Voyager 24.04 LTS

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Voyager 24.04 LTS https://voyagerlive.


Voyager 24.04 LTS

Full video Voyager 24.04 LTS

Video Voyager LTS | New Quick Search

Video Voyager Remove Xfce or Gnome

Download Voyager LTS

Version – August 30, 2024

Quick search and web extension + battery health
+ updates
Version – June 22, 2024
Fixed DVD decoding for Player .parole and
totem with addition of VLC Player + updates
Version 24.04.1 – June 2, 2024
Updates Release
April 26, 2024

Upgrade Script VOYAGER 23.10 to 24.04

1 of 53 10/15/24, 23:47
Voyager 24.04 LTS

Download (MD5)

Hello everyone.
I present to you Voyager 24.04 LTSin final version. A 2 in 1 version with Gnome and Xfce desktops unified
in a single distributionVoyager, à sélectionner à votre session. Le tout dans a completely redesigned colorful
style for this duo, the Gnome 46 desktop coupled with the Xfce 4.18 desktop. In summary, 2 unified systems
Gnome and Xfce, light, fast, modern, fluid, secure and efficient in a hybrid environment for PC and Tablet. The
2 desktops are very distinct and their respective applications are for the most part invisible, for one or the other
environment. Once installed, you can also completely remove Gnome or Xfce or reinstall. Another new feature,
you will be able to easily create a mobile desktop Voyager , with a fast USB key and managing persistence
with Ventoy and 3 partitions of 1, 2 and 4 GB, automatically installable. This version is based on the Linux 6.8
kernel and the Ubuntu distribution "Noble Numbat". 24.04 is a 5-year LTS – Long-term support – version for
updates until April 2029 or more, for Gnome and Xfce. With integrated, options grouped in the Box
Voyagerlike the new Dark Orange Style section then, Night Mode, Conky Control , Effects Gnome Shell ,
Repair , Switch Ubuntu , Backup, Wine and Gaming and selected Gnome extensions according to PC needs.
A Special Gaming profile of type GS has been created in xfce. With numerous Themes and Wallpapers and
essential software . This version contains Software – Gnome Software, which has been preferred to that of
Ubuntu, to manage together Deb, Snap and Flatpack packages . Firefox has been installed in deb for better
compatibility with gnome extensions and many other new features to discover. An upgrade script is also
available, to go from version 23.10 to 24.04.

Videos and wallpapers on Startpages specially reconfigured for xfce with firefox. As you can see, the new
theme will be just as sunny as the old version to want to put color in the spotlight, but you will still have the
possibility to change it by its many themes already integrated. Attention, to avoid any confusion Voyager
24.04 is built around the official Ubuntu repositories and structures to avoid any security issues and confusion.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

VLC 4 Review Video | Dark Orange Style

To celebrate this new version Voyager in LTS, Pop Culture, Gaming, Cinema, Cyberpunk and colors will be in
the spotlight to create a kind of futuristic immersion that I hope you will like. The Voyager Box has been
improved and options added. Applications tested or eliminated. The whole, redesigned for better ergonomics in
a fair balance. The work on this version is intense and exciting as usual. Finally, know that if I no longer make 2
separate Gnome and xfce ISO files, it is because I no longer have time to carry out everything with tests, for
each ISO. Then, that Gnome has finally come to its senses and that I really like xfce for its simplicity and
lightness. That is why I put the 2 systems in 1.

Is Linux the Future of Freedom?

In summary, Voyager is a futuristic immersive adventure, another way of seeing Linux, the digital, since the
beginning of its official creation almost 12 years ago with version 12.04, in May 2012. I try to capture the era as
at the beginning of the net with Linux, to project myself as much into the digital as the arts and make bridges,
according to my tastes. And as far as possible from the tyranny, from the threat that the virtual can embody, to
integrate it into Voyager . In a kind of free and exciting gesture, a sentinel open to beginners and seasoned alike
in the hope that machines will not have the last word. In the meantime, as no one can say whether the promise
of a free Linux will be kept and more broadly, a digital world that is not a giant prison, see you soon for this
new adventure….

Select the environment that best suits your needs.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Voyager Gnome. Ergonomics and power.

→Tuto Voyager GnomeExpress >


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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Voyager Xfce . Flexibility and lightness

→Tuto Voyager XfceExpress >


Hidden applications xfce gnome

Gnome applications and games included are hidden for xfce and vice versa. To avoid confusion for both
environments. So to find hidden applications, open a terminal and do:

thunar ~/.local/share/applications
nautilus ~/.local/share/applications

and remove the applications you want on Xfce or Gnome. They will appear automatically or after,,
restore session. This is a choice I made, because there is now an option in the box where you can
completely remove gnome with its games included.

