#P Management Methodologies

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Executive Master’s Degree

Project Management with

Predictive Methodologies
Executive Master’s Degree
Project Management
with Predictive
» Modality: online
» Duration: 12 months
» Certificate: TECH Global University
» Credits: 60 ECTS
» Schedule: at your own pace
» Exams: online
» Target Group: IT professionals who want to specialize
in Project Management with predictive methodologies
Website: www.techtitute.com/us/school-of-business/professional-master-degree/master-project-management-predictive-methodologies
01 02 03 04
Welcome Why Study at TECH? Why Our Program? Objectives
p. 4 p. 6 p. 10 p. 14

05 06 07
Skills Structure and Content Methodology
p. 20 p. 24 p. 38

08 09 10
Our Students’ Profiles Course Management Impact on Your Career
p. 46 p. 50 p. 54

11 12
Benefits for Your Company Certificate
p. 58 p. 62
Project Management is a transversal discipline applicable to practically all technological
areas. The use of predictive methodologies in this field is directed towards the
achievement of the objectives set, taking into account the circumstances that may
occur in the environment and that may affect the final result. The focus of this TECH
project is the comprehensive development of the skills of a professional project
manager, prepared to face the challenge of managing large projects in a multinational
environment and at the same time, able to adapt his or her management to more
modest and short-term project environments. In this way, the aim is to create
professionals with management and executive skills in Project Management who
are capable of acting in the environment of a large company or organization, with
the ability to relate and influence at different levels both within the company and as
representatives of clients and suppliers.

Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies.

TECH Global University
Welcome | 05

A program that will allow you to manage, with

total security, successful projects that will be a
great competitive advantage for your company"
Why Study at TECH?
TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school,
with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class centre for
intensive managerial skills training.  
Why Study at TECH? | 07

TECH is a university at the forefront of

technology, and puts all its resources at
the student's disposal to help them achieve
entrepreneurial success"
08 | Why Study at TECH?

At TECH Global University

Innovation Empowerment
The university offers an online learning model that combines the Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and
latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed
methods. A unique method with the highest international strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with
recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop major economic players in 7 continents.
in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every
entrepreneur’s focus.

collaborative agreements with
"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, leading companies
interactive multi-video system.

The Highest Standards Talent

Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase
need to make a large investment to study at this university. their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow
However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the them to voice their concerns and share their business vision.
student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The
institution's academic standards are exceptionally high... After completing this program, TECH helps students show the
world their talent.

of TECH students successfully complete
their studies

Networking Multicultural Context

Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH,
While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience.
allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision,
may prove useful to them in the future. through which students can learn about the operating methods in
different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that

100,000+ 200+ best adapts to their business idea.

TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities.

executives trained each year different nationalities
Why Study at TECH? | 09

TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series

of characteristics that make this university unique:  


TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to

question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their
interpersonal skills.

Academic Excellence
Learn with the best
TECH offers students the best online learning methodology.
In the classroom, TECH’s teaching staff discuss how they have
The university combines the Relearning method (a
achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and
postgraduate learning methodology with the highest
dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a
international rating) with the Case Study. A complex balance
quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their
between tradition and state-of-the-art, within the context of the
career and stand out in the business world.
most demanding academic itinerary.
Teachers representing 20 different nationalities.

Economy of Scale

TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a

At TECH, you will have access to the portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs.
And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-
most rigorous and up-to-date case breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as
studies in the academic community” expensive for students as it would be at another university.
Why Our Program?
Studying this TECH program means increasing the chances of achieving
professional success in senior business management.  

It is a challenge that demands effort and dedication, but it opens the door to a
promising future. Students will learn from the best teaching staff and with the
most flexible and innovative educational methodology.
Why Our Program? | 11

We have highly qualified teachers and the

most complete syllabus on the market, which
allows us to offer you training of the highest
academic level"
12 | Why Our Program?

This program will provide students with a multitude of

professional and personal advantages, particularly the following:

A significant career boost Consolidate the student’s senior management skills

01 By studying at TECH, students will be able to take control of 03 Studying at TECH means opening the doors to a wide range of
their future and develop their full potential. By completing this professional opportunities for students to position themselves
program, students will acquire the skills required to make a as senior executives, with a broad vision of the international
positive change in their career in a short period of time.    environment.

70% of participants achieve positive You will work on more than 100 real
career development in less than 2 years. senior management cases.  

Develop a strategic and global vision Take on new responsibilities

02 of companies
04 The program will cover the latest trends, advances and strategies,
TECH offers an in-depth overview of general management to so that students can carry out their professional work in a
understand how each decision affects each of the company's changing environment.
different functional areas.

Our global vision of companies will 45% of graduates are

improve your strategic vision. promoted internally.
Why Our Program? | 13

Access to a powerful network of contacts Improve soft skills and management skills
05 TECH connects its students to maximize opportunities. 07 TECH helps students apply and develop the knowledge they have
Students with the same concerns and desire to grow. Therefore, acquired, while improving their interpersonal skills in order to
partnerships, customers or suppliers can be shared. become leaders who make a difference.   

You will find a network of contacts

that will be instrumental for Improve your communication and
professional development. leadership skills and enhance your career.

Thoroughly develop business projects Be part of an exclusive community

06 Students will acquire a deep strategic vision that will help them 08 Students will be part of a community of elite executives, large
develop their own project, taking into account the different companies, renowned institutions, and qualified professors from
areas in companies.    the most prestigious universities in the world: the TECH Global
University community.   

