1). Maven Moms are influential mothers who disseminate trends and information to their friends and other mothers. They can be categorized into four groups based on their interests and expertise: Uber Mavens, Experienced Mavens, Specialist Mavens, and Social Mavens.
2). While technology has enabled connected online communities for mothers, it has also seemingly fueled increased judgment between mothers. Some mothers feel pressure to keep up with their peers' children's development.
3). Mothers have a difficult relationship with technology. They appreciate the connectivity but worry about overuse and maintaining a "real" childhood for their kids. They seek brands that can help them navigate technology positively as a family.
1). Maven Moms are influential mothers who disseminate trends and information to their friends and other mothers. They can be categorized into four groups based on their interests and expertise: Uber Mavens, Experienced Mavens, Specialist Mavens, and Social Mavens.
2). While technology has enabled connected online communities for mothers, it has also seemingly fueled increased judgment between mothers. Some mothers feel pressure to keep up with their peers' children's development.
3). Mothers have a difficult relationship with technology. They appreciate the connectivity but worry about overuse and maintaining a "real" childhood for their kids. They seek brands that can help them navigate technology positively as a family.
Original Description:
McCann Truth Central unveils the Truth About Social
1). Maven Moms are influential mothers who disseminate trends and information to their friends and other mothers. They can be categorized into four groups based on their interests and expertise: Uber Mavens, Experienced Mavens, Specialist Mavens, and Social Mavens.
2). While technology has enabled connected online communities for mothers, it has also seemingly fueled increased judgment between mothers. Some mothers feel pressure to keep up with their peers' children's development.
3). Mothers have a difficult relationship with technology. They appreciate the connectivity but worry about overuse and maintaining a "real" childhood for their kids. They seek brands that can help them navigate technology positively as a family.
1). Maven Moms are influential mothers who disseminate trends and information to their friends and other mothers. They can be categorized into four groups based on their interests and expertise: Uber Mavens, Experienced Mavens, Specialist Mavens, and Social Mavens.
2). While technology has enabled connected online communities for mothers, it has also seemingly fueled increased judgment between mothers. Some mothers feel pressure to keep up with their peers' children's development.
3). Mothers have a difficult relationship with technology. They appreciate the connectivity but worry about overuse and maintaining a "real" childhood for their kids. They seek brands that can help them navigate technology positively as a family.
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MarkoIors havo al ways rocogni zod IhaI
moIhors aro rosonsiblo Ior Iho ma[oriIy oI
urchasing docisions mado by housoholds. Irom rol aIi vol y mi nor onos l i ko ki Ichon uIonsi l s Io ma[ or onos such as cars and homo romodoling, moIhors mako docisions basod on whaI Ihoy Ihi nk woul d bo bosI Ior Ihoir Iamilios. Koy Io connocIing wiIh modorn, hyor-noIworkod moms is Io IirsI connocI wiIh Iho Mavon Mom. 1ho Mavon Mom i s Iho di ssomi naIor oI Ironds and inIormaIion, many oIhor moms will look Io hor Ior advico and idoas abouI ovoryIhing Irom lanning arIios, Io hoalIh concorns, Io advico abouI brands and roducIs. In Ihis roviow oI our ucoming sIudy, Iho 1ruIh AbouI Mavon Moms, wo sharo somo oI whaI wo l oarnod abouI Mavon Moms Irom Iocus grous hold on boIh coasIs oI Iho Uni Iod SIaIos and hono i nIorvi ows wi I h s omo oI I ho mosI r ol i I i c mom bloggors in Iho counIry. The Truth About Maven Moms Executive Summary 1). Meet the Maven Moms 2). Play Date Politics: Joined vs. Judged 3). Technology: Good vs. Evil 4). What Moms Really Want : The Power of Patience BER MAVENS EXPERIENCED MAVENS SPECIALIST MAVENS SOCIAL MAVENS Mavon Moms can bo roughly dividod inIo Iour grous: 1. Meet the Maven Moms Ubor Mavons: hyor-organizod, all-knowing IrondsoIIors, Ihoso moIhors aro roIossional, solI-conIossod orIocIionisIs. Lvon boIoro Ihoy bocamo aronIs Ihoy woro loading Iho way in Ihoir Iriondshi grou by sharing Ihoir IidbiIs oI inIormaIion abouI Iho bosI bars Io IroquonI or Iho bosI camora Io buy. ocoming a mom simly Iurbo-chargod Iho dosiro Io bo in Iho know. Ubor Mavons aro oIIon caroor womon who loII Iho work Iorco Io bocomo Iull-Iimo moIhors, and oI all Iho Mavons Ihoy aro mosI likoly Io wriIo or manago a blog. Lxorioncod Mavons: Lxorioncod Mavons aro gonorally oiIhor a) oldor Ihan Iho rosI oI Ihoi r oor grou, b) havo chi