grants for acquiring new equipment and software would
result in creating new job roles and altering the nature be the most effective government incentives towards
of existing ones, particularly in the case of supply chain technological advancement. Out of the total workforce
sample, 80% preferred a supportive government
partnership with the private while none suggested
Preparedness of AI adoption the government to be at the frontline in training and
education. This testifies to the preference for public-
private collaboration over government initiatives in a
situation where the urgency for skill development is well
40% 40% 20% recognized.

Somewhat Not Not prepared

prepared prepared but and no plans
with ongoing considering it to adopt
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 37

Government incentives or subsidies can be/ Challenges manufacturing companies face in

have been most beneficial for technological collaborating with educational and skilling
advancements institutions (respondents could select multiple

Lack of awareness about
schemes and programs

Misalignment of training
outcomes with industry needs

Areas skilling institutions needs to focus on:

What role should skilling institutions play in preparing the workforce for the adoption of
new technologies?

40% 20% 20% 20%

Collaborative role in Primary role in Supportive role with Advisory role in

designing industry- providing foundational on-the-job training identifying future
specific courses and advanced tech provided by employers skill needs
38 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

3.1.5 Skill sets that will be most in demand for future

manufacturing job roles:
Overall impact on job roles and skills
in the sector
The key challenges as identified in the primary research
include the need for better alignment between the
industry, skill development institutions, and government.
80% of the surveyed believed continuous learning and
upskilling are very important. Majority of the respondents
believed that lack of awareness about schemes and
programs is the major challenge manufacturing
companies face in collaborating with educational and
skilling institutions. This points at the need for richer,
stronger connections in training initiatives between
industry and academia.

Emerging job roles in manufacturing sector

The future of jobs in the manufacturing sector in

India is being influenced by a confluence of economic
growth, technological advances and sustainability
imperatives. While the sector is on a promising path
toward growth and innovation, challenges such as skill
gaps, technological readiness, and workforce resistance
have to be accommodated. The findings of this survey
call for a more coordinated and focused approach toward
workforce development that aligns industry needs with
skill development initiatives and government support.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 39

As of 2023,

3.2 the Indian healthcare market was

Healthcare valued at approximately
The healthcare sector has emerged as a major driver of US$ 98.98 billion
India’s economy, significantly impacting both revenue
and employment with public expenditure on healthcare
being 2.1 % of GDP in FY23 as per the Economic Survey Projections suggest a compound
2022-23. The healthcare industry includes diverse
sub-sectors such as hospitals, medical devices, clinical
annual growth rate (CAGR)
trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health of 8% from 2024 to 2032,
insurance and medical equipment. potentially reaching
In 2023, the Indian healthcare industry witnessed US$ 638 billion by 202538
substantial growth, with the sector valued at
approximately US$230 billion. This growth is supported
by advancements in healthcare infrastructure, increased The sector’s contribution to
digital health adoption, and rising private and public India’s GDP has been steadily
investments. The sector is expected to continue its increasing, with public expenditure
expansion at a robust rate of 17-18% annually, reflecting on healthcare rising from
its crucial role in India’s economic development.
1.6% of GDP in
Employment within the sector records a significant
contribution with over 5 million people employed in
FY21 to 2.2% in FY22
various healthcare roles as of 2023.
and it is projected to reach
2.5% by FY25
Conducive policies have encouraged FDI in the sector,
3.2.1 for instance, from April 2000 to March 2024, the FDI
Macroeconomic trends inflow for the drugs and pharmaceuticals sector stood
at US$22.57 billion followed by US$10.26 billion in

A Key statistics
The healthcare sector in India significantly contributes to
hospitals and diagnostic centres, significantly enhancing
the quality and accessibility of healthcare services
the nation’s economy and employment landscape.
40 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

B Employment scenario
• National Digital Health Mission (NDHM): The
National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) launched in
2020 to digitize health records and integrate digital
As of 2024, the Indian healthcare sector ranks among
health services. By mid-2024, over 120 million
the country’s largest employers, providing jobs to a total
individuals were registered, with the aim to cover
of 7.5 million people. Advancements in telemedicine,
more than 1.4 billion people.
virtual assistants and data analytics are anticipated
to generate 2.7 to 3.5 million new jobs in technology- • The National Health Policy 2017 and Pradhan
related roles40. This industry is poised for significant job Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) have broadened
growth owing to the expansion of healthcare facilities healthcare coverage and improved service delivery,
and rising demand for healthcare services. Between creating more job opportunities, especially in tier 2
2021 and 2023, there was a notable 22.4% increase and 3 cities. The National Healthcare Professional
in demand for healthcare professionals. This diverse Registry and Accreditation System is crucial
workforce will include doctors, nurses, lab technicians, for managing the workforce by maintaining a
healthcare administrators, medical coders, AI engineers, comprehensive database of practitioners, ensuring
pharmacists, dentists, data analysts and telemedicine regulatory compliance, and promoting continuous
specialists. This demand is expected to double by 2030 professional development. These policies help address
due to a shortage in this workforce. immediate workforce shortages and support long-
term planning.

• The Indian Medical Association (IMA) notes a

C Key drivers of growth and government

continuing shortage of about 600,000 doctors as of
2024. Evolving technology and healthcare needs have
given rise to an increasing demand for professionals
skilled in the latest technologies and sustainable
The 2024-25 Union Budget41 allocated INR90, 659 crore
practices. Continuous upskilling is crucial to keep
to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, which is
up with these changes and maintain a responsive,
a 13% rise over the revised estimates of 2023-24. Key
patient-focused healthcare system.
government initiatives driving this transformation:
• Ayushman Bharat: Launched in 2018, this
health insurance scheme provides up to INR5 lakh
(US$6,000) per family annually for hospitalizations.
As of 2023, over 300 million Ayushman cards have
been created, making it the largest health insurance
program globally.42
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 41

3.2.2 knowledge with tech skills. The Indian healthcare

sector is focusing on training its workforce in emerging
International benchmark technologies such as IoMT, blockchain, Telehealth,
telemedicine Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,
Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index is a measure Big Data and Analytics and Augmented and Virtual
developed to assess the performance of healthcare Reality to enhance service delivery.
systems worldwide, focusing on how well a country
or region provides access to and quality of healthcare
services. The index ranges from 0 to 100, with higher
scores indicating better access to and quality of
B Workforce trends
By 2030, the demand for healthcare professionals is
expected to double due to a shortage of workers. Roles
India ranks 44th in the global Healthcare such as medical and health services managers, nurse
practitioners, physician assistants, home health aides
Access and Quality (HAQ) Index with a and physical therapists will see the highest growth46.
score of 65.4. Key improvement areas
Some of the other emerging job roles also highlighted
include expanding infrastructure,
during discussion in healthcare sector are as follows:
increasing the workforce, and enhancing
service quality and accessibility, AI and Machine Learning specialists:
These professionals develop and
particularly in rural areas.
implement AI algorithms for healthcare
applications, such as diagnostic tools and
predictive models.
Top-ranked countries are Taiwan (1st, score 89.5) for
AI integration and quality services, South Korea (2nd, Telemedicine coordinators: They
score 88.0) for sustainable practices and technology, and oversee virtual care programs, arrange
Japan (3rd, score 87.8) for personalized healthcare and remote consultations, and facilitate clear
prevention. communication between patients and
healthcare providers.
Worldwide, the USA and UK are leading the way in
offering advanced programs that could benefit India. Health data scientists: These
The USA’s initiatives include cutting-edge training, focus professionals analyze complex healthcare
on telemedicine, and AI diagnostics, while the UK’s NHS data to extract insights, enhance patient
focuses on comprehensive training and digital health outcomes and optimize healthcare
tools. Adopting these practices could enhance India’s operations.
healthcare system by improving access, quality, and
IoMT systems engineers: They design,
implement, and maintain networks of
connected medical devices and ensure
data security and interoperability.

Digital health product managers:

3.2.3 Oversee the development and
Sectoral trends implementation of digital health solutions,

ensuring they meet user needs and
Emerging technologies in healthcare regulatory standards. They collaborate
sector with stakeholders to drive product
strategy, manage roadmaps, and optimize
The top healthcare trends and innovations include
user experience.
Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Medical Things,
Telemedicine, Big Data and Analytics, Immersive Robot-assisted surgery technicians:
Technology, Mobile Health, 3D Printing, Blockchain, Surgical professionals assist surgeons in
Cloud Computing and Genomics45. operating AI-powered robots and manage
the technical aspects of robotic surgical
According to the World Economic Forum, the healthcare
systems during procedures.
sector is set for significant job growth in the coming
years, especially in tech and data roles which will open
new opportunities for professionals with healthcare
42 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Future of jobs: insights from industry B
Impact of Gen AI, AI, sector-specific
technology, international mobility, DPI,
leaders climate, and green jobs on the job and
skilling ecosystem
A Emerging job roles in healthcare
The healthcare sector is poised for substantial
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Gen AI: AI is
expected to have a profound impact on the
transformation, leading to the creation of several new healthcare sector, with 66% of respondents
job roles. Our survey reveals the following job roles are rating its future impact as high as 9 or 10
anticipated to emerge in the near future: on a scale of 10. However, respondents
anticipate significant challenges in integration,
Health data analyst: This role is including technical complexity, high costs of
expected to be in high demand, with 50% implementation and workforce resistance.
of respondents identifying it as a critical 67% of the respondents expect AI to reshape
job role for the future. The increasing job roles through reskilling and upskilling
reliance on data-driven decision-making initiatives.
in healthcare underscores the need for
professionals capable of analyzing vast Sector-specific technology: Adoption of
datasets to improve patient outcomes and Industry 4.0 technologies is widespread, with
operational efficiency. 86% of respondents using IoT and 57% utilizing
AI and Machine Learning. Despite this, the
Genomic counsellor: Another emerging organizations feel there is lot of scope to be
role, highlighted by 50% of respondents, able to integrate AI and Gen AI, completely.
is that of a genomic counsellor. As
personalized medicine and genomics International mobility: Given that 71% of
gain traction, the demand for specialized the organizations operate on an international
guidance based on genetic information scale, there is an increasing need for skills
will grow, making this role essential. related to global operations. Cross-cultural
competency and adaptability (50%) and global
Digital health specialist: Identified regulatory awareness (67%) are identified
by 33% of respondents, the Digital as crucial skills for the future healthcare
Health Specialist will play a key role in workforce. Multilingual communication abilities
integrating and managing digital health are also highlighted by 33% of respondents as
technologies within healthcare systems. important for facilitating international mobility.
This position will be crucial as the sector
continues to adopt more sophisticated Climate and green jobs: Sustainability is a
digital tools. growing priority, with 43% of respondents
identifying it as a top priority and another 43%
Telemedicine coordinator: With 33% considering it somewhat of a priority. However,
of respondents foreseeing the growth 43% of organizations have not yet adopted any
of telehealth services, the role of sustainable practices. Nevertheless, initiatives
telemedicine coordinator is expected like waste reduction and recycling (67%) and
to become increasingly important for increased energy efficiency (50%) are already
managing remote patient care. underway in many organizations, highlighting
a shift towards greener operations. On the
AI healthcare ethicist: As AI
jobs front, 67% of respondents affirm that
integration in healthcare expands, 33%
economic feasibility and resistance to change
of respondents believed there will be a
are the primary challenges in creating and
need for professionals who can navigate
filling green jobs.
the ethical challenges associated with
AI applications, ensuring that these
technologies are used responsibly.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 43

