Lesson 6.5
Lesson 6.5
Lesson 6.5
Definition of Grafting
Grafting is a horticultural technique where tissues of plants are joined so that they continue to
grow together. In this method, two plant parts, the scion (upper part) and the rootstock (lower
part), are fused to create a new plant with combined traits.
The practice of grafting can be traced back 4,000 years to ancient China and Mesopotamia. As
early as 2,000 years ago, people recognized the incompatibility problems that may occur when
grafting olives and other fruiting trees.
Two types.
1. Budding
2. Grafting
• Rootstock:
o This is the lower part of the graft, which becomes the root system of the plant.
o Characteristics of the Rootstock:
▪ Should have a strong, well-developed root system to support the scion.
▪ Must be compatible with the scion to ensure successful grafting.
▪ Often chosen for its resistance to soil-borne diseases and adaptability to
local growing conditions.
Types of Grafting
1. Cleft Grafting
One of the simplest and most popular forms of grafting, cleft grafting, is a method for top
working both flowering and fruiting trees (apples, cherries, pears, and peaches) in order to
change varieties. Cleft grafting is also used to propagate varieties of camellias that are
difficult to root. This type of grafting is usually done during the winter and early spring while
both scion and rootstock are still dormant. Cleft grafting may be performed on main stems or
on lateral or scaffold branches.
The rootstock used for cleft grafting should range from 1 to 4 inches in diameter and should
be straight grained. The scion should be about 1⁄4-inch in diameter, straight, and long enough
to have at least three buds. Scions that are between 6 and 8 inches long are usually the easiest
to use.
• Preparing the Rootstock. The stock should be sawed off with a clean, smooth cut
perpendicular to the main axis of the stem to be grafted. Using a clefting tool wedge and
a mallet, make a split or "cleft" through the center of the stock and down 2 to 3 inches.
Remove the clefting tool wedge and drive the pick end of the tool into the center of the
newly made cleft so that the stock can be held open while inserting the scion.
• Preparing the Scion. In cleft grafting, one scion is usually inserted at each end of the
cleft, so prepare two scions for each graft. Select scions that have three or four good
buds. Using a sharp, clean grafting knife, start near the base of the lowest bud and make
two opposing smooth-tapered cuts 1 to 2 inches long toward the basal end of the scion.
Cut the side with the lowest bud slightly thicker than the opposite side. Be sure the basal
end of the scion gradually tapers off along both sides.
• Inserting the Scion. Insert a scion on each end of the cleft, with the wider side of the
wedge facing outward. The cambium of each scion should contact the cambium of the
• Securing the Graft. Remove the clefting tool from the cleft so that the rootstock can
close. Pressure from the rootstock will hold the scions in place. Thoroughly seal all cut
surfaces with grafting wax or grafting paint to keep out water and prevent drying. If both
scions in the cleft "take," one will usually grow more rapidly than the other. After the first
growing season, choose the stronger scion and prune out the weaker.
o A method where the rootstock is split, and a wedge-shaped scion is inserted.
o Advantages: Ideal for grafting small scions onto larger rootstocks.
o Disadvantages: Requires precise cutting; not suitable for all species.
o Sri Lankan Example: Mango (Mangifera indica).
2. Side Grafting
At one time the side-veneer graft was a popular technique for grafting varieties of camellias
and rhododendrons that are difficult to root. Currently, it is the most popular way to graft
conifers, especially those having a compact or dwarf form. Side-veneer grafting is usually
done on potted rootstock.
• Preparing the Stock. Rootstock is grown in pots the season before grafting, allowed to
go dormant, and then stored as with other container nursery stock. After exposure to cold
weather for at least six weeks, the rootstock is brought into a cool greenhouse for a few
days before grafting takes place to encourage renewed root growth. The plant should not
be watered at this time.
Make a shallow downward cut about 3⁄4-inch to 1 inch long at the base of the stem on the
potted rootstock to expose a flap of bark with some wood still attached. Make an inward
cut at the base so that the flap of bark and wood can be removed from the rootstock.
• Preparing the Scion. Choose a scion with a diameter the same as or slightly smaller than
the rootstock. Make a sloping cut 3⁄4-inch to 1 inch long at the base of the scion
• Inserting the Scion. Insert the cut surface of the scion against the cut surface of the
rootstock. Be certain that the cambia contact each other.
