Labour Laws in Myanmar
Labour Laws in Myanmar
Labour Laws in Myanmar
Laws on Occupational
Safety and Health in Myanmar
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
Introduction to Laws on
Occupational Safety and Health
in Myanmar
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
Introduction to laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
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ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
This publication was developed with funding support from the European Union and the ILO.
This is an introductory guide to Myanmar’s laws on occupational safety and health. While every effort
has been made to provide comprehensive information, the ILO is not responsible for any loss arising
as a result of relying on the content of this guide. The ILO is not responsible for any inaccuracies or
differences in the interpretation of the laws described in this publication.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
This ILO Guide to laws relating to occupational safety and health (OSH) in Myanmar has been
developed with funding support from the European Union under the Trade for Decent Work Project.
Its purpose is to provide accessible information for human resource practitioners, academics,
students, employers, trade unions and workers about this topic in Myanmar.
The legal framework referred to in this guide is up-to-date as of January 2021. This guide also covers
orders and directives that apply to managing COVID-19 in workplaces in Myanmar. Most COVID-19
directives were issued in 2020 and continue to apply.
Addressing OSH in the workplace is of critical importance to employers and workers. In addition to
keeping workers safe from harm, sound OSH management systems significantly benefits employers
through increased productivity, lower absenteeism, lower staff turnover, as well as a healthy and safe
Myanmar’s OSH laws continue to be piecemeal in nature, and therefore it is important to consider
how gaps in the legal framework can be addressed. International labour standards on OSH provide
an important benchmark on practices that can be implemented even when they have not been
ratified. The ILO Myanmar’s online e-campus also provides self-
paced courses on aspects of OSH and COVID-19 that are freely available for people wishing to learn
more about OSH in workplaces.
I hope that this guide will be useful for everyone who wants to understand and apply Myanmar’s
laws relating to OSH.
Donglin Li
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
Foreword vi
1. Introduction 1
2. General obligations 3
5. COVID-19 prevention 20
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
1.1 Context in Myanmar
This guide provides an overview of the legal framework relating to occupational safety and health
(OSH) in Myanmar and refers to COVID-19 directives with a particular focus on factories.
Myanmar’s OSH laws are characterized by a fragmented framework that has developed over a
number of years that have generally focused on specific hazards or specific industrial sectors and as
a result a number of provisions are outdated. In 2019, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (national parliament)
passed a new Occupational Safety and Health Law which was intended to substantially modernize
the legal framework and provided for a more promotional rather than prescriptive framework for
OSH oversight. A number of fundamental and sectoral regulations would accompany this law to give
effect to its provisions. However, as of December 2021, the OSH law has not been enacted and is not
in force.
The primary law relating to OSH is contained in the Factories Act 1951, and to some extent in the
Shops and Establishments Law 2016. Compensation for workplace injuries is governed by the Social
Security Law 2012 and Workmen’s Compensation Act 1924. Other laws also address OSH primarily at
a sector level or in relation to specific hazards and include laws relating to mines, fisheries, chemicals,
pesticides, fertilizers, boilers, atomic energy, electricity, fires, oilfields, and others which are not
covered in this guide.
With the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, factories, establishments and shops are required to
follow instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Sport in 2020. During 2020, the instructions
were updated and the most recent instruction from October 2020 is included in this guide.
•• Conventions (or Protocols) - which are legally binding international treaties that can be ratified
by member States. When an ILO member State ratifies a Convention or Protocol, it means the
country commits to implementing its requirements.
•• Recommendations - which are non-binding guidelines. These provide important guidance for
ILO member States on how to apply a particular Convention, or a wider subject.
Since the ILO was established, OSH has been a key area in the international labour standards
framework. The ILO has adopted more than 40 standards specifically dealing with occupational
safety and health, as well as over 40 Codes of Practice. Nearly half of ILO instruments deal directly or
indirectly with occupational safety and health issues.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
7. Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 2006 (No.
