BV Code of Conduct
BV Code of Conduct
BV Code of Conduct
of Conduct
Letter From Our
Executive Team
At BrightView we strive for Confidence from Excellence in This Code gives us the information we need to inform our choices.
all aspects of our business. This includes maintaining the It helps guide us in making good decisions and empowers us to face
highest standard of honesty and integrity. Ethics and potential challenges we encounter in
values are fundamental to taking care of each other, our conducting business.
clients and our communities, and taking pride in our
trusted client relationships. Please read the Code carefully. Discuss it with your fellow team
members, and, if you have questions about anything in it, please ask.
BrightView’s Code of Conduct (“the Code”) keeps us true to
our values and leadership behaviors. The Code brings together Thank you for all that you do every day, everywhere and with everyone
the core standards, policies and practices that assist us in to uphold these high ethical standards.
maintaining the high standards we set for ourselves.
Taking Care of each other, clients and communities and Taking Pride in trusted relationships and solutions that matter. By striving to deliver
excellence in everything we do, we will realize our vision of leading the landscape services sector.
EXCELLENCE in providing a safe and engaging work EXCELLENCE in delivering superior business performance that
environment where the best people want to work. creates the freedom to continue to invest in our people, our clients,
Value Differences: We seek to understand and are sensitive to cultural norms, expectations
and ways of communicating. We promote a team environment and value, encourage and
support differences.
Build Effective Teams: We define success in terms of the whole team by creating a feeling
Focus on Clients: We identify opportunities and build and deliver solutions that benefit
customers. We anticipate customer needs and serve as strategic partners, establishing long
Introduction 6
Concluding Advice 39
In this section:
Using the Code of Conduct Who Must Follow the Code Team Member Responsibilities Managers Lead by Example
The Code of Conduct, along The Code applies to all team Team members must adhere Managers set the tone
with good judgment, and members including company to the standards set forth in the for BrightView, leading
the standards, policies and officers and the Board Code and conduct themselves by example.
procedures of BrightView of Directors. in an ethical manner when
should be the main sources representing BrightView.
of guidance in evaluating
ethical situations.
The Code is intended to summarize many of the compliance standards, policies and procedures within the Company in one
place. It cannot address every possible issue or decision that arises in detail. Along with this Code, your own good judgment, and
the detailed standards, policies and procedures of BrightView, should continue to be the main sources of guidance.
• Act in a professional, safe and ethical manner that is consistent with our leadership behaviors.
• Be familiar with the information contained in this Code as well as applicable laws and
BrightView policies. Pay particular attention to the policies that pertain to your job responsibilities.
• Promptly report concerns about possible violations of laws, regulations, the Code or our policies
to your supervisor.
• Remember: pressure or demands due to business conditions are never an excuse for violating
the law, Company policies, or the Code.
supporting one another, demonstrating mutual respect, welcoming diversity, and promoting a safe working environment.
In this section:
Equal Opportunity Employer Respect & Courtesy Diversity & Inclusion
BrightView is an Equal Opportunity As team members, we treat each other, our BrightView embraces a diverse workforce
Employer and is committed to fairly clients, and our communities with respect that values differences and promotes
treating all team members and courtesy. inclusion of all people and their
and applicants. unique abilities
• Keep an open mind to new ideas and listen to different points of view.
Even legal drugs may affect the safety of the team member, co-workers, or members of the public. Therefore, any
team member who is taking any legal drug that might impair safety, performance, or any motor functions must
advise his or her supervisor before reporting to work under such medication. If BrightView determines that such use
does not pose any safety or service quality risk, the team member will be permitted to work.
In this section:
Conflicts of Interest Gifts & Entertainment Loans Insider Trading
Conflicts of interest can create The exchange of gifts or BrightView does not provide No team member, officer, or
an undue hardship on the entertainment should not loans to our team members Board member can share insider
Company. Team members must influence our business or their family members. information with others.
disclose and seek approval decisions or be used to
before proceeding in situations influence the business
where there is potential conflict. decisions of our partners.
| 18
...Conflicts of Interest (con’t)
- Outside employment
Outside employment is permitted as long as it does not interfere or detract from your work for the Company. If you
have employment outside BrightView, it must be limited to times when you are not on the job for the Company.
In addition, Company assets (including computer, phone, and office space) may not be used in connection with
outside employment. If you are concerned that a job outside of the Company that you currently have or are
considering creates or might create a conflict of interest, talk to your supervisor or your local HR team.
- Personal investments
You must disclose information of a significant interest that you, your partner, or an immediate family member has in
any firms from which the Company buys good or services, or to whom the Company provides services. If your actions
and judgement could appear to be influenced by your affiliation with the firm, then you have a significant interest.
Team members who can influence purchasing or selling decisions should not have an investment in a business
partner or customer that might create the appearance of a conflict of interest.
- Corporate opportunities
All team members have a responsibility to the Company to advance its
interests when opportunities arise. If you learn about a business opportunity
through your work at BrightView, you cannot take advantage of that
opportunity for your personal benefit. You must inform your supervisor
about the business opportunity. You must also not use company property, The father of one of my team members has
information, or your position for personal gain or to compete with bid on our irrigation subcontracting work. I
know him because of his relationship with my
the Company.
team member; can I award him the bid?
First, the relationship to a current team
member must always be disclosed up
front to all decision makers. All potential
subcontractors or business partners should be
evaluated fairly and equally based on criteria
such as pricing, reliability, and quality of work.
The relationship to a current team member
should not factor into a decision on awarding
work to our business partners.
We recognize that in some cultures, gift giving is a common practice in business. If a gift is
received that is valued at more than $50 and it cannot be returned, it should be given to your
local manager or HR team to be shared amongst team members, used it as a team member
incentive, or by donating it to a local charity. It is important, however, that you inform the
gift giver of BrightView’s policy on accepting gifts so that you do not encounter a similar
circumstance in the future.
The Company does not provide loans (including payroll or vacation advances) to team Q&A
members or their family members.
What do I do if I receive a case of expensive
Bordeaux wine from a long-time business
• Never buy or sell stocks or make investments • Remember these laws continue to apply when
in a company if you have insider information you are no longer a BrightView team member.
about that company.
• Do not share confidential information or ‘tips’ • Contact the Office of General Counsel if you
about a public company with others. have any questions.
In addition, should BrightView become subject to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Regulation FD will apply to the Company and,
specifically, will regulate the disclosure of material, non-public, information in certain circumstances.
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Anti-Bribery & Corruption
BrightView does not tolerate corruption in any form, including giving, accepting or authorizing bribes anywhere in the world. We do not offer
bribes to government officials or tolerate commercial bribery. We comply with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (the “FCPA”). We expect all
our business partners to maintain the same standards when acting on our behalf.
When engaging with public institutions and government officials, we must accurately and completely reflect all financial transactions in our
records, and should we become subject to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the FCPA will require the Company to devise and maintain a
system of internal accounting controls (sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded appropriately).
• Do not give or accept bribes or kickbacks or provide or • Be aware of our anti-corruption and bribery standards
receive any other kind of improper payment. when selecting business partners. Be vigilant and monitor
their behavior. Never “look the other way,” and never ask
• Keep accurate financial records so that payments can be
third parties to engage in activities that would violate this
described correctly and BrightView funds are not used for
Code or our policies.
unlawful purposes.
The FCPA is a complex federal law with severe penalties for violators. All team members
should contact the Office of General Counsel with questions concerning compliance with FCPA.
I suspect that a business partner
Government Contracts may have given a bribe to expedite
a permit. Should I be concerned?
Any contracts with federal, state, or local governments, and any contract with any What should I do?
non-U.S. government entity requires compliance with unique laws, regulations, and contractual
All of BrightView’s business
requirements. BrightView is committed to ensuring that we conduct our government partners should be aware of our
business with the highest standards of ethics and in a manner that meets these requirements. stance on bribery and corruption
Accordingly, we expect each of our team members to act in a manner that is consistent with – we do not engage in bribery at
all, be it bribery of government
our standard of business ethics and that promotes the Company’s compliance with applicable officials or commercial bribery.
government contracting law, regulation, contractual requirements and Company policy. If you BrightView can be held responsible
for bribes given by its business
are unsure of or have any questions concerning the meaning of an applicable law, regulation or
partners. If you suspect that a
contract, we request that you seek guidance and instructions before taking any action. You may business partner may have given
contact your supervisor or the Office of General Counsel for appropriate assistance. a bribe, contact the Office of
General Counsel immediately.
In this section:
Company Assets Confidential Business Information Team Member Privacy
All Company assets should be used for All team members should protect BrightView takes necessary
legitimate business purposes only. confidential information about our precautions to safeguard our team
business, brands, technology, team members’ personal data.
Intellectual Property members, and our stakeholders.