20% of our students develop their We give you the opportunity to train with
own business idea. a team of world renowned teachers.
This Executive Master’s Degree from TECH is designed to strengthen the professional
skills of project managers, thanks to the knowledge of the main developments in
the field of predictive methodologies. In addition, it will allow them to develop new
competencies and skills that will be essential in their professional development.
After completing this program, students will be able to make global decisions with
an innovative perspective and an international vision, which is essential in today's
globalized business environment.
Objectives | 15

Increase your education and achieve your work

objectives thanks to the superior specialization
offered by TECH Global University with this
Executive Master’s Degree"
16 | Objectives

Your goals are our goals

We work together to help you achieve them
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies will enable the student to:

01 Develop expertise in project, program and

portfolio management 04 Determine why it is good practice to divide the
project into phases

02 Determine how project management fits

within organizations

Provide an overview of the different functional

03 areas of a company or organization and their
relationship with Project Management
05 Analyze the applicable process framework
within each phase
Objectives | 17

Analyze the main globally standardized process

06 Analyze the set of essential techniques for a professional
Project Manager 08 frameworks for managing predictive projects

09 Examine the main differential elements between

the main process frameworks

Determine how performance facts are to be communicated

07 to the monitoring committee to make data-driven decisions 10 Determining the role of the Business
Analyst in Predictive Projects
18 | Objectives

Generate specialized knowledge about the practical

11 tools and techniques used by Business Analysts 14 Expand in a practical way the use of representative tools

12 View tools as a means, rather than a goal, in

Project Management

Develop a global understanding of the meaning

13 Categorize the tools applicable to

Project Management 15 and purpose of leadership in order to make a
good and conscious use of people and team
management tools
Objectives | 19

Integrate and use these tools in the day-to-day work of the project
16 manager, as well as leadership and team management models, to
facilitate the work of project management
18 Encourage self-criticism to achieve better results in their
management and to continue to make continuous progress

19 Analyze the organizational structure of a multinational

company and its influence on project management

Provide the project manager with the necessary guidelines Generate specialized knowledge on the information
17 to manage his or her practices and know how to identify
successful and unsuccessful results
20 security measures that a project manager should
be aware of
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive
Methodologies has been designed to improve the competitiveness of professionals
in the sector. Upon completing the program, students will have acquired the
necessary skills in perform quality and up-to-date work based on the most
innovative teaching methodology. Undoubtedly, a program that will improve their
skills and allow them to be more competitive in their daily practice.
Skills | 21

Successful project management

requires professionals with specific
skills.For this reason, TECH offers
you the completion of his program"
22 | Skills

01 Manage projects in a large organization environment 04 Manage projects in a multinational environment

02 Working as line managers in operational or

support departments

Have an integrated vision aimed at always maximizing the

03 results of the projects and their benefits for the business
and the beneficiaries of their execution
05 Manage team members and project Stakeholders
Skills | 23

06 Act as a true manager/catalyst for change in organizations

08 Represent the company and the project to customers
and suppliers

09 Know, in-depth, the environment and predictive

methodologies that can help to act safely

07 Acting in the environment of a large company or organization 10 Understand the different management approaches
and strategies to meet the challenge of achieving
project objectives
Structure and Content
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies
is a program that is taught in a fully online format, so that students can choose the time
and place that best suits their availability, schedules and interests. Undoubtedly, it is a
unique opportunity for those who have limited time to dedicate to study. A program that
takes place over 12 months and is intended to be a unique and stimulating experience
that lays the foundation for professional success in Project Management.
Structure and Content | 25

This program will enable you to develop

the skills you need to be successful in
Project Management"
26 | Structure and Content

The Executive Master’s Degree in different areas of the company and is
Module 1 Project Management with Predictive Methodologies
Project Management with Predictive designed for managers to understand
Methodologies of TECH Global University project management from a strategic,
is an intensive program that prepares international and innovative perspective. Module 2 Management: Business Organization and Project Management
students to face challenges and business
A plan designed especially for
decisions in the field of integrated project Module 3 Project Life Cycles in Predictive Methodologies
students, focused on their professional
management. Its content is designed to
improvement and preparing them
promote the development of managerial Module 4 Hard Skills for Project Management
to achieve excellence in the field of
skills that enable more rigorous decision-
management and business management.
making in uncertain environments. Module 5 Predictive Project Management Methodologies and Frameworks
A program that understands your
Throughout 1,500 hours of study, the needs and those of your company
student will face a multitude of practical through innovative content based on Module 6 Requirements Management in Predictive Projects
cases through individual work, which the latest trends, and supported by the
will allow you to acquire the necessary best educational methodology and an Module 7 Technological Tools to Aid Predictive Project Management
skills to develop successfully in your daily exceptional faculty, which will provide you
practice. It is, therefore, an authentic with the competencies to solve critical Leadership and People Management. Project Management and Change
Module 8
immersion in real business situations. situations in a creative and efficient way. Management in Large Organizations

This program deals in depth with The program takes place over 12 months Module 9 Competencies and Soft Skills for Project Managers
and is divided into 10 modules:
Module 10 Legal Aspects for Project Management
Structure and Content | 27

Where, When and How is it Taught?

TECH offers the possibility of developing
this Executive Master’s Degree in
Project Management with Predictive
Methodologies completely online. Over
the course of 12 months, you will be able
to access all the contents of this program
at any time, allowing you to self-manage
your study time.

A unique, key, and decisive

educational experience to
boost your professional
development and make
the definitive leap.
28 | Structure and Content

Module 1. Project Management with Predictive Methodologies

1.1. Project Management 1.2. Project, Program and Portfolio 1.3. Organizational Structure of the 1.4. The Project Management Process:
1.1.1. Projects Vs. Operations. Process and Project Management Project Activities and Management Areas
1.1.2. Project Management Relevance 1.2.1. Differences between Project, Program and 1.3.1. The Project Manager's Role, Functions 1.4.1. Management Effort Vs. Execution Effort
1.1.3. VUCA Environments and Portfolio Management and Attributions 1.4.2. Management Areas in Any Project
Project Management 1.2.2. Alignment with the Business and the 1.3.2. Functions and Responsibilities 1.4.3. Project Management Methodology in
1.1.4. Environment Overview: Predictive Organization's Strategy 1.3.3. The Project Team the Organization
Methodologies and Agile Environments 1.2.3. Organizational Project Management (OPM) 1.3.4. Customer Orientation and
Results Orientation

1.5. Project Life Cycle in the 1.6. Project Undertaking Environments 1.7. Evaluation of Project Results 1.8. Project Management in the Context
Organization 1.6.1. Environments and Reasons to Undertake 1.7.1. Project Performance Evaluation Techniques of Large Systems
1.5.1. Life Cycles in the Organization Depending on Projects. Project Selection 1.7.2. Internal Evaluation of Results for 1.8.1. Relationship between Project Management
the Type of Projects (R&D, Implementation, 1.6.2. Company Projects and Projects Guided by the Organization and Systems Engineering
Product Design, etc.) the Administration. Contracting Processes 1.7.3. Fulfillment of Requirements Vs. Satisfaction 1.8.2. Systemic view of Project Management
1.5.2. Internal Standardization: Standard Lifecycle in Vs. Bidding of Customer Expectations 1.8.3. Influence of the Degree of Complexity on
the Organization 1.6.3. Offer and Commitment to the Client and the 1.7.4. Value Assurance and Long-Term Effects Project Management
1.5.3. Projects and Subprojects, Phases Promoter. Definition Vs. Project Formulation
and Activities 1.6.4. Relationship Between the Execution
Environment and the Methodology to be Used

1.9. Project Management in the Context 1.10. Current Trends in Project

of Small Organizations Management
1.9.1. Project Management as applied in the 1.10.1. Neither Predictive nor Agile: Hybridization
SME Environment 1.10.2. Lean Project Management
1.9.2. Micro-projects and Adaptation of 1.10.3. Projects and Digital Transformation
the Methodology 1.10.4. Impact of New Technologies on
1.9.3. Project Management Outsourcing Project Management
Structure and Content | 29

Module 2. Management: Business Organization and Project Management

2.1. Organization and Functional Areas 2.2. Organizational Structures Oriented 2.3. Corporate Finance and Economics 2.4. Cost Management
of an Organization to Project Management 2.3.1. Financial Information and Decision Making 2.4.1. Classification and Types of Costs
2.1.1. Management of the Organization: 2.2.1. Types of Organization in the Structure of the 2.3.2. Financial Statements. Balance Sheet and 2.4.2. Allocation of Direct and Indirect Costs
Shareholders' Meeting, Steering Committee Company Income Statement 2.4.3. Cost Management Associated with
and Chief Executive Officer 2.2.2. Matrix-type Organizational Structures 2.3.3. Investment Analysis. Change in Monetary Project Management
2.1.2. Cross-cutting Areas: Finance, HR, Quality, Oriented to Project Execution Value over Time
Purchasing, Logistics 2.2.3. Complexity of Relationships between
2.1.3. Commercial, Product and Marketing Areas Functional Areas. Resource Sharing
2.1.4. Operational Areas by Processes and
Projects. R&D, Production Engineering,
Facilities, Operations
2.1.5. Sales (pre-sales, post-sales), Operations and
Maintenance Support

2.5. Quality Applied to Project 2.6. Project Financial Management 2.7. People Management. 2.8. The Project Management Office
Management 2.6.1. Analysis of Project Profitability 2.7.1. HR Department Functions and Processes (PMO)
2.5.1. Product Quality and Project Quality 2.6.2. The Project as an Investment. ROI 2.7.2. People Management as a Strategic Element 2.8.1. Functions and Types of PMO
2.5.2. Relationship between Committed (Return on Investment) in an Organization 2.8.2. Strategic Management Support
Scope and Quality 2.6.3. Project Financing 2.7.3. Development and Career Plans. Definition of 2.8.3. People Management Support
2.5.3. Quality Control Vs. Assuring Quality the Role of the Project Manager 2.8.4. Logistics and Procurement Support
2.5.4. Value Generation and Elimination of Waste

2.9. Project Management and Change 2.10. Business Analysis and Project
Management Management
2.9.1. Change Management 2.10.1. Business Value Analysis Processes
2.9.2. Projects as an Element of Change in 2.10.2. Relationship between BA and Project,
Organizations Program and Portfolio Management
2.9.3. Change Management applied to 2.10.3. The Role of the Project Manager in
Project Management Business Analysis
30 | Structure and Content

Module 3. Project Life Cycles in Predictive Methodologies

3.1. Project Development Life Cycles 3.2. The Generic Life Cycle for Project 3.3. Project Start 3.4. Modelling of Project Management
3.1.1. Waterfall Project Development Life Cycles Management 3.3.1. Project Start-up and Definition Issues Elements
3.1.2. Agile Project Development Life Cycles 3.2.1. Product Life Cycle vs. Project 3.3.2. Act of Incorporation of a Predictive Project 3.4.1. Requirements Planning
3.1.3. Hybrid Project Development Life Cycles 3.2.2. Phases of a Project 3.3.3. Agile Project Charter 3.4.2. Work Package Planning
3.2.3. Phase Revisions 3.4.3. Activity Planning

3.5. Complete Project Modelling 3.6. Project Management Plan 3.7. Direction and Management of 3.8. Monitoring and Control of the
3.5.1. Scope Baseline 3.6.1. Stakeholder, Communications and Resource Project Execution Technical Performance of the
3.5.2. Baseline Schedule Management Planning 3.7.1. Leading the Team Project
3.5.3. Baseline Costs and Financing 3.6.2. Quality Management Planning and 3.7.2. Involve Stakeholders 3.8.1. Control of Baselines
Procurement 3.7.3. Knowledge Management 3.8.2. Control of Resources
3.6.3. Risk Planning 3.7.4. Implement Risk Response 3.8.3. Risk Control
3.7.5. Quality Management 3.8.4. Quality Control
3.7.6. Procurement 3.8.5. Procurement Control

3.9. Project Governance 3.10. Project or Phase Closure

3.9.1. Project Governance Structures: PMO, 3.10.1. Essential Tasks in Closing
Monitoring Committee and Change 3.10.2. The Lessons Learned Register
Control Committee 3.10.3. Common Errors in Closing
3.9.2. Monitoring Communications and 3.10.4. Administrative Closing and Customer Closing
Stakeholder Engagement 3.10.5. Closure and Dissolution of the Project Team
3.9.3. Functions of the Project
Monitoring Committee
3.9.4. Functions of the Project Change
Control Committee
Structure and Content | 31