To date, Myanmar has not ratified any of the above Conventions, but has ratified Conventions
connected to workers compensation for occupational injuries and disease.1 The ILO has published
a guide to key OSH Conventions published in English and Burmese which is available on the ILO
website Specific training modules on aspects of OSH is available on the ILO
Myanmar e-campus website
1 Workmen's Compensation (Accidents) Convention, 1925 (No. 17); Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases)
Convention, 1925 (No. 18); Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925 (No. 19); Workmen's
Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention (Revised), 1934 (No. 42).
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
Relevant laws
Social Security Law 2012
Workers who are permanent or temporary, as well as apprentices must be registered. All sectors are
required to participate in the Social Security programme with the exception of the following, to whom
registration is voluntary:
•• establishments which carry out business only for a period of less than three months
•• non-profit organizations
•• family businesses
Workers whose employers are not required to register to the social security township office can
register on a voluntary basis.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
Section 53 of the Social Security Law sets out obligations relating to OSH including a requirement
that employers and workers coordinate with the Social Security Board (SSB) or insurance agency
relating to plans for safety and health to prevent occupational injuries, contracting occupational
diseases and education.4 The costs of medical treatment for employment injuries from criminal acts
or omissions by the employer, or a failure to keep OSH plans are to be met by the employer.5 An
employer is obliged, without delay, to report immediately to the relevant township social security
office if a serious occupational accident has occurred in relation to an insured worker.6
Further detail concerning employment injury insurance and payments is set out in chapter 4.
The Employment and Skills Development Law 2013 contains a general reference that an employment
contract must contain provisions relating to medical treatment.8 The Employment Contract
Template, promulgated pursuant to this law requires contracts to include measures for workers'
sickness, workplace injuries, occupational diseases and workers' death in the workplace under the
respective labour laws9 and for the employer to work cooperatively with workers in relation to OSH
arrangements.10 While these requirements are general, this suggests there is an obligation that OSH
arrangements are to be agreed in an employment contract.
4 Section 53(a).
5 Section 53(b).
6 Section 54(a).
7 At the time of publication, it was not possible to identify what exactly is stipulated.
8 Section 5(b)(11).
9 Clause 11(l).
10 Clause 11(t).
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
Relevant laws
Shops and Establishments Law 2016
•• commercial establishments12
However, it does not cover cottage industries, roadside or temporary stalls, shops and establishments
at a public exhibition held from time to time or a temporary shop or establishment for public
entertainment. It also does not cover family members of an employer (parents, spouse or children,)
who live with and are dependent on the employer.
Chapter 7 of the Shops and Establishments Law refers to OSH obligations. Under s.24, employers
have the following obligations:
11 Including hair dressing, beauty salons, fitness establishments, goldsmiths, radio, television or telephone repairing, book
binding or photo printing, pawn shops, laundry, footwear repairing, photocopy establishments, wrapping and packing
material, sawing, tailoring, computer and laptop businesses, publishing and repair of consumer electronic products.
12 Including insurance, joint stock, bank or broker, advertising, commission, forwarding or commercial agency, clerical
department of a factory or of industrial or commercial business, employment agency, private education institution,
private hospital and clinic, hotel, motel or inn, travel agency and toll fee collection gate.
13 Including cinemas or theatres or any hall for entertainment, video houses, karaoke lounges, game stations with computer
and electronic equipment, amusement parks, public gardens and parks, health fitness centres, children’s playgrounds.
14 “Specified levels” are not defined.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
•• arrangements for the prevention of overheating [literal translation] and the prevention of fire
•• sufficient first aid boxes and medicine for the employees according to [the provisions].15
However, there is no further detail relating to these requirements and no specific penalties in the law
relating breaches of this provision. The Shops and Establishments Rules provides further requirements
in addition to s.24 of the primary legislation. However, these requirements are relatively general and
also have no penalty for breaches of the provision. Clause 16 requires an employer to:
•• Ensure emergency access including stairs, entrances and exits as well as exit signs in shops
or workplaces in high-rise buildings using elevators
•• Have adequate cleaning staff who are supervised to ensure cleanliness, odor-free sanitation
in relation to floors, furniture, places for cooking, pots and pans in use, drinking water areas
and toilets
•• Provide adequate personal protective equipment, for workers’ health, in the workplaces with
extreme weather and temperatures.
•• shall not be required to work for more than eight hours per day or 48 hours per week
•• shall not work longer than four hours without receiving a rest of at least 30 minutes
•• shall have periods of work and rest periods may not exceed a total of 11 hours.
•• Children under the age of 14 are not permitted to work in a shop or establishment.
•• A child between 14 and 16 years of age may be employed for up to four hours a day if a
responsible registered doctor provides a fitness certificate.
•• Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to work overtime exceeding the working
hours in any shop or commercial establishment or establishment for public entertainment.
•• A child under 18 years of age shall not be employed at a prescribed dangerous business
or dangerous workplace.16 However, a person who is under 18 years of age but is over 16
years of age may be employed if: (a) he or she passed vocational training school for the work
concerned; or (b) understands and follows the instructions on safety and health at work; or
(c) if he or she is fit, may be permitted to work in a workplace with a fitness certificate from a
registered doctor and the work does not damage his or her growth and morale.
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
General obligations
Chapters III - IV set out general obligations relating to the health, safety and welfare of workers. These
requirements should also be read in light of COVID-19 Directives that are set out later in this guide.
A number of these obligations also provide for exemptions. Rules or Directives may specify further
criteria relating to their application. Oversight of the Act rests with the Factories and General Labour
Inspection Department (FGLLID) of the Ministry of Labour. The Chief Inspector, under FGLLID, may
also impose in some circumstances, directions19 or exemptions.20
17 For example, altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, packing, cleaning, breaking up and testing of chemical
18 For example, generating, transforming or transmission.
19 For example, in relation to dust and fumes under s.16.
20 For example, in relation to overcrowding under s.18.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
•• Every factory and the compound must be kept clean. Dirt and refuse must be removed daily
and disposed of in a suitable manner.21 Effective measures must also be in place that do
not impact the environment, for the disposal of other effluent, fumes and waste from the
manufacturing process.22
•• The floor of work rooms must be washed at least once a week, using disinfectant where
necessary, or using other effective methods.23
•• When there is a likelihood of water collecting on the floor in the course of any manufacturing
process, an effective means of drainage must be in place.24
•• All inside walls and partitions, ceilings, passages and staircases shall either: (i) be kept
whitewashed or colour-washed and such washing shall be repeated at least once in every
12 months; or (ii) where they are painted or varnished, be repainted or re-varnished at least
once in every three years.
•• Factories must provide facilities for washing for male and female workers that are accessible
and shall be kept clean.
•• Sufficient gender segregated toilets with adequate ventilation that are sanitary and clean
must be provided25 and additional requirements are prescribed for factories with more than
250 workers26.
•• A sufficient number of spitting bowls for betel must be in a convenient place and maintained
in a clean and hygienic condition.
•• Effective and suitable arrangements shall be made in every factory for adequate ventilation
by the circulation of fresh air. Where the nature of the work carried on in the factory involves,
or is likely to involve, the production of excessively high temperatures, adequate measures
as are practicable shall be taken to protect the workers by separating the process which
produces such temperatures.27
•• Effective measures shall be taken to prevent the inhalation and accumulation of dust.28
•• No stationary internal combustion engine shall be operated unless the exhaust is diffused
into the open air outside, and no other internal combustion engine shall be operated in any
room unless effective measures have been taken to prevent the accumulation of fumes.29
21 Section 13.
22 Section 14.
23 Section 13(b).
24 Section 13(c).
25 Section 21(1)
26 Section 21(2)
27 Section 15.
28 Section 16(1).
29 Section 16(2)
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•• Where air humidity is artificially increased, rules may be established setting out additional
standards of ventilation.30
•• Ventilation and temperature standards or requirements may be prescribed by FGLLID for any
factory or class of factories.31
•• Factories must prevent overcrowding. The amount of cubic space for every person employed
in a room shall not be less than 500 cubic feet and no space more than 14 feet above the floor
shall be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the cubic space.32
•• In every part of a factory where workers are working or passing, there must be sufficient
and suitable lighting that is either natural or artificial. Measures must also prevent glare, or
eyestrain due to darkness.33
•• Factories must ensure effective measures to avoid excessive noises in accordance with
specifications (which are not described in the law but FGLLID may issue orders or directives).