• Securing the Graft. Hold the scion in place using a rubber grafting strip, tape, or
grafting twine. Seal the entire graft area with warm grafting wax or grafting paint.
Remove the rubber or twine shortly after the union has healed. Never allow the binding
material to girdle the stem.
o The scion is inserted into the side of the rootstock, which is not cut off
o Advantages: Good for trees with thick stems.
o Disadvantages: Growth can be slow as the scion depends on the rootstock.
o Sri Lankan Example: Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis).
3. Inarch Grafting
Inarching, like bridge grafting, is used to bypass or support a damaged or weakened area of a
plant stem . Unlike bridge grafting, the scion can be an existing shoot, sucker, or water sprout
that is already growing below and extending above the injury. The scion may also be a shoot
of the same species as the injured plant growing on its own root system next to the main
trunk of the damaged tree. With the inarching technique, the tip of the scion is grafted in
above the injury using the same method as for bark or bridge grafting.
o A method where both the rootstock and scion are in pots and gradually joined
o Advantages: Used when the root system of an established tree is weak.
o Disadvantages: More time-consuming compared to other methods.
o Sri Lankan Example: Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus).
4. Crown Grafting
the procedure for crown grafting is similar to that used for cleft grafting, except that the
grafts are placed between the bark and the wood, without making a cleft. The grafts should
be stronger (at least half an inch in diameter) and taller, and the cut sections should be longer.
It is necessary for the sap to have risen in the tree which one wishes to crown so that the bark
may separate easily from the wood. One or more branches are sawn at one or two feet above
the stem of the rootstock, and the jagged edges left by the saw are cut and smoothed with a
pruning knife, the point of which is then used to separate the bark from the wood so that the
grafts may be inserted between them. Six or eight grafts can be inserted into each branch
depending on its girth, following which the graft unions are covered up, as in cleft grafting.
Crown grafting is used only for large ‘pip-fruit’ trees which would not easily withstand cleft
o The scion is inserted into cuts made around the crown of the rootstock.
o Advantages: Good for rejuvenating old trees.
o Disadvantages: Requires expert skills to prevent graft failure.
o Sri Lankan Example: Durian (Durio zibethinus).
5. Whip and Tongue Grafting
The whip and tongue technique is most commonly used to graft nursery crops or woody
ornamentals. Both the rootstock and scion should be of equal size and preferably no more
than 1⁄2-inch in diameter. The technique is similar to splice grafting except that the whip on
the rootstock holds the tongue of the scion in place (and vice versa). This leaves both hands
free to wrap the joint.
For the whip and tongue graft, make similar cuts on both the stock and scion. These cuts
should be made with a single draw of the knife and should have a smooth surface so that the
two can develop a good graft union. Up to this point, rootstock and scion are cut the same as
for a splice graft.
• Preparing the Stock and Scion. Cut off the stock using a diagonal cut. The cut should
be four to five times longer than the diameter of the stock to be grafted. Make the same
kind of cut at the base of the scion.
Next, place the blade of the knife across the cut end of the stock, halfway between the
bark and pith (on the upper part of the cut surface). Use a single knife stroke to draw the
blade down at an angle through the wood and pith. Stop at the base of the initial diagonal
cut. This second cut must not follow the grain of the wood but should run parallel to the
first cut.
• Inserting the Scion. Prepare the scion in the same way. Fit the scion into the rootstock so
that they interlock whip and tongue. Be certain that the cambia are aligned.
• Securing the Graft. Wrap the junction with a grafting strip or twine, and seal it with
grafting wax or grafting paint. Never allow the binding material to girdle the stem.
o A more advanced technique where both scion and rootstock are cut at an angle
and joined with a tongue-like notch.
o Advantages: Strong union between scion and rootstock.
o Disadvantages: Requires precision and skill.
o Sri Lankan Example: Citrus (Citrus spp.).
6. Saddle Grafting
Saddle grafting is a relatively easy technique to learn and once mastered can be performed
quite rapidly. The stock may be either field-grown or potted. Both rootstock and scion should
be the same diameter. For best results, use saddle grafting on dormant stock in mid- to late
winter. Stock should not be more than 1 inch in diameter.
• Preparing the Stock. Using two opposing upward strokes of the grafting knife, sever the
top from the rootstock. The resulting cut should resemble an inverted V, with the surface
of the cuts ranging from 1⁄2-inch to 1 inch long.
• Preparing the Scion. Now reverse the technique to prepare the base of the scion. These
cuts on the rootstock and scion must be the same length and have the same slope so that a
maximum amount of cambial tissue will make contact when the two halves are joined.
• Inserting the Scion. Place the V-notched scion onto the saddle of the rootstock. If
rootstock and scion are the same diameter, cambial alignment is easier; otherwise adjust
as needed.
• Securing the Graft. Wrap the graft with a grafting twine, tape, or strip, then seal it with
grafting wax or grafting paint.
o The scion is shaped like a saddle to fit on the wedge of the rootstock.
o Advantages: Strong and quick union.
o Disadvantages: Suitable for scions and rootstocks of similar thickness.
o Sri Lankan Example: Tea (Camellia sinensis).
7. Green Grafting
Green Grafting is a technique of grafting that is typically performed during the growing
season when both the scion (the top part) and the rootstock (the bottom part) are in their
active growth phase. The process involves grafting green, soft tissues rather than the dormant
woody parts of the plant. This method is widely used in tropical climates like Sri Lanka,
where plants experience year-round growth.
The active growth phase of a plant refers to the period when it is actively growing and
developing. During this phase, plants undergo increased cellular activity, leading to the
formation of new leaves, stems, roots, and sometimes flowers or fruits. The active growth
phase is marked by:
1. Rapid Cell Division: The meristematic tissues (growth tissues at the tips of roots and
shoots) divide quickly, resulting in the elongation of stems and roots.
2. Leaf Production: New leaves are formed, and older leaves expand, maximizing
3. Nutrient and Water Uptake: Plants actively absorb water and nutrients from the soil to
support their growth.
4. High Metabolic Activity: There is an increase in the plant’s metabolism, with more
energy being produced and consumed.
5. Vigorous Development of Flowers and Fruits (in certain species): During the growing
season, some plants may also produce flowers and fruits.
o This is a type of grafting done on herbaceous plants or young, green stems.
o Advantages: Can be done quickly, without waiting for dormancy.
o Disadvantages: More vulnerable to environmental stress.
o Sri Lankan Example: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).
8. Stone Grafting
Stone grafting, also known as epicotyl grafting, is a popular technique for propagating
mango trees. It's a relatively simple and cost-effective method that allows for the rapid
production of high-quality mango plants.
A freshly germinated seed or stone from the desired rootstock is selected. The
seedling used is typically around 10-15 days old, when it has developed a healthy root
system but has not yet formed extensive shoots.
The seedling is decapitated (the top portion is removed), leaving the rootstock's stem
and root system intact.
A scion (a healthy young shoot) is taken from a mature tree of the desired variety.
The scion should be 2–3 inches long and have 2-3 buds.
The base of the scion is cut in a V-shape to match the cut on the rootstock.
The scion is inserted into the cut on the rootstock, ensuring a tight fit and alignment
of the vascular cambium layers (the growing tissues of both the scion and rootstock).
The graft union is tightly wrapped with grafting tape or a rubber strip to secure the
scion in place and prevent it from drying out.
o Advantages: Economical and widely used in tropical fruit production.
o Disadvantages: Requires more time to develop.
o Sri Lankan Example: Mango (Mangifera indica).
In Sri Lanka, citrus fruits, such as lime and orange, are commonly propagated using T-
budding. This allows farmers and gardeners to quickly establish new plants with desired
fruiting characteristics, saving time compared to growing plants from seed. The technique is
especially useful in tropical climates where growth is continuous.
o A T-shaped cut is made in the rootstock, and a bud is inserted.
o Advantages: Simple and fast.
o Disadvantages: Only works with young, flexible rootstock.
o Sri Lankan Example: Citrus (Citrus spp.).
2. Patch Budding
Patch Budding is a grafting technique where a bud from the desired plant (scion) is inserted
into a carefully cut patch on the bark of the rootstock. It is typically used for plants with
thicker bark or when the bark does not easily "slip," such as in some fruit trees like citrus,
mango, and avocado. This method is more commonly used in tropical climates, including Sri
Lanka, due to its success in trees with rough bark.
Steps in Patch Budding:
1. Selecting the Budwood (Scion):
o Choose a healthy bud from the desired plant (scion). This is typically from a
mature shoot but not too old, ensuring that the bud is active and healthy.
o Remove the leaves from the budwood, leaving a short section of the petiole (leaf
stalk) attached.