Module 4. Hard Skills for Project Management

4.1. Project Lines: Scope, Time and 4.2. Scope, Schedule and Cost Planning 4.3. Monitoring and Control of Scope, 4.4. Project Management Scorecard
Cost 4.2.1. Duration and Cost Estimation Techniques Schedule and Costs 4.4.1. Visual Representation of the Progress
4.1.1. Scope Baseline 4.2.2. Planning of Financing Requirements 4.3.1. Critical Path Method Information
4.1.2. Baseline Schedule 4.2.3. PERT Method 4.3.2. Critical Chain Method 4.4.2. Qualitative and Quantitative Scorecards
4.1.3. Cost Baseline 4.3.3. Earned Value Method 4.4.3. Key KPI and OKR Indicators

4.5. Risk Management. 4.6. Qualitative Risk Management 4.7. Quantitative Risk Management 4.8. Calculation of Reserves
4.5.1. Uncertainty, Threat, Opportunity and 4.6.1. Risk Decomposition Structures 4.7.1. Expected Monetary Value Method 4.8.1. Term and Budget Reserves
Assumption 4.6.2. Risk Identification Techniques 4.7.2. Decision Tree Method 4.8.2. Contingency Reserves
4.5.2. Risk Planning 4.6.3. Probability x Impact Matrix 4.7.3. Tornado Diagram Method 4.8.3. Management Reserves
4.5.3. Control Risks

4.9. Project Follow-up 4.10. Monte Carlo Simulation

4.9.1. Status Reports 4.10.1. Application of the Monte Carlo
4.9.2. Progress Reports Simulation Method
4.9.3. Change Log 4.10.2. Simulation of Time and Cost Range
4.10.3. Monte Carlo with Excel
32 | Structure and Content

Module 5. Predictive Project Management Methodologies and Frameworks

5.1. Differences between a Framework 5.2. PMI (Project Management 5.3. PMI's Project Management 5.4. Other PMI Management
and a Management Methodology Institute) Framework: The PMBOK Guide Frameworks
5.1.1. Historical Evolution of Predictive Project 5.2.1. The PMI Organization 5.3.1. People in Project Management 5.4.1. Program Management Standard
Management Methodologies 5.2.2. The Professional Project Manager (The 5.3.2. Business Environment in 5.4.2. Portfolio Management Standard
5.1.2. Standards, Frameworks and Best Talent Triangle) Project Management 5.4.3. Organizational Project Management
Practice Guidelines 5.2.3. Other PMI Qualifications 5.3.3. Project Management Processes Maturity Standard
5.1.3. Main Project Management Doctrine
Generating Agencies

5.5. ISO-21500 5.6. PRINCE2 5.7. Framework IPMA 5.8. Project Management Methodology
5.5.1. Project Management Process Groups (PM2)
5.6.1. Principles of Project Management 5.7.1. Project Management Perspectives
5.5.2. Project Management Subject Matter Groups
5.6.2. Project Management Topics 5.7.2. People in Project Management 5.8.1. Governance and Project Management
5.5.3. Project Management Process Framework
5.6.3. Project Management Processes 5.7.3. Project Management Practices Life Cycle
5.8.2. Project Management Processes
5.8.3. Project Management Artifacts

5.9. Logical Framework Approach (LFA) 5.10. PM4R

5.9.1. Areas of Application of MLE 5.10.1. Project Start
5.9.2. Project Matrix: Objectives, Results, Activities, 5.10.2. Project Planning
5.9.3. Practical Examples EML 5.10.3. Project Monitoring and Control
Structure and Content | 33

Module 6. Requirements Management in Predictive Projects

6.1. Requirements Management in 6.2. Requirements Management 6.3. Business Needs Assessment 6.4. Requirements Management
Predictive Projects 6.2.1. Inadequate Requirements Management as a 6.3.1. Business Need Planning
6.1.1. Business Analysis in Projects Cause of Project Failure 6.3.2. Value Proposition 6.4.1. Context of the Project
6.1.2. Project and Product Requirements 6.2.2. The Role and Function of the Business 6.3.3. Project Objectives 6.4.2. Requirements Traceability Planning
6.1.3. Obtaining Project Requirements Analyst, According to the PMI®. 6.3.4. Identification of Interested Parties 6.4.3. Requirements Management Planning
6.2.3. PMI-PBA® Certification 6.3.5. Stakeholder Values 6.4.4. Requirements Change
6.2.4. Project Management Institute (PMI®): A Management Planning
Practical Guide to Business Analysis
6.2.5. International Institute of Business Analysis
(IIBA®): Business Analysis Body of
Knowledge® (BABOK®)
6.2.6. Requirements Management Domains
6.2.7. Types of Project Requirements

6.5. Requirements Analysis 6.6. Traceability and Requirements 6.7. Evaluation of Requirements 6.8. Risk Management Associated with
6.5.1. Compilation of Requirements Control Management Project Requirements
6.5.2. Analysis, Decomposition and Elaboration 6.6.1. Traceability of Requirements 6.7.1. Validation of Test Results 6.8.1. Risk Identification Based on Project
of Requirements 6.6.2. Requirements Status Monitoring 6.7.2. Analysis of Non-Conformities (Solution Gaps) and Product Requirements
6.5.3. Comparison of the Requirements with the 6.6.3. Requirements Status Update 6.7.3. Obtaining Formal Approval of the Solution 6.8.2. Specific Risks Related to
Product Scope 6.6.4. Communication of Requirements 6.7.4. Evaluation of the Results of the Solution Requirements Management
6.5.4. Location of Requirements 6.6.5. Management of Changes in Requirements 6.8.3. Risk Management Plan Associated with
6.5.5. Obtaining Formal Approval of Requirements Requirements Traceability
6.5.6. Specification of Requirements 6.8.4. Real Options for Requirements Inaccuracy
6.5.7. Validation of Requirements
6.5.8. Specification of Acceptance Criteria

6.9. Quality Management Associated 6.10. Competencies Associated with

with Requirements Management Requirements Management
6.9.1. Project Quality and Quality Requirements 6.10.1. Business Vision
6.9.2. Requirements Management as a Critical 6.10.2. Complex Projects: Complexity Management
Factor for Project Success 6.10.3. Systemic Thinking
6.9.3. Project Quality Vs. Conformity 6.10.4. Knowledge of the Political and Social
to Requirements Environment
6.10.5. Multiculturalism
6.10.6. Facilitation Skills
34 | Structure and Content