•• All floors, steps, stairs, passage and gangways must be of sound construction and properly
maintained and, where it is necessary to secure safety such floors, steps, stairs, passages
and gangways must be provided with substantial handrails.34 In addition, pits, sumps and
openings in floors which by reason of depth, situation, construction or contents, is likely to be
a source of danger, must be either securely covered or fenced.35
•• Employers must provide clean drinking water for workers in stations that are convenient for
workers. These stations must be marked "drinking water" and must be at least 20 feet [6
metres] away from washing areas and toilets. Enterprises with more than 250 workers must
provide cool water during hot weather.36
•• Suitable for seating arrangements shall be provided and maintained for all workers required
to work in a standing position, in order that they may take advantage of any opportunity for
rest during the course of their work.37
•• FGLLID may establish requirements that in any specified factory or class of factories where
more than 250 workers are employed to have a canteen that is provided and maintained for
30 Section 17.
31 Section 15(2) and (3).
32 Section 18(2).
33 Section 19.
34 Section 34.
35 Section 35.
36 Section 20.
37 Section 46.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
•• In factories where more than 100 workers are employed, adequate and suitable rest rooms
and an adequate and suitable dining room, with drinking water facilities, shall be provided.
Such facilities must have shall be sufficiently lighted, ventilated and maintained as far
as practicable in a cool and clean condition.38 FGLLID may issue directives relating to the
construction and other matters relating to restrooms. It may also by notification exempt any
factory or class of factories from this requirement.
•• In every factory, machinery including prime movers, transmission machinery and other
machinery shall be fenced by guards which must be maintained and kept in position while in
use. Any examination of machinery covered by this section must be carried out by a trained
adult male worker who is required to undertake such work according to specific requirements.39
•• In every factory suitable devices for cutting off power in emergencies shall be provided and
maintained in every work room.40 Specific requirements are also set out in relation to moving
parts in s.26.
•• Every hoist or lift shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and strength
and shall be property maintained. Every hoist or lift shall be thoroughly examined by an
authorized examiner at least once every six months and a register shall be kept containing
the prescribed particulars of every such examination. The Act contains a number of specific
provisions relating to the load and other requirements for this machinery in s.30.
•• Cranes and other lifting and hoisting machinery must be of good construction, sound material
and strength; properly maintained and shall be thoroughly examined by an authorized
examiner at least once every 12 months. A register shall be kept containing the prescribed
particulars of every such examination. Specific requirements also apply relating to the
operation of such machinery in s.31.
•• Confined spaces must comply with specific rules relating to access, or where dangerous
fumes are present, including use of specialized breathing apparatus. All apparatus shall be
examined at regular periods and certified by an authorized examiner to be fit for use, and
a sufficient number of the persons in every factory shall be trained in the use of all such
38 Section 49.
39 Section 23.
40 Section 26.
41 Section 32.
42 Section 33.
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
apparatus. Similarly access to a boiler furnace, boiler flue, still, chamber, tank, vat, pipe, or
other confined space is also subject to specific access requirements.43
•• Specific requirements apply to flammable dust and fumes under s.39 where they are likely
to explode on ignition. All possible measures shall be taken to prevent any explosion by: (a)
effective enclosure of the plant or machinery used in the manufacturing process; (b) removal
or prevention of accumulation of dust, fumes or vapour; and (c) isolation or effective enclosure
of all possible sources of ignition. Section 39 should be referred to in relation to measures
factories should take to prevent explosions and vapours that are greater that atmospheric
•• In all factories, exit doors from rooms shall not be locked or fastened so that can be easily
and immediately opened from the inside while any person is within the room, and all such
doors, unless they are sliding doors, shall be constructed to open outwards.44
•• Doors providing a means of escape in case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinary
use, shall be distinctively marked in a language understood by the majority of workers.45
•• Factories must have apparatus to give a warning in the case of fire that is clearly audible to
every person employed in the factory.46
•• All the workers must be familiar with the means of escape in case of fire and have been
adequately trained in the procedures to be followed.47
First aid
•• A first-aid box or a cupboard equipped with the prescribed contents must be readily accessible
during working hours for every hundred workers.48
•• A person must be responsible for the first aid supplies who has been trained in first-aid
treatment and available during working hours.49
•• In every factories with more than 250 workers medical clinic must be provided under the
supervision of a medical officer and nursing staff as may be prescribed.50
Working Hours
•• shall not be required to work more than eight hours per day or 44 hours per week
•• should not work longer than five hours at a stretch without receiving a rest of at least 30
43 Section 38.
44 Section 40.
45 Section 40.
46 Section 40.
47 Section 40.
48 Section 47.
49 Section 47.
50 Section 47.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
•• shall have periods of work and rest periods that may not exceed a total of 10 hours in a
Adult workers in factories engaged in work that, for technical reasons, must be continuous throughout
the day may be required to work 48 hours in a week.
The Factories Act defines children (as either 14 or 15 years of age), adolescents (as either 16 and 17
years of age) and adults (as 18 years of age and over). A child under the age of 14 is not permitted
to work in a factory. Children and adolescents are permitted to work only if they have a certificate of
fitness to work (which is valid for one year) from a certifying surgeon.53 Adolescents aged 16 years
and over may under s.77(2)(b) be given a certificate of fitness to work as an adult. In such a case,
adolescents are deemed “adults” for the purposes of applying Part VII of the Factories Act relating to
hours of work. Thus, the working hours that apply to adults would apply.
There are some prohibitions on the employment of children (and in some instances women) in
hazardous work in factories, with restrictions on children (aged 14 or 15 years years) and adolescents
(aged 16 and 17) as follows:
•• No woman or child is permitted to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of the machinery while
part is in motion or to work between moving parts, or between fixed and moving parts of any
machinery which is in motion.54
•• No young person (defined as a person under 18) shall work or be required to work at any
machine as specified in Rules, unless they have received full instructions and sufficient training
in using machines, or is under supervision of a person who has a thorough knowledge and
experience of the machine.55
•• Women and children under 16 are prohibited from working in parts of a factory where a
cotton opener is at work, and certain exceptions apply.56
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
•• No woman, adolescent or child shall be employed in any factory to lift, carry or move any load
so heavy as to be likely to cause injury.57
Given the differences between the Factories Act and Child Rights Law, and that hazardous work in
the latter has not yet been defined, employers should consider carefully assessing work in factories
to determine areas of work that are hazardous and consider restricting children under the age of
18 from engaging in such work. For example, under the ILO Minimum Age Recommendation, 1973
(No. 146) full account should be taken of relevant international labour standards, such as those
concerning dangerous substances, agents or processes (including ionising radiations), the lifting of
heavy weights and underground work.58
In addition, the Factories Act has additional provisions specifically relating to women including the
•• Necessary arrangements must be made for women who are menstruating who are not able
to work due to their health59
•• Pregnant workers shall only be assigned to light work, and a woman who is more than 7
months pregnant is [not] permitted to work overtime or work at night60
•• In factories with more than 200 female workers, a day care centre must be provided for
children under the age of six years.61
If the any operation carried on in a factory is likely to expose employees therein to risk of bodily
injury, poisoning or disease, Rules can also be made to:
•• declare a specified operation dangerous and prohibit or restrict the employment of women,
adolescents or children in such operation;
•• provide for periodic medical examinations of current and prospective employees and prohibit
the employment of persons not certified as fit for such employment;
There is limited reference to training in the Factories Act, other than stating that employers as
necessary shall send the health officer who is responsible for OSH, supervisors and workers to OSH
training recognized by the Ministry.63
57 Section 36.
58 Article 10(1).
59 Section 36(3).
60 Section 36(4).
61 Section 50 as amended.
62 Section 52.
63 Section 43(a) inserted by the Factories Amendment 2016.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
Chapter II of the Factories Act provides for the appointment of inspectors. The powers of inspectors are
set out in s.11 to provide that inspectors may enter a factory and to inspect the premises, machinery,
documents, prescribed registers, or receive any statement from a person for the purpose of carrying
out functions under the Act. Inspectors may exercise such other powers as may be necessary for
the purposes of the Act, but no person shall be compelled to answer any questions or give evidence
tending to incriminate themselves. Section 56(1) provides that inspectors may also take samples of
substances if it is believed there is a contravention of the Act or Rules, or likelihood to cause harm to
workers in a factory.
