How Does UDP Work

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How Does UDP Work ?

Submitted by Sarath Pillai on Thu, 06/01/2017 - 13:06



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IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) is a community of

engineers and computer scientists, who work towards bringing
different new internet technologies, standards and specifications.
A RFC is a document that is published by IETF.

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It is generally written formally for peer review. Mostly it discusses
different protocol methods and its complete details and features.
It mostly works as a standard document for engineers to
implement, give feedback, submit a new protocol related
information and its concepts(sort of proposal as well - Hence the
name “Request for Comments”). Why am I discussing about
IETF and RFCs here?.

Its because an RFC named RFC 768

( is probably the shortest(only a
couple of paragraphs with few details about a protocol). RFCs
are generally very detailed with hundreds of pages. But this one
is really very short and compact.

This is because the protocol it deals with is called UDP(User

Datagram Protocol), which has less complexities and is pretty
straight forward(unlike its counterpart TCP which is a bit
complex, due to a lot of reliability mechanisms ).

The TCP/IP Reference model consists of 5 different layers.

These layers do different jobs to enable proper network
communication. The top layer is the Application layer. This layer
provides a method for software/applications to use protocols
supported like HTTP, FTP, SMTP to communicate over the
network. Then comes the transport layer, where TCP and
UDP(our topic of discussion) comes into picture. TCP provides
reliable communication, while UDP does not provide any
guaranteed delivery mechanism. UDP also does not provide any
sort of order of delivery mechanism. Then comes IP layer which
provides method to deliver things to a destination IP address.
Then towards the end comes Data Link Layer where physical
addresses (MAC) are added on top to forward the message to
the gateway through the physical layer.

Layer Functionalities
Application Here is where application layer protocols like HTTP, FTP,
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Layer SMTP sits. Application programs uses the supported
protocol to initiate communication
Adds a lot of features for proper delivery of messages.
Transport Basically it ads reliability with TCP(in some cases
Layer unreliable - not so complex option is also available by
using UDP).
Network This is where IP addresses comes into picture. This layer
Layer does not provide any sort of reliability as such.
Data Link Adds MAC address details of Source and
Layer Destination(gateway)
This is where networking hardware comes into picture.

Irrespective of whether you use TCP or UDP, IP is the

protocol that makes them work over the network(this is
because TCP and UDP sits at transport layer, and IP
sits at network layer). If you see the above table, the
communication starts at the application layer, then goes
downwards through different layers. Each layer will go
on adding its own fields and headers on top of the data
submitted by its previous layer. At the source the layers
add their bits and pieces of information, and at
destination each layer peels the information before
submitting it to the upper layer.

So basically you can select either TCP or UDP,

depending upon your requirement, but IP will be used to
make network communication possible.

Related: TCP Connection Explained


We wont be discussing TCP in this article. This is because its a

bit complex, and requires an article of its own. UDP is the least
used out of the two. This is because most of the applications that
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we use on a day to day basis requires reliability. UDP is basically
a message oriented protocol.

In a way UDP and IP are very similar. Because IP also

does not provide any sort of delivery guarantee or
reliability mechanisms.

Let's bring tcpdump into the picture and see what happens when
we make a UDP connection. Tcpdump is a tool to capture
network packets coming in and leaving out of the system. Its
available on almost all Linux distro.

Related: Network Packet Analysis with Tcpdump


Tcpdump will help us see the details and contents of the network
traffic. To understand this, we need to first simulate a UDP
request to somewhere, and during the same time let's capture
the network packets.

Let's do a DNS request to a remote server(on one terminal), and

on another terminal let's capture the packets and see the details.

Related: How does Domain Name System(DNS) Work?


On First Terminal(Execute the below command):

1 ubuntu@testing:~$ sudo tcpdump -n -vvv host and p

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On Second Terminal(Execute the below command):

1 ubuntu@testing:~$ dig @

You should see a stream of messages in the first terminal as

soon as you execute the above mentioned command on the
second terminal. The messages will look like the below.

1 18:40:39.758842 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 4636, offset 0, f

2 > [udp sum ok] 63851+
3 18:40:39.812844 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 59, id 53901, offset 0,
4 > [udp sum ok] 63851

The very first line indicates contents of IP packet. It does not

have anything related to UDP protocol. The string "proto
UDP(17)" indicates an 8 bit field to identify the next protocol
level. There are different decimal notations for different
protocols. If it is TCP instead of UDP, it would have been 6
instead of 17 that you see now in our output.

Without that field(the protocol field) in the IP header, the

receiving end will not know the type of protocol that IP packet is
carrying. It could be even ICMP, GRE etc. In our case its UDP,
hence the number 17. So bottom line is that it does not contain
anything related to UDP, but it only tells that the contents of that
IP packet has UDP data.

Remember the fact that UDP and its details along with
application data is encapsulated inside IP packet(as we
discussed earlier, the destination will peel every bit of
data associated with each layer, and submit it to the
next layer moving upwards towards the application

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"id 4636" is part of IP identification field. This is actually useful
when fragmentation occurs.

When the IP packet is big, and the intermediate

networking devices does not support sending it, the IP
packet then needs to be fragmented. Then send
different fragments to the destination. At the destination
there should be some sort of identification to re-
assemble the recieved fragments. All fragmented
packets will have the same identification field number.
Hence the receiver will consider all of them as part of
the same packet. If no fragmentation occurs(like for
example in our case), most of the IP headers will have
unique identification numbers.

