Class 101
Class 101
Class 101
Purok 7, New Lucban Interior
Baguio City 2600
Welcome To
Discovering Church
We’re glad you’ve chosen to find out more about this church! This class is the basic introduction to our church
family. Since we have members from many different church backgrounds, this class was designed to clearly
explain who and what our church is.
“…You are a member of God’s very own family…and you belong in God’s household with every other
Christian.” Eph.2:19 (LB)
Key Truths:
1. The church is a family.
2. God expects you to be a member of a church family.
3. A Christian without a church family is orphan.
Seminar Outline
“For now we are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and we who have been baptized into
union with Christ are enveloped by Him. We are no longer Jews or Gentiles, or slaves or free. Men, or even
merely men or women, but we are all the same- we are Christians; we are one in Jesus Christ!” Gal.3:26-28
I. Why am I here?
1. God made me to love me! Eph.1:4-5
2. We were created to enjoy a personal relationship with God and to manage all of the rest of God’s
creation! This makes us special! Gen.1:27-28; 1Tim.6:17; Jn.10:10
3. When we know and love God, and live in harmony with His purpose for our lives, it produces
tremendous benefits in our lives.
Clear conscience Life & peace Help with weakness
Rom.8:1 Rom.8:6 Rom.8:26
Purpose Confidence Security
Rom.8:28 Rom.8:31 Rom.8:39
Power & strength Fulfillment Freedom
Phil.4:13 Phil.4:19 Jn.8:32-36
This is the kind of lifestyle God intends for us to live. Why then aren’t most people really happy?
When people have problems, they often try many different ways of coping before turning to God.
Even when we know that our deepest need is God, we often try wrong ways of getting to know Him:
“My mother was a Christian so…”
“It doesn’t matter what you believe, just be sincere.”
“I’ll give up all my bad habits.”
“I’ll work real hard and earn it.”
“I’ll be religious and go to church.”
“Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” Rom.10:13
Jesus never asked His disciples to remember His birth. But He did instruct them to remember His death and
resurrection. He gave the church two visible symbols (called “ordinance”) as reminders of His death. These two
ordinances are: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is an object lesson that represents a great
spiritual truth for believers.
IV. When and how often should we observe the Lord’s Supper?
Jesus never said when or how often believers should observe the Lord’s Supper. He instituted it on a
Thursday night. Since it is a “supper” it may seem more appropriate to observe it at an evening
“Let there be real harmony among you so there won’t be any split with you to be of one mind, united in thought
and purpose.” 1Cor.1:10 (LB)
Expressions of worship
Singing - Eph.5:19 Giving – 1Cor.16:1-2
Commitment – Rom.12:1-2 Meditating – Hab.2:20
Praying – Ps.95:6 Hearing the Word – Jn.17:17
The church worship style
Celebration Inspiration Preparation
Ps.122:1 Isa.40:31 Eph.4:11-12
2. Because God commands us to reach out – Lk.14:23; Ac.1:8
3. Because growth is God’s will – Col.2:19; Mt.16:18
Unbiblical excuses for not growing:
“God isn’t interested in numbers.”
“Our church wants quality not quantity.”
“Large churches are impersonal.”
We believe our church must grow larger in Sunday morning and smaller (by being in a small group) at the
same time.
“And the Good News of the Kingdom will be preached to the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and
then the end will come.” Mt.24:14
1. We believe in the One Triune God: the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
2. We believe that Jesus, the Son of God, came in the flesh (Jn.1:14) by conception through the Holy Spirit
(Mt.1:18-20) and was born of a virgin woman, Mary, and that He died and rose again (1Thess.4:14), and
that salvation is secured only through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph.2:8-9).
3. We believe in being born again through faith, being born of water and the Holy Spirit to enter the
Kingdom of God (Jn.3:3-5).
4. We believe in being filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit to guarantee our redemption (2Cor.1:22;
Eph.1:13-14) and for victorious life and effective witness and service (Ac.1:4-8).
5. We believe in the flight (Mt.24:20) or rapture of the true believers to meet Jesus in the air (1Thess.4:17)
and that He is coming again with His saints to reign for a thousand years in the millennium (Rev.20:4-6).
6. We believe in the final judgment and eternal punishment of the wicked in the fire of hell (Mt.13:41-42;
Rev.20:11-15), but the righteous to eternal life (Mt.25:46).
7. We believer that this first heaven and earth will pass away and there will be a new heaven and new earth
and there will be no more death or pain (Rev.21:1-5).
8. We believe in the Holy Bible as the written Word of God and that His Word will never return void nor
fail to accomplish everything that has been written (Isa.55:10-11; Mt. 5-18).
9. We believe that Jesus Christ is one mediator between God and man (1Tim.2:5) and He is the Great High
Priest who continually intercedes at the right hand of God the Father for the saints (Heb.4:14; 8:1).
10. We believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb.13:8), and He still does
powerful life-changing miracles today through His anointed servants and believers (Mk.16:17-18;
Our Lifestyle Statement
What We Practice
Beliefs are not worth much unless they are translated into actions. Based on what the Bible teaches, we feel
very strongly about the following six practices:
Tithing – Lev.26:30
We practice tithing for the support of Christ’s body, the church, as God commands. We recognize that giving
10% of our income is the Biblical standard of giving.
Immersion – Col.2:12
We practice baptism by immersion under water – the way Jesus was baptized, and the way the Bible commands.
Our Hymn:
Our Pledge:
I love the Lord my God with all my soul and with all my mind. He is my Creator and the Savior on my soul. He
protects my life, my family, my all. He gives me strength to endure my trials and persecutions and lifts me up
each time I fall.
In return I will serve Him with all my life, my whole, to do His will all the time I hear His call. I will cherish
and obey His Word, His laws, and His commands. I will share Jesus Christ to everyone at every chance to
witness and testify of His wonderful deeds for men.
I will love and uphold and devout myself to the family of true believers in Jesus Christ and will support His
Gospel by which I have seen the light and gained my salvation.
I renounce and shake off every bondage of the evil one, every sin and wickedness of the flesh and continually
seek after righteousness. I will always be a true and free believer in Jesus Christ all the days of my life.
(Paul) “I have been all things to all sorts of people that by every possible means I might win some to God. I
do all of this for the sake of the Good News.” 1Cor.9:22-23
1- Core = Ministries
2- Committed=
Maturing Members
3- Congregation=
Members 3 2 1
4- Crowd =
Regular members
5- Community = Unchurched
& occasional attenders
The church’s objective is to keep moving people toward the center by encouraging personal spiritual
commitments. Specifically, we call people to four basic commitments:
The Four Church Covenants:
1. The membership covenant …
Is a commitment to Christ and our church family. Eph.2:19;
3. The maturing covenant…
Is a commitment to the habits necessary for spiritual growth.
2Pet.3:18; 1Tim.4:7
4. The ministry covenant…
Is a commitment to discovering and using my God-given gifts
and abilities in God and others. 1Pet.4:10; 1Cor.12:5, 27
5. The missions covenant…
Is a commitment to share the Good News with others. Ac.1:8;
“For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace… everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.”
1Cor.14:33, 40
Our structure
The people are the ministers.
The pastors are the administers
4. The church is a flock- Jn.10:1-30; Mt. 26:31; 25:33
Therefore, it is cared for and led by shepherds- Jn.21:16-17; 1Pet.5:1-2; Ac.20:17, 18, 28
What it means to be a member
At this church we recognize the need for a formal membership. We ask you to commit to membership for four
1. A biblical reason: Christ is committed to the church- Eph.5:25
2. A cultural reason: It is an antidote to our society
We live in an age where very few want to be committed to anything…a
job… a marriage…our country. This attitude has even produced a
generation of “church shoppers and hoppers”. It is an unselfish decision. Commitment always builds
1. A practical reason: It defines who can be counted on.
Every team must have a roster. Every school must have an enrollment. Every business has a payroll.
Every army has an enlistment. Even our country takes a census and requires voter registration.
Membership identifies our family.
2. A personal reason: it produces spiritual growth.
The New Testament places a major emphasis on the need for Christian to be accountable to each other
for spiritual growth. You cannot be accountable when you’re not committed to any specific church
In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following: