Route Survey Report

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According to Microsoft Encarta (2009), Surveying is defined as the mathematical

science used to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of features on or
beneath the surface of the earth for control purposes- that is for aligning land and
construction boundaries and for providing checks for construction and civil engineering
works such as dam, bridges, railroads, and highways are controlled by surveying methods.
The measurements of survey are linear and angular and the principles of geometry and
trigonometry are usually applied.

Surveying is a profession with many definitions as applied to it over the years,

changing even as the duties of the surveyor had been dynamic over the years. Some years
back surveying was defined as the science and art of making reliable measurements of the
relief position of features above, on or beneath the earth surface and plotting of these
measurements to some suitable scale to form a map, plan or chart (Brinker, 1997).

In recent times, the millennium definition of surveying is given as a mathematical

science which deals with making measurements of relative position of earth features and
presentation of this information either graphically or numerically (U.S. Geological Survey,
2008). Surveying has played major roles in engineering the immediate physical environment
of the nation. Surveying is the first process which is usually carried out before any physical
development is done on the ground.

Route survey, therefore, can be explained as a survey made along a line or narrow
belt or strip for location, design, and construction of any route of transportation such as
highways, railways sewage and oil. It is also very useful in surveys which require the
establishment of both vertical and horizontal alignment for cross-country development of

The final result comprises of the plan of the profile and cross-sectional leveling
showing the nature of the terrain. It is on this map that engineers determine the best location,
design, and cost for the execution of the physical project considering outright evasion or
minimizing of possible causes of demolition of encroaching structures and corresponding
compensation, and cost implication of geo-technical movement of earthy bulks e.g. rocks
blasting, heavy cut and fill e.t.c.

In the prehistoric time, roads used by people were wilding tracks beaten by wild
animals. With time, people begin to improve the paths by filling the holes with earth laying
logs across the soft boggy spots. These attempts were crude, but they were the beginning of
road construction. As people began to transport goods over long distances, they developed
new ways of travelling.

Firstly, they packed their wares on animals, and then they invented various kind of
sled. Finally after the invention of the wheels, they built wagons. Each advancement brought
a need for better travelling routes which brought the need for route survey. (Extract from the
new book of knowledge deluxe hone edition, 1988).

In the world of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Surveying has been

recognized as the inevitable operation supposed to be the first assignment carried out before
any other exercises can take place, thereby defining surveying as the bedrock of any
meaningful development. By definition, Banister and Raymond (1992) defined Surveying
as the art of making relative measurement of natural and artificial features on the surface of
the earth and the plotting of these measurements to suitable scale to form a map, plan or



The aim of this project is to carry out the route survey of a segment of old Owo –
Ikare Ohouze road Owo, Owo Local Govt.


i. To carry out traverse line along the route.
ii. To obtain the profile leveling along the center line of the route.
iii. To obtain the cross sectioning of the selected point on both sides of the road.
iv. To observe the details along the route.


The scope of this project exercise covered the following operations;
i. Reconnaissance survey of the site
ii. Selection of traverse stations and field preparation/line clearing.
iii. Setting-out of the chainage points along the centerlines of the road (25m interval)
iv. Setting out of some selected points on both sides of the centerlines of the road by 4m
v. Detailing.
vi. Determination of the geographical location of the road way by open traversing
vii. Cross-sectioning by using total station to pick the heights.
viii. Longitudinal profile by using coordinate mode for heighting.
ix. Plan production.
x. Report writing.

The following students were fully active during the cost of execution:


1. Total station
2. Three reflectors
3. 100 meters tape
4. Plumb bob
5. Cutlasses
6. Tripod stand
7. Field book


The project site is the segment of old Owo – Ikare Ohouze road, Owo local Govt.,
Zone 31, Ondo State. It covered approximately 4.080 km extent of land and the geographical
location of the site lies between 788718.166 mE,801617.861mN and 787475.237mE,

The specifications required for the execution of this project are as follow:

i. To carry out close third order traverse line along the route on all turning points,
observing angular measurements on one zero.
ii. Linear measurement should be done with the use of Electronic Distance
Measurement (EDM).
iii. Points should be created on the Longitudinal leveling at 25m interval, Cross-section
leveling on both sides of the route at the selected points of the longitudinal leveling
points respectively, and fixing the details along the route too.
iv. Four plans should be produced i.e. Traverse plan, Longitudinal leveling plan, Cross
section leveling plan of the route surveyed should be produced and combination of
both traverse and Longitudinal leveling plan.
v. Report writing not less than 30 pages.



Surveying has to do with the determination of the relative spatial location of points
on or near the surface of the earth. It is the art of measuring horizontal and vertical distances
between objects, of measuring angles between lines, of determining the direction of lines,
and of establishing points by predetermined angular and linear measurements. Distances,
angles, directions, locations, elevations, areas, and volumes are thus determined from the
data of survey.

