Parking Invoice
Parking Invoice
Parking Invoice
Stephen Birchall
Contents Preface
........................................................... 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19
Delivery Charges ( Planned and Unplanned ) .......................................... Difference Between Planned and Unplanned Delivery Charges ................ A Third Option ...................................... Planned Delivery Charges .................... Posting Planned Delivery Charges in Invoice Verication ............................... Unplanned Delivery Charges ............... A Third Option .....................................
24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 33 21 21 22 22
Acknowledgments ................................
High-Level Process ............................... The Main Steps ..................................... Capturing the Invoice Details ............... The Use of Invoice Verication ............. Processing Mismatched Invoices ..........
1.2 1.3
Handling Mismatched Invoices ............ Mismatches During Input ( MIRO ) ....... Processing Blocked Invoices ................ Using Workow when Mismatches Occur .................................................... Using MRBR ......................................... Automatic invoice release ....................
Tolerances ............................................. Why Have Tolerances? .......................... What Kind of Tolerances are There? ..... Special Tolerances ................................. Other Tolerances .................................. Conguring the Tolerances ................... Error Messages Resulting from Tolerances .............................................
ERS ( Evaluated Receipt Settlement ) .... How Does ERS Work? .......................... How Safe is the Process? ...................... ERS for Inter- or Intra-Company Scenarios ............................................... The ERS Process .................................... The ERS Settlement Transaction ...........
The Goods Receipt-Based Invoice Verication ( GR- Based IV ) Flag .......... What Does the GR-Based IV Flag Do? ............................................... The Risks of Setting the Flag Off .......... The Risks of Setting the Flag On .......... On Vs. Off ............................................. How the Flag Works ............................. Entering an Invoice for a Purchase Order with the Flag Set On .................. Entering an Invoice for a Purchase Order that Has the Flag Set Off ..................... Where is the Flag Set? ..........................
20 21 20
Invoice Reduction ................................. What Does Invoice Reduction Do? ...... The Invoice-Reduction Process ............ The Financial Posting of the Difference
Pipeline and Consignment Stock Settlement ............................................ Consignment Stock ............................... Pipeline Stock .......................................
Invoicing Plans ...................................... Periodic Invoicing Plans ........................ Partial Invoicing Plans .......................... How Does the Process Work? .............. Invoice Verication Relating to Invoicing Plans ...................................... Basic Conguration for Invoicing Plans ......................................................
33 33 34 34
Running F110 ....................................... The F110S Transaction .......................... 3.7 Summary ...............................................
49 49 49 51 51 52 53 54 54 55 59 60 60 61 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 68 68 69 69
35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37
4.1 4.2
Basic Conguration. .............................. Dene the Attributes of System Messages .............................................. How to Congure System Messages ....
Subsequent Debits and Credits ............ Posting a Subsequent Credit ................ Posting a Subsequent Debit ................. Posting a Normal Credit .......................
4.3 4.4
Dene Tax Jurisdiction .......................... Congure Automatic Postings ............. Account Assignment ............................. Simulation ............................................. The G/L Accounts Function .................
Purchase-Order Texts ........................... The Basic Process .................................. An Example of How to Use this Function ...............................................
38 38
Incoming Invoice .................................. Number Assignment ............................. Tax Treatment in Invoice Reduction .... Maintain Default Values for Tax Codes .............................................
Summary ...............................................
39 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 44 45
Congure How Exchange- Rate Differences are Treated ......................... Congure How Unplanned Delivery Costs are Posted ................................... Edit PO Supplement Text in Invoice Verication ............................... Dene Mail to Purchasing When Price Variances Occur ........................... Congure Vendor-Specic Tolerances ............................................ Maintain Bar-Code Entry ...................... Activate Direct Posting to G/L Accounts and Material Account .... Maintain Item-List Variants .................. Aggregation .......................................... Dene Start Logo .................................. Set Check for Duplicate Invoices ......... 4.6 Document Parking ................................ Invoice Block ....................................... Determine Payment Block .................... Set Tolerance Limits .............................. Item Amount Check ............................. Stochastic Blocks .................................. 4.8 4.9 Clearing-Account Maintenance ........... Invoice Verication in Background ....... 4.7
45 45 46 46 48 48 48
The Additional Log tab ......................... The Printout/data medium tab .............