Utilization of any of the Industry 4.0 Challenges anticipated in integrating AI into

technologies existing Healthcare systems

Technical Complexity

High cost of implementation

Workforce resistance

Lack of technical skills

Data privacy and security concerns

How prepared are organizations to Expected Healthcare sectors to have

adapt AI and Gen AI greatest impact of AI

Fully prepared with strategies

17% and resources in place

In the early stages of

33% preparation

Not prepared but

50% considering it
44 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

C Suggested programmatic and policy

For government

For industry leaders • Financial incentives for green investments: With

60% of respondents indicating the need for financial
incentives, the government should consider offering
robust support to encourage the adoption of
• Reskilling and upskilling initiatives: Industry leaders
sustainable practices in healthcare.
should prioritize regular training programs, as 67%
of respondents emphasize the need for reskilling • Support for AI and technology integration: The
and upskilling to adapt to AI and other emerging government can provide subsidies for employee
technologies. These initiatives will be essential to training in new technologies, as 40% of respondents
address the gaps in technical skills and prepare the have identified this as beneficial. Stricter
workforce for future challenges as industry 4.0 environmental regulations (40%) and incentives
technologies take precedence. for adopting sustainable practices (60%) are also
necessary to drive progress.
• Adopting sustainable practices: With 43% of
organizations already recognizing sustainability • Policy support for workforce mobility and
as a priority, it is critical to continue integrating gender diversity: To ensure an inclusive and
sustainable practices into core operations. Green jobs, diverse workforce, the government should consider
supported by targeted training programs, will be vital implementing gender quotas (40%), offering grants
for this transition. for diversity initiatives (20%), and providing childcare
support services (20%). Additionally, the government
• Enhanced collaboration with government: To
should play a supportive role (20%) in addressing skill
leverage government incentives effectively, industry
gaps through public-private partnerships, ensuring
leaders should engage in partnerships that align
that the healthcare sector is equipped to meet future
with policy objectives. These collaborations will help
maximize the benefits of subsidies and incentives for
technology adoption and sustainability. These interventions will be critical in shaping the future
of jobs in the healthcare sector, ensuring that the
workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to adapt
How effective are current government policies in
to technological advancements, sustainability challenges,
promoting technology adoption in the Healthcare
and global operations

40% 60% Government incentives/subsidies can be/

Very effective Neutral have been most beneficial for technological

Subsidies for training employees in

40% new technologies

Incentives for adopting sustainable

60% practices

20% None have been beneficial

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 45

Areas skilling institutions should focus on Role should the government play in addressing
skill gaps in the Healthcare sector

Challenges healthcare companies face in

collaborating with educational and skilling

Skill sets that will be most in demand for future

healthcare job roles

Overall impact on job roles and skills
in the sector
Our primary and secondary research in the healthcare Full form of above mentioned variable “Non tech skills like communication
field shows encouraging trends. Both types of research , empathy and problem solving”

emphasize the importance of healthcare to India’s

economy. They consistently predict solid growth and the
creation of new jobs due to technological advancements. Collectively the research highlights the significant role
Primary research highlights the emergence of new of AI and emerging technologies in improving diagnosis
roles like Health Data Analysts, Genomic Counsellors, and tailoring treatments. Research shows that 66% of
and Digital Health Specialists. According to 50% of respondents expect AI to significantly impact healthcare,
respondents, these roles will be crucial in the future. although challenges such as technical complexity and
resistance from the workforce remain. In the next
few years, the healthcare sector will merge advanced
Emerging job roles in healthcare sector technologies with traditional practices, creating exciting
opportunities for those who can adapt and acquire the
skills needed for the digital health era.
46 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

This growth reflects a robust Compound

Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.57%
3.3 over this period48
Infrastructure The Budget for 2024-25 has further
The infrastructure sector in India plays a pivotal role reinforced this momentum with an 11.1%
in the economic progress of the country, propelling increase in capital investment outlay for
its overall development. This sector encompasses a infrastructure, totaling INR11.11 lakh
wide array of services including transportation (roads, crore (approximately US$133.86 billion),
railways, airports, and ports), energy and electricity, which is 3.4% of India’s GDP
real estate and construction, urban infrastructure
Additionally, the budget allocation for
(water supply, sanitation, and waste management),
the Railways has seen a notable 5.8%
and telecommunications. The Indian government has
increase, reaching INR2.55 lakh crore
been actively promoting infrastructure growth through
(US$30.72 billion) compared to the
initiatives like the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP)
previous year49
and the Smart Cities Mission, aiming to enhance the
quality of life and attract foreign investment. The sector The infrastructure sector’s contribution
has seen substantial investments, both from public and to the GDP is anticipated to remain
private sources, leading to significant improvements and significant, accounting for approximately
modernization. However, it faces certain challenges such 3.4% of India’s GDP in the fiscal year
as regulatory hurdles, financing gaps, and the need for 2024-2550. This underscores the sector’s
technological upgrades. Despite these challenges, the pivotal role in driving the country’s
infrastructure sector in India is on an upward trajectory, economic progress.
with ongoing projects set to bolster connectivity, improve
efficiency, and key enabler in helping India become a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) continues to be a
US$26 trillion economy.47 strong pillar for the sector, with total investments in
construction development and infrastructure reaching
approximately US$ 60.06 billion from April 2000 to
December 2023. Of this, US$26.54 billion was directed
3.3.1 towards construction development, while US$33.52
billion was invested in infrastructure.
Macroeconomic trends

Looking ahead, India is committed to improving
Key statistics its Logistics Performance Index ranking to 25 and
reducing logistics costs from 14% to 8% of GDP over
The Indian infrastructure sector is on a promising the next five years. These ambitious goals highlight the
trajectory government’s strategic focus on enhancing efficiency and
competitiveness in the sector.
Forecasts indicate substantial growth
from approximately US$204.06 billion in
2024 to US$322.27 billion by 2029
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 47

B Employment scenario
The infrastructure sector is a vital contributor to India’s
C Key drivers of growth and government
employment landscape with an estimation of 9.8 million Government of India has made a substantial commitment
jobs to be created in FY2551. This underscores the to infrastructure development, significantly increasing
sector’s critical role in providing job opportunities across the budget allocation to INR5 lakh crore (approximately
the country. US$60 billion) for FY2024, up from INR3.7 lakh crore
in FY2023. This investment aligns with the objectives of
In the construction sector, the percentage of workers has the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), which oversees
increased to 13.0% in 2022-23 as compared to 12.1% projects worth INR108 trillion (approximately US$1.3
in 2020-2152. This scenario opens significant potential trillion) at various stages of implementation, all aimed at
for new entrants into the workforce, particularly as the enhancing the country’s infrastructure.
sector continues to expand.
The sector is also embracing emerging technologies
The Union Budget for 2024-25 has reinforced this such as smart construction, digital infrastructure, and
commitment by announcing plans to upgrade 1,000 renewable energy solutions, which are set to drive
ITIs using a hub-and-spoke model53. This initiative is both efficiency and sustainability in infrastructure
designed to align course content with current industry development.
skill requirements and introduce new, relevant courses,
thereby enhancing the quality of technical education and Several major government initiatives are in place to
ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for careers in support sustainable infrastructure development:
the infrastructure sector.
• National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP): Focused
A new centrally sponsored scheme under the Prime on improving infrastructure quality while promoting
Minister’s package, set to be introduced in collaboration green practices, the NIP plays a crucial role in the
with state governments and industry partners, aims to nation’s long-term growth strategy.
skill 20 lakh first timers over the next five years. This • PM Gati Shakti: This initiative is accelerating the
ambitious initiative underscores the government’s strong construction of national highways, with a target
commitment to bridging the skill gap and ensuring a to complete 200,000 km by 2025, significantly
steady supply of skilled labor for the infrastructure enhancing connectivity.
• UDAN Scheme: Designed to improve air connectivity
While there is a recognized need for skilled labor, to underserved regions, the UDAN Scheme has
particularly certified professionals and those with operationalized 415 routes and 66 airports, fostering
specialized skills in operating advanced construction regional development.
equipment and technologies, this also creates a
promising landscape for upskilling and training initiatives. • Sagarmala Project: Aimed at enhancing port
Addressing this skilled labor requirement is poised to connectivity and logistics, the Sagarmala Project has
unlock even greater potential in the sector, contributing attracted significant investments, boosting cargo
to its sustained growth and the overall economic handling capacity and overall maritime infrastructure.
development of the country.
48 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

• India Infrastructure Project Development Fund Skill development roadmaps: The UK’s
(IIPDF): Supporting Public-Private Partnership (PPP) National Infrastructure Commission provides
projects, the IIPDF provides financial assistance for a comprehensive roadmap for future skill
project development expenses, encouraging private requirements, allowing educational institutions
sector participation in infrastructure projects. to tailor their curricula to meet these evolving
• The government is proactively addressing these areas
to ensure sustained progress. The establishment of AI and efficiency: Germany and the USA
the Urban Infrastructure Development Fund (UIDF) are at the forefront of leveraging artificial
with an annual outlay of INR10,000 crores is a intelligence (AI) to optimize construction
testament to these efforts, targeting the improvement processes and project management, enhancing
of urban infrastructure and quality of life in cities. efficiency and reducing costs.

• To further bolster infrastructure development, Sustainable practices: The Netherlands

the government has introduced diverse financial and Scandinavian countries are leaders
instruments aimed at mobilizing substantial resources in integrating green building technologies
for various projects. These include Infrastructure Debt and renewable energy into infrastructure
Funds (IDFs), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), projects. This focus on sustainability is driving
and tax-free bonds, all contributing to a more dynamic the development of green skills through
and resilient financing ecosystem. specialized training programs, creating new
job roles such as sustainability consultants and
Collectively, these comprehensive policies and initiatives green building specialists.
underscore the government’s strong commitment to
advancing India’s infrastructure landscape, overcoming India’s continued emphasis on adopting such best
existing challenges, and paving the way for sustained practices, coupled with its commitment to modernization
economic prosperity. and sustainability, positions the nation to further
enhance its infrastructure sector while simultaneously
fostering the development of a skilled, future-ready

International benchmark
India has achieved remarkable progress in its
infrastructure sector, as evidenced by its improved Sectoral trends

ranking in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance
Index (LPI). In 2023, India advanced to 38th place Emerging technologies in the sector
out of 139 countries, up from 44th in 2018. This
The infrastructure sector is undergoing a dynamic
significant improvement reflects the effectiveness of
transformation, driven by the adoption of Industry 4.0
key government initiatives such as PM Gati Shakti and
technologies. These key emerging technologies are
the National Logistics Policy, both of which are focused
setting the stage for enhanced efficiency, safety, and
on enhancing the nation’s soft and hard infrastructure.
sustainability across various infrastructure projects:
Furthermore, India has made substantial progress in
the International Shipments category, climbing from Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT
44th in 2014 to 22nd in 2023, driven by successful facilitates a network of interconnected
modernization and digitalization efforts within the devices and sensors that collect and
logistics sector54. exchange data, enabling real-time
monitoring and decision-making in
In addressing job roles and skills within the infrastructure
infrastructure projects. For example,
sector, international best practices offer valuable
real-time monitoring allows for the early
identification of potential issues, enabling
Long-term strategic planning: Countries proactive maintenance and minimizing
like the UK and Australia emphasize downtime.
the importance of long-term strategic
infrastructure planning, which aligns workforce Big data analytics: By analyzing large
skills with future needs, ensuring the sector sets of data, big data analytics enhances
remains adaptable and prepared for upcoming forecasting, risk management, and
challenges55. operational efficiency, leading to more
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 49

informed decisions in infrastructure infrastructure sector complements this by employing

development. a large section of the workforce. Among the 71 million
individuals working in the construction industry, there
Autonomous robots and drones: These are approximately 4.4 million core skilled workers,
technologies are increasingly being including engineers, technicians, and clerical staff,
used for surveying, inspection, and alongside 6.9 million employees who have received
maintenance tasks, improving safety and vocational training.
efficiency on construction sites.
The demand for freshers across various sectors has
In ports, digitalization is revolutionizing operations and increased by 5% over the past six months, signaling
boosting efficiency, while in the power sector, AI and a positive recovery in hiring trends. This uptrend is
machine learning are optimizing energy generation and bolstered by improvements in the IT sector, which also
grid security. The transportation sector is benefiting has a beneficial impact on infrastructure-related roles.
from AI systems that enhance road safety and monitor As the industry evolves, specialized certifications such
infrastructure conditions, and water management is as Project Management Professional (PMP) and LEED
seeing improvements through real-time monitoring accreditation are becoming increasingly valuable for
and predictive analytics. In the oil and gas industry, roles focused on sustainability and project delivery.
digital communication technologies are enhancing asset
management and predictive maintenance. While there are challenges in workforce development,
particularly in bridging the skill gap between current
While the integration of these advanced technologies capabilities and the needs of modern infrastructure
presents challenges, such as the need for a skilled projects, these challenges also present opportunities for
workforce and the implementation of robust growth. The gap is especially pronounced in areas related
cybersecurity measures, these are also opportunities for to sustainable practices and advanced technologies,
growth and innovation. As India continues to invest in its where there is significant potential for upskilling. The
infrastructure, fostering public-private partnerships and National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has
enhancing digital connectivity will be pivotal in driving noted that 43% of business owners report job openings
these advancements forward, ultimately improving the that are difficult to fill, underscoring the need for
quality of life for its citizens. targeted training and development programs.

Retention remains an area for improvement, as high

B Workforce trends
According to the National Skill Development Council
turnover rates can disrupt project continuity and increase
training costs. However, addressing these challenges with
strategic workforce development initiatives will enhance
(NSDC), the real estate sector is a major employer, the sector’s resilience and contribute to its ongoing
which includes both skilled and unskilled labor. The success.
50 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Sustainable practices the organizations in the Utilization of any of the Industry 4.0
secor have adopted technologies

67% 33% 33%

Artificial Additive GPS

Intelligence (AI) Manufacturing
and Machine (3D Printing)

33% 67% 67%

Big Data and Cloud Cybersecurity

Analytics Computing measures

Areas of infrastructure sector where AI is Preparedness level of organizations to adopt AI

expected to have the greatest impact and Gen AI technologies

Biggest challenge in workforce development in infrastructure operations

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 51

3.3.4 67% of respondents, and there is a growing interest in

Future of jobs: insights from industry integrating more advanced tools like AI, 3D printing,
and smart sensors. The sector is still lagging in
leaders the adoption of IoT and robotics, which presents

opportunities for future growth.
Emerging job roles in the sector
• Climate and green jobs: The sector’s move towards
Based on the survey conducted with industry leaders sustainability is evident, with 67% of respondents
in the infrastructure sector, several emerging job roles using renewable energy sources and eco-friendly
are anticipated within the next decade. These roles materials in construction. However, the creation and
are primarily driven by advancements in technology, filling of green jobs face challenges such as the lack
sustainability and the increasing complexity of of qualified candidates and resistance to changing
infrastructure projects. The following key job roles are traditional practices, as 1/3rd of the respondents
expected to see significant growth: observing this.
• AI and Machine Learning specialists: With the • International mobility: As infrastructure projects
increasing adoption of AI and machine learning, there become more global, skills related to international
will be a high demand for specialists who can develop, trade and logistics are becoming increasingly
implement, and manage these technologies within the important, with 67% of respondents recognizing the
infrastructure sector as per 67% of the respondents. need for these competencies.
• Renewable energy technicians: 67% of the

respondents believe that as the focus on sustainability
intensifies, there will be a growing need for Suggested programmatic and policy
technicians skilled in the installation, maintenance and interventions
optimization of renewable energy systems. To meet the evolving needs of the infrastructure sector,
• Sustainable infrastructure engineers: Engineers both industry leaders and the government need to take
with expertise in sustainable design and green the following actions:
technologies will be crucial as the sector moves
towards more environment friendly practices as per
33% of the respondents. Industry initiatives
• Smart City planners: 33% of the respondents
believe that the development of smart cities will
create a demand for planners who can integrate • Reskilling and upskilling: With the anticipated impact
IoT, AI, and other advanced technologies into urban of AI and other technologies, 67% of the respondents
infrastructure. agree reskilling and upskilling programs to be
essential to prepare the workforce for new roles and

B Impact of GenAI, AI, sector-specific

technology, international mobility, DPI,
• Sustainability practices: 67% of the respondents
confirmed that their organization has adopted
climate, and green jobs on the job and sustainable practices such as use of renewable energy
skilling ecosystem sources (solar, wind, hydro) and eco-friendly materials
in construction followed by water recycling and
The infrastructure sector is on the cusp of significant implementation of green building standards
transformation due to several technological and
environmental factors:

• AI and GenAI: AI is expected to have a moderate

impact on the infrastructure sector over the next Government Intervention
two years, with key areas including autonomous
construction vehicles, traffic management systems,
and predictive maintenance. However, challenges such • Financial incentives: 100% of respondents
as the lack of technical skills (100% of respondents’ identified the need for financial incentives for green
observation) and high costs of implementation (33% of investments. The government should introduce
respondents’ observation) may slow adoption. subsidies and tax credits to encourage the adoption of
sustainable practices
• Sector-specific technology: Technologies like cloud
computing and cybersecurity are already in use by
52 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

• Support for technology adoption: While 67% of opens the door to new opportunities. The demand for
respondents find current policies somewhat effective, skills in AI, automation, and sustainable practices will
there is a clear demand for more targeted support, increase, highlighting the need for continuous learning
especially in providing grants for new technology and and adaptation within the workforce.
training employees
As automation streamlines manual tasks, the emphasis
• 100% of the respondents believed that the skilling will shift towards skills that are uniquely human and
institutions should focus on sector specific technology difficult for machines to replicate, such as problem-
interventions solving, critical thinking, and adaptability. Despite the
challenges posed by technological advancements, the
ongoing investment in infrastructure and the transition to
sustainable practices are expected to generate long-term
Challenges infrastructure companies face in
employment opportunities, particularly for those with the
collaborating with educational and skilling
right skills and qualifications.

Emerging job roles in infrastructure sector

The future of jobs in the infrastructure sector is heavily

influenced by advancements in AI, sustainability and
global mobility. There is a clear need for strategic
interventions from both the industry and the government
to address skill gaps, promote technology adoption, and
ensure sustainable development. The anticipated job
roles and required skills highlight the evolving landscape Skill sets that will be most in demand for future
of the sector, where technology and sustainability will infrastructure job roles
play pivotal roles in shaping the workforce of tomorrow.

Overall impact on job roles and skills
in the sector
As the infrastructure sector continues to integrate new
technologies and sustainable practices, job roles are
undergoing significant evolution. There is a growing
This evolving landscape underscores the critical
demand for positions cantered on project management,
importance of preparing the workforce to meet the future
data analysis, and environmental compliance,
demands of the infrastructure sector, ensuring that
reflecting the sector’s shift towards modernization and
they are well-equipped to thrive in a rapidly changing
New roles, such as data centre engineers and site
reliability engineers (SREs), are emerging, requiring
specialized expertise in cloud technologies and
automation. While the rise of automation and artificial
intelligence (AI) may lead to a reduction in jobs involving
routine and repetitive tasks, such as manual server
provisioning and configuration management, it also
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 53

3.4 Macroeconomic trends
The energy sector in India is a dynamic and rapidly
evolving segment of the economy, playing a crucial role
A Key statistics
India is the third-largest producer and consumer
in supporting the country’s development and growth of electricity globally, boasting an installed power
aspirations. It is characterized by a diverse mix of coal, capacity of 442.85 GW as of April 30, 2024. The
oil, natural gas, renewable energy sources and nuclear country’s growing population, coupled with increasing
power, along with energy efficiency and management electrification and rising per-capita usage, will continue
services, and energy storage and battery solutions. The to drive this upward trajectory.
government has been actively promoting the adoption of
renewable energy through ambitious targets and policy
support, leading to an increase in solar and wind energy In 2023, power consumption in India
installations. The energy sector is also undergoing recorded a robust 9.5% growth, reaching
reforms aimed at improving efficiency and reducing 1,503.65 billion units (BU)56.
carbon emissions. With a large and growing population,
the demand for energy in India is expected to continue
to rise, presenting both challenges and opportunities for
The energy sector is a cornerstone of India’s economy,
the sector’s expansion and modernization in emerging
playing a pivotal role in both GDP and employment.

India is the third largest energy consuming

country in the world57
54 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

It has attracted substantial foreign direct

investment (FDI), with total inflows amounting
to $18.28 billion between April 2000 and
B Employment scenario
Employment in the energy sector is set to expand
March 2024, representing 2.69% of India’s total significantly. By 2030, global job numbers in the industry
FDI inflow are projected to reach 139 million, with renewable
Solar generation in India increased significantly energy alone contributing 38.2 million jobs and other
from 7.45 BU in 2015-16 to about 102 BU in energy transition technologies accounting
2022-23 at a CAGR of 45.3%58 for 74.2 million60.

Gross electricity generation in India has

increased from 747.07 BU in 2008-09 to In India, the sector employed nearly 1
1624.47 BU in 2022-23, at a CAGR of about million people in 2022, with a notable
5.7% portion engaged in renewable energy
India’s installed renewable energy capacity is projects. Solar PV, the fastest-growing
expected to increase from 135 GW in December segment, employed 2.82 lakh people in
2023 to about 170 GW by March 2025 both on-grid and off-grid systems, with
India is making significant strides in the global shift grid-connected solar PV jobs increasing by
towards renewable energy, with a commitment to an impressive 47% to 2.01 lakh in 2022.
achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2070. India
plans to add a considerable amount of renewable energy
capacity annually over the next five years, a strategy Hydropower continues to be the largest employer within
that is expected to generate millions of new jobs within the sector, with 4.66 lakh jobs. The wind sector also plays
the sector59. This ambitious growth trajectory highlights a vital role, providing 40,000 jobs, nearly half of which
India’s leadership in advancing renewable energy and are in operations and maintenance. Overall, the solar and
underscores the potential for substantial employment wind sectors employed 1.64 lakh workers in FY2022,
opportunities. reflecting a remarkable 47% increase from FY2021. This
growth is largely driven by India’s expanding renewable
capacity, particularly in solar, which saw a record addition
India Renewable Energy Mix (2024) of 13.5 GW in 2022.