"tos 0x0" indicates type of service.

TOS (Type Of Service) indicates how the packet should

be treated. Basically some packets might need some
special attention(say for example a Voice Phone call).

"ttl 64" indicates Time To Live.

the maximum number of networking devices that this IP

packet can travel through, before reaching the final
destination. If there are 68 devices that comes between
the source and destination, our IP packet will be
dropped at the 64th device(because our ttl is 64) and
will not reach the destination. The default value is
different across different systems.

Recommended: What Role does TTL(Time to Live) Play in

Traceroute (
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"offset 0" is also something related to fragmentation of IP

packet. By default its always set to 0. If there is some sort of
fragmentation, then the fragmented packets will all have same id
field(as discussed earlier), and also will have an offset field that
indicates where the data should fit into while re-assembling.

Let's consider a fragmentation example. Suppose the

first packet in the fragmented series has "Identification
Field: 100 & Offset Value: 0" and the second packet in
the fragmented series has "Identification Field: 100 &
Offset Value: 170". This means the second IP fragment
data will fit right after (170 x 8 = 1360 bytes ) of the first
packet's data during re-assembling.

Now let's get to our main topic. UDP. That is the second line in
the tcpdump output shown ( >
[udp sum ok] 63851+ A? (28))

There are 5 main components in that line to discuss. That's all

about UDP. The IP addresses you see there are also actually
part of IP packet. IP addresses are not part of UDP. IP
addresses exist in IP layer(the layer that we were discussing
in the first line. The source IP address, which
is my laptop's IP address. is google's public DNS
address, towards which we initially sent the DNS request
using the second terminal).

The Header fields of UDP are blow

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Source Port : This is a random port number selected while
sending a UDP request(in our case its 55625, which is
evident from the second line).
Destination Port: This is the destination port number of
the application that we are sending our request to. DNS
uses a default port number of 53, which is the same in our
Length: The total amount of actual user data sent from the
requesting application. In our case our DNS request sent
by dig tool) in bytes + the UDP header length. The very last
field in the second line is a number (28). That is 28 bytes of
user data. And UDP packets have 8 bytes of header field
data. Which means the Length of our UDP packet is 28 + 8
= 36
Checksum: UDP checksum is a bit complex to calculate. I
will be writing a dedicated article on how to calculate UDP
and TCP checksum(well checksum calculation is done in
the same way for both TCP and UDP). Although the
checksum value is not shown in the tcpdump output above,
it looks something like 0xaab0 OR 0x8921 or similar.

Related: How Is UDP and TCP Checksum Calculated?


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Payload: This is the actual request sent by the client
application. In our case its the dns request generated by
dig(63851+ A? is the actual payload here. A
stands for A record request for 63851+ is
DNS transaction id. It helps the dns client to identify the

One thing to keep in mind about UDP checksum is the

fact that its optional. There is no enforcement at the
protocol level for UDP checksum. Checksum is
something that will help identify whether there was a
change of data during transit, or if it was tampered,
altered etc. It provides a sort of "Error Detection"
mechanism in UDP.

Why does UDP have a checksum field for Error


That's a good question. And a valid question. Because

UDP promises that its light weight and does not have
any sort of reliability OR correction mechanism. If UDP
is connection less & unreliable, why does it have a
checksum field ?

UDP does not care about packets that are dropped &
packets that are delivered out of order. But one thing
UDP cares about is the integrity of the packets that are
received(although optional, there is a provision for
integrity verification). But still, what is the use of having
an integrity verification mechanism using checksum, if it
can't correct an integrity problem?.

Agreed it cant correct an integrity issue. But it can

discard a data gram whose checksum is invalid!.
Basically theArticle
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has wrong checksum. There is no mechanism to inform
this back to the sender, but it will discard it silently.

If UDP is connection less, how does it identify a

response? > [udp sum ok] 63851

q: A? 3/0/0 [32s] A, [32s] A, [32s] A (76))

Above shown is the UDP response to our dns

request(the very last line in the tcpdump output). Here
the source IP and source ort is & 53. Destination
IP and destination port is & 55625.

The destination port in the response is same as the

source port in our initial request(the second line in the
tcpdump output).

Which means, the response is directed towards the

exact same source port from where the initial request
was sent. This way the client program identifies the
correct response.

Ideally the client program waits for the response,

keeping the source port open. Only when the response
is received, the source port(i must say socket) is closed.

Use Cases Where UDP is best compared to TCP

Imagine you want to telecast a live streaming video to

millions of users(may be a cricket match). TCP involves
a lot of overhead to serve such kind of requests. As far
as live streaming is concerned, if TCP gets too many
requests, the operating system must wait
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that are unacknowledged. Which means, if there are
millions of requests, the operating system will keep all
these un ACKed data in buffer. So TCP is a bad idea in
such a situation.

If Quick and simple response is your need, then UDP is

the best. For example DNS, NTP etc.

Think of scenarios like gaming. Here new state of the

game is continuously replacing the old state. Which
means old state is of no use as far as the client is
concerned(so forget about sending lost packet again by
connection oriented TCP). Here UDP is a good option.

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