Electronic Data Interchange ................. Message Determination ....................... Dene Document Life .......................... Authorization Management. ................
69 69 70 70
Maintain Customer Exits and Business Add-Ins ................................. Logistics Invoice Verication: Index ..... Summary ...............................................
.............................................................. 70 70 70 71
There are many organizations that have implemented SAP and suffered from problems and confusion relating to the invoice verication functionality. Many of the implementations I have seen get it very wrong and the result is a function that is seen as inefcient, complex and time consuming. This does not have to be the case. If you spend time understanding exactly what the SAP functionality is trying to achieve and how to use the standard functionality to the fullest, you will reduce the risk of problems and nd that the functionality is better than it appears to be initially. This book begins by explaining the basic process in a non-technical manner. Other chapters focus on the functionality in detail and show how to congure each option to obtain the maximum benets. It shows the many useful features available that are often overlooked and it explains some common misconceptions about certain options that are available and guides you to the correct choices.
Whether you are about to implement the invoice verication function, or you have already done so, you will nd this book informative, even if you dont believe you are having any problems with the functionality.
This book is dedicated to my grandchildren: Stephen, Harvey, Rupinder, Balvinder, George, and one more who's on the way. To my precious wife Joan, and to all of our children, who constantly make me so glad to be a part of their lives. And to all of my colleagues, who have endured my terrible sense of humor. I would also like to thank my editor, Jawahara Saidullah, for the help and occasional crack of the whip that helped me complete the book.
Invoice verication allows you to capture the details of vendor invoices. If the details of an invoice match the expected details that are specied by any related purchase order and goods receipts, the invoice can be automatically made available for payment. Unmatched invoices are excluded from the payment run and need to be investigated and released before payments can be made. If this process is overly complex or conducted inefciently, payments made to vendors will be late. Possible consequences of this include a loss of cash discounts and even losing the vendor account and having purchase orders rejected by the vendor. It is essential, therefore, to understand the basic process of invoice verication before you design or modify it. The standard process provided by SAP is very likely suitable for most businesses, though this may not appear to be the case at rst. The standard process has many conguration options and is normally more than exible enough to cater to the needs of an invoice-verication department. You are most likely to succeed if you adopt the standard SAP process, rather than trying to alter the SAP process to t your current functionality. Most problems are caused by a misunderstanding of the standard SAP Invoice Verication process, and this leads to a design that is a compromise. So we will start with a highlevel view of the process.
important to include as few steps as possible in the process, considering that the process of handling payments does not in itself add value to the company or to the vendor. The Main Steps The main steps included in the process are: The capture of the vendors invoice details The matching of those details to the details that we believe to be correct The investigation of any mismatches The release for payment of matched invoices The accounting entries involved ( including taxes and delivery costs ) The details recorded for audit purposes It is important to keep these steps to a minimum and the SAP processes do achieve this. Additional steps are counter-productive and add little or no additional value. Capture and matching occur in one transaction ( transaction MIRO ). This also includes the automatic release for payment if the match is successful. Figure 1.1 shows the main screen of the MIRO transaction. The handling of mismatched invoices occurs in transaction MRBR, which also includes the release for payment if the invoice is successfully matched. Figure 1.2 shows the main selection screen of the MRBR transaction The accounting entries are updated when the values are posted ( in both transactions ), as are the records of events for audit or inquiry purposes. Effectively these two transactions are the main steps involved. The only other transactions needed to manage the process are inquiry or cancellation transactions. If you have built your process to include more steps than this, you may be adding extra complexity for little or no extra value.