List of Applications, Software, Tools

Gnome = Light
Xfce = Fat


Gnome 46 – xfce 4.18 – Nautilus – Thunar – Gufw (firewall)

Synapse – xfce4 – xfce4 goodies – xfce4-whiskemenu
xfdashboard – Blueman – Menulibre – Gigolo – Engrampa
Scrcpy – Bleachbit – Gnome encfs (safe) – File-roller
Software – Conky – Zenity – Yad – Testdisk – Ventoy usb
Deja-dup (backup) – Cafeine – Gnome-disk-utility
Parental control – Gnome extensions – Script Nautilus
Box Voyager – Tablet pc – Tweak Gnome – Wine – Gaming
Software – Flatpak Snap Deb – Gdebi – Boot-repair
Os-uninstaller – Keepassnc – Tida terminal –
Kernel 6.18 – Support Intel / Amd – Nvidia

5 of 53 10/15/24, 23:47
Voyager 24.04 LTS

Totem + VLC Player – Goodvibes radio
Music – Codecs – Rhythmbox (audio)
Camera – EasyEffects – Extension Screencast
Parole player – Moc Music Terminal

Office automation – Graphics

LibreOffice – Evince (pdf) – Gnome Calender – Shotwell
Gimp – Eye of Gnome – Simple-scan – Sticky notes – Atrils (pdf)
Gnome text editor – Orage (calendar) Mousepad – Ristretto

Social – Internet
Firefox – Thunderbird
Freetube (youtube) – Transmission

Chess – 2048 – Sudoku – Solitaire – Mine – Mahjongg
Wipeout – Box VoyagerGaming

Recommended system equipment

Presentation Voyager

It is a 2-in-1 version with Gnome and Xfce desktops unified

in a single distribution.Voyager, to be selected
during your session.

Recommended configuration:

– 2 GHz dual-core processor or higher

– 2 GB system memory
– 20 GB free hard disk space
– Internet access is helpful
– Either a DVD drive or a USB port for installation media

Choose your architecture:

Ideal for computers with:
– More than 2 GB of RAM
– 64-bit compatible Intel and AMD processors
– UEFI PCS boot in csm mode

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

– Intel-based Apple Macs modem



– The latest LTS version of Voyager , for desktops

and laptops. LTS stands for Long Term Support –
meaning five years of free security and maintenance updates
, guaranteed for 5 years, see more with 12 years for 24.04

All versions are based on Ubuntu and for the most part everything has
been kept to ensure the security of the distribution.

64 bit – usb/dvd 4.4 GB

Install 10 mins Out Of The Box

5 years of updates – April 2029

Download Voyager LTS

Version – August 30, 2024

Quick search and web extension + battery health
+ updates
Version – June 22, 2024
Fixed DVD decoding for Player .parole and
totem with addition of VLC Player + updates
Version 24.04.1 – June 2, 2024
Updates Release
April 26, 2024

Version 24.04 follows the same

Ubuntu development cycle and includes the same security fixes
and improvements.

SHA1: 4df716428454cea3116b327a9b048f41c2fd2ba0
MD5: c90eb58daeea66ac926d4e4604116ca7

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

To calculate it, with md5sum on the command line.

Open terminal (right click) in iso folder and


md5sum Voyager-

Gnome or Xfce session

A 2 in 1 version Gnome and Xfce unified in Voyager 24.04 Also you will be able to use a lightweight desktop
environment that consumes less system resources. With Gnome shell less, it is more than 200 MB gained and
software lightness, according to my tests and although Gnome, really begins to catch up in terms of flexibility
and lightness. You will be able to easily switch between the two environments, at the time of connection.

Reboot your system. On the login screen, first click on the user, then on the gear symbol and select Xfce
Session to log in to use the Xfce desktop. You can use the same way to go back to the default Ubuntu desktop
environment by selecting Ubuntu. In the BoxVoyagerIn the Repair section, you can uninstall all of Xfce too, if
you want to keep only Gnome. It has been made so that some of the Gnome applications are not found in Xfce
and vice versa to avoid confusion and duplicates. To find them in both environments, go to the hidden Home at
home/(user)/.local/share/applications/ and delete the desired application.