Module 7. Technological Tools to Aid Predictive Project Management

7.1. Technological Requirements in 7.2. Roles for Collaborative Project 7.3. Requirements Analysis Tools 7.4. Communication Tools
Project Economics Management 7.3.1. Mind Mapping Tools in Virtual Teams
7.1.1. Project Economics 7.2.1. Ways to Organize Projects 7.3.2. Data Modelling Tools 7.4.1. Tools for Sharing Multimedia Objects
7.1.2. The Project Manager'sTechnology Quotient 7.2.2. Demand Management Roles 7.3.3. Prototyping Tools 7.4.2. File Sharing Tools
7.1.3. New Technological Needs and Solutions in 7.2.3. Supply Management Roles 7.4.3. Video-conferencing Tools
Project Economics

7.5. Instant Messaging Tools 7.6. Task Management Tools 7.7. Project Scheduling Tools 7.8. Reporting Tools
7.5.1. Practices with Telegram 7.6.1. Practices with Trello 7.7.1. Practical Dates Planning Practices 7.8.1. Practice with Graphs
7.5.2. Teams Internships 7.6.2. Internship with Planner 7.7.2. Cost Planning Practices 7.8.2. Practices with Pivot Tables
7.5.3. Internships with Slack 7.6.3. Practices with Asana 7.7.3. Date and Cost Control Practices 7.8.3. Power BI Internships

7.9. Project Governance Tools 7.10. The Future of Project Automation

7.9.1. Portfolio and Program 7.10.1. Artificial Intelligence Applied to Projects
Management Internships 7.10.2. Blockchain Applied to Projects
7.9.2. Multi-project Management Internships 7.10.3. Big Data Applied to Projects
7.9.3. Practices with Dashboards
Structure and Content | 35

Module 8. Leadership and People Management. Project Management and Change Management in Large Organizations
8.1. Evolution of Management. Types of 8.2. Leading in VUCA Times 8.3. Leadership in Project Management 8.4. Change Management in
Leadership 8.2.1. The Challenges of the New Normal 8.3.1. From Project Kick Off to the Closing & Organizations
8.1.1. From Team Management to Project 8.2.2. New Competencies to Develop to Be a Learn Model 8.4.1. The Change Management Model (Kotter)
Management, Leader and Manager Leader Adapted to the Vuca World 8.3.2. Management of Interrelationships Within and 8.4.2. The Change Curve (Kubler Ross)
(Kotter’s Model) 8.2.3. Leadership in a Hybrid World (the Impact of Outside the Team to Keep the Project 8.4.3. From the Business Strategy to the
8.1.2. Leading People New Models of Face-to-Face, Virtual, Moving Forward Concrete Project
8.1.3. Managing People (Management) Hybrid Work) 8.3.3. Communication Milestones, Information
and Feedback

8.5. Situational Leadership Model 8.6. Transformational Leadership Bas 8.7. Commitment Management 8.8. Performance Management
(Blanchard and Hersey) 8.6.1. From Motivation to Inspiration 8.7.1. Commitment 8.8.1. Objectives
8.5.1. Professional Maturity Level 8.6.2. To Give Meaning and Ethics, Exemplification 8.7.2. Commitment Management 8.8.2. Conduct
8.5.2. Motivation Level in an Honest Dialogue 8.7.3. How Engagement is Managed 8.8.3. Skills
8.5.3. Adaptation to Circumstances, Context 8.6.3. Constant Preparation as Adaptation and 8.8.4. Personal Development Plans
and Collaborators Anticipation of the Future

8.9. P.E.R.A. Management Model. 8.10. The Leadership Contract or the

8.9.1. Plan – Execute Accountability Model of Vince
8.9.2. Reporting – Feedback Molinaro
8.9.3. Sense of Urgency and Action Plans 8.10.1. Responsibility
8.10.2. From Challenge to Action
8.10.3. Management of Difficult Situations
and Decisions
8.10.4. The Transversal Network: Network of the
Future, the New Social Business Model
8.10.5. Conclusions: Review of the Integration
of the Models in Our Daily Leadership in
Management and Project Management
36 | Structure and Content

Module 9. Competencies and Abilities (Soft Skills) for Project Managers

9.1. Competencies of the Project 9.2. Communication, an Essential 9.3. Inspiring: Vision, Empathy and 9.4. Negotiation and Conflict
Manager Competency Assertiveness Management
9.1.1. Technical Competencies 9.2.1. Communication. 9.3.1. Inspire with Vision 9.4.1. Negotiation and Stakeholder Relations
9.1.2. Competencies as a Leader Manager 9.2.2. Ask Questions 9.3.2. Empathy, Putting Yourself in Other 9.4.2. Mediation and Conflict Resolution
9.1.3. Competencies as a Team Leader 9.2.3. Listening with all Senses People's Places 9.4.3. Courageous Conversations
9.1.4. Adaptation of Competencies to Remote, 9.3.3. Defense of their Own and the
Digital and Virtual Leadership. Differences Project's Interests
with Face-to-Face Relationships
9.1.5. Training for Continuous Skills Improvement
for the 21st Century Through Core Skills

9.5. Personal Productivity and 9.6. Decision-Making 9.7. Ethics and Professional 9.8. Initiative, Curiosity, Proactivity,
Effectiveness 9.6.1. Requests for Justified Alternatives Responsibility for Project Creativity and Innovation.
9.5.1. Time Management 9.6.2. Speed in the Decision-Making Process Management 9.8.1. Training Keys for Proactivity and Initiative
9.5.2. Personal Organization (Sense of Urgency) 9.8.2. Creativity Training Exercises
9.7.1. Ethics in the Management of Projects
9.5.3. Resilience and Stress Management 9.6.3. Decision-making Tools 9.8.3. Systematics for Moving from Creativity
9.7.2. Application of Ethical Criteria
9.6.4. The Key to Databases (Big Data) to Innovation
9.7.3. Making Difficult Decisions
9.6.5. Application of the Test and Learn Model

