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Bahir Dar University

Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Faculty of Computing
Industrial project on
Automation of smart electronics shopping Center

Submitted to the faculty of computing in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Group members
Name IDNo

1. Amir Sultan 0503062

2. Mohammed Yasin 0602116
3. Habtam Nega 0602056

Advisor ፡-Mekonnen Fantahun

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and all the
sources of material used for the project have been duly acknowledged.
Amir Sultan ---------------------------------------------
Mohammed Yasin -----------------------------------------------
Habtam nega -----------------------------------------------

Faculty: Computing

Program: Degree of Bachelor of Science

Project Title: Automation of smart electronics shopping Center

This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and
quality, as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Name of Advisor Signature

Examining committee members Signature Date

1. Examiner 1
2. Examiner 2

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid down by
the faculty.


First and foremost, we would like to thank almighty God that permits us to do and enable us to be
successful in our final year project and to be complete without any problem as his permission. We
also pass our sincerest thanks to our advisor Mekonnene Fantahun, who have given timely advice as
well as encouragement to completion of our project and his continuous support in every phase of this
project. Also, we do not need to miss to thanks again and again for Information Technology graduate
class student members who collaborated and helped us during the system development.
Finally, giving great thanks for our parents who are always with us in all our educational
participations and who give us great attention for our final project success with their financial and
idea support.
Group members.

List of acronyms
DB: Database. A computerized record keeping system or a kind of electronic filing cabinet (a
collection of logically related data)
UML: Unified Modeling Language. Is a standard notation for the modeling of real-world objects as
a first step in developing an object-oriented design methodology.
PHP: Hypertext Processor (personal home page) is a widely-used open source general-purpose
scripting language that is especially suited for web development.
HTML: hypertext markup language.
HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol
CSS: cascade style sheet is language for describing the presentation of web pages including colors,
layout, and fonts.
JS: JavaScript: An object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create
interactive effects within web browsers.
AJAX: Stands for asynchronous java script and xml. It is a new a technique for creating better
faster, and more interactive web application with the help of xml, Html, CSS and java script.
UC: Use case diagram. Use-cases are a scenario which identify the actors in an interaction and
which describe the interaction itself.
SD: Sequence diagram. Which show interactions between actors and the system and between system
AD: Activity diagram.
CD: Class diagram: -visually represent classes and their inheritance relationships.
DD: Deployment diagram: - Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the
physical components of a system where the software components are deployed.
UI: User Interface
PK: primary key. fields that uniquely identify a record.
FK: foreign key. Are attributes contained within a database which uniquely identify another record,
but not the one within which they are contained.
Pdf: portable document format
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (technology which reduces the size of files that contain
GIF: Graphic Interchange Format (a type of computer file that contains images and is used a lot on
the Internet).


Use case Diagram symbol

Boundary link

Actor use case

Sequence Diagram symbol

Object lifeline Activation message message return constraint

Activity Diagram Symbol

Action state state Initial state final state control flow

Class Diagram symbol

Class link Inheritance

Deployment Diagram symbol

Component node instance constraint communication

List of Figures
FIGURE 1 USE CASE DIAGRAM.................................................................................................................................................10
FIGURE 2 USER INTERFACE PROTOTYPES....................................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 3: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR LOGIN..................................................................................................................................31
FIGURE 4: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR ORDER ITEM.........................................................................................................................32
FIGURE 5: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR UPDATE ITEM DETAIL.............................................................................................................33
FIGURE 6: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR CREATE ACCOUNT..................................................................................................................34
FIGURE 7: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR REGISTER ITEM......................................................................................................................35
FIGURE 8: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR LOGIN...............................................................................................................................36
FIGURE 9: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR ORDER ITEM.......................................................................................................................37
FIGURE 10: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR ADD ADVERTISEMENT..........................................................................................38
FIGURE 11: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR REGISTER ITEM..................................................................................................................39
FIGURE 12: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR DELETE ITEM.....................................................................................................................40
FIGURE 13: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR UPDATE ITEM DETAIL.........................................................................................................41
FIGURE 14: DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM..........................................................................................................................................44
FIGURE 15: DESIGN CLASS MODEL............................................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 16: PERSISTENT MODEL............................................................................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 17: UI FOR LOG IN......................................................................................................................................................53
FIGURE 18: UI FOR CREATE ACCOUNT......................................................................................................................................54
FIGURE 19: UI FOR ADD ITEM.................................................................................................................................................55
FIGURE 20: UI FOR UPDATE CART............................................................................................................................................56
FIGURE 21: UI FOR UPDATE ACCOUNT......................................................................................................................................56

List of table
TABLE 1 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR MANAGE CART...................................................................................................................11
TABLE 2 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR VIEW ITEMS FOR SALE..........................................................................................................12
TABLE 3 USE CASE VIEW ORDER STATUS....................................................................................................................................12
TABLE 4 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR PAY FOR ITEM.....................................................................................................................13
TABLE 5 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR ORDER ITEM......................................................................................................................14
TABLE 6 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR CREATE ACCOUNT................................................................................................................15
TABLE 7 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR MANAGE ACCOUNT..............................................................................................................16
TABLE 8 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR LOGIN...............................................................................................................................17
TABLE 9 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR VIEW REPORT....................................................................................................................18
TABLE 10 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR REGISTER ITEM.................................................................................................................19
TABLE 11 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR DELETE ITEM....................................................................................................................20
TABLE 12 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR UPDATE ITEM DETAIL........................................................................................................21
TABLE 13 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR VIEW COMMENT..............................................................................................................22
TABLE 14 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR RECEIVE ORDER.................................................................................................................23
TABLE 15 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR ADD ADVERTISEMENT........................................................................................................24
TABLE 16 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR PAYMENT VERIFICATION......................................................................................................25
TABLE 17 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR GENERATE RECEIPT...........................................................................................................26
TABLE 18 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR LOGOUT..........................................................................................................................27
TABLE 19 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR SEARCH ITEMS FOR SALE....................................................................................................28
TABLE 20 USE CASE DESCRIPTION FOR UPDATE SHIPPING INFO......................................................................................................29

List of acronyms..........................................................................................................iii
List of Figures...............................................................................................................v
List of
Chapter One: Introduction..........................................................................................2
1.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1. Background....................................................................................................................................2
1.1.2. Vision.............................................................................................................................................2
1.1.3. Mission...........................................................................................................................................2
1.1.4. Existing System Study...................................................................................................................3
1.2. Objectives..........................................................................................................................................3
1.2.1. General Objective...........................................................................................................................3
1.2.2. Specific Objective..........................................................................................................................3
1.3. Statement of the problem...................................................................................................................3
1.4. Beneficiaries of the project.................................................................................................................4
1.5. Limitations of the project...................................................................................................................4
1.6. Scope of the project............................................................................................................................4
1.7. Methodology......................................................................................................................................5
1.7.1. Requirement gathering methods.....................................................................................................5
1.7.2. Analysis and design Methodology.................................................................................................5
1.7.3. Implementation Methodology........................................................................................................6
Chapter Two: System features....................................................................................7
2.1. The Existing System..........................................................................................................................7
2.2. Proposed System................................................................................................................................7
2.3. Requirement Analysis........................................................................................................................8
2.3.1. Functional requirement..................................................................................................................8 Input requirement.......................................................................................................................8 Output requirement............................................................................................................................8 Operational requirement.....................................................................................................................9

vii System Use case.......................................................................................................................10 Use Case documentation..........................................................................................................11
2.3.2. User Interface prototype...............................................................................................................30
2.3.3. Activity Diagram..........................................................................................................................31
2.3.4. Sequence diagram........................................................................................................................36
2.4. Nonfunctional requirement...............................................................................................................42
2.5. System Requirement........................................................................................................................43
2.5.1. Hardware requirements................................................................................................................43
2.5.2. Software requirements..................................................................................................................43
Chapter 3: System Design..........................................................................................44
3.1. Architectural Design........................................................................................................................44
3.1.1. Deployment Modeling..................................................................................................................44
3.2. Detail Design...................................................................................................................................45
3.2.1. Logic model.................................................................................................................................46
3.3. User Interface Design.......................................................................................................................53
4. References.............................................................................................................57
5. Appendices............................................................................................................58

