A Study On The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies With Reference To Olive Grapes
A Study On The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies With Reference To Olive Grapes
A Study On The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies With Reference To Olive Grapes
A study on the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies with reference to olive grapes
Mohamed Arif M1, Dr. S Brindha2
Student, GRD Institute of Management, Dr. G.R.D College of Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Head of the Department, GRD Institute of Management, Dr. G.R.D College of Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Digital Marketing is a rapidly growing industry. The trend of Digital Marketing is growing day by day with the concepts of
Internet marketing that is turning into an important platform of Digital Marketing along with the advent of electronic gadgets.
Digital Marketing is going to be top on the agenda of many marketers, and they might be looking for innovative ways to market
online, reduce cost per lead, increase click-through-rates and conversion rates, and discover what’s new in Digital Marketing.
Internet advertising has significant relationship with purchase decision of the consumers and therefore is a key determinant in
influencing Consumer Behavior and hence they need to invest heavily when compared to traditional means of purchasing. The
present study focuses on the effectiveness of Digital Marketing with reference to Olive grapes.
1. Introduction Disadvantages
Digital Marketing Limitation of Internet Access
Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing Limited Consumer Link and Conversation
or Web Marketing) is a collective name for marketing activity Advertisement for Limited Products
carried out online, as opposed to traditional marketing through High Competition of Brands
print media, live promotions, TV and radio advertisement. The Risk of Hacking
rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct
consequence of the global phenomenon that is the Internet, Introduction of the organization
and effectiveness of Digital Marketing channels in generating Olive Grapes was started as a Web Development Company in
revenue and awareness. Compared to traditional methods of the year 2008. Now, they have diversified into ITES,
advertising, Digital Marketing offers rather realistic costs, Branding and Training horizons. They extend their complete
accurate targeting and excellent reporting. Digital Marketing's support to establish and maintain your brand identity with a
development since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way vast range of services. While they create a robust and result-
brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As oriented strategy they also make sure that it agrees with the
digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing overall business goals and corporate objectives of their onsite
plans and everyday life, and as people use digital devices and offshore clients.
instead of visiting physical shops, Digital Marketing They offer a fully integrated Digital Marketing service aiming
campaigns are becoming more prevalent and efficient. Digital to provide customized strategies that work for an individual or
Marketing methods such as Search Engine Optimization a concern. Their team’s diverse range of skills allows them to
(SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Content Marketing, create dynamic, holistic and scalable campaigns for all of their
Influencer Marketing, Social Media Marketing, e-mail direct clients. They implement effective online marketing campaigns
marketing, display advertising, e–books, and optical disks and that will deliver traffic, enquiries, sales and most importantly,
games are becoming more common in our advancing a return on the Digital Marketing spend.
technology. In fact, Digital Marketing now extends to non- Olive Grapes focuses on satisfying all the branding needs and
Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile to be a one stop shop for all the branding needs. To deliver
phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile exceptional return on investment for their clients in all three
ringtones. verticals and help their clients' business harness the power of
marketing to generate leads, grow sales and support goals.
Global Reach Through Advertisements 2. Scope of the study
Easy Brand Promotion To understand the elements in Digital Marketing and to
Consumer’s Convenience to Shop Online understand what dynamic role a product name might play in
Easy Consumer Reach paying to the success of a company. It will be essential to
Direct Advertising comprehend the background of existing issues and to
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
categorize the services preferred by the clients. It focuses and suggest potential marketing actions. The Approach was to
upon the branding strategies for internet marketing. It also conduct a case study about Design with Benefits, whose
determines the effectiveness of the technologies in influencing business idea is to sell designer products with social and
the brand power over internet with respect to the perspective environmental benefits. Even though the concept is good and
of its customers. It focuses mainly upon the understanding and functional, reaching the potential customers and defining the
identifying the target group of the clients. Online media market is challenging for every starting company. This was
advertising with its shorter promoting time, low cost and high the reason why there was a need to perform this study.
rate of flexibility resulted in higher impact than offline According to George otieno osewe, the effectiveness of
advertising. internet advertising on consumer behaviour: the case of
The growth of internet and the amount of time spend on the university of nairobi students. Internet has grown
internet are the crucial motivating factors. The online tremendously in both its applications and number of users due
marketing and social media advertising seem to explore all to its unique characteristics of flexibility, interactivity, and
available options and revenues over the internet to market a personalization. It has been a very useful tool for
product and to gain the maximum exposure. There is always a communication, entertainment, education, and electronic trade
need for an online marketing company to fetch the corporate (Ko et al., 2004; Koyuncu and Lien, 2003). The revolutionary
perceptibility for subsequent sales. The scope for these change brought forth by information technology has an
facilities is increasing at a mercurial pace. important impact on the daily lives. It has transformed the way
With every marketing agency hiring a web-based project, we do business by allowing retailers to offer unlimited range
these businesses are reaching exceptional heights within no of products and services to all consumers from around the
time. world at any point in time. The Internet has emerged as an
advertising medium (Silk et al., 2001). Many companies have
2.1 Statement of research problem turned to the Internet to advertise their products and services;
Advertisers are expected to shift and spend millions in internet and the Internet is deemed to be the most significant direct
advertising in the coming years than TV, print ads and other marketing channel for the global marketplace (Faber et al.,
traditional advertising media. Internet advertising broadly 2004; Ko et al., 2004; Korgaonkar and Wolin, 2002).
consists of various commercial content formats delivered by Companies are pouring billions of dollars into Internet
video clip, print, and audio; either solicited or unsolicited and advertising to obtain greater return on investment on ads
includes company web sites, corporate logos, e-mail (Edwards, 2005; Joines et al.,2003).
messages, pop-ups, banner ads, skyscraper ads, buttons,
interstitials, hyperlinks, dynamic media, and interactive 4. Research Methodology
games. So the requirements of the clients must be understood. In Methodology, researcher used different criteria for
Their online presence should be found, and a better solution solving/searching the given research problem. Different
should be identified for a particular client. sources use different type of methods for solving the problem.
If we think about the word “Methodology”, it is the way of
2.2 Objectives of the study searching or solving the research problem. The type of
To find the online communities preferred by the clients of research used in the study is descriptive research includes
Olive grapes. surveys and facts, findings, enquiries of different kinds. The
To identify the Digital Marketing services opted by the major purpose of descriptive research is descriptive of the
clients from Olive Grapes. state of affairs as it exists at percent. The sample size
To know the satisfaction level of the clients towards considered for the study is 120 respondent i.e. 120 Clients of
Digital Marketing of Olive grapes. Olive Grapes. As it was an anonymous online survey, the
sample was randomly selected. The survey was anonymous
3. Review of literature because most of the people using online are very cautious
According to Nielsen, the author of Advertising in social about their privacy for which they do not want to disclose
media: How consumers act after seeing social ads. Social information to other people especially while in a survey. In
media has not only changed how people communicate online, this research, the sample is all the people who are the active
but it has also changed the consumption of other media too. users of social media with diversified profession. Simple
Online social connections are used to filter, discuss, percentage and Chi-square were applied to the analyze the
disseminate, and validate news, entertainment, and products data.
for consumption.
According to Johanna Narkiniemi, Using Digital Marketing to 5. Data analysis and interpretation
Develop a Modern Marketing Strategy for a Startup. The
purpose of this study was to discover how Digital Marketing Table 1: Account in online communities
can promote a newly launched startup’s business in the United S. No Particulars No. of Respondent Percentage
States market. Other objectives were to more precisely define 1 Facebook 51 42.5
the market where company is operating, to identify its main 2 Twitter 36 30.0
challenges and find ways to build stronger brand equity, and 3 LinkedIn 12 10.0
how to engage the target customers. The study also aims to 4 Stumble Upon 1 .8
provide a comprehensive situational analysis of the market 5 YouTube 20 16.7
and conduct realistic research of the marketing possibilities, Total 120 100.0
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Table 4
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 16.864a 20 .662
Likelihood Ratio 18.132 20 .579
Linear-by-Linear Association 5.415 1 .020
N of Valid Cases 120
a. 22 cells (73.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.
The above table shows that chi-square value for the greater than 0.05 as it is an wish of each individual
assumptions is not significant since the value is greater than organization to choose the online communities and the
0.05 as it is an wish of each individual organization to choose marketing applications since the need of each organization
the online communities and the marketing applications since differs according to their business.
the need of each organization differs according to their
business. 7. Suggestions
Suggestions for the company is taken from the clients
6. Findings feedback,
1. Most of the real sector people actually understand the 1. As the competition in this field is very high, creativity and
value and opportunities of Digital Marketing. innovation must be developed.
2. With the study of Digital Marketing I came to know its 2. Many customers feel that there is a delay in delivering the
emergence and extreme growth in today’s scenario. products. So, the delivery of the products must be fast.
3. What I found in client servicing is convincing clients is bit 3. If after sales service is improved, the customers’
complex as they too have complete knowledge about the satisfaction level will be increased.
Digital Marketing and also explaining how we are better 4. In order to attract more customers the content writing can
than others. be more expressive.
4. 40% of the respondents tells that social media accounts for 5. Usage of more creative and different templates might
their organization is important. result in creating better impression on the products.
5. 42.5% of the respondents have account in Facebook for 6. Clients should be given proper training about using the
their business. product to maintain a consistent level of sales.
6. 36.7% of the respondents use Google AdWords as their 7. Digital Marketing communication is not so costly than any
marketing application. other media but content management in Digital Marketing
7. The assumptions is not significant since the value 0.662 is communication is really very important. So marketers
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
8. Conclusion
The successful completion of this internship indicates that the
future of marketing is in the hands of digital. Digital
Marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it
consists of integrated services and integrated channels.
Marketers want to use these components in an effective way
to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital era,
marketer is not the custodian for a brand; people who are
connected across the digital platforms are the custodians.
Brands want to build their presence over digital platform,
because customers have high affinity towards digital media
than other media’s. More than that customers are highly
information seekers and digital media is the only platform for
two-way communication between brands and customers.
With my research I would like to conclude that the Digital
Marketing strategies performed in Olive grapes are effective.
I would also like to conclude my research by quoting again
that “Brands must pursue digital platform”.
9. References
1. http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2011/how-
2. https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/67988/Nar
3. http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/handle/11295/63378