2. Preparing the Rootstock:
o The rootstock should be actively growing and healthy. A rectangular patch of
bark is cut out on the rootstock, typically about 2-3 cm in length and 1-2 cm
wide. The bark is carefully lifted off, exposing the cambium layer underneath.
3. Preparing the Bud (Scion):
o A matching rectangular patch is cut from the scion wood, containing the bud
and a thin layer of bark. The size and shape of the scion patch should match the
cut on the rootstock exactly, ensuring a tight fit.
4. Inserting the Bud:
o The rectangular scion patch (with the bud) is inserted into the patch cut on the
rootstock, aligning the cambium layers (the active growing tissues of both the
rootstock and scion) to ensure successful grafting.
5. Securing the Graft:
o The graft union is tightly wrapped with grafting tape or another appropriate
material, leaving the bud exposed. The wrapping helps to secure the scion in place
and protect the graft from drying out or becoming infected.
6. Aftercare:
o The grafted plant should be placed in a shaded area with proper watering to
ensure healing.
o After about 2-3 weeks, the graft union should be checked. If the graft is
successful, the scion bud will start to grow.
o Once the new shoot from the bud is growing well, the top part of the rootstock
above the graft is cut back to encourage the bud to take over and become the main
growth point.
Advantages of Patch Budding:
• Works on Thick-Barked Plants: Patch budding is ideal for trees with thicker or rough
bark, where other budding methods like T-budding may not be successful.
• High Success Rate: It ensures good contact between the cambium layers of the scion and
rootstock, promoting faster healing.
• Versatility: It can be used for many types of fruit trees, especially in tropical climates
where active growth is continuous, such as in mangoes, citrus, and avocados.
In Sri Lanka, mango and citrus trees are commonly propagated using patch budding. Mango
trees, in particular, have thicker bark, making patch budding an ideal method. The technique
helps ensure the replication of desirable traits from a parent plant, such as fruit quality and
disease resistance, while also reducing the time it takes to reach fruiting.
o A patch of bark is removed from the rootstock, and a matching bud is inserted.
o Advantages: Suitable for thick-barked trees.
o Disadvantages: Requires precise cuts.
o Sri Lankan Example: Avocado (Persea americana).
3. H-Budding
H-Budding is a specialized grafting technique used for propagating plants, particularly in
fruit trees and ornamentals. This method involves making an "H-shaped" incision in the bark
of the rootstock to insert a bud from the desired plant (scion). Although less common than T-
budding or patch budding, H-budding can be useful for certain species where other methods
may not be effective.
Steps in H-Budding:
1. Selecting the Budwood (Scion):
o Choose healthy budwood from the desired plant, typically from a young shoot.
The selected bud should be well-developed but not too mature.
o Leaves are removed from the budwood, leaving a small petiole (leaf stalk) intact.
2. Making the H-Incision on the Rootstock:
o The rootstock should be healthy and actively growing. An "H-shaped" cut is made
on the bark of the rootstock:
▪ Two horizontal cuts are made about 2-3 cm apart.
▪ A vertical cut is made between the two horizontal cuts, forming the "H"
o The flaps of bark created by this incision are gently lifted, exposing the cambium
layer beneath (the actively growing tissue).
3. Preparing the Bud (Scion):
o A bud is carefully removed from the budwood, along with a thin shield-shaped
sliver of bark and a small portion of underlying wood, similar to T-budding but
sized to fit the H-incision.
4. Inserting the Bud into the Rootstock:
o The prepared bud is inserted into the H-shaped incision, ensuring that the
cambium layers of the bud and rootstock are aligned for proper grafting. The flaps
of bark are then folded back over the scion, securing it in place.
5. Securing the Graft:
o The graft union is tightly wrapped with grafting tape or another material to protect
the scion and keep it in place, leaving the bud exposed. This wrapping helps
prevent the scion from drying out and keeps it safe from infections.
6. Aftercare:
o The grafted plant should be placed in a shaded, well-watered environment to
promote healing.
o After 2-3 weeks, the graft union is checked for successful fusion. If the graft is
successful, the scion bud will begin to grow.
o Once the new shoot from the bud has established itself, the rootstock above the
graft is pruned back to promote the growth of the grafted bud.
Advantages of H-Budding:
• Adaptable for Certain Plants: H-budding can be useful for plants that may not respond
well to other budding methods like T-budding or patch budding.
• Efficient Cambium Contact: The H-shaped incision allows for good contact between
the cambium layers, increasing the chances of a successful graft.
• More Complex: H-budding requires more precision compared to other budding
techniques, which can make it more challenging to perform.
• Less Common: This technique is not as widely used as T-budding or patch budding, so it
may not be as familiar to gardeners or farmers.
In tropical countries like Sri Lanka, H-budding can be used for propagating specific types of
fruit trees, especially when other budding methods prove difficult due to variations in bark
texture or growth conditions. While not as commonly practiced as other budding techniques,
it is a valuable option for more difficult-to-graft plants.
o Similar to T-budding but with an H-shaped incision.
o Advantages: Secure, less likely to fail.
o Disadvantages: More complicated to perform.
o Sri Lankan Example: Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis).
Advantages of Grafting
• Change varieties or cultivars. An older established orchard of fruiting trees may become
obsolete as newer varieties or cultivars are developed. The newer varieties may offer
improved insect or disease resistance, better drought tolerance, or higher yields. As long
as the scion is compatible with the rootstock, the older orchard may be top worked using
the improved variety or cultivar.
• Optimize cross-pollination and pollination. Certain fruit trees are not self-pollinating;
they require pollination by a second fruit tree, usually of another variety. This process is
known as cross-pollination. Portions of a tree or entire trees may be pollinated with the
second variety to ensure fruit set. For example, some hollies are dioecious, meaning that
a given plant has either male or female flowers but not both. To ensure good fruit set on
the female (pistillate) plant, a male (staminate) plant must be growing nearby. Where this
is not possible, the chances that cross-pollination will occur can be increased by grafting
a scion from a male plant onto the female plant.
• Take advantage of particular rootstocks. Compared to the selected scion, certain
rootstocks have superior growth habits, disease and insect resistance, and drought
tolerance. For example, when used as rootstock for commercial apple varieties, the
French crabapple (Malus sylvestris, Mill.) can increase resistance to crown gall and hairy
root. Malling VIII and Malling IX are used as dwarfing rootstocks for apple trees when
full-sized trees are not desired, such as in the home garden.
• Benefit from interstocks. An interstock can be particularly valuable when the scion and
rootstock are incompatible. In such cases, an interstock that is compatible with both
rootstock and scion is used. An interstock could increase the disease resistance or cold
hardiness of the scion. Plants also may be double worked to impart dwarfness or
influence flowering and fruiting of a scion.
• Perpetuate clones. Clones of numerous species of conifers cannot be economically
reproduced from vegetative cuttings because the percentage of cuttings that root
successfully is low. Many can be grafted, however, onto seedling rootstocks. Colorado
blue spruce (Picea pungens, Engelm), Koster blue spruce (Picea pungens var.
Kosteriana, Henry), and Moerheim spruce (Picea pungens var. Moerheimii, Rujis) are
commonly grafted onto Norway spruce (Picea abies, Karst.) or Sitka spruce (Picea
sitchensis, Carr.) rootstock to perpetuate desirable clones. Numerous clones of Japanese
maple (Acer palmatum, Thunb.) that either root poorly or lack an extensive root system
are grafted onto seedling Acer palmatum rootstock.
• Produce certain plant forms. Numerous horticultural plants owe their beauty to the fact
that they are grafted or budded onto a standard, especially those that have a weeping or
cascading form. Examples include weeping hemlock (Tsuga canadensi.3, Carr. var.
pendula, Beissn.), which is grafted onto seedling hemlock rootstock (Tsuga
canadensis, Carr.); weeping flowering cherry (Prunus subhietella var. pendula, Tanaka),
which is grafted onto Mazzard cherry rootstock (Prunus avium, L.); and weeping
dogwood (Cornus florida, L. var. pendula, Dipp.), which is grafted onto flowering
dogwood rootstock (Cornus florida, L.). In most cases, multiple scions are grafted or
budded 3 feet or higher on the main stem of the rootstock. When used this way, the
rootstock is referred to as a standard. It may require staking for several years until the
standard is large enough to support the cascading or weeping top.
• Repair damaged plants. Large trees or specimen plants can be damaged easily at or
slightly above the soil line. The damage may be caused by maintenance equipment (such
as lawn mowers, trenchers, or construction equipment), or by disease, rodents, or winter
storms. The damage can often be repaired by planting several seedlings of the same
species around the injured tree and grafting them above the injury. This procedure is
referred to as inarching, approach grafting, or bridge grafting.