This project is a part of the industrial project for the fulfillment of bachelor degree in Information
Technology. The project focuses on developing web based application for Smart electronics shopping
center system. It will provide simple and efficient way of E-commerce by display and get electronics
information for seller and buyer. Customers who are using the system must create their own account to
buy any electronic device that exists in the shop. It would make searching, viewing and selection of a
product easily. It contains sophisticated search methods for users to search item. The user can view the
complete detail of each product. The system also provides user can add a product to the shopping cart.
The main emphasis lies in providing customer to order item in easy way by using add to cart or select
one item. The system generate receipt for the customer when successfully order item. The Admin and
sales person have many privileges in the system. Such as delete, update item detail, view report and
view order. This project is developed by using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, and PHP. This
document contains introduction, system feature, methodology and tools like JEdit and Visual
Paradigm, data sources like site introspection and interview, and for design methodology we use
object-oriented. For analysis model, we use sequence and activity diagram. For system design we
include deployment diagram, class diagram, user interface design, data structure design, and algorithm
design for the project that is going to be developed.

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1. Introduction
Smart Electronics shopping center is the system that involves selling and buying transaction process.
Such transaction is concentrate on electronics materials like cameras, tablets, smart mobile phones,
desktop computers, laptop, external hard disk, cooler, printer, scanner, Xerox, fax machine, different
types of cables and other kinds of electronics material.

Smart Electronics shopping center is one of the well-known electronic shop in Bahir Dar city that
highly used by customers. So, the business has been profitable and has worked out well for the Admin.
The growth of electronic sales has been very good and the store has been well received in the

1.1.1. Background
Smart Electronics Shop center was founded in Bahir Dar city. It is located to the right of Bahir Dar
city bus station. It established in 2015 to serve the needs of local people in Bahir Dar city, and has
served in this area to present time. Besides give services for customers and company nearest to our
system. It is staffed by 3 employees. The shop is funded by Mr.Tsgye T/ Brhan. It is recognizing a
responsibility to improve technology development, and job marketability. Toward that goal, it offers
various electronics goods. The system has been computers recently added to help with store item
name, there cost and printing bill for customer.

1.1.2. Vision
We intend to provide the customers with the best online shopping experience from beginning to end,
with a smart searchable website, clear and secure payment methods, fast, and quality delivery.

1.1.3. Mission
To provide fast, efficient, effective and accurate information to anyone who want to buy electronics
device. To moderate the cost, serve the needs of the employers, the labor movement and the
community. It also guarantees that all its customers will be given utmost respect, love, attention and

1.1.4. Existing System Study
The existing system of electronic shopping mechanism is manual. Customers when they need to buy
any electronics device they must come to the shop physically. And he/she must come with cash birr or
check note. Transaction money transfer hand by hand.
The shop open at 2:00 o’clock in local time and closed in 12:00 o’clock local time and it’s not opened
Sunday. The price of the good is made by negotiation.

1.2. Objectives

1.2.1. General Objective

The main objective of this project is to develop full functional and highly interactive web-based
electronic shopping system for Smart electronics shop.

1.2.2. Specific Objective

In order to meet the general objective, the following specific objectives are identified.
 Review the current system to know the problem of the existing system.
 Perform requirement analysis to identify functional and non-functional requirements of the
 Design the system using object oriented methodology.
 Implement the web based application by using scripting languages like HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, AJAX and PHP.
 Deploy the web based application on the internet.
 Test the performance and reliability of the new system.

1.3. Statement of the problem

 It gives the service only for 10 hour in a day and 6 days in week.
 May be the money stole easily by robbery’s
 There is no full information about customers
 There are no updatable advertisements.
 Its take large time to processes transaction.
 There is no written cost description on items for customers.
 Sometimes customers may not get they need

1.4. Beneficiaries of the project

In development of this system different customers and stakeholders are beneficiary. Customers
fulfill what they need, reduce cost and time of hiring and secure transaction. Stakeholders
decrease work load, reliable and honest, describe stable cost of material and it attract the

1.5. Limitations of the project

 Online transaction: - today in our country Ethiopia doesn’t allow online payment in
worldwide systems like PayPal.
 Because of this problem, we don’t sale goods in online. The transaction takes hand by
hand or manually.