The government’s ambitious target of achieving 500

GW of non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030 is projected to
generate over 2 million jobs in the renewable energy

C Key drivers of growth and government

The energy sector in India is experiencing remarkable
growth, fueled by government policies, technological
advancements and the rising demand for sustainable
energy. In recognition of the sector’s importance, the
government has allocated INR19,100 crore to the
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 55

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in the Union security and sustainability, driven by a strong emphasis
Budget 2024-25, with a significant INR10,000 crore on renewable energy. As of 2023, India stands as the
earmarked specifically for solar energy projects61. This third-largest solar power generator globally, boasting an
reflects a 110% increase in budgetary allocation for solar installed solar capacity exceeding 65 GW.
initiatives compared to the previous year, underscoring
the government’s commitment to energy security and
the promotion of innovative solutions such as pumped International best practices
storage projects for electricity62. International best practices for integrating AI with
sustainability in the energy sector emphasize several
Key government initiatives are: critical areas for effective implementation and long-term
impact. AI significantly enhances efficiency through
• The National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) has
smart grids that enable real-time energy management
projected a substantial infrastructure investment
and optimization. Predictive maintenance powered by AI
of INR111 lakh crore during 2020-2025, with
helps reduce downtime and operational costs. Demand
approximately 24% dedicated to the energy sector.
response systems optimize energy usage, while advanced
Within this framework, an investment of INR9.295
algorithms improve renewable energy forecasting and
lakh crore is projected for renewable energy, aiming
energy storage management. The adoption of green
to achieve an installed capacity of 265.73 GW by
technologies and robust cybersecurity measures is also
December 2025
crucial. Global collaboration plays a vital role in sharing
• The National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) is policy frameworks and technological advancements,
anticipated to create approximately 6 lakh jobs across fostering innovation and resilience in the energy sector64.
the green hydrogen value chain by 203063, spanning Leading examples include Denmark and Germany, which
electrolyzer and component manufacturing as well as excel in integrating AI with sustainability through AI-
green hydrogen production, highlighting the sector’s driven green finance strategies and consistent renewable
commitment to sustainable energy solutions energy policies65.

• The Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana

(DDUGJY) and the Integrated Power Development
Scheme (IPDS), are driving progress along with strong
emphasis on solar and wind energy 3.4.3
• Additional government initiatives, such as the Sectoral trends

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for
high-efficiency solar PV modules and the National Emerging technologies in the sector
Programme on High-Efficiency Solar PV Modules,
are expected to enhance domestic manufacturing The future skills demand in the energy sector is
capabilities and generate numerous job opportunities anticipated to centre around renewable energy
in the solar energy sector underlining its potential for technologies, energy storage, and digital skills.
significant job creation and its transformative impact Government programs including the Green Energy
on the energy landscape Corridor Projects and the Solar Energy Corporation of
India (SECI), will play a vital role in addressing these
These initiatives highlight the sector’s dynamic growth needs through skilling institutions and apprenticeship
and its critical role in shaping India’s sustainable future. programs.

Some of the emerging technologies in the sector are

3.4.2 enumerated below-

International benchmark Solar energy innovations: Solar

photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, and
Ranking of India against global indices other renewable energy technologies
India is currently ranked 63rd on the Global Energy are becoming more efficient and cost-
Transition Index (ETI), which assesses countries based effective. Innovations like floating solar
on their readiness for energy transition, considering farms and offshore wind turbines are
factors such as economic development, environmental opening new possibilities for energy
sustainability and energy security. This ranking highlights generation.
India’s significant strides in enhancing energy equity,
56 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Smart grids and smart meters: The creating new job opportunities but also facilitating
adoption of smart grids and smart workforce mobility from traditional roles to emerging
meters can improve energy efficiency green jobs in solar, wind and energy storage. Some of the
and manage demand. The integration of workforce trends in the energy sector:
smart grids with IoT devices allows for
real-time monitoring and management of Increasing demand for renewable energy
energy flow. This leads to increased grid skills: As India aggressively pursues renewable
stability, optimized energy distribution, energy targets, there is a growing need for
and the facilitation of distributed energy professionals with expertise in solar, wind,
resources. hydro, and biomass energy technologies. This
includes roles in project planning, installation,
Energy storage solutions: The energy operation and maintenance.
storage technologies include advanced
battery systems and pumped hydro Diversification of roles: The energy sector is
storage projects. no longer limited to conventional roles. It now
encompasses a variety of positions in areas
Electric mobility: The rise of EVs is such as energy storage, smart grid technology,
driving the need for more efficient energy efficiency, and electric vehicle
batteries and charging infrastructure. infrastructure.
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology also
allows EVs to return energy to the grid Adoption of digital tools: As digital
during peak demand. technologies become integral to energy
operations, there is a higher demand for
Digitalization and AI: The use of AI,
professionals skilled in data analytics,
machine learning, and data analytics is
cybersecurity, and software development
growing in energy sector for predictive
within the energy domain.
maintenance, load forecasting and
optimizing grid operations. Regulatory and policy expertise: As the
energy sector evolves, there is a need for
As the sector adopts new technologies and transitions
professionals who understand the regulatory
towards more sustainable energy production and
and policy aspects of energy, including
distribution, technical proficiency and critical thinking
international agreements.
skills become increasingly essential.
The sector demonstrates significant potential for
workforce growth, with 62% of employers planning to

B Workforce trends
The Indian energy sector is undergoing a dynamic
expand their workforce during the first half of FY 2024-
25. This anticipated growth is driven by the sector’s
transition towards a low-carbon future, supported by
transformation as it moves towards cleaner, more increased capital expenditure, incentives for clean
advanced energy solutions. This transition is not only
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 57

energy, and private sector investment. Embracing these Sector-specific technology:

trends will not only support the sector’s evolution but Technologies like the Internet of Things
also contribute to its continued success and resilience. (IoT), AI, and Machine Learning (ML)
are already in use, with 67% and 50% of
respondents utilizing these, respectively.
However, the adoption of more advanced
technologies like robotics, additive
3.4.4 manufacturing, and cloud computing
Future of jobs: insights from industry remains limited.

leaders International mobility: Skills related

to international trade, logistics, and
Emerging job roles in the sector cross-cultural competencies will
become increasingly important. 60% of
The energy sector is expected to witness the creation respondents believe that these skills will
of several new job roles in the coming years. Key roles be crucial as the sector becomes more
identified include: globally integrated.
• Renewable Energy technicians: 40% of respondents
anticipate growth in this role, reflecting the sector’s
Utilization of any of the Industry 4.0
shift towards renewable energy sources.
• Smart Grid analysts: Also expected by 40% of
respondents, this role will be crucial in managing the
increasingly complex grid systems. 67% Internet of Things (IoT)

• Sustainability managers: With a focus on

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
environmental impact, 40% of respondents foresee the 50% Machine Learning
need for roles dedicated to managing sustainability

• Carbon Capture technicians: As carbon management 17% Robotics and Automation

becomes a priority, this role is expected to grow,
indicated by 40% of respondents.

These roles will require specialized skills in renewable 0%

50% Big Data and Analytics
energy technologies, energy storage solutions, and
energy data analytics.
17% Cloud Computing

B Impact of GenAI, AI, sector-specific

technology, international mobility, DPI,
33% Cybersecurity measures

climate, and green jobs on the job and

skilling ecosystem
The energy sector is on the cusp of significant Sustainable practices organizations in the sector
transformation due to several technological and have adopted
environmental factors:

AI and GenAI: AI and GenAI are expected

to have a profound impact on the
Energy sector, particularly in areas like 40% 80% 60%
renewable energy forecasting, predictive
maintenance, and energy consumption
analytics. However, there are challenges
Renewable Energy Use of electric
such as the technical complexity of
Energy Efficiency vehicles (EVs)
integration, high costs, workforce
Development Initiatives
resistance, and a lack of technical skills,
with 60% of respondents citing these
58 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Biggest challenge in workforce development in Significance of positive impact of AI and Gen AI

Energy operations on the energy sector in the next two years

AI applications are currently in use or planned

for use in the sector Impact of adoption of AI had on job roles

60% 60% 20%

Predictive Machine Autonomous

Analytics for Learning for Drones for
Equipment Energy Demand Infrastructure
Maintenance Forecasting Inspection

Anticipated challenges in integrating AI into

existing energy systems

40% Technical complexity

Areas of Energy sector where AI is expected to
have the greatest impact

40% High costs of implementation

40% Workforce resistance

60% Lack of technical skills

Data privacy and security

20% concerns
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 59

C Suggested programmatic and policy

Skill sets to be most in demand for future energy
job roles

To meet the evolving needs of the energy sector, both Expertise in Renewable Energy
60% Technologies
industry leaders and the government need to take the
following actions:

Proficiency in Energy Storage

Industry initiatives

Skills in Energy Data Analytics

• Upskilling initiatives: With 60% of respondents and AI
identifying the need for reskilling programs, industry
leaders should prioritize upskilling the workforce to
adapt to AI and other technological advancements. Knowledge of Environmental
and Energy Policy
• Sustainability practices: While energy efficiency
initiatives are common (80% adoption), there is a need
to expand the adoption of practices like smart grid
Government incentives or subsidies can be/
technology and sustainable bioenergy.
have been most beneficial for technological
advancements in the sector
Challenges energy companies face in
Grants for
collaborating with educational and skilling Tax credits
institutions for research
60% and 80% new
equipment or

for training
40% employees
in new
for adopting

How well do you think current educational

curricula align with the skill requirements of the
Energy sector
Skills that will be crucial for future energy
professionals for workforce mobility

40% Multilingual communication

40% 60%
40% Cross-cultural competency
and adaptability
Somewhat well Neutral

60% International trade and logistics

The future of jobs in the energy sector will be shaped
by the rapid adoption of AI, the transition to sustainable

40% Remote operation and practices, and the increasing importance of international
telepresence skills mobility. To harness these opportunities, both industry
leaders and the government must work together to

40% Global regulatory and

compliance awareness
address the challenges of workforce development,
technological integration and sustainability.
60 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

3.4.5 Skill sets that will be most in demand for future

energy job roles
Overall impact on job roles and skills
in the sector
The energy sector in India is undergoing a significant
transformation, driven by advancements in technology,
a strong push towards sustainability, and evolving
government policies. Primary and secondary research
highlights a substantial shift in job roles towards
renewable energy technologies, smart grid management,
and sustainability-focused positions. Emerging roles such
as Renewable Energy Technicians, Smart Grid Analysts,
and Carbon Capture Technicians are gaining prominence,
requiring specialized skills in AI, energy analytics, and
environmental policy. This transition underscores the Areas skilling institutions need to focus on
need for reskilling and upskilling programs to meet the
sector’s evolving demands.

