Ans 043
Ans 043
Ans 043
Philippine Native Goat Philippines Indigenous to the Meat and This breed is well adapted to the local
region; milk environment. They are generally small
domesticated to medium-sized, hardy, and have good
locally resistance to local diseases. Their coats
can vary in color, but they are typically
short-haired. They are versatile, used
for both meat and milk production,
though they are not as prolific in milk
production as some specialized breeds.
Saanen Switzerland Early 20th century, Milk Saanens are large, white goats known
with imports in for their high milk production. They
the 1920s have a calm temperament and are
highly productive, making them a
popular choice for dairy farming. Their
milk has a high butterfat content, and
they are also recognized for their
adaptability to various climates.
Anglo-Nubian United 19th century, with Milk and Anglo-Nubians are noted for their high
Kingdom significant dual- butterfat milk content and distinctive
(developed breeding in the purpose long, drooping ears. They are large, with
from Nubian early 20th century a friendly disposition, and their milk is
goats) often used for cheese and other dairy
products. They are also used for meat
production to a lesser extent.
Boer South Africa 1950s (breeding Meat Boer goats are well known for their
developed) meat quality and fast growth rate. They
are large, with a distinct appearance
including a white body and red head.
Boer goats are prized for their high
carcass yield and are well-suited for
meat production in various
Nubian North Africa Ancient times, Milk and Nubian goats are recognized for their
and the with significant dual- high-quality milk with high butterfat
Middle East modern breeding purpose content. They have large, floppy ears
in the 19th and and a distinctive Roman nose. They are
20th centuries also used for meat production and are
known for their friendly nature and
Toggenburg Switzerland Early 20th century, Milk Toggenburg goats are medium-sized
with imports in and known for their consistent milk
the 1920s production. They have a distinctive
color pattern with a brown coat and
white markings. Their milk is of good
quality, and they are adaptable to
different climates.
Kiko New Developed in the Meat Kiko goats are known for their meat
Zealand 1980s production capabilities. They have good
growth rates and are low-maintenance,
making them suitable for various
farming conditions. Their hardiness and
adaptability are advantageous in the
diverse climates of the Philippines.
Philippine Native Cattle Philippines Indigenous Meat and Philippine Native cattle are well
to the region; draught adapted to local conditions. They are
domesticated (working small to medium-sized, hardy, and
locally cattle) have a good ability to thrive in various
environmental conditions. They are
primarily used for meat and as
draught animals for plowing fields.
Their resilience and adaptability make
them an important part of
smallholder farming systems in the
Brahman United Developed in Meat Brahman cattle are large and have
States the early distinctive hump over their shoulders,
(developed 20th century along with loose skin. They are known
from Indian from Indian for their adaptability to hot climates,
Zebu breeds resistance to diseases, and high meat
breeds) quality. Brahmans are used primarily
for beef production and are popular
in the Philippines for their resilience
and productivity.
Jersey Jersey 19th century Milk Jersey cattle are a small breed known
Island (UK) for their high butterfat milk content.
They have a light brown coat and are
valued for their efficient milk
production. Jerseys are particularly
well-suited to dairy farming
operations in the Philippines where
high-quality milk is desired.
Holstein Netherlands Early 19th Milk Holstein cattle are large, black-and-
century white dairy cows known for their high
milk yield. They are the most
common dairy breed in many
countries and are used in the
Philippines primarily for large-scale
commercial dairy operations. Their
high milk production makes them a
popular choice for intensive dairy
Sahiwal Pakistan Early 20th Milk and Sahiwal cattle are a dual-purpose
and India century meat breed valued for both milk and meat.
