Techniques 2
Techniques 2
Techniques 2
Summer 2005
Library of Congress
Prints & Photographs Division
Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-92565
Television commercials have an enormous impact on the buying power of Americans. Students
need to become aware of the influence used in commercials to make them more appealing to the
buyer. The purpose of this activity is to expose students to different propaganda techniques.
This activity will allow them to become commercial directors using one or more propaganda
techniques to use to market their products during Mini Societies Unit. In addition they will use
the knowledge and skills gained as consultants to 3rd and 4th grade students.
Overview/State Standards/Resources/Procedures/Evaluation
a competitors
e. Patriotism: the suggestion that purchasing this
product shows your love of your country
e.g. a company brags about its product being made in Canada
and employing Canadian workers