High-Level Process
The main aim of any invoice-verication process is to ensure that vendors are paid the correct amount at the right time ( not too late but also not too early ). The process should have a high incidence of rst-time matching, to ensure that as little time as possible is spent trying to manually match invoices that appear to be incorrect. It is
Capturing the Invoice Details This step uses transaction MIRO and is the main step in the process. If the details on the invoice match the details of what we believe to be owed to the vendor, then this transaction completes the process and passes the details to the payment run to ensure that the vendor is paid at the correct time. No further steps are required if the invoice matches here. While this is an important transaction, it does not need to be carried out only by senior nancial staff. This is a common misconception. The Use of Invoice Verication This transaction is designed to be used by any member of the nancial staff, however junior that person may be. The reason for this becomes clear when you see exactly what this transaction is doing. Its main purpose is simply
Figure 1.2 Main MRBR Transaction Selection Screen
to capture the details from the invoice sent in by the vendor, even though it appears to do much more than this.
Figure 1.3 shows the MIRO main screen with the details completed. The system will then use those details to attempt a match against what we believe the vendor is entitled to; only if this matches will a payment be proposed. Figure 1.4 shows the trafc light icon and zero balance that indicate that the invoice match is successful.
cess as a method of capturing the invoice details, with the rest happening automatically. If the invoice matches, then it is passed for payment. If it does not match, the details are still captured but the payment is blocked. Processing Mismatched Invoices The standard way of managing mismatched or blocked invoices in SAP is to use transaction MRBR. Mismatched invoices are those where the details on the invoice do not match the details expected according to the purchase order. This transaction lists all of the invoices that have been blocked for payment. It gives full details of what is blocked, what value is involved, why it has been blocked, when, and by whom. Figure 1.5 shows a typical list of mismatched invoices displayed using transaction MRBR. If investigation shows the vendors details were correct, then the details of the purchase order or goods receipt should be corrected so that the invoice details match. MRBR will automatically release that invoice for payment once the reasons for the block are no longer valid, but only if you schedule MRBR as a regular job to release all invoices that no longer mismatch. If the blocks are still validthat is, if we disagree with the vendors detailsthen the invoice can remain blocked for as long as required, or until a credit note has been posted. If, in certain unusual circumstances, the
Figure 1.4 Trafc-Light Icon and Zero-Balance Indicating Successful Invoice Match
Some people assume that selected nance staff should use this transaction only because the operator can change details on the screen to match the details on the vendors invoice. This occurs when the operator is entering the details and the vendor is asking for more ( or less ) than the amount we believe is due. But if you remember that this transaction is really just capturing the details from the invoice, then you realize that changing the details is not actually authorizing any payment. In fact, this transaction doesnt even require human input; it can be carried out using scanning equipment and appropriate software ( in fact several organizations already use this method to enter invoices into SAP ). So you must think of this pro-
vendors invoice details are correct but we cannot change the purchase order or goods receipt details to ensure a match, we can use MRBR to remove blocks manually and release invoices even though they do not match. For this reason, MRBR is a transaction that must be limited to selected people in the business. These must be people with authority to write a company check, as they are effectively paying a vendor for something that we have indicated that we do not owe them for.
