Abs 1829

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Issue 2
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March 2019

Aerospace series
Bolt – Countersunk head,
Short thread

When this standard is applied, a careful check must be made as to whether any protective rights exist. This
standard issuer hereby disclaims any liability for infringement of patent or design rights resulting from the use of
this standard.

Published and distributed by :

31707 BLAGNAC Cedex

Copyright reserved
Ref. no. ABS1829
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Issue 2


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Requirements

4 Designation

5 Marking

6 Technical specification
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1 Scope
This product standard specifies the dimensions, tolerances and the requirements of a countersunk head bolt for
aerospace application.

2 Normative references
This Airbus Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference provisions from other publications. All
normative references cited at the appropriate places in the text are listed hereafter. For dated references,
subsequent amendments to or revisions of any these publications apply to this Airbus Standard only when
incorporated in it by amendment of revision. For undated references, the latest issue of the publication referred
to shall be applied.

AMS4928 Titanium alloys bars, wire, forgings, and rings 6AL-4V annealed.

AMS4967 Titanium alloys bars, wire, forgings, and rings 6.0AL-4.0V annealed, heat treatable.

ANSI/ASME-B46-1 Surface texture (surface roughness waviness, and lay).

AS8879 Screw threads – UNJ profile, Inch controlled radius root with increased minor diameter.

EN2424 Aerospace series – Marking of aerospace products.

EN4473 Aerospace series – Aluminium pigmented coatings – Technical specification.

EN6116 Aerospace series - Threaded bolts, light weight - Inch series – Technical specification.

EN6117 Aerospace series - Specification for lubrication of fasteners with Cetyl alcohol.

EN6118 Process specification – Aluminium base protection for fasteners.

ISO8080 Aerospace – Anodic treatment of titanium and titanium alloys - Sulphuric acid process.
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3 Requirements
3.1 Configuration, dimensions and tolerances
Configuration dimensions and tolerances shall be in accordance with figure 1, table 3 and table 4.
Material, finish and lubricant shall be in accordance with table 1.
Mechanical characteristics shall be in accordance with table 2
Dimensions and tolerances for over sizes shall be in accordance with tables 6 and 7.
Mass values shall be in accordance with table 5.
Diameter code 4 fasteners shall have a 5 lobe high torques recess, diameters 5 to 16 shall have a
hexagonal recess

3.2 Materials, finishes, lubrication and identifications

Table 1: Materials, finishes, lubrication and identifications
Recess Dia. Bolt
Code Material Finish Lubrication
Form range identification
5 Lobe high Orange paint
Sulphuric-acid 4 only
torque recess identification
T anodizing as per
on the thread
ISO8080 Hexagonal 5 to 10
Titanium alloy 6AL-4V Sulphuric-acid Cetyl
as per AMS4928 or anodizing as per 5 Lobe high
alcohol as 4 only
AMS4967 or ISO8080 + torque recess
equivalent Aluminium Purple paint
B Rc min. = 650 MPa coating identification
as per on thread End
specification Hexagonal 5 to 10
EN4473 type II
on threads

3.3 Mechanical characteristics

Table 2: Mechanical characteristics
Min. double shear
code Min. tensile strength (N) Max. fatigue load (N)
strength (N)
4 41 330 20 000 7 000
5 64 880 30 450 10 650
6 93 320 45 350 15 900
7 127 100 58 250 20 400
8 165 760 80 000 28 000
9 209 950 100 000 35 050
10 259 330 129 900 45 350

3.4 General characteristics

Surface condition as per ANSI B46-1.
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Issue 2

ø 0,127 A G max. + B
G max. P
øF A Z T
Hexagonal recess Chamfer S

100° - 90°

ø A1


5 lobe high torque recess M See detail A

Marking see § 5

Applicable to diameter 4 only

Detail A

G max. Thread runout max. 1,5 pitch

Thread functionality 1,0 pitch
K Coating mandatory (see note 4A)
Ø 0,158inch Coating
Ø 0,792inch
Ø 0,396inch
See Note 4B
ø D (see note 2)

See note 1

Figure 1: Configuration, dimensions and tolerances

Note 1: For nominal diameter: The diameter measured at point I shall be less than or equal to the max. diameter
TD for nominal diameter.
For over sizes diameters: Maximum diameter at point I shall be incremented by .0156, .0312 and .0625
st nd rd
inch for respectively 1 , 2 and 3 oversize. The TD diameter stays the same as for nominal diameter.
Note 2: Check concentricity of diameters D (shank) and TD (thread) to avoid interference between the bolt thread
and hole when using tight interference fits.
Note 3: The maximum thread run-out and functionality for first and second over sizes is incremented by 0,25 mm
and 0,5 mm for third oversize.
Note 4: A. Only for B coded fasteners, threads shall be coated with aluminium coating as per EN4473.
B. Only for B coded fasteners, overspray of aluminium coating as per EN4473 is permissible in this area.
Note 5: Valid for hexagonal recess.
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Table 3: Dimensions, tolerances and mass

