Vidhansabha Q and Ans For Tower Noc

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tk^ RRit IRF eFTT^ ^ 30,01.2017 ^ ^TH%I
■mk grot tfFjfRpff wj|jjicH^ 3TT^ ^ 375^ Settlement Agreement ^
cftR-gtp t( 3fR tjrrJt it?l sJt, f^RT^ ^ wn^
lpT3Mf eft 31lc|!^i|chdl tlt^
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T-SJH R'iill^ tl
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11. Zm 3t2M tj€t^ ^ ^ TRERTT f^-SRcTT
^ P^Hf^^cT ^ 3RTn1^ 3TTcmTcp f:-
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Wnjtt t ttell^d cj>r ■>TRcT 'd'^cbR, ^ t^RRI
3TTt# R. 110023/ |/2005/tt {Lands )(Pt,li ) f^RT^ 18.01.
2023 ^ rfgtT tt Weft t I
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ftn? tjtrftfl ^ eftp—eftp t[ gRT Hlsll^d RPlt ^ f^ 30,01,2017 gt HH'flil
fWft tproM gt RTPncRT c^ 3TTt?T c^ ST^TIR Settlement Agreement c^
3i|cj?i|cfjdl ttft t;
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H?iH^ 3T1^ -^T. 110023/ 1/2005/^ (Lands )(Pt.Il )
18.01.2023 ^ cTg?T t I
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RfTR cf5 ^ Hlell^d RRR ^ Hldl^ci stcR WU^ ^ 1^ 30.01.2017
eFTT^ ^ RRv^JI i> '^liJldd 3TT^ ^ Settlement Agreement ^
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4. -^^Hd cMvjRld ^ Rrf^ H^Rdd,
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IKT ^ vjIRcPT^ 3?^^:-
^ tT?RrR iTRH XHXchlX, ^STf H^ldd
3!T^ ■^. 110023/ 1/2005/^ (I.ands )(Pt,II ) Rdl't' 18.01.
2023 ^ ^HKfr t I
cfi: Rcxfl Pi<i*i '^. gM ^
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tr. -of^ 3TTcR<P ^ ST^^TN 3Rrf^ WT^ ^TJgcT ^
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Rc'jfl wiq-Ti HR>^q ^ 51^_^ 'Jii'iq’i’?! ^ at^xiix:—
^ HlJl^d ^ LjxRlYR ITRcT TTWR, yfiTT
Hdidd 3TTi^ R. 110023/ |/2005/it (Lands )(PU1)
18.01.2023 ^ cT^ ^ t I
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RtRT^ RTRR ^ R5)f 3RRf^ RnTTRRf ^ STltm^RR Rnfr RtRr^ (Settlement
t ^ R? R^ 3^? ^ Agreement) R”iicr> 30.01.2017 ^ Si^xiix ^ RTtcfl ^1
^XI-rI RlRRRef RRf RRRT ^ Settlement Agreement ^ ^ RR5JT 11 7^ R?R
RTR^ “t? giPi'Riy^ f^tnx*^! ^ Ricni<ja, ^ xiRK Rt^nn ^ xi*<si[^
LSA (Lie Office,'HTfH ^^^ 11
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TRRTO 3TT^ 110023/ |/2005/it (Lands )(Pt,II )
18.01.2023 cT^ vTIeff t I




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.1: .
' ; 11:

. 6th Floor: Dr. SPM Civic Centre: J.L Nehru Mara New PelFi

r No Dated: />




A settlement/agreement was executed on 30.01.2017 between the

officers of all three Corporations and the representatives of various celiular
operators and infrastructure provider companies. The Hon'ble High Court in
LPA No.572/201i vide order dated 28.08.2017 has stated that the
settlement/agreenient will be binding on both the parties. Accordingly,
permission/regularization of mobile towers/pole sites wii! be granted in
accordance with the settlement/agreement. A copy of Settlement/
Agreement/High Court ordere dt.28.08.17/Speclmen of Application Format/
Indemnity Bond & Self-Declaration by the applicant Is enclosed.

This Issues with approval of Commissioner.

Enel ; As above.


1. E-in-C.

- i" Elf Town Planner, ■ ■

3. Chief Law Officer.
4. All Chief Engineers.
5. Zonal Deputy Commissioners.
6. Zonal Superintending Engineers.
7. SE (B) HQ
8. All Executive Engineers (Bldg.)
Copy for kind information to;-

1. Commissioner.
2. Addl. Commissioners (Zones)

Copy for kind information also to;-

1. Hon'ble Mayor
2. Hon'ble Deputy Mayor
3. Hon'ble Leader of House
4. Hon'ble Leader of Opposition
5. Hon'ble Chairman, Standing Committee


» >
f ■
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REF NO. Dated:

The Executive Engineer (Building),


South Delhi Municipal Corporation,

Subject: Aoalicatlon for permisaion / regularization with respect to installation of

GBMyGBT/RTT/slte at Property no

Reference: Settlement /Aercement dated 30.01.2017 reeardlne grant of permission for

tower tnatallation and High Court order dated 28.08.2017 passed in LPA No.

Dear Sir,

I/We, Sh .Authority signatoiy of M/s. (herein after referred as

“Applicant Company”) is incorjxirated under the provisions of the Companies Act,1956,
having its Circle ofHce at

In reference to the terras agreed in the settlement/ Agreement dated 30.01.2017 as

approved by Hontde High Court vide order dated 28.08.2017, applicant is enclosing herewith
documents as prescribed in the settlement / Agreement dated 30.01.2017. Copy of the
settlement deed and copy of the order passed by HonTale Delhi High Court is enclosed herewith
as Annexure-A,

la pursuance of the aforesaid settlement, Clause No. 16 (I), we are enclosing herewith
the documents as under:

Documents Annexure

A Application made to Delhi Urban Art Commission as per clause no.1

B Apphcacioti made to Delhi fire Service as per clause no.l
C NOC from ASl.DMRC.DPCC.AAl ( whetc ever applicable) as per clause no.1
D Structural Stability Certificate as per clause no.2
E SACKA application
F vSclf - declaration for SACFA Clearance when obtained within six months
G Type test certificate issued by ARAl to the manufacturing of the DG set
(where DG Set is installed)
H Indemnity Bond as per Clause 3&7 ■ -
1 Self -declaration as per Clause 5
J NQC as per Clause 16.(1) (il (al/(b)/(cl
K Tower/ Mast design duly signed by the Applicant and Structural Engmeer.
L Coro of part LOP/ Site pl^/ Roof Top Plan etc showing the location of the
property —: —— j
M Copy of relevant Licence / infrastructure provider registration ceitificatc ot
the Applicant Company issued by the Deptt. Of Telecommunication Govt of
N Copy of Power of Attorney of the authorised signatoiy of the Applicant
O Details of fees

You are kindly requested to consider our application in light of the above documents and grant
permission within the prescribed period.

For. Ltd.

Name & Designation

(Authorized Signatory)
End. As above

d '

Thf. Rxecutive Engineer (Building!.


Rnntt^ Delhi Municipal Corporation.

with respect to installation of PglS

Si^blect: Aonlicatlon for permission / re

site at

Reference! Settlement deed Aated 30.01.2017 regarding ip'ant of permisaion foy tower
and Court order Hated 28.08-2017 nageed in LPA No.

Dear Sir,

Authority signatory of M/s. __ (herein after referred as

1/We, Sh.,,.. ^ ■ of the Companies Act,1956,
“Applicant Company”) is incorporated under the provisions
having Its Circle office at _ ■

as Annexure-A,
enclosing herewith
In pursuance of the aforesaid settlement, Clause No. 16 (U), we are
the documents as under:

A AonUcatioa made to Delhi Urban Art Commissi^ .as per clause no.l
B AopUcationmade to Delhi fire Service as perdause no.l
C NOC from AS!,DMRC,DPCC.AA1 ( where ever applicable) as per clause
no.l = —
D Structural Stability Certificate as per clause no-.^
E SACFA application
P Self - ' declaration for SACFA Cleaiwcc when obtained within s«
G Type test certificate issued by ARAl to the manufacturing of the DG set
(where DO Set is installed)
H Indemnity Bond as per Clause 3&7
I Self-declaration as ner Clause 5 &9
J NOr saner Clause 16,(11)