When posting an invoice, the system will ll in most of the data for you. The data normally is taken from the purchase order referenced in the purchase order eld on the main screen of transaction MIRO, and so this may not match the actual details from the invoice. This means that when the system adds up the line items and compares the result against the total value you entered in the Amount eld of the basic data tab, it will not add up mathematically. To post the invoice, you must make sure that the value of the line items adds up to the Amount eld value ( with taxes considered ). This means that you will have to change the quantities and values that the system has proposed in order to match the quantities and values specied on the vendors invoice. Figure 1.6 shows the MIRO main screen with the Amount eld entered and the line details proposed by the system, based on data taken from the referenced purchase order. This is where some people mistakenly get the idea that changing these values is somehow authorizing the payment. In reality, it is simply ensuring that the system knows the details of the invoice so that a match can be attempted. Think of it this way: If the system did not try to help by lling in the expected quantities and values, then you would have to enter them manually every time. All that is happening is that the system is trying to save time for you by lling in what it thinks the invoice should contain. So changing these values is not authorizing payment, merely indicating what the vendor is asking for. The second check is where the main tolerances play a part. If the differences are within the tolerances, then the invoice is posted and the payment is not blocked. If the differences are outside the tolerances, then the invoice is still posted but the payment is blocked. So tolerances really only control whether the payment is to be
There are two main situations in which you have to deal with mismatched invoices. These are: During input ( in MIRO ) After the input of the invoice Mismatches During Input ( MIRO ) The MIRO transaction performs two main checks: The rst ensures that the details entered add up mathematically. The second checks to see if the invoice should be blocked or made available for payment. The second check relies on the majority of the congurable invoice tolerances. After all, a mathematical check is not meant to deliver approximate results. Having said this, there is one tolerance that relates to the rst check, and is known as the manage-small-differences tolerance. This is designed to control the allowed rounding errors ( mainly during tax calculations ). So, if the documents mathematically match within the congured tolerance, the system can then accept this as a rounding error and allow the process to continue to the next stage, where the remainder of the invoice tolerances can be checked.
blocked; they do not control whether the invoice can be posted ( apart from the rounding tolerance, i.e. small differences ). Figure 1.7 shows an invoice that does not balance mathematically. The invoice total is 2,350 and
the VAT is 350, but the value from the purchase order ( price multiplied by un-invoiced receipts ) does not add up to this value. Therefore, the invoice cannot be posted because of this mathematical discrepancy.
Figure 1.6 MIRO Screen Showing Data Obtained from Referenced Purchase Order
Caution: Only use MRBR to process blocked invoices, to avoid corrupting the data used by MRBR.
When an invoice has been blocked for payment due to a mismatch that is outside the invoice tolerances, all that is different from an invoice that has not been blocked for payment is the setting of the payment blocking ags. Figure 1.8 shows an invoice with a payment-blocking ag ( In this case an R to indicate an invoice-verication block ). The nancial postings are the same. The value is still shown as an open item on the vendor account, so any effect on the moving average price ( or price variance account ) will still occur, even if the document is blocked. The only action that is required to process blocked invoices is to decide if the blocks should be removed. There are two ways to remove the blocks, both using transaction MRBR These are: Manually, by indicating which block or blocks are to be removed Automatically, by running MRBR with the automatic release ag set on Using Workow when Mismatches Occur Someone will have to investigate when an invoice is blocked during MIRO, but how are they informed that there is a problem and what caused it? Many organizations simply photocopy the invoice and pass it to the appropriate department with a handwritten explanation of the problem. This works well enough if the volumes of invoices that are posted are low and only a few people are involved in the investigations. This keeps it simple and is often the best way. However, if the volumes are large and/or many people are involved in the investigations, then a more sophisticated solution is required. This is where workow plays a very useful part in the process. MIRO can trigger a workow message ( normally an SAPmail or email message that can be formatted to suit your needs ) to an appropriate user whenever a mismatch occurs. This is normally a request to correct a price or complete a goods receipt to make the details match the invoice. The usual response to these messages is to carry out the change or to reply stating that the details are correct and the vendors invoice should not be paid. This is a standard option in SAP and requires minimal conguration and setup, ideally with the help of your workow consultant. Using MRBR MRBR should be checked regularly, and this transaction should be seen as the sole transaction for managing the release of blocked invoices. You can list blocked invoices
Figure 1.8 Payment-Blocking Flag
by vendor, by date, by purchasing group, or by user, among other criteria. The system will then display the blocked invoices that match the selection options, and you will then be able to release invoices manually. Figure 1.10 shows an example of the screen used to manually manage blocked invoices. This should only be necessary when you do not wish to change the purchase order to correct the price or when you wish to pay for the items even though a receipt may not be have been fully posted. To release an invoice, you can either select individual blocking reasons ( quantity,
Many people make the mistake of simply removing the blocks using a nancial transaction such as FBL1N. This removes the ag and allows a payment to be made, but it does not process the blocked record properly, so the items still appear in the blocked invoice transaction ( MRBR ) even after they have been released. Figure 1.9 shows the FBL1N screen that should not be used to manually release invoices.
