CBC Hilot

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A. Course Design


Nominal Duration: 120 Hours
Qualification Level: NC II
Course Description: This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and
attitudes of HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) in accordance
with industry standards. It covers basic, common and core
competencies in NC II.

Trainee Entry
Requirements: Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into these
qualifications should possess the following requirements: 18
years old and above. Must pass the personality / aptitude test.
Can communicate effectively both oral and written form
Physically, emotionally and mentally fit Good moral

Basic Competencies
No. of Hours: 18 hours
Unit of Module Title Learning Nominal
Competency Outcomes Duration
1. Participate in 1.1 Participating in 1.1 Obtain and 5 hours
workplace workplace convey workplace
communication. communication. information.

1.2 Complete
relevant work related

1.3 Participate in
workplace meeting
and discussion.
2. Work in a team 2.1 Working in a 2.1 Describe team 4 hours
environment. team role and scope.
2.2 Identify own role
and responsibility
within team.

2.3 Work as a team

3. Practice career 3.1 Practicing 3.1 Integrate 4 hours
professionalism. career personal
professionalism. objectives with

3.2 Set and meet

work priorities.

3.3 Maintain
growth and

4. Practice 4.1 Practicing 4.1 Identify hazards 5 hours

occupational occupational and risks .
health and health and
safety. safety. 4.2 Evaluate hazards
and risks.

4.3 Control hazards

and risks.

4.3 Maintain
health and safety

Common Competencies
No. of Hours:22 hours
Unit of Module Title Learning Nominal
Competency Outcomes Duration
1. Implement and 1.1 Implementing 1.1 Provide 6 hours
monitor infection and monitor information to the
control policies and infection control work group about
procedures. policies and the organization’s
procedures. infection control
policies and

1.2 Integrate the

infection control
policy and
procedure into
work practices.

1.3 Monitor infection

performance and
improvements in
2. Respond 2.1 Respond 2.1 Plan and respond 5 hours
effectively to effectively to to emergencies.
difficult / difficult /
challenging challenging 2.2 Report and review
behavior behavior incidents
3. Apply basic first 3.1 Applying basic 3.1 Assess the 6 hours
aid first aid situation.

3.2 Apply basic first

aid techniques.

details of the
4. Maintain high 4.1 Maintaining 4.1.1 Communicate 5 hours
standard of high standard of appropriately with
patient/client patient/client patients/clients.
services services
4.1.2 Establish and
maintain good
relationship with

4.1.3 Act in a
respectful manner at
all times.

4.1.4 Evaluate own

work to maintain high
standard of
patient/client services.

Core Competencies
No. of Hours:80 hours
Unit of Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal
Competency Duration
1. Plan the hilot 1.1 Planning the 1.1 Identify vital 20 hours
wellness hilot wellness information to client.
program of program of
clients. clients 1.2 Explain hilot

1.3 Explain the hilot

wellness services
and products.

1.4 Confirm hilot

wellness program.
2. Provide pre- 2.1 Providing pre- 2.1 Schedule clients’ 20 hours
service to service to 2.2 Conduct preliminar
clients. clients.
3. Apply hilot 3.1 Applying hilot 3.1 Prepare client and 20hours
wellness wellness work area for hilot
techniques. techniques. wellness massage.
3.2 Perform self
assessment for hilot
wellness session.

3.3 Perform hilot

wellness techniques.
4. Provide advice 4.1 Providing 4.1 Perform aftercare 20 hours
on post hilot advice on post service.
wellness hilot wellness
services. services. 4.2 Identify and explain
the products.

4.3 Enumerate and

explain other

Assessment Methods:

• Simultation/ Practical T est

• Interview
• ReturnDemo
• Oral Questioning
• Written Exam

Course Delivery:

• Individualized Study / Self-paced learning

• Lecture-Discussion with PowerPoint presentation
• Demonstration /Practical Handson Exercises
• CompetencyBased Learning Materials Method
• Role Play
• Film Viewing


Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 20 trainees
for HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II are as follows:

Qty. Tools Qty. Equipment Qty. Materials

10 Thermometer 1 CD/DVD Player 5btls. Coconut Oil
5 Sphygmomanometer 1 TV 10 Banana Leaf Strips
and Other
5 Stethoscope 1 OHP 10 Bath towels
10 Whiteboard 30 Face towel/hand
10 Stool 10 Bed sheets
2 Trolley 10 Bowls
3 Massage Table: 10 Shorts
L = 1.8M W =
0.8M H = 0.7
6 Pillows
10 Smock gowns/bath
10 Gauze masks
10 Pillow cases
5 Alcohol
5 Basins
5 Couch Roll
Physiology and
First Aid


The Hilot (Wellness Massage) Therapy Learning Facility must be of concrete

structure. Based on class size of 20 students / trainees the space requirements
for the teaching / learning and curriculum areas are as follows

Space Requirement Size in Meters Area in Sq. Meters Total Area in Sq.

Laboratory Area 4X5 20 20

Learning Resources 3X2 6 6
Wash Area/Comfort 2.5 X 4 10 10
Room (male & female)
Admin and Staff Room 4X5 20 20
Circulation Area 4X4 16 16
Total Workshop Area 114 sq. meters

A.Qualification of Instructors/Trainers:


• Must be a certified Hilot

• Must be a certified Hilot Must have undergone training on Training Methodology II
(TM II) or holder of NTTC Certificate for Healthcare Professionals
• Must be physically, emotionally and mentally fit
• Must possess good moral character
• With at least 2 years experience in the health service industry
B.Modules of Instruction


• Plan the hilot wellness program of client/s

• Provide pre-service to hilot client/s
• Apply hilot wellness massage techniques
• Provide post advice and post-services to hilot clients

UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Provide pre-service to hilot client/s

MODULE TITLE: Providing pre-service to hilot client/s

Module Descriptor:

This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver preparatory
services to hilot wellness clients, including receiving clients, making appointments and
responding to client complaints.

Nominal Duration: 20 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

• Schedule clients
• Receive clients
• Identify clients’ special customer service needs/requirements
• Deliver hilot wellness service to client/s
• Respond to client/s complaint/s

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Schedule clients

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1.1 Appointments 1.1The provision of 1.1Relevant 1.1 1.1 Simultation/
are scheduled relevant legislation documentation, Individualized Practical T
according to including consumer such as: Study / Self- est
length of time law, privacy law, workplace paced learning 1.2 Interview
required for Occupational policy and 1.3 ReturnDemo
service/s, Health and Safety procedures 1.4 Oral
availability of requirements and manuals.
Discussion Questionin
staff and Industry Codes of g
rooms and Practice 1.2 Access to a with
workplace.poli 1,2 Workplace range of clients presentation
cies and policies and with different
procedures. procedures in requirements. 1.3
regard to personal Demonstration
1.2 Appointments presentation, 1.3 A range of /Practical
are confirmed record keeping, furnishings and
with client and sales, returns and paraphernalia.
details refunds, receiving
recorded.. and scheduling 1.4 Product
1.4 Competency
clients and making labels and
appointments sources of
1.3 Workplace Information.
features, including:
- workplace product 1.5 A qualified
and service range workplace 1.5Role Play
- location of assessor
workplace 1.6Film
areas/sections Viewing
- function and use
of workplace
telephone system
- message taken in
person or by
- client record
- written record of

LO2 . Receive clients

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods

2.1 Communication 2.1The provision 1.1 Relevant 1.1 1.1 Simultation/

with clients is of relevant documentatio Individualized Practical T
conducted legislation n, such as: Study / Self- est
according to including workplace paced learning 1.2 Interview
workplace consumer law, policy and 1.3 ReturnDemo
policies and privacy law, procedures 1.4 Oral
procedures. Occupational manuals.
Discussion Questioning
Health and Safety
2.2 Client customer requirements and 1.2 Access to a with
service needs Industry Codes of range of PowerPoint
and reasonable Practice clients with presentation
requests are met 2.1Workplace different
or referred to policies and requirements. 1.3
supervisor procedures in Demonstration
according to regard to 1.3 A range of /Practical
workplace personal furnishings and Handson
policies. presentation, paraphernalia Exercises
record keeping, 1.4 Product
2.3 Client wellness sales, returns and labels and
2.1 Competency
form is sourced refunds, receiving sources of
from file or new and scheduling product Based
wellness form clients and information. Learning
established making Materials
appointments. 1.5 A qualified Method
2.4 Client workplace
information is 2.3Workplace assessor 1.5Role Play
noted in record features,
system according including: 1.6Film
to workplace - workplace Viewing
policies and product and
procedures and service range
relevant laws. - location of
2.5 Client is directed areas/sections
to designated - function and use
area for specific of workplace
hilot wellness telephone system
service. - message taken
in person or by
- client record
- written record of