1.6. Scope of the project

The scope of the project is defined in terms of the tasks that the system accomplishes. Thus, the
scope of the project is

 Not give permission of transaction for customers who have no account number.
 Not give permission of transaction for customers who have insufficient balance.
 Develop online selling and buying transaction for smart Electronics Shop center in Bahir
 The company gives shipping service for customer who lives around Bahir Dar city.
 Generate advertisement for items which price is discount and when new item is registered.
 Doesn’t advertise for other companies.

1.7. Methodology

1.7.1. Requirement gathering methods

We have applied or used two types of data gathering methodologies introspection and interview. To
know about the existing shopping system.

This method has been the primary base for this project. Therefore, using the current or background
knowledge of the group, the group is able to identify and list out the common functionalities and
requirements for the project. This helps the group to proceed to the next level. Furthermore, it had
been a bridge or cause for other methodology to conduct them in proper method.

As we know there are two types of interviewing methodologies which are open and closed, we use
open interview methodologies to get information about the existing system. We ask different questions
to the administrator and shop keeper.

1.7.2. Analysis and design Methodology

We will use object oriented system development methodologies because of many reasons, some of the
reasons are listed below.
 This method is well known by the group members and the group members uses for different
course projects.
 Any system made by this method are easy to maintain, therefore it reduces maintenance
 It is easy in terms of flexibility.
 Ease of understanding object-oriented models due to a consistent underlying representation
throughout the development process.
 Easy of modification and extensibility of object-oriented models.
 Tools to be used for analysis and design.

 Visual paradigm: - this software tool is used for designing different architectural figures, for
example, use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, class diagram, and the likes.
 Microsoft word 2016: - this software application is used to prepare the document of this
 Adobe Photoshop: - used for editing different graphical pictures.

1.7.3. Implementation Methodology

The system is designed for web based system. So, an interactive web based system commonly needs
the following tools.
 Web server software: - apache web server
 Server side programming language: - PHP
 Client side programming language: - HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX
 Database system: - MySQL database
 JEdit: - This software application used for editing the coding part of this project.
There are many reasons why we select PHP for server side programming and MYSQL for the database
some of the reasons are described as follows.
From many of scripting languages PHP is powerful, easy to learn, cross platform, free, and PHP is
faster. There are also so many reasons to choose MYSQL database some of the reasons are it is quick
and powerful, handles large database, and it is free.

Chapter Two: System features
This chapter of the project document which provides a system features of the project. This chapter
contains and describes about User requirement, Functional requirement, and Non-Functional
requirement, use case diagram, and use case description, Analysis Model (Activity diagram and
Sequence Diagram).

2.1. The Existing System

The existing systems have many back-side advancement (problems) over the proposed system in many
 The sales person receives items from supplier.
 The sales person arrange item on catalog.
 The customer contacts the sales person by visiting the item on catalog.
 The customer selects the item.
 Customer asks the sales person cost of item.
 The sales person response to the customer.
 The customer pays cost of item to sales person.
 The sales person receives money.
 The sales person gives receipt for customer.
 The sales person gives items for customer.
 The customer receives receipt and the item.

2.2. Proposed System

Online shopping system is providing the online shopping facility available for everyone. Any type of
the product will be available for the customer, and it can be easily purchased faster. Online
shopping system concentrate more on user friendly interface and promotes users to purchase faster
and easier. There is a facility available to do online purchase. Shop online have registration
facility. The registration process is faster and easier. In the user interface of shop online there will
be accomplished with options to find new product available and most purchased and customer
satisfied products. Customer can avail this facility and buy the product faster. All products in the
website will be highlighted with image of the product. By click on Buy now button it will take you
to directly to the buy page, from where customer can have purchased easily. Shop online is
provided with customer support page. Using this page any customer can get the assistance from the
available customer support executive online. There we have support over phone and email.
Customer can use this facility any time.

2.3. Requirement Analysis

2.3.1.Functional requirement

Functional requirements focus on the intended behavior of the system or what the system will do.
Accordingly, the tasks that the smart electronics shopping center will do are listed as follows: Input requirement

 The system shall allow sale person to insert items information.

 The system shall take customer information.
 The system shall allow sale person to insert new items.
 The system shall allow User to insert user name and password.
 The system shall take customer order item.
 The system shall allow sales person to insert advertise information.
 The system shall take comment from customer. Output requirement

 The system shall view the order of customer request.

 The system shall have customer to view item.
 The system shall have a login graphical user interface.
 The system shall display images of items.
 The system shall have a create account (username and password) graphical user
interface for Admin and customer.
 The system shall have search GUI for users to search particular items information by
its name.
 The system shall have view report for Admin.
 The system shall have view comments for Admin.
 The system shall have view comments for sales person.
 The system shall have comments form for customer to write comment.
 The system shall display message when transaction happen.
 The system shall display items information in the website.

 The system shall have added advertisement that display in the website.
 The system shall have added to cart transaction.
 The system shall have update form.
 The system shall have insert form.
 The system shall have delete form. Operational requirement

 The system shall assign list of items based on category.

 The system shall assign cost of items
 The system shall assign description of items.
 The system shall allow read only privilege for customer.
 The system shall assign login category.
 The system shall allow Admin to update information of items.
 The system shall allow Admin to delete information of items.
 The system shall allow sales person to register items.
 The system shall allow Admin to search items information.
 The system shall allow sales person to search items information.
 The system shall not allocate items in one place which have different category.
 The system shall calculate the cost of items.
 The system shall allow Admin to create login account for sales person

9 System Use case
Figure 1 Use case Diagram

10 Use Case documentation

Table 1 Use Case Description for Manage cart

Use case number UC-1
Use case Name Manage cart
Actor Customer
Related use case Includes: add to cart, delete cart, update cart
Description The customer manages the cart by adding items and modify
the amounts and if its cost has over then delete item from the
Precondition  Customer click add to cart near to the item.
 Manage the cart.
Post condition Amount of item on the system change by amount of item on
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The customer select item. 3. The system displays the
2.Click on add to cart amount of item and its total
4. modify the cart cost.
5. click update cart. 6. buy now button
7. System end.
Alternative course of action Alternetive1
1. The customer selects one item by use click on it.
4. The system will display view alert message when the
customer select items more than exist.

Table 2 Use Case Description for view items for sale

Use case number UC-2

Use case Name view items for sale
Actor Customer
Description The customer view items posted in the site
Precondition  Search the website in the internet.

Post condition The customer may order the item that have seen in the site
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The customer search the 2. The system displays the
site. items.
3.view items in site.
4. user end

Table 3 Use Case view order status

Use case number UC-3
Use case Name view order status
Actor Customer, sale person
Description See whether the status is show in progress or done. To take next
Precondition Order item
Post condition Display status either in progress or Done
Basic course of action User action System response
1. Members click on view status 2. The system will display the
status. In progress or done.
. 3. System end.

Table 4 Use Case Description for pay for item
Use case number UC-4
Use case Name Pay for items
Actor Customer
Description Pay the money to shop in online.
Precondition  Log in
 customers must have a bank account and sufficient balance.
Post condition The customers get the receipt.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. Customer click on ‘buy now” 2. The system will display log
3. enter email as user name and in form or create new account.
log in password or create new 5. The system will display a
account PayPal form.
4. click pay with PayPal button. 7. send verification.
6. Enter PayPal password and 8. Generate receipt.
click pay. 9. System end.

Alternative course of action 3&6. The system displays an error message when not input
6. The system will give a chance to re-enter the password.

Table 5 Use Case Description for Order Item
Use case number UC-5
Use case Name Order item
Actor Customer
Related use case Includes: generate receipt.
Description The customer orders the item, when he/she wants to buy the
Precondition  Customer selects the item.
 The customer click on buy button.
 Log in
Post condition The system generate report.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The customer select item. 3. The system displays the order
2.Click on buy button form.
4. Fill the order form with 6. The system display receipt
the valid account number when customer enter and send
and password. correct account and sufficient
5. Click order button. balance.
7. System end.
Alternative course of action Alternetive1
1. The customer selects more than one item by use add to cart.
6. The system will display an error message when the customer
enters invalid account or have not sufficient balance.

Table 6 Use Case Description for create account

Use case number UC-6

Use case Name Create account
Actor Customer and admin
Description The customer register to be regular and the admin create
account for sale person.
Precondition  Customer selects new registration. And admin click on
create account
 Fulfil the information in the form prepared.
Post condition Login page created.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. customer click on 4. the system display successful
registration and admin on message.
create account. 6. System end.
2.fill information on the
3. Click register button.
Alternative course of action Alternetive1
4. The system will display an error message when the customer
enters invalid account or invalid information.