price, date, etc. ) and remove the block, or simply release the whole invoice. Note: You cannot release part of an invoice for payment. The invoice is either blocked or available for payment in total. Automatic invoice release There is actually no setting for automatic invoice release for payment as such. If you have an invoice that is blocked
because the goods receipt has not yet been posted and then the goods receipt is posted, the invoice will not be automatically released for payment. However you can use transaction MRBR in a scheduled job with the ag Release automatically set on, and this will then release all invoices where the blocking reason is no longer relevant. This will then act the same as an automatic release, but will only release when the job has run. Ideally, this should be at least once a day. Figure 1.11 shows the position of the ag on the initial screen of transaction MRBR.
There are two main ways to park an invoice. The most common is to decide partway through posting an invoice that you wish to exit and save your work done so far without processing the invoice. To do this, you can use the menu option Edit > Switch to Document Parking. This will allow you to save the work you have done so far without the document being posted. The other option is to start off by using the Invoice Parking function directly, instead of MIRO, using transaction MIR7. This is used in situations where you know that you will not want to process the invoice at this stage.
Figure 1.11 Release Automatically Flag in MRBR Initial Screen
Figure 1.12 shows the initial screen of the MIR7 invoiceparking transaction. Note how similar this is to the MIRO screen. This is where some implementations misuse the function. Sometimes people interpret the Invoice Parking function as an integral step in the process. It does appear that all invoices could be posted as parked rst, and then someone else ( perhaps someone more senior ) could process the parked invoice into a fully processed invoice. This can be done, and I have seen it used in this way in some implementations, but you have to keep in mind that it was not designed to be used in this way and so is unlikely to function in the way you hoped. In the implementations I have seen, parking was excessive because of overuse of the goods receipt-based invoice verication ag ( covered in detail in Section 2.1 ). For instance, you can view and monitor parked invoices using transaction MIR6, the Invoice Overview
Parking Invoices
The Invoice Parking functionality provided by SAP has a very specic purpose, and if you are using it for this purpose then it functions well. If, on the other hand, you are using the parking process as a specic step in the normal processing of invoices, then you may nd that it is not designed for this purpose and you may experience problems. The function has been provided to address situations where, for whatever reason, the user does not wish to complete the invoice-verication transaction but wishes to keep the data entered so far. This is ideal if a complex invoice is being processed and there is not enough time to complete the transaction. The data entered so far can be parked and returned to at a later stage.
function, but there is no ideal transaction that ensures that all parked documents are processed in a timely fashion. This can result in some invoices being overlooked. This is not a failing of the SAP system, but occurs because this is not the purpose of the function. Figure 1.13 shows you how to view or manage parked invoices with transaction MIR6. Some implementations then tie in workow functions to manage the processing of parked invoices, and this adds to the complexity. However, if the whole Invoice Verication function is fully understood, then you are unlikely to nd any benet from using it in this way. The incorrect use of the GR based Invoice verication ag often leads to a need to park far more invoices than necessary.