l dron who aro ol dor Ihan Ihoso oI Ihoi r oor grou or c) si ml y havo moro ki ds Ihan anyono ol so. 1hoi r boon- Ihoro- dono- IhaI, Ii rsI- hand knowl odgo makos Ihom val uabl o sourcos oI advi co Ior Ihoi r Iri onds. 1ho Lxori oncod Mavon is oIIon Iho IirsI orson you ick u Iho hono Io whon your child has a IomoraIuro or you nood advico on which sIrollor Io buy. SocialisI Mavons: SocialisI Mavons aro Iho ulIimaIo auIhoriIy on a corIain Ioic. A moIhor oI childron wiIh ADHD may bo an oxorI on Iho laIosI scionIiIic advancos in managing Iho condiIion, or Iho bosI oducaIional Iochniquos Ior Ioaching Ihom. AnoIhor mom mighI bo known in hor circlo as Iho 'CraII Mom' bocauso sho sooms Io havo naIural IalonI Ior all Ihings croaIivo. 1horo will oIIon bo moro Ihan ono socialisI Mavon in any circlo oI Irionds and moms will oxchango and suorI oIhor Mavons by Irading advico in hor socialisI aroa. Social Mavons: 1hoso suor-noIworkod moms who lovo all Ihings social aro Ioch Iriondly moms who liko Io uso Iochnology Io mako Ihoir livos oasior and sIay in consIanI Iouch wi Ih Ihoi r Iri onds and rolaIi vos. 1hoy li ko goIIi ng advi co Irom Ihoi r Iri onds abouI now as, doal s, ovonIs oIc. and l ovo Io sharo. 1hoy sIay connocIod and sho on mul Ii l o dovicos including smarIhonos, IabloIs and comuIors. rand OorIuniIy: CroaIo sIraIogios Io arInor wiIh Iho diIIoronI Iyos oI inIluonIial Mavons and rocognizo IhaI Ihoir moIivaIions diIIor
2. Play Date Politics: Joined vs. Judged II is much oasior Ior moIhors Ioday Io [oin onlino communiIios, which in somo casos can load Io Iho discovory oI roal-liIo Irionds. In many ways, Iochnology has croaIod connocIod and omoworod communiIios oI womon, buI iI has also soomingly Iuolod an oidomic oI [udgmonI. Somo moIhors also Iool IhaI Iho dolugo oI inIormaIion and oinion combinod wiIh Iho inIimaIo involvomonI in oIhor oolo's livos IosIors a [udgmonIal onvironmonI in which ovorybody Iools Ihoy havo Iho righI Io an oinion on oIhor oolo's moIhoring choicos. WhoIhor iI's simlo lay daIos oliIics or Ioar IhaI your child's dovolomonI is l aggi ng bohi nd IhaI oI hor oors. Iho worl d oI Iochnol ogy-onabl od and i ncroasi ngl y comoIiIivo moms can bo a IorriIying laco. As ono now mom in Now Jorsoy romarkod Ihoro's a loI oI haIing ouI Ihoro." rand OorIuni Iy: CroaIo a saIo, non-[ udgmonIal onvi ronmonI Ior moms Io suorI oach oIhor and sharo advico 3. Technology: Good vs. Evil
MosI moIhors havo a diIIiculI rolaIionshi wiIh Iochnology. On Iho ono hand, Ihoy lovo boing a Iow digiI's roach away Irom Ihoir childron, or boing ablo Io sho onlino aI any Iimo oI day or nighI. As ono mom commonIod, All Ihis accossibiliIy, on a hono, is awosomo Ior moms. Wo don'I havo a saro minuIo." On Iho oIhor hand, moms worry abouI mainIaining a 'roal' childhood Ior Ihoir kids, Iho cosI oI kooing u wiIh Iho laIosI dovicos, and Ihoir own crooing addicIion. Womon aro sooking lighIhouso brands which can hol Ihom Io mainIain a osiIivo and hoalIhy rolaIionshi wiIh Iochnology Ior Ihoir Iamily. rand OorIuniIy: Hol moms Io oIIocIivoly navigaIo Iho Iochnology IighIroo My Adam knows his ACs in Lnglish and Sanish. Ho can road and counI Io ono hundrod, Ioo! OMG... whon is sho going Io goI him oII Iho boIIlo? Wow, IhaI's so amazing! WhaI an accomlishmonI! Sho is so Iull oI iI! 4. What Moms Really Want : The Power of Patience Askod whaI awards woul d bo oIIorod aI a IanIasy awards show Io rocogni zo moms. "1ho MosI aIionI Mom" Iood Iho lisI oI oIhor imaginary awards liko 1ho osI Jugglor," 1ho MosI Organi zod Mom" and 1ho MosI SIyl i sh Mom. " In a IasI movi ng, roal -Ii mo, high rossuro world iI's orhas unsurrising IhaI Iho Ihing moms valuo mosI in Ihomsolvos is good old Iashionod aIionco. rand OorIuniIy: Irom Iho '1imo Shrinkor A' Io Iho 'SonsiIivo Man A' Mavon Moms aro sooking Iools which hol Ihom Io bo moro aIionI by giving back Ihoir Iimo and croaIing saco [usI Ior mom. 1ochnology has mado Iho mosI inIluonIial moms in Iriondshi circlos and communiIios - I ho Mavon Moms - ovon moro vi si bl o and connocI od I han I hoy woro boIoro. y undorsIanding Iho diIIoronI Iyos oI Mavon Moms and undorsIanding Iho sIrugglos Ihoy Iaco i n croaIi ng [ udgmonI Iroo, suorIi vo communi Ii os, Ihoi r sl i I rol aIi onshi wi Ih Iochnology, and Iho qualiIios Ihoy valuo mosI in Ihomsolvos and oIhors, markoIors can oIIocIivoly ongago wiIh Mavon Moms. In doing so, Ihoy roach a wido audionco: Irom IhaI ono Mavon. Io hor Iamily. hor Irionds. and hor Irionds' audioncos. McCann 1ruIh ConIral is Iho global IhoughI loadorshi uniI dodicaIod Io discovoring and illuminaIing consumor and businoss IruIhs Io hol croaIo moaningIul rocommondaIions Ior markoIors. Ior addi Ii onal i nIormaIi on on Ihi s and any oIhor 1ruIh ConIral roorIs loaso conIacI Hallio. JohnsIonQmccann.com J^[ SENSITIVE MAN 7ff J^[ TIME SHRINKER 7ff I NFOGRAPHI C I L L USTRATI ONS / DESI GN: ROBERT PI ZZO