Dimensions in millimeters
Diameter Nominal d) b) c)
code shank ØD Ø TD r
modified max. min. Ref. max. Ref.
No. diameter

6,337 6,197 0,76

4 6,35 .2500-28 10,88 10,34 8,13 0,152 1,88
6,324 6,121 0,51
7,925 7,772
5 7,94 .3125-24 13,62 13,06 9,65 0,177 2,34
7,911 7,670 1,02
9,512 9,347 0,76
6 9,53 .3750-24 16,29 15,72 10,67 0,203 2,79
9,500 9,245
11,099 10,947
7 11,11 .4375-20 18,86 18,25 12,32 0,228 3,20
11,087 10,820
12,687 12,522
8 12,70 .5000-20 21,39 20,76 13,33 3,61
12,674 12,395 1,27
14,262 14,097 1,02
9 14,29 .5625-18 23,62 22,96 15,24 0,254 3,88
14,249 13,970
15,849 15,697
10 15,88 .6250-18 26,52 25,83 16,26 4,42
15,836 15,545
Thread as per AS8879 except diameter TD.
See Figure 1.
Height H is dimensioned based on max. diameter D.
For any particular batch the average measured Ø A1 value shall not be less than the value stipulated in
this Table. Acceptable deviations and agreed minima for individual bolts are listed in IPS documents.
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Table 3: Dimensions, tolerances and mass (continued)

Dimensions in millimeters
5 Lobe
a) high
Dia. Nominal Hexagonal recess
b) torque
code shank recess M ØV
modified max. Ref.
No. dia.
(inch) P T P
W T ØY min max
0,576 9,479
4 6,35 .2500-28 0,17 0,79 - - - - 1,97 3,50
0,495 9,474
3,29 2,99 4,57 0,594 12,169
5 7,94 .3125-24 0,17 4,14
3,23 2,49 4,06 0,503 12,164
4,11 3,68 5,51 0,749 14,473
6 9,53 .3750-24 0,18 5,26
4,02 3,18 5,00 0,657 14,467
4,90 4,36 6,43 0,881 16,718
7 11,11 .4375-20 0,18 5,97
4,81 3,86 5,92 0,779 16,713
- -
5,69 5,05 7,34 1,280 18,288
8 12,70 .5000-20 0,19 6,88
5,61 4,55 6,83 1,178 18,283
1,353 20,350
9 14,29 .5625-18 0,19
6,49 5,97 8,28 1,232 20,345
1,59 8,08
6,40 5,47 7,77 1,602 22,611
10 15,88 .6250-18 0,20
1,497 22,606
Thread as per AS8879 except diameter TD.
37° to 45°
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Table 3: Dimensions, tolerances and mass (concluded)

Dimensions in millimeters
Dia. Nominal
code shank
modified K
No. dia. J
(inch) max.
4 6,35 .2500-28 0,53
5 7,94 .3125-24 0,66
6 9,53 .3750-24 0,76
7 11,11 .4375-20 0,89
8 12,70 .5000-20
9 14,29 .5625-18
10 15,88 .6250-18 1,04
Thread as per AS-8879 except diameter TD.
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Table 4: Dimensions and tolerances

Dimensions in millimetres
Length G LENGTH (G max. + B ref.) ± 0,25
code ±
0,13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1,59 9,72 11,24 - - - - -
2 3,18 11,31 12,83 13,85 - - - -
3 4,76 12,89 14,41 15,43 17,08 - - -
4 6,35 14,48 16,00 17,02 18,67 19,68 - -
5 7,94 16,07 17,59 18,61 20,26 21,27 23,18 -
6 9,52 17,65 19,17 20,19 21,84 22,85 24,76 25,77
7 11,11 19,24 20,76 21,78 23,43 24,44 26,35 27,36
8 12,70 20,83 22,35 23,37 25,02 26,03 27,94 28,95
9 14,29 22,42 23,94 24,96 26,61 27,62 29,53 30,54
10 15,88 24,01 25,53 26,55 28,20 29,21 31,12 32,13
11 17,46 25,59 27,11 28,13 29,78 30,79 32,70 33,71
12 19,05 27,18 28,70 29,72 31,37 32,38 34,29 35,30
13 20,64 28,77 30,29 31,31 32,96 33,97 35,88 36,89
14 22,22 30,35 31,87 32,89 34,54 35,55 37,46 38,47
15 23,81 31,94 33,46 34,48 36,13 37,14 39,05 40,06
16 25,40 33,53 35,05 36,07 37,72 38,73 40,64 41,65
17 26,99 35,12 36,64 37,66 39,31 40,32 42,23 43,24
18 28,58 36,71 38,23 39,25 40,90 41,91 43,82 44,83
19 30,16 38,29 39,81 40,83 42,48 43,49 45,40 46,41
20 31,75 39,88 41,40 42,42 44,07 45,08 46,99 48,00
21 33,34 41,47 42,99 44,01 45,66 46,67 48,58 49,59
22 34,92 43,05 44,57 45,59 47,24 48,25 50,16 51,17
23 36,51 44,64 46,16 47,18 48,83 49,84 51,75 52,76
24 38,10 46,23 47,75 48,77 50,42 51,43 53,34 54,35
25 39,69 47,82 49,34 50,36 52,01 53,02 54,93 55,94
26 41,28 49,41 50,93 51,95 53,60 54,61 56,52 57,53
27 42,86 50,99 52,51 53,53 55,18 56,19 58,10 59,11
28 44,45 52,58 54,10 55,12 56,77 57,78 59,69 60,70
29 46,04 54,17 55,69 56,71 58,36 59,37 61,28 62,29
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Table 4: Dimensions and tolerances (concluded)