Xfce has the minimum base packages such as, Thunar file manager, Mousepad for text or xfce4-terminal and all

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

xfce4. The rest, with Gnome or Xfce duo. The system will be light and different from old generation Xubuntu.
But I made sure to put back some options from the old oneVoyagerbased on Xubuntu 20.04 LTS and improve
others or remove some, to avoid confusion in the surplus of things that have become useless. So of course, it
will bother those who would like Xfce without Gnome like in the good old days when I made Xubuntu stripped
down and without gnome. But times have changed and I explain it in the chapter named why, below.

If you want to test GNOME and XFCE Voyager Live without installation
Change Languages and Keyboard | Try and Install | Switch GNOME to XFCE

Insert the USB key and at boot select Try or InstallVoyager

After a few moments, a choice window will appear TryVoyager or installVoyager Once on the live we can
also install. An installer icon will be present on the desktop.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Once in the live USB Voyager, you arrive directly in the GNOME Desktop after selecting Try Ubuntu. To
switch to the XFCE Desktop , close the session to the panel.

Select Not listed or not in the list ?

Press Enter

Identifier= voyager

Select the Ubuntu or Xfce Session gear symbol

Press Enter

XFCE Session

In XFCE do the same thing to switch back to the GNOME desktop. Log out.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

How to remove GNOME and keep XFCE or vice versa?

Keep XFCE – Remove GNOME

Once the installation is done, to keep only XFCE and remove Gnome, go to the XFCE desktop. Then at the
bottom of the dock, click on the Box Voyager (Yellow icon b). Then go to Gnome Remove – install. Then
select, Remove or install. The machine will automatically reboot after 10 seconds. It can take 1m 30 for the
Plymouth, the time to disable the services. You can stop it and restart it directly if you are in a hurry. Then you
can put Gnome back, with the same procedure.

Keep GNOME – Remove XFCE

Once the installation is done, to keep only GNOME and remove XFCE, go to the GNOME desktop. Then at the
bottom of the dock, click on the Box Voyager (Yellow icon b). Then go to the Repair section and then Xfce
Desktop Remove or Xfce Desktop Install. Select, Remove or install. Then you can put XFCE back, with the
same procedure.


→ How to install Voyager Linux >

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

For the installation you can choose normal or minimal installation made especially for internet browsing. With
normal installation all standard software are present and minimal installation, 1/3 will be deleted. For example,
openshot, gimp, Bleachbit, easyeffects, goodvibes, imagemagick, keepassxc, rhythmbox, shotwell, synaptic,
simple-scan, transmission, totem, tilda, usb-creator-gtk, baobab, most games…

LetVoyagerinstall alongside another OS, but prefer to do it manually, especially if you have several partitions
occupied to avoid the risk of errors. Choose others in the installer and:

Create a mount point partition / in ext4 (format) a swap (once 1/2 your ram)

→ How to use manual partitioning during installation? >

Passport – Login

Login: voyager
password: (nothing)

USB Software

Voyager 24.04 is built with Xorriso

Compatible EFI and MBR

To make a USB key, take Mintstick already installed onVoyageror download here . Or Unetbootin here If you
are on windows or linux , take this software BalenaEtcher here or Rufus here the list of USB LIVE software
here Otherwise, on DVD burn well at low speed, unused DVD… Be careful, the Unetbootin software redoes its
own menu. On the other hand, with Grub-pc without efi you will have the menuVoyagerwith all languages in
USB or DVD boot.

Windows take Rufus here or (Win + Linux) BalenaEtcher here

Live usb Voyager with Mintstick link here
Live Usb Voyager with Unetbootin link here
No USB to Bios – create a CD/BOOT USB here

USB key

Create USB drive in command line

Reference your drive with usb mounted

12 of 53 10/15/24, 23:47
Voyager 24.04 LTS

Terminal: sudo fdisk -l

If sdbX
as Terminal key reference :
sudo dd if=Voyager- of=/dev/sdb(X) && sync


→ Return to Top Page >


Manual. Blue lifebuoy icon in search…

13 of 53 10/15/24, 23:47
Voyager 24.04 LTS

General presentation with the default Wallpaper almost of the same type since version Voyager 23.04. Blue and
yellow variant in the spotlight with a colored border at the corner.

Gnome settings in the top right panel and new logo Voyager thinner.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

New logo Voyager inspiré du thème kora que je trouve très moderne et sympa et for plymouth, which I made in
the line of Ubuntu, as it should be..

3 Dark Orange Styles Built in Voyager 24.04 LTSin the Box with new modern icons.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

In the box select Dark Style to have the new dark Orange Styles and modern icon themes.