K. Copy of part LOP/ Site plan/ Rool Top Plan etc showing me location of
L -g^T'^elcvant LicencT"/ ' infrastructure
certTicate of the Applicant Company issued by the Deptt. 01
Company —-
N. Details of tees

.W. re,u». consider our .ppliCiOn^W or tlio aW.d,cn»»ts .»d -.nt'
permission Within the prescribed penod.
For, Ltd.

Name & Designation

(Authorized Signatory)
EncL As above

/ ■
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{Common as per clause 3&7)

Applicable for RTF/ GBT/GBM/Pole Site (RTP)
This Indemnity Bond is executed by Mr. Authorized Signatory of M/s
(herein after called the "INDEMNFIER"), a Company iricorporated under the provisions of the

Companies Act, 1966, having its Circle office at , in favour of South Delhi Municipal

Corporation do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as ynder-

1. TTiat the INDEMNIFIER is seeking permission for installation of RTT/GBT/GBM/ tower/s

Pole. Site on the roof of the Property No. from the
South Delhi Municipal Corporation.

2. That the INDEMNIFIER is Telecom Service Provider / Infrastructure Provider (category-l)

(lP-1) and is entitled to establish, maintain and provide telecommunication service /
infrastructure which inter alia includes towers, poles and other allied equipment.

3. That the INDEMNIFIER shall be responsible for any damage to the building and for
public safety for the temporary equipment/ poles installed on the above mentioned

4. That the INDEMNIFIER hereby declare that all the condition of the settlement
agreement dated 30.01.17 shall be adhered to before and after the installation of the
said RTT/GBT/GBM/ tower/s Pole Site on the roof of the Property No.

5. That the INDEMNIFIER shall be responsible for'any dispute/ court case arises in future in
this regard the SDMC shall be kept harmless from the all liabilities and the SDMC shall
be liberty to revoke the permission as granted by the SDMC and no equity shall be
claimed in this regard.

6. That the INDEMNIFIER fully understands that in case of buildings, which were
unauthorized or which may be so declared at a later point of time, permission for
installation of towers shall be granted on fulfillment of all the above conditions.
However, that shall not imply any change whatsoever in the status of the unauthorized
building and shall be without prejudice 'to the right of South Delhi Municipal
corporation, to demolish the said building through the due process of law. But the
corporation will not be liable to inform the Cell Tower Operator or infrastructure
provider before taking action against the.unauthorized building.
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF THE INDEMNIFIER, as aforesaid, said s^t and subscribed his hand on
these presents on the day, month and year first above written.



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■-■- ! . ■
: i ■■ • ',■ '•' • -I •'

',. ’
a; ;

(As per Clause 5)
Applicable far RTT/GBT/ GBM/ Pole Site (RTP)

This declaration is made by Mr. Authorized Signatory bn behalf of m/s

having its office at. and do hereby
undertake as under that;

1. That the Authorized Signatory is seeking permission for instalialion of RTT/GBT/GBM/

tower/s Pole Site on the. roof top of the Property No.
_from the South Delhi Municipal Corporation.

2. That as per guidelines of Department of Telecommunications (DOT), a Copy of

application for,Standing Advisory Committee on Frequency Allocation (SACFA)
clearance acknowledged by WPC Wing of Department of Telecommunication, Govt,
- of India with registration number for the individual location will be submitted along
with the application for new towers in the Corporation and the SACFA clearance,
when obtained will be submitted within 6 months of granting permission.

3. That in the event, if the SACFA Certificate is not provided within six months, the South
Delhi Municipal Corporation shall be at liberty to take action against, company
including revocation of the permission.

Authorized Signatory

Name & Designation.




Annexure -

(As per Clause 9).
Applicable for RTT/ GBT/GBM/Pole Site(RTP)
f I

This.declaration is made on this by Mr. , Authorized

Signatory on behalf of having its office
at ^ and do hereby undertake as under that;

1. That the company Is seeking permission for installation of RTT/GBT/GBM/ tower/s

Pole Site on the rooftop ofthe Property No. from
the South Delhi Municipal Corporation.

2. The company shall ensure compliance with the Safety guidelines issued by DOT in
regard to the operation of Telecom Towers/ Pole.Sites and the company shall be
responsible for any damage to the building and for public safety for the temporary
equipment/ poles installed on.the above mentioned Premises.

3. That the Company hereby declares that all the condition ofthe settlement agreement
dated 30.01.17 shall be adhered to before and after the Installation of the said
RTT/GBT/GBM/ tower/s Pole Site on the roof of the Property No.

Authorized Signatory

Name & Designation.

r *• -'t*.'*

t !n the matter nf :
MCD Vs. Cellular Operators Association of India @ Ors.
Delhi Wed:.',a.Oi'i Centra
Tis Haaaii Courts
LPA No. 572/2011


Present: Sh. Sanjay 'fedav. Executive Engineer (Building HQ).SDMC,

Sh. Udit Ratna. Chief Town Planner, SDMC, and
Sh. Surinder Kumar, DLO, SDMC.
Sh. S.K. Mishra, Executive Engineer (Building HQ). NDMC.
Sh. A.D. Biswas, Chief Town Planner, NDMC
Sh. Sanjay l^mar. Executive Engineer (Building HQ). EDMC.
Sh. Rakesh Ailawadi. Chief Engineer (Building HQ), EDMC.
Sh. Sunil Kumar Mehra, Chief Town Planner, EDMC.
Sh. Manjul Bajpai, Advocate for ftespondent no. 1, Cellular Operators
Association of India

None for Respondent no. 2, AUSPl

None for Respondent no, 3. T.R, Dua and Respondent no. 4. S.K. Khanna
Khursheed Ahmed Bhatt, Regional Network Head for respondent no. 5.
Aircel Ud.

Sameer Chugh, Director(Legal and Regulatory) for respondent no. 6.


None for respondent no. 7. MTNL

Sh, Sanjay Kumar Sinha, Sr. Manager (Legal) for respondent no. 9,
Reliance Communication Ltd alongwith Sh. Gaurav Jain, Advocate'.
Sh. Anuj Bhatia, AGM (Corporate Affairs) for respondent no .11. Vodafone
Mobile Services Ltd.

Sh. Vikram Singh,Sr. Manager (Legal)for respondent no. 12,Indus Tower


None for respondent no, 13, Department of Telecommunication.

Sh. Pankaj Kijmar alongwith Sh. Satik Mahapatra. Advocate for Idea
Cellular Ltd.(respondent in LPA No. 573/11)

Sh. Naresh Arora; V.P (Legal) and Sh. Raj Shekhar Rai. Advocate for A-rr
Telecom irvfrastructure Private Ltd.

Sh. Parveen Sharma, Vice President. Corporate Affairs. Sh Vineet r^ooi

and Ms. NayanTara for RelianceJiqlnfocom Ltd.
Ms. Srishty Chadha,Sr. Executive (Legal)for GTL Infrastructure Ltd.
Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Tirthani, DGM (Legal) for Tower Vision India Pvt. Ltd.



Sessions were held with the parties to facilitate negotiations.

Brief facts of the present cases as disclosed by the parties are that
respondents in LPA No. 572/11 filed writ petitions bearing no. WP (C) 3267/2010, WP
(C) 3423/2010, WP (C) 439/2010. WP (C) 13863/2009, WP (C) 14178/2009, WP (C)
14199/2009. WP (C) 2382/2010 and WP (C)4084/2010 impugning Office Order dated
20.11.2003 Circular dated 7.02.2008 and Office Order dated 8.04.2010 issued by the
MCD (Now represented by SDMC, EDMC and NDMC) levying,fee and stipulating other
conditions for grant of permission for installation of temporary stnjctures/towers'on
rooftops for providing Cellular Basic Mobile Phone services. The said Writ Petitions
were decided vide order dated 29.04.2011 passed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Sahai
STf I K. aggrieved. MCD (Now represented by SDMC. EDMC and NDMC) filed
against Cellular Operators in the LPAs as detailed hereinabove.
Vide order dated 22.07.2016 passed in LPA No. 572/2011, the dispute between the
concerned parties was referred for mediation.

The concerned patties after negotiations have agreed to settle their

disputes as per the terms and conditions as contained in Annexure 'A'.
Sh. Surendra Kumar, Deputy Law Officer, SDMC informed that tetms and
conditions mentioned in Annexure 'A' are as per resolution of the Standing Committee
and decision of Corporation.

of„ MCD (Now^ represented

clarified that this settlement
by SDMC, EDMC andshall be applicable
NDMC) and shall within
not bethe jurisdiction
taken as a
precedent for other States in similar dispute.
it is also clarified that this settlement is arrived between the concerned
parties without prejudice to their submissions made or to be made before the Court
The present Settlement Agreement is subject to all applicable laws rules
regulations etc., including the Indian Telegraph Right of Way Rules. 2016 dated
15.11.2016, and these Rules shall be placed before the Hon'ble High Court of
Delhi by the parties for its consideration.

The companies namely ATC Telecom Tower Co. and ATC Telecom
Infrastructure Private Limited, GTL Infrastructure Ltd. and Tower Vision India Pvt. Ltd
have settled keeping in mind ttie status and importance attached to the Nationai
Capital Territory (NCT)of Delhi as the Capital of India and more importantly in view of
the explicit assurance by the COAI and all its member companies to bear ttie entire
financial impact that the acceptance of this proposal would entail on them.
The said agreement shall be binding on those Operators who
participated and in agreement of ttie proposal of the Cellular Operators Association o!
India and agreed by the Corporation, ^ . i*
*• y

Sanjay Yadav. anL|2f ,
-• vpcate for Respondent no.
Executive Engineer {Building HO). .cellular Operators Association of India

Udit Ratna,.. Khursheed Ahmed Bhatt. Regional Network

Chief Tpwn Planner, SDMC, Head for respondent no, 5. Aircel Ltd.

a 4
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.tts V./:
,\oo? A
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^wy ■
S.K. Mishra. Executive Engineer Sameer Chugh, Director {Legal and
{Building HO). NDMC. Regulatory) for respondent no. 6, Airtel.

A.D. Biswas, Chief Town Planner, NDMC Anuj Bhatia \, AS^^^Grporate Affairs) for
respondent no .11, Vodafone.
Services Ltd/--

Sanjay Kumar, Executive Engineer

(Building HQ), EDMC. Vikram Sing , Sr. Manager (Legal) for
respondent no. 12, Indus Tower Ltd.


Sh. Rakesh Ailawadh ief Engineer Pankaj mar Advocate for Idea Cellular
(Building) HQ. EDMC Ltd. (respondent in LPA No. 573/11)

Y. ■
W ' i
Sunil Kurhar Mehra. Chief Town Satik^ Mahapatra, Advocate for Idea Cellular
Planner, EDMC. Ltd. (re^ondent in LPA No. 573/11}
br \

i Naresh AtotWv gau for ATC Telecom
V Infrastructure Private Ltd.

Raj Shekhar Reft Mvocate for ATC Telecom

Infrastructure Private Ltd.
A ft

Parveen Sharma, Vice President. Corporate

A r

t '
VL Goel for Reliance Jio Infocom Ltd.

Nayan Tara Rell&ncejio Infocom Ltd.

Srishty Chadha. Sr. Executive (Legal) for gtl
Infrastructure Ltd.


0'^'^ ■AA '

14 •r
V — I

• T^'. x.W^'
Sanjeev jhrarTrithani. DGM (Legal) for
Tower Vision India Pvt. Ltd.

The contents of the settlement have been explained to the parties m

vernacular and they have understood the same and have admitted the same to be
comect Settlement proceedings be sent to the Hon'ble Delhi High court.

(Dr. Sudhir Kumar Jain)

Judge Incharge,
Mediation Centre
Tis Hazari Courts 9

# >

Bre^ti tnchwge
Tts Hazvitfl Courts
: Deed of Settlement
DeVrA Co‘-irt®



(1) Standing Committee in its meeting held on 04.(J8.2016

vide Resolution No. 73 • Item No.44: and (3) the
Corporation, vide its Resolution No. 208 dated 19.09.2016
as circulated vide letter No. F.33/Corp./HC/870/C&C dated
14.10.2016, resolved

(2) Standing Committee in its meeting held on 7.9.2016 vide

Resolution No.151 Item No.57 and (2) the Corporation,
vide its Resolution No.263 dated 17.10.2016 as
circulated vide letter No. F.33/corp.
4 Y .»
Committee/HC/988/C&C dated 8.11.2016

(3> Standing Committee in its meeting held on 8.9.2016

vide Resolution No. 68 Item No.30 and (2) the
Corporation, vide its Resolution No 79 dated 26.9.2016
as circulated vide letter No. F .33/CorpQration/746/C£(C
dated 4.10.2016.

1, Application to Delhi Urban Art Commission(DUAC)or Delhi Fire

Service (DFS), in cases where the tower is installed on the
buildings covered under the guidelines of DUAC or DFS
wherever applicable shall be submitted at the single window.
NOC of Archaeological Survey of India (ASi), Airports Authority
of India (AAl)(only in case if the location is marked in red zone
in Colour Coded Zoning Map (CC2M) specified by AAl)
wherever applicable.

•Tt'," In sites which do not have a generator set and are powered
only with electricity mains and secondary batteries, the
clearance from Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) will
not be required.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) application shall only to

be submitted in case the GBT / RTT is in tiie DMRC notified
corridors, wherever applicable, will be obtained.

In case such NOCs have already been obtained bv th*»
applicant company, the copy of same will be submitted to the

2, structural stability certificate from any one of the following six
institutions are required to be obtained by the Cellular and
Basic Cellular Operators/registered IP-1;

(a) Indian institute of Technology (IIT). Delhi;

(b)Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). Roorkeee;
(c) Central Building Research Institute (CBRI). Roorkee,
(d) Rail India Technical & Economic Services Ltd.
(RITES), Delhi:
(e) National Council for Cement & Building Material, 34
KM Stone. Delhi Mathura Road, Faridabad
(f) Any Government Engineering College in Delhi and
National Capital Region;
3. In case of buildings which were unauthorized or which may be
so declared at a later point of time, permission for installation
of tower shall be granted on fulfillment of all the conditions.
However, that shall not imply any change whatsoever in the
status of the unauthorized building and shall be without
prejudice to the right of MCD to demolish the said building
through the due process of law. MCD will inform the
concerned licensee/ registered IP-1 in advance (before
15 working days) or as per the Court Order on the
demolition and grant sufficient time to remove the

An indemnity Bond to this effect will be submitted by the

company. But the Corporation will not be liable to inform the
Cell Tower Operator or infrastructure provider before taking
action against the unauthorized building.
4. The licensees or registered IP-ls may share the towers for
fixing their respective antennas provided that the prescribed
conditions are duly fulfilled so as to ensure curtailing of
multiple towere and optimizing the use of the existing ones.
There shall be no additional charges for the sharing of towers.

5. As per guidelines of Department- of Telecommunications

(DOT), a Copy of application for Standing Advisory Committee
on Frequency Allocation (SACFA) clearance acknowledged by
WPC Wing of Department of Telecommunication, Govt, of India
with registration number for the individual location will be
submitted alongwith the application for new towers in the
Corporation and the SACFA clearance, when obtained wifi be
submitted within 6 months of granting permission The self-
declaration in this regard wilt be submitted by the applicant in
case of existing mobile towers the SACFA clearance wherever
available, will be submitted alongwith the application in the



■ .

b « ;/xi5
t. •

t I I
For sites to be installed in the areas marked under i%d
zone as per CCZM specified by AAI. NOC from AAI/ SACFA
clearance will be submitted. ,

Further, compliances of Clause No 9.2.5(c) and (d). after

9.2.5(b) in Chapter-9 (Provisions for Structural Safety, Natural
Disaster, Fire and Building Services) of the newly notified
Unified Building Bye-l3ws-2Q16 shall be ensured.

6- £H:The Fee will be as below;

a. Towers Roof Top Tower(RTF)/Ground Based Tower(GBT))/

Ground Based Mast(GBM) until jan 1, 2015.

i. For the period 08.04.2010 to 31.12.2014

Rs. 150,000/- for 5 years irrespective of sharing with effect
from the date of installation

b. Prospective from 01.01.2015 for RTT/GBT/GBM

Rs.200,000/- for 5 years irrespective of sharing
r with effect from the date of installation

c. For towers installed phor to issue of policy dated

08.04.2010 of erstwhile Municipal Corporation of Delhi
f i' under the Policy of 2003, if charges were previously
deposited under the previous policy of the year 2003, then
no additional charges shall be required to be submitted. If
such fee was not paid, then the fees payable shall be Rs.
100,000/' tilt 08.04.2010, For subsequent years, charges to
oe paid as per a & b above,

d. Pole sites; Pole sites per Operator up to 12 M height

i. Rs.20,000/-
ii. Duration 5 years
ill. With effect from 01.01.2016

e. Alt payments made under protest as per the interim Order

of the Delhi High Court dated May 31, 2010 shall be
adjusted against amounts to be paid as specified above
* «wi\Lv^
either for the sites installed between 2010 - 2014 and also
post January 2015.

7, The licensees and registered iP-is shall be responsible for anv
damage to life or property caused by the Poie/Tower/Masc In
>'1 case it is proven that the damage has been caused solely due
1 to Pole/Tower/ Mast. Accordingly, an Indemnity Bond In thk
regard wilt be submitted. ®

> I

8. For providing generator set for new mobile tower and cower' •
Installed till 01.01.2016, a copy of the type test certificate :
ct'-issued by Automotive Research Association of India .(ARAl) to
^Nthe manufactures of the Diesel Generator (DG) Sets as per
guidelines issued by DOT will be submitted alongwith the

For generator set installed on mobile towers installed prior to

01.01.2016. certificate from Delhi Pollution Control Committee
(DPCC) or its authorized agency will be submitted within 6
months of date of issue of this Policy.
9. The Operator shall ensure the safety guidelines issued by DOT
in this regard. However, a Self-Declaration in this regard will be
submitted by the applicant.
10. The responsibility and authority for sharing alongwith requisite
fee shall lie with the applicant company,
11. The complaints relating to EMF emissions, if any will be referred
to Department of Telecommunication/ TERM Cell, Government
of India.

12.The mobile towers installed without permission post-issuance Of

this Policy will be regularized as per rules alongwith the penalty
@ 25% of the requisite permission fee as per clause

13.The applicant wilt submit as below:

A. For CGHS: NOC/ Copy of Agreement from the

Management Committee/ Administrator;

B. For DOA/ Group Housing: NOC/ Copy of Agreement

from RWA of that Group Housing:

C. For plotted development:

(a) For RTT 6i GBT - NOC from all the owners of

the building and Copy of Agreement from
owner of roof rights.

(b) For RTFs - Copy of agreement:from owner

of roof rights. 1


(a) The application will be submitted by Telecom

Service Provider Company or Infrastructure
Provider Company having valid license from the
Department of Telecommunication, Govt, of India.

(b) The applicant company will submit the

building plan and location plan of the existing
♦ ■

building duty signed by the applicant and
Structural Engineer for RTTand RTFs.
(c) Copy of relevant license/infrastructure provider
registration certificate of the company is^ed by
the Department of Telecommunication. Govt, of
India is to be given,
(d). In case of violation of the terms & conditions, the
permission may be withdrawn after granting
opportunity of hearing to the applicant.
15.Revised guidelines shall be prepared from time to time based
guidelines issued by the Department of
L ?he c“wrS ■
^PP'^i^^ble from date of issuance of this

/ 1

>■ Corpo^n»:^ DWuments tp hg to Municipal


* »r

** ^plicable'^ submitted to Delhi Fire Service, wherever

c. Structural Safety Certificate;
d. SACFA Application; -
e. Self-declaration for SACFA clearance
when obtained,
within 6 months;
f. Copy of type test certificate issued by ARAI to the
N, manufacturer of the DG sets. If applicable- "
g. Indemnity Bond as per clause 3 and 7-
. ^''-PsciarationasperdauseS-
I- The applicant will submit as below:
(a) For CGHS: NOC/ Copy of Agreement
Management Committee/ AdministStoT from the

(b) for BOA/ Group Housing- NOC/ Conu r»r

AgreeTOWtromRWAof lhTtGroupHJSf^.
(0 For Plotted develfjtprnapt-.
ti 1. For RTT/ GBT/GBM
•jvA j
C'-" '
0»ne. Of the bPlldin9"ahrcl“'o1
owner Of roof righte. from

j. Tower/ mast design duly signed by the

Stnjchjral Engineer; ^ applicant and

t .1

i r

f '•-- 4

Copy of relevant license/infrastructure provtOer

-••?A registration certificate of the company issued by the
Department of Telecommunication, Government of
India is to be given;
(H) for Pole sites

a- Application made to Delhi Urban Art Commission,

wherever applicable;
b. Application made to Delhi Fire Service, wnerever
c SACFAApplicatJon;
d. Self-declaration for SACFA clearance, when obtained,
within 6 months:
t. Copy of type test certificate issued by ARAi to the
manufacturer of the DG sets, if applicable;
f. indemnity Bond as per clause 3 & 7
g. Self-declaration as per Clause 5 £i 9
K The applicant will submit as below:

l For CGHS: NOO Copy of Agreement from the

Management Connmittee/ Adminisiratcr;

it lor PDA/ Group Housino: NOC/ Copy of

Agreement from RWA of that Group Housing;
iii. For Plotted development:

1. For RTT £, GBT - NOC from all the owners

of the building and Copy of Agreeme<^:
from Owner of roof rights.
2. For RTPs - Copy of agreement from
owner of roof rights,

i. Copy of relevant license/infrastructure provioer

registration certificate of the company issueo by me
Department of Telecommunication. Govt, of india is
to be given.

17. Processing of Applications:

a. The concerned Zonal Engineer will act as a Nodal Officer for

granting permission for new mobile towers and for
regulahzabon of existing illegal mobile towers as per law.

b. All apfrfications will be processed as per the above setuement.

c Permission shall be granted in a bme bound manner which
shall not exceed 3b (thirty) calendar days from the date of*'
filing of application, in cases where no external permission ■
(Such as DUAC, DFS. AAI. OMRC, etc.), failing which :
be treated as deemed permission. ;




ci: 30 (Calendar days window for clearance will commence once

■ the documents (as per the check-list given in Para No. 16) are
submitted. f

e. The Municipal Corporation 'will forward the Application within
07 working days of receipt by the concerned Nodaf Officer for
permission from agencies other than Municipal Corporation
(such as OUAC. DFS, AAI. DMRC, ASI, etc.),

fv The deemed permission will not exempt the applicant from

• deposition of application charges and submission of requisite
documents and clearances. The application will be submitted
by the applicant company along ownership document of the
building / floor. NOC / agreement of the owner and other
requisite documents and fee. The cases having all the requisite
documents will be referred to other Departments as applicable a

within 10 days.The deficiency, if any, will be communicated by

the Building Department to the applicant company within 10
days and after receipt of all the requisite documents, the case
will be forwarded to ocher Departments as applicable within
next 10 days, After receipt of the clearances of all the
Departments, as applicable, the permission will be granted
tb within 10 days,
g, A copy of the permission will be sent by Building Department
\ to A&C Department for Imposing requisite tax.
\ \

■ e.

i V M

. i




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