Emerging job roles in energy sector

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 61

Sector’s diverse range includes a notable

growth in the household and personal
3.5 care segment, which increased from 32%
FMCG in 2019 to 40% in 2020

The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector Foreign investors are demonstrating substantial interest
in India is a cornerstone of the economy, playing a in the FMCG sector, with India attracting nearly US$991
pivotal role in driving growth and embracing emerging billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from April 2000
technologies. As one of the largest sectors in the to March 2024. In the most recent year, FDI inflows
country, it is characterized by a diverse range of products amounted to US$70.95 billion, including US$44.42
including food and beverages, personal care, health care, billion in equity investments. This influx of foreign
household care and other consumables. capital plays a pivotal role in driving innovation and
expanding growth within the sector. As per data released
The sector is renowned for its resilience, often remaining by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal
buoyant even during economic downturns. The Trade (DPIIT), Maharashtra has emerged as the leading
FMCG sector is witnessing a significant shift towards state for FDI during 2023-24, reflecting its favorable
automation, data analytics, artificial intelligence, digital investment climate. The FMCG industry continues to
marketing and sustainable practices, adapting to the be a vital component of India’s economic development,
evolving consumer preferences and technological drawing sustained investment and contributing
advancements. The adoption of these technologies significantly to national prosperity.
is fostering a demand for skilled professionals adept
in digital tools and data science. The convergence
of technology and consumer goods is thus not only
transforming the FMCG landscape in India but also acting
as a catalyst for job creation across various skill levels
B Employment scenario
The FMCG sector currently employs approximately 3
and functions. million individuals, representing about 5% of the nation’s
total factory employment68. The Consumer Goods and
Services vertical alone represented approximately 0.65
lakh tech jobs in FY 2022, with projections indicating a
1.7-fold increase in the next five years. The market size
3.5.1 for this vertical was INR12.30 lakh crores in FY 22 and
Macroeconomic trends is expected to reach INR23.70 lakh crores by FY 2769.
This substantial employment contribution underscores

A Key statistics
the sector’s critical role in providing livelihoods and
supporting the broader economy.

Market is expected to increase at a CAGR Looking forward, the total revenue of

of 14.9% to reach US$220 billion by FMCG market is expected to grow at a
2025, from US$110 billion in 202066. As
CAGR of 27.9% through 2021-27, reaching
a cornerstone of India’s economy, this
sector significantly contributes 10% to the nearly US$615.87 billion70.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
This projected growth not only reflects the sector’s
Industry is expected to maintain a solid potential for expansion but also its ability to generate
growth rate of 7-9% in 2024, driven by significant employment opportunities. The creation of
strong consumer demand67. these new jobs will be instrumental in accommodating
the increasing workforce, enhancing economic stability,
Market, valued at $164 billion in 2023, is
and fostering inclusive growth. The sector’s expanding
set to grow to US$1.09 trillion by 2032,
employment base is a testament to its dynamic nature
reflecting a robust CAGR of 21.6%1. This
and its crucial role in driving economic development in
positions India as the fourth largest FMCG
India. As the industry evolves, its impact on employment
market globally. India also ranks fifth in
and economic growth is expected to strengthen, further
global manufacturing output, contributing
establishing it as a cornerstone of the Indian economy.
2.78% of the total.
62 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

• Gati Shakti and Amrit Kaal Vision 2047: Aims to
Key drivers of growth and government improve infrastructure and operational efficiency
schemes within the sector71.
In the 2023-24 budget, the government demonstrated • Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme: The
significant support for the food processing industry by Union government has approved a new Production
allocating INR3,287.65 crores. This investment reflects Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for the food processing
the government’s commitment to enhancing the sector’s sector with a budget allocation of INR109 billion
growth and development. (US$1.46 billion). This scheme, which provides
The Indian government has introduced several programs incentives over six years until 2026-27, is intended to
and policies to support the FMCG sector’s growth. Key support sectoral growth.
initiatives include: • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana: Enhances
• Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): The Indian infrastructure for food processing.
government permits 100% FDI in food processing • Startup India Initiative: Promotes entrepreneurship
and single-brand retail, and 51% in multi-brand retail. within the FMCG sector.
These policies are designed to enhance employment,
improve supply chains, and increase the visibility of Government efforts are instrumental in advancing
FMCG brands in organized retail markets, thereby the FMCG industry in India, with substantial funding
stimulating consumer spending and supporting new directed towards initiatives like the SETU project, which
product launches. supports startups and innovation. Furthermore, an
initial amount of INR1,000 crores (US$120.7 million)
• Goods and Services Tax (GST): The introduction are being allocated to NITI Aayog for the SETU project.
of GST has streamlined tax rates for many FMCG Additionally, programs such as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan
products, reducing the overall tax burden. This SAMPADA Yojana and the PLI Scheme are pivotal for the
reform modernizes logistics and pricing strategies, sector’s continued expansion. The strategic allocation
contributing to the affordability of essential FMCG of funds in the budget underscores the government’s
items for consumers. dedicated support for the industry’s development,
• Rural development initiatives: Given the significant reinforcing its pivotal role in driving economic progress.
contribution of rural markets to FMCG sales, the
government has focused on rural welfare through
infrastructure improvements and agricultural support.
These initiatives aim to boost rural demand, which is
essential for FMCG growth.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 63

3.5.2 Digital transformation: Leveraging digital technologies

for e-commerce, customer engagement, marketing,
International benchmark and operational efficiency helps companies to reach
consumers effectively, gather valuable data, and
Some of the key international best practices in the FMCG streamline processes. Globally, FMCG leaders are thus
sector are: adopting AI and Generative AI to enhance efficiency and
consumer personalization. There is a growing demand
Supply chain optimization: Efficient
for skills in data analytics, machine learning, and
supply chain management, including
digital marketing professionals. Sustainable practices
just-in-time inventory, accurate demand
are gaining traction all over the world, with companies
forecasting, and the use of technology for
investing in green energy and resource management,
real-time visibility, is critical for reducing
creating new roles focused on sustainability. Training
costs and ensuring timely delivery of
programs are increasingly being developed to upskill
workforces in emerging technologies and sustainable
Sustainability initiatives: Implementing practices, aligning with industry needs.
eco-friendly practices across the product
lifecycle, such as sourcing sustainable raw
materials, using recyclable packaging, and
reducing energy consumption, is essential
for meeting consumer expectations and 3.5.3
regulatory requirements. Sectoral trends
Consumer-centric approach:
Understanding and anticipating consumer
needs through market research and data
A Emerging technologies in the sector
The FMCG sector is rapidly adopting Industry 4.0
analytics is key to developing products technologies to boost customer satisfaction, operational
and marketing strategies that resonate efficiency and innovation. Key technologies driving this
with target audiences and foster brand transformation include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big
loyalty. Data and Predictive Analysis, Digital Process Automation
(DPA), and Cybersecurity.
Innovation and R&D: Continuous
investment in research and development AI is being leveraged for predictive analytics, enabling
allows FMCG companies to innovate, companies in the sector to accurately forecast demand
adapt to changing consumer preferences, and optimize production schedules, thus minimizing
and maintain a competitive edge through waste. Big Data allows FMCG companies to gain deep
new and improved products. insights into consumer behavior, refining product
64 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

development and marketing strategies to enhance Emerging roles such as supply chain sustainability
customer engagement and loyalty. Some notable use analysts, digital marketing specialists, and data analysts
cases are mentioned below: are becoming more prevalent, highlighting the sector’s
focus on sustainability and digital transformation. Despite
Processes to streamline operations and improve these advancements, challenges persist, including a
customer engagement. shortage of skilled talent in digital technologies and
Integrated digital processes to create a sustainability. The rapid pace of technological change
comprehensive product ecosystem for pet care, necessitates ongoing upskilling and reskilling, which can
offering tailored recommendations based on be resource intensive.
health and behavioral data. Workforce mobility is set to impact the FMCG job market,
Use of AI to analyse consumer data, including a with professionals increasingly exploring opportunities
skin analyser tool that uses AI to measure oxygen across regions and companies. This mobility fosters a
levels in facial skin72. diverse and skilled workforce but poses challenges in
talent retention and knowledge transfer. Companies
Use of AI for invitation-based online portal where that embrace flexible work arrangements and promote
consumers can provide real-time feedback on food continuous learning are likely to attract and retain top
innovations, which can be analyzed rapidly using talent, leveraging a broader talent pool through remote
AI technology work.

While AI and Generative AI significantly enhance supply The sector is projected to see moderate workforce
chain efficiency, tailored sales, and product innovation, growth, with 53% of employers planning to expand their
challenges such as data quality and a shortage of AI workforce in the first half of FY 2024-2575. This growth
talent remain. The FMCG sector is also seeing a growing is driven by the convergence of urban and rural markets,
integration of Generative AI and advanced technologies modern trade channels, rising disposable incomes, and
in supply chain automation and predictive analytics. This expanded distribution networks.
trend is shaping recruitment strategies, emphasizing the
need for tech-savvy professionals to drive efficiency and

The retail and consumer business unit, encompassing

consumer goods and services, travel, logistics, and Future of jobs- insights from industry
e-commerce, relies heavily on technology. leaders
Key tech skills in the FMCG sector include Data
Analytics, Digital Marketing, and E-commerce Platform
Development. High-demand roles such as Data Analysts,
A Emerging job roles in the sector
The survey of the industry leaders in the FMCG sector
Digital Marketers, and E-commerce Platform Developers indicates several new job roles are anticipated to emerge
are essential. Notably, Full stack Developers, UX in the coming years:
Designers, and DevOps Engineers are seeing significant
salary growth. The e-commerce vertical is anticipated to Data Scientist: As companies
experience the highest growth in tech employment and increasingly rely on data-driven decision-
market size, reflecting the ongoing digital transformation making, 75% of the respondents believe
in the FMCG sector and the increasing need for tech that the demand for data scientists who
talent. can analyze and interpret large volumes
of data will rise.

B Workforce trends
AI and Robotics technician: With the
growing adoption of AI and automation,
specialized roles in AI and robotics are
The FMCG sector is experiencing notable shifts in
expected to become more prevalent as
workforce dynamics, reflecting its evolving nature and
per 75% of the respondents.
the challenges in workforce development. There is a
growing emphasis on candidates with a blend of technical Digital Marketing specialist: 50% of the
and soft skills, including digital marketing, supply chain respondents agree that the expansion
management, and research and development, alongside of digital platforms will drive demand
strong communication, leadership and problem-solving for specialists in digital marketing to
abilities74. enhance online presence and customer
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 65

Sustainability manager: As per 25% Utilization of any of the Industry 4.0

of the respondents, as sustainability technologies
becomes a top priority, companies will
need managers to oversee and implement
eco-friendly practices.

Supply chain analyst: Optimizing supply

chain operations, particularly with the
integration of AI, will require more
specialized analysts as per 25% of the

Cybersecurity expert: 25% of the

respondents agree that the need for
cybersecurity professionals will grow
to protect sensitive information with
increasing reliance on digital systems.