All team members are responsible to Information Technology & Electronic
protect and safeguard all of Client & Business Partner Communications
BrightView’s intellectual assets Confidentiality Team members must follow
and information. Team members must not reproduce, BrightView policies regarding
forward, or otherwise publish or information technology and electronic
Books & Records distribute words, graphics, video, music communications, and may not use
All financial transactions must be files, or other copyrighted materials information technology for any
accurately recorded; making false or unless permission is received from the purpose that is either improper or
dishonest entries about our business author or owner to do so. damaging to the Company
and performance is a violation of
our policy.
Each team member is responsible for the protection and stewardship of our assets. This includes following procedures, which
ensures that our assets are not put in jeopardy or used wastefully. We expect you to take reasonable efforts to safeguard
the Company property within your control from loss, damage, theft or unauthorized use and to ensure its efficient use. All
Company assets should be used only for legitimate business purposes. Team members should report any suspected fraud
and theft immediately to their supervisor, local HR, or by calling the BrightView Concerns Line.
Intellectual Property
Some of our most important assets are intellectual property – know-how, trade secrets,
patents, trademarks, and copyrights. We treat our intellectual assets with great care, making
sure we use them properly and protect them from unauthorized use or infringement by others What should I do if my BrightView tablet or
laptop is stolen and it contains
outside the Company.
personal information?
• Some intellectual assets should never be • Team members should identify new The loss of company-issued devices not
disclosed to others. information and inventions and only has a financial loss component, but the
loss of personal information contained on a
contact the Office of General Counsel device could have legal implications. If this
• Other trade secrets and confidential
for protection and possible patenting. happens, contact your supervisor and local
information should be disclosed only after HR team immediately.
getting prior written approval from the • Do not leave materials containing
Office of General Counsel. Company confidential information
(whether hard copy or electronic
media) in public spaces.
Financial controls help protect BrightView assets, minimize waste, loss and misuse, while assuring that financial information is reliable.
Reliable, accurate financial reporting is necessary to monitor performance, properly allocate resources and make good investment decisions.
For these reasons, effective, financial processes and internal controls must be followed.
Clearly mark confidential business and technical information as “Confidential” as appropriate. If you need advice regarding marking the level of
confidentiality, contact the Office of General Counsel.
• Use care when you provide personal information to anyone inside or outside
of the Company and limit access to authorized individuals. Q&A
My coworker overheard our boss discussing the
Consult your supervisor or local HR Team potential for personnel changes in our office. After
overhearing the conversation, he came and told me
to identify any legal restrictions. about it. What should I do?
• Do not reproduce, forward, or otherwise publish or distribute words, graphics, video, music files, or other
copyrighted materials unless we have permission from the author or owner to do so.
• Respect team members’ obligations to maintain confidentiality of business information of former employers.
• Refer unsolicited ideas submitted to the Company to the Office of General Counsel.
• Immediately stop any conversation if you suspect you are improperly being given someone else’s
confidential information.
• Respect the privacy of our clients and use administrative, physical and technical safeguards designed to protect it.
• Except as explained to clients at the time the information is collected, take care not to share client personal data
without their consent.
inappropriate, offensive, obscene, harassing, defamatory
or sexually explicit content of any type is strictly prohibited.
Can I post about BrightView on social media?
• Be diligent in safeguarding information technology by Its important to follow these guidelines when discussing BrightView on
following security guidelines, protecting BrightView assets, social media.
and exercising caution when using email, the internet and • Get permission from the Communications and Public Affairs
other systems. before communicating as a BrightView spokesperson.
• Make clear that any opinions expressed are your own unless
• Social media can be an efficient means of sharing you are approved as a BrightView spokesperson.
information. Team members must be aware of the
• Post meaningful and responsible comments.
risks of wide dissemination of information and ensure
communications properly represent BrightView. If you • Do not post confidential or personal information about BrightView or
any team member or any other person.
are authorized to use social media on BrightView’s behalf,
you must clearly identify yourself as a BrightView team • Avoid arguments and never use hateful or insulting speech.
member, communicating on behalf of the Company. • Do not use BrightView’s logos, videos, trademarks, or photos without
prior permission.
When using social media for personal reasons, you may
not represent or suggest that your posts are approved, • Do not create any social media accounts on behalf of BrightView
without the express consent of Communications and Public Affairs.
sponsored, or authorized by BrightView, or that you are
speaking on behalf of the Company.