Dimensions in millimeters
Length G LENGTH (G max. + B ref.) ± 0,25
code ±
No. 0,13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30 47,62 55,75 57,27 58,29 59,94 60,95 62,86 63,87
31 49,21 57,34 58,86 59,88 61,53 62,54 64,45 65,46
32 50,80 58,93 60,45 61,47 63,12 64,13 66,04 67,05
34 53,98 62,11 63,63 64,65 66,30 67,31 69,22 70,23
36 57,15 65,28 66,80 67,82 69,47 70,48 72,39 73,40
38 60,32 68,45 69,97 70,99 72,64 73,65 75,56 76,57
40 63,50 71,63 73,15 74,17 75,82 76,83 78,74 79,75
42 66,68 74,81 76,33 77,35 79,00 80,01 81,92 82,93
44 69,85 77,98 79,50 80,52 82,17 83,18 85,09 86,10
46 73,02 81,15 82,67 83,69 85,34 86,35 88,26 89,27
48 76,20 84,33 85,85 86,87 88,52 89,53 91,44 92,45
50 79,38 87,51 89,03 90,05 91,70 92,71 94,62 95,63
52 82,55 90,68 92,20 93,22 94,87 95,88 97,79 98,80
54 85,72 93,85 95,37 96,39 98,04 99,05 100,96 101,97
56 88,90 97,03 98,55 99,57 101,22 102,23 104,14 105,15
58 92,08 100,21 101,73 102,75 104,40 105,41 107,32 108,33
60 95,25 103,38 104,90 105,92 107,57 108,58 110,49 111,50
62 98,43 106,56 108,08 109,10 110,75 111,76 113,67 114,69
64 101,60 109,73 111,25 112,27 113,92 114,93 116,84 117,86
66 104,78 112,91 114,43 115,45 117,10 118,11 120,02 121,04
68 107,95 116,08 117,60 118,62 120,27 121,28 123,19 124,21
70 111,13 119,26 120,78 121,80 123,45 124,46 126,37 127,39
72 114,30 122,43 123,95 124,97 126,62 127,63 129,54 130,56
74 117,48 125,61 127,13 128,15 129,80 130,81 132,72 133,74
76 120,65 128,78 130,30 131,32 132,97 133,98 135,89 136,91
78 123,83 131,96 133,48 134,50 136,15 137,16 139,07 140,09
80 127,00 135,13 136,65 137,67 139,32 140,33 142,24 143,26
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Table 5: Mass Values (grams)

Length Diameter Code
f) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1,31 2,44 - - - - -
2 1,53 2,79 4,44 - - - -
3 1,75 3,14 4,94 7,34 - - -
4 1,97 3,49 5,44 8,03 11,16 - -
5 2,19 3,84 5,94 8,72 12,05 16,35 -
6 2,41 4,19 6,44 9,41 12,94 17,48 23,27
7 2,63 4,54 6,94 10,10 13,83 18,61 24,66
8 2,85 4,89 7,44 10,79 14,72 19,74 26,05
9 3,07 5,24 7,94 11,48 15,61 20,87 27,44
10 3,29 5,59 8,44 12,17 16,50 22,00 28,83
11 3,51 5,94 8,94 12,86 17,39 23,13 30,22
12 3,73 6,29 9,44 13,55 18,28 24,26 31,61
13 3,95 6,64 9,94 14,24 19,17 25,39 33,00
14 4,17 6,99 10,44 14,93 20,06 26,52 34,39
15 4,39 7,34 10,94 15,62 20,95 27,65 35,78
16 4,61 7,69 11,44 16,31 21,84 28,78 37,17
17 4,83 8,04 11,94 17,00 22,73 29,91 38,56
18 5,05 8,39 12,44 17,69 23,62 31,04 39,95
19 5,27 8,74 12,94 18,38 24,51 32,17 41,34
20 5,49 9,09 13,44 19,07 25,40 33,30 42,73
21 5,71 9,44 13,94 19,76 26,29 34,43 44,12
22 5,93 9,79 14,44 20,45 27,18 35,56 45,51
23 6,15 10,14 14,94 21,14 28,07 36,69 46,90
24 6,37 10,49 15,44 21,83 28,96 37,82 48,29
25 6,59 10,84 15,94 22,52 29,85 38,95 49,68
26 6,81 11,19 16,44 23,21 30,74 40,08 51,07
27 7,03 11,54 16,94 23,90 31,63 41,21 52,46
28 7,25 11,89 17,44 24,59 32,52 42,34 53,85
29 7,47 12,24 17,94 25,28 33,41 43,47 55,24
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Table 5: Mass Values (concluded)