LO3 . Identify clients’ special customer service needs/requirements

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
3.1 Clients’ with 3.1The provision of 1.1 Relevant 1.1 1.1 Simultation/
special needs relevant legislation documentati Individualized Practical T
or requirements including on, such as: Study / Self- est
are identified consumer law, workplace paced learning 1.2 Interview
promptly by privacy law, policy and 1.3 ReturnDemo
observation Occupational procedures 1.4 Oral
and Health and Safety manuals.
Discussion with Questioning
questioning. requirements and
Industry Codes of 1.2 Access to a PowerPoint
3.2 A willingness Practice. range of presentation
to assist is clients with
conveyed 3.2Workplace different 1.3
verbally and policies and requirements Demonstration
non-verbally. procedures in . /Practical
regard to personal Handson
3.3 Client needs presentation, 1.3 A range of Exercises
are promptly record keeping, furnishings
serviced, sales, returns and and 1.5 Competency
referred or refunds, receiving paraphernali Based
redirected as and scheduling a. Learning
required. clients and making Materials
appointments. 1.4 Product Method
labels and
3.3Workplace sources of 1.5Role Play
features, including: product
- workplace information.
product and 1.6Film
service range 1.5 A qualified Viewing
- location of workplace
workplace assessor.
- function and use
of workplace
telephone system
- message taken in
person or by
- client record
- written record of

LO4. Deliver hilot wellness service to client/s

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
4.1 Possible 4.1The provision 1.1 Relevant 1.1 1.1 Simultation/
problems are of relevant documentati Individualized Practical T
identified, legislation on, such as: Study / Self- est
anticipated and including workplace paced 1.2 Interview
action is taken consumer law, policy and 1.3 ReturnDemo
to minimize privacy law, procedures 1.4 Oral
client Occupational manuals. Questioning
dissatisfaction. Health and 1.2Lecture-
1.5 Written
Safety 1.2 Access to a Discussion
with Exam
4.2 Opportunities requirements range of
to deliver and Industry clients with PowerPoint
additional Codes of different presentation
levels of hilot Practice. requirements
wellness . 1.3
services 4.2Workplace Demonstratio
beyond the policies and 1.3 A range of n /Practical
client’s procedures in furnishings Handson
immediate regard to and Exercises
request are personal paraphernali
recognized and presentation, a.
4.3 Competenc
acted upon. record keeping,
sales, returns 1.4 Product
4.3 Client is and refunds, labels and
bidden farewell receiving sources of
according to andscheduling product
workplace clients information.
policies and andmaking 1.5Role Play
procedures. appointments. 1.5 A qualified
workplace 1.6Film
4.4 Verbal and 4.3Workplace assessor Viewing
non-verbal features,
communication including:
is used to - workplace
develop rapport product and
and maintain service range
contact with - location of
client during workplace
customer areas/sections
service - function and
delivery. use of workplace
4.5 Regular system
customer is - message taken
encouraged by in person or by
promotion of telephone
appropriate - client record
hilot wellness system
services and - written record
products of complaints
according to
policies and

4.6 Sales, returns

or refunds are
according to
policies and

LO5. Respond to client/s complaint/s

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
5.1 Nature of 5.1The provision of 1.1 Relevant 1.1 1.1 Simultation/
complaint is relevant legislation documenta Individualized Practical T
established by including tion, such Study / Self- est
active listening consumer law, as: paced 1.2 Interview
and questioning privacy law, workplace 1.3 ReturnDemo
and confirmed Occupational policy and 1.4 Oral
with the client. Health and Safety procedures Questioning
requirements and manuals 1.2Lecture-
5.2 Complaint Industry Codes of Discussion
resolution Practice 1.2 Access to a with
procedures are range of PowerPoint
implemented. 5.2Workplace clients with presentation
policies and different
5.3 Unresolved procedures in requiremen 1.3
complaints are regard to personal ts Demonstratio
promptly presentation, n /Practical
referred to record keeping, Handson
supervisor. sales, returns and 1.3 A range of Exercises
refunds, receiving furnishings
5.4 Opportunities and scheduling and
1.6 Competenc
are taken to turn clients and making paraphern
incidents of appointments alia
dissatisfaction 5.3Workplace 1.4 Product
into a features, including: labels and
demonstration - workplace sources of
of high quality product and product 1.5Role Play
customer service range information
service in line - location of 1.6Film
with workplace workplace 1.5 A qualified
policies and areas/sections workplace
procedures. - function and use assessor
of workplace
5.5 Documentation telephone system
regarding client - message taken in
dissatisfaction person or by
or complaints is telephone
completed. - client record
5.5 Follow-up - written record of
action is taken complaints
as necessary to
ensure client



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