Goals Infographics by Slidesgo
Goals Infographics by Slidesgo
Goals Infographics by Slidesgo
Here is where your presentation begins
Goals Infographics
Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars is a
planet to the Sun and the cold place. The planet is
smallest one full of iron
Venus Jupiter
Venus has a beautiful Jupiter is a gas giant and
name and is the second the biggest planet in the
planet from the Sun Solar System
Goals Infographics
01 02 03 04
Goals Infographics
Goal 01 Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun and a gas giant
Goal 02 Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one
Goal 03 Despite being red, Mars is a
cold place full of iron red dust
Goal 03 Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet
Goals Infographics
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars Earth is the third planet
is a cold place. The from the Sun and the
planet is full of iron only one that harbors life
Venus Jupiter
Venus has a beautiful Jupiter is a gas giant and
name and is the second the biggest planet in the
planet from the Sun Solar System
Goals Infographics
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars Earth is the third planet
is a cold place. The from the Sun and the
planet is full of iron dust only one that harbors life
Venus Jupiter
Venus has a beautiful Jupiter is a gas giant and
name and is the second the biggest planet in the
planet from the Sun Solar System
Goals Infographics
Planet Neptune is the eighth and
Neptune farthest object in the Solar System
Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest planet to Neptune is the farthest planet
the Sun and the smallest one in from the Sun and also the fourth
the Solar System largest
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars is a Earth is the third planet from the
very cold place. The planet is Sun and the only one that
full of red iron dust harbors life
Goals Infographics
Neptune is the farthest planet Goal 01
from the Sun and a gas giant
Mercury is the closest planet to Goal 02
the Sun and the smallest one
Despite being red, Mars is a Goal 03
cold place full of iron red dust
Venus has a beautiful name Goal 04
and is the second planet
Goals infographics
Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest planet to Neptune is the farthest planet
the Sun and the smallest one in from the Sun and also the fourth
the Solar System largest one
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars is a Earth is the third planet from the
very cold place. The planet is Sun and the only one that
full of iron oxide dust harbors life
Goals Infographics
Mercury is the first Despite being red, Jupiter is a gas giant Saturn is a gas giant Earth is the third
planet Mars is a cold place and the biggest one made of hydrogen planet from the Sun
Mercury is small Mars is a cold place Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant Venus is hot
Mercury is the first Mars a small planet Jupiter is a gas giant Saturn has rings Venus is the third one
Goals Infographics
Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest planet to Neptune is the farthest planet
the Sun and the smallest one in from the Sun and also the fourth
the Solar System largest one
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars is a Earth is the third planet from the
very cold place. The planet is Sun and the only one that
full of red iron oxide dust harbors life
Goals Infographics
02 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one in the Solar System
03 Despite being red, Mars is a cold place full
of iron dust. It was named after the God
04 Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet in the Solar System
Goals Infographics
Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest planet to Neptune is the farthest planet
the Sun and the smallest one in from the Sun and also the fourth
the Solar System largest
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars is a Earth is the third planet from the
very cold place. The planet is Sun and the only one that
full of red iron dust harbors life
Goals Infographics
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet
in the Solar System. It’s terribly hot—even hotter than
Mercury—and its atmosphere is extremely poisonous
Step 03
Step 02
Step 01
Jupiter Planet Mercury is the
Saturn Venus has a beautiful smallest object in the
Jupiter is a gas giant name and is the Solar System
Saturn is a gas giant and the biggest second planet
made of hydrogen planet in the System
and helium
Goals Infographics
Jupiter is the fifth planet and also the biggest one Jupiter
Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest planet to Neptune is the farthest planet
the Sun and the smallest one in from the Sun and also the fourth
the Solar System largest
Mars Earth
Despite being red, Mars is a Earth is the third planet from the
very cold place. The planet is Sun and the only one that
full of red iron dust harbors life
Goals Infographics
Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is a gas giant and Mercury is the closest
also the biggest planet planet to the Sun
Mars Venus
Despite being red Mars Venus has a beautiful
is a cold place full of iron name and is the second
Neptune Earth
Neptune is the farthest Earth is the only planet
planet from the Sun that harbors life
Goals Infographics
Jupiter Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System
Saturn Yes, this is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant, composed of hydrogen
Neptune Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun and the fourth-largest
Venus Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun
Mars Despite being red, Mars is a cold place. The planet is full of iron dust
Goals Infographics
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