The workow function can be used throughout the SAP functionality and is not restricted to certain events or transactions. However, you will nd that in some standard transactions SAP has integrated basic workow functionality. Invoice verication is one example of this. SAP has a pre-dened workow template WS20000397, specically for the management of mismatched invoices. The standard workow function in invoice verication is designed to be used to send a workow message ( there is no specic layout for this message; you can word and format it as required ) via email or SAPmail to a user The user would be informed that the invoice did not match and be told if it was due to a price or quantity variance. Full details of the purchase order can be included in the message, and further processing can be carried out within the message ( to go to the purchase-order change function or the goods-receipt function, directly from within the message ). This function can be very useful when several people are responsible for purchase orders and goods receipts. If staff requirement are low, then it may be easier to just send a photocopy of the invoice in the internal post with the details of the problem. The workow process can be congured to use various methods of determining to whom the message should be sent. It could be the user who created the purchase order, the requisitioner, or the person responsible for posting goods receipts at the plant or storage location on the purchase order. If there are complicated rules to be followed, then this can be achieved by basic Advanced Business Application Programming ( ABAP ) coding. ABAP is SAPs programming language. All in all, the workow function is seen as being very
Figure 1.13 MIR6 Transaction Used to Display and Manage Parked Invoices
useful. It should be considered not only a user-friendly function, but also a good method of ensuring that mismatches are handled quickly and by the appropriate person, without the possibility of omissions due to lost paperwork, or other issues. As for developing workow solutions in other areas of invoice verication, or anywhere else in SAP, I have a word of warning. The functionality offered by workow can dramatically improve many processes, and it can be used to make the system capable of other very useful functions, but it does have an overhead and that is the technical maintenance. This is a small price to pay, but
Workow is a very useful tool within SAP. Some people describe it as event-triggered messaging, but I prefer to refer to it as event-triggered events. Basically, you can use workow to send a message when an event occurs, or you can trigger an action or another transaction when an event occurs.
it has to be considered when determining if workow is appropriate. It is possible for workow records to occasionally have technical problems, and this may result in the message not being received or processed by the user. This will leave an unprocessed record that has to be resolved by someone with signicant workow skills. If you multiply this possibility by the number of messages that are transmitted, then this problem-resolution can become almost a full-time task. Other problems, such as unexpected combinations of data, can also result in unprocessed messages. Thus, the more workow you use the more need you will have for appropriate support when it goes wrong. This is all man-
ageable, but the biggest problem with workow is that it is so useful that many areas can benet from its use. This can result in delays during implementations due to the additional design, building, and testing involved.
Invoice verication in SAP is a solid and efcient process. But do try wherever possible to use the standard SAP functionality as covered in this chapter. This will ensure that you gain maximum benets for the least effort. In Chapter 2, we will be looking at the functionality in more detail, and this should enable you to design an invoice-verication process to suit your needs.
ABAP 15 account assignment 55, 56 account assignment category 22 account check 59 account configuration 58 accounting documents 61 accounting processes 54 accounting view 45, 59 account modifier 58, 59 account numbers 54 actual payment date 61 additional charges 26, 36 additional invoice 26 additional lines on the invoice 64 additional Log 48 aggregation 64 allocations 22 allowed invoice interval on the purchase order 67 amount field 36 amount for item with order reference 67 amount for item without order reference 66 amount of blanket purchase order 67 Application area 59 archiving 70 authorization 70 authorized 28 authorizing the payment 10 automatic account determination 22, 31, 39, 55 automatic clearance 42 automatic credit note 62, 63 automatic date calculations 35 automatic invoice reduction tolerance 63 automatic invoice release 13 automatic payment 66 automatic postings 31 automatic release 19