They are medium to large-sized and
have a reddish-brown coat. Sahiwals
are known for their good milk
production, especially in hot climates,
and are also used for meat. Their
adaptability to the tropical
environment of the Philippines makes
them suitable for local farming
Philippine Native Chicken Philippines Indigenous; Meat and This breed is well-adapted to the
domesticated eggs local climate and conditions.
locally Philippine Native chickens are small
to medium-sized, hardy, and known
for their resilience. They come in
various feather colors and are
valued for their flavorful meat and
good egg production under diverse
Red Ranger United 20th century Meat Red Rangers are fast-growing
Kingdom (broilers) broilers known for their efficient
feed conversion and high meat yield.
They have reddish-brown feathers
and are popular in commercial
broiler production due to their
excellent growth rate and meat
Leghorn Italy 19th century Eggs Leghorns are known for their white
plumage and high egg production.
They are efficient layers and are
known for their active and hardy
nature. They are widely used in
commercial egg production.
Isa Brown France Mid-20th Eggs Isa Browns are prolific egg layers
century with a reddish-brown feather
pattern. They are highly valued in
both commercial and backyard egg
production for their high egg yield
and adaptability to various housing
Cobb 500 United 20th century Meat Cobb 500 broilers are recognized for
States (broilers) their rapid growth and efficient feed
conversion. They have white
plumage and are commonly used in
intensive meat production systems
for their high meat yield.
Ayam Cemani Indonesia 20th century Meat and The Ayam Cemani is an exotic breed
ornamental with all-black plumage, skin, and
even bones. Though not as common,
it is valued in the Philippines for its
unique appearance and is
sometimes kept for ornamental
Basilan Philippines Philippines Fighting It has long legs, a larger body and
cock head than other local breeds and an
elongated neck. Unfortunately,
Paroakan chickens are farmed
mainly for their use in local sports,
especially cock fights, rather than as
a food source. They are usually
black, but can also have reddish
Muscovy South Pre- Meat and Muscovy ducks are large, hardy birds
America Columbian eggs known for their meat and egg
times production. They have a distinctive
appearance with a warty, red facial
caruncle. Muscovies are valued for
their lean meat and relatively quiet
nature, making them suitable for
both meat and egg production.
Khaki Campbell United Early 20th Eggs Khaki Campbells are highly prolific
Kingdom century egg layers, known for their khaki-
colored plumage. They are valued
for their high egg production, often
laying more than 300 eggs per year.
They adapt well to various housing
conditions and are popular in both
commercial and backyard egg
production systems in the
Pekin China Early 20th Meat Pekin ducks are known for their
century rapid growth and high meat yield.
They have white plumage and are
commonly used in commercial duck
meat production due to their
efficient feed conversion and tender,
flavorful meat. Pekins are also
popular in Filipino cuisine.
Mallard Eurasia and Ancient times Ornamental The Mallard is a wild duck species
North and wild that is also kept for ornamental
America purposes. It is not commonly raised
commercially in the Philippines but
can be found in parks and private
collections. Mallards are
recognizable by their vibrant
plumage and are valued for their
beauty and natural behaviors.
Cayuga United 19th century Eggs and Cayuga ducks are known for their
States meat glossy black plumage and high egg
production. They are also used for
meat, although they are less
common than Pekin ducks for this
purpose. Their distinctive color and
good laying ability make them a
unique choice for backyard flocks.
Swedish Blue Sweden 19th century Meat and Swedish Blue ducks are medium-
eggs sized birds known for their bluish-
gray plumage and good production
of both meat and eggs. They are
hardy and adaptable, making them
suitable for various farming
Broad Breasted White United Early 20th Commercial The most widely raised commercial
States century meat turkey breed globally, including in
(commercially production the Philippines. It has large white
developed) feathers, which make it more
appealing post-processing (less
visible feather stubs).
These birds are bred to grow quickly,
reaching market weight in around 4-
5 months. They are too heavy to
breed naturally, so artificial
insemination is used.
Broad Breasted Bronze United Late 19th Meat Similar in size and growth rate to the
States century production Broad Breasted White but has dark,
(selective shiny bronze feathers.
breeding) Historically popular for its size and
meat quality, but commercial use
has declined because its dark
feathers leave visible marks post-
Like the Broad Breasted White, they
are primarily raised for meat and
cannot breed naturally due to their
Narragansett United Mid-1600s Dual- A heritage breed known for its
States purpose hardiness and ability to adapt to
(Rhode (meat and free-range systems.