USB Mobile Desk

Ventoy and its persistent volumes to create a mobile USB key with . Voyager Also you can keep your
documents in the key. It is imperative to have a fast key for Ventoy like the Cruzer blade.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Sticky for sticky notes

All applications in Gnome shell.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Arc applications express menu on the left panel.

Cube Desktop Effect for Desktop management. To be activated in the Box. By default, it is the gnome panel
effect that slides horizontally.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Managing Gnome's default desktops.

Freetube was preferred over Smtube because of too many restrictions like video limitation. Freetube works
wonders and is very practical. It's up to you to test it.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Gnome Totem for the video player. Very handy. In the bottom right frame under Totem, Easy Effects which
gives a good sound rendering. On the left, the Tilda Terminal which blends directly into the blue screen with
transparency enabled. Easy Effects is a successor to PulseEffects which sports a modern GTK4 interface, and an
expanded set of features that allow it to function as a powerful audio effects processor for PipeWire
applications. It offers an equalizer, limiter and compressor (among others) and a built-in spectrum analyzer.

Tilda Terminal blending right into the blue screen with transparency enabled

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Tiling or automatic window arrangement has been installed natively since gnome 45. A must for working. We
have been waiting for it for a long time.

Pitivi video editing software Version 2023.03 or Openshot according to tests

This software is a gem. I use it all the time. Many bugs have been fixed. What makes it strong is its simplicity.

Be careful since version 24.04 the deb is too buggy, it will be necessary to install it by the software in flatPak
package of gnome which works sorted well.

Cinematic look

→ Pitivi look cinematic + proxy | John Wick 4 Review >

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Flame effect on window closing in Gnome Shell Effects Box. More than 21 Effects in Preferences.

The beginning of the flame effect

The end of the effect where everything disappears in a bath of flames.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

The bottom dock. With new Box and Home icons.

Bottom Dock. Yellow Box icon that recalls the general theme.

The conky with system info.

QR Code on default wallpaper Voyager.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

As you can see above, on the new Wallpapers of Voyager 24.04, a QR Code has been created to view the site
Voyager directly on your mobile.

Ventoy and its persistent volumes

The new Gnome 46 desktop indicator at the top left. Each active desktop is marked with a white dot.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Research section…

The Nautilus file browser. With its express guide Voyager and the mobile wall.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

The panel menu with its settings. Added as plugins Advanced Settings Screen Rotation and Cafeine.

Settings Center to go to more advanced configurations like changing themes, styles and icons, etc. Many
extensions no longer work on Gnome 44, due to lack of updates. So I would choose rarity and the essential.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

In Settings Center has been integrated Advanced Settings or Adjustments to adjust the appearance in more
advanced than Ubuntu for Icons, cursors, themes etc…

The New Box Voyager which has been modified in terms of style and options. Flashy yellow that recalls the
general theme with dark towers in the background, like a city drowned in a futuristic yellow.

Gnome Shell Effects

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Effects with list in Preferences. More than 21 effects.

Gnome Extensions

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Numerous extensions. With one click in the box or in the applications

Conky Control

Conky Control with general window

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Lots of conkys for those who want information about the office. Here is the basic list.


A new option to purge gnome-software to reset all Deb, Snap and flatpak packages.

Wine + Gaming

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Many options especially for beginners, grouped together. Installation of Gaming platforms, Wine and

Backup One click.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Backup with Deja-dup. Simple and efficient.

Night Mode

Night Mode with multiple themes and automatic mode.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Here is Night Mode with Wallpaper and Gnome Icons Theme.

How to remove GNOME and keep XFCE or vice versa?

Keep XFCE – Remove GNOME

Once the installation is done, to keep only XFCE and remove Gnome, go to the XFCE desktop. Then at the
bottom of the dock, click on the Box Voyager (Yellow icon b). Then go to Gnome Remove – install. Then
select, Remove or install. The machine will automatically reboot after 10 seconds. It can take 1m 30 for the
Plymouth, the time to disable the services. You can stop it and restart it directly if you are in a hurry. Then you
can put Gnome back, with the same procedure.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Keep GNOME – Remove XFCE

Une fois l’installation faite, pour garder que GNOME et supprimer XFCE, aller dans le bureau GNOME. Puis
en bas sur le dock, cliquer sur la Box Voyager (Icône Jaune b). Aller ensuite à la section Réparation puis Xfce
Desktop Remove ou Xfce Desktop Install. Sélectionner, Remove ou install. Ensuite vous pourrez remettre
XFCE, avec la même procédure.