In certain circumstances where it appears to an Inspector to an Inspector that any building or part of
a building, machinery or plant in a factory is dangerous to human life or safety, he or she may serve
on the factory an order in writing requiring plans or specifications to be submitted demonstrating it
can be used safely, or conduct tests to confirm its safety.64 An inspector may also serve a written order
prohibiting such use until it has been repaired or altered.65
The Chief Inspector may also, by order in writing serve on the manager of any factory a requirement
to display notices or posters relating to the health, safety or welfare of the workers in the factory.66
Worker obligations
Additional obligations are set in the Act in relation to workers covering the following prohibitions:
•• wilfully interfering with or misusing any appliance or other item provided in the factory for
the purpose of securing the health safety or welfare of the worker.
•• wilfully and without reasonable cause doing anything likely to endanger another person other
•• wilfully neglecting to make use of any appliance or other thing provided in the factory for the
purpose of securing the health or safety of the workers.68
64 Section 41.
65 Section 42.
66 Section 99(3).
67 Section 53.
68 Section 104.
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Section 87 also provides if any worker employed contravenes any provision of the Act or Rules, he or
she is liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, a fine, or both. If a worker is
punished under this section, the manager or occupier of the factory is deemed to be not guilty of an
offence in with respect to the worker’s contravention unless the employer fails to take all reasonable
measures to prevent the worker’s actions.
Other offences are also specifically covered elsewhere in the Act with specified penalties including,
inter alia, obstruction of an inspector in performing their duties, fraud relating to certificates of fitness
for workers and failure to submit specified notices.
69 Section 85.
70 Section 86.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
Relevant laws
Factories Act 1951
Funeral grant If the insured person is less than 60 years old at registration:
Paternity cash benefit If the insured person is 60 years old or older at registration:
• Worker 2.5%.
• Employer 2.5%.
Employer: 1%.
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
In calculating wages, wages are defined as all remuneration entitled to be received by a worker
for the work carried out by him, which includes other remuneration which may be determined as
overtime fees and income.”71
•• pension payments
•• meals
•• accommodation
•• work-related expenses
•• recreation
Under the Social Security Law, if an insured worker is injured in an accident, the employer must report
it to the township social security office. The employer will also need to report to the FGLLID, and
hence, a dual reporting system. The SSB investigates the accident and whether the injured worker
is insured under the social security system. If the worker is not insured, but the worker should
have been insured, and because the employer has failed to comply with this requirement, the SSB
calculates the amount of benefit due and will require the employer to compensate the same amount
to the worker. An insured worker should receive the benefit due from the Social Security Fund – but
the extent to which this is applied in practice is not clear.
Workers insured under the Social Security Law are also entitled to cash benefits during a period of
reduced or lost income due to injury and illness, and the details are provided in the next section.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
All workers with workplace injuries or illness who are not covered by the social security programmes
can resort to the Workmen’s Compensation Act. To be compensated under the Workers Compensation
Act, an injured worker, or his/her family if the worker is deceased, can submit a case to the township
committee on workmen’s compensation. The committee investigates the issue and decides the
amount of compensation the employer must pay. The law provides further details regarding notice,
reporting, investigation, medical examinations, and compensation.
In case of accidents, employers shall offer free medical examinations to workers. Employers are also
liable to pay compensation to workers for injuries and diseases arising out of and in the course of
employment, provided that, in respect of injury, it should not be directly attributable to:
•• the worker’s wilful disobedience of the safety rules and orders of the employer; or
•• the worker’s wilful removal or disregard of safety guards or other devices which he/she knew
to have been provided for the purpose of securing his/her safety.