9.9. Teamwork 9.10. Competence Development of the

9.9.1. Stages of Team Maturity Project Manager
9.9.2. Collaboration for Creativity 9.10.1. "Competence Gap".
9.9.3. Management of Enriching and Satisfying 9.10.2. Growth and Improvement Options
Meetings and Encounters and Strategies
9.9.4. Feedback and Feedforward: the Keys to 9.10.3. Personal Development Plan
Giving, Asking for and Receiving Feedback 9.10.4. "Our Results Are Our Teachers."
9.9.5. Feedback of Recognition, Constructive
Criticism by Measuring Feedforward
9.9.6. Action Plans using the CSS Tool
(Continue Start Stop)
Structure and Content | 37

Module 10. Legal Aspects for Project Management

10.1. Organization of a Multinational 10.2. Project Management in an 10.3. Legal Environment for a Project 10.4. Bodies to Turn to in the Event of a
10.1.1. Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises International Environment. Manager Conflict in the Project. Jurisdiction
10.1.2. Types of Organizations according to their International Contracting Budgets 10.3.1. Liability Mechanisms for and Enforcement of Judgements
Structure and Degree of Decentralization Contractual Agreements
10.2.1. Legal Fractionation and Permeability 10.4.1. Exclusive Forums and General Forum
10.1.3. Role of the Legal Department and 10.3.2. Contract and Contract Management
10.2.2. Object. Conceptual Precisions 10.4.2. Forum on Real Property Rights and
Identification of Stakeholders with 10.3.3. Obligations and Duties According
10.2.3. Sectors of Private International Law Lease Agreements
Regulatory or Legal Influence to the Type of Contract
10.2.4. Principle of Relativity 10.4.3. Forum on Legal Entities
10.2.5. Regulatory Sources 10.3.4. Monitoring of Compliance with 10.4.4. Validity or Nullity of Entries in Public Records
Contractual Obligations 10.4.5. Special Forums
10.4.6. Contractual Obligations Forum
10.4.7. Non-contractual Obligations Forum
10.4.8. Relevant Obligation
10.4.9. Express and Tacit Submission
10.4.10. Lis Pendens and Connectivity
10.4.11. Basic Notions on Jurisdiction and
Enforcement of Judgements

10.5. Responsibility 10.6. Alternative Dispute Resolution 10.7. Legal Aspects of Supplier 10.8. Requirements for Effective Third-
10.5.1. Product Liability (ADR) Mechanisms Applied to Management Party Communication in the Legal
10.5.2. Third-Party Liability Project Management 10.7.1. Procurement Cycle (Purchasing) in the Field
10.5.3. Insurance to be Contracted Company 10.8.1. Information Security and Privacy Measures
10.6.1. Arbitration. Contractual Requirements for
Requesting Arbitrations 10.7.2. Procurement Control Mechanisms 10.8.2. Data Protection. National and International
10.6.2. Functioning of an Arbitration Court 10.7.3. Legal Risks of the Relationship Aspects. GDPR
10.6.3. Mediation and Conciliation with the Supplier 10.8.3. Direct Marketing and Legitimate Interest
International Mediation 10.7.4. Insurance and Penalties. Advantages 10.8.4. Corporate Control of the Employee
10.6.4. Advantages and Disadvantages and Disadvantages 10.8.5. Types of Relationship with Third Parties
10.8.6. Complaints and Dispute Resolution

10.9. Internet Regulatory Framework 10.10. Costs and Risks for the Project Legal Aspects of Project
Associated with Regulations and Regulations to be Generated and Controlled
10.9.1. Regulation, Self-Regulation
from a PMO
and Co-Regulation Legality Project Management under
10.9.2. Internet Governance and Domain 10.10.1. Identification and Prioritization of Risks Agreements and Grants
Name Management Based on Legal Aspects Types of Official Project Reports:
10.9.3. Network Neutrality and 10.10.2. Estimate of Legal Costs and Reserves to be Executive Summary, Reports, Evaluations,
Technological Convergence Included in the Project Budget Assessments, Audits and Reviews. Legal
10.9.4. Rights on the Internet: Right to Honor, Right 10.10.3. Legal Impact Control in an International Aspects to be Included or Complied with
to Privacy, Image Rights Environment
10.9.5. E-Commerce and Consumers 10.10.4. The PMO (Project Management Office).
10.9.6. Intellectual Property in the Internet Legal Aspects
Field. Copyrights Legal and PMO Support to
10.9.7. Digital Assets and Protection Measures Project Management
10.9.8. Protection of the Online Marketplace
This academic program offers students a different way of learning. Our methodology
uses a cyclical learning approach: Relearning.
This teaching system is used, for example, in the most prestigious medical schools in
the world, and major publications such as the New England Journal of Medicine have
considered it to be one of the most effective.
Methodology | 39

Discover Relearning, a system that abandons

conventional linear learning, to take you through
cyclical teaching systems: a way of learning that
has proven to be extremely effective, especially in
subjects that require memorization"
40 | Methodology

TECH Business School uses the Case Study

to contextualize all content
Our program offers a revolutionary approach to developing skills and
knowledge. Our goal is to strengthen skills in a changing, competitive, and
highly demanding environment.

At TECH, you will experience a learning

methodology that is shaking the foundations
of traditional universities around the world"

This program prepares you to face business

challenges in uncertain environments and
achieve business success.
Methodology | 41

A learning method that is different and innovative

This TECH program is an intensive educational program, created from scratch to
present executives with challenges and business decisions at the highest level,
whether at the national or international level. This methodology promotes personal
and professional growth, representing a significant step towards success. The
case method, a technique that lays the foundation for this content, ensures that
the most current economic, social and business reality is taken into account.

You will learn, through collaborative

activities and real cases, how to
solve complex situations in real
business environments"

The case method has been the most widely used learning system among the
world's leading business schools for as long as they have existed. The case method
was developed in 1912 so that law students would not only learn the law based
on theoretical content. It consisted of presenting students with real-life, complex
situations for them to make informed decisions and value judgments on how to
resolve them. In 1924, Harvard adopted it as a standard teaching method.
Our program prepares you to face new What should a professional do in a given situation? This is the question we face
challenges in uncertain environments and in the case method, an action-oriented learning method. Throughout the program,
the studies will be presented with multiple real cases. They must integrate all their
achieve success in your career.
knowledge, research, argue and defend their ideas and decisions.
42 | Methodology

Relearning Methodology
TECH effectively combines the Case Study methodology with a 100%
online learning system based on repetition, which combines different
teaching elements in each lesson.

We enhance the Case Study with the best 100% online teaching
method: Relearning.

Our online system will allow you to organize

your time and learning pace, adapting it to
your schedule. You will be able to access
the contents from any device with an
internet connection.

At TECH you will learn using a cutting-edge methodology designed

to train the executives of the future. This method, at the forefront of
international teaching, is called Relearning.

Our online business school is the only one in the world licensed to
incorporate this successful method. In 2019, we managed to improve
our students' overall satisfaction levels (teaching quality, quality of
materials, course structure, objectives...) based on the best online
university indicators.
Methodology | 43

In our program, learning is not a linear process, but rather a spiral (learn, unlearn,
forget, and re-learn). Therefore, we combine each of these elements concentrically.
With this methodology we have trained more than 650,000 university graduates
with unprecedented success in fields as diverse as biochemistry, genetics, surgery,
international law, management skills, sports science, philosophy, law, engineering,
journalism, history, markets, and financial instruments. All this in a highly demanding
environment, where the students have a strong socio-economic profile and an
average age of 43.5 years.

Relearning will allow you to learn with less effort

and better performance, involving you more in
your specialization, developing a critical mindset,
defending arguments, and contrasting opinions: a
direct equation to success.

From the latest scientific evidence in the field of neuroscience, not only do we know
how to organize information, ideas, images and memories, but we know that the
place and context where we have learned something is fundamental for us to be able
to remember it and store it in the hippocampus, to retain it in our long-term memory.

In this way, and in what is called neurocognitive context-dependent e-learning, the

different elements in our program are connected to the context where the individual
carries out their professional activity.
44 | Methodology

This program offers the best educational material, prepared with professionals in mind:

Study Material
All teaching material is produced by the specialists who teach the course, specifically

for the course, so that the teaching content is highly specific and precise.
These contents are then applied to the audiovisual format, to create the TECH online
working method. All this, with the latest techniques that offer high quality pieces in each
and every one of the materials that are made available to the student.

There is scientific evidence suggesting that observing third-party experts can
be useful.
Learning from an Expert strengthens knowledge and memory, and generates
confidence in future difficult decisions.

Management Skills Exercises

They will carry out activities to develop specific executive competencies in each
thematic area. Practices and dynamics to acquire and develop the skills and abilities
that a high-level manager needs to develop in the context of the globalization we live in.
8% 3%
Additional Reading
Recent articles, consensus documents and international guidelines, among others.
In TECH's virtual library, students will have access to everything they need to
complete their course.
Methodology | 45

Case Studies
Students will complete a selection of the best case studies chosen specifically for
this program. Cases that are presented, analyzed, and supervised by the best senior

management specialists in the world.

Interactive Summaries
The TECH team presents the contents attractively and dynamically in multimedia
lessons that include audio, videos, images, diagrams, and concept maps in order to
reinforce knowledge.
This exclusive educational system for presenting multimedia content was awarded
by Microsoft as a "European Success Story".

15% Testing & Retesting

We periodically evaluate and re-evaluate students’ knowledge throughout the
4% program, through assessment and self-assessment activities and exercises, so that
they can see how they are achieving their goals.
Our Students’ Profiles
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies
is a program aimed at professionals who wish to improve their skills through quality
education. Students who want to update their knowledge, discover new ways to manage
projects and advance their careers. A program aimed at professionals with experience,
but who believe in continuous updating of knowledge as a method for personal and
professional improvement.
Our Students’ Profiles | 47

TECH students are professionals

with extensive experience who
are looking for a better job"
48 | Our Students’ Profiles

Average Age Training

Between 35 and 45 years old Economics and Business 32%

Design 15%

Engineering 32%
Years of Experience
Social Sciences 8%

More than 15 years 24% Other 13%

Up to 5 years 17%

5 to 10 years 30% Academic Profile

10 to 15 years 29% Corporate Management 23%

Project Manager 32%

Entrepreneurs 20%

Industry 15%

Other 10%
Our Students’ Profiles | 49

Geographical Distribution

USA 9%

Spain 38%

Mexico 21%

Colombia 7%

Chile 5%

Argentina 12%

Peru 2%

Others 6%

Jaime Díaz
Project Manager

"Although I had been working in Project Management for years, I felt that I had become
stagnant. Therefore, I decided to broaden my studies and catch up with new work
methodologies. Luckily, I found this TECH Executive Master’s Degree, which has given me
the opportunity to improve my daily practice, achieving the skills demanded by today's
companies. Undoubtedly, it has been the boost I needed to improve in my profession"
Course Management
The teachers of this Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive
Methodologies are professionals with extensive experience in the sector, both
professionally and educationally. People with great prestige who understand the
importance of higher education to achieve a better qualified community, capable of
adapting to the changes in society and the demands of companies. In this way, TECH
teachers have compiled the most updated information on this subject to offer it to their
students in a faithful and didactic way.
Course Management | 51

The faculty of this program has selected

the most relevant information for your
professional development"
52 | Course Management


Mr. Pérez Pérez, Manuel Felipe

Š Senior Project Manager – EQUIDEA
Š Project Manager - AYDEM Consulting
Š Consultant/Trainer in Organizational Development and Project Management
Š Head of Training for Postgraduate Studies of the College of Computer Engineers of Madrid
Š Technical Telecommunications Engineering - UPM
Š Telecommunication Systems Engineering - UPM
Š European Engineer EUR-ING - FEANI
Š PMP ® (Project Management Professional) - PMI ID: 1767390 Nov 2014
Š Advanced Agile Project Management Program. SCRUM
Course Management | 53

Mr. Barato, José Ms. Servajean, Maitena
Š Director of PMPEOPLE Š General Manager, Representative of Bedor Excem in Spain
Š Freelance Trainer Š Executive Coaching and Human Resources Mentoring
Š Telecommunications Engineer. Polytechnic University of Madrid Š Master's Degree in Hispanic Philology. Jean Jaurés University - (Toulouse le Mirail)
Š PMP ® (Project Management Professional) ID: 70285 Š Certified in Coaching by CCUI (International Corporate Training University).
Š PMI-ACP ® (Agile Certified Practitioner) ID: 1624784 Š Superior Women and Leadership Program. Rafael del Pino Foundation
Š Diploma in Accounting and Finance. ESINE Š Certified in Values Transformation Tools
Š Regular Speaker at Project Management Conferences
Dr. García Nieto, Evelyn
Ms. Abeijón Pérez, Isabel Š Engineer in charge of the Department of surgical planning, design, additive
Š Legal Director in Spain, Portugal and Andorra for KIKO Milano manufacturing and management of customized systems at Maxilaria Surgery, S.L.
Š Real Estate Director Š Biomedical Engineer at Meirovich Consulting
Š Professor of Postgraduate Studies. CPIICM Š Director of organization of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics and Biomaterials
Š Associate Professor at the College of Computer Experts of Madrid. (SIBB) Congresses
Š Trainer and Instructional Designer of Online Content. AYDEM CONSULTING S.L Š PhD in Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Š Law Degree. Autonomous University of Madrid Š Industrial Engineer by the ETSI Industrial - Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Š Degree in Business Administration and Management. Autonomous University Š Mechanical Engineer from the University of Pinar del Río-Cuba
of Madrid
Mr. Gómez de la Parra García, Pablo
Š Researcher on the Development of Legal Competencies in Groups without Š Service Manager of complex projects in T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU
Legal Backgrounds
Š Degree in Computer Engineering-UAM
Š Master's Degree in Cybersecurity Research
Š PMP ® (Project Management Professional)
Š Associate Professor at the College of Computer Experts in Madrid
Impact on Your Career
TECH Global University is aware that taking a program of these characteristics is a
great economic, professional and, of course, personal investment for the student.
The ultimate goal of this great effort should be to achieve professional growth. This is
achieved thanks to an academic program that offers the best educational offer of the
moment in this sector. A program designed to support students at the educational level,
so that they develop the necessary skills to successfully manage in this field.
Impact on Your Career | 55

TECH puts all of its academic resources at the

disposal of its students so they acquire the
necessary skills that will lead them to success”
56 | Impact on Your Career

Are you ready to take the leap?

Excellent professional development awaits you
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies
at TECH Global University is an intensive and highly valuable program aimed at
improving students' job skills in an area of wide competence. Undoubtedly, it is a
unique opportunity to improve professionally, but also personally, as it involves A program of high
The completion effort and dedication. academic standing
of this Executive Students who wish to improve themselves, achieve a positive change at a professional to lead your career
Master’s Degree will level and interact with the best, will find their place at TECH Global University. to success.
allow students to
acquire the necessary
competitiveness to When the change occurs
make a radical change
During the program During the first year After 2 years
in their career.
25% 40% 35%

Type of change

Internal Promotion 33%

Change of Company 39%
Entrepreneurship 28%
Impact on Your Career | 57

Salary increase

This program represents a salary increase of more than 25.22% for our students

Salary before A salary increase of Salary after

$57,900 25.22% $72,500

Benefits for Your Company
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies
contributes to elevate the organization's talent to its maximum potential through the
specialization of high-level leaders. A program that adapts to students so they acquire the
necessary tools that, later on, they will be able to apply in their daily practice, achieving
great benefits for their company. In addition, participating in this academic itinerary is
a unique opportunity to access a powerful network of contacts in which to find future
professional partners, clients or suppliers.
Benefits for Your Company | 59

It provides your company with a global vision of

Project Management and offers new perspectives
that will lead your business to success"
60 | Benefits for Your Company

Developing and retaining talent in companies is the best

long-term investment.

Intellectual Capital and Talent Growth Building agents of change

01 The professional will introduce the company to new
concepts, strategies, and perspectives that can bring about 03 The professional will be able to make decisions in times
of uncertainty and crisis, helping the organization
significant changes in the organization. overcome obstacles.

Retaining high-potential executives to avoid Increased international expansion possibilities

02 talent drain
This program strengthens the link between the company 04 Thanks to this program, the company will come into contact
with the main markets in the world economy.
and the executive and opens new avenues for professional
growth within the company.
Benefits for Your Company | 61

Project Development
05 The professional will be work on a current project
or develop new projects in the field of R&D or
Business Development within their company.

Increased competitiveness
06 This program will equip students with the skills to take
on new challenges and drive the organization forward.
The Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive
Methodologies guarantees students, in addition to the most rigorous and
up-to-date education, access to an Executive Master’s Degree issued by
TECH Global University.
Certificate | 63

Successfully complete this program and receive

your university qualification without having to
travel or fill out laborious paperwork"
64 | Certificate

This program will allow you to obtain your Executive Master’s Degree diploma in Project This TECH Global University title is a European program of continuing education and professional
Management with Predictive Methodologies endorsed by TECH Global University, the world’s updating that guarantees the acquisition of competencies in its area of knowledge, providing a
largest online university. high curricular value to the student who completes the program.

TECH Global University is an official European University publicly recognized by the Government Title: Executive Master’s Degree in Project Management with Predictive Methodologies
of Andorra (official bulletin). Andorra is part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
Modality: online
since 2003. The EHEA is an initiative promoted by the European Union that aims to organize
the international training framework and harmonize the higher education systems of the Duration: 12 months

member countries of this space. The project promotes common values, the implementation of Accreditation: 60 ECTS
collaborative tools and strengthening its quality assurance mechanisms to enhance collaboration
and mobility among students, researchers and academics.

*Apostille Convention. In the event that the student wishes to have their paper diploma issued with an apostille, TECH Global University will make the necessary arrangements to obtain it, at an additional cost.
Executive Master’s Degree
Project Management
with Predictive
» Modality: online
» Duration: 12 months
» Certificate: TECH Global University
» Credits: 60 ECTS
» Schedule: at your own pace
» Exams: online
Executive Master’s Degree
Project Management with
Predictive Methodologies

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