Table 7 Use Case Description for manage account

Use case number UC-7

Use case Name Manage account
Actor Customer and admin
Related use case Includes: modify account, delete account.
Description The registered customer and admin may manage their account
by change their password the admin delete sale person
Precondition  Members log in to their account
 Click on update account button.
Post condition Account managed
Basic course of action User action System response
1. Member click on update 4. the system display successful
account. message.
2.edit what member need. 5. System end.
3. Click update button.

Alternative course of action Alternetive1

4. The system will display an error message when the customer
enters invalid information.
6. The system will give a chance to fill the form again.

Table 8 Use Case Description for Login

Use case number UC-8

Use case Name Login
Actor all
Related use case Uses: logout
Description The system allows customers, Admin and sales person to login
by enter their user name and password to give different.
Precondition Members must have user name and password.
Post condition Login to the system with their different privilege.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The member fills login 3. The system will display the
form. specified page when the user
2. Click ‘login’ button. name and password are
matched with the username
and password registered in the
4. System end.
Alternative course of action 3. The system display error message when the user name and
password are not matched with the username and password
registered in the database.

Table 9 Use Case Description for View Report

Use case number UC-9

Use case Name View Report
Actor Admin.
Related use case Includes: annual, monthly and sale report, inventory report
Description The Admin views the different types of report.
Precondition  Log in
 Admin wish to view report.
Post condition The Admin gets information about the transaction of the system.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The Admin click on view 2. The system display category
report link. of report and time.
3. The Admin select category. 5. The system display report.
4.The Admin click on view
report button
6.The Admin view the report
7. User end.

Table 10 Use Case Description for Register Item

Use case number UC-10

Use case Name Register item
Actor Sales person.
Related use case Include: Update inventory
Description Sales person add or insert list items into insert table. Then updated
the inventory when we add new item to the shop. If the item has
new its register newly, but if the item has already existed it update
the amount of item.
Precondition  Log in
 Items must be purchased and exist in the shop.
Post condition Increase the number of items in insert table.
Insert new item into insert table.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The Sales person clicks on 2. The system displays the
the insert button. insert form.
3. The sales person fills the 5. The system will display a
insert form. successful message when items
4. Click the register button. register successfully.
6. System end.

Alternative course of action 5. The system will display error message when items not register

Table 11 Use Case Description for Delete Item

Use case number UC-11

Use case Name Delete item
Actor Admin
Related use case Includes: view alert message.
Description Delete or remove item from the screen when alert message is
display finished or very few amounts of item. Until purchased that
item if its exist in the market.
Precondition The item is finished or few amounts.
Post condition The item delete. The types of items decrease.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. Admin get alert message. 3. The system display finished

2. Admin click ok button item.

6. System display successfully
4. Admin view finished item.
deleted message for Admin.
5. Admin click delete button.
7. System end.

Table 12 Use Case Description for Update Item Detail
Use case number UC-12
Use case name Update item detail
Actor Admin
Description The Admin updates the item details when the get change detail of
Precondition  Log in
 Admin get change item detail
Post condition Items detail modified.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. Admin gets the change 3. System display searched item.
items detail. 6. The system display successful
2. Admin clicks on search message for Admin.
button in order to search 7.system end
change items.
4. The Admin edits item
5. Admin click update
Alternative course of 6. The system display error message when the enters
action incorrect input.

Table 13 Use Case Description for View Comment

Use case number UC-13

Name View comment

Actor sales person, Admin

Description The Admin and sales person view comment which is
generated by the customer.
Precondition Get comment.
Post condition The member get information about the weakness or strength
(or suggestion) of the system.
Basic course of action Use action System response
1. Members see 2. System display comment.
notification. clicks on
view comment button.
3. The member view the
4.use case end
Alternative course of action 2. System display empty box when no get comment.

