Notes - Machine Shop
Notes - Machine Shop
Notes - Machine Shop
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Lathe is a machine, which removes the metal from a piece of work to the required shape & size.
The lathe is a machine tool used principally for shaping artic les of metal, wood, or other
Types of Lathes:
Lathes can be conveniently classified as engine lathes, turret lathes, and special purpose lathes.
All engine lathes and most turret and special purpose lathes have horizontal spindles and, for that
reason, are sometimes referred to as horizontal lathes. The smaller lathes in all classes may be
classified as bench lathes or floor or pedestal lathes.
1. Wood Lathes
The simplest lathe type is the wood lathe. As the name suggests, it is designed for turning wood.
Wood lathes are small machines consisting of a bed, headstock, tailstock and tool rest. There are
The spindle is usually driven by a belt connected to a motor, and speed changes are made by
manually moving the belt to one of several pulleys mounted to the back of the spindle.
Lathe tools are held manually against the work, with the support of the tool rest. The tool rest is
adjustable and is clamped to the bed at a position convenient for the operation at hand.
2. Engine Lathes
Engine lathes are the classic metal turning workhorses of the production machine shop. They
come in many sizes and are adaptable to working virtually any material. These machines have a
longitudinal bed to which is mounted a headstock and tailstock.
As in the wood lathe, the headstock contains the spindle. However, the spindle drive is more
complex, including variable speed capability or selectable gearing to provide a much wider range
of speeds. A carriage moves back forth on bed ways for longitudinal turning. A cross-slide and
compound rest are mounted to the top of the carriage to provide cross and angular cutting
The lathe cutting tools are moved against the work manually using hand wheels or automatically
under the power of a lead screw that is driven by gears in the headstock.
The tool room lathe is a small- to medium-sized engine lathe specially designed for high-
precision work. These machines find use in tool and die shops, where custom parts and precision
fixtures are produced, often in support of production machining operations.
Tool room lathes are manufactured with special attention to spindle accuracy, smooth operation
and precise alignment of the carriage and cross slide. A tool room lathe is capable of better
accuracy and precision than a standard engine lathe.
4. Turret Lathe
Turret lathes are used in production machine shops where several sequential operations are
needed on single workpiece. It is costly and time consuming to remove a workpiece from one
machine and hold it in another. Removing and reholding a workpiece also introduces errors in
work alignment and machining accuracy.
5. CNC Lathe
Computer numerically controlled lathes have largely supplanted engine lathes in production
machining environments. CNC lathes offer the advantages of greater powered axis drives,
feedback control to monitor and maintain tool positioning and high-speed repeatability of
complex machine motions. Once a program is verified, an operation can be quickly set up again
without the need for tedious manual adjustments.
CNC lathes excel at cutting curved contours without the need for specially shaped tools. This is
done by programmed variation of the speed of two motion axes and the spindle simultaneously---
an operation that is impossible with other manual lathes.
It commonly has an 8 to 12 inch swing and a 3 to 5 foot bed length, the size being limited by the
practicality of bench mounting. The bench upon which the lathe is mounted may be a standard
wood-topped shop bench or a special metal lathe bench with drawers for storing the lathe
The bench-type engine lathe is generally powered by an electric motor, mounted to the be nch
behind the lathe headstock, and is driven by means of a flat leather belt. Some bench lathes use
an underneath motor drive where the drive belt passes through a hole in the bench. This
arrangement is convenient where space in the shop is limited. The benchtype engine lathe is
generally equipped with the necessary tools, chucks, lathe dogs, and centers for normal
operation. The lathe may have a quickchange gearbox for rapid change of threading feeds, or
gears may have to be installed singly or in combination to achieve the proper threading feeds.
Bed: Almost all lathes have a horizontal beam is called as bed. It has guide ways on it for sliding
and supporting tail stock and carriage.
Head stock:
At one end of the bed (almost always the left, as the operator faces the lathe) is a headstock. It
contains drive mechanism with necessary speed change arrangement to achieve different speeds.
It also has chuck which is used to hold the job.
Tail stock:
It is places opposite to headstock. It can move along guide ways. Its main applications are to
hold long jobs to avoid vibrations and excessive deformation and for drilling axial holes in the
Carriage : It is located between head stock and tail stock. It can be moved in longitudinal
direction and can be fixed at any position. Carriage has following parts
a. Saddle : Its base portion, located across lathe bed and carries cross slide and tool post, it can be
moved longitudinally along the bed.
b. Apron: it is attached to saddle and appears as hanging on front side. It consists of gears for
motion transmission.
c. Cross slide : it is mounted on top of the saddle and acts as support to compound rest
d. Compound rest: This part of the carriage can be rotated to a specific angle by undoing the
two locknuts. This is useful for making angle cuts It is mounted on cross slide and it consists of
swivel and top slide. The tool post is mounted on top slide.
e. Tool-post: The tool post is the attachment point for the tool holder, in which the lathe tool bit
is installed. The nut at the top of the tool post allows the tool post to be rotated if necessary.
A machine tool is no more efficient than its cutting tool. There is nothing in shop work that
should be given more thoughtful consideration than cutting tools. Time is always wasted if an
improperly shaped tool is used. The cutting action of the tool depends on its shape and its
adjustment in the holding device.
Cutter bits are made from several types of steel, the most common of which are
1) Carbon steel: The carbon-steel tool will give good results as long as constant care is taken to
avoid overheating.
2) High-Speed Steel. High-speed steel is alloyed with tungsten and sometimes with chromium,
vanadium, or molybdenum.
3) Tungsten Carbide. Tungsten carbide is used to tip cutter bits when maximum speed and
efficiency is required for materials which are d ifficult to machine.
4) Tantalum Carbide and Titanium Carbide. These cutting tools are similar to tungsten carbide
tools but are used mostly for machining steel where extreme heavy cuts are taken and heat and
pressure tend to deform the cutting edge of the other types of cutting tools.
Workpieces are held to the headstock spindle of the lathe with chucks. A lathe chuck is a device
that exerts pressure on the work piece to hold it secure to the headstock spindle or tailstock
Independent chuck
The independent chuck generally has four jaws which are adjusted
individually on the chuck face by means of adjusting screws.
Drill Chuck
The drill chuck is a small universal- type chuck which can be used in either the headstock spindle
or in the tailstock for holding straight-shank drills, reamers, taps, or small-diameter work pieces.
Lathe centers are the most common devices for supporting work pieces in a lathe headstock
spindle and one in the tailstock spindle. The centers are referred to as live centres or dead
centers, depending upon whether they move with the work piece or remain stationary.
TURNING: Turning is a lathe operation in which the cutting tool removes metal from the
outside diameter of a workpiece.
STEP TURNING: It is the process of obtaining different diameters on a work piece along the
length by adjusting depth of the tool
TAPER TURNING: It is the process of giving the angle to the work piece with the help of
compound slide.
Boring is an operation in which a hole is enlarged with a single point cutting tool. A boring bar is
used to support the cutting tool as it extends into the hole. Because of the extension of the boring
bar, the tool is supported less rigidly and is more likely to chatter. This can be corrected by using
slower spindle speeds or by grinding a smaller radius on the nose of the tool.A boring tool is
essentially a sharp blade that plugs into the tool holder on a lathe going straight into the center of
the workpiece. As you turn the workpiece, the boring tool cuts material; as you move the cross-
slide, the boring tool cuts a larger and larger diameter hole.
A forming process that adds a pattern on the exterior of a work piece, either for cosmet ic reasons
or better handling. Or the cutting of a serrated pattern onto the surface of a part to use as a hand
grip using a special purpose knurling tool.
Knurling Process on Lathe:
One of the methods of cutting off a piece of stock while it is held in a lathe is a process called
parting. This process uses a specially shaped tool with a cutting edge similar to that of a square
nose cutting tool. The parting tool is fed into the rotating workpiece, perpendicular to its axis,
cutting a progressively deeper groove as the workpiece rotates. When the cutting edge of the tool
gets to the center of the workpiece being parted, the workpiece drops off. Parting is used to cut
off parts that have already been machined in the lathe, or to cut tubing and bar stock to their
required lengths.
It is the process of removing the material from the end surface or face of work piece. A lathe can
be used to create a smooth, flat, face very accurately perpendicular to the axis of a cylindrical
part. First, clamp the part securely in a lathe chuck. Then, install a facing tool. Bring the tool
approximately into position, but slightly off of the part. Always turn the spindle by hand before
turning it on. This ensures that no parts interfere with the rotation of the spindle. Move the tool
outside the part and adjust the saddle to take the desired depth of cut. Then, feed the tool across
the face with the cross slide. The following clip shows a roughing cut being made; about 50
thousandths are being removed in one pass. If a finer finish is required, take just a few
thousandths on the final cut and use the power feed. Be careful clearing the ribbon- like chips;
They are very sharp. Do not clear the chips while the spindle is turning. After facing, there is a
very sharp edge on the part. Break the edge with a file.
Reaming is a sizing operation that removes a small amount of metal from a hole already drilled.
The reamer is the tool used for this operation.
3/4" 3/4"
3/4 "
1/2 "
To perform the facing, plain turning and step turning in a centre lathe on the given cylindrical
work piece for the given dimensions.
Mild steel rod of specified length and diameter.
Single point cutting tool, measuring compass or vernier calliper, chuck key & tool post key
The dimensions of the given cylindrical work piece is checked.
The work piece is held in the chuck properly and tightened by chuck key
The single point cutting tool is held on tool post and tightened by tool post key.
The facing operation is done on both side of the work piece to get the required length.
The plain turning operation is done on work piece to get the initial dimension.
Then the plain turning operation is further continued to specific dimension to form steps.
Thus the step turning operation is done on the given work piece.
Finally the dimensions are checked using vernier calliper before work piece is removed
from the chuck.
Thus the work piece for the required dimensions is obtained by performing facing, pla in turning
& step turning operations in lathe.
To perform the taper turning using compound rest in a centre lathe on the given cylindrical work
piece for the given dimensions.
Mild steel rod of specified length and diameter.
Single point cutting tool, measuring compass or vernier calliper, chuck key & tool post key
Thus the work piece for the required dimensions is obtained by performing taper turning using
compound rest in lathe.