BACS 47 balances 24 bar Code 63 basic data 10 Basic data tab 31, 44 batch job 19 batch runs 52 bill-of-lading 19 blanket purchase order time limit exceeded 67 blocked 9, 10, 19, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 40, 41, 65 blocked for payment 9, 17, 18, 60 blocked invoices 12 blocking flags 12, 39 blocking reasons 12 block parked invoices 65 BOMs 33 bulk materials 42
Configure Automatic Postings 52 consignment stocks 32 correction ID 30 credit note 9, 30, 31, 35, 36, 41, 62 credits 58 Customs 21, 39
dates 26 date variance 68 deadlines 47 Debit/Credit 58 debits 58 default codes 44 default tax codes 62 Define Attributes of System Messages 52 define tax jurisdiction 54 delivery 19, 20, 21, 24 delivery-note 17, 19 delivery charges 21, 22, 24, 25, 36 delivery costs 24, 45 delivery date 26, 68 delivery note 64 delivery surplus 42 delivery tab 34 different tax codes 44 Direct Posting to G/L Accounts and Material Account 64 discounts 47 document types 61, 63, 69
calculate tax 44 calculate taxes automatically 62 Calculate tax flag 36, 44 cash-flow 27 cash discounts 61 chart of accounts 57, 59 check-limit flag 63 check for Duplicate Invoices 65 check of Referenced G/L Accounts 59 city 54 clearing account 31, 40, 42, 69 clearing document 43 clear manually 42 company code 26, 27, 43, 46, 55, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70 complaint document 62 complex invoice 14 condition types 22, 23, 24
early payment to a vendor 68 EDI 69 email 12, 15, 63 error-message 28, 52 ERS 19, 28, 32, 42, 43 exceed amount, quantity variance 67 exchange rate 47
exchange rate differences 62 exchange rate table 62 exclude items due for payment 48 exclude values 48
Handling Mismatched Invoices 10 header conditions 24 header delivery costs 24 header text 38 header text types 63 help-text 51
Maintain Variants for Aggregation List 64 manage small differences 44 manage small differences tolerance 10 manual blocks 66 MAP 27, 30, 32, 36, 43, 45, 46, 52, 59, 68 matched invoice 39 material 21, 64 material document 20 material master 45 material master record (Accounting View) 22, 56 material price 21 materials-management postings 39 material types 56 maximum cah discount 70 memos 37 message-determination configuration 63 Message Determination 69 message number 53 messages 52 MIGO 19, 24 MIR6 14 MIR7 14 MIRO 7, 8, 10, 29, 43 mismatch 12, 30, 65 mismatched invoices 9, 15 modifications 70 movement type 58 moving average price 12, 25 Moving average price variance 68 Moving average variance 27 MR11 41, 43 MRBR 7, 9, 12, 19, 30, 69 MRIS 34, 35 MRKO 32, 33 MRRL 29 multiple companies 46 multiple company codes 65 multiple tax codes 44
F110 46, 49 F110S 46, 49 FBL1N 12 Financial Accounting menu 52 financial postings 12, 39, 42 form small differences automatically 27, 67 free Selection 48 freight 21, 22, 39, 42 freight provisions 54 full payment run 49
identification code 46 IMG 52 IMG Projects 52 Info Record 21, 29, 32, 33 information message 54 input mode 59 input of material number 59 input of valuation class 59 insurance 21 inter- or intra-company purchases 28 invoice-relevant notes 38 Invoice amount acc. to vendor 31 invoice overview 14 Invoice qty acc. to vendor 31 invoice quantity 27 invoice reduction 30, 62, 63 invoices posted in the background 69 invoice surplus 42 Invoice tab 34, 43 invoice tolerances 10 invoice value 28 Invoice Verification text 38 invoicing plan 34 item category 68 item conditions 24 item List Variants 64 item text 37
G/L account 55, 58, 59 G/L account number 56, 58 general-ledger account 25, 31, 39, 59 general ledger 39, 54 general modification 58 goods-receipt 15, 23, 29, 32, 35, 45, 46, 60 goods-receipt-based invoice verification 17 goods-receipt/invoice-receipt clearing account 39 goods-receipt flag 34 goods receipt 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 28, 41 goods receipt-based invoice verification 14 goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing 54 goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing accounts 25 goods receipt/invoice receipt clearing account 40 GR (Goods Receipt) flag 68 GR-based IV flag 18, 20, 40 GR/IR clearing account 40, 41, 43, 58 GR based IV flag 19, 20 GR flag 35 group similar plants 56