Island) ornamental) Has striking black, gray, tan, and
white feathers.
Slower growing compared to
commercial breeds, making it more
suited for small-scale and backyard
Valued for its calm temperament
and good foraging abilities.
Royal Palm United 1920s Ornamental A smaller breed, primarily raised for
States (officially , small-scale its ornamental appearance.
recognized in meat Characterized by its beautiful black
1971) production and white feather patterns.
Although not a commercial meat
bird, it is raised in small farms for
personal use or for show.
Beltsville Small White United 1930s Meat Bred for smaller family farms and
States production ideal for families wanting a
(Beltsville, (small-scale) manageable-sized turkey.
Maryland) It is a smaller bird compared to
commercial varieties but still
provides good meat production.
Has white feathers like the Broad
Breasted White but is much lighter
in weight.
Once popular in small-scale
production, though now less
commonly seen in large commercial
Embden Goose Germany 19th century Meat and The Embden goose is one of the
feathers largest goose breeds, commonly
raised for its high-quality meat and
feathers. It has a white plumage and
blue eyes, with an upright and
strong stance. They are fast-growing,
and mature birds can weigh
between 9 to 14 kg.
This breed is valued for its rapid
growth, making it popular for meat
production, particularly for special
occasions like Christmas.
Chinese Goose China Over 2,000 Eggs, meat, The Chinese goose is characterized
years ago and by its elegant appearance, with a
(ancient ornamental distinct knob at the base of its bill. It
breed) comes in two varieties: white and
brown. They are smaller than most
domestic geese but are excellent
layers, often producing 40 to 100
eggs per year. This breed is also used
as a guard animal on farms because
of its loud, alert nature.
It is raised for both eggs and meat,
though its ornamental value also
makes it popular in backyards.
African Goose China Early 20th Meat, he African goose is a large, heavy
(despite its century ornamental breed that resembles the Chinese
name) goose but is bigger and stockier.
It has a prominent dewlap (loose
skin under the throat) and a dark
knob on its forehead.
The breed can weigh between 9 to
12 kg and is raised mainly for meat
production, but its distinctive
appearance also makes it popular as
an ornamental bird.
Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) East Asia Around the Eggs and The Japanese quail is the most
(primarily 11th century meat common quail species raised for
Japan) (for meat and production both egg and meat production in the
eggs); modern Philippines and worldwide.
domestication Females are excellent egg layers,
began in the producing up to 200-300 eggs per
early 20th year.
century They are small birds, weighing
around 100 to 150 grams, making
them popular for both meat and egg
Japanese quails mature quickly, with
egg-laying starting as early as 6
weeks of age.
The birds are brownish with lighter
underparts and are known for their
hardiness and ease of care.
Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) Europe, Ancient times Meat and Common quail are smaller than
North (recorded eggs (small- Japanese quail but are known for
Africa, and domestication scale) their delicate meat.
parts of as early as They have a mottled brown
Asia 2,000 years appearance with lighter underparts
ago) and a distinctive call.
These quails are primarily raised for
meat, but they also produce eggs,
though not as prolifically as the
Japanese quail.
They are migratory in the wild, and
domesticated strains are sometimes
used in game bird farming
Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) North Domesticated Meat, game The Bobwhite quail is known for its
America in the 20th bird, and attractive appearance, with males
(United century ornamental featuring white stripes on their faces
States and and reddish-brown bodies.
Mexico) It is often raised in game bird farms
and hunting preserves, but it is also
gaining popularity for meat
Bobwhite quails are larger than
Japanese quails, with adult birds
weighing up to 200 grams.
They are slower to mature, taking
around 16 weeks to reach full size,
and are not as prolific in egg
production as Japanese quails.