Survey data is portrayed graphically by the construction of maps, profiles, cross

sections, and diagrams (Oregon Department of Transportation, 2000). Schofield (2001)
defined surveying as the science of determining the position, in three dimensions, of natural
and man-made features on or beneath the surface of the Earth. These features may then be
represented in analog form as a contoured map, plan or chart, or in digital form as a three-
dimensional mathematical model stored in the computer. There are different operations in
surveying, namely; Control Survey, Boundary Survey, Topographic Survey, Hydrographic
Survey, Mining Survey, Construction Survey, Photogrammetric Survey, and Route survey.

Route survey is therefore defined as the survey done along a comparatively narrow
strip of territory for the location, design and construction of any route of transportation.
Oregon Department of Transportation (2000), while presenting a seminar also stated that it
refers to those control, topographic, and construction surveys necessary for the location and
construction of highways, railroads, canals, transmission lines, and pipelines. It is very
useful in the determination and establishment of difference in elevation between two or
more points (Harry, 2002). It includes the field and office work required to plan, design, and
lay out any “long and narrow” transportation facilities (Michael, 2006). Also, it deals with
earthwork which covers the movement of soil or rock from one location to the other for
construction purposes.

The need for surveying as a base for planning and the process of acquiring data
of route alignment with special attention on road network, construction and rehabilitation
cannot be over emphasized. In view of this, the principle and scope of surveying in general
and route surveying in particular is the comprehensive aim of the project. Transportation

being a great function and purpose of route survey is regarded as the fulcrum upon which
every other sector of the economy revolved. It is as well the movement of people, goods and
services from one place to another, be it on land, water or by air (Microsoft Encarta
Encyclopaedia, 2009). In this wise, transportation has contributed immensely to the
economic development of nations in which our dear country (Nigeria) is involved. Here are
some of the benefits derived as a result of good transportation networks:
i. It aids the movement of goods and services.
ii. It assists in the dissemination of ideas and as well technology.
iii. Opening up of new land and abandoned areas.
iv. It assists in national integration.
Besides, route survey has contributed immensely as touching construction sectors of
the engineering surveying. Engineering surveying which breeds both route and construction
survey involves the application of knowledge to the analysis, design and execution of
surveying and mapping projects, and the design of land mapping and information systems.
Mikhail (1977) opined that Surveyors rely on an understanding of the science of surveying
measurements and the surveying principles. Moreover, it is vividly seen that surveying plays
extremely important role in any construction project. Surveying can take many forms, it aids
in establishing the location and alignment of highways, buildings, pipes and other man made
or cultural projects(James,1985).
The major reason for carrying out route surveying is to facilitate movement of
people, yielding to socio-economic benefits (i.e. by determining the best general route
between terminals). Furthermore, route surveying consists of the following sequence of
i. Reconnaissance of the terrain between the terminals
ii. Preliminary surveys over one more locations along the general route recommended in the
reconnaissance report.
iii. Location survey.
iv. Construction survey

According to Anderson and Mikhail (1985), route survey refers to the topographical
and construction surveys necessary for location and construction of transportation lines or
communication such as highways, railways, canals, transmission lines and pipeline. It is a
reality that surveyors are the major professionals needed when it comes to working on any
engineering project, for example, Building project. They provide special information, such
as; the site location, size of the parcel, the dimension and total area.The finished product
(plan) forms the basis upon which further development depends. The line projected by the
preliminary surveys, after it has been carefully studied and compared with regards to the
cost and operating expenses would be made of the scheme to be adopted. Final location may
be performed entirely on the field whereby the surveyors use the gradients shown in the
profile as a guide seeking for improvement in the alignment. The detailed work would be
performed by traversing (David, 1983).
The sequences of surveys are herein stated below:-
i. Reconnaissance survey: - It is a rapid but thorough examination of an area or a strip of
territory between the termini of the project to determine which of the several possible routes
may be worthy of a detailed survey. Reconnaissance survey is the most important of the
series of surveys mentioned above. A very thorough and exhaustive examination of the
whole area should be made to ensure that no possible route has been over looked.
ii. Preliminary survey: - It is the detailed survey of a strip of territory through which the
proposed line is expected to run. The preliminary survey is made of best several lines of
directions investigated previously on the reconnaissance survey. The purpose is to prepare
an accurate topographic map of the belt of country along the selected route, and thus arrive
at a fairly close estimate of the cost of the line/direction surveyed.
iii. Location survey: - The location survey is the ground location of the proposed line
marked on the map. The main purpose of location survey is to make minor improvements on
the line as may appear desirable on the ground, and to fix up the final grades. Profile levels
are run over the centerline, benchmark is established, and profile which shows the existing
ground level and the grade line is attained. Cross section notes are taken in order that the
quantity of earth work for filling or cutting may be computed.
iv. Construction surveys: - The purpose of construction survey is to re-establish points,
lines and grades on the ground during construction. It also consists of staking out various
details culverts and bridges and in carrying out such other surveying as may be needed for
the purpose of construction. At the concept and design stage, large scale topographical
surveys are produced and other measurements upon which projects are designed. Since this
data forms basis to a great extent on the precision and thoroughness with which the survey is
carried out. Profile leveling (longitudinal leveling) is an operation performed to determine
the elevation points spaced apart at known distances along given line in order to obtain the
accurate outline of the surface of the ground along the line. It is very useful for projects like
construction and design of sewer, pipelines etc., and to determine the cut and fill. It is
frequently essential to run a longitudinal section along various proposed centerlines and to
compare their costs to select a suitable one (Duggal, 2006).
Cross sectioning, according to Duggal (2006), is a leveling operation performed to
determine the elevation of the points at right angles on either side of the center line of the
proposed road and radially on the curves. This is done to find out the vertical sections of the
surface of the earth on the ground. The detailed information regarding the levels of the
ground on either side of the longitudinal section helps in computing the quantity of the earth
work. The cross sections are plotted in the same manner as longitudinal sections. Flying
leveling (checking leveling) should be done to connect the bench mark (BM) to the starting
point of the work. The records pertaining to profile leveling are entered accordingly along
with the cross sectional leveling while the leveling work is in progress. The cross sections
are taken perpendicular to the center line of the alignment at some regular intervals. The
purpose of cross section is to know the undulation of the ground surface.
According to Anderson and Edward (1985), refers to those controls and construction
surveys necessary for the location and construction of line transportation and
communication which may include highways, railways, canals, transmission lines, pipelines.
Finally, Route survey involves the determination of ground configuration and location of
physical features both natural and artificial along the proposed route, establishing the line on
the ground and computing volumes of earthwork involved where applicable (Schofield,
2001). This kind of survey operation is very important on all road networks and in
construction of new road which will increase the durability and carrying capacity of road


Methodology is a system for solving problem, with specific components such as
tasks, methods, techniques and tools.
The method or procedure used was carried out both in the office and on the field and
it was based on the principle of surveying which is to work from whole to part in order to
acquire a reliable and accurate data needed for computing and plotting the information to
form a plan, map or chart. The field operation therefore comprises all the necessary
procedures taken to achieve the required result by executing the practical work with strict
compliance to the survey rules and departmental instructions.



Beacon can be defined as the permanent survey mark of any kind made of concrete, metal of
stone at every turning point of the traverse line there must be a beacon or monument, well
emplaced for proper observation.


Construction of beacon comprises of mixture of cement, sand, granite at ratio of

1:2:4, the beacon was cast on the selected points with the aid of a mole size 20cm by 20cm
width and 40cm long and a spike was placed in the center of the beacon.


35cm 70cm


Control extension can be define as the process of extending the control network (the
network of a fixed reference point) to a new location using surveying techniques like
triangulation or trilateration. This is done to establish a new network of control points that
can be used for further surveying or mapping work.

Control extension was carried out for the purpose of this project due to the insufficient
control on the project site, we could only found just one control that is close to our project
site and we are left with no other option than to establish extra control to work according to
survey rules and regulation and departmental instruction. We were able to establish two (2)
controls for the purpose of this project which we named (SPL 1) and (SPL 2), and we were
able to coordinate those beacons by making use of South GPS RTK (Real Time Kinematic)
and the base was set on the existing control (GPSW19S) and the rover was used for the
observations on the other two (2) stations. And we observed each station trice (3 times) for
accuracy purpose and we sum them together and make use of the mean.

Reconnaissance is the first stage in any survey operation. It is the planning stages
which led us to information gathering about the study area and it involves physical
inspection of the site in order to have the general view of the feature on the ground and the
collection of facts about the area. It is of two stages namely:
i. Office Reconnaissance.
ii. Field Reconnaissance


At this stage gathering of relevant information about the practical project area and
determination of suitable equipment, control pillars within the vicinity of the project area
and other logistics associated with the practical. The coordinate of controls used were
collected from department of Surveying and Geo-informatics of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic
Owo. Below were the coordinates and heights of the control pillars.
Table 2.2: Co-ordinates of control pillars available for the practical work.


GPS 19S 798625.036 787645.833 299.655
SPL 1 798623.833 787599.156 298.572
SPL 2 798690.583 787510.931 294.756

The project site was visited by all the group members to have the true picture of the
site and it helped in locating the control pillars for the orientation of the study area, it was
for better planning and execution. Taking into consideration the visibility of the station
points, Natural and man-made features found within the project site e.g. buildings and trees
During the reconnaissance, the following activities were carried out in order to have overall
picture of the area these was obtained:-
 To know the nature of the land
 To search for existing controls
 To know the number and position of beacons to be used
 To know how to run the traverse line along the route accurately.
Note: Check appendix 1 (page 18) for Recce Diagram of old Owo – Ikare Ohouze
road, Owo.


This test was carried out after collection of the instrument in order to test for plate
bubble stability, horizontal and vertical collimation error.
The total station was taken out of its case and set on SG13T. Temporary adjustments
were carried out on it. I.e. centering, leveling and focusing. Horizontal and vertical
collimation test was carried out on the total station by observing the reflector that was held
on SG12T on face left and it was clamp and set to 00° 00’ 00” and was rotated clock wisely
to face right with the telescope tilted and target was made on the reflector that was held on
SG12T and the reading was 179° 59’ 58”, this was repeated trice and the mean of the test
was 179° 59’ 59”.

Total station Reflector

Line of Sight


The control check was carried out in order to ascertain if the control beacons were
still in their proper position.
The total station was set on control SPL1 and a target was set on GPSW19S. Then all
temporary adjustment was performed on the instrument.
Thereafter, back sight was made to control beacon GPSW19S and fore sight to SPL2
The data obtained was computed and the result is shown below.

Table 3.2: The readings and result obtained from control check observation.
From Stn Corrected Distance ∆N(m) ∆E(m) Northing (m) Easting(m) From
Bearing (m) Stn

798625.036 787645.833 GPSW19S

SPL 1 268° 31’ 25’’ 46.925 -1.203 -46.677 798623.833 787599.156 SPL 1

SPL 2 307° 06’ 39’' 110.631 66.750 -88.225 798690.583 787510.931 SPL 2


The traverse point were picked in such a way that they’re intervisible to one another,
beside the road along the given area; it was picked in such a way that it could be used to
pick our center points and its adjacent sides and the traverse were connected to the beacon of
known co-ordinate which serves as control for the work, the following control station were
used; GPSW19S, SPL 1 and SPL 2.
The existing pillar were checked, if they have not been tempered with order not to
introduced error into the new job, all operation carried out were connected to this control
and adjusted within its factor which had been carefully put into consideration and stations
were established where necessary.

This aspect deals with how the practical was being carried out on the field, total
station was used to determine the position of the point that is the Northing, the Easting and
the Height. Total station was used to pick the canter point at a distance interval of 25m, with
its adjacent sides (left and the right side of the road).

Table 3.1: Back computation from coordinates of the controls used.

From Stn Corrected Distance ∆N(m) ∆E(m) Northing (m) Easting(m) From
Bearing (m) Stn

798625.036 787645.833 GPSW19S

SPL 1 268° 31’ 25’’ 46.925 -1.203 -46.677 798623.833 787599.156 SPL 1

SPL 2 307° 06’ 39’' 110.631 66.750 -88.225 798690.583 787510.931 SPL 2


There are various survey operations in data acquisition but this depends on the survey
project at hand. The survey operations carried out for the execution of this project are:-

Traversing (using coordinate mode)

Longitudinal and cross section (height determination)

Detailing by chain survey method

All these operations were carried out in accordance with the theoretical concept and
survey rules and departmental instructions. It gives account of operation as carried out on
the field to acquire all the necessary data needed for a sequent computation and plotting.

The field operations were carried out in the following order:-


Traversing is the survey method in which the framework consists of a series of

connected lines, the length of each line and the angle between successive lines being

According to the basic principle of surveying which is the concept of control,

that is, any survey, however, small or large depends on the establishment of a control
frame work which other work will be fitted and adjusted. This is referred to as
principle of working from whole to part.

This survey work is connected to the control in the area, the control points
are: GPSW19S, SPL 1 and SPL 2.
Before running traverse points using a total station to attain a third order accuracy, a
datum check was conducted to ensure the three control beacons were instituted. Mounting
the instrument on SPL 1 observation was taken to GPSW19S obtain the back sight after
inputting station coordinates including the height of the instrument after measuring with
tape and also the coordinate of the back station, we checked with the coordinates we have
with us before fore sighting to SPL 2, the observation to these two stations helped to give
room for check to ensure that the beacons are in order.
The survey work was preceded using SPL 2 as the starting station. The instrument
is properly adjusted and focus to SPL 1 to obtain the back sight after inputting the
necessary data into the total station and we foresighted to Peg1.
Then from our traverse point one (Peg1), we began to pick our center points and its
adjacent sides at an interval of 25 meters, in places where we realise the traverse point is
not visible to our centre point, we create another traverse that can be inter visible very
close to it. The total station was use in coordinate system mode i.e. it was picking
Northing, Easting and Height at the same time. This process was carried along the route of
the entire site, the Northing and Easting and the Height of each point were booked down.


This is the operation of levels along the Centre line of any proposed route such as
roads, railway, etc, at regular intervals. The center line was mark at 25m interval.

These point heights were taken by means of total station and reflector using
coordinate mode. The back sight coordinate was taken and compare with the data’s at hand
before fore sighting.
The importance of the longitudinal is to provide information about the direction of
the road way of the project.
This is the operation of taken levels perpendicular to the direction of center line of
the route that is, right angle to the longitudinal section.
Cross section was needed to provide information about the ground character on
either side of the longitudinal sections. The importance of this is to show any variation in
ground slope on either of the center line which could have considerable effect on the
amount and type of construction work involved if details information about them were not
knows. In this project, the cross sections were marked at 4/4m offset interval from the
canter line .i.e. 8m at both sides from the Centre line.

Procedure: As earlier discussed, the longitudinal section was marked out at

regular interval of twenty-five (25) meters and the cross section at four (4), four (4) meters
offset distance from the Centre line, distance measured at each sides were eight (8) meters
with intermediate point at four (4) meter. All observations and measurements were taken
and recorded in the field book in accordance with survey rules, regulations and
departmental, project instructions.


Detailing is carried out to locate all features on a piece of land. This includes both
natural and man-made structures. Natural features include vegetation of all sorts- rocks,
trees, stumps and so on. Man –made structures include anything built above the ground –
buildings, walls, driveways, utilities and so on.
Details that were fixed on the sites were buildings. These details were fixed with the
use of total station in coordinate mode, and this helped a lot in plotting the details accurately
on their position.

This involved calculations that are based on acquired data from the field observation
to determine locations, direction, height, distance and area etc. some specific formulae were
employed for each data set depending on the desired end products and great degree of
precision was required.
Note: Check appendix 2 (page 19) for data downloaded from total station
The corrected co-ordinates were used to generate data covering final latitude,
departure, distances and bearings. Latitude and departure = next co-ordinate preceding co-
Bearing = tan-1E
The sign of the latitude and departure of each line determine the quadrant and
the actual bearing of the line i.e
If N is + and E is +, then bearing is 
If  N is – and E is +, then bearing is 180 – 
If N is – and E is -, then bearing is  + 180
If N is + and E is - , then bearing is 360 – 
Distance = (N) 2 + (E) 2


After all the data have undergone processing (computation), the processed data were
used for plan production.


This is done with the help of AutoCAD 2007.
This was done using AUTOCAD whereby the plans (Traverse, Longitudinal and
cross sectional plan) were produced.
The traverse line was plotted from the co-ordinate obtained from the field
observation using Auto CAD 2007
The following steps were taken using notepad an Auto CAD 2007version to plot the
boundary line.
 The computer was switch on
 Then the note pad form start menu was opened
 After the note pad environment was opened
 Type underscore p line [ _PLINE ]
 All the co-ordinates were typed in the format Easting, Northing
 The typed co-ordinate was saved in my document as a script document.
 Auto CAD 2007 version was opened from desktop
 In the Auto CAD click format menu and selected unit.
 In the unit box selected the number of decimal wanted
 Select the direction as North and Clockwise.
 Click ok, unit control still appears, checked ok.
 After this checked on tools – Menu to left click on run script. Screen, selected the
folder that contain the co-ordinate and clicked open
 The Auto CAD drawing appeared the traverse line.
 Type enter twice
 Type z, zoom, Enter, E-extent enter.
 The work was tested as following
 Clicked on draw menu
 Click text and double click on multiline text, dragged the box to see multiline text
Editor’s clicked on character to see the follow:
 The next style
As the longitudinal was plotted from the co-ordinate obtained from the field
observation using Auto CAD 2007
The following steps were taken:
1. Select line on bar
2. Input the coordinate observed on center point (CP) beginning with the Easting then
the Northing.
3. Press enter.
4. Input the coordinate observes for the left side of the CP beginning with the Easting.
5. Click Enter.
6. Input the coordinates observe for the right side of the CP beginning with the
Easting. (Note: all these are inputted in the command note pad of the AutoCAD).

The cross sectional area was plotted from the heights obtained from the field
observation using Auto CAD 2007
The following steps were taken:
1. I choose a datum of 200 meter.
2. I began to offset the heights of the right, center and left.
3. I joined the edges of the offset lines together and I did that for all the cross sections.
Four plans were produced after the data has been processed, these are:
1. Traverse plan
2. Longitudinal plan
3. Cross section plan
4. Longitudinal & Traverse plan




The reconnaissance, which was the main planning, was carefully carried out because of
its importance for good execution of any survey project. Having carried out the
reconnaissance, three (3) control stations were located and used as connection along the
given route. The total number of station is forty-three (43) stations.

The prominent features closer to each station along the site were fixed by offset
method. All necessary reductions and computations were done respectively in accordance
with survey rules, regulation and departmental instructions. Hence the corridor plan,
longitudinal and cross section plans were all produced adequately.


This project has been executed successfully through the necessary process and with
reference to the standard digital techniques, the aims of the project were effectively


With the experience I had gained during the execution of this project, I hereby
recommend that:
I. The project should be given to student in time.
II. I also recommend that Student should be exposed to wider survey project,
(especially engineering surveying) as this will improve their knowledge in the
field of surveying and geo-informatics.

Anderson, J. M and Mikhail, E. (1985): Introduction to survey, Mc Graw-HillBook

Company, Pp.525, 256.

Banister S and Raymond S (1992) Surveying, 6th Edition, Pitman publishing London,
Great Britain. Pp. 1, 34 and 89.

Brinker and Wolf (1987) Elementary Surveying, (6th Edition): Harper Collins Publishers.
New York.

David, R. (1968): Land surveying, 3rd edition, Macdonald and Evans, Pp.63.

Duggal, S. K. (2006): Engineering surveying, 4th edition, by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing

Company limited, Pp. 43.

Ghilani, C.D. and Wolf, P.R. (2012): Elementary surveying- an introduction to geomatics,

13th edition, London, Pearson Education Ltd., Pp. 685, 778, 788.

Harry L. Field (2006): Landscape surveying, 5th edition, Pp.10.

James, C. (1985): Surveying, 6th edition, Pitman publishing, London, Pp. 1, 3.

Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia (2009): ‘Route Surveying ’,Encarta World English

Dictionary © Microso Corporaton.

Mikhail, E. (1977): Surveying, 10th edition, New York, Northolt and Publication Company.

Michael T. et al (2006): Surveying Fundamental and Practices, 5th edition, Pp. 160, 164 &


Norman, W. (1981): Surveying, 6th edition, Arnold Publishers, University of California.

Oregon department of transportation (2000): Basic Surveying theory and practice, 9th

annual seminar of Oregon department of transportation, Pp. 1-2.

Schofield, W. (2001): Engineering surveying,5th edition, Oxford, Heinemann-Reed

education and publishing Ltd., Pp. 1, 436.






787475.237 798701.846 294.432

787479.313 798727.899 294.295

787482.804 798752.690 294.056

787487.469 798777.149 293.716

787490.978 798801.295 293.306

787494.854 798826.070 292.968

787499.508 798850.858 292.376

787504.193 798875.236 292.127

787508.860 798900.095 291.824

787513.534 798924.603 291.310

787517.792 798950.117 290.893

787523.995 798974.511 290.348

787529.050 798998.977 290.010

787535.208 799023.092 290.166

787542.021 799047.588 289.603

787548.045 799071.653 289.271

787553.259 799096.324 288.988

787557.090 799121.468 288.506

787560.929 799146.790 288.155

787564.192 799171.773 287.866

787568.520 799196.357 287.329

787573.926 799220.654 286.857

787580.750 799245.190 286.508

787585.690 799270.369 286.439

787590.322 799295.133 286.052

787595.218 799320.398 285.549

787600.380 799345.360 284.955

787606.079 799370.026 284.433

787612.323 799394.347 283.971

787619.910 799418.433 283.891

787627.800 799442.344 283.577

787635.957 799466.785 283.128

787644.321 799490.229 282.505

787655.117 799513.027 283.024

787666.679 799534.780 282.354

787681.000 799555.560 281.706

787694.941 799576.308 280.750

787708.270 799597.500 279.486

787722.497 799617.891 278.710

787735.963 799639.574 278.699

787748.084 799661.859 278.764

787758.258 799684.928 278.916

787767.475 799707.942 279.498

787778.877 799730.070 280.453

787790.013 799752.313 281.476

787802.258 799774.055 282.251

787814.021 799796.732 282.505

787825.284 799819.504 282.702

787834.344 799842.660 282.764

787844.343 799865.331 282.728

787855.999 799888.073 282.682

787867.713 799910.655 282.863

787879.122 799932.901 282.898

787891.717 799955.201 283.023

787902.978 799977.968 282.971

787913.054 800001.086 282.715

787924.149 800023.248 282.263

787935.808 800044.912 281.518

787948.352 800066.700 280.783

787960.171 800089.359 279.856

787971.035 800112.146 279.018

787983.202 800133.479 277.965

787996.044 800155.037 276.248

788007.871 800177.699 275.354

788019.319 800200.294 274.185

788030.747 800222.579 273.367

788042.488 800244.941 273.278

788053.123 800267.273 273.782

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788085.805 800335.401 276.862

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788109.864 800379.114 278.762

788119.734 800402.223 279.423

788130.549 800424.907 279.923

788142.485 800446.851 280.205

788154.434 800468.821 280.199

788167.235 800490.312 280.094

788179.647 800513.030 279.857

788190.032 800536.231 279.392

788201.090 800558.588 278.684

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788226.491 800602.382 276.865

788237.953 800624.458 275.768

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788317.900 800781.925 273.507

788329.054 800804.477 273.071

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788410.567 800960.381 271.848

788420.929 800982.985 272.287

788431.881 801005.541 272.499

788441.899 801028.256 272.598

788454.327 801049.572 272.439

788466.639 801071.160 272.344

788478.137 801093.580 272.340

788489.351 801116.396 272.546

88500.518 801138.430 272.760

788511.709 801161.057 272.892

788522.354 801183.411 272.676

788532.968 801206.242 271.991

788544.125 801228.929 271.655

788555.828 801250.674 272.323

788567.265 801273.248 273.621

788579.229 801295.244 275.281

788591.241 801317.602 276.765

788602.797 801340.277 278.216

788613.256 801363.366 279.152

788621.756 801387.192 279.226

788630.185 801410.817 279.142

788639.166 801434.194 279.235

788647.914 801457.821 278.695

788656.860 801481.106 278.112

788666.892 801503.853 277.600

788677.240 801526.698 277.092

788687.582 801549.804 276.482

788697.951 801572.035 275.384

788708.897 801594.717 273.843

788718.166 801617.861 273.510


787471.468 798703.630 294.265

787475.356 798728.487 294.311

787478.856 798753.344 293.907

787483.523 798777.812 293.639

787487.023 798801.892 293.341

787490.911 798826.748 292.741

787495.578 798851.605 292.379

787500.263 798875.983 291.997

787504.930 798900.839 291.583

787509.596 798925.307 291.153

787513.874 798950.941 2909752

787520.096 798975.409 290.897

787525.151 798999.877 289.914

787531.343 799024.123 290.032

787538.153 799048.610 289.605

787544.146 799072.553 289.404

787549.322 799097.039 288.896

787553.136 799122.071 288.444

787556.968 799147.348 288.114

787560.237 799172.379 287.816

787564.596 799197.138 287.326

787570.044 799221.625 286.852

787576.855 799246.112 286.444

787581.761 799271.122 286.407

787586.392 799295.881 286.822

787591.296 799321.184 285.525

787596.472 799346.215 252.086

787602.193 799370.974 289.605

787608.476 799395.446 289.896

787616.103 799419.661 288.444

787624.003 799443.604 288.114

787632.176 799468.091 287.816

787640.621 799491.761 287.326

787651.541 799514.823 286.852

787663.255 799536.861 286.444

787677.693 799557.811 286.404

787691.587 799578.489 286.022

787704.935 799599.711 285.525

787719.156 799620.092 285.086

787732.504 799641.586 284.493

787744.491 799663.624 284.856

787754.570 799686.479 283.956

787763.833 799709.605 283.577

787775.310 799731.881 283.057

787786.480 799754.191 282.429

787798.738 799775.957 282.889

787810.453 799798.540 282.233

787821.622 799821.122 285.629

787830.650 799844.197 280.692

787840.730 799867.051 279.418

787852.444 799889.906 278.716

787864.158 799912.488 278.646

787875.599 799934.799 278.731

787888.181 799957.072 278.901

787899.350 799979.655 279.269

787909.429 800002.781 280.406

787920.599 800025.092 281.512

787932.313 800046.858 282.298

787944.844 800068.624 282.555

787956.591 800091.145 282.671

787967.488 800114.000 282.640

787979.747 800135.494 282.636

787992.550 800156.988 252.682

788004.313 800179.528 282.747

788015.755 800202.111 282.862

788027.196 800224.421 282.923

788038.911 800246.731 282.909

788049.535 800269.042 282.515

788061.015 800291.564 282.085

788071.640 800314.418 282.387

788082.264 800337.273 280.637

788095.068 800358.767 279.696

788106.237 800380.805 278.917

788116.087 800403.870 277.940

788126.984 800426.724 276.658

788138.971 800448.763 275.259

788150.957 800470.801 274.026

788163.761 800492.295 273.166

788176.061 800514.809 273.255

788186.413 800537.935 273.701

788197.582 800560.518 274.203

788210.658 800582.012 275.410

788222.965 800604.271 276.773

788234.407 800626.310 277.907

788246.121 800648.620 278.722

788256.745 800671.747 279.454

788269.004 800694.057 279.895

788280.744 800716.514 280.187

788291.369 800739.369 280.152

788303.900 800761.135 280.085

788314.291 800783.651 279.805

788325.460 800806.233 279.294

788336.357 800828.815 278.569

788348.343 800850.853 277.765

788360.057 800873.164 276.856

788371.817 800895.179 275.806

788383.531 800916.946 274.610

788395.518 800939.256 273.989

788406.959 800962.110 273.776

788417.311 800984.693 273.673

788428.251 801007.222 273.715

788438.330 801030.077 273.795

788450.861 801051.571 273.512

788463.120 801073.065 273.074

788474.562 801095.375 272.446

788485.772 801118.183 271.801

788496.941 801140.221 271.361

788508.110 801162.803 271.571

788518.735 801185.114 271.358

788529.359 801207.968 271.392

788540.568 801230.760 271.793

788552.282 801252.526 272.246

788563.724 801275.108 272.582

788575.710 801297.146 272.543

788587.697 801319.457 272.487

788599.192 801342.011 272.442

788609.544 801364.865 272.393

788617.989 801388.536 272.585

788626.434 801412.207 272.760

788635.424 801435.605 272.994

788644.171 801459.233 272.624

788653.161 801482.631 272.975

788663.240 801505.486 271.902

788673.592 801528.340 272.272

788683.944 801551.467 273.581

788694.338 801573.749 275.216

788705.234 801596.332 276.623

788714.497 801619.458 278.093

788725.393 801642.585 279.018

788736.563 801665.167 279.498

788746.954 801687.965 279.035

788758.123 801711.091 279.276

788770.109 801733.130 278.703

788781.823 801754.896 278.170

788793.810 801777.206 277.634

788804.474 801800.265 277.131

788815.643 801823.120 276.483

788827.902 801844.886 275.387

788837.981 801867.196 273.816

788849.423 801890.051 273.417


787479.007 798700.061 294.622

787483.270 798727.311 294.377

787486.751 798752.036 294.128

787491.414 798776.486 293.712

787494.933 798800.698 293.302

787498.796 798825.392 292.917

787503.437 798850.112 292.662

787508.123 798874.490 292.210

787512.790 798899.352 292.008

787517.472 798923.899 291.498

787521.710 798949.294 291.086

787527.894 798973.613 290.344

787532.948 798998.077 290.092

787539.073 799022.061 290.287

787545.888 799046.566 289.914

787551.943 799070.753 289.344

787557.197 799095.609 288.979

787561.045 799120.866 288.546

787564.890 799146.231 288.220

787568.147 799171.167 287.828

787572.444 799195.575 287.284

787577.808 799219.683 286.840

787584.645 799244.268 286.472

787589.618 799269.616 286.384

787594.251 799294.384 285.986

787599.140 799319.613 285.476

787604.287 799344.504 284.865

787609.965 799369.078 284.322

787616.171 799393.248 283.933

787623.717 799417.206 283.823

787631.596 799441.084 283.498

787639.739 799465.480 283.024

787648.022 799488.698 282.427

787658.692 799511.232 282.935

787670.103 799532.700 282.422

787684.307 799553.310 281.774

787698.294 799574.127 280.749

787711.605 799595.290 279.484

787725.839 799615.690 278.865

787739.422 799637.561 278.777

787751.677 799660.093 278.668

787761.946 799683.377 279.010

787771.118 799706.279 279.499

787782.443 799728.258 280.356

787793.546 799750.436 281.319

787805.777 799772.152 282.140

787817.589 799794.924 282.368

787828.946 799817.885 282.662

787838.038 799841.124 282.602

787847.955 799863.610 282.558

787859.554 799886.240 282.545

787871.268 799908.821 282.692

787882.644 799931.004 282.862

787895.254 799953.329 282.913

787906.606 799976.281 282.909

787916.678 799999.390 282.657

787927.699 800021.405 282.189

787939.303 800042.966 281.456

787951.860 800064.777 280.679

787963.750 800087.573 279.786

787974.583 800110.291 278.953

787986.658 800131.465 277.902

787999.539 800153.087 276.690

788011.428 800175.870 275.363

788022.882 800198.477 273.912

788034.297 800220.736 273.359

788046.066 800243.151 273.284

788056.711 800265.505 273.783

788068.209 800288.060 274.233

788078.894 800311.046 275.403

788089.346 800333.530 276.739

788102.080 800354.907 277.841

788113.491 800377.422 278.617

788123.380 800400.576 279.292

788134.114 800423.089 279.766

788145.998 800444.940 280.057

788157.910 800466.841 280.023

788170.710 800488.329 279.907

788183.233 800511.251 279.764

788193.652 800534.527 279.260

788204.598 800556.658 278.553

788217.579 800577.996 277.588

788230.017 800600.492 276.701

788241.499 800622.607 275.565

788253.302 800645.088 274.534

788263.895 800668.146 273.990

788276.055 800690.277 273.830

788287.920 800712.973 273.569

788298.476 800735.680 273.629

788311.013 800757.455 273.617

788321.509 800780.200 273.326

788332.648 800802.721 273.010

788343.477 800825.164 272.351

788355.399 800847.083 271.779

788367.127 800869.420 271.264

788378.868 800891.399 271.407

788390.576 800913.154 271.368

788402.620 800935.571 271.419

788414.174 800958.652 271.735

788424.546 800981.278 272.207

788435.511 801003.860 272.410

788445.468 801026.436 272.480

788457.792 801047.574 272.392

788470.158 801069.256 272.254

788481.712 801091.785 272.297

788492.930 801114.610 272.496

788504.095 801136.639 272.763

788515.308 801159.310 272.853

788525.973 801181.708 272.599

788536.577 801204.516 271.947

788547.682 801227.098 271.606

788559.374 801248.822 272.272

788570.807 801271.388 273.608

788582.748 801293.342 275.228

788594.785 801315.747 276.691

788606.403 801338.542 278.124

788616.967 801361.866 279.051

788625.524 801385.848 279.325

788633.936 801409.428 278.875

788642.909 801432.782 279.095

788651.656 801456.409 278.597

788660.559 801479.581 277.996

788670.544 801502.221 277.465

788680.887 801525.055 276.994

788691.221 801548.141 276.396

788701.565 801570.320 275.326

788712.559 801593.102 273.783

788721.835 801616.263 273.503


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