last movement before key date 42 layout of the line display 64 leases 33 liability account 32 line items 10 Logistics Invoice Verification 52
net 45 net price 35 net proposal 45 next payment run 47 No ERS flag 29 non-invoiced receipts 40, 42 non-valuated receipt 34 notifiable texts 38, 63
Maintain Number Assignments for Accounting Documents 61
SAP Reference Implementation Guide 52 scanning 9 schedule the payment run 46 scheduling the payment run as a batch job 49 self-billing 19, 32, 35 Set Item Amount Check 68 settlement program 29, 32 set value payments 33 simulate postings 59 simulation 55, 58, 59, 60 small differences 11, 26 small differences account 63 small variances 42 spot check 68 SPRO 51 staged payments 33, 34 stages 34 standard accounts postings 39 standard messages 53 standard price 43, 45, 59 Start Logo 65 status 69 status screen 49 status tab 49 stochastic block 68 stock account 22, 25, 26, 32, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46 storage location 15 subsequent credit 35 subsequent debit 26, 35, 36 summarized invoices 17 summary reports 49 switching off a message 52
open account item 70 open item 12, 32 Options 59 output type 29 overcharge 30, 44, 66 overpaid 18, 26, 28 overpayments 66
purchase order 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 37, 43 purchase order header 37, 38 purchase order header text 38 purchase order history 36 purchase order price 18 purchase order reference 37 purchase prices 45 purchasing configuration 24 purchasing data 29 purchasing group 12
paid on time 18 parameter tab 46 park 18, 20, 69 partial delivery 40 partial invoicing plans 33 partial payments 33 payment 24, 27, 39 payment block 65 payment differences 70 payment logs 48 payment methods 46 payment run 8, 29, 46, 47, 61 payment run date 46 payment schedule 35 payment terms 28, 30, 61 Percentage OPUn variance with IR before GR 67 periodic invoice plans 33, 35 pipeline liabilities 33 pipeline materials 32, 33 planned delivery charges 21, 22, 25 planned delivery cost 67 plant 15, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59 posting date 30 postings 39 price calculation schema 24 price control 45 price differences 44 prices 26 price variance 36, 39, 54, 62, 63, 67 price variance, estimated price 67 price variance account 12, 32, 43, 45, 46 pricing conditions 21 pricing scales 24 printout/data medium 48 print program 48
Qty Var. Less Than/Equal To 42 quantity 20, 21 quantity invoiced 40 quantity received 28, 40 quantity variance 15, 19 quantity variance when GR qty = zero 67
random block 68 rate type M 47 RE 61 receipt 22, 39 reference 46 reference document 19 reference document number 65 regular payments 33 release automatically 13 released 21 release invoices 10, 12 rentals 33 requisitioner 15 RN (net) 61 rounding 11 rounding errors 10, 27, 44 royalty and license payments 33 rules 57, 58 rules of accounting 54
tax 19, 27, 31, 43, 62 tax accounts 39 tax amount 44 tax calculations 10 tax code 43, 44, 62, 69 Tax Jurisdiction 52 tax procedures 43 test mode 35 test runs 48 text element 38 three-way matching 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28 tolerance 27 tolerance group 63, 70
SAP help 70 SAP Invoice Verification process 7 SAPmail 12, 15, 63
tolerance keys 27 tolerance limits 66 tolerance percentage and/or value 63 tolerances 10, 20, 26, 63, 65 too early 26 total value 18 traffic light 9 transaction/event key 56, 58, 59 transaction event key 31
unplanned delivery costs 21, 62 upper and lower limits for percentage and value 66 user exits 70
VAT 27, 29 VAT code 43 vendor 12 Vendor-Specific Tolerances 63 Vendor-Tolerance Group 63 vendor account 12, 32, 39, 40 vendor master record 29, 63 vendors invoice number 65
valuation area group 55, 56, 58, 59, 60 valuation class 55, 56, 58, 59 valuation modifier 55, 58
undercharged 44 unmatched invoice 39 unplanned delivery charges 25, 26, 36
warning message 27, 52 workflow 12, 15 write-offs 39 WRX 58
value-only h credit 36 value only invoice 36 Value Variance Less Than/= To 42 Var. from condition value 67 variances 25
2. Type in the fiscal year, user name, and company code. Choose "Entry Type" : Held/Parked Choose "Invoice Status: Held, Parked, and Parked as Complete. You can use dates and reference codes to further narrow down the selection 3. Click on the document number to enter the change or post mode (MIR4).
Make changes to line items as necessary. 4. Click on the "simulate" button for an overview of the document when data entry is complete. 5. Use the "diskette" icon to post . A message will appear if posting is successful .