Table 4. Breeds of Swine
Large White (Yorkshire) England 18th century Commercial The Large White or Yorkshire
meat is one of the most popular
production and widely raised swine
(pork) breeds in the Philippines.
They are large pigs with a
white coat, erect ears, and a
long body.
Known for their excellent
growth rate, feed efficiency,
and high reproductive
performance, making them
ideal for large-scale
commercial pork production.
Landrace Denmark Early 20th Commercial Landrace pigs are known for
century meat their long, white bodies and
production large, floppy ears. They are
(pork) often raised for their high-
quality lean meat and
excellent maternal qualities.
The breed is famous for its
prolificacy, making it an
excellent choice for sows in
breeding programs. They
have large litters and are
good milk producers.
Duroc United Mid-19th Meat Duroc pigs are reddish-
States century production brown in color and are
(lean meat) medium to large in size. They
are known for their excellent
growth rate, muscular build,
and ability to produce lean
The breed is widely used in
crossbreeding programs to
improve the meat quality
and growth performance of
other breeds.
Pietrain Belgium Early 20th Meat The Pietrain is a medium-
century production sized pig with a distinctive
(lean meat) coat pattern of black and
white spots. They are known
for their muscular build and
high lean meat yield.
This breed is primarily used
in crossbreeding to improve
the leanness and muscle
composition of other breeds.
Pietrains have excellent
carcass qualities, with a high
percentage of lean meat, but
they can be more susceptible
to stress than other breeds.
Native Pigs (Philippine Native Pig) Philippines Thousands Small-scale Philippine native pigs are
of years ago meat small, hardy, and well-
(indigenous production adapted to the local
to the (organic or environment. They are
Philippines) backyard typically black or dark brown,
farming) with coarse hair.
These pigs are raised in
backyard or free-range
systems, often in organic or
traditional farming practices.
New Zealand White United Early 20th Meat The New Zealand White is the most
States century production, common rabbit breed raised for
fur, breeding meat production in the Philippines.
They are large rabbits with white fur,
red or pink eyes, and a calm
These rabbits are known for their
fast growth rate, high fertility, and
excellent meat-to-bone ratio,
making them ideal for commercial
meat production.
Californian United Early 20th Meat are medium-sized, typically
States century production, weighing between 3.5 and 4.5 kg,
fur, breeding and are highly valued for their meat
and fur.
They have a white body with
distinctive black or dark brown ears,
nose, paws, and tail, giving them a
striking appearance. The breed is
well-known for its excellent meat
quality, making it popular among
rabbit farmers for commercial meat
Flemish Giant Belgium 16th century Meat The Flemish Giant is one of the
production, largest rabbit breeds in the world,
pets, with adult rabbits often weighing
breeding between 6 and 10 kg.
They have long ears and come in a
variety of colors, including black,
blue, white, and fawn.
Lionhead Belgium Late 20th Pets, The Lionhead rabbit is a small breed,
century ornamental, known for the distinctive "mane" of
breeding fur around its head, resembling a
lion’s mane. They weigh around 1.5
to 2 kg and are primarily kept as
pets or ornamental rabbits due to
their unique appearance and
friendly, playful nature.
Chinchilla France Early 20th Meat, fur, Chinchilla rabbits are medium-sized,
century breeding typically weighing 3 to 4 kg, and are
known for their soft, dense fur,
which resembles that of the
Chinchilla rodent.
These rabbits have a silver-gray coat,
and their fur is often used in the
production of luxury garments.
Table 6. Breeds of Horse
Philippine Native Horse Philippines Pre-colonial Transportation, The Philippine Native Horse is a
(Katipunero) times farm work, small, hardy breed that has been
recreational around since pre-colonial times. It is
riding believed to be descended from small
horses brought to the islands by
early Southeast Asian traders and
settlers. These horses are typically
around 12-14 hands high (about 120-
140 cm) and are known for their
endurance and ability to thrive in the
hot, humid climate of the
Thoroughbred England 17th-18th Racing, are famous for their speed, agility,
century equestrian and athleticism, making them one of
sports, the most popular breeds for horse
breeding racing worldwide.
They are tall, slim, and muscular,
typically standing 15-17 hands high
(about 150-170 cm). Thoroughbreds
have a lean build, long legs, and a
powerful stride, which contribute to
their exceptional racing
In the Philippines, they are primarily
used in horse racing, a popular sport,
especially at venues like the Manila
Jockey Club and the Philippine
Racing Club.
Arabian Arabian Over 3,000 Endurance The Arabian horse is one of the
Peninsula years ago riding, oldest and most recognizable horse
breeding, breeds, known for its endurance,
show beauty, and intelligence.
Arabians are relatively small,
standing about 14-16 hands high
(about 140-160 cm), with a
distinctive concave head profile, high
tail carriage, and arched neck.
In the Philippines, Arabian horses are
often used for endurance riding
competitions, as they are built for
long distances and have high
American Quarter Horse United 17th century Ranch work, are well-known for their speed in
States riding, sports short-distance races and their
(barrel racing, versatility in ranch work.
roping), They are medium-sized horses,
breeding typically standing 14-16 hands high
(about 140-160 cm), with a muscular
build, powerful hindquarters, and a
calm temperament.
In the Philippines, they are primarily
used for recreational riding and
ranch work, as well as in equestrian
sports like barrel racing and roping.
Pony of the Americas (POA) United 1954 (as a Riding, show, The Pony of the Americas (POA) is a
States recognized breeding small horse breed, standing between
breed) 11.2 and 14 hands high (about 115-
140 cm), making it an ideal size for
younger riders.
They have a distinctive appearance
similar to the Appaloosa, with
spotted coats, but are smaller in
POAs are primarily used for riding,
showing, and as companions for
young equestrians in the Philippines.
Suffolk (Less Common in the England 18th century Meat are large, dual-purpose sheep
Philippines) production, known for their fast growth rate
wool and high-quality meat. They also
produce a moderate amount of
wool, but the breed is primarily
valued for meat.
Breed Place of Year of Type of Description
Origin Domesti Production
Carabao (Philippine Water Buffalo) Philippines Over 2,000 Work animal The Carabao, or Philippine
(originally years ago (plowing, Water Buffalo, is the most
from transportation), common and iconic breed in
Southeast meat, milk the country. It is a
Asia) production domesticated subspecies of
the water buffalo.
Carabaos are medium-sized
animals with dark gray to
black skin and thick, curved
horns. They are incredibly
hardy and can work long
hours in flooded rice fields.
Murrah Buffalo India Over 4,000 Dairy, meat he Murrah buffalo is a highly
years ago production productive dairy buffalo
(domesticated breed from India that has
in the Indian been imported into the
subcontinent) Philippines for crossbreeding
with native carabaos to
improve milk production.
Murrah buffalo are typically
jet-black in color, with tightly
curled horns, a large body,
and a distinct, powerful
appearance. They are one of
the best dairy buffalo breeds,
producing high milk yields.
Swamp Buffalo Southeast 5,000 years Work, meat The Swamp Buffalo is
Asia ago production closely related to the
(common Philippine carabao but is
in slightly larger and more
Thailand, widely used in other parts of
Vietnam, Southeast Asia, such as
China) Thailand and Vietnam. It has
also been introduced to the
Philippines for work and meat
Swamp buffalo are gray to
black in color and have wide,
spreading horns. They are
primarily used for draft
purposes in agriculture,
especially in rice farming.
Nili-Ravi Buffalo Pakistan Over 5,000 Dairy, meat The Nili-Ravi buffalo is
and India years ago production another highly productive
(from the dairy breed originally from
Indus Valley Pakistan and India. It is prized
Civilization) for its high milk yield and has
also been imported to the
Philippines for dairy
These buffaloes have a large
body size, usually black in
color, and are known for their
large, droopy ears and
prominent udders.