Biggest challenge in workforce development

B Impact of GenAI, AI, sector-specific

technology, international mobility, DPI,
climate, and green jobs on the job and
skilling ecosystem
GenAI and AI integration: AI is expected to have a
significant positive impact, with 75% of respondents
anticipating major transformations in existing job roles,
particularly in supply chain and logistics (75%) and
production line work (50%).

AI technologies are being employed in predictive

analytics, supply chain optimization, quality control, and
personalized marketing (50% each). This integration is
driving the need for workforce reskilling and upskilling,
Areas of FMCG sector where AI is expected to
as 50% of companies plan to focus on these areas.
have the greatest impact
• Sector-specific technology: The FMCG sector’s
adoption of Robotics and Automation (100%), IoT,
AI/ML, Big Data, and Cloud Computing (50% each) is
creating new opportunities and challenges. Companies
will need to address technical complexity (75%)
and data privacy concerns (75%) while investing in
employee training to keep up with these technological

• International mobility: Skills related to cross-cultural

competency and adaptability (75%) and international
trade and logistics (75%) will be crucial as the
workforce becomes more globally mobile.

• Climate and green jobs: With sustainability being

Impact of adoption of AI had on job roles
a top priority (100%), roles related to sustainable
business practices and green technologies will become
essential. Challenges include economic feasibility
(75%) and a lack of qualified candidates (50%) for
75% 75% 25% 50% 75%
these emerging green jobs.
Technical High costs of Workforce Lack of Data
complexity implementation resistance technical privacy and
skills security
66 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Anticipated challenges in integrating AI into This report outlines the expected evolution of job roles,
existing FMCG sector the impact of technology and other factors on the FMCG
sector, the regions likely to receive more funding, and the

necessary interventions from both industry leaders and
Transformation of existing job roles the government to prepare for future challenges. The
focus is on leveraging existing strengths while addressing
25% Reduction in certain job roles

Government incentives or subsidies can be/

have been most beneficial for technological
advancements in the sector

C Suggested programmatic and policy

interventions 25%
Tax credits for research and

Grants for purchasing new

Industry initiatives 25% equipment or software

Subsidies for training employees in

• Government support for skilling: Industry leaders 40% new technologies
unanimously agree (100%) that the government
should play a supportive role in addressing skill
gaps, partnering with the private sector to provide Incentives for adopting sustainable
necessary training and education.
80% practices
• Sustainability incentives: 80% of respondents find
government incentives for adopting sustainable
practices beneficial, but 67% see a need for more
impactful incentives, particularly in green investments How well do you think current educational
(75%). curricula align with the skill requirements of the
FMCG sector

Government Interventions 25% 25% 50%

Very Neutral Not very

• Increased financial incentives: Financial support for well well
green investments (75%) and renewable FMCG (50%)
is crucial to drive sustainability initiatives.

• Support for gender diversity: Providing childcare Challenges FMCG companies face in
support services (50%) and offering upskilling and collaborating with educational and skilling
training opportunities (25%) are recommended to institutions
enhance gender diversity and inclusion.

• Educational alignment: Aligning educational curricula

with industry requirements is critical, as 50% of
respondents feel the current system does not meet
the sector’s needs.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 67

3.5.5 Areas skilling institutions need to focus on

Overall impact on job roles and skills
in the sector
The FMCG sector’s evolution is set to substantially
impact job roles and the skills required. The rise of
e-commerce and advancements in digital supply chain
management are increasing the demand for expertise in
digital marketing, e-commerce platforms, data analysis,
logistics, and inventory management.

Emerging job roles in FMCG sector

With growing emphasis on sustainability and
environmental impact, skills in green manufacturing,
eco-friendly packaging, waste management and circular
economy principles are becoming increasingly important.
Furthermore, the integration of AI and automation into
production processes is creating a heightened demand
for workers skilled in robotics, automation, maintenance,
data science and machine learning.

Skill sets that will be most in demand for future

FMCG job roles
68 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Preparing for jobs
of tomorrow
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 69

India’s journey towards becoming a global economic • The government incentives or subsidies that can
powerhouse is deeply intertwined with the development be/have been most beneficial for technological
of its workforce. As the demand for skilled professionals advancements in organizations have been incentives
continues to grow, the challenge lies not just in imparting for adopting sustainable practices followed by grants
these skills but in creating a robust digital ecosystem that for purchasing new equipment or software.
ensures their recognition, portability, and alignment with
evolving industry needs.

Preparing for jobs of tomorrow
One of the important lens in the study was to find
the views of the industry on the role of government
policies in skilling and employment ecosystem.
As technological advancements are transforming
business operations at an accelerated pace and climate
concerns and international mobility taking precedence,
adopting policy reforms becomes an inevitable aspect. • Industry expects additional government support
Various government schemes are committed to youth to encourage sustainability in the form of financial
development and skilling. However, the survey also incentives for green investments and support for
reflected that there are gaps remaining in technology renewable energy infrastructure.
adoption by industry and availability of skilled manpower
remains a huge challenge. Enumerated below are few
suggestions derived from research which can assist
policy makers to improve future investments in policy-

• 65% of the respondents found current government

policies to be either very effective or somewhat
effective in promoting technology adoption in their
respective sectors.

• Respondents (48%) largely believed the government

has been somewhat responsive to the evolving needs
of their sector followed by neutral response.
70 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

• Survey results also highlighted the need for improved

communication and engagement from skilling
institutions which could significantly boost industry- 4.2
academia linkages. Leveraging technology to build
• For better support gender diversity and inclusion, robust skilling ecosystem
majority voted for a government policy which can
provide upskilling and training opportunities for In her budget speech 2024, Hon’bl Finance Minister
women followed by offering grants to organizations proposed developing Digital Public Infrastructure
for implementing diversity initiatives. applications at a population scale in the areas of credit,
ecommerce, education, health law and justice, logistics,
MSME service delivery and urban governance.

DPI impetus aims to drive productivity gains, create

business opportunities, and foster innovation within the
private sector.

The survey provided insights that though there is a

limited understanding of DPI/G in the industry, there is
curiosity to know more on how it can be leveraged.

With SIDH as the DPI enabling the skilling ecosystem,

there is need to build more services to cater to a wider
needs of the ecosystem. This section enumerates some
of the building blocks that can have tremendous impact
in the skilling and employment ecosystem.
• A clear mandate of 57% respondents agreed that
the government should play a supportive role in
partnership with the private sector rather than a lead
or a minimal role. Suggestions included government’s
support in revamping basic infrastructure of ITIs and
similar institutions so that basic training needs are
met which can lead to enhanced associations with
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 71

4.2.1 India. This initiative is designed to streamline the process

of skill verification and recognition, ensuring that all
DPI/G as catalyst relevant information is easily accessible in one place.
Some of the registries can be labor registry, migrant
The global trend is towards increasing development and
workers registry, informal workers registry, MSME
deployment of DPG/Is to address various Sustainable
registry and others.
Development Goals (SDGs). As of 2024, there are 162
DPGs in existence. (Source: https://digitalpublicgoods. These registries can be integrated with each other and
net/registry/) other systems to ensure uniqueness of records and
accurate information and can have use cases, such as
• Developed countries: The US has deployed over 30
skilling and job assistance, insurance schemes, training
and developed over 50 DPGs, addressing 15 SDGs.
and skilling, pensions, loans and women centric schemes.
The UK has deployed 23 DPGs and developed 21 that
meet all 17 SDGs.

• Developing countries: India and Kenya have deployed

47 and 37 DPGs respectively and developed 39 and • Efficiency: Employers can quickly verify the
18 DPGs respectively. DPGs in both countries address credentials of potential employees, significantly
15 SDGs. South Africa has deployed 24 DPGs, and reducing the time and effort required to identify
Argentina 21. qualified candidates. This streamlined process helps
in faster hiring and better matching of skills to job
Some of the key building blocks of DPG/Is that can
impact towards building a resilient, scalable and coherent
skills and employment sectors are mentioned below: • Transparency: By maintaining a centralized and
standardized database, the risk of fraudulent claims
is minimized. Only genuinely skilled professionals
are recognized, which enhances the credibility of the
• Accessibility: The registry provides a reliable source
Centralized registry of information for employers, educational institutions,
A centralized registry aims to create a comprehensive and government bodies. This accessibility ensures that
database cataloguing the qualifications, certifications, all stakeholders can make informed decisions based
and work experiences of skilled professionals across on accurate data.
72 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

4.2.3 4.2.4
Digital verifiable credentials/identity Portable skills and identity
A digital verifiable credential (DVC) identity, such as Various applications and systems can work with various
Aadhaar, is a secure and tamper-proof digital identity state and central government initiatives to facilitate the
linked to an individual’s skill profile. This identity serves recognition and transfer of skills and identities across
as a unique identifier that can be used to authenticate regions and industries. This ensures that individuals can
and verify qualifications and certifications. This is move freely and pursue job opportunities with reduced
perhaps the single most important building block. process hurdles.

Existing ecosystems are unable to issue digital One of the challenges in skilling and employment
credentials to various stakeholders which are simple, ecosystem is unavailability of data portability among
easy to manage and verify. Verifying qualifications is a different application, programs, computing environments
difficult and time-consuming process. Paper certificates or cloud services. Portability makes it possible for
are easy to misplace or become damaged over time. stakeholders to migrate data and applications between
Often, training providers, educational institutions, or among cloud service providers (CSPs). It will help the
employers need to rely on the candidate to provide proof users know that their data is current and consistent,
of their achievement. Digital certificates and badges without having to modify the content on each service’s
simplify the process by offering one-click verification, site.
time saving and being nearly impossible to tamper with.

• Mobility: Individuals can seek better job opportunities
• Authentication: Employers and institutions can in different regions or industries without the need
instantly verify the qualifications of individuals, to re-verify their qualifications, promoting a more
ensuring that the credentials presented are genuine dynamic and flexible job market.
and valid.
• Efficiency: The process of transferring qualifications
• Security: The use of a secure digital identity reduces is simplified, reducing administrative burdens and
the risk of identity theft and fraudulent claims, delays.
protecting both individuals and organizations.
• Inclusivity: A more equitable job market is promoted,
• Efficiency: The verification process is portable making as individuals from diverse backgrounds can have
it quicker and easier for employers to confirm the their skills recognized and valued across different
skills and qualifications of potential hires. sectors.
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 73

4.2.5 4.2.7
Skilling passport Social protection
A skilling passport can save cost of verification, is Social security systems play a vital role in offering
consent based, and trustable credentials proof of a safety net for workers, fostering their welfare,
education, worth and reputation of a learner and and fostering a society that is more inclusive and
employment seeker. equitable. Digitally transforming processes of benefit
delivery improves identification of target beneficiaries,
A digital identity that provides a clear and standardized
operational excellence and the right benefit reaching the
presentation of an individual’s qualifications, education,
right beneficiary at the right time.
reputation and work experience

• Safety net: Workers have access to essential benefits
• Standardization: The skilling passport offers a
that provide a cushion against job loss, illness or other
standardized format for presenting qualifications,
economic challenges.
making it easier for employers to assess an
individual’s suitability for various roles. • Equity: Benefits are efficiently distributed to the
intended beneficiaries, ensuring that vulnerable
• Accessibility: Employers can quickly and easily
workers receive the support they need.
access an individual’s complete skill profile, facilitating
more informed hiring decisions. • Inclusivity: The system protects all workers, including
those in the informal sector, promoting a more
• Efficiency: The job application process is simplified,
inclusive and equitable workforce.
as individuals can present a single, comprehensive
document that highlights their skills and experiences.

4.2.6 Skills equivalency
Learning system Facilitating workforce mobility for skill mapping and
qualification from one country to another is an important
In a constantly evolving dynamic world, skilling –
aspect. This building block would ensure that individuals
reskilling – upskilling is a constant need. A learning
can train and skill themselves with necessary competency
system with industry led curriculum and educational
both in terms of skills, education and cultural
institutions can provide access to a wide range of courses
requirements can be met for a greater chance of success
to learners and trainers anywhere anytime. This ensures
while seeking international mobility.
continuous improvement and adaptability of skills.
A use case can be equipping for a role of a driver
in another country would require knowledge about
Benefits: obtaining a driver’s license, language requirements,
• Adaptability: Individuals can stay relevant in a rapidly traffic rules, directions etc. A skills equivalency solution
changing job market by continuously updating their can help in identifying these requirements for various
skills to meet current and future industry demands. countries.

• Accessibility: A diverse range of courses is made

available, catering to various skill levels and career Benefits:
• Ease of mobility: Skill-gap assessment and training
• Continuous learning: The system encourages requirements for job fitment
lifelong learning, promoting a culture of continuous
• Efficiency: The time and effort required to acquire
improvement and professional development.
new skills are reduced, making it easier for individuals
to adapt to requirements

• Country Alignment: The employment seeker is

equipped with the skills needed for the specific
requirements of the country
74 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

AI- Assistant
AI as a Knowledge Assistant can help targeted beneficiaries such as residents, government officers, ecosystem partners,
the authority and other relevant stakeholders to access, just in time, context relevant information from trusted sources.

• Efficiency: Enhance efficiency in information dissemination and subsequently in processes, ensure accuracy and
optimization of processes, build trust, and improve user experience and satisfaction

• Speed: Increased and accelerated enrolments/onboarding and adoption- enrolling institutions seamlessly without
unnecessary and avoidable bottlenecks

• Single interface: Reduce turnaround time for issue addressal and unified interface for multiple sources and for
multiple users

Snapshot- Future of Jobs 3.0
This section summarises primary research findings on sectoral job roles and skills. The detailed findings have been
shared in the previous section of the report.

Emerging job roles in all 5 sectors

Manufacturing Healthcare Infrastructure Energy FMCG

- AI & Robotics - Health Data - AI and Machine - Renewable Energy - Data Scientist
technician Analyst Learning Technicians
- AI and Robotics
- Industrial Internet - Genomic Counselor - Smart Grid Analyst Technician
of Things (IIoT) - Renewable Energy
- Telemedicine - Sustainability - Digital
- Sustainable Coordinator Managers Marketing
Manufacturing - Sustainable Specialist
- Digital Health - Carbon Capture
Engineer Infrastructure
Specialist Technician - Sustainability
- Digital Supply Manager
- AI healthcare - Audit Manager
Chain Analyst - Smart City
Ethicist - E-commerce
Planners - Environment health
- Data Privacy and Strategist
- Caregivers safety specialist
Cyber Security - Warehousing
- Computer
Manager - Geriatric operators & - Supply chain
Caregivers technicians Analyst
- Maintenance
- Supply Chain
Technicians - Mental wellness - CNC machine - Social Impact
experts operators Manager
- Design Engineers
- Data Visualizer
- Energy - Research & - Compliance
- Welders
Conservation-alists Development Manager - Data Engineers
- Digital (R&D)
- Remote Patient - Green Supply - Omni Channel
Monitoring - Ground Liaison Managers Specialist
Specialists Officers
- Sensitivity Analyst
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 75

Top skills in all 5 sectors

*In addition to the skills required to meet the job roles listed above, the primary findings also list the below mentioned skills:

Manufacturing Healthcare Infrastructure Energy FMCG

- Robotics - Non tech skills like - Expertise in - Expertise in - Sustainable

programming and communication sustainable Renewable Energy Business
maintenance , empathy and design and green Technologies Practices
problem solving technologies and Green
- Advanced - Skills in Energy
analytics and data - Digital Literacy - Understanding Data Analytics
interpretation and Health of advanced and AI - Consumer
Informatics materials and Behavior
- Internet of - Proficiency in
construction Research and
Things (IoT) and - AI and Machine Energy Storage
techniques Insights
connectivity Learning Solutions
Proficiency - Robotics and - Data Analysis and
- Advanced digital - Knowledge of
Automation Interpretation
literacy - Telehealth Environmental and
technology Energy Policy - Digital Literacy
- Soft skills (e.g.,
and E-commerce
problem-solving, - Genomic and
communication) Personalized
Medicine - Supply Chain
Knowledge and Logistics

Manufacturing industry (Eg:

Automotive, Aerospace,
Electronics, Textiles,

job market
Machinery and Equipment)

FMCG industry
(Eg: Food and
Beverages, Personal
Care, Household
Care, Health and

Healthcare industry (Eg:

Learners: Skills expected to significantly impact

Hospitals and Clinics,
Pharmaceuticals, Medical
Devices and Equipment,
Health Insurance,
Telemedicine and Digital
Learners: Potential sector for career opportunities and growth

Energy industry (Eg: Oil and

Trainers: Skills expected to significantly impact job and skills market

Gas Exploration, Renewable,
Nuclear Power Generation,
Coal Mining and Processing,
Electricity Generation and
Distribution, Energy Storage
and Battery Solutions)

Infrastructure industry (Eg: Real

estate and construction,
Transportation- roads, railways,
waterways, and airways,
Learners: Preferred mechanism for skilling

Energy and electricity,

Telecommunications, Water
supply and sanitation)
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 77

Trainers: Trends most likely to impact

communities, businesses and governments

Summary of findings and

Enlisted below is the summary of findings and
Challenges trainers face in collaborating with recommendations:
industry associations

01 Issue of workforce resistance to AI/GenAI

adoption could be resolved by providing
reskilling and upskilling training interventions

02 For AI integration, stronger collaboration

between industry and academia is suggested
for curriculum upgradation, apprenticeship/
internship opportunities and faculty trainings

03 Keen interest in understanding the dynamics of

DPI and how it can be leveraged to improve the
skilling and employment ecosystem

04 Need for skills for creating and filling green

jobs can be met through sustainability

05 Trends of AI, green technology, digital and soft

skills are picking up pace amongst learners as
Industry expectation from skilling institutions they are seen to have maximum impact on jobs
for adoption of new technologies of tomorrow and can be met through support
from the government

06 Gaining cross-cultural competency and

adaptability can be achieved through industry-
skilling collaboration

07 Revamp of the basic infrastructure of ITIs

and similar institutions by the government so
that basic training needs are met leading to
enhanced associations between them
78 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Are you ready- Learner, Trainer, Employer
With reference to the framework mentioned in section 2.3, presented here is a summary of the results from our primary
and secondary research highlighting the impact of the five lenses used in this report— Artificial Intelligence, DPI, climate,
international mobility and Industry 4.0, on the sectors manufacturing, health, infrastructure, energy and FMCG vis-a-
vis employer (industry), learner (in education, skilling-upskilling and re-skilling) and trainer (industry, private sector and

Key Factors
Artificial DPI Climate International Industry 4.0
Intelligence • Efficiency of • Carbon Foot Print Mobility • Adoption of No Impact
• Generative AI sector specific • Skills required for • Adoption of Digital Digital platform
DPI platforms ◔Low Impact
• Skills required implementation • 21st century
for adoption • Skills required for of climate specific • Sector Specific skills Moderate Impact
of AI implementation requirements Skills • Policies for
• Cost of of DPI • Environmental, • Policies for Governance, High Impact
implementation • Sector specific social and Governance, Compliance,
Innovation governance Compliance, Investment etc Very High Impact
Investment etc

Following analysis looks at the impact of key impact areas in each lens from maximum impact
(1=100%,) followed by 25% reduction in each. The below framework helps to assess how each trend will
impact Learners, Trainer and Employers.

Artificial Workforce
Sector Eco Play DPI Climate Industry 4.0
Intelligence Mobility

21st Century










Manufacturing Learner



Health Learner



Infrastructure Learner



Energy Learner



FMCG Learner

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 79

The key learnings from assessing the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), DPI, Climate, International
Mobility, and Industry 4.0 across various sectors for learners, trainers, and employers are as follows:

For learners For employers

1. Focus on high-demand skills: The model above 1. Workforce planning and development: Employers
highlights the sectors and areas where specific can use the insights to predict skill shortages in their
skills, like AI adoption or environmental compliance, sectors. For example, a high score in “Skills required
are in high demand. Learners would have to focus for AI adoption” in Manufacturing signals a need for
their education and reskilling efforts on the most retraining or hiring AI specialists.
impactful areas, ensuring their skills are relevant and
2. Cost-benefit analysis: Employers will have to
valuable to employers.
understand the cost implications of adopting
2. Proactive skill development: Understanding the new technologies or complying with regulatory
impact of emerging technologies (e.g., AI, Industry standards, enabling them to make informed
4.0) and policy shifts (e.g., Climate and ESG) allows decisions about investments in skills and technology.
learners to be proactive in seeking certifications,
3. Compliance and sustainability: Sectors like Energy
courses, or training that align with future job
and FMCG, where climate and ESG scores are high,
can benefit from investing in sustainable practices
3. Industry-specific insights: The model shows that and ensuring their workforce is equipped to handle
different sectors have varying needs. For example, compliance and governance challenges.
while AI may have a high impact on Manufacturing,
Climate and ESG requirements may be more critical
in the Energy sector. Learners can tailor their
skillsets accordingly.

For trainers

1. Alignment with industry needs: Trainers can gain

clarity on the areas where they need to focus their
curriculum, such as digital platform adoption for
Industry 4.0 or skills for DPI implementation. This
alignment ensures that training programs remain
relevant to industry demands.

2. Customizable training programs: Trainers will have

to enabled to design sector-specific and role-specific
training programs. For instance, they can develop
tailored modules for sectors that need specialized
skills in climate policy or AI adoption.

3. Enhancing the scope of training: Trainers can

integrate multidisciplinary elements like governance,
compliance, and innovation into their programs to
provide holistic training, particularly in sectors with
high impact scores like health or infrastructure.
80 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

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Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 83

Ved Mani Tiwari Sriniwas Krishna Vilasini

Chief Executive Officer, Director (Business Bharadwaj
NSDC & Managing Development), GHV
Director, Corporate
Director, NSDC Advanced Care Private
Affairs & Engagement,
International (NSDCI) Limited (Pristyn Care)
Dr. Arun Varma
Vishal Kulkarni L Alamelu
Chief Executive Officer,
Assistant Vice - AGM – Accounts, Maple
Grandage Services Pvt.
President, Renewable Power Private
Aequs Limited
Samir Dewan
Snehalkumar Bokare Vijay Uplenchwar
Managing Director,
Director, Bentley Systems Vice President and
Hindustan Geo Systems
India International Business
Pvt Ltd, IG Drones
Head, Megha Engineering
Sameer Bhate & Infrastructures Limited
Om Prakash
Senior Manager -
Director, IG Drones Manoj Pawa
Business Development,
Bharat Forge Executive Director
Dhruv Dhiman /
(Business Development),
Navsha Rinzed Ravi Seth Petronet LNG Limited
CEO, Cargo Marketing Director (Business
Saumil Purohit
International Pvt Ltd Development), Indian
Energy Exchange Limited Joint Managing Director,
Priyanka Garhwal Purohit Construction
Geeta Goradia Limited
Manager, Chakr
Innovation Private Managing Director, Jewel
Jayshree Patil
Limited Consumer Care Pvt Ltd
Director, Teamlease
Pankaj Gandhi Nikhil Nanda/
Vishwas Dawe
Director, Colourtex Deepak Sharma
Industries Pvt.Ltd. Head-Business
Managing Director, JHS
Development, Unitrans
Svendgaard Laboratories
Pinaki Sankar Deb Power LLP
Regional Manager - NE &
Satyendra Kumar
WB, CSDCI Padmaparna Das Gupta
CTO, V S Saurya Enertech
Director- Regulatory
Gurneet Singh Private Limited
Affairs, Kellogg India
Environmental Design Private Limited
Solutions (EDS)
Tanmoy Dey CEO, Vivient Femme
Vivek Midha/
Head - Business
Satyabrata Bose
Amanpreet Singh Development, Keventers
Managing Director,
Chairperson & Managing
E. Navil Prasad WAMUL
Director, Engineers India
Limited Executive Director
Dr. Ravi
cum CEO, Kirloskar
Gaurav Sharma Technologies Pvt Ltd Head of Department,
Yatharth Super Specialty
Senior Manager,
Hospital, Noida
Fresenius Kabi
84 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

FICCI HR & Skills
Mr Amit Kalyani
Chair – FICCI HR & Skills
Committee &
Vice-Chairman &
Joint Managing Director,
Bharat Forge

Ms Madhu Srivastava,
Co – Chair – FICCI HR & Skills
Committee &
CHRO, Vedanta

Ms Lakshmi
Co – Chair – FICCI HR & Skills
Committee &
Senior Managing Director -
CHRO, Accenture India
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 85

About FICCI Skill Development

Skill Development is the key to promote employability, Industry Engagements
competitiveness, and economic growth. As Indian The committee engages deeply with industry members
industry and services grow and compete internationally, on various areas of synergy. From Apprenticeship
the availability of requisite skills - in terms of quantity, promotion Workshops to development of entrepreneurs
relevance and quality has become an urgent need. The through our traditional cluster development program,
speed and scale with which this skill deficit is bridged the committee ensures rich interactions and inclusion
will be critical in determining India’s competitiveness of industry in all our initiatives. We annually engage
in global market. FICCI Skill Development is committed with the Youth through our World Youth Skills Days
to work with the stakeholders, especially the industry, Celebrations and Career Guidance and Counselling
government, TVET institutions, Skill Universities, workshops. The members of the committee represent
International development organizations and academia FICCI at various national and international forums such
to create sustainable and scalable skills propositions as BRICS, World Skills Competitions, State Skill Summits
which will benefit the youth of the country from all and many more.
sections of society.
Thought Leadership
The Skills committee collaborates with key stakeholders
Key areas of work in the Indian government and industry, actively
identifying opportunities and addressing the gaps.
Policy Advocacy Through intensive consultations with a diverse array of
The Committee publishes a diverse array of industry stakeholders, this collaborative effort unfolds across
reports, policy briefs, and papers that intricately various conferences, discussions, events, and forums.
capture the evolution and progress within the Brimming with shared wisdom and expertise, these
Vocational education sector. These include knowledge engagements have played significant role in propelling
papers such as ‘Future of Jobs- 2017, 2018 & 2024,’ the skills development sector forward in India.
‘Skill India Reforms – 2023’, ‘Career Guidance &
Counselling Framework in India-2021,’ ‘Apprenticeships Global Skills Summit
in India-2019’, ‘High Quality Demand Driven Skilling The Committee hosts the Annual Global Skills Summit
in India - Electronic Manufacturing -2023’, ‘Skill which is a gathering attended by all the important
Financing Models in India-2023’ and ‘Reimagining stakeholders on the Indian TVET & Industry ecosystem.
Vocational Education in India-2022’. Notably, these Established in 2007, the summit is a global forum
reports have significantly influenced the design of the for discussions on the transformation of the skilling
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. We have been landscape, changing nature of jobs, promoting &
consistently working with Ministry of Skill Development & collaborating with the stakeholders of the sector. Since
Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry its inception, the summit has also drawn thousands of
of Labor & Employment and other ministries in providing participants, including sector experts, policymakers,
inputs and recommendations for effective formulation/ academician and Industry experts, converging on a
implementation of various flagship skill schemes in the common platform to shape the future of skilling in India.

Dr Rajesh Pankaj
Director & Head - Education & Skills, FICCI
Email: rajesh.pankaj@ficci.com
86 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 87

EY Team FICCI Team

Mr. Sivakumar Moorty Dr Rajesh Pankaj
Partner- Technology Director & Head -
Consulting Education & Skills

Dr. Vashima Shubha Ms. Deepti Singh

Director – Technology Joint Director

Mr. Abhisek Ranjan

Ms. Deepshikha Mittal
Sr. Consultant-
Technology Consulting Senior Assistant

Mr. Rashsul Hussain

Mr. Rajat Sachdeva
Manager- Technology
Consulting Senior Assistant

Ms. Soni S Dhan

Ms. Mansi Pasricha
Sr. Consultant-
Technology Consulting Assistant Executive

Ms. Srishti Suman Ms. Sahiba Aggarwal

Consultant- Consultant
Technology Consulting
88 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0
Ahmedabad Hyderabad

Our 22nd Floor, B Wing, Privilon THE SKYVIEW 10
Ambli BRT Road, Behind Iskcon Temple 18th Floor, “SOUTH LOBBY”
Off SG Highway Survey No 83/1, Raidurgam
Ahmedabad - 380 059 Hyderabad - 500 032
Tel: + 91 79 6608 3800 Tel: + 91 40 6736 2000

Bengaluru Jaipur
12th & 13th Floor 9th floor, Jewel of India
“UB City”, Canberra Block Horizon Tower, JLN Marg
No.24 Vittal Mallya Road Opp Jaipur Stock Exchange
Bengaluru - 560 001 Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302018
Tel: + 91 80 6727 5000
Ground & 1st Floor 9th Floor, ABAD Nucleus
# 11, ‘A’ wing NH-49, Maradu PO
Divyasree Chambers Kochi - 682 304
Langford Town Tel: + 91 484 433 4000
Bengaluru - 560 025
Tel: + 91 80 6727 5000 Kolkata
22 Camac Street
Bhubaneswar 3rd Floor, Block ‘C’
8th Floor, O-Hub, Tower A Kolkata - 700 016
Chandaka SEZ, Bhubaneswar Tel: + 91 33 6615 3400
Odisha – 751024
Tel: + 91 674 274 4490 Mumbai
14th Floor, The Ruby
Chandigarh 29 Senapati Bapat Marg
Elante offices, Unit No. B-613 & 614 Dadar (W), Mumbai - 400 028
6th Floor, Plot No- 178-178A Tel: + 91 22 6192 0000
Industrial & Business Park, Phase-I
Chandigarh - 160 002 5th Floor, Block B-2
Tel: + 91 172 6717800 Nirlon Knowledge Park
Off. Western Express Highway
Chennai Goregaon (E)
6th & 7th Floor, A Block, Mumbai - 400 063
Tidel Park, No.4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai Tel: + 91 22 6192 0000
Taramani, Chennai - 600 113
Tel: + 91 44 6654 8100 3rd Floor, Unit No 301
Building No. 1
Delhi NCR Mindspace Airoli West (Gigaplex)
Ground Floor Located at Plot No. IT-5
67, Institutional Area MIDC Knowledge Corridor
Sector 44, Gurugram - 122 003 Airoli (West)
Haryana Navi Mumbai - 400708
Tel: +91 124 443 4000 Tel: + 91 22 6192 0003

3rd & 6th Floor, Worldmark-1 Pune

IGI Airport Hospitality District C-401, 4th Floor
Aerocity, New Delhi - 110 037 Panchshil Tech Park, Yerwada
Tel: + 91 11 4731 8000 (Near Don Bosco School)
Pune - 411 006
4th & 5th Floor, Plot No 2B Tel: + 91 20 4912 6000
Tower 2, Sector 126
Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 10th Floor, Smartworks
Noida - 201 304 M-Agile, Pan Card Club Road
Tel: + 91 120 671 7000 Baner, Taluka Haveli
Pune - 411 045
Tel: + 91 20 4912 6800
Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 89
90 Future of Jobs in India: 3.0

Future of Jobs in India: 3.0 91
Ernst & Young LLP Future of Jobs in India: 3.0
EY | Building a better working world Established in 1927, Federation of Indian Chambers of
EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long- Commerce & Industry is the largest and oldest apex business
term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the organization in India. A non-government, not-for-profit
capital markets. organization, FICCI is the voice of India’s business and industry.
FICCI has direct membership of over 3000 corporate, including
Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 SMEs and MNCs, as well as public sectors and more than 500
countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, chambers of commerce and business associations, and an
transform and operate. indirect membership of companies from regional chambers
of commerce. FICCI espouses the shared vision of Indian
Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and
businesses and speaks directly and indirectly for over 250,000
transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers
business units. FICCI maintains the lead as the proactive
for the complex issues facing our world today.
business solution provider through research, interactions at the
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of highest political level and global networking.
the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is
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about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the opportunities for industry through a range of specialized
rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available via services and global linkages. It also provides a platform for
ey.com/privacy. EYG member firms do not practice law where prohibited
sector specific consensus building and networking. FICCI has a
by local laws. For more information about our organization, please visit
ey.com. national network with 20 states. Partnerships with 77 countries
across the world carry forward our initiatives in inclusive
Ernst & Young LLP is one of the Indian client serving member firms of EYGM Limited.
development, which encompass health, education, livelihood,
For more information about our organization, please visit www.ey.com/en_in.
governance and skill development.
Ernst & Young LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership, registered under the Limited
Liability Partnership Act, 2008 in India, having its registered office at Ground Floor, FICCI serves as the first port of call for Indian industry and the
Plot No. 67, Institutional Area, Sector - 44, Gurugram - 122 003, Haryana, India. international business community. Our presence is in regions
© 2024 Ernst & Young LLP. Published in India. such as Africa, Arab, Israel, Asia Pacific, East Asia, Europe,
All Rights Reserved. Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, South Asia,
EYIN2409-017 etc. FICCI is also involved with diaspora engagement, forum of
ED None parliamentarians, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS),
This publication contains information in summary form and is therefore intended multilateral, international policy, and strategy.
for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research
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Tansen Marg, New Delhi-110001



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