Planning & MGT of Smart Destination-Chapter 1 - 230619 - 121526
Planning & MGT of Smart Destination-Chapter 1 - 230619 - 121526
Planning & MGT of Smart Destination-Chapter 1 - 230619 - 121526
Zemenu Bires (PhD)
May 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1.1. Tourism and Sustainability
Brainstorming Questions
• What is Tourism?
• What is sustainability?
• What do we mean by the concept: Smart
Sustainability and sustainable tourism
Sustainable tourism which means;
tourism which is economically viable
But, does not destroy the resources on which:
the future of tourism will depend, notably the physical
environment and
the social fabric of the host community
It is an aspiration to acknowledge all impacts of tourism, both
positive and negative.
It aims to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the
positive ones.
Negative impacts to a destination include economic leakage,
damage to the natural environment and overcrowding etc.
Smart Tourism
Smart tourism should be regarded as;
a tourism development and management mindset or philosophy
with larger implications for tourism governance and for the
strategic orientation of the destination.
smart tourism as a tourism development and management strategy
goes beyond technology implementation.
Smart tourism is concerned with taking advantage of a range of
smart technologies, such as sensors, beacons, mobile phone apps,
radio-frequency identification (RFID), near-field communication
(NFC), smart meters, the Internet-of-Things (IoT), cloud
computing, relational databases, etc., that together form a smart
digital ecosystem that fosters data-driven innovations and supports
new business models.
Smart Tourism…
According to this big data and technology perspective, smart
tourism has been defined as:
«tourism supported by integrated efforts at a destination to collect
and aggregate data derived from physical infrastructure, social
connections, government/organizational sources and human
bodies/minds in combination with the use of advanced
technologies to transform that data into on-site experiences and
business value-propositions with a clear focus on efficiency,
sustainability and experience enrichment» (Gretzel et al., 2015a:
Where smartness has three dimensions, namely a technological, a
human and an institutional one.
• Yigitcanlar et al. (2018) further establish the following eight areas,
two for each application domain, which smart city development
seeks to improve:
1) Governance; 2) Planning; 3) Productivity; 4) Innovation; 5)
Liveability; 6) Wellbeing; 7) Sustainability; and, 8) Accessibility.
Integrated governance, comprehensive and participatory planning,
productivity gains and a skilled workforce, competitive
advantages, an innovation culture, greater mobility, better
infrastructure, enhanced quality of live, the responsible
management and use of natural resources, as well as an inclusive
community therefore constitute the major outcomes
of smart city development.
Difference between Smart tourism and e-Tourism