• Increase the growth rate of seedlings. The seedling progeny of many fruit and nut
breeding programs, if left to develop naturally, may require 8 to 12 years to become
fruitful. However, if these progeny are grafted onto established plants, the time required
for them to flower and fruit is reduced dramatically. Another way to increase the growth
rate of seedlings is to graft more than one seedling onto a mature plant. Using this
procedure as a breeding tool saves time, space, and money.
• Index viruses. Many plants carry viruses, although the symptoms may not always be
obvious or even visible. The presence or absence of the virus in the suspect plant can be
confirmed by grafting scions from the plant onto another plant that is highly susceptible
and will display prominent symptoms.
• Combines the best qualities of two different plants (e.g., disease resistance and fruit
• Faster fruit production than growing from seeds.
• Helps preserve desirable plant traits across generations.
• Allows for the growth of new plants even in adverse soil conditions.
• Can repair damaged or diseased plants.
Disadvantages of Grafting
1. Labor-Intensive and Skill-Dependent
• Expertise Required: Grafting is a delicate and skilled technique. It requires precision
to align the cambium layers of the scion and rootstock properly, and if done incorrectly,
the graft will fail.
• Time-Consuming: It is more labor-intensive than other propagation methods like seed
sowing or cuttings. The process of preparing the scion, making incisions, and securing
the graft takes time.
2. Graft Incompatibility
• Genetic or Physiological Incompatibility: Sometimes the scion and rootstock are not
compatible, leading to graft failure. This can be due to genetic or physiological
differences between the two plants. For example, even within the same species, certain
cultivars may not successfully graft onto specific rootstocks.
• Delayed Graft Rejection: Sometimes the graft may initially succeed but later fail due to
delayed incompatibility. This could occur months or years after the graft has been made.
3. Limited by Species
• Restricted to Related Species: Grafting typically works best between closely related
species or varieties. For example, you can graft apple varieties onto apple rootstock, but
grafting apples onto a completely unrelated species is unlikely to succeed. This limits the
range of combinations compared to seed propagation.
4. Expensive Compared to Seed Propagation
• Higher Costs: Grafting materials (grafting tape, grafting wax, knives) and the labor
involved make it more expensive than propagation through seeds or cuttings. It is not
ideal for large-scale, low-cost production unless absolutely necessary.
• Rootstock Cost: The cost of acquiring high-quality rootstock can be significant,
especially if specific traits (such as disease resistance or drought tolerance) are desired.
5. Weak Union
• Structural Weakness: The graft union may sometimes remain weak and prone to
breakage under environmental stresses such as high winds or heavy fruit loads. If the
cambium layers don’t fuse well, the grafted plant might become structurally unstable.
• Vigorous Rootstock Dominance: In some cases, the rootstock may grow more
vigorously than the scion, leading to problems like poor scion growth or dominance of
rootstock shoots (suckers).
6. Spread of Diseases
• Transmission of Diseases: If either the rootstock or the scion is infected with a disease, it
can be transferred to the other part through grafting. This can spread diseases like viruses,
which are difficult to detect in early stages.
• Incompatibility in Disease Resistance: Even if the rootstock is disease-resistant, if the
scion is susceptible to diseases, the grafted plant as a whole may still be vulnerable.
7. Environmental Sensitivity
• Weather Sensitivity: Grafting is highly sensitive to environmental conditions. Successful
grafting usually requires a specific temperature and humidity range. For example,
grafting in too cold or too hot weather may lead to failure.
• Seasonal Limitations: Grafting is generally done during specific times of the year
(usually spring or early summer), limiting when the procedure can be carried out
effectively. Grafting done out of season has a much lower success rate.
8. Limited Lifespan
• Shorter Lifespan in Some Cases: Grafted plants may have a shorter lifespan compared
to non-grafted, seed-grown plants due to compatibility issues or structural weaknesses at
the graft union. Over time, grafted plants may also exhibit slower growth or reduced
9. Rootstock Dependence
• Rootstock Traits: The success and long-term performance of the grafted plant depend
heavily on the rootstock. If the rootstock is not well-suited to the local environment, such
as having poor drought tolerance or being prone to pests, the grafted plant may
10. Regulatory and Certification Issues
• Quarantine Restrictions: Moving grafted plants between regions or countries can be
restricted due to the risk of spreading diseases and pests. Many countries have strict
quarantine rules regarding grafted plants.
• Certification Costs: Some fruit tree grafting operations require certifications to prove
that their grafts are free of diseases or pests, adding to operational costs.