Diameter Code
No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30 7,69 12,59 18,44 25,97 34,30 44,60 56,63
31 7,91 12,94 18,94 26,66 35,19 45,73 58,02
32 8,13 13,29 19,44 27,35 36,08 46,86 59,41
34 8,57 13,99 20,44 28,73 37,86 49,12 62,19
36 9,01 14,69 21,44 30,11 39,64 51,38 64,97
38 9,45 15,39 22,44 31,49 41,42 53,64 67,75
40 9,89 16,09 23,44 32,87 43,20 55,90 70,53
42 10,33 16,79 24,44 34,25 44,98 58,16 73,31
44 10,77 17,49 25,44 35,63 46,76 60,42 76,09
46 11,21 18,19 26,44 37,01 48,54 62,68 78,87
48 11,65 18,89 27,44 38,39 50,32 64,94 81,65
50 12,09 19,59 28,44 39,77 52,10 67,20 84,43
52 12,53 20,29 29,44 41,15 53,88 69,46 87,21
54 12,97 20,99 30,44 42,53 55,66 71,72 89,99
56 13,41 21,69 31,44 43,91 57,44 73,98 92,77
58 13,85 22,39 32,44 45,29 59,22 76,24 95,55
60 14,29 23,09 33,44 46,67 61,00 78,50 98,33
62 14,73 23,79 34,44 48,05 62,78 80,76 101,10
64 15,17 24,49 35,44 49,43 64,56 83,02 103,89
66 15,61 25,19 36,44 50,81 66,34 85,28 106,67
68 16,05 25,89 37,44 52,19 68,12 87,54 109,45
70 16,49 26,59 38,44 53,57 69,90 89,80 112,23
72 16,93 27,29 39,44 54,95 71,68 92,06 115,01
74 17,37 27,99 40,44 56,33 73,46 94,32 117,79
76 17,81 28,69 41,44 57,71 75,24 96,58 120,57
78 18,25 29,39 42,44 59,09 77,02 98,84 123,35
80 18,69 30,09 43,44 60,47 78,80 101,10 126,13
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Table 6: Oversizes 1st Oversize (Code X)

Dimensions in millimeters
a) .015625 inch oversize shank 0,396 mm
UNJF-3A Dia.
modified Nom. B
code ØD H ref.
(inch) dia. ref.

.2500-28 4 6,75 8,38 1,73
.3125-24 5 8,33 9,91 2,21
.3750-24 6 9,92 10,92 2,67
.4375-20 7 11,51 12,57 3,07
.5000-20 8 13,10 13,58 3,48
.5625-18 9 14,68 15,49 3,73
.6250-18 10 16,27 16,51 4,27
Note: Thread as per AS8879 except diameter TD.

Table 7: Oversizes 2nd Oversize (Code Y)

Dimensions in millimeters
.03125 inch oversize shank
Thread 0,792 mm
modified Nom. B
code ØD H ref.
(inch) dia. ref.
.2500-28 4 7,14 8,38 1,52
.3125-24 5 8,73 9,91 2,01
.3750-24 6 10,32 10,92 2,46
.4375-20 7 11,91 12,57 2,90
.5000-20 8 13,49 13,58 3,25
.5625-18 9 15,08 15,49 3,56
.6250-18 10 16,67 16,51 4,09
Note: Thread as per AS8879 except diameter TD.
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Issue 2

4 Designation
Example of part number identification to be used on drawing schedules:

ABS1829, Bolt

Example of part number construction:

Description block Identity block

Bolt ABS1829 B 4 - 18 X/Y

Number of this standard

Material code (see table 1)

Diameter code No (see table 3)

Length code No. (see table 4)

Oversize Code (See table 6 and 7)

5 Marking
Parts shall be marked as per EN2424, style B. Marking shall be recessed with maximum depth of 0,25 mm.

6 Technical specification
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Issue 2


Issue Description of modification

New standard

Table 3 Dimension J for diameters 6 and 8 corrected as per EN6114/6115.

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