In this section:
Residents of our Communities Public Reporting
We act as responsible, responsive citizens by All team members, officers, and members of the
supporting projects, organizations, and services Board of Directors that contribute in any way to the
that work towards the common good and preparation or verification of BrightView’s financial
improve our community and society. statements and other financial information must
ensure that the Company’s books, records and
Political Involvement
accounts are accurately maintained..
As an individual, you have a right
to participate in the political process, including Political & Charitable Contributions
supporting candidates and causes that are provided Company funds may not be used for political
to you, provided you do so on your own time and contributions. Charitable contributions at or above
with your own funds. BrightView reserves the right $10,000 must be approved in advance.
to make its position known on issues relevant to
our business.
• Team members are encouraged to contribute their time and passion to their local community.
• Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often have an interest in what we do as a Company. It is in our mutual benefit
to cooperate with well-intentioned
• NGOs. Notify Communications and Public Affairs in advance of speaking with an NGO or representatives of
community organizations.
• Be aware of the potential for the appearance of a conflict of interest and discuss any concerns with your supervisor.
The Company exercises its right and responsibility to make its position known on relevant issues. We strive to ensure that our
political activities are conducted in respectful, ethical and constructive ways that promote and protect our reputation
and operations.
• Be sure to contact the Communications and Public Affairs for approval before engaging in any lobbying or
discussions with government officials on behalf of the Company.
• Since personal political activities can sometimes create a conflict with the Company, talk to Communications and
Public Affairs if you or a close relative are planning to accept or seek a public office, or if any other political activity
might have an impact on the Company or on your job.
• If you receive a request from a government official for information relating to taxation, licensing, occupational safety
and health, labor practices, environmental protection, or all other regulated areas, contact the Office of General
Counsel. You will be expected to fully comply with all applicable reporting and disclosure requirements.
• Approval from Communications and Public Affairs and the Office of General Counsel is required before hiring or
paying a lobbyist or other government affairs consultant to do any work on behalf of BrightView.
Personal political contributions to local/municipal candidates should be pre-cleared due to pay-to-play restrictions.
• Be familiar with the “disclosure controls and procedures” required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934;
• Bring to the attention of our Chief Financial Officer or Chief Legal Officer any material deviations from
such procedures;
And take all necessary steps to ensure that filings with the SEC and all other public communications about the financial and
business condition of the Company provide full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure.
If you become aware of any credible information that would place in doubt the accuracy in all material respects of any
reports or other public disclosures, you should bring such information to the attention of our Chief Financial Officer or
Chief Legal Officer.
In general, all information disclosed outside of the Company must be accurate, complete, and consistent; and
disseminated in accordance with BrightView policies. If someone (e.g., the news media or an investor) asks for
information about BrightView, notify your supervisor. He or she will contact the appropriate BrightView department to
ensure that the correct procedure is followed. Please do not attempt to answer these types of questions yourself.
• Requests for financial support for individuals, political candidates, and political campaigns, or entities that are not
certified non-profit organizations (generally “501c3”) will not be considered.
• Requests from religious organizations for sectarian purposes should not be considered; however, a community
program sponsored by a religious organization may be considered (e.g., food pantry).
• For executive officers and directors, the waiver must be approved by the Board; or
• For all other team members, the waiver requires approval of the Office of General Counsel.
All amendments to this code must be approved by the Board. Should the Company become subject to the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, all waivers and amendments to the Code must be promptly disclosed to the Company’s shareholders
in accordance with applicable United States securities laws and/or the rules and regulations of the exchange or system on
which the Company’s shares are traded or quoted.
Team members should read and be familiar with the Code (as well as other company policies and procedures);
however, we understand that no Code of Conduct can anticipate every ethical or compliance issue that may arise.
Even subtle differences in similar situations can impact how the situation should be handled. No two situations are
exactly alike. Keep these questions in mind when facing such issues:
• Is it consistent with our Company values and does it demonstrate our leadership behaviors?
• How would I feel about my decision if family and friends learned about it in the media?
• If I owned BrightView and was solely responsible for its reputation, what action would I take?
When you are uncertain what to do or how to handle a situation, seek guidance from the resources
outlined throughout the Code.
We all play a significant role in ensuring BrightView operates at the highest ethical standard and focuses on doing
what’s best for our teams, investors, clients, and communities. By conducting ourselves with integrity and honesty,
and living our brand promise of Take Care, Take Pride, we help shape BrightView’s future as we grow.