Mil Notes
Mil Notes
Mil Notes
• Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)
• Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
• Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
• Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
• Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
• Dibao in China (2nd Century)
• Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century)
• Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)
2. Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
- began in the 18th century in Great Britain when the country made drastic reforms to
improve their economy.
- technology shifted from using hand tools to operating power-driven machines. Most
people associated factories and machines to industries.
- improved the people’s way of living new inventions such as steamboats and steam
locomotives, made transportation faster.
Example : Printing Press for Mass Production (19th Century)
- Communication during the Industrial Age also became viable because of the invention of
the telegraph.
- The telegraphy key used to send the famous message “What Hath God Wroght” over the
prototype telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington D.C. in 1844. A mechanical
typewriter used for writing characters was also invented around 1800.
• Printing press for mass production (19 th century)
• Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640)
• Typewriter (1800)
• Telephone (1876)
• Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
• Commercial motion pictures (1913)
• Motion picture with sound (1926)
• Telegraph • Punch cards
3. Electronic Age (1930s 1980s)
- refers to an object that has electronic components, such as sensors, microchips, which
functions once it is connected to an electronic outlet.
- Industrial Age and Electronic Age are quite similar they thrived in the manufacturing
industries, the only difference was the equipment used.
- by early 1954, Transistor Radio was introduced by Texas instruments (TI)
- television began its popularity in the 1940s. It was a novel item that everyone wanted to
• Transistor Radio Television (1941)
• Large electronic computers-i.e. EDSAC (1949) and UNIVAC 1 (1951)
• Mainframe computers i.e. IBM 704 (1960)
Personal computers i.e. Hewlett Packard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976)
• OHP, LCD projectors
3. Information (Digital) Age (1900s 2000s)
- upgraded what it can offer to consumers in terms of gadgets and devices that can make
their way of life not only functional and comfortable, but also offer endless possibilities
- Digital Age or Informational Age is a period in human history characterized by the
shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through
industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization.
Traditional Media
a. It is one-directional
b. The media experience is limited
c. The sense of receptors used are very specific (i.e., print media requires sense of sight,
radio requires sense of hearing, and television and film requires both)
New Media
a. The audiences are more involved
b. they are able to feedback simultaneously Integrates all the aspects of the traditional
c. Media experience is more interactive
• Media convergence is the ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code,
which is then accessible by a range of devices.
• Converge means to meeting at a point, it is synonymous to the words: join, unite, interest,
merge, connect, coincide.
• Media convergence refers to the merging of different equipment and tools for
producing and distributing news through digitization and computer networking.
— it allows media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media devices. This
is also known as technological convergence.
• Media convergence is the synergy of communication, computing, and content in the
digital world.
• A smartphone that has a camera, radio, web browser, video, etc. is an example of
converged media.