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
73 If the loss of capacity for work is under 20 per cent, the benefit is monthly cash benefit for five years in a lump sum. If
it is between 20 and 75 percent, the benefit is seven years of cash benefits either in a lump sum or periodical payment.
For over 75 per cent loss of capacity to work, nine years’ worth of the monthly average wage either in a lump sum or
periodical payment.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
COVID-19 prevention guideline for food shops and hotel restaurants 24 March 2020
Guideline for commuters and public transportation during COVID-19, 11 May 2020
Guidelines for markets and shops in townships, wards and villages, 21 April 2020
Updated standard operating procedures for restaurants version 1.1, 11 June 2020
Initial instructions for the prevention and control of COVID-19 were issued on 19 March 2020 and
were subsequently updated a number of times. Workplace inspections began on 20 April 2020 after
the first lockdown. The Ministry of Health and Sport developed a checklist for use during inspections
to evaluate compliance with the prevention measures in factories (such as physical distancing, use of
PPE and disinfection). A copy of the inspection checklist is in Annex 1.
The most recent Instructions for factories, workshops and establishments to prevent Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Version 5, 9 October 2020, sets out a number of requirements as provided
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
b. require workers to wear a face shield, implement arrangements to avoid face-to-face work
and install partitions; or
c. rotate workers so that 50 percent of workers are assigned to work every other day and
workers not required to attend work should stay in their dormitories or at home.
Arrangements should be made for workers over 50 years of age and with pre-existing health
conditions (such as hypertension, diabetes and workers who are immunosuppressed). Such workers
are required to consult with a medical practitioner and receive approval prior to returning to work
and be assigned to work in low-risk areas.
Additional requirements
The following additional requirements in workplaces must be followed:
•• Frequent handwashing with soap or hand sanitizers (with at least 60% alcohol).
•• Employers must provide adequate hand washing facilities and adequate soap, water, hand
sanitizer and tissue paper. Instructional posters on how to wash hands should be placed next
to hand washing facilities.
•• Workers must wear the necessary personal protective equipment, including masks that cover
the mouth and nose.
•• Workers’ body temperature should be measured on arrival at the workplace. Workers with a
high body temperature should not be permitted to work and arrangements should be made
for medical treatment.
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
•• In the dining room, arrangements should be made for workers to have their food and drink
at a distance of six feet from each other, and if workers are face-to-face, separators must be
•• Arrangements should be made for frequent disinfection of contact areas (e.g. the surface of
tables) and of equipment used by staff.
•• Places where the patient touched must be disinfected and the workplace74 must be closed for
a 24-hour period. During this period, doors and windows near the work area of the patient or
suspected positive case must be opened for ventilation.
•• While awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, close contacts of the suspected case must not
come to work.
74 It is not clear if it relates to the whole workplace, or the area in which the worker was working. In the context of the
guidance, it appears to relate to the work area in which a worker was working.
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
1. Stay at Home
Is there any arrangement to work from home for employees who can
work from home?
2. Physical Distancing
* Arrange to wear face shield or plastic barrier or ensure not to have face
to face situation if it is impossible to have 6 feet apart
* Do not change assignment of employees from each work shift
Arrange to have different working hour for employees from each work
Arrange to have different break time for employees from each work
*3. Instruct employees to wear surgical masks and gloves and provide
enough surgical masks and gloves
4. Staff sickness
6. Entrance/Exit
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
* Provide enough sinks that are 6 feet apart (1 sink per 50 people) (the
one of which the tap can be used by pressing with legs)
(a) Entrance/exit of workplace
(b) Workplace
(d) Toilet
(b) Workplace
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar
(If yes, describe how personal hygiene of kitchen staffs and their health
issues are arranged in the remark)
Arrange to eat or rest 6 feet apart in dining room and rest areas
10. General
If air conditioners are used, arrange to clean filters often and record
Introduction to Laws on Occupational Safety and Health in Myanmar 2020
ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar