A Case Report On Odontogenic Keratocyst of Right Mandible
A Case Report On Odontogenic Keratocyst of Right Mandible
A Case Report On Odontogenic Keratocyst of Right Mandible
On chair side investigation, Fine Needle Aspiration The presence of multiple OKCs is considered a key
Cytology (FNAC) yielded cheesy material admixed with criterion for diagnosing Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
blood. A cyst enucleation was done followed by extraction of Syndrome (NBCCS). This autosomal dominant multi-
48 and biopsy of the lesion was taken .On histopathological systemic disorder is characterized by multiple nevoid basal
examination, a cystic cavity lined by parakeratinized stratified cell carcinomas, multiple OKCs, palmar or plantar pits,
squamous epithelium and connective tissue capsule were calcifications of the falx cerebri, and skeletal abnormalities
seen. Basal layer showing palisaded columnar epithelial cells [9]. Multiple OKCs can also occur in other syndromes,
and connective tissue is fibrous with focal areas of including Noonan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and
inflammatory cells[Figure 6]. Histopathological findings orofacial- digital syndrome [8]
were suggestive of OKC.
Investigations can include chairside procedures like fine
needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), which typically reveals
shiny straw-colored fluid, as well as biopsies (both excisional
and incisional). Radiographic assessments may involve
intraoral radiographs, orthopantomograms(OPG), cone beam
computed tomography (CBCT), and MRI.
Fig 7: Types of Odontogenic Keratocyst
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