Table 14 Use Case Description for receive order
Use case number UC-14
Use case name receive order
Actor Sales person
Description The sales person receives the order if get message from the
Precondition  Log in
 The sales person get message from system.
Post condition The sales person knows which item is ordered.
Basic course of action User action System response

3. The system display ordered

1. The sales person get order item
message from the
2. The sales person click on
view order button.
4. sales person view order
5. use case end

Table 15 Use Case Description for Add Advertisement
Use case number UC-15
Use case name Add advertisement
Actor Sales person
Description The sales person adds advertisement to system when the price of
item discount or new items entered to our system.
Precondition  Price of item discount.
 New items entered to our system.
Post condition Attract the customer.
Provide information.
Basic course of action User action System response

1. The sales person register 3. The system display

new item. advertisement form.
2. Click on advertisement 6. The system displays the
button. advertisement on page of
4. Fill the advertisement form. advertisement.
5. Click on submit button. 7. System end.

Alternative course action 1. The sales person get discount of price on item.

Table 16 Use Case Description for payment verification

Use case number UC-16

Name Verify payment
Actor Sale person
Description The system send account number to bank when the customer orders
an item in order to check account number within bank number. If
customer have sufficient amount of money, then transfer that price
to system(admin) account.
Precondition Customer orders an item.
Post condition Customer gets receipt about order item from the system.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. Customer orders an item. 2. The system displays
5. Customer gets receipt. PayPal.
6. User end. 3. PayPal response to the
4. System generate receipt to
customer when get positive
response from bank.

Alternative course of 4. System display error message to customer when get negative
action response from bank.

Table 17 Use Case Description for Generate Receipt

Use case number UC-17

Name Generate receipt
Actor Sales person

Description The sale person generates receipt immediately by soft copy to
customer when the customer's order item successfully.
Precondition The customer orders items.
Post condition The customer receives generate receipt.
Basic course of action User action System response

1. Customers order an item. 2. The bank validates positive

5. Customer gets receipt. response of account number and
6. Customer view receipt. balance that send message from
7. User end. customer.
3. System gets positive response
from bank.
3.1. Set lists the total cost, amount
and name of item from item table.
3.2. Set the name of customer and
basic information from customer
4. System generates receipt to

Alternative course of 2.System display error message to customer when get negative
action response from bank.

Table 18 Use Case Description for Logout

Use case number UC-18

Name Logout (used)

Actor All
Description The member logout the page when the customer, Admin
and sales person need to leave.
Precondition The member login.
Post condition The member get login page.
Basic course of action User action System response

1. The member click on 2. The system displays

logout button. login page.
3. The member get login
4. User end.

Table 19 Use Case Description for Search Items for sale

Use case number UC-19

Use case Name Search items for sale

Actor Customer
Description The member search to view, check an item details.
Precondition  Customer selects name of item.

Post condition  The customer gets information of items details.

Basic course of action User action System response
1. The member selects name 3. The system displays the item
or id item. information.
2. The member click on
search button.
4. The member view items
5. Use case ends.
Alternative course of action 2.if members enter unknown name or id display not found

Table 20 Use Case Description for Update shipping info

Use case number UC-20

Use case Name Update shipping info

Actor Sale person
Description The sale person update shipping info after send the item to
customer and receive customers receipt confirmation sign.
Precondition  Customers buy the item and the status display in progress
 Send the item to the customer.
Post condition Update shopping information to sealed.
Basic course of action User action System response
1. The customer buy the 2. The system displays status in
item. progress
3.Send the item to customer 7. change status from in
4. if customer receive the progress to done
item he/she send the sign 8. System end.
5. modify the shopping info
6. click change button.

2.3.2. User Interface prototype

Figure 2 User Interface prototypes

2.3.3. Activity Diagram.

Define graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice,
iteration and concurrency. In the UML, activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and
operational step-by-step workflows of components in a system.

Figure 3: Activity Diagram for Login

Figure 4: Activity Diagram for Order Item

Figure 5: Activity Diagram for Update Item Detail

Figure 6: Activity Diagram for Create Account

Figure 7: Activity Diagram for Register Item

2.3.4. Sequence diagram

Define a Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a kind of interaction diagram that shows how processes
operate with one another and in what order. It shows object interactions arranged in time sequence.

Figure 8: Sequence Diagram for Login

Figure 9: Sequence Diagram for Order Item

Figure 10: Sequence Diagram For Add Advertisement

Figure 11: Sequence Diagram for Register Item

Figure 12: Sequence Diagram for Delete Item

Figure 13: Sequence Diagram for Update Item Detail

2.4. Nonfunctional requirement

Nonfunctional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the
operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. The plan for implementing nonfunctional
requirements is detailed in the system architecture. Systems must exhibit software quality attributes,
such as:


The system will face different interactions from different users. Therefore; each interaction may bring
an invalid input to the system. These invalid inputs may crash the system. The system will be
implemented to capture any invalid data with Error Handling Mechanism. Therefore; any invalid data
will be thrown and notified to the user as soon as possible.

 The system shall provide use of icons and toolbars.

 The interface should contain prompts and help to avoid making mistakes
 The product should be used by people with no training.


 The system shall display errors message that guide user to handle it.
 The system is can easily modify or change the given information.

 The external security should be provided by given the login authentication.

 There should be proper security regarding to the accessing of data by unauthorized user.

 The system gives appropriate output based on the expected lists of inputs.
 The system operates the shortest time rate within the least amount of resources.

2.5. System Requirement

2.5.1. Hardware requirements

The hardware requirements for this system is any ordinary computer.

2.5.2. Software requirements

 Web server: Apache HTTP server

 Database management system(DBMS): MYSQL database
 Operating system: Windows, Linux, IOS, Android, and any smart phone operating systems.
 Client side application(Browser): all currently available browsers.

Chapter 3: System Design
3.1. Architectural Design

3.1.1. Deployment Modeling

Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of a system where
the software components are deployed. Deployment diagrams are used to describe the static
deployment view of a system. Deployment diagrams consist of nodes and their relationships.

Figure 14: deployment diagram

3.2. Detail Design
Figure 15: Design class model

3.2.1. Logic model
Algorithm design for Login

Login ()


User Enter user name;

User Enter password;

Connect to database

If (valid)

Display home page;


Display error massage;


Algorithm design for Create Account (user registration)

Register user ()


Enter user information;

Validate input

Connect to Database

If (valid)

Insert to Database;

Display success massage;


Display error message


Algorithm design for Add item

Add Item ()


Enter Item information;

Validate input

Connect to database

If (valid)

Insert to database

Display success message;


Display error message;


Algorithm design for Search

Search ()


Validate to database

Enter search key;

Select search information;

Display search information;

If (valid)

Display search information;


Display error message;


Algorithm design for Update item information

Update item information ()


Connect to database

Select item table ()

Display item table ()

Select item information;

Display item table

Update item table;


If (Valid)

Insert to database;

Display success message;


Display error message;


Algorithm design for edit user account

Edit Account ()


Select Edit account;

Display account information;

Change information;


If (valid)

Insert to database;

Display success message;


Display error message;


Algorithm design for order Item

Order Item ()


Select item or Add to cart;

If (use cart)

Edit cart

Select buy now;

Connect to bank database;

Insert account number;


If (valid)

If (sufficient balance)

Display success message;

Display ordered detail

Else Display error message;


Display Error message;


Algorithm design for Delete Item

Delete item ()


Connect database

Select item table

Display item table

Delete item

Display confirmation box

If (yes)

Delete item

Display success message


Figure 16: Persistent model

3.3. User Interface Design
Figure 17: UI for log in

Figure 18: UI for Create Account

Figure 19: UI for Add Item

Figure 20: UI for Update cart

Figure 21: UI for Update account

4. References
1. Sawyer, I. a. Requirement Engineering a good Practice. The Object Primer 2nd Edition.
2. PAGINAS.ISPGAYA.PT. (2016, 12 14). Persistence model. Retrieved from PAGINAS.ISPGAYA.PT: _UML_(Persistence_Data_Modeling).pdf
3. Mr. Tsegaye T/ Brhan (2016, December 03). About existing system (Admin. Interview)
4. Official website of Sheger, Ethiopia ( Retrieved on (2016, November 17)
5. Official website of Amazon ( Retrieved on (2016, November 10)

5. Appendices
1. Where items are stored?
2. How many employees in the shop?
3. What is the responsibility of employees?
4. Who is responsible for importing items?
5. How much times the system work per day?
6. How many customers serve the system per day?
7. How many items sold per day?


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