Logiciel de Gnome et non celui de Ubuntu. Le refus d’installer du snap ou flat pour l’iso Voyager 24.04 LTS est
dû en grande partie à la taille des différents packs. Si je le faisais, l’ISO serait bien trop imposante.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Toute la base des logiciels sont en DEB. Mais vous pouvez installer au choix le Deb de Débian, le Snap de
Ubuntu ou Flatpak pour Gnome. J’ai pu constater que certains debs marchaient moins bien pour certaines
applications que du snap ou flat par manque de mises à jour, certainement. A vous de tester. Pour Voyager
24.04 LTS tous les debs ont été testés et validés.

Firefox en deb et non snap

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Firefox a été préféré à Librewolf pour les startpages car trop de bugs. Marche une fois sur 2. Donc un lien est a
votre disposition au panel gauche latéral sur xfce comme au bon vieux temps.

Firefox avec Startpages vidéo sur xfce.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Voyager se met automatiquement en mode tablette. Ici en mode tente ou renversé…

En mode tablette. tout est Fluide et rapide.


Vous avez la possibilité de créer facilement un bureau mobile Voyager, avec une clé USB gérant la persistance
avec Ventoy et 3 partitions de 1, 2 et 4 Go, installable automatiquement.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Ventoy et ses volumes persistentes dans le shell applications.

Ventoy et ses volumes persistentes

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Ventoy pour créer votre clé USB

Installer Ventoy dans votre clé USB. C’est automatique.

Sélectionner votre volume de persistence 1, 2 ou 4 GO

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Entrer mot de passe dans terminal. Dossier USB créé dans la home de façon automatique.

Faire glisser ou copier coller les 2 dossiers Ventoy et persistence.dat dans la clé

Vous pouvez formater votre clé directement de nautilus.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Votre clé USB mobile Voyager est prête et vous pourrez conserver tous vos dossiers docs etc dessus.


Documentation générale pour Xfce et Gnome sur une autre page dédiée.


Attention les profils et icônes couleurs peuvent se bloquer à la restauration.

Aller dans la Box à restauration puis section.

« Reset Panel debug Xfce »

PANEL_DEBUG=1 xfce4-panel

Le switch gnome à xfce. La première fois le faire plusieurs fois avec login. ou au panel du haut,
sélectionner une option et remettre login.

Pour aller sur Xfce à partir de l’environnement Gnome. Fermer la session.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Chercher le sélecteur d’environnement Xfce ou Ubuntu pour gnome en cliquant sur list… Mettre votre login
puis mot de passe et faite Entrée. C’est très simple. Si cela marche pas refaite le…

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Nouveautés XFCE

Navigateur Voyager avec startpages sur Firefox en plus de Firefox officiel. Au panel gauche icône globe.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Conky informations Système + dates et heures

Applications express xfce

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Thunar pour xfce

Gestionnaire basique pour xfce

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Terminal au panel

Synapse au panel pour la recherche…

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Box pour xfce

Box icons pour changer leurs couleurs

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Box Pour Thèmes Wallpapers

Box Wallpapers

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Box Night mode


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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Radio Goodvibes

Smtube + Totem

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Firefox Classique

Firefox Private avec icône masque violet au centre panel

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

Comment supprimer GNOME et garder XFCE ou l’inverse ?

Garder XFCE – Supprimer GNOME

Une fois l’installation faite, pour garder que XFCE et supprimer Gnome, aller dans le bureau XFCE. Puis en bas
sur le dock, cliquer sur la Box Voyager (Icône Jaune b). Aller en ensuite à Gnome Remove – install. Puis
sélectionner, Remove ou install. La machine va redémarrer automatiquement au bout de 10 secondes. Ça peut
prendre 1m 30 au Plymouth, le temps de désactiver les services. Vous pouvez l’arrêter et le redémarrer
directement si vous êtes pressé. Ensuite vous pourrez remettre Gnome, avec la même procédure.

Garder GNOME – Supprimer XFCE

Une fois l’installation faite, pour garder que GNOME et supprimer XFCE, aller dans le bureau GNOME. Puis
en bas sur le dock, cliquer sur la Box Voyager (Icône Jaune b). Aller ensuite à la section Réparation puis Xfce
Desktop Remove ou Xfce Desktop Install. Sélectionner, Remove ou install. Ensuite vous pourrez remettre
XFCE, avec la même procédure.

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Voyager 24.04 LTS

A bientôt.

En construction… L’aventure Voyager ne fait que commencer…

53 of 53 10/15/24, 23:47

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